Doughboys - UNLOCKED! Twisted Tuesday with Jen D'Angelo

Episode Date: June 8, 2021

On this episode of The Doughboys Double, Jen D'Angelo (Young Rock, The Tomorrow War) joins for a special episode as Mitch "The Burger Man" Wiger and Nick "The Spoon Boy" Mitchell swap lives for a day....Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of the Doe Boyz Double, our premium episodes available at slash Doe Boyz. Welcome to the Doe Boyz Double. I'm your host, Mitch the Burger Man Wiger. Alongside my co-host. Alongside my co-host, Nick the Spoon Boy Mitchell. Nick, what's going on today? I'm intro-ing the show and you're in the passenger seat? First off, hello. Jesus Christ, how is that scarier than any of the times I've said howdy-ho? You know, my signature. Dear Lord. My classic, hello. Wigs, we got a little, I can't call it a freaky Friday. It's a Thursday, a freaky Thursday, but this is coming out on a Tuesday, a Twisted Tuesday? It's a Twisted Tuesday. It's a Twisted Tuesday. I got your role, you got my role. That's right. Piece of shit, I don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So you're going to insult me the way I insult you? Yeah, basically. Got it, yeah. It doesn't feel good. Lesson learned. I think we should maybe get our guest in here because the impetus for this was our guest. This is where this idea came from. Well, she just pitched it to us. We can't blame her on, when people hear this episode and think it's bad, we can't blame it on our guest. Don't blame our guest. I'm not saying the blame should go her way. I'm saying that- Wait, what are we doing? Blame the guest. Well, you can blame the guest if you want. If you don't like it, don't unsubscribe, please. We won't have the guest back if you don't like it. Twisted Tuesday-wise. Keep sending us your five bucks a month, you fucking
Starting point is 00:02:24 simps, fucking idiots. Anyways, here's our guest, Jen D'Angelo. Jen, welcome to the show. Wait, hold on. One second. I'll edit this, but Jen, what do you want me to intro you for credits? I'm sorry. Oh, my gosh. I don't know. You know what? Don't edit this out. All right. We can edit this part out and just have me say, welcome our guest, Jen D'Angelo, that works too. Great. I mean, again, I think you should leave it all in. This is my episode. All right, fine. Leave all the mess in. Welcome back to the show, Jen D'Angelo. How are you? Welcome back, Jen. Thank you for being here. Oh, my gosh. Thank you guys so much for having me. This is so exciting.
Starting point is 00:03:16 This was something that you did pitch this in text to me. Please don't tell people we text. Well, it's funny because the text did seem like there was almost a sense of you being like, I don't even like that I'm pitching this to you or that I even know of your show. There was a lot of that feeling behind it where why do I listen? Why do I talk to you? Why are we texting? Why am I pitching this idea? But you know what? I loved it. I personally loved the idea where Weigar and I do a flip-flop for a day. That's right. A body swap. A body swap movie, which I know what I'd really be doing if I body swapped with Weigar. Yeah, we all know your first move. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And trust me, I tried it for this flip-flop episode and I'm not even close, folks. Not even close. Good three feet away. So, Jen, you pitched. Maybe I have a Weigar-y day and Nick has a little Mitchy day. That's right. You guess what? I did. I did have a Weigar-y day. We'll get to that in a bit. How have you been, Jen? How have you been doing through this apocalyptic year? Have your food habits changed at all? Have you been getting takeout? What's been happening? We've been getting a lot of takeout to the point where it was like, okay, we got to stop. But recently, my husband got a sous vide and so we've been cooking a little more and it's great. Highly recommend a sous vide. So basically, what do you make in a sous vide?
Starting point is 00:04:59 You can make soups, correct? No. I guess no. I don't think you can make soups at all. It's like, we have a version that's just like a stick that you put in a pot of water and then you put raw meat in a plastic bag and put it in the water and then the stick heats the water up to a certain temperature and then when the meat is the same temperature as the water, you're done. And then you just sear it really quickly and it's great. Wow. It's a way to sort of, it's kind of a version of low and slow is my understanding. I've never gained to try it partly because you can apparently get yourself into some trouble if you're not careful, right? What kind of trouble? Well, it can be
Starting point is 00:05:47 unhygienic if the temperature is... You can actually... No, you can get grounded. It's crazy. I don't want to get grounded. It's crazy. You get a call. It's like the ring. You get a call, but it's your mom or dad and they tell you that you're grounded for seven days. It's crazy. We got to stop cooking with it. We can't get grounded. What do you mean? You can start a fire? You can have some food? You can have some foodborne illness is my understanding because if it's not calibrated correctly or you've got the wrong temperature, bacteria can grow on it and then it seems cooked, but you're actually, you know, you're going to make yourself sick. You can get in trouble in the
Starting point is 00:06:27 classic way of cooking where you can eat something raw or you can burn your house down. That's the classic... The classic two possible consequences, but I think there's a little bit of a higher degree of difficulty. I mean, like you know from doing it firsthand, there's a little bit of a technique to it. Well, I don't do it at all. Oh my God. I knew it. All I do is eat it when it's done. I have no idea how it works. All I know is that the meat goes in a bag and then it goes in a bucket of water. That's fucked up. So you've basically still had takeout. It's just been sous vide by your husband. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. The takeout just comes from inside the house now.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Real upside to having a spouse is when they take care of meals, eh? Boy, that's great. That's the best. Yeah. The best. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. We can move through this part. I will say a big takeout thing that we've been doing that I blame exclusively on you guys is we got really into getting Cheesecake Factory takeout. Wow. Oh hell yeah. After you guys did that episode, we were just like, that sounds really great. And then we got it and it's on DoorDash and we have DoorDash Pass for free or whatever. Wow. So it's just free delivery. It's the best. It's so good. What are you getting from? What are you getting from? From DoorDash. What is, what's the deal? What do you get? From Cheesecake Factory or like
Starting point is 00:08:06 DoorDash. I can't run the show like you can. You're doing great. No, I'm not. I'm sucking. You're just overthinking it. Do you think I never have a verbal miscue when I'm asking our guest questions? It happens to me all the time. No, the deal is that you're bad at it and I don't want to be bad at it like you are. I want to be good at it. It sucks. What are you getting from Cheesecake Factory? So Lucas is obsessed with the Crested Chicken Romano. I was going to ask, is Lucas a big fan of Cheesecake Factory? Oh my God. He loves Cheesecake Factory. Okay. Yeah. Huge fan. So he likes the Crested Chicken Romano. I bop around. Sometimes I'll get
