Doughboys - Topical Freeze: Ore-Ida with Jason Mantzoukas

Episode Date: May 21, 2020

Jason Mantzoukas (How Did This Get Made?, The Good Place) returns for a Massachusetts deep dive, to discuss the challenges of food allergies, and to review frozen fry brand and Tater Tots inventor Ore...-Ida. Plus, the return of beloved quiz segment Pie in this Guy.Sources for this week's intro:Freedom Fries, Liberty Cabbage & the Myth Sauerkraut Became ‘Liberty Cabbage’ History of French Fries French Fries Truly French? Celebrates 60 Years of the Original Tater Tots® Potatoes Pie Is Not All That American more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As the 1917 U.S. entry into World War I whips citizens into a nationalistic furor, Americans rebranded sauerkraut as liberty cabbage, an attempt to mute the culinary influence of the now-hated Germans. This distinctly American act of combining performative jingoism with the absolute least amount of effort would repeat in their early aughts, as France's opposition to the Iraq War led the U.S.'s loudest, rungest citizens to rebrand French fries as freedom fries. But despite these temporary attempts at Euro-erasure, the continent's influence on American cuisine is indelible, and vice versa, with French fries among the most notable examples.
Starting point is 00:00:40 In the 16th century, Spanish ex-warers returned from the Americas with a new ingredient, the potato, at first relegated as hog feed by Europeans, but in time recognized as a versatile kitchen staple. French fries were among the new dishes that would come to exist as a result of the transcontinental tuber track, though their disputed origin is credited by different sources to France, Belgium, or Spain. Brought back to the States in the 1700s, French fries exploded in popularity stateside in the 20th century alongside their common accompaniment, the hamburger, and soon, home
Starting point is 00:01:10 cooks would desire a way to approximate the dish in their kitchens without the messy splatters of deep fat frying. In 1952, the Briggs Brothers, formerly corn growers, opened a company offering frozen French fried potatoes intended for oven reheating, with facilities straddling the border between Oregon and Idaho, giving their company its name from abbreviating both states. Today, 60 years later, the Briggs Brothers' brainchild is the dominant frozen fries brand in the US, and the company also credits itself with the creation of a variant beloved in cafeterias and gastropubs alike, the Tater Tot.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Only time will tell which future war of opportunity will lead to originally specific foodstuff getting a clumsy rename, but whatever you call them, French fries are now as American as apple pie, which itself is European in origin. This week on Doughboys, our month of frozen food reviews, Doughboys Topical Freeze continues as we review frozen potato brand, or Ida. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, the star of Olive Garden State, Snack Braff, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Wow. We just read the other day that Zach Braff, during the filming of Punk, beat up a 12-year-old or something, right? Yeah, just beat the shit out of a fucking adolescent, a preteen, just fucking clocked him. What happened, apparently, that roast was courtesy of Blake Boyko, roastspoonman at You have an insult.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You like the news and mention it up at the show. They had set up a prank, his friend on Scrubs, Donald Faison, right? Is that the actor? They're like best friends on the show and IRL. And so he'd set up a prank where his car was getting spray painted, and then Braff was so incensed by the prank, he obviously didn't realize it was fake for the show, that he chased down one of the kids and grabbed them and just fucking pummeled him. Which is very, very, very...
Starting point is 00:03:25 You know what? I don't even... Just curb-stomped a tween because he was mad about his new car being, yeah. But then he tells it like as a funny story, he tells it like, oh, this is a crazy thing that happened. I honestly don't even think it's that bad. That's an ordinary afternoon in Quincy. Getting down 12-year-olds with Wu-Tang and just beating the shit out of them.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We're chasing down bad 12-year-olds. Well, it's Quincy. They're all bad 12-year-olds. That is also true. Nick, the Doughboys came in to our guest. And I don't want to waste our guest's time, it's a good guest today. A lot of the times, Nick, you look at the feed and you're like, look at this guest for Doughboys today.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I'm going to pass on this one. But today is one where you actually turn on the podcast and you listen to it. I don't think that's the internal narrative of a lot of our listeners. As an avid listener of this show, I'm looking, and frankly, I'm always looking for my own name as the guest. Always excited when my name pops up. You guys have been on a roll. You had the Blank Checkies boys there last week, loved it.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Some really good ones. I actually want to talk about that for a second. Do you want to play a drop? Do you want to play a drop? I do want to do that too. Look, there's a lot of things that have to be said. And I also want to say, it's no offense to our guest because we're worse than any of our worst guests.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But that being said, there's some stinker guests. All right, stop saying that. Yeah. Speaking of Griffin Newman, there was a little thing. The Doughboys campy bot, yes, but he texted us and he said, check this out. Look at how cool this is. Tombstone pizza slid into his DMs and offered him a bunch of Tombstone pizza. And now look, the Doughboys campy bot, but I'm offended that they didn't come to me.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Wow. Well, because it's after the fact, it would make sense. You can't be bought prior to, but now it's just thank you. Now it's some nice thank you pizzas. And Nick, because of that, I'm lowering their score from four forks to 3.75 forks. That's canonical. This is bold. Yeah, this is wild.
Starting point is 00:06:06 They've been booted from the frozen plate club. You're booting them out of the frozen plate club. Something tells me if you get the same offer, they're right back in. This is extortion. There's a possibility that if they if they message me and say that they that they're sending me free pies, that they're back in the Golden Play Club, the first member ever. But right now, canonically, they're out.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Why are they out of the frozen play club? Doesn't this go against the quiz show rules? Like somehow you are looking for financial gain or maybe do you think Tombstone at any point, Mitch was like, we want to offer the pizzas to Mitch, but we don't want to be the reason this guy dies in his house. This podcast was built on the quiz show rules. That's what we base this entire show on, right, Nick? I'm just that now I'm just picturing how sweaty we would get in front of like
Starting point is 00:07:00 a Senate hearing for violation of the quiz show rules, which is the most drenched any anyone had ever been as a witness. I would believe that this administration would make that their number one priority right now is enforcing the quiz show rules on Doughboys for getting free Tombstone pizzas after whining about it on a podcast. I'll just say I would flip on Mitch in a heartbeat. I'm frankly been looking for an excuse for years. So no shit you would have no problem turning states.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I would I would help you out. I'd spring you loose. I'd pull a flin on you. I grew once you got once you once you got out once you were tossed away. That's the strategy. You should be angling for a pardon because that seems to where I mean, you'd have to turn our hard right, which would not be great for your acting career. But I think in terms of avoiding prison, what's wrong with that?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Do a couple of movies with Vince Vaughn. You and Mel Gibson doing lethal weapon nine would be a great time. Mitch and Scott Mayo buddy comedy. Yeah, I can see it with Antonio Sabato, Jr. as the villain. And the original who's the Christy Swanson's mega now, right? Oh, really? You got to love interest. Yeah, the new Buffy.
Starting point is 00:08:22 We could reboot Buffy. You could reboot Buffy with the original Buffy. And it's got a it's got hard right politics now. Mitch, do you have a drop for us? I do. I do have a I have a drop for you. Today's drop, Nick, comes courtesy of at Emerson 349 on Instagram, who writes, here's a drop from white animal sound.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I don't know what that is, but it might be a band. Hope that this gets spun while Ungepochka is still a running gag. Thanks, guys. Thank you. And you know what? This drop is a minute long, but I'm going to allow it because we're in quarantine and why not go for a minute? Also, I thought that you were going to do a I can't feel my penis.
Starting point is 00:09:06 That's what I thought you were going to do. Anyways, thank you at Emerson 349 and here's the drop. You add one extra thing and it's Ungepochka. It's you got too much going on and you've ruined your meal. It's the same thing. You know, you say the word too much. You say that word too much. No, it's I say the right amount, right?
Starting point is 00:09:54 So. Myself, I can picture myself strangling you and you and you're just as I'm strangling you, you just keep saying Ungepochka. Nick, what a funny drop. I was, it was funny, but honestly, it made it was like very emotional, too. It kind of made me tear up a little bit. Me too.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Like it just, it was like, it started off funny, but then it like landed a little like, profound. For reasons that I would rather not get into on the pod, I felt personally attacked by the drop. Yeah, it had some cheap shots in there towards our guests. Even though how did they know I would be the guest? You know, it's kind of prescient. It's, it's amazing that they anticipated that.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Spoonman drops at If you have a drop, you'd like to play on the show. That's right. Just email. To all your drops to that email address. One more time. That addresses. And hey, Mitch, we're continuing our theme month of Frozen Meals.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Are you guys just doing, are you continuing to do that? Or is it just because Shampooedler forgets every week what the email address is? Like there's just one person doing it. Per-singer will get in there sometimes. Oh, that's true. That's true. Frozen Meal theme month continues.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Doe Boy's Topical Freeze. And our guest with us today, very, very excited to have him back from the good place, big mouth. And how did this get made? Jason Matsukas is here. Hi, Jason. How are you, boys? And Emma, how are you?
Starting point is 00:11:34 We're good. Yeah, we're doing good. We're doing great. We're hanging in there. We're hanging in there. Thrilled to be here. I talked all the way through the intro. Couldn't be stopped.
Starting point is 00:11:45 As far as I'm concerned, I'm a co-host now. I'm not a guest. Let me introduce today's guest. For my upcoming movie, Scott Baio. I wanted to ask you, because we are obviously in the midst of this lockdown. Absolutely. Yes. Are you doing anything?
Starting point is 00:12:05 Like what is your quarantine eating habit? Let's start here. How has your diet been affected by the current regime we are under? You know, it's affected pretty significantly, because I eat, I would say, most of my meals out. Wow. Like I am a social, like my days are oftentimes structured like the day time is either I'm on a job working or I'm off writing or whatever, have auditions or doing something. And then my only social time really is dinner with friends, which I do most nights.
Starting point is 00:12:40 So to have all of that go away has been like, I'm not a home cook. I'm not somebody who is, you know, takes any kind of joy from, you know, getting all the ingredients and making a meal and blah, blah, blah. So this for me has been like a real reality check for a middle-aged man to be like, can you sustain yourself in any way, shape or form, not just not just eating for satiating hunger, but eating for nutritional value and making sure. So it has been dicey. I'm also someone who is catastrophically germaphobic.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And so this is my worst nightmare. So I still have yet to step in any supermarkets. I'm not like, so I'm, I'm like cobbling it together. So are you doing a lot of meal delivery? What is your plan? I'm doing, yes, I'm doing meal delivery basically, like, and I'm trying to group it all at once. So I'll get a bunch of different things at once, put them all in the fridge or freezer, and then eat them over the next week or two.
Starting point is 00:13:44 That kind of a thing, essentially. Right. And I'm, that's what I'm doing. And then I'm getting for all of my like, the other stuff I'm just ordering off of like either Amazon Fresh or Instacart or whatever for like Hummus or, you know, snacks and whatever. Anything dry goods I can do, coffee beans, you know, oatmeal, that shit. I just order off of Amazon, assuming that it can sit in my garage for four days, decontaminating, and it's not in any danger, nothing perishable.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Are you a coffee guy? Yes. You're like, you're like a big guy, because I'm drinking some Java right now. Okay. You said that as you finished the sip of coffee. Yeah. An audible sip of coffee. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I make a, I make a, I make a French press every morning. Wow. I put it in a thermal carafe and I drink it for the rest of the day. Come on. What are we doing? You got a bit, because you have a, I have a pretty substantial mug. I'm holding this up right now. I'm not sure you can see that on camera.
Starting point is 00:14:43 This is my Monsters Inc. Sully mug. I was going to say, I can't see what the face on the front of it is, but yes. Of course. And that is, that's Sully's face. That is also the mask you wear when you go outside, right? Just that Sully's face. Or is it a Minion's face on the front of it?
Starting point is 00:15:00 You got to rotate in all the different CG characters. I'll work a Shrek in there. Of course a chill. Yeah. You have multiple children mugs. But this is a pretty substantial honking mug. And you just stand drinking from that Pixar mug in front of an open window, yelling out to kids on the street, Wiger.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You kids want to meet Sully? You can meet Sully up here. Do you know what a French press for me is, Wiger? What? When I'm stuffing some guy from France into the fucking garbage. Jesus Christ. Wow. Quite xenophobic.
Starting point is 00:15:33 To France. I still think they're cowards. Wow. I love, I love that Mitch has not updated his America's Villains lists. And wait, are we talking today about freedom prize? Transition. Go, Wiger. Nick, I was going to say, speaking of the alt-right, which I'm not,
Starting point is 00:15:56 the only people that, when I worked at The Simpsons, I gave Scott Baio a- Wait, did you work at The Simpsons? This is wild. I worked, yes, I did. I worked at The Simpsons starting in 2007 till 2011. I was there for about four years, almost, three and a half. I gave Scott Baio a ride in the cart. And then I just remembered that, oh god, now I'm going to forget his name.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Angel on, oh, John Voight. I wrote in the cart with John Voight, too. Speaking of Republican, hardcore Republican. Yes, I've written in the cart with a bunch of right-wing people. It's like a shittier version of comedians in cars with coffees. It's right-right-wing actors on a golf cart with Mitch. Did Baio get on the cart in 2007 and go take me to the Playboy Club in 1994? I got to say this, all, both of them
Starting point is 00:16:58 extremely nice. John Voight specifically was interested in everything I was doing. It was very nice. John Voight looks a lot like President Shinra in Final Fantasy VII remake. They are just spitting images of each other. I wonder if they used his likeness as a basis for the CG model. That's a comment where, for most people, you'd say, you've been in quarantine too long, but not for Nick.
