Doughboys - True Food Kitchen with Claudia O'Doherty

Episode Date: April 14, 2022

Claudia O'Doherty (Killing It, Long Shot, Love) joins the 'boys to talk about Mitch's trip to Key West before a review of True Food Kitchen. Plus, a special edition of Slop Quiz.  Sources for thi...s week's intro: more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig in to your data. Really dig in there. Anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Yikes. Restaurant owners enjoy zero percent commission for the
Starting point is 00:00:49 first 30 days on all orders, offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. Zero percent on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. There. If you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. Breathe in two, three, four, hold two, three, four, five, six, seven, out two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. This is a version of the so-called four, seven, eight breathing technique popularized by self-proclaimed integrative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil. A Harvard-educated celebrity doctor dating from before the media
Starting point is 00:01:45 omnipresence of figures like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew, Dr. Weil has spent his public-facing career evangelizing medical advice that's outside of the mainstream, beginning with his 1972 book, The Natural Mind. His approach to human health includes what appear to be admirable ahead of his time efforts at drug decriminalization, in particular normalizing the use of marijuana and mushrooms, along with perhaps less estimable advocacy of natural remedies over peer-reviewed pharmaceuticals. As noted in an editorial by Dr. Arnold S. Relman, Weil writes in his book Health and Healing, quote, health and illness are particular manifestations of good and evil, requiring all the help of religion and philosophy to
Starting point is 00:02:23 understand and all the techniques of magic to manipulate, end quote. But this new age approach to medicine is found at share of acolytes, and whether homeopathic guru or huckster quack, Weil's empire has grown to encompass over a dozen published books, a controversial multi-million dollar partnership with, his own school at the University of Arizona, and that most American of business ventures, a chain restaurant. First opened in 2008 in Phoenix, the superficially healthy fusion menu is based off of Weil's anti-inflammatory food pyramid, though it's more indulgent dishes or as calorically dense as offerings from the much maligned Cheesecake Factory. Today, with 30 plus locations and
Starting point is 00:03:00 funded in part by Oprah Winfrey, Weil's high-end sit-down concept can perhaps be viewed as a microcosm of the haphazard American approach to health care. Its actual health benefits are questionable, and it's only available if you're willing and able to pay up. This week on Doughboys, true food kitchen. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weiger, along with my co-host, Cold Stone Steve Austin, the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. Hey, he's back. A timely roast in the aftermath of WrestleMania, Mitch. With all due respect to Sam from Salt Lake City, you sent that in. We've gotten Cold Stone Steve Austin a few different times or
Starting point is 00:03:55 a few different people, but the hour was right. This was the correct time to finally deploy that one. So fuck all those other people who sent it. He's back. One of the top 10 fictional characters of all time. Yes. He's got him, Pip from Great Expectations, Moby Dick, right. Beowulf, of course. And Stone Cold. Two cans, Sam. There's a few in the top 10. Here we go. I'm back too. Oh, my voice is kind of off. You sound okay to me. I'm back too. You're back. Real quick, Sam from Salt Lake City writes, here's my roast. I'm not sure if it's been used before as I'm going through the backlog. I will be coming to the Portland show in a sweatshirt that says Food Podcast and reference to Nick's NBA sweater in the Rubio's episode in San Diego,
Starting point is 00:04:48 I do have a sweatshirt that just says NBA, just has the NBA logo due to my general fandom of the National Basketball Association. It's very strange. It's a good sweatshirt. It's a strange thing to have. I guess a little kid would say, what do you want? He'd say, I want an NBA shirt and then we'll get an NBA shirt or something. Or I guess if you work for the league, I guess it makes sense. Sure. I mean, that's a dream. It's like getting an NBC shirt when you're a fan of Seinfeld or something. Hey, I'd do that. I do that in honor of this week's guest, Mitch. Okay. A little bit of foreshadowing. I said this in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Which is coming out in a couple of weeks. We recorded it out of order. Look, anyway, a little bit of foreshadowing for the next time you say foreshadowing. Why? I want to say it's embarrassing even though I know her well. It doesn't really matter, but it's still embarrassing to do embarrassing stuff in front of her because she's funny. And this isn't funny. This podcast, I agree. Yeah, it's not funny. It's not. How the hell? Dispondation likes. Wait, we're going to talk about, I've been away. I've been in Key West. I'm back. That's right. That's right. But first, let's play a little. Let's hit them with a little drop. Here we go. The Spoon Shack, the Spoon Shack, the Spoon Shack.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Wally and Irmine Mitch on the couch at the Spoon Shack, baby. The Spoon Shack is a little old place where Mitch records a podcast. Spoon Shack, baby. Interesting that used the, as it's basis of the audio, another song parody, the Gloveslap parody from The Simpsons, not the original Gloveshack audio. The slap. You know what? Slaps are in after the Oscars. Slaps are in. People are still going nutty over the slap. That slap miniseries is back. People love the slap. That's all anyone's talking about.
Starting point is 00:07:26 They should reboot the slap. A new grittier, younger slap. Hey, everyone. Here's a little ditty I quickly made after listening to today's episode where Mitch named his new home. I hope you like it. Best Spencer. Thanks, Spencer. Thanks, Spencer. The Spoon Shack. It was good. I sound a little strokey when they, when, you know, how he like, you know, how he kind of like, he, the guy from the strokes, you mean? No. I'm only trying to like delay my auto. So it said, like, so fit into the music where I was like, Spoon Shack. Like, it made me. Oh, little goat boyish, I guess. Like you were jacking off. Like you were stroking. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Wags, I'm back from Key West. We got an intro to, I guess, very funny, very good. We'll help us. We're kind of waiting in a pool and our guests will get in here and start swimming, you know, but I was in Key West. It was fun. I had a lot of fun. I went with, went jet skiing with cousin Greg. This is, he was named cousin Greg before the, this is before succession. Come on. It's true. You knew a cousin Greg before succession. Yeah. That's what they always call Greg. Greg, Greg Shields. We want, we want, we want jet skiing together. No, no. Greg Shields introduced to me before as Shieldsy. There's no way he was also cousin Greg. They called him cousin Greg and cousin Gurg. I swear. I'm not lying.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You've retconned this. You've retconned this because of succession. This is the truth. Do I need Dano to come in here and set things straight? Cause it's the truth. No, we don't need to waste Dano's time. He's got an actual job. And a baby on the way. Congrats, Dano. So we went to, I went to the podcast. Yeah, probably not. Got a red snapper wags, ate a lot of fish down there. Great fish. Went to a weird bar where if you go to the top floor, you can just get naked. What? Like the patrons of the bar can get naked. Emma knows what I'm talking about. It is bizarre. It's like a QS thing.
Starting point is 00:09:33 It's a weird thing. It's like a skivvy bar. It's a nude bar. On the fourth floor of this bar, you can just get naked. There's a couple of them in QS nude bars right there. Well, I will say that it was mostly old weird men who were naked. There was just like two older weird men. I took my shirt off as a joke and then there was like- You went to the nude bar and took just your shirt off. Yeah. Wow. Some lady did tell me she was like, go all the way and I was like, you're talking to the wrong guy. It's not going to happen. That would have been the place to do it.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, that's the whole thing. I mean, also whatever. I saw everyone. But there was a couple ladies part took, but it was strange. It was uncomfortable there. It wasn't my scene. I didn't know that that's what it was when I was going up until I saw it and then there it was. The cousin Greg was like the here we go. Time to drop the trowel. No, no one in my crew dropped the trowel. No one? No. No one's getting, would you have? Yeah, why not? I mean, if no one else in the crew did, I might feel weird, but I think under, yeah, I can see myself doing it. There was a ton of dressed people there.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It was like, you know what I mean? That's insane. Oh, okay. So it's mixed company. I don't know. I'd feel like if I was just there, then I just feel like I was peeping if I was there and not partaking. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's why it's also weird. Well, great. You're just saying that I'm peeping, that I'm peeking around the club. You might have been. I'm not peeking around the club. That's not, I live by the no peeking rule. I went downstairs. Michael's down at Key West doing his favorite thing, peeking. I didn't tell my mom about this either, but it was a, it was a, I went jet skiing. I was in the Gulf of Mexico jet skiing around going 75 miles per hour. That's fast.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And then drink every, they drink too much, whatever. I shouldn't say they drink too much on the VOD, but there was a lot of drinking. Your crew are Key Westians. Key Westians. You know what? Now that you say Key Westians. Yeah. Anyways, that was my trip to Key West. I had a lot of fun. I'm back. I feel like shit still. Wow. Let's introduce our guest. Our guest today, Thrilled Averback, an actor and committee from Netflix's Love Longshot and Killing It, which is now streaming on Peacock. You can watch it now today, April 14th. Check it out. Killing It on Peacock. Claudia O'Doherty is back. Hi, Claudia. Thank you so much. I love coming onto this show.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Wow. We love having you. A real treat to have you back. That sounded fake. I bought it. No, it was real. I love being here. Hi, Nick. Mitch, did you hit any manatees on your jet ski when you were zooming around Florida Keys? You know what's funny is that cousin Greg, Shields, did say, he was like, was there a part? Because we went through mangroves. We jet skied through some mangroves. It was cool as hell. Mangroves. You shouldn't do that. That seems like it's bad for the environment. Our jet ski guy. No, no, no. It's good for it. Our jet ski guy.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Our jet ski guy. Is it Derek? Was his name? I was at Billy's Barefoot. It was great. Billy's Barefoot, maybe. Spend a little more time trying to remember the jet ski guy's name. Maybe Derek. I'm not sure. He was very nice, but he took us through mangroves and then we, at one point, I hit what I thought was the bottom of, because it was low. It was very, and then Greg said he did the same thing, and then my friend Glenn said it was probably a manatee, is what he joked, and I was afraid that there wasn't a manatee. It was too shallow. I jumped out, and I was just in the Gulf of Mexico swimming around, and you could stand up. It was very shallow. It's very shallow area, but I'm a jet ski guy now. I like to jet ski.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Can you swim with your head underwater? Yeah. Wait, what? I'm just curious, because you're saying it was shallow, and that's good for swimming. I was just wondering what kind of swimmer you are. Oh, yeah. No, I can swim. I used to be very good at holding my breath. When I was a young boy, I remember I held my breath at a pool party, and I got up and people clapped for me, and it was a very nice moment. Mitch, this is where you and I are on the same page, because I have immense lung capacity,
Starting point is 00:14:16 and I can hold my breath for long stretches. I won a Superman float contest when I was a kid at the public pool. I was just facedown in the pool for the longest. What happens in a Superman float contest? You're floating. I don't know what it is, but why they're doing this, but children are floating facedown with their arms outstretched in a Superman position, and I could do it the longest. Isn't it the safest way? If you're stranded in water, you use the least amount of energy just floating like that. You're supposed to limp all your limbs and just let your body flow.
Starting point is 00:14:51 It's supposed to be an energy into the water. You know, that part doesn't make any fucking sense. That part of it makes no sense, but the rest of it. I think it's not true. I think you're meant to be on your back. I think that's the best way to do it. Deadman's float is the best. Deadman's float, yeah. Wags, when you looked up, did your dad have crossed fingers and then a disappointed look? Yes, he was hoping his eight-year-old child had drowned to death in a public pool.
Starting point is 00:15:21 In front of everyone. That's what he was hoping for. Have you gone back to watch children's Superman float for fun, Wags, as an adult or no? I'm usually there scouting, yeah. Taking notes, filming, peaking. My lung capacity is gone, by the way. I just want to let you know. You can get that back. Yeah, I noted that you did say that you used to be good at holding your breath. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You can get it back. All you have to do is try. Thank you. Yeah, you can get there. Thank you. That's all I wanted. Claudia, your new show is about snake hunters. Very, very funny premise, snake hunters. I'm curious, have you ever eaten a snake or anything else kind of slithery and reptilian?
Starting point is 00:16:09 I've certainly, I've never eaten snake, I don't think. I've definitely eaten crocodile and alligator. Wow. Yeah, which I bet tastes exactly the same, but probably has a little bit more meat. Whereas like snake, it's just like snakes are pretty narrow. So it's just bone and just, it would be hard to eat, right? Hard to get the meat out. I think it's probably too muscly. I've had alligator. Alligator can be good. And I've had alligator in Norwich. Oh yeah, it's like chicken and dry. Yeah, well, we shot the show in New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So in fact, Mitch is in the show. I am in that right. He's enjoying it. Yeah, I am in it. And when he came, we ate some, we ate alligator cheesecake. It wasn't very good. You didn't like it. Wags, you know where we went? It was a suggestion of mine. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:01 From a suggestion of yours that we worked together. You went to Jockey Mose. You went to Jockey Mose? We went to Jockey Mose, yeah. Wow. Yeah, it was a very fun restaurant to go to. But I feel like the alligator cheesecake was just such a strange temperature. I'm going to go with room temperature.