Starting point is 00:08:53 two appetizers, like a little avocado egg roll and like some wings. Hell yeah. And then I also, I did get the Louisiana Chicken Pasta after you guys talked about it on that episode and I got the vanilla cheesecake, which was very good. I had a real dough boys meal. Hell yeah. That sounds fantastic. Love both those items, but two of my go-tos. Yeah. So thanks a lot, you guys. I mean, it sounds great. It's really great, but we've gotten it like four times, which is too much. You can't get Cheesecake Factory delivered four times. Yeah. Are you? So okay. So I mean, Cheesecake Factory, one of my favorite chain restaurants, but also to go to... I was going to say, Yikes, if you get Cheesecake Factory four more
Starting point is 00:09:37 times, you get in trouble. It's just one of those classic things. On the eighth time, you get a call. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a sub club car. So are you thinking about going to a dining in at any point? Have you deigned to do that yet? I have dined Alfresco in various parking lots and such, but I haven't been in a restaurant, but I've been to the movies. So I feel like... Wow. That's huge. I haven't, I have not gone back yet. Oh man. It's the best. What did you see? So our first, our big return to the theater was seeing Godzilla vs. Kong in IMAX because we were like going to your home. And it was truly so loud, you guys. That's great. If you thought they got quieter, they didn't. That's what I wanted from Kong vs. Godzilla. That's what I needed that.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I needed the earth quaking feel of being in a theater. And Yikes, that's what I want for the tomorrow war, which has come out. That's what I want. I want a big loud... We bought a sound bar just to watch the movie in the basement of my house just so we could turn it up. It's a huge difference maker. It's huge. I'm picturing you installed a really nice sound bar on the shittiest like TV. I mean... It's like an 18 inch like VCR built in. There's an antenna on it. No, it is an older TV, but the sound bar is, it works great. Did you get a subwoofer with that bad boy? Oh, I got a subwoofer, baby. Hell yeah. And guess what Yikes? It howls. A subwoofer for a man who himself is often a subwoofer. Wolfing down some sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Jesus Christ. That sucked. That sucked shit. Am I in trouble? You're not in trouble over here. I really enjoyed that. You're in trouble. So Lucas is doing the sous vide. He's sous-viding it up over there. It sounds like he must be thrilled to doing this all the time and then hearing... Wait, you weren't complaining about the food borne illness, since that was Weigher. Of course, brought that into the impression. He'll be really pissed right home that Weigher's telling people that he's poisoning me. I think he's doing it properly. I'm just saying that there is like a danger zone for food borne
Starting point is 00:12:18 illness where if it's not cold enough and it's not hot enough, it's in that kind of like... So you think raw chicken could be cold enough to be eaten safely? Well, cold enough to be stored safely and not accumulate bacteria. D'Angelo, here's my question for you. Are you ever making anything for Lucas? Do you have your own specialty that you're making up in the kitchen? I will make... There's like two pasta dishes that I've made a few times. We make the John and Vinnie's Spicy Fusilli, which is really good and very easy. Is that from like the John and Vinnie's cookbook? I just googled it. It was like, yeah, found that recipe real fast. Wow. All right. Not very protective of their recipes, apparently.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Is that going to get me in trouble? That might get me in trouble. Yeah, I hear so. I could have visited from John and or Vinnie. That rule. It's just me, Vinnie. John wasn't available. I'm pissed off. But I've been making that, and then I've also been making that TikTok pasta that's everywhere. TikTok? I don't even know what TikTok pasta is. What is TikTok pasta? It's basically like you bake a thing of feta with a bunch of cherry tomatoes, and then you mix pasta into it. But I've been making it with ricotta, putting my own little spit on it. I like that.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So this was something that was like a recipe on TikTok? Yeah, I'm not 100% sure. I had to delete TikTok off my phone because it was ruining my life. I just was on it too much. And then I never interacted with anything in the app because I'm too dumb and old. So I never liked anything or clicked on anything, but all of a sudden it started becoming really Trumpy. And that freaked me out. Oh boy. Interesting. Very interesting. You know, it knows me better than anybody else. I suddenly ended up on these like, I was getting Q and on videos and stuff. Where did you go? You let yourself down a weird path. I don't know how it happened. It was really upsetting.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was like, I just want to see people doing funny things with their dogs. Yeah. Yeah. You were laughing at all those Trump videos. TikTok is the, I refuse to download the app TikTok because it is just, but then also I have, we have plenty of funny friends who do stuff on TikTok, but it is just one that makes me feel old. I think like, if I put a video on, I feel like the day I put a video on TikTok, I feel like I'm going to turn gray and crumble to dust. Yeah. So I never, the one, maybe get a lot of views. I tune in. The one that I tapped out on earlier was Snapchat. Like I got my Snapchat name. I was like, I don't learn Snapchat. And then I like gave it a couple
Starting point is 00:15:19 days. I was like, this is, I don't, I'm not going to get this. And then like five years past and I think there's like Snapchat's just not as much of a thing anymore. It got supplanted by something else. And then that made me go look at TikTok and be like, well, that this is just going to be like a thing for a little bit. And then there'll be some other bullshit. I don't need to worry about this. And I didn't. And you know what? I'm thriving. What were you looking for on Snapchat? I heard there was porno on there. I was going to say, I think you're, I think you're a hog hunt.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I think you're a hog hunt. Porno. How do I get porno on this thing? I think you're a hog hunting. You expected random hog and you didn't, it didn't show up as much as anybody. It didn't happen. Yeah. I'm not going to get on TikTok and pretty soon I'll have a new app to hog hunt on. A hog hunter. Just go to hog hunter.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, just go to It will work. That's like chat. Remember chat or let was a thing for the while. Oh my gosh, chat or let, such a big deal. And then I remember Alan McLeod had a show and we did the show. Like me and a few other people did the show at UCB and it would just be like, you go to like, all right, here's the next screen or just be like a guy jacking off. And then it would be like, yes, a close up of a vagina. And you're like, this is what is, I don't know, understand what I didn't understand why that specifically brought out
Starting point is 00:16:38 like the most animalistic behavior and human beings. Maybe because it was early and people just didn't, it wasn't, you know, like, like people didn't care as much or it wasn't, yeah, they didn't say as much or something, but the anonymity of it and that it was just random. Like you didn't know who you're going to be talking to. So if you were like an exhibitionist, it was like, oh, here we go. I'm just whoever shows up is going to have to get a look at my hog. And I guess that was just how we found out that there are just so many more exhibitionists in the world than we realized. Yeah, right. That was the beginning of the end, for real. It's the fact that it was just like, this app will connect you to anybody in the world. And it was 90% people
