Doughboys - The Ate-TL: The Varsity with Joe Saunders

Episode Date: October 17, 2019

For the third week of Octdoughberfest 2019: The Ate-TL, the 'boys are joined by Joe Saunders (Comedy Bang! Bang!, The Breadcast) to review The Varsity, an Atlanta-founded chain serving chili dogs and ...burgers. Plus, a local edition of Drank or Stank.Sources for this Week's Intro:Nipsey Russell, a Comic With a Gift for Verse, Dies at 80 by Mel Watkins Russell: The Smile Lives On from NPR Varsity Celebrates 90 Years in Atlanta by Caroline Sanders'll ya have, Alpharetta? by Walter Woods Varsity - Living History from Georgia Tech Varsity Website more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He who turns the other cheek will get hit with the other fist. This quip, delivered during the ongoing protests of the civil rights era, was one of many pithy one-liners crafted by the late comedian, Nipsey Russell. Born in Atlanta in 1924, Russell supplemented his formal schooling with a voracious childhood reading habit, becoming a master of wordplay. His signature on stage bit was reciting and sometimes improvising short comedic poems, so it was fitting that a rapper, the late Nipsey Hussle, would draw his stage name from the comic.
Starting point is 00:00:36 In the 60s, Nipsey Russell became one of the first African-Americans to co-star on a sitcom in the hit series Car54 Where Are You, and he was also a staple of panel shows like Match Game and To Tell the Truth. In the 70s, Russell established himself as a favorite of Johnny Carson and would frequently guest on and occasionally guest host The Tonight Show, and in the 90s, Russell gained a new generation of fans via regular appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. But before he became famous entertaining audiences on stage and screen, Russell had paid his dues entertaining patrons at an Atlanta fast food restaurant, where he'd spent four years
Starting point is 00:01:09 working as a car hop after serving overseas in World War II. Russell would later credit the crowd work he engaged in at the eatery, keeping hungry customers happy, as key to crafting his comedic voice. And there was no shortage of customers to banter with at this burger and hot dog stand founded in Atlanta in 1928 by Georgia Tech dropout Frank Gordy, adopting a collegiate theme inspired by its proximity to the owner's alma mater. The restaurant was an overnight success and thrived even during the Great Depression that would cover the bulk of its first decade of operation.
Starting point is 00:01:39 In 1962, the Atlanta original added another location, and more would follow, now totaling seven, across the beach state. And today, as throngs of hungry customers await chili dogs, onion rings, and Coca-Cola, which it sells in greater volume than any other restaurant in the world. The Jane's workers still greet them with the same catchphrase once delivered by a young Nipsey Russell. What'll you have? What'll you have?
Starting point is 00:02:04 This week on Doughboys, The Varsity. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, Jeffrey and Epstein, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Jeffrey and Epstein? Yeah. Jesus. Those are more jokes for you. Nick Spivey, roastspoonman at, if you have an insult you'd like me to use
Starting point is 00:02:54 on Mitch at the top of the show. Jesus. I like that one. You didn't like it? You don't like being compared to a monster? No. I'd rather be compared to an actual monster, a cookie monster. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Yeah, like you could do, like, oaky cookie monster, like that could be, like, a cookie monster thing, right? Yeah, you don't have to give people the roasts, Weiger. It's fine. I'm just saying. Just pitch it. People can punch it up. I'm back on my bed.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah, so we're recording in Mitch's hotel room once more. And Mitch, you are lying on your stomach. We are in Atlanta, if anyone is just joining us. And we are recording a month's worth of episodes in a short span. But you are assuming your position. My stomach hurts very much again. Yes. This has been a running theme.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It has been hurting and you've been lying on your belly as we record facing me and our guest. That's right. It's weird. It's a good setup. It's disorienting. How is it disorienting? Our guest commented on it as soon as you did it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 He was like, are you going to do the whole show like that? Yeah. It was right to call it out. It's weird. I'm going to do the whole show like that. I know you are. I got the Patriots game on in the background. Yeah, so you'll be like, hey, your attention level will be like at 60 percent.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's perfect for Doughboys. You've also got your phone in your hand. You're looking at Twitter, I guess, or who knows? I'm looking at my fantasy league team, which is 0-3 and is possibly 0-4. The team that you song drafted for me, everyone made fun of the McCoy pick, LaShawn McCoy, and Shady has gotten me. He's doing great. The rest of my team sucks.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, so that was the only pick that you stand by. That was the pick that I got, and everyone booed me, and he's been great so far. Oh, well, you sure showed them. I have showed them. You showed them with your fucking 0-4 loser squad. It's you song's fault. You know what you should have done, Mitch? You should have, the problem is, you're a guy from New England.
Starting point is 00:05:00 You didn't do the Patriots strategy of cheating. God, howdy-how to Spoon Nation. Here we go. A little drop. And look, I haven't listened to this one yet. Oh, great. So let's see how it goes. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:44 All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. I'm going to go try and find Nick.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Hey, sorry, everybody. Just got off the trail with an appearance of Hike Mitchell at the end. How about that? Hickweiger and Hike Mitchell are one episode only characters. Yeah. From like three years ago, we'll never bring him back. Hey, Mitch made this drop to celebrate the greatest two characters ever created. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Hickweiger and Hike Mitchell. Wow. If it gets played, your podcast is a highlight of my week and really loved seeing you all when you came through Chicago. Oh, that's nice. Nangang till I die, Colin Joyce. Colin Joyce. Colin Joest?
Starting point is 00:06:24 Is Joest on the Patreon? Joest. Thank you, Joest. Joest. Thanks a lot. Can you get Casey Joest to sign up too? See if- Casey Joest.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Jesus. Casey Joest. Very nice to me when I met him. A very nice man. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure he's a nice man. A nice guy. Hey, Mitch, we got a nice guy with us too.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Another nice guy. One of the nice guys. One of the true nice guys. I don't know if that's the thing that people like. He's our good friend from Comedy Bang Bang and the broadcast, Joe Saunders is back. Hi, Joe. Hi, guys. How y'all doing?
Starting point is 00:07:02 Wow. Holy shit. Welcome to the south. Wow. This is crazy. He got some south in his mouth. We know that drop. That's especially good for this because Lil Nas X is from Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Whoa. Here we are. That works out very appropriately. Oh, you know what we could do? What? I mean, we could edit this output. We can also just keep this in a double of Atlanta songs, Nick. Like what are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Like from like like Midnight Trying to Georgia, Georgia Old Town Road, okay, we'll bleep all these Emma. Welcome to Atlanta. Welcome to Atlanta. Okay. These are good. These are AT-A-T aliens. AT-A-T.
Starting point is 00:07:40 This is great. Is there like an Atlantis song we could do? Atlantis. What the fuck is that? What is that? There's a Donovan song called Atlantis that they did a parody on Futurama where they change it to Atlanta. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Okay. We should do that. Let's do the Futurama parody. What are you talking about? Oh, shit. Pass interference. Thanks to all our Patreon subscribers, by the way, who are listening to this episode, Mitch Watching TV.
Starting point is 00:08:02 This isn't a Patreon episode. I know it's not. It's a Patreon. Oh, it is. Yeah. This is not a Patreon episode. It's a Patriots episode. That's right.
Starting point is 00:08:12 There's three minutes left in the game. That's fine. Watch the end of this game. I'm not going to watch the end of the game. Look. No, do it. It's fine. Nick, I know you're a bit of a heat seeker.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I sure am. But last night, the heat seeked you. Oh, my God. So we had a bit of a situation. I tweeted about this. You may have seen this on social media a few weeks ago as of this release. We were at a bar. We were at a Tiki bar.
Starting point is 00:08:31 A Tiki tango. I think that your head's a little inflated about the number of people that follow your social media. I think some of the listeners... This is probably old news to you folks. The Internet was talking about this photo. People couldn't get enough of it. They wanted to know what the story was, and now they are here.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Look, it went viral. But I'm going to say this. People follow me on Twitter who listen to podcasts. This is reasonable to say, like, hey, you might have seen this photo, and been like, oh, that's that thing he's talking about right now. I'm not saying everyone who listens to it follows me. You were going viral before the Internet. So, we were out at the Tiki tango.
Starting point is 00:09:13 The four of us who were in this room, which includes us and Emma, and then also our buddy, our buddies Fernie and Deb joined us, and our buddy Sam hopped in later, but we were... Am I missing anybody? That was the crew, right? Yeah, I was there. You were there. I said the four of us in this room, I'm starting to name you individually. You should have.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You weren't there for the fire. I wasn't there for the fire. Oh, you weren't there for this? No, I wish. Okay, so you didn't even witness this. So I was sitting, I had my arm on what I thought was an arm rest, which was a railing, like a chair railing next to the table we were sitting at, and there was, I didn't realize that there was a lit candle behind my back.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So as I'm sitting there, my shirt sleeve just starts, my arm feels hot. I just feel my arm getting hot, and I'm wondering what's going on, and my shirt sleeve starts smoking, and Fernie just starts laughing at what's going on, because it's insane. And I turn around, my shirt's on fire. My shirt sleeve's on fire. I wish I had told Fernie this last night, but I give him so much credit for just laughing. And then I just slapped the shit out of my arm to put it to douse the flames, and then I had a gigantic hole burnt in my shirt.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It was crazy. It was one of my favorite shirts. It was ruined. It was epic. It's got a fucking horrible burn on my arm, too. My tricep looks like, yeah, it looks, it looks bad. Can we see? I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It's just blistered up. It looks, the blister looks gross. Okay. Do you want, do you want to see it, Joe? I do want to see it. Okay. We're going to get Joe's live reaction. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I feel like I, okay. Did we just take a picture of this? I think it's pretty nice. I don't want to put a picture of this up. It's pretty nice. I think it popped. Wait, why is it taking down his pants? It did.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It popped. Oh, that's not so bad. Can I pull this back a little bit? Do you feel it a little bit? It's not that bad? I don't think it's that bad. You guys built it up a lot. I think it does look like a burn.
