Doughboys - Tender Greens with Ryan Stanger

Episode Date: January 5, 2017

The Doughboys go green for the first episode of 2017, as Ryan Stanger (Comedy Bang! Bang!, The Dumbbells podcast) joins for a visit to California farm to table eatery Tender Greens. The crew samples a...n array of Irish tweets courtesy of friend of the show Erin McGathy.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In 1999, Jared Diamond, a UCLA professor of geography and the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, published an influential essay titled The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race. Based on the inflammatory headline, one might assume he was writing of, say, a ruinous religious crusade. But Diamond instead gives the dubious distinction to agriculture. Diamond persuasively argues that humans transitioning from hunter-gatherer societies to ones based on farming and ranching led to sharp declines in life expectancy, huge increases in infectious
Starting point is 00:00:33 disease and birth defects, and the creation of class systems as a surplus of resources allowed high-status leaders to idle as they profited from the manual labor of others. The thesis that oppression and plagues and wars are all consequences of agriculture contrast with the common conflations of farmers and decency and hunter-gatherers and savagery. But whether or not Diamond is correct, our lot is cast here in the 21st century as the mechanization of agriculture has led to a factory farm society awash in both cheap, plentiful food and rampant inequality. In this geopolitical environment, three words have become shorthand for a brand of environmentally
Starting point is 00:01:06 responsible, health-conscious eating, popular and gentrified urban neighborhoods. Farm to table. In 2006, with that buzz phrase in mind, three former employees of Shudders on the Beach, a luxury hotel in Santa Monica, opened a quick service eatery in Culver City, California. The concept was based on locally sourced proteins and vegetables that could be customized as plates or sandwiches. It proved a hit on the left coast, where liberal customers were eager to virtue signal as healthy, socially conscious diners.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Now, with two dozen restaurants across California, is this a model for responsible restaurants in a modern agricultural society? This Week on Doe Boys, Tender Greens. Welcome to Doe Boys, the podcast about chain restaurants. We're part of I'm Nick Weiger, alongside the co-host of Weekend Update and the writer of Staten Island Summer, Mike Mitchell, the Spoon Man. How are you, Mitch?
Starting point is 00:02:08 I don't know. Is that blind that I'm calling, Joest? It's 2017. We kind of ended on a sour note. I figured instead of Roast Spoon Man, I'd try a new bit for this first episode, Joest Spoon Man. Oh, my fucking god. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I know you watch SNL every week. This is one of your favorite shows. I figured you'd appreciate a comparison to one of its standouts. Hey, I'm all right with Joest Spoon Man. Yeah. I don't know how long this bit is going to last. Yeah, I don't know if Joest Spoon Man has legs, I don't know how many variations on calling Joest they can do, but we at least got one in the bag.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Joest Spoon Man. That's right, folks, because it rhymes with Roast Spoon Man. Maybe this is the last episode. No, see, that's fun. I made fun of your thing, and then we joke about it and laugh. Yeah. I had a weird throat thing during your... But so did you, actually.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So did me. I've got the squeaks right now. My voice is cracking a little. But you get to edit yours out. My weird gross throat thing, the world will hear. But people would just... I drank carbonated water, and then I was just like, like, my throat just made a weird... And made the trailer sound.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Well, see, here's the thing. You know what I'm talking about? The burrrr sound from trailers. Yeah, I thought that it was just something from, like, because sometimes the carbonation escaping the bottle kind of sounds like that. I didn't realize it was from you. But I think if you hadn't said anything, people would have just assumed it was from me.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Hmm. Yeah, it was from you, you gross fuck. Anyways, to Spoon Nation, and I guess I'm just going to play this because someone sent it. All right, that was, that was, uh, I didn't listen to it like I never do. And that was from, uh, this guy Jeremy Dailey at Jeremy M. Dailey, and it was called Paul Russ predicts the future, so this was long before he was elected. Yeah, this was, when did we do our Wendy's episode with Paul?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Was that January of last year? Yeah, it was. January of 2016? Uh-huh, that was a long time ago. So that was still in the primary process. Mm-hmm. So, yeah, he really was a little bit of a soothsayer there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Should we put him on a stake and burn him alive? Sorry, Paul. If we did, we know he'd, like, make a noise, like, goink, while it was happening and be very funny. Uh, are you ready for me to date this, uh, we would never burn Paul. I'd burn everyone else. Oh, of course not. I'd burn everyone else on this earth alive before Paul.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Paul deserves to live more than any, pretty much anyone in LA. Did you say any of you? Any of you. Any of you fucks listening to this podcast. Um, I, uh, I'm going to date the podcast. Yeah. But I got to. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I got to do it. I mean, like... We're recording this in 2016. It's gonna, it'll be out in the first week of January in 2017. Yes. Where Rogue One just comes out on Thursday night. Right. And so I was just excited.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I just wanted to, I mean, I feel like I got tickets for Thursday night and I'm excited about it. I just wanted to talk about it. I watched, I watched the prequels yesterday. Yeah. You were just, you were just texting. You just watched Revenge of the Sith, I think, last night, maybe. Revenge of the Sith is very good.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah. It's, it's good. I actually, I've changed my mind. I wanted to, like, I actually think it is good. Do you think it's better than any of the original trilogy? Four, five, and six? I don't, no. But I also like the one that people will say that it's better than, some people do say
Starting point is 00:05:52 it's better than Return of the Jedi. Yeah. Which I, Return of the Jedi is like my favorite. I like Return of the Jedi a lot, yeah. Which people give me a lot of shit for. But yeah. Return of the Jedi is awesome because the, the intercutting between those three set pieces of the final lightsaber battle and then the final space battle and then the battle on
Starting point is 00:06:07 the ground on the forest moon of Endor is just so awesome. It's just so awesomely done. They're just three awesome pieces of action and they're just all going at once and all sort of accelerating at the same place. It's something that he tried to do, like, again in the, in the prequels. Yeah. Like he tried, he kind of like took that model and tried to do, do the same thing. Certainly to less success, success in episode one when you got the battle on Naboo with
Starting point is 00:06:28 the Gungans and the droid army. And then you've also got Anakin up in the, what is the droid base, right? Where he's destroying the, the computer that controls it. Yeah. It's just a little, it's a little, it's a little goofy. Yeah. Like I still, I mean, I love. And then of course the Darth Maul fight.
Starting point is 00:06:42 The Darth Maul fight is. That's fucking awesome. And the Darth Maul fight is better than anything in Force Awakens just to be clear. Um, I don't know. It is though. It really truly is. It's good. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Dula of the Fates is awesome. It's a great fight. It's a great song. The Fates is a, the song itself is better than anything in Force Awakens. I guess I can remember the beats of the episode one lightsaber duel between Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul. I can remember that more specifically than anything in Force Awakens, but that might just be because I've seen episode one a lot more than I've seen episode seven.
Starting point is 00:07:16 She gets the lightsaber is the big moment and it's like, oh yeah, yes, we know that she, she's reading people's minds. She's having storm, like that's not a big reveal that the lightsaber comes to her. I think it's a pretty cool shot. Oh my God. Do you think that's a pretty cool shot? Yeah, I like it. You just, you see it.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Are you a cinematographer? Are you a cinematographer? What are you talking about? I'm not a cinematographer. I just think it looks cool. Oh, it does not look cool. Oh, I forget that you troll and pretend to like this fucking thing. I'm not trolling.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I, like most of America liked the Force Awakens. I'm excited. Here's a little podcast reveal. After Nick Weiger saw the Force Awakens for the first time, he said he was going to kill JJ Abrams. Okay. Look. I was very emotional.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I was very grumpy when I saw it. Here's the thing. My first viewing of the Force Awakens, I want to make clear that is not a legitimate death threat against the director JJ Abrams in this heightened age. That little pussy is probably in the fucking closet right now, scared of you. I bet you he will take this. I hope he does take it as a real threat. We haven't tested this yet.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Can we get in trouble for doing things like this? Can we get in trouble for threatening someone and having it recorded and released to the public? I bet we can. But we can get in a lot of trouble. No, I was being hyperbolic. I saw the movie. I saw it in the morning.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I was going to see it. I saw it at the grove and then our screening got evacuated and so I ended up seeing it the next day in the morning. So I was like very grumpy and like tired and I was in a bad mood and I thought the movie... Did it get evacuated? Did you think someone saw you and thought you were going to shoot up? No. But I saw it at a very negative reaction the first time and then I saw it the second time
Starting point is 00:08:59 with our buddies David Phillips and Joe Saunders, the three of us, aka Wolfpack 2.0 and we had a great time. The Wolfpack 2.0. Right. You're all like half as fun as Ed Helms is in the movie. You're half as fun as that dentist character. Well, I just want to say watching Revenge of the Sith, Bug Main actually, our old friend Bug Main.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yes. Which by the way, so we got into our big fight, which we got into a big fight with the blow-up is over now. Yeah. People have had a couple of weeks to process the blow-up and unsubscribe from the podcast. Yeah. A legitimate bad episode. It was bad.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It was very bad. It hasn't aired yet but I know that it is just bad. Wait, what was my, oh yeah. What was my point about? You're talking about Bug Main. Oh yeah. How did I, how was I going to stretch these two together? Well anyways, Bug Main made a great point about how in Revenge of the Sith they have
Starting point is 00:10:00 that line of, so this is how liberty dies with thunderous applause or something like that. Right. And it is, it's a, what's the right word for it? Crescent? A parable or like a, it's just, it's very timely. Right. It feels very much like what's going on in our world and I was watching again and it's
Starting point is 00:10:16 actually not even that boring of a movie. So Revenge of the Sith, I give a thumbs up to, dated because of effects for sure. But I mean like that, he was always trying to push that, those effects and stuff like that. So. A lot of cool imagination, a lot of cool vehicle design. Yeah. I'm fine for anyone who wants to give the prequels a second look.
Starting point is 00:10:35 You know what, we should introduce our guest. Yes, for sure. He's been sitting here for an inordinate amount of time, very patiently. A great man is here. We're really, really happy to have him. We wanted to have him on for a while from Conan, from Comedy Bang Bang and he's one of the hosts of the great new podcast, The Dumbbells, is my new favorite podcast. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Great guy, which is on head gum, Ryan Stanger. Hi Ryan. What's going on guys, happy to be here. Happy to have you here. I got the full experience, I got some Star Wars talk, I listened to the podcast so it's exciting to hear you guys. How uh. Lay in to Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I noticed, I noticed as we were having that discussion, you were like holding yourself back because your instincts as a jock were just kicking in to come over here and beat the shit out of both of us. I wanted to like smash your guy's head together and just say, fuck you and your kid's movies. Uh, no, I like, I like them. I have, yeah, I've got thoughts on all of them. Right. I like them.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I have a kid now, he's watching them all, he likes them a lot. Does he have any like response to any of the movies in particular? Um, I mean he likes Ewoks and stuff. Okay. So it's all that. Me too. Watching it as a grown up, we're like the Ewoks are like using little boomerangs and shit to take down the empires a little, that's a little.
Starting point is 00:11:51 That to me is, but I think that's a beautiful, it's, it shows that this like a, you know, this advanced kind of uh, like uh, this, this, this uh, advanced evil right group of people are trying to take down these people in their native land and they, and they, and they kick their ass with their, with their old school weapons. It's satisfying. Yeah. But I know sometimes you see like the little like, they got like little pieces of wood and rope that are tripping big things.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't know. There's certainly a lot. I like it though. I feel like that's how, you could take me down if you, if someone tripped me with a piece of rope. Rope is one of the best, uh, it's one of the best weapons, not used enough. Use a little counterweight on it and throw it around somebody's ankles, you know, same way they, uh, those big walkers.
Starting point is 00:12:35 What are those things called? Do you guys know it? ATAT or ATSTs? The ATATs are the big one. Yeah. And then it's ATSTs. You have Endor with ATSTs. But yeah, I mean, I like it.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I even, I know this is controversial for you, but I liked the new one. I liked it. Okay. It's fair. I, I mean, like, I, I, you liked it. Okay. I feel like it's. Well, to me, I feel like I heard this somewhere that, um, that's, that Star Wars is best as
Starting point is 00:12:59 a genre. Like it's its own genre and I felt like that, that one to me felt like it fit, it fit in the genre, like a Western. It like, it gave you all the things that you look for. So where people thought that it was derivative, I thought it was like, oh, this, this is delivering on what a Star Wars movie is. Yeah. It's kind of own thing.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And the problem that I had with the prequels is that it didn't evoke the same feelings that the original one did. And I felt like while it's flawed, uh, Force Awakens gave me some of those feelings. And maybe it's just because the prequels are too brightly lit. I don't know. There's something like in the look of it, like it's just, everything's too bright. Like it all looked. And I, I guess you're saying that's the effects, but all looked like a commercial to
Starting point is 00:13:40 me. I would, I would, I would beg you, I would beg you to go back and rewatch them. I think that there's a lot of great stuff. I like politics. I thought you like the politics. Well, I thought that it made, I thought that they did a smart job, um, and, uh, in making sense of how the empire would come into power. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Cause it's all that shit they promised in those, in the originals where you're like, okay, well, how did this fucking happen? Like how are they getting charged? Yeah. How would they get that infrastructure? Like the prequels. I liked, I agree with that. We're watching Revenge of the Sith last night.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I, I enjoy that. Here's my other thing. With Force Awakens, it feels like they do like Jakku, which is garbage. Yeah. And you know that that Jakku is garbage and it just, it like, it feels like they're trying to do like Mario Kart levels of like, this is like, say, like this is the desert world. You know what I mean? Right.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Here's Donut Plains too. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, they've kind of established within, as Stanger was saying, like kind of the genre of Star Wars, they've established this grammar where each planet is kind of its own environment. And there's only so many environments you can do. You know, like what they, I think it's actually very creative.
