Doughboys - UNLOCKED! Things That Make You Go Wow with Seychelle Gabriel

Episode Date: July 6, 2021

Seychelle Gabriel (The Legend of Korra, Blackout, The Tomorrow War) joins the 'boys to talk about Burbank eats before traveling back in time for a 1991 music draft.Want more Doughboys? Check out our P...atreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of the Doe Boys Double, our premium episodes available at slash Doe Boys. Welcome to Doe Boys Double. I'm Nick Weigher along with Mr. Slice, Mike Mitchell. What's up? I had a brief break between records. I went and got myself some Del Taco, a little Del Taco treat. Ooh, all right. A couple burritos. I didn't eat anything. I called the vet to try to get some medicine for the cats because I'm flying them back from Boston to LA. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So I got to fly them back so I need some medicine to chill them out. I got to chill them out a little bit. You yourself are currently in the City of Angels, but you got to get your two little angels over here. Wally and Irma. That's right. They are little angels. And that's its own ordeal. It is. It's a big ordeal. My mom is coming with me. My sister, I think, is going to join us. So we have three people to wrangle the two cats and then everything else I've accumulated in Quincy since I've been there. Now, you've spent the past almost a year.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Close to a year. Close to a year. In your mom's living with your mom in Quincy, Massachusetts. With mommy. That's right. With mommy. Now, mommy is coming out with you like she's dropping you off at camp to get you settled back at home in LA. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Yes. Yes. LA, the big, the giant America's Camp where we do little theater shows and everything like that. It's America's Camp, Wags. What fun we have. What fun we have out here. Yeah. Young forever.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Young forever. By the way, Wags, this was in the news. Dix Burgers. There was a thing about Dix Burgers paying $18 an hour. I just saw that. Good for them. A golden plate club place. Platinum plate club member.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Platinum plate club, yeah. From our show in Seattle, oh, so many years ago, during our first ever live tour, you and myself and Commissioner Evan Susser went up to the Pacific Northwest. Lovely time in Portland and Seattle and Vancouver. When we traveled, when we traveled around the world. Remember that. Remember those Halcyon days? Mm-hmm. They're gone or they're coming back.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Coming back, it was already a nightmare. Yeah. There were so many people already in the airport. When I got to LA, it was just, it was insane. Just uncomfortable and uncomfortable level of people. Today is the first day here in LA. Today is the first day that they've dropped the mask mandate for vaccinated people. And my lovely wife, Natalie, went to Costco today and she's like already a quarter of the people in there are unmasked.
Starting point is 00:03:04 It's just like, as soon as the restrictions are lifted, people are just like, fuck this, I'm done, you know? Which I guess is following by the Department of Health codes. But it still is just like, it's like if you're- That was Fauci's words exactly, wasn't it? Didn't he say, fuck this, I'm done and took his mask off? Yeah. We were like, yeah, this guy rules. Fauci.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Fauci's hot. What do you think Fauci is? Fauci's so fucking hot. Oh my God. It's a silver fox. I want some of that hair. I want a lock of that silver Fauci hair. Give me some of that hair.
Starting point is 00:03:40 The guy's going to be bald by the end of the summer. He's going to be out and about. People are going to be trying to take locks. Everyone's taking souvenirs. Fauci's a hunk. He's very, yes. We love Fauci. We love Fauci.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Salute our silver king. Well Mitch, this intro has been dumber than normal. Which is great. Why? I think our guests, look, I spent time with our guests. We didn't get to spend a ton of time together because our characters were kind of off. We were in different parts of the movie.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But she spent enough time with me to know that I'm a fool. Right. She knows what she's getting into here. I mean, look, anyone who comes on the podcast, it's a bad podcast. You shouldn't come on it. It's not our fault. I mean, it is our fault.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I mean, prospective guests in all likelihood aren't listening to this. That's a good point. We got to issue this warning in a different form. But Mitch, we are very, very excited to have today's guest. From the legend of Korra, Blackout, and the Tomorrow War. Streaming July 2nd on Amazon Prime, Seychelle Gabriel is here.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I say shell. She's left. What's up? Oh, there she is. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me. Yeah, thank you for being here. I also want a lock of Fauci's hair.
Starting point is 00:05:05 If you guys are getting any. Wow. Get in line. Yeah. Frame it. Take it. The gilded frame. Look, I will, I promise you that if I get near Fauci out,
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'm going to pull locks for each of us. Yeah. Emma. I'm Anglin. Wiger. Thank you. What are you Anglin for? I'm just saying, if you get that close,
Starting point is 00:05:28 try to get me some pubes. Thinks of arm hair. Yeah. People underestimate arm hair, you know. Fauci pubes, I hear they're so silver that they're blinding. Yeah. You can't look at them directly. It's like the sun.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah. I hear that a werewolf, if exposed to Fauci pubes, will turn back human. That's how silver they are, wives. That's how silver they are. Seisho, you are from, I believe like me, if my intel is correct, you are from Southern California. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I was born and raised in Burbank, California. Where are you from? I'm from Long Beach. Also LA County, but not the Valley. The Valley has its own thing going on. But I'm curious as someone who... I mean, Burbank is LA County, I think, also? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Even though I've gotten shit from people telling me that it's not LA. Well, this is people... The LA County piece. Don't listen to those people, because the Valley is, yes, its own thing, but it's also like, it is part of LA. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It counts. It counts. Burbank, it counts. It's great. Burbank, I mean, I... Yeah, Burbank's fine. It's fine. It's great.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's great. Burbank has a lot of pluses that... To me, it feels the most like a town, like a place where you can live and grow up and have a family. Like in LA, you don't want to raise your kids in East Hollywood or something. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Go up to Burbank. It's very hot, but there's also some amazing... There's some good food up there. There is, yeah. Do you have some favorites, some Burbank favorites? Yeah. Have you guys been to Coral Cafe at all? Do you know Coral Cafe?
Starting point is 00:07:25 No, but I've heard of Coral Cafe. Tell us more. It's on Burbank Boulevard, I believe, or Magnolia. I think it's Burbank Boulevard. Yeah, it's just a basic old diner that you get good basic shit, and they have pictures of old Hollywood people all over it.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I like that. Oh, yeah. And the same people that work there, like my whole life. And there's just always... It's like a mixture of old people and high school kids. I used to go there in high school,
Starting point is 00:08:00 like two in the morning or whatever. Oh, yeah. Right. French toast and shit. That's a good one. What else? I mean, Bob's Big Boy is a Burbank staple. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:13 We love Bob's, yes. It's just very famous. You guys, yeah. You guys, I think, have talked about Bob's. Yeah. Yeah, we reviewed Bob's at one point. And that's the... I think that's the original, right?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Wags in Burbank? Is that the... That's right. Yeah. I was wondering if in the Coral Cafe, there's a mixture of you, Weigar, from old school Hollywood, like in The Shining, basically.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I wasn't a star of the silent era. I'm two years older than you. We're the same generation. There's a place... There's Chili Johns is a place that Weigar and I really... Oh, yeah. Oh, I've heard of there. I've never been.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It's like a big, you know, like a big chili... You know, how often do you go to the... Like a big chili restaurant? Me and Weigar is quite often. We went there quite a bit. Yeah, that's like a regular hunt. The other thing that's in the news right now about Burbank, food-wise, is Tin Horn Flats,
Starting point is 00:09:10 which is a saloon which people would just hang out at. And it's become a flash point for controversy. Seychelle, you're familiar with this? Yeah, they're... Man, yeah. The last time I drove by Tin Horn Flats, there was like a bunch of people that were like...
