Doughboys - UNLOCKED! The Band of Tomorrow with Caroline Anderson

Episode Date: June 22, 2021

On this episode of The Doughboys Double, Caroline Anderson (Corporate, Comedy Bang! Bang!) joins the 'boys and talks vegetarian eats and strength training before a breakdown of BTS and their new McDon...ald's meal.Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of the Doe Boyz Double, our premium episodes available at slash Doe Boyz. Welcome to Doe Boyz Double, I'm Nick Weiger along with Mr. Slice, Mike Mitchell. Mitch, a role reversal today, I'm usually chastising you for your tardiness, today I was late. Is that why you're so quiet? You introduced me, you just went quiet, you're sad? What's going on here? Well you didn't get, well yeah, first off I'm ashamed, I'm deeply ashamed, but also you didn't hit us with a howdy. Howdy. I was unnerved, I was disoriented, I felt that made me feel like I was in trouble. Uh oh, Mitch is in a bad mood, he's not giving the howdy.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah, I'm not going to give you a howdy, you're ten minutes late, I'm not going to give you a howdy. I had my hair one way, it was going this way, and then I tried to do it the other way, and then it just kind of stuck in the middle. It kind of looked like a mohawk, because I'm balding. Yeah, I mean that's just the aging process as a man. What is your normal, the way you've got it oriented now towards your right ear, is that your normal part? See, I feel like it goes this way which it does, but then you're mirrored, you know, you're looking into a mirror basically. So that's the confusion, yeah, is that I'm mirrored up there, but let's see here. So yeah, this is the way I usually, I probably fix my hair this way, but when I'm looking at it, I want it to go the other way.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I want it to go this way, but it's not fully, it's not going. It's staying, I look like, is it Stripe? Is that the gremlin with the, right? I look like, yeah, I look like the guy from Spider-Man, the animated series with the thing down the middle, you know what I'm talking about? That one I don't know, I know Stripe, I don't know what you're talking about from Spider-Man the animated series. All right, I'll figure it out and I'm going to show you. But now it's very much in the middle. Yeah, yours is in the middle now, it looked better to the side, but you're very much like you got a haircut from your regular barber recently.
Starting point is 00:02:35 That's what you're in the aftermath of. Yes, yeah. Too short. Well, you know, I think it looks fine. I think it looks good. And I think it's one of those ones where it's like, you know, sometimes you get that haircut and you just need a week or two for everything to settle into place. It looks good. But I have a, like I'm getting my first haircut since the pandemic tomorrow as of this recording.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So I'm going to have a new look. I've got these long, luscious locks of hippie hair that I'm going to trim down. I don't know what I'm going to look like. I might not like what I see. Long, luscious locks of hippie hair. Is that what you said? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh boy. I mean, I just... It's too much. You're not a hippie in any way. It's... Oh, come on. Free love, marijuana, I love all that stuff. You've never relaxed.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I recycle. All right, that's fair. I drive a fuel efficient car. Do hippies... Did hippies become yuppies? Is that what happened? Is that where they are? Well, so there is that accusation that generationally, yeah, they enjoyed the free love and drugs era.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And then in the 80s, when they all settled into domestic life, they became Reaganites. I'm not sure if that's the same demographic. It's possible, but you'll meet some old hippies who are like, oh no, this is just how you've been your whole life, you know? Yeah. My parents were a little hippie-ish, but they didn't turn Republican. They're still very, very liberal. Yeah, only their son.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Your parents are late. Your parents are a lot of fun. I've said this before on the podcast. Look, I got obsessed with my hair. It's back to normal now. And then I got obsessed about trying to find the guy from Spider-Man, the animated series that had like a very much a V haircut. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like it was like a very, like kind of looked like a balding haircut, and that's kind of what I had going on. Couldn't find him. Couldn't find the character from Spider-Man, the animated series. Good guy, bad guy? I think it was like one of Peter's friends who had just a big old V haircut. Are we talking about the old, like the really old one, like the memed one? No, I was talking about the Fox kids one.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Did you watch it? Were you, did you watch the, no? I watched X-Men. I didn't watch the... No, you were a little too old for that, huh? You're more of a... Maybe just a little... Sixties Batman sort of guy.
Starting point is 00:05:06 All right. I watched X-Men, the animated series, Spider-Man, the animated series. Spider-Man was a little bit, a little bit later, why? So I could see, and then Batman, the animated series X-Men and Spider-Man. That was my introduction, like my big introduction to a lot of them. I bought the comics a little before that, but then I loved those animated series. They were great. X-Men and Batman, the animated series were like right in my generate.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Like that was like, yeah, I was watching both of those pretty obsessively, pretty regularly. Well, Wags, we can talk about stuff that we're obsessed with from the old generation, or we can talk about what the new generation is obsessed with. Mitch, what a segue. When you want, when you want a segue, you fucking knock it out of the park. So you mean like Disneyland? That's usually when I want a segue. I don't want to fucking walk around the park all day.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Right. I want to ride my little segue. Can you get a segue at Disneyland? I don't think you can. I don't think you can. I don't think you can get a segue at Disney. Was there a segue parking at one point? Did they take it away?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Was there segues and then they took them away? Maybe possibly. I've seen them in Vegas. I set up this segue and then we didn't introduce our guest. I just said I would give you a compliment on the segue and then you went on a tangent about Disneyland that we had to justify. Don't put that on me. It was being nice.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Wags, what's the deal with segues? I mean, it's an important question. We got to crack it. We got to crack it. We need Seinfeld to ask it. What is the deal with segues? You know what? When I was in Brooklyn, I saw a bunch of kids riding segues all the way.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Riding segues all over downtown Brooklyn. Wow. Like actual segues? They were the ones. They're like the new cooler, like scooter segues with no, like the segues have like, like they're just the feet ones. Those aren't segues. Those are different.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Segues is a brand name. Those are different kinds of motorized scooters. Fuck off. Introduce the guest. Kind of lose the core element of segue, which is built in stability. Our guest today is from corporate and comedy bang bang, our good friend, Caroline Anderson. Hi, Caroline. Hi guys.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Thank you for having me. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. All that nonsense. Yeah. We got a lot to talk about. So. I immediately wondered if Doe Boys listeners are going to be as scandalized with your
Starting point is 00:07:35 haircut as army recently was when Jungkook cut his hair. Wow. That's a segue, Yikes. Wow. Look at that. That's a great segue. So today we're discussing BTS in the context of the new McDonald's BTS meal. But before we get into that Caroline, I did want to ask you about, you've been doing,
Starting point is 00:07:55 practicing something for a while that I've started doing recently. You're a long time vegetarian. I am. Yeah. What, when did you get into that? And, and have you had any deviances since you gave up meat? No intentional deviances, although there's always the time where you ask for the beans instead at Taco Bell, but then they put the beef in it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I've been vegetarian since middle school. I don't remember exactly when. Yeah. I think it was a combination of that I've always really loved animals. And also I wanted to be different. So it worked out. Right. I've had periods of vegan-ness, although I eat dairy and eggs right now.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah. Wow. That's impressive. That's, I mean, it's super impressive. Good for you. And, and, and I'm curious because for me, there have been a few things I've missed and other things that I've had like surprisingly not really missed at all. Is, I mean, have you, have you had any cravings?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Has there been a point where you've been like, I would really love just like a straight up hot dog or did you, did you do that point of separation? Was that early enough in your life where you don't really have, you know, a nostalgia for that thing, for that stuff? The only thing I really liked as a kid was sausage and vegan sausage. I feel like it's one of the better fake meats. You can get really good vegan sausage. Recently, Pizza Hut was very briefly doing like an impossible sausage pepper pizza that
Starting point is 00:09:20 like hit that spot of like shitty meat lovers pizza as a kid. But I think that's the only thing. I, I'm from Texas and brisket was like the big meat and I just never liked it. I never enjoyed the like, Texas-y barbecue. So it was not very hard to give up. I was going to say sausage, this, a lot of spice. There's a big spice factor in there. There's a little bit of spices.