Starting point is 00:14:48 They did a similar thing in Final Fantasy 10, what they're doing in Rogue One where they're got like this beach environment and we'll see how much of, whether that's the entire ecosystem of the planet or whether that's just one element of whatever planet they're going to. We'll know by the time this is out, obviously. But I mean, like, I think they basically were looking of like, okay, well, you've got like Mustafar, you've got your lava planet, we've got, you know, we've, we've hit our rain planet, we've hit the desert planet, we've hit the swamp planet, we've got the forest moon.
Starting point is 00:15:14 At some point you end up just going back to the beginning, you know, how many different environments you can do. But Lucas did that so well though. He did, yeah. He was, he was incredibly creative with it. Like the forest moon of Endor alone is cooler than any planet in fucking Force Awakens. My kids got some book, Force Awakens book, like a kid version, and it has Vesuvius in it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Oh, Constable Vuzi, Constable Vuzi, wait, what the fuck is his name? Oh, fuck. Zuvio, Constable Vuzio. Zuvio, yeah, sorry. Not Zuvius. No, you're right to forget the character that never existed. But it like, he was promised in the, in like the cards or something, but like he's in the book, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:49 There's a bunch of unsold figures. I added a couple syllables. What's that? There's a bunch of unsold Zuvio figures. Yeah, he's in this fucking book. We actually get, someone gave, who gave us the Zuvios? I don't know, someone said, someone said it's Zuvio, someone said it's the Uncar Plut. We're very bad about thinking or acknowledging anyone.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yes, I know. It was me guys. We are terrible at that. I did it. Thanks for having me. Yeah, you got it. Yeah, no, I'm a fan. Listen, I hope you guys liked it.
Starting point is 00:16:11 It was unmarked, but enjoy. Hey, if you did, if you send that to us, tweet at us and we'll retweet you and we'll thank you. That's the shittiest. Well, we, we do get to get better at that. Yeah. Thank you to everyone. We've said it, but that's why I said it before.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's the resolution. Yeah. Nice. 2017, making your resolution to thank people that fucking give you guys things, all right? Top priority. So I'm here to set you guys straight. Top priority, do a better job of thanking fans who send things and second priority, get good at doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. I guess we, I mean, do we have to do the second one? I guess we don't. You know, it's crazy. In 2000, I was 17 and now it's 2017. It was crazy. That's some crazy shit. I just think when I was 17 years old, like the idea of 2017 seems, 17 seemed like too
Starting point is 00:17:03 far. This feels, this feels future-ish. Yeah. It's a futuristic year, right? We're, we're getting into the, we're getting into some future 2020. Come on. 2020 is. I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Maybe I'll really feel it at 2020. I guess I've just kind of been taking it one year at a time and I haven't ever had that shift of like, oh, it feels like the future now. 2020, that's a TV show, but a year? 2020, it's perfect vision, but will it be a perfect year? Wait, 2020 is a TV show, right? Yeah. It's that news magazine.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oh, thank God. It's great. I still watch. Dude, I'm a big fan. I follow them on Twitter. Yeah. They got a good online presence now that, that's a smart thing to do. That is a smart thing.
Starting point is 00:17:42 You gotta, you gotta move it. Get an online presence. For that old audience. Let's put this online. Yeah. So you have, you have a son. Yeah. Boy, six.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Does that make me relatable to your young fans? I don't, I don't even, I think everybody's turning it off. Fuck this. Dad's on there. Fuck this shit. Stanger, Tender Greens, I'm out. No way. They, they need to, we, we needed, we needed the healthiness of Tender Greens.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's a good way to, it's a, it's a good first foot forward in, in the, in the new year. Right. Yeah. Ryan gave us a lot of options. Yeah. So, which is a place I have, I have a lot of thoughts of, but Mitch, you lobbied hard for doing Tender Greens. Here's my deal.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I, that's right. And that was because I'm, I'm so sick of eating at terrible places constantly. Yeah. And I told Stanger about this a little bit when we, when we were eating, when we were eating dinner. Even though I still managed to get the least healthy thing I could at Tender Greens, but we can get into that when, when we get into it. But it still just feels better than, than, than the average Doughboys restaurant for
Starting point is 00:18:44 sure. Right. I mean, I feel like it's healthier, but whether it is or isn't, you know, you're kind of buying into the, that's part of why you're eating there. So you can tell yourself that you're eating something that's good for you and something that's not too damaging to the environment. So Stanger, the dumbbells, it's a very, it's this health and fitness focus podcast. And I know that that kind of like a big part of what you've talked about on the show is,
Starting point is 00:19:07 is eating well and eating healthy in achievable ways. You're someone who's, I would say you're a stud. That would be, that would be how I'd describe you. Right? Will you call Stanger a stud? I would, but I think you're creeping him out. Real creep show coming from Weigert, creep show Weigert. No, sorry, go ahead, creep show.
Starting point is 00:19:29 As a classic hunk. Uh, yeah. No, thank you. What is your, what is your, like, what is your general meal plan? What do you, what do you put in your intake? But how have you referred yourself as a hunk before? Yeah. I mean, I'm not being, yeah, I am.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I consider myself something of a hunk. I'm not a, I'm not a traditional hunk like Stanger. Now Weigert's a hunk. I think I'm fairly hunky. He's got himself in shape. Yeah, he's a hunk. He's caught the hair short. He's a hunk of shit.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Weigert and I used to have long hair. Do you remember? Yeah. We both had long hair for a time. That is hot now. Yes. Yeah. Stanger, I remember you having, you guys were both, I've, I could never, my hair gets
Starting point is 00:20:02 long, but not like you guys. You get like the excuse that it's not an insult, like the, like the caveman, like the caveman long hair look. Right. I have like the gross Irish jeans that should be, that will be wiped out within a thousand years. There'll be no more of my blood on this plan. You're a walking recessive gene.
Starting point is 00:20:22 For sure. What do you get? Like curly hair? I get curly hair. And my hair has gotten long before Weigert. You've seen it. Yeah. I used to be a high and tight boy back in high school.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I got like a fade, like a, like a military haircut back when I was in high school. Yeah, like the flat top. Crew cut. Yeah, like a crew cut. Yeah. Yeah. You can see, I tweeted out my prom picture before you can see it in there. But, uh, I, uh, yeah, I used to, but now I let it, I let it go.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I let it go as long as I can. I don't, I don't like to get haircuts. I just am, I'm lazy. Yeah. You don't like that over-barberized look. That's real hot right now, like real, and the guys will like get their part edged into their hair. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I do. I am not. They do like the weird shave. I guess it kind of looks like, like, like characters in Fifth Element or something. Like it does look kind of futuristic, right? That's not for me. I think that I just will never shave my head ever again. Even if you start going bald?
Starting point is 00:21:17 No, I'll just let it happen. Yeah. I'll be there. Would you do it for a role? Go, force myself to go bald. Let that happen for a role? Uh, I would, uh, yeah, I would, I would, I would shave it, I guess, for, for a role. I shaved my beard for, uh, that movie other people that came out on.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's on Netflix now. Yeah. Oh, nice. I was, uh, horrified to have to shave my beard. Uh, one, I had gained weight and I didn't want to see myself without a beard. And two, I just, I hate seeing myself with a, I, I, I looked like I was wearing, like when Ryan Reynolds wears like a fat suit to myself, I looked like I was wearing, I looked like I was wearing a fat suit.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah. I looked like, like, I looked like his friend and just friend, his other fat friend and just friends and like, uh, and also my character was like, like, it was a dummy. Yeah. There's always a thing with, when a guy who, when he's got like, there's like a constant beard, finely shaves and you get to find out how much of that his face is beard and how much is face. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I'd say you've got a good amount of face under that beard. Why do you think I have the fucking beard? Yeah. I don't think you're, you're a handsome guy. You're not a bad looking guy. Oh, Nick. No, yeah, but you look better. You definitely, it's, it's a more flattering look for you to have a beard, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I think it's part of your identity. Yeah. I like think of you with a beard now. I got a lot of face too, like all have some facial hair and then I'll have to shave it and I'm like, whoa, do you guys remember Big Mac tonight? Oh, of course. I feel like I've sometimes looked like Big Mac tonight. Like the moon that sings on the piano, you know, I'm like, whoa, it's a lot of, a lot
Starting point is 00:22:47 of face on Stangman. I know that writer's an instant response of, of course. Yeah. Speaking of Mac tonight, did you guys know he's become a symbol of the alt right? They've turned him into moon man. I would say don't look it up on you because I watched some of it on YouTube. It's really horrifying, but they, it's, it's, they've turned, they've taken old Mac tonight commercials and re-edited them where they have a text-to-speech rapper with a beat
Starting point is 00:23:12 going underneath it. And it's just like the worst shit, just like talking about, you know, how Jews need to be exterminated and just like throwing out racial slurs. It's great. It's just, it's such a crazy, like I was very, some people are like upset about Pepe being, you know, appropriated by the, by the alt right by neo-nazis. Wait, who was Pepe beforehand? He was like a cartoon character that was created, he was a comic book character from, I forget
Starting point is 00:23:36 the name of the, the comic, but he, he'd like, and he kind of existed just as part of meme culture for a while. He'd kind of been turned into that. God, what the fuck is going on? Weird time. By the way, through this podcast, you've turned me into a symbol of the alt right, you fucking asshole. Yeah, you were using cuck before it was like an alt right thing and then it became an alt
Starting point is 00:23:56 right thing. We had a, we had a, we had a, we had a, we had a, we had a big long discussion about this and because cuck was a word before all of that. I don't use it anymore. Right. My, my thing with it is more just, and we talked about it on here is like, I don't want to be hacky. Sure.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I don't want to be hacky about it. But then like, we did get a couple messages about it that I was like, that's pretty alt right. And I was like, oh, I've, I've known people who've said that for a decade called people cuts cucks as a joke for over a decade. Yeah. You don't want to be hacky. Cuck is gone.
Starting point is 00:24:22 You're still going to lead off every episode by saying, hi to you. To distance yourself from hackness. I do like that. I don't have to call him a cuck. He knows he is one. I love it. I love it. Uh, I like, I love the drops when people used to do like the real, uh, doubled over
Starting point is 00:24:41 Heidi hoes. Oh yeah. And then they would play the song by Soundgarden. Those used to get me pumped up. I'd get like pumped up for it. Yeah. We should, we should, here's the, we got too many of them that were over 30 seconds and Weigar is very, uh, alt righty about me keeping it under, uh, under 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's just easy. Alt right is a shorthand for something you dislike. You're just sliding. Uh, I, I liked the ones that like were in the echo that had like, they doubled it over like four times and it would play long and then it would have the, the spoon man's song. Yeah. It's cool. Let's bring them, let's bring them back in the new year.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Well, you know what? Fine. Mitch, what a bitch. It's Mitch rules. If you want to do, you want to have longer jobs. Go with the longer drops. No, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be less of a, less of a, what word am I looking for? Less of a dictator in terms of ruling the rules of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:30 If you want to have a little input on the length of the, your drops, make them long. We should talk about lengthen them up. We should talk about, so we got to do with a fight. Yeah. And, you know, and we talked about it afterwards. I'm dying to hear this. We talked about it afterwards and, and, and Weigar and I were talking about, uh, uh, uh, you know, getting guests for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:48 So I'd like to announce that the next six guests on the Doughboys podcast. After Stanger. After Stanger. You're, you're, you're, we, because we already had you planned. Okay. Uh, but you, you maybe would have been a part of what I'm gonna call, and Weigar's gonna call it the Sinister Six. I was gonna pitch actually, I thought of this after we discussed the Spoonister Six.
Starting point is 00:26:07 The Spoonister Six. Yeah. That's great. Yeah, but you can stick with Sinister or whatever you want to do. It's your thing. I'm not gonna tell you what to do. The Spoonister Six. So we're gonna have, we're gonna have the next six guests after this are gonna be mine.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Which might mean that we might have six dark weeks. No podcast. No podcast. Let's see what happens. It's, it's not that you were necessarily upset with the guests that we'd had, but I'd to have more of a heavier hand in booking people and you, you want to have a little more input on that side. I've liked all of our guests.
Starting point is 00:26:36 You don't like any of the past shit guests? Up until Stanger. All shit. Yeah. Real fucking garbage parade of people. No, I liked all of our guests. That sort of thing of where it's, it's a delicate process. You started taking control of, of getting guests and I, and then I back off of stuff
Starting point is 00:26:54 and I don't want to, and then it becomes a thing where are you, you're not doing anything but I would, you know what I mean? So now I'm gonna get the Spoonister Six and it's gonna be great. I'm excited to see who gets in the studio. Yeah. Bug main for sure. Some weird guy from a parking lot. Hey, this guy, he's, he's only got 10 minutes, but this is Chotsky from Quincy.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Chotsky? Yeah. Also, I want to say that Stanger was one of the first members of Spoon Nation and you and Ross Kimball, a threat to, like Ross was threatening me online, a guest of the podcast who's coming around. I think he's a part of Spoon Nation now too, by the way. But we... I think he's still Burger Brigade.