Starting point is 00:17:22 But not because it was just sitting out. It was like it had been like reheated a weird amount of time earlier. And so it was just like, hmm. Yeah, I agree with you. Interesting. Me, you and Maeve, what a trio we were. Maeve Higgins. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It was the first time they'd met. And now they are friends forever. We are friends, yeah. Are you guys on texting terms? How about that? We are. We texted just, we texted without Claudia just recently. She said hello and I. What the hell? Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:17:58 We said hello. Oh my God. That is so weird. What else did you say? It was just, we were just catching up for a minute. It was, it was a Claudia free text. It was very nice. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Why Snake Hunter is also the name of your Mr. Skin type website, right? Where you were. That's right, yeah. We're chronicling all the snakes that you can see on the silver screen. Oh, wow. Check it out. Ewan McGregor and Young Adam, that's a good one. Oh, I don't know what Young Adam is.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Is it like Young Sheldon? It's like Young Sheldon. Yeah, but it's got Ewan McGregor in it. It's a, it came out in the, it's one of those like kind of NC17. Young Sheldon hopefully has a blank category there. It's one of those NC17 like art films that came out in the early 2000s. Yeah, so it's like, it's kind of like the dreamers of that same sort of thing. Oh, one of those.
Starting point is 00:18:56 You know what I mean. Raunchy. It's like, yeah, it's kind of raunchy, but it's like serious. Ewan McGregor came to my house around that time because. Wow, wow. He wanted to buy some art from my dad and he was in town in Sydney filming, I guess, Star Wars, or maybe more on Rouge. Maybe both.
Starting point is 00:19:22 He shot a lot of movies in Australia in the late 90s, early 2000s, they feel like. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it was Young Adam. Yeah, he kept bringing up Young Adam, yeah. Your dad sold art to Ewan McGregor? That's right. Yeah. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Wow. It was very exciting, thrilling for me as a teen to have a movie star come over to the house. I can imagine. Because also it was in Australia, so for a global megastar to come over, it was unbelievable. What do you know what the art was? Was it like, sorry, a lightsaber or? It was a Jawa. No.
Starting point is 00:20:10 It was like Jawa was playing poker. Weirdly, it wasn't. My dad hadn't moved into his Jawa period yet. That's too bad. Wait, does your dad, is your dad a painter or a sculptor? What kind of art does he do? Why? He does, like, well, you can't really see it.
Starting point is 00:20:31 There's one behind my head. We're on video zoom. Yeah, there's a little bit of glare. I don't have a great look at it, but. You'll get with it. Yeah, it's impossible for you to know. He does, I don't know, how do I describe it? He does a combination of landscapes and then surreal stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:48 How much did he charge you for that painting behind you? I got it as a gift. Oh, wow. Wow. What a deal. Yeah, it was a very good deal. I might have to go visit your dad and see if I can get a piece of art. I'm sure that it will be not as exciting as when Uwen McGregor came,
Starting point is 00:21:11 but it will probably be still pretty exciting. I think that you wouldn't be allowed in. I wouldn't be allowed indoors. Not to my parents' house. My mom wants to go to Australia. We're still trying to go. I want to go to Australia. My sister.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I'm not sure if you would be, you or your mom would be allowed into Australia. Entire country. Very strict at the moment, the rules. Maybe we'll go to New Zealand. Yeah, that's fine. Anything goes there, yeah. I'm a jet skier now, so I could jet ski around and see what's going on. It's a trip we've wanted to take for a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:06 My sister is free in the summertime. New Zealand is predominantly like a land. It's a country that exists. It's a body of land. So jet ski is almost the worst way to get around it. Well, there's also ATVs, which are the jet skis of the land as well. I could do something like that. Or I could just Uber and taxi around as well.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Why is that? I know that you want to see the Hobbit Homes, which is a big part of New Zealand. Oh, sure. The Hobbiton. Also, I've seen pictures, so I kind of get it. Jesus. I've been there. I went to Hobbiton.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Was it cool? I was Hobbiton. I hadn't seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies, and I hadn't read any of the books. So I was kind of like, okay, the door's around. But everyone else there was really loving it. It was very sort of like, it was very cute. Have you seen the movies since? Yeah, I have.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I have. All right. They're not for me, but it was great. I'm just not into like sort of mead culture. Mead, the honey drink, the honey wine drink. What is it? Like a honey, no, it's not. It's like a honey liquor, right?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, I think mead is brewed from honey. Yeah, it's kind of berry, right? Yeah, honey beer. Yeah, I think it's dumb. You're not into mead culture? No, I'm not into mead culture, but for some reason I found myself at Hobbiton. Do they call it mead culture? I mean, I like that term.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I think it's good. I think it really encapsulates what it is. Yeah, that makes sense. The beard and stuff. Yeah, you would be in it. Well, I also, I'm from Ireland and I'm from Munster Island. I found out that a lot of my, on, I'm from Munster Island, which I know we've talked about this while, because it sounds like
Starting point is 00:24:19 Munster Island. It does sound like Munster Island. And my people lived in like the bushes. Like we lived in like the bogs. We lived in the bogs and the bushes, and that seems like kind of mead culture to me. It feels like they were. I do. I come from bog people, which I'm okay with.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah, so do I. Obviously, I've got an Irish last name as well, but I do feel like Americans who have Irish roots are just like much more obsessed with it than anyone else. It's like so common to be from like originally from Ireland, but you Americans really flip out about it. Well, I am like 100% Irish. There is, I don't have anything. And then I think that it depends, because I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:25:09 There are people in your family who have like Irish accents and stuff. In my family? No, in my family. That's what I was saying. Like so like when you have like, you know, like great grandparents or something that like have like Irish accents or whatever. And for Boston, I think- My grandfather had an Irish accent.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Yeah, that's cool. Look, I'm not defending it. Just Boston specifically, there's a lot of descendants. I was an Irish citizen for 10 years. Is that true? I do know. Yeah, I got my Irish passport for 10 years. So that was pretty cool to have an AU passport.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Did you enjoy a toasty and a pint every so often? No. I don't like. I mean, a pint is too much liquid to consume, I think. But I did go to Ireland a lot. What about a toasty? Did you not have a toasty? As in a toasted sandwich?
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah, what is a toasty? A toasty, I guess. Yeah, it's a toasted sandwich. It has like tomato, right? It's like tomato and- Is it tomato and cheese? Cheese? I think so.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah. I don't think of those as being Irish in particular. We have them in Australia as well. Just a toasted sandwich. We also have jaffles in Australia, which I feel like maybe no one else has. Jassels? Jaffles, J-A-F-F-L-E, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It's a toasted sandwich, but you make it in an iron, a jaffle iron, and the edges are like sort of pressed together. So the two triangles of the sandwich become like pockets of like molten cheese. And sometimes you put tomato or tinned spaghetti in there as well. It's, this sounds akin to a panini. Is it, but by jaffle iron, is that a waffle iron? Or is that a different thing from a waffle?
Starting point is 00:27:06 No, it's a specific jaffle iron. So a waffle iron, you would, yeah. The size of a slice of bread, two slices of bread, so you can make a little, you can make a jaffle in it. It's good. But- Wow. Yeah. I didn't pay attention to what a jaffle was,
Starting point is 00:27:24 because I was looking up toasty. That is the height of rudeness, and I couldn't be less surprised. Why, so can you give me a breakdown of what a jaffle is? Let's see if you paid attention. Claudia just said it, but yeah. Well, why don't you tell me? It's like a, it's akin to a waffle iron, but it fits like specifically two pieces of bread.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It's like one sandwich worth of waffle iron. Hmm, okay. You know he paid attention. Ham and cheese is the biggest toasty. Ham and cheese is the biggest toasty. It's the most popular toasty in Ireland, I've read. Yeah, but I will say I don't like paninis, because, I mean sure, a panini sure, I get it.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But I just think the sort of like paninis from cafes where it's got like arugula in it, that probably should have been taken out of the panini before it went into the press, and then you've got like sweaty, slimy, arugula, disgusting. Big issue with me is hot vegetables that shouldn't be hot. Certain, that yeah, that absolutely bothers me. Absolutely revolting.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, don't stick that in there. We're on the same page, Nick, and I love that. Yeah, me too. Here's a fun fact, panini is plural, panino is singular. So if you're gonna say like, I would like a, I say a panini because that's, you know, whatever, language is mutable, and that's how English pluralizes things with S's, but if you, in Italian,
Starting point is 00:28:56 you'd say like one panino and two panini. Did you say this was interesting? I thought it was a fun fact. I liked it. Hey, while we're in panino country, Craig Robinson, who you start with on killing it, is a pizza hut endorser. Claudia, have you messed around with the pizza hut? Well, I think I came on this show when we ate lots of pizza.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And, you know, as I said, That's right, we did our pizza tournament. As I said, during that, throughout the episode, I don't like pizza. Yes, I made a big mistake. I was gonna make a joke today that I ordered pizza from the restaurant because you're a pizza fan, but you don't like pizza at all.
Starting point is 00:29:40 But pizza hut is popular in Australia, isn't it? Yes, it was one of this like three big fast food chains when I was growing up. So it was just McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut. That was it. That's all we had. And eventually we got Hungry Jacks, which you guys call Burger King.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, we've talked about Hungry Jacks on here. You have the basically the core of the song, the Pizza Hut song. Pizza Hut, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut. McDonald's, and then they say McDonald's. I don't know what else is there. What else?
Starting point is 00:30:19 I know the song, but what other chain appears in the song? All right, I'll sing it for you. Here we go. Pizza Hut, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut. McDonald's, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut. So maybe it is just the three.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It is just those three. You got all three. That's all we needed. What is that song? Hungry Jacks. Have you ever heard that song? We sing it as a kid. Never heard it.
Starting point is 00:30:47 The one I know is... Yeah, you make the McDonald's arches. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Claudia's making arm gestures. Yeah, you make the chicken wing things. She's doing it correctly for Kentucky Fried Chicken. You did the chicken wings. Never heard about this.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Pizza Hut is a triangle above your head. This baby didn't make it to the West Coast, because Emma's aware of it too, so it's not purely generational. Yeah, it went from Australia all the way around to the East Coast. It's not that you're just a weirdo who's never heard it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Okay, this was a British pop group, so it's fully possible it just missed the West Coast. Wow. It was a really huge pop group. I am New England. No, that's just the YouTube link that Emma sent. That has nothing to do with... That has nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's the version of the song I remember from my childhood. I don't know. It's a schoolyard song. We sang it at school. It's a schoolyard song. The whole school would sing it together and do the actions. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I don't remember that for my schoolyard songs. I do remember milk lemonade around the corner fudges made. The whole school doesn't sing that. Those more of a dead... The whole school doesn't sing that together? Well, my school would. James would come rightly elementary.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Entire class would assemble. All the fifth grade. And the teachers would lead it? Teachers would lead it, and they'd be mean about it. Sing. Sing the milk, milk lemonade song. Isn't there a thing where you get a tootsie roll if you stick a finger in a butt or something
Starting point is 00:32:12 like around the corner milk is made? What is a tootsie roll? It's a weird little chocolate thing. You don't know what a tootsie roll is? Yeah, it's like a cylinder of chocolate that wraps your teeth. It's not particularly tasty. I used to like them for some reason,
Starting point is 00:32:26 but as an adult, they would repulse me. It's because back in the day, that's what you could get. Well, I guess you could get a tootsie roll and other penny candies. Okay. Two years old. Malt.
Starting point is 00:32:37 And so it's just a cylinder of chocolate, and that's all it is. Yes. Yeah, it's a little cylinder of weird, like it's shaped like an ottoman. It's shaped like a foot rest, and it's got a, it's kind of like a, it's log shaped, and it's very super chewy,
Starting point is 00:32:54 and not particularly chocolatey. And there it's an iconic children's candy at the States for some reason. How big is it? It's small. It's like. Well, they come in different sizes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:06 They do. Okay. They come in different. All right. They do. Yeah, you can get a bigger tootsie roll. I always think of the minis. I'm never saying you're more upset.
Starting point is 00:33:16 He gets very defensive when you're talking about the size of something. Wags, hey, don't want to sing this song too, bud. Cotton candy, sweetie, go. Let me see the tootsie roll. Oh yeah, that song. To the left. Don't you say it to the left?
Starting point is 00:33:34 The one, when you started singing the Pizza Hut song, I thought you were going to say like, I'm at the Taco Bell. I'm at the Pizza Hut. I'm a combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Oh, yeah. Or was that KFC, whatever it is? I think it's Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Do you know what I'm just figuring out? There's been a lot of songs. Over the years, there's been a lot of songs that cover a lot of. A lot of songs. A lot of different things. A lot of different territory. They're not all food related either.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah. Eleanor Rigby, that's not about food. You guys should put on an album of music. Of you doing covers of all the fast food songs. That is sadly a good idea. That's a great idea. I know. It would sell well.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's sadly a homerun. Depressingly would be very successful. We'll do it. We'll get to work on that album. Can I do a guest appearance on it? I'd like to be on it in some way. Yeah, that would be huge for us. Because it was my idea.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You should. That would help us out. All right, we'll make this happen. We'll talk about this during our break. We'll be right back with more Doe Boys. Wow. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That's right, Y. So I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's going to be a lot of fun. Going to maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun. Going to maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird.
