Doughboys - UNLOCKED! - Dogdoughbarkfest: Hey Spooky Buddies with Paul Rust

Episode Date: November 25, 2021

Unlocked and free for all! Paul Rust (Love, Don't Stop or We'll Die) joins the 'boys for the final Double of Dogdoughbarkfest and discusses an old roommate before a review of Spooky Buddies. To get Doughboys Double, go to  Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? It's your boy, The Spoon Man, and I want to talk to you about today's sponsor, Uber Eats. At Uber Eats, we've helped more than 400,000 restaurants across the U.S. reach new, hungry customers and deliver growth quickly through new orders. Uber's global platform can help you grow, reach new people, get valuable sales data, and unlock ways to expand with flexible delivery options. Put your business on Uber Eats. Get access to the Uber Eats platform, including valuable sales data to grow your business. Dig into your data. Really dig in there anytime to monitor your performance and customer order trends. Wow. Wow. Why, restaurant owners, enjoy 0% commission for the first 30 days on all orders,
Starting point is 00:00:50 offer subject to change per the terms of the restaurant agreement. Wow. 0% on the first 30 days. Sign up today. That link that you want to click on is down there in the episode description. Right down there. Check it out. There it is. Move your cursor. Go ahead and click. There. Or if you're on your phone, use your finger and click that link. Click that link in the episode description. The following is a free preview of the Doe Boys Double, our premium episodes available at slash Doe Boys. Welcome to Doe Boys Double. I'm Nick Weigher, along with the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell. It's Mr. Slice, by the way. Whatever it is. It's our final episode of Dog Doe Bark Fest 2021 in the studio, a month-long
Starting point is 00:01:58 deliberation of hot dogs and pet dogs. And Mitch, those ruffs will soon be waving goodbye to forever. That's right. I can, Wolfie and Germa will no longer be my pet dogs. They may be my pet something else is that I can't mention, but with per the rules of this month, where I, where Wolfie and Germa, you can explain it and I can't is the thing, is the rule. Yes, Wolfie and Germa, your two dogs must be referred to as such this month. They cannot be called cats or by their cat names, Wally and Irma. But as this month ends, as if they were turning from stone back to living creature, and their souls are rejoining their bodies via a magic mirror, Wally and Irma will become cats again. I'm going to find Harlan Williams. Is this
Starting point is 00:02:52 name Harlan Williams? I'm going to find Harlan Williams and kick him through a mirror. And then Wolfie and Germa will revert back and the spell will be broken. That's when we'll know that Dog Doe Bark Fest, 2021, the month-long grillabration of hot dogs and pet dogs is finally over. Once Harlan Williams cracks the mirror, the month is over. So look for that. And hey, what a guest we have for this week's episode. How exciting to have him back. By the way, I did high pitched barks for this because I was going before, but this is, we got puppies on the brain. We got puppies we're talking about today. Yeah, introduce our guest. We got sweet little puppies and we got the sweetest little guest.
Starting point is 00:03:39 From love and don't stop or we'll die, Paul Rust is back. Hi Paul. Hey, hi guys. It's really good to see you. Thank you so much for having me on the of the pod. Thanks for being here. Thank you so much for making time for us. It's always a delight to have you here. Hey, you could ask for any amount of time for me. You could ask for 25 hours of the day, and I'd give it to you. I love you guys. We love you too, buddy. This sounds like one of Harlan Williams' spells. Well, he casts a spell with any character he plays, but that's a wizard. It was two spells. I don't know the Harry Potter lore, but when they were saying spells in this,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I was like, I feel like they just are doing Harry Potter spells, right? It's that same formulation where they're like Holtus to get someone to stop, they just add us to the end of it. At the end of the movie, I just watched, which I did for, that was Micah's nickname, by the way, but I just watched the end of the movie and they say Protectus, and that is one of the, and I was like, that sucks. I mean, let me just be clear, not the only sucky part of the movie. Well, before we get to that, let's talk about hot dogs, because that's a big part of this month, and Paul, I know you are someone who likes yourself some tasty treats,
Starting point is 00:05:11 and I know you like fast food. Where do you stand on hot dogs? Ooh, well, I love hot dogs just in general. I know you guys are going to or just have been to New York. One of my top five favorite things to do in that old Big Apple is to see a hot dog cart and walk on up to it and eat a hot dog while I'm walking around, maybe hold a cold can of Coke in 30 degree weather. I love it. I do. I love it. There's a picture of me in New York holding a hot dog and a can of Coke with a huge winter jacket on as a stocking cap on, and I have the biggest shit eating grin on my face. I'm so happy. That's great. Just a pig in shit. I love it. If the city of New York is the Big Apple, then the hot dog is the wormwags.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Very good. You're getting a dog from a stand in New York or wherever. What are you putting on that bad boy? I know some people call it red red, but I call it ketchup. So I put ketchup on, and I know some people call it yellow yellow. Yeah. You guys call it probably yellow yellow, right? Because you're from SoCal, Nick, and you're from the East Coast, Mitch. Yeah. Red, red, and yellow yellow. Yeah, I call it mustard. These are like regionalisms for it because you're from Iowa, and that's kind of what they say up there. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. In Iowa, I think in my county, I feel like in most counties, in Iowa, they say red, red, yellow, yellow,
Starting point is 00:06:54 but in my county, they say ketchup and mustard. So yeah, I'll do ketchup and mustard. So what county is that? I'm just curious. Red, red, county. Got it. But it's a blue county, right? Very democratic. Yeah, politically, they're very blue blue. Right. Hold on a minute. That's actually the one statement that's not true in all these shenanigans. What do you call green green? Oh, do you mean relish? Yeah. Relish. I've heard of it. I've heard of relish before. I know it's confusing. People think it's weird because it's usually a verb that people use.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, right. I said to Nick right before this, I said, I'm going to relish this episode. That's what I said to you. Yeah. Well, I was eating a hot dog before the episode. I was like, I'm going to relish the red, red I put on this thing. Was that all that was on there was red, red? Why? It was just, and also you're not eating meat, so it was just a bun with ketchup in it, correct? Yeah, just a bun with red, red. Yeah. Is the, it was so, wait, so you're saying you put, you just do mustard and ketchup. You do red, red and yellow, yellow? Yeah, just, just, and I'll just make it easy for you guys and just use the terminology red, red, yellow, yellow, because I think it would be confusing if I say ketchup
Starting point is 00:08:26 and mustard. Right. So yeah, on my hot dogs, I'll put on red, red, yellow, yellow, like I grilled hot dogs a couple of weeks ago at home. And yeah, I put red, red, and yellow, yellow on those. Red, red. I love red, red on them. God, red, red. I sound like freaking Andy Dufresne over here. He was always calling for his friend. He's always called for his friend red. Multiple times. That's why if you look closely, a lot of times when he's calling out his friend's name, red, red, a lot of shots get blown, takes get blown because somebody will start running up, holding packets of ketchup. Yeah. Well, they're like, Tim Robbins has demanded it. They're like some PA is like terrified of losing their job. They hear the actor demanding
Starting point is 00:09:20 some red, red, and they hustle in with them. I think Tim Robbins is known typically as a very chill guy though. So I doubt that would happen. Yeah. Yeah. In real life, he's like, I've heard he's super cool. So we probably shouldn't have even said that. There's some behind the scenes like DVD extras of Morgan Freeman chewing out the PA, which is they're kind of fun to watch. Yeah. Where he's like, he didn't mean ketchup like he's yelling at him about. He's yelling at the PA. That's actually the only special features. It's just it's shots of Freeman Freeman. Dressing down various. Yeah. I watched those special features a long time ago. I think it was like back in college when I saw him, but I remember
Starting point is 00:10:07 one point he like picks up the PA just by a single ear and just kind of lifts him up off the ground and he yells into the ear, are you not understanding me? Yeah. And it's kind of threatening, but it's also like funny because it's Morgan Freeman's voice. So it's like, you know, he's like yelling that, but with, oh yeah, he has such a famous voice, such a famous voice, we all know. So that's what he's yelling with his Morgan Freeman voice. Are you not understanding me? It sounds like that. It's very, it's very good. It's very good. That was great. That was good. Hope you don't don't grab my ear. Don't famously, infamously grab my ear. Lift you up off your feet. Do you know who that PA was? That's like, what's interesting later is he just seems like a
Starting point is 00:10:56 normal PA, but do you know who he grew up to be? Well, no, if I had a guess from all this ear pulling, I would guess that he turned out to be Alfred E. Newman with those big ears. He did become Alfred E. Newman. That's right. Oh, wow. Those big ears. Yeah. Wait, hold on a second. Who did you think he turned out to be? Tom Hanks. But you were wrong. Yeah, Frank Darnabot, that Tom Hanks, that PA on the set of Shawshake, and he was like, you'd be perfect for my next movie, the green, green relish smile. Yes, that's funny that it's funny that Tom Hanks was in Forrest Gump and then went to PA
Starting point is 00:11:47 on Shawshake. Is that timeline right, Wags? Yeah, I think he won Best Actor for Forrest Gump the same year he was a PA for the Shawshake redemption. Well, you never know what your next gig is going to be. My question is, is Hanks acting right now or is he PAing? I didn't know which one he's doing at the moment. Well, he got COVID. I remember. Oh, right. So maybe he's PAing again. Maybe back to PAing. I think he got COVID because he was PAing before protocols or whatever. Yeah. Also, can I ask you a question, Paul? Yes. In that story, it seems like a young PA, Tom Hanks would have a high voice, but why did Frank Terepon have a high voice?
