Doughboys - The Ate-TL: Cook Out with Jesse Farrar & Mike Hale

Episode Date: October 31, 2019

For the finale of Octdoughberfest 2019, The Doughboys Present, The Ate-TL, we’re joined by the hosts of Your Kickstarter Sucks, Jesse Farrar and Mike Hale for our review of Cook Out. Plus, a Hallowe...en edition of Snack to the Future. Sources for this week’s intro include:History of the Salver & Tray from AC Silver & Company This North Carolina Fast Food Favorite Be The Next Five Guys? by David Landsel Booming at New Cook Out in Lynchburg by Melinda Zosh Out website more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Modern dining as we know it would be unthinkable without the tray. Think of all the ways trays touch our lives. They allow lone individuals to transport their fast food combos to their tables. First servers to carry a large party's worth of dishes at once. For office workers to fetch an entire department's coffee order in a single trip. Trays sit on our laps while we eat and watch television. They fold out from the back of airline seats for an in-flight bite. They help school children collect their cafeteria lunches.
Starting point is 00:00:33 And they accommodate the playful spin and share approach in their lazy Susan varietal. The earliest trays are thought to date to the 7th century BCE and were initially made from fine metals for money deletes, the kind of silver platter that a butler might use to present a lord with a roasted goose. But today trays are for the people. And so in a North Carolina fast food joint sought a symbol to represent a bountiful combo meal at a value price point, it chose the tray. Founded in the city of Greensboro in 1989 and stewarded by the father and son Reeves team,
Starting point is 00:01:07 the restaurant's trays became key to their appeal. Meals that include nontrae, two sides, and a drink for around five bucks. And while the mains are largely burgers and chicken sandwiches, the sides are much more than your usual fries or rings. Corn dogs, quesadillas, chicken nuggets, and the elusive bacon wrap all qualify. In its savory selections, the chain's sweet treats, its wide array of floats and shakes, have contributed to the fervor felt by its patrons south of the Mason-Dixon line. And while it may still be fairly new on the scene in fast food terms, it didn't open
Starting point is 00:01:38 its first location outside of North Carolina until 2009, it has developed a fanatical following in the American South, largely due to the humble forgotten tray. This week on Doughboys, the conclusion of Oktoberfest 2019, the Doughboys present the H-T-L, our month-long exploration of Atlanta's food and other stuff. With Southern fast food favorite, Cook Out. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Paunch De Leon, the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell. Wait, did you say anything different?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Paunch De Leon. Oh, Paunch. Let me explain. This is courtesy of Tom DeFredes, who wrote, and a lengthy explanation. It just sounds like Paunch, it just sounded like the name. This is what he's saying, Paunch De Leon is, I said Paunch, I was trying to say Paunch like Eric Estrada's character in Chips, which is a very old reference at this point. Paunch De Leon, this is Tom writing here, is one of the vital roads in the city and
Starting point is 00:03:07 is home to the popular Paunch City Market and the infamous Claremont Lounge. Isn't Paunch De Leon, isn't he the Fountain of Youth Man? I think so. That sounds right. I'm sure he was also historically a monster. I lived in Atlanta from 2002 until 2014, and ever since I moved away, I've come to misappreciate it as one of the country's, if not one of the world's, most underrated food cities.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I hope the city treats you well, and I hope you'll eventually make it to my new home city of Denver before too long. Why am I moved there? I might move there. RowspoonMan at if you have an insult and a lengthy explanation you'd like to send along with it to Mitch at the top of the show. Mitch, it's Halloween. This episode is Halloween, the day of Halloween.
Starting point is 00:03:46 This episode is releasing on Halloween. The HTL is wrapping up on the spookiest day of the spookiest month. How are you feeling? Are you feeling, I know we're not recording on Halloween, but we're in the spooky month. How is your mentality holding up as someone who is very afraid of ghosts? I mean, I love the Halloween month. A man of contradictions. I love the Halloween month.
Starting point is 00:04:13 You love the spooky month, but you hate the actual spooksters. I like to watch ghosts on screen. I just am afraid of real life ghosts. Right. That all makes sense. I'm good. You know, it's been a crazy day, but it's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Everything's good. I feel like I will have to take a shit for the rest of my life, maybe. Just continuously. Yes. That's a part of it too. And how do you know to Spoon Nation? I'm embarrassed to do that in front of our guests. Let's now become a thing that you just say every time.
Starting point is 00:04:46 But I am. I'm embarrassed to do it in front of our guests. Here we go. I got a drop for everybody. You ready, Nick? Yes. It's loading. Evening morning sun, I'll be shitting when the evening comes, I'm watching my shit roll
Starting point is 00:05:11 in and I'm flushing it down again, I'm just sitting on the darkness of red with some ducks that want to be fed, sitting on the darkness of red little wise. So sitting on the duck with some bread for ducks is like that's kind of a cute children's song, but he didn't begin with that. He began with a lengthy description of taking a big shit and then flushing it. Yeah. It's fine. Really changed tones.
Starting point is 00:05:50 It's a resubmission. I mean, I'm not a black spoon man just in case the file I sent before didn't work. Had all the fun with your parody from a little while back. Did we say that we were shitting in that parody? Did we do that? Yes. Was that us? Yes, we did.
Starting point is 00:06:02 We did something where we were sitting on the duck with some bread. And then he, and so he just took that and turned that into a full song. So that's what happened, so that we're responsible for that. Listen to this. Listen to his name. Well, he says the odious breading of Spoon Nation. That's good. I mean, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Uh, his name is Luke Han Solo. Whoa, that's very cool. Han Solo. Look at this. Luke Han Solo. Luke Han Solo. It's like Luke Han Solo. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah, that's like, that's like Spaceballs, the main character, again, an old reference, a composite of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Yeah, you are going really old school references today. They took, they, I didn't realize what Lone Star is a kid and I was watching it and then I figured out later, it's like, oh, they, they did this sort of clever, Mel Brooks did a clever bit of construction where he had both the rogue role and then the hero, like the guy with the, who's, who's got force powers, shorts powers. And then also the guy who's kind of like this, uh, this brigand and he combined them into
Starting point is 00:07:05 one character and it was a nice, uh, efficient bit of storytelling. I'm just going to, I'm going to give you, I'm just going to give you like a, like a reference point of if this was, if this, I just get this, this, this will make you sad. Okay. But if this, if our podcast was in 1990, yeah, this would like you being, would be, it would be like you being like, it's like the movie Psycho or it's like, or it's like the move of the apartment.
Starting point is 00:07:31 That's how old the references by, by, by, it's like a 30 year span. But I do feel like if in 1990 you referenced the apartment, that would be reasonable. You think so? Yeah. That's not, that would, I mean, that would be like people like, oh yeah, that's an old movie, but I know about it. Yeah. But that doesn't make you feel old that like the apartment in 1990, like that would
Starting point is 00:07:50 be like, I'm saying you grew up with you. That means I'm aware that I'm old, like I know that I'm old. Oh, I got to go to the bathroom. He'll get Mitch's writhing. He just shifted it. So the, the setup, we should introduce our guests and, and, but the setup is in here. We are once again, it's the eight TL. We are wrapping up our month of Atlanta based, uh, chain restaurants as the south in general.
Starting point is 00:08:15 They're not just in, but there are places that are available and accessible to us in Atlanta, but not necessarily in Southern California where we record. Uh, so we are recording in Mitch's hotel room where he's holed up shooting the movie ghost draft. That's right. And we are sharing your bed right now, which I feel like should just be a Patreon tier. People want footage of that. And then our guests are sitting across from us on the, the couch and they are the hosts
Starting point is 00:08:38 of the podcast, your Kickstarter sucks, Jesse for our, and Michael Hale are in studio. Hi guys. Hey. Hi. Thanks for being here. Don't say howdy ho. I'm doing that. No, he didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I thought it was good. Yeah. I was, I had fucking written down one of my bits was going to be, you can tell that Mitch doesn't respect us because he said howdy ho very easily, but he gave us the fucking nod of I'm embarrassed. Respect now. That's like when you get called over to the couch on Carson, he says, I'm embarrassed to say this in front of the guests.
Starting point is 00:09:09 We just got called over to the fucking couch. Literally. You are. This weird hotel couch. That's definitely been, I mean, every sort of fluid has been. It's been, it's been just this last week too, huh? You're saying I've put every food on it. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Um, I, uh, yes, my stomach is hurting. Yeah. Mitch has been a wild day. We have very special guests here and, and, and, uh, Nick, you're pissing me off in some ways. I'm not even looking at you. I'm in the other direction. You have your hand on your ass.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Are you physically clenching your, your like butthole shut? I mean, possibly you can take a bathroom break. No. I don't want to. All right. I'm just thinking about this the whole time and everything we got chocolate all over them last week. We did get chocolate in the sheets recently.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Shit, the bed. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. Is it still there? Or did they take care of it or what? They took care of it. I saw them.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I saw them burning sheets outside. Okay. Uh, you guys, thank you guys so much for being here. We made a drive out from Nashville. Yeah. We were, we were in the area and we just said, we said, let's drop in and see what's, you know, right? Well, we had this, we had the big charity thing we had to do down there.
Starting point is 00:10:20 We had a charity and then we went to help orphan and then we did some other stuff as well. Oh, so you guys were here for a charity gala and then you, uh, and you just, I ended up dropping by. That's very nice of you. We're doing, just doing a pop in. We got to leave real quick, get back to the charity stuff and, oh, you guys have to take off right now.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah. Okay. Thank you for the burger. So was that other stuff are you doing? Was that like nice? Was that like charitable work? The other stuff too? That was, uh, what was that?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. It was spirit. You go ahead and tell them what it was. Yeah. It was a variety of different stuff. It was like surprises. Yeah. Oh, just surprises.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Surprises. We did gift. We did gift card gifts, uh, when the, uh, when the man knock on the door and say there's a big check. Oh, wow. We did that. Oh, that's nice. Publishers.
Starting point is 00:11:11 We had balloons. So you're giving oversize novelty checks and balloons worth nothing. Worth nothing. Right. But we stole the balloons. Yeah. So it's like, but. It was still very nice.
Starting point is 00:11:23 But the balloons we stole from bad guys, so. I feel like the valueless, like they, they still get that moment of like, oh my God, this is changing my life. They like probably collapsed with tears. Yeah. Because when the doorbell rings, who do you think it is? Yeah. Probably police here to shoot me.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah. And then it's me with a big check. You're like, well, I know it's not worth anything, but at least there's not a bullet in my belly. And then he walks away and I walk up and I shoot him. Oh, no. And we've been doing this all day. I'm very tired.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah. Wait a minute. You guys have been even shooting people all day. Yeah. Yeah. Charity. Charity. So you guys can drove over from Nashville.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yes. Why can't they, why can't you just do the favor and shoot fucking me and Wagamot? We've had a bullet, so we've been doing it all day. It pumps me out. Maybe I will have to take a bathroom break. We'll see what happens. Yeah. Let's just play it by your man.
Starting point is 00:12:15 We can always throw the break. These, it's going to be fine. If we never throw the break 20 minutes into the episode and that's, we're not, we're five minutes in right now. Look, it's going to be fine. I think you guys, no, I think you guys talked for like an hour before you introduced it. So it's okay. I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:12:30 What is your hat? Is that a, is that a, what is that? So you taught jazz hat. Yes. Oh. It's got a very cool style. Yeah. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I needed a. It's rockets color. There's a lot of things going on. I thought it was a Raptors hat for a minute. Yeah. It has the Raptors red a little bit. I don't know. I kind of liked it.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Got a cute, you see this? You can adjust it in the back too. Well, that's not. If you have a bigger head or a smaller head, but you know, I'm a Grizzlies fan and now Conley's on the jazz and I kind of, I thought this would be a cool little, you know, just something like a remember me bike. Yeah. Mike Conley, the, the, the esteemed point guard having kind of a second career now.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. That's a, yeah. Wish him well on the jazz. I'm something of a sport. Oh. Dropping the mic. Everybody's fucking losing their shit when they're in the car or whatever, fucking flying off the road right now.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Cause he said the phrase. Let me ask you this. You have a, cause that's, you have a red hat and it's a, it's a times when a red hat is like a signifier. Yeah. Yes. When we were going door to door and doing the shootings and stuff that kind of let everybody, we're in the South.
Starting point is 00:13:34 So that kind of led everyone's guard down there. Oh. Like minded. Oh, it's the trick. People. Right. They calm down. So you guys are going after like mega guys.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Well, maybe we shouldn't say specifically. Maybe we shouldn't say that. Can you edit the thing? Uh, the Mitch had to go take a big dump right now. So cutting all this out. Yeah. I have to say that you think that when someone gets, you think when someone gets a knock on the door, their first thought is that someone's going to shoot them when they open
Starting point is 00:14:00 the door. Yeah. That's what I was, I can always speak for my own personal experience and every time it's like, oh, you know, I hear the doorbell go off and I just, the butterflies, you know, the thing in LA, if anyone ever like knocks on my door, I'm, I, I don't like what's unless I know delivery is coming. Right. Which it always is.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And that's a good thing. There's no, there's no reason to ever answer your door or your telephone. There's no good things on the other side of those fucking. I just, every single call goes directly to voicemail. Which is bad. I mean, Nick, you're, no, that's weird because I was like, that's like, you got a call one day and I was like, I think that's like, whatever, I think that's like our lawyer's number or whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And you're like, I don't answer, I don't answer calls on the week. What did you say on the weekdays? I don't answer the phone. That's weird. I send everything to voicemail. What about parents? My parents don't call me. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Grim. I seriously can't remember. I don't think, I can't remember the last time my parents called me. That sucks. Yeah. I don't call them either. We have, we're on good terms. My dad's dead.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So I don't even know. Oh boy. I'm a member of the dead dad's club as well. Love that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it sucks. Oh, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:09 If he hadn't died then, he would have, he'd be dead by now. Right. I mean, I was going to live forever. I mean, just get it over with, rip the band-aid off. What are you talking about here, you know? I call my dad every day. Did you really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I try to talk to him every day. Are you going to call me a fucking loser or something? No, Natalie's like that too. My, she, my lovely wife, Natalie, she calls her parents every day. It's like very sweet. I wish there was telephones in heaven. Right. That sounds like a book a child wrote.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But it's actually an idea that a 35-year-old man can make just now. I wish there was telephones in heaven. So you guys, how long is the drive from Nashville to Georgia to Atlanta where we are specifically? We were trying to piece that together. I would have said, if you had just asked me point blank, I would have said six hours. Then we got, but we got in the car and it said three and a half hours. Then we sat in traffic for an hour and then the time changed by one hour. So if you can fucking figure out how long we were in the car, there's a time change
Starting point is 00:16:20 from here to a, it's like a word puzzle or central. Yeah. We're central time. This is Eastern time. Right. Unless someone's listening and saying that's not right. No, we're in Eastern. We're in Eastern.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. Yeah. Wow. I don't know. So I don't know, man. It was a while. It was a while. So boy trying to calculate.
