Doughboys - Tournament of Chompions: Full Bird Region with Eugene Cordero

Episode Date: March 9, 2017

Eugene Cordero (Kong: Skull Island, The Dumbbells podcast) returns to help officiate the third match of the first round of Tournament of Chompions: Chicken Fight, as the ‘boys reveal the competitors... in the Full Bird Region. Plus, it’s a shake down, as the trio tastes the limited edition King Kong sweet treats from Johnny Rockets.Make YOUR chompion predictions @ more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Doughboys! The Tournament of Chompions 2017 is presented by Starburn's Industries. Watch Season 2 of Animals returning to HBO March 17th. The end of the 18th century saw the Haitian Revolution, an uprising where slaves on the island of Hispaniola, who had been tortured and brutally worked to the bone by their French masters, overthrew their overlords and declared self-rule. It drew a straight line to the Louisiana Purchase, which, while widely credited to the genius of Thomas Jefferson,
Starting point is 00:00:39 had as much to do with Napoleon's desperate desire to ditch the French colonial presence in America in the aftermath. The massive US territorial expansion of the 1790s gave us portions of the home states of America's triforce of mega-fried chicken chains a century and a half later. Kentucky, where Colonel Harlan Sanders, a Frank Abagnale-style huckster who worked countless careers, founded his famous eatery. Texas, where a restaurant called Texas Chicken was opened by George W. Church Sr., who didn't live to see its success or its name change. And Louisiana, where an eccentric businessman named Al Copeland began his chicken shack,
Starting point is 00:01:10 named after a popular cartoon to which he didn't even own the rights. This week on Doughboys, the third match-up of the quarter-pounder final round of Munch Madness, The Tournament of Chompions, Chicken Fight, Full Bird Region, Church's Chicken, Versus, KFC, Versus, Popeyes.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Let's go! Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants for production of I'm Nick Weiger, alongside my co-host, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Mitch, how you feeling so far? Good. We're right in the thick of it, huh? We're three into the first round. We've eaten a lot of chicken so far. How is your mental health?
Starting point is 00:02:02 How is your physical health? Mental health? Not good. Physical health? Maybe worse. Actually, you were witness to me yesterday, even now. You had an episode. We were at another restaurant for a future episode and a future episode of the TV show, but you had an episode of a health episode. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:24 At Buffalo Wild Wings. That makes it sound like I was like taking it on a stretcher or something. We were concerned because you had like you stood up from your table and were like, this is a medical condition. I need to go. Yeah, I probably should have announced it like that. It seemed like a big deal. My stomach was just not,
Starting point is 00:02:40 I mean, we were, this is insane what we're doing and it's very bad. It's very bad for our health. It's very bad for our health. And for the podcast. And yes, that too. It's not good for me. It's not enjoyable to listen to. No.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Howdy ho to Spoon Nation and you know what? We're coming from, we're not going to play drops. We're not going to do any of that bullshit because we're in the tournament. We've got, we're in the neutral zone. We've declared armistice. There's no Spoon Man roast. There's no drops from Mitch. There's no drops, but I want to say that we're, what do we, what do we want to call this?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Casa, what was it? You called it the cat villa. Yeah, cat. Oh, Cat Vila. Cat Vila. I pitched Cat Coop. I don't know how to pronounce it. I don't know if it's Vila or Vila.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I feel like it's via via, but maybe it's Vila. The Cat Coop. Someone said the Cat. I, I, I pitched. Oh, Cat Cage is good. Cat Cave. Oh, Cat Cave. So we should, we should continue just trying to come up with a name.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Naming type of domiciles, types of domiciles and put cat in front of it. The feral mansion. The feral mansion. I like that a lot. That's great. All right, that's more of a feral hovel. It's clean in here. No, it's actually, it's pretty clean.
Starting point is 00:03:52 You do a good job. Well, I didn't. I paid, I paid, I, a cleaning lady came up, but I did, you know, I, I, I stayed up till four in the morning cleaning it and then the cleaning lady came and I felt so bad like I kept just giving her, like I kept increasing her tip as, as the day went on because I felt so bad because like she'd open up like she opened up my room and she was like, oh my God. And I was like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:18 She, she vocalized that basically. There were, there were like a couple of things where she was like, oh man. And I was like, I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's more than, I think it's more than anything and you're not like a dirty guy, but you just have a lot of stuff. I got a lot of stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'm kind of a, a little bit of a pack rat. I have, you know, I'm a little bit OCD, which is true. You know this about me. So I, so I, I hold onto some stuff for too long. Well, rain it in. But it's, it's, oh, fuck you. I'm happy to be here though, recording for my house is good. It's great.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It's a step up. I mean, it's the facilities over at star burns where we normally record are lovely, but it's not, I shouldn't have said a step up. I mean, it's a step down for sure, but it's a step up in terms of you don't have to drive anywhere. Yes. Yeah. There's less for me to do.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And also it's easier for you. Right? Yeah. Yeah. There's a little easier for me for sure. Dustin's been very nice. Our producer, Dustin Marshall, was very nice to come set it up over here. And this might just be how things are moving forward.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Dustin is literally sitting in a chair, which he knows that I got back and I was, I was setting things up and I was like, I had my Celtics jacket there. And I was like, what is this? And Wally had puked all over my jacket. And now Dustin is sitting in that chair right now. So you got to get that bad boy dry cleaned. I have a hundred percent. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:05:31 All right. Well, let's introduce our guest. He's very, very great to make time for us right now. He's the captain of Spoon Nation, by the way. The captain of Spoon Nation. We discussed this on a previous episode when he was a guest, an actor competing to co-host my favorite podcast, The Dumbbells. And he's also in the new film Kong Skull Island, which opens this weekend
Starting point is 00:05:51 as of this episode's release. Eugene Cordero is here. Hi, Eugene. Hey, I feel great. I was like, I'm not going to wait for you to ask me how I'm doing. I'm just letting you know, just, just so we can streamline this motherfucker right now. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Also, just so I can, I didn't want to bump earlier into the conversation, but I think it's Bob Vila and Villa. That sounds right. Vila is the man. Villa is the man. Yeah. Vila constructs villas. Yeah, Vila constructs villas.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah, Villa. Villa Rosa is one of my favorite restaurants in Quincy is now closed, but I should have, I should have gotten this. I fucked up really bad. Did it close because you moved? You motherfucker. There was going to be no roasting. This is serious tournament stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm sorry, you're right. You're right, bitch. I apologize. And you know, we are doing the tournament of champions. This is chicken fight this month. It's a bunch of chicken dishes. The full interactive tournament bracket is on to recap the rules real quick.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Side stay on the sidelines and drinks are in the Gatorade jug also on the sidelines. We're just reviewing chicken. Yeah. But before we get to that, Eugene, we're calling it a cock fight. We're calling this one a cock fight. You didn't pitch cock fight. He's, he's smarter and funnier than us and immediately punched up our podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah, I like that, but we already made the graphic. So yeah, yeah, but this is just because this is the three fried chicken things. This will be the cock. This is our surprise. People did not know that this was a little, this was a little surprise for people. This is the big one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 A three way fight. Well, we can't exclude any of these. Like these are the three big chicken chains in America when it comes to fried chicken KFC pop eyes. You could say are one and two, but churches is right there in the three slot where you can't really say it's going to be kicked to the side. I mean, it's like it was the equivalent Wendy's KFC or sorry. I'm rather a Burger King McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Wendy's is kind of your big three burger. I would say those are the big three that you'd see around. Yeah, right. States is Burger King kind of slipping out of that. I think they are. They are there. They're kind of losing their ground. I feel yeah, but supposedly acquiring Popeyes.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's really yeah, which yeah, the plays into today's episode. I know that's that was a that's a big purchase. I hope they don't. Yeah, I hope it doesn't go downhill. Yeah, I hope they don't ruin the brand right or I hope there's not a Burger King KFC, I mean Burger King Popeyes like split restaurants. I kind of like I think that could work. You do.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I think that could work if they talk about KFC ones work. Well, look, I used to really like to talk about KFC combo because I used to get like a chicken sandwich and then a couple of tacos. Okay, I liked it, but I know what you're saying. Like it's kind of that weird thing of like they're both heavy food. Like if you're going with fried chicken, you're going with fried chicken. If you're going with a whopper or something, you know, with a whopper. You're also like, you know, you're you're playing a risk of like, is this
Starting point is 00:08:47 a more of a Taco Bell or is this more of a KFC chicken or like, you know, whichever one it is when it's a Pizza Hut in Taco Bell. I think that's the combination. Yeah. Yes. Pizza. Yeah. Those those pizzas, those personal pizza have been sitting there for the day.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, those are bad pizza. Yeah. Yeah. You don't want to go those half. I wonder why they even do it. I mean, Weigar and I had an example of this. We went to it was Long John Silver's and what was the we went to a combination. It was a combination KFC Long John Silver's and like Long John like when
Starting point is 00:09:19 we asked for Long John Silver's, they were like what like they had to go to the basement. Right. Grab grab that freezer fucking cod. You could you could kind of actually I think that we even commented on that that that was like some of the stuff tasted a little bit like it that was either frozen or I've been around for a really, really long time. Clearly no one ordered Long John Silver's there ever. She had to like go into the walk-in and get some hush puppies.
