Doughboys - Tournament of Chompions: Buffalo Wild Wings v. Wingstop with Nicole Byer

Episode Date: March 13, 2017

The ‘boys welcome back Nicole Byer (Girl Code, Loosely Exactly Nicole) for a wide-ranging discussion, as the first round of Munch Madness, the month long journey to determine the best chain restaura...nt chicken, concludes. In the Wings Region, sports bar juggernaut Buffalo Wild Wings takes on grab and go outlet Wingstop.Make YOUR chompion predictions @ more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Farrell Audio Wide right. That was the call when place kicker Scott Norwood's last second 47-yard field goal attempt missed its mark, losing Super Bowl 25 for the Buffalo Bills. They'd go on to lose Super Bowls 26, and 27, and 28, a 4-year run of futility that's fitting for this troubled pro football franchise and its tortured fanbase. After all, this is a team whose most famous player remains O.J. Simpson. But the city and upstate New York, the state's second most populous, thankfully has another
Starting point is 00:00:40 claim to fame – Buffalo Wings, the season flats and drumettes that have become as American as the NFL. The two biggest Buffalo Wing joints in the US took opposite paths to glory. One a draft beer pouring bar that draws big crowds to watch live sports. The other a to-go focused outlet that skimps on the dine-in experience but provides ease of ordering and pick-up. But when it comes to flavor, whose wings fly through the uprights? This week on Doughboys, the last matchup of the quarter-pounder final round of Munch Madness,
Starting point is 00:01:08 the Tournament of Champions, Chicken Fight, Wing Region, Buffalo Wild Wings, Wingstop. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about tame restaurants. We're production of Feral I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Spoon Man, how you doing? Howdy-how to – everyone out there listening, we're coming live – not live. Not at all live. Live on tape.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah. Live on tape from Casa Del Gato, the Feral House. I think Feral Mansion, I like, has a little more of a sense. The Feral Mansion. I mean, it's not a mansion. It's a very – It's not a house either. It's an apartment.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It's a two-bedroom apartment. I mean, if we want to be pedantic about it. We don't have to break down the logistics of my layout, right? You get two bedrooms, one bath, and you'd be one of those bedrooms you kind of converted into a home office. Yeah, we don't have to tell people, I live alone. I live with two beautiful cats. And there's a bath tub if I ever want to give them a little bath.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, we're coming to you from the house, the new setup, Weiger. We're recording. We're no longer recording. Well, we might at some point return to the lovely studio at Star Burns, where we recorded so many of these episodes. There will be some guests who refuse to come to my apartment. And with good reason.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I mean, I might refuse at some point. You're coming here. No matter what. This is better for you, isn't it? This is great. This makes my commute a little easier. And I like this. This is a nice, fun, homey atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yes. Your cats are here. They're lovely. My cats are here. Our guests just met both of my cats. It was a great experience. I was very happy that she liked both of them. We'll get to her in just a second.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't even know if we have anything else to talk about. I was just going to recap real quick for people who may this maybe this is their your first episode. Maybe haven't listened to podcasts in a while. But this is our tournament of the best chain restaurant chicken. So we're evaluating only chicken. Side stay on the sidelines. Drinks are in the Gatorade jug.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Also on the sidelines. And our full interactive tournament bracket is on So check that out if you want to see exactly who's still in it. Who's been eliminated so far. How interactive is this thing? I don't know. I think it's technically interactive. I think you can click on it.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Things happen. And you think it's better. You think a question. Is it a better website than Yeah, definitely. Wow. I mean, you're not going to have to listen to your uncle's views on politics on ferrelaudio's tournament bracket.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I know. Tell me about it. You're not going to have to hear that. My left wing uncle. They are competing that everyone is competing for the Dave Thomas Cup, the highest honor in chain restaurant dumb. But let's introduce our guest. She's been on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:10 She's great. We love her from MTV's girl code and loosely exactly to Cole. Nicole Byersback. Hi, Nicole. It's me. Hi. Hi. Wait, why aren't you recording at the studio anymore?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Mitch didn't want to. No, hold on a second. That's not 100% true. It's kind of true. So Mitch didn't want to leave his house and made everyone come here? Here's the thing. I thought this was almost equally as... I'm being serious here.
Starting point is 00:04:33 No. It was both of our ideas. It was both of our ideas. Yeah. I think that with the amount that we're going to record now... You're amping it up? We're amping it up. I thought the podcast was killing you.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It is. We're doing Doe Boyz Doubles, which doesn't mean specifically that I have to eat meals for the Doe Boyz Doubles, which is good, which is a good thing. Yeah, we're kind of amping up at least. It's going to be at least a little bit more time every week, but it's going to be fun. And here, I think, is there's just a plus side of one, yes. I'm home. I don't have to leave the house, or if I'm going somewhere, it's back to my house.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And for Nick, actually, it is a closer commute than Farrell was. Yeah, this is closer. This is definitely closer to buy work. This is like 15 minutes from my work, 10 minutes from my work. Yeah. So that saves him about 20 to 30 minutes. Yeah, it saves me from driving from the Burbank, and then it saves me from driving from Burbank to back to Santa Monica.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah. You guys, if you don't know the layout of LA, these are places that are very far apart. Santa Monica's by the beach, Burbank is by the airport, but the Burbank airport, not LAX, which is kind of close to the beach. Yeah. That actually airports for you. It's more convenient for me. I like going to LAX.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I do not like LAX. No, I like LAX, but I fly out at like six a.m. or red eyes, no traffic, and it's great. Yes, traffic is insane. We were just talking about how much we hate flying. I hate flying. Flying is the worst if you're a fat person. No, I mean, it's bad. It is bad.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's bad no matter what. I don't know. I see thin people cozy up. They have room. They curl up on a seat. They read a book. If a thin person puts their like, get your body in places. It's awful.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Sometimes you're like, excuse me. I'm too big for the seatbelt. Do you have another piece of it? And then sometimes they're real nice and give it to you quietly. And sometimes you're like, here's your extender and then everyone stares at you and you're like, I'm very big. It's flying is awful. My issue with flying is that JetBlue recently slimmed down their seats and I'm like, if
Starting point is 00:06:45 I'm in the middle seat, I have to do a little Nosferatu pose, the entire flight. I have to hold my arms because my arms are going to hit people in the other seats. You know what I mean? And look, yes, I, Nosferatu is where your mind went. I'm good. I know. I think it's great. I like it.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's good. And so, you know, look, I know that I have a weight issue, but like also I'm a big, I'm a big guy. We're, we're, we're big people. There's big people and we're big people in my arms falling over into the other seats is not a thing that's going to change if I lose a lot of, I'm still going to have this issue. You've got a large frame.
Starting point is 00:07:28 If you, even if you slim down, you still have wide shoulders and you'd be, you'd be very tall. That's, that's, that is not going to change. My shoulder, my shoulder size is not going to change and, and, and that's kind of, that's kind of the issue with that. And so if I, I can never get a middle seat, it's a, it's a, it's a fucking death sentence. It's terrible. When I'm in the middle seat, I do a weird thing instead of crossing my arms, I stick
Starting point is 00:07:47 it down into the seat belt. Yes. So if I have a blanket over it, it looks like I'm like, diddling myself. I've like woken up to people staring at me, being like, what is she doing? I'm like, I don't want to be like, I don't want to touch you. So my arms, it's, our airplanes are awful. They're awful. And now they are, they are so much more packed than they used to be.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Yes. When I, when I, when I used to fly out here, like in like two, when I first moved out here in 2005, I would get a lot of the times you get like a whole road to yourself. I feel like that rarely ever happens anymore ever. It never happens. I feel like every flight I'm on is sold out. Yeah. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Or oversold. Yeah. Uh-huh. And then I learned if you are like, all right, and I guess I can just go back home, whatever, wait until they get desperate because they give you more money. Yeah. Don't ever take the first option. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And I'm always like, I got shit to do in places to go. I'm not staying here. Right. Have you ever done the my, my, the way I travel now is I use almost always do jet blue and I do the even more leg spate, even more leg room seats or whatever. I like, you got me on that too. I like the even more leg room. Even more leg room is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Is it a, it's not an exit row. Is it some of them are exit rows. And so the ones that are exit rows sometimes aren't as good because sometimes your seat doesn't go back. It's tricky. You got to find the right ones, but even those ones sell out all the time now because they, I feel like at least a lot of the time, the middle seat wouldn't be taken and now a lot of times even the middle seat is taken.