Starting point is 00:09:30 There was like a QAnon flag and they were like protesting like quarantine and I was like... Just like seething driving by. And yeah, I've just been... I saw stuff on Twitter about like during like the surges in the wintertime, you know, in LA. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They were like... Like fully people inside without masks and they're like, we got to keep our business afloat and I'm like, okay, well, you know, that's one thing, but another thing is just, you know, I don't know. Like it was...
Starting point is 00:09:59 I don't know. It was just very confusing and upsetting. Yeah. I remember when you drove by, I remember I was waving to you when you drove by. So you saw me flip you off? Yeah. Hey, it's me.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I got a little heated up. Yeah. Oh, 2020. And the crazy thing about Tin Horn Flats is that is a place that before all this, I had been to. I went to Tin Horn Flats. People would just hang out there.
Starting point is 00:10:28 People went there. Yeah, I've been there too. It's a cool... They got the doors, the swinging doors. I mean, that's like... That's why I went there is for the doors because I've driven past the doors so many times and I wanted to step through them.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Who knew that... Who knew it would be a point of controversy in 2020? Of course, in 2020, 2021, it would be a point of controversy. Because it's got kind of this rustic aesthetic and you mentioned the swinging doors and it's sort of like... And you don't realize like,
Starting point is 00:11:00 oh, wait, this isn't just... This isn't just kitsch. Like, this is like the politics of the people inside match the exterior, you know? Yeah. And so it became like this big like... Yeah, just flaunting all the protocols. The other thing, I was reading about this in...
Starting point is 00:11:16 Because it kind of made national news. And I was reading a New Yorker thing about this that the locals weren't even going there. What was happening is the people who were going there were like driving up from Orange County or driving over from Beverly Hills, just rich assholes driving over to this local Haughton Burbank and just being like,
Starting point is 00:11:31 this place is open, we're going to make a point. So, yeah, it's real bummer for all involved. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know that. That's... Yep, that makes it even more depressing. Yeah. Five forks, though, Wags, right?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, we stick by our five fork rating. Seychelles, so outside of local businesses, local restaurants, are there any like... Do you have taste for fast food? Do you have taste for chain restaurants? Is that something you ever frequent? Oh, yeah. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Very much so. I definitely frequent... I guess my most frequented are, let's see, In-N-Out, McDonald's, El Pollo Loco, are maybe the three most that I probably hit up, but I'm also like a Shake Shack ho. I love a Shake Shack burger. Wags and I are also Shake Shack hoes.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Do you have In-N-Out or Shake Shack? Well, Wags very much is Team In-N-Out. He's a Southern California boy who's Team In-N-Out, but I mean, I like both. I think Shake Shack... I think an issue is that they over-expanded. We've talked about this Wags, for sure. People are too mean to him.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Shake Shack still is good. Yeah, their fries are not great, but their burgers are insanely tasty to me, at least. Wow, because that is the thing people say about In-N-Out, is that they say they don't like the fries. Oh, my God, I love the fries there. Really? I do.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I think they're great. Wow. Wiger's liking this too much. I don't like it. Yeah. We had this exact... We had a very similar discussion with our buddy who I just met for the episode, Alan Trong,
Starting point is 00:13:26 who was on the podcast a few weeks ago. And he mentioned that also for the Tomorrow War, and he had the opposite take where he just did not understand what was going on within an outburger, and particularly, it was just like the fries are just bad. And I'll say to someone, I like the fries, but I'll concede if someone wants to say, like, I don't like them or they're their own thing.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like, you kind of have to... Yeah. I'm not going to try to talk you into liking their fries, but I personally like them. Yeah. I mean, McDonald's to me is my favorite fry, but In-N-Out is a solid competitor. I feel like, is there anyone who disagree...
Starting point is 00:14:02 I mean, I'm sure, because there's always people who disagree, but the consensus is McDonald's just has the best fries, right? Who's going to argue with that? No one argues with that. They're the best fries. Yeah. If you're trying to bring up other ones, look,
Starting point is 00:14:13 there's ones that are good, but McDonald's, they perfected it. There's no way you can beat it. It's true. I mean, that's how I have my heart. Yeah. For sure. Honestly, their potato products,
Starting point is 00:14:24 even on the breakfast side, the McDonald's hash brown is like best in its class. Who does a better hash brown and fast food? No one. You're right. You're fucking right. You know what? Actually, the Trader Joe's has good hash browns.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Wow. How about that? It's like a little pack. It's like a yellow pack in the freezer section, the frozen hash browns. They're actually pretty good. And so if anyone's looking for a new hash brown. The hash brown,
Starting point is 00:14:53 they're looking for a new hash brown. Have you really? Yeah. There's someone who's always on the hash brown hunt. It's happening. Got to be. Seychelles, besides local spots in Burbank, what type of food do you usually like to have?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Are you somebody who you're eating healthy? We talked to a lot of Tomorrow War actors, and I feel like a lot of them eat healthy. Pratt eats boiled chicken. Some stuff that's not that fun to eat, but what's your go-to? What are you usually eating on a weekly basis here in LA? Well, I'm kind of weirdly,
Starting point is 00:15:37 I'm finding as I get older, that I'm sensitive, I guess, to dairy and gluten a little bit. It's kind of a boring, unfortunate topic. But I mean a lot of rice and veggies and stuff. It's pretty boring what I cook for myself, but I like sushi. I like Italian food and Mexican food, tacos.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I love soups. I'm always looking for a place that has a good chicken soup. I like it when I find a Mexican place that can do, where they have the chicken legs and the breast in the soup with big chunks of vegetables and stuff, except I did recently, two months, three months ago, I ordered from this, seemed like an authentic Mexican spot,
Starting point is 00:16:29 some sopa de pollo, and it had a chicken claw in it that was like sopping and I pulled it out and I almost gagged. I had my roommate there and I'm like, can you please fish out this claw for me? Because I can't. And then everything else in the soup,
Starting point is 00:16:52 I was on guard, I thought that I found an eyeball. He's like, it's not an eyeball, but the soup was good. It's a little too real for me, which maybe was good as a meat eater. You still took it down after the chicken foot. I tried to. I think I was halfway, three fourths into it,
Starting point is 00:17:16 and then I tried to make myself eat a couple more bites and then I was like, you know what, I'm good. Was your assessment as a diner where you like, this is how it's supposed to come and I'm just not used to it, or were you like, oh wait, this is a mistake. They accidentally dropped a foot in a beak in here. No, it felt like it was supposed to be there
Starting point is 00:17:36 and I've spoken to some Latino people afterwards and they're like, oh yeah, yeah, that's like a very savory part of the animal. I've just never had that experience. The Mexican place by my parents' house in Burbank, it's called Costa Asul, and that place, they make amazing chicken soup and I just never got a foot in mine before.