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Starting point is 00:35:38 so you can start having real-life conversation in as little as three weeks, wigs. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical conversations about travel, relationships, business, and more. Other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans,
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Starting point is 00:38:39 We're here with Claudio Doherty talking True Food Kitchen, which opened in 2008 in Phoenix, a collaboration between Dr. Andrew Weil, the wellness guru and restaurateur Sam Fox, has about two dozen locations across the country, and you might be thinking it's vegetarian, it is not vegetarian. There is a decent amount of meat on this menu.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So you've been talking about you're going to get a call from the people installing your blinds. Now, a few episodes back, we were interrupted because people were here to, was this blinds related when people came here with David Reeves and John Hosman? That was window related. Okay, so you had some people here,
Starting point is 00:39:17 some handy people here while we were recording and disrupted everything. You have deferred that for this record. I have. I didn't take the phone call. We're continuing on with the show. But you only didn't take it because I told you it couldn't be rude if you didn't take it. That is true.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Because there's three people, other people who've assembled, they've taken some time out of their day to do the podcast, and then you would just, you would prioritize the blind, the call from the people who do the blind. A phone call, which could almost definitely happen after the recording. You make a lot of good points,
Starting point is 00:39:57 though I feel like wigs would do something like this, so I feel like I'm, I, I... What are you talking about? Oh, you would. I've always locked in. Anytime I've been on Doe Boys, Nick has never once stepped out to take a call, and certainly never something about blind.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Well, I usually do it as things are going. Look, ever the showman, I continued on, and we're continuing the podcast. Because I gave you a talking to. So, ever the showman, we continued on, and I let it go to, I let it go to voicemail. Here's, here's my thought about True Food Kitchen. I was convinced this place was like of LA origin.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It seems like such an LA place, this like obnoxiously expensive, super healthy, wellness first, vegetable forward, seasonal restaurant seems like the most LA concept possible. That it started in Phoenix, I'm very surprised by, and then it has a national footprint. Like if you look at their map, they've got locations in Texas and Florida,
Starting point is 00:41:03 on both coasts, mostly, you know, kind of south of the Mason-Dixon line, if you were to extend that across the continent. But it, but it is, you know, it's, it's, it's across the US, which I'm kind of surprised by, but I guess people like this shit. When did it start? 2008.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I'd certainly never heard of it until you told me to eat it for this show. Right, yeah. It was just on our list. Look, we probably could have done something that you would have liked. You reminded me last night that I had to eat at this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I had gotten back from Key West, kind of, I'm a bit of a mess this week. We're on Tuesday, I haven't felt good since Sunday. Um, I, I, I was drinking. What's going on? I was, I was drinking. Are you, are you just hungover? I'm just hungover, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I was, I'd been drinking. I hadn't drank for a full month, basically. Yeah. But then you were up in that peaking bar. You couldn't, couldn't get enough. You set up shop there. There is no peaking going on. Yeah, crazed, drunk, peaking at everyone,
Starting point is 00:42:06 peaking your shirt off. I did take my shirt off. There was a, there was an old, there was an old, like basically it was just like one old man who like, I, like at one point I was like, yeah. He's like, he was like right next to me at one point. Oh, you're not, you, it's not really fair to scream and people's nudity in a space where it's permitted.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah. I didn't scream. I just, in my head, I did a little, you know, he had, he popped up very quickly. I, I, I, I, there's nothing wrong with him. I'm sure he looked great. I'm just saying I, I, I was, I was uneasy with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He looks great. I'm sure that was the way it took everyone around to you. I didn't make a cartoon reaction at the naked guy. Well, I mean. I think you did, but I think it was more like Awoo-ga. Okay, okay. Yeah. I didn't do anything like that.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I, I, I, look, the food was great there. I had a great time. I just haven't felt great since then. Um, you'll get back on time. What was the best thing you ate in Florida's Key West? Is that where Key West is? Yes. The Florida Keys.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yes. Key West. The southern most point, man, we went to a great, uh, Cuban restaurant. And there was just this, the, the, the dish was called, uh, uh, uh, it was just the number one. It was like pulled pork wigs. And it was, and it was, it was, you know, obviously 90 miles to Cuba is, you know, is the, uh, is, is, uh, is the, uh, you go to the little, what is it?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Like a little, uh, a little marker. There's like a distance. Thank you, Connie. That's the word. Distance. There's a little marker that says 90 miles to Cuba and, and you know, you're at the marker and you see people take photos of the marker and it's 90 miles to Cuba. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It's, I didn't take a photo. There was a big long line. I didn't want to take a photo at it, but, uh, but that it's the southern most point of the United States is right there. So, so we, we walked over myself, Dano and Breslin. We walked, uh, El, El Sibone restaurant, El Sibone restaurant. And, uh, uh, I got a Cuban, we all got Cuban sandwiches. We got a Cuban appetizer plate.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And then we got the number one to just share, which was pulled like basically pulled pork. Um, not pulled a lot of fun, but it was, it was pork and it was so delicious. The pork was not pulled. It was just like described it every other time. What was it? I know. I was like roasted pork. It was like split.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It was pork that was split up. But like pulled pork in my mind is like American barbecue pulled pork. Like that's not, but you're saying it was that kind of texture. It was kind of tender and shredded. It was just tender, delicious pork that was pulled apart. Maybe like a rope of vieja. I don't know if that's a Cuban dish or not. Look, it was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:45:01 El Sibone, they had a, they have a pineapple soda. There was a Cuban beer and then a pineapple soda from Cuba. There was like a lot of, I mean, it was great. It's the best meal of the trip. And I also had a big, a red snapper, this big old red, a big old red snapper. I got a picture of it actually. Wow. How exciting.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'll show you guys. Oh, oh, and I saw all of Hemingway's cats. Why? Cause I took a picture with a bunch of Hemingway's cats. Now are they, what's the deal with Hemingway's cats? Cause clearly those cats aren't still alive. No, there's six toes. They're descendants of the, of the descendants of Hemingway's cats.
Starting point is 00:45:33 There's still, there's still supposedly a descendants of the original, of the original, of the original cat, but there's six, there's six toad. And they're a, what was I showing you a picture of? Did you pick them up? Of the snapper. Will you show us a photo of some fish on your phone to resume? He'll do that on occasion. You can't pick them up.
Starting point is 00:45:57 You're not supposed to pick them up. Okay. Oh, here it is. Here's the snapper. Oh boy. Look at this. Looks, looks yummy. It's a full snapper.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yeah. You get a full fish. You gotta get some plantains there. Oh, plantains are so nice. Looks really yummy. There's its face. That's its little face. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah. Which I, I wasn't expecting like a full fish, I guess. I was, you know what I mean? I, I, I guess I didn't really know what I was getting into when it said snapper. And there's a key lime pie, a very nice key lime pie. You gotta get a key lime pie in Key West. It was very, very, very good. It was very good.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Well, hey, speaking of food, let's talk about what we got from True Food Kitchen. So I went myself to the Santa Monica location I dined in. I took the choo-choo down there. The fish was from Hot Tin Roof, by the way, I just want to say, it was from Hot Tin Roof Restaurant is where I want that food was also very good to. Go on. Here's the thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I've never dined in at a True Food Kitchen. I think I've gotten it to go before and I think I've gotten it to go as part of a group order. I've never ordered it for myself. So I'm kind of newish to this chain. I'm certainly new to like, hey, I'm going to go to this place and have a meal here. So, you know, the thing that I guess was, is probably the, my main takeaway is just sticker shock. Like this place is pretty pricey and there were definitely people there. Expensive.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Quite expensive. And I was there, you know, at about, I was there for like a very late lunch slash almost early dinner in the four to five PM hour. Weird time to eat, but it's just how it timed out for me. And there were definitely people there who it was like, this was their outing. This is like, this is going to be our indulgence. We're going to spend some money and have ourselves a nice meal there, which, you know, it's, for a chain that some people may think of is like a lunch option.
Starting point is 00:47:58 It's just a thing to think that just have that price category in your head that you can spend some serious money here, especially if you're getting some of the entrees. But I will say that the food overall seemed to be high quality. Like they seem to be fresh ingredients and they seem to be pretty thoughtfully prepared. So overall, I was pretty happy with it. Claudia was, was new to this chain. Mitch, what's your experience with true food kitchen? Do you have any history with it?
Starting point is 00:48:23 So my history was last night, I wanted to order a big pizza because I was still kind of in day two of a hangover. And then Claudia reminded me that we needed to get true food kitchen. And I said, we could do somewhere else. And she said, what are you talking about? The record is tomorrow. And I said, that's right. Oh boy, I forgot the record is tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:48:49 And then I said, okay, I'm going to order true food kitchen tonight. Right. And so I ordered it for delivery wigs. Look, what do you want from me? I got delivery, people get mad at me. But I didn't go and drive to Pasadena to pick it up. I mean, I barely had remembered that I got it, that I need to get it. But I got it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And so I don't really, look, I have a lot of experience with these type of places in LA, you know what I mean? Like 100% there's a lot of places like this in LA. Yes. Which is why I thought it was LA in origin. So I, so I, I don't know if I love places like this one is like one of the weird ones to me. Cause a lot of the time when you go to like a place that has like juices and like like kale salad, like a lot of the juicies and stuff,
Starting point is 00:49:52 they won't have good hot food, you know, but this actually seems like a sit-down restaurant. It is 100% that. This is like the expanded concept of what these, because we went to like, what is it called, era? What was the place we went to with Jackie Johnson? Oh yes. What the fuck was that? That juicery.
Starting point is 00:50:08 The juice place? Yeah. The juice place. Creation with a K, creation with a K. Creation with a K, I walk by it every day, I should know. Um, and so with creation, like there's no food that you get there that's like good, right? There's like nothing that's like really, but there, there isn't.
Starting point is 00:50:26 There's like nothing that's really prepared. Sure. It's not, it's not, I don't even consider it a restaurant. I guess is what I'm trying to say. It's like a juice place. You grab stuff to go. That's definitely, yeah, it's a juicery that has some food. They have some salads and they have some sandwiches, but yes, it's, it's for takeaway.
Starting point is 00:50:40 This is a place where they actually have a substantial dining room. This more is like a, yeah, this is like a restaurant that has a juicery also. Like a, you can get all those little- They have a juicery, they have baristas, they have a bar, full bar. Yeah. So what is it's like main thing that it wants you to eat? Or drinks? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I mean, this is the thing. Their menu's kind of all over the place. I think they kind of just want to be a catch-all like, it's just kind of a catch-all. Like we have like whole foods. We have, you know, we're farmed to table. Our stuff is fresh and it's this Dr. Andrew Wilde guy who, if you aren't familiar with the name, you may be seeing him.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah. He's a guy who's got a big, he's this big like- Dr. Andrew Wilde guy? Dr. Andrew Wilde. No, his name is Wilde. Oh. W-E-I-L. Like an Agamem.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Guy. Like the Mega Man. He's close to the Mega Man. Well, not Dr. Wilde. He's not Dr. Wilde. But it's close. He might be creating an army of robot masters, each with their own specialty,
Starting point is 00:51:47 whose powers Mega Man can acquire by feeding them a sequence. Yeah. No, Wilde was a Dr. of E-R. He was. And by all accounts, a lovely man. Really? That's what he is. How did he die?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah, here he's nice. Is in the E-R, doesn't he? Does he die eventually? Does he like die in a helicopter crash or some bullshit? I think by like season 16 or something. He steps in front of a train. Is that really it? Is that true?
Starting point is 00:52:16 No. We did the E-R pilot on our Doe Boys pilot program, the Doe Boys Double. Very good pilot. But yes, that show went on for so long that, and I think Noah Wilde was one of the one, the only original cast members who stuck with it through most of its run. They finally killed him off in some spectacular fashion.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I don't remember how. It might have been stepping in front of a train, honestly. I believed you, Claudia. Yeah, because it seems very believable. Seems plausible. Well, it seems like a great-great-grandfather. A E-R-style storyline. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Sorry. It's how Wilde's great-great-grandfather did step in front of a train. This is... Yeah, he committed suicide in front of a group of people by stepping in front of a slow-moving train. I'm so sorry to have brought that up then. Oh, I don't care. I mean, honestly, it's a point of pride for my family as far as I'm concerned.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Yeah, what a story. When I was a bang. So I don't know what they're trying to accomplish. So Dr. Andrew Wilde, as I was starting to say, is he's the Santa-looking dude who's been very prominent in the media for basically my entire life. And I don't know if he's like a scam artist, or I don't know if he's like a guy who's actually helping people. I mean, he could be both.
Starting point is 00:53:32 He could be like a Tony Robbins type, who some people get a lot of... Does he go on Dr. Oz or something like that? I've never heard of this guy. He goes on all those shows. I think he's been on Oprah. Yeah. You're winning me over. I like Santa.