Starting point is 00:09:44 So I feel like you can try to recreate that. Totally. I was going to ask if you have a like a brand of veggie sausage that you go for. I've, you know, me, I'm new to the game. And so I've just basically dabbled with the Beyond version of sausage, which is pretty good. It has some decent seasoning to it. But is there anything you like in particular? I like the Beyond.
Starting point is 00:10:05 The Beyond is what they have at Dog House. And yeah, I think they do, they have a great product there. We love Dog House. We like, we like Dog House. We love Dog House. I like Impossible, but that's more so for burgers. So like to me, it's just, it is very close to an actual burger, but I know that a lot of people like Beyond too.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So like a, I've had the Beyond sausage from Duncan and one time it was good and one time it was horrid. I think it goes, you know, I think it just prepares, you know, depends on the make. I think it was just, you know, one time it was just kind of overdone and seemed old. And the other time it, it tasted great. But I agree with you that sausage is one of those things that really, and now man, burgers, burgers are, burgers are up there. The burgers are in impossible pattywags.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I can't tell a lot of the time. It's, it's a, they can fool you now. Fake burgers have gotten really good. I do still love one that has like corn and a bean in it, you know, that you like look at it and know that there's never been a meat near it. Yeah. Those, I'm trying to remember the, you know, when we do occasional vegetarian meals, like I said, my parents were hippies.
Starting point is 00:11:21 We did occasional vegetarian meals in our house and like Boca burgers was one. Sure. Where I think that was similar to like that kind of more old school approach of like, we're just being forward where you, you, you can tell what the other protein sources are. Some sort of, you know, this is some sort of imaginary meat that bleeds or whatever. Why is that? I never realized that you have a family ties situation where you, you got like cool hippie
Starting point is 00:11:46 parents and then you're the fucking square that they fucking, they bring into the world. You're saying I'm the Michael J. Fox. You're the Michael J. youth member of the Weigar clan. That's not, that's not fair to Michael J. Fox, but yeah, you are. You're the Michael J. Fox. Wow. I had no idea at this show that none of our listeners were even, they weren't even, they weren't, they weren't even sperm by that one.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I mean, does that doesn't make sense. Does it? They weren't even little sperm in their father's sacks. Why? That's what you start. You start and you start and you dad sack baby or your mother's womb. There you go. One or the other.
Starting point is 00:12:35 So, okay, so, so you, wait, going back to burgers, do you have, like, do you crave burgers specifically? Like, was that, was that a thing or was it just basically sausage? No, I, sometimes I'll crave like a fried chicken situation, but I think that's only been since vegan fried chicken got so good because for 10 years I didn't have any fake meat other than an occasional, like, you know, Morningstar Farms, veggie corn dog, a bokeh, a garden, a corn, any of those standards. But now there's just so much good vegan fried chicken. So I get bummed out when I go to chicken places that don't have a vegan option because it's
Starting point is 00:13:16 so good. Most fried chicken places in my experience don't seem to have a veggie chicken, which is a bummer. And because I love fried chicken and I love wings. And as I mentioned on the podcast, those are the things I've missed the most, as well as rotisserie burger, or rotisserie bird rather. That's a thing you can't really simulate. But we had the garden recently at Yard House and it was pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:13:39 At least that version of it is, of it was, like, what fried chickens are your go-tos? What veggie fried chickens? It's mostly eating out. Have you, does the lettuce feast truck ever come out to where you're at? Do you know that one? No, I gotta check this out. It's really good vegan fried chicken and like banana pudding and strawberry shortcake. Super delicious.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I tried to, I tried to run that truck off the road once. Hey, Moix, how's this? Gardeen, garbage. It's more like it. Very good. It looks like the lettuce feast truck will sometimes go out to the west side and also to the long beach as well. But it seems like it spends a lot of time in the valley.
Starting point is 00:14:24 So there you go. Yeah. There's also another place in the valley called Blazenburgers. It says burgers, but it's mostly vegan fried chicken and it's delicious. Wow. Have you messed around with, I don't think they have a chicken version, but have you messed around with montees in Korea town? No, but I hear good things.
Starting point is 00:14:43 People love it. It's really good. Yeah, that place is really, they do an impressive, and I think all their stuff is plant-based. I don't think they even have dairy. It's all good. The shakes are good. The cheese is good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's damn good. I was just in Highland Park for a couple of days and ate burger lords every single day if you've had that vegan, like Big Macs and fries and stuff. That rules. That's awesome. Another health-related topic, I know you've got really into strength training in recent years. I did.
Starting point is 00:15:17 What was the impetus for that and how did you keep that going when you couldn't get to a gym for so long? Yeah, it happened super randomly. Two friends of mine were in the same kettlebell class together and posted about it on Instagram and I got jealous because I wanted to hang out with them. I signed up and then that teacher of that class is still my personal trainer. She's my favorite person on the planet. Shout out Steph Wilberding.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Wow. Yeah, this past year has been very hard. I can't do barbell stuff at home, which is my favorite stuff. I do have a handful of kettlebells, so we still do zooms. I have to do a lot of lunges and squats and stupid bullshit that doesn't have strong barbells and weights and stuff, but it's fine. You mentioned barbells. I do some strength training on my own or at least did before everything locked down,
Starting point is 00:16:14 but you're pushing some serious plates. You're doing pretty well for yourself. Thank you. It's my favorite. For a long time, I did adult beginner ballet and booty bar and cool girl exercises. I hated it. Then I found barbells. I was like, no, this is, I want to be an old-timey strongman.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I don't want to be like a delicate, beautiful lady. Are you planning on going back to the gym? Absolutely. Yeah. It's open again, but I haven't barely even like, I've gone to malls a couple of times. That's maybe the like ballsyest thing I've done so far, even though I'm vaccinated. So it's just going to take a while emotionally, but I want to. I'm dying to.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Thank you. Now, we got to go move to the most important thing of all. Yeah. Is that you and Vincent and your husband are Wally and Irma's godparents. Thank you. We miss them so much. Why is any time when I was out of town to Atlanta, I couldn't take Wally and Irma with me, Caroline washed over Wally and Irma.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh, yeah. No, I know this. I mean, for sure that the two people that Wally and Irma love after me, I'll give myself first, but you guys are right up there. They love you. And you've always taken good care of Wally and Irma. And I always remember that. Can you speak to how good of kiddies they are, please?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah. They're so good that as soon as you took them across the country, we got our own tuxedo cat because we couldn't stand being away. Yeah. Well, I hope that you'll still watch over those two because they miss you and I plan on ditching them soon. Wait, let's get some feline details. Tell us about your tux cat.