Starting point is 00:16:38 What am I taking the freaking SATs? It's a, it's kind of, it's very complicated. You're taking the SIT downs. We're taking. You sit down. We're taking the sit downs. Yeah. We're on road trips.
Starting point is 00:16:46 We're not all good. I liked it. The SATs also just, I liked it. The SATs just seem like an old reference if you ask me. It is very old. Yeah. People take the SATs still. But talk about when you, it's like a same movie.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yes. Yes. I know. Parmen movie. Movie. Come on. Yes. Which one?
Starting point is 00:17:08 What are the other ones now? What are the, what are the, what's the other tests that people take? There's a new one. The ACT. GRE. GRE. The L-SAT. The L-SAT.
Starting point is 00:17:16 The L-SATs. They're the same tests. People take the same tests. Hey, there's the GED. You know what I call it? I call it the good enough diploma. And now everyone's mad. Offensive.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. I'm sorry. But that's just what I heard growing up. Just got angry. Yeah. Nick, what did you get in your SATs? I don't know. 15 hanging.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I wonder if I could have a fucking standardized test score. That's what we're doing here. What are we doing? Yeah. What are we doing? You're so proud. I'm not proud of anything. Let's see what you got in your SAT.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Proud of anything you're done. You dumbass. Mitch, what is... No, wait, hold on. You-Song, what did you get? Let's not... We don't even make people answer their SATs. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You-Song doesn't want to answer his SATs. It's not comfortable. No, wait a minute. It seems... He was about to say it. He was about to say it. It seems like you're the only one who has an issue with it, Wager. If you're comfortable saying it, say it.
Starting point is 00:18:00 But you do not feel pressured to say it. I got a 2130 after... That was on the second... Out of 1600? No, they're out of 2400. We're young. They moved it up. Oh, they moved it up.
Starting point is 00:18:12 And then they moved it back down. They moved it up. It was not very good. That sounds good to me. That's really good. What are you talking about? That sounds great. Mine was out of 1600.
Starting point is 00:18:20 You want to hear it? Yeah, let's hear it. I got a 1590. That's how you missed 10. That's crazy. Wow. Yeah, 1590. I mean, it was all right.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So you missed like one question? Yeah. Do you remember what question you missed? Do you have any idea? I left an L off Mitchell. 10 points. So you guys, you drove up from Nashville. It did take you somewhere on the order of...
Starting point is 00:18:47 Drove down from Nashville. We drove down. Yeah, it was up this time. Yeah. Okay. And then so it takes like about... On the order of four to six hours. Do you have any road trip snacks?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Or do you make a road trip a pit stop? What's your eating routine when you got a long drive? We didn't get snacks. No snacks. We had one Red Bull each. Yeah. Minimal on it. Sugar-free.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Wow. Okay, that's good. I had to stop and get some food because I was extremely hungover. So I needed some greasy, nasty bullshit. And you're still battling a little bit of a hangover headache right now. A little bit. Thank you for powering through that. Those little liquid elves are going to treat you right.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I know. If you've never done them before, you're going to like them a lot. This is an introduction to the liquid gel technology for me because I've never partaken. So... Oh yeah. Those things get down there and they bust open your belly like hot lead. Yeah. Make all the pain go away, brother.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You know? I don't... I think I have minimal liquid gel experience too. I haven't had a lot of them. Were you a capsule man? I usually just do this straight up pill. You like the old school pill. You're into liquids outside the body usually.
Starting point is 00:19:54 You sound just left. Where did he go? He had a... We gave him an errand to run. He's running an errand during their quarter. Oh. He's going to go improve his SAT score. Fucking job depends on it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 21... Yeah. What a dumbass. Sounds like he bumped it up a little bit too. Yeah, for real. You guys don't have any snacks today. You're battling a hangover a little bit. In general, if you've got a long drive, is there anything you like to munch on?
Starting point is 00:20:20 I keep a really clean car. You do keep a clean car. We've got a little ride over here. I've noticed. It's immaculate. Thank you. I just popped the kid's car seats out this morning and so I did take the shop back there because I figured there might be a chance one of these guys wants to peek in my backseat.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Is it doing fucking work and I packed one T-shirt in all of this fucking bullshit and he's like vacuuming his car. That's true. About, yeah, 7.50 this morning. I packed this morning at like 8 o'clock and we had to leave at like 9. Yeah, that wasn't good. But it was fine. Damn, you guys left at 9, huh?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah. I was still snoozing. Yeah. Probably until you were almost here. No need to say maybe when you got up. This is so just because I can't see Mitch's face. He's turned his body completely away from me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:06 This is a good way to do the podcast. He's got tummy trouble. I know you got tummy trouble. It's fine. I'm just saying. Why don't I move over here where you song was singing? Yeah. But snack wise, like you're going to make you song sit in the bed.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah. He can sit in the bed with you. That seems weird. Seems like I'm going to get in trouble. Well, like it's like a power dynamic. Can I sit in the bed? Can I sit in the bed? Can I get in the bed?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Yeah, you can sit in the bed. All right. Mike's going to get in the bed. So we're completely shifting positions. What's the fucking show while this nonsense happens? Jesse, you, you've lived in Nashville for a while now. What is your, what are your kind of your favorite eats in Nashville? I know we touched on this a little bit when you did our live episode.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You popped in when we, when we hit up Nashville. Welcome to the bed. A few months earlier. I'm glad you brought that up. Because the one thing I wanted to say is like, I wanted to comment on this. People probably look at people at home going, oh, I can kind of see. Don't sit on your computer. I wasn't going to sit on my computer.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Jeff's moving on up in the Doughboys hierarchy. I wasn't about to sit on my computer. I was going to move it over the microphone up my ass. Sorry. Go ahead. Because, you know, I saw the first Doughboys was the Doughboys double. Yes. And that was over the phone.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So that sucks shit. Yeah. You know, it sucks over the phone. Nobody likes hearing that. We're so grateful for the opportunity though, probably, right? It's a challenging recording environment for the guest to be over the phone. I remember you did it and I said to Nick. He's never coming back on the pod again.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Right. Right. And then you ran out of all of your friends. Yeah. And so. That's why we're here. Then I can't, then we did, I was a live show guest, but not the live show guest. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:39 The live show, the little turd that you can't get off of the end of your ass at the end of the show. What are you calling that? We have, we have bringing a special surprise guest for the end of the show sometimes. But it's clearly like a less thing. It's a pity thing. Yeah. It's not a pity thing.
Starting point is 00:22:53 It's fun for the audience that like, here's an extra person, but they couldn't sell, they couldn't move tickets. That's what the problem is for you. They couldn't move tickets. So you bump them down. You don't even advertise. Your name's not on the sign. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:05 No, not even close. This is all Weigar. I didn't even know anything about this. We could have advertised you. The show was already sold out. The show was sold out before we got any guest. So there's just no bigger venue possible? So good.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You're thinking so small, Weigar. And now we're on this. And this is a mainline show, but it's an away show. So it's not a home. So it's not a full-fledged. These don't count. No, these count. No, these count.
Starting point is 00:23:27 This is a real show. There's no other than that. But this is Oktoberfest 2019, the Doe Boys percent, the HTL. That's right. Oktoberfest 2019, the Doe Boys percent, the HTL. That's what we're in the midst of. So this is big. Honestly, this is a big one.
Starting point is 00:23:42 This is big. These are big event episodes. Yeah. Big for me, but it's not as good as. And see, when somebody has something that I don't have, I want it. So what I need, this is what I'm saying. I'm aiming next, maybe next year sometime. I'd love to come to LA, do a real show and count fries.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Okay. I mean, we haven't revisited the counting, the fry counting segment sometime. People want more fry count. We'll do, we can do it. It's been a while. Yeah. I'm down to do a fry count. I think here's what I think this is the, what the fry counts should be.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. Each of us buy fries from a location where we think we're going to have the most fries, small fry. Yeah. And then the winner gets, the winner gets to choose which loser has to eat all the fries. Oh, so the loser, cause a couple of years ago, I feel like the winner would be eating all the fries, but now your view has changed. You've gone.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Well, they're going to be cold fries. Oh yeah. And also you can spit on them if you want. Okay. That's good. You sung very quietly snuck back into the room. Wasn't that quiet, I thought. I thought it was pretty loud.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Sort of like a 2130 score amount of quiet. I can't figure out how to be quiet. You song. You tell you that there's a, there's a, there's like a couch dynamic and a bed dynamic. Yeah. It's kind of different energies. Yeah. Do you song?
Starting point is 00:24:59 Do you know, do you notice anything different from when you were here originally? Yeah. This is really disorienting. That's okay. Okay. What do you, what do you think? What's different in your view? You and Mike have switched spots.
Starting point is 00:25:08 That's right. Yes. Me, Mike? No. No. Mike's are in the room right now. Yeah. Check this shit.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Watch the fucking gears turning the dude's head. It's going to be good. He did it. He did it. Nailed it. He did it. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Wow. You song is going to try to open one of these windows and jump out on the episode. We're up at least 20, we're up 20 stories right here. Nick, you guys missed it last week. Nick, Nick, Nick. Nick. Nick. Nick.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah. Like Dominique Wilkins. I'll take it. No. Yeah. You're hearing the ATL. I'm, I'm Nick. In the what?
Starting point is 00:25:50 The ATL. Nick got near the window and I think you almost fainted. Is that correct? I get, I am very, I'm afraid of heights. I'm not good with heights. And then these are floor to ceiling windows up on the, the 20 something floor. Yeah. Don't say the floor number.
Starting point is 00:26:05 That's why I said 20 something. Don't say the floor number. I won't. You saw him. Can't even count this high probably. I'm up on the floor. That's slightly hot. You got 2130.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. Anything above that you would have been done for. What? You saw you flew all the way here from LA. What's wrong? Good time. Oh, no. Love that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Oh boy. Anyways, beef jerky's good. Beef jerky. Yeah. Jerky's a good snack, a good road snack. Yeah. He's fucking with you. Beef jerky's good.
Starting point is 00:26:38 He's making a joke. No, I know, but I'm just like, it also moves the conversation. Hold up. Search two purposes. Hold up. Hold up. Beef jerky is good. It is good.
Starting point is 00:26:47 He's, I know what he was doing. I'm not an idiot. Do you know what I'm doing? I got that. I understood that you were like making a joke out of an abrupt transition, but also you were offering information that forwarded the question that I had earlier. And so it was a good answer. Beef jerky.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I got a question for you. We like more beef jerky or jerky boys. If you could only choose one. I think beef jerky, by the way, jerky boys in 2019, that's like if 1990 you were referencing Bob Hope. Yeah. Shit. Return of the Mac.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Man, it took one on the chin, brother. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Beef jerky is good. I like, you know, I honestly don't snack that much in the car. No. I like a beverage, but I don't like if I'm driving, which I hate to begin with.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But I don't like having greasy or crummy fingers. I do. I love it. I love greasing the wheel up and getting my radio all smudged and flying off the road. Because I got two burgers in each hand and I'm fucking whenever Mike's driving a car, it looks like fucking Fantasia. All the little sauces and nuggets are like dancing around the car with him. Mike, how long have you lived in the Nashville area?
Starting point is 00:28:06 How long has it been, buddy? Oh, man. Hey, listen. Hey, listen. We truly don't know. We don't understand. Seven years. It's probably six or seven years.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. I want to clear something up. Sorry to go back to something. Yeah. You said greasy and crummy fingers. Yeah. Okay, good. What did you?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Fuck. You're saying, cummy? Like the nut out of his balls. Yeah. I like doing that when I drive too, just fucking blowing my beans all over the dashboard. You don't. Okay. Let me be serious.
Starting point is 00:28:39 You could, though. I could. I know. I wouldn't be difficult at all. Because I don't need to. The danger is that if you blow your load all over the steering wheel, you might honk the horn. Oh.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And then draw attention to yourself. And then just stays honk sometimes if it's particularly gooey. Yeah. Christ. Are you coming like American cheese? I think mine's mostly water. I don't know if that's normal or what. What's your drink?
Starting point is 00:29:04 What's your drink in the car? I like something with some effervescent, some fizz. I used to be a Dr. Pepper guy when I was a full sugar soda guy, Dr. Pepper, or just like an RC Cola or a Coca-Cola or a Cherry Coke. But these days, I'll just do like a sparkling water. You know, like honestly, like a plain sparkling water is my ideal road beverage of choice unless I want a little caffeine, then I'll get a hot coffee that I can sip or an iced tea.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Hey, Nick. Just remember that me and Mike are in a bed. So when you start talking about stuff like that, like you're going to put us to sleep. Almost immediately. So you do like a spark like a white claw or a Trulee when you're driving down the... Well, no. That's something with alcohol. No.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Do like a Perrier or a Pellegrino. Splash of gin. That's it. You know the thing to do around here, and this is true. I don't know if you know this. The thing that people do around here, specifically with Dr. Pepper and RC Cola is throw some peanuts in it. Have you ever seen that?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah. Fucking sucks. It's gross. Is it really? It's nasty, man. I don't get it. Do you eat the peanuts or do you just change the flavor of the beverage? Yeah, you suck it all down.