Starting point is 00:53:45 He's starting to win me over a little bit. This is good. He has this weird... Like he has his own food pyramid, which is like the wellness food. I don't... I should have looked up what it's called, but it's called the wellness pyramid or something. And it's like his thing of like,
Starting point is 00:54:01 these are the foods that are good for you that you're supposed to eat. And the menu is built around that. But all that said, it's still got pizzas. It's got burgers. It's got a bunch of stuff that seems like it's not particularly healthy. Check out my food pyramid. He sounds like a charlatan. You can't have your own food pyramid, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah, he might be. I always got the feeling that he was a scam artist, but I don't want to say that without knowing for sure what he's up to. But that's always the sense I've gotten. Claudia, you just yawned. It's the show boring you. Have we gotten to that point? Obviously.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Have you heard what we're doing? Are you tired from... Did you get not enough sleep last night or is it the show? Or is it events in your life or is it the show? I think it's my posture. I think it's just my posture. Right. And maybe the show.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It might be the show. It's just hard to sit up straight on this couch and then sitting on. And then I just get sleepy. Well, see, that's why I just sit back on the couch, as you know. Which you would probably classify as rude if I had to guess. Yeah, I noticed that. I thought it was like, well, this guy really doesn't care. It is actually what prompted me to lie back on my couch a bit more.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Oh, I guess no one cares. But then, look, I ended up yawning. So now I feel bad. Well, Nick is sitting straight up. Like, I don't know what you're... Are you on a hanger? How do you... Why are you sitting so straight up here?
Starting point is 00:55:40 I'm sitting with my... I'm sitting in a chair. I was standing for the first 45 minutes of the episode. You may have heard a little as I lowered by standing desk setup so I could sit down because my back started to get tired. And now I'm sitting cross-legged in a chair. So I'm on the chair but my feet are off the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:59 You could be sitting inside a trash can. You're not visible beneath your shoulder. I kind of believe that he is in a trash can. Like Oscar the Grouch? Yeah. Yeah, you could be. All I'm saying is you could be. It's possible, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I feel like you're sitting in one of those things that they like put puppets on is how I feel. You know, the things that keep... Keep... Give puppets their... You're laughing so much. Does that have a special name? Like a little platform? Like a little puppet stage?
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah, a little shelf. A little shelf. I'm sitting on a shelf. A puppet shelf. I'm in a chair. I'll wheel back. You can see my setup. You can see what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:56:40 All right, that will be good. It is a trash can. Boo, I'm cranky. I knew it. What does Oscar say? I have no idea. Yes, his famous line, Boo, I'm cranky. I remember that from Sesame Street.
Starting point is 00:56:59 So I died in... He's scaring people? He's jumping out and saying, Boo? Did he have a catchphrase or anything? I don't remember. No. I can't remember him having a catchphrase. Yeah, I don't think he did.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I don't know if any of the Sesame Street do it. I don't think... Do any of them have a... I mean, like... Does they count? The count counts. The count counts. But is that a catchphrase? He's just counting.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Like a one, whatever. You know, that's kind of his catchphrase. Like, one, and then there's one. Here's one. Walka, walka, walka, fuzzy bear. Yeah. That's that... I think counts. But that's not Sesame Street.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's not? And then also, hi-ho. He's Muppet. That's Kermit. Okay, I thought it was the same thing. Hi-ho, Kermit the Frog. That's Kermit. Okay, this one you taught me about.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I don't know the Muppets very well. Yeah, sorry. So, True Food Kitchen. I worked on a Jim Henson company show, and I honestly don't know very much about the Muppets. Anyway, so the... Claudia! You didn't have fun talking about Sesame Street?
Starting point is 00:58:04 She wants to get out of here, which I get. Everybody loves to do their Kermit impression. That's all I know. Yeah. Mine, I used to be good at it. Mine is now bad. My voice has changed. And so it's not good anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Uh-huh. Like what, when your voice broke or what? Yeah, maybe. But I was also pretty good at like 16, but... So, do you think it's even hacky just to do a Kermit impression? It kind of just makes me freeze up when someone does that. I'm like, oh. It's in that Schwarzenegger sort of range of just like,
Starting point is 00:58:40 you've heard enough different versions of it, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's also just, it's so much more about the person who's doing it. It's having so much fun doing it. It's like the people listening are not like looking to hear a great Kermit. You know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:56 That's true. Oh, let me tell you, I had a blast doing it. I mean, the fact is, the fact that like I, yeah, you had a blast doing it. And right now you're like, it's so hard for you to not do it again. All you want is to do that. Actually, I want to do a little Arnold instead. That's good. You're going to be honest, why is what?
Starting point is 00:59:16 That's good. I mean, I know I kind of want to, I kind of want to do one. You should give it a, let's give it an attempt and then we'll move back to true food kitchen. I'll try Kermit and then we'll get back to true food kitchen. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Boo.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I'm cranky. I like that actually. That was good. Best I've ever heard. Wow. Praise from Caesar. I got the passion fruit limeade and I got myself a very squashy meal in the sense of I got a butternut squash soup.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I got myself a seasonal ingredient salad that had soup and I got a squash dessert which I'll get to in a second. Then you sat on it. And then I sat on it. Yeah. The butternut squash soup, which was butternut squash and sage replacement level soup. Like it's, I've had this, the main thing is, it was very temperature hot. We talked about blow factor during our turn of champignons, Mitch.
Starting point is 01:00:02 This one is definitely one that had a lot of blow factor, very scalding. And so I had to let it cool for a little bit. They, they brought my soup and then they brought my entree and quick succession. And I'm glad they did because that soup had to wait, basically cool till the end of the meal. It was that hot. But flavor wise, it was just, it was fine. It was, I could have poured this out of a, you know, out of a cardboard container from
Starting point is 01:00:23 Trader Joe's would have been the same. I got myself a flatbread that was actually pretty good. I ordered the truffle honey and pear flatbread, which was seasonal. They were out of it. So they, they brought me the lemon ricotta flatbread instead. You know, nice, nice citrusy flavor. A lot of arugula on this, not wilted though. It was like fresh.
Starting point is 01:00:38 They just sort of piled it on there and then some cherry tomatoes and very cheesy. I thought the texture of the bread was good. I don't know. I mean, this was, this was a satisfying entree, not the, the sort of probably better to share than for one person to have to have this plus a soup. It was pretty substantial. I, but that said, the entree I got was pretty, was the seasonal ingredient salad, which is squash, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cannellini bean, kale, a bunch of other shit.
Starting point is 01:01:02 And their horseradish vinaigrette, which was very horseradishy. I mentioned the salad to Natalie and she was like, oh, I like that salad. That's the one I normally get. And yeah, I was like, this is pretty solid. I think they, I like the presence of the beans. I like the cauliflower, a very chunky salad. Like it's more, like a lot of discreet chunks, a little bit less like, you know, lettuce-y than, than a standard salad.
Starting point is 01:01:21 But, but this was a nice- Discreet chunks. Yeah. Discreet chunks. And they were, but that said, it was, this was a nice cold entree that the, and you know, that the, if you liked horseradish, you would like this one. I will also say that all three things I got, or I'm sorry, two of the three things I got were vegan, gluten-free. The, the flatbread obviously was neither.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It was vegetarian. But as a, as a vegan entree, this was pretty flavorful. And then I also, and, and the passion fruit limeade, yeah, I liked it. It's citrusy, not overly sweet. Mitch, what did you do for food-wise? And then we'll talk desserts at the end. Well, I'll run down my food right now. And for Claudia's pleasure, I'll do it as none other than Kermit the Frog.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Here we go. Yeah. I got a passion fruit limeade. I can't stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't even like when I did it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:21 You also got a passion fruit limeade. I also got the passion fruit limeade. It's in the fridge. I want to have more of it actually. And then also, should I have just committed to it and kept doing the frog? No, it's better than I stopped. No, I think it was good that you pulled out. It was good.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah. Yeah. I got the OG, which is a drink. What's that? It's one of the cocktails, right? No, it's not a cocktail. It's not a cocktail. A what?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Oh. It's not a cocktail. Wait, it's a cocktail. It's not a cocktail either. And by the way, I've eaten cocktail and I've eaten snake. You have eaten snake. At the Buckhorn Exchange, I had a rattlesnake dip and I ate rattlesnake. What'd you think?
Starting point is 01:03:14 Was it nice? I thought it was delicious. I don't know why you waited on the show. You spent some time there as well. I know. I didn't know. I didn't know. I didn't know and I didn't know which S it was going to be.
Starting point is 01:03:33 The OG is a refresher that's got ginger, honey, and lime. So yeah, it's one of their non-alcoholic drinks. Very strong on the ginger. I'll say that much. Those are my two drinks of the night. Then I went with a trio of apps, why? Because I know this, I went a little wild here. And I got a new thing for my reviews.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I told you I was going to do. And you said, hmm, was your reaction to it. Yeah, I want to see how it goes. I wasn't judging one way or the other. I want to see how it goes. I'm going to give a breakdown at the end. Things I finished. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:04:12 That's my new category. Things I finished. So I got a trio of apps. I got the Edamame Guacamole, which comes with pita chips, which is like, do you want to read the description, Wags? Sure, I can bring it up. There we go. Wags will be my description guy.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Edamame Guacamole is vegan. It's avocado, cilantro, pesto, pumpkin seed, Aleppo chili, and house-made pita chips. That's right. And then I also, I couldn't resist the herb, the herb, the herb, the herb hummus. Cucumber, cherry tomato, onion, all. You just said I was going to read the descriptions.
Starting point is 01:04:52 All right, you get to do it. You get to do it. Do a description. Olive, feta, lemon, oregano, vinaigrette. I'm not going to do his kermit. And house-made pita. That one's vegetarian, not vegan. And then I also did, well, again, it's got some cheese in there.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And then finally I did the charred cauliflower wags. Charred cauliflower is a harissa tahini, medjool date, dill, mint, and pistachio, also vegan and gluten-free. So yeah, a lot of good vegan options. A lot of good gluten-free options. Harissa tahini sounds like a popular girl at school. No? Did you hear Harissa tahini is dating Chad Jackson?
Starting point is 01:05:32 Can you believe it? Chad Jackson's dad owes a dealership. Chad Jackson is the coolest guy at school. They make a great couple. I'm just happy for them, honestly. I'm happy for them, too. We're happy for the popular kids. They're nice at our school.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm happy for the popular kids. Oh, wow. That's a good school, yeah. It's a good school. Anyways, Claudia, we'll get you out of here soon. Here are my two entrees. Here are my two entrees. I got two sandwiches.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Oh, we were having fun with Harissa tahini. Yes. Oh, yeah. No, yeah, I have to. No, I was helping. Yeah, we'll get you out of here right away. Sorry. I want to make a joke about discreet chunks, too,
Starting point is 01:06:28 but Claudia is scaring me now to not try to go off in any bit tangent. Well, what is it? I don't know. I thought it was someone who was barfing politely or something. You know what I'm saying? Like, oh, yeah, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:41 That's good. Discreetly blowing chunks. That's great. Yeah, yeah. It's really good. Claudia, I had a bit of a mental breakdown when we were last together on set. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Maybe it's happening again today. Oh, I bring it out in you. Maybe you bring it out of me, which is strange because we did work together for three years prior to all this. Yeah, I don't know. I don't think I do. I just can't.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I don't blame myself for this. It's not me. No, I think that's fair. It's not you. I got two sandwiches. A grilled chicken and mozzarella panino. Wow. Panini.
Starting point is 01:07:29 This is a, yeah, on the menu, it's panini, but Mitch properly singularized it as panino. This is a tomato sauce, broccolini, mozzarella, herbs, chili flake, and a house-made pita. Yeah, broccolini in there. I hope that's a vegetable you guys are okay with having heated up and served warm. Of course, you got to be.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah. And then that came with a sweet potato hash, that's what I chose. And then I got a turkey burger as well, and that came with a kale salad. The turkey burger's got avocado, tomato, lettuce, gouda, and a jalapeno remoulade on a flaxseed bun. It's actually not that, it's not that gouda wise,
Starting point is 01:08:05 if you asked me. Oh no. It slips around, it slips around in the bud. There was like a little too much guac. I thought it tasted weirdly sweet. Like I don't know if that was the tomato or what it was, but I didn't love the turkey burger as much as I wanted to. It was almost actually kind of even boring.
Starting point is 01:08:22 The chard cauliflower was pretty decent. It was like a good, it was like a nice, fine app. Kind of the, if you went to like a, like a just a brew house, brew house. I mean, you get it. If you went to a gastropub. A gastropub, thank you. Sure.
Starting point is 01:08:40 That's, it's kind of that level. I love the hummus, and I love the pita and the hummus. I really, really enjoyed it. And then I thought the edamame guacamole was pretty good. Passion fruit limeade was all right. It wasn't, I had it. Wow. All right, we'll get to it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Descenting opinion. The passion fruit limeade, I liked all right. The OG was a little strong on ginger, but both drinks were fine and passable juice bar drinks. Wags, I told you the new segment, things I finished. That's right. Well, you can add that grilled chicken and mozzarella panino to that list.