Starting point is 00:17:21 That's a kind of a common thing. I feel like that, on my podcast, we would call that out, that seems to me to be suspect because I feel like you're subtly trying to troll this podcast by advertising how did this get played, Wiger, your video game podcast. This is a classic Paul Scheer unspool situation where he suddenly just starts randomly talking about a very good movie on the podcast, and we're like, wait a minute. No, I wouldn't open that can of worms here.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Too much, yeah, that's a subject we like to avoid on this podcast. Now you're making it seem like I am this villain about your own podcast. You are visibly crying. At the mention of the name, you threw your headphones down and began crying. Wiger knows why I'm mad and has a little something to do with the show we like to call Good Morning America. Yeah, GMA, baby. GMA, TMI with that subject, with GMA.
Starting point is 00:18:30 TMI is what they called the TMZ on, and now you're going to think I'm plugging my newsroom recap podcast, but it's what they called TMZ on the newsroom. It was so like, it was just like the most on-the-nose choice. Somehow, I recently watched all four Sorkin seasons of the West Wing, and it's unimpeachably some of the greatest television writing, that and I just am watching, rewatching Deadwood, which is also just astonishingly amazing television writing from that same era-ish. That's not true at all, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But what's interesting is Sorkin is so good in that arena, and then in newsroom, it is not good. It's bad. Yeah, it doesn't work at all. I think it was almost given just like a little bit too much leash, or a little bit too much creative freedom. There are some scenes in newsroom that are so bad. I think the worst for me is there's a scene on,
Starting point is 00:19:33 and this is when those clips has been shared repeatedly, but there's a scene on the plane, or on a plane, and the context is this is the episode where Bin Laden has been killed, and the guy on the plane has the scoop, one of the characters on the plane has the scoop, but he wants to tell everybody, but because they're on a plane, he can't get the scoop out. And so it's just so fucking overwrought and poorly done,
Starting point is 00:19:58 and it ends with him screaming at a stewardess, like he's yelling at her, but it's like she's bad, like she's a crazy woman for telling him that he can't tell the plane, make this big announcement. He's really mad at her for not allowing him to quote get the scoop out? Exactly, Ed. Why do I feel like that's what you say to Natalie when you're going to go into the other room before bed?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Before we go to sleep, I'm just going to step out and get the scoop out. Ooh, I might have to put this into the microwave a few seconds. It's hard. Are you, Jason, I know, and we should talk about this. Yes, I'm a creamsman. Yes, I'm a creamsman. Jesus. You're canonically a creamsman, as are we, but this is a thing we mentioned,
Starting point is 00:20:46 we talked about on the first show, the first time you were on the show, and we should recap it real quick in case this is new to anyone else, but you have a serious allergy that affects your eating habits. Yeah, so I'm, and I'm sure many people are tired of hearing me talk about it, so I'll just very briefly say I have a life-threatening allergy to eggs. So I have the same allergy to eggs that people have to nuts or bee stings, like it will kill me, anaphylaxis, you know, swelling, dying, all that kind of stuff. I carry an EpiPen, I can't eat anything that uses egg in the preparation of a dish,
Starting point is 00:21:21 not just like an egg on a thing, but like noodles or in sauces or dressings, or egg as any component of anything, you know, will just straight up kill me. Is there like a food that people assume is safe that isn't, or something that you wouldn't expect to have eggs in it that does have eggs in it? You know, people don't oftentimes think through, like people think, a lot of times people are like the obvious things, what they picture a lot of eggs in, like breakfasts, you know. Right. Yes, obviously, breakfast's pretty much gone, you know, your pancakes, french toasts, waffles,
Starting point is 00:21:58 all that shit, I've never had it, you know, gone. Baked goods gone, but people don't always think it through to like noodles and like, like battered things and like stuff like that. And so there's a lot of, or sauces, or get me a lot in like, the more complex a dish is, the more like, like one time I was eating something, it was a salmon dish. And it was like, it was, the restaurant was AOC, super complex dishes, really, like delicious restaurant. And I asked them like three times, are you sure this is okay? And they were like, oh yes, absolutely. And there was something about it that I was like, oh, this is making me really anxious, this dish, just because it looked like there was so much
Starting point is 00:22:44 going on. And I asked one last time and the guy was really annoyed at me, and I could tell he was annoyed, my dinner companion was like, this guy hates you. And then he came sprinting out of the kitchen towards our table and goes, you haven't eaten any of that, have you? And I was like, I haven't yet, why? And he was like, well, the salmon is safe, it is egg free. But the candied apples on top are candied with egg yolks. Oh, wow. I was like, oh, well, then this dish has egg in it. Like, I was like, what's happening right now? So, or it's like, or it'll get sometimes it'll get me like breadcrumbs. People won't think like, oh, that dish has breadcrumbs on it. And the bread used to make the breadcrumbs had eggs in it. So, it's like that is how I get burned a lot, little weird
Starting point is 00:23:33 ways, not obvious, clunky things, you know? Right. Because Egg is used as a binder in so many places. Go on, Mitch. He shouldn't have gotten so, oh, that's gross, by the way, Weger. You're a little fun fact that Egg is used as a binder. He shouldn't have gotten so upset. He should have gotten so upset over the fact that. What's gross about that? It's just a weird, it's gross. It's a binder. I don't know. Egg is used as a binder. It's kind of a gross statement, I guess. Well, no, I mean, like, because here's the thing, a lot of egg replacements do a similar thing, like that, but a lot of them are sweet, like molasses or some things like that can be used to replace egg or like cum is also another thing that can be
Starting point is 00:24:14 used. It's a little saltier, though. That's gross. That's gross to me. I get it now. That's what it was like. Mitch, I agree with you. You just said cum is gross. It's gross. It's all over the place. Weger is here. It's all over the place. It's just, it's like a sprinkler going off. It's everywhere. I feel like cum is one of the things you can actually control pretty well where it goes. It's not going all over the place. I'm always stepping in it. It's fucking disgusting. You're stopping nutting on your floor. We've talked about this. Floor nut. Put this in the pod. Make this part longer, Emma. Somehow pad this part.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Just saying floor nut a few more times. Floor nut. Zooks, I was going to say to you, is it okay if I call you Zooks? Yes, Mitch. Of course it's okay you call me Zooks. You fucking weirdo. I was about to say that Halloween, God, did I already say this on the last time you were on? Halloween must be truly scary. I was hit by an egg on Halloween from teenagers in a truck, like in a pickup truck in Swamp Scott, Massachusetts. No, maybe it was in the hunt. Either way, I can't remember, but yeah, no, I was hit by kids just driving by, throwing exit groups, and I got hit and had to go home.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And this being Massachusetts, you chased down the 12-year-olds responsibly and curb stomped them, right? Yeah, baby. It was me. It was Wu-Tang. It was Mike. It was Mike. It was Mike is. Shankton. The whole crew. Fro-Bot is a North Shore guy now. Oh, really, where? I don't know. I forget. Who cares? Fuck that guy, right? I feel bad guessing because I don't know if it's a... I don't know if I'd be right. Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it. Plus, it's better that people don't know where he is because they'll go find him. That's the kind of fans you guys have. Do you know where... I know where
Starting point is 00:26:31 Shankton lives. Guys, we can go talk to him. I know where Dano lives. Oh, what's going to happen with Shankton is that if it's like what my last weekend was like, you'll be up at four in the morning on a Zoom call with him. Half-bift, as my dad used to say. Half-bift? Half in the bag? What is that? You never heard of half-bift before? No, it must be a regional thing. Yeah, like half in the bag, six sheets to the wind. Okay, all right. I get it. I get it. We were listening to Slippin' by DMX. We both teared up. That gives you a... This is... Oh, so you were having phone sex. Pretty close to it. Yeah. Half-bift, listening to DMX jerking off with your buddy while you
Starting point is 00:27:23 open the week. Pulling a Zoom autofocus. We began by this egg discussion by talking about sweet treats. And so I wanted to ask you, because we are in the summer months, what are your... What sweet treats work for your diet? What do you go with when you want to have something with a little bit of sugar in it? Well, I'll say this. I am the recent explosion in high-end ice cream shops opening. I don't know if it's going on in your town, wherever you're listening. But in Los Angeles, there's suddenly Van Luen and McCalls and what's the magpies and all of these higher-end ice cream shops and almost all of them do vegan options, which I'm sure to you guys taste like dog shit. But to me, I'm like, this is fucking great. So I'll do with that. I'll go to
Starting point is 00:28:26 one of those spots. Or I will in the freezer section of the thing. So basically, egg is in things that are usually fresh. So I can eat ice cream that is kind of bad. So I can traditionally eat an ice cream sandwich or a drumstick, something that is meant to last forever in a freezer and not spoil. Won't have egg in it. So I can eat like a Briar's ice cream, but I can't have any of the Ben and Jerry's Haagen-Dazs, any of the good ice creams. Like I was the kid, Mitch, you might understand this, at a birthday party who could only eat a Hoodsy. I 100% can understand that. Emma is nodding. Emma probably understands that as well. What is a Hoodsy? Hoodsy cups. My grandmother used to get huge things of Hoodsy cups. It was like a treat at her house in the
Starting point is 00:29:24 afternoons in the summer. It's like a little cup of ice cream. It's a little cup of very bad ice cream, like not creamy at all. It is watery. You actually just made me mad. Why? You like anything that's good ice cream? I think Hoodsy's are delicious. No, yeah. I love them for nostalgia's sake. For nostalgia's sake, absolutely. But Hoodsy is unimpeachably not good ice cream. It's no brigham. They're always so frozen because they were so little. They were rocks. They were so cold. Yeah, because I'm like you, Mitch. I'm a brigham's stan. I'm brigham's all day, every day. They had a flavor called Nestle Crunch. That was my favorite ice cream until they discontinued it. It is still available in the Northeast in Quartz. I don't
Starting point is 00:30:17 know if you know this in supermarkets. Brighams. Wow. Still alive, but only in that fashion, no longer, which also there's there's there's the last surviving Brigham's was basically Quincy had one of the three and they they've turned it into the the owner turned it into a place called the ice cream parlor and it is basically it is basically the last surviving Brigham's Dieter Dieter Lombauer. He runs it and it's it's it's it's basically is a Brigham's. I get I get raspberry lime rickies there and mocha fraps and everything and it's it rules. Yeah, that was like Brigham's or Friendly's were like as a kid real like let's go to we're going to go to Friendly's and we're all going to hang out. We're going to do dumb bits. We're going to
Starting point is 00:31:07 eat a, you know, a fribble or I have a fribble or what was the the one that's a name. Shit. It's been too long since I've been to a Friendly's but I forget now. Anyway, like I know how to fribble it because we went we went to Friendly's when we were on the east coast. We went to we went in Massachusetts. We went in western mass and so I've had a fribble. I'm going to look at the Friendly's menu real quick see if we can figure out what you're discussing but go on Jason. Oh that was so Friendly's and Brigham's to me huge but a Hoodsy was not very good but so I can eat some ice cream things. Yes. Just not what people love when they get ice cream usually like the good stuff. I usually it has a custard base and that's egg in that custard.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Right. I did the so so the you mentioned Hoodsy and I looked at I googled this and it is like a thing that we've we've had Hoodsy equivalent or Hoodsy equivalents out here. It's just not that brand but I know the idea of like the cup the small like four ounce cup of just like shitty super processed ice cream that you eat with like a disposable wooden spoon. Like I mean, my grandma used to have those in her freezer and that was just a delightful treat. So yeah, I know it but I get it. I understand that it's just a nostalgic fondness. It's not actually I wouldn't eat one now versus like I feel like a San Francisco thing that's similar to the Hoodsy is the it's it. Oh yeah. It's it is great. Which is awesome. I think yeah. It's it. I can eat an
