Doughboys - UNLOCKED! Where Everybody Doughs Your Name with Maggie Monahan

Episode Date: December 31, 2020

Unlocked and free for all! Maggie Monahan (Crossing Swords, Earth to Ned) joins the 'boys to talk about New England eats and watch the first episode of Cheers in the brand-new Doughboys Pilot Program....Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a free preview of The Doe Boys Double, our premium episodes available at slash Doe Boys. This is the first edition of Pilot Program, our recurring series where we review famous TV pilots. In this episode, we tackle Cheers with our friend Maggie Monahan. Enjoy! Welcome to Doe Boys Double, I'm Nick Weigher along with the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell, who is still in the City of Angels.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Your promised departure has not yet transpired, you are still on the left coast. Wow, sounds like somebody wants me gone. I don't want you gone, I don't care where you are honestly, it doesn't make a difference to me. We're doing everything through Zoom. Yeah, that's true, I'm still here, why, because I haven't left yet, a delay. You keep booking work that you can't leave, you want to leave LA and now all of a sudden you're getting these big Hollywood jobs you can't turn down.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Let's just say things for me this next year are going to get a little chewy. Oh man, what a big swing that would be if they reboot, Disney does the reboot and they're like we're getting rid of the tall Scandinavian guy we cast to replace Peter Mayhew, we're just using Mitch as himself, no makeup, no suit. And then Mayhew, who gave all the Star Wars sequels a hard time all these years. I get to take it, I would be on the wrong end of it. You'd get some backlash for once, or maybe people would love it. Or you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Maybe people would be like this is the Star Wars of old. Guess what you freaks, chewy would be good, I'd make it good. Chewy's already good, Chewy's not, if you have a problem with the new Disney Star Wars is Chewy's not the problem, Chewy's doing great. We got, yes I agree with you, Chewy's great, but I got some breaking chews, I mean we got to go over this, we have to talk about it quickly. That the Mexican pizza and shredded chicken are getting taken off the Taco Bell menu. Outrageous.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Everyone's texting me about it, everyone's upset, outrageous, I mean this is just, it's too much, this is the final straw Wigs, what the hell? Only truly baffling decisions from Taco Bell and it's parent company Yum Brands, no idea quite what they're doing, a rudderless ship, it's- A bridge too far. Like a fridge too far. What is a bridge too far, I mean does that mean the bridge went too long and then people driving off of it?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah, I think that's what it is, or it's too far away, you can't get there. Fucking crack. The Golden State Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, too far, that's a bridge too far, not making that drive. I agree with that, in the same state as it, too far. It's true. Well Mitch, our guests may have some opinions on this, I actually don't know, but we're thrilled to have-
Starting point is 00:03:27 Wait, I want to quickly say that we have to have a word for when it's tragic chews, you know what I mean? Doesn't tragic chews work? Yeah, I guess tragic chews it is. Breaking chews and tragic chews. There's breaking chews that our guests will like. Well, we'll see. Do your intro thing, Weiger.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Wait, what's this, there's positive breaking chews? Well, I mean, it depends, you might think it's tragic chews, well, Dano was just telling me about it. Okay, we'll get into this, we'll get into this now. She's a writer from Crossing Swords on Hulu and Earth Tened, which is now streaming on Disney Plus. Hi Maggie, Monahan is here. Hi Maggie.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Oh, thanks for having me. Thanks for being here. Thank you for being here. You are in New England right now. In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Wow. Wow. The Shrews.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Shrews. I don't know if anyone calls with that, but I thought I would give it a try. Well, Shrewsbury is a suburb of Worcester, which is in the heart of Massachusetts. Wow. Worcester, my sister went to Assumption College in Worcester. I know Worcester. Mm-hmm. I know Worcester well.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yes. It is, it is quite the city. I mean, now I feel like Worcester is a, it's been, it's gotten nicer, right? Like I feel like there's a. It's like a, like a really cool Korean restaurant that I went to and unfortunately like lots of stuff right now hit closed. So that would be sad chews, I believe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:02 That's tragic chews. That's tragic chews, yeah. But yeah, I've been pleasantly surprised every time I come home, they have a few more cooler things here and there and then also just like the classics too. So. Um, well. How about chews you can lose? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It's like, that's, that's so, like, I don't want to do anything with that. That's bad. That's chews I could lose. It sounds like, is that, was that, is that based on shoes you can lose? Is that based on something shopping wise? It's not, it seems weird. Well there's news you can use. So I was kind of doing a double pun of chews you can lose.