Starting point is 01:09:12 I finished it. Wow. I enjoyed it. And then I want to finish that hummus more than anything else. I love the hummus. It was just a big serving of it. And then finally, for my dessert, a flourless chocolate cake, which came with a little scoop of ice cream and some caramel.
Starting point is 01:09:32 You want to read the description again? Yes. I, and you know what? Let's save desserts. Let's save desserts as the final course. We'll do this as a separate course because I have a dessert to talk about as well. I want to hear it.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Oh, overall, a little low over the map. Nothing terrible, like nothing that I thought was terrible, but for price and what it was like, there was some stuff that was like boring and not great. And then some stuff that I thought was pretty good. So I don't know, Claudia, what did you think? What was your experience? I thought it was all really bland.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And I understand that it's like a health food kind of thing. So they're like not putting any salt in anything, but it all really definitely needed salt. So I got the same as you. I got the edamame guacamole, which is like, to me, that is very funny because it's like, where was the edamame? Why put edamame in that as well? There's no need.
Starting point is 01:10:28 That's not going to add anything important to that. The pita chips were good with the edamame, with the guacamole, but I had to add so much lemon and salt to make the guacamole taste like anything. That's a bummer. That's bad. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:44 It wasn't good. I thought it was fine, but you're right. It was fresh. It was fresh. It was bland. You're right. Saying that, I do agree that it was bland. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:10:56 There was guacamole on the turkey burger, and that burger was still really bland. Oh, some warm guacamole. Hey, I'm with you. Perfect. Sliding around. I mean, yes, warm guacamole. But I've had guac on burgers before, and it's okay.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Hey, we go to Carl's Jr. There's a good guacamole burger there. You can get a good guac burger, for sure. It's just a matter of how long it's been sitting. It can work. Yeah. Exactly. And oxidizing.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I get what you're saying. But hold on. So you got the guacamole dip. What else did you get? Yeah. And then I also got the butternut squash soup, which I thought sucked completely. It was so bland.
Starting point is 01:11:44 There was so much cinnamon in it. So it was like, there was no nothing savory about it. It was kind of exclusively sweet and bland. And then it had, I really like sage, but it had like a crazy amount of sage on top. Very sagey. I just was, it was like, oh, this is bad. I had one mouthful of that.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Then I had the bass. Let me see what it was called. There is a pan seared sea bass, which has a, it comes with umami, broccoli, and a roasted mushroom, chard onion, ancient grains, dashi, and herbs. Totally. And they listed umami as an ingredient.
Starting point is 01:12:24 As an ingredient, yes. And I'd love to know what that, what is, how, how is that possible? I saw that. Yeah, that's strange. Don't know. Yeah. That's, well, that's madness to say umami
Starting point is 01:12:36 is a food because it's not. Fully agree. Yeah. It's like listing sweet as an ingredient. It doesn't. Totally. It's a flavor. It's like tasty, tasty.
Starting point is 01:12:46 You're like, okay. So that was fine. The fish was like a little dry, but you could tell it was like relatively fresh. Very expensive. Very expensive. You know, fish probably should be. And then all of the stuff underneath,
Starting point is 01:13:01 it was very bland. But then today I re, I made it much better because I had the leftovers, which was the stuff underneath. And I fried it with some oil and salt and eggs. And that was actually great. And a hot sauce. What's going on there?
Starting point is 01:13:18 Seemed quite the, I mean, you are a good, great chef, Claudia, that is the truth. So it sounds like you're plucking up a lot of these. How exciting. Yes, it's true. Wow. I'm a great cook. But, but the main thing was to just add salt.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Because it was all really wildly bland. And I wish I had known I should have gotten a dessert. I didn't get one. That's okay. But also what I got, it ended up being nearly a hundred dollars. It's so expensive. And you're eating on the Delvois Dime.
Starting point is 01:13:49 So that's fine. Although you were giving a $50 cap. So we'll, we'll talk about this offline. I didn't know that, sorry. No, it's fine. Well, Mitch has gone way over. Mitch definitely went over. I definitely went over.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's a few dollar cap is impossible for this chain. Mine was about a hundred dollars. I spent a lot of money. Good thing Neil Young didn't go to a true food kitchen. Or else we'd all be singing cinnamon soup instead of cinnamon girl. Right, Wags? All right, Claudia, I love that.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Claudia, this is going to be over pretty soon. Don't worry. Mitch, that was great. The soup was really dumb. They should have, they should fix the soup. Hmm. Yeah, fix the soup. Fix the soup. Oh, I just remembered something about the fish.
Starting point is 01:14:40 It was covered in the reason, almost the main reason I don't like pizza, dried oregano. It had a lot of dried herbs on top. And it was like, we don't need these. This is not necessary. Why dried in that con? That doesn't make sense. I still can't believe you don't like pizza.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Also, there was pizza options. I didn't get them. I know that you don't like pizza. But I don't care if you eat pizza. I know that. I'm just saying, I can't believe you don't like pizza. A good pizza? Yeah, no good pizza can be nice.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Okay. There's so much squash on the menu. I almost got the butternut squash pizza just to complete the, just to make, have a sampling of every squash. They're so squashy. Squash cycle. What else is on that, what else is on that pizza?
Starting point is 01:15:23 It's also got an onion, garlic, kale, and it's vegan. So it's made with a vegan almond ricotta. It sounds decent. Sounds like it could be okay. Well, I just noticed they, the menu seemed to be doing a thing that lots of vegan restaurants do, which is like, they put like six too many ingredients in.
Starting point is 01:15:43 For sure. And it's like, oh, rather than having like every herb available, why don't you just like make it taste nice? Yeah. They could simplify a little bit. Yeah. It's kind of ungepoche-ka. What's that?
Starting point is 01:15:58 It's a, I'm glad you asked. So ungepoche-ka, it's a Yiddish phrase, and it's like one thing too many. So it's kind of like, you know. Yes. Except it's six things too many. For sure. I forgot to talk about the sides,
Starting point is 01:16:17 which is sweet potato hash, which is barely hash. It just is a side of sweet potatoes, and I thought they were bland too. And then the kale salad, which I liked more, shockingly. I never thought I would like a kale salad more than sweet potato hash. So those are a bummer too.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Why is, let's get to the dessert, and then we can give our final thoughts. Get Claudia on the road here. Get Claudia out of here. It's a good thing Neil Diamond wasn't at this restaurant because we'd all be singing sweet potato hash. Anyway, Claudia, you got to go. So everyone check out her new show on Peacock.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Not yet. Killing it. Mitch is on there. Look for Mitch. Mitch is on it. Look for Mitch. If I'm not cut, I'm there. Which episode are you in, I wonder?
Starting point is 01:17:13 Do you know what episode you're in? No, I have no idea. I think six or seven? Seven? I'm a lawyer. Right in the mate of the season. That's right, baby. Very cool.
Starting point is 01:17:27 You're a lawyer? Yeah. Yeah, he plays my bad immigration lawyer. Yeah, it was very fun. I had a mental breakdown. So as far as... Not as the character you're talking about in reality. In reality.
Starting point is 01:17:44 So let's talk about the dessert section. Yes. I got myself, like I said, this flowerless chocolate. Where is it? Flowerless chocolate cake. This one is vegetarian and gluten free. It's caramel almond, vanilla ice cream, and a cacao nib. I think this one is baby vegetarian because of the presence of eggs,
Starting point is 01:18:06 if I were to guess, or maybe the vanilla ice cream. It's probably the ice cream. The ice cream, yeah. Yeah, I would guess that little scoop of ice cream. And it's got that ragu on the side. That's right, yes. It's actually not vegetarian. A very bland ragu.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Guess what, Wags? I think this might have been my bite of the night. Wow. And it goes under the category of things I finish. So this and the panino. So it's caramel almond, vanilla ice cream, and there was no almond though. I didn't see where the almonds were. And then the cacao nibs or whatever, cacao nibs, I don't know how to say.
Starting point is 01:18:47 It's cacao, yeah, it's not cacao. I didn't love those cacao nibs. I wasn't a big fan of those. I don't love those either, yeah. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a cacao nib and I am a cacao lick. But a cacao nib is like pointless. It's like dark chocolate, right? I thought it, yeah, all right, that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:19:07 It has like a, what's like the hard candy? Like what is that hard candy that gets stuck in your teeth? All right, moving on. Tootsie roll. We were talking about earlier. No, like the really hard, it's like a... Jawbreaker. It's like caramel-y, but like super hard, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:19:30 Like a... Toffee. Toffee. It's like toffee. It tastes like toffee to me. I mean, I think it's doing a disservice to toffee, which I prefer. Cacao nibs tastes like toffee. It tastes a little toffee to me.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Look, anyways, moving on. It was still my bite of the night. There's no way. Claudia's face just conveys such confusion and contempt. She's baffled by you saying that. It's, the episode's almost over. Look, I'm going to say this. I'm not sure if it was Claudia much like the alligator cheesecake at Jacomose.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I'm not sure what temperature this flour chocolate cake was supposed to be, but I did give it a little nuke. I put the ice cream on there and put the caramel on there and the chocolate. Okay. Just that's kind of what that would sound like. That's like when people try to do their Kermit impression, people always try to do a microwave impression too. That's true.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It's kind of hacky. Everyone's always doing it, but I couldn't resist. One goes off to the other. Anyways, that's my bite of the night, things I finished. And that's everything. My server, Giovanna, who was great and very attentive and very friendly, did a great job of pretending like she liked me. I appreciated from a server, but she recommended you the flourless
Starting point is 01:20:51 chocolate cake or the squash pie. So she recommended the one you got, Mitch, and the one I got, the squash pie, which is vegan and which is a graham crust, coconut whipped cream, and again, another squash dish. She said to get the chocolate cake you didn't get it? No, she said to get that or the squash pie. She said those were the two winners. There's like four items on the dessert menu.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And I opted for the squash pie and it was a quality pie. You know what, Mitch? This might have been my bite of the night. This might have been my favorite thing. I think they do do a good dessert there. I think places that are kind of like, to Claudia's point about things being bland, the thing about a place that's doing things vegan
Starting point is 01:21:26 is they can just always load it up without its sugar and give it a little bit of flavor. And I don't think- Sugar, coconut oil. Exactly, yeah. I don't think this dish was healthy at all, but it was a tasty dessert. And I got it myself.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I got it with an oat milk latte, which was a well-made latte. They have a good barista there. They know what they're doing behind the bar. Oh, did you have trouble getting this late? No, because they went in like the late afternoon. I went just early enough where it was like just around the cusp of my caffeine cutoff. So I was okay.
Starting point is 01:21:54 And this was still your dinner? It was like a 3 p.m. dinner? Yeah, it was like a 4 p.m. dinner. What do you want from me? I eat early. Anyway, I was wearing a Dunktown t-shirt and the podcast Dunktown and the server comes up to me. This is not Giovanna.
Starting point is 01:22:10 This is a different server. This is a dude who's working there. And he's like, like, like Dunktown. Giovanna Rebisi. It was Giovanna Rebisi. And he's like, Dunktown, is that a place? And in my head, I was like, well, it is.
Starting point is 01:22:27 I mean, the theme song says it is a place, but I know that's not what you're asking. And I was like, is it a podcast? Dunktown is a podcast. It's my friend's podcast. And he's like, is it your podcast? I said, no. And then I realized that was kind of like a shot fired at Mitch.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Like, kind of. I was embarrassed that they thought that I would wear my own podcast merch. Anyway, he didn't even know it was a podcast or he didn't recognize me or anything. But anyway, but I was like, no, this is my friend's podcast. Is that it's a podcast? I wear Doughboy's t-shirts because I bought them
Starting point is 01:22:54 and then they are the only t-shirts that fit me. Yeah. So. Well, you can only buy Doughboy's t-shirts in 3XL and up. That's our fan base. Anyway, so we had a nice little basketball conversation. And we talked about hoops for a little bit. He said he was like.