Starting point is 00:09:44 She's she's she's she told us like it's going to be like 20 minutes. She never makes it. Sure. That was like our fifth episode too. We were like in Gardena. We were in Gardena. 40 minutes from LA. It will never happen again.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Yeah. The way that I honestly that are and carols will never have. Carols will never ever happen again. And they're going extinct anyway. Thank goodness. I hope that they're gone so we never have to do it again. I know when we we're going to repeat carols and it's going to suck so much. But I will say this if we were to go back and like review Long John Silver's I
Starting point is 00:10:13 feel like maybe it's just because like my doing fast food eating at these fast food places so long. I this is maybe pockets is maybe good for me in the long run that I hate. I'm starting to hate him. Yeah. I'm starting to turn on some places and I feel like I was nice to Long John Silver's and if we were to do that now I feel like I would have given it like one fork or something like yeah and it's just it's who would have thought that chicken fight would be
Starting point is 00:10:37 worse than I'm like at a burger brawl in the burger brawl. I feel I feel so much more sick. I think it's all the fried. Yeah. Like the burger at least it's like places grill them or close to grill them or whatever it is. It's just like a piece of meat and maybe two pieces. This is just like some fry.
Starting point is 00:10:54 You know, it's fucking this is bad. Dick. Yeah, but this is bad. This is bad. This is bad. This is bad for your heart. It really is not trying to bring the dumbbells into this. But this is bad.
Starting point is 00:11:03 No, you need to bring the dumbbells to save our lives. Yeah, but this is yeah. But hey, it's the top three. We got to get to him. Yeah. You got to do him. You got to do him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I mean, before we get before before we go any further, bitch, just reassure our listeners that your health is okay. Because we talked about when we moved away from it. Yes, my health is good. My health is good. I my stomach is just hurting. That's all it was. Oh, so it wasn't a chest pain.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You weren't having. Oh, no, I wasn't having a chest pain. You were just having issues yet. You had upset little boy tummy. It's upset. Look, as as Weigar calls it, case of the rumble. Oh, yeah. You had the rumble.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But it's like it was like a 72 hour case of the rumble. Oh, I had a stomach ache going into I told Weigar. I was like, I have a stomach ache and he's like, oh, you got to come and do the Boppa Wild way. So I was like, what am I supposed to say? Yeah, we got we can't like we've committed to that. You guys have things to do. Your impression's gotten better and better.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I think it's better because you're looking him straight into the eyes. Right. I also also you've really captured my habit of not saying words. Okay, bad about yourself. But you got to be right out. The colors here were waiting for you. We also went to. I mean, we can just say that it's Buffalo.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's it's on the little the tournament block. We can say that it was Buffalo Wild Wings versus Wingstop. Yeah, we that's our the brackets, but okay, but but we went to the Buffalo Wild Wings on Hollywood Boulevard the day after the Oscars in Hollywood Boulevard was still shut down. It was the most fucking mess. It was a fucking mess nightmare. It's still shut down today.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah, by the way, why do the why? Why do they keep it shut down for so long? Is there some reason for that? I have no I guess they've got like a lot of equipment and set dressing to have to move out of that theater. Also, I think maybe the Logan premieres this week. That makes sense to keep in this. They just keep it shut down one to one and then yeah, and then the Kong
Starting point is 00:13:00 premieres next is the eighth. Is that act is going to be at Gromans? Yeah, it's going to be at the Adobe theater. I think that's fucking cool. That's great. Is a do you know if King Kong is going to the premiere? Yeah, he'll be there. He was there in London today for that premiere.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh, cool. Shut up a little late. Right. Jesus, why are you do you know, you know, he was just he's the he's difficult. I went out for the role. You did. Yeah. I get it.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Would they tell you too big? I thought you didn't do the copy. Okay, you're bad. I'm a bad read. Shit. Can we start over? I said that a few times. You know, King Kong doesn't walk through the door.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So just stop walking through a door. All right. Let's be in a Kong skull Island. Yes. You brought to our attention. That Johnny Rockets, the burger and shake and fries chain kind of a throwback to the fifties has a Kong skull Island shake at the moment. They do.
Starting point is 00:14:06 They have a Kong skull Island menu. Right. But as I was waiting to, I grabbed the shakes for the podcast so that we could have some and celebrate the movie. But I also was disappointed because nothing on the menu has changed. They have just the banana chocolate. Oh, they just labeled it a Kong shake. They just put all of the art from the movie stuff in it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Maybe they didn't have the peanut butter banana one. I think that might be new. Yeah, peanut butter banana and chocolate banana were the two shake varietals you brought in for us from Johnny Rockets. You're kind enough to go pick those up. Because we were even talking, we're doing the Doughboys Doubles now. Yeah. And we were like, let's do Johnny Rockets and we'll do a Doughboys Double
Starting point is 00:14:57 or we'll review the Johnny Rockets Kong menu. But yeah, it was these two shakes. Yeah. But I gotta say, I really like one of these shakes a lot. And if that one isn't on the menu all the time, I think it's a fucking winner. Wait, which one do you like a lot? I like the peanut butter one. And I don't love peanut butter shakes.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And the peanut butter banana one is very good. I'm a peanut butter nut. Are you? I love peanut butter. In shakes even? Yeah, in shakes, in desserts. I love peanut butter and desserts. But that peanut butter banana shake is, and knowing that going in,
Starting point is 00:15:34 but that peanut butter banana shake is a home run. It's fucking a delight. Yeah, I'm not a huge peanut butter guy in shakes or really with anything. Yeah. And this with the banana, they crushed it. It works really well. The chocolate one and banana, I was like, it tasted fine. I probably would never order it.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Do you wish that you had this shake in the universe of the movie to calm down? Yeah. Yeah, I do. Well, actually, I haven't seen the movie yet, but there's a possibility that that does happen. There is a lot of branded Johnny Rocket stuff. I'm not spoiling anything. You've seen any of the trailers that it takes place in the 1970s. So for us to throw back to 1950 and talk about Johnny Rockets is, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:22 not to be able to say all the time throughout the whole movie. Yeah. I mean, it's like Happy Days was made in the 70s, but about the 50s. It's about that was about when the nostalgia wave was hitting. So it tracks. So we missed soda pops. Yeah. In shakes.
Starting point is 00:16:36 You know, that's funny because I'm like, oh, like there's like a nine, you know, big 90s nostalgia now. Maybe is it just 20 years after the fact? I think that's what I think it is. Yeah. Yeah, because there was a big 80s thing a little while ago. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Adults like they I think adults hit their 30s and then they start thinking about their childhood. Yeah. That's that'll do. And it contrasted without she. I think it took me to my my teens to start reflecting back to my childhood. Reminiscing. You started thinking about you being four or five years old when you were 15.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Rough, man. I know it's been a right. It's been a rocky ride. Hey, is Manchester by the sea good? Is Manchester by the sea good? It's about Quincy, right? The man the the the I mean, when can we start making it? Because I always feel bad with spoiling something.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I don't don't spoil that movie. I just asked you a general question. Yeah. Do you find it good because it's from where it's where you're from? I didn't love it. Okay. I didn't love it. And I've mentioned that in the in the movie.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's about this depressed guy who lives in a basement in Quincy. Yeah. And I told Nick that that's that is where I had my happiest days of my life or in a basement in Quincy. So I can't relate to that character. Sure. He should be happy. He should be like he's he's to be in a basement in Quincy is a gift.