Starting point is 00:17:16 just jacking off. And then Alan McLeod, molasses boy ran that show and he'd be like, oh no, someone's jacking off. And then it would be like three, the person would be done. The person who would have finished and walked away from the screen. They'd be cleaning off as by the time Alan finally pushed the next button because it's so fucking slow. I remember Alan McLeod, our good friend molasses boy, I remember him doing that show once and it was just like such an Alan way to start a show where he started the show by opening his laptop. Like he didn't have that ready to go. He didn't even say anything. He just walked out there. Welcome to chat roulette. Let me get my laptop. Oh, what is my password to unlock my screen? Oh yeah. Give me a minute. It's mobile,
Starting point is 00:18:03 where I'm from. Do you think Alan like just finally finished cleaning his groceries from his pandemic purchase? What? It's over? Cleaning off a brown carrot. We love you, molasses boy. We love him. Well, Wags, we were supposed to... It's still too early to get into this, but I think I'm going to start talking about it. We were supposed to live the day like each other. And you know what? That's what I did, Wags. Wow. And I started out the day and you know what I said? I said, no... I'm trying to think of the past tense of this. No meat, shat, I... Yeah, shat is the past tense of shell. I'm assuming you're shitting a lot of meat. No meat, shalt, no meat, shalt. No meat? No meat, no... What's the past of shell?
Starting point is 00:19:14 No meat, did I eat? Yeah, no meat, did I eat? No meat, shat, I eat. We'll go with shat. And Wags, I started off my day and I didn't eat a single meat product yesterday. I had nothing. I went all veggie... So my morning I started off, I got some scrambled eggs made by my mummy. She made me some scrambled eggs. And I also had a leftover potato latke from Cats' Deli in New York City. Have you ever been to Cats' in New York? DiAngelo? No. You're a Chicago person. So I'm a Philly person and then a Chicago person and then a... I know you're from Philly. I didn't forget. Wawa extensively with Jen. I know, I know she's from Philly. She went to school in Chicago. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:14 God damn it. She went to school north of Chicago. Yes. At Northwestern and she's from Philly, also slightly outside the city, but I don't know in which direction, right? Also northwest. North of the city. That's what I thought it was. I thought it was north of the city. Yeah. So you know all this, but you don't know my credits. The Tomorrow War. And I know plenty of your credits. UCB Theater. There you go. I've been to Cats' Mitch. All right. Thanks for helping me out, Wags. I've been to Cats' Mitch. Thanks a lot. I have been. What do you think of it, Wags? Not a place to go when you can't eat meat. I'll say that much.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Right. But when I was having myself some meats, I thought it was great. That was a light. It has that kind of archaic ordering system. You order from one of their meat cutters and then it gets brought out to you. I got to say this, the meat cutters are cool as hell. They are fucking cool as hell. I expected more of a, because I guess I was just remembering the scene from when Harry met Sally. I expected it to be more of a diner feel, but it's not quite as diner-y. It kind of is, but it kind of is also a little bit more rustic. That's when they shot that scene. Yeah. Right? Yes. I'll have what she's having seen is shot, which is one of your credits. It's shot. You did the punch up on that and you added that scene. I wrote that scene.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Workaholics, one of your credits also, by the way, I can name a lot actually. I know a lot of them. Anyways, that chair is marked in the restaurant. They're like, this is where Harry met, I forget what they say. I don't know if they say anything about, I don't think they allude to the orgasm or anything like that, but they say like, this is where Sally busting a nut. Sally fucking shot her wall right here. There's just like a winky face. You have a chair? You know. You know what happened in this chair. A towel on the floor. I brought the Quincy crew there because we were in Brooklyn for a day, and we all took turns sitting in the seat. Yes. If people want to know, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:22:48 It was like, what? We all silently ate pastrami at the end of the restaurant is the real truth of it. I immediately pictured you guys being like, dude, go sit in the chair and see if it makes you come. The 13 year old, my 13 year old friends from Quincy. Micah sits down there and his eyes just cross. Oh, shit. The chair works and then cut to outside the restaurant. We break out of the restaurant with the chair. It's the chair that makes you nut, dude. We got to take it back. It's so hard to nut otherwise.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But on a Friday night, we're just all taking turns sitting in the chair and fucking in Romandy's garage. Anyways, it's like autofocus. Anyway, depressing. No one's having any fun. Did I ever tell you that I got a picture taken with the owner of Katz's? Really? He was like, one of the guys was like, it was from love. They were like, you're in that show love. I was like, yes. And I was surprised that he knew of it. And the owner was like, I got to take a picture with you. And he took a picture with me. He's like, I'm going to put it up on the wall. This is true. And then my friend went back like a month later and they're like, it's not up. They decided they decided it didn't it didn't belong. It just
Starting point is 00:24:20 never went up. The picture never went up in Katz's. I've never heard this story before. Or maybe you've told it on a previous episode and I've just forgotten it. I mean, I agree with them. I don't think I deserve to go up on the wall on Katz's. I don't think that you want 100% could have gone up there. Who else they got out there? I mean, even justice, get them out of here. As a fat guy, I think there's like, if you go to the deli, you're like, hey, look at their big man up there. It's a good place to eat. Like I feel like for that reason, not for credits, not to get back to credits, but I don't know if my credits earned me a spot on the wall, but, but I, but you're selling yourself short. He never, he never, he never said he was going to do it. He said he was going to do
Starting point is 00:25:03 it. He should do it. Maybe he was, maybe he was, you know, maybe he was fucking around with me. Mitch, since it's tomorrow, war month, do you remember when we went out to dinner in Atlanta with Mary Lynn and Sam and the waiter recognized all three of you and knew all of your credits? And it was like, he like recognized Sam. He was like, oh, like I'm a huge Veep fan. And it was like, he was Sam was very nice. And then he was like, he recognized Mary Lynn. And then you sort of jokingly were like, and me, and he was like, you were on Brooklyn Nine-Nine or something. It was like, something's like, I think it was Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He do like an obscure, like an obscure, like a, like a one episode. Yeah. I think he knew like the Andy Dick pilot that never aired.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But it's like, one of my biggest regrets that I wasn't like, and who am I, make him really sweat for a second. That would have been very funny. And then right into a pandemic for him after that. Yeah, yeah. And then his industry is decimated. His year is ruined. And you know what? When I think back on it, I still liked that moment less when that woman asked me about her credits. Was that, was that, was that the restaurant? Was that the, was that the role restaurant? Now I'm going to, the seafood restaurant. I was talking about this the other day. Optimist. The Optimist. It was not. It was at, yeah, was that some other place?