Starting point is 00:11:05 It does. Yeah. So it does. It looks like a burn. No, Joe, I never thought that it looked that bad. I think that why I got reacted at that time. It's not bubbled anymore. Oh, the bubble went away.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Okay. The bubble clearly popped. Oh, okay. Oh, there was a bubble earlier. Oh, yeah. That was the gnarly part. Okay. Well, then I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:11:21 But yeah, it was, it was quite an incident. I got my shirt lit on fire in a tiki bar. It was crazy. Yeah. And then after I walked in, I think you were sitting back down. We, I walked in, we greeted each other. Yes. And then suddenly there was smoke everywhere.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah. I can't believe you're a fucking, you're a fire marshal bill. I told the bartender about it too, and he also laughed. He did? Yeah. He didn't like apologize for the open flames? No, he was just like, that's crazy, man. I was like, yeah, but just so you know, because trying to, in case there's any other patrons
Starting point is 00:11:56 who might have a similar mishap. No, you know, other people don't put their arms into the candle. You fucking idiot. I read a line that someone said that you were, and this was very funny. It made me laugh, that you were hiding a salad up your sleeve. All right. It only caught salad. That's a vicious lie.
Starting point is 00:12:16 The burn is not that bad. Okay. Good. I'm glad. It doesn't hurt that bad. Your shirt is torched. Yeah. That shirt's got to go, I don't even know I packed it.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I should just throw it away. Oh, you know what? You should wear it. It's a badge of... You've lived through the fire. That's true. I am like a... You're a new man.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I am like a veteran. Oh, God. People should thank me for my service. Give me discounts on goods and services. You've come out the fire a new man. It's like a ritual. Oh. Like in, like Daenerys.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yes. Wow. Are you comparing me to the mother of dragons? Mm-hmm. You will lose my mind and go into an homicidal rage at the end of my life. It's very funny. I wish that I had actually seen you on fire. I probably would have squirted some lighter fluid on your arm or something.
Starting point is 00:13:06 But that is very funny, Nick. Boy, what if my whole arm had been singed and I would have been like C-3PO with a red R? Oh, my God. That would be cool. Yeah. I think that would be cool. I think it would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:20 More sense than it makes in the movie. Oh, God. Hey, that's hot Lana, baby. That's hot Lana. Saunders, you are from hot Lanta. You're kind of the king of Atlanta. You're one of the Atlanta originals. I don't know if I'm an Atlanta original.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I don't know if I'm the king of Atlanta, but I am from Atlanta. Right. And I just happened to be here while you guys are here, while Mitch is here doing his movie and you guys are recording episodes. And this is amazing. I can't believe it. It's a happy coincidence. It's an eight.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Oh, we didn't even introduce the theme. I fucked up. Yeah, you did. It's an H-T-L miracle. This month is the H-T-L. It's October, October. Oktoberfest 2019, the H-T... Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Hold on. Oktoberfest 2019, the Doughboys present the H-T-L. The H-T-L. That's what it is. Oktoberfest? Yeah, Oktoberfest. What's that? Every October we do Oktoberfest.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't listen to podcasts. I always respect to guest more if they don't know something specific from this fucking awful podcast. I mean, I... Joe, what's drink or stink? I do listen to podcasts. So, Joe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Look, I hated that nickname Hot Lana. Yeah. I don't get it. It's kind of sounds stupid. But now, I get it. And it makes the most sense. And actually, the nickname makes the most sense ever. Because of what happened to Weiger or because of...
Starting point is 00:14:46 Because of just the heat. Damn hot it is here. Yeah, it's what is it. It's 90 degrees today. 90 degrees. It's so brutal. It's crazy. This is wild.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah, it's too much. It's too intense. Yeah. I never heard that nickname. Well, I mean, I'd heard it. But I never heard people, like, use it casually until I moved out of Atlanta. And then people say Hot Lana all the time when they think of it. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It is... It's sweltering, Nick. It's the best way to put it. So you're saying that Hot Lanta is more of a thing that people who aren't from Atlanta say about the city. That's been my experience. Got it. Maybe over the years, it's become more... It's been used more in the city?
Starting point is 00:15:25 I don't know. They've reclaimed it kind of. Yeah. You guys are making fun of us by saying, Hot Lana, well, you know what? We are Hot Lana. We are Hot Lana. How do you like that?
Starting point is 00:15:33 Oh, by the way, it's 420. Let's go. Okay. So... What the hell? It sounded like you took a drink. That exact exchange has happened before. I got...
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh, it's true. Nick, they got news for you. Yes. Patriots just intercepted the bills. It looks like it's a Patriots win, my friend. Oh, did they clinch it? Mm-hmm. And probably the trajectory of that ball was affected because it was deflated.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It was the bills who were throwing the ball. Yeah, but they deflated their balls. So, Joe, you got a... As someone who grew up in Atlanta, you spent a lot of time here, what are your favorite Atlanta comfort foods, the foods that you like to have when you're back home? Well, you know, it's the South, so I love barbecue. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 There's been so many... I ate so much barbecue when I was a kid growing up here, and there's been so many new, great barbecue restaurants that have opened since I moved away and come back. But then also, just like the other kind of classic Southern, Stable Foods like Fried Chicken, Oprah, macaroni and cheese. And a big thing here, correct me if I'm wrong, meat in three, correct? Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Nick, where did we go where we also had meat in three? We went to a cafeteria in Nashville. That was a lovely meal. I wish I could remember the name of it. But it's a... That place was fucking great. But yeah, I'll look it up because it's gonna nag at me. But yeah, so where do you go for barbecue?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Like, what are some of the spots that you either remembered going to or that you go to now? Well, I don't even know the places I used to go to, but there's, I don't know, I feel like there's... My mom, every time I come back, we go to this place like Community Barbecue, I think it's called, which is a new, slightly newer place. When I say new, I mean, within the last, like, decade. That place is so good, but I don't know, it's the...
Starting point is 00:17:25 It's a thing you really don't find on the West Coast, I find, is good barbecue. Right. So, basically, as you do out here, it's just everywhere and that any kind of, like, gathering or event, like, people will just buy a bunch of barbecue and have it. So good and so... So, is barbecue one of your...
Starting point is 00:17:44 I said this the other day that we were talking about how people argue about barbecue too much, and we don't like that, we don't like the fighting of the barbecue. It's true. You guys don't like it? And then I said, barbecue is... We don't like fighting here on Dome Boys. And then I said that barbecue is in top tier food.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I said barbecue. And then he followed it up by saying, fuck Atlanta? Fuck Atlanta. It is when the Dome Boys are here. I mean, I love barbecue. I don't know. What's a top tier food? What do you consider a top tier food?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Pizza is a top tier food for me. I think it's fair if someone's like, I like barbecue more than pizza as much as pizza. I think, yeah, I could see that. Here's my thought. So much pulled pork. I'm almost over pulled pork. It's just got that like sweet, heavy gravy.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I mean, here's another thing too. I'm probably getting some bad barbecue. The barbecue I've got all my life, Massachusetts and then California. How is the barbecue seen in Los Angeles? Compared to here. It's okay, right? I mean, you can speak to that more, Joe,
Starting point is 00:18:49 if you've been to any of those places. I think it's okay. There's like a lot of those upscale barbecue places that are very good, but it's not the same. There's a hominess to it here. More sure. Even at these meat in three places, it feels very much like you're going into someone's home
Starting point is 00:19:05 or into their own kitchen or whatever. They're just so used to making this stuff and they make it all the time and it's so good. Sure. I'm with you on, I've tried to know Avail to look up this place. So I'm texting Natalie because I think she'll know. But the Nashville cafeteria,
Starting point is 00:19:21 but you brought up pulled pork. And I think I'm with you on that I'm kind of like a pulled pork sandwich I'm okay with, but I'm usually we go with brisket over that. Or some ribs for sure. Or you know what, even a fucking sausage or some chicken over pulled pork, pulled pork is pretty far down
Starting point is 00:19:37 the list of barbecue items. Unless it's like the place's signature thing. Yeah. I don't like a pulled pork sandwich at like a restaurant that doesn't specialize in that. A barbecue restaurant, I do love a pulled pork sandwich. Maybe I like more of a dry barbecue. Oh, could be.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I've never had that before. But like a pulled pork with like kind of like a sweet, heavy barbecue sauce. Just not my favorite. Right, too much sugar in the sauce is a turn off for me. Okay, Natalie's telling me Arnold's Country Kitchen is where we went.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Had a lovely time there, a lovely meal. Wait, was that the place we went together? Didn't we go to a place like something called B's or there was a B in the title or something? Are you talking about Hattie B's? No, not Hattie B's. Yeah, we got a meet and three together. Did we?
Starting point is 00:20:25 Me and Carl went to the place, me and Carl went to the meet and three place after you went. Yeah, so you went, that's the place we went to. Okay. So that's where I was like, hey, go to that place and you guys went separately. Alright, I believe you.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Probably because you were sleeping in. Maybe Carl was too. Don't throw Carl under the bus. Throwing him under the bus because we were sleeping? We didn't go and get lunch at 10 a.m. So Barbecue, you're taught you do like a pulled pork sandwich. What are your other BBQ faves? I always associate pulled pork,
Starting point is 00:21:01 but I also love ribs and brisket. Those are great. I don't really like chicken and barbecue. I mean, I just never, I would never order it if that was my choice. Right, I've had some good barbecue shrimp. Oh yeah, barbecue shrimp, it's delicious. Works pretty well and I think it's kind of like a thing that kind of gets forgotten in the barbecue hierarchy.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Not down in Australia, it doesn't. Oh my God. Hello to our listeners down under. Oh boy, having some barbecue shrimp down in Australia. Do you think that Australian listeners maybe didn't understand anything that was being said until you started speaking in an Australian accent?