Starting point is 00:12:42 Well, you got, I don't want to be telling tales out of school. Yeah, the Hollywood secrets. Well, we could just, apparently he had a serious addiction to helium. Oh boy. That's tough because that's a non-renewable resource. So in addition to the damage you're doing to your body, it's just so wasteful because there's only so much helium on earth and it's running out. Yeah. So what, this guy can talk high in front of his friends? No. And it's funny and his friends are impressed. Like, I get it, but... Where is all the helium stored? Is there like a big balloon that it's kept in? Yeah, I do. It's just, Nick, that it's not a renewable resource. It's apparently a growing crisis because there's so much. And it's one of
Starting point is 00:13:35 those things where people are like, ah, and yet there's helium balloons everywhere, but that's such a tiny percentage of it. It's mostly like industrial and lab use that's running through our helium supply. But yeah, I believe it's stored mostly, I believe it's mostly in pockets underneath the earth and there's no way to make more of it. Once it's gone, it's gone. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty wild. A birthday party with sad balloons just flopping around on the ground because there's no helium. I don't want to be at that birthday party. Yeah, I'd rather be on the goddamn moon. I agree. Right? I agree. Yeah. Do you know that we had a block? I remember we had a block party.
Starting point is 00:14:24 There was a block party on my street and there was a helium tank and we had all the kids have been sucking helium straight from the tank. Yeah. And I did it and I was talking like a high voice being like, eh, eh, look at me. And then I did it like five times and then I remember being like, oh, I feel weird. And then the next thing I remember is I was laying in the middle of the street. Wow. And I looked up and a car was parked, a car was, was like Mrs. Tufo's car was like right near me that she was talking to my neighbor, Mrs. Shinnick. And I was laying down and I was like, did I get hit by a car? And then I kind of like stood up and I realized that Mrs. Shinnick and Mrs. Tufo hadn't seen me, but I had just passed out from sucking helium.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I had sucked too much helium. I passed out in the middle of the road. And then both, and also both of them like didn't care. There was like no, no one like was like, are you okay? They were just kind of like, what the fuck is he doing? He was kind of looking on their faces. And I was also in my head, I was like, would she have run over me if she didn't, if I hadn't like stood up? Like that was my thought after the fact. Was she in her car? She was in her car and her car was running, but she was just in park talking to the neighbor. So maybe she saw me and was just like, I'll just talk to the neighbor for a minute and I'll see if
Starting point is 00:15:46 he gets up or something. Could have been. That means if she had run over you, that would have meant, if they, if people had reflected and thought about like the last words you had said before, you would have, you would have had a high voice when you were saying. Icarumba. Goes on your tombstone. Hey, in a real, in a real small font. I mean, I'm already going to have Icarumba as my epitaph, but for it to make sense too, and have it be my last line, I guess that'd be good too.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, it'd be awesome. But we're talking about Mitch. Mitch would say Icarumba, sir. So how far away was the street from where you were sucking helium? Like, do you know how far you traveled? No, I don't remember that specifically. I think I took a few steps and just went down is what I thought. But I also just remember being, did no one cared or no one see me? Like, it was such a weird experience. What was helium? It's possible you floated above everyone's head and then gently landed in the street and fell asleep. I figured that could have happened.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Or not so gently. Maybe it was like one of those like which was whipping around all over town. All a turbo man at the end of jingle all the way. We have the technology for jet propulsion. We will use it only at the Thanksgiving day parade and jingle all the way. Hot take, hot take. Hey, and we're talking hot dogs and we're talking movies. That's right. Get yourself a hot dog at the cinema, Paul.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Wiger. Gosh, dang it. You're tearing from the headlines of my life. I went and saw that new James Bond movie. I was heartbroken. They didn't have hot dogs there. Oh, man. Oh, man. Because I do get a hot dog as much as I can get when I go to the movies. I love it. And I love it so much. I'll save it. I won't eat a bite. During the coming attractions, I'll save it until the movie starts before I start eating my hot dog. So good to have some home watch of the movie. So then yeah, the Chinese theater, they didn't have any hot dogs. They just had nachos.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So yeah, big time. I'm a big. Now, I don't think I've ever cooked a hot dog at home and watched a movie at the same time. Oh, I thought you meant in general. It's a very funny detail. No, you know what? I've been at home. I've eaten a hot, of course, eaten a hot dog while I watched a movie at home. But, you know, it's way more special when it's at a theater. Right, for sure. Now, what I gotta say is too bad you're not friends with Q because then you'd probably have, you know, some sort of hot dog hat or device that we call it a hot dog bond.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Oh, Q from James Bond. I was had Q and on on the brain. Oh, I thought you meant Q the guy usual. Liger. Hold on, Paul and Wags. I have to go to the bathroom. Okay, Mitch has to go to the bathroom. Here's what we'll do. We'll take a little bathroom break. We'll be right back with more Doe Boys Double. You know, Mitch, you're about to take a little trip abroad. You're going to Costa Rica. That's right, Wags. I'm going to Costa Rica with the family. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Gonna maybe see a monkey. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Gonna maybe see a bird. Just that. Just a one monkey, one bird. That's it. Hey, that sounds like a heck of a vacay. And you know what? Knowing some Spanish might be helpful down there. Wags. And if you have an upcoming summer trip abroad, my go-to travel hack is Babel. Whether you're a season traveler or embarking on your first adventure, communication is key to fully experiencing a new culture. That's where Babel comes in. Babel is the language learning app that sold more than 10
Starting point is 00:19:41 million subscriptions. Thanks to Babel's addictively fun and easy bite-sized language lessons, there's still time to learn a new language before you reach your destination. You know, Mitch, I've been taking some Babel lessons in Spanish a little bit. And it's a great benefit just in terms of having some conversational knowledge of another language. With Babel, you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson, so you can start having real-life conversation in as little as three weeks, Wags. Babel's expertly crafted lessons are built around real life. You learn how to have practical conversations about travel, relationships, business, and more.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Other language learning apps use AI for their lesson plans, but Babel lessons were created by over 150 language experts and voiced by real native speakers, not computers. Their teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective. With Babel, you can choose from 14 different languages, plus Babel's speech recognition technology helps you improve your pronunciation and accent. There are so many ways to learn with Babel. In addition to lessons, you can access podcasts, games, videos, stories, and even live classes. Plus, it comes with a 20-day money back guarantee. Start your new language learning journey today with Babel.