Starting point is 00:32:34 it's it and now they have those in supermarkets as well and it's fantastic. There's not even so an it's it if you're not familiar with it is just basically a cookie an ice cream cookie sandwich that's got some sort of coating usually chocolate but there isn't even an egg in the cookie. I'm surprised. There is that's what I was shocked about as well but again because it has to be shelf stable for that long. They're just they don't put egg in it. You know. Wow. Weigur, you know what's another good grandma's freezer item? Frozen OJ. That's a good grandma freezer item. Now what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Yeah, what is this? What do you mean? All three of us on the zoom call just made a face like what the fuck? Especially with the vehemence with which
Starting point is 00:33:17 you said it knowing full well that we were all going to be like of course, Mitch. Of course. Grandma's freezer. Ice cream cups and frozen OJ. Yeah, the frozen OJ in the container that you put into a thing and then you turn it into a big thing. Yes, we're talking about concentrated. Like a concentrate. I see. I see. I'm not that crazy anymore. I thought your grandmother was taking gallons of orange juice and just sticking with the freezer. I was like, oh no, Mitch grew up with a lunatic grandmother that he doesn't know. Oh, my favorite thing in grandma's freezer, turkey slices. Wait a minute. Helen Donovan was a saint. You framed that as like a treat though. You were just having, you just like orange juice from Concentrator. I didn't eat fucking concentrated
Starting point is 00:34:11 orange juice out of the frozen orange juice out of the can. I'm just saying it's a good grandma. It's a good grandma freezer thing. Yeah, that was a good grandma I had. Yeah, I get that now. Yeah. I can't find this friendlies. The only thing I can find is the fribble. Jim Dandy is the one. Okay, the Jim Dandy is the one I was, is the Sunday I was thinking of. Just came to me. Wow. Wow. Well, there you go. We always used to get the Monster Mash. I think it was like mint chip ice cream with the cookies as ears. I used to do the, well, yeah, that's good. I used to do the one that also had like Reese's Peasies in it. And I can't remember what that one is called. That was a good one too, because it had peanut butter syrup. That might have been,
Starting point is 00:34:50 they might have just been, they might have been like a Reese's Sunday or something like that, right? Or it probably had some stupid name. And also the classic, which I told Weiger, which I think we did get is the ice cream man, the scoop of ice cream with the Reese's Peasies face and the cone head. Absolutely. How fun was that? I love the little ice cream guy. We always do the Baskin Robbins Clown Sunday, which was a similar drink. I just don't feel like you've spent enough time in Boston, Weiger, to really say these things. I agree with this. Here's what I'll say. If you guys are ever in, because I know Hodgman horned in on Boston last time, I would like, if we are ever in that area, like concurrently again, if we ever leave our
Starting point is 00:35:35 homes again, and we find ourselves on the North Shore, I would like to do, I would like to do Kelly's roast beef. Yes. Kelly's roast beef. Or a comparison of the roast beef sandwiches in Boston. But I would say Kelly's is the iconic one. Yes. So that is my, I'm like, I want to put my quarters on that board. I have next game on that. Weiger, don't say Kelly's roast beef with a question mark at the end about it. I told, this was almost our live show in Boston. We've discussed Kelly's roast beef. But for those of us who haven't had it before, what could one expect that a Kelly's and what is the thing to get? I mean, go ahead, Mitch. I was just going to say, you get a roast beef sandwich with basically everything on it. But are we talking like, is
Starting point is 00:36:26 it like a, you know, like a, like a beef dip? Like we might think of like a French dip out here. What are you getting exactly? No, it's like a sub, essentially, except it's a sandwich, it's a roll. Okay. You can't, I mean, there are various ways to put it together. But it's kind of like a sub shop, except the only available meat is roast beef. Got it. It's, you know, like roast beef shops are such a thing throughout New England. Like the one we used to go to is called Mino's roast beef in Marblehead. And that's where like all of the late night post whatever, everybody would go to Mino's, everybody would pack in. And then there would be some sort of turf fist fight between the kids from Swam Scott and the kids from Marblehead because there was such
Starting point is 00:37:13 a rivalry. And invariably, every Boston night, everything ends in, every location ends in a fight. And your group either gets to stay and eat or is kicked out. So that's a Boston evening right there. It was Quincy versus Milton. And Milton, we always thought it was kind of like the snootier. The Richie Riches. That's what the headers, Marblehead was very rich to us. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember there was a big Quincy Milton fight. And I maybe have told this before, Nick, but Wu Tang was fighting, everyone was fighting. And of course, I was standing on the sidelines being like, Oh my God, this is crazy. I'm scared. And the cops came, we all ran. And I got into a car and we drove off. And then I realized as we were driving, I was in a car with the
Starting point is 00:38:07 Milton kids. You have told this before. It's great. I have told them before. I cowardly ran away and I got into the car with the Milton kids. And they were like, Hey, we should kick this guy's ass. How long were you in the car before they noticed that you weren't in their crew? It was like at least like a couple of minutes. We were on the road. You lived in Milton for like three months after that, right? I really played it up. I was like, those damn Quincy kids fucking Wu Tang. You can drop me off. I live near this guy. Just drop me off over near him. I'm so lazy that I probably would still get driven home. It was a terrifying night, Dick. That's such a weird inner. So what happens? Did they just pull over and let you out and kick
Starting point is 00:38:58 you out? What happened? They pulled over because the one year when I went to Thayer for one year, I went with a kid, Phil Dalton, who was a Milton kid. And I loved him. And he was a guy who was like one of my good buddies at Thayer for that year. He was a great guy. And he is a great guy. But he was there. I know. Correct me, Mitch. They're a private school. Thayer is a private school. No, who's Tony now? Who's a Richie Rich now? Quincy Boy goes to Thayer. My freshman year, my mom taught at North Quincy High School. And I basically got sent to Thayer, my freshman year of high school. And I had never been to private school my entire life. And it's still to this day makes me mad. I hated it. And then I went to North Quincy the next year.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, great. So you did one year of private basically to like ship up or shape out? Was that kind of the what was going on? Is that that ship up or shape out, Weigar? Do you think that's they think that's how that phrase goes? Let me say let me turn it over in my head again. Ship up or shape out? Yes, I think that's I'm going to double down. It's ship up or shape out. Let's double down on that. Let's lock him in. Weirdly, Weigar is correct because I did ship out. And then I did ship up. And then I did also shape out. I took on the shape of a big oval. I just liked Thayer a lot. It was private private school and it felt snooty to me. And I didn't like it. And Ryan Whitney was my bully. Of course, we've talked about this before. And he's now
Starting point is 00:40:35 hostess. He not only did he become a successful hockey player in the NHL, but then he goes on and he hosts a highly successful podcast. Have you had it? You guys should have him on Doe Boys. We should have him. Settle some scores at some point. Truly. It would be fun to do like a I'm ready to square up against you to Ryan Whitney and then still have him kick my ass at like 37. I mean, you said he was a professional hockey player. He was a professional hockey player. I think there's no doubt. I don't think there's ever going to come a time that you're going to get one over on him. A professional athlete. I would love it if Mitch committed to getting so in shape and jacked just to kick this one guy's ass. Like somehow this is the only thing holding
Starting point is 00:41:21 Mitch back from accessing true success is this one bully. And Mitch's singular focus on revenge. Oh, that would be pretty great. As aggrieved as Mitch is and as much as he holds a grudge forever, you'd think that would motivate him enough. You'd think that would be a factor. This is bullshit. It's because you say this because I hold grudges against you. You're just an annoying man. You annoy me. I'm friendly. This is GMA all over again. I'm a regular Jim Dandy. You can't even touch Jim Dandy. Piece of shit. But wait, this anecdote, I need closure on this. So you knew someone from the high school that you had a friend, you had someone on the inside, inside this car. That's why you were spared? Luckily, Phil Dalton was there and he was like,
Starting point is 00:42:11 no, no, no. He's cool. He's a coward. Just let him out. Oh, no, no, no. He went to private school and likes Dave Matthews. So he's cool, guys. Don't worry. He stands for what we stand for. What's that exactly? I better not say. Truly, that is, they probably would have gotten a pass on that. Do you know who's from Milton? Jenny Slate originally from Milton. Wow. How about that? She better not come out. Quincy. Oh, wow. That would be huge. Every time I feel like we have a guest from Massachusetts on the show and I feel like I hear about a town I didn't know existed. There are just so many towns there. Oh, yeah. Oh, we could keep... I mean, are you kidding? If we do Kelly's roast beef, we're doing the one in Revere and God help us if we get out alive.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Like, the danger that one has to assume to go to the Revere Beach Kelly's roast beef at night is it's a good sandwich, but you are putting your life in your hands. Revere, tough town. Wow. Winthrop, tough town. Paul's namesake, Revere, a tough town. I would think it would be lovely. I don't know that it's named after Paul Revere, is it? You think he named after there? I bet it maybe it is. I never even gave that a thought, but I bet you're right, Weigher. I would have thought that that was my first thought just because that's the only Revere I know. Okay, here we go. Here we go. It was renamed in 1871 for Paul Revere. So, yes. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, so it was originally Pull and Point, I guess. Where everybody went to pull their pods?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah. You guys going to Pull and Point tonight? Yeah. I got to get the poison out. I got to get a binder. I'm making an egg-free loaf tomorrow. I need a binder, so I'm going to head up to Pull and Point. Pull and Point, the opposite of Makeout Creek. If you're going solo, you got to Pull and Point. If you've got a partner, you got to Makeout Creek. Suddenly Weigher's interest in going back to Massachusetts is just spiked back up. Slides are really cheap right now. Weigher, why are you packing a bag right now on the pod? It's all Vaseline. Jesus Christ. He's splitting so much Vaseline into so many three ounce containers. We'll be back with more Doe Boys.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Welcome back to Doe Boys. Our guest, Jason Mansoukas, this month we are doing Topical Freeze, a bunch of frozen meals, and this week we are reviewing Orida. The potato brand, rather, stands for Oregon Idaho, or Ida does, founded by the Brooks Brothers in 1952. Yes? As I incorrectly call it, Ori Ida. I think Ori Ida is close. I think there's a case for that because it is like Oregon. If you start to pronounce that next syllable, there's a case for Orida, but I believe it's Orida is the correct pronunciation. I guess we'll never know. We'll never have closure on this. Orida invented tater tots. The Brooks Brothers who founded it are the creators of tater tots. Tater tots is their brand. It is a thing they purportedly invented,
Starting point is 00:46:03 currently owned by Heinz, and they are the largest U.S. frozen potato brand. So, Mitch, before we move on, during the break you said you had something you wanted to return to. Well, I wanted to ask you, I had a Quincy trivia question, which is very much related to food. Also, I was going to ask you, what I want to ask you is, does Massachusetts have a lot of towns? That stands out to you for some reason? That was the other thing that kind of just... I think this is the thing, that I don't, like, if I started talking about hyperspecific Southern California geography, there would be maybe a, but like maybe you haven't necessarily heard of, you know, Rancho Cucamonga or whatever. You know what I mean? Like, there might be,
Starting point is 00:46:46 you might, maybe... What are you talking about, man? That's where Holics takes place, bro. All right, fine. You've heard of Rancho Cucamonga. Rancho, baby! You picked the wrong, you picked one that everybody knows. You sound like an idiot, Wager. Fine. Maybe you haven't heard of Artesia or Downey or Bellflower or Paramount, you know? I love all three. I love all four of those. City of Industry. Right, yes. But anytime I hear about Massachusetts, I'm just like, oh, because I only think of the, I only ever hear, you know, Quincy or Walliston? That's a town, right? Well, here's like, here's the thing. I mean, my town, not Massachusetts, is one square mile.
Starting point is 00:47:24 It is tiny. Wow. So what Massachusetts has a lot of is small towns all clustered together. That makes, so that's probably why. So that's, so I feel like there are like six Massachusetts towns that would make up one LA town. It's like the states. You got bigger states on the West Coast. In smaller states on the East Coast, you got smaller towns too. Everything's just... We're the state capital of the country. Wait, fuck. We're the town capital. What? God damn it. What? What does that mean? Get it together, Mitch. Get it. You got this. You can land this plane. Mitch, ship up or shape out. We're the town, we're the town capital of the world.
