Doughboys - Taco Bell 5 with Christine Nangle & Carl Tart (Live)

Episode Date: May 27, 2021

Christine Nangle & Carl Tart join the 'boys for the first live episode of the Doughathon and review Taco Bell.Advertise on Doughboys via more Doughboys? Check out ou...r Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Growing up in a rural town in Kyoto Prefecture, Shigeru Miyamoto never dreamed of becoming a video game designer. After all, the profession didn't even exist at the time. But in 1977, when fresh out of industrial design school, he was hired by playing card and toy company Nintendo to work in its burgeoning arcade division. The path was laid for Miyamoto to become the Shakespeare of his form. After working as an artist and designer on less remembered titles like Sheriff and Popeye, in 1981 he created two icons in one shot with his game Donkey Kong, which, in addition to
Starting point is 00:00:57 its barrel-tossing ape antagonist, also introduced Mustachioed Protagonist Jump Man, aka Mario. Miyamoto followed the arcade sensation with two genre-defining home console classics, Super Mario Bros., which established a side-scrolling platformer, and, if not his masterpiece, the game that set the table for masterpieces to come, The Legend of Zelda. One of the earliest instances of the open-world action RPG. Inspired by Miyamoto's childhood exploration of the caves near his home, The Legend of Zelda sees protagonist Link scour the world of Hyrule to collect pieces of a powerful artifact known as the Triforce, a trio of triangles that grant great power to whoever
Starting point is 00:01:31 holds all three. And the Triforce has its own counterpart in the chain restaurant sector, Tricon Global Restaurants, a former Pepsi subsidiary that consists of three brands nearly as iconic as Donkey Kong, Mario, and Zelda themselves, KFC, Pizza Hut, and the largest Mexican-American chain in the world. Founded in 1962 in Downey, California by Glenn Bell, who allegedly stole his recipes from neighboring Mexican restaurant Meatla Cafe then named his concept after himself, today the chain has over 7,000 locations worldwide.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And while Glenn Bell was hardly as influential and certainly nowhere near as innovative as Shigeru Miyamoto, he still left an imprint on his medium that remains to this day. This week, as we kick off the 2021 do-a-thon, raising funds for the Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation, we return, once again, to Taco Bell. Wow, welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. You've all already been here for the Do-a-thon 2021. But we're gonna get into the show. I'm Nick Weiger, and let me introduce my co-host, the tomorrow s'more, Mr. Slice, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Wow, wow, fuck you, tomorrow's s'more. That was sent in by Jeremy in Ohio, It's the Do-a-thon! Howdy-ho, Do-a-thon! Wow, we're doing it, Weigz! We're doing it! Weigz, I saw something like $23,000, $25,000 raised so far, we're halfway to our goal. We're gonna get to snack or whack, and then we're just gonna end the stream.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Because we're gonna hit our goal. I wanna get the fuck out of here. We gotta, no matter what, we have to torture ourselves for hours. It's a part of the deal. Weigz, how you doing? Exciting 25 hours ahead of us. Very, very exciting. Thrilling.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I wanna say, I wanna warn everyone who's on the stream to not try to stay up for 25 hours, just knowing our listenership. Please know. I think staying up for like 9 hours for our listenership could probably send most of you to cardiac arrest. So, I think that you should just keep a normal schedule and try to go to bed pretty, on a normal time. We'll be here, we're gonna capture the stream. Don't try to do this to yourself, right Weigz?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yes. I would say don't subject yourselves to the punishment that we're subjecting ourselves to, and we're not even doing the full thing ourselves. I'm ducking out for 6 hours, you're ducking out for 6 hours, we're gonna get some shut-eye. There's gonna be a solo Mitch Stretch, there's gonna be a solo Weigz Stretch. Uh-oh, people are taking back their donations. I'm gonna try to do the 25 hours, but I'm the only one who should be doing this, and no one else. No one else.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Maybe Drop King, Emma might do it, but no one else should do it. If you're watching at home, just don't do it, just don't do it. Drop King's contract actually specifies that if we ever do a live stream, he must be conscious for all of it. So, he's legally bound. Don't, just do me a favor. Don't have a thing where your family has to bury you, and then they're like, here, you know, they stayed up all night. Yeah. Watching a fucking fast food stream, and they fucking died because of it.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You know how that's gonna be, it's gonna bum everybody out. It's gonna be like, they'll be like, oh my god, your son. Like, how did he die? He was like, that was auto erotic asphyxiation. Less embarrassing. Yeah. Mitch, I know you have a drop. I do have a drop, Nick.
Starting point is 00:05:34 How does that work exactly? So, here's what's going to happen. You're not going to hear it, but I am going to play it, and hopefully our audience can hear it. If they can't, they're going to tell us, they're gonna complain about it. And maybe something in the chat will appear beyond mute alerts, please. So, here we go. Let's play a little drop. Hey, that's my line.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Let's play a little drop. You know I used to be self-conscious about ordering, even though I liked it, the Rudy Tootie Fresh and Fruity Breakfast from iHop. You don't have to also say it like you just did. I'll have the Rudy Tootie. I'll have the Rudy Tootie. I'll have the Rudy Tootie. The Rudy Tootie Fresh and Fruity Breakfast.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Ugh, this is embarrassing, but I guess I'll have the Rudy Tootie Fresh and Fruity Breakfast from iHop. No, we know, sir. You're in the iHop, you don't have to say from iHop. Embarrassing to say, delicious to eat. Mitch, this was a Rudy Tootie Fresh and Fruity Breakfast drop. Wow. I didn't hear it at all. But you heard it in advance.
Starting point is 00:06:45 We sent it over to you and said, listen to this, it will be on the show, so you know what it was. Uh, yeah. Uh, yeah, no, I loved it when I listened to it a few hours ago. Anyway, that drop comes courtesy of a Rudy Tootie Fresh and Fruity, like you said. It comes courtesy of Drop King, it was a Drop King drop. Drop King got back in the game for the doathon. Drop King's back in the game. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And just so people know out there, we can't sample anything, you fools. If we sample something, we're gonna get booted. Yes, we got the boot. That's why my intro music was different. We had... They got the bots. Look, Old Man Bezos, Old Man Bezos is in there with his army of bots. He's dispatching them to Twitch streams all over the world.
Starting point is 00:07:37 This company owns Amazon that owns Twitch. And he is gonna take us down in a heartbeat. He doesn't give a shit if we're raising money for charity. He's trying to destroy this charity under his iron boot. The bots are circling us like sharks right now because my... It's so spot on. They think we're playing a fucking episode of South Park in here for God's sakes. DMCA it.
Starting point is 00:08:01 But Mr. Bezos, it's for charity. I don't care. Do it. This is what gets me hard. Sick fuck. Fucking sick fuck. What was that? Nothing, sir.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'll send you to a fate worse than death. A job in one of the Amazon packaging factories. Oh boy. Yeah, that's a grim fate. Piece of shit. We hate him, don't we? We hate him full. This is Amazon, right?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Twitch is Amazon? Yeah, we're on Amazon's platform. That's the thing. And honestly, he is probably making money off of this. He has no doubt making money. We're putting money in his pocket. Maybe more money... We're maybe putting more money into Jeff Bezos' pockets than we're putting into the restaurant
Starting point is 00:08:44 workers community foundation just because of how this shit is monetized. Dear Lord. Perverse. What a perverse economy we have. Wait a minute. Does Bezos, he owns Amazon Prime Video too? Uh, yeah. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Should we introduce our guests? Yeah, I wonder if there's going to be a cow and free cut of the movie that comes out, Wags. Let's introduce some Wags. Let's get them in here. Let's start the show. Mitch, we're very, very thrilled to have them. And we're going to introduce them both together. And we're not going to have any intro music, unfortunately, because again, we're going
Starting point is 00:09:22 to get DMCA'd if we play anything that's not public domain. I guess we could play She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain or something. That's pretty good. I don't know if I can bring it up quickly. Want me to just sing it? Okay, you can sing it. Okay. She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes.
Starting point is 00:09:39 She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes. Two of our favorites are here. From the Simpsons, Christine Nangle, and from the podcast Carl Calls His Cousin and Grand Crew, coming soon to NBC, Carl Tartt. She'll be coming around the mountain. She'll be coming around the mountain. She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes. Yay!
Starting point is 00:09:58 Wow, what a song. What's that about? Woo! What's up, guys? Thank you all so much for being here. I miss you, Christine Nangle. I miss you too. I'm echoing really fast.
Starting point is 00:10:14 You're echoing us. I don't hear you echoing. You sound great. You sound great. All right. I'm suffering over you. Oh, no. You just got your second shot like yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. Oh, no. You're doing us an enormous favor by being here. Time out on me. OK. Are you OK? Wow. Well, folks.
Starting point is 00:10:40 All right, Nangle's fixing something. How do I sound? Do I sound good? You sound great. You sound fantastic. All right. And you seem healthy as hell. Healthy.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I just got my fourth shot yesterday. Well, I'm full of this shit. I'm full of this shit, baby. I get a vaccine every week. Carl, you have been. You were on the podcast very recently. And you mentioned that you were in the process of getting faxed. And you're excited to be out and about.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, I'm back in the streets. That's what Saweetie says. I'm back in the streets, baby. I'm out here. Wow. What have you been up to? Like what mischief have you been making? I've been doing a little mischief.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I've been into a little mischief. I've been traveling a little bit. I went to go see my family. I went to go hang out with some friends. Hell yeah. I'm going out tonight. I was going to say, I didn't know that this was going on for 25 hours.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Can I come back late at night after I'm drunk and I come home alone? 100%. Yeah, why not? We'd love to have you back. I'll jump back on. I'll jump back on if you have me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:47 If you will have me. We're changing things on the fly. Nega, you all right over there? Can you hear me? Yeah. We can, yeah. Oh, sorry. Am I echoing?
Starting point is 00:11:58 No. Not at all. Are you echoing on the stream? I'm echoing for me, but I'm good with you. I'm good with everyone. Hi, everyone. Hey, Nang. They say you're not echoing on the stream, it seems like.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Tell us stream. Is there an echo? No echo. No echo. No echo. Can I see the stream? How do we see the stream? A lot of Nang gang.
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's the stream is on. You got to go to our Twitch, the Doughboys Twitch. Yeah. If you go to No. I'm already on a Walmart site. We're very, we're very, we're very excited to have you both. Right before I joined, I was like, oh, they're all going to have hats on.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So that's, I ran and got this pro move. But this is the hat that I wear when I walk philby. Wow. Look at that. That's big. That is a, that's a big boy. That's a California, that's a California only hat. I would do not.
Starting point is 00:13:00 That's a big California hat. You look like the size of the hat Mitch is currently wearing. That hat looks like the moms that used to be in the stands in my little league baseball game. They wore all those hats on. And you play very well. Thank you. I was one of them, but I'm like protect my skin so well that I look much younger.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah. See. That's how it does. Lots of mom, lots of, lots of young moms in the stands at these baseball games. No one, no one ever really went to any of my sports games. That was bad. And then I got in on the Thanksgiving day game for football and we, I told you this wise, we watched it back at my God parents house and that's right.