Starting point is 01:23:11 With this person who thought Dunktown was a real town. Well, he just wasn't familiar with it. And but when I explained it was a podcast, he was like, I love podcasts. I'll check it out. Giovanna is a man. Giovanna was a lady. And then this was a gentleman who came up to Mitch,
Starting point is 01:23:26 made a joke about it being Giovanni Robisi. But this was a separate person. This was a dude who came up to me. We had a, we had a, we broed out about hoops for a little bit. He had the Grizzlies at plus 2600 to win the title. I was like, I think that's, I mean, and he was like, look, I don't think they're going to win, but I couldn't, I couldn't resist at those odds.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And I was like, I think that's a good bet. He's like, I think so too. Oh, it would a lovely conversation. Anyway, we're friends. You made a lot of connections at True Food Kitchen. Yeah, you certainly did. This guy's going to lose some money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I could see you ending up with Giovanna, to be honest. Me? I mean, oh, Nick. I know you're married. No. I am married, yeah. Nick. But yeah, you know, a long road, some things go wrong for me and.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Exactly. You never know. You never know. You never know. And then just seems like there's something going on. She did a good job of pretending like she liked me. Although Mitch is interested as well. I'll set him up.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Natalie also there, like your dad with her fingers crossed. Wigs, let's wrap up our thoughts on True Food Kitchen. Let's get to our final thoughts on True Food Kitchen. So, Claudia, you've done the podcast before. You know how this works, but just to refresh her, we'll each go around, give a summation of our experience, a closing argument, if you will, as Mitch's lawyer character might say,
Starting point is 01:24:53 and end it by giving a score from zero to five forks. Claudia, you are a guest. Trying to say. We'll begin with you. Here we go. I'm going to give it two and a half four. Wow. Like, it wasn't, it wasn't, isn't that,
Starting point is 01:25:08 I feel like it's not bad, but I also wasn't like, yum. And I had to do a lot of adding of things to make it taste okay. Yeah, very fair. Spoon Man, what do you think? But I loved what I had the next. The leftovers with the salt and the oil, great. Yeah, they're good ingredients, I feel like. The food if re-cooked in a better way is better.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Yeah. Is good. Then it's nicer. Yeah. All right, here we go. If you do like a chopped, if you eat in a chopped sort of scenario, if the food you get there, it works out quite well. So if it's a chopped scenario, good idea for double wigs for us to do.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Claudia, we'll have you on that. We have a chopped basket, but it's leftovers from different restaurants. She looked very disappointed when I said we'll have you on it. She said, thanks. Very unhappily. Yeah, we're almost done, Claudia. Sorry. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I'm, I, you can keep going. I'm loving, I'm having a time of my life. God bless you. All right, here we go. I thought the hummus was humming. I thought the hummus was really good. I had, I took a bite of the hummus. I thought it was humming.
Starting point is 01:26:21 I said, who doggie? I said, who doggie? This is some good hummus, I said to myself. And, and then. You do this character on other episodes? This is the first I've encountered it. This is the first time. Yeah. He's, he's debuting.
Starting point is 01:26:36 This is his premiere episode. So, who doggie? This, who doggie? This hummus is humming. That's what I said. And then to yourself in your house, to myself in my house. And then I took a bite of the turkey burger. I said, this is more like a turd burger.
Starting point is 01:26:55 This is no good at all. I don't like this. This is not, this isn't humming. This isn't even strumming. This is why this is slumming. This burger is slumming. It's got no taste to it. The panino, I would say panee, yes.
Starting point is 01:27:12 I liked it. The sides are just okay. Are you still in character as the guy? Yeah, I'm still the guy. And then that, that, that chow, flowerless chocolate cake. Doggie. He's back.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Okay. Doggie. That chow, that flowerless chocolate cake. Who doggie? That's the best way to sum it up. I really enjoyed it. Everything else was kind of like hit or miss. I thought the, I thought the avocado, the guacamole was fine,
Starting point is 01:27:50 but I'm with Claudia like, oh yeah, I guess it isn't that good. It was just fresh. It didn't taste great. There was pumpkin seeds in it. Didn't help it. Could you tell where the edamame was in it? No, I'm with you. I don't know why it's in it.
Starting point is 01:28:04 They lied and I don't think there's edamame in it. There was no like chunkiness or, you couldn't tell. You couldn't tell it's, it shouldn't be, it should just be a guacamole. They shouldn't. Edamame, guacamole, it pops up on rest, on restaurant menus and it's just like, there's no need. What a pointless idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Great way to ruin the guacamole. No. I kind of agree with Claude Dogg here. So that, that was, you know, that wasn't my favorite. That was actually one of the better things. Turkey burger wasn't great. Sides weren't great. The juices were okay.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I'm going right down the middle. Wags a little higher than Claudia, but not great. Does it deserve a three? I'm just thinking of how much expensive it is. It's very pricey. That's another, that's another side to it. 2.75 forks is my final answer. 2.75 forks.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Well, indeed. We're going to be, we're going to be climbing the ladder here. We're going to be stepping up the stairs because I am going to go a little higher than you, taking the price into account because I did overall have a satisfactory meal, but it is the soup, for instance, which Claudia and I both, both got. I thought it was fine. Claudia did not like hers as she said, but you get, you get 10 ounces. So cinnamon soup.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Yeah. It's a, I want to, I want to lunch with a cinnamon soup. There we go. Thank you. Anyway, so one cup. Deep in my bread in some cinnamon soup. There you go. That's just the rest of it.
Starting point is 01:29:36 So it's like one cup and one and a quarter cups, basically 10 ounces of soup. And I believe it costs $10 like it's, it's your, your pay and whatever. That's a, that's expensive for a cup of soup. Now that's what you might get at a fine dining restaurant. That's the kind of premium you might pay, but this quality is not up to the level of, like you go to a nice sit down restaurant that's going to be like, hey, this is our anniversary spot or whatever. It's that price point, but it's not that quality of food.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And I guess it's that it's priced higher because they're probably just positioned in, in richer areas. The, that's where the locations are. And also everything is mostly vegan and gluten free. But don't have your, don't have your anniversary dinner at the true foods, true food market or whatever the hell it's called, true food kitchen. True food kitchen. I wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 01:30:20 That said, you know, I thought the, I thought the flat bread was okay. And then the salad was pretty solid, very horseradishy. And the drinks were solid and the pie was, was, was quite good. Solid salad. Solid salad. See, now you're getting into the spirit of it. Yeah. Let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Solid salad from a future entry in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. She doesn't get that joke for God's sakes. No one does. Definitely not. I think the, I, fuck, I'm saying three forks because I think the service was really good. Okay. From a dining experience, it was a, it was a quality meal. It was just too pricey.
Starting point is 01:31:04 If this was whatever, 25% cheaper, that would go a long way. But as priced, it's, it's, it's not more than three forks. I think you have to have so much money that like restaurant prices mean nothing to you for this I guess so. The actual three, four restaurant, which I guess is who you are, Nick. Yeah, it kind of is me. I mean, the still boys empire is clearly thriving. So that's what he's always been.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Wait, wait, wait, it's the ladder. We did the ladder. It's the, we did the little ladder, right? What does it call it again? I think, I think Mitch, I think it should be the stairs at the spoon shack because we see that, that, that your stairway is always in the frame when you're recording. So this, we're climbing the stairs at the spoon shack, two and a half forks, two forks, three times and three forks for true food kitchen.
Starting point is 01:31:58 We'll take a break. We'll be back with more dough boys. Hey, you craving fresh, delicious, easy meals, try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door. That's right, wise. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process
Starting point is 01:32:33 that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the risk of getting bored with wild grain. They're constantly adding new seasonal and limited time special items to try. Plus, for every new member, wild grain donate six meals to the greater Boston food bank wags, Boston baby, so you can eat good and do good all at the same time. All you have to do is sign up at slash dough boys and choose which type of box you want to receive and how often. It's easy to reschedule, skip or cancel.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Plus, for a limited time, you can get $30 off the first box plus free croissants in every box. When you go to slash dough boys to start your subscription. You heard me, free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to slash dough boys. That's slash dough boys or you can use promo code dough boys at checkout. Do it. Welcome back to dough boys. We're with Claudia Doherty and hey, it's time for a segment. I have a question for Claudia before we get into the segment. Okay. And then I have a question. All right. Emma, do you have a question before we get in the segment? No, I'm good. Okay, I was good. Do you remember what the ladder was? We forgot the name for the ladder.
Starting point is 01:34:07 There was like step ladder club or something. The question is for me. No, the question is for you. Do you remember this bit of dough boys lore? He wasn't the podcast, right? My question is, do you think that I am less funny every time you come on the show? Do you think that at some point you probably thought I was like, okay, funny. And then every time you've been on the show, dough boys sense, do you think that I'm less funny of a person is my question, I guess. Oh, I don't think of you at all. Mad men. Mad men. Great moment. And mad men. That's a mad men moment. I mean, I definitely, yeah, to sort of, to presume that I'm spending
Starting point is 01:34:56 any time being like, oh, Mitch is getting less funny is funny. Like I, of course, I'm Well, the listeners would agree that that's probably what's happening is every episode of less funny. You get surrounded by yes, people who laugh at everything you say. Right. That is actually your friendship with me is so important for keeping you grounded and funny, hopefully. Claudia, you had a question. Oh yeah. Okay. So you know how before I came on the show at the beginning, you were playing that B52 song? That's right. Yes. And I was just wondering if you guys agree that the lead singer of the B52s looks like French Stuart from Third Rock from the Sun? Yes. French Schneider.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Yes. The Schneider and Stuart. Same initials. For same initials. Separate at first. Me thinks there's something going on here. Now you're saying looks like or sounds like? Both. Both. I'm, I'm, I'm looking at both. I'm bringing up both their pictures. I mean, I haven't seen either of them for a long time, but to me, they look exactly the same. Do you know who, you know what, you know, I, you know, I both think they sound like a little bit like Kermit the Frog. No. Love check, baby. No. Here's both of them and they're making kind of similar expressions. So maybe this will be a good gauge. I'll share this for the two of us to look at. Claudia, do you do any impressions?
Starting point is 01:36:35 There we sort of see. There's French Stuart. There's French Schneider. Wow, they look, they look exactly the same. They're pretty similar. They look very like, they do look very like. And these, also these images feel like they're like more current images and I'm obviously thinking of them. I imagine Love Shack is the video, the video for Love Shack is how I imagine French Schneider. Right. So it's like they've continued aging and they've continued looking exactly the same. I just, I really, I love it when people look similar. Do you know who else looks similar? Billie Eilish's brother's girlfriend looks exactly like Billie Eilish.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Wow. Oh boy. But I'm packing to do. Uh-oh. That gets a little uh-oh. That gets a small little uh-oh for poor Billie Eilish's brother. That's funny. That's always funny when you sit out in the wild. Um, I don't think you see that that often. No, but you see it every, it happens every so often. Claudia, do you do any impressions? Um, no, I mean, I have done impressions before, but I don't have ones that I feel like doing. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Are you trying to get me to do something? Yes, I was. I was just trying to get you to do an impression. I thought it would be fun to try to force you to do an impression so you could feel how we feel. Okay. Why don't you say someone I'll do an impression of them and I won't have like an established impression of them. Madeleine Albright, RIP. Okay. We need to talk about this. That's not bad. I imagine that's what she's after. It's actually pretty good. Yeah, it's actually pretty good. And what she was talking about, and she met, she met why we need to go to Warner Rock.
Starting point is 01:38:39 That's what she was talking about. Exactly. She's talking to Clinton. Is that who she worked with? Yeah, she worked for Clinton. RIP. RIP. To Madeleine. Clinton died. Breaking news. Breaking chews on the show. Hey, I got a food-related exam. Mitch and Claudia must compete for dominance. Is it another edition of Slop Quiz? This was compared by our associate producer Amelia Marino. Thank you, Amelia. RIP to Sox. Sox Clinton. Sox the cat?
Starting point is 01:39:13 The cat. Sox the cat Clinton has passed. Hillary killed the cat. I'm just kidding. That's the theory. Our listeners will take that out. They'll go with that, and they're going to make it a big time conspiracy. It could undo the next election somehow. It could undo the next election. It's all hinging on. The Hillary killed the cat. All of that. Actually, a former Australian Prime Minister did kill his girlfriend's cat, and it was well documented. Oh, my God. In college, Malcolm Turnbull's girlfriend broke up with him,
Starting point is 01:39:55 and he killed her cat, and he wrote her a crazy letter about it, and then he was the Prime Minister. Slate political Gabfest guest? Malcolm Turnbull? Recurring guest on the Gabfest? John Dickerson's guy? Malcolm Turnbull killed his cat? Yeah. I don't know what Gabfest or John Dickerson is, but yeah. Great podcaster. That's fucking bullshit. He should be killed. Anyways. It's pretty weird. Yeah. If you kill, whatever, I won't get into it. I am a person who eats lots of meats. There was a, wasn't there an Australian Prime Minister who disappeared while swimming and his body was never found? Harold Holt. That's wild. What's going on with your Prime Ministers over
Starting point is 01:40:44 there? They're usually bad. They're often very bad. Can't relate. Such a bad one right now. Disgusting. He sucks. But yeah, Harold Holt was like three weeks into being Prime Minister or something, and he went for a swim and disappeared. Sad. It's like William Henry Harrison died in 30 days, US president in the 19th century. He was the US president of the 19th century, and he gave such a long speech at his inauguration that he got sick. He came down with the flu because it was cold outside, and then he died within a month. Yeah, shortest. I think that the punishment fits the crime because talking for too long and being boring is boring. Exactly. Yeah. And Claudia, I hate to say this, but read up on your American history, please. If you're going to be living
Starting point is 01:41:36 here, just kind of catch up a little bit on all of our presidents. Okay. Yeah, Mitch hit her with some more presidential facts you should know. I know tons. I know tons of them. George Washington was the first. Yeah. Very good. And 45 was our last. Wow. Wow. Is that Trump? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My favorite president. You love Trump so much. No, I do not love Trump. Jesus Christ. Don't start that. Don't act. You can't use your ability to say that. Mitch really does love Trump. I saw Mitch, the way Claudia said it, it was sincere. She didn't act. That wasn't acting. That was real. She acted. It wasn't a joke. It was true. How dare you act in that scenario? That's not fair.