Starting point is 00:18:00 A foot is, look, I like to be adventurous, but a foot is a lot. A foot is a lot to have. Having a foot in your soup is- A soggy foot, yeah. A soggy foot, I just, I don't know if I could, I don't know if I could do it. I know that chicken, it can be a delicacy.
Starting point is 00:18:22 People like chicken feet. I've never eaten chicken feet before, and I like to eat authentic food. I don't know how I would do with chicken feet specifically, but I'm sure that at some point we'll eat it on this podcast. I think it's, yeah, from what I've read, it's very popular overseas and actually American chickens because they're so big and so fattened
Starting point is 00:18:44 and loaded with steroids or whatever the hell they do or the gigantic size they are, that's a big export from the poultry sector is chicken feet from American chickens because they're not popular here, but they're popular overseas. Our jacked chickens, that rules. Yeah, they are, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:02 The wiki feet for chicken feet. I can take a look at that later after this episode ends. Now, so I just got back this week and one of the first things I, oh no, I pulled my... Mitch is having some sort of technical issue. He's taking off his headphones. I pulled my headphones out like a fool,
Starting point is 00:19:29 like a Mr. McGoo. Oh boy. I pulled my cord out of my headphones. I was gonna say, I've been back for just a couple days here and that's one of the things that I want to have is just good Mexican food. I got the great white hut the first night I was back which was just a late night thing
Starting point is 00:19:47 and I got a California burrito, which is like one of my favorite burritos, but you're a big fan of Mexican food and did you eat a lot of it growing up? Seychelle was like a... Here and there, yeah. I ate mostly more Italian food growing up actually. We ate like a ton of pasta
Starting point is 00:20:07 and actually great restaurant, look at here, that my father worked at and I also worked at. It's in the Glendale Eagle Rock area. It's called Scarentinos and they are wonderful and delicious and we still, I go there for family birthdays and we go there for...
Starting point is 00:20:30 We have their food over for anything, funerals and graduations and stuff. They're just our favorite. Yeah, check it out, it's good. Wow, it sounds like a Halloween themed restaurant, Scarentinos. That's just gonna say, it sounds like it's in the lobby of the Hotel Transylvania. I like it, I like it.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Not very scary. So not very scary, but what do you get when you go to a Scarentinos? I really like the chicken marsala, good marsala sauce. I like the piccata, that lemon caper deal. And then they have like, I think it's called like the rollatini
Starting point is 00:21:15 and there's another one where they stuff, inside the chicken they stuff like cheese and some kind of pork and it's like in the chicken and then with a sauce. So it's just like a very like savory to the max experience and every entree comes with like a full plate of pasta and then you get like soup and salad and bread. So you're almost like, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:38 like getting full before the entree comes. So then you get like lunch the next day. That rules. It's funny to me because Italian, I mean like red sauce type Italian restaurants, I love and I do, I feel like it is like harder to find some out here, but the valley does have a few that are gems,
Starting point is 00:21:59 but grown up for me Italian food, that was like the number one food forever. And then when I got to, I've said this million times, but when I got to LA, it was Mexican food just shot. I mean like is right up there with it. And especially out here where you can get,
Starting point is 00:22:13 but finding a good Italian, we got to check out Scarantino's because finding a good Italian food spot out here is huge. So we got to check it out at some point. Who knows who we might see there. Yes. Who knows? Wolf man.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Is that soup eating itself? No, it's the invisible man. Actually, oh man, there was a guy that maybe this is, it just reminded me of a, you know, when you work at a restaurant, you see like random characters that come there regularly. And there was a guy that always sat in one corner and he always had his newspaper.
Starting point is 00:22:53 He always sat in the same table and he had like a glass of red wine. By the way, Seychelle, I hope this is turning into like a stand situation, M&M stand where you're like, come to think of it, it was you, Weiger, this is weird guy. This weird guy in the corner. That's exactly where I was going with it.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Continue on, sorry. No, I mean, it's really, I got halfway in the story and I'm like, this isn't an interesting story. He used to, he just used to like give all like, and this is probably inappropriate. Like he gave all the female workers there like cash, money, like tips and everyone, all the like girls got extra cash from like the guy with the mustache and the newspaper
Starting point is 00:23:32 and the wine. Okay. So yes, it is definitely, it was definitely Weiger. It was Weiger. I'm supporting service workers. You have a generally creepy vibe is the issue. I'm a normal man. So, so you, you, you, you were, you worked as,
Starting point is 00:23:52 as a, do you were a waitress? Do you service tables? I was a hostess. A hostess. Okay. I was, I was 16. It was a very short and I was just getting into acting. And so I worked there like literally under a year,
Starting point is 00:24:05 but I'd been going there since I was like a child and, but then I started auditioning and then like, you know, auditioning and working. It wasn't working. Right. And yeah. Yeah. There's a, so as someone who was like,
Starting point is 00:24:19 you love this restaurant, you're obviously still a fan of it. There was no side of like working there where you're kind of like, Oh, I'm seeing how the sausage is made. I'm not as into this or you're just like, no, this is great. No, no, it just made me love it more. There used to be this big Italian guy, Sam, who would stand by the door and he was a quite a character. And he, him and I were like the people you saw first when you walked in
Starting point is 00:24:40 and he would always be like, say, show, give me my, give me my, my cologne and my cigarettes. You know, and I'd give him his cologne would be like a thing of acts. And he'd like put acts on himself and like on his face. And then he'd like go outside and smoke a cigarette. And he'd be like, say, show, go give me a Diet Coke. And then he'd be like, say, show, go, go, go, go dim the lights. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 You know, and I'd go down. I didn't know how to, how far to dim the lights. And then a waiter would like fuck with Sam and like make it really dark. And Sam would get all pissed off. And it was, it was fun. It was, it felt like a genuine like Italian. He was, you know, New York Italian guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:10 A demanding guy covered in acts. Now that sounds like me. Why is we have our doppelgangers at this, at this restaurant. There's a restaurant, Rayos, which was a New York institution for, for many, many years. And they opened an LA outlet. I think within the past like decade, it's like 10 years, 10 years old. Is that how you, is that how you pronounce it?
Starting point is 00:25:28 I always, I, is it Rayos? Yeah. Is that how you say it? I thought it was Rouse. And then I heard the inside the, I was talking to a bartender there and he was like, no, it's Rayos. It's two syllables. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Unless this bartender was fucking with me. That's how he said it. I think he might have been fucking with you. All right. Well, the point of this at Rayos Rouse, what, what the guy who will often be hosting there is the actor who played Johnny Roastbeef in Goodfellas. Wow. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's amazing. Yeah. That's, well that's, it's funny because the Valley also has a, what's his name? Fat Tony. What's Fat Tony's name? Why is it helping me out here? Oh, you mean the, the actor from The Simpsons? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:11 He has a pizza place. Doesn't he have a pizza place in the Valley? Like Taste of Chicago or whatever? Joe, I was going to say Joe Ventimiglia, but that's, he's from the Sprouts. Joe Mantegna, right? That's the actor? Yes. I think, I think Joe Mantegna has Taste of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Wow. I'm pretty sure. There's a lot of Valley people have a lot of, there's a lot of like actors or like, you know, like character actors who go up and they'll, they'll have a restaurant in the Valley. And it's usually, they're usually good. Yes. The actor, the actor who played in Borat, there's the, in the first one.