Starting point is 00:13:37 They were like, here's, here's Mike. He's getting in the game. And then I got pushed back like 15 yards. They're like, my whole family just saw and they were like, oh, grown. You want to online? Yeah. I was offensive and defensive line. I mean, I didn't know how to play really.
Starting point is 00:13:52 That was part of the issue. Yeah. And you know what? Cause you get a lot of, I had a lot of what? You got a lot of bulk. So you're a big dude. It's probably just a technique issue. I don't think I could move you.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah. You definitely could have moved me. Get a fucking try. The taste, the taste, the taste is gonna move you. We might get DMCA'd for that. Oh, for the Juicy Fruit commercial. Yeah. Bezos.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Bezos is on it. Oh, not Bezos. Bezos. He's in the Amazon packing factory. Okay. We do have a bit of business that the problems I get to, which is that Carl Nangle, you get to decide whether or not we are going to mute alerts for the duration of this episode to make the stream less annoying.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So what do you think? And I know you can't hear them. So, but basically what's happening is that every time anyone donates a certain amount, you hear a wow. They hear it. They hear a wow. And I hear a wow. Emma votes mute in the chat.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah. Who is it? Who does it annoy more? You or the chat? It annoys half the chat. And for the other half of the chat, it basically brings them to climax. One half of the chat loves it. That includes me.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Is Mitch and the chat that's coming, are they donating money? I think so. Because we don't need nut. We need money. Speak for yourself. Okay. I have money. I have a very good job.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Here's what I say is, I say mute because people are going to be joining all throughout the 24 hours and you're going to have to deal with this over and over and over again. Good point. Anything to make the less annoying. Yeah. Mute that shit. Yeah. People are upset about the hair on my mic.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. That's nasty. All right. I'm going to mute. Oh, God. Incoming mute. And here we go. Oh, they're pissed.
Starting point is 00:15:58 They're pissed off. People are leaving. They're so mad. Oh, it's going down. The donation numbers are going down. They're taking their money back. They're taking their money back. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:06 We owe people money now. Wow. Wow. Wow. It's a bad move. People, I just looked in the comment thread and just said, Mitch has pillow hands. Motherfuckers. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:16:26 It means that I have big fat pillow hands. I'm just not going to look anymore. Was that a football reference? Was that like you have pillow hands because you're like you're soft on the field? Is that an expression? I've never heard that. Yeah, that could maybe be it. I've never heard that.
Starting point is 00:16:38 She's kidding. Maybe not. Come on. Hello. Now, Nagle, did everything... So your mic didn't work out, it seems, correct? I think it would have worked the same as these, but the echo is more an audio issue. The echo is too crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 There was a last minute situation where we were sending Nagle a mic. And if that, if it didn't get you in time, we were going to send Matt Koalik down to your house with his microphone while he wore a Noid costume. Yes. Just for you. But since it worked out, there was no reason to do that. I think he's just now sitting in his Noid costume somewhere. But we're very glad to have you both here for a good cause.
Starting point is 00:17:25 How have you both been doing? Nang, how are you doing? You're walking around with that hat, it seems. I've got the hat walking around like the Nang DeLorean, got a mask, sunglasses, purely for skin reasons. I'm good. I'm still working. I just got my shot yesterday, so I have fatigue, lots of it, and don't expect much from me.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You're doing great. You got the Moderna shot? Pfizer. Ah, Pfizer. I'm a Pfizer. Pfizer gang. I'm a Pfizer family as well. Pfizer gang.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Wow. I'm not going to try to make one of those. I'm not comfortable doing that. Pfizer. Have you ever run fully faxed, too? I've gotten my first shot. I get my second shot next Thursday, so I'll be out and about fairly soon. I got to say I'm glad because my lovely wife Nally's faxed.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I told Nick to get a shot. I had a link for him. He chose not to use it because he said, don't pump me up with that 5G. So I'm happy that he has changed his mind. He's on board now. He finally... Yeah. What's another microchip to you, Nick?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Am I quiet to y'all? I'm here. You're fine. No, you sound good. Is the chat mad at you? The chat's saying that my mic is quiet. That's unfortunate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Because these guys can't hear me, so too bad, chat. Good night. Listen to it when it comes out. I don't know what to... I'm going to peek if I turn up too much. Let me try to get closer to it. Carl, I like it. I like that you're faxed.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You're out there enjoying yourself. You're faxed your two weeks out. Have you returned to a restaurant yet? That's the big question. Oh, yeah. Great question. Yes. I've done everything.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Why the fuck did I get pumped up with this microchip to be in the house? I didn't want this shit. I get it. My mom went... Today's my mom's birthday, and she went out to a restaurant for the first time today. It was her first time out. She ventured out to a restaurant for the first time, had lunch with my godmother, Kathy Kylie, for the first time in a year.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Kathy? Kathy Kylie and my mom, KK and my mom. I know Kathy. Wow. Good crew. It would have been a great lunch. That was the one you got on the Dairy Queen when you got an extra blizzard for Kathy and you got the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's right. That's actually Kathy Wood, but you do know your... You know your Kathy's. I love that. That's Kathy. That's Kathy Wood. Both great Kathy's. Both very important people to me.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I love them. But, Carl, I like it. You're vaccine. You're being safe. Go get your... Go enjoy life again. I like it. What are we standing in the house for?
Starting point is 00:20:13 What are we standing in the house for? Like, there's these people who don't want to... No, I'm not getting on this horse again. I'm not getting on this horse again. Y'all are trying to bait me into this conversation. I'm not doing it. I am living my life. I'm minding Carl Tartt's business and I'm staying out of everybody else's.
Starting point is 00:20:30 My business requires me to be out of the house, back in the streets. The streets are calling my name. And I'm back out here and what I get pumped up with Donald Trump, Microchip, Joe Biden, 5G, I put that in me. I put that in me so I could go outside. And so I'm going to be outside. I like it. You're vaccine.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You're not outside. I'm not outside right now, but you see the sun is shining in. It's a beautiful morning. Oh, shit. We're going to get... We're going to get DMC-8. DMC-8. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:05 We've said echo enough times to where we should buy... That should buy us a couple of cents, a song. Lang has said echo so many times, saying that's an Amazon product, Amazon Echo. That's true. That is... That's true. I agree. You got to enjoy your life.
Starting point is 00:21:21 If you're vaxxed up, you're being safe. Why the hell not? You should get out there and have fun. We're not trying to bait. Yeah. I truly believe that. So, good on you. Carl, the chat wants to know if you've seen a movie in the theater.
Starting point is 00:21:34 No, I ain't done that yet. And that wasn't something that I necessarily wanted to do anyway. I'm not a big going to the movies guy unless it's like a big group of friends. Yeah. I don't really go to the movies. So if we can't go with a big group of friends, I don't want to do that. Got it. I was in Atlanta last week.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And okay, now let me be honest with you. So once we got the vaccine, it was like, I'm not scared anymore. I got the damn thing for a reason. We lost Nang. Right. I got this... Nagle ran to grab her laptop. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I just got a message Nang has unfortunately passed away due to her second shot of the vaccine. Oh, no. Oh, man. No! Has she got Pfizer? Ah! Carl, the reason Nick and I are just...
Starting point is 00:22:19 I think if there was no pandemic, Nick and I would probably have spent close to the same amount of time indoors. Right. It wouldn't have been too much of a difference. But for you, you like to go out. You like to hang out. You like to have fun. I'm not built for the inside.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And I learned that we all learned about ourselves over the pandemic. What I learned was I don't like to be sitting in the house. I'll explain it to you like this. This is how I learned it. I always had an excuse for it. When I was living at home with my mama, I was like, well, my mama bothers me. My mama and my brother, they bother me. I just can't wait to get out.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That's why I stay out so much because I live at home with my mama. Then I moved out and I moved in with roommates, iffy, family, things like that. Everybody knows iffy, shout out to iffy. I was like, man, I got roommates. I don't want to be at home. I'm confined in my little room, in my space. I don't want to be at home. And then I moved into my own place and I'm still like, man, I don't want to be in here.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So that's when I had to realize that I want to be out. So this year was very hard for me. And I wanted to hang out and I took every opportunity I could to hang out safely. And I was following the rules. I didn't want to. Trust me, I did not want to. I did it for the other people because I'm not selfish. Good.
Starting point is 00:23:31 You were right. And that is good. And you know what? There's a lot of people out there in New York who didn't do that for other people. And so you weren't being selfish and you followed the rules. And now you're waxed. Yeah. Go enjoy yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Be safe and enjoy yourself. And let me say this. I care about people so much that I stayed in the house this whole year, besides, you know, doing the safe things that Dr. Fauci and the CDC said were okay. Playing golf. I learned to play golf. I learned to, you know, I bought a lawn chair, I bought a Coleman chair. We got a grill over at Ify's house so we could sit outside and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:24:04 But once I got this damn, and I didn't believe in COVID all year, I still don't think it's real. I stayed inside, I stayed inside for other people because y'all thought it was real. And I love y'all. Everybody in this chat, I stayed inside for you. I don't believe this shit. Wow. Who cares about my relatives that got it and died and things like that?
Starting point is 00:24:21 I don't believe in it, okay? So with that being said, I got the vaccine for y'all. Don't believe in the vaccine. It's pumping me up with microchips. I got all these microchips in my arm. I see them crawling around at night, you know, and I got, but I still got it for y'all. So don't judge me for being back in the streets. I was in Atlanta last week, I will say this, I'm joking of course, but I was out there
Starting point is 00:24:43 and I went to a bar and it was so many people in that bar and I would argue and venture to say that the demographic of the people in this bar, majority were probably unvaxxed. I was probably one of the few vaxxed people in the bar and we were smoking hookah and you know how hookah makes the back of your throat kind of sizzle sometimes, you know? When you get hot, hot back of your throat, it was making the back of my throat hot and I was like, let me stop and let me put my mask on because the roof was moist with condensation and I was just like, this is the breeding ground for, I know I got in the vaxx, but this is the breeding ground.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Guys, I need to get something to wipe my face. It is so hot in my house. It's hot in LA today, y'all. Turn on the AC. Can you turn on your AC? It's gonna make too much noise. I'm just gonna grab a towel. No, turn it on.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Turn it on. I'm gonna stop my camera real quick. I'll be right back. I do your thing. Hey, back to us. Why? Just me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Just the two of us? Yeah. All right. You popped back in just in time. Just in time. We didn't know what the fuck to do. We'll see. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:25:47 What's wrong? You sound great. You sound great. What's wrong? No, I know I sound great to you, but it's about me and my own sanity. What it feels like from our end is you're having an internal crisis because you're on the Dope Boys podcast. What am I doing?