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Starting point is 00:23:04 We just threw one in there. Are we going to put a fake commercial in there? Yeah, we'll put a fake commercial in there. Can we play the commercial for Spooky Buddies or something? Yeah. Hey, everyone. Weigre here. Let me take a second to tell you about Spooky Buddies. Now, Spooky Buddies is a 2011 Direct to Video comedy, but don't let Direct to Video deter you from wanting to watch this thing because it is an intriguing, hilarious, and honestly spooky piece of cinema. You can find it on Disney Plus, and right now, if you subscribe to Disney Plus with promo code Doughboys, you'll get 20% off the price of that first month. That's right. Promo code Doughboys for 20% off your first month of Disney Plus.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Check out Spooky Buddies. Tell them Weigre sent you. Dear God. You're covering for me because we were recording and I made like Butterball. My stomach hurt. I was about to shoot some brown gas out of my... Luckily, there was no demon hound. God, it's so gross. Yes. Was it hell? It's not the hell. I think it's the demon hound. Yeah. I believe it's the demon hound. Since you mentioned Butterball, can I share with you just my favorite joke dialogue in this movie? Yes. Yeah, please. Okay, so all the spooky buddies are all talking and somebody goes,
Starting point is 00:24:43 one of them goes, uh, they're after our blood. They go, no, that's vampires. They're after our brains. That's zombies. They're going to devour everything they see. That's Butterball. Yeah, that's good. It is good. I love that. I laughed. That's good. So the buddies are, there's five of them. And this is the... So what happened was, I guess we'll just take a walk back to where this franchise begins. The Airbud franchise begins in 1997 and it actually had its origins in Stupid Petrics on the late show. There was a dog who could play basketball, a golden retriever, and this created the inspiration for the franchise. All great comedy leads to Letterman. It's true. That's true. We wouldn't have spooky buddies unless the original Airbud had appeared
Starting point is 00:25:48 on Stupid Petrics. So after Airbud, the dog was so good at basketball that he went and played basketball professionally. And that's why they moved down to the buddies series. Is that correct, Wags? Well, so that was part of it. He was in the NBA and had a great, a storied career. But the National Bark Association... Yeah, they did change into the National Bark Association during his time in the league. Do you remember when that happened? Charles Barkley was like, not bad. He liked it. He liked it. Yeah, I don't think anyone explained that it wasn't for him, but he was just, you know, whatever, he was fine. People in the locker room are like, shh, shh, shh, don't tell him. Don't let him know. Yeah. Don't.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Did Airbud win a title with the Kobe and Jack Lakers? He was on the 2014 that lost to the Piston. So if he was on that team, but like, and everyone thought like, oh, Airbud's finally going to get his title and justify why we called it the National Bark Association. It just didn't come true. But then he ended up getting one with San Antonio. He signed with them later. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's great. But remember when they played against the Pistons, the Lakers were favored to win because in the Pistons, like, two of the players were turtles. So they, yeah, the Pistons thought that they could kind of, you know, counter strategize by getting some turtles and it worked. Well, it was just like, yeah, it worked out great for them.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So. And let me just tell you, if you don't remember this, where the hell were you? Yeah, if you don't remember the 1998 basketball championships, no, if you do remember them, you weren't there. So the first Airbud film is, is Airbud is playing basketball. The titular character is a golden retriever who plays basketball. They make four sequels with Airbud. They make Airbud Golden Receivery plays football. Airbud World Pup, he plays football international soccer. Airbud Seventh Inning Fetch, he plays baseball. And Airbud Spikesback, he plays volleyball, which is the point where they're kind of out of ideas. So. Then they do Weigar, commentary, easy. Okay. A little Eteran tight, Eteralization from Weigar here. Oh yeah, the claws will come out
Starting point is 00:28:25 with me when it comes to the Airbud franchise. I feel like you would have gladly written the volleyball Airbud story. I would have kept making them. I don't understand why they stopped. This is just, there's so many other sports. I know why. I think I know why too. Because I saw the first Airbuddies and you see Airbud, the original Airbud, and that thing is like on death's door. It's like the dog is like so meek. And like, they just kind of like, you can tell they dragged it out and were like, action in the two seconds before it died. My, I thought that they did. I thought they stopped making them because when Airbud was in the NBA, he kind of started the malice of the palace. He like had run out
Starting point is 00:29:13 and he was the first player to run into the crowd to start the fights. Is that true? Why? He, yeah, he was like, he was on the court and then someone threw a bone at him. And he was like, you know, because someone threw the cup at Ron Artes, they gave him a metal test and someone threw a bone at him. Ron Artes loves eating cups. He loves them. But they were both, they were both set off and they both charged into the crowd and that was, you know, it was, it was a mess. So yeah, they kind of had to distance themselves from Airbud. And the way they did it was by launching the Air Buddies franchise. That's right. So the first one happened, Air Buddies is like they, the buddy, and then I guess Molly is the female dog who buddy
Starting point is 00:30:02 fucks. Airbud has sex with and has five puppies. These five puppies are Rosebud, B-dog, the aforementioned Butterball and Mudbud. And they all kind of have, they all kind of have their own characteristics, their own character games, if you will. After Air Buddies, they make Snow Buddies, which is an Alaskan adventure. Then they start getting weird. They make Space Buddies. Space Buddies is a, is they end up going to space. They end up getting on a rocket ship and they go to the International Space Station, I believe. They find there's like an old cosmonaut actually watch this at your apartment, Paul. Yeah, I ordered a blu-ray. Yeah, we watched, we watched some blu-rays. I ordered a few of these on blu-rays. I love the buddies movies, just by the way. I think
Starting point is 00:30:46 that's maybe partly why you guys had me on, but just wanted it to be said. Well, Paul, I also similarly have watched Spooky Buddies at your place the first time I saw it. As a part of your Halloween movie marathon that we would do. That's right. Near Halloween. With being Neil Campbell. You and Neil Campbell put it together and you put together quite a show and it starts off with, this was the starting movie for one of the years back, I think at your old, the apartment you used to live at back in the day. Yeah, the one with my roommate Channing, you guys remember him? Yes, yes. And he's done very well for himself. He's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah, he's done well for himself. Moving on. Have you, you haven't seen him recently? You guys don't, do you guys don't keep in touch? How could you not see him recently is kind of... Oh, he's on every billboard in town? Yeah, I know. Anyways, so he's apparently a movie star who makes untold millions, but I, he can't pay half a deposit. So I thought that was interesting. You know what I, you know what I always thought? I was like, this guy should step up. You know, pay the bills. Oh, it's not Channing Tatum.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Oh. Oh, it's not? When you say step up because he was in the Channing Tatum, was it in those movies? Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, this is Channing Glacier. Oh, Channing, that was Channing Glacier? He looks so different. I remember when I met him. Yeah, yeah, no, that, yeah, he looked different because that was before he got cosmetic surgery. Okay, so that kind of set his career aflame, ironically, considering his last name is Glacier. Yeah. Anyway, so yes, Channing Glacier was my roommate, everybody, blah, blah, blah, who cares? He was, he was late. He was late on paying those payments. He paid at the speed of a glacier,
Starting point is 00:32:59 if you ask me. That, yes, thank you. Wow. I, can I just say, and I'm not just saying this to placate you, I, when you said it was Channing Glacier, not Channing Tatum, I was a little disappointed. So I think honestly, Channing Tatum is better. And that's just me saying what I think that's not me trying to say, you know, to make you feel better. I appreciate you saying that. I don't think you're placating me, but lots of people have said that to me. I'll say my roommate Channing, and then I'll go, Channing Glacier, after a few minutes, they go, I've never heard of this guy. I think you've met Channing Tatum. So I think that's a similar experience for other people. Yeah. But to be clear,
Starting point is 00:33:39 Channing Glacier is also a big movie star that's in a bunch of movies, right? Yes. And there's billboards of him all over town. Yeah. I've seen the billboards. Not really as familiar with his movies. I know Channing Tatum's movies better, but he is everywhere. Yeah. It's kind of like a Harrison Ford movie. You know they exist, but nobody ever watches them. Right. We are getting so... No. Okay. So Space Buddies comes out in 2009. This is when the series starts getting weird. Yeah. I didn't want to say, but... I did want to... You were about to say something about Channing Glacier, and I feel like you cut
Starting point is 00:34:22 yourself off like. So I wanted to... Yeah, what were you going to say about him? I was just going to say, like I was kind of... I was just saying it because I didn't want to feel like I was left out, but I honestly have not seen his billboards. Around town. I've not seen Channing Glacier's billboards around. Oh yeah, no, I haven't either. When I come to think of it, I haven't either seen a single Channing Glacier billboard or movie. Or maybe the person. I'm trying to think... I was talking to somebody about this and I was saying Channing Glacier and they said he might be... What did they say? They had a word. Oh, oh, I remember. I was talking to my parents about it and they said, do you think this Channing
Starting point is 00:35:16 Glacier might be the word they used was figment? Right. Like a figment of my imagination. And I think they might be onto something. Well, it's hard for me to tell because I was there at these movie marathons. And I too remember him. So I don't know if it's one of those occurrences where like a hometown... I remember the guy. A shared figment. Hey, shared... You're almost there. Oh, man. Ciri came on because I was saying... How about a shared fig, dude? Ciri was summoned by that. What? I'd like to share... If you shared a fig, another fig that you could share as a Newton, that's more fun. That's a... Paul just said that. I was saying, but what were you saying? Oh, you totally did. My Ciri was talking to me. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You missed it. He got there first. Got there. I don't want to disagree with both of you. I don't think I'd want to share a fig, Newton. I think they're too small. Yeah, that's a good point. Oh, you can share a package of them. Anyways... A package you could, yeah. Anyways, we're very happy for Channing Glacier. Anyways, Channing... Oh, yes. Congratulations, Channing Glacier. I don't know. At this point, I don't know what you are jealous of of his, but... I will say this. Either you or him... Well, I don't want to be jealous of... He's figment. He's playing figment in the