Starting point is 00:26:41 There's the actor Ken Devaton, who is like Borat's like producer who goes with him. Borat won. That's right. Remember this Mitch, the bigger guy? Yes. And he's, and he is, he has like a hot dog restaurant. That like, that's what it's saying. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:26:56 He has a hot dog restaurant. I think he has passed away. Oh, RIP. RIP. Yeah. The one who gets naked with Borat and like wrestles him. Yes. They have a nude fight.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah. Well, our friend, Max Mayer told us this story and I'll run it by him. If you, if I think it'll be fine with me telling this, but he like, he used to go to that dot, that hot dog restaurant and he'd see this guy would be working behind the counter would be just like giving him like a hot dog and like spreading cheese sauce on his hot dog. And then he goes to see Borat, not even knowing he's an actor and the guy's in it. And this guy, he's been like, frequenting this hot dog place for, for years gets completely naked.
Starting point is 00:27:33 He like sees his like dick and balls and he's like fighting Borat. That's like, he just feels like his reality is coming. What the hell is happening? That's very, that is, that is, that is, that's insane. Oh, by the way, taste of Chicago has closed. It is, it closed about two years ago, but it was, it was, it was, it was Joe Montaigne. It was, it was, it was Fat Tony himself. Well, Wags, it's fun to talk about food.
Starting point is 00:28:02 That's right. But now we're going to talk about tunes. And, and Seychelle, I think this is fitting for you because my understanding is you are a musician yourself. Yeah. Yeah. I sing and I, you know, play various instruments, not super well, but yeah, but I sing. That's rad.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I was in choir for many years and yeah, and that's, you know, that's something I enjoy doing very much. Who are you like, like as a singer, like who are you kind of your influences or who are the artists who inspired you to pursue this? Um, well, I grew up on a lot of like, you know, what people call classic rock, you know, like Fleetwood Max, so like Stevie Nicks and Linda Ronstadt and Joni Mitchell, you know, that kind of era, Janice Joplin. But then Janice Joplin got me into like Bessie Smith from, you know, like the, the 20s and
Starting point is 00:29:01 30s. And, and then like recently I've been really into Um Kulsoom, who's a, you know, from Egypt and she was, you know, big in the 50s and 60s and, you know, and she's, I don't know, and Aretha Franklin is amazing. Um, and yeah, obviously this is, doesn't need to be said. Wags, Wags, Wags is a, Wags is a, he plays an instrument, he plays an instrument, he's, or did, what the hell do you play a sousaphone? No, that's a brass instrument.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I was in Woodwinds. What are you talking about? Hold on, you're a double reed. That's like saying like, like, that's like assuming you're from Florida. Just cause it's on the East Coast doesn't mean it's the same thing. I played Woodwinds, completely different animal. I started on clarinet, I played saxophone, I dabbled in the flute and then they ultimately landed on my double reed, which was the bassoon.
Starting point is 00:29:50 The bassoon. I played the bassoon for many years. Nice. You know what? I was pretty damn good at it. I thought the sousaphone and bassoon are similarly stupid sounding instruments. So what is, excuse me, ignorance, but what does a bassoon look like? Is that the one with the little straw?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah. What's the one with the straw? There's no ignorance here. Explain yourself. Explain yourself. How the hell, how did you get into the bassoon? The orchestra needed a bassoon player. We're overloaded with clarinet and I was like, I can learn the bassoon and I picked it up
Starting point is 00:30:26 and you know what? I fucking crushed it. I went from zero to 60 at a year. Why, can I ask you like, who are some of your, who are some of like the bassoon influences in your life? Yeah, I want to know this too, please. Rainn Wilson wrote a book called The Bassoon King. Also a bassoon player, so there's one.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Wow. Wow, Dwight himself. That's right. Well bassoons are crazy looking. They really are wild looking instruments. They're crazy. They really should not exist. I've Googled it in the Google image search.
Starting point is 00:31:03 The first hit is why it's a picture of you holding a bassoon. I think it's every picture that falls is just you and the bassoon. I remember that we did a live show in Denver and there was, we had a bassoon performance. That's right. Oh my God. And impromptu one. I was so, this was, you surprised me. This was the kind of thing you do, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:32 It was good, Spoon Man. I got to hand it to you. You found a fan out in Denver who had a bassoon, was a bassoonist herself, Katie I believe. Katie came to the show and presented me with a bassoon on stage and I had to, like I was, you know, like I was someone years out of the military asked to reassemble a rifle. Like it was the same thing, like put your bassoon together because it comes in pieces. I had to do that and then I had to try and play the thing. So it was all muscle memory because it'd been like 20 years and you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:01 I fucking crushed it. Dear God. Wait, what'd you play? I played Kevin's country, the theme from a Jay Leno's tonight show. Nice. Nice. So she'll figure out the show is extremely stupid. You banged on Jay Leno.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I was on the Jay Leno show when I was a child. Wow. Yeah. I was in a couple skits. One of them was the bride of Michael Douglas school lunchbox and they wanted someone who looked like Catherine Zeta-Jones but younger. Wow. And it was a lunchbox with Michael Douglas on it and then a bride with her face cut out
Starting point is 00:32:43 and then I walked out and I was like seven years old and Jay took a picture of me and put my picture in the lunchbox. Maybe a little dated, but funny. That's really, really good. That's crazy. Yeah. Let me take a little pic of you and put it in the lunchbox. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Oh, come on, Jay. That's wrong, Jay. Yeah. Wow. That's amazing. That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:08 The Tonight Show, which is now, does it even exist anymore? Oh, yeah. Jimmy Fallon is still hosting it. Who has that? Is it Jimmy? Yeah. It's a Fallon show now. That's a, there's a book, there's a book, The War for Late Night, which was about Conan
Starting point is 00:33:21 leaving NBC and there's like a quote from Jerry Seinfeld at some point where he's just like, Conan cared so much about the Tonight Show, but there is no, the show is nothing. It's just, you are the show and it's like, oh yeah, that's what you think about these shows. You think about like Lenno and Letterman and Conan and Fallon. You don't even think about the brand name all that much. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's sad, Wags. It's sad to me. It is. What's happened? What's happened? Yeah. Look, speaking of the night, speaking of this time in the world, we got to get into this, Wags.
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's right. Kind of the heyday of talk shows, the 90s, late night talk shows, when they start to have, there's more than just the Tonight Show, there's an Tonight Show competitor with Letterman's late show and then Kimmel comes along. This is an interesting era for late night, but also an interesting era for music. Yes, 1991. We're doing the Tomorrow War thing of we're going 30 years, we're going 30 years back to 1991 and we're going to do a draft, Wags.