Starting point is 01:42:30 You can't act. My favorite president, Taft, the big fat. Give me the big fat guy. Taft was okay. Well, his policies. I don't care about his policies at all. I'm just the big fat guy. Honestly, not a bad way to evaluate a president because they're mostly monsters or war criminals. I would say that I'm an FDR guy. Lincoln. Come on. Everyone likes Lincoln. Sure. Lincoln's good. FDR is great. We love FDR. He's my favorite too, actually. Yeah. FDR is good. I like FDR. All right. Let's give him a stupid slopp quiz. It's going to be a movie about him, I think Martin Scorsese is making a movie about him. That's cool. I like that a lot. I'm in it. I'm not. I'm not in it. Oh man, what she were.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Me too. Me as FDR. Everyone's dying to see that. That'd be phenomenal. And me as Taft. A flashback or a flash forward? Who knows? All right, Wax, here we go. You tell me. Taft was before FDR. I know that. Pretty safely. You know, so the. So he'd be really old. Yeah. You know, we're talking conspiracy theories earlier. And this is a conspiracy theory-centered segment. This is Mandola effect addition, as compiled by our producer immediately. Some background, the Mandela effect is the phenomenon by which a large mass of people recall an event differently from the way it actually happened, a shared false memory. The term was coined after Nelson Mandela died in 2013,
Starting point is 01:43:59 when a large group of people collectively called him already having passed away in the 1980s in prison. So these are food related conspiracy theories that have some version of the Mandela effect at play. These are real ones that Amelia has compiled. And this is also just like, should be renamed like dumb ass disease. Okay, this is dumb ass disease. This is dumb. No, I'm saying Mandela effect is like, he died in prison in the 80s. Like no, he didn't. No, yeah, you just weren't paying attention. I mean, like that's that's the funny one to me that's just wrong. But anyway, it's okay, go on. Yeah. Okay, so I'll say, I'll say a food stuff. And then I'll say a food related conspiracy theory or Mandela Mandela effect. And then you
Starting point is 01:44:39 can buzz in with your name and answer, which is which it's this is these are generally either real or not. Okay, it's either real is really happened. Yeah. So I'll say one that's the Mandela effect and one that's the actual one. And you tell me which is which. Okay. Does that make sense? Okay. Okay, yeah. Yeah. All right, great. Buzz in with your name first up. And if you want to do a Kermit impression with your name, that's fine too. Certainly. Okay, great. In fact, you have in fact, you have to do a Kermit impression with your name. Here we go. Is it jiff peanut butter or jiffy peanut butter? Mitch. Mitch.
Starting point is 01:45:16 It's jiff peanut butter. You are correct. Some people remember it as jiffy, but it is in fact, jiff. And it's always been jiff. I was going to say jiff as well. But even though I said it at the exact same time as Mitch, for some reason you called it. I think we have a I think we have an audio delay. I heard Mitch first. Emma, do you want to be the tiebreaker here? Sure. Emma will be the tiebreaker. Okay, Emma will be the tiebreaker if you guys want to dispute the order. All right, next one. Next up. General Mills Serial. C-O-C-O-A puffs or C-O-C-O puffs? So Cocoa puffs. It's spelled with an A or no A? Claudia.
Starting point is 01:45:59 No A. No, it's spelled with an A. I knew that. Cocoa puffs. You got Mandela affected. I, yeah, and Mandela did die in the 80s. Okay, so let's see what's going on here. No, but also I'm not American. You know, these questions are slightly geared towards Americans. All right, so now I get to, now I get to say this in your defense. We were supposed to do My Snacrifice. Emma knows this. We've been planning on doing My Snacrifice. Hold on a second. Emma knows this. For some time. Emma's not in a long. This morning you texted me. You said you got a My Snacrifice ready. And I said, no, of course I don't. We did last, the last meeting we had.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I was at a bachelor party weekend. We had a meeting last time, last time we had a meeting and we said, hey, do you want to do My Snacrifice with Claudia? There's a segment, Claudia, where Mitch sings a song and he had time to prepare the song. And you said, yeah, sure, that's perfect. And it's like, it'll be funny because you'll be uncomfortable singing in front of her. And so we had verbally agreed to it. And then when I reminded you by text, you're like, no way. And so we had to pivot to a different segment in a hurry. So yes, Claudia's at a little bit of a disadvantage as a result. Look, I'm just going to say this. The great two hour meeting I had the day I got back from Key West.
Starting point is 01:47:15 I don't remember some stuff about it. Okay. That wasn't the meeting where we talked about it. It was a previous meet. It was an earlier meeting. Oh, really? Yeah. It's okay. That's too, that's too long ago. Anyways, let's go. Key West really messed you up. Okay. Am I meant to sing as well or just Mitch? Just Mitch. I mean, if you want to sing. It was Mitch. Yeah, if you want to sing, we could set that out. I don't, I don't really want to, but yeah. It would have been just me singing. All right, here we go. There's another Kellogg's, or there's another cereal rather. There's a Kellogg's cereal instead
Starting point is 01:47:47 of a General Mills cereal. How do you spell fruit loops? Mitch. Go on, Mitch. Oh, F-R-O-O-T. Mitch, you are correct. It's two to zero, Mitch. But he forgot to say L-O-O-P-S at the end. That is true. That's true. He just spelled it fruit. I'm still going to give it to him because I did not clarify, but that's a good point. If that ends up deciding the game, feel free to challenge it. Okay. All right, next one, we're going to candy. Here we go. Talking about Kit Kat bars. The question is, is there a hyphen between Kit and Kat or no hyphen? Claudia. Go on, Claudia. No hyphen. You are correct. You are on the board. It's two to one. I've known all these so far,
Starting point is 01:48:34 but that's a good question. I just try, I just try to avoid processed food. So it's just. Oh my God. You're going to play the, I'm not American card. I don't eat non-processed food card. Only, yeah, but hey, I'm American. If I get to play FDR, that's fucking bullshit. Why? All right, next one. Back to cereal. Let's get Claudia out of here. Claudia, you got to go. Next, back to cereal. What color is the mascot for frosted flakes? Tony the Tiger's nose. I'll give you some options here. Options are blue, black, orange, or red. So Tony the Tiger's Mitch. They are great. His nose. I heard Mitch first. Emma, what did you hear? I heard Mitch first as well. Wow. This is total bullshit. I think Mitch might be right. There
Starting point is 01:49:26 might be some lagginess happening. Yeah, it could be a little bit of lag, but yeah. I might get it wrong, Claudia, but we'll see you right now. Once you hear the individual audio recording, I'll send through. You'll hear I'm right. Yeah, it's fine. You're probably right. Mitch, my response, oh wait, sorry, Mitch, and my response is black nose. No, I'm sorry. My first one wrong. Yeah, that's what I would have guessed, but now I'm going to change my guess to blue. You are correct. It is a blue nose. It is blue. It is blue. Fuck. It's a blue nose.
Starting point is 01:50:02 I should have known that. That's crazy. I really fucked up. It is wild. I fucked up. All right, next up. Oscar Meyer, the meat company, is Meyer spelled with an A or an E? Claudia. Mitch. I heard Mitch first again, Emma. Once again, wow, this is crazy. I heard Claudia. You heard she was just louder, but the Claudia is stuck in my head. Okay, so I'm going to give this one to Claudia. Ty goes to the guest. And what's the question? Is it E or A after the M? Yeah, Oscar Meyer, is it M-E-Y-E-R or M-A-Y-E-R? I think it's E. No, I'm sorry. It's spelled with an A. Oscar Meyer with an A.
Starting point is 01:50:49 M-A-B-L-O-N-E has a second name. It's M-A-Y-E-R. Come on, Claudia. That song I know. Once again, I'm from a different country. Yeah. Well, well, well, once again, when it helps you out, when you want to sing the Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut song, you know it, but when it's the Oscar Meyer song, you don't know it. I love hot dogs. I wish they didn't give you cancer. That's what I'll say about that. Is that true? What do you like that they say that hot dogs do? They're filled with carcinogens short in your life. What kind of hot dogs do you like?
Starting point is 01:51:28 I just kind of any kind. I think they're so nice. But in Australia, we have hot dogs, but it's more about a sausage sizzle. Sausage sizzle. So that's a slice of white sandwich bread and a sausage and usually onions. Wow. Very good. So good. Is sausage, does sausage give you cancer too, or is it just hot dogs? I'm sure they're both the same ballpark. I think hot dog would be more because it's like more processed. Sure. Probably.
Starting point is 01:52:01 You probably get a fancier sausage that's going to not give you quite as much cancer. I think any sort of curious smoke meat you should probably have in moderation. I like that amount. Yeah. Did you see that there was once a video of some kind of morning TV show and a doctor was talking about what foods give you cancer and they're like, well, definitely number one processed meats. Definitely can't eat those. And they're like, which ones? He was like, bacon and the toast looks like he's going to pass out. He's like, bacon. I have bacon every morning. He's like, oh yeah, you shouldn't do that. And he's like, wow.
Starting point is 01:52:43 Oh no. Sad though, because it is so nice to eat. Delicious. Bacon is great. And so is hot dogs. Hot dogs are good. The stuff that tastes the best, you just can't have it. That's the way the world works. There's a Venezuelan hot dog truck that's near where we live that I've been to a couple of times. Dog R, if anyone's in LA, Dog R like Dodger. And it's one guy and he's got himself a little cart that he has behind his truck. And the Venezuelan side, which I never had before, but it's got potato sticks on it. So it's got a nice little bit of crunch, a bunch of other
Starting point is 01:53:21 components, a really well made dog. Delightful. So seek that out if you're in the LA area. But yeah, I love myself a hot dog. Hot dogs are great. Yeah. When I was in New Orleans, filming, killing it on Peacock, I was, I lived across the street from day of a hot dog chain. What's the hot dog chain in New Orleans called? I'm not sure. Oh, I don't know either. Something dog. Anyway, that dog. And I never got a single hot dog. Yeah, I really wanted to go, but I just would never quite in the mood for a hot dog for four months. Sad. That is insane. Why didn't you go? Why didn't you tell me about this place? I would have gone. I know. They had alligator hot dogs, turkey for the holidays.
Starting point is 01:54:15 I don't know, but you came to my house. You would have seen it. And I also had, we had, I had a nice turtle bow and A's. Remember, that was very good. We had to, we had some good food in the time I was there. You've had no shortage of reptiles then. Yeah. I mean, no, I mean a lot of reptiles. Mitch only eats reptile meat. That is not true. Admit it, Mitch. That is true. All right. Next question. How, how dare you, someone who loves to do a Kermit impression as much as I saying that I only eat, I guess that's an amphibian. That's an amphibian. Fuck. I know. I just got that. All right. It's close enough. Wags, next question, please. All right, great. We're going to get Claudia out of here. This is
Starting point is 01:54:59 insane. Is the snack spelled cheese it singular or cheese it's plural? Mitch. I heard Mitch first again. Emma's nodding. Cheese it singular. You are correct. Cheese it is singular. Plural is cheese it snacks or cheese it crackers. They're really good. People usually say cheese it, but it's cheese it. That's a good American snack. They're fucking great. Great snack. It's like Celtics vs. Lakers right now. I'm just fucking dominating. You're up three, two. Oh, you mean, and she has a substantial disadvantage not being raised. All right. All right. Come on. Next question. A lot of these are nostalgia based. All right. Next up is the candy spelled sweet tarts or sweet tarts. Claudia. That sounded even to me. Emma. That sounded like a tie to me. And I think Ty goes to the guest.