Starting point is 00:21:33 They were like, yes. Why did the Australian guy get held up on saying Australia? I always say, you have a lot of fosters down here. You forget the name of your country. Down under. That's why we call it down under.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I have a feeling that we're going to look at the Doughboys listener graph in all of our Australian listeners going to be wiped out after this episode. Joe, you're a peach man. I guess, what? Are you a peach man? Yeah, well, the Georgia is the peach state.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It's true. Yeah, I like peaches. I like peach cobbler, peach pie. How do you rank them? Yeah, I would say peach cobbler probably top and then peach pie. This was actually going to be a double, by the way.
Starting point is 00:22:25 That's okay. The peaches is double. We got that came up with a music one. We're going to listen to the Atlanta song from Futurama. It's going to be great. So, Joe, here's the thing here. There's a bunch of streets named Peach Street.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yes. Too many peach trees. Wow, okay. We got lost. There's a lot. Why are there so many peach trees? I don't know. I have no idea. There are a lot. It is, I guess, confusing. Yes. This is a failure of city planning.
Starting point is 00:22:57 The city should know. It's like you don't have Main Street and then also Main Lane and Main Avenue right off of it. People would be like, which main are we talking about? There's so many variants of peach tree. I agree. And your GPS is no help?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Does it turn left on Peach Street? Well, which one? It sounds like you're starting to hate Atlanta Wire. I'm turning on it. You're not even driving around with the GPS that much. I'm walking. I was walking a little bit. And here's another issue I have, Joe.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I haven't run into Shaq yet. You guys keep talking about Shaq because he's here for TNT? Yes. I've run into Shaq. Maybe Dominique Wilkins. How about that? Oh, boy. That'd be pretty sweet. I want to see Shaq. He's here. He does inside the NBA.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Mitch Scowled at Dominique. It's because of his rivalry with Larry Bird. Yes. Fine. Yes. Shaq, I want to see Shaq. There's a Puppet John's in town that I drove by and the number is like whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'm going to use the old movie number, the number is now Shaq. The last four numbers spell out Shaq. It must be a Shaq-owned franchise. It is. It's a Papa Shaqs. They should just name it Papa Shaqs. That is a good idea, Papa Shaqs. I think if they rebranded as Papa Shaqs
Starting point is 00:24:19 and made Shaq as the forefront of their marketing, I think that would be good. It'd be so expensive to redo all that signage at this point. How much does a sign cost? I don't know. 10 bucks? 12 bucks? Yeah, 10 to 12 bucks. They've got hundreds of locations though.
Starting point is 00:24:35 They've got hundreds of locations. That adds up. That was a thousand bucks? Yeah. That's not too bad. Maybe for you. It's a lot of money. That's not that bad. Papa Shaqs would be a huge change.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I would say if Papa John's wants to do a GoFundMe to raise $1,000 so they can rebrand as Papa Shaqs, it might be a worthwhile investment. I think returning to Papa Shaqs would save that shitty chain. I really wonder how... This is a thing I probably could have looked up and would have...
Starting point is 00:25:07 I know the discussion was going to go in this direction, but I wonder if their business has fallen. I wonder if they've... It feels like they've had so much bad publicity that it has to have. But I wonder if their sales have actually like their per-store sales have actually stayed kind of flat because people are just like,
Starting point is 00:25:23 ah, fuck it, whatever. It's a question for Shaq when we run into him over here in Atlanta sometime. Except for Joe, our friend Joe. Joe, that was pretty cool. And Barger, you ran into some fire. One of the elements. I think that...
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm actually kind of glad that you weren't there, Mitch, because I knew you would have flown into a rage because you think fire is bad. Look, in this scenario, fire is good. Yeah. We're a little... Are you guys hungover? I'm a little hungover.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah, you should face, Barger. Yeah, you chugged my tie last night. I should not have done that. They gave us an extra my tie. Yeah, I drank it right back. Because they gave us an extra my tie, and then everyone was like, oh, we're going to another bar. And I was like, well, I don't want to waste this extra my tie.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Didn't they give us an extra my tie? You ordered me a my tie. I didn't want one. I got a my tie when I first got there, and then you were like, I got you a my tie, and I said, I didn't like the my tie that much. I thought you wanted one. No, you were already probably cross-eyed at this point.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And I said, no, I don't want that. And then you... This is after you let yourself on fire, actually. This is what happened? And then there was one sitting there at the end of the night. Yes. Before we went to the other bar, the bar which I left the Doe Boys card at.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I left the Doe Boys card at the second bar last night. Oh, my God. And what just happened? There's a piece of Velcro on this... Oh, it's a cable tie. And it's a cable tie. And so it has a function, but it got stuck on the carpet. You're messing up my hotel room.
Starting point is 00:27:07 What's... It's not my fault. Hold on, I'm going to take this off right now. So this won't happen again. And then we can... We can use it to tether it in a second after we're done recording. In a second? Yeah, we'll be done in one second.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Bye. Yeah, we were... Yeah, I don't remember all this whole interaction. Here's why girls go to for when he's very drunk. I'm really sleepy. Wait, what interaction do you not remember? This whole...
Starting point is 00:27:39 Like the Mai Tai. I didn't realize you told me to not get you a Mai Tai. I got bad news for you. This is like two and a half hours before you went home. Yeah, because you also said this morning you were like, I left my debit card at the bar and I was like, the Tiki place?
Starting point is 00:27:55 And then you're like, no, the second bar. And I was like, you guys went to a second bar? Man, I would be dead. And then Emma was like, you went to the second bar? Jesus Christ. All you drank was water though. Yeah, that's good. That was smart. You really don't remember... You didn't remember the second bar?
Starting point is 00:28:11 I remember that we were in another place, but I had forgotten that. Yes, okay. It was just us and Sam. I guess I just didn't put it together that this was a second... I thought it was just another part of the same bar. Mission I went to a third bar. Jesus Christ. The fucking maniacs.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Is this the episode where we tell you that you have a problem? You don't have to tell me. I know. I know that I cope with my anxiety at the bottom of the bottle. I guess we pre-games the Tiki bar in the hotel. That's true. I did have one drink
Starting point is 00:28:43 in the hotel in advance. Joe, what are some of your favorite things to do in Atlanta? You could check out a Braves game, the Falcons, Mercedes Benz Stadium, one of the nicest stadiums in the country. How about the Hawks or the Dream on the B-Ball front? Those are great.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I haven't been to Mercedes Benz Stadium. I remember when I used to be the Georgia Dome back when the Falcons used to play in that. You know, I just love hanging out with my family in Atlanta. There's so many good sites. You guys went to the World of Coke, which I guess we'll talk about in another episode.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Spoiler alert. This episode has already come out. That's definitely out. The World of Coke fucking sucks. Have you heard our picture on episode by now? Our verdict on World of Coke. I love Coke. It's a world of shit.
Starting point is 00:29:31 The World of Coke is bad, but the aquarium is supposed to be very good. The aquarium is good. It's so bad. It's all in the World of Coke. I really wanted to go. You were right, but we don't have time for this. I tell you my fear is that they would keep throwing fish to me.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I'll be embarrassed as I throw them. You're kind of a homebody. I am a homebody. There's so many good things. There's a lot of cool museums and things to go to. There's a good restaurants to go eat at. Both upscale and smaller mom and pop type barbecue places. There's just so much to do.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You know what's a good thing to do? Hiking up to the top of Stone Mountain. Everyone tells us Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain is very fun. It's not like a steep hike. It's just this big boulder essentially that's kind of on the edge of the city. You can hike up.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I think I said that, but it's great. You get a great view of the city, really nice. You said there was a confederate monument there. I've heard that there's confederate stuff there. Yeah, that's bad. I wish they would get rid of that, but otherwise it's in a really nice place. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:30:49 The fact that it has any hiking involved means that I'll probably never see this place. I thought hike Mitchell could brave it. I'm back everybody. Yee-haw, I'm back too. You're in the dirt itself. Well, see y'all later. Bye y'all.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Wow. Hike Mitchell and Hick Weigher both made their second appearance on the podcast. Their second and last appearance. That's amazing. Those bits are dead forever, but that was fun. That was very fun for me to see. Hey, I just got back from Stone Mountain.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I didn't hike it. I just saw that there was a trail and I took off. All right, see you later. Wow. Whoa, it's Nick Heiger. I just got back from Stone Mountain too. Bye. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Man. Better characters than Bang Bang has ever had. So what about local chains or chains that are in the south that you can't get over in LA where you live now? Oh, I don't know. I mean, the big one is Waffle House. You can't get over there.
Starting point is 00:32:01 You always said to me, Joe, that you're really upset that there's no magic city in LA. Yeah, I text you that every once in a while. Which store is a magic city? Well, hey, how about me and you open a magic city? Yeah, Waffle House is the big one. LA may not have magic city, but has the magic castle and the magic kingdom.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So take that Atlanta. I'm trying to think if there's any others. I mean, they've opened like Chick-fil-A's out there and they have like kind of everything else. Did you love Chick-fil-A growing up? Yeah. No, I didn't. Are they going to bring it back? Is it going to come back?
Starting point is 00:32:41 I'm pretty sure they'll bring it back. They're not going to make it just one big tease. Yeah. Slow living down here, Joe. I wrote in Athens, Georgia. Did you know that? Yeah, you've told me about that before. I like Athens. I lived there for a year.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Two weeks there. We rode by Ludacris's house. In Athens? Oh, right. He went to UGA. Oh, I forgot about that. Was that fun? He waved to me as we rode by. What, you think that sounds like a lie?