Starting point is 00:18:08 My cat is named Gepetto. That was his name at the shelter and that's why we adopted him because we're puppet people. He is 10 years old. He's FIV positive, but he doesn't let it keep him down. He's asleep on the couch right now. He's very affectionate and snuggly. He's such a good guy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That's great. I love it. Gepetto. Love it. Gepetto. Gepetto rules. And Wally and Irma love Gepetto as well. But they miss you.
Starting point is 00:18:41 They've been having a good time here in Quincy. And you know what, Wags? They got my mom's bed last night, which was a first that Wally went into my mom's bed and hung out with my mom and she hadn't done that. Cute. Michael, the cats are in my bed. Help me, Michael. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Gepetto, mom. Well, moving on, you both eat vegetarian. But today, should we tackle this first or should we tackle BTS just in general, Wags? I think it would be great because I think, you know, BTS is huge enough where I'm sure our audience has heard of them and understands that they are like a very popular K-pop act. But maybe doesn't have a lot of context for them. Maybe has heard a song on the radio, but maybe doesn't know a lot about the band. And Caroline, I know you're a Davo T. You're an expert.
Starting point is 00:19:39 So I guess like, how did you get into BTS? Why did you develop such a fandom? Yeah. So I'm still a somewhat new ARMY. Do you guys know what ARMY means? I do now. I mean, I know that they're the fans of BTS. But I don't know if there is, is there an actual meaning for ARMY itself?
Starting point is 00:19:57 It is an acronym. Do you know what the acronym stands for? I don't know if you got there in your research. It's adorable representative MCs for youth. I'm sure you could have guessed that at a certain point. But yeah, so I became ARMY last year amidst the COVID-19 epidemic. I was very sad most of last year. I don't know if you can recall how sad last year was.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And I just on a whim was like, you know, I should have a frame of reference for these guys. They're not going anywhere. I'm not really into pop music, but I should know the name of one of their songs. And then I just didn't ever stop listening was immediately like, oh, there's a reason I'm on this planet. We'll all get out of this someday. This is okay. I'm glad to be alive right now. It was a huge change for me and I'll never leave.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Wow. Wow. Yeah. That's amazing. And so full throttle ARMY just right right right into it. I didn't know that you were a new ARMY. You're talking to me. It seems like you know everything about the this this this group.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. I didn't realize that you were you that you had only only just joined ARMY. When when did you say it was in 2020? Yeah, last August. Wow. So almost close to a one year anniversary of ARMY. I know it's going to be amazing. Well, they popular popular they are because you gave us a few videos to watch some some
Starting point is 00:21:24 big ones and why is one of these videos has a billion views a billion. Yeah, it's kind of amazing how a rabbit their fandom is, you know, I worked with a I worked with a hilarious comedian we should have on the show, Mike Lawrence, who's also a big BTS fan a couple of years ago. And I like his fandom was just based on how like just how fucking good their product is basically like they just like it's such a precise, you know, like like a precisely rehearsed and expertly executed. There's so much talent, but there's also so much labor behind it.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Like, you know, and and I can definitely appreciate it on that level when you see it's just like, oh, this is just a phenomenal, this is just a phenomenal act they do. And with your recent fandom, Caroline, I'm sure you haven't had the pleasure of seeing them in concert, but their concerts are known to be incredible spectacles. Yeah. So they did a live streaming concert last October that I attended. And there will be another live streaming concert in a couple of weeks, which I hope you guys get tickets to.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Wow. I assume that you're full army at this point. It will be two a.m. California time on a Sunday morning, but I'll be there. Wags will be there for sure. Yeah. I it's it's very a thing that's surprising to me is that they the the crossover aspects just because of the of the four songs you sent, three of them, I think are are in Korean except one has an intro that's in English.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And so that's that to me is just always surprising because there's a few like over the years, you know, songs that have been in, you know, non English songs that have become huge hits, but they have multiple songs like that that are huge in the United States. And that's I feel like that's a it's a tough thing to pull off in a, you know, in a in a in a country that is that is very much is is anything different or, you know, anything different at all, the reverse to and I feel like to be a crossover hit like that is is fantastic. It's really it's really wild and like growing up like the Macarena and La Bamba when I was younger, like these are the songs I think of for for for non English
Starting point is 00:23:43 songs that were like huge hits, but these guys come over. Oh, yo, come over. I mean, yeah, mostly a lot of Spanish songs, honestly. But yes, but these so many of these songs are gigantic hits. And and I don't and obviously I don't know Korean. I don't know what they're singing. How is that for you? Is that is is is it a thing like you like the beat of it? Or do you phonetically learn the songs? Like what exactly like what what what what is it that draws you to it?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Or is it just the music in their voice in the beat and everything altogether? It's certainly all of it. So several of the members write their songs and then there's additional songwriters that work on it. But one of them in particular RM is like just a genius lyricist super who uses a lot of like word play and interesting expressions. So there is a lot of studying. Hangul, the Korean language that goes along with being a fan. It wasn't even until the last couple of years that they started translating their
Starting point is 00:24:41 YouTube videos, translating any other songs. So yeah, there's like a lot of language study that is a part of it. And like even songs like Bap say, which is one of my favorite songs and is like a cheek commentary on a popular like euphemism that older people tell younger people like there's a lot of learning about generational rules and respect between different age groups. It is like a little like homework. Right. Anytime a new song comes out, but in a really like satisfying fun way.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah, I think there's, you know, Mitch, what you're talking about in in terms of non English language songs, not having any pop, not not being given, not having a lot of popularity in the US. I think is I would guess that probably BTS is prominence in North America. And you know, I'm just speculating is is probably as two factors. One is that it's in the aftermath of the gigantic non English language hit Gangnam style. And I guess there was probably like, oh, there is actually an added an appetite for K-pop in the US.
Starting point is 00:25:49 But I think also it's just like Internet distribution has led where it's not reliant on risk averse record execs who are maybe like, oh, this will never play in the US. You know what I mean? Now it's just sort of like, well, this stuff is out there and it's finding an audience because people just respond to the music regardless of what language it is. I think maybe it's like American audiences are in fact more open minded than they were given credit for by Columbia Records or whatever the fuck, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, I know, I think especially like, I think you've seen more of it over the over the years, especially of like samples and Jay-Z had like that song with this was like even like almost 15 to 20 years ago now, but who was it? Punjabi emcee, like, like, like, I think there was like styles and who is who's in Indian in Indian artists, but I feel like there are styles and things that like samples that are put into songs that people really dig. Right. And so dig, I sound like your fucking hippie parents.