Starting point is 01:55:57 Yeah. All right. Go ahead. I mean, to be honest, I've never seen, I don't know what a sweet tart is, so I am just guessing. I'm going to say that it's just going to be the one T, no two T, even though it should be two T. You are correct. That is correct. You are correct. It is sweet tarts with only one T. People call them sweet tarts, but it's just one T. This is not it up. This can't be right. It's not it up. It's three, three. This is bullshit. This is like the Lakers Celtics. Go into game seven. Oh, Jesus. Who knows what's going to happen here with this final one? This will be, this is sudden death. So if you get it wrong, you lose. If you get it right, you win. Okay. We're talking instant ramen. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Cuppo noodles or cup noodles? Mitch. Sounded Mitch by a hair? What did you think, Emma? That's what I heard. I think it's Mitch. Go ahead, Mitch. Cup noodles. Mitch, you are correct. No O. There's no O. It is cup noodles. You have won this edition of Slot Quiz. USA. A quiz about the USA that the USA is one by one point. What a journey. The time I come on this show, which, you know, might not happen, but it would be, it would be nice if we did the Australian version of this. That could be fun for
Starting point is 01:57:38 me. We will do that. I do love that. We would love to do that. And also, we would love to have you any time, but any time you want to come on the show. I get how you're saying how it might not happen. This is from your side, which I get, which I totally understand. We'll get you out of here. I just don't want to be presumptuous that I will be invited back. This is a hot ticket. Hey, you know what? We'll have you back any time. Season two of Killing It. We'll bring you back. Wow. How exciting. Oh, fingers crossed. That don't. Fingers crossed. I think it's gonna happen. Just like Nick's dad. Just like Nick's dad and Natalie. Fingers crossed. Why is that it? That's it. That was the last one. That's it. That's it for Mandola Effect. Just
Starting point is 01:58:23 like a restaurant about your feedback. Let's open up the feedback. And today's email is from Jennifer from Ohio. Jennifer writes, relatively new listener here, but such a fan of the pod, not enough to readily admit to people that I listen to podcasts, though. I used to try to avoid chain restaurants, but your podcast reminds me of the simple joys of nostalgia of getting food from places I enjoyed as a youth and that the food isn't bad. My love of food talk is second only to my enjoyment of the banter between Nick and Mitch and the guests. My question is, if you could go back in time and pick a different topic to start a podcast with each other about, what would it be? Please note, not starting a podcast and not doing one with Nick slash
Starting point is 01:58:57 Mitch are not options. Damn it. Thanks for all the laughs. I truly look like a person. Yeah, I know. That makes things tough on me. Like laughing a lot, whatever. I listen. Hashtag spoon nation for life. Thanks, Jennifer. So a different topic for podcasts. Claudia, are you, have you had a podcast at any point? Are you thinking of doing a podcast? Would you do a podcast? People have asked me if they won't. Sometimes people try to get me to do one, but I can't think of one, you know? But I understand. Look, Mitch is in a house built out of podcast dollars. It's not smart. I should get one. I should get one. But I'm like, oh, don't they all exist already? I need to think that's the thing. We thought that in 2015 when we started this podcast.
Starting point is 01:59:47 There's still room for more. I would definitely not do a food podcast just because it has killed us. Health benefits. Yeah, health problems. Yeah, the health, the health side of it. It's bad. Why do I only get to go back and just change the pot? I wish I could go back further. I want to be a baby. I want to be new like Meryl Streep says in adaptation. I don't want to go, I want to go further back and fix mistakes before the podcast. So I don't even have to do a podcast. I'd never get out of that pool. What's the biggest mistake? Yeah, why is waking up, why is pulling his head up from the Superman flow? It's his biggest mistake. I think to address the question, I do think that this topic worked well for us because
Starting point is 02:00:41 it gets contentious and it will always get contentious between the two of us. But at the end of the day, it's a topic we don't care so much about. Whereas if this was about like say sports or something or movies, I could see us legit getting mad at each other and holding grudges over opinions and takes. And I think this is just like a, I agree, but I could see it happening and this is just like a little bit less of a, of a hot button sort of territory, hot button. That's true. Yeah. Good point, Nick. I guess we've never gotten mad at each other on the show before. You know what I mean. I get what you're saying. Okay. I don't know what, I don't know what, I can't think of anything else that the topic just kind of worked, but also what are we
Starting point is 02:01:26 doing here? Even the listeners, the listeners know that the show isn't good. Here's what I'm going to say. I'm going to be funny. I'm going to become funny again. Claudia, that's my, you're, you're worried you're not funny. I think you've, you've continued to be fun. No, no, you're a funny guy. You can't help but be funny. Look, I've lost my, I like lost my mojo a little bit. You, you're coming back. I'm worried you lost your fastball. Yeah. In New Orleans, when you came to do the show, you did lose your mojo. I did, I lost my mojo. I'm just kidding around because that's going to like freak me out forever that I've said that. Claudia knows that I had a bit of a breakdown book. He's texting Maeve right now.
Starting point is 02:02:04 I, I, I really lose my mojo. Look, my mojo, I'm getting it back though. This year is the year I'm getting it back. I'm, I'm, I'm coming back, but that's besides the point. And look, there's nothing funnier than someone saying they're going to be funny. And it's going to happen soon. I'm coming back. I don't know if I would change anything. You know what? Why is that? I don't know if I would change anything. If I had to choose something, I would maybe do the pilot program like we've done for doubles or do a movie podcast, but then also, you know, people get mad at you for your movie opinion. So like, uh, I don't know. So maybe the pilot program is like the one of the things that's kind of fun to do is watching pilots or the thing.
Starting point is 02:02:51 I don't know. Something like that. It's also like when you got, yeah, pilot program is a, is a good concept. And you check those out in the dough boys double that I think you could make that a spin off podcast if you were wanting to second podcast, but I would say that the, yeah, think about it. You look at a movie podcast and it's just the space is so crowded. There's so many good movie podcasts out there. You know, how did this get made? Obviously, our buddy's a blank check. There's just the flop house. There's just good movie podcasts galore. And so competing in that space, like we'd kind of just sound like dipshit. So I think it's better for us to sound like dipshits about food. Also, the issue with, as you know, and you are both
Starting point is 02:03:28 working actors, thriving in the entertainment industry, Claudia just yawned again. We'll get you out of here real quick. Claudia, Claudia on a good full minute yawn. So we'll, but like that's like tricky territory because if you start saying like, hey, this movie sucks or hey, this TV show sucks, then that's potentially a future employer you're alienating. So you have to be kind of careful there too. I heard that I missed out on Star Wars because of that, that I was supposed to be in the Star Wars, the new Star Wars trilogy. You're going to be Uncar Plut Jr. They're like, we'll save so much on prosthetics. We'll just throw them out there as is. Jesus. Yeah, I agree with that, Nick. So I do think food,
Starting point is 02:04:11 it's an American thing. I think food is, I think food is, I think food was the way to go. I think food was the way to go. Yeah, I wouldn't change anything. The only thing I'd change looking at my hairline in the Zoom call is I would start using keeps earlier. Yeah, because I have a lot of forehead now. And I would start using hymns earlier. Yeah. What's hymns? It's like for erectile dysfunction. Oh, okay. Nick, I wouldn't change anything for the world. Wow. What a thing to say. Claudia, you should do it. You know what I would do? I'd go back in time and tell Claudia she doesn't have to do the podcast. Yeah. You'd be a fantastic podcaster, Claudia, because you're effortlessly funny and you're a delight to
Starting point is 02:05:01 hear just talk as yourself. So anything you ever want to talk about, if you don't want to do it, I get it, because it kind of fucking sucks, but also it's kind of easy. Is this a way in a meeting? Are you trying to give me a podcast in your network? Okay, great. So Doe Boys Media has a lot of opportunities for you. We can offer you an industry best 70-30 ad split when it comes to Ad Revenue. Now, we haven't launched any podcasts yet, but we're going to be doing it in the near future, and we'd love for you to be a flagship show. That's maybe why you don't work. Maybe that's why we don't, if this is like, you don't see, you like on this podcast, you get yawn and stuff like, because you're effortlessly,
Starting point is 02:05:40 effortlessly, oh my God. You're effortlessly funny, and Nick and I are kind of effort-fully funny. We have to be. I'd say effort-fully unfunny. Ever effort-fully unfunny. Yeah. So it doesn't seem to work. Anyways, you'd be great with a podcast, but you don't need one either. You're above it. You don't need one. Yeah, I would do whatever you want. This conversation has taken such a strange turn, but I appreciate the lovely compliment. You would be great at a podcast. What would you talk about if you had one? What would I talk about? I don't know. Yeah, there's tons of movie ones. I feel, I don't know if I would be willing to like, you know, expose a friendship on a podcast. That feels a little
Starting point is 02:06:34 odd. I mean, I know you guys have done that, but you had a great, you do have a great premise on this show, and it's like a self-perpetuating premise. There are so many chains of restaurants. You guys have the perfect idea for a podcast. I might do a podcast about chain restaurants. Please be my guest. Please do. I would love that. We'll pass the torch to you. Put us out of business. Is there like a women's one, like a dough women, dough girls, like the chipmunks? I would love to have that happen. Let's get the female reboot of dough boys going. Let's get the chipmunks, like the lady chipmunks. I agree. It also would just be like the chip bets.
Starting point is 02:07:23 When you put like a good restaurant next to like whatever, like there's like a, you know, you got an El Pollo loco. No, that's not even a good one. You got a Subway, and then a Jersey Mike's moves in next door. That's what we want. That's what we need, Wags. It helps. A rising tide lifts all boats. I'll motivate you guys. Yeah, but also you could also just put us out of our misery too. Right. I think you'd be pretty mad at me if I started a podcast where I reviewed chain restaurants. I mean, off there, I'd be furious at you. You'd be sending text to people. I mean, like,
Starting point is 02:07:59 did you say that Claudia made a podcast about food restaurants? I'd be sending text to people. I'd be sending it to you and be like, what the fuck are you doing? I don't know if you would. I think you'd be too scared. Don't you see? If I did that, you'd be like... That's a possibility. Yeah, I think you would just talk about me to all of our mutual friends. No, because you doing that would be strange because you wouldn't do something so weird. It would be out of character for me to do that. Yeah. But please don't. Please don't do it.
Starting point is 02:08:42 I could do it. I could just make it slightly different. You know? Make it about pasta. You like pasta? Just do the same premise. Do the exact same show. It'd be fine. Claudia, is there anything you'd like to plug? Now I'm going to get Claudia out of here. Oh my God, you're angry at me now. Okay, so please, everyone, please watch Killing God on Peacock. That would really make me thrilled. And because if I got a second season, that's just such good news for me just in terms of revenue. You know, it's great. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:17 What are you pointing at? Which is waving at someone off camera. Is that the blind guy? My UPS guy just walked by. I said hello. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, you should have pointed at him angrily. I went like this. No, I did not. I gave him a hello. I gave him a little... What's up? A little peace sign. A half peace sign like a... Not a peace sign. Yeah, because the gesture you're making is a little... It seemed a little aggressive. It's like a gun gesture. It was like a gun. All right. Look, anyways, I went back to Palmerston,
Starting point is 02:09:48 Wykes, my old place, my old apartment, broke into the old apartment, and I didn't break in. I rang the doorbell and I said, hi, I used to live here. Mitch, you moved out like two months ago. Relax. I know. I know. I went back. I said, hey, I used to live here. And if there's any extra mail... Wow, Wykes almost joked. If there's any... I stole coffee. If there's any mail that comes your way, let me know. I can come by and then change the address or whatever, because I had already changed the address, but I was afraid I wasn't getting mail.
Starting point is 02:10:23 So I told the... And the person there was very nice. She was a... And she said, come in. And she had me come inside the apartment. Wow. And it looked so nice in there. It looked so much nicer than it ever did in the 11 years I was there. It looked so nice. It looked so, so, so nice. It was crazy how nice it looked. And then she told me, Nick, Sal, my old UPS guy, she said, Sal was talking about you and he misses you. It made me sad. Oh, I bet he does. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:56 But anyways, she put a TV above the fireplace. So the windows are open. You can see through the windows. There's no big TV blocking the windows. It just looks so... Yeah. It just looks so nice. It looks so nice. Honestly, never ever see a TV placement. So yeah, that is an improvement. Look, whatever. Let's end the app. Check out Claudia's show. Claudia O'Doherty, thank you so much. And Mitch is on there for an episode. Don't forget.
Starting point is 02:11:27 And Mitch is on there for an episode. Thank you for having me. And just thank you to everyone in the Doughboys community. Oh, what a nice message. Claudia, can I say that when I auditioned for the show, it was one of the rare times where I auditioned for something. This is before the show started. I auditioned for it. And it was one of the rare instances where I auditioned for something. I was like, this is very, very, very funny.
Starting point is 02:11:51 That's great. And then when I heard that Claudia was on it, Claudia is one of the funniest in the world. So I was like, this funny show that's funnily written has hired a funny person. And then when I went and shot it, I wasn't funny, but the show was very, very funny and Claudia was very funny in it. So it's going to be very fun to watch and see. Of course, you're funny in it, Mitch.
Starting point is 02:12:13 You've made me tell you you're funny in it about 50 times already. You're funny. Don't worry. But thank you for all those compliments. That's very nice. But yeah, it's very exciting to be in a show that I also think is funny. I love it. It's great. Wow.
Starting point is 02:12:32 I'm going to get my mojo back this year. All right, that does it, Wigs. Let's get Claudia out of here. Let's get Claudia out of here. Email us at Leave us voicemail at 830-0-0-0. Dow, that's 830-466-368-44. And you can't get the Doughboys double.
Starting point is 02:12:44 A weekly bonus episode by joining the Goldner Platinum Plate Club at Slash Doughboys. Thanks to Claudia O'Doherty. Until next time, for The Spoonman, Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weiger. Happy eating. See ya. Bye, Claudia. Bye, Wigs.
Starting point is 02:12:58 She's finally free. What's up, everybody? It's The Spoonman with some exciting news. The Doughboys are going back on tour. We're heading to Nashville, Phoenix, Portland, Foxwoods in Connecticut, Boston. Yeah, baby. Chicago, San Fran, Seattle, Milwaukee, and Detroit.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Tickets are available online. And for more info, you can head over to slash live. That's slash live. Do it.

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