Starting point is 00:27:35 No, he's... I don't think there's anyone in Burger Brigade. But, but we threatened to have a two-on-two fight. I've met Ross. He's big. It would just be me fighting Wiger and you fighting like a tough opponent. He's six, seven. He's a dude.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He's done the show, right? Yeah, he's done the show, yeah. He came on for, during Rock Lobster Fest. It would be, it would be a clash of the titans between you two. It would be, Mitch, you and I would immediately get knocked unconscious. By each other? Yeah. And then it would be like, like Doomsday and Superman.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Or like Rocky III, no, Rocky II. Right. Yeah. Where he and Apollo both get knocked down and whoever gets up first wins. Except all of that. In like eight seconds. No, the fight was about popcorn. Nick's not a popcorn movie theater guy.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Is that what it was? Yeah. Yes. That's right. That's what it was. Yeah. And then I feel like you always, like you'll... Go memory.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You'll bring it up. It was, you know, watershed moment in my life. You'll bring it up. And then every single time the guest that you had on would agree, like no way, no popcorn in the movies, which is fucking crazy. But right now we're about to change that shit because you gotta get popcorn in the fucking movie. And when someone is coming out this Thursday, I'm getting myself some fucking hot popcorn
Starting point is 00:28:42 to watch that movie. And I will like, and then Weiger, you talked about not liking any snacks in the movie. And I think like, like Mitch prodded and reluctantly, you were like, you were just like, I guess I saw the butler and we got Skittles like four years ago. It was peanut butter M&Ms. Okay. Was it the butler though? Yeah, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And it was like, you were really like reluctant. I mean, if one time we accidentally got peanut butter M&Ms for the butler. You remember getting peanut butter M&Ms for the butler. It was the last snack he got at the movie. It's the last movie snack I've had. What the hell is wrong with you? It was also too many peanut butter M&Ms. They gave me too big of a portion.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Oh, Jesus. I just like, I was like about a third of the way through, I'm like, I'm done with these peanut butter M&Ms. You brought them back to the snack counter. Yeah. But I like a beverage. I like to sip on a beverage while watching a movie, but a snack I find distracting. What do you, what's your go-to beverage at the movie theater?
Starting point is 00:29:37 I can tell you, I know that you're a healthy man, but I love the icy, and an icy at a movie can be a great time. No, I get that. I remember when I first started seeing him at the movies and I was like, this is fucking a next level situation where you get icies at the movies. I went there with a girl one time and I got an icy and I was like in high school and she was older than I was, not to brag, but and like I got an icy and she was like, are you sure you want all that sugar?
Starting point is 00:30:09 And I was like, what do you mean? And she was like, there's tons of sugar in that, aren't you worried about putting weight on? And I was like, it's, there's no fat. Like I didn't understand what fat was. I didn't understand that. Like I was like, is icies fat free? Like what the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah. And I was like the first I kind of learned about like carbohydrates. I'm not just learning that for the first time right now. I remember I blew my mind the, the, the, the, I remember a gummy, I used gummy bears to put my arm around a girl in the theater for the first time when I was in seventh grade. This girl who I was dating, she was a year older than me too. I pretended to get gummy bears for my friend and put my arm around the girl and then she had my warm, wet arm resting around her shoulders for the rest of the movie.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Do you remember the movie? I do. The movie was a Dunstan checks in. Really? Yeah. Oh, wait. Hold on. You know what?
Starting point is 00:31:01 I think that might not. I think it might actually might be the other. Ed? I think it is. Is that the, the, the baseball throwing one was Ed. Yeah. I think it might be. I think it might actually be Ed.
Starting point is 00:31:10 God, what's a theatrical run on Ed? Is Renee Russo in that too? I don't remember. She might be in it actually. I know the belongs in it. I can't. You show me in the rule books where it says a chimpanzee can't play minor league baseball. Ed 1996.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So does that work out? Was I in seventh grade? I don't know. Well, you just said that in 2000 you were 17. So four years removed. Yeah. You'd be roughly, probably roughly in seventh grade, eighth grade maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 It was Ed. I saw Ed. Yeah. Wow. You were the guy. Man, I can't believe it's one of my favorite movies still. Uh, Weiger movie theater make out story. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Anyway, I got a curveball for you both. Yeah, go for it. Not to reference Ed. But uh, Dunstan checks in also 1996. So it could have been either. One of them. There was two ape movies that year. It probably was Dunstan checks in.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I feel like that was had to be a little more successful. Right. Who was the star of Dunstan checks in? Let's see here. Uh, Jason Alexander's first build. Fade done away. Eric Lloyd. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So it was Alexander versus Shabiani at during the the Seinfeld Friends. Yeah. When that they were, that was occupying through. They were both in eight movies. They both wait. That was that. That's what they went. That's what their big move was an eight.
Starting point is 00:32:29 They both did eight movies. Yeah. It was like this. George Costanz and Joey. The studio was having an arms race. We each have like one of like the prime time hot tickets and like we got it raced. Who can get the eight movie out for us? I feel like besides like those type of nineties movies just won't like don't like you don't
Starting point is 00:32:48 see them in the theater anymore. Right. Like they don't exist in the theater. Nobody's green light in those. Like you're sunk. If you're doing that. Like where they just had money left over and they just tried stuff. Now it's like it's it's either no money or huge budget.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. We're staking everything on this movie. Yeah. You know, I feel like you don't see those. I remember just, I mean, like there's obviously still shitty movies, but I feel like you don't hear about them as much. Right. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:33:13 They're just like super low budget and they go direct to video. Yeah. Yeah. Or just right on Netflix or that account. Yeah. Direct to video. We should talk food a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 By the way, I blew right past your movie theater bakeout question because I don't have any I do. My friend worked in a movie theater in high school and she did have a story about the non-musical version of Les Les Mis. Do you remember that? There was a version they made that wasn't a musical is based off the Victor Hugo novel. Yeah. Claire Danes.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Oh yeah. But apparently someone, a guy was in that, I don't know, the front row of that movie masturbating and she had to throw him out. Anyway, that's like that's the closest I have to a make out story. That's the closest story you have to a you making out in the movie theater. Yeah. My friend throwing a masturbating guy out of. Were you the guy?
Starting point is 00:33:57 The Victor Hugo name is. That was Crankin. Crankin your hog to Jean Valjean. Is that what his name is in there? Yeah. Yeah. We should talk food a little bit. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:34:09 So real quick. Real quick. The movie that I saw with the icy make out woman was The Jackal with Richard Gear and Bruce Willis. Oh yes. Yeah. Go on. Is that Renee Russo too?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yeah. I feel like Russo could be in that. I don't know. Russo was omnipresent in the 90s. Yeah. She was in everything. She was good. I love Russo.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Great recently in Nightcrawler. She was fantastic in Nightcrawler. Amazing. Hey, Weigar, I got a question for you. Yeah. You weren't the guy who was jacking into that movie, but what's the one movie you would jack it to? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:34:43 You know, I'm going to give kind of a meta answer here. I think I'd like to jack it to the jack-off scene in autofocus. You know, when Willem Dafoe is sitting next to Greg, who's the Greg Ganeer? Two of them sitting on the same couch and they put on a porno. He's just like, this is making me hot. They both just start jacking off next to each other. My issue with your answer there is that it was the fastest answer you've ever had on the show.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I don't think there's any movie scene I think about more frequently. What about the one with, is it Happiness, the end of Happiness, where the kid jerks off? The little kid? Jesus Christ. What's a good hashtag? Tell us the movie that you jack it to. Man or lady, this is male or female. Hashtag what?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Hashtag non-porno jack. Yeah. Hashtag non-porno jack. Non-porno jack. I like it. Okay, so what's your general food philosophy as someone who's very conscious of fitness and someone who, do you still personal train another thing you did in the past? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I still got a couple of clients, like this old guard of people that I've had for years and years who really should move on. Like I tell them, I'm like, you probably could find somebody that's more into this and they're like, nah, nah, nah, nah. So yeah, I still have a couple of clients, maybe just like four or five a week. But yeah, so I still train them. And then I mean, I have like a really practical approach, not really subscribing to any of the fads.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I guess you could say like, it's maybe a paleo template. Okay. So I'm not hard fast on that, but I'll use some of the stuff that makes sense to me from paleo. And like the big thing is no grains, no sugar. Yeah, that seems like an old like Vinny Torterich who's like a celebrity trainer thing that he kind of started, but it's not, it's not anything unique. It's just no grains, no sugar.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's pretty safe. That's the hardest thing on it. It's really tough. It is. It is. I went keto at one point. Yeah. And it worked well.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I just, I just don't, I don't know. So hard to sustain. Well, that's why I like template, you know, because then it's like you make adjustments. So if you need, if you find that like just from, I don't know, from a convenient standpoint, you need to have some carbohydrates in there. Like you can add a little bit in there and not, not just not skip meals because you're like, oh, this doesn't fall into their correct criteria, but it just at least gives you a little bit of like a roadmap so that you kind of, you know, you, you have a little bit of
Starting point is 00:37:18 a plan because sometimes people just won't do anything because they don't have a plan. Yeah. I would say that's the benefit of some of those kind of more structured diets is that they can provide a little bit of a roadmap for you. But yeah, so for me, it's like no grains, no sugar. And if I do have them, it's in moderation. And then I don't let me sliding on my food stuff affect my exercise, which for whatever weird reason, at least with me and I find with a lot of other people too, it's like once
Starting point is 00:37:46 one of them starts to go, then you drop the other one, which is really weird. Yeah. You start to feel like, well, fuck it. Like it's that kind of, it's just like that first domino falling and then you're just whole, just everything. Yeah. It's like, well, why, you know, I haven't been eating good. So fuck going to the gym and then that's the end of that.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Or it's like, you know, I've skipped five workouts, so I might as well just eat whatever the fuck I want. Right. When it's like, well, that's the, it's the perfect time to double down on the other one. You know, it's like, oh, it's the holidays. I'm eating more food. Well, I'm going to have some great hikes and workouts or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And I, it's, it's weird. It's like this kind of part of our brain that atrophies or something, and you can strengthen it. You can kind of get, you know, change or adjust the balance and that and, you know, but for whatever reason, it just takes a little bit of like nerve energy to do for some reason. Yeah. I, we, you know, one thing that along these lines that I talked about a few episodes ago when we had a cool up on, yeah, we appreciate the shout out.
Starting point is 00:38:43 We got a bump. We got a Doughboy. That's a Doughboy's bump. Um, the, but you, spiking listeners, for real, we did, measurable, a thing you and Eugene talked about on your podcast that I found very helpful that I've been using in my own eating habits is thinking of a cheat meal as just a meal. Yeah. Whereas like, you know, I used to, what I honestly, prior to that, prior to hearing
Starting point is 00:39:07 that and sort of like having to have a revelatory effect on me, I would go into cheat meals like, okay, well, I got to finish these fucking onion rings because I got to get it all in. You know, just kind of this attitude of like, I got to, it's almost like a binge for me of like, time to fucking shovel all this bad food in my mouth because this is my one chance. And to not have that sort of philosophy and instead to be like, you know what, I'm full. I don't need to finish this or, you know, I don't need to make the unhealthiest choice possible here. I can just get what I want to eat and, you know, I can make some unhealthy choices, but
Starting point is 00:39:36 also like, I don't have to have, I don't have to have this heavy cup of soup just because that's, you know, less healthy. I can have the side salad. You know what I mean? It's just like small little things like that and that seems to help your overall eating philosophy as well. Yeah. You interpreted that wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Oh shit. No. No. That's, no. That's 100%. Eugene's great at like putting it real simple like that. Like, hey, it's a meal. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:02 And it's, it's so right on. Cause like I, I, um, I have compulsive eating tendencies where I will eat completely beyond being hungry. Right. And I think that's, I don't know, it's probably something broken, we're all broken toys in here, right? Oh for sure. Three of us are broken toys.
Starting point is 00:40:17 But it's something in me to where, and then especially when I would do these cheat meals to be like, oh, I'm like, this is my one day to do this. I'm going to, I'm going to schedule stuff. I'm going out to breakfast. I'm getting pancakes. I'm going to get a Sunday. I'm going to do this. I'd be completely stuffed.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I didn't enjoy it. Yeah. And then, and then I was, you know, I would want to fit as much in because I knew I wasn't going to have anything like that for a long time. Yeah. And then, and then that, you know, and then sometimes it would be hard to then wean myself off of that. And I'd have a couple of days of eating crummy or longer.
Starting point is 00:40:45 So I think, yeah, just like, oh man, this is, you know, we're going out with friends. This is a great Italian restaurant. I'm just going to order what I want. It's a meal. And then just fucking move on. Right. I'm full. I stop, you know, because it's not the last time I'm going to have this, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:58 But something about making it a cheat makes it this weird kind of green light to, you know, go far beyond what's healthy or normal. It's like you have an obligation to try to make sure this is a real cheat that you're really going for. Yeah. It's weird. Do you know what? Do you know what?
Starting point is 00:41:15 I would do it as in like, I'm like, this is the last before I'm good. Oh man. The last before I'm good type of meal is like, like, like, then I'm like. Then like that next week, I'm like, I'm doing the last one again because it's going to be good. Like I just keep doing that sort of thing in my head. Yeah. Same.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Like I've had that last day. Last weekend. We're going to do one weekend, blow it. Last week. Yeah. Last month. We're going to do the last month here and just like keep stretching it out further. That was that.