Starting point is 00:26:48 But like there's there's there's styles and stuff like that, like different types of music that they hear and they really enjoy and and like sampled and stuff like that, but for it to be straight up, like smash like that and be so popular in the United States, especially with people who probably don't speak Korean. I mean, like there's, there's right. There's like a lot of like young white English speaking people who love them, which is cool. And and and that's and that's great.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And obviously listen to the music. The music is great. It's nice. It's it's it's it's like slightly boy band, but like I like a but not 100% boy band. You know what I mean? Like a like a it's a boy band sound that I respect just because Nick and I were late 90s, early 2000 people and there's some of it.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Even though I do respect good boy and our boy band never took off. So we resent that. I mean, that's yeah. DBS is the two of us in you song will boot us off every mall stage. So the you saw just screaming at us. You guys were behind on the dance. What the fuck? Sorry, you song.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yes. Sorry song. You mentioned RM and I do want to get into the music and this the song you shared they go great like, you know, entry point for anyone who wants to get into this this group. And we're going to hear some of them, but you mentioned RM. Do you have any fandom for any particular member of BTS? Wow, what a controversial question.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Wow. So it it's generally considered not polite to have a favorite among the group. It is appropriate to have a bias. Sorry. So there are certainly ones that I gravitate to. You know, I have a lot of pictures of BTS in my phone. There are members I have more pictures of than others, but there is a term solo Stan, which is someone who only likes one of the members thinks that member
Starting point is 00:28:49 should leave the group thinks the member could do better things without them. And they're reviled on army Twitter. So I do have a favorite. I don't know if I'm ready to say right now. But yes, I do have a favorite, but I love them all so much. All right. So you got to give it. Can you give us a breakdown?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Just say the name like because there's seven members. Is that correct? Yes. Seven members. Can you name each member and just give us a quick kind of description of what they are? Of course. Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Okay. Great. So RM is the leader. He was the first member rapper. Not the best dancer, but also a great dancer because they all are lyricist, incredible business person. We got Jin, oldest member, beautiful, scouted for his handsomeness, wonderful vocals, high tenor voice.
Starting point is 00:29:37 We got this. That's by the way, that's the reason I was brought into Doe Boys. We got Suga, another rapper, producer, writer. He is scrappy. He's a great rapper. He's a great rapper. He's a producer, writer. He is scrappy and wonderful and writes a ton of shit for other artists.
Starting point is 00:29:58 We got Jay Hope, who was a dancer and also a rapper songwriter. He's in the center of a lot of their dance formations. He's the best dancer. He's incredible to watch. We got Jimin, also an amazing dancer, a modern dancer who has helped bring the group into less of a hip hop focused group, which is what it originally was. So beautiful, high voice, very androgynous and beautiful. The funny, charming, jazzy vocals has made himself into a really great dancer
Starting point is 00:30:30 through the years and a wonderful actor. And then Jungkook, who's the youngest lead vocalist center of most of the formations, excellent dancer, effortlessly talented, very beautiful. Who got the controversial haircut recently? Well, Jungkook, it's not controversial other than that people are a little less horny than they were when it was longer. But yeah, he grew his hair up very long. You can see that in the butter video.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And then post-butter, he cut it short again and people were sad. Wow, got it. I got to hear who your favorite is. I mean, I want to know. We can bleep it. Do you want to say it and we'll bleep it? No, it's okay. My favorite is V.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I love him for his beautiful compositions and his wonderful sense of humor. And yes, he's gorgeous, but we don't have to talk about how beautiful he is. We can just talk about his talent and how he's very talented. And we like his talent a lot. I don't have a favorite yet, but I'll do what you say like R&B where I will respect all of them and then try to have one that I lean towards more a little bit, but I'm still figuring it out. Wags, do you happen to have someone that you lean towards?
Starting point is 00:31:45 I'll always lean towards the old man of the group. That's true. Yeah, I kind of... That's both of our favorites, right? That is Jin. And Jin is a huge gamer. He always travels with a gaming PC. He recently did a whole, do you know Maple Story?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Are you familiar with that game? He's very into Maple Story. He recently did a whole campaign with them. He loves League of Legends. Yeah, he's great. He's very much, I think, the wiger of the group. And a stone cold hunk. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You're just stone cold. Well, let's get into some of their songs. Wait a minute, that sounds like a compliment too. I can't say you're just stone cold because that's one of my favorite people. Yeah, it's like Steve Austin. You're just fucking cold. Should we do songs or should we talk to McDonald's meal? We should do the McDonald's meal and have songs take us home.
Starting point is 00:32:41 All right. Really? We can't decide. We're going back. It's like picking your favorite member of BTS. I got to say this. That's right. All right, let's get into the meal.
Starting point is 00:32:53 You both are vegetarian. You can't eat the meal, basically. But I went and got the meal, which is a 10-piece McNugget. And you get two dipping sauces with it. One is a sweet chili and one is a Cajun dipping sauce. Nick is pulling his out right now. Yes, I got my McDonald's shortly before record. That's why I was late.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, you get the Cajun and the sweet chili sauces. And I don't, does the colorway or anything have any connection to BTS? Kind of this lavender pink? Yeah, purple is the color of BTS. If you'll notice, the bag has a purple BTS symbol on it for some people. Not everyone got the bag. We'll get into it. It's controversial.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But yes, purple is very significant for BTS. I got the bag. I got the BTS bag from McDonald's. Yes, I also got the bag, the BTS meal. But I was expecting like a happy meal container. Oh no, come on. We're adults here. My mom, my mom yelled at me because I left the bag on the floor.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I went upstairs. Oh boy. To do something else for the podcast and I left the bag on the floor. I like the look of the bag. It's very subtle. And Caroline, I told you this before we started, but I like this meal and I'll tell you why. Look, it's just a 10 piece nugget, medium fries and a medium drink. And I taught you about what I should get your drink.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I'm going to get to that in one second. But the reason I like it is because you got two dipping sauces you don't normally get. So you get to try something. It's not like these other McDonald's meals where there's nothing really new. So you kind of get something new with it, which I liked. I went there. You told me that BTS likes sprite. So, but the meal comes with just, it's comes with a Coke.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Right. So what I did is that I got the meal with a Coke and then I also got a small sprite just so I can have sips of sprite with my bites of McNuggets. So I went the whole way. I got the actual meal and a sprite. And you know what? Why I toss on a double cheeseburger on the side as well. You gotta.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And it's got some ketchup with that. And I went, what are you going to say? Sorry, Wags. I was going to say the 10 pieces like it's, it's like, you always feel like you want a little something. You want a little more. But let me tell you this, Wags. If you're missing chicken, I got that 10 piece and it was really damn good.