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah. The Optimist. Why? It's Optimist. The role is at Optimist. I know that seems like a strange thing to say, but they're salty and buttery, almost pretzel-like, but not. They're still roles, but they're fucking fantastic. We ate a lot of good. We ate a lot of good. We, you and I, probably from your point of view, spent way too much time together. We were together. We were together a lot of the time. We, we, uh, we, uh, we would, we would unwind with drinks. Mary Lynn too, who we just, we had on, uh, just the, the other day or is that the upcoming episode wags? Um, uh, yeah. I mean, this would be, sorry, I muted myself to look up the name of a place where I got some memorable roles. Um, but the, I was going to say roles, roles can do a lot for a
Starting point is 00:27:18 meal because of like, you don't expect them to shine. And then if you get a great role, you're like, holy, oh wow. You know, I think they know what they're doing with their, with their role work. Uh, but I think it depends on when we release the episode, but as of the current schedule, this episode will be out on Tuesday. And Hey, for our Patreon listeners, you get a little, uh, negative intel. We're going to have Mary Lynn rice cub back on Thursday. So there you go. It's good to point this out because we, we, we, me, you, Mary Lynn and Sam, we need a lot of food together. We, we, and the food down there is great. There's some damn good food. I was impressed with, with Atlanta. There was some, there was some good stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's so good. Such a good food city. I loved Atlanta. I would go live there. It was awesome. It's great. It is great. It, a lot of stuff is just moving there. So that's a real possibility at some point. It feels like, yeah, you could, there will be a point where you can work regularly if you, I mean, at that point is now for some people, you know, and certainly a lot of, certainly background actors, I feel like can work pretty consistently out in Atlanta and people are doing, who are commercial actors and as they're, yeah, because more production. Yeah. Maybe eventually writers could live out there too. And good thing Atlanta hasn't been problematic at all since we've been there. And it's a good place to move still. And we like to support everything Georgia
Starting point is 00:28:30 does with our tech shop. The, the roles that I had that were, were at the Angler, which is, the Angler was a Bay Area restaurant that opened one in the Beverly center, a mall in LA. And it's like, it's in the space of, I think a former PF Changs, but it's like, it's like low key, like one of the best seafood restaurants in the city. It's fucking unbelievable. Wow. Nellie and what they're both for, for both our birthdays and our birthdays are the same month. So it was, and we just loved it that much. Wow. Back to back. Back to back B days. Speaking of roles, the one thing that really was amazing about Cheesecake Factory delivery is that they deliver the bread. Yeah, they do. That's, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:29:11 They give you the full meal experience. My God. Yeah. That's, that's, that's a, that's big. That's big. It's very, it's helpful. It really, especially during the pandemic, it really did, it really, to get that brown bread is a, is, is a lot of fun, right? Love that bread. Yeah. It's the, it's the brown bread, right? Yeah. They get a 7-0-2, but the brown bread is what people remember. Now, Mitch, you were talking through your meatless day. You had some scrambled eggs and you had a potato latke. I got sidetracked, I got sidetracked because of cats, but I, and cats is I got a pastrami and Swiss sandwich, but that was on my meat day. My meatless day, I had a leftover potato
Starting point is 00:29:45 latke and I had some sour cream and apple sauce on that. And I had my scrambled eggs. And then I finally had, this is a big breakfast. I had a everything bagel with some cream cheese on it. Why? It's both, wow. One side was plain cream cheese and the other side was chive cream cheese. And I had that from Russ and Daughters. I bought that at Russ and Daughters and I brought it back to Quincy. And I, and so I had that, that day. Then for dinner, I went to the Prudential Center. Emma, Emma, do you know, I mean, Emma knows the Prudential Center, but do you know Ernie's? I don't think I've ever been to Ernie's. I went to Ernie's Wags and that day I was feeling like a bit of a heat seeker.