Starting point is 00:34:23 We're going to draft the best music singles, just songs from 1991. Just songs. It doesn't have to be, there has to be, there's no specific thing where it had to be played on the radio or anything like that, but we're going to draft songs. Five each. Okay. Five a piece in 1991. Say, show, you were saying this is the year you were born.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It was. Yeah. Wow. Right. Right at the top of the 90s, the Tivity Top. Fuck. How about that? We're old as shit.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Wags, you and I, but do you think, Mitch, do you think real quick, I think Emma was not alive yet, that is that your assessment? Probably. Yeah. Emma, were you alive? You weren't alive. In 1991, I was not, not until 1993. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Fuck. Wow. Also a good year for music. A great year for music. It was. Yeah. Well, this is, I was, when we first had this idea, I was back in Boston, I was actually at Wu Tang's restaurant, Wags, and.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Wait, they have a restaurant? Wait, hold on. What? No, no. I wish. That would be, that would be amazing. My buddy Adam Wu, his, and I call him Wu Tang, and he, he, he, he has a great restaurant up in Ipswich, Massachusetts, and we, we were taught, we were looking at music from 1991
Starting point is 00:35:49 and I'm just, I was just floored by how good music was this year. There's so, you just, you just watched, we were, we were going through the years, we went through like 91, 92, 93, and then like, there is a decline, like around like 96 or 97 or something, or I think it's even a little bit later, or maybe in the 98, 99, it just goes downhill. But. Yeah. And then new metal comes on the scene and it goes right back up.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah. New, new metal saves everything, but, but, but yeah, it was, there's, there's so much to pick from here. There's just so much good shit. A king's bounty. A king's bounty for real. And I think we got to let our guests start it off, Wags, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So the rules are it comes out in 1991. She can pick. Yeah. Okay. It comes out in 1991. We'll, we'll, we're going to do this draft style, like snake style, draft wise. Uh, that's, yes, we, yes, if you draft first, it comes, it, someone else gets a pick again before you.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah. And, and we're doing a roster of five and Mitch, you are DJing. So when a song is selected, you're going to play a little bit of it. That's right. Great. All right, Seychelle, you know the ground rules. What are you going to check? You know the ground rules.
Starting point is 00:37:05 What are you going to pick with your first choice in this 1991 songs draft? My first pick is going to be, I want to sex you up by telling me bad, coming in hot. Wow. Wow. Very horny number. I remember this song. Yeah. This was, this was, so I was old enough where I was in elementary school and when the song
Starting point is 00:37:30 was out and it was a little scandalous. All right. Here's, here's a little, here's a little taste of it. We're going to get at least one. I want to sex you up. We didn't even get to, I want to sex you up portion of the song. It's good. It's a really good pick.
Starting point is 00:38:21 It's a jam. Pretty hot. Yeah. I'm surprised that you took it this early. I thought that that was going to be a later round steal, but that chorus is great. It's a great chorus. That feels like a song that was like played at like middle school dances that shouldn't have been played at middle school dances.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Oh yeah. Definitely. Kids start freaking. What do you mean kids started freaking? What does that mean? They start freaking. Freakin. You don't remember freak dancing?
Starting point is 00:38:50 Oh, they start freak dancing? Yeah. What did you think I meant? I truly did not know. Oh. We used to say that in my middle school. Socal type of dance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Freakin. Is that really, I mean, I guess that is probably something I've heard before, but I've never said freaking. That's like a dance? Yeah. Like a kind of like a little grindy. Like you're grinding a little bit. Oh, grinding.
Starting point is 00:39:20 We said grinding. Yeah. This is just a regional thing. We said freaking. At least that's what everyone said the other kids were doing. When I asked, I want a freak. You are a freak. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:37 You can now, you want to go second or you want to go last? It's up to you. I don't care. I'll go now. Because you got one you want to. All right. Go ahead. And you'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You'll get to in a row. Okay. All right. Fine. If you've listened to the podcast, the Patreon, if you're a subscriber to the Patreon, you know that we've done a few episodes, Mitch, where I talked to you about my passion for the metal band Metallica. And I would be remiss if I didn't choose a song from their self-titled album Metallica,
Starting point is 00:40:11 AKA the Black Album, the lead single, their biggest commercial hit, Enter Sandman. Wow. Yes. I thought that you would, I thought that maybe you wouldn't, you wouldn't go with Enter Sandman because it was too big of a hit. But no, you got to have it. I'm going here and here's a little taste of it. Seychelle threw up the horns.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I like that. I don't like the horns. It's too scary. I thought you were throwing off the chicken foot, Seychelle. Just that thumping bass. Okay. Mitch you're familiar with hearing this is Mariano Rivera coming out to close out a game. Fucking trash.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Great song. Great, great, great song. Long intro, huh? Yeah. Here, I'll let it get to the part. Here we go. It's about to happen. Great riff.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Great, simple riff. Just straight ahead. Oh man. So good. Take all of that that you got. Lars is going to come for our asses. All right, I get two choices here. It's going to be tough, but I got to take one that I think you guys are going to draft
Starting point is 00:41:52 if I don't draft it first. But wow. So look, I'll just say this one first, Wags, are you down with OPP? Yeah, you know me. Yeah, you know me. Oh my God. Thank you Seychelle. Why?
Starting point is 00:42:15 What type of answer is that? Yeah, you know me. So if Naughty by Nature asked you, are you down with OPP, you'd say, oh yes, of course, you know me. That would be your response. You know me. For God's sakes, my first song is- How long have you known me? My first song is Naughty by Nature, OPP.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Here's a little taste of it. Here we go. Whoa, what the hell? Oh boy. It was Metallica still. Yeah. That one's still mine. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Great sample. It is a great sample. Jackson Five's sample. That's right. All right, there we go. Very cool. I should maybe try to start some of these songs at the very beginning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:30 We can always massage this in the edit a little bit. Of course. Of course. We'll massage everything in the edit. Now, the other song. Create more work for Emma. We can do that. Emma, make me sound a little smoother in edit.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I kind of want to sound- I'm going to purposely add stutters now. Wow, good to know. Sabotaging me. Now here- Emma, if you can, for most of the episode, can you kind of sound- make me sound like a little bit like this? I want to sound a little bit like this. Cool. A little bit?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Okay. Pitch me down just a little bit. Yeah. Emma, can you make me sound a little bit like this? Okay. I'll put you both way down. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Thanks, Emma. I'll put it down low enough that most headphones won't even be able to emit the sound, so it'll just be a silent episode for everyone. I want to be so low. I want to be in their pants. I want dogs- I want dogs to be barking. Okay. We're going for the brown nose.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Got it. Yeah. So this next one is hard for me because there's a lot of big choices left. You know what? I feel like I- you know what? I'm not going to- I'm going to- I'm going to pivot. Wow. I'm going to pivot because there's this one that I want to pick, but I- I'm not going
Starting point is 00:44:41 to do it because I think that I can maybe get it later. Okay. Interesting. Maybe I don't know how drafts work, so wait, how do we get them later? Because it's going to come back to you. It'll come back to you, and then you'll get two picks in a row the next time. Okay. It's your turn.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah. Got you. This is- this is hard, but all right. Here's- here's- Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:04 All right. All right. You know what? I'm going to- I know what I'm going to get. I'm going to- Right. I just don't want this to get taken. Your strategy is because you have four picks until you pick again.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I pick twice and Seychelle picks twice. And Wags, I feel like you maybe would take this, so I'm going to go with it. It works for the podcast, a food-based podcast. And guess what? Sometimes I don't mind stealing bread from the mouse of decadence. What do you have taken it? I would not have taken Temple of the Dogs. I'm going hungry, but you are.