Starting point is 00:09:14 But even with that middle seat taken, you have more, you just have more room in front of you and you can, you can kind of like rejigger your space to be like, I'm use, I'm really laying my legs out and then yeah, it rejiggers a word. You rarely hear. I didn't want, I didn't want to bring it back. It was the first one that came to my head and I'm like, I haven't said rejigger and forever right and here it comes and it came out of my mouth. Nicole and I were, we're on an improv team together.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So we're very, we're very comfortable with each other was your improv team called Cooper. We were called Cooper. Oh, that's cute. Cooper's in peace. Brest in peace to Cooper. We were in birthday. So when Cooper started, the birthday boy show started for me and I was a very bad Cooper member. I mean, hey, that's why you do stuff at UCB to get a job. That's right. What's weird is I remember at that time, like Dave Ferguson for the birthday boys was like, boy, bitch is so preoccupied with Cooper. He's like, not really pulling his weight with the birthday boys.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Shut up. That's, that's fake, right? No, that's fake. Okay. Jesus Christ. That's so funny. You're saying that I just disappeared. That is totally what Dave really love in that Cooper. It's a pegging TV job. I was a very, I was a very good employee to Mr. Ferguson, my boss. Yeah, but, but yeah. No, Cooper, a very, a very funny crew of people. It was a good crew and Nicole being the funniest of the of the entire bunch. Sorry, Cooper. I said it. She's the funny. She's funnier than all of us. Yeah. Suck it. Paul
Starting point is 00:10:59 Welsh, because I'm sitting here. Paul Welsh is so funny. She's so funny. Oh, man. Every, every member of that team is very well. Who else is on Cooper that we get? Madeleine Walter, Marcy Jarrow. Jarrow, you're through. Jarrow, you've gots to go. Brandon Sorenberg. Sorry, Berg. It's more like it. We all said sorry, Berg, when he cut us. Who else? Josh Simpson. Josh Simpson. I'd rather watch The Simpsons. Keep it going. We can get one for each person. Whalen McQueen. Whalen McQueen. Yeah. I'd rather watch Steve McQueen do improv. The director, who's not a performer.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Nice. We burn every, we burn every single one of them. It was, it was, it was a great team and we're not missing anyone. How are we? I don't think so. No, that's it. That's it. It sounded like you named eight, six people in addition to the two of you. Yeah. Here's a fun fact. I started counting on my fingers, but wasn't thinking of names. You were just counting. The two, we, the two of you, Welsh, Walter, Walter, Walter, yeah. Marcy. Marcy. Sorenberger, Simpson. McQueen. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. We got them all. That would have been embarrassing if we missed them. I know that would have been really bad. But we got it. But that's kind of where you and I met. That was, that's exactly where we met.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That's right. Exactly where we met. We met at that first fucking rehearsal at like 11 a.m. on like a Saturday. I know God, God improv. The comedy community sucks. Improv sucks. The comedy community is torture. It sucks. It all sucks. It drives me crazy. Like I love it, but like the fact that we all woke up at 11 a.m. to rehearse make them ups is stupid throughout my 20s. I had to be like, like constantly had to be like, guys, we're like all in our 20s. Are we sure? Like on Saturday, we want to like do improv practice at like 11 or 10 a.m. Yeah. And then like molasses boy, like, I think we should do it. Alan McLeod. Alan McLeod is on my team. That's his nickname. Really? I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:13:07 The last column that from now on molasses boy. That sounds me. Well, here's the thing. It came from the the origin of this is he played high school football and his football coach in Alabama called him molasses boy because he was so slow. And the thing is, you know, Alan and he's a very, he has a very mannered way of speaking. He really takes his time with every sentence. That's what I thought it was from. Right. He speaks. You could say almost a forest Gumpian sort of way of speaking. The thinking man's forest gum. Yeah. And and but McLeod is McLeod is like, I always was like, oh, that's his southern sort of, he did everything's a little slower down south. But even in the south, they're like, this fucking guy is so hey, get over here. You're too slow.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Molasses boy. Well, I guess I gotta call him that. Call him the asses boy. He loves molasses. He loves it. He loves it. Yeah. No, what? What? What? What a little comedy community. What? You know, we should. Why? Why? I mean, I know I get it. 11 a.m. is not that late. It's not that early. It's not that early in the grand scheme of things, but it's like, you do shows all week so late and they have to wake up. It's early when you're doing something so stupid. Yes. That's what that's what I think it is because it's like it's one thing you like you get up and it's like, okay, well, I got like a yoga class that's like, well, but you know, this feels productive. I went to fucking improv. We're in someone's living room doing barking like dogs. Yeah. And the
Starting point is 00:14:43 neighbors are like, can you stop? Yeah, it's Saturday at 11. Shut the fuck up. And there's also you never feel any tangible progress. I don't feel like I feel like, oh, we're doing these. We're doing improv rehearsals each week. Yeah, you know what? We're really figuring it out. We're all funny. You're at this. Yeah, our shows are better. It's just like, ah, this fucking sucks. What a waste of our time. I've never been on a team where we've improved. Right. It's just a kind of start out what you are and that's what you are. And that's how I go. I think it's a very funny thing because people think of comedy as like rock and roll. Lee and you know what, like I feel like in the stand up world and maybe at some point it what there is like
Starting point is 00:15:21 these cool guys who drink on night and not that improvisers and communities don't drink. They we do drink and too much and but like there is a side of this business or whatever that is so fucking nerdy and oh it's it's shit on earth. The nerdiest. Yeah, it is so dorky. You're literally making things up. You're like making water. I don't I'm I'm all I'm doing visual things. Yes, you pay the mining pouring water. No, the space work. Yes, very. Space work is so silly. It's so stupid and then you get notes where it's like hey, Nicole, when you took your dick out, it wasn't justified and it's like what are you noting me on this? It's never going to happen again. But that being said, I do love improv. We do and I do love comedy, but it's dumb. Yes,
Starting point is 00:16:10 it's very dumb. I know, but I had a great time with you. I had a good. They told us they weren't going to cut us and I said cut. I said I'll resign if if you know like I because I can't make it to a lot of things. Didn't matter. They just cut us. They said bye bye. They said bye to us, but it's fine. I think we all still improvise. Yeah, we all do. Everyone does. Yeah, you know, it's what's nice about having a podcast. Nicole has just there is a KFC bucket on the table. Weigher and I were eating that KFC earlier. How does it look? We're recording this episode after we recorded the episode with Eugene, which you may have heard already. Yeah. Yeah. It looks good, but oh shit, the chicken was raised on US farms. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:16:49 That's nice. We didn't notice that for that episode. That's interesting. No artificial hormones or steroids. Huh. That's pretty good. Considering it's coming from KFC, which seems like the. I've heard the US has such a surplus of poultry that we actually export chicken to China. Really? That there's like they actually love American chicken over there because it's bigger. Oh, yeah. They love those big American chicken. Didn't they sing about that in a, didn't they sing about that in a song? What? What? Chicken to China, the Chinese chicken. Ah, what is the song? It's but your brain stopped ticking. Yeah. I think it's smashed more than my head, but then I don't think it is.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's chicken to China, the Chinese chicken brain stops ticking. Watching X files with the lights on. Yeah. That sounds like smash mouths. All star. No, it's not. It's not. It's not. It's Chumba Wamba Thub Thub Thub. No, it's not Thub Thub. Yeah. It's no, no, no. Chumba Wamba. No, it's not. Stop saying Chumba Wamba. Nick, you have a computer in front of you. All right. I'll search for it. I try not to go to Google too often during the podcast. Go to Google for God's sake. What should I search for? Chicken to China, the Chinese chicken. It's been one week since you left me. No, it's one week. One week. Oh, that's, I know that song. Yeah. And it's not, it's not Smash Mouth. It's a,
Starting point is 00:18:10 that's Bare Naked Ladies. Bare Naked Ladies. God damn it. Oh, yeah. Okay. And I remember this song. And what's the, what's the name of it? The song is One Week. Wait, then what am I thinking? What's Thub Thub Thumping? Thub Thumping is, Thub Thumping is, I get knocked down, but I get up again. Oh, I'm sorry. All these, what is it? Just a bunch of white men singing about garbage. Hey, this is our music. Yeah. Come on. Fuck. This is bullshit. That was so convincing. Hey, that's our music. I would eat this, but I went on a diet today. Hey, good for you. Good for you. We'll toss that shit in the trash. Hey, get it out of here. No, you don't have to. You might eat it. I'll eat it. You know, I'll eat it. So you won't eat it. I'll eat it. That's my excuse.