Starting point is 00:30:30 That's your thing. And so I got myself some buffalo cauliflower with some ranch, with some, with a vegan ranch dipping sauce and an impossible vegan burger Wags. Wow. Look at you. And that came with fries. And guess what? It was fantastic. It didn't even feel like a meatless day. I felt like it was, it was great. I was enjoying myself living like you, something I never would have suspected ever. I don't even do that. You also had quite a bit of cream in that day. I'm, I am a real, I'm a true, a real creamsman. Is that what you call yourself? You're a creamsman. A dairy dude. 100%.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I was a dairy dude, D'Angelo. Suggesting that and also again, feeling ashamed, mostly it looked like. Well, I got, I got in my head because I feel like the last time I was on, I said creamsman, which was wrong, but creamsman is right. Creamsman is right. Oh, great. Did you get corrected for saying creamsman? No, maybe I referred to myself as a creamsman. And we didn't let you in. And you guys were like, shut up. That's our thing. It's not for you. On this day, I was a creamsman and I had a couple drinks too. I had a Don Julio Martini strawberry, no, Don Julio Martini, Don Julio Margarita, strawberry margarita.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And I also had a, a, a, not a Moscow mule, it was a passion, a passion mule, which was a, it had passion fruit, but it was a Moscow mule with passion fruit and some tiki spices, both really fantastic. I was worried you were going to be like, I did have a couple of drinks. I had two cups of bullion, like I'll Mitch blew it. I had, I had a, I did not drink any meat products. I had a 16 ounce gumbo. That's what I'm doing today on my non-weiger day. And I had, I had a very excellent time, Wags. Wow. Good time. There was a lightning storm going. Good company. It was great. Now, Wags, this is what I'm going to say. I also, just like a regular Weiger day, Natalie wasn't around
Starting point is 00:32:56 and like you, she's, I know for you that she tries to avoid you during the course of a day. Right. And so I didn't see her all day. So I feel like you could probably relate to that. I feel like it's Weiger like. Yeah. Amazingly more so during the quarantine. Wow. Somehow she's engineered that. That sounds great. I mean, I'm just, I'm kudos to you for committing to that. Kudos to you for not having any meat at all. Did you just have the two big meals? Yeah, I just had the two big meals. I'm not even done. By the way, I did share my bed with Wally and Irma. And then I, I watched Despicable Me One Wags. That's how I topped off my day, which I know Jen can talk about. We can talk about that in a little bit. But I put on Despicable Me One to close out my Twisted Tuesday
Starting point is 00:33:48 or Freaky Thursday, whatever the fuck you want to call it. Wags, how did you live like me? And don't say you put on some fucking fat suit or some bullshit. I was, no, what I was going to say Did you put on a clump suit? I didn't clump it. No, clump shall I? I was going to say, what did you think of Despicable Me? We're going to get into that. Oh, we're going to get into it. Yeah, we're going to talk about that. Oh, wow. I mean, you, you're Despicable Me fan, right, D'Angelo? I'm a Minions fan. Yeah. Okay. Don't know why that is a correction. Well, there's a distinction because Despicable Me, in particular, part one is the story of Gru. Like it's like the Minions are there, but the Minions
Starting point is 00:34:37 were kind of the breakout stars. And they're like, Oh, okay, this is going to be the franchise. You know, Despicable Me One has the least amount of Minions of any of the movies. Yeah, so there was still a strong outing of Minions, I have to say. Well, you know, a little goes a long way. They're in like almost every scene. I feel like they're there the entire time. Can use a few more sprinkled in here and there. So I liked the dog too. This is the dog keep coming around. The dog's around. Yeah. I mean, it's everyone, everyone stays in the franchise to various degrees. No characters are fully excised. I'm curious, although there was a different villain in the follow up films. I'm curious, we touched on bagels. And Jen, I do want to ask,
Starting point is 00:35:26 like, are you a bagel fan? And how do you like your bagel? I'm a big bagel fan. And I go back and forth because I really love just like, assess me bagel toasted with butter. But that's also, it's so simple. Sometimes it feels like you got to go big. I got to tell you, you really nailed it because for some reason, the sesame bagel specifically with butter is very good. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I like sesame bagels with cream cheese too. But I'm thinking like, if I'm just eating only putting butter on a bagel, a sesame bagel is one that I probably want to have it on. It's great. Yeah, it's so good. In the context of a full meal, like if I'm getting a breakfast, I'm getting like some
Starting point is 00:36:09 some eggs and end up and you know, some sort of meat when I was eating that some sort of breakfast meat. And then like my bread side is like a bagel that that's when I very often get the butter bagel and the butter bagel can be delightful. It's so good. Yeah. But I will also do a bagel with cream cheese and salted tomato, which is really amazing. That's like a silly thing. It's great. And a silly thing. Why? Seeing as you're a Chicago person, I'm just trying to put Oh boy. I read about it in books. Just just salted tomato. No, no locks on there. You're not a someone got mad at us recently because they accused me and Emma of not knowing what locks are, because we didn't we didn't
Starting point is 00:36:56 mention locks in a bagel episode, but talking about so they said that you don't know what they are. We don't know what locks or what it is. We said that we don't know. Yeah, they said that we don't know what locks are. We fired back at them. I've been making bagels. Wides knows this. I've been making bagels. And I make pretty good bagels. How do you have to like boil them? Right? Or like, how does it you got? Yes, there's it's a it's a two step process with the cook where you boil them in a pot of water, and then you bake them right after that. And like, sometimes you put the egg wash on, you get to put the toppings on before you bake them. But they're pretty good. I'll bring you and Lucas some. Yeah, I'll bring I'll make some for
Starting point is 00:37:41 you guys when I when I come back. They're pretty good. They're pretty good. I would love to try them. I feel like everyone, I don't know, recently, there's like a big flare up of the discussion about like bagels in LA or whatever. And I tried those and they're they're fine, but they're really not scratching the itch. I really need just like a solid good bagel. Yeah, which place are you talking about? Um, I mean, I tried courage, which was good. Okay, good. But it was like, kind of like a different type. But it wasn't like, Oh, I went to like, Manhattan bagel, like a shitty bagel place and got like a really satisfyingly solid bagel. Also, why are you trying to have her out the places she didn't like? What is wrong with you? What? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:38:29 If you know, we can believe it. We can believe it if you're worried. No, they're they were very good. And they're also not struggling. They have a lot of time. It's just it's like a little bit more gourmet, you know, and you just want the the shitty version of something. Well, yeah, I mean, I think that's a similar thing with the pizza sometimes in LA is like, there's not like a great like shitty slice place. There's there's some really great pizza. It's just, but yeah, it's usually a little bit more of a higher price point. Have you guys heard of secret pizza? No, I have heard of this. I've not had it. It's an Instagram pop up thing in LA. We just like order via their Instagram, but they make like,
Starting point is 00:39:08 it's just like a really amazing, like very simple pizza that feels like a buy the slice type situation. It's really good. Wow. That sounds great. Yeah. Daniel, as far as as far as Philly food stuff goes, I don't even I hate that I sound like weigher. Philly food. So you think I sound like Philly food stuff? That's something you'd say. It sucks. My question is, as far as your Philly food fandom, I guess that's more like it, but even I was just too close. As far as your Philly food fandom, wow, I really am shocked you got that all. D'Angelo knows that a part of the reason that we the tomorrow war filming was four months is because one month was me, an addition of me stuttering through lines, saying words.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I couldn't get in one take. Philly is known for bagels, but then you got New York right there, also known for bagels, but I would say not really known for bagels. But Philadelphia cream cheese. What about Philly cream cheese? I feel like it's a, but pretzels. I feel like Philly is known for pretzels. Yes. There's also a really amazing pandemic pop up that now is just a full on business in LA. That's a really amazing Philly soft pretzel. I think we've heard of this, Nick, right? Shappie. Yes. Shappie pretzels. They're so good. We heard of these. Why? Because we've heard of Shappie's pretzels. I know we have. Yes. I think we may have even discussed this. We talked about the robot Shappie for real. Yeah, Shappie. I'm Shappie.