Starting point is 00:26:05 Like, I feel like I'm halting everything I'm saying because it, yeah, um, I want to tell people that I too got the, um, I got the, uh, the second Pfizer shot today. And, uh, so it's just a situation where, oh, oh, oh, fuck, I'm used to, oh, damn it. Oh, oh, oh, oh, no, no, oh, Mitch, Mitch got teleported to Pleasantville. Quick. Get out of Pleasantville. Shoot a basket. You'll make it.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Wow. Switch. That was too pleasant still. Wow. Pleasantville cam. Look, I got little tricks up my sleeve. I didn't know you could do that. Are you doing that in stream labs or in stream yard?
Starting point is 00:26:59 No, I'm doing it with my own shit. Wow. Pleasantville. A bunch of Karen's live in Pleasantville. I want to talk to the manager. Uh, Nangle, I wanted to ask you because I have this year, I have made a, a life decision at least for all of 2021. We'll see if it carries on in subsequent years, but I have not eaten meat this entire
Starting point is 00:27:24 year or fish. I'm, I'm vegetarian. And so part of the, you know, part of it, it's, it's been an interesting challenge with this podcast to figure that out. And that will, that affects today's chain, which we'll get to in a bit. But you're someone who hasn't eaten meat for a long time. Uh, are you still, you're still a vegetarian? Um, no, and I was never a vegetarian, Nick.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Um, Wow. You fucked up big time. Yeah. I thought you only ate fish. I eat fish, but I think that's me. I think that is classified. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:53 You're a pescatarian. Yeah. You don't eat meat. Right. Nick, I got, I got to give you a big old dumb ass on that one. Oh man, imagine people could donate and get, and hear a dumb ass emote. Maybe we can get that up and going before this all ends, but go on, go on, Nick. Sorry, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Go ahead. Uh, what was the question? The question was like how you've been, you haven't eaten meat for a, for a while. And how's that been going? Like, like, are you sticking with that? Have you ever been tempted at any point to get back on the meat? That's not true. I do eat meat.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I do eat meat. That's not true. Okay. Okay. I'm at fish. Like, obviously you eat fish, but like, okay, all right. So you don't eat anything. You don't eat land or bird animal or, or air animals.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You only stick to the sea and to rivers and lakes. So. I eat eggs. I eat eggs. Okay. So you eat, okay. All right. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Air animals. Your birds, your bats, what have you? Air animals. Your hawks, your owls. I only eat Chinese bats. And. Oh no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Oh no. You're bats in rural China. Oh no. It's, it's, I kind of, it's kind of just normal now and in some ways it makes things easier because it gets rid of a lot of options. Right. But sometimes also that makes it harder. And I found that in, in pandemic, I just kind of order the same stuff over and over
Starting point is 00:29:20 again because it's just easier. What is your go, what has your go to Ben? For ordering, it is always, I think it's the restaurant you told me about, Nick, actually. It's Mercado, a Mexican place. Oh yeah, Mercado is great. It's like upscale Mexican. Hey Nick, I told you about Mercado. Don't take credit for Mercado.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I know about Mercado. I will take credit. Oh, this is bullshit. All right. Fine. Whatever. Well, thanks Mitch. It's great.
Starting point is 00:29:46 You're welcome. You're welcome. Go back to Pleasantville. So I get the fish taco from there. It's real super, super good. It's kind of like there's two really good ones and I can usually just eat one and then eat the next one for the next day. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So how's it going? For you? Good. It's been going. Oh. I mean, that was me about not eating meat. That was not just to you, generally. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:11 No, thanks for me. You're good. I'm eating meat. Have fun. Go ahead and answer, Mitch. Not me though. Chicken wings, burgers, having a blast. But Nick, how about you?
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's been good. I mean, I'm not eating meat. It's been pretty, I will say that the thing I miss the most, and this surprised me, is not a steak, not a burger, even though I am the burger boy. It's chicken. I'm craving chicken all the time, like wings, fried chicken, rotisserie chicken. It's just that feeling of this very specific craving of fighting into a flat of a chicken wing, and getting all that meat out of there, getting all that skin off of there.
Starting point is 00:30:55 It's so like, I want that exact flavor. Nick, the chat is asking, how do you do your tongue when you have it between the two bones of a flat? How do you do your tongue to get that meat out of there? Oh, I extract that bad boy. Let's see it. Let's see it, official. It's kind of like, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got, I got,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I got. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I still do that out of there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Slurp it back up. It's interesting that the physical action is one of the things that you miss, as opposed to the taste. Well, yeah, the taste of it is part, but maybe you, we don't just like drink a slurry, you know, like, like texture is a big part of consuming food, and then so, and like the texture of like crisp skin, and I don't know, I just, I really, I'm really been craving that specifically, but also it's like that, that's a thing, a wing, you can't really get a great vegetarian version of.
Starting point is 00:31:41 There's just no equivalent. There's, there's nothing that satisfy, that scratches that itch in the same way. Add one vegan chicken sandwich that was pretty good, but overall it's been, that's been a big gap in my diet that I've missed. Have you tried jackfruit? Have you tried, have you tried jackfruit? So there's a grocery store down the street from my house called Superior, and they got big ass jackfruits.
Starting point is 00:32:04 You should go get you one and try to make you like some pulled chicken flavor and stuff. Also, you know, my brother's vegetarian, and he used to eat the Morningstar nuggets. Those don't taste terrible. Those aren't terrible. I'll give them a go. Nick, you said, you say you miss crisp skin. Yeah. Like a crisp, like a, like a, like a crispy, you want a crisp skin.
Starting point is 00:32:28 We're talking, we're talking George Hamilton here. We're talking a, we're talking, we're talking, you know what I mean. The, the, the sensation of, of, of, of biting into the crispness is what you. Don't try to lecture me. You're doing some lecture shit. You're doing like Wiger's a serial killer. Look at this lector here. Look at Mads Mickelson.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Look at Anthony Hopkins over here, winning his, the first Oscar, the one he deserved. Okay. You are not. It's a. That wasn't his first Oscar. That wasn't his first Oscar. No. No.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Silence of the lambs. Before silence of the lambs. Oh, I was referencing the silence of the lambs one, maybe in a confusing way. Don't you dare try to compare yourself to Mads Mickelson. If anything, you are Anthony Hopkins in the father, not fucking. Not silence of the lambs. I do wish I was Mads. The chat is saying we, I wish I was Mads.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Of course. You drink. Of course I wish it was Mads. Did you see that movie where he drinks, where they drink, they decide that a, they're, they're, they're going to drink during the day to up their blood alcohol content. Another round. Another round. It's good.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I liked it a lot. It was good. I haven't seen it, but I've heard good things. Isn't that why you drink? Someone just, someone asked if, well, they do it to like, they function better at like just like a smaller hybrid. Someone asked if they could turn my head size down 10%. It's good.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Don't look at the chat. Chat is cruel. All your deepest insecurities are being exposed to the surface. Now, Carl, I want to ask you as far and, and Nang, this goes for you too. It's, it's, it's, it's a two guest question. What, what, what, is it about eating meat because I do eat meat because I believe fish are meat. It is about eating meat.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I knew I didn't, I didn't fucking up like wigs. Okay. What, what are, what are some places that you haven't been to that you want to go back to now, now that the world is a little bit more normal, places that you couldn't go. Or what are some of those go to places, Nang? Nang, you were saying that you had some go to spots for a while now. Is there anything that you've been hitting up a lot, as far as fast food or chain restaurants or, or, or is there any places that you're looking forward to go to now that things are
Starting point is 00:34:35 slowly coming back? It's a great question. I think so too. I ordered from Mercado a lot, because this restaurant I heard about from you, I think. That's right. That's right. That's right. This was a question that was answered.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Carl, how about you? Um, no, no chain restaurants I have missed because they all remained open and I was, I was there. I was there throughout the whole thing. Uh, I will say there was a restaurant that I really liked on sunset called Cliff's Edge. They did not survive the Pand easy. No. No.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So that was a bummer. Oh. Cliff's Edge in Silver Lake. Yeah. Yeah. Cliff's Edge is gone. Oh, that's such great martinis and stuff. Yeah, they had good everything.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I really enjoyed their food. That sucks. I think they're closed that I was like, ah, damn, not closed. Like I don't think anything else that I was like, for me, huh? Cafe one, cafe one on one and then in the art class, that's a big casualty. One on one. What? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Listen, here's the, here's the thing about a diner. I don't like when I have to order a la carte. Maybe that makes me trashy. I, I want a grand slam. I want a Rudy to the fresh and fruity, a lumberjack slam. I want a, I want, I want a big ass meal. I don't want to go there and they like, if you want to, if you want one pancake is $5. If you want two is seven.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Or if you want eggs, that's another $8. Or if you want this, no, give me a plate of food. I didn't like cafe one on one. I'm sorry. Wow. Carl, the microchip has changed you. I feel like you. The microchip has, has made me more opinionated.
Starting point is 00:36:12 I, I did not, I never liked cafe one on one. Did I? Like I never said I liked cafe one on one. It was always my least favorite place on the block to eat. Wow. Yeah. I, I, I, I like cafe one on one. I like, there was a good turkey burger there and now that my, one of my go-to turkey burgers
Starting point is 00:36:29 is gone. And then the place next door to my trainer, I'd get a turkey burger next door to my trainer after I, after I did some training. Uh, or you know, sometimes I just skip training and go get a turkey burger, but they're gone. Everest, Everest in Glendale was gone. Oh, Everest was pretty good. They had a good chicken Caesar salad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Everest is, Everest in, in Glendale is gone and, and, and the Arclight of course is gone as well. Arclight, the movie theater. I, I, you know, I've never been to Everest. I do have, I would say that, that how I feel about cafe one on one, uh, one on one coffee shop is I liked it, didn't love it, but it was like an okay spot to sit down and have a meal. One place that's closed that you and I both loved, Mitch was a BS, Takaria first closed
Starting point is 00:37:08 and then broken Spanish clothes for good, which are two of the, two of the better restaurants spots in LA on the more, you know, high end BS, Takaria is, is that the one that they had at the Staple Center, Nick? Yeah. They had one of those at the Staple Center. It's been, I think that, I don't know if that's even still there. Yeah. It's kind of like there was a snap for businesses and people.
Starting point is 00:37:28 You're right. But it was like, there was a snap for businesses, but what remained were like chain restaurants, what remained were like your Chase Banks, your CVSs. Yeah. It's a bummer. The follow up of, of, of, and people, the follow up of, and people. Um, why should we announce to everyone that the Doughboys are buying the Arclight Cinerama Dome?