Starting point is 00:18:57 It's eating well is so hard. It's very hard. What diet are you on right now? I'm counting calories. Okay. Good. Do you have an app? I have an app. I don't use my fitness pal. I use one called My Fat Secret because I thought it was funnier. That is funny. But it doesn't have all of the things that my fitness pal has. So sometimes I'm like, this is so hard. But then I like put in my exercise and stuff. It is, it's just, it's really hard. It's, it's very hard. But you know, I think that why you and I talked about this a little bit and my trainer was saying that just doing like, because I'm like, I've always tried to be like, I'm going to do like keto or I'm going to do whatever. And just eating healthy and look like being aware of your calories
Starting point is 00:19:40 and stuff. It's a good way to do it. Getting. Also, it's like a little game to be like, how can I eat more, but have it not be very caloric? So egg whites is something I just discovered. Egg whites are great. You can have like five egg whites and that's a big old mess of egg. And it's only two, four, six, eight, like 80 calories. Yeah. You know, there's 17 apiece. Yeah. You know what else you can do also doing Eugene mentioned this before and that you can just take a yolk and throw a yolk in there. And like you don't feel like having all egg whites. Have like one yolk and a couple of whites and it's like, okay, you know, you're just deviating a little bit, but that's way better than having three. I think that you guys are playing
Starting point is 00:20:20 with science too much. You're supposed to eat the yolk. That's what you're supposed to do. These Frankenstein omelets that you're coming up with. Ooh, I love eggs. I love eggs too. Eggs are great. Eggs are really good. I like chicken. Who would have known that? And hey, what a segue that is? What a segue that is? Well, I was just thinking of eggs and I was like, eggs come from chickens. I love their moms. I love a chicken. I love chicken too. I talked about this a little bit on the podcast, but I love chicken. I love poultry. I also feel like it's a thing that can get fucked up the most. Oh, chicken specifically. You can get like bad chicken that are even good. But you mean both low quality meat and then also just prepared in a way where it's like really
Starting point is 00:21:10 dried out. You just kind of went back on me on this, but like veins and sinew and all that stuff. That's gross. Like a chewy, fatty piece of chicken grosses me out. And you can get it and you can get like sometimes where it tastes like kind of more gamey or more chickeny, which I think means it's kind of older chicken. But see what you're describing to me is less disgusting than like a like boneless, skinless chicken breast that's clearly been frozen for like a month. You know what I mean? Like that just like heavily processed thing that they that they will use in like some sort of microwave meal. Like to me, that's less appealing than something that's maybe, you know, not the best cut of meat, but I can tell it's just like, it's like from a real bird and it hasn't
Starting point is 00:21:46 been heavily processed. Interesting. You're saying that what are you saying is worse? I'd saying that heavily processed like that chicken patty or that chicken breast. I don't know. I think I would rather have the process thing because I'm like, it's just, I know it's just going to be whatever. I would rather have a chicken nugget than like a gummy piece of chicken. Yes. Yes, I agree with that. Cause then it's just like, I know what this is. This is like this. I'm like, is it processed? What is it? Why is it gummy? Why are there veins in it? Yeah. I mean, and I think that you're right. I think that is a bad state of food in the country that that I would, the two of us would rather have a chicken pat and I would, I would much rather have like a processed chicken
Starting point is 00:22:29 patty that kind of sucks than have like a chewy piece of chicken. That like grosses me out. I understand that, but you know what? I feel like it's almost universally solid and I'm actually impressed by the quality of it across different supermarkets is that rotisserie bird you can get for like $5.99. Yeah, that's really good. It is good. And it's generally like pretty juicy. And you can like jazz it up. Sometimes I'll like cut it apart and then put it in a pan with a little bit of butter and then season it a little bit more. Oh yeah. That's fun. My trainer, I told you in this, Nick, he just told me to eat. He's like, go and buy one of those and eat one every night. Yeah. He's like, just go eat a chicken. Well, it's like, wait, every night,
Starting point is 00:23:14 just eat a chicken at home, ripping apart a chicken. You know, the cats love it too. Nicole, you met the cats. I met those cats. I like those cats. What's the girl's name, Ida? Irma. Irma. Irma and Willie. Wally. Irma and Wally. Wally. That was very close both times. Wally, you were very close. I give you points for it. Thank you. What do you call her? Ida? Ida? What is Ida? What's her name? Ida's like an old woman's name. Yeah. Yeah, I guess Irma. Ida. Yeah, and Irma is an old woman's name. Irma was very sweet to you. Very, very sweet. Let me hold her. Would not eat the treat I was trying to give her. They're not hungry cats. She's a little picky. I feed them very well. But they're so slim. They are, they don't, Lager, no jokes from you.
Starting point is 00:24:01 What did you think I was going to say? Does Mitch eat from a cat bowl or something like that? You just said you fed them very well. That wouldn't make sense. I really love those cats. They're good cats. They've been good to me. They're so cute. And Nicole, Irma liked you a lot. Wally's a little bit afraid of people. Wally's skittish. Wally's a little bit skittish, which is surprising to me. I didn't know. But you're one of the first to meet the cats in the house. I like them. I think we might let them out for future episodes. We'll see what happens. You got Mitch, you got yourself a nurturing female, which is very nice. And then you got yourself a real beta male, like you are a real tentative, scaredy cat. Yeah, you are Wally. I am very much
Starting point is 00:24:47 like Wally. You're a cat. You're a cat man. I am very much a cat man. There's scratches all over my arms and my hands. Oh no. Is that from Irma or Wally? I think it's, I think this one is from Irma. I think this one is from Wally. What were you doing to them that they scratched you? I just like holding them in stuff. And then sometimes like, like if I pick them up, they'll might flip around and then accidentally scratch me. All of them are accidental. I brought Wally out earlier and he, and he like basically put his claws front and back into my chest because he was very scared. Jesus. He saw Wiger and was freaked out. Sure. Which makes sense. I like, imagine being a cat and being like those big things. They have arms and legs and they're walking towards me.