Starting point is 00:17:54 What a yeah. But I mean, that's like, I mean, the movie Moonlight. I didn't I love the beach, but I didn't get a hand job. I'm like my best friend. Yeah, good point. I guess I guess. Yeah, this doesn't have to be one to one. I guess, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I like I think I like I think I liked Moonlight better than it. I I I thought that this how did you feel about the the Oscars just in general where did you did you have a favorite or I think it was funny? I thought I was in I liked the show. Yeah, not the show was funny. Yeah, but how did you feel about the movies? Is right there weren't like there. Yeah, there wasn't yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It wasn't it wasn't my favorite year for for films. I'm a big lion guy. I loved lying. You love lying and this just came on recently. You really are talking about lying. Why we watch me and now we watch lion this past weekend and wept a beautiful movie. Yeah, I heard it's very nice. I want to see it.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Great crime. You or Natalie. I we both cried. Yeah, I rarely cried. That was like my third cry this decade. You cried. Yeah, real tears. Yeah, I cried.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It's like very moving. There's a very there's a very emotional coda. It's surely was this wasn't lubricant. Did you automatically think of Nipsey Russell in the original whiz? Yeah, yeah, me too, where it's just like dark right oil oil's coming out of my eyes. And I start sparking like on the Simpsons and my face melts. No, I was genuinely moved. It's like a it's a very it's a very touching story about topics that aren't commonly explored.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's very well done. I had a big grire this year. Yeah, a monster calls. And I know I think you already made this joke on the podcast that I related to the monster or something stupid, you asshole. But a monster calls that that that's another. That was a big that was a big weeper for me. I we are me and Trish, my wife.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I feel like we always have to put that precursor on this show. We always call your wife out. We started watching that one and then we stopped halfway through. But that's I think it was that one of the first movies we tried to watch since our son Quincy was born. The man the man himself. He's the best. But I think it's because it was a little boy who possibly was like losing his mom
Starting point is 00:20:10 that we're like, we can't watch this. Yeah, it's it's it's heavy stuff. And I mean, everything I, you know, I dealt with stuff with my dad and stuff. So they're they're it definitely. Yeah, it hit it hit an area and also like there's like weird animation stuff. I almost stopped the movie at that point where I was like, what is this weird animation that goes on in it? But if you if you hold out, it's it's good.
Starting point is 00:20:29 But probably you don't have to watch it for you don't get to watch that for a while. Yeah, I'll wait for a while. Moana on the other hand. Excellent. I love that at the Oscars, that girl crushed it. Yeah, she's really it's was she was she was she a child actress too? I mean, she is a child. She's 17.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Take it easy. Oh, Jesus. Geez. Wow. Moving on to attack that early. She is still a child. I was 16 when she was 16 when they were recording it and now she's 17. So she's still out of the range for you.
Starting point is 00:20:59 She she she I'm not interested. She looked she looked ravishing for a child. There you go, boy. I can say that she looked like a very beautiful child. She looked great. I think ravishing is the worst word you've chosen. I'm not a wordsmith like you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah. Ravishing. She looked she looked great. She did a great job. Yeah, she she she did great rain and God she needs to grow up. So second of all, she needs to mature. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:31 All right. Okay. Uh, chocolate banana shake. Yeah. That was the other one. A little too chocolatey for me. Yeah, I that's that's my thing. I'm I'm bananas for bananas.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I'm nuts for nuts. Chocolate. So shut up. Look, I'll I'll I'll take chocolate any day of the week. But I think this was just it was like a little too much of that syrupy chocolate. Yes. Too much you can see it on the actual cup. They like I feel like it was vanilla ice cream that they put chocolate sauce on.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, rather than just like if you give me a chocolate shake and you use chocolate ice cream and then milk, you did it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like use vanilla ice cream and then use like more of like the syrupy stuff. It's like it's too thick. Yeah. It's it's it's it's Mexican Coke.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. Yes, if you even though I'll defend Mexican Coke. I do like a Mexican way. What's your problem? What's your beef with Mexican Coke? It's just, you know, too much. It's too much. I think the real sugar.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I mean, I mean, it's all bad for you. But I think the real sugar just like makes it taste so different. I'll say this with Mexican Coke. When you when I drink a Mexican Coke doesn't like my teeth feel like I can feel it on my teeth more than I drink. Like I'm also used to Mexican Coke is the same as the Coke in the Philippines, which is like real. Interesting. And it's syrupy or because you don't really drink it that cold. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:51 So I guess I'm just used to it being kind of more room temperature, which also now that I'm talking about the Philippines, this being the cock fight episode. I went to cock fights when I was in the Philippines. Well, the best of the cock fights was a chicken named Popeye because he only had one eye. That is one crazy anyone like three fights in a row. Is this while you were while you were filming? No, no, no. This was just when I was visiting my family. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Did you wait and did they did you film in the Philippines at all or not? Vietnam. Oh, Vietnam. Oh, man. That that's a there is there is there a thing in the Philippines that like they love it's like very sweet food, right? Like yes. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:32 A mix of sweet food. But also like the big thing as far as dessert is concerned and ice cream is that you would put like ice cream in just a hamburger bun. Oh, interesting. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, you just did it. It was like it evens out the sweet. I think also the bun is salted. It's like a salted bread.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I'm into that. And then you put, you know, like I like a purple sweet potato or like the ube ice cream inside or like a like a really like sweet vanilla ice cream in it. We saw a version of that at Jollibee. Yes. And but I assume I did assume it was a Jollibee creation. I didn't know that was like a standard. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:14 That's how they do it in the Philippines. Like you don't get it in a cone. Wow. My other question people you mentioned on the streets coke being room temperature. Well, this is something that weirds me out that in a lot of other countries, a lot of the time, like their beverages, they will just be room temperature. Yeah. Right. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:24:33 I don't want to you're wasting water. Yes. Oh, making ice. Making ice. You're wasting water. Yeah. You know, like ultimately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So unless you're freezing, you know, dirty water. Yeah. Which then you're like, I guess wasting electricity for dirty water. Yeah. So like things that need to be cold, you keep cold. Yeah. And things that don't need to be cold. You don't.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I've heard this. It's a uniquely American thing or fixation on ice specifically. Yes. Like a lot of other countries don't have ice and like even in Europe where they'll have you'll get a soda and it'll be cold. But they won't it won't be served like over ice necessarily. I've never been, but that's that's what I've heard. And like the idea because like it's we have so much ice in America. There's ice machines on every hotel floor, which is like a weird.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Why do we need so much ice? But you just expect it to be there. I got to say as far as beverages go and I don't know how the rest of the listeners feel. But I need it cold. Oh, like I need it. I need a cold. I need a cold, cold drink. If I'm take if I'm drinking anything like I will I will instead of a can of coke.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I want fountain soda with ice. Yeah, I rather fountain drink for sure. Yeah, I think I think fountain drinks are love ice. I chew on ice. That's a bit that's a bad habit that I do the same thing. And my dentist tells me to stop and let me tell you, I'm not going to stop. Oh, my wife, my wife fucking hates it. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:54 She like, yeah, I chew on ice a little not probably not as much. Why? I've actually noticed you chew on ice before you. Yeah, it's fine. It's annoying, isn't it? Yeah, kind of actually. I should get it out. I'm not gonna, but I should.