Starting point is 00:48:09 That's on the license plate. Massachusetts, the town capital of the world. Mitch, what was your trivia? And I also want to say city of industry, bad, come up with something better than city of industry. Yeah, it's a pretty, it's a pretty unimaginative town name. I mean, it's very on the nose. Of course, there was a lot of working class people work there. It makes sense. It's just too on the... Listen, only a fair private school kid would shit on a working class town like city of industry like this. Wow. No. Wow. I'm shocked, Mitch. I'm shocked. I thought you were blue collar. I guess not fair. I told Zooks about how I was roasted. I shouldn't show my weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And also why, because I'm going to show another weakness now, is that on my license, I actually had Walliston on my license and it's a neighborhood in Quincy. And when I was in college, everyone was like, you always talk about here from Quincy so much, which I did back when I was 19 and 20. And they were like, and you're from Walliston. And that was their running joke was that I was from Walliston. And it was very, very annoying to me. They pissed me off. I'm from Quincy. I mean, what would have to happen for you to turn against Quincy? Like imagine what would have to take place for Mitch to truly turn against that town. Because this is something that is so powerfully you identify with. It's wild. I think they'd have to pull down my pants and laugh at me and
Starting point is 00:49:42 poke me out of town, I guess. That sounds like a fantasy of yours. It came so quick and was so specific. Like you've clearly thought, like maybe they'd put like a stockade in the city square and I'd have to like have my bottom, my tushy exposed and everybody's going to spank my bum and tell me I'm no good. And they get kicked out of town, drive straight for Pull and Point. Yeah, this is a place where you and I differ just as men, because my hometown Lakewood, California, I don't give a shit about. And I could just like I could turn my back on that forever over nothing. Like I just don't care. I have no allegiance to it. Jesus. I'd at least do it for money or something. Well, and I, you know, I'm fond of my hometown. But never like Mitch does,
Starting point is 00:50:34 would I yearly go and live there for a month. Yeah, you know, I think I would lose my mind if I did that. Yeah. But I also it's beautiful there too, though. Oh, it's so pretty, which is why I'm happy to go for a week and see my family and hang out and, you know, walk around. It's such a pretty town. It's great. I love Manhattan, Massachusetts. Truly, it's like where the first game of Lawn Tennis was played in the United States and has one of the oldest libraries in America. Don't worry about it. Wow. I don't think the library thing might be apocryphal, but the tennis thing is right. Lawn Tennis is amazing. Wait a second. Libraries and tennis who snooty now? Oh, yeah. No, there is there is a part of Nahant that is quite Tony. Very Tony. Like Nahant is a real,
Starting point is 00:51:18 for a one square mile town, it is split between very wealthy and like this, like the class difference is very stark. And it is literally in this tiny town there. It's an island town off the coast of Massachusetts. And there's like two blobs of land. And the smaller blob was like the servants quarters for turn of the century wealthy Bostonians who had bigger houses on Big Nahant. Little Nahant was where like smaller houses were for like servants quarters and stuff. It's like a wild thing that from the turn of the century till now still maintains some sort of, you know, class differential. Wow. Wiger's never even had a bar pizza when we were you left too quickly. You got out of Massachusetts as soon as you could. When I went to college, I never came back to
Starting point is 00:52:10 Massachusetts to live, you know. Oh, no, I was saying Nick just in his quick visit. He left immediately. I stayed like an extra day. It was fine. What did you what do you want from me? I want you to come hang around. I think you should go live with Mitch's mom for a month. And Mitch and Mitch should live with Natalie for a month. You guys, you guys should do a full life swap. Yeah, a wife slash mom swap. That would I honestly, I think both of their lives would improve. Wait, is wife slash mom a description of Mitch's mom? Or is this a combination? I think it works for both. When my dad passed away, I got the title. When my dad passed away, the title was handed down to me. Mom became wife. Like in Deadwood, when Seth Bullock's
Starting point is 00:53:07 brother is killed in the war, he marries his brother's widow and raises their child as his own. You now that your father has passed, you have to marry your mother. That's how it works. That's at least how it works in Quincy. This is sick shit. Quincy's not like that at all. Good place. I get along well with Mrs. Mitchell. We have a nice rapport. All right. We do. We've had some lovely conversations. I stayed at your house. I stayed at your house for multiple nights. We had a lovely time. She's not that fond of you. Can I ask you, Liger, was there at any point, Liger, were you peeking? All right. All right. I have two things to say. Yes. Also, actually, here's the third thing. No, I won't say this third thing because you'll get too mad
Starting point is 00:53:56 at me, actually. I'll say two things. There's a Quincy trivia question that Mike has. I do Quincy trivia every Saturday night. We play Quincy trivia. Got it. How could there be that much Quincy trivia to play it every week? Every week you play Quincy trivia? Examine your life and the choices you've made, Mitch. To clear it up, the questions aren't about Quincy. I should have made it clear about that. Okay. This is your Quincy crew. It's my Quincy crew. It's just a trivia night with the Quincy. I got it. I got it. Forgive me. Go ahead. It's a trivia night with the Quincy crew. Got it. Mike has had a food-related question. I want to ask it to you too. To you guys and Emma to all three. Mike is asked. All right. Heinz subtracted by the combined
Starting point is 00:54:48 total. Sorry Heinz. Heinz flavors combined by the total flavors of Dr Pepper plus flavors of original Baskin Robbins ice cream flavors. So Heinz varieties. Okay. Minus flavors of Dr flavors in Dr Pepper minus original Baskin Robbins ice cream flavors. So I don't remember the number of flavors in Dr Pepper. That's my issue. I have a general. I think I know the Heinz and I obviously know the Baskin Robbins, but the Dr Pepper, I just have to take a wild guess. I wouldn't know Heinz either. Yeah, I don't know Heinz. I'm assuming this is the Jimmy Buffett Heinz 57. Yes. That's where we're going from. Why is he going from? Okay. So 57 and then I'm just going to guess that there are 21 Dr Pepper flavors somewhere in that range. I know I'm not exactly
Starting point is 00:55:45 right. So that is what? That puts it at 36 plus 31. No, it's subtracting again. You're subtracting. Oh, you're subtracting again. Okay. So five is my answer. It's three is the answer. It's three. Okay. So it's in the right ballpark. Wow. 23 flavors in Dr Pepper. 23. Who did anyone get that right? How is that possible? You know what? On this podcast, we played a little game where we try to guess the flavors in Dr Pepper. Remember that, Wags? Yeah. You know what I will say? I did do during this quarantine. I ordered a box on, I think I got it on Amazon, but it was a box of root beers. Wow. Like a box of all different random local root beers or small batch root beers. And it was awesome. That sounds like it rules. Any standouts from that? You know, there were
Starting point is 00:56:45 there were a couple I should have made. I didn't write them down and I don't remember the names because they were all completely unknown to me. Wow. But a bunch of them were terrific. Absolutely. Do you know in my house, Nick, root beer is a binder. All right. Did we talk about, have we talked about moxie on this show? Oh my God. No, we haven't talked about moxie. Wigler, have you ever tried moxie? That's the move. Moxie as a drink or stank is where it's at. What is moxie? It's a soda. Is that regional to New England? It's a soda. Yes, Maine. Yeah, okay. That's what I thought. It's like in an orange can. It's one of my brother ones thought it was orange soda and insisted on me buying it for him and then he sipped it and hated it. It's like,
Starting point is 00:57:32 it's literally like tasting melted down pennies or it is awful. And it's not alcoholic. No, no, it's a soda. So this is, this is like a non-alcoholic mallord, it sounds like. It's like a local, it's a proper local soda that is like black licorice kind of pennies kind of that's the taste. Taken to an extreme though, it is, it's a brutal drink. Yeah, it's like bitter and herbal. Why do all these regions have just like something that tastes like shit that they have that this is like, this is our thing. I think they used to be things that were almost like medicines. No, yeah, that's what this is saying. Moxie is flavored with Gentian root extract, which is an extremely bitter substance commonly used in herbal medicine. Yeah, I feel like all these things
Starting point is 00:58:22 started as like, yeah, like, yeah, medicine type things that then somehow just became like local sodas that were made, you know, for just this market, you know. Right. So after that, that everyone was taking it to cure the Spanish flu and then it just kind of endured in the aftermath. I think Trump just announced that the way to beat coronavirus is a one can of Moxie. Breaking chews. It's gonna be a rush on that. That's a that that that is funny, like the things that they considered. My dad loved black licorice and like, he loved black jelly beans and stuff like that. And he'd hide them in his in his drawer at his dresser drawer. Oh god, dresser drawer, dresser drawer, dresser drawer, drawer drawer drawer drawer.
Starting point is 00:59:11 He tied them in his dresser drawer and and we're like, no one you don't have to hide black jelly beans from anybody. It's it's, it was a it was a nice. Massachusetts. It's Massachusetts. It's a little dicey in Boston. You know, they were they were still separating black jelly beans into the 70s. Your dad was part of a long Boston tradition of just separating. My dad was a good man, but he was like, I'm ashamed of these black jelly beans. I can't let anybody see them. I can't let Micas and Wu Tang senior see me eating these black jelly beans. I'd better hide them in my shame drawer. Big Jim and Tony. I like that your dad had like, like porno mags and black jelly beans,
Starting point is 01:00:03 like all the shameful things. I did find, I did find some. I have found a couple, I found a couple porno mags in there. Very cool. Covered in liger coming in with a really gross very cool. My dad didn't have any porno mags lying around. Yeah, that was an exotic thing at other kids' houses when their dad would have like a porno that you could find in their bureau. Or yeah, or that they were like, like, obviously, you know, like the kid would like be like, oh no, my dad's magazines are all right there. You know, like, like, I never saw or found anything weird in my house, you know, I was at a friend. I've told this story before on the podcast. I'll just do it real quick. But we had, I was at my friend's house in elementary school, and he had an older
Starting point is 01:00:47 brother. And the his parents were literally going to a dinner party next door. So it was me and my friend, we were both eight, and then his older brother and his friend, we're both like 13, 14. And so the parents are like, we're just going to leave you here, you can order some pizza, we're just going to go this dinner party down the street, and then and leave you alone. And the second they walk out the door, the older brothers like, like, all right, let's get dad's videos, and went and got like a like a VHS stack of just fucking hardcore pornography. And I'm eight years old. So I have no idea, like, he's just putting in a porno tape. And I'm watching this, and I have no, like, I'm just going to like from zero for never even seen a boob to like full penetration.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And it was like seeing a new color. I was just like, I don't even know what I'm watching. This is so wild. But anyway, it was like, it was like 2001 and space at the end of 2001 space. Yeah, I became star baby. And so we're watching this. And but so okay, so there's like, there's like some straight sex, but then also a good amount of guy guy stuff. And there's like a lot like, and there's like, actually, as we're watching this, there's a there's like a lot of like gay porn on these tapes, and they're like swapping out putting in another one, there's like gay porn, they're fast forwarding it through it trying to find some straight scenes. And the way these kids, the way I remember the older brother characterizing it, and this by the way, this family, very, very Christian,
Starting point is 01:02:12 hyper Christian, at one point, the mom gave the son money to like take his rap tapes and smash them with a hammer. So like like super duper Christian. Wow. But the way they characterize it, as we're watching all this this series of gay porn, with an occasional straight scene mixed in, is they were just like, like, oh, man, dad's got so many bad ones. Why are we watching, why does dad have all these bad ones? Anyway, I'd love to, I'd love to catch up with that family on a double. Could you have them on a double, please? We'll have them on and then we'll have Ryan Whitney on another week. We'll just deal with both of me and Mitch's childhood trauma.
Starting point is 01:02:54 The Doughboys doubles should be called just now settling scores. Nick, I was going to say quickly. Yes. Also, I'm sniffling up a storm over here. One, allergies to the cats are shedding, Nick. I just wanted to let everyone know. Oh boy. They hear me. They hear me. There's cats are shedding left and right. There's, there's fucking fur everywhere. But I just wanted to give an update and let you both know that my Billboard chart number one song is in the works. Okay, good. I mean, the timeframe has a last, but yeah, let's, let's, let's, I'm happy to extend. I will give you, hmm, I mean, I'm in for, what did I say, 10 grand I'm in for?
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah, you said you would match Weigar's 10 grand. I'll match Weigar happily and you know what, I'll extend as long as you need because I want this to happen. I don't want to be the brakes on this at all. So yes, my 10 grand still is in the pot and Hodgman, I will notice has not ponied up a goddamn penny. Wow. Getting called out, Hodgman. Maybe Hodgman believes in me. We might, you know, we might get a voicemail from Hodgman expressing through support. So, so the, the idea was, if I remember the terms of this is that if Mitch, if you get a single of your own creation on the billboard hot 100, whatever, whatever billboard chart you want to get on, that, that we will give you and this is, this is not like this is a trivial
Starting point is 01:04:29 Mitt Romney amount of money. This is just how implausible I think it will be for you to, to, to get on this chart. But if you achieve that, that we will each pitch in 10 grand. It started as you said you could do it within a year. Yes. That year has now elapsed. There was some, so you have failed. Let's, let's just say you have failed, but I'm willing to say I will give you unlimited time. If you can chart a song, I will give you $10,000 in cash. In, in singles. I want to make it, I'll make it rain on you, Mitch. Like we're at the, like,
Starting point is 01:05:09 like we're at the, the, what was it, the golden apple on route one? What was the, what was the, what was the strip club in, on route one called? That's, that sounds about right to me. Oh, the banana's place. What's the banana's? Dancing bananas or something? Oh, what's that? Oh, the golden. Oh, golden banana. Was that it? Maybe it was called the golden banana. That's maybe what it was.
Starting point is 01:05:30 It might have been the golden banana. That's, that's, that's what I was thinking. Um, yeah, golden banana is, is, is 27 reviews on a, on Yelp. And all of them are from you somehow. And they're all reviews of their wings. Oh, there's a, there's a COVID warning up top. Oh man, this is, this is, this is, there's some funny reviews on here. Um, I, I started talking to Anthony Toofo, uh, one of the Toofo brothers. Yes, one of your childhood friends.
Starting point is 01:06:07 And I'm also collaborating with Jeff Dutton. I'm working with a couple different people. I love it. Uh, nothing makes me happier than to know your heart at work. You've got all this quarantine time. There's, there's, I think the, the first song that we're working on, I think, uh, Zooks, I think you'll like it. I think it's kind of, um, a throwback, maybe a little, uh, like, uh, maybe kind of close to, uh, the song more than words by extreme,
Starting point is 01:06:31 maybe something similar to that. Oh, I love this. An acoustic, an acoustic ballad, please. An acoustic ballad is maybe the, will maybe be the first song. Oh, I love it. It's going to be about four tracks, Wiger, is my plan. I want to do four tracks. I like it. I like Mitch put out an EP with a lead single.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Like I will buy this. You're, you can make money. This is a way to, people will buy this if you put it on the streaming services. If you make real songs, people, I will buy it. Absolutely. I have a, I have a feeling we're going to, I think we're going to, I think we're going to chart. I think it's going to happen. All right. I love, I fucking dare you. I fucking dare you. I'm just excited to see you make an effort. Cause as far as I know that year went by without you even trying,
Starting point is 01:07:19 but now you got four, four irons in the fire. So hopefully one of these will chart for you. I would love to see it happen. I need to be at the, I need to be at the 10 Gs, but I'd love to see it. I would love it if Mitch released an album and it was like great and everybody was so excited about it and everybody was downloading it and blah, blah, blah. And then, and it was like a success. But then I would love it if like one of those like David Getta or Tiesto
Starting point is 01:07:41 or somebody took the vocals and made like an EDM hit out of one of Mitch's songs. Like just took the vocal track and just turned it into, and like charted, charted with that. Like one of those, like, like, let's get, let's get Mitch's like vocal tracks out to like, like DJs. That counts, right? That counts. If you chart, if you chart, if it's even if it's featuring Mike Mitchell, it works. Yeah, I'll give you a feature. The, by the way, the golden banana,
Starting point is 01:08:20 there, a lot of the reviews, I was just reading a review where by one guy who was like, the woman don't even want to be here. That's like, that was his issue. Was it, was it during COVID? The women don't want to, the women don't want to be here and they don't want to give me a lap dance because I'm coughing too much. I feel like you can leave that review at a lot of workplaces. A lot of people don't want to be at work.