Starting point is 00:40:49 We know you, this doesn't ring a bell to you at all. No, I remember this. Okay. All right. Are you like, do you think that you are like a pretzel? Is he alive or that's, you know, it's, is he, does he have a consciousness even though he's an AI? You're talking about Shappie? Yeah. That's what we were saying, right? Yes. Yes. We're talking about the pretzel place. You fucking idiot. I don't like you in the Mitchell role. You're a fool. D'Angelo, do you consider yourself a pretzel snob? How do you take your, how do you like your pretzels? I am kind of a pretzel snob. I get a soft pretzel and I rip it and dip it in cream cheese. Wow. So really loaded up in cream cheese. Is that a Philly thing?
Starting point is 00:41:38 I think so. I mean, that was like a very common thing, at least in my high school, that was like a very common snack was getting a soft pretzel from the cafeteria and a thing of cream cheese. That's why I never heard of that. I've heard of the nacho cheese dip and sauce, not the cream cheese. Yeah. We got, we just, we just ate, well, in this coming week, we're going to eat at Auntie Ann's and other, guess what? It's Auntie Ann's with Mary Lynn Rice Cub. And so we went to Auntie Ann's and there was, there's like a cream cheese dip. That's like a, it's like a sweet cream cheese dip. Yeah. And this is classic. This is straight up Philly cream cheese. I truly have not heard of this before. Never heard of this. It's news to me. And I kind of think you
Starting point is 00:42:18 are a bit of a freak, honestly, but go on. You can get it. I think at like what's with pretzels, I think has just Philly cream cheese that you can get to dip it in. Wow. I've never seen that. So at least Mr. Wetzel is on my side. Here's a question. And we, we cover this on the, on the upcoming episode as well. A lot of teasers here. What's your favorite part of the pretzel? What's your, like, what did you, do you like to eat the, the notch? Do you like to eat the corner? What do you, what do you like to, what do you find most delectable? Can I tell you what I said my answer was? The answer was the heart, the center of the pretzel, like the soft. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so a Philly soft pretzel is a different shape. It's like elongated. Wow. It's kind of like a,
Starting point is 00:43:03 like a figure eight, but rectangular, like squish. What the fuck really? Yeah. Why are you just getting a fucking picture of this shit? All right, hold on. This is, this is wild to me. And so he just pulls up chat roulette. Here's a Philly soft pretzel. It's not soft at all. But yeah, it's great. So that one, there's not a lot of variation in terms of pretzel pieces, but the, there is like a little center nub that's exciting. It's like a good ratio of innards to outers. All right, we've got this on screen. This is what
Starting point is 00:43:44 you're talking about. This sort of form factor. I see the center nub. I see the center nub. Yeah, it really is like an elongated eight. It looks like an infinity symbol. Yeah. That's how long I want to eat those things, Wags. I wish I could eat them for that long. Infinity. For all of time. Yeah. Till the sun burns out. Till the sun burns out. It looks fucking good. This is, this is, I truly did not know that. I didn't know this weird. I didn't know this either. This is huge. This is amazing. Oh my gosh, breaking chews. This is breaking chews. So you like the centerpiece and you use cream cheese on your pretzel. Bizarre. It's so good. And the second you try it, you're going to be like, this is amazing,
Starting point is 00:44:30 especially as a creamsman wager. I mean, my God. Yeah. I mean, I love dipping stuff in cream cheese. I would have cream cheese on celery. I would have, I honestly would just put cream cheese on cheez-its when I was a kid. It was great. Or rich crackers. Delightful. You're losing me. D'Angelo, my mom had this to say, and I wonder, I wonder how you'll feel about it as a bit of a pretzel snob. She doesn't like warm or hot pretzels. Interesting. I can kind of get behind that, honestly. Oh wow. All right. All right. So are those served like room temperature of those big Philly pretzels? Yeah. What? Well, I mean, that's at least how I'm used to them is just like, yeah, room temp. Not warm, not hot at all. So to be clear, you eat a cold big weird pretzel with cream
Starting point is 00:45:29 cheese. Yeah. And you have to like, you have to make sure the cream cheese softens a little bit because, yeah. So with warm cream cheese. I'm worried that both these items are in the danger zone for foodborne illness. Weiger, you're obsessed with me being food poisoned. I don't want you to get sick. It ain't gonna happen, baby. She just cracked an egg into her mouth when she said that. I'm sure I'll get sick tonight immediately. Weigz, we got to get into how you spent your day as Mitch. Yes. So I guess I didn't understand the exercise. Oh, great. But this kind of, yeah, that's what I was going to say. I think this speaks to the Mitch side of things where I didn't realize I had prep to do. That said, I do have some Mitch-like
Starting point is 00:46:27 items. And the first of these is something that I discussed previously on the podcast. We were going to have for a snack or a whack and we weren't able to all track it down. But I've tracked this down a few times. In fact, this is my third outing with these bad boys. I got myself some Jason Tatum Flamin' Hot Barbecue Ruffles. Jason Tatum, the star of the Boston Celtics. I've never even eaten these before. But you love the Celtics. I do love the Celtics. So I figured, yeah, let's try these out. I forgot to tell you, that's a part of my day. I checked the Lakers score, Weigz. I tuned in on the Lakers and boy, did they win. And they won. And I, you know, he's holding out the back to the camera for Jason and I and Emma to see for he held it up for about a minute straight. So I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:47:17 So I've had the Anthony Davis ruffles and the Anthony Davis ruffles. I have a feeling you're stretching this because you did nothing as me. I have two things that I have ready for the podcast. What time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? I slept in till almost the eight o'clock hour. That's bullshit. It's, you know what? That's almost 11 o'clock Eastern. So, all right. That was a very generous reaction on my part. I was like, oh, it's true. Still early, but all right. So the flaming hot bar. So as I mentioned, Anthony Davis, the star of the Los Angeles Lakers, my favorite franchise has his own ruffles flavor. You can't say that's a jalapeno line.