Starting point is 00:25:31 We're very big to animals. We were very, very big to animals. And I think they like meet like, I'm their, their big monster. They ride on my shoulder and stuff like I like I'll walk around and they'll jump up on my shoulders. You're their BFG. I'm their big, I'm their big friendly giant adorable. But other people, are you crushing pussy now that you got two pussies? No, I am not. You know, I am not. It's not. I mean, that is an adorable thing. So I like hold the cat in front of my apartment and wait for people to come by. Instagram these cats. Let the ladies know you have cats. Like when you just talk about them, when you meet a girl at a bar, when you're like, just talk and just just casually be like, do you like cats? I got two cats and she'll be like,
Starting point is 00:26:15 oh my God, how caring, how nice. I want to give him my puss. I want to go back out to bars. People don't go to bars as much anymore. No, everyone's getting older and they're settling down and everyone's married. I was just lamenting about how single I am. I met a guy. Oh, I think I told you this yesterday. I met a guy on Saturday. He was my server. We exchanged numbers. We were texting and I was like, oh my God, this is it. This is like our mute cute. And then he stopped texting me abruptly last night. And then today I was like, well, I'd like to get my pussy dipped in. So I texted him, let's fuck because I'm open and honest. Right. And then he responded with, I didn't mean to lead you on. I don't think I'm ready for that. So it's done and it never happened.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But also he texted me at two a.m. on Saturday, being like, can I come over and now he wants to fuck? What happened between now and Saturday? I love your attitude. I am much more afraid of everything in this world. But I think I think I just you just got a weirdo. Sometimes there's a weirdo that he was basically albino. He was powder. You met powder. I like white men. I was like, that's the white as you get. I want it. But you know, I can't go back to that restaurant. Was he singing bear naked ladies or Chumbawamba? Yep, Chumbawamba. I get knocked down. I wanted to make clear that I think is a UK band. Yeah, they're from different. Chumbawamba. Chumbawamba. They're from the UK. They're from the UK. So they're weird to us American white folk,
Starting point is 00:27:57 bear naked ladies. Are they still a band of people? I imagine they're still doing stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Do bear naked ladies do like old apartment and stuff? They do. I don't know. I honestly don't know. Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson. I think my mom like loved bear naked. Brian Wilson. Isn't that a Beach Boy? Yeah, they have a song lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did. The song is called lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did. That's a sentence. That's not a song. Maybe it's just Brian Wilson. I don't know what the title is. It's probably just Brian Wilson. I was going to stick up. Please Google. Now that I'm saying I'm like this is like the whitest music I've ever talked about. My entire bear naked ladies is very. They're
Starting point is 00:28:39 Canadian, right? Oh, okay. That makes sense. These are all foreign bands. Right. Can we talk about things made in America? Well, you got to bring jobs back and make America great again. You're fake news. The song is just called Brian Wilson. I was right. My second guess was right. It's either this long sentence or just Brian or just a part of that sentence. Good job, Mitch. Good job. Anyway, there is with one of the restaurants we went to tonight. There is another singer, an American singer who owns a bunch of who owns a big part of it. You're speaking of Rick Ross. I'm speaking of Rick Ross. The boss Rick Ross. Does he really? He owns a bunch of Wingstop franchise. I did not know that. He loves lemon pepper, which is
Starting point is 00:29:26 I don't. When I was younger, I was sick one time and I smelled lemon pepper chicken cooking at my house in Quincy. Got me sick. Never liked the mix of lemon and chicken. I don't love lemon pepper like a like a chicken breast that's been like marinated in lemon pepper. Yeah, me neither. Me neither. 100%. I'm coming around to it, but it's kind of too zesty for me. It's too much. I like, you know, I even like like a lime or something. I'm fine with lime. Lemon is just well. I like really fucking lime. If I'm doing like a Mexican, like yes, if there's guacamole or something involved. I just recently went to Mexico and their guacamole was not like the guacamole here. What's the difference? There was no tomatoes or onions. It was truly just avocado with me. I don't
Starting point is 00:30:13 know. Little lemon juice or whatever. Just for to thin it out. But I might have just been the resort. It was good, but I was like, but where's the onions? Where's the tomato? Yeah, then I went to Guy Fieri's American kitchen and they had the guacamole I was used to. Thank you guy and the was it Guy Fieri's was it was it? Oh, in the Cancun airport. There's a guy Fieri. Have you guys been there? I have never been to a Guy Fieri restaurant. I love Guy Fieri. It's wild. Yeah. Have you left the country? You have, right? Yeah, I've left the kind. I've left. I've actually been to Mexico and the Cayman Islands. I've never been to Mexico. I'll get me not so good. Mexico. I'm a Mexico. I hear scary stories about Mexico. I went to Colombia and but Mexico's always seemed
Starting point is 00:31:03 a little bit dangerous. It's not too dangerous. I didn't think so. Okay. Well, we some man was like trying to scam us, I think. So we got off in Playa del Carmen. We took a bus. I don't know where I was in Mexico because we thought we were going to loom, but it wasn't to loom. But anyway, we went to Playa del Carmen and we were walking around and this guy goes, hey, it's me, Carlos from the resort. And me and my friend were like, hi, Carlos. Because we were like, oh no, we forgot who Carlos is. Carlos knows who I am. But then he was like trying to take us somewhere. And then we're like, you know what? No, we're okay. And then like we checked our stuff. We had everything. And then I like turned to my friend. I was like, we don't know Carlos. And she
Starting point is 00:31:42 was like, no, no, we don't. Wow. He was trying to do something bad to us. Oh boy. You were most in a snatched situation. Honestly, if I had gotten snatched, I would have been like, great, one of you will be my husband. This is fine. But yeah, I was more of a, that's more of a taken than a snatch, right? Snatched is the new movie that hasn't come out yet with a, what's her name? Oh, the Schumer, Amy Schumer. Oh, I was only thinking, I guess I was thinking of Snatch, the Guy Ritchie movie, which is more about, well, I wouldn't call it a sequel to that's coming out too. But they're making another snatch. Maybe I made another train spotting. They're making train spotting too. Maybe that's what I'm thinking of. Snatch is an English movie, right? Snatched is,
Starting point is 00:32:19 yes. Train spotting is English. Snatch is an English movie. Maybe I'm thinking of train spotting. I liked that movie. I saw it and I was like, maybe I'll do heroin, but I chose not to because I didn't know where to get it from. It's also, hey, it's not a good one. I'll say that is one of the bad. That's one of the bad ones. It's not great. Weigar, you thought when I said snatched, do I meant snatch? Yes. No, that's wrong. You said you were getting snatched and I was like, oh wait, like at the movie snatch, like when they snatch something, and I was like, no, the snatch is my kidnapping movie. It's a heist movie. Taken. You probably could have gone any drugs you wanted in Mexico, by the way. I feel like you could. Well, I went to the pharmacy because
Starting point is 00:32:59 I wanted Ambien because I have trouble sleeping and they didn't have it. And then we went to another pharmacy and I wanted Ambien and then I wanted something else. It seems like you were just trying to get Ambien. I guess yeah, the story didn't change. Then I went to another pharmacy and I asked for Ambien. Well, I just, I don't sleep well, so I wanted to sleep aid, but then I couldn't find anything. I like that you wanted a vacation just to get prescriptions filled. Do you have an albuterol and haler? Well, listen, I'm just trying to get things to heal myself. Right. I don't know how to fall asleep at night. I stay awake for so long. I have a lot of problems with insomnia and late onset insomnia actually saw a neurologist last week. We talked
Starting point is 00:33:42 about this a little bit at dinner. I didn't know you saw a neurologist. Yeah. I saw a neurologist about my sleep issues and I've seen a number of people. I've seen a number of sleep specialists over the years, but he suspects that I'm actually having panic attacks in my sleep and that wakes me up and then my adrenaline is so high. How is that funny? I can't fall back to sleep. This is a medical issue. How is that funny? It makes a lot of control over. Not a laughing matter. He has panic attacks in dream world. Yeah. I have a dream world. In dream world, you have panic attacks. Yeah. I don't know if it's necessarily like, but I can't, that's not something I can never have. I have control over, obviously. It's just like a sort of a physiological process and it manifests
Starting point is 00:34:23 itself in me like waking up startled or awake and not being able to get back to sleep. So, you're like on like a fluffy cloud. Your dreams are fluffy clouds. I want your dreams. My dreams are always terrifying. I'm always like running away from something. I think my dreams are basically Lady Weigar. Lady Weigar? Well, Weigar's a lady and we're married. Come on. Oh my God. And then what happens with Lady Weigar? We give birth to our child. How weird. And it's Wally and Irma. Weigar, I'm sorry. I don't need to make fun of you. As you know, so we went to Buffalo. This matchup is Buffalo Wild Wings versus Wing Stop. This is a big, big matchup. We're going to start getting into. Maybe we're going to start getting into it now.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Okay. So, I just want to say that speaking of medical issues, we referenced this on, I think, on the Eugene episode. I got up in the middle of our, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. I got there late because of the Hollywood Boulevard. Also, Weigar and I had a little communication breakdown. There was, the Oscars were the day before and it was insane. I got there, sat down, ate some wings, got up a medical emergency, had to use the restroom. I just want to say that this tournament has basically liquefied the insides of my body. Right. I am like a big bag of juice now. We're also just still in the first round. We're in the first round. We have so much left to do. We have so much left to do. This is bad, bad, bad. Well, are you eating
Starting point is 00:35:53 good otherwise? There's like no, like it feels like there's more meals for this stupid competition than there are meals in the week for God. That's not true. There's a ton of meals, though, and you know that that's true, that there is. Yeah, but if you're eating, especially we were recorded, like we have basically recorded in two weeks, we were recorded like six episodes. So you know that's true. Right. So there's been and that's six meals and there's no. It's two times twelve meals. So that's and there's 14 days in two weeks. So there has been a ton of fucking fast food. That's still you're eating. You're not eating less than one meal a day. Yeah. Oh God. Okay, yes. I know. But I'm saying that there's been a ton of food. There's been a lot of it. It's been a
Starting point is 00:36:34 large volume and it's hard. Like they're scheduling wise. I get what you're saying. I've had experience the same thing. It's hard to necessarily have a healthy meal as a counterpoint for every unhealthy meal just because of the way we're doing. I'm like a big colostomy bag. I have a question. Jesus Christ. The what is on your shirt this while I've got more than a banana republic polo and in Louisville penguin. It's got a little elephant there. Oh, it is an elephant. I wasn't sure if it was an elephant, a comb or like a weird hand like a weird just like a deformed claw on my hand. You know how you can give people like a dead fish handshake. Yeah, that's kind of what it looks like. That looks like a dead fish fish bump.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Like fingers are open. Yeah. Also weigher. Is it it's a so that's basically this is your little republican shirt that you wear around. Well, here's the thing. I have a red one of these with a with a little elephant on it and I don't feel like it can wear it because I like but I don't want to see like oh, I'm the red state guy. This is my red state thing with the little but like what an asshole. So I'm going to have to be to be like ah, so I guess you're a basically me. I'm an asshole. Yes. Yes, Mitch. I came over and not to do this podcast. I came over to tell you that you're an asshole. Serious voice. I think you're being real are an ass. You love me. I do. I adore you. I just want the best for you. I don't like hearing that
Starting point is 00:38:09 you're inside the liquid. My insides are very liquid. I am like a big colostomy bag because of this tournament. So visceral. I went to a gastroenterologist to try to sort some things out. We're both specialists. Do you tell you to stop podcasting? He basically told me yes, you should stop eating at these places. I said yeah. He said I can't. I'm doing a free podcast. And he said what is the end goal of this? What is this thing? I said I don't know. We're starting Doughboy Doubles. Wait, did he really say what's the end goal? No, he didn't say any of this stuff. Did you explain that you do a podcast? I did explain to him that I did a podcast. Did he ask what's a podcast? Actually, sir, there's a patron. We're taking very seriously.