Starting point is 00:30:09 All of them go, you get a peanut, you don't get a peanut. It's all the same to you. That's weird as hell. Freaks down here, man. How do you feel about boiled peanuts, though? Do you like those? Do you don't like those? I don't feel like I've ever had boiled peanuts.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Puke. Very good. They're good? Yeah. So it's peanuts. Yeah. And it's in a big, soupy, boiling hot water of nut juice. Salt.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Salt and nut juice. They have the green kind and the red kind, normally. Wait, green or red? They've got like a Cajun flavor and like a regular hot flavor, or like a not hot flavor, but like a... It's like salt, salt, pepper, whatever. That sounds good. That sounds like a peanutty stew.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's pretty good. That sounds good. No, it's not. It's not stew. Because it's the shell. They're in the shell, but the shell is soft because they've been boiled and they're soaking in the... Do you eat the shell?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Cummy juice or whatever the fucking... Yeah. You don't eat the shell. You don't eat the shell. You pop it open, throw it away. But with a normal peanut, you go to like one of the road... Do you guys have the roadhouses out there, Logan's or Texas Roadhouse out there? Oh yeah, we have Texas.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah. So you know, like those, you crack the peanut, you throw it on the ground. Yeah. You guys throw on the ground out there too? There are restaurants that do that. I usually throw it like at the waiter or waitress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Right. You do that and you can do that because you crack the nut and it cracks in your head. But with boiled peanut, it's like cracking a blanket. Like you can't... It's just... It's like a wet tissue around the nut. How does the nut taste after it's been boiled? It's like salty and soft and...
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, it like disintegrates it a little bit. You should try it. That texture sounds nice to me. I'm into it. You guys are freaks. You put salt on watermelon is another freaky southern thing. I've never liked... I bet I'd be into that.
Starting point is 00:31:43 That's cute. I never really. I never even knew that was a thing. I like the salt and sweet. We can't even enjoy fruit down here without making it like really bad. So Mike, as a current Nashville resident who spent some time there, do you have any food faves? Do I have any food faves?
Starting point is 00:32:02 I like the hot chicken. It's very good. There's an Indian place I went to recently again. You go back? They do a hot chicken pakora, which is like a... How do you explain it? I actually don't know. I've had it, but I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It's basically a hot chicken with like a crispy... What are the little black seeds? Is that the one you're talking about? It has little black seeds on top of it? I don't know what the black seeds are, but it comes with a nice sauce. What if it was? What if it was? It could be.
Starting point is 00:32:38 The black seeds. I don't know. It sounds like the black seeds. It sounds like the black crows or the black peas. Yeah, black keys. The black keys. White stripes. We're in the same neighborhood, at least.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I choose jerky over jerky boys, too. Hey, look, it doesn't age well, like you were saying, just like Ace Ventura. It doesn't age well. Yeah, Ace Ventura's got some problem with that. What's your beef with that? No, I just saw on Twitter the other day that millennials don't like Ace Ventura as well. Oh, okay, all the pets can go missing, I guess. It's like he's doing a fucking job.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Just want him to be. Yeah, of course, I looked it up because I was like, that sounds like a familiar term. It looks like it's just like a fried preparation, so kind of an Indian fried chicken. That sounds delightful. Yeah, it's good because it has the Nashville hot seasoning, but it has more of the Indian style. I don't know what the sauce is. It's amazing, and I would eat it every day.
Starting point is 00:33:38 That sounds rad. Oh, I forgot what I was going to say. Yeah, because you were texting. What were you doing? I'm trying to get things together. He's making marks. It's the bad guys versus the couch guy. Shit, I forgot what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I was truly just blank. Have you guys spent much time in Georgia as Tennesseans? No, I don't fuck with it. Oh, interesting. This is the ATL, and we got a couple of Tennessee folk. Yeah, we did when we were eating at the chain. We did get some, you're not from around here, are you? They were saying it to us, and we were like, no, but how about these two guys from California?
Starting point is 00:34:20 I know what I was going to say to you. Here it comes. When we were in Nashville. Oh, my stomach hurts. Keep laying on it. Mitch is writhing. He really is. When we were in Nashville, you guys, you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:34 We're going to record another episode after this. What are you going to do? I'm going to use the restroom at some point. Okay. And guess what? You're wiping me. Did you song get demoted? Do you think Ponce De Leon was like big into like infantilism?
Starting point is 00:34:54 And that's why I was looking for the fountain of youth. I'm just I just he went. Ponce wants to be a baby. Somebody change widdle Ponce and like everyone who's following was like, should we like seems like this kind of stuff into being a baby? Wow, and follow me. Why is he talking like that? You got when we were in Nashville.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Oh, we went to the old. What is that called? The old road. What is it? What's the old old town road? I got the horses in the back. Yeah, you know it. Did we go somewhere?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oh, you're talking about we went on Broadway when we were on Broadway. We went to Broadway, which is kind of that's Nash Vegas. They call it. Yeah. I was going to say that you guys looked the least happy you could look. You look miserable. It's it's truly like because I've been to the Vegas strip. Obviously I've spent some time on Bourbon Street briefly and I feel like this is the
Starting point is 00:35:49 worst one of those. It's like the most like the grossest one of oh, a bunch of drunk people staggering around in a bunch of loud, obnoxious venues. I it is gross. Yeah, I'm I will not mount a defense of Broadway or any of those places really. Right. Right. But I will just say that we were there significantly later than I ever would have
Starting point is 00:36:13 been on the Vegas strip. You got you got a very bad experience because Jesse. Jesse doesn't stay out past eight o'clock. Yes. Well, I was there. You were there. I was just saying usually you don't. I usually don't either.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And also I was insanely fucking high and I could not talk to you guys and I regretted it after you left. You couldn't hear shit anyway. So it makes no difference. Yeah. Like a hunky tonk. I had a really good burger there. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Now you did. The waitress was a waitress suite on you also. Did you did you say what it was that you did? Have you said what you did? I don't know if we've ever really talked about it. You need to talk about the move that you did. You said it. You said it.
Starting point is 00:36:52 You what you said. Jesse what Jesse said to me is that I pulled a Tommy wants wingy. The waitress at the at the bar because they're like, Hey, we're out of burgers. Oh, I remember this. Oh, yeah. And then I was like the guy was scrubbing down the griddle. It was over. He put the tip cup away.
Starting point is 00:37:08 The whole night was done for this man. The kitchen was closed. And then I said, Oh man, I want to try one of those burgers. They look good. And she said they're closed. I said, Oh, is it possible? I don't want to be a pain, but as possible, I'll take a burger. And she's like, let me see what I can do for you, darling.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And then she went back there and I got it. I Tommy want wingy to her. It worked. I didn't mean to make. I didn't mean to. You were completely you were as nice about it as you possibly could have been. And you know what? No tip.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. Yes, the first time I gave her twenty bucks. Did you? I did. The burger was twenty one dollars. National's famous twenty one dollar burger. The burger was great, too. It looked good.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It just that probably drives you nuts. I could Tommy wants winger. Huh? What do you mean? I think you think that I get away with stuff because I turn. I turn into a little charming baby boy. A little Ponce de Leon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. I think that I think what you're very likeable. I think that's the thing. It doesn't drive me crazy. I don't think you're you take advantage of it. You're nice about it. You're very likeable and people want to help you out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 You also seem kind of helpless sometimes. And I think that helps. That works in your favor. This was nice. And then it turned kind of. You're like wriggling around on the bed right now. It is sort of on point, but like Vegas. We went to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:38:33 My wife and I went to Vegas this past year. Yes. And it is they do gross better than anywhere else on earth. I think because it's gross, but you want to hang out. It's like this is really nasty. But this is so great. I love being here. Right now that weed is legal, which hey, I'm cool.
Starting point is 00:38:50 You know, I don't have a problem with it. You know you do whatever you want to do. Right. Okay. Cool. But it smells like weed up and down the street. And it just adds that extra layer. If you're not a big pot, I know people who love to smoke weed are like, that smells
Starting point is 00:39:04 good to me. But if you're just not doing that smelling it, it does smell like poop a little bit. Yeah. You know. Interesting. So then you mix that with. Kind of like tar ish smell to it that kind of like can smell a little poopy. It can smell a little poopy and that's okay.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Coffee can smell weird. And then if you like coffee, you're like, damn, I'm into this shit. I'm, you know, that's fine. You combine the, the slightly stinky smell with the little porno books and it's bright. It's just fucking bright. Yeah. And then if you go to old Vegas, which is, did you go down there? That's also fun.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yeah. Like the downtown area. Yeah. That is fun. You've got the guys in the costumes that if someone goes by and tries to take a picture of them, they're like, no, don't, because I, that's my job is getting my picture taken or whatever. You know,
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. That's, I've talked to a Vader once, a Darth Vader and he was like, just so you know, I work for tips, bro. Yeah. And I was like, why did you just have this? You had to know where? No. Cause I was like, I was asking for a pic and he was like, just so you know, I work for
Starting point is 00:39:59 tips, bro. Nick was looking for his G string and he couldn't find it. There were the, the, it wasn't just the superhero guys. There was the showgirl ladies. Did you see the showgirl ladies? And I don't know what the show, is the showgirls ladies the same, the same, the same hustle, right? They just want money for a picture.
Starting point is 00:40:16 But it's much better because first of all, they look fantastic and they get the shlubby guy. Like all four of us and we were walking down. Yes. They would just like, just immediately glom onto whichever one of us fell behind, like an injured, like they would just circle him and you kind of you kind of you kind of pointed towards the bed. Yeah, he was like a bed crew thing, but they go up and we overheard him as we walked by
Starting point is 00:40:42 because you expect like all 20 bucks, what I were sure and they, they put their arms around this guy and he's like, oh cool. This is like the first attention I've gotten in a really long time, you know, and they're like a suggested donation is a hundred dollars, and I was like a hundred dollars like they hooked him. What? Wow. That's good.
Starting point is 00:41:02 That's crazy. Every time I'm in Vegas, I just always think how it could be much worse. Yeah. I'm thinking of course about Mars attacks. Of course. Knock, knock, you know, yeah. It's the first movie I threw up in Mars attack. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Did you throw up in the theater? Yeah. First movie. The last. Not to my bed post. You puked in other movies. I don't think so. I think that was probably the only movie.
Starting point is 00:41:25 It's the motion. I think he gets. Right. Yeah. Did you puke like you were so pissed that Jack Black died in the movie or like what caused you to barf? I think I can't remember which body horror moment it was if it was the Jack Black getting disintegrated scene because he's the one that gets disintegrated, right?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah. Tons of people get disintegrated, but he's like right up close. Yeah. And then there's also I think what it really was was the one where somebody gets their head on the dog. Oh, yeah. Here's Brosnan, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Is it him and Sarah Jessica Parker both have their like their heads are at that one. When did that fucking come out like 97 or something something like that? I mean, I was 10 segment like Tim Burton mid period. I took the lid off of my large cup and just filled the whole thing up with barf. Oh my God. Throw it in the trash can on the way out. So you weren't like well on the way out. Well, yeah, for the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Periodically opening it back up to barf more into it and then accidentally stepping it occasionally. Oh, what is that? So this wasn't like you had like like food poisoning or some stomach ailment. It was just like the site was so repulsive that it made you vomit. Yeah. I just got back rules, by the way. He's plays like a little villain in that movie.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, he's funny. He dies quickly, but I've never seen Mars attacks. I've seen Mars attacks. I've never heard of someone seeing something so gross, you know, like even a horror movie that caused him to puke spontaneously. Yeah, it was like this. It's also, by the way, it's not that bad. It's like fucking 10, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:42:52 No, I get it. It's fair. You still believe and go. Shut the fuck up. If you've puked in a movie theater, let us know what movie hashtag box office barf. That's good. I want to I feel like I've never I've puked in the process of watching a movie, but it's been like ailment related.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's been like I've had like, you know, food, I've had been like the stomach flu. Do you know what I remember? I was I was home sick. Yes. Watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and then the bug scene comes up where they show like all those bugs and the bugs are all over them or whatever. And I barfed. So that was like a combo of like you are already sick and you saw something gross.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Last movie, I tossed my cookies in off was a G. Lee, because it was so bad. I said, give me no thanks. I love. I hope G. Lee comes back as a reference point for bring it back, bring it on back. Why not? I just he's making clerks three Kevin Smith is no freaking Martin Scorsese. Yeah, I think Marty Scorsese, Martin Scorsese did the clerks movie. I'm just saying what why is Martin Scorsese going after the MCU if he's over making clerks
Starting point is 00:44:08 three, right, right? I can see why they're being clear. There's a lot of story to be told in the clerks. Yeah, because now what if what if one of the guys farts in this year or something? I don't know. What if what if Silent Bob wore pants like that would be what if Silent Bob speaks? Oh, I think he has like every every single movie. Yeah, that's like it.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Usually that's like a convention of the US universe. Oh, he said he like has an extended monologue in every movie. Yeah, quiet most of the days like quiet until it's time to be loud. That's his whole thing. I would like a I would like like a Martin Scorsese silence with with Silent Bob. I haven't seen it. So I just I watched the superhero movies like Spider-Man or whatever. I don't know the silence of movie, Nick.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Fill them in. I haven't seen it either. Yeah, but I know the reference. It really is couch versus bed. You seen silence. One of my favorite film. I've never seen it. Oh, it's about nuns.