Starting point is 01:08:44 It's not pleasant. We love being here though. Oh man, the greatest place on earth, the Doughboy studio. By the way, having a great time. So or Ida potatoes and Zooks, you talked about how you eat a lot of meals outside of the house, but do you ever have frozen meals at home? Never. This is like, never, like you guys talking about Tombstone pizza, like never.
Starting point is 01:09:07 That's not one of my moves. So this was like all new to me, making like, you know, fries out of the, I mean, I'm sure I did it as a kid or whatever. We had that stuff, but like, no, I'm not like a frozen burritos, frozen pizzas. Like I don't, none of that stuff. So this was totally new. Yeah. I haven't had frozen fries specifically since childhood.
Starting point is 01:09:31 That would be a thing that would be a, you know, my dad would like make burgers in the backyard and throw some fries in the oven. Exactly. That's, that's, that's my last memory of it, although I've certainly eaten, certainly eaten my share of fries over the course of my life. So the ones I got, I got the, I went to the Ralph's, which is, which you may know as Kroger, depending on where you are in the country. I got some golden crinkles, which are crinkle cut fries, and they are characterized as the
Starting point is 01:09:53 top selling frozen fry in the U S. I also got the, the extra crispy fast food fries, which are a very skinny fry. I also got those. I did not get the first one you mentioned. And then I got some, some golden tater tots, as we mentioned, they, they created tater tots. And I also got some hash brown potatoes, some shredded hash browns. They have a few different fridals of that. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:17 But what did you, I guess, let's, let's, let's begin with the rundown of what you guys got. Jason, you mentioned you got the extra crispy fast food fries. I also got the extra crispy golden fries. I got golden steak fries and I got also the golden tater tots. So two of the same that you had, except I had steak fries and you had the shredded ones. What's your normal go to for a fry? What's your, how do you, what's your favorite fry type? My, oh, that's such a good question.
Starting point is 01:10:43 My favorite fry type is probably more in line with what the fast food fry is. That we had, you know, like the, like, um, like a, uh, uh, a thin, what's that called? Normally, uh, I think just like a normal fry, not, not like a shoestring or a haystack fry, but just like a, no, like normal, like, like McDonald's fries, whatever that, yeah, or whatever that archetype cut is, is what I prefer. A freedom fry. I think that is a standard. A freedom, what we call, what we call America's fry.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Um, when we, when we got from out from under the tyranny of the British and their fries, they're, you know, uh, um, they're, they're goddamn ships, um, I like, uh, I like that. My, I like, my mom used to make these fries that were, I don't even know what they're called, but she would just slice a potato into like rings and fry those. And they were like, you know, not thin like chips, but a little thicker. And those were like the best when I was a kid. Like that was my favorite thing.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Those to me were, those were basically the at home version of home fries. That's what I think of home fries. Yeah. I like, I like that. Um, I don't, I will say this on the record, and I don't want to start too quickly jumping in on what we're doing because we haven't even heard what Mitch got. But like, I do not traditionally like steak fries, which we got. Or, or for that matter, I don't like tater tots.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Wow. Wow. That's a huge one. Huge reveal. Huge reveal. I didn't, I, I went before wise. I went before you and I didn't get tater tots because I thought we were just doing fries. And I, and I do, and look, I understand now that we're doing all Oriyda or Ida, but I,
Starting point is 01:12:36 but in my mind I was like, we're just doing fries. This is oven fries. We're doing oven fries. And so I didn't touch any, and I, I don't classify them as the same thing. I put hash, I put hash browns and, and, and home and tater tots in different categories. I know that, I know that they're very similar, but I didn't, so I didn't touch any of those. But I did get, I got zesty curly fries, zesty straight fries, which the package was open, by the way, I'll get to that in a minute.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Oh boy. I got the restaurant fries. I got, and I got a steak fries. Is that, was it five? Oh, and I got the golden crinkle cut as well. So I, I had the, I couldn't find any of the seasoned ones. I was hoping to have a zesty, but they're, they weren't available in my freezer aisle, so all the ones I got were unseasoned, and they were, they really are unseasoned.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I mean, they just have no added salt or anything. They're pretty plain, which I guess if you're on a low sodium diet is, is friendly, but you, I would, I would advocate if you are making these at home, really salting them up because that otherwise they just don't have a lot of flavor. I'll start with the one you guys didn't get, which was the shredded hash brown potatoes, which I had this morning with breakfast, and I felt like was the weakest entry. So these are the ones that you are supposed to, of all of them. The other ones all have a variety of different preparation methods you can opt for.
Starting point is 01:13:56 The shredded hash brown potatoes you have to make on the stovetop. That's the only way. You make them on the stovetop with a little bit of oil, and I thought they were fine. You know, they were a little bit, it's, it's when they crisped up nicely with just like a little bit of oil you put in the pan. And then basically the way they advocated it was kind of like making potato pancake. You put it all in one layer, cook it for five minutes, and then flip it over. Try to keep it as one piece, which worked okay with these, with the texture of these frozen fries.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And ultimately the issue is they just didn't have a lot of inherent flavor. And the only thing that, like the texture was there only, the texture that you got from crisping them up in the pan was the only saving grace. But as such, I was just like, I don't, this doesn't feel like this is worth the calories to me. I don't know why I would have these. And also, like it's crazy to make home fries from scratch. Yeah, go on. I got asked, did you add, did you add any binding agents or no?
Starting point is 01:14:53 I just used a little, I just used a little bit of avocado oil, which was the oil I had on hand. So no, I didn't, I mean, I used like a tablespoon of cum. Okay. Yeah. But I mean, that's like, that's like most of my cooking. I had them as part of a complete breakfast with some, you know, with some eggs and some, some strawberries on the side. But I just like, I didn't, I didn't love these.
Starting point is 01:15:15 You call it wiger key, right? Yeah, you can just prepare it in a batch, keep it in, keep it in the cupboard. Sell it at a farmer's market. Let's, let's move on to, let's move on to the, to the oven fries side of things. So the golden crinkles, I think either of those are the tater tots. Honestly, probably the tater tots were my favorite of the bunch, but the golden crinkles, I felt like were the superior fry. And I was surprised because I expected the extra crispy fast food fries to outperform them.
Starting point is 01:15:48 But the issue is the extra crispy fast food fries were just a little bit insubstantial. And I felt like all I was getting was crunch from them. And I followed like, with all these, I just like, I'm doing exactly what the, what the, the box tells me. I'm following the bag's ingredients to the letter to try to get an accurate representation of these. Nick, you know what I thought the issue was? Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:07 They were roasted, toasted and burnt to a crisp, those little fries. It's true. Yeah, I felt like it was just eating like sticks. Like it was just, I was like, almost like I was eating something out of a, like, like a fucking, like those fries you get in a bag or you get in a, like those handicap fries. That's what I felt like I was eating. Just heated up.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I'm gonna, here's the thing. These were of my three, my favorite. Wow. Wow. And not that they were like mind blowing or anything like that, but just of the three that I had, I would choose to have these. Maybe because the way I did them, they, I made, I put them in for the time it said, and they were still a little droopy.
Starting point is 01:16:50 So I, I put them back in for another like four minutes and they came out really, and you're right, it is the, the focus is on crispy. But they were, they were still to me, if I was gonna have them to accompany a sandwich or a burger or something, and I had those, the three options I had, I would have chosen those 100%. Wow. Yeah. Not that they were great, but that, but that's how much I disliked the steak fries and the tater tots.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Wow. Well, so you disliked both of those. What wasn't working there with those two items? Here's my problem with steak fries. Macro. I don't like steak fries because the middle, it's so hard to get a fry that thick done well. So I find that the middle is always mushy. You know, like it's.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I'm mostly with you. Yeah. Like even if I'm having a steak with fries, I'd prefer not to have steak fries. I'd rather have a more conventional cut fry. A hundred percent. I think it's really hard to do a good steak fry and have it have that crisp, have it have that outer layer and not have it be overwhelmed by a starchy kind of like middle mush, which I feel like is what these were.
Starting point is 01:18:07 These, like the middle of these thick steak cut fries were just kind of mushy and I put them back in. I tried to cook them more, tried to make them crispier and it really just, I couldn't get out of it what I want out of that type of a fry, you know. Yes. Steak fries almost never satisfying. I agree with you and I'm going to say this. I think that Auraida is, they're the king of oven fries, Nick.
Starting point is 01:18:35 They are the king of oven fries. It's true. And I think that a lot of the times like you mentioned the hash browns and the tater tots and for me growing up, it was just a place that did them and it wasn't always the best taste, but like if you dazzle up your hash browns, you can make them taste pretty good. And it's kind of like, oh, this is, this fills the need for fries that you can make at home. I think that the reason that steak fries have a bad wrap is because of Auraida steak fries. There was like a wave of nostalgia that came back to me as I was making these because one,
Starting point is 01:19:13 you should have to flip them halfway through, which isn't explicitly stated on the bag that you have to flip them. In fact, it is, yes. Wait, you're telling me that Mitch didn't read all of something? I'm about to blow your mind, Mitch, because there are, I'm not going to lie, four, four instructions. I fucked up. But I also remember as a kid, heat for 18 to 23 minutes, flip halfway through cooking time. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I mean, like, it's like the second sentence. I gotta tell you, it's always rule number two that always slips behind me. I did flip them anyways, but here's the thing. I remembered as a kid, that whole process of putting these in there, then having to flip them, and then all for what? It was not even worth it. You know what I mean? In the end, I agree with you that steak fries can be great.
Starting point is 01:20:18 They just have to be very well done. They're very hard to do. They have to be very crispy. I think it's not a home-based thing. You have to be in like a real, like, I would order steak fries at a steak house, because I'm like, these guys, they're going to do it right, you know? I would never choose to at home do steak fries, ever. Certainly without access to a deep fryer or something.
Starting point is 01:20:42 When steak fries are done right, they can be S-tier, they can be an S-tier fry. I think I disagree with you. These are just, these were a different kind of S-tier. Oh boy. Catch my drift. Yeah, I got you. I can complete that S-word. I will say that I feel like steak fries,
Starting point is 01:21:02 steaming-tier? Wait, that's what you were thinking? Wait, is that good or bad? Yeah, where is that right? Like, is that better? It's above S-tier. Wow, okay. Shit-tier, Weiger, I meant shit-tier.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Yeah, I got you. I think the ceiling for even a well-done steak fry for me is a little bit lower, just because I don't like all that potato-y. For me, if it's going to get that starchy, that potato-y, I'd rather have a different potato preparation altogether. But already, you're already saying a bad steak fry. You're negating a good steak fry. If it's potato-y like that, it's not a good steak fry.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And these Ore-Ida fries, not only do they clump up and they taste potato-y, but they also taste like freezer. You can taste like the frozen potato. That's a big issue. I don't think, I think without deep-frying them, you cannot cook the middle of the steak fries without ruining the exterior. If you're oven-doing frozen steak fries, I think it makes the exterior hard to get the middle to do anything.
Starting point is 01:22:08 And otherwise, you have a kind of crispy exterior, and then like a mushy, not quite, just like warmish interior. 100%. And so, yeah, I mean, and I didn't even have the Ore-Ida steak fries, but I will say that the issue I had, although I like the golden crinkles quite a bit, and I like the tater tots even more, the issue I had with both of those,
Starting point is 01:22:31 as well as in particular the hash browns, is you do get that freezer-y taste that you mentioned, Mitch. You do kind of get some freezer burn, and especially anything that's not like thoroughly crisped up. But the tater tots, I was just like, oh, you know, this is a little bite of childhood. This is that nostalgic, this is like a hoodsy, or you know, like this is that sort of thing,
Starting point is 01:22:53 like I'm biting in this, I'm like, oh, I like this. I like this in the same way that I'd like these from a cafeteria when I was a kid. And they were, you know, I've certainly had better tater tots in my life, but they were quite good, they were quite comforting, and I think they had a great texture and flavor to them when I salted them up a little bit, and the golden crinkles similarly. They were just like, oh, these are good.
Starting point is 01:23:15 They're not like a like a Shake Shack or a Del Taco crinkle-cut fries, that's great, but these were fine. I thought they were totally fine. Nick, you told me that sometimes you'll revisit your elementary school and you'll put on a spinny cap, and you'll try to go in there and get yourself some tater tots. And you said you almost called them baiter tots? Is that like, is that a thing where you like,
Starting point is 01:23:40 masturbate for tots? It's a fundraiser I got every year. Baiter, yeah, we got a support. And then why are you asking me to do this baiter tots thing? I don't get it. Baiter tots sounds like the fifth member of the comedians of comedy. What were they called? Oh, do you mean the blue collar comedy tour?
Starting point is 01:24:04 Yeah, the blue, yeah, Baiter tots. Baiter tots sounds like the fifth member of the blue collar comedy tour. He's opening for Jeff Dunham right now. Ladies and gentlemen, Baiter tots in the loudest cheer you could ever imagine. Because those comedy tours are still selling out right now. Because listen, guys, puppets can't get the disease. It's true. Puppets can't get viruses.
Starting point is 01:24:36 You're safe to see Terry Feitor, but a lot of the acts can't tour right now. Well, actually, there was an article that this is true. There was an article that coronavirus is in semen. So Jeff Dunham's dummies are probably in trouble. You think they've got it? You're saying Dunham is fucking peanut? You think they've got it? I think Dunham is railing Walter.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Just giving it to the jalapeno? I'll be 100% honest. After two months alone in my house, if there were puppets here, I mean, I'd be giving it a thought. At some point, yeah, at some point, Dunham is just starting to feel heart eyes towards Ahmed the dead terrorist because he's got no other companionship. He's like, we just never understood each other. So Mitch, what other fries did you have?