Starting point is 00:39:03 He's a doctor and he thinks I'm a fool. Yeah. In his head, he's probably like, I hope that this man dies off and that people like me populate the world and it will be a better place. No. I'm sure he's thinking I hope this guy lives a few more years. Cash in. I have a stool sample kit. I haven't sent it off. Dude, is there shit in it? No, no, no. I didn't use it yet. I thought you were shitting a cup sitting around. I was like, I don't like it. This is not for me. This is the second time I will have to give a stool samples. How does this work though? You're collecting it over a number of days? No, you just do it once and you send it off. You just do it once and you send it off?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Like put it in the mail? Yeah, you put it in the mail. Oh my gosh. You shit in this thing, right? Or do you shit in the toilet and scoop it out? You shit in the toilet and you scoop it out. What if it's never like a firm shit? What if it's all loose? That's okay. You can scoop it in with that. But like with water? Toilet water? You fill it up to a certain part of the line. You put it into a little thing and you fill it up to a certain part of the line. Very upsetting. Yeah, and it goes in the mail. It does. It goes. It's postage paid, but then you also put it in a bag, within a box. There's a lot of steps.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I just don't like the idea that my bills are coming next to your shit. It's in the same mail truck. Oh yes, your sweet bills. Well, look, I got to open those. I got to open those and look at it. I put them on my dining table. Also like your mailman might not be washing his hands after he takes this shit. You don't know what goes on. That's fair. That's a fair thing to forget. Also, they send dead bodies through the mail. Do they really? Yeah, when you get cremated, they send a box. They send your loved one to you in a just normal box. You open it up and then it's this black thing that is impossible to get into. It's awful. That's crazy. Biger's ordering dead body right now. He's googling dead body.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Let's talk bubble a while. Let's talk bubble a while wings a little bit. So we were there outside of Mitch's intestinal distress. We got a few different ones. We got the bone in lemon pepper, which we discussed a little bit. Desert heat. This is one that I like. It's described as a fiery combination of peppers with a sweet, dry touch of smoke. This is one of their dry rubs. I really like the Bdubs dry rubs. We got the standard hot. We also got the sweet Saharan spice limited. This is a limited edition using the exotic flavors of African bird's eye peppers. This tangy sauce delivers a unique and savory BBQ flavor with a spicy punch. Mitch, you got some salt and vinegar. And then we got some ranch and blue cheese. And then also
Starting point is 00:41:46 on the boneless side, Nicole, you ordered some garlic parmesan and some Caribbean jerk, I believe. And you also ordered one super duper spicy, the blazin, which I fucking loved. Right. Well, you got a side of the blazing. She told me not to dip it, but I was like, how do you eat it? If not dipping? Yeah. She didn't want you to get too much of it on. Yes. But I coated it lightly and I loved it. It's a great sauce. Yeah, it's good. I like it. And I'm not a saucy lady. I like the dry rubs. I think you're pretty saucy. Oh, we also should know that commissioner Susser was eating with us. Right. Very nice, man. I'd never met him before. You never met Susser. I was amazed that you guys had never met him. And he's so nice.
Starting point is 00:42:38 That's crazy. A delightful man. Yeah, he's very, very, he has good manners. He was raised well. Yeah, he's well behaved. He's a good guy. He's a well behaved person. East coast, west coast. That must be an east coast, west coast thing. Susser's been around UCB west coast for, I mean, you're a transplant from east coast. Right. And yeah, that's amazing. There's like a lot of old school people that I don't know and then we'll meet and be like, oh yeah, this person's great. I also think it might be a sketch improv divide if we really want to get into it. Susser more of a sketch writer. Sure. Okay. That's fair. That's fair. But here's what I was going to say. Here's the paradox of Susser. Very well mannered,
Starting point is 00:43:16 very sloppy. So like he behaves well at the dinner table, but at the end of the night, he's got food all over his face and shirt. He basically, I don't even know what he had a shirt on. I think it was just ranch. He either was wearing a white t-shirt or he had ranch covering his entire upper body. Right. That's not being mean to Susser. A good man. It's okay. He's not here to defend himself. Say whatever the fuck you want. He left not too long ago. Here's the question. Why did he come? Did he just want a free Buffalo Wild Wings? Yeah, he just wanted to eat there. Okay. It makes sense. No, he didn't want free food because he tried to pay and then Nick smacked him in the face and said, I fucking pay and then stomped on his hand. Do you remember
Starting point is 00:44:00 you gave Nick your card and he got scared? Nick accidentally took Nicole's card, got scared and dropped it. Okay. Here's what. Look, I wanted to make sure I wanted to make sure to pay for our guest meal because you are volunteering your time to do, which is very nice beyond this bad podcast and eat some bad food in advance of it. But so I was like, Oh, we'll pay for it. But then you handed me the bill was there. You were handing me your card and out of instinct, I just took it. And then I was like, wait a minute, I'm not supposed to do this, but then I didn't react well. I just dropped it on the table. It's like it's like, yeah, it was like if it was piping hot or like someone put a spider in your hand or something, it was very, it was a very weird reaction. It was
Starting point is 00:44:40 funny because it was so abrupt. It was like you just canceled our interaction. He was like, no, just dropped it. It's when it's like when at the end of usual suspects, when he finds out who Kaiser Soce is, and he drops the coffee cup. I think it was more like the end of the Oscars to be topical. Right. You thought something was happening and then something else was happening. You liked Moonlight over La La Land. Yes. I also liked Moonlight over La La Land. I didn't love many of the movies this year though. I really liked Moonlight. I thought it was good. Moonlight was good. The story that you don't get to hear. Like you very rarely do black men want to play gay. And it's and I don't know. I thought it was very beautiful. Lion is also beautiful.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Wiger is teared up at Lion. He's telling everybody about it. Lion didn't get the respect it deserves. La La Land was so mediocre. I don't want Emma Stone to come for me, but I won't say it. Yeah. No, she's not a great singer. You said it. Yeah. That could be a part of it. La La Land was definitely not one of my favorites. I liked Moonlight better. I told you that some of my. You liked Hacksaw Ridge. I watched that last night. What did you think? Come on. The second half of it, you come on. The second half is great, but like you just had to get through a lot of I can't touch a gun. I love my girlfriend. He's very far as comfy. It is teeth. So it looked like he had no top teeth sometimes. That was wild to me. It made me think. I was like, is this guy
Starting point is 00:46:13 slower? Like it was kind of confusing. I didn't know if like I didn't know. Did you see it? You didn't see it. I didn't see Hacksaw Ridge. You should see Hacksaw Ridge. Yeah, I will definitely see it. And then I like all the problematic old white men movies. I like. You do. I like Sully. I liked Hacksaw Ridge and I liked Allied, which I guess that one. I only saw bits and pieces of that. That was the mech. I liked that one a lot. I also liked Fences a lot. I liked Fences. That's not an old white guy. That was a curmudgeon black man who's like ruining his fucking family. I love Fences. Yes, you should read all of August Wilson's works. Oh, really? Yeah, he's got a template cycle of the black experience. You could learn something about us. I would love. I would
Starting point is 00:46:58 love. I'm trying to. I'm trying to read a bit more of this. Why is there an easy way to get into reading because it's like reading a screenplay or whatever. Yeah, you get through them pretty fast. Why are you and I are doing something this year and you know, it will be fun to tell the world about this. Maybe they can partake. What is it? Tell me. We're doing the 100 movie challenges. You know, I actually learned this from our buddy Demi who was on our church's episode. He did a thing he did last year, 100 movies, 365 days. Yes. And it's basically you spend a year and you try to watch 100 movies in one calendar year and it's not unattainable at all, but it's just slightly more challenging than you think. It works out to about nine or 10 movies a month.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And if you find yourself and the idea is you watch it's a new movie that it counts to fulfill the list. Ah, yeah. So like something you've never seen before. So I couldn't watch Ghost a hundred times and count it. I know that Ghost is one of your favorite movies. I love Ghost. It's it's great. You know what? You arrest a love ghost and also whoopee is very, very funny man whoopee is very, very funny. Perfect. Whenever people talk about sketch comedy, I'm like the second half of the movie. All her scenes are sketches. She has one game that she plays and it heightens and then she gets out and then another game starts. It's perfect. She's great. It's whoopee is a very super, super funny. I love whoopee Goldberg. Dream, dream, dream, dream to be on a show where she