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's right. That's what this is all a scheme for. We're going to be playing audio files in the big dome. You can go in and listen to a pot. You could listen to this very podcast episode in the dome. Wow. It's meant to be sell that out. I guarantee you.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It's true. I will say that we're, we, we won't announce that Mitch, but we will announce something real. Uh, first up, C banks donated $500. Amazing. Let's go see banks. Wow. But over, like, in a larger sense, we have hit a threshold that I thought we
Starting point is 00:38:22 might not hit over the course of this entire stream. The Doughathon has raised $30,000. Wow. 30,000 in one hour. I don't think we're going to keep up this frantic pace. That was just for one day with me for this often. That's amazing. I'll match it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I'll match it. Carl bidding versus the, versus the entire Doughathon charity. I hear 30,000. No, you have to take like 31,000 or something. 31,000. I want to know where all you motherfuckers get this money from. Everybody put your job in the chat. I'm not reading the chat.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Just put your job in it. All right. Wait, I want to say something about Ed. Cliff said one time I went on a date there and I got picked. It was like the first time or whatever I went on a date and this lift picked me up and I was nervous and I was like just talking conscious constantly to this lift driver about the state and how I was nervous, whatever. And it cost kind of also wasn't really a date and I wasn't sure and I
Starting point is 00:39:30 didn't carry their way, but the person was so nice. And then he pulls up and he goes, I just dropped a guy off here who I had the same exact conversation with and he had dropped off my date to Clipsides before I got there. Wow. How wild. Man, what a dork. Did you dump him on the spot?
Starting point is 00:39:52 What? Fucking nervous little dork. You should have walked away. It's okay if I'm nervous. I'm okay if a man is nervous. Well, we should get to this week's chain Taco Bell, which we are reviewing for the fifth time, founded in 1962, part of the Yum Brands Triumvirate, removed then re-added potato items during quarantine,
Starting point is 00:40:19 controversial, and it has recently been booted from the Platinum Plate Club. Wow. So right now it is on the outside looking in, but it can get back in either tonight or tomorrow night when we review Taco Bell again at the end of the do-a-thon. We're reviewing Taco Bell twice in the do-a-thon. Will our thoughts change? We'll see.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It's possible. Yeah. It's possible. I messed with my warmth, the warmth on my webcam. I messed with the warmth. And now I'm not happy with where the warmth is, if that makes sense. So this is no warmth. Stop fiddling.
Starting point is 00:40:51 That's no warmth at all. And this is too much warmth. That's a lot of warmth. You look like you went from an ice world to a lava world. Wow. Look at that. Oh, give me that. I see wastelands of hoff, and then you're on Tatooine.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Or what is the other one from the Mad Max? You playing the guitar on that truck. Carl, you must have far the chat is correcting me. Carl, would you be willing to give away your sweat towel to the highest bitter tonight? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Can I have this shit? I got it home good. Christ. What if Carl just like handed it to me? Oh my God. Cheesy Fingers just donated one K, $1,000. Cheesy Fingers wants the sweat towel. You song did nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Cheesy K's getting, Cheesy Fingers is going to wipe off those fingers with Carl's sweat towel. Wait. Carl, hand me your towel. Here we go. Wow. Wow. Incredible.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Wow. That is fantastic. Wow. They turned it a stealer's towel. My terrible towel. God, terrible. They really, they hit the nail on the head with that. That is certainly a terrible towel.
Starting point is 00:42:18 A man, new patriot, Mack Jones, of course, that's who we got. Of course, because that is the best pick. That dude is going to be with them big ass child baron hips he got. Boy, he was switching down that aisle, wasn't he? Ooh, heck, heck, that's a wide boy. Those hips going to be dropping back. I want to see him do that duck dance. Do the, he's got to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Pregnancy yoga with hips like that. Oh yeah. If I could make, if I could, if I just had a list of things on my, like my top three things for a drafted Patriots player, number one would be to have draft someone who did not do something of dressing a problematic costume here. He dressed in blackface back in the day. And so back in the day, he's 21.
Starting point is 00:43:08 He is 21. A few years ago. Wait, I think that there's like a metric, like ages and stuff of what part of the country you're in. And there's like different meters they dial up and dial down for like whether or not you should have known better. The ball. I was going to say, so five years ago, so 2016, that seems like a very,
Starting point is 00:43:30 right. That's a choice. It was a different time. Kiss my ass, Mac Jones. He fits the bed. As soon as I saw him still on the board and the Patriots are coming up, I said, come on to the Saints cam. They got their quarterback.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I love cam. And the shittiest part is Mac Jones is going to be a fucking beast. I guarantee you he might be good. He's going to be so good under that system. I, you know, cam might have a better year this year with the, with the, with the, with a lot of new paths, Patriots players back. We're going to a year under the system for cam. I think he's going to have a good year because I don't think Mac is going to
Starting point is 00:44:05 be playing the whole year. So I think it's, it's going to be dangled. You not, are you not liking the football talk? Are you, are you, were you, were you an Eagles fan? Are you an Eagles fan? Uh, I sometimes if it helps with a bit that I'm doing. Are you a 76ers fan? You're wearing the hat.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I am. I'm just a Philadelphia fan in general. It's hard sometimes to be just a football fan. It's hard to care about football. And I did, when I lived in Pittsburgh for five years, I did start to really get into the Steelers because it was fun because everyone was into the Steelers. But, um, Ben Rothersberger was around and that wasn't fun anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So I just kind of, I enjoy watching stuff, but football is especially like, it's hard to get excited about. It's tough. I love it, but it, you know, a sport that should maybe be illegal, but, but I, it is one of my favorite sports to watch. Uh, wait, do you see Mac Jones? It's that really? Have they bare children?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Then hips don't lie. They are very much childbearing hips. Why, you know what? I'm going to take a little control now here. Oh wow. I love it. Here, you know what? I'm putting you into first position.
Starting point is 00:45:13 What the fuck? I don't like this. Oh man. Uh, I made fun of that guy for being nervous earlier. Now I'm scared just cause my box changed. Uh, Nang, how do you feel about Taco Bell as a meat eater, meat fish, not a lot of
Starting point is 00:45:30 fish options on the Taco Bell menu, but plenty of beans, plenty of cheese, plenty of sour cream, a lot of stuff that you can eat. Yeah. Uh, do you, do you frequent Taco Bell often? Yeah. Cause I love meat. I eat meat filled tacos. No, I don't, uh, I haven't been there in a really long time.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I went there with my nephews a couple years ago. Um, it's just not something that's really on my radar. I almost walked into a Del Taco, just not paying attention because I kind of see them as the same, but I know there's a lot for a lot of vegetarians or people who are vegetarians for religious reasons, uh, eat a Taco Bell. And there was a story that I read in like the fall about Indians being, I stand on a balance board when I'm standing my desk. Um, standing on a balance board.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah. I'm standing too. If I'm moving around, it's cause I'm balancing, but Indian, uh, Americans were upset that Taco Bell pulled like their seven lever, seven layer burrito or taco, seven layer burrito. Yeah. Burrito. Um, and, uh, so that was interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I was reading about that. So there are options. They just don't taste good. Yeah, that was the, the seven layer was, was, was vegetarian, I believe, right? Nick, it was, it was beans, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, lettuce. I think in there, there was, there was a lot of stuff in that seven layer. And one of my TB go-tos back from when I actually, I still ate meat cause I still like it.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I like that. And I like the eight layer veggie burrito. They have a Del Taco. I'm more of a Del Taco fan than a Taco Bell fan, but I, I, I patronize both chains and I will say from a, from a vegetarian perspective, the Taco Bell app is great and it has a specific veggie craving section, which designates all of their options that are, it used to be, you had to go into the app and customize, like I'm, I'm going to put in black beans instead of, uh, instead
Starting point is 00:47:23 of meat in this taco, it used to have to like go through those steps. You can still do that, but now they're all prefab and they're ready to go. And they have like a queso lupa, uh, queso lupa black bean, which I got. And that one's already there. They have, uh, uh, uh, a quesarito. That's the same concept, uh, you know, so like that, that stuff's all prefab, the spicy potato soft taco is on there, the bean burrito, the cheese quesadilla. It's all just laid out for you.
Starting point is 00:47:44 So if you are a vegetarian, it's like, it's the easiest thing in the world to order and make sure you're, you're abiding by your diet. Mitch, what are you doing? I'm trying to move the whole table closer to me. I'm trying to relax a little bit more. You guys mentioned that you were standing up made me want to relax more. I need to lay back. Thank you for handling the relaxation for us.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I'm taking, I'm putting you back in second position. All right, good. I like it here. Safer. Carl, how about you? Have you, are you, uh, are you, uh, actually put me back in the first position. Okay. Carly, have you visited Taco Bell during a quarantine at all?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Have you been hitting up Taco Bell? Yes, I have. I live close to one. I love Taco Bell. In my opinion, uh, Taco Bell is, is one of the most consistent fast food places. You know what I'm saying? Where it's like, you know how you, some days I got a taste for a Big Mac and McDonald's fries, some days they got a taste for a Whopper.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Some days I got a taste for a Chick-fil-A sandwich. Some days I got a, but Taco Bell, if I don't tell you something, go ahead. Bad news when, when all those, when you got a taste for all of them on the same day, that can happen to you too, where you want to try out, when you want to eat all of them. And none of those restaurants are on a four corner. I've done the four, have you done a four corner before where he's like, I got, I want a burger from here, but I want fries from here, but I want nuggets from here.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I've done that. Yes. Yeah. I've done that before. Yes. Yeah. It makes you feel very pathetic. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And you hide your bags for the other restaurants too. Can't see. But Taco Bell always has something that I'll be like, I'll just go get that. Like that's always like the last option. And with the last option should be, I should go to the grocery store and get something to cook, but that's too much energy. Run down to Taco Bell. I know I can get something on that menu, whether it be something complex or
Starting point is 00:49:29 something very simple, you know? So yeah, I'm a, I'm a fan of Taco Bell. I'm a fan of TV. I feel like hearing you guys talk about like having a taste for something. I think in the pandemic that almost never happened to me. Like I kind of didn't think about like, Oh, I would really go for pizza. I could really go for this for the first time in my whole life. I'd be like, Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Food got to eat. Did I eat already? Can't remember. Um, so that's why it kind of was helpful to just have like the same like thing that I got once a week or something and just eat a lot of cereal and oatmeal and rice and stuff. Hmm. I, I still, I still ate out a lot, uh, during, during the pandemic, uh, for the,
Starting point is 00:50:08 for the, for the most part. And not until I came home, under my mom, under my mom's mama's care, did I start eating a lot more home cooked meals? And that's so I still get the excuse every week with the show, but I was eating out, I would a lot more when I was in LA by myself, just bags and bags of fast food all over the floor. Yes. We definitely did a lot more home cooking.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Like it, like that just became a thing of like, Oh, we're doing this a minimum of, you know, like five times a week. We're just having a dinner made at home. Like that's just like a baseline. And, and that didn't used to be the case because I like going out to restaurants and also I'm lazy and then Mitch, you and I share that where sometimes you just feel like grabbing something. And so, and so COVID is kind of engendered.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yeah, we're like doing a lot more home cooking. I do like to get out of the house though. Like I still like, I will find myself. And what I did with one of these Taco Bell trips is I just went out, I do this often, I got my meal and I'll either just like, eat at a park bench or like sit in my parked car just to be out of the house for a little bit. You know what I mean? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Fucking don't act like that's pathetic. Yeah, but you're sitting on a bench, like you're like a more boring forest gump that has no stories. Well, that makes it, that's when Natalie would call me and be like, all right, he's finally gone. Holy shit. I can speak freely. I was wondering, Nick, I was wondering how the fuck she must be dealing with you
Starting point is 00:51:38 in the house this entire year. I mean, it just might, it must be a nightmare for her. I think she's having a great time. No, that's, that's bullshit. She told me she was doing, she said, it's great to have you around so much. She's been, she said, you know what? Hey, this is, I'm having the time of my life. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I'm going to go get, I'm going to go get some lunch and sit on a bench, buddy. Okay. What is your anti bench? Benches are good. Benches are good. You love to sit. I have no problem with benches. What the hell do you do?