Starting point is 00:41:44 But I'm working with a trainer. We talked about this beforehand. I love it. I saw Gabriel look like he's, he's doing paleo and he looks like, and I'm like, fuck, I got to do my diet better. And that's why starting off at Tender Greens is a John boy, Gabriel, do people are people going to think I'm on here to really promote like you guys have like jumped the shark on your show.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And then like you have guests that really promote. You remember like when Schwarzenegger would show up on like Leno and just right where like at last action hero had it was like, yeah, yes, they just wanted to say that they got you a gift and then like Leno would open it and it was like, of course, you know, it's a sports jacket. This is a last action hero. Like I come in here with like dumbbells, merch and stuff. We're turning the podcast into a fitness podcast as well.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah. People, right? Yeah. We're stealing your idea. We're stealing your idea. This is how we're letting you know. Yeah. You guys can have the, the, the shitty fast food podcast.
Starting point is 00:42:39 We'll take it. We'll switch gimmicks. You guys go eat a bunch of bad food and destroy your bodies. We'll do a bad job of telling people how to work out and our listeners will end up injuring themselves. We'll be liable in lawsuits. Stanger, will you make me strong? Just make me strong.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I just want to be strong. I want to throw Weigur around when I have to. I feel like you could. You seem strong to me already. You seem strong. No, I think I could throw him around, but I don't want, like, I want it to be even stronger to the point where I could kill him easily if I wanted to. You want to rip me apart like a phone book.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Pretty much. Also, my answer, by the way, from before is death becomes her. Oh, death. Oh, that was your. John Porto. Meryl Streep and Goldie Hanna, they're the most beautiful. They look great. They're great.
Starting point is 00:43:27 It's a fun movie. I've never seen it. You've never. You got to see it. It's a mech. It's weird. I'll check it out. Bruce Willis in that one, too.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Bruce Willis is in that one, too. Weird. Okay. So, I've thrown us off track. Tender greens. I'm here to promote dumbbells. I just wanted to say that I'm here and that it's the last action hero. So what do you guys want?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Last action hero, by the way. A great movie. A great movie? It's good. It's like. When I watched it, I've only seen it once, but when I watched it, first of all, they filmed some of it in Long Beach, so I enjoyed seeing a little bit of Long Beach on the big screen.
Starting point is 00:44:03 That's so insane. You know what else they filmed at Long Beach? The other sister, Gary Marshall film, they filmed that at my high school. And also, The Craft, they filmed at my high school. Really? And Karina Karina, the Whoopi Goldberg, Ray Liotta movie, they filmed some of it. Oh, Liotta in that, baby. They have an interracial romance and then also in a time when it was forbidden and also
Starting point is 00:44:31 Ray Liotta composes the Jell-O theme. It's a very strange movie. That is weird. Yeah. He's like a commercial jingle writer. I've never seen that. I'm going to watch it. It could be my turn.
Starting point is 00:44:41 That's a weird ask for Jell-O and they're just like, all right. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Why not? The last section, it's pretty good. It's not bad. It's not, I wouldn't say it's great, but it's a pretty fun, self-aware. I feel like that's a movie that if it came out in the 21st century, people would love
Starting point is 00:44:56 how self-aware it was. Yeah. It would be sort of like, oh, this is fucking genius. Yeah, but you know what? I also, a movie that it's, the Cameron, True Lies is good. Oh, True Lies is great. That's true Lies is actually good. That's a great movie.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah. Last action hero was the end because it came out against Jurassic Park and lost. You know, that was, that was the big, yeah. Oh, wait. Is that true? It came out against Jurassic Park. Oh man. And you know, there's a big, you know, of course they are going to be extinct and it
Starting point is 00:45:25 didn't work, man. Is that, that's how they try to promote the movie was saying that Jurassic Park would be extinct. Yeah. I'm sure Schwartz. I'm just guessing, but I'm sure it happened and there was like a scene at the La Brea Tar Pits that he like would call out, you know, so of course, you know, you're going to get dinosaurs in my movie and that you have that the dinosaurs with Jurassic Park
Starting point is 00:45:43 is fine, but you watch mine is dinosaurs too. That's like the, that's like the shittiest way to try to get someone to still go. Like they were like, we want to see the dinosaur. Right. We're at the La Brea Tar Pit. It sucks. The Tar Pit suck. The Tar Pit is bad.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I live next door to the Tar Pit for a short period of time. Yeah. They are. It's a big, big one. A lot of things in Los Angeles, Nick. The Tar Pits are a let down. Boston? A lot like the city in general.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah. As far as the city, people come to Los Angeles and they're here for a couple of days and that's all they need. There's a lot to be let down by, I feel like, as a tourist. Hollywood Boulevard is garbage. Yeah. Hollywood Boulevard is bad. I think you're right that from the tourist perspective, LA is generally a let down, but
Starting point is 00:46:33 I think from the resident's perspective, it's a nice place to make your home and a lot of people who move out here never seem to leave. There's good. Do you guys, I always feel crushed when you're like on Hollywood Boulevard and they'll be, you could tell somebody that's foreign comes up and they says like, they ask how to get to the beach and you're just like, oh, it's impossible. Yeah. It's an hour and a half away.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. It's just like, what's the boss situation to get to the beach? They think it's right there and it's just like, oh boy. It'll never happen. Sorry. I feel like Hollywood Boulevard is filled with tourists who are disappointed in what the city is. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:04 We had a Spanish exchange student that stayed with us in high school, Alejandro, and he loved American movies. His favorite was Executive Decision. Loved Executive Decision, which he made us watch it and Executive Decision is great. It's a great action. Wait, he made you watch it? Yeah. He was like, we should rent it.
Starting point is 00:47:21 We should watch it. So we watched it as a family with Alejandro and loved it. I mean, this is great. Kurt Russell, Steven Segal. It's fucking awesome. Spoiler alert, Segal Top Build dies very early in the movie. And it's great. It's handled so well because you don't expect it at all.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Do you know the story behind that? No. He wouldn't leave his trailer. Really? Great to do the movie, knew that it was kind of built on his surprise death, and then he wouldn't show up. He was going to try to get them to rewrite the script or something. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:49 He wouldn't leave the trailer on his death scene. Wow. Finally. I don't know if they shot around it or if they got it. You know? Well, it's a great death scene. I'm going to start pulling that shit. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:47:57 So that's a good record. But anyway, we went to Hollywood Boulevard because he loved movies so much, and he also loved Jungle of Glass, which is what they call diehard in Spain. Wow. Weird. Yeah, because diehard doesn't translate, so they call it Jungle of Glass because all the glass that gets shot at the John McClain cuts his feet on. So we took him to see Nakatomi Plaza, which is the actual Fox building in Culver City.
Starting point is 00:48:23 He loved that. And then we took him to a Hollywood Boulevard, and he was very let down. His name is Alejandro. Alejandro. You talk about this man like he is your best friend, which I think he maybe is. Yeah, it's made me the closest friendship I've ever had. Your most meaningful relationship. His Spanish exchange student who stayed with us for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Well, I'm sure if you were like, Nick Wager, he'd be like, what? Yeah. I also, we're Facebook friends now. I later heard after he left, one of my other friends was like, was like, hey, Nick's family is crazy. Like, Alejandro would like talking shit about our family to them. Not like in a negative way, but he's just like, they're weird. They're very strange people.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yeah. Hey, fuck you. You're the one that demanded we rent executive decision. Motherfucker. We had an exchange student, Stina, and she came and she stayed in our house. She was from Denmark, and she was weird, and then she went back to Denmark, and we got a note from her a year later that she was talking about how Denmark was sinking. She's like, it's sinking.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's going to be below the water soon. We were like, oh, Stina went insane. Stina went, she went crazy. A couple of weeks in the Mitchell household, lost her mind. Can I, at the risk of running it over time already, can I tell a quick anecdote about True Lies? Of course. And you were talking about Alejandro demanding that everybody see executive decision.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I was staying with my aunt, and a friend of mine went and stayed with her. She lived in Laguna Beach, so we'd go to the beach and stuff. And while we were there, we saw the movie True Lies in the theaters, and it's a blast of a movie. So we came home, and we're like, oh, this movie was great, and she said, oh, it's that good? And I'm like, yes, I raved about it. So she's like, what, should we all go?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Would you see it again? And I was like, of course. And she said, is it okay for your cousin to come see, and I had a cousin who was like seven or eight. So I thought in my mind, I was like, well, yeah, because her, his daughter's in it, and it's like a family. They're like a family that comes together. I just kind of, like, I don't know if it was confirmation, but I was like, yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:50:27 fine. So then we go, it's a hard R movie. It really is. It's violent. There's a strip scene with Jamie Lee Curtis, and like Bill Paxton in it, and it's just like, oh man, her titties, she's got the biggest titties that make you want to stand up and beg for buttermilk. And like, we had to all leave the theater.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Asked like a 10-year-old boy. Asked like a 10-year-old boy. Yeah, I mean, he's got a really vile monologue in that. It's great. I was playing a scumbag, and it's great. Yes, but for a seven-year-old, I was just like, I could not fucking, it was horrible. That seven-year-old has to fucking learn it sooner or later. I watched the TV edit of True Lies, and there's a scene where Schwarzenegger confronts Bill
Starting point is 00:51:09 Paxton, who is trying to fuck his wife, and he's like very, like, Bill Paxton gets very small and emasculated. And in the actual movie, the R rated movie, he, like, gives the point, he's like, I got a little dick. It's pathetic. It's very funny. That sounds like our podcast. In the TV edit, he says, I hardly ever score.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Does not have the same gravity at all. Stinger, one year from now, you have to show your son the unedited True Lies. I probably will. I've seen a lot of T2. I showed him that. That's badass. What does your kid like to eat? That's what I was going to ask way early on.
Starting point is 00:51:53 He's super picky, staggeringly picky. So he'll eat, like, he eats, like, hors d'oeuvres. Like he'll eat, like, little pieces of cheese. Can't be melted. He'll eat some nuts. He'll eat vegetables, mostly just raw carrots. But he loves sweets. Like any kind of sweets or crackers or, like, real kid-type food, but he won't eat mac and
Starting point is 00:52:14 cheese. He won't eat pizza. And, like, I cook all the time, like, and so it's not like we don't cook. It's, it just won't fucking touch it. It's... Kids are picky. I feel like in two years, he'll stop, like, right around that age, kids are kind of picky with eating.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I hope. It's annoying. And he'll say, I'm allergic to pizza, because he knows, if he says allergic, it's a game stopper. You know? It's like, he has kids that have nut allergies. I'm allergic to mac and cheese, you know? But he doesn't like pizza?
Starting point is 00:52:42 No, he won't eat pizza. I tried to get him to eat a quesadilla, and it was, like, the roulette scene from Dear Hunter. He started, like, screaming and sweating and stuff. And I mean, yeah, I took him to a restaurant. We did, like, I ran him really hard. Like, we did a big hike. I was like, you're going to get hungry and eat a quesadilla, because this is part of
Starting point is 00:53:01 being a kid. And, I mean, he started, like, breathing, like, and, like, like, closed his mouth real tight. Oh, man. Yeah. Is it just anything with starch or bread that he resists? Or what is it? No, because he'll eat crackers.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Okay. Like, he likes... If it's, like, a kid thing, like, Teddy Grahams or crackers or some shit, you know? He'll eat nuggets. Does he eat nuggets? Sometimes, but he'll get weirded out by him. So then it's, like, he'll start eating them, and then it's, like, I'm done. You got to send him to Uncle Mitch's for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:53:28 That's what I think. I will. Send him over to Uncle Mitch. Why are you making that face? What? Weiger? Send him to Uncle Mitch? Send him to Uncle Mitch.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I'll get him eating melted cheese and pizza. He'll love it. I think you should open Uncle Mitch's babysitting service out of Palmerston. See how long you can stay in business. Take out a huge, like, umbrella insurance claim, like, professional liability, like, lords of London, four million dollars. I should watch, too. I got two cats.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Mm-hmm. I got a nice big TV. I'm goofy. We probably eat similar foods, kids and I. Are you an uncle at all? No. I feel like you'd be a really fun uncle. I agree.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Yeah. I wouldn't be a fun uncle, actually. You would. I should leave this interest. I should go work with kids. I would be doing the world a service. Right. I should go.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I should leave right now, mid podcast, and go work with children. Go work with kids in sort of a scared straight capacity. We'll take a quick break when we're right back with more Doughboys. Welcome back to Doughboys. We're here with Ryan Stanger. Let's talk tender greens. Tender greens. So, as we mentioned earlier, there were a bunch of restaurants we pitched back and forth,
Starting point is 00:54:41 Ryan. Every outside of California, it may not be a thing you're familiar with. It's a very local, local is a dumb word to use. It's a very healthful sort of farm to table locally sourced ingredients that are all the buzzwords that are there. The service there is kind of cafeteria style. There's a big line, a super long line, honestly, that kind of snakes through the whole restaurant at the various locations where you're kind of going, your order, and then you just sort
Starting point is 00:55:09 of walking down this assembly line as they're making your order. Then by the time you reach the register at the tail end, generally it'd be about ready. Yeah, no, it's kind of, when it's packed in there, it's kind of shitty. That assembly line thing kind of sucks. My background, I just want to say quick, my background with tender greens, when I was working at The Simpsons in 2007, I went to that original Culver City location and I would get lunch there. Like every week it was my week to get lunches, I would usually get a tender greens lunch.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And the farm to table stuff, it's almost an annoying thing to hear in LA, right? I mean, it's good, I mean, I like farmed it, it's great. Fresh food and produce is... It's annoying to hear. It's just annoying to hear. Because I mean... Also, is it really a tender greens? That is my other thing with tender greens is I don't know necessarily if it is straight
Starting point is 00:56:02 farm to table, but what does that even mean? Some old farmer's like, here's my chicken, like he gives you his chicken. Well, it's a turn of phrase, it's not literal, it's not like a farmer is taking a chicken directly from his ranch, right into the restaurant. I'm taking it literally and I'm mad about it. So what you're saying is it's, Nick, it's like there's a farmer and he just brings like a big bushel of berries to your table when you order, is that what you mean? I don't think you guys are understanding.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Wait. It's not meant to be taken literally. It's the idea is that it's outside... A farmer brings it to your table. No, a farmer is not literally entering the restaurant and bringing you raw produce. If I'm going to a farm to table restaurant, I want a big old farmer, a big fat old farmer, to come up and give me my food. Is that too much to ask?