Starting point is 00:35:14 They fucking fuck. It was, it was, I had a good McDonald's day today. Wow. And I loved the BTS meal. I thought it was really, really good. And here's, here's the deal. I tried the Cajun sauce first and I was like, this is good. I like this sauce straight up.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So I liked the Cajun sauce. Then I tried the sweet chili sauce and I was like, hmm, this is like a little too, this tastes like a little too artificial. I don't know how I feel about this sauce. But then I kept dipping and it's got some heat to it. And I started to really like that sweet chili sauce and I liked the Cajun sauce. And you know what I did? I started dipping them in both.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Wow. And that was the fucking best version of all. Fantastic. Wow. Are you supposed to dip in both? Some armies have been doing that. Some people have tweeted about it. It's good as hell.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Dipping in both is good as hell. These sauces are great. I really, I really like them. It was a fun, you know, like I, I, I, I usually go sweet and sour at McDonald's or you get a barbecue and I, you know what, I liked their new, the mighty hot sauce or whatever it was wise what they had with the spicy nuggets, whatever the hell that sauce was, or just like the super hot sauce. I don't know what it was called.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And I really liked that. So maybe their sauce game is going pretty well recently. They're doing a good job. I don't know if, if this is something that's available in Korea or not, something I probably should have done research on. But, but both of the sauces were good. Now, why is your dipping into them right now? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So I just had the Cajun sauce. I like that Cajun sauce quite. I mean, it's good. It's, it's got like a little bit of a horseradishy character. It's, it's kind of like a creamy. Creamy. Yeah, creamy, but also kind of a like spicy mustard slash chick full mixed with like a Chick-fil-A sauce.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's got a little bit of sweetness. I thought that was, I think it's delightful. I'm going to try the other one now, but Caroline, so. Now why? So remember by warning. Mm-hmm. That it's artificially at first, but you're going to, you're going to like it. You're going to, it's, you're going to like it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I know you're going to like it. I'm going to have a, I'm going to have a plain fry to clear my palate and then I'm going to dig into this, the, the sweeter sauce. But Caroline, I assume you were doing what I'm doing now, which is dipping your fries in these. If you got this meal. So I got some grocery store vegan nuggets and dipped those in them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Oh wow. Power move. Yes. So you've mentioned the packaging. Other countries got like purple cups and purple nugget containers. We did not in the US and it was a frustrating morning yesterday as a result. And then not everyone was getting the bags. I called ahead to the store, made sure they had the bags, sent my husband as I prepared
Starting point is 00:37:53 the nuggets. I also added a, a unofficial extra item, which is the Oreo McFlurry, which is very important to army to the point where a McDonald's employee posted the like warning that they got of like be prepared to make extra Oreo McFlurries with this meal. Wow. So I try. Oreo McFlurry is great. We just wags.
Starting point is 00:38:16 We had, we had it in the, the, what the, was it the munch madness? Yes. It was much madness. The, the, I've already forgot. I've forgotten all of it. Yeah. The tournament of sweets. Some stupid.
Starting point is 00:38:29 What was the stupid bullshit name? What do we land on? Pie noon. That's what it was. Pie noon. I was covering her head. No memory of it. No mush.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Just mush up there. But uh, that Oreo McFlurry is great. I get it. They, these guys got good taste. Yeah. They got great taste. Is that the reason for the significance to the, to, to the army is that it's has like the, the band themselves are fans of the Oreo McFlurry.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Uh, well, so the Oreo McFlurry thing specifically comes from season four of their travel series BTS Bon Voyage. Uh, the season where they go to New Zealand. Uh, and once V, my favorite, uh, ordered an Oreo McFlurry and was super cute about it. So forever that's kind of become a meme among armies. Um, so yeah, mine was good, but they didn't mix it in, which is always a bummer when they just put the topics on top. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:20 That stinks. Um, I really liked the Cajun sauce. I'm something of a heat seeker and I wanted it to be a little spicier than it was, but I liked it. The sweet chili is not my go-to sauce, you know, flavor profile or consistency, but I wasn't mad about it. Um, yeah, I thought it was good. Um, yeah, I thought it was nice.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Um, yeah, no, I thought the sauces were, I look, I had a good McDonald's experience. Like, you know, every, I was, I was digging everything that I was having. So I was, yeah, I was happy. Um, but yeah, again, I like, I like, and you know what I'll say, I think the sprite is the right move. I like Coke always. I love McDonald's Coke, but the McDonald's sprite also another thing that people are will meme about and talk about is the McDonald's sprite.
Starting point is 00:40:04 They say hits a little differently. Why? That's what the kids say. That the McDonald's sprite hits a little differently. I dropped my phone in my McDonald's sprite and it started charging. Yeah. I've seen that meme. Shit like that.
Starting point is 00:40:18 That MF started charging. That's a, what does that mean? I don't know. I think it means that they like it, but I think it's so potent that it's got like an electrical charge to it. I think that's the idea. So I gotta say it was good in cooling down your mouth with some of this, uh, some of the spicy sauces because it's got a bit of a kick, not like that McDonald's mighty hot sauce
Starting point is 00:40:39 or whatever, which was, which really had a kick for, for McDonald's dipping sauce, but still a little bit of a kick and the sprite worked really well with it. I'd say ghost sprite. I like the Coke. It came with the meal. So I got it just to, to see what, see what the deal was, but they, they should have gone sprite. I don't understand why you don't go sprite.
Starting point is 00:40:56 If BTS loves sprite, why are you having sprite? It feels like I think what, you know, and this is to Caroline's sprite. And this is to Caroline's point about the, the not having the special cups. It feels like they didn't fully commit to it. And I feel like if they'd just gone all the way, it probably would have been better. Give us an Oreo McFlurry too. Exactly. It comes in a custom McFlurry cup, comes in a custom soda cup.
Starting point is 00:41:20 You're getting a sprite. You're getting an Oreo McFlurry. This, we're fully immersing you in the BTS experience. And you know what? I don't think any fewer people order it as a result. You know what? I think people, I think probably more people get it. My cups came in Mick, Mick cafe cups.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Weirdly, the, the see-through cups. Fucking strange. Yeah. That's weird. Something we haven't talked about is the marketing lead up to this, which borrowed heavily from K-pop marketing. There was a slow releases of different concept photos, the different members. Tomorrow there's going to be something called the lunch party that we still don't
Starting point is 00:41:52 really know what it is. Yeah. You've been very interested in this lunch party. You've been telling me like, we don't, I don't know what it is, but it's coming. Even right before this recording, I was like, oh, maybe it's tomorrow. Maybe they'll have announced it, but no, absolutely not. Wow. We have no idea.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I think it might just be some of the members eating lunch on V live, which is a Korean app that's sort of like Twitch. But yeah, they have no idea. Okay. I, well, why is, I think we gotta, we, you've now tried it. Yes. So I've tasted the, I tasted the sweet chili sauce and then I also tasted the sweet chili and Cajun combined both with dipping Cajun first and dipping sweet chili first.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I did that as well. I did that as well. So the sweet chili sauce, and I think this is, this is largely what Caroline's saying is, is, it's, you know, it's not really my thing, but I think it's a good execution of it. Maybe I'll just a touch to syrupy and I, I felt a little bit of heat, but I could have used more heat from that one. I definitely prefer the Cajun sauce.