Starting point is 00:36:51 F-Cot movie. That's right. That's right. Oh, yes, that's right. He is an actor. When my parents said, is he figment, is he a figment? I said, yes, he's playing figment in the F-Cot movie. Check that out. To picture your parents who are worried about you making up a person, then hearing you say that is playing figment in the F-Cot movie. Oh my god. If my parents sincerely were like, Paul, this person you keep referring to, I think he might be a figment of your imagination. And my response was, yeah, he is playing figment in the F-Cot movie. They would be so concerned. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Anyway. So the airbud franchise ends in 2003. Yes, I saw it at the movie marathon. It was the first unscary movie that then went to much scarier movies. The night is programmed very well, as you were saying, Mitch, and I've been to it a couple of times, not as many as you have, but yeah, it starts with the least scary movie, works its way up to the scariest, goriest movie. And so you stick around for as much or as little as you can endure. Yeah, and all credits due to Neil Campbell. He's the true programmer of that, the spirit. He finds all those movies. The architect in the matrix.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You said 2000, yes, the architect. Did you say 2003? 2003 is the final airbud film. So the buddy's franchise launches in 2006, airbuddies I talked about, snowbuddies, spacebuddies I talked about, where the series starts getting weird and more adventurous. Santa buddies, they team up with the puppy paws who have their own franchise. And here's the plot of Santa buddies. The buddies team up with puppy paws, the son of Santa paws, to end the melting of a magical icicle threatening Christmas Eve. So kind of a global warming parable, I guess. Then spooky buddies comes out in 2011, treasure buddies, which I've also seen at Paul's place, comes out in 2012. This is an
Starting point is 00:39:17 Indiana Jones style adventure. And then super buddies, they turn into superheroes. That's 2013. That's the final of the buddies films. There also, as I mentioned, two Santa paws films, which is the search for Santa paws and Santa paws to the Santa pups. And those are different characters. Right when it said, they stopped right when the marvel, they were kind of when marvel things were getting hot. They made a superhero movie wise. We're not going to detail it, but there was a terrible accident on with snow buddies. This is true. We won't get into the details, but I was shocked that the movies went on even after that, but they went on for, they went on for a long time. Basically, they went on for years. Yeah, they kept making them. And I think they are very
Starting point is 00:40:10 profitable. And kids love them. And I do want to mention real quick, because I talked about watching Space Buddies and Treasure Buddies with Paul and Paul. Yeah, that was fun. Very fun. There's one thing I remember is that there's a scene in Treasure Buddies where they have all five of the buddies in a hot air balloon over the Sahara Desert. And I remember you laughing and pointing at the TV and saying, the dogs don't know they're in a movie. That thought crossed my mind watching this. What do they think is happening? And then I also remember you getting so, like getting so, the movie was pretty bad, and then at some point you just said,
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, and you turned it off. I had an inner voice say that to me about spooky buddies in the last 20 minutes. I wanted to, my soul was asking me to turn it off. And Weiger, as long as we're talking about memories of the buddies and buddies related material, you wrote one of the very best episodes of the Comedy Bang Bang show on IFC, the famous Trumbly's episode, which was just like 22 minute spoof of the buddies movies. It was the best. Oh, yeah. Oh, thank you. That was fun. People have to check it out on that AMC app. Hey, man, right? Is that what it's on? I think so, yeah. And Birthday Boys. Yeah. Yeah. We're on AMC Plus. Yeah, but that's all on AMC Plus,
Starting point is 00:41:59 everything you need. Is that what it is? AMC Plus? Yeah. You got Don Draper and the buddies parody in the Birthday Boys all in one spot. Yeah. People thought it was American movie classics, but it's actually American Mark classics, like National Bark Association, but yes, Mark. Mark? Oh, I thought you were going to say mutt. Oh, should have said mutt. Well, it is Mark. He didn't, I mean, you didn't say anything wrong. You didn't say anything wrong. No, I should have said American mutt channel. Well, that might mean that would be wrong because it's American. That's like a punch up of what the actual thing is, but you were just saying the actual thing. It's not your fault. That's what it's named. Oh, right. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Don't be sad. If you thought of a better name for McDonald's, you wouldn't be sad when you said McDonald's, you know? Yeah, that's no, that's true. Yeah, it is funny that I bought. I have reflected on that. My the ironic purchases of my 20s to watch these movies with my friends have now led to sincere viewings by my daughter while I'm in my 40s. That's funny. That worked out. It's not all my dirtbag friends ironically laughing at family entertainment. No, no. Is your it's your daughter also laughing? I do like a low budget, low drawer or whatever junk drawer family movies, though, they're the best because like any kind of low budget movie is is fun to watch just anything
Starting point is 00:44:00 that exploits a market. But what I love about people who make garbagey family movies is like, yeah, we want to make a quick buck, but we want to bring families together and entertain them. So such a funny mixture. Like it makes sense when a horror movie is like, yeah, we want a quick buck and we're going to show you nudity and gore. But it's so great to be like, we're going to work really hard to these digital mouths on these dogs faces. Speaking of which, speaking of those people who make these these kind of films, Robert Vince directed this film, produced this film and co-wrote it as he has done for every single buddies movie. This guy has worked with the airbud franchise since producing the original airbud, and then he eventually took over helming these films.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And by the time of the buddies franchise, he co-wrote, directed and produced every single buddies film. So it's all Robert Vince for the most part. When did he stop directing them? Through the final one, through Super Buddies in 2013. Yeah, I think I've seen all of them except Super Buddies. I'd be interested why he stopped making them. I just, I looked it up right here on my phone. Because I remember around that time one of the, I think it was one of the Super Buddies, the few real Super Buddies. She had a kid and it was like half human. So it might have been one of those things where just some of the higher ups like, let's put this guy out to pasture quietly. Right. Paul, I think you might be right because it says
Starting point is 00:45:46 the night Super Buddies wrapped filming. What's his name, Wags? Robert Vince. You're reading this and you have to ask his name. I think he was, I think he was just quizzing me. What? I was quizzing me. I like to quiz Wags. He likes to quiz me sometimes. It's like, you know, trivia guys will be like, kind of like, try to alf each other. It was one of those things, but I know it's Robert Vince. The night that Super Buddies wrapped filming, it says, they wrapped, Robert Vince went back to his trailer, it shot himself in the head. Oh my God. Maybe it received some news about a future human blood child. Yes. Outside the trailer that he was heard to say, what have I done? What have I
Starting point is 00:46:32 created? So I think one weird thing about this movie as a film. One? As a piece of cinema. Well, there are many weird things, but one thing I will say is that they have some really great comedic actors in this movie who are given pretty straight ahead roles. Like, for instance, Ryan Stiles, like the funniest, Ryan Stiles, Diedrich Bader, these are hilarious actors. These guys are really fun. Diedrich Bader plays the Halloween hound, and Ryan Stiles plays Hoot, the owl, and you know, just kind of exposition characters. Like, the Halloween hound is like a secondary villain slash, you know, is talking about all, is just advancing the exposition. Same deal with Ryan Stiles as Hoot. It's just like, you didn't want
Starting point is 00:47:32 to let these guys be like funny, silly animal characters. You didn't, like, that was a very, that was an odd decision. I had the same thought because I thought, oh, Diedrich Bader doesn't get to be funny because he's, I mean, he's awesome because they're great actors, so they do well. But like the Halloween hound is just scary. He's not funny. And then the owl, he's not funny. He's like the heart. My God, the longest scene of the movie is at the end, when the buddies have, like, an intervention with him about how he's been mistreated by the warlock. And they're like, maybe you need to reflect upon your feelings. It's so weird, right? It's so strange. And then the Halloween, and then, and then the, what's his name? Harland Williams
Starting point is 00:48:24 turns him to stone while he's midair, and the stone statue falls on the ground, and you see its wings flop. It kind of bounces. It bounces around. Clearly not a stone statue. I think my favorite prop was that kid's wand that they were like, what mystical realm did this come from? It looks like it's from fucking Target. The other, and you know, there's also, you know, like Pat Finns in this, you know, there's very funny people in this. He's the surfer Frankenstein, dude. Frankendude. So he's got, he gets to be Frankendude. He gets to be funny in a kid's movie. But Harland Williams, who's Warwick the Warlock, I thought it was like, I was like, man, I think Harland Williams is so funny. And he's, he's given
Starting point is 00:49:21 so many performances that just like really make me laugh. And I was like, okay, he's gonna be a big goofy wizard. But it's just kind of, I don't know if he's just how he was directed or how he's written or what, but he has a few jokes, but it's mostly just a very straightforward antagonist role. That's true. Yeah. At the end, he starts to have fun. I feel like kind of like in an emperor way when he starts getting like, I'm very sorry to say, like the patronizing villain thing. And then he gets to do some funny stuff with thinking the kids in costumes are real monsters. Yeah. Yes. Right. He gets, he gets scared really easily, which is fun. Like later on. But I agree. I love Harland Williams. I think he's so funny and Rocket Man is a classic. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:06 my God. So funny. I've watched Rocket Man probably close to a dozen times. It's really funny. I will say not intentional, but anytime, anytime that he rides the staff is very funny. That is funny. He rides it like a surfboard. Yeah. Anytime he's riding it is very funny. I mean, like, I don't know. Again, I don't know if it's intentional. I will say this, the costumes and the set designs are very good in the movie. There's a lot of a, there's like a doggy door in the psychic dog's house and that's funny. And a lot of stuff looks good in Halloween-y. So to give a plus side, a lot of stuff does look, a lot of stuff looks nice. The sets look nice and stuff, but. It's lower budgeted, but I wouldn't say it's low budget.