Starting point is 00:52:11 That's how birds come up and shit in your food and you can't tell if it's sour cream or a bird shit. You don't want that. Weigar's trying for that. He's trying to get lucky with that. Now, Nick, God, I think I'm some shit eating freak. Yeah, I do. Call me a robot.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Don't say I fucking eat bird shit. It's disgusting. You eat bird shit. That's revolting. I would never, I'd be horrified. Guys, I have the, the, the chat up here and I keep looking at the chat and people are saying that they think I'm doing something else. I'm not, I'm looking at the chat.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Are you writing Bart lines? I'm writing Bart lines in this side. Are you writing Bart lines? I write, I only write Bart lines. They hire you to write for a specific character. You know, people really think that people ask me, I've seen, I've gotten DMs where people will say, Hey, which character do you write for on Brooklyn 99? You write for Terry, right?
Starting point is 00:53:04 And I say, no, no, I don't write for Terry. It really is one of the first questions you get. Even I got it from like a dentist, my dent, a new dentist recently who I was recommended to by another TV writer and she asked me that and I was like, how do you not have this conversation all the time with each other? Or is it just a, I mean, it's, it's a way into a conversation, I guess. Ooh, I would not trust that dentist. Um, did you, do you, so did you, have you ever written in, in your script?
Starting point is 00:53:33 I, Carumba, has that happened? Did you do it yet? Great question. There's a keyboard shortcut for that. Yeah. Wow. No, I remember I worked at the Simpsons and I know that there is no final cut.
Starting point is 00:53:46 It's an old Microsoft word. I mean, did they still do that? Is it still the Microsoft word? Yeah. I write my script and file graph and I give it to the writer's assistant and I say, Hey, figure it out. Institutional inertia is really something that can just be a sort of like, this is how we've always done things.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So that's how we're going to keep doing things. Yeah. I don't know how it is at SNL now, but when I was there, it was the same thing. We used like a weird, what? These 30 year old places, they just, they, they went with word and they stuck with it. I know I was there from 83 to 87. The Terry 20 years.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yeah. Just for, just for swinging. Wow. I'm telling you, you got to get a visor. It keeps you young. Did you get Robert Downey Jr. Was Robert Downey Jr. in there? Anthony Michael Hall.
Starting point is 00:54:30 That's that, that's that 85 season. 83. Oh, that was the 85s. Robin Duke. Eddie Murphy's last season. Was it, was 83, was any 83 was Eddie Murphy's last season? Yeah. 83 is kind of in and out after, right after 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And then Eddie Murphy really know your SNL. Yeah. I do. Once I go, once I go, got the job, I read it all. No, I'm just playing. You absorb facts like a sponge. Like you just, you know, so much about certain subjects, you know, so many details that you just recall it's ridiculous, right?
Starting point is 00:55:08 It's, it's like, it's dumb. But yes, I do. I can't rattle off a bunch of facts about a bunch of dumb shit. Um, now I can rattle off a bunch of dumb shit about the Simpsons, Nagel, since we are both on the Simpsons alum now. Why is your Simpsons alum too? Oh, so you were in the fucking show, you idiot. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Oh, yeah. Okay. I got drawn. I thought, I thought you never worked for it. Yeah. But you're in it. Yeah. I had a physical appearance.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I'm like standing mutely in, in a frame of the Simpsons. Very exciting. How about that? I get Simpsonized. Very cool. Which let's be real. That is, that's basically you having dialogue because that's what your character would be doing anyways.
Starting point is 00:55:49 That was the episode I did a voice in too. Wow. That's right. Amazing. The podcasting episode. Yeah. I did, it was a temporary thing at the table read. They just were like, do it for the table read.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And then it, they liked it so much I did in the show. That's tight. Wow. Wow. I went, when all the shows were getting woke, uh, last year, I auditioned for, uh, Carl Carlson and Roy, Roy, Roy, Roy. Wow. Dr.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Hebert and uh, what's the other black dude? Bleeding comes Murphy. And I'm just, I'm kidding. Bleeding comes. Yeah. The police officer. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 You know what's kind of, you know, it's kind of fucked up was a, uh, I too auditioned for this. Yes. Yes, it is ridiculous. Oh boy. Because I know you. It was like, you know, I don't even think they made them to the producers. That's crazy because, you know, the, I felt good about Dr.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Hebert. I felt good about Dr. Hebert. Can we hear a little, can we, can you hear it? That's what the Hebert. That's pretty good. I felt good about that one. And then, uh, a, uh, a jave.
Starting point is 00:57:00 That's good. That's pretty good. And, uh, what was the other one? Uh, Carl, I didn't feel good about Carl. I didn't feel good about that one. Your name is Carl. That doesn't mean that I sound like him. You're Carl.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And Carl Carlson is what you struggled with. I wonder if you're supposed to sound like any other Carl, but yourself. Yeah. That's it. Thank you, man. This is the only Carl I care about. I didn't, I couldn't do a Hank Azaria impression. That's my guy though.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Yeah. That's tricky. I, um, I auditioned during that time for my audition for Marge. Let's hear your Marge. Lisa. Lisa. It's pretty good. Come to bed, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:57:39 All of your senses characters are very good, but they're all from the first three seasons. All right, we got to talk Taco Bell because we only have so much time here. I got the veggie queso lupa, the spicy potato soft taco, the bean burrito, which also comes with cheese and the cheese quesadilla. I will say that these were all great. For me, the spicy potato soft taco was the stand out. I really did like the texture of the quesadilla because I just like that conceptually.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I love the cheese and I love the crunch, but that spicy potato soft taco is so, so satisfying. And I don't even love flour tortillas, soft flour tortillas. But I mean, it works well for this chain item. The bean burrito, I will always prefer the Del Taco bean and cheese burrito to the Taco Bell bean burrito. That's just how I feel like the Taco Bell bean burrito is maybe a little too oniony. My buddy, my buddy Brandon from high school would always be like no onions
Starting point is 00:58:33 on the Taco Bell bean burrito. Brandon might be watching. What's up, Brandon? The he's also real. He's a real guy, is a friend I had in high school that I still keep in touch with. So anyway, so this guy would be like, hey, no onions. And then I copied that. This is a fucking Baba Duke scenario.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Wagga's got it. Wagga's got his own Baba Duke. I also think the cheese quesadilla is not cheesy enough. It's just like a lot of tortilla. And I love a quesadilla, but for the amount that you're spending for that, I have a hard time justifying the cost. Mitch, what did you get for you? Oh, and I also got the wild strawberry lemonade freeze.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Fuck, I wanted that so bad. It was great. It was it was like had a little bit of tang to it from the lemonade and the strawberry flavor was great. It was it was super duper satisfying. I'm not I'm not going to lie to you. I wish that it tasted like shit because you got it and I did it. I wish that it was you got to get it.
Starting point is 00:59:28 You're going to love it. It's fantastic. I will say I couldn't drink all of it because I was about to go to bed and they do and be hyped up on sugar all night. But it was it was delightful. I'll also the I saw someone in the chat mention that. The they prefer fire sauce to Diablo sauce, and I fully agree. I am, as you know, something of a heat seeker.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I like spicy foods, but the flavor of the Diablo sauce. He said it. I'm no longer a meat seeker. I have one that episode too. When we were in Philly, what are I saying? Skeet seeker. Yeah, I think it's Skeet seeker might have been Skeet seeker. It's a better.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I mean, it's just a more flavorful sauce. I'm I'm I'm with the fire sauce all the way. It's just it just it just tastes better. It's just spicy enough. Go ahead. I'll see your fire sauce and raise you a mild sauce. I think the mild sauce is the best. Carl knows what's up. I'm agreeing with you.
Starting point is 01:00:27 It's the best. It's the best tasting one. Let me get out my receipt from Taco Bell. Here it is. This is the full receipt here, Wigs. It's a long boy. Look at that. Let's read it right now.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Here we go. I got myself a quesalupa with beef. Now I got to say this. I bring the receipt up again. I think I just want to make sure everyone gets. OK, there we go. There we go now. OK, I got the quesalupa with beef.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And I got to say, you know, I had a good crunt. Mine tasted good, but are you getting enough cheese in that pouch like you want? You know what I mean? What are we looking at? It's my it's my receipt. It's as much as receipt. It's when everyone gets some context
Starting point is 01:01:07 for what he's saying right now. Yeah. And then I also I got myself a beefy five layer burrito. This is good content. This is great. Are the numbers going up? I love seeing the back of the thing that someone's looking at.
Starting point is 01:01:22 The bar is empty somehow. It was a dog. It was a hot dog. And I accidentally ate the 8th of months. Beefy five layer burrito. And I also got a beefy with beef, a cheesy gordita crunch. And why? I got the beefy potato rito with these new potatoes
Starting point is 01:01:43 that are wow. And I also got something I never got before. The chicken chipotle melt. Bam. How about that? And I got myself a large Baja blast. Hopefully going to help keep me awake for the next 25 hours. Take a get some sleep.
Starting point is 01:02:01 You have sleep budgeted in the schedule. I know. I have a chunk where you're supposed to nap. I might I might have to nap. I'll just say this. It was all good. Everything was good. Carly, make a good point how the quite it's usually good.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Sometimes you can I think the issue with Taco Bell more than it being bad Taco Bell is you're more likely to get you were fucked up, which does happen. Oh my gosh. At Taco Bell, yeah. And it's so much more now that is that is a rona time. It's so much more condescending for you to open up that sticker on the bag and check.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah. Like it's like, y'all got everything in here? Yes, sir. We got everything and we got a long line. If you could please move it along. I'm just going to check because I know sometimes.
Starting point is 01:02:46 I'm going to order something. Let me get my let her open her out and open up. I got a story for you. One night I went ordered a large bar how blast just like you just did and I said, can I make sure I get a straw? Yes, sir. It'll be in the bag because last time y'all didn't give me a straw.