Starting point is 00:33:15 No. You were saying about how this is like slow living down here. I was talking to my mom this morning and she interrupted me and she was like, you have some kind of fast talking in California cadence now. I can't understand you. Talk slower. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Wow. I don't know. I don't think I've ever talked fast, but maybe I do. I don't think of you as a fast talk. Do you know what's funny is that, I'll write you a molasses boy, family, says that to him too. In the clouds family.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Slow down. I don't know. How does it taste different out here is what we hear. Does it? I don't know. They've expanded so much at this point. I feel like Chick-fil-A has just kind of like They say the southern Chick-fil-A's are better, Nick.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'm just telling you what they say. I think that's people who grew up in the south when Chick-fil-A was only in the south that are mad at people who didn't grow up with Chick-fil-A. They're mad that those people don't like it as much. I think that's where that's coming from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Wait, so you're in Waffle House. Was Waffle House a regular thing when you were a kid? I would say pretty regular. They're all over the place. It's every interstate exit. Throughout the city. I'd love Waffle House the one time I went.
Starting point is 00:34:39 What would you normally get? I'd probably just get either an egg sandwich or I would do one of the specials that's smothered covered hash browns and bacon and then like a big waffle on the side. Oh, hell yeah. That sounds so good.
Starting point is 00:34:55 From everything that I've kind of gathered being here, it feels like Waffle House more than Chick-fil-A or anything else, Waffle House is the thing that people are very proud of. Right. Waffle House should be. Yeah, Waffle House feels like it's the number one, it feels like the number one chain spot or something.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yes, yes. I think the one, the Waffle House near my house is the one where Kid Rock got arrested several years ago. Wow. I think he got in a fight with somebody after a concert one night. Probably. He had some problems with authority. That's true.
Starting point is 00:35:27 You've seen that tweet where he's putting up a middle finger and saying, hey, authority. It's pretty intense. It is intense. I had to scroll by it really quickly. It's funny that he, but then also loves our current president. Yeah, it's that weird, like tough guy authoritarian thing
Starting point is 00:35:43 where he's just like, I'm a law breaker, I'm against the law, but Blue Lives Matter is like, hold on, hold on. Which is it? That's what Ba with the Ba is about? Yeah. Ba with the Ba, the Blue lives, they met up with the Ba.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I think the first concert I ever went to on my own was like a Kid Rock concert. It was Kid Rock, it was the summer sanitarium tour, that was Metallica, it was the headliner, and Kid Rock, corn, maybe corn I think, and then Power Man 5000 and System of a Down.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Whoa, what a lineup. I think, yeah. Metallica got James Headfield injured himself on a jet ski though that morning, so they weren't able to perform. But they didn't tell us that till the end of the concert. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I think I'd rather go to a concert that was just a rock, a cob of corn, Pac-Man 2000. What were the other ones? System of a Down. Lager held me out here.
Starting point is 00:36:49 A broken Nintendo entertainment system. There we go, the system that's, yeah, it's a Nintendo system of a Down. A system that's Down. A system that's Down. Metallica? Yeah, we can have a Metallica.
Starting point is 00:37:05 So their opening act is a corn cob? Nintendo. I saw Metallica the things I remember from seeing, from the first time I saw Metallica, I saw a Gentleman lighting a
Starting point is 00:37:21 crack pipe. A crack pipe? Which was interesting, yeah. But also So how soon until you, did you take a hit of it or no? No, I was gonna have, I was like 12 years old. But also, fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I'm also too, I don't know if it was for sure a crack pipe, but an older kid told me that it was a crack pipe. So I was like, okay. It was probably a cigarette. It was kind of a crack pipe. That's a crack pipe. Marlboro light. Came out of a pack of Virginia Slims.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And so, but there was that detail, but then also, so as a similar thing, except it was Alice and Chains dropped out of the tour. They were supposed to be Metallica's opener. And so, but Lane Staley, the late lead singer
Starting point is 00:38:11 had to go to rehab. So Candlebox opened for Metallica. Candlebox was like a, you know, like a one hit, like grunge castaway band. We're gonna be a little too tough on Candlebox. I'm just, people might not know what Candlebox is. Hey, people might not
Starting point is 00:38:27 know what Alice and Chains is. The fucking millennials listen to this show. Yeah, you fucking learn your shit. But if a kid doesn't know who Alice and who Alice and Chains was, what is this who we've, I don't even know what to say. Get your face out of your significant other's ass
Starting point is 00:38:43 that we know you love to eat and listen to some classic rock. You know, I called you a pussy earlier and I can't, you can't say that anymore. Oh, yeah. No, yeah. So I apologize. Yeah. You're a fucking coward instead, I guess.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Oh, that's good. Yeah. Coward's fine. Coward's safe. So the wait, where was I going with this? Anyway, so Candlebox opened for them and the a guy threw a bottle at the Candlebox singer and he dodged it and said nice shot asshole, like mid song.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That's kind of cool. It was very cool. But then Metallica came out and then made fun of Alice and Chains. Wow. They're dropping out of the tour. Yeah. They were like, they like started to play an Alice and Chains song and then and James Hadfield sang along in a fake Lane Staley song and he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:31 fuck that shit and everyone cheered and like in hindsight, the guy had like a serious addiction. He went to rehab for but I guess it was a different time, you know, in terms of how that was judged. Do you think this is what they're doing right now on the the Bug Main tour with us?
Starting point is 00:39:47 For those of you who don't know, Bug Main has gone to all of our tour tour spots. I guess as of this episode's release it may be happening. It might be happening. It might be contemporaneous with when this episode comes out. He's going to the Midwest tour spots. Yes. Because you are in
Starting point is 00:40:03 in Atlanta, hot land shooting this movie, we had to cancel some tour dates unfortunately. Bug Main is making up all those dates. And you know what else? He's playing bigger venues. Bug Main sold out the Chase Center. I'll say this. We'll have to bleep this.
Starting point is 00:40:21 But Bug Main said, I found my opener in a text I saw. Yeah. And it was, and here's what we had to bleep. I don't even understand what that is. The movie? Yes. It was a from that movie.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And Bug Main texted all of a sudden that he had found his opener. That's he's going to open the show with. That's the bit he's going to do. I'm sure that'll go over like gangbusters. Why do you have to bleep that? I don't have to bleep it. You don't want to spoil because you don't want to spoil it, but then this will this will come out after it's already
Starting point is 00:40:57 happened. Well, we'll check the timing. We may end up bleeping it. We'll bleep all the bug. You don't like Bug Main stuff. Oh yeah, we should bleep all that too. Sorry, I'm over creating more work for you. Anyways, Joe what the fuck else is there? I
Starting point is 00:41:13 don't know. Are you from here? No, I've never been here before. I drove here. I drove here to come do the show. You drove for your friend? I'm a SoCal guy who talks fast. Wow. Nothing else to do. You know what the bet?
Starting point is 00:41:31 You know what a restaurant is that my parents are crazy about is this place Takria Del Sol. Oh, wow. Which is a very up is kind of, you know, we live in L.A. so we have great tacos and there's a great great variety of tacos available in Los Angeles. That's not out here. So a nice upscale
Starting point is 00:41:47 cool taco place and they have a bunch of locations. It's really great. That's if you're going, I don't know, that's the kind of restaurant that I always recommend people because it's inexpensive, but also really good. Oh, that's awesome. And it's like fried, you know, they have like all kinds of, they have like a fried chicken taco and like that kind of stuff. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:42:03 But it's like really good and I forget what the chef's name is, but. I've been eating nothing but just like carbs and meat all weekend and I feel so fucking bad. And I really wish I was like, I really need like some vegetables and some some source of dietary fiber
Starting point is 00:42:19 because I just feel awful. You need a can of spinach like Popeye. I could eat a can of spinach like Popeye. Be pretty cool. You think you'd squeeze it open and eat it, it would shoot in the air and you'd catch it in your mouth? That's probably what would happen and then you'd grab my wife Natalie and throw
Starting point is 00:42:35 over your shoulder, ascend to the top of a clock tower. I was blue-doin' and then I turned into King Kong. Or is that the hunchback of a Notre Dame? I can play it all. I can play it all of these things. My back is straight.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I've been having a lot of set food because I'm on set. Yes. And it's the catering is pretty good. Hey, how about that? Did they do the thing or did someone walk around with a big tray at certain times? They do a snack. They always do a snack and then they do lunch.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And so, you know, lunch comes like six hours or something or so. But then they'll always have a snack and the snack is always fun. That's fun. They have like a tomato stuffed with like chicken salad. Oh yeah. There was some fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:27 It's nice when it's something that's not just like super-duper heavy. I've worked on shows where the snack is like chicken tenders or something. It's just like something more something else. It was some other fried meat stuff. It is dangerous. It was getting fatter over the course of the movie.
Starting point is 00:43:43 It just doesn't make any sense. Right. Are you shooting chronologically too? Probably not. We're now going to like we're going to do like Hobbit Vision for me. Use force perspective. Yes. So as I grow in size, they'll just adjust.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It's a very heavy plate. The food here is very good, Joe. It's delicious. It's a great time. It lands to become a real culinary town. Did I say that right? Yeah, you said culinary town, right? I meant town.
Starting point is 00:44:17 What? I thought you were going to say something. You made eye contact with me. I know. I hated it. You made eye contact with me like you were going to advance the conversation. No, I just looked at you. My eyes got stuck on you. It sucked. Your eyes got stuck on you. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:44:33 I looked over there and you stared at me. It freaked me out. People really can't see this, but you were reclined on the bed basically almost lying on your back. I'm still looking upwards at Nick. Yeah. Your hand weirdly in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I'm comfy. In fact, when we go back to L.A., we should record all the episodes in my bedroom. I'll be in my bed. Fine. We'll do that. We'll go into your bedroom. We're recording there. You can lie down like a fucking weirdo. Keep out our guests.