Starting point is 00:50:50 No. It's a well-crafted movie and it doesn't look out of place among the Disney Plus library. And, you know, I think the score is pretty good. The story though. Yeah. Just as far as the actors in it, the teacher of the town is Jan Brady from the Brady Bunch movie. I noticed that. Yeah. And then the mom, the, the B, B dogs. Jennifer Elise Cox is the actress. Yeah. She's from the Clueless, from Clueless. The actress from Clueless is, is his mom as well. So. Oh, the one who gets a nose job? Oh, yes. Yes. Yes, it is. The one with the taper cross. Oh, okay. I didn't notice that. Yeah. I thought you meant in spooky buddies. I was like, I don't, I don't know. You mean the mummy pole? Yeah. And I've, have you guys ever met or worked with a Pat Finn?
Starting point is 00:51:41 I met Pat Finn before. Is he on Beershark mice? Is that the group that he's in? He's in some Chicago-y group, right? Yeah. I don't know if he's in that. He could be. I, but he, I worked with him on something and got to talk to him for a couple of days and yeah, he out of college did improv with Chris Farley. So I got to hear lots of fun Chris Farley stories from him. But yeah, Pat Finn. Very funny. Good guy. Oh, maybe that's just how I know Pat Finn is from, from Farley stuff. Yeah. He, he, he, I'm just, I'm just looking. He went to, he went to Marquette too. So. That's right. Yeah. They went to college together. Then he's a lot in that Chris Farley show, oral history book. Yes. Yeah. Oh, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:52:28 He pops up in that too. Well, he is very, he's very, he's very funny in it. Yeah. The story wise, you're going to say is a little wonky, which it is wild. I mean, like, he's like turning villagers into frogs and stuff like immediately. It's, there's a really a lot of wild stuff that happens just in the opening. Yes. Well, well already, like it starts off in your, and you're in, it's 1937. Yeah. In this town of, of Fringfield or two. So it's way back in time. And you see these old timey cars. There's a whole bunch of, it's a classic of angry villagers are storming a manor, but they're in the right. It, and I guess a subversion of the trope. He, because he is a bad, he is a bad guy who
Starting point is 00:53:14 had, and it's just like, like this, this cold open is so wild to watch because you've got five Beagle puppies just like sitting obediently. Like the trainer told them to sit while they're doing the take, while Harlan Williams is walking around in front of a magic mirror as a wizard. And he says he's going to sacrifice all five of them so that he can bring the Halloween hound back through the portal. Yeah. He needs to get, get the, the souls of five puppies with the same blood to summon the Halloween hound and open the portal. Yes. So he's in the process of doing this. Right. Four of the puppies, he steals their, their souls, they turn to stone. Now, Paul, I don't know how your daughter would respond to this,
Starting point is 00:54:02 but I feel like if I was a kid, I would be terrified by this watching cute little dogs turn to stone. I was scared. Yeah. I mean, I'm being honest here, guys. I don't know if this was your experience or not, but I would say for me, the first five to 10 minutes was like very scary. And after the first 10 minutes, I kind of was like, okay, they're just open, the movie's scary, then they're going to like cool it off. Right. But like every 10 minutes, they would ratchet it up. Yeah. And so by the end there, and that last like 20, I was like breathless. It was like scarier for me than hereditary. Wow. I mean, I saw hereditary and that was really scary. But yeah, my wife walked in while I was watching spooky buddies. She walked over the couch.
Starting point is 00:55:11 She was like, Paul, where are you? And she looked behind the couch. I wasn't there. Then she looked up and I was clinging to the ceiling. Wow. That alone is like hereditary. Oh yeah, it's like a scene straight out of hereditary. So did you guys feel this way? Were you as scared as I was? Well, I turned down a Red Sox playoff ticket last night to basically to stay in and watch spooky buddies. And then I had to tell, I said this to Wigs, but telling my mom I have to go do work and then going down to watch spooky buddies makes you feel like the fucking biggest piece of shit on earth.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah, I was thinking about it. I was like, oh, it's a Tuesday morning at 9am and I'm sitting down as a grown man to watch spooky buddies. If someone had to guess the age of the person doing that on Tuesday morning at 9am, watching spooky buddies. Yeah. I'm sure they wouldn't guess my age. No, they think it was a child home sick from school. Yes. It's not a thing an adult man does commonly. So what happens is four of these puppies have their soul sucked and trapped through the mirror and the Halloween hound is about to reemerge. They're turned to stone. The final puppy has its soul sucked, but the soul does not go into the mirror in time. He has stopped before the wizard has stopped before this is able to happen. Just those wondering, yes,
Starting point is 00:57:03 the Halloween hound does suck their souls through their dicks. That's how it gets the soul out. But here's what I'll talk about. This movie did not necessarily scare me, but it did make me sad when I thought of the reality that they live in. This young boy is trying to rescue his puppy. There's this little boy, Joseph, who's got to be seven or eight or maybe 10 years old at most. Maybe even 18. He might have been 18. He's a young boy. You're talking about Joseph Johnson? Yes. Joseph is trying to get inside there as a kid, and he doesn't make it in time. His puppy Pip has its soul sucked out and turned into a ghost that cannot leave the manor. So the warlock has stopped, but the ghost of a puppy lives inside
Starting point is 00:57:53 this manor and lives there alone until the present. Doesn't that bum you out? Like a dog's soul trapped inside of a haunted house alone for 75 years? It's heartbreaking. I don't like that at all. Bum me out. Can I also say that I understand Paul getting so scared after probably seeing what the spirit of the dog looks like, because once you finally see the dog spirit in action, it's such a terrifying sight to behold. Really scary looking. Yeah, I saw him through my fingers. And let me just tell you that one of his big monologues where you see him talking for the longest amount of time is when he goes to the psychic. And I don't know if the film maker noticed this, but you see him here? There's a light switch on the wall behind him. Did you notice this
Starting point is 00:58:53 wise? Well, he's translucent, right? He's like a ghost. You're seeing through him. Yeah. But it looks like the light switch is in the center of his chest. I want to get the destroyer plans from Princess Leia tonight, or it's, or it's Chewbacca's head. Darth Vader? It did look a little Darth Vader-y there with the light switch on his chest. The quiet, quiet, quiet silence. I liked it. I liked it. No, I know we liked it. I just meant after we were done liking it, it was quiet. So we kept to the present 75 years later, and the buddies, and I was just, I, at one point I wrote a note, who owns the buddies? Because I don't think the movie makes it super clear. Later on, I figured out that each of the
Starting point is 00:59:56 buddies who are Air Buds spawn canonically belong to a different owner. So there's four kids, and their personalities line up with the personalities of those of the dogs, and they just take care of them. So it's, so once again, it's like, we've got a situation where there are five puppies of the same blood, and this wizard is going to find out about it. It ends up being the driving narrative of the movie. Didn't you think that was, I hadn't, I've watched this movie before, and it didn't dawn on me until later. It's like a Kubrick movie when you're rewatching, do things to think about, dig into. But I thought, why, so the kids each have their own corresponding buddy, but the buddies are all related by blood. Those kids aren't all siblings.