Starting point is 00:45:09 It's about priests in and it's in Japan, half credit. Yeah, you song song put on the board. Yeah, you song mind putting it on the board. He's stewing about that twenty one thirty. That's what is going on. Martin Scorsese cannot like Marvel movies and it's fine. Yeah, it's fine. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:45:31 That'll also be old, but the tennis episode comes out. I shouldn't have brought it up. I think I brought it up. No, but I brought up the MCU thing. But you wouldn't have it without me. Let's talk about stuff. Can we talk about something that it will be relevant? Yes, in October 31st.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yes. How are we going to get rid of all of these monsters, spooks and goblins? Is it is the devil's night and they are roaming the earth. Right. It is the one night that they're free from the chains of. There's only one thing we can do. We must dress up as them and scare them off.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah, that's good. It seems like a plan. I also like to if you want to dress up like like Austin Powers or something, like that's also you can do that too. That's for some reason. That's fine. That's fine. They're scared of Austin Powers.
Starting point is 00:46:18 A skeleton is afraid of Austin Powers. Yeah, if a skeleton sees like Duffman or sees someone like wearing like a big coffee cup, but it says cofefe like they'll be like, like, oh, they're doing something like a topical costume. That's one of the topical costumes you went for a cofefe coffee cup. They're like, they'll looked at the other ghost and they'll be like, we got to get the fuck out of here. Yeah, corny ass mother fuckers.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Okay, we got it. The new type of costume to get is the one where you put it on, but there's fake legs on it. Oh, yeah. And it's like your your head is in a box or do you know what I'm talking about? I know what you're talking about. That is just funny that he's the new kind of cost, the new kind of costume to get. Oh, and this is something you've been doing for years.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I guess what the fuck are your last 10 costumes? Mitchell's here. I do have a baby costume that I wear over and over again. Okay, it's very comfortable. It's New Year's baby or go back any further than 10 years, so it just doesn't get canceled. I've never worn anything inappropriate like that. Yeah, you might add a chudeau period.
Starting point is 00:47:17 No, that's insane. No, I know you didn't. I remember in college, my my friends were like, oh, like there was this one guy in my house my senior year and he's like, I should dress up as the, you know, Princess Bride. I should dress up as what's his name? Montoya, whatever his name is. Oh, and ego Montoya and ego Montoya and you should dress up as like Andre the
Starting point is 00:47:39 Giant. I was like, I don't want to be Andre the Giant. Yeah, I felt bad and I was like, I don't want to be like the big monster guy. And so I think I dress up as a baby. They wouldn't perfect for you though, because like that's the whole thing is Andre that he's so lovable. He's like, he's like big, but everyone's like, I love this guy and that's what you. That's what your whole is like the emotional center of the movie. Yeah, he kind of is.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Do you know that I dress up as a baby? I shouldn't tell the story. I dress up as a baby. It's like my junior year and it was very like form fitting, so I put socks in my underwear to make it look like yet about a big hog to make it look like I had a penis at all and I did I made out with a girl that night and she commented on and I was like she commented on it, but the the socks shifted to the backside of your underwear. I would thought you had a full diaper and it pushed the poop out.
Starting point is 00:48:35 That was already in there. She commented on it and then I there was just a smoke outline where I was standing and the in the socks were just waving in the air and they fell to the ground. Yeah, I stuffed I stuffed once in my life. That's okay. That's fine. It was it was too form fitting.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Yeah, I understand yourself conscious about it. It's fine. Do your socks look like your prick? Yeah, I got these weird socks. Okay, because mine don't look like that. Mine just look like socks and my dick not on prick socks. No, no, I don't have any of the dicks, the dick shaped socks. It was just too.
Starting point is 00:49:15 It was just it was so form fitting. I had to do something about it. I understand what you like if you're wearing like a you know unit heart or so I've worn like a unit hearts for sketches and it's just like oh yeah, you can see your whole out there's a picture. That Kate of me and Jack Allison that Kate posted online and everyone was asking where my dick was. What was it?
Starting point is 00:49:31 What were you wearing in it? Are you like a unit heart? Okay. Wait, what was this context for this? It was a Kimmel sketch. I don't remember this sketch. Well, you don't have to dig deeper. Do you believe me or no?
Starting point is 00:49:42 Maybe. Look, I have a dick. I have a dick as well. We all we it's yeah, it's fine. And if you don't, that's fine too. Confession time. I have one. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, we all got them. Let's show them to you. Oh, my God, you song. I'm sorry. Let's talk about Cookout. Cookout was founded in 1989 in Greensboro, North Carolina. It was only until North Carolina, North Carolina exclusive until 2009. It now has around 250 locations in 10 states across the South.
Starting point is 00:50:19 This is a place when people say people tweet at the dough boys. They're on social media. Come on. Let's can we knock it off with that? The tweeting at the dough boys. I mean, we don't know. One needs to see that anymore, right? We're done with that.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah. You guys can stop adding the adding dough boys pot. We don't want to hear anymore of that stuff. We got enough for now. I personally like it. OK, I like the fans. I've got to catch up with all of them because I tried to read every reply. So I'm on I'm on like 2017 right now.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I actually did do that at one point. I would go through replies and I would and I would like all the ones that I like. That's a fucking bed crew thing to do over there. That is a bit it is a fucking bed crew thing. So we it has this. But anyway, when people are are hitting up our mentions or people are sliding into our DMS, they are the Cookout is one of those places. I'd say the other one is Culver's, where they're like, you got to review this spot.
Starting point is 00:51:11 So this is a big one. There is a lot of this gravity on that. We're closing out the ATL with a with a biggie. It's about time. It's about time. Yeah. And and I think beloved around the South. You guys have both been to Cookout as Southerners.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah. The one the one over by us used to be an A and W, which is oh, interesting. So it's it's interesting that an A and W was there because it's there's not. That's the only one I've seen in the area was that one. I don't know why that was even there. A fluke, huh? Yeah, an accident, maybe. Yeah, they said.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Freaking error. Hey, the matrix is an error in the matrix. Something something give me something black cat. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, go with that. Yeah, and it's not any good. It's very good in Canada. And W is very good in Canada, but it's not very good here. Yes, but they did have her this root beer draft, which was nice.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Oh, that's fun. So but then it left and then the Cookout came in and I was like, oh, that's cool. I've heard of her good stuff about that milkshakes, especially and and so yeah, I would go through there and get almost exclusively the milkshakes. Like I was telling you, I don't I can't recall having gotten a big meal and a shake at the same time because I mean, there's a fucking limit. You know, you can only do so much, you know, though.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I mean, those shakes and the fancy milkshakes and there are a lot of them. They have a they have a gigantic menu of shakes, at least 30, it seems. Here's yours. I just want to say this right off the bat. Can you drink those through a straw? I don't think so. I think they're too thick. I think they're too thick, too.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah, can you drink them in a bra? Can you drink there? They're not that thick. I can I was able to you can suck it down and let it melt a little bit. But the thing is, is the ones that do have the big solid pieces, you can't pull that through the straw. No, that's some of them have the what is it? The cake or whatever the cake or the cobbler or the big cookie pieces or whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And they don't it's not like one of those places that just grinds the shit to hell. No, yeah, you know, it's like there's chunks in there, which I personally like. But if you if you're a milkshake commuter, which I've been in the past and sort of maybe the more the lower parts of my life, you grab a milkshake, you know, and you kind of sit in the car with it and then hopefully it's done by the time you get home, throw it away in the gas station before you get home. Have a couple of mints on your way in the house to try to get something moving in there, slap yourself on the face, perk up anything, you know, just to be normal
Starting point is 00:53:40 again. I slipped again, looking at yourself in the mirror. Micah, you've eaten a cookout before, too. Well, what are your previous cookout experiences? And how do you how do you feel about the chain going into the day? It's I feel like an NBA guy. You're fucking throwing the questions out at me on the sidelines here. Well, we got our best out there. You know, we got a 110 percent out there.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Cookouts good. It's it's burgers. I get the I get. I got the today. I got the what was it the fucking you don't say what you got yet? Oh, you can get into it. I didn't get anything. No, you don't say what you can say what you got. It's fine. Wow. We can naturally transition into it.
Starting point is 00:54:22 You guys. So you guys have just sort of given up, I guess now, or it's just like there's no segments anymore. We're not doing any of the show. It's a loosey goosey episode. Everyone's having fun. We're messing around. It's sounds like you're not having fun. I'm having a blast.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Looks like there's trouble in the in the coach world over there with you two. Everything's fine. I should come over here. You guys want to come over here? All right, I'm all right. We should I'm going to get on the bed. Oh, OK. OK, so I'm going to get on the bed next to Mitch. You know what?
Starting point is 00:54:49 I'm actually good because I've got like 50 bags of trash over here. I'll just hang and just deal with the trash bags and now we're all in. I just said you genuinely don't like what Nick just did. OK, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed next to Mitch right now. Cookout, Mike, what did you get today? Why the fucking is not the way it's supposed to be? I got the the the big was it the double you got to play. And it was just a yes.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It's a cheap ass place and it is like a cookout type place. So the main thing you do is you get the trays. So the trays are the combo meals. The trays are the combo meals, but you call them trays. Yeah, it's bigger than combo. I just realized your question. Yeah, why did we never go to break? I told you we were doing the episode this way.
Starting point is 00:55:30 We were talking about that because we had I have to go to the bathroom. But you said that we I said we're going to go straight through to break. We're going to go through and do our review. Do you guys remember this? And then I had some fries, I think. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough, boys. Doesn't seem like it would be hard to jack off while driving.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Do you have to have? Do you have to do you have to have like a big hog? Are we are we rolling? Oh, yeah. Oh, all right. Yeah, sure, you can leave this in. Why do you think that it needs to be big? Why do you think it needs to be like, I think it's really going to be out there.
Starting point is 00:56:16 You know, you just get your seat back first off. This is what you do. Scoot your seat all the way back, get your fucking cock out of your pants. One hand on the wheel. Yeah, right. Tippy toe on the gas pedal because you're short, about five, six. And then you just start fucking mashing on yourself, beating the hell out of it. I feel like you got to have a pretty big one to be.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I still don't understand is because you've got to have it out of your fly. What are you saying? Yeah, and like you got to have a lot of room to work with. I don't know. I just feels like you're going to have a big. It feels like if anything, having a smaller dick would be easier because you could be more subtle about it, right, having a big cumbersome hog. You got to like if you have a low car to the ground, you really got to keep it
Starting point is 00:56:57 under wraps. Yeah, literally SUV pulls up next to you. Hold on a second. Yeah. No one is big enough that it's going to show up in the window, like coming out next to the window. Yes, it could. If you were, if you have an angle, if you're a high angle, angle, okay, angle.
Starting point is 00:57:13 That's what I'm saying. My truck driver goes. I was saying, if you were looking straight over, you wouldn't see it popping up in the window. Well, no, not like it's peeking over the edge of the window. So no, we're not talking about that. Just sitting there plain face, like jacking off. There's a great video.
Starting point is 00:57:28 By the way, we're back here with a with with Mike and Jesse. Kickstarter sucks talking about cookout, supposedly. And the I saw this great video of this dude who it's an Internet video that this dude parked his van like in front of an office building and then just started to like fucking pound it off. He was like really going at it. But someone you describe this as a great video. It's a great video.
Starting point is 00:57:49 It's very funny. And then someone so someone's filming it from the their office window because he does I guess he's in front of an office building. I don't know if he thinks he's in private or what, but like an entire office of is watching him. And then one of them goes down and like like goes up and waves back at the office and the guy gets so embarrassed and like stops jacking off and then just like sits there for a second and then he drives away.
Starting point is 00:58:13 OK, yeah. But I would have thought that the reason he would sit there jacking off in front of the building is because he knew he had an audience. Like wouldn't you have if you wanted to just I'm kind of out of the person who wave. They ruin the fun for the poor guy. I would have thought I would have thought a guy jacking off in public like that would have been trying to stop a warlord is what I would have thought. Remember that guy?
Starting point is 00:58:35 Remember him? Yeah, that's cool. Pulling on himself. So cook out is my stomach is basically, you know, in the Simpsons, the episode where Homer is in the freak show and he keeps getting cannonballs to the gut. Yes. My stomach is making noises like Homer's stomach. You got those big gurgles. And if honestly, I was dealing with a similar thing because of those big milkshakes, why don't we start there?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Because that's what, you know, one of the things this place is known for. It's what it's what Jesse would get when he was going there, as he said earlier. We got a few different shakes. We got the peach cobbler's shake. We got the banana pudding shake. These were both ones that that that for our shout it out for us. We also got the cheerwine float and the push pop shake. Correct. Is that the full roster of sweet treats?
Starting point is 00:59:25 Did I miss something? It's right. I just for the sake of transparency, we should be clear and say we did have two cheerwine floats, two cheerwine. Because I don't want people to think like, oh, they just got one cheerwine float. We got two of them. There's two of those bad boys. I will say that banana pudding shake to what you were saying earlier of just like it's got big chunks.
Starting point is 00:59:41 It just has like basically whole nilla wafers in there. Which I didn't get any of you. I guess you must have eaten them all out of it at that point. I didn't have all. There were more in there. You just had to dig a little bit. It's a little we got a little dough boys after dark going on now. It's gotten dark. We should actually we should turn up the light a little bit.
Starting point is 00:59:55 It's getting a little my my energy is going to get even lower than it already is. I'm going to feel more lethargic than than I'm I'm like very sleepy. You can turn that desk and Jesse, you can have that right above you. Yeah. You see that light up there? Yeah, I see the big lamp. Yeah. OK, Jesse is turning the big light. Check this shit out. Let there be light. Hey, remember that? Remember that?