Starting point is 00:56:49 I think it is too much to ask. I want him to talk like Foghorn Leghorn, is that too much to ask? I think there's maybe a specific theme restaurant that can pull that off, but that feels a little too cumbersome. Uncle Mitch has farmed a table. No, the idea is just like it's less as opposed to the factory farmed ingredients that you'll see at other places. I think like, I'm just throwing a name out there, I don't know if this is correct, but
Starting point is 00:57:18 say like a Panera bread is maybe the more mainstream analog to tender greens, right? That's kind of like a much larger scale. You've got fresh salads and fresh sandwiches, but I'd say their ingredient is probably more likely to be sourced from industrial farms, whereas I think they're more looking for local ingredients that you'd maybe acquire at farmer markets or direct from local ranchers. Do you know what type of restaurant I want to eat at? Table to farm. Wait, so you like, you finish eating and you give your dishes to a farmer?
Starting point is 00:57:51 What is the process here? Sure. Okay. All right. Listen, it's one of the healthy, as far as like, we talked about this and for me, a man who does not make food, which I should talk to you about because it's a huge part of eating and dieting well and living well and being happy is making yourself meals. That's the most important thing to losing weight is your food.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yes. Right. And I hate making, I hate cooking. I don't have a dishwasher, which makes things so hard. That is a pain in the ass. But Tender Greens is like one of those places that is like, oh, this is convenient, especially if you're working or whatever. It's one of those places that is just, it's one of the best healthy fast food places that
Starting point is 00:58:43 there are. Right. Without a doubt. A lot of tasty, healthy options. Yes. Right? Yeah. It's like, it doesn't feel, sometimes you go to these kind of health forward places and
Starting point is 00:58:57 the meal you're getting is flavorless and dull and it kind of feels like a chore. And this is more on the side of like, there are things you can get there that are a little bit more indulgent, kind of like a veggie grill in some ways. Yes. It's kind of like you can get things there that are pretty much like, oh, well, I know this isn't the most healthy for me, but it like feels healthier, like you were saying earlier, Mitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Probably, maybe, I don't know how processed, but less processed food, less preservatives, less chemicals. And then like, but on their specials, they'll have mac and cheese. So you can, you can, you don't have to completely walk the path there. You can, and they have baked goods and some dessert stuff. I mean, they have sandwiches, which in itself is like, you know, a bit of an indulgence. So, so Stanger, you, you did two meals with us. Did two meals with you?
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah. You went with me to West Hollywood and then you went with Mitch to Burbank. Burbank. Yep. Right before. Went to two different locations. That's a, that's a first for Doughboys, I believe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I don't think we've ever had a guest come with us, come with each of us separately. You did, you did. Yes. A lot of dedication. So yeah, I'm the first. Nobody will be able to match that. So, sorry, spoon some six or whatever, spoon is for six. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:08 So yeah, we did. Do you want to talk about what we got in West Hollywood? Yeah. So we went and we went on a Sunday morning. Sunday morning. And we got, I got these. So basically they've got a bunch of different proteins there and you can get your protein as a hot plate, which is, you get the, the kind of just like the meat on itself, by itself
Starting point is 01:00:25 with Yukon gold mashed potatoes and with a side salad of your choosing. Called simple salad. A simple salad. Or you can get it as a big salad, which is that they, they have like a, you know, it's a much larger portion of greens, absent the potatoes. Or you can get it as a sandwich and you can basically take any of their protein. So the protein I went with us is a Chipotle barbecue chicken and I went with a hot plate. So it's white and dark meat brushed with Chipotle barbecue sauce.
Starting point is 01:00:51 The mashed potato Yukon mashed potatoes, like you mentioned, and I got the side baby spinach salad, which comes with goat cheese, hazelnut and Cabernet vinaigrette. And then the other, the couple of other options that we ordered. We got some mushroom frites that we shared, which came with a little aioli. They were like kind of like, you know, just individually deep fried mushrooms. That was a special. That was a special. Another special we got there was the tuna and bean soup.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Now look, we read that and we were like, I don't know about this tune and bean soup. And I asked the guy and the guy was like, it's great. He raved about it. He raved about it. And then I tasted it and I was still like, I don't know about the soup, but it felt like for the interest of the podcast, we should get a bowl of that soup. That was some weird soup. It's weird soup.
Starting point is 01:01:31 I'll quickly say what I got. They have big salad options. And I went with this one called the happy vegan and that comes with ferro wheat and with cranberry and hazelnuts, quinoa with cucumber and beets, green hummus, tabuli and baby greens. And then I added steak to it. And they have good steak. It's flat iron steak, which is like a less expensive cut of meat, but it's actually pretty good.
Starting point is 01:01:58 It's not bad. You see it pop up in restaurants now. It's kind of like a cheaper alternative. It's not as much as like a ribeye or filet or a strip. It comes from like the shoulder of the cow. And they will cook it mid rare. It's not super overcooked like you'll get steak at a lot of places. No, you can get it cooked to temperature.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I actually have them cook it a little more than what they normally do. They leave it pretty pink. But so yeah, so I had that. And then what else did we get? And then I got their kind of seasonal vegetables as a side. Yeah. They've got really good like just like fresh vegetables there. And they've got usually a variety of a bunch of different ones.
Starting point is 01:02:31 They charm. They're not just steamed, boring vegetables. They're all fresh. They're charred. And they're seasoned pretty nicely. Yeah. There's like Brussels sprouts and different like roots, vegetables and stuff. They look good.
Starting point is 01:02:41 They do. They look good. Like they look like when you see vegetables in like a cartoon or something. Right. It looks like the carrots still have the, they're a green stem on them or whatever. And they usually look very well done. Yeah. Very rustic, very well prepared.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Like Stinger was saying, very seasoned, very well seasoned. I've had a lot of luck with a cauliflower there. Very, very tasty cauliflower. And then beverage wise, I got their green drink, which is just like a blended sort of, I think it had spinach in it and just a bunch of different things that was, it was unsweetened. So it was a little bit. But apple. There's apple in it.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yeah. A little bit of apple in it. So you're getting just like a little bit of sweetness from it. Ginger. Yeah. I don't know if those things are actually healthy. I feel like they're just, you're getting extra sugar and not getting the fiber. How much apples in there for those pressed juices?
Starting point is 01:03:30 I always feel like you'll do better with like an iced tea, right? Yeah. Yeah. Right. I mean, if you can, if you can like tolerate one of those green drinks with no sweetener in it. Okay. Just a lemon in line, but it's fucking gnarly.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah, definitely. I did their green tea, which taste, tasted fresh, brewed to me. It was really good. Like it was good, solid green tea, just plain green tea iced. Those green drinks, by the way, taste like lawnmower, but like it shavings. Yeah. They taste awful. I mean, if you don't have the sweetness to them, I've had like the plain, like a shot
Starting point is 01:04:03 of it or whatever I've had, like a, like they, it tastes like lawn clippings. It's not very grassy. Yeah. And a place like that, that kind of is cranking them out. I mean, it's probably a lot of cucumber, like they're cheapest, whatever the cheapest vegetable is. And that kind of makes it watery and more palatable. So you know, you're not getting a lot of like the Swiss chart or celery or I'm not
Starting point is 01:04:22 celery, but a spinach or the stuff that's a little bit more expensive that you would get a lot of nutrients from. And then everybody, it's up in the air as to whether or not you should go blended or whether or not you should go pressed, but I would say getting the roughage is probably the best thing. Yeah. It's almost better just to eat the vegetables as they are just raw or cooked and then have like a little bit of just like have some water or nice tea on the side.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I would say, yeah, I would say. But anyway, the, the, let's, I mean, let's talk through everything. So the tuna and bean soup has pretty fucking, it was just weird. It was weird. It's, we're, I'm sure when you're hearing it, it sounds terrifying. Yeah. It's more approachable than how it sounds is like tuna in soup form. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It was kind of a tomato based soup. Yeah. It was kind of a similar to an Italian wedding soup or a minestrone. Minestrone is what I thought. And the tuna consistency in there reminded us of canned chicken noodle soup. Right. It was really strange. Like little bits of like hard tuna.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Also bad marketing on the, like tuna soup, tuna and bean soup sounds very unapologizing. Chowder or a clam chowder, that sounds about, but like tuna soup sounds fucking nasty. It was weird. And for the guy, the guy was lovely, a nice guy, but for him to rave about it, he way oversold it because it was, it wasn't, I mean, we couldn't finish the bowl. Are you sure that this guy just didn't invent tuna and bean soup? He did have a jacket on like a last action hero jacket, but it was tuna and bean soup like a varsity tuna and bean soup jacket.
Starting point is 01:05:56 He was outside. He wasn't behind the counter. He was in front of the counter. Right. Um, yeah, no, that's, that's, that sounds fucking nasty. I feel like if you hadn't told me the protein was tuna, I might have had a slightly different opinion, but knowing it was, it was just like, it was, it was hard to get past that. Uh, it was pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:06:11 We shared the bowl and dipped spoons into the same bowl. How weird is that? Not joking. That is, that is very strange. Is that that weird? Yeah. That's weird. Come on.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Hey, work. We were cool with it. I guess I mostly eat with my wife. So I don't think of it as that weird. Sharing is, sharing is, no, that's weird. Sharing a soup bowl. No. It was weird.
Starting point is 01:06:34 There's some things you don't share. I didn't care about. Yeah. I didn't really care either. I have had time to see. Enjoy that, Nick. Say bye to your liver. So what about the, oh, the mushroom fritus.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Those were fucking, I could tell they were super unhealthy, but they were delicious. They had kind of this like tempura fry to them and the, the sauce that they came with the dipping sauce was, was just a little bit of tang and they were really, really good. Exquisitely fresh to me. Yeah. They were fucking great. Like they were hot fried, like right there with like fresh batter, nothing frozen about them at all.
Starting point is 01:07:10 They've been hot. They were piping hot and they stayed, they stayed delicious all the way through the whole meal. So like right out of the fryer, they were good and then they maintained their temperature all the way through. Yeah. They didn't turn gooey and, and sort of fall apart. They, they had that same sort of crispness and flavor.
Starting point is 01:07:24 They were, they were, they were quite good, but I felt like eating like more than one of them. I was like, Jesus, this is just a bunch of calories, but, but I would say excellent. Yeah. Very good. You guys, I don't usually do like appetite. Like I'm thinking of our meal tonight and that's like what I always just do at 10 degrees is just the one big salad or a meal or a soup.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's really all you need because it's a pretty healthy portion there. Yeah. It all comes out at the same time too. Right. Right. It doesn't, they didn't serve it as an appetizer. It all came out at the same time. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:51 The chipotle barbecue chicken I've gotten before, I like it because I usually go with the salt and pepper chicken just because I don't really need any of the extra sauces, especially if I'm trying to eat kind of healthy, but I feel like the chipotle barbecue sauce is not overpowering with sweetness. It's just got just like a little bit of, it's more chipotle than barbecue, which I appreciate. And the side, maybe spinach salad, goat cheese hazelnuts, cabernet vinaigrette that I mentioned. Again, you know, like it's not the kind of salad I like. That was the one the guy recommended.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I don't really like sweet vinaigrettes. This guy was steering us wrong, I think. This guy sucked. He was giving his own opinions. I feel like there's something at Tender Greens that the employees are a little too enthusiastic at times. Right. Like I went with my wife once and she asked if the mashed potatoes came with gravy with
Starting point is 01:08:34 a very reasonable question to ask. And the lady behind the counter was like, not in a shitty way, but in kind of like a prideful way, was like, oh, our potatoes don't need gravy. It's like, all right, calm down. You can just say no. Like, you know, we don't need to go that far. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Quit flying so close to the sun, Icarus. It's tumbling down. It sounds like you guys wanted a Captain Phillips and you ended up with a Captain Ron. Am I right? That you wanted him to steer you right. Oh, okay. Yeah. Don't give me that quizzical look.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I was so confused. It made the most sense, more sense than anything I've ever said. Even Captain Phillips fucked up. I think that was why it confused me. Well, when Captain Ron comes through for him in the end, doesn't he? Yeah, Captain Phillips gets his ass kicked by Somali pirates, has it been bailed out by Navy Seals? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And then the pirate dies and you kind of feel bad for the pirate. Yeah, you feel bad for the pirate and then at the end, Captain Phillips is like a little, like crying little baby man. Yeah. But it's really, he looks that bad. Yeah, he's like really busted up. He's like, whoa. Here's my thing.