Starting point is 01:25:30 You'd mentioned the zesty ones. How did the zesty ones stack up? So I got the zesty, so number one for me was golden crinkle cut. Oh, wait, I'm sorry. That's not true. I just look, I'm looking at my rank again. My number one was zesty curly. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:49 And what is the zest? It's basically like a spicy, like a spicy fry, like the whatever that coating is. Sure, akin to like an Arby's fries or a Jack in the Box fries. What is that coating? Like occasion-y kind of salty, whatever it is. Yeah, I imagine some chili powder, some paprika, some cayenne, just a few different spice blend.
Starting point is 01:26:11 It's like a loury season salt. My thing with it, so I'll tell you this. I ordered an air fryer specifically for this episode. Wow. Whoa. And it didn't come in time. Oh my God. It's arriving today.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Wow. Oh, what a bummer. I know, I was, because I really wanted to, I really wanted to try it that way, but I, Nick, I put the oven up to 450. Like I always tell my ma to do. Right, so it'll crisp up. Ma, put it to 450, you know the bit.
Starting point is 01:26:50 We know the bit. I gotta eat fries. I'm drinking peppermint schnapps tonight with the O'Brien sisters. Maybe we can scoop. I need a full stomach, Ma. I gotta get, I gotta get half-bift and scoop it out. Half-bift and scoop it out.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Ma, don't come, no peeking. No peeking, Ma. I'm half-bift and I'm trying to scoop it out. I'm trying to scoop it. Ma, I'm trying to scoop, Ma. She's like, no peeking. I'm trying to scoop it. Ma, you're ruining my scoop.
Starting point is 01:27:32 We told Weigher that scoop, when you were, no one uses it as an adult, but when you were younger, scooping meant making out. I think specifically using tongue. Yeah, weird. I'd never heard that before. I have a friend named Scoop, so it made me even more confusing. Because he was the make-out king, right?
Starting point is 01:27:50 Yes, he was the make-out king. Wow. We were making out with Jeff Dunham's dummies. The O'Brien sisters sang out with us, too. And they were puppets. They were Irish puppets. Ma, I got the O'Brien sisters down here. Michael, they're dummies.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Stop playing with your puppets. It's just like red yarn on a couple of old cum-filled socks. Oh, that poor lady. Zesty Curly, I think is the right, it's just the, it's kind of like the right amount of, not perfect amount of thick, but it's just the perfect. It's like a, I said perfect still. It's just, when you put them in the oven,
Starting point is 01:28:43 they don't overcook and they don't undercook. It's right there. They got a nice, they are, they're the Goldilocks fries. For sure. They're the Goldilocks fries of this entire thing. The seasoning is on there. So if there is any kind of freezer taste, you don't taste it. The Zesty Curly is really good.
Starting point is 01:29:00 I like, I like genuinely was, was a good fry. Toss those in the oven wise, you'd be happy. Second for me was golden cut, the golden crinkle cut fry, that that's the best of the non-Zest flavors. Then third, I had Zesty straight. They were, and I think that they were opened, but they were still good. You know, they were open, but I thought,
Starting point is 01:29:19 I'm just going to go for it. You know what I mean? They were opened and you ate them? How open? Yeah, that's like, like a quarter of an inch, ripped open or like opened open. It was like, it was like this much of the, of the bag at the top was opened.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Like that's an inch. Yeah. That's an inch. That's too much. Now it could have been me jamming them into the freezer, and that's kind of why I was like, I'll just go for it. You know, you, you got, Oh, it might have popped or something.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Yeah. You got to soldier through with some of this stuff. So I, you know, like when someone sent us a drink or stank, that was just in an unmarked bottle that he filled up his self, I was ready to drink it. You should, I, I, all the time on the show, I am shouting at you guys while I'm listening. Do not eat things or drink things that your fans give you.
Starting point is 01:30:08 I'm with you. I'm with Jason. This is a recipe. You've eaten so much of your fans come. It's crazy. Put, put me down with a, with a, with a plate of it and a fork and knife and I'll eat it still because I love, Good God.
Starting point is 01:30:28 I love the fans, Weiger. I think if it's in a sealed container, I'm okay with it. But when, What does a sealed container mean? Like if I, like, I mean, like if it's an unopened bag or an unopened box or like a can, Oh, like a product. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Someone's giving us a product. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, that's fine. I'm talking about homemade. You guys eat stuff that people make for you and bring to your live shows. Like it's like a normal thing. No, but if somebody gives you like a sealed bag of chips.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Absolutely. That makes sense. Yeah. I'm generally not skittish about that. You know, uh, yeah, yeah, guys, come on. If you send a vacuum packed bag of semen, Weiger will, we'll take it down, but not if it's loose. He'll use it as a binder.
Starting point is 01:31:10 A Weiger binder. What was it? What was on your traffic keeper as a boy? I'm trying to remember. I think I went playing a lot of years. Oh, God, that is just that. I mean, of course he did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:28 I don't know if I had any particular, anything in particular. I had a peachy folder at some point. Remember peachy? Was that a, was that a thing for you? No, what is peachy? Peachy had like a different athlete. So it was like a Wheaties box version of a folder.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Had like a sports guy and a, but generic, just like a generic football man. But I had those. Those are pretty cool. But yeah, I think, I think generally I wasn't doing anything too exotic with my trapper keepers. I didn't have anything. I'm a little older than you guys.
Starting point is 01:31:55 So like, I didn't really have things that had pictures on them. Everything was very plain. And then it was really like, you got your school books and you covered them in brown shopping bag. I remember that. Yes. And then it was all about drawing on them or having your friends who were better artists
Starting point is 01:32:11 draw on them or whatever. A stop and shop bag. Absolutely. Brown paper, stop and shop bag. Do they still cover books like that? I wonder. I don't know. If we have any current middle or elementary school listeners,
Starting point is 01:32:26 hit us up. Let us know on social media. Do you cover your book with brown paper shopping bags? I bet not because we barely even have brown paper shopping bags. Or books really. Yeah. Or school.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Or school. It's true now. It's true. Like, we have none of these things now. They probably cover up their iPads with fucking paper. I would be curious to find out the age demographic of the Doughboys listeners. So maybe hashtag under teens, hashtag over teens,
Starting point is 01:33:01 something like how many young people are listening to Doughboys? I really wonder. Please don't at me with a hashtag under teens. That's like just straight to Wyger, hashtag under teens. I would say, I'll say this, if you're breaking it down by life expectancy, I'd say that most of our listeners are in the twilight years.
Starting point is 01:33:22 No matter how old they are. Mitch, we should get to our, yeah, we should get to our final thoughts. Then restaurant fries, then steak fries. So we're my final restaurant fries. Like I said, roasted toasted burnt to a crisp steak fries. We talked about, they have those issues. Set a bad example for steak fries for the rest of the world.
Starting point is 01:33:43 So we should get to our final thoughts on Orida potatoes from the freezer aisle. And we will go, so we'll go around. We will give a rating from zero to five forks following our closing argument on this particular brand. Jason, you are our guest. We will begin with you. OK, so it's tough because I want to only
Starting point is 01:34:06 compare these to my expectations, I guess, for frozen fries. Like I shouldn't be comparing these to restaurant fries or my expectations for like a restaurant, right? Something that I would get out of a deep fryer or whatever. So I had the three that I mentioned. My choices were extra crisp, fast food fries were number one. Number two were tater tots, which I don't love mostly texture based is what I don't like about tater tots.
Starting point is 01:34:39 It's like a texture I don't like. It feels like little starch bits. I don't know. And then steak fries. They have the same issue as the steak. They definitely have that freezer taste a lot of the time. Yeah. And they also have that like the outside gets crispy,
Starting point is 01:34:54 but the interior feels like mealy or something. Like just not quite. Maybe I just didn't do it right or, you know, I don't know. Like I just couldn't get the consistency inside and outside to be what I wanted. But so the shoestring or not the shoestring, the whatever extra crispy ones, but though I would eat those, this was not like I would not be excited if I was like making burgers at home. I would rather like make a baked potato than any of these fries.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Really, you know what I mean? Like if I'm looking for a starch or something like that. None of these really, maybe the, you know, maybe what Mitch you're describing with the crinkly ones or maybe there's a better iteration of it that I would like more, but none of these would I like go to or be excited about. So for me, this was unsatisfying, interesting, but unsatisfying in a way that was like I would not be thrilled to make these would.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Would I eat them? Sure. Did I eat them for lunch today? Absolutely. I had a very, very starchy lunch, but I also don't think they're like bad or gross or they're not like trash or anything like that. They're just the expectations are met. They are just disappointing, I guess.
Starting point is 01:36:20 So I'm going to go kind of middle. I'm going to go 2.5 forks. Wow. 2.5 forks, two forks, two times from Jason Madzukos. Go ahead, Mitch. Well, I guess you're only as good as your worst fry, right? But also, are you as good as your best fry, Nick? I guess that's the question.
Starting point is 01:36:42 This is a real Zen Cohen. Look, the steak fries aren't great. The restaurant fries were my second to last choice, but even those I still enjoyed, they were roasted toasted burnt to a crisp, like I said, but still pretty good. I thought that the golden and zesty curly were pretty great for fries that you're baking in the oven at 450 with your ma hanging over your shoulder. Making sure you don't burn yourself.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I can see Mitch just trying to reach in with his bare hands to pull the tray out. And his mom having to be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, get some pot holders. This is now, too, or this is back in the day? No, this is now. By the way, you can spell bare hands either way when referring to Mitch. Yeah. God damn it. You got them big mini paws.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I know. It doesn't help with other things. And they're covered with fur. The cats are shedding right now. That's why I added salt, Nick. I took some kosher salt, sprinkled it over the fries, and I used Heinz ketchup, which of course, you know, I did as well. That's yes to your ketchup.
Starting point is 01:38:14 You know what? There's nothing that, right? Is there anything that beats Heinz, Nick? Yeah, I love Heinz. Give me Heinz over any places, any gastropub's house ketchup any day, any day. If you even try and give me hunts, I will fuck you up. If you're like, if I say, can I get some ketchup and you hand me hunts, I will straight up punch you in the throat and walk out.
Starting point is 01:38:41 I agree. This is why we bond. We have that Massachusetts thing in us. That instant escalation to physical violence. Immediate, immediate, needlessly. Lightest provocation. Oh yeah. It's on.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Hunts thinks it's better than Heinz? What, does Hunts think it's fucking better than Heinz? You better back off, Hunts. Trust me, I went to school for a year with a bunch of hunts. Bunch of hunts. Oh boy. Oh yeah. I think that we brought up the black jellybean conversation earlier,
Starting point is 01:39:15 and I think that there's actually kind of something similar here where these steak fries were like the first attempt at frozen fries, it feels like. These, these oreida or oreida steak fries were like the first attempt at fries, and they're not good. They're not great. People still buy them obviously, but they're not. You taste the, you taste the freezer burn, you taste the clumpy potatoes. They're not good.
Starting point is 01:39:40 The zesty curly fries are great, and I really wonder how they'll taste in that air fryer. When it comes, and if that will make any difference, honestly, all of them. I really, the technology's gotten better. You don't have to heat up the oven to 450, which is too hot, by the way. Far too hot, Nick. My kitchen was smoldering. The oven door was open. Well, that was the issue.
Starting point is 01:40:05 It shouldn't have been. Yeah. That was your problem right there. I mean, you've done, in that case, you've done a number of things wrong. But if the oven door's not open, how am I supposed to watch them cook up? It looks good. It's like Mitch sitting in his kitchen being like, this show sucks. I can't even see him cook.
Starting point is 01:40:31 The nostalgia factor for me, this is like one of the things that I feel like young kids are able to cook on their own, like Elio's Pizza or Elio's, as we were corrected. I was, I was, I was a big Elio's, and I also called it Elio's. Elio's Pizza Kid. Yeah. Wow. That, this and like putting fries in the oven when you're taking a home, home back class, when you're in sixth grade or whatever, this is, these are the things
Starting point is 01:40:54 you go to first. So there is a nostalgia thing here, but I will say for a frozen fry that you cook in the oven, the zesty and golden crinkle cuts are four fork fries. Wow. And that's, you know what? I'm going to go with the best and say four forks, Nick, because the best of the best. I don't have to get the, I don't have to get the, I don't have to get the worst ones. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:41:16 Toss them out. That's a frozen plate club level ranking, although we know it won't be eligible based off of our guess score. And also just to be clear, no one has made it into the golden plate club yet. Frozen plate club, yes. You, you have booted Tombstone now. Yes, because you retconned Tombstone in an amateur effort to get them to send you free pizza. I like that, I like that you were so butt hurt that they sent it to Griffin and not you.
Starting point is 01:41:44 That's what this is all about. This is just grievance. This is not. This is, this is, it's messed up that, you know what? Even if they send me free frozen pizza, which they should, I don't think I'll change my score. Wow. So do you, are you saying that quarantine Doe Boys can be bought? No, we can never be bought.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Yeah, Doe Boys can't be bought. Okay, good. But still, I like to get my little ass kissed, Nick. Ew, this is really gross. Yeah. So I got the, I'll just say, there's, there's, there's not a reason for me to ever have these again. Wow.