Starting point is 00:48:07 You're supposed to be like me. You're not doing it right. You're supposed to be like me. I'm giving context for what I'm about to say. I've had that flavor. It underwhelmed this flavor. And I'm going to have some more of it right now. In my two outings, I've thought it's out of this world. Just absolutely fantastic. The mix of sweet and heat from the flaming hot barbecue is just a dynamite concoction. I'm going to take a bite right now. Mitch, I wish I could share some of these with you because you would love these. They're so good. This, I honestly think, I honestly think the Jason Tatum ruffles are the second best ruffles flavor. Can you imagine first plain, but I think, I think plain ruffles,
Starting point is 00:48:58 you suck, then flaming hot barbecue. That's how I'd rank them. And then after that, cheddar and sour cream. Can you imagine if you've rented Freaky Friday and Jamie, Jamie Lee Curtis eats some of Lindsay Lohan's chips and then the credits roll your piece of shit. That's what's happening right now. Mitch, I'm so sorry to tell you there actually is a scene in Freaky Friday where Jamie Lee Curtis eats French fries and Lindsay Lohan is like, stop doing that. Is that true? Yeah. She's like, they're going to go to my thighs. You know what? That's good. I like that. Yeah. I like it a lot. And Wags accidentally hit on something from the movie Freaky Friday. Wags, what else have you done to be like me today?
Starting point is 00:49:45 I got a Pink Floyd song to play. That's bullshit. I didn't understand what we were doing. I didn't realize we're supposed to spend it full day as each other. I'm so glad you told everyone this was my idea. You sabotaged it. You sabotaged it. I did not sabotage it. What would you have had me do if I was going to spend, like, hypothetically spend a whole day as you? I told you everything I was going to do. I thought you were going to do, I don't know. I mean, I don't do a lot. Don't turn this on me. I don't have to break down my character.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I didn't eat meat. I made jokes about you. I made a self-sucked joke and a Natalie joke. And then I watched fucking Despicable Me. That's good. I watched the Celtics game. But that's all right. Say that for God's sakes. Were you rooting for him? I'm rooting against the Nets. I don't say that much. Okay. This kind of works. Emma, was this confusing? Was this a confusing assignment to you? I didn't think you were going to literally go about a whole day as Weiger, but I thought you were going to watch the Minions and Weiger was going to watch the Celtics game and root for the
Starting point is 00:50:56 Celtics. Yeah, I guess I just didn't fully understand the exercise. Yeah, it's like halfway. Also, you know, you prepared more than Mitch Weigermitch. You're saying so. In this freaky Friday thing, it kind of works because I prepared. Yeah, yeah. You almost over-prepared and Weiger slash Mitch for today wildly under-prepared, so it's right on brand. That's not true. Let me be frank. You didn't do your shit. Again, confusing. Weiger, did you have your mom make you anything? Yeah, did you call out to your mummy? I got an email from my mom. That's probably, I guess that's like the Weiger level of like hugging
Starting point is 00:51:43 his mom. Weiger, did you buy any chance to adopt two tuxedo cats? That would be amazing. That would have been amazing. Boy, what a reveal that would be. That would be the ultimate commitment. Yeah. Yeah, so I got these Flamin' Hot Bar with you ruffles and I've got this pink Floyd song and two cats. Imagine that. Did you send two cats to the pound instead? You went around just releasing cats from their homes? Hey, speaking of animals, Mitch, I know you love the band Pink Floyd. I figured I'd play some of a song, a Pink Floyd song that I like because, you know, people would expect a Dave
Starting point is 00:52:26 Matthews song, but I feel like that's well-worn territory. I agree. You're a man of multitudes. You have other musical artists that you like. One of them is Pink Floyd and one of them released an album called Animals, a concept album, and they have a track on that album called Dogs. Let's hear a little dog. This really is a freaky Friday. It should be called Cats. Yeah, Weiger, you could have at least watched Cats. I should have watched Cats. That would have been good. You've got to be crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:02 You've got to have real love. I forget the words. You really lost your coffee. I was scared. When you're on the street, you've got to be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed. I don't know. Really, at the top of your range, and you're really committing to it. I admire that. You can work on points for style. Is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:53:43 In the firm handshake, a sudden look in the eyes and the knees smile. You've got to be trusted. This is such a weird ending to this episode. By the people that you lied to. Because why? So that when they turn their backs on you, you get the chance to put the knife in. Is this the best double ever? You should go forward. I'll tell you my history with this song, Lags.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah, please. I heard this album the first time when I was robo-tripping. I drank a bottle of robo-tussin. Wow. And I listened to this album and I was like, I love this album with the two-fo brothers, Anthony and Dan two-fo. And that was my favorite album for a long time. And Dogs, the song you played, was my favorite song, Lags, for years of my life. Hey, bitch.