Starting point is 00:48:17 plays my mom. Oh boy. She doesn't do as much stuff anymore. No, but she's in this limited series right now on ABC called we're gay or something. It's like we we're gay and we rise. We rise and gay will be is whoopee is whoopee gay in real life. I don't think so. No, okay, according to her biography that I read. No, she dated and she dated had dancing. Yes, they fell in love and made an America. Oh, right. And then while they were together, he did blackface at the Friars Club and she said he was brave and I was like this relationship is fucked up. I know that blackface at the Friars Club thing is a wild, wild, but now he's married to Mary Steenberg. Yes, who's very funny. He's like a great guy. I would fuck him in a heartbeat. Oh boy. Oh my god. Darcy is on that
Starting point is 00:49:16 show with him and I want to be like, I come to sit. I love him. I have such a crush on him. He's great. Dancing's great. Silver Fox now. Such a Silver Fox. So Nicole. Yes. What's your history with wings and Buffalo Wild Wings, Wingstop? Do you have any connection to either of them? And what's your connection with chicken wings in general? How's that, Nick? Yeah. Okay. Not to be like stereotypical, but like I black people eat a lot of chicken and I like chicken. Do you think that's a stereotype that is that's a stereotype that a lot of people there's, there's, there's been terrible racist jokes about it. And then there's, and then, and then there's just jokes about it in general. Is it, you think that is a true
Starting point is 00:49:58 stuff? Black people love chicken. Yeah. I don't know why we like it. Probably because it's tasty as fuck. I mean, it makes sense. It makes sense to love. I love chicken. It's so good. If you're ever in Chicago, you gotta go to Harold's Chicken. It is so good. I don't know what it is, but they give you like a piece of white bread and then the chicken is like crispy and then juicy and seasoned to like fucking perfection. And we would visit my family in Chicago every summer and we would eat Harold's Chicken and it's just so good. That sounds fucking awesome. I love chicken. So it's like a fried preparation with some sort of sausage is like, no, there's no sauce. It's like Kentucky Fried Chicken just better. Right. It's so good. And then ironically enough, Chinese food restaurants,
Starting point is 00:50:40 I guess it's not ironic, but Chinese food restaurants in New York have some of the best fried chicken. They have great fried chicken. It's so good. That's all I eat from Chinese food restaurants in New York. But that's like a big Asian thing, right? Because Korean fried chicken is a big thing. I think there's a lot of seasoned breaded chicken from the east. It's such a funny thing to say like, you know, a specific, you know, race or whatever loves chicken because it's universally, it's just who doesn't like chicken? Is there any more universal meat? It's like in every culture. It's not offensive. It's not you season it the way you want it to taste. It's not like sacred to anyone where it's taboo. It's not like, oh, you're kosher. You can't eat
Starting point is 00:51:24 chicken. It's like, no, chicken is always on the menu. What is kosher? That's usually avoiding shellfish and pork products. It's a Jewish thing. It's yeah. Is that when a Jewish priest has to bless it? Uh-oh. What's that? A rabbi? Yeah, a rabbi. Yeah, no. There is food like that. Like a kosher kitchen does have a lot of things. Yeah. They'll have specific standards and they'll have to... A rabbi will look over it. Right. Yep. I think so. I mean, we're doing a bad job of explaining it probably, but... We should always have standards in kitchens. Someone should always be looking over it. We should all be kosher. I remember in college, the kosher food was always so good, and it was for kids in the college who were Jewish, and I would go up there all the time
Starting point is 00:52:16 and get that food. And they knew that I was like, dude. Like just like the whitest Catholicly looking boy that would come up and be like, I want the pie. I want the kosher pie. I want the kosher pie. Why did you have to say it like that? Why couldn't you use your normal Mitch voice? The kosher pie. The normal Mitch voice is even dumber than the card... It is true. I would go up there and say what I wanted out loud in front of the man, and I would take it. It was always much higher quality food in the kosher kitchen. That's like on airplanes, allegedly a trick is if you're going out of the country to ask for a kosher meal because it's better than the normal meal. My friend was like, do that with vegan food too. But I did that going
Starting point is 00:53:03 to Australia, and they literally served me slop. The flight attendant literally put it down and she was like, I don't know what that is. And I was like, okay. And it was disgusting. And then I was like, I'm so sorry. I'm not vegan. I was just trying something new. Can I have something else? And she was like, Oh yeah, girl, we were talking about that in the back say, and how can you eat that? So it's not a good trick. That's very, very funny. You had to tell her that you were basically... Yeah, I was like, I'm a liar. I don't need to eat the vegan food. Oh, it was so gross. But then I ate some noodles and I was like, yes, Delta. You know, you did, Nicole, you did something similar when we were at Buffalo Wild Wings, which was a thing that I like, if I was in your situation,
Starting point is 00:53:42 I had that vegan meal and I was, I'd just be like, fuck, well, I guess is what I'm eating. But you spoke up, did a similar situation. You ordered a drink and sent it back. Oh, it was two. I thought you sent it back. No, I did not. No, I like this story. I remember I was kind of questioning it. I would thought it was you. I would never send a drink back. I would quietly drink a beverage that I hate and pretend to convince myself that I liked it. If she brought you a glass of bleach, I think that you would probably drink it. No, I just, I couldn't drink it. It was a little too sweet. Also, like, it's not her fault. I don't think... Right. So I was just like, please bring me something else. Yeah. I tried your drink and I
Starting point is 00:54:19 thought it was... You liked it. I kind of liked it. It was too sweet. You said it was like, what, my time? It was a little bit my type, but it was, it was sweet. I can do it. I like sweet stuff. Yeah. Like sweet drinks. No, I don't. If I'm eating something sweet, it has to be a dessert. Are you gonna do a dessert thing? We'll do it. A dessert. When we do March Madness 2022, it will be dessert or something. Jesus Christ. I'm still gonna be doing this. That's depressing. I know. Far in the future that is. I know. Anyway. The year six of Trump's presidency. And do you think he'll win a second term? I mean, I don't know. I mean, there's historically... Why are things that the Democratic Party has not learned their lesson?
Starting point is 00:54:56 They need to learn some lessons and listen to their, the people of the party. It's been a little, it's been a little tough. You know what? I don't disagree with you. I think that there's, you make a lot of good points. But also historically, the incumbent just has such a big advantage in the presidential level, but who fucking knows? It's also all the rules out the way. Incumbent. What does that word mean? That's a good one. The current, the current office holder. Oh, I'm gonna use that incumbent. Yeah. You were really happy that Perez won the DNC chair, right? No, I was, I mean, I was an Ellison man, but I'm okay with Perez. No, I know, of course, I know that you were back. Oh, I get it. Yes. I get it. Being sarcastic. I'm,
Starting point is 00:55:28 I've made peace with Perez. I don't, I'm not like losing my mind. Why didn't you like him? I just prefer, I thought Ellison was a better candidate. He's, he's, he's more progressive. Just getting into politics. I was like, this is not good. But is it, are we boring to get into politics? I don't know. No, I mean, I'm not gonna get super, super. I just want to stay abreast of like what's happening. It's good to be a way. You would like Ellison. He's a Muslim man and I like Muslims. I think they're nice people. He's a progressive guy. He was in, oh well, it didn't happen, but he's deputy chair. Hopefully it'll come together. Deputy chair, like Vice President. I honestly don't know how much power
Starting point is 00:56:04 it has. I think it's might just be largely a symbolic role, but it seems like a positive thing that it's a symbolic thing. Look, we got a toxin of wings. We were so wildly off topic. We're doing all right. Where do you rank wings? Is our wings like, like as far as chicken goes, is that one of your things? I love wings. Okay. If I'm at a bar, I'll eat wings. Yeah, wings are great. They're just, it's hard to fuck them up, but they are, you can fuck them up. But like, you're going to try Holland Rais, by the way. That's just a side note. I want to really bad. Who mentioned that yesterday? Was it you, Weiger? Who mentioned Helen Rais? Possibly. We might have been talking about it. We always preach about it. It's great. I really want to go. I do. I really
Starting point is 00:56:41 love chicken. And I think Buffalo Wild Wings is like, it's, I think it's great chicken for a chain restaurant. Yeah. Sometimes at a chain, you'll get like funky chicken, but I, all of the chicken I ate yesterday, I thought was very delicious, delightful. Those dry rubs. I really like the dry rubs. They do a great dry rub. I really like their dry rubs. Dry rubs are really great. Here's, here's, here's wing stop. I for, I didn't know forever. And then I, and then when I, when I tried it, I was like, Oh, I always confuse wing stop and wind street. Wing street is not good. Wing street is like owned by pizza. And it's disgusting. It's not good at all. Wing stop is very good. I really like wings up Buffalo Wild Wings.