Starting point is 01:42:23 There's just no situation where I'd be like, I want to have fries in my freezer that I can heat up in my oven. I think absent a home frying apparatus, which I do not want to have because that would be dangerous for me. I don't see any justification for ever buying these. I would, I like you to, to Zook's point about he'd rather have something else. He'd rather have a baked potato. I'd rather have, if I'm, if I'm making some burgers at home or something,
Starting point is 01:42:48 give me, honestly, give me ruffles chips. Give me like just potato chips out of a bag or give me, or give me potato salad. I'll make some potato salad and I'll prefer that to any of these oven fries. That said, I think the tater tots were pretty good. The crinkles, I also liked the fast food fries, hash brown potatoes I could take or leave, uh, just still categorizing these as a frozen fry, seeing how this brand is able, how this brand achieves what it is attempting to do. For me, this puts it right at that three fork threshold because I think it's just right
Starting point is 01:43:22 down the middle and that, that, that yes, this is what you'd want if you want this, but this is not something that I personally want. And hey, that's our review of or IDA as still boys, topical freeze continues. It's time for a segment. And hey, it's the return of a beloved one. I've chosen a pie and Mitch and Jason must divine a series of clues to guess what it is. The winner gets an IOU for a pie. The loser goes home empty stomach.
Starting point is 01:43:48 This is another edition of Pie in This Guy. I started singing pie, pie, which one is in this guy? Baked of pastry that was tasty, but a mystery, which kind? And Mitch and Matthew just giving it their best try. Guessing this will be the type of this pie. This will be the type of this pie. Little low on the range with that last note there. Crushed it.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Breaking news. Yeah. Don McClain dead. He jumped off a bridge. Wow. The tragedy. He he he left the cut. He he has rescinded his American citizenship.
Starting point is 01:44:37 So you'll take turns getting increasingly more obvious clues. There are two lifelines. One you can ask Emma for her opinion. Okay. And second one, we normally do the smell test, but because of the remote record setup, we will be doing an eye test. I will screen share a close up photo of the pie and you can glean from that whatever you choose.
Starting point is 01:44:56 And Jason, you are a guest. You get to choose if you want to go first or second. I will go second. Okay. So Mitch, you will start with the least obvious, the most obscure clue, the most obtuse one. You made a good choice, Zooks. All right, let's do it. Oh, I'm a fan, guys.
Starting point is 01:45:13 I know how to play your games. Mitch, here is your clue. Yeah. If you want to find this pie in the wild, go a little south of the Mason-Dixon line. Hmm. Wild Blackberry Pie. Okay, so you took wild very literally there.
Starting point is 01:45:33 It is not wild Blackberry Pie. Do you know what the, you know the Mason-Dixon line, right? Yeah, of course. What is it? I dare never step over it. I dare never step over it. I dare never step over it. I dare never step over it.
Starting point is 01:45:51 I dare never step over it. I dare never step over it. I dare never step over it. All right, this next clue is for Jason. I remember you do have two lifelines. Ask Emma and the eye test, which you can use at any point. Okay. Jason, your clue.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Not eating this pie would be a real Rook-y move. Not eating this pie would be a real Rook-y move. Jason's speaking. Hmm. Emma is thinking as well. Remember, you can ask her to- I'm gonna lifeline Emma here. Now, can Emma just say what pie she thinks it is,
Starting point is 01:46:35 or does she and I get to talk about what we think about that clue? You guys can have a discussion. You can have a brief chit-chat. I thought I knew what it was, but the first clue, and now I have no idea that clue. I don't know what a Rook is. I think I know what it is weirdly. Rook, I'm thinking Rook might be referring to the chest piece.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Like a chest piece. Which is a castle, I believe, right? Yeah. Or is it the- The Rook is the most- Nope. I'm not very good at chess. South of the Mason Dixon.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Wow, what do you think, Emma? Do you have any- My guess was pecan pie, with the south of the Mason Dixon line. Wait, do you mean a no-pecan pie? Exactly. Exactly, you get it. No-pecan! That's a t-shirt.
Starting point is 01:47:35 But then this clue, I don't know. It didn't help or hurt, I guess. I don't think I understand it. It should be a real Rook-y move. I'm gonna say it's a- Boy, I'm just gonna say it's a peach pie. Peach pie is incorrect. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:47:51 Mitch, your clue. These are getting- Remember, you still have the eye-test lifeline available. I think I know the answer, but go ahead. Do you want to hear the clue first, or do you want to take a guess? I mean, it's funnier if I don't even hear the clue. Okay, go ahead and go- If you want to take a big swing and not hear the clue,
Starting point is 01:48:07 I will read the clue after your guess anyway, so Jason can hear it, if you are incorrect. I think maybe the issue here is the obscurity of the pie, Nick. Because in my mind, it's a classic chess pie. Mitch, is that your guess? Yes. You have one pie in this guy. I owe you one chess pie when all this shit-
Starting point is 01:48:30 I don't even know what a chess pie is. I don't even know what that is. So this may be a regional thing, and I didn't take into account that everyone here is from New England, but this is a big pie in the Southern United States, a chess pie. A chess pie is just a- Basically, a sweet pastry pie that I believe is just flour, sugar, eggs, which you obviously can't have.
Starting point is 01:48:52 And I think it's basically that simple. It's just like a sweet, almost cheese-adjacent pie that is- Like a cheese danish kind of cheese? Can you show it? So I'll show the close-up photo that I have. Actually, you know what? Let me find a better photo of chess pie.
Starting point is 01:49:10 Nick, what was your third clue? The third clue is this pie, which also has lemon and chocolate for idols, puts your taste buds in check. So another chess pie pun. So if you aren't aware of a chess pie's existence- Yeah, see, I knew it was chess-related when you said rookie, but I just didn't know there was such a thing as a chess pie.
Starting point is 01:49:31 Literally. I'll share a screen of this. This is the first game of chess I've ever won. So you can get a look at this pie here. Yeah, it's just very, very simple. And is that cheese? Are you saying that's cheese? It's not cheese.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Is it like a cheese danish type thing? Yeah, I think it's a kind of cheese danish, but it doesn't actually have cheese in it. But I think of it in terms of, I think the etymology is, some people think it's because of a southern pronunciation of cheese, because it's a derivative of an English type of pie. But yeah, just as far as an addition to the crust,
Starting point is 01:50:09 the filling is just eggs, butter, sugar, cornmeal, and sometimes vanilla. So it's pretty simple. So, Zooks, you were playing a game for a prize you couldn't win. No, I wouldn't. You know, maybe- What if I didn't I owe you for a safe pie? Maybe Weigur was trying to like secretly kill me
Starting point is 01:50:26 by hoping I would win, so that how did this get played would be the most prominent of the how did this get dot, dot, doted podcast. I'd be a big smoking gun there if I, this is how I poisoned you. That was a pie in the sky. It's just like a restaurant fire feedback.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Let's open up the feedback. Today's email comes from Caleb in Chicago. Caleb writes, I'm a market researcher in the packaged food and beverage industry, and prior to my current role, spent years analyzing the food service industry. Prior to the pandemic, many in the restaurant industry were predicting the
Starting point is 01:51:02 death of buffet chains. For instance, Ovation Brands, owners of Hometown Buffet, Old Country Buffet, and Ryan's Buffet, has filed for bankruptcy three times. Now, even more industry experts believe buffet chains won't survive the pandemic.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Indeed, throwback soup and salad buffet chain supplantation, which you may know as sweet tomatoes, depending on where you're on the country, announced it will permanently close all locations, RIP, supplantation, sweet tomatoes.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Two questions. One, what is your general opinion of buffet chains? And two, if you were the CEO of a buffet chain, what would you do to keep your chain alive? Jason, I wanted to start here because obviously your diet is pretty limited.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Are you someone who ever eats at a self-service buffet or is that too perilous? I would never. I would never eat in a buffet for a few reasons. Right. One, just from like a germ level, I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:51:52 You know, I don't like the salad bar, I don't like a buffet, I don't like a craft services table that has like just loose nuts and can't, like a loose bowl of fucking nuts that everybody is like digging their grubby hands in. No, I don't understand. So buffets to me are the same.
Starting point is 01:52:13 Like that kind of shared space, everything's out in the open, the food is just out there. I'm a hard pass. So I wouldn't go to those places to begin with. And how do they manage to like survive this? I really have no idea. Like this is going to decimate
Starting point is 01:52:33 that kind of a business, I think. It's tricky unless you're someone who is just like denying reality for political partisan reasons where you're just like, I'm going to go to a buffet, I don't care. That you know, unless you're that type of person, I don't think that demographic is big enough
Starting point is 01:52:47 to sustain a business, certainly nationally. Maybe in some regions, you can just get the people who are revolting against hygiene to come to your restaurant. But my thought on that is, I think you've got to switch to like the back to the cafeteria style service,
Starting point is 01:53:03 where you're not the person who's grabbing your own thing, you've got a food service worker behind a counter with glass who is, you know, Chipotle. People know Chipotle. It's that same sort of thing. Like you want some baked beans, I'll give you some baked beans. They're kind of prepping the plate for you.
Starting point is 01:53:18 That makes sense to me. But that's like, that's a different business model. Then that means they're going to need a lot more people. They're going to, that's like, how do you, like the kind of what's like, I suspect the metrics for those kind of restaurants require that nobody really needs to be interfacing for the customer to experience the food, really.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Yeah, for sure. Versus like a Chipotle or whatever. There needs to be, or any kind of construct your own. There needs to be people there doing that job, and you have to pay those people, you know. That's a great point, because I, and I never even think of, it should, because it seems like, it seems pretty obvious,
Starting point is 01:53:59 but I never even think of the labor savings that buffet. That's probably where most of their margin is. They just are like, aside from just having low food quality, they just, yeah, they have to have fewer workers. They don't need that many people on the floor, you know. Can I just say that, I'll just give my general buffet opinion, is parallels, Jason's not just for hygiene reasons, although that is a thing that I've always had an issue with,
Starting point is 01:54:22 is just you'll just see someone reach their grubby hands in and grab a brownie or something, bare-faced, and I'm just like, that's gross. But also- It sounds like you're referring to me, both of you. When you both say grubby hands, I just feel like I've lifted my hands up earlier. I just feel like I've got grubby hands.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Like grubby paws, like me, you know, like grabbing around for like a fistful of peas. Like you're snatching a salmon out of a stream. I had the, I will just say that I had, my issue with buffets is that I get full quickly, and Natalie, my lovely wife, has a voracious appetite, despite being a very slender person. She's just someone who can just eat and eat and eat.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Keep it clean, Weiger. Keep it clean. Oh, not sexually, certainly not for me. Is Natalie's dad slender man? I had to ask. Your dad is not slender man, but she can eat a lot, and I get full after, I'm like a one-pump chump, but for buffets, like I have one plate, and then I'm full,
Starting point is 01:55:21 and then I never get my money's worth. I'm the sucker who keeps buffets profitable slash, you know, the same thing at casinos. I put 20 bucks into a slot machine and it's gone, and that's it. That's my whole experience with gambling. Just sounds like you're more of a fool than anything. But also, I gotta say, one-pump chumps, it's efficiency, baby.
Starting point is 01:55:41 You got places to go. You have binding agent to make. Deficiency or efficiency. Also, Slender Man's asked that I kill in the name of him, so. Oh boy. Mitch, don't do that. Why? He told me to.
Starting point is 01:55:59 You have a billboard hit to create. Mitch, you know that like the last time that worked, Slender Man convinced 12-year-olds to kill on his back. So that means you have the mental capacity of 12-year-olds. I, Jason said he was a hard pass. I'm a hard go. I did almost say hard on. I'm a hard go for buffets if they're good.
Starting point is 01:56:28 I think that there's just shitty bad buffets. What's a good one? I mean, I think that there's like certain Indian buffets, that Indian food buffets that are really, really good. Sure, sure. And things like that, that can be really fantastic. But, rest in peace to Sweet Green slash Suplantation. Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 01:56:48 Oh, Sweet Tomatoes. Sweet Tomatoes, yeah, Sweet Green's his own chain. Jesus, gotta get the name right when I'm saying RIP. RIP to Suplantation. Which we gave an okay review to, but I know that there's a lot of people, Becca Weber, who worked on the birthday boy show. She loves Suplantation.
Starting point is 01:57:05 There's a lot of people who love that restaurant. It's now- Incredible value. Just an incredible value. Great value. And also, I like the idea of a buffet. I'm like, oh, you can go up and you can pick around and do what you want to do, which I usually don't like.
Starting point is 01:57:17 But since buffet, like I usually like to get served what I think they think I should be eating. But with buffets, it's a different, you know, going into a buffet, what you're getting into and everything like that. But I saw a video the other day. I think it was from China about how the virus COVID could spread in a buffet,
Starting point is 01:57:39 or just any virus can spread in a buffet. And it was- I know the video you're talking about. I think you maybe sent it, Weiger. This was a very, this was a viral video in more ways than one. Oh boy. The video I sent you, Mitch,
Starting point is 01:57:53 that you were talking about, it was the, they were showing, someone had paint, someone had put paint on their hands. And then they were showing that how easily that could be transmitted to a buffet with 10 people. And by the end of it, like everyone had paint on their bodies. And some, like three people had paint on their faces without even thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Wait Weiger, why do you keep putting the word paint in air quotes? Look, I donated some paint to them. Wink. And the way that they can tell is through a black light? That was weird that I should have known something is up when it said paint supplier Nick Weiger, special thanks. So I think that, I think that buffets are gonna have
Starting point is 01:58:39 issues going forward for sure. And I think that what you said is a pretty good idea. Weiger, I think, because we visited that when we were, we were, when we were down south, when we went to a couple diners, like the remember when we got some catfish and stuff like that? We went to a couple great, like southern diners, like we went to a Nashville, we went to a fantastic cafeteria.