Starting point is 01:00:44 That's not a good, that's not a true one-to-one. No, no, it's really not. It's really confusing, and also it doesn't help in this movie that you can't really tell the dog's personalities because they're dressed up in costumes. So you don't really know. Like the personality is just like, oh, that dog is like a rabbit here. I mean, B-Dog has his chain. Well, Mudd button never got muddy. I mean, his thing is that he likes to get muddy. Yeah. And like, was he the one in the pirate costume? I think yes. That thing, it could span. It was spotless by the end of the day. He didn't get in any mode. It should have been like a swamp thing or something. So, yeah, they spent a lot of the movie in costume before they get that. They go to the, they're at, yes. I agree. He should
Starting point is 01:01:34 have been a swamp thing or something. He should have been a swamp thing too. I agree with you, man. Okay, good. Yeah. So. Oh, I wanted to ask a question. Now that we're talking about the buddies, where are the buddies now in 2021? Um, question ball. I looked it up. Do you guys want to hear? Yeah, please. Yes, please. Mudd bud is now a producer. Hey. Oh, good for him. Butta, Buddha? Buddha? Buddha. Retired to be a family. Oh, wow. You know, he made some money with the air buddies films. It's good that he wants to enjoy his life. Maybe he took on a Buddhist lifestyle. He just decided, hey, I'm going to go, I get a step away from Hollywood, you know. I think that, yeah. Rosebud won her Oscar, as we know. That ride, of course.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Mm-hmm. That was the year Channing Glacier hosted. Easy. But didn't Rosebud bite Channing Glacier? Yeah, that was a whole thing. Right on his iceberg. Butterball died of a milk bone overdose. Oh, that's sad. And bee dog is my friend. Wow. Well, I'm happy for you. That's great. He seems cool. So bee dog has to say they're at the haunted house or on a field trip. I gotta say, bee dog had the only normal trajectory, really. Bee dog gets coaxed into saying Halloween hound. This is the rumor in the town that if you say Halloween hound three times in front of this haunted spooky mirror we saw in the cold open,
Starting point is 01:03:52 you will summon the Halloween hound. That's right. And he goes to do it. Pip, who is the ghost puppy. Again, this ghost puppy who's been living in this manner for 75 years tries to warn them, but they're scared that it's a ghost and they get out of there. And then Billy, who is the kid who's the bee dog's owner, gets caught in a moment where he has to like talk about his school project and he makes up that he's going to talk about the Halloween hound. Yeah. And that leads to him finding the wand. I love that part, Weigart, when the teacher was like, do you have your assignment? Will your assignment be ready? And he's like, when's the due date
Starting point is 01:04:35 to get or something like that? And then the bully, this is how like wholesome this movie is. The bully makes fun of the kid for not knowing the due date. Yes. You should get yourself an assignment notebook, you dork. These children who got turned into rats, these are the kids who got turned into rats, is that correct? Yeah. And one of them is Pizza Rat. That's right. These are the two no good kids get turned into rats. They actually end up doing good. And did you notice the other actor, Rance Howard? Ron Howard's dad, Rance? That's right. Rance Howard is in this. Rance Howard, so what ends up happening is that, I mean, we don't need to go to those fucking garbage people. I was going to
Starting point is 01:05:30 say that Pizza Rat was like, you may not understand me, but your kids will love me. And they took a slice of pizza and ran off. Right. Hey, you! You craving fresh, delicious, easy meals, try wild grain and get their bake from frozen sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries delivered right to your door. That's right, Wags. Wild grain is the first ever bake from frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas and artisanal pastries. Unlike typical supermarket bread, wild grain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar and rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Every item bakes from frozen in 25 minutes or less. You'll never run the
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Starting point is 01:07:18 use promo code doughboys at checkout. Do it. Basically, they're trying to figure out what to do with the staff. The release of the Halloween Hound and the staff means that Warwick's soul can reemerge from the magic mirror. Most of the movie takes place during Halloween night. The kids are out trick-or-treating. Honestly, I think I've shot a trick-or-treating scene on the street they use in this movie. It looks like it's at the Disney Ranch. What's one did you shoot there? I was working on this adult swim show. I was working on NTSF, SDSUV. It was like an action, it was Paul Scheer show. It was like an action sci-fi sort of thing. It was like an E.T. episode, basically. So yeah, we shot a scene like that then.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Did you say Disney Ranch? Well, as you've been to the parks with me, you know that when I go there, I knock it myself a churro. I'm knocking myself a big pretzel. I get myself some Disney Ranch. That's right. Just a little couple. No, I once saw Mitch at a Disney land with a big turkey leg. That's true. I got a big turkey leg. My main thing for me, the biggest thing of all is the dole whip. Oh yeah, love that dole whip. A lot of fun. I like my whip. Was that, hey, Bob Dole likes his whip. I should have said, instead of Bob Dole,
Starting point is 01:09:00 I should have talked to the third person instead of saying I like my whip. Probably would have helped out a little bit more if I said. Bob Dole likes his whip. That would have been more clear, but don't be too hard on yourself because you nailed the Darth Vader earlier. I thought you were going to say, don't worry, because even if you had, it would have sucked. Did you hear this story? It is a funny story. It's a Mike Nichols book that I read by Mark Harris. It's a really great book, Mark Harris, best living writer right now about entertainment. He's the best. But this Mike Nichols book, Mike Nichols was offered the Exorcist and he passed on it and went to William
Starting point is 01:09:47 Friedkin. Then John Callie, the head of Warner Brothers, when Exorcist came out, he took Mike Nichols down to the theaters and showed them all the lines outside around the block and was like, you see what you passed down? You could have been having right now the biggest blockbuster of the year. Then Mike Nichols told Nora Ephron that, oh, the studio had, he showed me what hit I could have had. Nora Ephron said, no, don't worry, if you had made it, it never would have been a hit. Oh my God. But it's funny. It's true. It's like it is a nice way to look at it. It's like, oh, yeah, it's true. Just because something was a success, if I'd got my dirty mitts on it, it could have sucked dick.
Starting point is 01:10:27 That's true. The same thing kind of happened to me with spooky buddies. Oh yeah, you were up for the Rand Howard part, right? I was up for the old man role. Yeah. And you got it because you were too old. But you didn't get it because you were too old. I didn't get it because I was too old. And then Ron Howard was like, he took me down and he's like, which is kind of weird just because I, it wasn't like I turned it down. I didn't get it. No. So what did Rand Howard do? He took me, he brought me down to like the premiere of spooky buddies and there was like lines around the corner. That's right. And this is Ron Howard doing this. This is Ron Howard's son.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And he's like, see, this could have been you. I was like, what are you doing? What is that? It's my dad. Yeah. I'm proud. I said, all right. Like, oh my ear. I was dangling off the, I was off my two feet. Hey guys, I was thinking about it. Next year, can we watch Ernest, you're stupid together. Yeah, of course. I'd love to. Yeah, that'd be fun. That'd be great. If it fits the theme. Yeah, you got to do blue denim vest month. I like that part, Weiger and Mitch, when the kid was like, the mom was like, I got you a new costume. A hip hop rabbit. And he said, no, no, I
Starting point is 01:12:08 has to be a hip hop rapper. It's like, what the fuck is a hip hop rabbit? Well, I got to put some of the blame on that kid who said, Mom, I want to be a hip hop rapper as well. That is very bizarre. What a weird thing to say. She requests to be a hip hop rapper. Yeah, you just said, I want to be a hip hop artist, or I want to be a rapper. Yeah, it could have been, I want to be a rapper. I want to be a rabbit. The hip hop does not even need to be an Ellen. Yeah. But then why? It makes sense that the mom would hear a hip hop rap, a hip hop rabbit. Wait a minute. I was now in my mind, I was thinking that the hip hop made her think of Bunny.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I think that's what the idea is. But she's heard rabbit anyways. So she's heard, yeah. She heard hip hop rabbit from her son. And thought it meant like a rapping rabbit? No, no, I think she heard hip hop. Her ear kind of narrowed in on hip hop, meaning jumping. So she could only hear rapper as rabbit. Oh, yeah. All right, well. There's TikToks or stuff like you can go and somebody goes, hip hop rapper, hip hop rapper. And like half people think rabbit, half people think it's rapper. I've watched these before and it will blow you away how much people can confuse the two. But also- Well, I listened to it. I didn't even hear hip hop rabbit.