Starting point is 00:45:05 We'll put some bars around my bed and make it a big crib and maybe I'll wear a diaper while we record. How do you think of that? Maybe I'll change your ass. We'll take a break. We'll be back with more Doe Boys. Welcome back to Doe Boys. We are here with Joe Saunders 4. This edition
Starting point is 00:45:27 of Oktoberfest 2019. The Doe Boys present the 8TL. This week's chain is The Varsity. Which was founded in 1928. A very, very long-term in 90 years of operation. 7 locations.
Starting point is 00:45:43 All in Georgia. The original is in Atlanta. That's where we dined at. Saunders, you've certainly been to The Varsity on prior occasions growing up here. I've been to The Varsity so many times in my life. Wow. It is the iconic Atlanta restaurant for me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:59 What do you say is the most iconic? The Varsity sign. The big V. And I think of the chili dogs. I always get the same thing there. I've been there since I was a little kid until now. I always try to eat there every time I come back. It's right next to Georgia Tech.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It is right next to Georgia Tech. I think it's a big thing for people to go eat there before a tech football game or basketball game or Braves game. Braves Stadium used to be over here. Really? Where is it now? It's kind of north. It's outside of the city.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I haven't been to the new one. Turner Field and then Fulton County Stadium both used to be downtown. We went by Ted Turner Street. One of the few streets in the city that's not named Peachtree. It's named for Ted Turner. And there's about
Starting point is 00:46:47 seven Ted Turner Street. They all intersect with each other. We're going to get Shaq Way going. There absolutely should be a Shaq Way. Saunders hates the idea of a Shaq Way. Does Shaq talk about Atlanta on TNT a lot? Why do you associate? He's in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I think it's just the inside the NBA thing. That's why he's in Atlanta. I think he lives here. I think he's got a home here. Shaq doesn't fly and go to a game somewhere. When I think Atlanta, I think Shaq. That's the iconic Atlanta celebrities. Shaq. Ted Turner.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Shaq's from Louisiana. He played for Orlando and the Lakers mostly. He played for a bunch of teams. He went to LSU. There we go. Put him right in the middle. Saying the Atlanta connection is... Joe's right. It's really just his late career broadcasting
Starting point is 00:47:35 that associates him all with this city. Look, I just want to say, today's restaurant, the varsity, it's perfect for three dudes like us. Three varsity athletes. Varsity Letterman Jackets. Were you an athlete at all, Joe?
Starting point is 00:47:51 No. I feel like you were maybe a cross-country or track guy. You've got that build. Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. No, I was never good at any sports. I played a little tennis going on, growing up, but I'm not very good at tennis.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I kind of hit my ceiling at tennis, but I've kept playing tennis. But that's really it. I'm not adept at sports at all. Mitch, we know you were a varsity athlete in terms of row and crew. I rode crew. In college, I've talked about it too much.
Starting point is 00:48:23 And then I played football in high school and I was very bad at it. But I was, I mean, it was varsity that I, you had to play because I was a senior, I had to play varsity. Right. Yeah. I mean, I didn't play. I got in for the last, I still do this. Yes. I got in for the last play of the game
Starting point is 00:48:39 on Thanksgiving and my whole family, my godfather's family, they were all good at football and they played football. They watched as I got pushed back 15 yards and everyone in the whole entire my Thanksgiving dinner laughed at me. I was very bad. Do you think they laughed more at that
Starting point is 00:48:55 or at Doe Boys Live in Boston? Definitely laughed more at that. I still, I like the idea. Like I said, we're three kind of varsity jock guys. Sure. We're the guys everyone looks up to at the high school kind of guys in the real world. We're three studs.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I like, I like the, I like the idea of the varsity. I think it's fun. It's a fun concept. Yeah. We should talk a little bit about it because so we dined in it and at the original location, as I mentioned, I don't know if this is the case at all of them, but at the original they have a bunch of like
Starting point is 00:49:33 desks, you know, they have a bunch, they like they go pretty all out with the varsity school theming. Yes. Like there's a whole, there's a room set up where you just, they're just like classic school desks and they're all facing the same TV wall. Which that was the one part of the branding
Starting point is 00:49:49 that I thought was bad. Really? You don't like the desks? I liked that they were school desks, but it just seemed like they were like small school, like I went in that room, I was like, this kind of looks like it sucks for everyone who was in here. It looked like school. Right. It's just like people that
Starting point is 00:50:05 they were all like facing one way towards the TV. It looked uncomfortable. It looked, it looked school like. And we should mention also too, there's another room. Yes. And you found this Mitch that has a designated Fox News TV. All the shit that people give to Boston
Starting point is 00:50:21 this restaurant in Atlanta had this iconic Atlanta restaurant in a Fox News room. And then below that, it's at the Fox News room. Don't change the channel. It wouldn't let you change the channel from Fox News. No, you could think of, I mean they probably shouldn't be showing it there to begin with,
Starting point is 00:50:37 but there's maybe something of like, okay, well we know we're in Georgia. We know there's going to be some people who are going to want to watch Fox News. We'll cloister them all off in this one small room. But then there was no CNN room or anything. No, there wasn't. No. I would guess that on a normal normal day, we're there on a Sunday,
Starting point is 00:50:53 there are, there is a CNN room and there is like other room. A situation room, if you will. Yes. Yes. This is also CNN. Atlanta is a CNN town. Oh, that's right. From Atlanta. Yeah. I think the other rooms, they're all tuned to the Falcons
Starting point is 00:51:09 football game. Oh, right. So we weren't able to distinguish, but I think maybe they always keep the Fox News room. I don't know. I wish there was a daily show room. Yes. There we go. Just playing Trevor Noah all day long. How did you say his name?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Trevor Noah. Okay. Trevor Noah. Trevor Noah. So yeah, we, so that was that was, that was, I mean, that was a little bit of a, it kind of, that kind of made me sad. One of the few reminders in the time we've been here, because in this, the area we've been
Starting point is 00:51:41 staying is, is, you know, very this, like this is an area that's, it's like a very gay friendly area. A lot of gay bars around here. And that, that was, that Fox News room was one of the few reminders at least in the, this Atlanta area that we've been staying, that we are in a
Starting point is 00:51:57 red state. Because it is like Atlanta itself. It's like most major cities. It just feels like a little, I'm sure it's like a little chunk of blue and big red abyss. Atlanta is super blue, but then the rest of the state is very red. Chunk of blue reminds me a little chunk of blue cheese. Boy. Now you're speaking my
Starting point is 00:52:13 language. It's getting me hungry. Yeah. We just, we just ate like two burgers and two hot dogs of peace. Well, we'll get into that as well. We should get into that. So we got we go up there, you order the counter. Oh fuck, what is, I should have written down the thing that they say. What is the thing
Starting point is 00:52:29 they say? Is it what y'all having? What do you have? What do y'all have? What do y'all have? What do you have? What do you have? Jesus Christ. I should have, wait hold on I'm just gonna fucking look it up. I bet it's on the website. I'm sure it's on the website. I'm looking up right now. I think it's what do y'all have. Okay. Joe's going
Starting point is 00:52:45 with what do y'all have? Any other guesses? I was trying to, I meant to remember this too. I think y'all's in the middle of it. Okay. Let's write it down. What do y'all have? I think Joe was right. What do you have in? What do you have? What do you have? What do you have? What do you have? Joe's closest.
Starting point is 00:53:01 What do y'all have? I had the L's in the wrong place of the sentence. That's okay. What do you have? What do you have? And they say what do you have when it's time to order, but it is a little bit like if you're not used to being there, like, oh wait, do I, I guess I just go up to the person who says what do you have?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, that was confusing for you? Yeah, it was, because I'm used to like, next customer, you know. What do you have? So, hold on more clear. Yeah, but what do you have? I don't know who you're talking to. Are you talking to me? Jesus Christ. Anyway, it's fun. It's like a fun thing, but you have to know that going in
Starting point is 00:53:33 that that's what they're going to ask. Everyone listening, don't worry about it. You'll figure it out. It stressed me out. Yeah, it was fine. Why you're also caught on fire two times at the first time. Bursting into flames. They kept being like weird open flames. Yeah, I know. Both times
Starting point is 00:53:49 was my pubes. Classic fire marshal bill. So we, we ordered, let's just get into our order. I got the slaw dog, which is a plain hot dog with slaw served on a steamed bun, and I also got the glorified bacon cheeseburger.
Starting point is 00:54:07 That's right. Which is a beef patty with American cheese and bacon, lettuce, tomato, and it says there's mayo, but it seems it's easy mayo. They don't put a lot of mayo on there if they do. I did not really taste too much mayo at all. It seemed like a plain burger to me. There is Heinz ketchup and Heinz mustard on
Starting point is 00:54:23 every table. By the way, we had this discussion at a restaurant. I'm a fan of Heinz mustard. I think it's pretty darn good. Do you like it more than French's? I might like it more than French's. I never even thought about Heinz mustard, but I tried it with a little fry and I agree. It's very good. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I think that the packaging, they have that Heinz packaging, which is the easy squeeze bottles they got. So that's pretty helpful. Yeah, I do like that. But I don't know, I like French's quite a bit. I like both of them. I'm a fan of both Mustards. I'm not disappointed by either of them, but I think Heinz is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:54:55 It's not like a Heinz-Huntz ketchup thing. Or if there's a Huntz ketchup, I'm just like fuck, come on. What are you doing? Give me some fucking Heinz. Or a house ketchup. Give me some fucking Heinz. You know what? Would I be that disappointed by Huntz ketchup? I don't know. It changes things up.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I think that a lot of people think that Heinz ketchup is very sugary. I think that's why I like it. I think we might have been a Huntz family growing up. Wow. That's probably why I don't like it anymore. A Huntz? Pepsi family? We were a Pepsi family for sure.
Starting point is 00:55:27 We might have been a Huntz family. Jesus. Because that's also too what would have governed my dad's purchasing decisions was what was cheaper. And I'm sure Huntz is the cheaper ketchup. Dear God. But anyway, so they give you these condiments on the side that you can dress up.