Starting point is 01:03:00 OK. Yes, it'll be in back sir. I get the bag. It's really fast. Get the bag. It's sealed. I said, so you put a straw here. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:03:07 It's in the bag. OK. I drive off. Guess what's not in the fucking bag. The straw. I had to drink my large bar how blast like a savage ice too cold for my front chompers. Wow, that's tricky.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I was just I was upset because I ain't got no straw in my house. And these are the people were sending donations to yikes. Stop the donation thing. They have those those stop them straws you can carry and reuse. I'll say that's true. That's true. The reusable straws.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yes, too cold for my teeth. They are metal. Some of them are metal. I'll send you some sense tonight, too. Yes, there's some sense tonight. Eight out of ten dentists recommend. Eight out of ten dentists think that you write for one individual character when you write for a TV show.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Some people are saying straw coosie. There's I've never heard of a straw coosie. Never heard of that. I'll say this. The case I just I just wish that there was more cheese in there. But this was like the best version of a K-Slooper I could have had. So it it it worked really well for me.
Starting point is 01:04:19 The the beefy five layer burrito is good. This is actually what this one was a little the the layers weren't you know, it was like shorter than it usually was. So it was it was it wasn't the best item I have. But it was still, of course, very good and hot and fresh. The cheese is going to eat a crunch. It's always the best. But I ate mine late wigs and it fucking Freddy Kruger up and
Starting point is 01:04:39 melt it like just melt into the wrapper. So I was pulling it off the wrapper and its skin was sticking to the paper and ripping off. And it was like, that's a wrap, bitch. Nice. It's good. Kind of thing Freddy might say kind of quick. I might have in a Freddy movie.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I liked it a lot. It was it did. It did say a line just like that. And I gobbled it down. My beefy potato rito was really good. The potatoes were crispy. It just tasted nice. Nang, I'm telling you, it was it was it was fantastic.
Starting point is 01:05:14 It's a lot of stuff for such a short receipt. The bitch, this is a very long receipt. The chicken chipotle melt I had never had before. And I was upset when they took away the loaded griller, the chipotle loaded griller or whatever it was. Right. But this is a nice in between. I'm going to get this one again.
Starting point is 01:05:34 This is a nice one. It's not big. It's kind of tiny. I enjoyed it and then my large Baja blast, which kicked ass. I'll say this, it's at the Quincy Taco Bell, which is a half KFC, half Taco Bell and the Taco Bell. I'm at the KFC.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm at the motherfucking. DMA seed. I was trying to make that fit. Oh, whatever. You get it. That's all right. Close enough. I was trying to make it fit into the song.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I said this to Y's when we reviewed KFC recently. I don't like the. I don't like the split restaurants. I don't like the split. I agree. I fully agree. Me neither. Master of none.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I don't think you're allowed to say that. I don't think you're allowed to say that anymore. Master of none. No. No. About not like what are you saying? Oh. A lot of a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:33 A lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of complaints about restaurants as we try to build up donations about. But look, that's why that's why we love them. They deal with this shit all the time and we love them. And I just got to say, I got out of my car. We were I was I got there and almost 7pm. We were we were going to jump on. We were going to jump on to test things out at 7 30 tonight.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And fucking the line was into the street, into Hancock Street. Wigs. Wow. Not Hancock Street. Hancock Street named after the Will Smith movie. Hancock all the way out into Hancock Street. I had a part I parked on this on Hancock Street and I walked in. And then this is going to this this is this this drove me nuts.
Starting point is 01:07:18 One in there to order. And I I I I marked the last car that before I would have gotten in the car. The cars beat me. The drive through was more efficient. I should have never left my car. It took longer going inside. Here's my theory. I'm going to say this.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah, I know with chalk like a. Yeah, I walked up to his car and I said, hold on. I marked the car with chalk. Right, OK. Here's my theory. Here's my working theory. That move never pays off. You can't beat the drive through.
Starting point is 01:07:50 There's never that gambit of I'm in a park and I'm going to go in and I'll place my order at the kiosk and I'll pick it up and it'll be faster. The drive through it never works out. Everything I've tried it. Every time I've tried it, it's been a debacle. And I've I've similarly seen that same car that I would have been behind to beat me out of the restaurant. Fucked. Fucked.
Starting point is 01:08:08 It was it was it was truly fucked up. I did it. It made me sad. And then I rushed back here. I had 10 minutes to eat all that food and I did. I ate all that food within 10 minutes. Yes. And now it's just going to sit in me for 25 hours until I eat it again. But, Nick, when Taco Bell hits, it hits.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yes. In my Taco Bell hit. And Carl makes a great point that they usually, you know, there's not a lot of times where you get Taco Bell. You're like, this is a gross Taco Bell. More so, like we said, your order gets messed up in one way or the other. And this one, this one hit. It was good. I was enjoying it. Big thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Well, well, Carl, Nango, let's get to your Taco Bell experiences. Carl, let's start with you. OK, so what I ordered, I decided today that I was going to make a pizza with my new stand mixer that I so graciously received from Laura Lapkus and Mike Castle. And I started the dough process. I made the dough. The dough is now sitting. I'm not going to make that pizza today. I'm going to put that dough in the fridge and make it tomorrow
Starting point is 01:09:13 because I went and bought 6,000 calories worth of Taco Bell. Now, what I did buy was I chose to get a Crunchwrap Supreme meal large. Wow. That comes with a regular Crunchy Taco. I say, can you make that Crunchy Taco into a Crunchy Taco Supreme? They and then I added on. I got a Baja Blast, large Baja Blast, still dripping baby. She leaking, soaking wet, yummy, yummy.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And then I need that. Can I? And I got I got my I added on. I always got to get chips and cheese. I just say chips and cheese. Now, I don't say nachos anymore because they go, what's nachos? Which nachos do you want? I said the chips and cheese. Give me the chips and cheese. But I got to get that every time.
Starting point is 01:10:13 If that cheese is hot, it's hitting. It's all the way up. It's all the way up. Nothing can stop it. And then it like my meal, it was it was good. It's Taco Bell, that Crunchwrap Supreme is one of the best things. Like it gives me everything I want out of an experience at Taco Bell, all in one. Right. It gives me hard and crunchy taco.
Starting point is 01:10:40 I mean, soft and crunchy taco. It gives me their amazing tortillas. It gives me their amazing seasoned oatmeal based meat, which is technically vegetarian. So you can eat it, Nick. And you already eat it. Nang, because you're not a vegetarian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And yeah, right. But it that Crunchwrap Supreme gives me everything I want. Usually I'll try something new. I do like a fire. I like a what's the one that has the the hot Fritos in it. I like that. I like the beefy potato. That's one that I like.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I like but one I will have one beef. No, you go ahead, Nang. That's what I got. That's what I ordered. I ordered the Crunchwrap Supreme that came with a soft with a crunchy taco on the side, like fries. I got that turned into a supreme. And then I ordered chips and cheese on the side and I have my Bahá Blast here. But then you got one beef.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I got a good order. Yeah. Great order. Great order. I'm trying to I'm trying to remember. Oh, sorry, go on. No, no, no. I just say I got the mild sauce because I like heat, too.
Starting point is 01:11:44 But I got mild because mild, the flavor of mild is much better than the other ones. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Hey, Nick. Yes, you want you want to this box of tissues for for when you go when you take your six hour break. Yeah, let me just grab one, actually. All right, thanks. That work.
Starting point is 01:12:06 You fucking took it from the wrong way. Wrong side. No, I got no, that was perfect. All right, let's do it again. I'll do it right. I don't know, I'll just I'll just take one. Here you go. Here you go, Nick.
Starting point is 01:12:16 All right, here we go. Wrong side again. You fucked it up again. And you're not supposed to use it on your nose. Oh, it's for jacking off. It's for jacking off. It's for jacking off. They make special ones for jacking off.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Got it. Softer. Yeah, softer. Carly, that's a common complaint in the Mitchell household. Ma, these are too rough. I need the softer tissues for jacking off. Instead of having like Aloe in them, they have Juergens. The item you were referring to that has the Fritos inside of it,
Starting point is 01:12:52 I believe was discontinued. That was one of the menu items that they got rid of. Is that right, Mitch? Or am I wrong? Is it still on the menu? Well, the beefy potato rito. No, the one with Fritos in it. Oh, yes, the Fritos one may have may have been discontinued, Carl.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I'm not sure if it if it was or not. Y'all remember when I first came out. I was in middle school, how Fritos first came out like 2003. I was in like eighth grade and they were so dope. And then Taco Bell came out with that burrito at that point and discontinued it back then. And then they brought it back recently, like two or three years ago. And or maybe even longer.
Starting point is 01:13:24 We lost a year due to this fake virus. And but what I want to know is what is with Yum? The Yum brands that their restaurants are always discontinuing shit. First of all, KFC, y'all know me. I don't super complain about fast food. I love most of it. But KFC, I don't even go to anymore because they just every time I go,
Starting point is 01:13:53 they've taken something else off the menu and they just simplify their menu so much that it's not fun anymore. It's like the snap with menu items. Yeah, yeah, like this damn snap. And also with people too, don't forget all the people. They have to kill the person that invented that recipe when they just continue it. It's really bad. What's the other Yum property?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Taco Bell is Yum, KFC and Pizza Hut. Okay, Carl, we've been very upset with Taco Bell removing their items. It's been a nightmare. And KFC, we recently reviewed KFC and they are just, they're hurting. I will say, I have the new KFC chicken sandwiches and they are very good. They are very, very good. I'm scared because chicken littles have gotten so nasty over the past few years. The chicken littles are not good anymore.
Starting point is 01:14:49 It's crazy. And then they took off, I know, put some, listen, put an HB in the chat for Honey Barbecue Wings. They took off the menus at KFC. If you missed the Honey Barbecue Wings, put an HB in the chat. If the chat lightened up with HBs. Yeah, we're getting HBs all over the place. Look at that. I'm not looking at it, but I missed, where did Mr. Slice go?
Starting point is 01:15:11 I'm still here. Mr. Slice's camera killed. I blew my nose. I did the real thing. Oh, you blew your nose, okay. Yeah, I hate that they've taken everything. Also, I think Pizza Hut started the trend when they took away, sit down, rest and run. 100%.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And you know what, those ads right now, they have an ad that's running right now with Craig Robinson that is such a tease because he's sitting in an old school Pizza Hut. The parlor style Pizza Hut. They got the lamp and everything. I'm looking on eBay, trying to bid this lamp just for nostalgic sake. I want the fucking Pizza Hut lamp in my hole, my Dalma style, because I can't go out and get that experience of the parlor anymore. And he's just there and it's like, he's in this alternate reality where you can go to
Starting point is 01:15:49 a Pizza Parlor and Pizza Hut sit down, still exist. What type of shit are you pulling, Craig? What are you doing? What are you doing to me? Get out of there, Craig. I'm not blaming the actor. I am. It's his fault.