Starting point is 00:26:07 What's a good hashtag for if you're if you're an ice stew or an ice jumper? Hashtag Iceman. Nice. And if you don't chew ice. Maverick. Hashtag Maverick. Perfect. That's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Let us know how you feel about cold beverages versus because I like it. If I like like a water or something like I want like an ice cold. Yeah, water. I like it. I like it ice ice cold. Yeah. I'll take a room temp on occasion. It just depends on my mood.
Starting point is 00:26:35 But definitely like something like a sweetened beverage. I feel like I want that. I only take room temp water at meetings. You know, when they're like room temp, it doesn't matter. And if they hand me a room temp, I'm like, okay, fine. Sure. I say it doesn't matter just because I don't want to make anyone. I'm afraid I'm going to get kicked out of the meeting.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, that's usually the wait a minute. You're not Seth Rogen. Sorry, dudes. I run out of there. Hey, by the way, is anyone is anyone going to drink this? No, keep drinking it. Go for it. It's been a bad day.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah, you might as well. We ran into each other at the Popeyes. You might as well keep going. We ran into each other at Popeyes. Eugene was in front of me. I didn't notice him. He was just we were in and he and Eugene had a good point after the fact that if you're in a Hollywood Popeyes
Starting point is 00:27:21 or really any Hollywood fast food restaurant or chain or anything, you're trying to you put your head down and you go up to the corner and you're trying to get out of there. Yeah. As quick as you can. You're just trying to fill the gullet, man. That's a that's a Dine and Dash situation.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I mean, I think people who aren't from LA, at least maybe no Hollywood's reputation is like not the funnest neighborhood to hang out. Oh, not even close. Yeah. All right. So I think I think we're you know, you were unanimous many bananas to the peanut butter banana Kong skull Island shake.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Please and a should we should we should we rate them? How many floors are in Empire State Building? Well, this Kong is a hundred is a hundred feet tall. All right. So let's let's let's do it out of a hundred. Yeah. Well, a hundred feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 A foot of Kong. Yeah. Every foot of Kong. Yeah. Great. How many feet of Kong are you going to are you're going to rate the the chocolate the chocolate? I mean, it's still a good shake.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah. They're doing an okay job with the shake, but I still say it is about sixty five feet of Kong. Yeah. It's it's a it's very drinkable. I'd say it goes up to about King Kong's nutsack. So I'm going to say I'm going to say forty three feet of Kong. I'm going to give it about fifty two feet of Kong.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So basically right around like his his right words pubic line is ending. Right, right. Have you guys seen the trailers because it's not like proportion to that perfectly. Are you telling me that Kong does not have full genitalia? I mean, he does, but I'm just saying like it's not. It's not like he has fifty foot legs right and then it starts.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah, I guess I guess that's a good point. Yeah, yeah. He would he would look very strange. He would look strange if he it was like a long leg like a beautifully long leg, you know, ravishing Kong. Well, I guess we don't see. Yeah, I guess I'm not. I'm I guess we're thinking of him as a man.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah, he is not. So whereabouts is that? I mean, I know that you want to stay around the nuts nuts. So how many feet is that? How many feet is that? I'm going to guesstimate. I'm going to guesstimate that takes me down to thirty three. Yeah, I think he's got shorter legs.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Eugene, no spoilers, but do any. Does anyone get killed by Kong squishing them with his nuts? I'm not going to spoil it. So I can't tell you that. All right, that's fair. The the chocolate banana shake. Eugene, what do you think? How many feet of Kong with that one?
Starting point is 00:29:45 I'm sorry. That was peanut butter banana. Peanut butter banana shake. I think he's he's moving. They're moving up pretty high on Kong for this. So I would have to say about and I'm not a big peanut butter. But I'm a big banana fan. So I'd say has to beat it out.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Seventy eight feet of Kong. Very well, I think I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to you know, I'm going to see plus still though. Yeah, that's I think that's that's good. I'm going to go a little higher. I'm going to go much higher. I'm going to go right around to where Kong's lips are. Yeah, just the right level to give him the shake.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, that's about 90. Yeah, he's got a pretty tiny head. Yeah, he's got a 10 foot head. It's a hundred foot Kong. All right, just think of just think of like your can you draw Mitch? You're thinking of your own proportions. Where you have you have a you have a foot long head. You fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I have a giant head and everyone when it when it when I when I was in college and I lost weight, I rode crew. Your head does look like there were this Kentucky Fred chicken bucket upside down. It is the same shape. It is a huge. I think the Mitchell's just have bucket heads. We have huge and then my my mom's side that Donovan's have like they have like long huge heads too.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I got I got a huge head and when I when I lost weight in college when I was growing crew, I like literally like it was like a bobble. It was like a bob. I looked like a bobble head when my head was like too big. My head was too big. I was like my head is like I was like swaying back and forth from the size of my head. But yeah, I picture Kong has a little tiny head. I you know, I've only seen the trailers.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah, because I wasn't paying much attention. But it's pretty big. It's pretty big. I'm going straight to the top of his dome, 100 feet of Kong and delicious. I love it. I'll have this any day of the week. It is. It's it's it's very good.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I quick quick quick side question. I know that we're going to get to the chicken. Any other food to film menus? Hashtag food to film. What are what are some of what are some of your favorite kind of a we talked about the Hobbit, right? And I don't know why. Yeah, the Hobbit menu.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I remember going to Denny's weirdly when that was out. That was a lot of fun. Actually, I remember that for two years in a row. Yeah, it seemed pretty fun. We've talked about on the show a little bit. We talked about like I talked about Casper at Pizza Hut. There's like a few. There's a few that come to mind.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I more remember the promotions, not the specific dishes. Same here. I think it's a fairly recent thing to come up with a dish that's paired with the movie, right? It used to be like a toy. I remember like demolition man and Taco Bell. Yeah, because that's when they like futuristic. They made Taco Bell look like the future.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah, and they were probably specific. I feel like they probably maybe that was like one of the first specific menu item. Yeah, yeah, like film films with like specific menu items. I guess the thing I really like this year was probably the the fences pizza from Domino's Jesus. That was a great. This was one of my probably one of my top 10 films of the year.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Offences. It's great. It was great August Wilson man. Beautiful. Great performances. Oh, you know what? No, it's funny. I just remembered there was a Kong triple whopper at Burger King.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, that's right for the Peter Jackson 2005 one for the Peter Jackson 2005 Kong and that was a fucking huge sandwich. I was in college. I got it. I was hoping they would do something like that right for this one a big a big ass sandwich. I think at Johnny Rockets you can like double your protein or something to Kong size it.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah, I think it's the thing, but it's like there was not like yeah, yeah, I think those I think those are always fun. I feel like you see it now. It doesn't feel like it's more the trend that you see it now and like kind of more sit down any places than places that are like like fast food or something. I think they've just gotten in on the hustle. They've seen like hey, we can do this too and people don't like
Starting point is 00:33:48 we're they're not going to look at us as less with less esteem because we have these promotional items because so you know that I think Denny's was kind of the trailblazer in that regard. But yeah, let's get to I still think the banana shakes are damn good and that's that's a great tribute to a great grill. Hey guys, it's Weiger. You know, HelloFresh, it's the meal kit delivery service that makes cooking fun, easy and convenient.
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Starting point is 00:36:21 you go to slash DOBOYS. We know our fans like to snack. That's slash DOBOYS for 50% off your first order slash DOBOYS. All right, let's get to the chicken battle. Let's do it. Talk fight. Talk fight.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Church's Chicken, KFC, Popeyes, Louisiana Kitchen. Chicken only. Chicken only. Eugene, did you have any biases coming in? Yes. I grew up on KFC. Okay. And then I had more Church's Chicken in Michigan than Popeyes, I think.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But I'm biased because I'm used to KFC, but even growing up I feel like maybe it was because I had it less often. I like Church's Chicken better. Right. So I tried to like not have that. I'm also used to eating. My growing up, we would get a bucket of chicken and no sides. And we would always have a pot of white rice and we would eat
Starting point is 00:37:23 chicken with white rice. Oh, that's fucking great. That's great. So that's what I am used to. Yeah. So like any side usually I'm like, well, how does it shape up next to some white rice? Man, I love rice so much.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And also too, like listening to the dumbbells and you talk about rice, because I try to be very like carb conscious, but you talk about rice is like your kind of go-to starch. And like, you know, it's a reasonably healthy starch to start to go. So I've been eating more rice just by listening to your guys podcast. Fuck, I love it so much. Yeah, it's a resistant starch. So there's like nothing wrong, nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:57 It's like a filler. I've always feel like it's been the battle between rice and potato. Yeah, I love both. Yeah, they're both great. And they're and they're white potatoes and white rice are about equal when it comes to it. It's just that you can actually consume more potatoes without realizing you're full.