Starting point is 00:42:50 That said, mixing them both, I think it's delightful. I think it works great. That's the ticket wigs. That's what I'm saying. That's the ticket. You get a touch of the sweet chili with the Cajun as a base layer and, and boy, you're in, you're in a hog heaven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I think those sauces are really good. I think so. I read some people were underwhelmed by the sauces and I don't get that. That seems like the whole thing to me is like the sauces are good. It's the other stuff that maybe could have been punched up a bit. Why is that? I saved your ass. You would have embarrassed yourself in front of army.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You wouldn't have mixed those two sauces. If I didn't tell you to mix those sauces, you wouldn't have done it and bearish your ass in front of army. So hold on. We should rank this meal. Yeah. I think out of the seven BTS members, I think, do you go full seven out of seven BTS members? How many?
Starting point is 00:43:36 What are you giving this? You're giving it six, five. Guess what? For me, it's the whole damn group. I loved it. Wow. And knocked it out of the park for me. I liked the sweet chili sauce.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I liked mixing them. It gives you something different. We're going to turn on these meals now when they actually give you something you can't have. Do more of this. Give us stuff we can't get. That's the fun of it. Seven BTS members for me.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Fully agree with you. I think that, you know, it's like, at Contra, the, whatever, like the Travis Scott meal or whatever, that was just like, these are just, this is just stuff you already have on your menu just customized a little bit. Yes. Something completely new with some distinct packaging is a lot of fun. And I think, yeah, let's see more of this. I hope this is a success because hopefully they'll be, there will be even further experimentation
Starting point is 00:44:24 along these lines with their branded tie-in meals. I do wish the bag was, I wish everyone got the bag, I wish everyone got the cup. You know, I of course wish they had some sort of veggie nuggets or honestly a veggie burger at this point, but you know, I imagine McDonald's will have no choice to adapt. Natalie, my lovely wife gets to enjoy these nuggets after this, so that's good for her. Perks of being the wife of a Doughboy, cold nuggets, she gets cold nuggets. I will give this, I'm going to give this, I like the sauces a lot. I'm a little disappointed by some of the surrounding, by not, by not having all the, the other bullshit.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I wish they would, I wish they just kind of leaned into the gimmick a little bit more. So for that reason, I'm going to go five out of seven BTS members. All right. So which members are you leaving out? Um, J-Hope and, uh, and RM. Wow. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Okay. You fucked up bad. Woo. All right. Caroline knows that you just made a big misstep. Yeah. That puts a lot of pressure on Suga, the only remaining rapper. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Oh boy. Sorry Suga. Got rid of all the rappers, uh, almost all the rappers. I'm going to, I'm going to say this, get yourself a double cheeseburger and go with the Sprite for the, for the drink option, but the double cheeseburger will do you if you need something else. I think that that's maybe my one complaint is that, but also like, are you only going to get the BTS meal and go, no, get yourself a little side burger, get yourself something
Starting point is 00:45:57 else. Yes. So double cheeseburger was perfect. It was a great, it was a great lunch. Yeah. I had to eat a proper salad ahead of time. I knew just not, just the fries wasn't going to be enough of lunch for me. Um, and for my drink, I got a McCat, I got it just a straight up black coffee.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I love McDonald's coffee. Wow. Fucking weird. It's great. They do a good coffee there. BTS meal with a coffee. All right. Caroline, let's hear your rating.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Um, I did like the sauces. Uh, I was lucky enough to get a bag, but I agree that everyone should have gotten the packaging. Uh, something we didn't talk about was the merch drop, which was last night. Um, I was able to get the items I wanted and as of recording, there were still some items that hadn't sold out and the prices were really reasonable. So that was all very good. What'd you get yourself?
Starting point is 00:46:43 I got myself a couple of pairs of socks and a little pouch with a logo on it. Hell yeah. And there's one other thing, I'm trying to remember, I remember being psyched about it. Oh well. This was stuff available through McDonald's? Through the BTS merch shop, but it was, oh, that's what I got is it's like a reusable tote bag that looks like the Cajun sauce.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Oh, that's awesome. It was very cool. And then also the merch all comes with photo cards, which is a massive deal in K-pop. So that's mostly why I got it was for the photo cards. But merch drop went out without a hitch. The marketing leading up to it was all really good, other than that I thought the members were a little over photoshopped in the images. I'll give it six out of seven BTS members and I think I'll leave Jimin out because
Starting point is 00:47:38 Jimin is kind of that a special something extra in BTS and that's what they needed for this meal. Wow. Great answer. Great answer. Good rating is all around. I was going to say, you sent me the BTS McDonald's uniform, a picture of the shirt that employees were wearing.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And it's cool as hell. I tweeted out that I wanted it and some people did respond to it. I was like, how do you get this? I was going to try to hook you up with it. And then I do think someone actually just did reply to it being like, there's one on eBay or something. So they are available. They are available.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I think they are tricky to get your hands on one. But any McDonald's employees listen out there. We got a big fan here if you're willing to sell your BTS uniform. Yes, please. It will go for pretty penny. Make sure not to wash it first. I want it to smell like McDonald's. Great choice.
Starting point is 00:48:44 It looks like it's a purple shirt with a I'm loving it in the McDonald's font repeated a bunch of times. Is it seven repeated seven times? How can you not have that available? Why would you not have that? Oh, whatever. You should have that available. You should have some cool shirts.
Starting point is 00:49:00 They had some cool apparel on the merch drop. All right. All right. All right. Sorry. I'm sorry. McDonald's. I never want to get bad at McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Caroline, before we get into the music, there was one thing you sent to me that was I don't think I sent to you. I maybe was supposed to, but fuck you. There was like a big 20, like 22 minute long. Like TV show, basically, right? Of BTS. I'd like I don't and it was basically this thing where they were playing a game where they each got like a specific mission on a card and like the missions would range from
Starting point is 00:49:39 a lot of different things. Like one was like peeling quail eggs. It was very, it was very interesting and strange. I watched most of it. But would you like to explain that for it? You know, it reminded me a lot of like of Korean or Japanese TV. Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:50:00 He's nowhere to remind me of a little bit, but not as crazy, but like it's supposed to be fun and funny like pie hell. We've talked about pie hell. Oh yeah. Right. And I don't know. No reaction pie hell. No reaction pie hell, which is very funny.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And like also way more extreme than this is where, and this is a Japanese TV show and it's basically just a guy who has to pretend like he's living his normal day while people just pelt him with pies. Yes. And it fucking is, it's the funniest shit you'll ever see. It's like the funniest thing you've ever seen. It's so fucking funny. Pie hell.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Look it up and watch it. Yeah. So great. Yeah. But this was, each member of BTS had like a mission and what is this, what is going on here? Explain all of this to us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:44 So BTS has a weekly variety show called Run BTS and that specific episode was a crossover with another popular variety show in Korea called Game Caterers. It's yeah, it's my favorite show on TV. They drop at 5 a.m. on Tuesdays and I wake up at 5 a.m. on Tuesdays to watch it. I love, there's like such, there's such charismatic, funny, just like improvisational performers. Some episodes are super high concept where they'll be bungee jumping or whatever and some are like that where it's them in a rented house. And yeah, this particular game was that they each had a mission to try to do and to interrupt
Starting point is 00:51:27 the other people's missions, to try to cook kimchi pancakes and feed it to the other members, to try to slip coins in the other members' pockets. Yeah. It's just like super high quality variety show, which that's been such a cool thing about getting into K-pop is like Korean TV is so, so, so much of the shitty stuff about American TV is stolen from Korean TV and then done poorly. Right. The actual original Masked Singer is incredible.