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yeah. No, the double pun wigs. Okay. That's a bridge too far. You never, hey, you never, you never, you're never double pun it, babe. You say, you see, you hear that in act one and then in act three, someone finally double puns it and pulls it off. And that's what they say today.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Hey, babe. Hey, babe. Welcome to SNL. You never double pun it, babe. Oh, Dennis Miller. That was some of his sage advice in the 80s when he was, when he was, he went into the, did Miller go into the 90s? Did he get 1990?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Was he, I think he was. Yeah, he was in, he was still a, I think, I think in the early 90s and then, Kevin Nealon took over. Yeah. Kevin Nealon took over. That's right. I was trying to remember, think of who was between him and Norm. Kind of a forgotten weekend update.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Nealon was great. He was great. I liked Nealon too. Delightful. Delightful. Here's, look. Okay. What are you going to say?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Because I got to get to the breaking chews. I was going to, I wanted to talk about, Maggie, are you a Taco Bell fan at all? I'm not. I'm ambivalent. I'm embellavent. All right. That's good. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Wow. See, that's the single pun, Wags. That's how you do it. But unfortunately, Maggie, because of that, I'm going to have to make like AOL and goodbye. Mitch, you can't kick out our guests just for not liking Taco Bell. I'm just going to say, I'm going to wait for the rest of the episode. No, Maggie, please speak all you want. But what is the, so you know how I'm strong feelings about Taco Bell, then what is the
Starting point is 00:07:10 other bit of chews that we want to get to, Mitch? What's the other thing that we could maybe have a reaction to? I love Taco Bell just to be clear to everyone, but also I'm very upset about this news. It's bad news. Anyways, Daniel texted me this morning, 7.30 a.m., DD pushing stuffed cream cheese fucking bagels the size of Munchkins. Wow. My response, 11.22 a.m., that's an atrocity, I say.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Daniel says, I'm intrigued, oh God, Siri got in the way, Daniel says, I'm intrigued. That is what conservatives said about Munchkins, which made me laugh. And I said, I'm intrigued too. And I said, you know I'm intrigued, but he mentioned that DD knew stuff is usually bad, and I do agree with him that Dunkin' Donuts, when they have a new thing like that, it's usually not great. But I have had, after he told me this, I remember that I did have cream cheese stuffed bagels back when I was in Boston, like Munchkins size cream cheese stuffed bagels, and they
Starting point is 00:08:17 were good. I forgot the exact brand. I'll look at them. I think that was a Shark Tank product, if I remember. That's right. Is that why? Did I get them for my sister or something? I don't know, but I had them, and I liked them.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah, they're clearly very processed, but they're not bad. Are they frozen? How did they come? They come frozen, yeah. They come frozen, and then you toss them in the oven. I think that I had the Bantam bagels. Okay, yes, I think that is the Shark Tank product. Yeah, it's the same one that's in the Starbucks stores now, I think.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Oh, that's right, they have them in Starbucks, next to sous vide egg bites. Do you have the... Oh, do we eat them for the show? You did with Jessica Chaffin. Yes, we did eat them for the show. We did have them for the show. We're here fucking dumb. I just listened to that episode as I went for a bike ride and I listened to that episode
Starting point is 00:09:11 and it felt like this may be a part two to that episode. Wow. Can I ask you, did it make the bike ride feel longer? No, it was actually quite nice. It was distracting me from all of the Trump signs that I was biking. Oh, no. So it was like, there's good people, right? Wow, what the hell is going on in Shrewsbury?
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's that western, that western mass. I mean, even though Worcester is barely western. It's just old white people who have never seen anyone that doesn't look like them, except on the MTVs or something like that. Is that really, is that really, because people, people always give crap to Massachusetts, of course, because I'm the host of the podcast, but the one and only host. Weiger's kind of just like a guest every week. I start the show.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I introduce you. Anyway, mostly a democratic state. So that's a surprise to me that you're biking through a bunch of Trump signs. You'll run into that in rural California, which is as blue a blue state as they come. I mean, that's just an urban rural divide, which takes place in every state in the nation. Similar vibe, for sure. Well, I know the first thing, and first stop, I'm making when I'm back there. Shrewsbury Wags.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Oh, no, Mitch. It's clobbering time. Oh, OK, OK. What the hell did you think I was going to go celebrate? What the fuck? I thought you maybe thought Shrewsbury was a pie. There are excellent pies in Worcester. Wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:52 There's people top pies, and they make big pies, but they also make little single serve pies. And they're adult. I love those mini pies. Those are fun. I got a new first stop when I go back to Massachusetts. The pie factory. It's slobbering time.