Starting point is 00:57:24 You know, like I think like with Jack Allison and maybe even you, Weiger, like a few guys, like I started going to that to, to Buffalo Wild Wings more and more. I've always loved Buffalo Wings boneless and bone in. Right. I've always liked Buffalo Buffalo Wings, but I have a place in my heart for Buffalo Wild Wings. I have a place in my heart for wing stop. I feel like this is this round of the tournament. You got two places that do it very well. They're very in kind of similar in a lot of ways. And I feel like Buffalo Wild Wings environment is maybe better than right stops environment, but we're not judging atmosphere. We're not judging atmosphere is outside of the dome. Yep. Yep. It's outside the dome. So
Starting point is 00:58:06 that's, I just want to make that all clear because I think that this one, this is a close, close round for me. Yeah, it was, it was close. It's close. I liked wing stop, although some of my pieces weren't as good as other pieces. Like, uh, I just got, I, I did, I wasn't adventurous. I just got like the normal mild or whatever. I don't know. What's it called? Probably. Yeah. Mild or original or whatever. And like some, like most for the most part, it was very delicious, but I had a couple that I was like, this feels like a little fatty, like a, like not great, but I did like, it was like not super hot, but like good. I just, maybe I should have eaten more. Maybe I should have, I should have. Did you just have the one
Starting point is 00:58:47 order of the mild? Yes. Was that, it was at your entire. Hmm. Yes. I wonder if you didn't get the full experience. Oh no, I fucked up. No, it's okay. That's it. You didn't fuck up. You didn't fuck up. No, it's fine. Honestly, yesterday I was like, oh, this is probably what I should have done when we ordered like a whole bunch. I was like, I think I did it. I'm bad because I like stopped in on Sunday and I was like, oh, I'll just eat it real quick. But then I was like, I just got the one thing. I was like, well, I don't want to go back and be like, excuse me. I need more food. It's, it's, but it was, I liked it. It's, it's, it's very good. It's good. I will stick up for wing stuff. It's very good. I love those salt and vinegar wings. Yeah. Do you
Starting point is 00:59:32 like salt and vinegar wings? I know. I thought you, I thought, I knew that you kind of thought they were, they're gross. And I also had some of the, I had one piece of the bonus Jamaican jerk, one piece of the, what was the other one? The other one, the other one. The Parmesan garlic Parmesan. And then I had, as far as the wings go, I had the desert heat, one of the desert heat wings. I like that desert heat one. That was the dry rub, right? Yeah. That was a dry one. It wasn't too spicy because my stuff, I had the case of the rumblies. And what was the other, what was the other wing that I had that wasn't too spicy? Was it a lemon pepper? I had a lemon pepper. I liked the lemon pepper, although the lemon was a little too zesty for me. And then the pepper was like a little too
Starting point is 01:00:09 peppery. I was like, this is very intense flavor. That lemon pepper issue that we, that we've fallen into. Um, I'll quickly just say what I got at Wingstop Lager. I'm just going all out. I got a combo, a 20 ounce, 20 ounce diet coke, seasoned fries with light amount of seasoning. Didn't really eat much of them at all. Actually, I had a couple ranch, regular blue cheese, garlic, Parmesan wings and Louisiana rub wings. Um, I liked, I liked it a lot. Yeah. And those Louisiana rub wings are up there with the salt and vinegar for me. Uh, I want to know what a disaster just knocked over a milkshake. It's okay. I want to look up what I got. Okay. Hold on a second. Oh, yes. The, uh, yeah, the Louisiana rub, which I also got. Let me say this, dry rub,
Starting point is 01:00:56 bad hand job. What the fuck? Great wing seasoning. Jesus. Oh man, that's my favorite thing. I love dry rubs on wings. Dry rub. I kind of like them. If you scroll up. I kind of like dry rubs more than sauces. I feel like, cause like a lot of times people think that dry rub is going to be, a lot of times people think a dry rub is going to be like a less dry or a less moist wing, but the, the, the, there's still moisture in the meat and you're still getting it from the brain. Someone's given you a clean job before. You think it never in my life. Someone has touched my wiener. Bitch. Yeah. I love that wiener. It was the term you chose. Wiener, wiener's funny. I mean, I don't like anything that he says sexual at all. Why? Cause it creeps me out.
Starting point is 01:01:47 He's got a nice face, a friendly smile. Oh boy. What a thing to say. I'm loving this. Why can't he say things on his mind? I thought it was very funny. Look, I love the dry rub on wings. I think that Louisiana rub, if I'm going to go one to one with that versus the desert heat, that Louisiana rub, which is described as a crispy dry rub, hint of garlic, some deep south Cajun love. I thought that was delicious. It's, it's so super yummy. And I also love the, do you guys need a paper towel or something? What's going on? It's fine. Everything is fine. This is a fucking mess. Um, this is my house, Wiger. Yeah, I know. I'm just saying knocked over a fucking milkshake. It's fine. I can't even, it's fine. Everything's fine. We're going to clean
Starting point is 01:02:28 it up. There's some paper towels right over. You want me to get some paper towels? No, no, no, no. The lemon pepper I got, I prefer the lemon pepper wing stop to the lemon pepper at Buffalo Wild Wings. I think what you're talking about, about the zest, the lemon pepper, I think is like the lemon, the lemon, the forward lemon-ness is like toned down a little bit. And it's just like a really well-seasoned flavorful wing. Original hot, kind of boring. Honestly, I feel like both places hot is just a kind of a boring sauce. Yeah, it wasn't very hot. Yeah, it's not hot enough. You should have tasted the blazing. I was scared. I've had, I've had a blazing before and it was just too much for me. It wasn't, I don't know. Well, because the, what was it, the Cajuns, there was
Starting point is 01:03:08 one kind of spicy one. Desert heat. The desert heat was like pretty spicy. It was along the lines of the desert heat. Okay. Just a saucy. Right. Maybe, maybe could have handled it. But yeah, I almost feel like the original hot sauces that places have as a baseline needs to get just heated up a little bit these days. I agree. I did like Wingstop's Ranch. They have good, I got the blue cheese there, but their dressing is great. They give you a lot of it. It was very good. They give you a lot. I liked it better than Buffalo Wild Wings. I agree. The Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch is kind of, there's nothing in it. It's just white. Yeah. It's almost like blue cheese. It's weird. It's a great, great, great point. It doesn't have enough flavor to it. It's also watery. There's no flavor. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Boy. Yeah, I will definitely say Buffalo Wild Wings is one of my favorite chain restaurant experiences. Like I love going to Buffalo Wild Wings. It's a hoot. As far as wings, it comes to wings. It's close. I don't know, guys. It's close. I also think it's close. Should we get to judgment day? Yes. Okay. So, Nicole, basically, what we're going to do is we're going to, we're going to count down from three. So, three, two, one, we're going to say, would you have a restaurant or should we, you know, should we maybe say Rick Ross and who's the representative for Buffalo Wild Wings? The guy who lied about being in 9-11? Oh, wait. Buffalo Wild Wings. The guy who lied about being in 9-11. The comedian
Starting point is 01:04:31 who's within our community. Steve Rennesee. Steve Rennesee. Steve Rennesee. He used to be their spokesman. Was he really? Yeah. Oh, no. No more chicken for him. Oh, my God. Truly. We don't have to say, we don't have to be Rennesee or Rick Ross. But like, why would you lie about being in 9-11? There's another person who lied about being in 9-11. It's a woman and she started a whole foundation for survivors and she wasn't a survivor. I think these things, like it just, it's like starts as a small thing that just gets out of control and then you're at a point where it's easier to perpetuate the lie than to, than to go back and fix it. All right, so we're going to hear you just say, if you want, if you want Wingstop to Wing, you say Rick Ross. And if you want