Starting point is 01:58:58 And I can't think of it off the top of my head. Like a classic meat, like a meat and three kind of things. Yeah, meat and three, meat and three's place in Nashville. And it was fantastic. And that was that sort of thing. Wasn't it some guy's name, Weiger? It was like some guy's name, wasn't it? Yeah, I'll see if I can find it right now.
Starting point is 01:59:13 But it was that sort of thing where it was, yeah, there are people behind the counter and they'd ask you what you wanted and you paid for what you got. Arnold's maybe? Arnold's country kitchen, does that sound right? I think that's it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:23 I can see that as a model. I think that works. As long as you have somebody else, as long as there's a controllable element, so that you don't have one person after another picking up the same serving spoon or tongs or whatever it is. The frequency with which you see that, even at like the salad bar, the supermarket or whatever.
Starting point is 01:59:46 Or the Whole Foods or those shared bars where everybody's just using the same stuff. Is there now going to be disposable gloves for people to put on before they serve themselves? Right. From those things? Do those things go away entirely? All that?
Starting point is 02:00:02 How we interface with food is going to have to change at a certain point. Yeah. Yeah. And also, instead of multiple people grabbing the tongs, it will just be one or two sick people who work for the restaurant grabbing the tongs instead. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:18 I agree. I think it's going to be... I think that in Zooks, you made a good point about how the cost efficiency for restaurants, how many people do you want? And also, the thing with the buffet is that it's easy. You go up there. There's usually no line.
Starting point is 02:00:37 You wait. Even when there's one person in front of you in a buffet, you're annoyed because you're like, I want to get the thing right now. And they're also not... Restaurants like that are making food in bulk. They're not making it to order. They're not making it.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Yeah. They're making... So even on that end of things, their margin is in volume, not in individual people making individual dishes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be a tough road.
Starting point is 02:01:09 Our IP to... And I'm sure that supplantation thought this when they decided to pull the plug. I'm sure that they were already in some trouble and then this happened. It's like, when can we get our business model going again? When can we get back on the plantation is what they're all asking.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Yeah. It might have been time to retire that brand name anyway. That's a little problematic. Maybe they come back like a phoenix rising out with a new name, any other name. But I think that paying employees to maybe serve at buffets is probably worth the cost for a lot of these places because you can maybe get people to come in
Starting point is 02:01:52 if it's a system like that. But... Yeah. I think it's going to initially be anything that makes people feel like they're safe to go in there. That's true. Really. That's going to be what it is.
Starting point is 02:02:03 It's people are going to go where they think it's safe, where they think they're the least likely to have some sort of experience where they're going to be exposed. Do you know where I heard one buffet that's thriving for real? Is the buffet outside of the Tesla corporation, the one that's right around the corner? Musk's buffet, yeah. Musk's, Elon Musk's go-to buffet.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Still doing great. A lot of traffic there right now. If you have a question or comment about the word of Shane Reston, sheet of mail us at dobuyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail at 830 Godot. That's 830-463-6844. And to get the Doe Boys double, our weekly bonus episode, join the Golden Lord Platinum Play Club at
Starting point is 02:02:50 slash Doe Boys. Jason Manzuchus, thank you so much for lending so much of your valuable time to us to be on our dumb show. So funny. What a great time. What a great time, guys. Thank you. Honestly, I've been listening for a long time
Starting point is 02:03:02 and this last two months trapped at home, I am so grateful that you guys are continuing to do shows, that you're getting great people, the shows have been hilarious. We need stuff right now that makes us laugh and feel like we're hanging out with the people that we like. And this show is definitely one of those shows for me. I'm always delighted, whether it's a double
Starting point is 02:03:27 or whether it's a regular episode, to hear you guys digging in on all of the business. So thank you guys and Emma as well for continuing to do this because it really is, it's one of my favorite podcasts. I'm so grateful you guys continue to have me on. So thank you. And Mitch fucking, I goddamn dare you,
Starting point is 02:03:47 to I will up my price to $15,000 if you can get below the top 50. 10k still stands for the top 100, but if you can get within 50, I'll add another five. And I will say since Jason is going up to 15k, I will lower mine from 10 to 5k. It'll be the same amount of money. And I'm gonna still put it out there. I'm still gonna put it out there.
Starting point is 02:04:17 There's a lot of Doughboys listeners who have money to put up for this. Let's make, let's really put the pressure on Mitch by ponying up money. That's a hashtag I dare you, Mitch, followed by a price tag. And let's start, let's start a list and let's get an actual tally on. I'm looking at you, Hodgman.
Starting point is 02:04:39 I'm looking at you, Paul Scheer. I'm looking at you, Doughboys. Yeah, like Evan Susser. Hey, hey, commissioner, pony up the money, buddy. Wow. I don't care that you've got a baby to feed. Really, if you have any disposable income right now, there's no more worthy cause than trying
Starting point is 02:04:59 to empty up to get Mitch on the billboard 100. Is this not the time to be just throwing away cash on nonsense bets? Poor Susser's baby already has to deal with her dad in the household, turn it on. Commissioner of the household. Jason, you are too nice to us. And we wanted to thank you,
Starting point is 02:05:19 not just for what the very kind thing you said just now, but also you're always mentioning us on other shows and interviews. And that's very, very nice of you to do. You don't have to do that. You're better than this show. But thank you very much for doing that. I shouldn't interrupt.
Starting point is 02:05:32 I was going to say something, too. But I think the air fryer just came. Wow, breaking shoes. Make those fries. Make them right now. As Mitch is interacting with this postal worker, do you have anything you would like to plug? Okay, let me talk about this.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Mitch, just when Open the Door got something, didn't put on gloves, touched a box, immediately touched his earphones. Immediately, like, Mitch has done everything wrong within five seconds. Shook hands with a postman who was not into it. French kissed the postman. I have this.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Now he's purelling. You got to wash. Go wash your hands, Mitch, you maniac. The guys just put that box down. The issue is that packages get stolen in my neighborhood, for real. Oh, I get it. Oh, I believe that.
Starting point is 02:06:24 I don't blame you for getting the package, but I'm like in a full body sweat that you are now touching the package to your shirt. You're like, this is too much. Too much contact. It's very anxiety inducing to watch that whole thing go down. It's so interesting now, like, watching TV or watching stuff and seeing people interact intimately
Starting point is 02:06:46 and having visceral, immediate visceral reactions to it. They shouldn't be shaking hands. It's already gotten so in my mind to avoid contact that it affects how I watch stuff now. It really is like, I was watching Deadwood, and Deadwood has hundreds of extras packing the streets. And I'm like, you couldn't do this now. You couldn't fill a shot with 100 extras and horses
Starting point is 02:07:12 and people walking around in the mud. It would be never, never, never. Man, it is. If you hear the snake that's watching my hand. Good. That's what I want to hear. So, Mitch, I don't know if this mic is picking that up, but we're hearing him through his AirPods.
Starting point is 02:07:27 Zooks, any plugs? I mean, we're continuing to do How Did This Get Made, which is the Bad Movies podcast that I host with... Hilarious show. Paul Scheer and June Diane Rayfield. We're still putting out episodes that we recorded on our tour last year, and then we're also doing new episodes, similar to how we're doing this tonight,
Starting point is 02:07:45 or today, over Zoom that we are putting out as well. Oh, we did, like you guys did, we did Bloodshot. The Vin Diesel Bloodshot, right? Yeah. The Vin Diesel one that got released, and we just did Cool World. The Brad Pitt animated weird, crazy movie. Very horny movie.
Starting point is 02:08:04 Very horny. So, shit, super horny. Super horny movie, but very confusing. So, we're still doing that, and then various. I mentioned you guys on another fantastic, one of my favorite podcasts called Binge Mode, so I'll give them a plug on this podcast, which is a pop cult, it's not exactly a pop culture podcast,
Starting point is 02:08:27 they usually do deep dives into, they did multiple seasons of their show on Game of Thrones, they did one whole year on Harry Potter, they've just finished an entire year of Star Wars, where they watched all of the movies, did all of the TV shows, and they talked very in depth about them, and now they're doing a weekly show, where they're doing different things that they choose,
Starting point is 02:08:50 they're doing the comic book series Saga right now, they're great, it's from The Ringer, I'll plug them. Our pal Jason Concepcion, one of the hosts of that show, he was on our Shake Shack episode. Oh, that's right, yes, and Mallory Rubin is the other co-host, they're both fantastic, hilarious, incredibly intelligent hosts, and are, it's the same, I just, it's a conversation, I'm always happy to be listening to, just like you guys.
Starting point is 02:09:18 It's such a well-prepped show, I was just like, man, I can't, just like, it's so, they really do their own. Oh, like ours. Yeah, yeah. Both of us prepped well for the show, I was gonna say, I got a Kasari airfryer, it was the airfryer, I was so excited, I was so excited that I grabbed it, but you scared me, and rightfully so,
Starting point is 02:09:38 because I get so scared about the cats, because I bring a package in, and the cats immediately try to sniff it, and the cats can get it. Cats can get it, and it's very scary to me, so. I think that's valid, you should be, you should be worried, yeah. I wanna say, well, one thing I wanna say too, is that I got some gold-bellied Cape Cod Cafe pizzas, because I miss bar pizza so much,
Starting point is 02:09:59 and I figured since I'm stuck in on one of my cheat day Sundays, I'm gonna cook up some Cape Cod Cafe pizzas, and I knew that, you know, and Nick, you've never really had bar pizza before, so. No. But I wanna say thank you, Zooks, you're so funny, and really truly the only fault I can think of with you, is that you dabble in our podcast in any way at all,
Starting point is 02:10:24 and you're such a, I was gonna say, the first man of comedy, but that sounds like you're married to the head of comedy. Right. But you mean it in the Damien Chazelle movie, The First Man? Yes. Like as if I'm the first man who's gone into space. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:10:50 But we love you, and thank you for those kind words, because you're so funny. Of course. And also, I think John Wick 3 came out before, in between when we did this podcast, and you were great in that too, I was so excited to see. Oh, thanks, man. Amazing, amazing.
Starting point is 02:11:01 You were ruled, yeah. That was awesome. The best, it's like, and I say this, even though I'm in the movie, which I find very distracting, those movies, the reason I'm in that movie is, quite honestly, because I was such a vocal fan of those movies on podcasts. They ruled. That they reached out and were like,
Starting point is 02:11:21 we've heard you talk about this, we've got a small part, do you want to come do it? And I was like, fuck yes. That's fucking awesome. So, like there is something, that's why I, you know, like that's why I like talking about you guys out in the world, or Binge Mode, or Harry Potter, any of the things that, I'm a fan of things,
Starting point is 02:11:37 and I like, you know, as are we all, you know, fans of all these things. You guys are fans of, you know, built this podcast around that, and things that you are always talking about within here, within Doe Boys talking about pop culture, or video games, or whatever, all your stuff. It's fun, I like it, because it scratches my itch.
Starting point is 02:11:59 I'm a fan of things, and I like listening to people who are also fans of things. It's a very fun, that's what I like to be sharing, or processing, especially right now, when I'm spending so much of my time alone, it's nice to be engaged in, even passively, those fan conversations about the things we love, you know, or the things we are,
Starting point is 02:12:22 we have complicated feelings about, Allah, the Star Wars, you know, what's happened, what's happened with the Star Wars, which I will happily come on a double and discuss. Oh man, I would really love that. But I will say, I did just finish watching all of Clone Wars and all of Rebels, and they're fantastic. I've heard that, I've watched some of Clone Wars,
Starting point is 02:12:49 and I enjoyed it. Rebels, to me, is like what, because I'm 47, so I watched the original movies pretty much when they came out, with the exception of the first one. I was a little too young for that, so it was my, Star Wars, four, five, and six, were my movies. They were everything to me, and they never lived up to that promise.
Starting point is 02:13:20 Everything after Empire is diminishing returns, as far as I'm concerned. Rebels is, fulfills the promise of what those movies, what I hoped those movies would have become. Rebels is that. Rebels is, I mean, it's very obviously, a riff on the same kinds of characters, except that it's a much better, it's like,
Starting point is 02:13:46 Adventure of the Week, it is serialized, kind of fun, and then there's a macro narrative that comes in eventually, but it's just fun, Star Wars adventures, and it's great. You just gave me something to watch, that's for sure, I'm going to be watching some of those tonight. Oh, and there's tons of them, that's the other thing, during quarantine, I've been watching stuff that I never got around to, all of Detroiters,
Starting point is 02:14:09 or all of Ships Creek, stuff that is really fun, funny, comforting, that I don't have to focus too much on, while I'm just anxiously waiting this thing out in my house. It's nice to, it's fun to get lost in those fantasy worlds, or those comedy worlds, or whatever. Well, we're a fan of you, and we appreciate you being here, you're the best. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Thank you so much, Jason. Anytime, guys. Thank you. And hey, that'll do it for this episode of Doe Boys, until next time, for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger, happy eating. See ya. On the next Doe Boys Double,
Starting point is 02:14:47 we open back up the Feedbag with the ghost of Yu Song Lu and Emma Erdbrink. She's alive. Give it a listen and sign up at slash Doe Boys. We get deep into those questions. Do it.

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