Starting point is 00:11:10 They've already got your picture with a do not admit sign underneath it. I'm going to get under the conveyor belt. That's what they're worried about. Yeah, well, I mean, if they have pie runoff, I could help. Let's I want to go back to Dunkin Donuts because, you know, obviously a big New England chain. Maggie, do you have any particular fondness for Dunkin? I do. I mean, it's just like I'm sure with Mitch, too, just like growing up. It's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And I would be dragged to Catholic Mass at 7 30 in the morning. There would be donuts afterwards. Different families would take turns like bringing donuts for your, I don't know, your Christy brief. I don't know what it was. And I'm just like in high school, like the cool kids who had cars would get like an iced coffee, but it'd be in the winter time. So they get a styrofoam cup to put the iced coffee in because it.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But it was all just like cream and sugar and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I was like a big fan of the Dunkin Chino, a big fan of the white hot chocolate. Wow. And I don't think the coffee is good. Wow. Interesting. I I I I actually think that the I actually think the coffee is still like a it is it is one of the things that I think they actually still do.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Well, I think the donuts and the bagels can be. We've talked about this before. Can. Yes. Feel a little bit more processed than they once did. And can definitely go all over the place with quality wise. But I think that the I'm a I'm a Dunkin Donuts coffee. I'm a I'm a Stan Wigs. Well, you're not much of a coffee drinker, but if you get coffee,
Starting point is 00:12:57 Dunkin is what is your is one of your go-tos. Is it good that I use Stan now, probably two years after people started using it? Yeah, it's a useful marker for letting people know that you shouldn't say Stan anymore. I had a I actually do like Dunkin Donuts myself coffee myself as well. And I'm a big time coffee drinker. Hey, I've got a travel mug of Joe I'm sipping on right now as we record. And every morning for me.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And so I think Dunkin's pretty good. I think the regular coffee is pretty good. And I think it's them and McDonald's in the same way that they both have similarly good breakfasts. I feel like their coffee is the same sort of level at that price point. Everybody held up coffee when you did that, except me. I don't got a coffee. Yeah, you're not a big coffee drinker.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, but I like it. You know what I would hold up? You know, it was my old drink at Dunkin was a strawberry Kool-Ada. Now, what is the difference between Maggie just ood there? What is the difference between the Kool-Ada and the Dunkin Chino? The Kool-Ada is just like a slurpee. OK, got it. It's a it's just ice and whatever like juice and then
Starting point is 00:14:05 blend it up, you got it. You know, it'd probably be pretty good. I would be I mean, like. It's not really a smoothie. It is just kind of like but like marketed as kind of like a morning. Kind of a morning drink. I think it's just like, oh, it's a hot summertime. Get a Kool-Ada was kind of what what the marketing was on it.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I bet it was a predecessor of like the Starbucks Refreshers. Yeah, well, OK, yeah, it was a one. It was also I mean, like slurpee is basically kind of a good kind of a good description of it. But it it was high in calories and high in sugar. Yeah, just corn syrup. Yeah, corn syrup. I mean, bad for you. But it was they are tasty.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I mean, like that they were they were damn good. And when I was a kid and I'd walk down Dunkin Donuts with me and my buddies when I was probably like 12 or something. We get a bagel or a breakfast sandwich and a and a Kool-Ada. It was it was a dream, like now you just Kool-Ada, I assume, come. I mean, from your description, obviously comes cold. The Dunkin Chino, I think you can get hot or iced. Which direction do you go?