Starting point is 01:00:13 Remember that from God? I don't remember that. You tell me, can you turn that lamp on on the table? I unplugged it. What a banger. He was like, OK, let there be light. That's fucking good. That's fire. Yeah. Writing it down. Oh, you know, he had to sit back and light up a big stogie after that one.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Let there be. Let there be what? Let there be. You saw his unplugged some of my stuff. I got to say, guys, referencing the Bible 2019 is kind of like in 1990, referencing the Andy Griffith show. You know, you're a real piece of shit. Let's get into cookout. I love that banana pudding shake.
Starting point is 01:00:50 I thought it was delicious. Big chunks in there, but man, the flavor was way better. So pretty putting shake was my peach cobbler shake. I preferred mine, but your peach cobbler shake was quite your wrong. Mine was better. I liked them both. It doesn't be a competition. I don't. But if it was, mine would be.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I preferred mine, so it's subjective. But I would say that yours was also very good. But I thought that like the both of them, they did a similar trick. They were like they were sweet and they tasted that the fruit flavors were very forward, but then they had those those big chunks, whether it was cobbler pieces or the crusty sort of cobbler,
Starting point is 01:01:24 whether it was them nilla wafers, the banana pudding, they were delightful. I really enjoyed those shakes. And the cheerwine float was good too. The push pop one is more of a smooth texture. And that one I didn't like as much, but I also just don't like push pops as much as those other desserts.
Starting point is 01:01:38 So that would fall. I thought it was nice. I thought it was good. It was good. I just the other two I would have put over them. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't what is happening. I was joking with you for God's sakes. OK, you son got you song climbed under the desk to plug something back in.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I don't know what's going on for you song. Are you got what flew all the way here? Give it up for you song. He's doing great. He's open. He already stabbed again at the tab. What a Jesse. What did you think of those of the cheer? Cheerwine float.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I feel like you really steered the ship in terms of the sweet treats here. I do like milkshakes a lot. That is sort of my Achilles heel. You know, as I've been trying to cut out unnecessary unnecessary calories from my diet, the milkshake was the first. Well, first of all, booze was the first thing to go.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Yes, then milkshakes were the second thing to go because that to me is is a great dessert. I know you love ice cream. You love ice cream. I like ice cream, too, but milkshake for the form factor for the fucking honestly, the volume of it. Yes, there's more ice cream in it than in like a bowl of ice cream. It's one of my favorite things to eat.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So I had to just knock that shit off. I think it's your Achilles wings. Okay, now you walk walk me through that. Isn't the Achilles heel isn't that isn't it? Isn't it wasn't Achilles? Was didn't he fly or no? Yeah, he did right flew. He flew and then in the sun burned heels up
Starting point is 01:03:04 and then he died some real dumb ass bed crew shit. Who is the guy who flew or a carous, a carous, a carous flew to close the sun. I thought there was some sort of I thought Achilles flew to you. Probably you're thinking of a guy with like a winged helmet or something like that Achilles heel is I mean, isn't there isn't there a story of a I know that Achilles heel always just a saying. Is that what I'm getting wrong? No Achilles was a guy saying that I said yes Achilles is a guy,
Starting point is 01:03:33 but I don't think he had wings Achilles didn't fly. No, I don't think so. I think you're thinking of the one who's the marathon guy. The marathon ran a lot and he had like little wings on his feet. Yeah, maybe that's who you're thinking of. Oh, OK, look, I fucked up. That's Roman. Maybe I'm thinking of the flash.
Starting point is 01:03:49 You might be thinking of the flash. That was fun. What I said, I thought it was fun. It did. I did not follow it, but I enjoyed hearing it even aside from the reference. I don't know what you mean. Like what does it mean for me that they were my way? I'm saying you you steering us with it with the sweet treats.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It was was a was great. I think that it was two milkshakes. I had one of the dog come milkshake and the dumpster juice milkshake. And they were I thought I thought I gave them I gave them five spoons. Just goes back on track. It's weird with a dog come milkshake that they like the dog is there and they show you how fresh like they get out fresh. Yes, you got to give them that fresh.
Starting point is 01:04:27 You got to give it to them. It's not that Cisco shit, you know. Cisco come just the big box of come and they loaded up in the fucking like comes trucks here and say God now I got to unload the every Tuesday. Hey, did you guys run to come? Yeah, come truck doesn't come to you know, yeah, whatever, whatever day. Well, pick a day. Take a day.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It's our fucking thing that we just made out. We can do it any day, any day, Tuesday, what it was come shake disgusting. It's goes to think about what did you guys what were your favorites of of the desserts that we had? You didn't let me try and have your desserts, which is fine. I thought we did it. We offered them you fucking pig. I thought we offered we offered them to Jesse.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Didn't we like oink pig pig do away with the pork. I feel like we were trying to offer a bites of everything to that's a that's a that's a quote from the song Welcome to Atlanta. By the way, Oh, is it really that's cool on brand for that on brand for the episode big ups Mitch who did who did welcome to Atlanta ludicrous and Jermaine Dupree. Oh, very cool. Um, Mike, what is Jesse?
Starting point is 01:05:36 So you just had the cheer wine float. I mean, he just walks right by. That's interesting information. I had the cheer wine float as well. Yes. And that's the, that's the only, I'm not a big dessert head. Oh, you're not. You're more of a savory guy.
Starting point is 01:05:49 I'm more of a savory as well. Coach versus yeah, back crew again. Well, because we got mixed we two here, you know, I, I didn't try the cheer wine float, though I did have a cheer wine drink for my drink. Very similar. I'll say. Cheer wine is something that I that's, that was my favorite soda as a kid. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And I guess it's like very, it's very lightly cherry for people who haven't had it's very lightly cherry. Yeah. Um, my mom always said that it tasted like cough medicine. So whenever I would get it, she'd be like, Oh, why are you doing that? Cough medicine or whatever. It's a little cough medicine. And now cough medicine is actually cool to drink.
Starting point is 01:06:22 So kind of came full circle. She's a fucking idiot. I don't, I don't, I don't prefer cheer wine or, or ale eight one. Have you ever had that? No, what is it? Yeah. It's a Kentucky thing. Ale eight one.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Did you say ale eight one? Ale 81. And it's not an alcoholic. It's a soda, but it's not great. I just want to say that you saying it's cool to drink off syrup now. Yeah. It's kind of, it's been cool for a while now. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:49 I don't know how long have you been doing it, Mitch? What are you fucking trying to tell me, Mitch? You went to Cezerp. I'm just saying that saying it's cool to drink it now is like saying it's cool to watch. I love Lucy now. Basically, I'll say it. How does he do it?
Starting point is 01:07:01 God, Jesus Christ. You have to put this fool down after the episode. The, the shakes were great and they were real highlight. As far as I'm concerned, we also had the, my favorite was the dog come. You like the dog come one. It's fresh. It's, it is fresh. It's fresh.
Starting point is 01:07:20 We also got the, we get some savory, we, we got some entrees. We got some of the food. I got the cookout style, a big double tray. So here's the thing, they come with these trays. And Jesse was saying this earlier, this is the thing about cookout that's a real novelty besides the, the extensive shake menu. The sides you can get with the trays. The trays are cheap and then you get, and the sides aren't just, yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:41 you got fries, you've got, you've got on your rings. You got hush puppies, you got slaw or chili. None of those are crazy. But the other sides you can get are chicken nuggets, a bacon wrap, which we'll get into in a second, a corn dog, a quesadilla. It's, it's kind of crazy how many things. So with a tray, you get, we get a big, a big sandwich. And then you get a couple of sides and you can have a pretty substantial
Starting point is 01:08:03 amount of food for not too much dough. I got the, do you say bacon wrap, Nick? Yeah. The bacon wrap. That's what it's called. Hmm. Maybe I should hit you with a bacon wrap. The, the, the carnivores.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Fucking bacon wrap. It's a bacon wrap. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, fry, fry, fry. Lord knows I'm a baking guy. Are you all right? That was actually fire. Oh, it was 100. Are you doing now?
Starting point is 01:08:37 Are you doing it? No, are you adding on? Oh, I'm in the back. Oh, it was 100. That's your fucking thing for the wrap. It wasn't a thing. It was just me. I just have a bacon wrap.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Is it bacon wrap? First take it away, Mike. Anyway, the dog, con milkshake, great. You could tell it was local dog. A farm to milking table, right? Come on, don't be disgusting. Is that a thing milking table? It's from porno.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah, they call it what it's a table and let me just, it's a table and you lay face down and you put your cock through a hole and someone milks your cock. So it's like I'm thinking of a picture like a massage table sort of thing, but it's like you're on your belly. You can go on your belly on a massage table. No, I know, but you won't. Okay, yes, you can't go on your belly.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Actually, you are on your belly in a massage table primarily, huh? I don't know if you are. I don't know what you're doing. They're gonna rob it craft over here. Jesus. He got tugged off. Yeah, for real.
Starting point is 01:09:52 He did. He did. So there's an AMC championship game, right? Morning of one in there. Do you think a fucking 90 second hand job got out of there? Is that weird to you? To get tugged off and then go to your big thing. Yeah, I think it's weird.
Starting point is 01:10:05 He's not playing in the game. Like, no, it almost makes more sense if he's playing in the game. Yeah, it's just like I got to get some of this fucking, you know, whatever nervous energy out of me somehow. I got to do this weird thing. He's just got to go sit in a box. Like, yeah, he doesn't have any responsibilities. No, it's just it just it makes it more monstrous
Starting point is 01:10:22 that he's going to these, you know, this is doing a pop, a quick pop in. Yeah, go a quick pop into this to someone who's probably likely and likely had been sex trafficked to get fucking jacked off like he was. Well, that's a fucking funny angle on it. Sam's it's just it's like Malcolm Gladwell on the Lolita Express. He's just getting fucking tucked on a second. Well, it's not like being on the Lolita Express. All right, I mean, it's made me not the exact same thing.
Starting point is 01:10:49 But it's analogous. Look, we shouldn't compare and contrast what white crimes are. I will say, I will say that. I will say that I don't think Robert Kraft is as bad as Malcolm Gladwell. I will say I will say that like that. So the but they both got tugged off. So anyway, we were in. What about Matt Groening?
Starting point is 01:11:12 Matt Groening, I don't think got tugged off. I think he just got his gross feet. Yeah, he got his feet washed, which is even grosser. It's kind of more perverse that he was like, I don't want a hand job. I want a foot massage. And then he had real gross feet. Yeah. And then he made like a like an underage girl wash them. Yeah, it's very weird.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But then he drew Bart for which which you like. He my shorts or wash my feet, man. Hey, thanks for the foot wash, man. And I don't think he doesn't do the voice, right? So it just sort of like he does a really good one, though. But he is good at it. Yeah, he's in there all every day. He knows what the Bart sounds like because he made him up.
Starting point is 01:11:52 He created him. Yeah. Do I have to edit this? I want to get invited to this Simpsons party next year. You saw him believe everything I've said about Matt Groening in this episode and the last episode out. You're hoping that a still alive Epstein is there. You can schmooze with your God. Anyway, some of the dog come got on my shirt.
Starting point is 01:12:13 So it's weird that I saw that staying before we can I just say and I made a point to to explain that cook out is one of the most requested chains for us to cover. I feel like people are going to be upset at this episode. I'm not giving it the respected. I also got the big double tray. Yes, and I got mine cheddar style. You get a bunch of different styles.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Yes, cheddar style over there. We both got style over here. It kind of it kind of fell in that natural divide. Yeah, cook out style is chili, slaw, mustard and onion. And cheddar style is cheddar cheese, bacon, grilled onions and mayo. Mitch, you had a little bit of a kerfluffle involving your cheddar style burger. Well, I ordered a cheddar style. Well, I ordered a cheddar style and she
Starting point is 01:13:01 she put it in just as with cheddar. Yes. And so we had a big order. OK, it was a big order. I know she was great. I liked her. She was also a very funny character that the lady who took our order. If you yeah, you just broke a bunch of stuff off the walls and shit. Like, I didn't know if that was called for slapping, slapping the open hand,
Starting point is 01:13:18 slapping the table a lot. I got news that I was getting moved out of my room. There was a lot going on. It's been a wild day. Apparently, like people have overheard the podcast and they're trying to get me out of the hotel. But she she put she put in it with cheddar instead of cheddar style. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And so like there was a big weird thing where I went up and I was like, hey, this this is wrong, you know, like it was a different woman who I talked to when I went back up to her. And I told the other lady was there. She was like, what happened? And I was like, oh, I just has cheddar. It's not cheddar style. And she went, I'm so sorry, the lady who helped me.
Starting point is 01:13:50 But then the other lady was helping me out was like, OK. And she like took the burger and she was like, so what was I was like, I got cheddar style. And she's like, OK. And then she like started poking stuff in on the screen. She's like, do you ever see? I was like, yeah. And I went and got in the seat and she was like, you owe like a dollar forty nine
Starting point is 01:14:05 for cheddar style. And I was like, you pay extra. I was like, what the hell? So I was like, here you go. Here's here's here's the card. You know, so she swiped the card and then she like was like wanted to take the burger and I was like, you're going to make me a new burger, right? Like I because like this burger had been now is cold and like a and she was
Starting point is 01:14:21 like, yeah, and she took the burger to the back. And then she came back with a new one. And I was like, why did she take the burger to the back? It feels like you didn't make a new seems like you it seems like you maybe would give the bad burger for free to you and also make a new one. Yeah, I think it was the same burger. I'm pretty sure it was the same burger. I think that they just had a bacon into it and some mayo or whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:42 But whatever, I mean, it was look, here's the thing. It was delicious. It was good as hell. It was really, really good. Once I got it again, I took a couple of bites of that bad boy. It was very, very good. I I think I slightly preferred it to the one I got, which was cookout style, which we have Jesse and I got, which is a, you know, a big double burger.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And I mentioned as the chili in the salon there, which works really well together. Jesse, you and I talked about how they have the right amount of chili. It's not too much. Yeah. I think it's very easy to imagine a chili burger as becoming more chili than burger very often. That's the case. That's what you get.