Starting point is 00:38:14 So then you can over eat potatoes. Oh, for sure. I think I think I over especially with like fries and that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah, I feel like my household was kind of equal rice and potatoes. I think my my my dad loved rice and my mom and I love potatoes. My sister loved rice. So it was kind of like split down the middle. But we both all love all of them.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Some saffron rice. Some of my favorite. That's one of my favorite sides of all time. We would occasionally get like a like I feel like there would be pizza nights on Friday and then like every so often there would be a KFC night to we were a KFC family just because there weren't a lot of Popeyes around. Yeah, no church. I don't even think there's any churches in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's fairly regionally limited. Yeah. Yeah. And so KFC was the one for us. And you know, eating it tonight, like I feel like in the of all the fast food places, I go to KFC the least maybe of all the big ones. Right. And eating it tonight.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I was like, oh, yeah, KFC is popular for a reason. Yeah, it really is. I sure I get it. And but you know, solid. It's solid and and and we were kind of being hard on it on the on the podcast before like in the weeks leading up to this. I think I feel like we've been hard on on KFC. Maybe a little skeptical of KFC.
Starting point is 00:39:27 A skeptical of KFC. Yeah. But anyways, Wager, do you what's your history with some of these places? Look, we were we were we would get KFC growing up. There is everything accessible. All these chains were accessible church and a lot of churches out here too. And like, yeah, there's some churches in my in Lakewood, California, Southern California, there's churches around.
Starting point is 00:39:45 There's Popeyes around. Pioneer chicken used to be a thing. Pioneer sometimes pioneer. I guess is now down to just a handful of locations. It's almost extinct that they should wide. But I also my dad would make fried chicken. My dad would make a fried chicken. That's great.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And that that was probably my favorite growing up. But of the chains as an adult. So when I lived it, when I moved to L.A., there was a Popeyes that I'd go to a lot and there's a Popeyes. I mentioned this before in the podcast, but there was a Popeyes right by my place where I lived for a while in Santa Monica, three apartments ago that turned into a Starbucks. And that was just such a disappointment that it just just, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:25 that was just such a huge retraction in terms of a chain that I would go to all the time. And then now it was just a thing that's everywhere. Yeah. But but I love Popeyes. And I'd say probably that's definitely my favorite. Go like going into this. I was like thinking Popeyes all the way.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, just like, I think they do spicy well. And I really like their sides, which Council. I mean, red beans and rice is is one of my favorite fast food sides. Period. And they do it really well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And so I like that there. But we talked a little bit about churches sides and you brought up that that churches Mac and cheese, which I had my last visit. And, you know, again, to be clear, side stay on the sidelines. We're not judging this in our chicken. Thank you. But the but the Mac, the church is Mac and cheese. Eugene, you brought up is great.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's great. It's really good for like a like chain Mac and cheese. Right. Mm hmm. Probably the best of the bunch. Yeah. It really delivers. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I mean, and I don't eat Mac and cheese that often, but I mean, that tasted good. Yeah. It's it's really it is really, really good. And I think their biscuit beats out. Oh, yes. They're basically lightly sweetened. It's really yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah. It's got like a little honey or something on it. We you know, I actually tried biscuits from each place, even though I'd stay on the sideline, but whatever. It came with your meal. It came with the meal. And also I just kind of was like, oh, we get to try them all. I will say, I think churches had the best of the three.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah. Though it doesn't give them any points or anything like that. No, I think I think it's the best of the three. Biker, do you want to talk about what we got? We you brought over a bucket of KFC original, right? Yeah, I got us a 12 piece original from KFC. I tried to keep it as basic as possible for my experience with each of these changes to get it as close to a one to one comparison as possible.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I did the same. I didn't even go spicy on any of them. That's right. Yes. I when I went to today at Popeyes, I got a two piece combo meal. Biscuit and I did actually I did rice and beans because everyone has always said that the rice and beans are really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Red beans and rice or whatever and they were there was really good. Yeah. I got one spicy one regular and I think that's I think Eugene was maybe playing more fair because it was maybe best to just stay with the class. Right. Yeah. Because that that spicy at Popeyes is really good. I mean, I don't know if it's a gives an unfair advantage, but.
Starting point is 00:42:42 But I think this is and maybe I maybe I fucked up. I don't know. I got the I got the I got the spicy at Popeyes. My thinking was the other places if they offered spicy, I would get it and I feel like it's kind of like that that Popeyes. That's kind of I don't know. That's kind of like what they offer. You know, it's like they have the spicy chicken doesn't church doesn't
Starting point is 00:43:04 churches offer a spicy or original, whatever. It's really weird because or is that a newer thing that churches did because Popeyes because Popeyes was doing that could be the case. But I I I feel like Popeyes does feel like it's very much like a part of the original original chicken. I don't think I don't remember KFC or churches growing up having a spicy option. I remember growing up one time with my family trying a Popeyes thing and just
Starting point is 00:43:33 getting theirs. And I think they didn't have a non spicy option at first. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And then we were just in our family is not a spicy family and we were just like who this is a lot. We need more rice.
Starting point is 00:43:44 All right. So the KFC 12 piece original I got. I also got us a three piece strips of the Georgia Gold, which is a promotion they have going. Billy Zane's Billy Zane's Georgia Gold. Right. And these are like a I mean, how would you describe the size? It's it's a it's the menu says a delicious tangy honey mustard barbecue sauce.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Get a little bit of a honey mustard. It's definitely more sort of generally. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Like to me, I was almost like this tastes like almost like a chip flavoring. It's very. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah. Yeah. Definitely because it was like kind of honey mustard and then they dropped it in some barbecue sauce. Yeah. Yes. I I really like these. I really I really liked the Georgia Gold.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I but is this because you have had three fried chicken? Yeah. And it's just different at this point. And sweet. I don't know. Now you're making me think that maybe that is why but but I think I did genuinely. I did really like it. It was tasty, right?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Like a Georgia Gold was good. I think it's like a good interesting sauce that isn't what I'd want every time. But it's like, oh, that's a I get why this is a promotion. I get why this is a thing. I get what what sets us apart. The original 12 piece. Here's the thing. KFC sometimes I think because there's more of them, there's a little bit more
Starting point is 00:45:09 variance between locations and this batch of KFC is what sometimes happens to is I felt like it was like a little crumbly. Yeah. I feel like like like the the the breading was not quite lacquered. It wasn't quite correctly coated to the skin and it was kind of falling off as you were eating and it was like a little bit like a crumb donut in terms of Yeah, I'm curious if this is a thing that I haven't realized with KFC that like once you put in the bucket and you put the top on it that yes that it starts to
Starting point is 00:45:42 like steam some of the coating off that moisture sort of why I was going to say I mean, I don't want to say that we have to DQ anything here. But you there was a good 15, you know, 15 or so travel minutes, almost 20 minute travel, travel time of it being in the bucket. Right. You know what I mean? Yeah, but but if we're also talking about the flavors of KFC chicken is still there.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah, maybe it didn't. It's like falling off the breading so it didn't have like the same kind of crispiness that Popeyes had if you just ate it. Popeyes are churches at right at your location and I and I and I ate at Popeyes and I ate at churches. I got I got to say I 100% agree with you guys and I and you do my my initial reaction was like, Oh, is this a travel thing? It feels yeah, it feels it feels breadier or something.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It feels like it's not but it but I will also say to the Popeyes and churches sometimes to to their detriment, it can be it can sometimes taste too fried. Yeah, it can taste like it's like overcooked or burnt sometimes. Sure, both of those places. So I don't know it's it's it's it's definitely it is it KFC seems more different than Popeyes and churches.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I feel like it's kind of the it's his own thing. It's like you can kind of parallel it to McDonald's like a McDonald's cheeseburger is pretty different from a cheeseburger at a lot of places. It's pretty distinct and it's kind of got its own character too. Yeah, I'd also say that there's like a the thing with KFC is kind of kind of got like that strong sort of MSG sort of flavor to a seasoning. Like it's very very part of those secret whatever the secret flavors. Yeah, it's just straight up MSG, right?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Like it's just in there. I mean, it's good, but it is it is distinct and it's and it's KFC more so than it's fried chicken for whatever sense that makes a church's chicken. Let's talk about a little bit. So I went to the one and I went to one of the ones in Long Beach. It was raining and it was one of the locations with a with only outdoor seating. So I had to eat in my car, but it's not a lovely experience.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Got the two beasts combo sounds depressing. By the way, I tell you what, I had a great time. It was I could have been just you. Yeah, wait, wait, wait. This was when it was just you and then the rest of your family went to a restaurant, but you sat in a car. Nally took my mother-in-law to a Cambodian restaurant and they had a great time and then I went over on my own to get churches.