Starting point is 00:55:43 The dog is definitely plain. And it needs something. It needs a little bit of something. It needs a little bit of burger burgers. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Joe. I did not get burgers. I got two chili dogs. Right. I actually got a combo, which was two chili dogs
Starting point is 00:55:59 and onion rings on the side and then a Coke. And that's always my order. That's all I've ever had since I was a little kid. I would always get two chili dogs and it has a little bit of mustard on the top. Yeah. And onion rings. I will say that I feel like you ordered correctly because the onion ring was fucking great.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And the chili, I got chili cheese fries. The chili sauce was good, but the chili cheese fries, and there's a thing Emma ran into as well because she ordered the same thing. You have to assemble on your own, which I don't like. They give you chili and it's very whack. They give you chili and cheese sauce on the side and then I just ran into her fries.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Small plastic container. And a small plastic container. I was thinking about this. Do you think they want you to dip? To do a double, like some dipping? If they do, they're out of their fucking minds. That's not how you chili fry. Jesus Christ. And that's just chili dip with my fries. Not chili cheese fries. Yeah, that's a side of chili.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Tell me what I'm getting. Say I'm getting a side of chili with my fries. But anyway, that was a disappointment. Even though the chili cheese fries themselves were great, but once I actually assembled it, which was a lot of trouble, I had to go up and ask for a fork, which was a whole thing. They were like, what do you have? I was like, a fork.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Jesus. At this point, I was going around. I kind of got into the theme of the restaurant and I was going around from table to table bullying people. Calling them freshmen and taking their burgers. Taking their lunch money. Taking their lunch money. You kept copying off other people's homework.
Starting point is 00:57:19 You found a desk and fell asleep for two hours. Stuff somebody in a locker. I also got, I got the, what is that burger called again? The glorious, what is it? The glorified, it's the glorified burger. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Glorified is just their terminology for something that's got extra, it's got like lettuce tomato on it, I believe. Here's what I think. I got that glorified bacon cheeseburger or whatever. I think that it was maybe the weakest thing I had there. And I wonder what people,
Starting point is 00:57:53 local, you hot lanterns, what you think of a, what people think of the burger. And also part of me thinks that you should, Emma, you got no tomato on yours. I think I should have gotten no tomato and no lettuce. I think the chili cheeseburger was maybe the way to go.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I think my thoughts on the tomato not being fresh there was correct and I think the lettuce was kind of the same. It felt like a burger that didn't need any of the veggies on top of it. It felt like, kind of just like a burger that, and I said this when I ate it, the burger tasted like a
Starting point is 00:58:25 burger you'd almost get in school, which is, as Emma said, is almost too on theme. It was, it was a very, it tasted like a cafeteria school cheeseburger. You're talking about the patty itself? Yeah. I liked the burger. I got the same burger as you. I liked it more than you did.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I thought it was pretty good. I definitely liked the hot dog more, but I was like, if I had grown up eating this burger, this would be like, oh, this is my little, you know, this is a little bite of a memory. This is like the thing I liked growing up. And it was good enough where I was like, this is a thing I would like if I had this frequently.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And the thing I would crave if I had this frequently. I agree with you, it was a very simple burger. It's a very small burger. It's almost, it's a borderline slider. It's like a big slider. It's like a big slider. It reminded me of McDonald's, like a little McDonald's burger. It was a tiny McDonald's burger.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I also got the, Oh, by the way, the terminology real quick, I'll let you finish, Mitch. A glorified burger has mayo, lettuce and tomato, a regular burger's ketchup, mustard and pickle. There was mayo on that burger? They did. Yeah, that's what we were just talking about.
Starting point is 00:59:29 There's not very, there is mayo on it, but there's not very much. I did not know it was there. That's a better way to go with those burgers. I think, yeah, I think you get that steak burger. That's their terminology. That's, that's what you, that'd be the better, the better call. I also got a chili cheese slaw dog, which has chili cheese and slaw on top of it.
Starting point is 00:59:45 And I loved it. I thought that was a great, I loved that dog. And I wish I had, I just wish I had more. I wish I had, I wish I got two or three hot dogs. I would have been so happy with two or three hot dogs. Yes. Instead of the burger, but I also agree with you, Nick. Mine came with french fries and the fries were good.
Starting point is 01:00:01 They were a little bit soft. They are soggy. They're soggy fries. They're like a soggy fries, but they, like intentionally soggy. Right. This is the, the style of fries that sometimes you go to like five guys or something, you get the, you get the bag of fries and they can kind of feel greasy. Just the wet fries.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Yeah, the wet fries. And, and which I said, wouldn't, maybe wouldn't be good for chili cheese fries, but you told me that they were decent and I tried to bite them and they actually were pretty good. They were good once you assembled them. It's just a lot of trouble to do so. It was a huge pain in the ass. But the fries were completely overshadowed
Starting point is 01:00:33 by the delicious onion rings. The onion rings were fantastic. Out of those worlds. So good. Those are some of the best onion rings I've ever had from a, from a fast food place. They're, they're outstanding. They're super duper good. Yeah. That bad, that is what I think of as like an onion ring.
Starting point is 01:00:49 That's like kind of what, anytime I order onion rings at a restaurant, I'm judging it against that. Right. Like a nice little thin piece of onion, thin circle of onion with a great flavor. You want to be the size where it can, it can fit around your dick, but you've got like a little wiggle room. That's like the ideal onion ring.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Jesus. A little wiggle room. Wow. Have you eaten onion rings off your dick? So do you, are onion rings like usually too big or are they like too small? Well you get ones that are too small and you get ones
Starting point is 01:01:21 that are too big. Yeah, you want one that's like right in the middle of your face. I saw the burn mark on your arm and I'm wondering what the burn mark on the other part of your body looks like. How do you think my pubes got in the fire? And so those onion rings were fucking great.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Hold on. When you go down on yourself, are you, are you sucking off an onion ring? That was the first time I think it happened as you were eating naked and you dropped one and you're like, your hands or stuff was in your hands. You're like, well, I'll just get it in. It landed like a ring toss. It landed right on there.
Starting point is 01:01:55 There's an inverted ring toss situation. Jesus Christ. So the onion rings were great. You got the chili cheese burger or I'm sorry, the chili cheese slaw dog which I wish I'd gotten because the slaw dog I got was good. And I think that coleslaw was very good.
Starting point is 01:02:11 The cabbage is really, really minced up which is great because it's basically effectively condiment there. I threw a little bit of mustard on there which I think helped it. Going there again, I think I would get Joe's order or I'd get the dogs you got Mitch, two of the dogs you got
Starting point is 01:02:27 with the onion rings. I'd definitely get onion rings over the Friday. Did you say in hindsight? Were you talking about the ketchup again? In hindsight, yeah. That would be a good commercial campaign for them. In hindsight? People looking back on times they wish they'd had Heinz ketchup.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah, they had Heinz that ruined their night. That's good. I got an orange drink. The orange drink. The orange fountain drink which I enjoyed quite a bit. It is kind of famous for this orange fountain drink.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's called the Varsity Orange. The Varsity Orange but then we also got ourselves the frosted the frosted orange shake. Thank you, the frosted orange shake. An orange milkshake with vanilla ice cream and their Varsity Orange drink
Starting point is 01:03:15 combined. That shake is out of this world. It's like an orange Julius. It was delicious. I really enjoyed that shake. But like a creamier, thicker orange Julius. An orange Julius 2.0 is better. Everyone enjoyed the orange shake.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Frosted orange shake. Frosted orange shake was a real winner. Really good. What drink did you get, Joe? I just got a Coke. I just got a nice tea. A lot of times growing up I would always get a chocolate shake. How's that chocolate shake? It's really good. It's very thick.
Starting point is 01:03:47 It's very hard to eat with or drink with a straw so you got to use a spoon. I'm okay with that. Emma, what did you get? I just got a Sprite. I got the burger and the chili cheese fries. I'm bummed I didn't get a hot dog. I fucked up.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yeah, it's okay. So here's what I think here. The hot dogs and the onions are kind of the star of the show. 100%. So good. In addition to that frosted orange shake, the other sweet treats we got. We got the fried peach pies
Starting point is 01:04:19 and then we also got the sweet potato pie which is not on their menu right now. It's on their website but it is like a special they have at the moment I guess. Was that on the menu or how did you see to get that? They just had a sign for it. It's a sweet potato pie and we got ourselves one.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Both of them were great. They were both fucking great. They were really flaky and delicious and the thing is they were like so gooey and like they like stuck to the paper which sounds bad but it was like because they were so like filled like they had so much fruit inside of them
Starting point is 01:04:51 was kind of leaking out. It's funny we were in this like high school themed thing and then I got like a warm pie. I didn't tell you guys this but before I brought it to the table I brought it into the bathroom and I pulled an American pie on it. Oh boy. Oh I thought I saw a microscopic little indentation.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Like a little pin prick was in there. What the hell? Someone tasted it with a toothpick. You guys don't even mind? Yeah. Does someone put a birthday candle in this? It looks like somebody just lightly pushed a pushpin into the side of it.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Lightly. It wasn't quite hard to penetrate. God damn it. Joe I like that you got a Coke. It's appropriate for Atlanta. It's absolutely appropriate for Atlanta. But the orange drink was very good. The varsity and Coke is being so similar.
Starting point is 01:05:39 The varsity is like branded in like red and white colors like Coke is. They feel like one and the same to me. I know that's just a feeling I have from growing up and seeing them so constantly next to each other. No that makes sense. It's right near the world not too far from the world of Coke. It really isn't.