Starting point is 01:09:36 It's the actor who played the Somali pirate. He was nominated for... Barcat Abdi. Yes. And he was nominated for Academy Award. He got paid like in this shitty industry that we're in, he got paid like $450 or something. Yeah. Or like some insane, like it was scale or it was like $4,000.
Starting point is 01:09:53 It was something terrible. He got paid like the rate you'd get for like a branded Pepsi next spash, like spot that would be on I would love that. Yeah, those are things you're not, those are our money makers. That's where you guys have seen me. I just hope that that man has gotten rolls and he's made some money since then because... He was great in it.
Starting point is 01:10:17 He had that iconic line, I'm the captain now and then everybody like parodied it. Yeah. He's got no credit for that. He made it famous. Yeah. And now I feel like, like there was like, oh, he'll work from here and then I haven't seen him, I haven't seen him in much since then. He's doing well.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I hope he's doing well too. Barcat, if you're out there, come on the podcast. You're welcome anytime. That's gonna be a big no from him. The mashed potatoes, I think, are really good there in that very vigorous employee there's defense who is advocating for them. They are very, very tasty, very buttery. They feel indulgent.
Starting point is 01:10:54 They feel unhealthy. I feel like though, but I mean, you feel like you're getting mashed potatoes that if you're gonna spend the calories on those mashed potatoes, you feel like you're getting your calories worth in terms of flavor. And to be fair, she didn't know that gravy is your favorite food and you'd be so upset by... Okay. I was asking, she wasn't asking on my behalf, now she wanted to know for herself if there
Starting point is 01:11:12 was gravy available. I think it's a reasonable question. That lady didn't know that she was gonna hang her up, the king of gravy, the gravy king. I'll gladly take the gravy king as a title. And you were like, well, fortunately I brought my own and so you have like a little camel bag like they use for jogging, you have like your own gravy that you're able to siphon out on your wife's. But it was he, he was finishing it as you guys got to the cashier.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Look, if you want to supplant the burger boy with the gravy king, I will gladly take that as my nickname. May as a new year, new name. Gravy king is cool, but I like burger boy. I know you don't like it. I like it. They can co-exist. I like them both.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Stanger, tell us about your meal a little bit. Yeah, so the happy vegan is really good. You've got a bunch of different tastes on there and flavors. And as far as does it deliver on being authentic, you know, like Lebanese or wherever the country of origin, those foods, you know, like the hummus and the tabbouleh, I don't know. But they take, it's tasty and it's fresh. Like you can hear, you can taste the brightness of the parsley and all that stuff in there. And it's kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:12:16 You know, you get, you get a little hardiness to the salad, the dressings good, not overdressed. Everything just tastes really fresh and you don't get a ton of steak, but you get a reasonable amount for a dinner serving and it's well seasoned and tasty. It's all, it's my thought on tender greens is that it's, it's, it's always good. Like it's, it's good. Very, very solid and functional. Yeah. I feel like it, it gets the job done.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I'm always happy to go there. I'm never like fucking out of my mind excited, but I'm always happy to go there and it's, it was good. So I'm describing it as a solid C one time. I forget who said that, and listen, I, right, and that sounds negative, but maybe I think that's a reasonable thing to say. Go ahead. I liked this place.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I went there with the Simpsons and like at Selman, maybe he's listening. He like, I think he was a guy, like if I went there too often, they were like, not tender greens, the writers, you know what I mean? And I was like, this place is great. I didn't understand it. I get that more now. Here's my issue with tender greens now is that the quality of it seems to go back and forth.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Like you can get, you can get one meal that's really great from there and then you can get another meal where like it's like the ingredients will just be like, oh, there's like more chicken or there's a ton of lettuce or there's, and it's not consistent. And we're like a place like even sweet greens, which is sweet greens is like a thing where they, a man, like they just kind of like shovel things in there. That is more consistent than tender greens is. That's true. Which is weird.
Starting point is 01:13:43 And sweet green is also nationwide. It's a lot bigger. Yes. So you'd expect there to be more consistency issues. And I wonder, and I wonder with tender greens, because, you know, it's like it feels like it's a thing that's expanding. And if that is part of the issue or what it is, tender greens also like here's a farm to table issue.
Starting point is 01:14:00 I had a bug in my tender greens one time, right? But it's, it is a thing that I like so like that's going to happen and it is a place that I like so much that I kept going back. But just recently I got, I usually do the Chipotle barbecue chicken salad, no tortillas, strips and tomato soup. That's like my go to. That's what I usually always get. And I got a salad from there recently and it was all, it was like all guacamole.
Starting point is 01:14:26 It was like, it was all guacamole. It was insane. Like the entire. They're like, oh, sorry. This was a side of guacamole that we gave to you. It was like, it was a Chipotle barbecue chicken salad, but it was like all guac. Like it was like a, like, like a, what's it called? You know, oops, old berries or it was like, it was like that where it was like.
Starting point is 01:14:47 It's like careful what you wish for. You're always wishing for more guac. I didn't even want that. It was, it was, it was insane. I wish I had taken a picture. It was, it was so much guac. It was like the entire thing. And there wasn't even a lot of lettuce.
Starting point is 01:14:59 There was like a very little amount of lettuce. And I was just like, this is fucking garbage. This is like $15. It's like a big, the big salads are expensive. Yeah. It's $15. And that was, it was, and it was fucking crazy. It was disgusting.
Starting point is 01:15:11 It was like truly a putrid meal. Like I couldn't, it was one of the most disappointing meals I've ever had in your life. In my life, I swear to God, it was, it was really, really, because it would be that sort of thing of like, here's guac, just eat guacamole, which I mean, some people would like to do. But, but, but it was, it was nasty. And my other issue with them is that the salad dressing containers there are so tiny when you get to go on. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And when you get a lot of lettuce, and this is me, I like, I need the salad dressing for to taste good. Sure. And even that trick of, I don't like to like do that trick where you, where you put the salad dressing on, then you shake it. Are you a shaker? No, I'm a stirrer. The shaking, I feel like, is cumbersome.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I'm not a shaker. It doesn't work. It doesn't work very well. You need like a giant canister. Right. My issue is that, yes, it doesn't work in like, you lose a lot of the dressing on the, like the container. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:11 It just goes onto the side of the container. I'm not, I'm not a shaker. If you're a shaker, hashtag shaker. And if you're not a shaker, what? Like, shake it off. Yeah, shake it. All right, good. Did we do that?
Starting point is 01:16:21 I feel like we did shake it off or something else. I think Taylor Swift did it. That's what I'm thinking of. Yeah. It's a big hit for her. You're thinking of the Taylor Swift song? Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:16:32 It's, it's don't really confuse our podcast with a song. We've talked about this before. Podcasts are like songs. Yeah, no, I just feel like the consistency of that place is, is, is, is so up and down. Right. I do like it. It is, it is. And I've, I've been now going there for like almost a decade when I was there at the Simpsons
Starting point is 01:16:50 and it's also chaotic there and they get things wrong is the other thing too that I wanted to bring up. Like, like if you ask for extra dressing or if you ask for whatever, it is a place that will get those details wrong a lot of the time because it is such a. They're so high volume. Yeah. Yeah. They'll, they'll fuck things up.
Starting point is 01:17:06 They'll forget things. Nally had a really bad service incident there once where they just like completely forgot one part of her order and then just like she was like waiting for like had gone through the whole line and then had to basically wait another line's worth of time for them to bring out her order because they just forgot to do it. Oh man. So like it's just like they do little fuck ups like that, but it keeps me coming back. I think there's something about they, they challenge themselves to do, to make things
Starting point is 01:17:32 and prep them there. You can kind of see them while you're waiting in line, you see them cook and prep what they're, what they're making for you. Right. They're kind of exposed, but I think that that allows for some level of air to happen. Yeah. You know, it's just like, it's kind of like what makes them interesting or unique is kind of what makes them problematic sometimes.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Oh yeah. And like if they're seeing like a thousand customers and a lunch shift and you, you know, they've got like, they're making maybe 10 errors, but you happen to be one of those 10 customers, then that's just an experience you're going to remember. It's confusing to me that them and sweet, that place in sweet greens are like the two places I can think of that really do, do that like a healthy fast food sort of deal. Like there's, I think sweet greens doesn't do as much preparation though. They'll, they'll pull ingredients for you and they make it custom, but they're not doing
Starting point is 01:18:21 as much preparation. Yeah. They're just assembling it. So they're just assembling. So that's why I think at tender greens, you get like the wild fluctuation where it's like sometimes I get a lot of, like a lot of the protein, the steak or the chicken or sometimes I get not enough at all. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Or it's just like, oh, I get three fucking pieces. You're gonna feel it. I'm a grown boy. Yeah. You got to figure that shit out. Tender greens. You got to get that shit in order. Tell us about your guy's meal.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Yeah. So I had, I told, I usually get the chipotle barbecue chicken salad, the big salad and a tomato soup. Tonight I went with a plate I got, and I got, and I, since I usually do the chipotle barbecue, we kind of did a flip-flop wager. I got the salt and pepper chicken. Yeah. It wasn't that interesting.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I got the salt and pepper chicken hot plate and I got that with tender greens, simple salad, which has a sherry vinaigrette and it's like just mixed greens or whatever. And or I guess it's tender greens. It's tender greens. It's tender greens. It's, I guess that's their namesake. That's their big salad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:24 It's great. It's weird. We don't think to hang the franchise on. Right. The side salad. The side, the simple salad, which it is good. The vinaigrette is good. I had issues with how much it was dressed because I feel like they just don't care.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And then the salt and pepper was getting, of course it comes with the side of Yukon gold mashed potatoes, which are good. But I did, I was eating them today, I was like, have they slipped in quality? I can't tell if they slipped in quality. The gravy line is crazy. I get it because they are so good that you don't need gravy, but like, you could have gravy on them. If you, if you wanted to, you're not going to, if someone really wanted gravy, they could
Starting point is 01:19:57 put it on there would be great. But I get that they're good enough to not have them with it. But I also feel like maybe the quality is dipped a little bit. And then I had, what's the name of that tea I had? I had a. A hibiscus tea. Hibiscus iced tea, which was good. Is that sweetened at all?
Starting point is 01:20:12 It is. Okay. Yeah. Not, not good. I didn't, I was like, oh, this is probably as bad as the lemonade because I've done, the mint lemonade there is pretty decent too. Yeah. No desserts or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Like, well, I've heard your guys order and I was like, oh, we could have done stuff like that. And I've had some of their desserts before and they do do a good job. They make some, they make tasty desserts. And like, in general, I do think that there is some good stuff there. It's just, it's a frustrate, I throw in that frustrating category. Right. And that's, I want to hear from people, the most frustrating, like, you know, the, the
Starting point is 01:20:45 restaurants that are on the edge of being great. Because I feel like there's a lot of places like that. Hashtag hunger pains. Hunger pains. That's perfect. Because I feel like tender greens could be like, well, we'll get into scoring. I feel like it could be so much better before we get into scoring to tell us real quick, Stanger about your second meal night.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah. So I got one of the plates to change it up a little bit. And I, for the sake of the show, figured I would do a fish option. They have, I got the herb brushed albacore, it's grilled rare with sea salt, lemon and olive oil. I got it as a plate. So it came with the Yukon Gold potatoes and to be different, I got the baby arugula salad, which has fennel, fennel, fennel, fennel, parmesan, uh-oh, stingers, having
Starting point is 01:21:29 a stroke, lemon vinaigrette as a dressing. And salad was good. I didn't taste a lot of the fennel in there. I like, I like to taste the fennel. Yeah, me too. Didn't taste a lot of that in there. The fish, I had them cook up a little bit because I always feel like they do things a touch rare for me.
Starting point is 01:21:45 They really do there. And it was seasoned nicely. Did they overcook it? I saw it. It looked pretty well. Yeah, I might have, I might have been mistaken in my request to have them. Because they were going to do it medium rare and then I saw it and I was like, this looks like not, not maybe well done almost.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah. I don't know. They, they sliced it into like thinner pieces too. I wonder if that was to give it more of a cook through for me. Could be. But it was tasty. I mean, it tasted probably frozen, which is fine. I mean, most fish are going to get these days, especially at that price point is going
Starting point is 01:22:15 to be frozen, but it wasn't like some, you know, tilapia or some kind of like garbagey fish. And it was, it was not a ton of meat, but tasty. The potatoes tasted okay to me. They were a touch cold. I thought. I agree with that. Just that they're warm, but I, you know, I'd like them really hot and I think that's an
Starting point is 01:22:34 issue with tender greens too. It's just like a big open space and yeah. So I mean, there was some heat on them, but not maybe not quite enough for my taste if I'm being nitpicky, which I guess is what we're supposed to be doing, but all in all, you know, like salad was good. I liked the dressing and yeah. That's part of, I mean, that's part of the issue with the, you're getting all that stuff on one plate.