Starting point is 00:48:08 She hopefully taught her to divorce. She was like, no, I would never divorce him and then they looked out and they see you eating chicken in your car in the rain. No, no, no, but it wasn't sad. It was fun. Yeah, the two piece combo. So it was just super crispy and super temperature hot, which I liked. I like that.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I could tell it was cruise straight out of the fryer. Very fresh, very hot, like almost like burning the inside of my mouth hot, which I love the meat was super hot inside. The thigh in particular was just like so like it had like a great crispiness to it, but also just that dark meat was just like piping hot inside and like really juicy, dark meat guys. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Big, big time team dark meat and white meat. Yeah. Yeah. Like I said before, yeah, I feel very, I feel very nerdy. I like, I like, I mean, I don't dislike dark meat. I will. Good Mitch. Good.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I'll eat it. I just sometimes it can be too flavorful. You know, I have a big problem with like, I've always had a big problem with like, like, like, Bainy or like, sure, what is that? Like sinew? Is that grizzly? Yeah. Like grizzle, is sinew not?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Is that not right? No, that's, that's, that's a valid word. Like, like, like, like that sort of area of like, I'm always, like as a kid, I, I, I feel like for a long time I was like a basic peanut butter and jelly boy. Like I like food scared me. So I feel like that's why I always, you saw too much of the game. I saw too much of it. And, and, and that's why like a big white breast of chicken is less scary to me.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And I think that that just, I got a taste from it that way. But I agree. Dark meat can be, can be great. Yeah. It can be really good. And I feel like at some of these, I can't tell what is to, what is good to do at like a fast food, like at a, at a churches or a KFC, whether dark meat or white meat is better to get.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It's, it's honestly, it's kind of tricky because I feel like sometimes if you get dark meat, it can be just like the grade of chicken can be too low. You know what I mean? And it can be like, I would assume it's the same grade of chicken. You think so? Yeah. I would think that probably I would just get your preference at any of these places.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah. It's usually, it's usually white meat. Yeah. But what did you, Mitch, what did you get at your church's experience? I also got the, I got a two piece combo and I really, I really, here's the thing with churches that the chicken breast I got was so juicy. Right. It was such a juicy, great chicken.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Like, I feel like more so than what we got with, with Popeyes and KFC. It was just like a really juicy, nice chicken. Yeah, definitely. And really well cooked and size day on the sideline, but I had mashed potatoes. Um, and do they serve pepsi, is it pepsi or coke? I got a diet pepsi or coke. I forget what it is. I don't know what they're pepper.
Starting point is 00:50:58 So I got a sweet tea. Um, and again, drinks are in the Gatorade jug also on the sideline. That's true. Yeah. They're on sideline. Um, but, but I really, really enjoyed that. Like I really, really enjoyed that breast. It was like, I really enjoyed that breast of chicken.
Starting point is 00:51:11 It was, it was, it was good. It was really great. It was in like, we talked about this a little bit on the episode, but like for a place to nail like a nail, something like that. Like I kind of, what my experience with Popeyes with, which we'll talk about in a second was kind of more of what I, I think of when I, when I, when I think of going to a fast food chicken places, like a little overcooked, not as juicy kind of been sitting around for a while, but it was good.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It was really good. Churches is good and I, I, and I tip my hat to because I always thought, I thought churches was like a joke, like, like I did, like I didn't think that they were good. I didn't think I like, I thought it was like a Yoshinoya or something. Like I thought it was, I thought it was kind of like a lower grade fast food place. You thought it was a beefball.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I thought it was, I thought it was a, I thought it was a beefball chicken was beefball was a beefball, but I, I, I was really good. I get, we, we, I went to the same location that you and I went to with the south Pasadena one. Yes. Great. Um, and then Eugene, uh, churches to tell us your thoughts. I went up to the valley deeper into the valley and went to the one, not in
Starting point is 00:52:15 Pacoima, but on the way to Pacoima. Okay. So, um, pretty thick there in the heat. Um, and, uh, and you know, it was like churches don't have, I don't think Popeyes really has drive-thrus anyway either. Um, yeah. I mean, I think some do, but not a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Um, the churches, I feel like are maybe 50, 50. Yeah. So this one was in like a shopping center, you know, um, and I was like, oh, is this gonna, is this, is this like a shitty one? You know, like I wasn't sure if like, uh, if it's going to do it justice. And then, um, and then we got me and my wife split like a meal, like, um, but I, I tried to have like a thigh and a leg at every single one of the places so I can compare the same.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And as soon as I ate the church's chicken, I felt like it reminded me of like being a kid, like the flavors were on point. Right. Uh, it tasted fresh, juicy as fuck. It was juicy as fuck. It's aggressively juicy. It was aggressively juicy. Um, and that was still like driving at home.
Starting point is 00:53:16 You know, that was after like a 10 minute commute back home. And it's still held up. Um, you know, uh, you, you, you brought a good point. Just the fact of, and I feel like this, this is like, this goes like 10 fold for chicken places, the location quality. Right. I feel like you can really hit a shitty, like when you were saying that with churches, I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And the one we went to in South Pasadena is, is good. Yeah. Yeah. And then I'm like, I feel like there's some spots that don't look good. And the same with Popeyes. Well, it's, it's a, it's a, don't judge a book by its cover situation, right? Cause it's like, sometimes it's like, you can't tell from a location until you actually order from it.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yeah. Also, you don't know like how, if it's like one of those places where it's like a franchisee where like you buy like you, can you change the menu? Can you change certain things about it or not? Like I remember after our episode of L and L, I went to a different one and I'm like, God damn glad we didn't go to this one. There's a lot of variation with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:16 There's like some bad ones. Yeah. Yeah. In LA. I don't think they're buying an L and L after we did that episode. I, you can, the franchise fee is not ridiculous. Yeah. It's achievable for a human after that one.
Starting point is 00:54:29 And then after Jonah did the Jollibee episode, I emailed him and said that we should go in together on an L and L and then hopefully like do an L and L split combo that Jollibee restaurant. Can I just say that? Why are you? Yeah. You seriously looked into buying an L and L not seriously, but I looked into it.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I was like, how is this a thing that someone could do? And I was like, Oh, it's conceivable that I could save it up. I'd be so mad walking into an L and L and seeing you in sandals in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Yeah. Try to appropriate Hawaiian culture. Wait a minute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I, I seriously did look into it for a second and my wife went, huh? Strange. What are you doing? Yeah. She went, huh? And which made me go like, man, I guess I can't do that. Popeyes. So I got the three piece crit spicy.