Starting point is 01:13:50 What'd you hear? What'd you hear? Pee poop pee pee. So the old man, Mr. Johnson rescues the kids. It turns out that he was, this lonely old grave digger, he is, it turns out that he was the same kid from the cold open. That's right. Who lost his dog. So he's just in the same house. There was no mystery behind this. No, it was very telegraphed. The fact that the man was 90, he would be 90 something at that point. He'd be so fucking old. So again, this movie just bums me out when I think about it. This kid is separated from his puppy at a young age. He's so traumatized by it that he just kind
Starting point is 01:14:47 of locked into this one way of life is a lonely old man with no companions or friends. But I thought it was funny when he rolled up in the car and was like, kids, kids, we gotta go. If an outside observer was just watching that, they would see an old man roll up in a car. Roll five children into his car and drive away. The ferrets are nowhere. The thing I liked about is when the old man's in the car and he's like, and he's like, hey, why is this kid dressed up like a pee poo pee pee? Right. It's funny because I watched that same scene. I heard him say, why is this kid dressed up
Starting point is 01:15:37 like a hip hop rapper? So it's just however your ears hear it. Oh, interesting. They go through a bunch of this stuff. He takes the pup's hostage. He's going to be able to turn them into, he's going to finally be able to summon the, well, the Halloween hound is already back and walking around with him, but he can finally open the portal and I guess take over the entire town and ultimately the world. There's the dog. The dog is ultimately going to take over the world. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say the dog is the, the Halloween hound is maybe the MVP of the movie. He's very,
Starting point is 01:16:19 even though he's supposed to be spooky, his lines, there's a lot of funny lines that he says, which is Deedrick, which Deedrick later. Yeah, he's, he's, yeah, we talked about it earlier. I didn't think one thing about him was funny. I thought he was scary. Yeah, I don't think he really, yeah, I thought he was kind of just a scary guy. I mean, he did have any lines you noticed. Yes. Well, show us, show us how you thought the Halloween hound was funny, man. He says at one point he says, damn, his sibling souls were delicious. He does say that. What? He says damn? I don't, I can't tell if it was auto correct on my phone that changed it to damn. Well, I just want to say something about the kid actors because I thought they were really
Starting point is 01:17:10 fun and funny. And my favorite thing about movies with kids and actors and stuff is like, when they're like improvise, they'll get an opportunity to improvise or something. Like, there was a part where they all had to go and they're like, well, let's all go. As the kids are leaving, they're all going like, yeah, okay, let's get out of here, man. Goody's, Goody's is pretty hit or miss, but it actually has, my favorite stuff is like when they, you can tell why it was obviously just Adelaide. Like when they show up at the well part and Mike, he just goes, oh, it's a beautiful waterfall. No screenwriter would write, it's a beautiful waterfall. I found another Halloween hound line. That's funny. Oh, please.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Hold on. Hold on. No, hold on. I lost it. Oh, wait, no. Here it is. Rats in other ridiculous chase, he says that at one point after he chased. Is that when the rats, he's chasing the rats? Yeah. Yeah. So these two little boys get turned into rats, like we mentioned one of them, the pizza rat, but they like are on the side of good and they're making mischief that is causing troubles for the Halloween hound. I'm second guessing myself because I read that line out loud. Neither of you are doubled over with laughter. Well, this is the thing. I thought it was just, I don't think it's Dietrich Bader's fault, but I just feel like all of his lines seemed very menacing and just all of his dialogue seemed, it didn't seem like it could have been,
Starting point is 01:18:42 it could have been a goofier role and it didn't seem like he's characterized that way. And I think that's partly also because it's like a mastiff for some kind of, it's like a pretty big dog with green eyes, it looks pretty scary. So I think that it doesn't kind of look ridiculous. Anyway, what ends up happening? There's a part where Butterball farts. It's very brown. We should note that it is very brown, the stench, the fart steam. Yeah, there's a visible brown fart cloud coming from his butt along with a sound effect. He does that on command and then that stops the magic. And then when the mastiff is getting farted on, the haunted hound, as he's getting farted on, did you hear what he said? He went,
Starting point is 01:19:28 this can't be happening. Well, there we go. There's the funny line he says. I think I felt it. I knew it, he felt it. And then that stops it. They find this is a thing that was like, this is an insane choice. Warwick, the warlock, is trying to read from his magical comb and he ends up accidentally get, or they gave him the Bible. They did the switcheroo and he's reading the Bible and that stops him. I thought that was so crazy. What is happening? Because like two scenes before that, they go out of their way to not describe the afterlife. Like the Rands Howard is like, we're trying to get the ghost into the nether world. And the kid goes like, what's the nether world? He's like,
Starting point is 01:20:20 it's a place where ghosts live. Okay. Nice little gentle treatment of the afterlife. And then yeah. So I was like, oh, they're just trying to play it safe, not even get into any spirituality. And then they trick him with a Bible. With a Bible. And also in my mind, I'm like, well, it's funny because Howard Williams, if this was his actual spell book, he would have just opened it up to a random page or maybe the first page. But then also if that's the Bible, the first page of the Bible is our father who heartened heaven. Anyway, they beat him with the help of the old man. Yeah. And the townsfolk, the curses lifted. And so like some people, you know, they were like dogs
Starting point is 01:21:15 and they turned back into people or they were frogs or something. I had to see it be funny. You know what the curses? Sorry guys, I'm really giggly here. We love it. Just now at this moment is when I was giggly. I was thinking when the curses lifted every, the whole town was like, yay, yay, yay. I was thinking if one guy was like, I wanted to stay a frog. That would have been a good joke. They should have thrown that in there. Do you remember Mookie wrote a really funny sketch for this from Daddy, where a football coach before a big game is trying to talk the team out of winning the game because he doesn't want to get Gatorade for it. The thing he keeps saying is like, it's going to be sticky.
Starting point is 01:22:16 And then it'll be like, well, we don't have to do it. We're not going to do it. And you'd be like, no, that's what you'd say if you're going to dump it on me. That's very funny. At the end, the kid's mom, the actress from Clueless, when the spell is broken, she actually turns from a human into a frog. And then that kind of explains her whole hip-hop rabbit thing. The kid is like, oh, this makes sense. Oh, she got the braid of a frog. Yeah. So she's fairly understanding words. The coda of this film. That's why dinner every night is played of flies. That's the outline of the movie. That's what Billy says. The coda of this movie is that Mr. Johnson, who is just doing the math. This is insane too,
Starting point is 01:23:18 by the way. Yeah. So Pip, the ghost dog, his soul gets reunited with his body. He comes back to life as a puppy 75 years later, as do the rest of the puppies whose souls were used to originally call the hell hound into existence. Now Mr. Johnson is reunited with his puppy Pip as an old man, a man in his mid-80s, and he has all the rest of the buddies with him. I love this, Eddy. Do not make fun of this, Eddy Nick. I'm just going to say, if your 85-year-old father got his, and he's just like, hey, all these puppies came back to life. Hold on a second. If my 85-year-old father was like, I got my puppy back from when I was a boy, I would of course be like, well, this is strange. I'd be like, that's weird. That's weird, Dad. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:24:15 and I've got all of his siblings too. And then he's like, hey, I rented an RV and I'm going to drive around the country returning these dogs to their rightful owners. I'd be like, Dad, you can't do this. I don't trust you to do this. I'm worried. You'd be like, oh, Dad's sundowning. No, no, I'll do it too. Watch me. He's trying to get away from you. He's getting behind the car and trying to drive it with the exhaust pipe. No, Dad, no. I just got to put gas in the car and he goes over and eats a leaf. No, Dad, no. That actually happens to Harlan Williams in the film. He spits a couple of leafs out of his mouth, leaves. Commitment. Yeah, he is. And then, I mean,
Starting point is 01:25:26 I like Harlan Williams. I think he's good, which he had more funny stuff to do in this movie, but he's still good. Very funny. He's still good. And that's it. That's a movie. I love the... Was your guys' first touch of Harlan dumb and dumber? Yeah, probably. Yeah, probably dumb and dumber. He's the cop and dumb and dumber, right? Yeah, knocking back some of Grandpa's coffins. That's what, yes, 100% yeah. And then, of course, Half Baked is a big one. Which one? Half Baked, the movie, not the ice cream. Oh, no. No. Oh, I saw him in Sorority Boys. Yeah, I saw that in theaters, Sorority Boys, I remember. Were you with your... I was with my Sorority Boys. The whole crew. Well, I hope that...