Starting point is 01:22:53 So you've got the cold salad and you've got the hot potatoes. And so you can't put it on it. You can't serve it on a hot plate. You got to serve it on a room temperature plate. So if that's sitting there for just a little bit while they're waiting for your protein or while your thing's on the tray while they're ringing you up at the register, it can cool down a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Do you know, you guys mentioned fennel? Yeah. You know, if someone was just like, Hey, you know fennel like doesn't exist. I'm like, huh, I think I would believe it. You're a fennel skeptic. Like you doubt the veracity of its existence. You might have a spot in this current administration. If you got any foods out there that you don't believe exist, hashtag food skeptic.
Starting point is 01:23:30 If someone was like fennel doesn't exist, they just, someone made it up. It's not a thing. I'd be like, okay, I believe it. I don't believe in fennel. I guess, yeah, I guess that. I mean, I didn't find it till later in my life. I guess I don't know what it was until later. I guess if I'm thinking about that, caraway seeds would be mine.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Yeah. I don't know if I know what a caraway seed is or if I've ever seen one. I want to see someone online prove that caraway, what is it? Caraway seeds. Caraway seeds. I don't think they do exist. Yeah. Show me one.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yeah. Um, for me, I guess it would be, um, ah, shit, uh, persimmons. No, I've had them. I know. I know persimmons. We have persimmons in our home. That's another one for me. A passion fruit.
Starting point is 01:24:14 What is a passion fruit? That's another one. I can't place it. I know guava. Yeah. I've had passion fruit juice. I don't know if I've seen an actual passion fruit. But I've never seen the fucking fruit.
Starting point is 01:24:22 All right. That's a good answer. It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. Prove it. Prove it, Spoon Nation or Burger Brigade. This is the least informed podcast on any topic because I'm denying that some foods exist.
Starting point is 01:24:37 I'm just aware, like, we have a food podcast and if you're just like, oh, I like, I'm a foodie. So, here, these guys talk about cuisine and then you just hear in, like, three doltes are talking about foods we don't think exist. That's not a nice call. Stinger and dolt. Stinger's not a dolt. Stinger's a smart guy.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Nah. I am a dolt. Let's get to our final thoughts on tindergreens. So, Stinger, you know how this works? Give your summation of your experiences and then give us a fork rating on the order one to five forks. Whoa, what? My favorite ever was Neil Campbell when he came on here and talked about Pizza Hut
Starting point is 01:25:11 and gave, like, a nice review and summation, you know, he was like, ah, you know, I got what I ordered when I was a kid and, you know, and so that was good and it ultimately kind of delivered and satisfied all those, you know, tastes that you have for Pizza Hut. Not the best, not the worst, and one fork. Yeah. You guys were like, what? It was one of the most controversial things to ever happen in Doughboys. Might have been one year ago from this episode.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Really? Yeah, I think it might have been in January of 2016. All right, if one more man says it so, then I believe it. I also noticed that no matter what people say, you guys always say, wow. Like, Nick, say three and a half forks. Three and a half forks. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:54 And then I'm like, wow, God, they must have like a staggeringly different score and then yours will also be three and a half forks. It tricks me every time. Stinger, Stinger, you're pointing out how bad our podcast sucks. Yeah, we didn't need any help in that regard. It's part of the charm. People like to see the jazz. So, OK, Tender Greens.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I have no nostalgic connection to Tender Greens at all. Like, there's no, I didn't grow up on it. It's new. I've had some good times going there. It seems to be one of those places that can please everybody, you know, for the most part. It delivers on being you can easily eat healthy there. And while they do get overwhelmed when they're busy, they seem to care. Like they seem to, I don't know, maybe they get a little sloppy in their food preparation,
Starting point is 01:26:41 but they like everybody seems helpful. Like they are. They hustle around. They clear the plates. I've gotten my drink refilled there before. Like I don't think that's they have to do that. But they try. Usually in restaurant staff is pretty good.
Starting point is 01:26:54 But yeah, yeah. And people are friendly and maybe too enthusiastic. But I don't know if I can, I don't know if I can grade them down for that. So God, as far as delivery on what they promise and like an overall dining experience, I mean, it's all in line. Like it's all in line. So I don't know if that bumps them into, you know, the excellent category. I think what I'll have to do because they do, they do deliver on what's promised.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I do always have positive food experiences there. It's never gross or anything, obviously. And it's kind of, it's, it's its own thing. I'm going to say, I'm going to say three and a half forks. Wow. Wow. Wow. Three and a half forks.
Starting point is 01:27:38 I can't. I don't know if I can quite. It feels right. Doesn't it? For you guys? Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Wow. Anyways. Go ahead, Mitch. Wow. Ten degrees. Mine blown. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:54 I can't believe. Wow. Three and a half forks. Wow. I can't believe that you gave that score. One of my thoughts on tendering is this is a place that I could, I could give five forks to this place if it was as good as it was my best time I've eaten at, at 10 degrees, which I told Stenger this, like the best experience I've had at 10 degrees, I'm like, this was
Starting point is 01:28:14 good and this is healthy. And this is what I expected from this place. And this is, this is perfect. The issue with tender greens is that the, the, the consistency is so up and down, especially like it is a takeout place. That's what they know for it. The order's wrong a lot. The in, I was saying the in-house staff is good.
Starting point is 01:28:33 They'll be very helpful. They'll give you drink refills. They're, they're right there helping out, but they, but they get orders wrong, like a lot of the time, not like, this is, this thing, this is the thing that, because I worked at the Simpsons. I saw it happen all the time, like it happened all the time and the consistency of the food will just be up and down and they got to fix that dressing issue. They got to get a bigger container for the dressings.
Starting point is 01:28:56 They just got to do it. If they did all that, I think it would push it into, you know, like four to five fork territory. I'm surprised at Stanger's thing, but I'm going to go myself with three and a half forks. Wow. Wow. Wow. Three and a half forks from the swimming.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Wow. Wow. The same score as yours. Wow. Yikes. That's. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Let me take a short break. Wow. All right. A seven. A C. Yeah. I mean, this is the, I think there's nothing you guys said that I can disagree with it. Tender greens, the time we went to review it Stanger, we went to Sunday morning.
Starting point is 01:29:37 I'd went three times to tender greens that previous week. Just because it was like by an office I was working at. Yeah. And it's just so real, like safe, reliable, not in terms of its consistency, because as you pointed out, Mitch, it does have some consistency issues. I've seen it less in the quality of the food and more and just like, you know, getting things wrong and emitting things. But it's reliable in terms of like, you know, kind of know what you're going to expect
Starting point is 01:30:01 generally and it's like a healthful meal that's, you know, not crazy. Like you can get a cob salad there and it's good. But I feel like I'm reviewing the color beige or like a glass of water. It's like, okay, I might have, I'll have water every day. I will eat at tender greens more frequently than a lot of places. I definitely know that the, just to pick a random chain that I, that I really enjoy. I know that like the quality of ingredients and the preparation is a little bit more, there's a little bit more care put into it.
Starting point is 01:30:34 It's a little higher quality product than say a fud rockers, but I'd much rather eat it a fud rockers. I was thinking that tonight because I walked by fud rockers on my way to tender greens and I was like, I wish I was going to fud rockers. Wouldn't you have so much more fun at a fud rockers? It's just such a boring place. It's such a safe place. Doesn't challenge you.
Starting point is 01:30:54 It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't bring me any joy to eat there. It's just, it's a very mechanical process. I'm moving down to three forks, by the way. I think you've won me. You're right. Wow. I'm just going down to three forks. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Jesus. Wow. Fucking Christ. Holy shit. It's just changed to three forks. Wow. Fuck wow. I wasn't expecting that.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Wow. And I'll be right there with you spoon man. Three forks. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I just gave it three forks.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Wow. Wow. Let's take a short break. Like ourselves. We're in the hand holding club. We're in the same. We're in the same. We're in the same.
Starting point is 01:31:32 We're in the gym woods coined hand holding club. And we're ballpark buds. Ballpark buds. Because you got that extra half fork in there. Yeah. I can't go down to three. You summed it up perfectly. I feel like mine was dumb sounding.
Starting point is 01:31:41 No. Not at all. I felt like Travolton. Whenever I listen to myself on podcasts, I feel like I sound like Travolton Saturday Night Fever. I was like, you know, like, you're like, oh, like, you know, like, it's like, oh, like, it's not like you like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, three and a half fours.
Starting point is 01:31:57 I like in my mind, like I wanted it to be like the end of like a, I don't know, some movie where somebody says something real smart. Oh yeah. No, that's every. Every client. That's every episode for us. I feel like we, I mean, you call me dumb openly piece of shit. What?
Starting point is 01:32:14 Or you want to say I'm trying to be a little bit more genteel. Yeah, but it's worse because you think it, you fuck. Right. You might be mean to Mitch, but you're a wordsmith. You're a word. So it's good. And then I hear that. I'm like, oh, that's what I should have said.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Like beige, like drinking water every day. That was a perfect thing to say. You summed it up well. I don't think it was that smart. It was smart. I think I, I think it may be a, I don't think of that. I think I have. No, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I don't think you're that smart. Yeah. I'm this round. I think you're fucking smart as shit. I think I'm a bullshitter. I think that the bullshitter secret is that people think you're more intelligent and more informed than you are. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:50 This is the smartest thing you've ever said. But I think I am because like I will, I can go into like a meeting with nothing and sort of seem like I know what I'm talking about. And you know, even if people are like 30% thing and this guy is completely full of shit, there's enough doubt for them to be like, oh, okay, I think this guy knows what he's doing. What are you talking about? You're right.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I don't know. That is, but also he shouldn't have revealed the secret on the show. You're not going to work ever again, which is good. Guys, also, I never even ate at Tender Greens. Holy shit. You are there by yourself, Stanger. What? Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:25 All right. Wow. That was our, that was our Tender Greens review. It's time for a new segment. We've got a box full of treats from Ireland. courtesy of a former guest and friend of the podcast. It's a new segment. Aaron McGathey, go bra.
Starting point is 01:33:41 What the fuck? This is sprung on me. Hey, great version of that song, by the way. Did you record this yourself? You recorded it like Bobby McFerrin style where you just made it all with your voice. It's a Danny Boy ringtone from an old crazer. All right. So Aaron McGathey, who is on her Chuck E. Cheese episode, great guest.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Great guest. Great episode. Great guest. This feels terrible, which is right here on Feral Audio, a very funny podcaster. So she gave us. Ugly cakes. Yeah. She now, Ugly Cakes by McGathey.
Starting point is 01:34:24 She now lives in Ireland and she sent us a box of Irish treats, which we're going to sample on the show. Did she move to Ireland because of us? Yeah. She did the podcast. It was like, I don't want to be on the same continent as these guys. Aaron, you're the best. Thank you for this gift.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Thank you, Aaron. Aaron McGathey. We got a whole box of treats. Also, Nick, I brought this up. This is a bumper sticker that that guy Mitch gave us and it was says, once a scout, always a scout. And I wanted to give you that. You just got a new car.
Starting point is 01:34:48 And I don't know if you want to maybe put that on your car. Oh yeah. Wager's car is fucking sick, bro. I got a Prius. It's not that sick. It's all murdered out black. You should call it Darth Vader. Once a scout always got
Starting point is 01:35:04 I didn't have a great experience in the Boy Scouts of America, but I appreciate the bumper sticker. You hung in there right till the end, right? Yeah. I didn't even get an Eagle Scout. Got rights to, I edged it in Boy Scouts. I edged it right up until Eagle Scout, but I didn't get over the hump. So what are our treats?
Starting point is 01:35:21 We got here. Mitch and Nick, I brought you back some snacks from Ireland and Stanger, I'm going to add. I hope you enjoy. The chips opened in flight, but one's fresh. I'll give you the not fresh ones. Love, Aaron McGathey. Does it say Stanger on there? Did it say Stanger on the note?
Starting point is 01:35:35 No, I think you threw that in there, right? Oh, no, no. I'm looking at it. It says Stanger on there. Wow. That's amazing. That's so nice. I got the rest.
Starting point is 01:35:44 They're all fresh. So we got it. We got a big mix of stuff here. All right. Well, we can just go through a sample of what we got. All right. We got ourselves a crunchy bar. Here you go, Nick.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And then he dropped it immediately. I could not have done a worse job of catching that. And it went through his hand. Here you go. Stanger coming out of Stanger, the athletic one, he caught it. We got double decker, which is a candy. Some milky mints. Cadbury Crunchy, OK.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Athelone sweets and says milk teeth. And oh, yes, they are. So they are in the shape of teeth. Yeah. European people love milk stuff. Yeah, cheese. Everything's milk stuff. Crunchy.
Starting point is 01:36:24 I'm trying the crunchy. Then a boost bar, a double decker, and mini rolls, and a snack bar. We got to split all those up. And then we got O'Donnell's of Tipperary, hand-cooked crisp. They did open and fly. I get what she meant. OK. The bag actually ripped open.
Starting point is 01:36:39 This is about a week or so old, so let's see how I'll eat one and see. We just may not get an accurate assessment of how they actually taste, but a little stale. A little bit, but not bad. OK. I'm going to hand you this crunchy bar. I just took a bite of. Oh, I actually like these.