Starting point is 01:15:59 The campaign is an issue. The campaign is one big tease. Oh, so I just want to say- If you're going to do that, bring back the parlor. I just want to say, people's thought when I turned my camera off that I got a quick jack-in and also, Nangle kind of made a face like, you made like a DeNiro, you made like a DeNiro smirk at me. I was blowing my nose when the camera was off, just so everyone knows.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Okay. I was blowing my nose. Do you need another tissue, actually, Mitch? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I got one over here. Let me have one over to you. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:31 All right. There you go. Are you going to get it? Oh, fuck. I meant to do it your way. Here we go. Perfect. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Nangle, tell us about your Taco Bell order. Hold on. I got to blow my nose one more time. Everybody put an HJ in the chat, throw HJs into the chat. I'm not jacking off. I'm blowing my nose. Okay. You want to know about my order.
Starting point is 01:17:03 All right. Okay. I'm looking at my postmates order on my phone. Okay. This is what I got is on my phone. I'm looking at my receipt. Yeah, I got it. I'm looking at my receipt.
Starting point is 01:17:16 All right. Okay. All right. I got a queso lupa black bean, cinnamon twists, cheese quesadilla that I added tomatoes to. Yeah. And I ordered a Mountain Dew Baja Blast Freeze, but it did not come. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Wow. Nangle, by the way, since you said say HJ, the chat has just only said HJ even up through now. Yeah. It's only been HJ. Powerful person. You certainly are. I was reading these.
Starting point is 01:17:47 People keep telling me to do the accent, queso lupa black beans, Mountain Dew, Baja Blast Freeze, cinnamon twists, and cheese quesadilla. Wow. So, I haven't had this stuff in a long time. And also, as I mentioned before, I'm experiencing fatigue from my second shot, which I wasn't sure if I was just tired, but it kind of like hit like a brick wall, so I'm pretty sure it's connected. And it's also kind of took my appetite.
Starting point is 01:18:18 So that said, corn now. Still running HJ, Jesus Christ. Okay, people stop. Stop. I'm telling you to stop. And they're going to listen to you. What the fuck? How do you have that power?
Starting point is 01:18:33 What the hell? If you keep typing HJ so much, I'm going to be forced to turn alerts back on, so just be careful. Stop. There'll be an alert every time you HJ. Okay, so, okay, the Mountain Dew Baja Blast didn't come, so I didn't get to taste that. I took a couple bites of things, but as I said, now I'm immune to a disease, so that's better.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Okay, so the quesadilla, again, I'm still echoing it in my own ears. That's why I keep talking and stopping and starting. It was really, really fried in the way where it took one bite, and I was like, oh, this is really good. And then I took a second bite, and just all I could taste was the oil. And I think that's more of a function of me just not eating a whole lot of fried foods lately. But I could see myself liking it on a non-vaccine day when I'm more acclimated to fried things.
Starting point is 01:19:41 So that's my opinion of that. The quesadilla, all I got on it was tomatoes, and I took a bite, and I thought it was boring, and then I took a second bite, and is there a sauce, like a spicy sauce on it or something? Because it was good. They do have a sauce. Like, it had a kick that I liked. Yeah, they do put some sort of sauce in there on a quesadilla, and what you also have to do is ask for a cup of sour cream to dip your quesadilla in.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah, which I would eat because I do eat dairy sometimes. So what I didn't do, which is done, was order any sauce. And I have sauce at my house, but I can't open the jar. So it's just sitting there for a couple of weeks. Oh, here, hand it to me. Gentlemen. I just can't open it. Carl's offering to open your jar of sauce through his cam.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Okay. And so it was enjoyable. Like, I didn't see really liking it. It was kind of just a very basic thing, and the cinnamon twist I really, really liked. I feel like they should have come with some sort of dipping sauce or something, do they? No. Because they didn't. I don't know what they're supposed to.
Starting point is 01:21:04 But I thought that, like, if they came with some sort of vanilla dipping sauce or something, that would have been a little bit better. And then how? It could help them. They can be a little dry sometimes. Oh, but first, what I didn't say, first, I took two of these bean aides. Wow. Wow, bean aides.
Starting point is 01:21:21 It's basically beano, which I don't think I've ever really taken before, but I didn't want to feel sick. I feel like I should take bean aides on a daily basis. I'm a bean freak, Wags. I love beans. I definitely feel their effects. Did it work for you? Do you feel like you're, are you happy you took the bean aides?
Starting point is 01:21:40 Well, bean aides is a bunch of strange questions. This is about beans, freezing money for Africa. Oh, OK. Got it. You're raising, it's raising funds. To charity. It's a charity run by some British rocker. Are you dying?
Starting point is 01:22:03 Am I dying? From the second shot, are you, are you like, are you, is the second shot killing you? I feel fatigue and also I turned my air conditioner off to not mess with the sound, so I'm hot and I'm still balancing and I was on Zoom all day for work. What was the question? Does bean aid work? I don't know. So far, so good.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Yeah. Wow. Great. It's from the band. The band that sings, I don't like Mondays. Tell me why. We should get to our final thoughts on Taco Bell. So Carl, Nangle, both veterans of the podcast, you know how this works, but we each go around,
Starting point is 01:22:43 give a summation, a closing argument, if you will, on this chain, on this particular dining experience and end by giving a rating from zero to five forks. Carl, we will begin with you. OK. So I've been eating at Taco Bell my whole life. I haven't had cinnamon twist there since I was a little kid. So that's nostalgic for me. But Taco Bell has always been the most consistent fast food.
Starting point is 01:23:04 I've gotten bad food at every other place and I love McDonald's, I love Burger King and things like that, but Taco Bell has always been the most consistent. They always got something new on the menu, but they also take a lot away. And I think I'm criticizing all young brands, but we just talking about Taco Bell at this point. With that being said, my Crunchwrap Supreme was busting my chips and cheese. The cheese was hot. The chips were crispy.
Starting point is 01:23:36 They weren't stale. They weren't old. They had the right amount of salt on them, busting. The Mountain Dew bought hot blasts that you can't get nowhere else, busting. The Taco Supreme that I had on the side didn't waste nothing out of it, which is always a win, you know, when you can eat it to the side and you don't waste nothing out of it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Which? Busting. So that's four bustings. So I'm going to give that Taco Bell 4.75 forks. Wow. Wow. Four forks, three tines, pine system, pioneered by Father Tine Matt Selman, your co-worker in Angle, and now your turn, your boss, and now your turn to share your thoughts on Taco
Starting point is 01:24:21 Bell and your fork. Because I may remember what I ordered. Okay. Case a loop of black bean, busting, cinnamon twist, also busting, cheese, quesadilla, made it slap. Clap? Made it clap. Mountain Dew bought hot blast freeze, Cornell, Postmates driver, Cornell did not arrive.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So taking into account my fatigue, I'm going to say four and a half spoons. Wow. Four and a half spoons. I mean, four and a half. I love it. Spoons. Still counts. Four.
Starting point is 01:25:06 No, spoons. It's cannon. That's valid. It's cannon. Four and a half straws. A valid. I'm going to go with four and a half reusable straws. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Four and a half reusable straws. Very, very good score. Whoever is maintaining the Doughboys Wikipedia, make sure you notify that, you note that. Mitch, your thoughts. You're huge. I think I know where you're going. Here we go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:27 All right. The beef quesalupa, Boston. The five layer bean burrito, Boston. All right. I'll stop doing that. Keep doing it. The beefy potato rito, Boston. The cheesy gordita crunch.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I'll give that a Quincy. It gets a Quincy. Is that better? Wow. You know, it depends on who you ask. For me, it's better. I love Taco Bell and you know, I want to stay mad at it, but why is it's like you, my co-host. As mad as I get out of it.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I still love it. I still love you. So what am I supposed to do? It's one of the best fast food restaurants there is. Just like how people got side effects from their shots, I never got a side effect from either one of my shots. And I got to say, I never get the side effects from Taco Bell. I never get like when people are like, oh, diarrhea.
Starting point is 01:26:39 We say this all the time on the show. Doesn't happen to me with Taco Bell. I never, as far as fast food goes, it's one that doesn't upset my stomach much. People have always made jokes about Taco Bell, give me a diarrhea. I've never gotten diarrhea and I'm going to knock on wood. Here's a bag of Palo Santo. I'm going to knock on it because I don't want to get diarrhea tonight. I have things to do and I got to come back on here once I'm, once I leave the club at
Starting point is 01:27:03 2 a.m. But you're not going to get it, Carl, because I think that it's not really true. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't happen. And I don't know if it was the microchip that's injected into me, but the Taco Bell was hitting better than it's ever hit and maybe in a full year, this is maybe one of my favorite Taco Bell experiences. Five forks. Why?
Starting point is 01:27:22 It's the five forks restaurant. Five forks. Wow. What am I supposed to say? What a score. I will say, I have never, I also too think it's a little, it's, you know, the Taco Bell diarrhea thing is well-worn territory. It's hacky and I'm not sure how true it is.
Starting point is 01:27:35 The only justification I could maybe give for it is that sometimes I think that, that people who maybe eat Taco Bell don't otherwise consume dietary fiber. And so it could be like, if you don't have, if you don't, don't have vegetables in your diet and you suddenly have a queso lupa black bean, you might feel the effects of that. I did not. And I, in fact, loved that queso lupa. I thought it was delightful. I love the bean burrito or I enjoyed the bean burrito, preferred deltacos, the cheese quesadilla
Starting point is 01:28:02 fine. I should have gotten sour cream. That's a pro move. Wild strawberry, lemonade freeze, fantastic. But for me, the star is that spicy potato soft taco. And yes, we've decried Yum Brands for simplifying their menu, their menus too much. The opposite of Ungepochka, they're not doing enough, but they have brought this back. They have revived some classics.
Starting point is 01:28:25 They have brought back their, they responded to popular demand and the potato menu items are back. I'm so glad the spicy potato soft taco returned to the menu and it was delightful. It was a highlight of my visit, the highlight of this five fork experience. Wow. So Taco Bell is now back in the golden plate club. Wow. Will it hit the platinum plate club with the second episode or will it be booted out again?
Starting point is 01:28:46 We're going to find out. That was our review in 25 hours, 23 hours. I can't do the math. Who cares? That was our review of Taco Bell. And normally this is in the show where we do a segment, but we are a little time constrained here. So we, we, we got something, Nick, Nick and I got something fun.