Starting point is 00:15:14 I I think I've only ever had it hot. But a Dunkin Chino is a half hot chocolate, half coffee. Oh, that's fun. And that's delightful. It's and also would would recommend making it at home for yourself. It's just like I mean, essentially, it's like a mocha. Right. There's something I think I don't hate Dunkin Donuts coffee, but there's other coffee I prefer more
Starting point is 00:15:40 because I like a really strong black coffee. Right. Whereas Dunkin Donuts is built to serve you cream and sugar and is a vehicle for those things in my mind. A great vehicle. Excellent. Like I or I wouldn't picked up my mom a coffee the other day and to get to say medium regular is like, who it's like, great, so much fun. The regular by default, it has cream and sugar in it.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I've I boy, I'm such I'm a very much. I generally take my coffee black like it like in pretty much all contexts. But I have had it with the cream and sugar at Dunkin because I know that's what they're known for. You'd have to say you I mean, I don't know if things have changed over. Over time, like things have changed over times. But the if you order a Dunkin, yes, it comes like medium cream and sugar, right?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Like, isn't it like two creams and two sugars, basically? Wow. Yeah. And did you have friends that worked at Dunkin Donuts growing up? Oh, yeah, my sister worked there for a short short a short time. She was all three of you knotted. Guess it's just such a ubiquitous thing in New England. Oh, yeah. It's like working at the grocery store or something.
Starting point is 00:16:53 It's the same like everybody's job in high school was Shaw's or Dunkin Donuts. With theirs, and but then I like really learned about like what everything went into it. But my friend Ryan worked at a Dunkin Donuts on Route 20, which is a major trucking route. But then it got bought or like subsidized by a in this chain called the sip and scratch. Hell, yeah. Because they sell lotto tickets.
Starting point is 00:17:22 OK. But it sounds just like. Yeah, it sounds disgusting. No, it's not a good idea. But no, on the money for what Dunkin Donuts is. There there was there was another coffee place called Coffee Break, which my sister loved, but then kind of like cooler, like kind of like more popular and like pretty girls worked there.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And so, you know, I'm not going to fucking waddle in there and order up a fucking big bagel and a coffee. You're describing some sort of like Hooters version of Dunkin. No, it wasn't. It was these are these were high school girls. I thought the way you you pitched it, I thought you were talking about them using sex appeal to sell. But that's not what was going on.
Starting point is 00:18:10 No, I was just saying that the popular pretty girls worked there. OK, just just by coincidence. Yeah, it wasn't a Hooters, you freak. Well, I didn't know. You made a point of describing the appearance of the employees. Then I said that the pretty Maggie, what were you going to say? There is a coffee Hooters in Massachusetts. Well, not Hooters, but it's called Mary Luz.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I know Mary Luz. And it is they they might not be as overt as Hooters, but they definitely use pretty girls to sell coffee. Yeah. Wow. They use Mary Luz. It's called Mary Luz. Hold on. I'm just going to Google this real quick. Well, well, well, well, well, well,
Starting point is 00:18:53 are you going to get out of here? He's got a plane ticket booked. He's going to be in Quincy before I am. Yes, to see all these high school. May I remind you all these high school women who work there? Well, Mary Luz, right? This is a different concept. Mary Luz also has a lot of it's usually young.
Starting point is 00:19:11 No, it's it's it's young. I mean, there are older women who work there too. But it is usually a lot of young kids. But Mary Luz opened. Mary Luz opened later. I was never I think I've been in the Mary Luz, but I've never I never really got Mary Luz. Wow. What do you say?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Hi, Anas. Why did you know hi, Anas? No, what is that? It's where you get the ferry to the vineyard. I'm scared now. It's very beautiful. You should go. Um, so pivoting from coffee. What are like what are the other Maggie?
Starting point is 00:19:53 What are your other some of your favorite New England eats? What are things chain or otherwise that make you think a home? Well, so one thing I've been a great summer beer that is not for everyone. And I know that is a Wachuset blueberry. Hmm. Wow. It is. I quickly may I quickly just say, why, why, why do you sit?
Starting point is 00:20:14 We've sang this on the podcast before. Why do you sit mountain, mountain skiing minutes away? Yeah, why do you sit mountain? Why is it just staring ahead? Do you know that it's not for it's not a Jingle. You know, I didn't grow up there. But is it is do you recognize that jingle, Maggie? Yeah, it's from Wachuset Mountain.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Wow. There's a Wachuset Mountain is connected to like so many other food things in and around this area because the Crowley's own Wachuset and the Crowley's also, I believe, are involved with Polar Seltzer, which is a big region. Oh, yeah. And it's now available in nationwide in the CVS in that I go to an L.A. Wow. Yeah, I've had Polar before.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's fine. It's just fine. Wait, hold on. What? I've had Polar before. It's just fine. It's just fine. Get the fuck out of here. I'm not saying that as a negative. I'm saying it's like it's just fine.