Starting point is 00:45:42 It's- hunger strike is the name of the song. Oh, it's called hunger strike. Hunger strike. I don't think I know this song. Oh man. I should- why did I do this? I'm now going to lose black- Because it's topical.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Black and white. You got the pick. Well, don't say what you're going to pick. It's too late. It's over. I had to go with my gut though. I don't mind stealing bread from the mouse of decadence. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And I can't beat all the powerless when my cup's already overfilled. It's kind of amazing how compressed this timeline was. Because I was looking over this year, and in my memory of these songs coming out when I was a kid, it was like, oh, hunger strike. I'm going hungry is the chorus, the Temple of the Dogs song, which is a collab between Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, members of both of those bands. That must have came out years after Pearl Jam came about. But no, this is the same year that Pearl Jam had like their big hits like Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like this is the same year that Pearl Jam's 10 came out. That's right. Yeah. I know. It's really insane. I mean, just a great time for music. There's going to be so many great songs left over that we don't pick. It's fucking loaded.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It's loaded. It's a loaded. We haven't even picked. I'm not even going to say the name. Look, we haven't even picked Nirvana yet, which is going to get picked. So I got to say, but that Nirvana and a couple other ones that are going to go now, but there's still some huge ones. I just, I love that song.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I had to be true to myself flags. And there's another one that I really hope doesn't get picked, but go ahead. It's your turn. So grunge, as you were saying, you picked the Temple of the Dog song, mentioned Soundgarden, mentioned Pearl Jam. You just mentioned Nirvana. This was the year that kind of grunge burst onto the scene. And people kind of had there, picked what camp they were in.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Are you going to go with grunge, this new sort of punk inspired musical movement? Or are you going to stick with that old standby? Heavy metal? Well, I know where I'm going. Metallica's nothing else matters. Oh my God. Please keep drafting Metallica, you loser. Yeah, this is the whole time.
Starting point is 00:48:21 This was them getting a little softer, a little more acoustic. This is probably, this was actually probably the song that most made fans rebel. This and, and don't tread on me, because don't tread on me was kind of jingoistic for a band that was very anti, you know, US anti-imperialist up to that point. But this song was also like for a band that was so heavy, like they had other, they had other softer songs like, like parts of One and parts of Fade to Black. But this is a song that's just basically a straight up ballad. All right, well, let's hear a little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Here we go, Wags. This is a long intro, isn't it? Yeah, it goes for a little bit. We can hear just a touch of this. So pretty though. It is. What is this? What is this?
Starting point is 00:49:11 A mandolin Wags? What is, what is, what's being played? Or is it just a? Yeah, I believe it's acoustic guitar with like a touch of a little mandolin or something. I don't think we're bringing in the vocals here, but you get a sense for kind of the tone we're looking at. Quite a vibe. Some synth strings, nice little production there.
Starting point is 00:49:38 It is quite the vibe. That's a nice song. Yeah. And it's a good one when they play with like an orchestra. Nothing else matters. It's a good tune. Wags, good choice. Great tune.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Great tune. All right, Seychelle, it's your turn. So the snake style draft works where you now have two picks in a row. So you have two choices off the board, off what's remaining, off what's available. Which songs from 1991 are you going with? I'm going to go with, and I'm glad I get this one, Emotions by Mariah Carey, which is just, I mean, it's just a phenomenal feat of singing and of everything. And she's got those whistle tones happening and, I mean, I feel, you know, many emotions
Starting point is 00:50:25 listening to this song, and it's very good. All right, let's listen, let's listen to a little bit of Emotions. Damn, she's got a good voice, huh, dear Lord? This girl's going to go far. Wow, man. Mariah Carey, just someone that I've aged past, I feel like she's younger than I am. Hmm. But 1991, having like a huge song in 1991, it's crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah, she's been around forever. I mean, yeah, I was, that's such a moment of many moments. That's a great choice. That's a great choice. Oh, for the second one. Uh-oh. This one's hard. Uh-oh, the pressure's on.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I know, I'm trying to decide between two that are insanely different, but I'm going to go with Losing My Religion by R.E.M. Great song. Wow. What a song. You know, we obviously had the director of photography for the Tomorrow War, Larry Fong on the show, who shot the music video for this song. Shut up, he did?
Starting point is 00:52:12 He did. Oh my God, I need to watch it. He did. Holy moly, that's so cool. Yeah, amazing. Oh, I love Larry. Larry was awesome. Yeah, he's great.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And here's a little taste of the song. Oh, my life is bigger, it's bigger than you, you are not me, the things that I will go to, the distance in your eyes, oh no, I said too much. It's a great song, I'm mad at myself for not drafting it, I did a bad job. No, you're doing great, wait, you had Temple of the Dog, Hunker Strike, and what was the other one you have so far, Mitch? And then, what was the other one, down with OPP by Naughty by Nature. Oh, I mean, yeah, iconic.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yeah. I got two good ones, but that's a great, that's a really great song. Great song. Hard to follow that. But I'm sure you can, with another Metallica song. How dare you. Assume that that's the entirety of my knowledge of the music of 1991. Hey, Michael Jackson had an album that came out this year.
Starting point is 00:53:47 That's right. Did he? He did. Michael Jackson, he had some, and a few big singles from this. Wow, I shouldn't have said his name. Remember the time, Black or White, a lot of great options from the King of Pop. Hey, Heal the World, how about that? What are you stealing from me, you piece of shit?
Starting point is 00:54:07 You know what I gotta go with though? Heal the World's a good one. But I think I gotta go with another soft, meditative, thoughtful song. I'm of course referring to Metallica's Unforgiven. You piece of shit. The Unforgiven ended up being the Unforgiven part one, because they had made two sequels in the song. We probably don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah. And then, yeah, there's a sequel, yeah, what is, it's so Unforgiven, and then there's, it's still Unforgiven in part two. Look, Unforgiven 2. So you're Unforgiven 2, yeah. I should have stole this. Yeah. Are you Unforgiven 2, which is like such a, look, it's stupid wise.