Starting point is 01:26:29 I heard that at the end of the movie, the old man gets into the... What's it called? RV. RV. The old man gets into the... No, never mind anymore. The Lee RV Oswald. That's it. I was just gonna say that at the end of the movie, you see the RV crash new tree with the old man behind the wheel. Did you see his ghost come out and it's a dog? Yeah, that was the other... This movie was a real hodgepodge. You said the Harry Potter spells, but I also saw the old man from Home Alone with the Rand Sauer character. For sure, yeah. And then there was one other...
Starting point is 01:27:19 Kuja with the Halloween hound. Yeah, and then... What? I can't think of a funny thing. Kind of. Oh, I thought you were looking for a real one. I was. I was. I was about Halloween motif. Everything about trick-or-treating. Yeah. Oh, I'm not saying they necessarily pulled from this, but when he was mistaking the costume characters for real, have you guys seen Space Invaders? Oh, yeah. That's something I like. That's the inverse where the aliens come and people think they're kids in costumes. Yeah, so bottom line is extremely hacky.
Starting point is 01:27:59 This movie is extremely hacky and pulls from a lot of other stuff, but you know what? It's charming and a lot of good performance in it. It is charming. And now we have to rank it, and I think that there's only one way we can rank this out of stone puppy turds. The only way, the only option. Which we don't get to see any of in the movie, which I was disappointed by, so we don't get to see. But one has to assume that these puppies made of stone would have stone turds. In their belly, if you go within their stone bellies, I'm sure that there's a turd that looks
Starting point is 01:28:40 like a... So did you have to watch that problem trial two scene of the dog with the big mound of turds just to... Paul, on a scale of zero to five stone dog turds, what would you rank rate? What was the right key to get number of what? Stone dog turds. Stone dog turds. The number though, what's the scale? Zero to five. Zero to five. I give it five.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Wow. It's a masterpiece. I'm still terror from it. I'm going to give it one and a half. I think it's a pretty tough watch, but I think some kids would like it. I think I'm glad everyone got paid. I will just say that this movie is 88 minutes and feels long and kind of a sense of how much filler there is is there's a musical scene at a dance, at a school dance, or at just like a town dance, and they play the entirety of the Monster Mash. Like it's a full scene of just a band
Starting point is 01:29:58 singing the Monster Mash, a cover band singing the Monster Mash on stage. That, the Sheriff guy is hamming it up so much in that scene. It's wild. I love it. Yeah, and the Monster Mash, when you heard that wager, did it rig a few bells about a certain Leo Karpatsy song? Oh, maybe. I actually didn't make that connection, but. It's Roger Ebert's favorite smooth song, The Monster Fuck. Did you know you knew that wager that Roger Ebert tweeted your video?
Starting point is 01:30:35 Oh, wait, did he? I didn't know that. Yes. Oh, I didn't know that. Before his untimely death, Roger Ebert tweeted, like, I think this is pretty funny. You should watch this, and he tweeted out your video. Wow. I heard he tweeted out, like, this is why I will die until the video. And then the second one was, this is how I'll die.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Oh, and just when I was watching that Monster Mash sequence, I know you guys didn't like it, but when I was watching, I thought, if I was a kid, this would have been my favorite part, because any, when I was a kid, any time a, like a crazy visual was matched with a song that was good, I was just like, that's the height of cinema. And like, when I saw it in Teen Wolf, when Teen Wolf is like, to Serpent USA is writing the top of the van going around town, I remember thinking as a boy, like, watching it going like, there, this can't ever be surpassed. This is just like the, the height of film.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Well, yeah, I think it, I think it's kids entertainment. It's, it's, it's, you could do a lot worse than the buddies films on Disney Plus. So that's why I didn't go full zero and give a 1.5, even though for just an adult viewer, it's maybe kind of not the most fun watch. And Mr. Slice, what do you think? Well, do I think that it's complete dog shit as a movie? Yes, but did I have fun watching it? And did I have a blast the first time I watched it with my friend Paul and,
Starting point is 01:32:06 and my acquaintance? What's his name? Channing Glacier. Channing Glacier. Yeah, we don't have to talk about him any, because he just gets his power the more you talk about him. That's right. I forgot that part of him too is. Did you guys ever hear that thing about Contra, that the more bullets you shot,
Starting point is 01:32:28 the more bad guys the video game produced? Is that true? I don't think it's true, but it always sounded like a, like a little interesting moral parable we were re-taught. We sometimes have that as like a, as like a difficulty ramp. It's just sort of like, you know, though, though, though, but I don't think that was necessary. I don't think that was the case with Contra.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I could be wrong. To think wise, if we, if we had not shot a single bullet, we could have won the alien wars, if you think of it that way. Yeah, speak for yourself. I saw you shooting some guns at aliens. I, I know. We lost the alien wars at home. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Look, white spikes, they're the, they're the, they're the, they're the, They just heard 10% of your audience leave through the door of Weiger. I mean, it's true. I mean, we lost that war at home. Let me just say this. The white spikes are the buddies of aliens. They're the, they're, they're the spooky buddies of the alien world. They're cuties.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Yeah, they're cuties. And they talk too. They just cut all that out where they were talking to each other. But I'm going to go, I'm going to go with my friend, Paul, and give it five stone dog shirts. Okay. Well, there you have it. Cause I had a blast talking about it. Why is it, this was, this was, this is an extremely fun episode.
Starting point is 01:33:52 And, and the, the, the funnest guest, Paul Russ. Thank you for being here as we conclude Doug Dobark fest, 2021 month on grill abrasion of hot dogs and pet dogs. Anything you would like to play with you, we ended it with you, Paul. And not only that, but right near all hollows Eve, right, Nick? Yes. Well, our final episode, I believe scheduling wise will be our, our live show in New York. That will be the final thing released in the feed, but this is the final studio episode.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Hmm. Well, thank you guys so much for having me. I had a ding dang blast. As always, you guys are the best. We had a ding dang blast with you. Yeah. Oh, and yeah, stuff to plug. Mike Cassidy and I have don't stop, roll, die.
Starting point is 01:34:35 We have a podcast song a week every Wednesday. We have a new fully produced don't stop, roll, die song come out that we host. And then also with gorelly and rust. If you thought my thoughts and commentary on spooky buddies was incisive and correct. You might enjoy hearing me talk about horror movies with gorelly and rust with Matt gorelly. Yeah. Check that out. Check that out.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Great pods. Great people. And why? You guys are the great guys. Hey, it was a real pleasure. What a treat. What a hoot. Paul, to quote, to quote, Rance Howard.
Starting point is 01:35:13 It was a pleasure, dog. Is that when, is that when the dog was licking his ear and you can see that they just like wedged a nugget of peanut butter and Rance Howard's ear before they called action? But then also it's weird that you see them. They keep doing that even after the dogs aren't on him. Like he wants, like it's a Rance Howard. Rance Howard was walking to his car after they wrapped up. That guy was still walking up and putting peanut butter clusters in his ear.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Rance Howard no longer with us. Yeah. Oh, RIP. Yeah, RIP, RH. Rest in peace. I also heard this weird thing that when he passed away, his, his spirit was also a dog. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Yeah. That was a hate gun podcast.

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