Starting point is 01:05:12 Buffalo Wild Wings, you say Steve Rennesee. Rennesee. Rennesee. Okay. And so basically, we're sending the, the winning win, the winning wings are, we're sending them to hell for the devil to eat. And we want to change his mind. We want to turn him from an evil devil into an angel. This chicken bite will be so good that he will, his heart will, his black heart will turn gold to gold and he will ascend to the kingdom of heaven. So basically either Rick Ross or Steve Rennesee. You know, let's change it to, let's change it to Cole's bitch, Buffalo Bill. All right, Buffalo Bill or Rick Ross are going to go down to hell, deliver these wings to the devil. So say, say the name, the name of the man associated with the place that you want to win.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Okay. Okay. All right. So we're going to count down from three. All right. Oh, wait, in our heads? No. Oh, you want to meet it? I thought you were going to lead it up. You set it up. I'll fucking do it. All right. Here we go. Okay. Three, two, one. Rick Ross. Wow. Rick, wow, Iger. We both went for wingstop. We both went for wingstop. And I can see why you did it. The sauce I did have on my wings was very good. Yeah. But my wings at, at, why can I remember? Buffalo Wild Wings. Buffalo Wild Wings. I felt like they were just like juicier. Right. I thought they were just, I thought the chicken itself has a little bit more flavor than at wingstop. I'm surprised. I was surprised. I ordered, after having a terrible upset stomach
Starting point is 01:06:48 all day, I ordered wingstop after going to Buffalo Wild Wings. A very intense day of eating. And I liked wingstop wings better. So help me. I completely see that. I really did. And no disrespect to B does. I have a great time every time I go to B does, including last time. I had a great time. It's a good place to go. Wings stops like grab and go experience is different. Yes. It's funny that I know what you're saying about them. They can be juicier. Sometimes I like, like I can get like the overcooked oil taste at Buffalo Wild Wings more. Sure. I mean, like, you're going to fall into the issues with both of those places. Wingstop. I liked better. I'm surprised that this, I thought I was going to be the only one who voted for a wingstop. I was,
Starting point is 01:07:31 I was also surprised by myself as well. So Rick Ross is truly maybe blinded by the glitz and glamour of Buffalo Wild Wings. Such a fun experience. Wingstop is not a good experience. The atmosphere is not nearly as good. We ate, we ate in there once and I think we all gave it like three forks, because it was just such a, so it's like ugly in there and they have like one roll of paper towels counter. Rick Ross, his taste buds are, are, are, he's taste buds are on spot on. He knows, he knows what he's doing. He's a black guy. Black people love chicken. Well, he's delivering a dozen wingstop wings to the devil right now. The devil won't hurt him. He'll, maybe he'll sing a song to the devil and get out of there unscathed. It's probably
Starting point is 01:08:20 a little happen. Probably that's how he did with Jared Leto, where he was the joker. Was that Rick Ross and like Skirlek? I think maybe yes from Suicide Squad. He'll sing the Suicide Squad song. Did you guys see Suicide Squad? I saw Suicide Squad. I loved it. You love Suicide Squad. I love, I love this thing. I'll tell you why. I love this thing. It was so funny. Okay. I just, okay. So the scene where Viola Davis is explaining the whole movie to you where she's eating steak. She eats so much steak. That probably took like 10 hours to shoot. How much steak did she eat? One. I love that. Enchantress. I loved that take where she was just like, enchantress. It was like she was doing this weird dance the whole time. I thought it was very funny. Yeah. She totally
Starting point is 01:09:08 shifted into this otherworldly character, like on a dime. It was so strange. And then I loved the lizard man was a black lizard man. He is the end he asked for. That's like a reveal. You don't know his race at all. No, because he's an animal man. Yeah. Yeah. Why did he have to have a race? And then I think I loved it because it wasn't supposed to be funny, but it was so funny. Right. Will Smith looking at the window of the mannequin of the little girl after his little daughter was like taken from him is so on the nose that I loved it. And then the flame man where they're like, Hey, I say someone wants to talk to you. Drop your burrito when he's not holding a burrito. It's so racist. I loved that movie. I will say this. I think that suicide
Starting point is 01:09:55 squad. I kind of go off against Marvel movies a lot. It's DC. It's DC. And so I'm like, Oh, no, I'm sorry. Yes. No, I'm saying I go up against Marvel movies. So I'm saying that I think that Suicide Squad is actually like more interesting than a lot of the Marvel movies. Like I'm like, it wasn't a great movie, but I do think it is actually kind of an interesting movie. Yeah. Even in its bat in its bad ways. I mean I will say I think I think I think it is Cain in that the that the Gator guy is a black man or like like like doesn't he like what's his name? He's always killer croc killer croc killer croc. I think has always has he is that or am I making I have no I have no idea. I don't know that it was a strange choice to have a mask for B. T.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah, and then you see him watching B. T. Uncut, which has been off the air for a very long time in his jail cell. The whole thing was just it was a wild movie. I laughed so hard that people in the theater were upset with me. I love it. I as a real real fun contrary intake. I did not like Suicide Squad. Love bad movies. They had they made a lot of strong choices. Fifty Shades of Gray. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. I can't get behind. I used to watch Fifty Shades of Gray. I was like, Oh, it was so funny. The second one's Trash. Nothing happened. Yeah, it was so mad. I can't I can't I can't I watched it and was just I I had it on on HBO or whatever. And I was just shocked that that anyone could go and enjoy that movie ever. But I'm happy that you did. I'm happy
Starting point is 01:11:30 that someone got joy. I love bad movies. I love them. Well, guys, we started talking about good movies earlier. We're ending on a note talking about bad movies. We discussed wings in between. And let me tell you, Buffalo Wild Wings, surprisingly going to the Losers Bracket in Fat Chance Kitchen, which you can listen to on the Doughboys Double, our weekly bonus episode, which you can get by subscribing at slash Doughboys. Wingstop, The Pride of Rick Ross, moving on to face Wendy's in the semifinals. Wendy's. Yeah, the Wendy's Chicken Sandwich. Oh, I was like, Wendy's doesn't have wings. Oh, they got some great. Do they have a secret menu? No, no, no. We've got a sandwich region they're representing. I do love a Wendy's Chicken Sandwich. It's great. It's Wingstop.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Oh boy. It'll be quite a match. It's quite it's quite the match. I'll call it now. Wendy's. Wow. Big prediction from Bayer. I think we might have one vote for Mitchell already. We'll see what happens. People think that I, well, you never know. You never know. You've been very objective so far. Nicole, do you have anything you would like to plug? Oh my God, I got nothing going on in my life right now. My show got canceled. You might still be able to find it on the MTV app. It's called Loosely Exactly Nicole. I have an Instagram and a Twitter. Oh, you can see me live at UCB Sundays at 11 p.m. doing search history. Oh yes. Check it out if you're in the LA area. That's it. That's it. That's one of the funniest there is. Thanks for joining us. I also want to go ahead, bitch.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I want to introduce to the competition in honor of the Nintendo switch coming out that you and I will both get a Nintendo switch item within this tournament. What does you mean a Nintendo switch item? What does that mean? What's a Nintendo switch? You'll see on the next episode. Oh, we'll find out what you mean by a Nintendo switch item. Nintendo switch is their new console. Oh, okay. It's coming out this week, right? It's coming out this week. So wait, what was before the switch? The Wii U. That's been out for so long. And then the Wii was before that. I like Wii bowling. And then the Gamecube was before that. Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, NES, Famicom in Japan. Yes, we know Famicom in Japan.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Well, that's Famicom. Famicom, like family computer. Famicom. It was the original NES that was released in Japan. They bid one. And also it was the Super Famicom. Is it calm or calm? It is calm. Super Famicom in Japan as well. It was the Super Nintendo. Boy, we were wrapping it up. Then we got into a bunch of Nintendo deep guts. The nerdiest shit we could talk about. All right. That'll do for this episode of Doe Boys. Until next time, for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. I'm Nick Weigher. Happy eating. See ya.

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