Starting point is 00:54:57 You know that that song is stupid. This is a good song. Unforgiven 2 is stupid, I'm saying. It is stupid, but it's good. That plays into the song, like, are you on, like TOO? That's the, that right? It's like a play on words. I agree.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yes. It's a little dumb. All right, here we go. Man, some good openings from Metallica, huh? Yeah. Another great acoustic. Yeah. Definitely this one, Pays-a-Mage Slash, is inspired by Ennio Morricone, the great film
Starting point is 00:55:34 composer. Yeah. That western vibe. 100%. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's kind of amazing Metallica had success with radio play. Yeah, I love this one. With radio play and with music videos, when it was such a long road to get to the beginning of their songs, you know, because they really took their time getting into it. But people, audience was a little more patient than people would give them credit for. Yeah, that's a good ass intro, though. I really, it's a good song, Wags. I should have stolen that from you.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It would have been fun to see you get upset. Well, Mitch, now you have the option to do whatever. You can fatten up your roster or you can sabotage it. You can sabotage mine, whatever you want to do, but you get two picks in a row right now. Well, Wags, you should be ashamed because you didn't pick a song from them because they're Southern California boys. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And one of them is a Lakers fan. Actually, I think all of them are Lakers fans. Yeah, but one in particular is a big Lakers fan, like a hardcore Lakers fan. I know where you're going with this. And I'm just going with it because I think it's a really great song. And it was used, I believe, on the Conehead soundtrack, right, with Farley and the rest of the Coneheads. Farley's in that movie and he's great in it.
Starting point is 00:57:19 But Soul to Squeeze, Wags, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the best Red Hot Chili Pepper song. I really like this song. The best. Here we go. I think it's the best. You don't think so? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Of them? I think it is. I think it is. It is a good song. Flee is just such a virtuoso. I read his book, his autobiography. It's great. He wrote it.
Starting point is 00:58:28 He wrote it solely. He didn't have a ghostwriter. He listened to audiobook. He reads it. And he's a really compelling reader. He's an actor and it's just like a fascinating sort of portrait of this guy who's just obsessed with music. His stepdad was a jazz bassist, and he just grew up loving music and just being immersed
Starting point is 00:58:48 with it. And then he ends up collaborating with Anthony Kitas, who he decidedly seeks out because he's like, this guy is not a musician, so he's going to have a totally different perspective. And it, of course, worked out. Yeah. So cool. A talented band. A great pick by me, Wags.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It's so 90s. Very 90s. Now, look, I really want to take Black and White by Michael Jackson, but I'm not going to do it. Wow. And I'm, but I'm not going to do it because there's a band that is close to my heart that I got to, that I got to, that I got to take. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Can I, can I guess what this is going to be? Sure. I'm pretty sure you're going to pick Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. You know, no. Okay. I'm not picking Good Vibrations, even though that is a great pick. I'm going with a group, a group that my dad really loved and that I love too. And I really wish Water Runs Dry came out this year, but I'm going to go instead with
Starting point is 01:00:06 this one. It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday by Boys To Men. Oh wow. Great song. Nice. Here it is. Here it goes. Oh man, Boys To Men makes you just like, I don't know, want to cry or like think about
Starting point is 01:01:11 your life. Yeah. No, same. And if you think about that, because Motown Philly, great song, but that song is just them. It's just them, their vocals and they're snapping. That's it, Wigs. Yeah. It's all, there's no, there's nothing else.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I mean, obviously they recorded it in a recording studio and it sounds good, but that's just the vocals on display, just a fucking power song. That you can chart with an acapella song, really speaks to their vocal prowess. Really something. Great song. Yeah. Great pick. Good one.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Very good pick. I had to go with that. The last one is going to be tough, but it's back to you, Wigs. So you got Boys To Men, just to recap, you got Boys To Men, it's so hard to say goodbye. What was your other one? I got Hunger Strike and I got OPP and I got Soul To Squeeze. Wait, hold on. Soul To Squeeze, that's right.
Starting point is 01:02:02 They're right on Chili Peppers. Soul To Squeeze, OPP, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. And then what's one of my missing? You got this? You have those four, Naughty by Nature, OPP, Temple of the Dog, Hunger Strike, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Soul To Squeeze and Boys To Men, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. Yep, all right. That's your foursome.
Starting point is 01:02:22 You got one pick left. Seychelle and I have two picks left. I'm going to get one of my two picks out right now. People forget that Paula Abdul, before she was an American Idol judge, not just a great dancer, she also had some hits. She had one album that was all over the charts this year. People think about Rush Rush was a big one, one of her more tender songs. Was this the year that she collaborated with MC Scat Cat?
Starting point is 01:02:53 MC Scat Cat, yeah. Wow. Opposites attract. A lot of good songs. I had this tape, Mitch. Wow. And you know what other tape I had? The Black Album by Metallica, with my next song, Sad But True.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Oh my God. You are a loser. Here we go, Sad But True. So crazy. Later sampled by Kid Rock, then used by the American Badass The Undertaker as his walkout music. Was it really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 This is good walkout music. It didn't even get to vocals. I was giving it like extra time. Just all metal. Wow. Another Metallica pick. That's right. And hey, we'll see, we'll see.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Maybe that's not the last Metallica song taken. Maybe our guest has a Metallica pick. Maybe you have a Metallica pick. No. Mitch, we're going to find out. Seychelle, you get two songs in a row, your roster so far, Color Me Bad, I Want to Sex You Up, Mariah Carey Emotions, REM, Losing My Religion. What are the final two for your starting five?
Starting point is 01:04:41 So I'm going to bring us over to the Adult Contemporary Chart of 1991, right at the top with Everybody Plays the Fool by Aaron Neville, which was a cover of the original song. I didn't know. I just found out it was sung by a band called The Main Ingredient, which I love that name. And their song, yeah, I think it was released maybe in the 60s or something, but Aaron Neville came in and Aaron Neville did out and he added some smooth vibes and it's quite vibey and great. So this is the main ingredient version?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Aaron Neville version. Oh, Aaron Neville. Everybody Plays the Fool. That's sorry. Yeah, his cover. What pipes Aaron Neville has? What a distinct sound as a vocalist. All right.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Here we go. Aaron Neville, Everybody Plays the Fool. Wow, this is Metallica-esque as an intro. That slow vibrato. Come on. Yeah. Really something. You're sitting around moping, moping, moping, crying, crying, you say you're even thinking
Starting point is 01:06:20 about dying. Well, before you do anything rash, baby, yeah, you listen to this, everybody plays the fool. Kind of has like a Bobby, what was that guy's name? Bobby McFerrin? Was that his name? Oh, yes. That kind of, like has that same similar kind of energy. Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 It is a great pick, a great song. Great song. That's a really good one. Definitely, yeah, Adult Contemporary Gold, and I love Aaron Neville because I'm a big New Orleans meters girl, but let's see, what is my last one? I think just based on, you know, like based on dance ability and I feel like this is like a good, maybe breakdancing song, perhaps. It's called Now That We Found Love by Heavy B&B Boys, featuring Aaron Neville.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Wow, great song. Wow, great song. Great song, great pick. Gets you hyped, really. Here we go. Here's a little bit of it. Now That We Found Love by Heavy B&B Boys, featuring Aaron Neville, and I love Aaron Neville. I love what are we gonna do with it?
Starting point is 01:08:03 Now That We Found Love by Heavy B&B Boys, featuring Aaron Neville, and I love Aaron Neville. Yeah, this is good. Oh my God. Now I wanna play the end of this, because this has a great ending to this song. I wanna play an end to the end of this song, so I'm gonna skip to the end a little bit. But the outro. Now That We Found Love by Heavy B&B Boys, featuring Aaron Neville, and I love Aaron Neville. Where they just take away the beat, and they do it kind of acapella.