Starting point is 01:15:15 It's it totally it destabilizes the region of burger, right? But in this case, it's like a it's like a what? What could it be like a tablespoon of chili? Like it's not very much. It's enough to get the flavor in the in the texture. It's just a little bit. Yeah, just a little bit. It's nice that cheddar burger, though, was I liked I liked more.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Even even though there was the craziness around it. All right. You liked what you ordered more than what I wasn't offered any of it. So I guess it's just like, I don't know, but I liked what I got. You know, I don't know, Mike. You also got that cheddar style burger. I got the cheddar style burger. I got the they asked me for two sides, which I forgot that you were supposed to
Starting point is 01:15:51 do instant panic activated, you know it. I went to lunch the other day with a co-worker and they I was like, I'll get the, you know, this or I didn't even look at the menu. And they were like, actually, it's a fucking lunch time now. So it's a different fucking menu. And I was like, yeah, you know, well, they were brandishing a gun also. And they were like, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. And I was like, I'll just get, you know, what he got or whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:19 You know, same thing. And I do that all the time. I'll just say you do that. That is true. You just get whatever I get. Yeah, I can very easily say I will take one minute, please. You could do that. Won't happen.
Starting point is 01:16:30 But just the idea that then they will then look at you and go, uh-huh. It's so devastating. They can't embark on the adventure at all because that I'm like, um, inconveniencing you because you came over here to see if I was ready. And I'm obviously not. So I better fucking, it's a, I'm just like flippin the menu. Well, yeah, but I got the cheddar style burger and I got the fries and I got nuggets nuggets and they give you three.
Starting point is 01:16:57 They give you a very strange number. I guess it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I wasn't expecting 900 nuggets, but three is weird. The, the, I would say that's probably part of how they keep their price point so low is that they have the portion size is not as huge as you might expect for a place that has kind of an over the top menu. Um, my sides were the bacon wrap and the chicken quesadilla.
Starting point is 01:17:20 So the bacon wrap is, it's just a few slices, but Jesse, you told me to get it because it's weird and it, but it's good. It's like just a few slices of bacon, good bacon in a, in a flour tortilla with some lettuce and some cheese and then a little bit of some sort of sauce that I didn't couldn't quite figure out. Uh, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Yeah. I think it's either ranch or ranch mayo, some combinations.
Starting point is 01:17:41 She said, she said ranch with the, with the, the bacon wrap. Yes. Oh, no, I'm not going to do it again. What we're going to do is doing another verse of bacon wrap. Oh, the bacon wrap. Got it. I decided not to though. Look, look, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Bacon wrap. It's a bacon wrap. Put that on the skillet. I don't know what to say. Then it's, then it's time to grill it. Time to grill it. I mean, we're all right there. We're fucking so good.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Fucking young money cash money. You're right there. Pretty straightforward feminine. Then it's time to grill it. There you go. Sounds like paraffa the rapper. Put the thing on the oven. Now set it to cook.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I got, I also got a bacon wrap and a corn dog was my other side. Right. But then I also ordered hush puppies for the table. Yes. And classy move. I got a spicy chicken sandwich as well. And we got those, we got those, uh, fucking what those were. There's fries and fries, very normal fries, lightly dusted.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Yes. I thought they were good fries or good quality fries. They're good fries. Speaking of our server, I said to, no, no, go for it. I thought I was just doing Cajun, man, and you just rolled right over it. Okay. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Cajun. Remember Adam Sandler? Yeah. Yes. Yeah, we remember. Yeah. Yeah. Chikun.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Doesn't he say chikun? Yeah. And I think the joke on that is sometimes the words don't really have that same noise at the end. But funny, but what he does, what he did, kind of a brilliant move. He put the sound on the end of the word. Every word that's funny much to make them laugh. We, we, me, Nick are, are Sandler defenders.
Starting point is 01:19:15 We like Sandler. I like Sandler. Yeah. We, we like Sandler. Yeah. His fucking new movie looks dope though on cut gems. It looks good. Have you seen it?
Starting point is 01:19:27 I know you got fucking, you probably got the screeners and shit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no for this one. We're not, we're not at that level. It looks good. It does look good. Yeah. I like, I would like the trailer. I was intrigued by the trailer.
Starting point is 01:19:37 I got a screener for grownups too, but not on cut gems. They just sent you the DVD from like Red Box. This movie that came out in 2011. So the yeah, I will say my side. Yes, please. I also got the bacon wrap. Mitch, take it away. The hush puppies, not normal hush, you're gonna fucking give him an
Starting point is 01:20:02 out by saying hush puppy in the bacon wrap bed, fucking bed crew. Straight LT is not a Sammy. You got to add bacon and make it. Hand me. Yeah. Fuck, yes. That's your signature. Just a heavy, defeated side at the end of your verse.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I mean, wrap, wrapping's hard. You did it to yourself. It's hard. It's a skill. Yeah. Do you, you were talking about the hush puppies or unconventional hush puppies. They're like little, like mini corn dog shaped balls. They're tubular.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah, they are tubes. Yeah. Tubes. You, they're smooth on the outside, whereas a normal hush puppy, I feel, has a crack, a craggly, craggly, yes, moon surface, like, yeah, beer battered is what I'm used to. I, I, I've always referred to it as being moon surface of the moon. Moved surface of moon.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Yeah, I would say beer. Yeah. The sides are, I don't know if other southern people will be upset to hear this, but whereas sides in southern cuisine for home cooking are arguably more important than the main dish, like a big Thanksgiving dinner, everybody loves the sides more than the turkey. Who fucking cares about turkey, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Hey, turkey, you know, hit the bricks is what I, wow, Mitch is going to be upset. Mitch is a big turkey guy, but you don't like it more than the sides. I like the sides maybe more. Yeah, that's something like turkey, but when it comes to fucking going to the southern restaurant, the sides are just some bullshit. They just are the barbecue place. Yeah. Every barbecue place has fucked up sides.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Interesting. They're all fucked up. The, the concept of the sides is good. Oh, macaroni and fucking cheese and cornbread and green beans. All that shit. They all suck ass. Wow. Because they're in there trying to make the meat.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I will get mac and cheese and okra if they have it. Yeah. Those, I don't stray from those two sides because everything else is fucking garbage. It's all trash because they don't care. And this is the same way. It's, they're not bad. It's just like, this is all bagged shit.
Starting point is 01:22:02 The little nuggets are a little sure bagged, like little fucking TRX nuggets, whatever, they're cooked in a deep fryer. So they taste good. The little cheesy bites that I had, same shit. So they're in the back milking those dogs for nothing. Well, you're there for the shakes, you know, and the shakes matter. The shakes matter. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:18 The burgers matter. The chicken matters a little bit less, but it's still hanging around in there. And I don't fuck with the barbecue at all. But that's just, it's not the point. The point is to get some cheap, greasy grub in your gut. Yeah. And it tastes pretty damn good. It tastes pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:22:32 And it is cheap with all the food we got. And we got a lot of items for the, for four people are total. We overordered and we, and our bill was $44 and 61 cents. It was actually $45 with the, with the added, oh, they added. Yeah. So it's more like it's 40. And I went back and got a grilled chicken and paid for that on my own. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:50 So we're talking like $48 or this point. Now it's getting, we owe Jesse like $250. Can you, do you have a checkbook or? Can I ask you guys, I didn't bring the checkbook. Can I ask you about something sincerely? Yeah. Do you like the bacon wraps? I, I like, oh, you're like my bacon wraps.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah, they're good. I do like it. Yes. I think it is good. I think people like hearing it. I think when people hear you go, but, but, but, but, but, but, but they fucking jump out of their seat. Like I think, I think they, that's going to get a big, does that get a bigger pop
Starting point is 01:23:23 than his fucking the shit that he says? I don't know. Like he says he'd see when people lose their minds, but is that as big as, is that as big as lettuce wrap right now is very much is like kind of top in the charts. What a shitty show that you saying heat seeker and my bad rap. Yeah, I know it's saying that people like about the show, it's garbage. It's true garbage and yet you still and yet there are still people that can't
Starting point is 01:23:48 even make it on to the stage for the whole show. They're as bad as the show is there are still people that are so far below that like, you know, just like it's a talk show convention. You bring out a second guest to change up the energy. All right. But is that normally five minutes before the end of the show? That's not how we brought you out earlier than that. Can I can I go ahead and say that at least they asked you to come on stage
Starting point is 01:24:10 because I was we asked you to come on stage as well. You declined. You were backstage, hamming it up with the club owner who you liked so much. Oh, OK. Oh, we all love that club owner. Oh, my God, he's the best. So we had a case, the case idea I thought was actually although I will disagree with you a little bit, maybe because that was one that they by necessity,
Starting point is 01:24:34 they prepare fresh. Yeah, you got to make that one. I thought that one was it was a pretty good case idea, especially at the price. Yeah. And the bacon wrap is the same way too. Yeah. They assemble it there. They assemble it there and they sit in a chair and there's a dog come.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Oh, it's a dog hair. I'm not a rapper. This is our show now. We are the host now from the movie. We are the host. From wait, from the movie Tom Hanks, you know, no, from the fucking Tommy Joker, Tom Hanks, and I'm the host now side of eggs, side of hash. I'll tell you, we'll make this party a bash, add some bacon to my plate.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Yeah, now breakfast looking great. Lettuce wrap, it's a lettuce. No, it's a bacon wrap. Oh, you fucked up so bad. Boy, back to fucking the drawing board. But here's the thing that was good until I said lettuce. It was good. It's still good.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Here's the thing, bacon and lettuce live harmoniously within a BLT. And that's the last rapper's a boat. You didn't pay attention. No, but what that's what I'm saying is that you could find. You can merge those two to expand the rap universe. Yeah, it's a good concept for a rap song period. It's a good concept for a movie. It's a good concept for a lot of BLT.
Starting point is 01:25:48 The movie. Why not? A guy has to travel around the city and find all the ingredients before a bomb explodes to a BLT part. Yeah. Yeah. And then the movie ends just at a seven eleven. We got we're going to go on to our final. Let's get to our final thoughts.
Starting point is 01:26:04 So we're going around. We'll give a summation of our thoughts on cook out and then give it a fork score. And so we didn't spend a ton of time on every item. If you have anything we missed, feel free to throw that in there. But Jesse for our will begin with you. OK, so cook out. I feel like I'm new to cook out. It's a transplant to our area.
Starting point is 01:26:23 So I don't have the deep well of respect that North Carolinians might have, for instance. But I think it's really good to me. It is sort of, you know, it's the apex predator of fast food in the sense of it's like sloppy cook out type food, which I love. Yes, that's a great indulgence type food, which is all fast food is for me. At this point, it's just pure indulgence. It's salty.
Starting point is 01:26:49 They do the burger. The burger is very good. It's that there's something strange about cook out, which is the prices make no sense, and it's just a total fucking free for all. Like, how do you how do you decide between three nuggets or an entire quesadilla? Yes, right. There's no information that helps you make this decision.
Starting point is 01:27:05 The price points are different. Like they're they're totally insane. The calories don't make any sense. You notice that the what is it? The quarter pound and the double are the same price. You can see between calories, calories, big double and order pound. Is that just two of them smashed together, which is why they're the same amount of calories?
Starting point is 01:27:23 And if so, why would you ever choose one or the other? I know the menu looks like a DOS printout or something. It looks insane. It is open the menu earlier online, and it looks insane. It looks like an angel fire website. It's very like borderline hostile. It is. Yeah, so you got to go back and do all the different stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:40 For me, the big draw is the shakes. I don't think anybody does shakes better. I think when it comes to the burgers and the shakes, this is what Sonic wishes it could be. And for that reason, I get to give cookout five forks, five forks. Wow. Wow. All right, Mike, go ahead. I had, as you know, the cummy milk dog. I'm not going to go.
Starting point is 01:28:04 No, I'm going to fucking be serious for once in my life. Please do about something that matters. It was a good hand burger. I loved it so much and no, it's fine. It's a good, it's a good, you know, it's a good fucking burger. Like you said, you can't get the chili burgers spilling it everywhere and you're trying to jack off too. You can't fucking do that because you're eating it in the car.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Miss Central, I'm going to go ahead and give it four forks, four forks. Very good score. I still say that you have to have a lot to work with the masturbate in the car. I mean, it wouldn't hurt. I mean, it was, I'm not playing, I'm piling on, man. I mean look, there was, it was a debacle. My whole day was was all over the place. Yeah, and then that, you know, that on top of, but you know,
Starting point is 01:29:03 I'm not going to deduct any points for that. I've decided not to deduct any points. Why would you? Who said why would you? I don't know. No one told me I had you having a bad day. Your life is all fucked up. How's that their fault?
Starting point is 01:29:14 That's true. That's a hamburger restaurant. That's, that's true. Well, I'm saying that they're debacle with everything that went on with my order. I'm not going to deduct points for that. Oh, I get what you're saying. I got that burger back and I thought the burger was delicious. I actually truly thought it was a really, really, really tasty burger.
Starting point is 01:29:29 The bacon wrap is bacon wrap is fun. I'm not going to do a bacon wrap anymore. So tired now, actually. It's over. And I, and I, and I really enjoyed the corn dog was really good too. It was a tasty corn dog. Hush puppies. I just don't know if I like hush puppies.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Yes. Um, the shake was fantastic. Jesse, I'll tell you, I want to join you in the, in the five fork club. I might need a little more time with it, but I'm going to go 4.75 forks. Wow. Four forks three times respectable cookouts better than any cookout. I've ever been to. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Sure. Cookout has family and friends who needs them who needs them. Go to cook out alone. There you go. You get anything you'd want. You got it. It's, it's a unique place. It's a fun place.
Starting point is 01:30:13 There's a lot of different things. The, the dog, come shake and everything. And there's a lot of characters in there too. Didn't you think? Yeah. The lady behind the counter was, was, was, I said, I said, I said, can I get a cheer wine? And she said, are you going to wine about it?