Starting point is 01:29:13 We wanted someone to make an appearance on this, on the 25 hour doathon. And we had a hard time getting in contact with him, but Carl, we talked to somebody and they have a special message just for you. And we want to play it for you right now. Okay. Hey Carl, don't touch that mouse. It's your boy, Badlands Chugs. And I want to give a big shout out to you.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Hey now, how's everything going? Well, I hear things are going great. And yo, before I go any further, I would like to just say on behalf of Mike Mitchell, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work and helping them with their fundraiser, the doathon. All right. And I heard that your show grand crew is getting picked up by NBC. Yo, that is totally awesome, man.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Congratulations to you, man. Oh man, that's an awesome achievement and kudos goes to you, man. And yo, we got a dedicated Chuck to that. All right. Let's get going. Wow. Congratulations. But remember, Nick and Mitch are still your original bosses and you still got a tour with
Starting point is 01:30:33 them. All right. Cheers, buddy. Stomachache. Give it to me. Give it to me, Badlands. Give it to me, Badlands. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Stay hydrated and congratulations, buddy. Oh, yeah. We got to give, when we go to New York, first of all, thank you guys. Of course, I'm still touring with you. I'll never stop. Even I'm just going to be touring with a crown and a mink coat on. But can I ask a question, who was the, who was the, who was the, who was the, who was the, who was that?
Starting point is 01:31:12 That's Badlands Chuck. Badlands Chuck. I'm sorry. How was this relationship ever going to work? If you don't know my... I do know your interests. You make me burn that Palo Santo all the place. I hate it.
Starting point is 01:31:23 But do it anyway. We'll send you that video as well, but that, that, that, uh, we didn't want him to chug a Coke. We'd rather him chug a water, but there was only so much we could say in the space of, uh, and we try to, we try to hit everything. But I got to say, Nangle, we're not leaving you out either. Come on. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:31:43 You think we're just going to message for Carl? I did. No, we got a message for Nang as well from someone you're a big fan of. Here you go. Hey there, Christine Nangle. I heard you're a big fan of me, John Gabriel's, Long Island's own podcast or comedian extraordinaire. So I wanted to send you this cameo. Congratulations on the do-a-thon.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Uh, say hello to your human son, Philby, for me, and, uh, also the request was to chug, so I'll do a little chug for you. Got to stay hydrated. Okay. Nangle, gangl, nangle, gangl, oh, that was great. Wow. Oh my God. Who was that?
Starting point is 01:32:41 Who was that? That was John Gabriel's podcast. If this relationship is going to work, you're going to have to know my twin brother. That was awesome. So we were talking about people to, to get you a cameo of and, and I was like, how about Frank Stallone from Philly? And then he got in trouble like the day before he said some shit where he got in trouble. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Very problematic. Uh, very, something problematic. So, uh, we went, we went with an even more problematic guy with Gabriel's. I loved it. We have time for one question from the chat, just like a restaurant value feedback. Let's open up the feedback and hey, let's- Oh, you're going to be able to read it as an H.J. It's in pot.
Starting point is 01:33:22 You're not going to see anything. All right. So in the chat, give a question that's not just H.J. or H.B., let's get an actual, let's get an actual question. Nick, I got a question for you while you're looking for the question. Please. Uh, I'm asking you because you went to high school here in Los Angeles, as did I. Did you, do you, did y'all have Taco Bell at y'all school?
Starting point is 01:33:41 So there was a Taco Bell adjacent to campus at my middle school. Okay. But y'all didn't get like burritos at school. We didn't have one in school. No, I wish I talked about this maybe on a recent episode, a semi-recent episode where we had a weird thing at my high school, Long Beach Polytech, uh, Go Jackrabbits, where we had a, we had like, like a kiosk. We had a kiosk on campus where they would just sell like, like McDonald's cheeseburgers,
Starting point is 01:34:05 but it wasn't a McDonald's. It was very odd. Like they got them from McDonald's and brought them there. There's some sort of licensing deal, but you had a Taco Bell on campus. No, no, no. It was the same thing as that. They had, they would sell them in the, they would sell them in the ca, in like a window at the cafeteria.
Starting point is 01:34:18 They would have, we had Taco Bell, Subway and a Pizza Hut. And they would bring them all in and, and we, but they, they had these really good like chili cheese burritos. And I don't know if Taco Bell actually has these at their locations, but these chili cheese burritos used to hit so hard. No, they used to have that. And I think they, they, again, that was an earlier menu reduction. That was a great, that was a great menu item, fully a great, um, let's see.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Uh, I had a, uh, I saw a question on here that I thought was good and simple. And uh, Nangle, you'll be able to answer this because you do eat meat. Yeah. Favorite cold cut. Yeah. Favorite cold cut. Wow. Favorite cold cut.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Favorite cold cut. Can I put this on screen? Wait, hold on. I might be able to do a banner. You guys can answer the, Mitch, Mitch, go ahead and answer the, the question. I'm going to get buried in stream yard and see if I can put a banner up. Favorite cold cut is a tough question because look, you know, sometimes you're craving an Italian sub.
Starting point is 01:35:12 So like, I like all the like salami and all that shit. But normally like the cold cuts, I'm getting, I'm usually trying to be good. I'm getting turkey and I'll get a Cajun turkey. I'll get, I'll get a Boris had Cajun turkey. That's one of my favorite cold cuts, but I mean, like, let's be real here. I mean, what, what counts? What are we counting? I mean, roast beef is probably up there, right?
Starting point is 01:35:35 Roast beef. Right. Yeah. Roast beef. Is that a coca? Yeah. I think so. I think it qualifies.
Starting point is 01:35:43 There was a, there's a little corner store like deli in my neighborhood growing up where my mom would like cook a roast beef in the oven and then she would tell you to, she would wrap it up and you'd take it down to the deli and then they would slice it. Oh, wow. I grew, I grew up in 1954. There's now, now there's now a banner going across the bottom of the, the bottom of the screen here. I figured out both banners.
Starting point is 01:36:10 People in the chat are saying gaba ghoul. I'm sweating. Oh, gaba ghoul is a good one. I don't know exactly what that is, but I feel like it's something I'd like. Which one is that? I thought that was a slur. I think it's a vagina. It's a name for a vagina.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Oh, okay. It's a slur for a vagina. Yeah. I really, I will say that I, I have some fondness for old school bologna, just a round bologna. The bologna's great. And a bologna and American cheese sandwich with mustard and mayo. That's a classic sammy. It's a classic lunch.
Starting point is 01:36:35 You take the red, the red string off there. Oh yeah. 100%. But also pastrami. I like pastrami. Even cold. Cold pastrami is delightful. As a, as a child, I remember in like my like brown bag, uh, lunches, when I would go to
Starting point is 01:36:50 school, I'd have, I'd have bologna on white bread with ketchup on it. Isn't that fucking, that's, isn't it, but doesn't it? That is, yeah, that's odd. Isn't it fucking nasty? Yeah. That sounds gross. That's, I was a boy. This is the 80s.
Starting point is 01:37:04 This is 1980. You know, 1988. I was in school with a fucking, uh, with the, I would get, I don't know. I was in school with a fucking, uh, with the, I would get, I get bologna and fucking ketchup. Right. Uh, and, and, and it felt normal. I love, I like bologna too. I probably haven't eaten bologna in years.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Now you got me craving a bologna sandwich. I really like liverwurst when I ate, ate meat yesterday. Um, liverwurst with like yellow mustard on white bread. Wow. This is something I used to eat. This isn't what we would call a lunch meat in Philly, but there's pork roll, which you would, I think you would have to cook, but you would put it in the microwave, put a little slit in it, put it in the microwave on a piece of white bread and it was just like the best
Starting point is 01:37:51 thing on earth. It's one of the only things I miss meat wise besides spicy sausage. Wow. Sounds delightful. Carl, what about that, that stuff that we ate in Philadelphia? Scrum, scrum, scrumple? Scraple. Oh, scraple.
Starting point is 01:38:04 That's like a breakfast meat. Oh, yeah. I was into it. Y'all just made me think of something right now because I was like, oh man, I didn't know, I remember some way you'd have the cold cut trio and stuff like that. I never really called things cold cuts. But when I was a kid, Oscar Mara used to have ham and cheese loaf, which was a ham with little tiny pieces of American cheese in it.
Starting point is 01:38:24 And you just take one of those and also some white bread, colonial bread or bunny bread, whatever. And you throw some mayonnaise on there. I wouldn't really put mustard on it. If you throw some mayonnaise on there with just a piece of ham and cheese loaf, that was my shit. Hell yeah. No H-C in the chat.
Starting point is 01:38:41 H-C. H-C-H-B-H-J. Wow. If you remember ham and cheese loaf. Get them all going. Cut out the middle man with that. You just got the ham and cheese together. You had no need to fucking add anything. That's perfect.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Yeah, that was my shit when I was a kid. H-C's and H-J's flying all over the place in the chat. And also some of that's a little too country for y'all's audience. But hog head cheese used to come from Oscar Mara as well. So that regionally though. What is hog and cheese? What is hog head cheese? Hog head cheese.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Hog head cheese. Hog head cheese. Hog like H-O-G. H-O-G. Well you boil the head of a hog and you take off all the meat and make a gelatinous and things like that. Wow. Yeah, you eat it with a cracker and some hot sauce.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Good. Yeah, I've had to had cheese in some context where it really works for me. Guys, I have some news. As we're closing out this episode. Yes. We're at $40,000. We're $10,000 away from the goal we set. Incredible.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Where the fuck did you people get this money from? What a haul. Wow. How many people are watching? Wow. We got about 5,500 right now. Nice. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:53 There you go. You're going to get some highs back in the chat. I feel shy. I feel shy now. Yeah, I'm a little shy too. Make sure you block anybody that called me a Gabagoo. Well, that'll wrap up the first episode, the first block here for the Doughboys Do-a-thon. Christine Dangle, Carl Tart, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:40:14 We're so, so lucky to have both of you. Anything you'd like to plug before you go? Mitch, I'm going to text you if you want me to come back later tonight. I love it. Love it. I'm going to be around. Nick's going to be around for a while. Nick may be on even when you come back.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Yeah. And I listen to the Flagra Ones and Carl Carlson's Cousin on the Flagra Ones Patreon. Kenan just got a season two, so watch that on Tuesday nights at 8.30. Awesome. Love that. Do you write just for Kenan? That's right. I write for Chris Will.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Okay. Yeah. I'm going to plug Kenan and I want to plug the text that Carl's going to send Mike. Check that out. And then I'm going to go to bed. Love it. Those are private between us. Now, I got to say this.
Starting point is 01:41:01 You two are Doughboys legends. Absolutely. If there were Doughboy cards, you'd be the legends cards like in Star Wars. So we appreciate you guys coming on and kicking this off with us. Thank you so much. And we raised $40,000. And that's because of YouTube. How about that?
Starting point is 01:41:16 That's amazing. So thank you. Thank you both for being here. The second episode is going to be way worse because we're going to be fucking a mess. Yes. This is about as good as it gets. Thank you guys. We're peaking early, but that's fine.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Thank you. Thanks for doing this. Everybody donate. Thank you so much. Nick, no peaking early. Nick. I love you Carl. Love you too, man.
Starting point is 01:41:36 It's so good to see you. See you guys. Bye. See ya. Want more Doughboys? Check out the Doughscored, our Discord server. You get Doughscored access plus the Doughboys double when you join the Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboys.
Starting point is 01:41:53 That's slash Doughboys. Want to see the sources for this week's intro? Check the episode description.

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