Starting point is 00:51:57 There's so many things like that. So yeah, I'll always recommend Run BTS to people trying to get into BTS because you'll get charmed, you'll laugh, you'll love it. It kind of sounds, and I don't think this is exactly what it is, but it sounds akin to being the elite, which is like, you know, Kenny Omega in the Young Box and it's like kind of like a supplemental piece of web content for, you know, for wrestling fans, but it's not the main thing. And maybe I'm just trying to wrap my head around what you're describing, not having
Starting point is 00:52:35 seen it, but it sounds kind of akin to that. Yeah. And I'll say, so I'm in a couple of BTS Discord servers and one of them is an offshoot of a wrestling Discord server where everyone was such big BTS fans that they had to start a second one just for BTS talk. So there is a lot of crossover between wrestling fans and K-pop fans. That's awesome. And by the way, I like AEW and being the elite, but I'm just saying you're a dork, but you
Starting point is 00:53:02 don't know what the fuck it was anyways. I got a couple of questions. We're going to get to the songs, but as far as like all these guys, multi-millionaires by now, right? All seven of them. Yeah. Okay. And then as far as what we know about them, is it like a sort of thing where their personal
Starting point is 00:53:26 lives are very guarded, very secret? I just feel like that's the sort of thing with any boy band, but I'm not sure culturally if there's a difference with that. If any of these guys have romantic relationships and that's what I want to hear. I want the juice wags. I want the dress with the goss. I want the goss. The official line is that they don't date and don't have time to date.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I would say most armies understand that that is just a line that they're trying to have some privacy for themselves. But also it does make sense because every minute of their day is recorded in some way. So it makes sense that they don't have big dating lives, but no, they're very private. There's also, and ooh, people will have feelings about this if any army listens to this, but there's some strong opinions on whether certain members of the group might be dating one another. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I won't say where I land, but there's a lot of convincing evidence for certain entanglements. Wow. I love it. Yeah, that's fun. Yeah. Wow. Well, that's great. Wags, I got my cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Now I'm just looking at group shot trying to figure out who is shipped with who. I'll send you guys some of my favorite edits of, you know, say that I believed that these two members were dating and I had some videos of good evidence. I would send them to you guys afterwards. Wow. Love it. Well, right now let's get to some of their songs with the time we have remaining. You sent it, like I mentioned, a nice little on-ramp for their catalog and the first one
Starting point is 00:55:08 we have here is their first song, No More Dream. Yeah. I'm a big skill set. And the coolest kid in the world. BTS. Rap Monster. Jin. Jimin.
Starting point is 00:55:43 J-Hope. Ve. And who do we got here right now? J-Hope. J-Hope. Ve. And who do we got here right now? J-Hope.
Starting point is 00:55:54 J-Hope. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. Ve. So this video, it looks like 2013 is when it's released. It's kind of amazing that they're, for such young guys, they've been around for so long.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Yeah. So their ages in this, the youngest member is 15 and the oldest members are 20. Wow. And they're still, they feel like most boy band, boy band brands woulda, boy bands woulda been broken up in that stretch, tongue twister, boy band, boy bands broken up. Yeah. And not only that, they renegotiated a contract two years ago so that they have another seven years on their contract.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Wow. So, so here's, here's my question there was, was there, someone that they were calling Rap Monster or was that one of the members that they were? Rap Monster is now known as RM. He officially shortened his name to RM a couple of years ago, but yes, that is Rap Monster. Rap Monster is RM. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And so this, to me, this stood out as, yeah, it felt way more like a hip, but as it goes on, it feels more like a pop song. They're even here at the beginning, it almost sounds like natural born killers or something. It has a, I think that's a song that it sounds like, but it, but it has like a sound to it that I'm like, oh, this is not what I expected to hear. And then it turns a little bit more into a pop song, but it is, it feels like it is like a hip hop or a rap group more so than what, than later on, like this feels different than what they became.
Starting point is 00:57:47 But I like it. We want to hear a little bit more of it later in. Yeah. Let's hear. Yeah. It's a, I mean, you can at once tell it's like their earlier sort of, you know, incarnation, but also it's still really good. So there we go.
Starting point is 00:58:24 That right there when they were going to the chorus is kind of when it feels like a, more of like a pop group. Yeah. It's about to show his apps too. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. God, you get, you nailed exactly when that beat was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:58:42 All right. Let's, let's move on. And this is what you, and I'm, I'm starting to, to realize that basically anything you say about BTS is potentially controversial, but you characterize this as their most culturally significant song, Spring Day. Now, why is that? Yeah. So no one, no army will disagree with me on that.
Starting point is 00:59:05 So without getting too sad because this is a comedy podcast, this song is written for and in memory of this terrible tragedy that happened in Korea that at the time artists were blacklisted for talking about, for students, if they spoke out about it would have their college admissions revoked. So it was like a big choice for them to say something, even though it is vague and they've never like, you know, they, they intentionally keep it open, but yes, it was a big political statement to release. And it was a big kind of message of hope and of understanding and of like, you know, melancholy
Starting point is 00:59:46 for the youth of Korea. And realizing as you're, as we get more context for this group and just how, you know, hugely our worldwide and also like willing to take risk artistically like that, that it's, it's, it's less like a backstreet boys and more like a Beatles, right? In terms of, you know, we'll see if they have the same lasting cultural impact, but, but in terms of their current significance. Yeah, absolutely. And in terms of like, you know, they weren't made to be homogenous.
Starting point is 01:00:15 They weren't made to be seven, you know, if you think that they look alike, you're probably racist. They are very, very different from one another and they have different skill sets and talents and aesthetics and points of view. So yeah, you see that in all their songs. Let's hear a little bit of this song, Spring Day. So very arresting visuals throughout. The train imagery that was mentioned.
Starting point is 01:01:45 There's a big pile of clothes that they, that one of the members is laying in at some point. Yeah. No. So all these, all these music videos start off with like the same production logo, basically this, this, this, the, whatever makes these, these videos for them, but they look damn good. The videos look damn good. This one, I liked this one.
Starting point is 01:02:07 It seems, and now knowing the context behind it, because I wasn't looking with any lyrics translated, but it has, it makes sense that there's cultural importance here is that they, they were, they were actually speaking out on something that they, that no one else was basically, right? Yeah. And there's a lot of like, you probably noticed, or maybe you didn't, references to Bong Joon Ho in this song, who was an artist who was blacklisted by the government for speaking up about this issue.
Starting point is 01:02:36 So there's lots of little kind of clues throughout like that. Wow. Well, like the, the snow train is that it? Yeah. The snow piercer line. Oh wow. Yeah. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 01:02:47 There's that pile of laundry. All the, all the closers probably has some importance that I didn't even realize watching the first time. Cool. Yeah. This is this, this, this, I liked this one a lot. This was maybe, maybe one of my, one of my more favorite ones. And then there's another song that has a billion views, Wigs.