Starting point is 01:30:26 She said that. That's cute. That's so funny. She's getting her on the fucking show. She'd be great. I said, I asked her to toss some, uh, some, some, some of the, what were the fries we got, the Cajun fries? I said, toss some Cajun fries in there.
Starting point is 01:30:39 And she says, like, I won't toss them in there, but I might throw them at you. Yeah. And I was like, oh, that's one constant bits. Yeah. Just, she was just kind of, she had a bunch of them. And then, but then she went on a tangent where she was like, sometimes some of these customers, oh, she had a stun gun that was like a little like aggressive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:54 I was like, oh, that's almost too real. Like, I was like, I was like, I also, I wish I had something a little bit more powerful right now. We got into it. We were talking, got pretty heated back there. Yeah. What's your favorite way to kill a man talking? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:09 She said that if she had a stun gun, she'd stun you and she put you in the hole in the backyard of her house. I think, I think cookout is great and lives up to the hype. That's, that's my short review. I really enjoyed the shakes and I thought that the, the burger was great. I love the variety of sides. I'd like to try more of the sides. I feel like this is a place where we owe it a revisit, Mitch, because I think
Starting point is 01:31:34 there's just more of the menu to tackle. And I think we got it. We got to do like a sides roundup or something. We, we didn't really dig into the chicken all that much, which is a big part of its menu, but it's, it's fucking great. And I, this is the kind of spot where I eat out. And I was like, I'd be an asshole to deny this for me. I'm speaking for myself to deny this anything less than five forks.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Wow. This to me is a five fork chain restaurant for, okay. So I'm an asshole. It's in the, it's in the, it's in the golden plate club. So we're, it's a, it's no, you're not an asshole. It's, it's totally fine. He is. No, the golden plate club is a reasonable place for this.
Starting point is 01:32:12 For the cookout to be. I feel like I should, can I, cause you, what did you get? You gave it five. You gave it, what did you give it? I gave it five. You gave it five and you gave it. Four point seven five. Four point seven.
Starting point is 01:32:22 I'll explain why. Because when I got, I got my dog cum shake and there was dog pee pee in it. And that I did not like. Yeah. That's tainted skimming off the top. When you're talking about fluids that come out of a dog, you want to get the one you ordered. You don't want to end up being like, you know, you got a dog milk in there.
Starting point is 01:32:40 It's like when you, it's like when you, you take a sip of soda pop and you thought it was diet, but it's full. Oh boy. Yeah. Uh, is Pepsi okay? Uh, no. Nick, uh, what's, should we, the rest of this episode is to be continued. That was our review of cookout.
Starting point is 01:33:03 It's time for a segment, but before we get to that, we have some breaking chews. Our own you song Lou is a huge Chipotle stan, as the kid, as the kids say. And, uh, he, he wanted to report real quick on a new menu item that Chipotle has added. Uh, I'm going to hand the mic to, to you. So I didn't know about this. Yeah. We just, we just decided on this earlier. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:27 As everyone knows, I stand here today as staunch Chipotle defender. I go there too much. And recently on my Chipotle rewards app, they, I think they accidentally gave me two free entrees instead of one. It made me feel really guilty. Like I was committing some sort of crime. I went there to try the new carne asada and it left me carne asada. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:33:51 I regretted that immediately. It was just, I wanted it to be so good and it was just too dry. I was so sad and bummed, but it's still a good place. Five forks. Thank you for your time. Wow. Wow. You song underwhelmed by the, by Chipotle's new carne asada with it,
Starting point is 01:34:10 which they've been hyping a lot, which he, but then he also gave five forks. He also gave it five forks. Yeah. Well, that happens sometimes. There's a place, what, what was that? It doesn't make sense. What he said, it doesn't make sense. Like, do you mean carne asada?
Starting point is 01:34:24 I thought I got it. I got that. Do you not get it? Carne, no, it's carne asada. I don't get steak. No. He's saying it doesn't make sense that he gave it five forks and he said it was bad because he said, I don't.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I don't think anything he said made sense and I think we should retake it. Do you want to try a tighter version of your song? You get with that first take. Okay. We're going to move on. Uh, we've got a classic snack and it's time for the modern person's take. We're going snack in time with snack to the future. Snack to the future.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Snack to the future. Got a classic snack and we're going to eat it. Snack to the future. Snack the future. I don't realize I, we, because we decided, I don't think we, uh, locked in lyrics last time we did this segment. Yeah. So I was just sort of trying to remember.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Oh, maybe we did. You know what? We did lock in lyrics. I think you did. Yeah, we did. Actually, you got it. I may be grumpy and hung over. Uh, we're picking this episode back up.
Starting point is 01:35:29 I'm just going to, I'm going to ruin the whole thing for everyone. This episode is, this the end of this episode is, is, is a pickup. We should tell, I thought we were going to do a little gotcha on all the rubes listening to the pod. We were going to do like, like a little reveal later. Well, I guess this counts. Well, I was just going to say, I'm angry and hung over. Maybe I'm angry and hung over, but I don't like your bare feet on my bed.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Wager's bare feet are on my bed. Yeah, they are. What do you want? You want me to wear shoes on your bed? I mean, socks could be a nice alternative. Yeah, I was wearing sandals. We put socks on with sandals. That's a fashion faux pas.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Actually, it's kind of cool. Is that a cool look? No, but I wear it. So Jesse makes it cool. You can't make it cool. No, I couldn't pull that off. I really yesterday, we broke it up between couch energy and bed energy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:20 But I think I just like your guys energy more than Wager's. I'm with you guys. I think we want to join our show. It's a lot worse. That can't be possible. We broke so you could use the bathroom yesterday and it took so much time that we're picking it up the next day. So here's what we've got.
Starting point is 01:36:47 We got some Halloween Oreos and we were going to have this because it's the spookiest day of the spookiest month. It's Halloween as of this episode's release. However, it turns out that Halloween Oreos are just Oreos with orange like filling. It's the same flavor as the regular filling. We've eaten these before. We've had these same ones.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Yes. OK, well, then this is a snack to the future in two ways. It's we're having regular Oreos and then we're also having something that we've had on the podcast before. This is this segment. So we had a whole day to fix this. The segment sucks. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:37:23 But we went out and we got fucking we all got fucking loaded except for Jesse. You remember in the movie where Jesse was over? He goes back in time to have sex with his mom and then later on he goes back in time to watch himself have sex with his mom. That's what this is. I don't think I've seen the movie. You haven't seen Back to the Future.
Starting point is 01:37:44 I don't think so. Jesse, good movies. It looks stupid to me. The fuck? Yeah, this is sucks. Well, a guy riding around on a skateboard. Who cares? Go to work.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Yeah, the guy has sex with his mom. Yeah, OK, I think I've seen that part. You see full penetration in the movie. And then part two when he watches it, you see him jack off. So I got I did the segments last week. Yeah, I had the two things that last week. So you're in charge this week. And it just sucks.
Starting point is 01:38:15 I fucking traveled here. I flew to Atlanta. We're in your hotel room. You had an entire week to put something. We scrambled to try to figure something out. I worked all week. I did, too. I worked all week in a different city.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Well, you said what you told me initially was we were going to do the John Taffer drinks. So oh, I forgot about the Taffer drinks. So now not only are we not doing that, but I've also spoiled it. You can't do it in the future now, because I've already mentioned it. We should have done them. And obviously, you guys don't repeat segments or else. You know, we wouldn't be eating these Oreos.
Starting point is 01:38:49 How do we get those Taffer drinks? Do we know? Are you asking you saw what's going on? You saw you saw drop the ball. We'll figure out the Taffer drinks. OK, I was over there in the little cartoon birds are like going around his head. All right, let's let's open up these Oreos.
Starting point is 01:39:12 OK, now hang on. I know that you said you can still open the door. I wasn't talking to you. Open the door. Come just open them. OK, so. This is snack to the future. Yes. OK.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I feel like I got a pretty good handle on most doboy stuff. Right. I get it. I get what you guys are. I get it. You know, yeah, it's pretty easy to get to understand. But what is the future part of it? Well, back to the future. It's that he goes back in time. So that's the idea.
Starting point is 01:39:39 We're going back to we're having a snack from another time. And this is from now, though. Yes, but it's like the idea is we're having a classic snack. The idea is like, OK, here's here's an example of something that would work well for this segment, better than this, which we're trying to sort of cluge into making. You saw you're putting so many Oreos in this ball. Yeah, we don't need all these Oreos.
Starting point is 01:40:01 How many did you guys get? We got one, two, three, four, five, six, we got seven. We got seven, too. He counted out precisely seven Oreos. You think they were going to do three and a half Oreos each? I would love to be in your fucking head sometimes. I think an ideal fit for this segment. Also, I'll just say this, that like snacks to the future
Starting point is 01:40:27 completely doesn't make any sense, because like orange Oreos. I mean, how old are those? I think they came out like, look, they taste like regular Oreos. There's no part of it that makes any sense. At least most of the stuff is like hanging by a thread. And none of us are having sex with our moms. Where is it coming at? You could have gotten some blueberry today.
Starting point is 01:40:50 I could have, but we were I've we all work. I'm hungover. You are. Yeah, I'm hungover. I could have gotten it. I'm a hundred percent. Well, I don't want to make our guests get something. You should have. Well, OK, maybe it's not going too far.
Starting point is 01:41:05 We over. We were recording early in the day or early in the winter. We went out and we partied for your your birthday last night. I know, I'm sorry. Party party. I was over served and I'm also you're blaming it on everywhere. You're blaming on everyone but you. I was over served in the sense that I it was I ordered too many drinks and I was given them.
Starting point is 01:41:27 But I feel it's on me. I fucking hate I hate social drinking. I get fucking hammered. I get so fucking drunk every goddamn time. You don't have to. I know I don't have to. But I'm just like in a place that everyone's partying. I'm having a good time. I'm like, I'll have another one.
Starting point is 01:41:40 You look you look you were in like a finish him pose last. He was he really was. I was walking around like a finish him like in in Mortal Kombat. Yeah, I wish someone had finished. I feel like you guys just disappeared at one point. Yeah, I mean you song left. We had we had kind of a pact. You know how it's been to you.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Babality. I'd love that shit infantilize me please. Here we go. OK, we're we're going to bite some of these Oreos. A little trivia about the Oreo sandwich cookie that you may may not have known. Richard Ramirez, his favorite snack, the Night Stalker, his favorite snack is Oreo.
Starting point is 01:42:22 He said, I love to I love to dunk those suckers in milk. He said he famously said they are good in milk. Yeah, they are good in milk. He was right about that and some other stuff, too, probably. I saw the Night Stalker like wrote a letter to someone like I saw some of the letters he sent from prison. And at some point, he got his own stationery that said the Night Stalker has a Night Stalker logo.
Starting point is 01:42:47 That's arrogant. It is very arrogant. But I'm leaning into it. Yeah, that guy was a fucking gnarly serial killer. He's not one of the better guys to do it. He's not one of the like the altruistic. He's not one of our favorites. You know, well, just I didn't mean the gruesomeness of it. Like he did some like he did some home invasion stuff that was
Starting point is 01:43:06 like it seems like a guy who had serial killer rookie cards and stuff and like a little like portfolio he flips through. He's like, damn, look at the stats on this guy. I was just mostly trying to make a riff about the Oreos. I didn't want to go into sexual assault and stuff, but OK, we don't have. We don't have to talk about that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bringing that up. I don't know what he did. I don't know any of these guys.
Starting point is 01:43:25 It's nothing to me. Bad stuff. You did bad stuff. Like think of the worst things. You can't even think of it because you wouldn't. You're not serial killer. It's in the name. That's a hint. That should be a hint. That should be a fucking segment. Serial killer. Oh, that's good. You idiot.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Yeah, that would have been good. That would have been perfect for Halloween. Yeah, we get a spooky. Serial Halloween episode. You fucking put serial killer on it. And then. But what do you do? I guess you. It doesn't. You just you decide whether this the serial is going to live or die.
Starting point is 01:43:54 What you do is you fill a bowl up with like a serial, a spooky serial. And also you put a bomb in it and you have to finish it before the bomb goes off. This sounds like some real jigsaw shit. Now, that guy had some also some good opinion. And he liked Chippahoy's Chippahoy. You know, I'm going to put a couple of chips. Tricycle basket. Do we have to talk about these?
Starting point is 01:44:25 Or I say we never talk about the Oreos. All right, great. I'm just going to say I love it. They're Oreos. They're fun. They taste like Oreos. They're either orange or them in the fucking trash. I like when it's a different color than it's I like that. That is fun. I like it. The the green catch up they did for a while. I like that.
Starting point is 01:44:42 What color is this? Is this orange? Yeah, it's orange. Don't do the color blind bit. It's not a bit. It is a fucking bit. I like the contrast of the I'm trying to I'm trying to make something out of this. I love the contrast of the dark scratching and clawing. Just get anything out of this fucking thing. I like when the food is is different color. There's a crunch and a snap to it.
Starting point is 01:45:04 They really don't find it. I'm going to give them a snack. It's not snack or wack. It doesn't matter. This is snack to the future. You can still you can still say snack. I'm going to get the same and a whack. Yeah, OK, but I'm going to give my guests also a snack. That is nice. That is really cool.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Mike is wearing one of my t-shirts and that's all I'm thinking about. We need to get him. We need to get him a new t-shirt. It feels so guilty. Mike, can you explain why you're wearing Mitch's shirt? So I we knew about this trip for a very long time. I packed my clothes about ten minutes before we left and I forgot to bring multiple shirts. So I only had the one.
Starting point is 01:45:45 The one you were wearing. The one I was wearing and the one I was wearing in the car and I was all sweaty and stinky from, I don't know whose fault that is, but it's definitely not mine. Somebody dropped the ball. You saw. So when you travel, you know, like when I travel, you take like your like few favorite shirts, you know?