Starting point is 00:55:27 You know, maybe a fucked up. I don't know. Like, look, well, like if there's some sort of sandals, why don't you get non spicy? What were you doing? I just was like, I love that. I always like, I'm saying you can get, you can get both though. I guess it was one of those things where it's just like, let, I mean, in a
Starting point is 00:55:39 way to defend your, you, yeah, like you're getting the best. You're getting the best that they offer as far as their fried chicken. Right. That's what that was my thinking. Original recipe is probably the best that KFC does because they've been doing it for so long. Right. Churches, just their chicken, you know, and then Popeyes is known for that
Starting point is 00:55:57 spicy thing. All right. Thanks Eugene. So you got to go for that. You should still feel bad, Wiger. I mean, your points are not included in the judgment of this, but, but good for you, I guess. I love Popeyes and I thought this, this one really delivered.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I went to a location in Burbank and got the, it just, just super crisp, tender, juicy, very, very well seasoned. I, that's one thing I really like about Popeyes. And for me, that's maybe what, what's kind of the thing that puts it generally speaking over the top for me is that they just like, it's just so well seasoned and they're not messing around with that. Like I, I, I feel like the thing you don't want to have happen with fried chicken was for it to be bland.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah. You just be getting bread and meat. Like then, then it's just like, Oh, this is like a bad Thanksgiving sort of, you know, mush, like you want it to be really like flavor, like flavorful. And you want that to come from like a lot of spices. And I feel like that, that happens with Popeyes. I was very happy with that. Also get a side of red beans and rice and, and, and a biscuit there.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And then not bad. What did you guys think of your chicken there? I mean, you kind of showed your cards that Popeyes, your, is your winner already for the day. I don't think, well, I didn't, did I show my cards? Kinda. How so? You shouldn't play poker.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You hold, you hold, you hold your cards the wrong way. You went, well, this is what makes it the top. I think you literally said the top. I said, I said over the top in general. Okay. Well, but yes, Popeyes is my winner. Can I call the slip? I pie will, I'm going to vote for Popeyes.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Sure. Wow. Wow, Nick, even though it was the spicy chicken, which I defended. Right. No, I don't know. And it does, it does feel kind of, it feels a little skewed. Well, well, I had their original a number of times. I like the Popeyes original too.
Starting point is 00:57:47 If you made me evaluate, if you maybe chicken, pick an original original verse original, I might still pick the Popeyes. Okay. Okay. Um, I was, I, I did a two piece thigh leg combo side. I think I got coastlaw. I didn't eat it. Um, I, I just felt bad.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I, you know, you had to get a combo. Yeah. Right. Um, but I ate the chicken and, um, maybe it was because it was the Hollywood location, maybe it was because I was looking down and trying to eat as fast as I could because I was at the location I was at. Um, when I ate the second piece, like the thigh piece, um, I had to like rip. There was like too much, it was like overbredded for me.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Oh man. So I like had to like, you know, like sometimes when you, you eat the chicken, you want like a little bit of both. So like you taste everything. Yeah. It was like one of those things where it's just like, Oh, is this just breading? Like coming off of it because it was shaped weird. Like same that happened with some of this KFC and yeah, there was just like,
Starting point is 00:58:48 wait, is that just extra breading falling off of this? Yeah. And, and, and also it was like, it's, it was, oh, you know, that, that breading is also overly fried. So it's like, it's like almost like pork rinds or something. Yeah. Yeah. So it was like really hard.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I mean, the flavor of the chicken was great and it was juicy and hot and, but it was just like on the, you know, the outside, there was like just a little bit of this crust that I was just like snapping off and not eating. Yeah. I feel like cause I knew exactly what you were talking about. Cause cause we, we ran into each other coincidentally and, and it's, I don't know if it's the best location out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And it's tough. What, how, how, how are we judging this? Am I going to judge this based on what I ate or what I know about each place because, because this is, this is, this is a, this is a tough one because I do like Popeyes. I did like that. The, the, the breast I had was good. It was, but a lot of it kind of felt overcooked.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It kind of felt like overbred it and I got, I split it up. I did the right thing. Like, or I got one spicy piece, one classic piece, which you can do. You could have done that. Did you like one over the other? I did. I liked the spicy better. Unfair advantage.
Starting point is 01:00:01 No, that's just what they do. Yes. The best. I feel really stupid. I just really, I was like, I'm so, I can't believe it. No, I was a stupid one on the podcast. It turns out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:13 This is overall, this is overall turned what a twist ending. Yeah. This many episodes in, you can't tell who the stupider is. Wow. You were the stupider one. Right. You talk about politics and stuff. You try to be the smart guy, but then you're a dummy and you should put the KFC
Starting point is 01:00:29 bucket on your head. I mean, and then you'll have the same size head as me. Yeah. I also have a bias against Popeyes too, because speaking of, we're not speaking of the movie, but I'll bring up the movie again. I was away for like a total of like seven months, but there was a stint when I was in Australian Vietnam where they didn't have KFC or, you know, they had fried chicken and stuff in Australia, but not in Vietnam and we were in
Starting point is 01:00:57 Vietnam food, Vietnamese food was awesome. I had like chicken feet and stuff, which is awesome. But like American food, I did not have. And then I was coming back from that trip from doing that movie and there was an issue with our flight. So we were at the Hanoi Airport in Vietnam and there was a Popeyes and me and one of the other cast guys were like, we got to eat Popeyes just because we were so excited to be home and then we couldn't go home and it
Starting point is 01:01:28 tasted great. Like that was probably the best that that sounds like an amazing. And that, but that was like, and that's like airport Hanoi Popeyes, which I don't even think they had all the sides. We were just like, hey, do you have, they're like, no, we're like, just give us the chicken. That sounds like a like any story of like coming back to the U.S. right here.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Like I got to eat it again after being away from months or something like the locked up abroad people and like I finally had McDonald's and it was delicious, even though you weren't locked up. Yeah. Yeah. No, not it. Not even close. Mitch, that'll be your fate eventually after you're arrested on a sex tourism
Starting point is 01:02:05 vacation. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Just because I said the Muana girl looks beautiful. She did. She looked ravishing. She did not have to bring that up again. You didn't have to say ravishing or anything either.
Starting point is 01:02:16 But hey, it just will make sense when you're in Guam. The rock is going to come and kick my ass. That sounds amazing that that airport Popeyes. It was so good. Yeah. Well, maybe I see are we judging on what we ate or here's what I hear my thoughts. My thoughts are always that we can judge things on a lifetime of experience,
Starting point is 01:02:38 but the variance between chains is a thing to take into account. And I also feel like our last experience is always going to inform us the most. I mean, that's just how we feel about food, right? If we eat something, we make it makes us sick. We're not. We might never want to eat it again. Even if everything's been good up to that point. So I think I think that's that's clear enough.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I just I've just now made my decision. Okay, just just a second. So, so here's what we'll do. We know I'm going to say Popeyes, but we're going to find out what you guys are going to say. We're going to count down from three to one. After I say one, we will say our winner together. And just to be clear, this is what we're sending down.
Starting point is 01:03:12 What do we sell on last week, Mitch? We're sending it down to the devil. Okay. We're sending the so the winner of this. Good, good, good. I'm glad this is maybe we can have this isn't an email too, right? Yeah, every listener so that it makes sense to them. Maybe in this episode specifically Kong can punch his way down to hell.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Okay. And deliver this chicken to the devil and we want him to like it so much. I mean, if we're being true to the Kong franchise, it's skull crawlers that are underneath. Okay, okay. So all right, we're going to we're going to we're going to get the skull crawlers talk about it. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:03:48 We're going to we're going to get the skull we're going to get the skull crawlers. We're going to give them we're going to put a bucket of chicken in their jaw. Great. They're going down. They're going to borrow down to see the devil who is real in my eyes. I think that the devil is real good for you.
Starting point is 01:04:00 He's scary. Yep. And so we're going to school. Private school, right? Actually, I was public school. My whole you were I'm a public. I'm a proud public school boy. I went.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I got sent to private school one year for being a little naughty guy. Yeah. And then I hate it and I had to leave. I'm a public school guy. You're a good Catholic boy. You're you're a God fearing man. I'm a God. So a devil fearing man.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Oh, yeah. I'm a I'm a coward afraid of the devil. So we're going to send it to the devil. We want him to like it so much that his horns turn into a halo and he turns to an angel. Okay. I've never seen. I've never saw you so disappointed.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Well, I mean, it's just to be honest. That sounds impossible. I mean, just not even just the logistics of horns turning into a halo. Right. Same. Should we? Should we simplify this? Should it be?