Starting point is 01:36:51 No. I got the crunchy bar. I like these chips. OK. The crunchy bar is pretty good. It's got like a caramel inside. Is there caramel in that motherfucker? I'm not sure what the flavor is, because it says it's got milk in it, but it tasted
Starting point is 01:37:03 kind of caramel-y to me. These are kind of the, what are those violet crumbles or what are those things called? Right. It's that kind of very sweet. Yeah. It kind of looks like honeycomb when you bite into it. Honeycomb, that's what I'm thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:19 But a handy version of honeycomb. Right, right. These chips are, they're mature Irish cheese and red onion flavor. Here you go, Nick. Oh. They're good. I mean, I got one that didn't taste stale and one that did taste stale, but it was good. Is this triggering anything for you, Ancestor Lee, Mitch?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Um, yeah, it reminds me of how Irish food is not great. Those chips are good. Yeah, actually, that's not even true. I think the chips are, and also I think that's a weird thing that Irish people have. Yeah. I feel like my mom wasn't the best cook. Oh, she'll kill me. She makes a great baked attic.
Starting point is 01:37:59 My dad, my dad made a lot of great meals too. He did like a steak au poivre and a few other things that were great, but I guess Irish people aren't known for their food, but when I went over there, it wasn't that bad. I talked about how we had toasties and stuff, I've said this before on the podcast. The sweets are, like they remind me of UK, like the crunchy is like, this reminds me of such a UK, like you were saying the honeycomb thing is just kind of strange. Yeah. I mean, it's good.
Starting point is 01:38:24 I mean, it's like, I like it. It tastes like the kind of thing you can get over here, so it's interesting to experience. It's fresh. It's a little sweet for me. It's like really milk chocolatey. Yeah. Well, here we are. We're going to open up into these mini rolls from Cadbury.
Starting point is 01:38:35 These look like Susie queues to me. Yeah. And they're each individually packaged. I caught that one, huh? How do you like that? Wow. Good job. Mini rolls, the king of chalk and roll.
Starting point is 01:38:45 It's a Doughboy's caliber pun. Yeah. That's as bad as something we'd say. That's what yours says on there. Yeah, mine does. What does yours say? Mine says mini roll, massive joy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:56 I don't know what they're going for there, but... Mine says ROFL, Rolling on the Floor Laughing. I've heard that before. Good. A little good. I feel like I've had this before. This is pretty good. So it's got this kind of spongy texture to it, and it's got this vanilla cream inside.
Starting point is 01:39:15 Yeah, strong chocolate flavor to it. Yeah. Pretty good. Kind of like a zinger. Yeah. Looks like a hostess treat, but maybe a little, maybe a little more complex. Yeah. Like one of those.
Starting point is 01:39:28 It's accurate. It's fully coated with chocolate. Yeah, it's like a cylindrical. And then we're going to go into the milky mints, and maybe we'll do one more after this. Okay. Milky mints. Richies, richies, milkin, milky mints?
Starting point is 01:39:42 Milky mints. Milky mints. Ooh, Richie's got some milky mints. It's a very strange, just assemblage of words. It feels like Saltwater Taffy sort of deal, but oh my god. Oh, they're hard, kind of. Oh yeah, that's really hard. That's like a thing you suck on.
Starting point is 01:39:57 I wasn't expecting to bite into it, but it's like a hard candy. It's like a hard thing you suck on. What was that? Remember how you called him a wordsmith? It's like a hard thing you suck on. All right, I'm going to try to explain it to you. This is a hard thing you suck on. You hear that burger brigade?
Starting point is 01:40:20 I don't know. I spit it out. It's not bad, but I just don't want to be sucking on this hard candy for a while. It goes a little soft. Maybe I'll try one later. It's too much. All right, last one. Mildly minty.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Let's do these milky teeth. Here we go. Okay, milky teeth. I hope this isn't similar to the other one we just had. Let me pass this over to you. They look like teeth. This is genuine. They are the gums and white teeth.
Starting point is 01:40:49 They look like an entire bite that has been taken out. What do you call this? Gums? Yeah, it includes the gums, the gum line, and then 12 teeth in a row. It's kind of boomerang shaped. It's actually really disconcerting. I'm going to take a bite of this. Actually not bad.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Yeah, not bad. Just weird to look at and weird to eat. It is kind of like a powdery gummy. It's like a milky teeth. No, that's the only thing. It's gummy, like a powdery gummy. Yeah, it's weird that it's covered in powder. Yeah, maybe that's a freshness thing or something.
Starting point is 01:41:29 I don't know what that is. The texture is kind of nice though, right? Right, is it? Yeah, it's not bad. Gummy? I mean, I think that's a novelty. I don't think that's a thing I would eat with any regularity. I think that's a thing that you'd get to freak out kids on Halloween.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Imagine wolfing this whole bag down? No, definitely not. What do we got here? This is the boost. Do you have another one of these boosts, Mitch? They're just the one. We're a split. So this is a...
Starting point is 01:41:53 I got a boost mobile. This is sort of a gooey... This one looks caramelly. Let's see if I can tear off a piece here and then I'll have the rest of you. Don't worry, we've shared soup, baby. I'll bite right over your teeth mark. Hold on. I'll bite right over the burger boy's teeth mark.
Starting point is 01:42:08 I got a second. There you are. I like the boost. I can't speak because it is very, very sticky. This is going to get gooey. It's crumbly as fuck. Oh, really crumbly, yeah. I got chocolate all over my black pants.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Thankfully they're black, so it just blends in with the other chocolate stains that were already there. Full chocolate pants? I like that one a lot. Yeah, that's real good. That's a big winner. I've never had anything like that here. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:40 That tastes very Irish to me. That's good. I mean, we almost made through all of them. I guess we could stop now. There's a snack and a double decker. What do you think, Weigar? You're the timekeeper. Here's what I'm going to say.
Starting point is 01:42:53 You guys, feel free to keep tasting. I'm going to move on to read our email so we can close out the episode because we have another record coming in here right after us. Uh-oh. I went long. Like a lot of boring stories. That's not your fault. It's not your fault for not keeping you on track, but I'm trying to be a little bit more
Starting point is 01:43:11 hands off with steering things in the spirit of the new year. Be a little bit more, have a little bit more fun with things. Let things breathe. This somehow seems just as aggressive as usual. No, I'm just saying. You did, nothing is on you in terms of the episode. Giving me a wrap it up sign as a saying. But you guys, feel free to keep tasting those.
Starting point is 01:43:31 We're going to say this is a double decker. Aaron, thanks for sending all those off. Yeah, thanks for including me on the note. If you have any Irish listeners out there, let us know. Give us a little shout out. Yeah, did she steal us right? Was she a Captain Ron or was she a Captain Phillips? We haven't decided which one is the good one.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Let us know a hashtag Captain McGathey. Cool. That was Aaron McGathey go bra. Just like a restaurant, we value your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes to us from at Dennis shoes 3000. Dennis writes, Hey guys, love the show. I was curious what your thoughts are on the expiration of a bite offer.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Oftentimes my wife and I will order different foods and she always seems to offer me a bite right after I've taken a big bite of what I'm eating. I tell her yes, but in a minute since my mouth is full. I usually ask for the bite after a few minutes, but sometimes she doesn't want to share anymore once she's down to about a third of what she's eating. Am I a dick for asking for that bite or does the offer still stand since I told her in a minute? It's a very, very good question. I got a pretty easy answer right out the gate for this one.
Starting point is 01:44:35 When you get that bite offer, I feel like it's a sort of a thing of like, here it is. It's on the table. You want a bite of it? If not, then you can't become a... You know what? They open up the doors for you, but the doors are about to close. You got to go in and take your bite. It's a jump or don't jump moment.
Starting point is 01:44:51 It's like Steven Seagal and executive decision when he makes that fateful call that he is going to save Kurt Russell and let himself die. It's like you just have that moment to take it. Here's what I would suggest to Dennis. I never saw it, but you guys did spoil for me. It's still worth seeing. It's good. It is.
Starting point is 01:45:07 I would say as far as the bite is concerned, take your bite, put it on your own plate, and then you can eat it at your own pace. That's a good call. Yeah. Dennis shoes. I feel like there's a couple things in play for me here to step on the other guests' time. Now that I know there's another guest, I'm really going to get comfortable. So with a wife, I feel like, I mean, with my wife, she could have the bite whenever she wanted.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Right. At any point. If it's friends and friend offers a bite and then he's almost done with what he's eating, I don't feel as confident saying or comfortable, I should say, saying like, hey, let me get that bite and I wouldn't fault him for not wanting to do it. But I feel like with your significant other, I feel like it's, I don't know, is there something else going on? What's happening with your marriage, Dennis?
Starting point is 01:45:58 Yeah. What's going on? Yeah. Dennis' wife is definitely cheating on me. She wants some rough play and you're not comfortable with that. That is it. You know what? I feel like, but even, you know what?
Starting point is 01:46:10 I would even draw the line like if like my sister or mom offered me something. Like I wouldn't want to go in. You can't, when a person's like finishing up their meal, they're like, well, I have like three bites left. I was going to eat those three bites or something. Right. You tell your mom and sister no chance. They had their chance and that's the end of it.
Starting point is 01:46:26 I'm never usually offering up bites anyways, but if I do, you better take that. It's a do or die situation. I mean, I understand like being like, hold on, I'm finishing the food that's in my mouth or something like that. Yeah. Like Dennis is like, give me a second. I'm chewing here. Oh, now it's off the table.
Starting point is 01:46:44 That's it. I'm fucking emailing the dough boys. We're going to get to the bottom of this shit. You listen. You listen to what the burger boy and spoon man have to say about this. Either Dennis is from the Bronx or he's John Capers. Or I have one voice. I feel like you guys offer good practical advice.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Mine might be, you know, looking to that marriage a little bit. Right. And thanks for listening and giving it a good, fun question. If you have a question or comment about the world of chain restaurants, you can email us at doughboyspodcasts at Check out our Facebook page, Dough Boys. Follow us on Twitter at Dough Boys Pod. Subscribe and rate and leave us a review on iTunes if you get a chance.
Starting point is 01:47:24 So the rest of what you've tasted there, how did the rest of the air make out these foods? The double decker was kind of weird. And there's like little pellets inside this chocolate bar. Weird. And then the snack I was about to take a bite into. I also just want to say that we've got a guest in the studio today, our friend Dave. Dave is here. Dave is out front and he drew us a little picture of Five Forks in a thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:47:50 It's a really great picture. So thanks for coming and hanging out, Dave. I hope that, I think I'm looking through the window and I think he's asleep. I bored the shit out of him. As soon as I went into that true lies thing, he was like, oh, fuck this. Just give your fucking fork rating, all right? Oh, you like Neil's fork rating. Give us yours.
Starting point is 01:48:09 Dave is holding up the illustration he made and he's tearing it in two. That makes sense. Yeah. I get it. I understand. Oh, he's writing something. Stanger sucks. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:48:21 It thumbs up because that's your guy's thing in the photos. Right. You guys know if you follow the dough boys that they take photos with the thumbs up. So that's very specific to your pod lore. It was very nice. Very cool. And more than you should done. Thanks, Dave, and thanks for hanging out.
Starting point is 01:48:36 And we'll tweet out a picture of that. Also, I kind of like this snack. It's a very, like, kind of Englishy. It's a shortcake covered in chocolate, I guess. But you guys can try it. Absolutely. As you say goodbye, Weiger. Good with tea.
Starting point is 01:48:49 The double decker really quick, interesting texture. But I felt like it was going to be rice Krispies and they're not quite rice Krispies. They're like little malt balls. But still kind of neat. Double decker or the boost was my favorite. Boost is the best. Stanger, your podcast, The Dumbbells with Eugene Cordero, who's also been on dough boys. I've mentioned it at the top, but it is my current favorite podcast.
Starting point is 01:49:09 I look forward to it every week. I've heard every episode. It's really great. If you're out there and you're interested in fitness and nutrition, basically the exact opposite of what this podcast is, check it out. It's really great. And you guys are super funny and super charming on it. You're doing a great job with it.
Starting point is 01:49:22 I hope people check it out. Do you have anything else you would like to plug? No, that's it. Check out. I appreciate that. Dough Boy is my favorite pod. So keep doing the good work here, guys. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 01:49:31 It's a dream being in here with you. Yeah, and... I'm eating these snacks as you're talking over the mic. I apologize. I didn't have anything. Yeah, you can ask us questions. I'd ask The Dumbbells or tweet at us questions. So even if you don't listen and you want some answers, we'll probably get back to you.
Starting point is 01:49:46 We're really trying to rattle the can for rates and reviews. So you make me strong? Yeah, fuck yeah, dude. And The Dumbboys make me strong. What a feat. The Dumbbells. I'm sorry. The Dumbbells.
Starting point is 01:49:59 No, no, no. We're The Dumbboys. But yeah, I love your guys' podcast, man. I'm a fan. Thanks, buddy. I don't ever know where to land on that because people come on and say they're a fan. Sometimes when I listen, it bothers me. But then when people try to play it too cool, that bothers me.
Starting point is 01:50:17 So I'm just trying to be honest. This podcast is so up its own ass and has been for so long that I think any of our listeners, whether they tolerate it or actively hate it, no one likes it. But the people have accepted it at this point. No, I think people listen with electorate. I think you guys do a good show. Thanks for saying that, buddy. Thanks for coming on.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Yeah, my pleasure. You never lie to us again. You're out of here. That'll do for this episode of Dumbboys. Until the next time, for The Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Feral audio.

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