Starting point is 01:08:50 With it. With it. When the music drops out, you'll just hear that voice. It's great, great song. Great song. I appreciate you playing the outro. It's good. Great choices, great picks.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Great roster. You might be, you might be, you have a great roster. You might be leading the pack. You'll see what Wags does with his last pick. I just can't believe how many songs are going to be left on the board after this. I mean, Wags, I was looking at this, it's, we haven't picked a single Nirvana song. No. Michael Jackson didn't go, like we said, Pearl Jam had an album this year.
Starting point is 01:09:28 There's a ton of things that we've, that we've left at the, at the, at the door here. Spin. Hey. Two Princes by. At Prime Called Quest had an album. There's, there's a, there's a, there's too much stuff here. It's, it's, it's really bad. We're doing a bad job.
Starting point is 01:09:42 A Tribe Called Quest. We're doing fine. There's only, you can only be so comprehensive. We have 15 songs to pick to characterize an entire year, you know? It's a, but yeah, we have, two Princes could describe both the Spin Doctor song or two Print singles released this year. Wow. It's a King's Bounty of, of, as I said earlier, Bonnie Raitt, Ozzy Osbourne.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I know Bonnie Raitt. They all, they all were releasing, heck, George Michael and Elton John had a, had a duet they released this year. Wow. That's amazing. But I can't resist filling out my roster with Metallica's fifth single, Wherever I May Roam. Dear Lord, five singles from the same album.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Oh God, Wherever I May Roam. Wherever I May Roam. Here it is, Metallica's. Wherever I May Roam. Every song from the Black Album for Weiger. Here's, here's a little taste of it. It is a good song. Good riff.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Mar-Mar Aconi kind of stuck our. Oh yeah. For sure. Same influence. It's wild that at the time this album, in some circles sort of remains, even remains controversial with Metallica bands, who thought it's like they're, this is them pandering to the mainstream. When it is such just like a straight ahead metal album, you know?
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yeah. I feel like a lot of the reaction to this album is kind of like the reaction to, you know, sometimes you'll talk to a Star Wars fan who's like, didn't like Return of the Jedi. And then who was just like, oh, that was a departure from what the previous movies were. But if you actually approach it with open mind, you're like, oh wait, no, this is great. I like you, I like this background music as you describe it, as you're giving it, going through Metallica's history. This is cool, right?
Starting point is 01:12:08 This is what cool guys do, talk about Star Wars while listening to Metallica. All right, Mitch, you have one pick left to fill out your roster. It's your turn. Right. It's really tough for me because like, look, there's so many great songs that we haven't got to yet. So many. But what do I do?
Starting point is 01:12:30 What, you know, like there's so many I can choose from and then shouldn't I pick one that's important to me? And the answer is yes. That's what I, that's what that, you know, and I really, you know, Walking in Memphis is a great song. I was really thinking about taking Walking in Memphis by Marcon. But instead, I'm going to go with this song by Amy Grant because I sing it to Irma, my cat Irma.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Oh my goodness. This is cute. Oh my God. Wow. Then Irma can't sleep. I don't sing that song to Irma. I sing this song to Irma by Amy Grant and the song is called Baby Baby. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Yeah, this is a kitty song. Baby baby baby baby baby Baby Baby Baby. Her name is baby Irma. Yeah. And she is such a little, it depends. I'll say like a worm in a squirma. I mean, I call her, I try to rhyme with Irma and I fail. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:18 A worm in a squirma makes sense to me. I've seen this before. You did this before. It's very, very cute. Although I don't think you need to put on the diaper in the bonnet. But you insist on doing. You're saying I dress in the diaper and bonnet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Dear God. That's my song. I sing it to Irma. Great choice. It's a good choice. Look, there's a lot. We left a lot on the board. We sure did.
Starting point is 01:14:46 We really left a lot on the board. But there's only so many songs and there's only so much time. Just to recap what we got. Mitch, you had Naughty by Nature OPP, Temple of the Dog, Hunger Strike, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Soul to Squeeze, Boys to Men. It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday and Amy Grant's Baby Baby. I, of course, had a Quintet of Metallica songs under Sandman. Nothing else matters.
Starting point is 01:15:04 The Unforgiven said, but true and wherever I may roam. And our guests say, Shell, color me bad. I want to sex you up. Mariah Carey, Emotions, R.E.M., Losing My Religion, Erin Neville, Everybody Plays the Fool and Heavy D and the Boys Now That We Found Love. Wow. Wow. No, no Nirvana songstaking.
Starting point is 01:15:22 No Pearl Jam songstaking. Yeah. And no Michael. I guess I guess it's official. What's that? It's official. Those bands suck. Sorry, you didn't bring it.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Bye. I'm wondering if. So the, yeah, I guess what's it was a 10? Was that the Pearl Jam's 10 came out that year? Yeah. And then what was the Nirvana was the album that has smells like Teen Spirit. Oh, never mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Oh, never mind. Yes. First thing I thought. What is it? Is never mind the one with the baby on it or is that another one? Yeah, the baby with a little dangler. Actually, the baby's mom used to cut my hair. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:10 No way. Yeah, man, that was like her, you know, I got a reference to her from a friend and she was like, she's the mom of the baby. And I brought it up and she told me, yeah, how they plopped her baby in the pool and, you know, and plopped him right out. That's unbelievable. She used to cut my hair. What an L.A. story.
Starting point is 01:16:30 I never liked that album cover, you know, IWIKE's. Why is that? I got some size envy. Anyways. That wraps up our the 1991 music draft. What a reveal at the end, too. Yes. Seychelle, thank you for being here.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Seychelle Gabriel, the tomorrow, guys, thank you so much for being here. The Tomorrow War is the film. It's great. Check it out July 2nd on Amazon Prime. Anything else you would like us to or anything else you would like to plug at this time? No, enjoy the heat and the the, you know, the restrictions that have been that's the word.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I can't think right now. Loosened. That's not the word. Lifted is the word. Well, it's a terrible last comment by me. But yeah, thank you so much. That was great. Well, thank you Seychelle.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I'm so happy to be here. Why is I think, well, also you can vote for which team, which draft you like the best. Should we name our drafts? Here's mine. Hashtag 91 was lots of fun. There we go. That was easy. Hashtag 91 think outside the bun.
Starting point is 01:17:48 That's for, that's for Weiger. Okay. 91 takes one to no one. The best one. You came up with the best one and I'll take us out. Why it's on a very big song that we didn't. This isn't saying that we didn't play the song. This came out in 1991.
Starting point is 01:18:07 We didn't even draft it. Here we go to take us away. Here's a little tune. Hey, baby, I hear the blues are calling toss salads and scrambled eggs. White stylish. And maybe I seem a bit confused. Yeah, maybe, but I got you pegged. But I don't know what to do with those toss salads and scrambled eggs.
Starting point is 01:18:37 They're calling again. Scrambled eggs all over my face. What is the boy to do? Frazier has left the building.

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