Starting point is 01:04:52 I think so. Yeah. Okay. Let's say it's the exorcist. Oh, okay. She's tied to the bed simplifying it. Yeah. And we give the devil who is taken over the body of what's her name in the movie.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Here we go. Linda Blair. Linda Blair. The actress. We're giving Linda Blair we're giving Linda Blair some fried chicken and it's going to the devil's going to like it so much that he's either going to turn good and possess Linda Blair in a good way or he's going to leave her body. This did not make it less complicated.
Starting point is 01:05:21 This is more confusing. I'm saying we take up the part where we have to go down to hell. Stick with the original. I like this. Yeah, let's do the original. Let's do the horns to halos. Horns to halos make sense to me now. I've never compared to the other one.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Yeah. So let's do that. Really? Yeah. Horns to halos. Let's do it. Devil scared of the devil. Horns to halos.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Best chicken ever. He becomes a saint. Okay, perfect. Jean's eyes shifted so notably at being like so clear like, oh, this was a waste of an hour of my life. I love it. All right. We'll count down from three to one.
Starting point is 01:05:57 We'll say our winner. And yeah, we'll just do that. Okay. All right, here we go. All right, here we go. Three, two, one. Chances. Wow, a three way split.
Starting point is 01:06:09 We do not have a contingency for this. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Yes. Off of what we just the bucket of your head with the bucket of my head that we just say Wiger's last little note. Maybe turn around. I was so mean to KFC for so long.
Starting point is 01:06:25 And then I ate this and just in my mind, I was like, if I ate this 15 minutes ago, I would have liked it. All the feelings that KFC came back to me and I was like, I liked KFC's chicken. I do like that style of chicken. And I guess I haven't had a lot of experience with churches and Popeyes. I've only eaten at churches maybe two or three times in my life. Okay. Three times for Popeyes.
Starting point is 01:06:46 I got to go with KFC. That was that was pretty good. I know that I know that the like you were saying it was kind of bready on the way over, but if I if I'm getting a version of that that I know I've had in the past, I think that that's a really good chicken. That's that's fine. I'm changing my voice to churches because we need a winner. So what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:07:04 You can't do that. Well, what else are we going to do? We don't have a contingency for a three way time. You're going to change your vote. What else are we supposed to do? I mean, I guess we'd figure out mathematically like what our one, two and three would be. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:19 So let's do that. Let's say our third place first and we'll eliminate that one and then we'll have just a choice of two that we'll all vote from. Okay. Okay. So this isn't going to work. All right. No, I think this will work.
Starting point is 01:07:30 All right. So, so we'll say our third place one of the kind of three. No, your number two is churches. Yeah. My number two is churches. My number one is Popeyes. So my number three is KFC. My number three is KFC.
Starting point is 01:07:38 My number three is churches. Okay. My number two is Popeyes. My number two is Popeyes. All right. So Popeyes wins. Popeyes wins. Popeyes wins.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Popeyes wins. Because it's two number twos and one one. Okay. I loved, I loved the, I love, I, and this is, I told you this was a, this was fucking hard. This was hard. Yeah. And, and am I being too nice to KFC?
Starting point is 01:08:00 I don't think you're being too nice. I don't know. I've like the last few times that I've had pop, like I was just having this KFC now and I went like, I would always have Popeyes over KFC from right is what I thought when I was eating it based on like eating them both today. And then going like, but of the three, I really liked even just having churches the other day. I, I feel like there was something with both churches and Popeyes where it felt so fried.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Right. And KFC had a little less of that, not that it was like less greasy or anything like that. Yeah. But it just like, it felt like it was giving my fucking heart a little bit of a break in and I was like, if this was a little bit more crispy, I guess it was, if it was a little bit more fried in a weird way, in the ways that I've had it before, I feel like, I feel like it would be one of my, my favorite. You're also mixing it up with a little bit of that Billy Zane chicken.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I love the Billy Zane chicken and some milk and throwing that shake there. You know, and sides are supposed to say on the sideline, why are you, what the fuck? The integrity of the competition is out the window. This is a mess. We resolved it in a very poor way. I think, I mean, we have a resolution, which is good. Popeyes is moving on to next round. Popeyes is.
Starting point is 01:09:15 I would be happy to say that Popeyes overall would make me consistently happy. Happy. That's fair. What were you going to say before you finally flipped to KFC when I kind of persuaded you into doing it? I was going to say, it was, it was going to be Popeyes. Oh, it was going to be Popeyes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yeah. All right. So we'll say Popeyes is the winner. That'll face McDonald's, who won the small pieces region in the semifinals. We got to talk about, Mitch, we'll talk off podcasts, what we're going to do with the loser, but we've got to pick one of these as the loser to go in the loser's bracket in Fat Chance Kitchen. I think that we should go with our guests and we should go with your second choice,
Starting point is 01:09:51 which is churches. Okay. So churches will go to the loser's bracket in Fat Chance Kitchen. Oh, where do they both go to the loser's bracket? Well, then we get, I mean, we could. It just makes it such a mess. Oh yeah. We might die.
Starting point is 01:10:00 We got to figure it. We'll discuss later. We'll discuss later. So Popeyes is going to Linda Blair. Yes. She's eating Popeyes, a skull. No, we settled. No.
Starting point is 01:10:10 We're just bringing it down to the devil. That's why we settled. Skullbrother is delivering it to Linda Blair's house. Linda Blair's out of there. Linda Blair's out of there. The devil's back. He's the most feared of everybody. His horns turn, hopefully somehow turn into a fucking halo, bro.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Does that mean that the world is good at this point if the devil's horns turn into a halo? I don't know. This is your idea, bro. You tell us. I know. I personally don't care. Our genius is basically just saying right now out loud, I want to go home.
Starting point is 01:10:39 I'm just saying. I think he's on his way to the door. I'm just saying at this point, everything else in this podcast is well thought out. Except for this explanation of Helen Horns. You guys can hear Eugene right now, but he is taking his microphone and he's walked into his car. I'm on a lap. I'm starting my cover.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Fat chance. Kitchener or Losers. Bracket is on The Doe Boys Double, our weekly bonus episode, which you can get by subscribing at slash Doe Boys. Popeye is moving on. Eugene Cordero. Thanks so much for joining us. Yeah, buddy.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Yeah. I think you have one thing you want to plug, but go ahead and plug it right now. I'd like to plug Kong Skull Island and the dumbbells. That's it. Hell yeah. Dumbbells is a great podcast. If you're not already listening to it, we've bet you don't have this podcast a couple of times, but a bitch and I have both been on it and a great counterpoint to this podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:33 It's about fitness and self-improvement. You need it after all of this. Nutrition. Nutrition. They've helped me out with their advice so much already and taking a meal at a time. We're talking about, I'm going to go food shopping with you or Stanger at some point. I was talking to him. It has to be after this whole fiesta.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I've been buying groceries. I have been eating pretty well. This competition will not help me at all, but it's a great podcast. Give it a listen. It's awesome. It's like Weigar and I have said before, it's like if our podcast was one funny and two helpful. Right now, it's neither.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Yeah, exactly. It's a great one and go see Kong Skull Island this weekend. I was saying that it's so cool that being in this community or whatever, you get to see friends being in films and then this is such a big action movie that our friend is in. That's so cool. That's very cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:29 It's almost not a thing you expect from an indie comedy community year round. It's very fucking badass. It'll be fun. Dude, I'm excited with the big gun. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I got a huge ass gun in it. Man, I'm excited.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And I'm toting around a Johnny Rockets milkshake. Kong crushes one person with his nuts. And then the devil said it and his horns turned into a fucking halo. Sorry to ruin the end of the movie, but... Post-credits sequence spoiled. That'll do it for this episode of Bunch Madness, the turnip of Chompion's chicken fight. We'll see you next time. For The Spoonman Michelin, I'm Nick Weigher.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Happy eating. See ya.

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