Starting point is 01:05:55 We were saying that the unfortunate design of the varsity looks very much like the varsity hat looks very much like a MAGA hat. It looks a little too much. Oh yeah the red color with white lettering on it. I told you about this Mitch but I saw a gentleman with a red baseball cap and I was like uh oh
Starting point is 01:06:11 there's a MAGA hat and he turned around and it was a Duff beer hat. I was like oh this guy is just a Simpsons nerd. That's fun. That was very funny. And then I also got myself some ice cream. They have ice cream there. It's Mayfield dairy ice cream.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I got the Butterpecan which is one of my favorites. It was great. It was creamy and delicious. I didn't need it but man it was so fucking good. You didn't share with us fucking fat ass. You wanted some of my ice cream? I didn't know. I'm going to get a dessert just for myself.
Starting point is 01:06:43 You want to have yourself an ice cream? I offered if you guys wanted something. Joe do you remember him offering us? I got a shirt. You guys bought me a shirt. That was my dessert. I asked Emma if you wanted anything. You said no.
Starting point is 01:06:59 We could have gotten something. It was hard. I was ice cream free. I went out the door without an ice cream. I could have gotten you ice cream if I had known you wanted some. Do you want to go get ice cream? Yeah I do want some ice cream. So yeah for me I think the consensus is absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I think you nailed it Mitch. That the hot dogs and the fucking onion rings are the stars of the show here. But they don't sleep on the desserts because them desserts are quite nice. Well let's get to our final thoughts on the varsity.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Saunders you've done the show a number of times. You know how this works. We'll go around and give our rating or give our assessment and then end with a fork rating. Zero to five forks. It's your beloved place from your childhood. You're an Atlanta native.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Tell us how you feel about the varsity. The varsity is a place that I have such an nostalgic connection to. That's just a lot of emotion and tied up in it and memories. I'm always a little wary to recommend it to people to go to because I'm like is it just like a hot dog place?
Starting point is 01:08:03 So I'm really glad that you guys like the hot dogs and you like the onion rings. I think with that meal and all my memories I got to go five forks. Five forks from Joe Saunders. I'll also say that we got some fun hats that we're going to wear in the pictures.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Fun little hats that you can wear. Nick when I came into this place I thought I like this concept quite a bit. Yes. But when I leave am I going to have the varsity blues? Whoa. Am I going to say I don't want your fries?
Starting point is 01:08:35 Oh man. That was good. But you know what? We sat down despite the we'll have to look into this Fox News thing because it will affect my score. But
Starting point is 01:08:51 I'm hoping that there's just different newsrooms which I think you might be right Joe. All of these businesses are run by monsters. There's every fucking Coke is a fucking horrible one. Were there people watching Fox News in there? No, they were watching the football game.
Starting point is 01:09:07 They broke their own rule. But I do wonder if it is just the thing of like oh this is the Fox Newsroom and this is the CNN room. Like that to me then is a funny thing or something if that is what they do. Nickelodeon room. The Bravo room. I do have an adult swim room.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I do. I do wonder if there is a and if that is the case and I think that that's fine and almost funny. But look it was fun. It was a fun time. I like the theme of the restaurant. Yes. I had fun with friends. I love what the restaurant means to the city.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I think that's cool. Right. The burger was not great. So that that hurts it a little bit. But the hot dog was great. Yes. The onion wings were fantastically great. And the shakes and all the desserts we got and the drinks, they were all fun. Nick, this is a place where I wouldn't mind
Starting point is 01:09:57 getting detention, spending some extra time. I got to go for forks. Wow. Very good score. I really, really enjoyed the varsity. We didn't comment on the service and that place is very busy. Especially probably on a Sunday.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Pretty efficient though. But they were very efficient and everyone was very nice. It was great. I thought the service was great and I thought everyone who worked there did a good job of steering us in the right direction, helping us with our orders. I
Starting point is 01:10:29 agree with Mitch that the burger was not as good as the hot dog, but the burger I found pretty good. And I found good enough where if I was craving a burger with my dog, I would get a burger with a dog. But I think I'd always get a dog if I got there. And probably two dogs. Yeah. Because they are, again, all the things are pretty
Starting point is 01:10:45 efficient. And keep that in mind if you're budgeting to go here that the combos come with two things. Because one hot dog or one burger in and of itself is not a meal unless you're a very light eater. But pretty cheap though.
Starting point is 01:11:01 We got a ton of food for four people and it was 50 bucks or something. We overordered as we normally do. But the hot dog was great. I would have loved to have chili on it. The chili on the side of the chili cheese fries was a big disappointment. However, the onion rings were fantastic.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And all the desserts were great. I'm going to split the difference. And we are going to be climbing the ladder here. Four and a half forks. Welcome to the Golden Plate Club, the varsity. Oh, I love it. I'm so happy to hear this. The first member of the Golden Plate Club from the HTL.
Starting point is 01:11:33 That's right. Amazing. Very exciting. Mo's did not make it in and flying biscuit. Got ejected. Got ejected because Mary Lynn gave her three and a half. She gave her three. Got thrown the fuck out of there. So, welcome to the Golden Plate Club to the varsity.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I will definitely say of the places we ate, the chains we've eaten at, that's the place where I'm like, when I'm back in Atlanta, I want to hit up the varsity. Oh, that's great. I love it. It's very, very good. Nick, would the varsity make the varsity squad? Without a doubt. It would absolutely make the varsity.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It would be fucking prom king. Wow. Wait, really? Yeah. And Wendy would be prom queen? The President of the Plate Club. Yeah, Wendy would be prom queen. And Shaq gets most humorous. That was our
Starting point is 01:12:21 review of the varsity. It's now time for a segment. We've got a beverage. We're going to decide who should pour it down your throat. It's drank or stink. And you know what? We're drinking now. Since we're in Hot Lanta, the home of Coke, we've got a Coke variant that I am busting out right now.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Oh, wow. Nick, can I just say? Yes. I was really pissed off last night. Why's that? Because SNL premiered, and it should have been Shane Gillis's premiere night. It fucked up. Oh, boy. So I've got some...
Starting point is 01:12:57 That's your responses, oh boy, to my joke. We've got some Georgia Peach flavored Coca-Cola. That's right. And there's a bottle opener right over there, Nick. If you take some of the other stuff off, it's going to charge me. Emma, you can do it. Alright, fine. Emma's going to open the bottle. Hold on. You know what?
Starting point is 01:13:13 I got this fucking solved. No, we don't have to worry about that. I got a bottle opener in my key chain. I'll open this right now. It's open because I'm prepared. There you go. Joe, do you have a glass, right? I do have a glass. You might need to use that glass.
Starting point is 01:13:33 There you go. Oh, there's four bottles? Oh, shit, they're in the bag. Never mind. Okay, we got enough for all of us. Alright, hold on. I'm just going to take this out. Let's talk about Coke a little bit as I'm doing this. Wiger's opened all these. It's like the most boring Christmas. He's opened up all these Cokes out of the Rappers.
Starting point is 01:13:49 They're all wrapped like presents, which is kind of fun. They're wrapped up like mummies. They're like mummies. Yummy mummies. I'm going to get these all... At the end of every mummy movie, they tear the mummy open to see what's inside. That's how you defeat a mummy. You just get a hold of his tape,
Starting point is 01:14:05 and you pull the tape, and he's done four. Isn't it one of those things where inside it's just like scarab beetles or something? Yeah, sometimes. It's like all fucking spiders. It's like crazy. Alright, we got more paper rustling. Emma's helping me out now with opening these up. Yeah, I've got another one here. So we have four of them. We each get to have our own.
Starting point is 01:14:21 How fun. Mitch, you're already sipping on this. Mitch, I know you're a big Coke fan. Saunders, you got a Coke today. You're from Atlanta. You must love Coke. I love Coke. It's so good. Is that your favorite Coke? Now, this is what I want to know. Is your favorite Coke the original?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Because I think that's the case with me, but some people are like, I like Cherry Coke. I like Vanilla Coke. Yeah, the original Coke, I would say, is always going to be the best. I do like a Cherry Coke, but... Yeah. Dude, why are you doing a voice for people who like the Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke? Did you go, I like Cherry Coke. I like Vanilla Coke.
Starting point is 01:14:53 No, I wasn't making fun of them. You were making fun of them. Oh, we love Cherry Coke down under. Your bit, the last four episodes, has been about doing an Australian accent. That's like what, like, kids in second grade do when they find out... I can't believe there's a Georgia Peach flavored Coke.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I wonder if you can get this anywhere besides the World of Coke. We got this directly from the World of Coke. Yes, it might be a World Coke Scluicy. I'm going to take a pic of this before I take a sip. A Scluicy? Oh, fuck, I don't have my phone. My phone's charging. I'll take a picture. Okay, I'm just going to take a picture.
Starting point is 01:15:35 All right, I'm taking a sip of this right now. I got thoughts. Oh, boy, I have thoughts too. You know what I know my thought is? Yeah. I like it. I kind of like it, too. It reminds me of
Starting point is 01:15:51 when I was a Snapple drinker. I was a Peach Snapple guy. And then for a time I went to Diet Peach Snapple because I was trying to have less sugar. And then I swore off of Snapple altogether because I thought artificial sweeteners are bad for you. And they probably are. But this definitely reminds me
Starting point is 01:16:07 of a full sugar Peach Snapple, but it's like the peach flavor's a little better. I'll tell you this, they do a good job because it just tastes like a hint of peach. It is, yeah, it's pretty subtle. It's like a Coca-Cola and you just got a little subtle hint of peach. Yeah, it kind of arrives there at the very end. Yeah, it's nice.
Starting point is 01:16:23 You know what else? This is made with cane sugar. Wow. There isn't a high fructose corn syrup in this. I like that. It's cane sugar and natural flavors. Nick, the Coca-Cola bottle is so recognizable that you notice it in the dark or if it's broken. Pretty crazy, huh?