Starting point is 01:46:05 You're sure? OK. And so now I have one of my favorite shirts. We got to get him a new shirt. I want the shirt back. Can we can we see? We'll get him a new shirt. I just want to like and maybe this will be visible in the guest photo. He's wearing the like you're the shirt you're wearing.
Starting point is 01:46:22 I know he's wearing. I know that you're both wearing Doughboy's Wendy style shirts. Yes, I know. Your favorite shirt is like the second one of one you have on. It's all about just form fitting. Jesse, I know you're shaking your head. No, but you get this. I don't I don't understand why you're a slim man.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Now you sell out piece of shit. Look, Jesse looks great. Well, thank you. I like I'm a medium shirt now, which is gris. That's awesome. That's right. I'm a 2 XL medium is like. Yeah, I'm also up there too.
Starting point is 01:46:51 We don't have to see what it is, but you might Mitch. You did give away a bunch of Doughboy's shirts, right? You said that one time that you had like a big box of shirts and you don't know I will send him a Doughboy's shirt. No, it's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you're you're so attached to the shirt and yet you took a big box of them down to Goodwill, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:13 No, I know this is one of them. I didn't take down. What's your fucking problem? You had all of your all your shirt you want. Do you want to like a hawk shirt? We're gonna get your shirt today. I don't care. I'll pop down.
Starting point is 01:47:24 I was I thought about just popping down on the gift shop and seeing what they had. We're gonna get your decision is gonna get a like a leave that out. Sorry you song. Oh, wait, is this right at the end of the thing? Yeah, this is at the end. Yeah, your decision to get a shirt. Yeah, you're still gonna be here.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Meh, who cares? It's October 31st. Yeah, yeah, I'll be here for like a few days. OK, so if you want to if you want to come over, I think that like someone's going to come to the hotel, you know, I don't know. We me and Mike, we're talking about this. Like we are not famous by any stretch, but there might be someone who wants to kill us.
Starting point is 01:48:00 You know what I mean? Yeah, but it's like a legitimate celebrity thing about like people who want to kill you. They don't tell you and give you like a heads up. Yeah, until it's like too late. Some of them do and they have their own little station area. They monitor, you know, but like real celebs, they have like their you go on tour, you see their house, right?
Starting point is 01:48:17 Isn't that what they do? Yeah, I'm not one of those. But I like I'm not even D list or I'm I'm I'm no, you're D list. You are. Come on. You're like you could you could have a cameo. Your D list cameo where? No, I mean, like you could have a can on the camera.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know. These are the people I got cameos for wire stormy Daniels. Yeah, who else? Wags, I'm John Taffer, John Taffer. Yeah, you're spoiling some of these, which are coming on future up for your live episodes that have been released. Sorry, you saw you're going to bleep more stuff. No, it's I mean, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:48:58 It would like people know now it doesn't matter. Hey, this is this is Mike Mitchell from the Doughboys. Congratulations on being a car dealer. I don't know what would you guys, your guys's sales numbers are crazy. It's me from love. But you would say love raises what you'd say, right? Probably. Yeah, that's your big thing. I've probably like congrats on a congrats on your new maze, jigsaw.
Starting point is 01:49:25 No, that's sweet. That's so nice that someone did that for me. That was snack for the future. Just like a restaurant, a variety of feedback. Let's open up the feedback today. Is he never even talked about it? We never really we really never did talk about them, but they're they're good. They're good. Orioles are good.
Starting point is 01:49:40 You like let it go. You want to be. Oh, yeah, I'm trying to be a little dickhead. You want to be a good boy, though. That's your that's their whole pathos is your you want to be a dickhead, but you want to be a good boy, too. No, it's tough. It's hard.
Starting point is 01:49:51 It's very hard. Like I want to be generous and help Mike out, but I want the shirt back. Yeah, I want to make them walk around town with the shirt off. Yeah, just just a hoodie, like an open hoodie with my fat stomach hanging out. Some walking around town like that. He wouldn't give me the shirt. Today's email comes to us from David Dawson. David writes, as we approach Halloween candy season,
Starting point is 01:50:15 it's more than approach, it's upon us. A candy question for you. What is the best form factor of Reese's? It has so many form variants, normal, individually wrapped mini cups, Easter egg, lump, et cetera, and spinoffs, fast break pieces, et cetera. But at heart, it is just different delivery methods for chocolate and Reese's PB. So which does it best? Love the pod.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Thank you for all the laughs. Hashtag Spoon Nation and Go Pat Super Bowl or bust, baby. Wow, you got to like that, Mitch. I do like that quite a bit. I think the he shouted out the individually wrapped mini cups, which I do really like those small ones. It was great. They have a good ratio.
Starting point is 01:50:54 And I like that they're like a little taller than the big one or the the normal one. I feel like the normal one is good. The normal one might be the perfect one, but I do like the there's something about like the Christmas tree that really works for me. You know what I mean? It's like you got like the narrow the narrow point and you get a little bit. You get just different proportions as you nibble through it. We both know that he's wrong here.
Starting point is 01:51:16 I was also going to say the Christmas tree is hell. Yeah, it's got more peanut butter in it. The shape goes right down your throat. You don't even have to chew, which is great. The the mini cups suck shit to me because I have been getting mini cups lately because my kids had a piñata and we put candy in it. But then I think we decided not to put peanut butter candy in it because all these kids nowadays, you know, oh, I can't have my whatever.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I don't listen. I need my boppy ball or whatever the hell you know, I'm tired of it. So I get the candy now. So but I hate the boppy ball. Yeah. The middle like at the holidays like you're like, oh, you gave your kids a boppy ball. Jesus, yeah, I'm going to the hell out of us.
Starting point is 01:52:10 Oh, Christmas Day. You got to get batteries and everything. Um, wait, what were you saying? The mini cups are not good. Okay, the peanut butter in them is gristly too much and sometimes you get a bad one and it doesn't taste like it's supposed to. You know what I'm talking about? You get the funky one.
Starting point is 01:52:34 I get what you mean, but I like I like the gristle. I like the texture of it. God, yeah, you're nasty. You're a nasty man. I'm nasty. All right, the but I think the the best the best Reese's is the Butterfinger PB cup. They took Reese's corner and they're fucking sitting on it. That's bold.
Starting point is 01:52:55 The little Butterfinger cup because Butterfinger is good. Yeah, and now it's a little PB cup. It's a square. It's bigger. It's square. Great shape. I don't like the square. I don't like it's a rounded square too.
Starting point is 01:53:05 It is rounded, which is I find to be an aesthetically unpleasant shape. I like I want to look at like a regular square or a circle. Don't give me a rounded square. This is the most I disagree with you. Are we clashing? You don't like that. I do. I have had the Butterfinger cup, though, and they are very good.
Starting point is 01:53:22 The crunchiness, the crunch is nice. Yeah, should we make? Should we say to our listeners that will review zombie? Which do we have a double before Halloween or is it already filled? No, we don't. I mean, we have we've recorded as of this. We've recorded two of our doubles and this was the fifth of five full episodes. So we still got three more.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Are we going to do some zombie skittles or something? Yeah, we tried to find them. We couldn't find them. You got a coke or maybe then we do blueberry. We should do or we do all of them. But we you got a coke here today, huh? You're not. Yeah, I'm hungover.
Starting point is 01:53:52 What do you guys what you don't like our scheduling on? We were doing like a mini riff. You said you couldn't find a zombie skittles. And I said, look in the grave for one. And I came back with, actually, that's the last place the zombie skittles are because they've risen there carrying on fucking, you know, walking around and shit. I guess because they missed it. They were like, oh, that was I don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:54:15 These are skittles we're talking about. And they're skittles and they are skittles and they were placed. The they placed the lime with green apple or what do people care about? I don't I forget. I don't know. It tastes like zombie. They're all the same. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Don't the skittles taste the same? You're doing coke heavy today. That's unlike you. Yeah, I know. I'm like hangover thing. I'm hungover. I want a little sugar and some caffeine. Wait, what were you saying?
Starting point is 01:54:37 What are you saying? Are do skittles are skittles like tricks? They taste the same. No, skittles has flavors. Yes, and then they have tropical, which is different flavors. What the fuck? You think that all the skittles taste the same? I haven't had them in a while.
Starting point is 01:54:49 I used to have skittles a lot now. I just like I don't if I'm going to have candy, I want to have. I don't want to have the fake fruit candy. Mm hmm. It's like not my favorite. What? What do you guys all right? Well, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Mike, do you what do you do? You have a preference in terms of Reese's variants? Um, I don't have a preference, but what I don't like is, you know, I'm already going negative. What I don't like is the the Reese's peanut butter that they sell at the store. Oh, I haven't had that. It's just fucking peanut butter. I've been tempted by that, but it's not anything.
Starting point is 01:55:28 It doesn't even like it doesn't taste like Reese's. Yeah, that sucks. So it's not like extra sweet or anything. It's just like peanut butter. Just brand. It's just like they've just put a different label on a jiff or something. Yeah, I'm fucking whack. In honor of Halloween, my favorite is the Reese's pumpkin.
Starting point is 01:55:45 That's good. Reese's pumpkin is good. They have the pumpkin. They have the egg. Yes, the egg is good. The egg and the tree are the same shit. Yeah, but they work. The egg is really good, but I'm going pumpkin.
Starting point is 01:55:55 Pumpkin is nice. Pumpkin is fun. It's similar to my head. It feels like they could have nailed down the technology to make it look a little better. Oh, you know, it doesn't look good enough for you. The egg is, I mean, we're going to do with a fucking egg. Eggs and egg. Yeah, egg looks good.
Starting point is 01:56:12 The pumpkin, sometimes you get it in your open hands, like, you know, this is not what I expect. I've only ever seen it. Yeah, what is it like? Billy Corgan got ahold of it. Yeah, smashed it. You made me snort. If you have a question or comment on the word of chain restaurant, she emails a Doughboyz podcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot.
Starting point is 01:56:37 That's 830 463 6844 to get the Doughboyz double. Our weekly bonus episode. Join the Golden or Platinum Play Club at slash Doughboyz. You sung. I just want to tell you that there's five Orioles left in the ball. We have five. Yeah, I think there's almost six left in ours. That's a lot.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Mitch, the HTL is over. Wow. We did it. We did it. Thank you guys. I can't, I couldn't picture a better ending to it than with you guys. What a way to go. Just for our Michael Hale, your Kickstarter sucks.
Starting point is 01:57:12 We're coming on your podcast. We might have been. When is our episode coming out? Yeah, we don't fucking bank episodes like this. So it's like it's already done. They hate it already. Yeah, so check out. We, Mitch and I were on an episode of your Kickstarter sucks.
Starting point is 01:57:24 So check that out and but but but tell us about the pod and anything else you guys want to plug. Mike, what do you got? I don't know. You want me to sit back? No, you go. You go first. You go first.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Show this is what you get. Yeah, your Kickstarter sucks. It's a it's a comedy podcast, I guess. And it's me and Mike and we were riffing on bad crowdfunding stuff. A lot of, you know, junkie products or scams. And we have a we have a hell of a good time with it. You know, yeah, also I'm on the the Twitch stream, the Go Off Kings, my partner, Stefan Hacken, Rob Wiseman.
Starting point is 01:58:02 That's really fun. We're not very good at games. So, you know, challenging eSports stuff like you song likes is not what you're going to get. It's going to be us playing the goose game and saying cusses at each other and remembering Jackass sketches that we like the most and ranking the Jackass sketches and ranking the guys from Jackass and saying, we hope they do another Jackass really soon.
Starting point is 01:58:20 We like Jackass. I would love them for a new Jackass. That'd be great. Okay, we're going to rank the guys on our episode after this. Oh, yeah. Um, and then also one more thing, a fuck Matt Koalic who I don't know. But it seems to be something that we do on the show is just say that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:37 What a piece of shit that guy is. Yeah, yeah, we agree. Kiss my ass Koalic. I love it. Yeah. Fuck you Koalic. Uh, I just want to give out a party awards. Um, uh, Mike, you, you, you, you're, you're the king of the, you get the king.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Do you get the trophy? You get the gold trophy. Mike Buster, a beautiful falsetto voice last night. The king gold trophy you get for staying out. Bust no great. That's what's up. That's what's up. You deserve it, man.
Starting point is 01:59:04 It was good. You saw, you get second place. You get the silver cup for doing a good job. Jess, you get third place for you. I was there. You, you, you know, you did your first karaoke song. That's true. What'd you do?
Starting point is 01:59:17 What's while you get a participation trophy? He loves it. He's a freak. No, he's old. The bit is he's old. He's not. Yeah. He's not young.
Starting point is 01:59:25 I'm, I'm, I'm in sense that you'd give out participation trophies. That's what it is. Mike, do you want to, want to hit us up with anything you'd like to plug or any broadsides at Matt Koalik? Yeah. Jesse's doing, he's got the, you know, podcast and the Twitch drama, you can come see me at work if you want.
Starting point is 01:59:47 I'm there most days just hanging out. So check, check that out. Cool. I do, I mean, like just it's kind of like an Easter egg hunt sort of thing, like trying to figure out where you work. Ideally don't, I think. Okay. I immediately regret it.
Starting point is 02:00:03 The conversation we had. I'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double. Here come the pretzels.
Starting point is 02:00:21 Mitch and I taste test Burger King's new pretzel bacon king and talk about our favorite pretzel preparations and affiliated dip and sauces. It's the twisted world of Mitch and Weiger. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys. Sources for this week's intro include history of the solver and tray from AC Silver and Company. Could this North Carolina fast food favorite be the next five guys?
Starting point is 02:00:44 By David Lanzel. Business booming at new Cookout in Lynchburg by Melinda Zosch and the Cookout website. Full list of sources available in the episode description. That was a hate gun podcast. Thanks for watching.

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