Starting point is 00:54:55 How about that? Guess what? I knew that. That's why I picked it. Dogs was one. And then as I got older, and it became a sad song about flying down south and dying of cancer, I was too depressing to listen to anymore. But I love that song. And in fact, I'll tell another wild story.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I went and saw Roger Waters live and I took two tabs of Mescaline. And during that song, I thought the crowd was chanting Mitch. That's really good. And I was just so scary. Yeah. I was very fucked up on whatever it was. I mean, I don't even know if it was working, but I remember thinking the crowd chanted Mitch. And then on that song, it goes, drag down by the stone, stone.
Starting point is 00:55:52 And it like echoes around. And I was really freaking out at that point. I was basically under my chair. But I loved that song, Lags. It's the truth. I really did love that song for a very long time. I'm picturing you in like a very normal crowd and you're hiding under your chair, but your butt is sticking out like poo.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Like Winnie the Pooh, you're saying. Like Winnie the Pooh, yeah. All right. I also didn't, I didn't know if you also meant like, my butt was hanging on. You're also like shittier as well. And the log, a log is sticking out like a tail. Christ. The crowd was chanting Mitch.
Starting point is 00:56:28 So I just crawled under my chair and shadowed my butt. Well, I think this is the part you were referring to, Mitch. I think this is, this is roughly where the breakdown is. Yep. I mean, this song is so long and it changes. Seventeen minutes. And it's too late to lose the way you used to need to throw around. So have a good time as you go down alone.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Mitch, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. Shitting everywhere. Stone, stone. And I was hiding under my seat. Oh boy. Yeah. I think this worked out great. Wigs, living a day like you, you know what I learned?
Starting point is 00:57:58 That I still don't understand why you like Despicable Me and the Minions. Well, again, you saw the first one, which as Jen pointed out has the fewest Minions. You should really see the Minions movie. Yeah. Just check out straight up Minions. It's very funny. Did we watch a Minions movie? We watched Despicable Me 3 and for a double.
Starting point is 00:58:18 That's what it was. Yes. And when that was in theaters. Was that not with you, D'Angelo, or because you love the Minions? I do love the Minions. In fact, I have this Minions shirt. Look at that. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:58:31 That I put on, but it was too hot. So now I'm just holding it. I'm starting to realize that a freaky Friday between you and Wagger would be maybe just kind of the same deal. Yeah. It would just be we would both eat vanilla ice cream. What Minions? Eat the Cheesecake Factory.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I would scold Lucas about foodborne illness. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. I tried to slip a self-suck joke in there and it didn't work. I'm so sorry. That was good. And it keeps the listeners here and then I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I didn't hear it and I would have liked it. Okay, great, great. Well, Wags, I don't like being you. That's what I found out. D'Angelo, it was a good episode idea. It was a great episode idea. If Nick had figured out. In fact, we just need clear lines of communication.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Like, hey, this is what we're doing this. Here's what is expected of you in advance. Sadly, D'Angelo, you'll probably- I would have done my homework. This will speak more to the state of the Doughboys double, but you'll probably see a lot of best episode, best double ever tweets after this comes out. I love the musical portion. Wags, any takeaway from your day as me,
Starting point is 00:59:55 or I guess your few minutes of me where you played the song and it chipped? I will say it's interesting to kind of be in the passenger seat, to just sort of be like, okay, Mitch is going to drive this train and I'm just going to be over here and chime in. And it's kind of hard to get out of that mindset of, oh, now I got to steer this back on course. I think I probably did that a couple of times where I tried to get us back on topic. I think, well, look, the listeners will let us know.
Starting point is 01:00:28 But I was going to say, here's what I was going to say. I feel like I did that reflexively when that wasn't the purpose of this exercise. I probably could have been a little bit more, hey, I'm just kind of here. It's okay if we don't get back to cats. Wow, that's what he thinks of you. You're just kind of there. This is a fucking, just insulting me at the end of the episode,
Starting point is 01:00:49 you fucking piece of shit. That's not an insult. I should have just been a big dumb idiot chiming in whenever I wanted. I meant go with the flow. Be less, release some control. I got back into my controlling sort of ways. I feel like a couple of times during this episode. Mitch, I feel like the true Twisty Tuesdays,
Starting point is 01:01:10 now you have to write a well-researched intro about the chips. Tell us about Tomorrow War. Ashley, write it. Jen, do you have anything to plug, aka future credits? Well, I mean, gosh, I guess watch the Tomorrow War on Amazon July 2nd. You won't see my name anywhere on it, but I swear I worked on it. And Young Rock is on NBC.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Watch Young Rock. Hell yeah. Wow. Always were always so funny. One of the funniest, working on everything. Too many credits to name. You're working on everything and you're the best. Thank you for giving us this episode idea.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Oh my gosh. This was so fun. It's the best double of all time. We did it. In likes? Hold on a second. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:02:12 All right. And for my co-host, Nick, the Spoon Boy Mitchell. What do you say after that? Do you say I'm signing? I mean, I'm Mitch the Burger Man. Oh, OK. I mean, usually what I'll say until next time for the Spoon Man, Mike Mitchell, or whatever I'm calling you,
Starting point is 01:02:33 I'm Nick Weigher, Happy Eatin'. But that's a normal episode. Oh, yeah. OK. We kind of end doubles differently, but that's OK. We can do that. OK. It's part of the fun.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Until next time, for Nick the Spoon Boy Mitchell, I'm Mitch Weigher, Happy Eatins. Farewell. Perfect. Perfect. Awesome. I thought for sure you were going to play the Frasier theme song. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Hey, let's play it right now. Hey, baby, I hear the blues are calling, tossed salads and scrambled eggs. Quite stylish. And maybe I seem a bit confused. Yeah, maybe, but I got you pegged. Ha, ha, ha, ha. But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
Starting point is 01:03:31 They're calling again. Scrambled eggs all over my face. What is the boy to do? Frasier has left the building.

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