Starting point is 01:16:39 That's what the Coca-Cola factory told us today. How often are you stumbling around in the dark looking for a Coca-Cola bottle? I'm always walking barefoot over broken Coca-Cola bottles at night. Wow, what did I step on? Oh, it's Coke bottle. This is good. It's very refreshing. It's very refreshing. You can enjoy this.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Instead of your sweet tea, swap out your sweet tea on the front porch of your Georgian home. You have a little Coca-Cola with the the Georgia peach Coca-Cola instead. They should expand this. Why are they keeping this in a cooler locked up in the world of Coke? Take this regional.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Take this national. Maybe it's special for the special people of Atlanta. I guess so. They don't want to abuse the peaches. Yeah. But it's not like Atlanta natives going to the world of Coke. It's like a weekend hangout. It's all tourists. It's fine. You make a good point.
Starting point is 01:17:27 There's no fucking no one from Atlanta there. Have you ever been there? I went there as a kid. It's like a one-time thing as a school trip. We've had a lot of different Coke flavors. We did the raspberry Coke that was a version of this. It was bad. This actually works. That was in the same cooler
Starting point is 01:17:43 as this one when I found it. That sucks. This one is good. It works. Georgia peach flavored Coca-Cola classic. You are a big-time drink as far as I'm concerned. You get a drink from me as well. It's a drink also. Wow. Triple D.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Quajupal drink. Quajupal drink. Hell yeah. And it was the same thing. Diners, drive-ins, dives and what's the last one? Dine bags. Yeah buddy. That was drank or stank.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Just like a restaurant. Let's open the feedback. Today's email comes to us from Caroline from Nova Scotia or possibly Caroline. It's spelled with a K. I apologize. I don't know how to pronounce your name. I'm taking a guess. Caroline or Caroline writes My mom and I often talk about food
Starting point is 01:18:31 moments that really stick to you. She calls them food orgasms, but I hate that. Sounds like mom's horny. For example, I'll always remember the first time I had fresh bread dipped in balsamic and olive oil. Wow. I wasn't even such a good restaurant but my 10-year-old self couldn't believe
Starting point is 01:18:47 food could taste like that. It changed my life. Wow. Do you have any moments like that that really stick with you? I got three. Yes, go for it. I got three moments. Well actually I have four food moments. Okay. That really stuck with me. One was the first time I had buffalo wings
Starting point is 01:19:03 down Cape Cod. This is like years ago and they were new. You know what I mean? It was not a thing that was on a lot of menus. And this is like the 1980s. I know that they had been around for years before that, but I'm just saying like I was in Cape Cod, I had never had a buffalo wing
Starting point is 01:19:19 before, didn't know what they were. And I was with my godfather and my godmother and their family and Neil Kiley and we had these buffalo wings and it blew my mind. I had never had them before. The same thing with chocolate chip cookie dough. I had Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookie
Starting point is 01:19:35 again. Oh boy. And that was the thing where I was like this is delicious. Because I was a mint chocolate chip guy grown up. Yes. And I was blown away by that. Another time, John Thomas steak house in Nithga, New York.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Just having such a good cut of steak. Right. I always had my dad's steak and I was growing up with a fancy steak house. Kind of like a real good fancy steak that really blew me away. I remember I had burrata cheese also. That was the moment that really blew me away.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I just, I didn't know that cheese could, I didn't know cheese came like that, Nick. Yes, right. It was delicious. That's it. Those are my four. Those are great. You had those right at the top of your head. Because I'm thinking about them all the time. I'm still chasing that high. Soldiers didn't even come to mind
Starting point is 01:20:23 any moments, food moments that really stick with you. I loved her referencing like the thing with like bread and like balsamic and alvo. I remember my dad showing my family that my or like my dad went to New York for a business trip and or maybe I forgot we were all somewhere to rest. My dad's like this is how this
Starting point is 01:20:39 works and he did it and we all tried it. It was really good and that's a very funny one. That's amazing. Yeah, that's a big city. Yeah, it was. Yes, very much like a big city. Like it. I don't know if I have a lot of these. One I think about all the time is I went to that restaurant Tua Mech
Starting point is 01:20:55 in Los Angeles. That's run by Ludo LeFerber and I had a soup in there that I think about all the time that it was sourdough soup. Wow, this isn't just cause like I like bread or whatever, but it was seems very breaking. No, it's yeah. I know it seems.
Starting point is 01:21:11 But it came in like a little cup and it was just enough for you to have like a basically a mouthful, but it was like a soup, a liquid soup that tasted like a loaf of bread. Wow. And I don't know how he made it. I like I don't know how you make that. That's like a magic trick. Yeah, it was really. Yeah, I think about that. I think he's trying to get on the broadcast. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:21:27 Ludo was trying to get on the broadcast. Oh, okay. Is he on the broadcast Patreon? Check it out. He's the only subscriber. He started it independently. Emma, do you have any food memories that are really like vivid that you can think of? I remember when I
Starting point is 01:21:43 realized I like salad. That was it was at an Olive Garden. You realized you like salad. I hated salad. I hated vegetables. I was a very picky eater growing up and then I ate Olive Garden. Salad and I was like, salads can be good. And I remember that pretty vividly.
Starting point is 01:21:59 This was the endless salad that you got the breadsticks. Yes. Wow. I had a moment like that too. I'm with you and having like like Villa Rosa having the side salad with house dressing, which was the Villa Rosa was a place my parents and I went for every big occasion.
Starting point is 01:22:15 We went there all the time and we loved it. It was like the local restaurant and the house dressing was so good. They bottled it at one point and it was the my favorite dressing on earth. Right. And then Villa Rosa shut down sense, but I was like, I didn't know that I could like salad,
Starting point is 01:22:31 but this dressing is so amazing. It's transcendent. I love the salad. My parents were so excited that I liked salad that they bought two bottles of the dressing that night. Can we buy this dressing from you? And they did sell it. Now they sell it in like grocery stores. You know what I'm going to say? Yeah. You're going to bring back
Starting point is 01:22:47 creamy Italian. I think that still exists. No, I know. I'm saying it still exists, but I'm saying it's not around as much. It used to be such a go-to option. You don't encounter as an option as much as you used to. Yeah. I feel like so many Italian dressings that you get
Starting point is 01:23:03 when you go to dinner are like a that kind of like yellow, like a almost like golden color Ken's dressing. That's kind of like very sweet or something. It's like a very like strong flavor. Well, I also feel like in general,
Starting point is 01:23:19 Italian has been supplanted by various vinaigrettes like a raspberry vinaigrette or a balsamic vinaigrette. I feel like you're more likely to see that at a buffet. You're going to bring back that creamy Italian. Yeah, creamy Italian. You're into it that often.
Starting point is 01:23:35 It's a shame. My memory is so Pizza Hut used to have a thing called the Big Foot Pizza. A lot of people don't remember. I remember it. Natalie remembers it, my lovely wife. It's like the huge, like rectangular one. It's a huge giant pizza.
Starting point is 01:23:51 My first encounter with a non-circular pizza. Wow. One that was like a square pizza. And having a center piece, like one that was like no crust, especially as a kid with a crust aversion, was like the fucking best piece I've ever had. That center piece that was all cheese
Starting point is 01:24:07 and like just, I think just pepperoni was those center pieces are also like kind of like soft and squishy. Yeah, I loved it. In those days, I might be more of an edge piece guy, but like back in the day, the center piece was just a fucking... Yeah, you love to edge now.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Let us know if you have a food memory that really sticks with you. Hashtag sticks to the roof of your mouth and your brain pan. And if you have a question or comment about the word, brain pan, is that what he said? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Brain pan? I don't know. Punch it up. What do you got? Uh, sticks to my ribs and my mind. Okay, there you go. I got one. Unfood gettable. That's what you are.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Now he's the best writer of the three. Oh, you already was. Unfood gettable. That's what you eat. If you have a question or comment, this is an appropriate song to parody, right? One about a woman singing about her beloved late father.
Starting point is 01:25:15 If you have a question or comment about the world chain wrestling, gmail us at doboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830-4636-844. To get the doboys double our weekly bonus episode during the Golden or Platinum Play Club at
Starting point is 01:25:31 slash doboys. If you have any bread left over after subscribing to the breadcast Patreon, Joe's whole motivation for getting on here, I'm sure. Joe Saunders, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for taking us to the varsity. We had a lovely time.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Joe, we're lucky to have you on this Atlanta trip. This is so great. I could never have imagined that we would get to do a doboys at the varsity. This is incredible. I'm so happy we got to do this. What a treat. Yeah, this is great. Thank you, Joe. You know what? I dub you the king of Atlanta, like I said before.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I've been here since Civil War times. Well, there's one again. What happened back then? Was everything okay? Yeah, let's not look at it. Saunders, what would you like to plug at this time? Oh, I don't think... I mean, I got a kind of a doboy spin-off with the breadcast, and you can look and find it
Starting point is 01:26:19 on Apple Podcast. Listen to some episodes. It's a lot of fun. Check it out. If you like baking and you like Joe, you're going to love it. So check it out. We're here more for the breadcast soon, right? I guess there will be. Wow. How exciting.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Breaking chews. More breadcast possibly coming. Disney has bought the breadcast. Oh, boy. So there's a whole negotiation. They bought my outlines for the sequel trilogy. Right. And Sony's also involved. So it's like a whole...
Starting point is 01:26:51 I've been fired. Yeah. Hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys. Here in the ATL, which continues all month long, we'll see you next time for The Spoonman Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating, y'all.
Starting point is 01:27:07 See ya, y'all. Bye. On the next Doe Boys Double. Oktoberfest 2019, the Doe Boys present the ATL continues as we review Georgia set Hillbilly thriller Deliverance. And as Halloween approaches,
Starting point is 01:27:41 we do a taste test of spooky serials. Ooh. My tummy hurts. Get the Doe Boys Double every Tuesday only at slash Doe Boys. That was a hate gun podcast.

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