Starting point is 01:03:06 One billion. One. Think about that, Dr. Evil. One billion. That's what, that's what millennial Dr. Evil would want. One billion views. All right. Dr. Evil, you lost it, man.
Starting point is 01:03:23 You're all about your, your TikTok now, dude. You just want to go viral. I love views. You member. All right. So let's, let's play some DNA Wigs because we got one more after this. DNA is wild. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:47 It's fun. I meant that as in like DNA itself is wild, but also the video is wild. Double helix is a foundation of all life, although RNA is kind of having a moment. Start a book on RNA. Jesus. People forget about RNA. It's a dioxyribonucleic acid and then ribonucleic acid. Both have their importance.
Starting point is 01:04:11 The vaccine, the COVID vaccines were developed using RNA research. This is like you're making your own fucking drop, this boring shit. So this is the one when I was watching it, I was like, oh, I get why this is, gets so many views because it's not just a great song. It's also like a great, very visually arresting video. Like it's just like the production design and the choreography. It's really awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Just always think about how long it would take me to learn a dance like this. I don't think you could do it ever. I don't think I could. Well, during any given tour, they have 30 songs with this level of intricate choreography that they're doing. Yeah. You need that baseline skill just as like a dancer in order to be able to pull this off.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Like you need to have that and then you can learn the choreography versus like if you just kind of learn it via muscle memory, you're just, it's never going to look that good. It's never, you're never going to be that proficient. Yeah. I like the whistling, how the whistling gets kind of moved into the beat in this one. This to me feels, this is, is this close to what they are, like what they are now, basically. This is not necessarily, this is very much, this was of this era of their music.
Starting point is 01:06:01 The Love Yourself era was very poppy in this way. But no, now it's more kind of, every album becomes more scattered genre wise. So they have stuff that's more like this, more poppy EDM, but they also have like really acoustic, sad stuff and really a jazzy or really new wavey stuff. So they do it all. Were they saying, were they, did they, did they say yummy in the song or is it a Korean word that sounds like yummy? Must be a Korean word.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Word. Okay. All right. Cause this song is all in Korean. There's, there's three words, there's three. I thought, I thought it would be very important to Doe Boys if there was a song where they were saying yummy. But sadly.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Yeah. I think that's, that was just your internal monologue. Hey, not wrong, seven snacks on screen. How can I, how can I not be thinking yummy? Yeah. Um, well there's one last song and this is, this is, this song is, uh, is, is in English and why this is Doe Boys specific. That's right.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And it is contemporary. This is, this is what they sound like now. This is their newest song. Let's hear a little bit of butter. Here comes butter. That's not, that's also my inner monologue. It's just such a fucking bop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:06 That's a great song. This is the one that, you know, I, I like, oh, I've been hearing this played recently. Like I've just heard this a couple of times, um, outside of the context of this. And yeah, this is, uh, this song is fucking great. Yeah. They're great. I get it. I understand why people are fans.
Starting point is 01:08:24 This, this, this was my favorite. Now I gotta ask why, why is this one in English as opposed to some of their older hits? Is, are they trying to cross over in the United States more? What is, what's the reasoning behind this? Yeah. It's, it's both cynical and not cynical at all of like they want success in the United States. They put out an all English song last year called dynamite that got them their first
Starting point is 01:08:45 Grammy nomination. It got them a bunch of Billboard top ones. It did really well, but it didn't get the Grammy. And so they've been pretty blunt about like, yeah, they want a Grammy. It's not going to happen with a Korean song probably. So let's keep trying with an English song. Do you know, are they, are they, are they fluent in English or they bilingual or are no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:09:07 RM is bilingual, but the rest of them just learn it by rote. Wow. Um, that's very impressive. I, I, I, this song is, it's a good jam wigs. And on top of that, one of the members eats a pad of butter at the end of the video. Yeah. Do you know which member that is? Have you been able to identify them yet?
Starting point is 01:09:27 I do not know, I do not know their names yet. I could, I could not identify the member. I think that's my favorite member. Yeah. That's, that's J-Hope. We love J-Hope. All right. J-Hope is now my favorite member for eating that little pad of butter.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Like Chankton does at wedding sometimes when you dare him to, no, not with Chankton. He split my head open at one wedding. He split my head open at one wedding and I, I told him to eat butter on the table and I wouldn't be as mad. It's why I have a scar on my eyebrow. Wigs, what, what, what was your favorite of the videos? What, what would you, what would you rank your favorite? I'm going to be on brand and also say butter.
Starting point is 01:10:08 I mean, I just like, I really respond to that, that sound. I think that it's just really, it's really sonorous and has a great groove to it, really melodic and, and I like the message. Yeah. I thought you were going to go with deoxyribon, ribo, ah, fuck. Deoxyribon, ribo. Deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid. I had to say that in a birthday boy sketch at one point and I, I wonder how many takes
Starting point is 01:10:39 it took till I, till I could say, I had to yell my deoxyribonucleic, my deoxyribonucleic acid. God damn it. Podcasting is different. It's harder. It's hard. Um, butters, butters a good jam. I get it.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I hear this in the bars, going back out into the world. I'd be happy. Turn it up. Yeah. Hell yeah. Turn it up. Turn it up. Give me a pat of butter.
Starting point is 01:11:07 I'm going to take it down. Uh, we love, we love BTS here at the Doughboys via someone else. We love Caroline Anderson. Thank you so much for being here. I'm delighted to have you on the show. We got to, we got to have you back and, um, and is there anything you'd like to plug at this point? No, people can find me online at Caroline E and, uh, if you DM me and ask for suggestions
Starting point is 01:11:28 of BTS songs, I will respond to it in earnest. So I hope that people will do that. Uh, and if you have mean things to say about BTS, I will block you. So heads up on that. Um, uh, uh, if, you know, if you can find Comedy Central's corporate on any of the streaming platforms it's on these days, you know, you could give that a watch. We worked hard on it. No one saw it.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Um, yeah, that's it. Um, oh, that can't be Comedy Central's fault. They're so great at marketing their shows, marketing, making things available online for people, um, supporting shows that are already on air during the many changeovers in, uh, uh, executives, um, yeah. And then if you like K-pop, uh, another great group tomorrow by together has an album coming out soon and RM has a credit on one of those songs, so you should also listen to that. That's rad.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Deoxyribonucleic acid. I got it. Now Wags. Yes. You know what? You're smooth like butter. Oh, what a thing to say. Fucking nutter butter.
Starting point is 01:12:33 All right. Hey, to play us out, let's hear just a touch more BTS. Here we go. So I've gone with fluff and nutter, whatever. Oh, god damn it. Hey, baby, I hear the blues are calling, toss salads and scrambled eggs, quite stylish. I like how they danced to this song. Yeah, choreographies.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Amazing. But I got you pegged. But I don't know what to do with those toss salads and scrambled eggs. They're calling again. Scrambled eggs all over my face. What is the boy to do? Frasier has left the building. Don't boys media.

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