Starting point is 00:21:13 You drank it in my house, first of all. It's good. What do you want from me? In Quincy, Massachusetts. Probably when you were telling my mom that the bed was uncomfortable or some bullshit. This isn't even a bit. This is real. The bed, it's just it's not good. You live here.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Why do you remember this? I had to sleep in your childhood bed and it was a little uncomfortable. That's where I'm about to go sleep for a long time. You're going to sleep in your child. Like, isn't like a twin bed? No, it was a full. Oh, OK. It's probably fucking crusted over, I'm sure, after you were in there.
Starting point is 00:21:48 All right. It's I look, I would it was it was not the most comfortable sleeping arrangement. I would your it was very lovely of your mom to host us. But yeah, I did. I don't know. I wasn't complaining about it. I was just saying that you get the best night's sleep. He fucking let my mom know about it the next morning.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Fucking asshole. I don't stay in people's houses very often, OK? Well, fucking to learn to keep your trap shut, you fucking fool. Wait, so what where do we how do we get here? We were talking about something else. I'm about just a polar seltzer. Oh, yeah, polar seltzer. Yeah, so the route to my mom's.
Starting point is 00:22:35 She likes me. We had a lovely time. We had some nice conversations. Not anymore. She doesn't. Yeah, so polar seltzer. But but what else? What are some of the other New England faves? And then so another watch you sit product that I love and my family sends me all
Starting point is 00:22:54 the time is this brand of chips called watch you sit chips. You mentioned these in advance of the record. Very intrigued. I had I had time I would send you some. But I will bring some LA just for you to have. Wow. So they are a local thing. I think us maybe like owns the company now.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I think they got bought up. But the one that is like sense memory, like big time for me is the sour cream and onion comes in this bag that is like it just looks like someone designed it in the fifties and they never changed it. And like, oh, you know, it doesn't taste like real anything. But that just like powdery like chip that has ridges and it's excellent with any sandwich and recently my dad bought me some open them and then vacuum seal vacuum sealed them to take all the air out so he could get more in the box to mail me in LA.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Wow. Wow. They come in a bunch of different flavors. But like my family's crest, perhaps, perhaps, oh my God, perhaps should be that. And I actually had my we would have it at my grandparents' house every Saturday, we'd go over and like all my cousins, sandwiches, deli meat, and then we'd have these chips. So it's a very like nice kind of family thing. And I actually have.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Wow. I had someone paint a picture of the bag of chips for my dad. My grandma passed away not too long ago and it was just like a little like nice thing for him to have in his kitchen. I have it in my kitchen too. That's how much I love these chips. That's amazing. Yeah, I'll send you I'll send you guys the picture.
Starting point is 00:24:36 It came out beautiful. She did a great job. That's a that's a great tribute. And also, I don't have any sort of connection. Like maybe not to a food stuff. Like that seems as intense as that. Like a familial bond over over a chip brand. That's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, it's so local to like even my cousins. We went after we were spending a lot of time together. Everybody was in town after my grandma's funeral and like every family function we went to, everyone would make like buy those chips and bring them to them. So it was this kind of weird. Just just to be clear, they're UTS chips, correct? No, they're Wachuset. Oh, they're Wachuset chips.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Oh, wow. I don't even know Wachuset chips. I think they like, I mean, I've never seen them outside of Wester, probably like Wester County, but it's they're delicious and they're like, they're not, I don't know if they're good. I don't know if they're good, but to me, I think. Oh, seeing seeing the packaging, I definitely have had Wachuset chips. OK, yeah, very tasty.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And yeah, just they're they make me think of home and they make me think of lots of like fun times when I was a little kid. Based on your description, I'm certain they're great. And they're they're they're ridged, you're saying. Yes, like a ripple chip. They're bridged. I love I love a ripple chip.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Mitch, what are you? How do you stand on ridges? I'd give me the regular chip even though I, you know, ridges can be fun. Come on. You don't like ridges? Ridges are great. You know what? I just figured out. And this makes sense that I went to UTS. Wachuset is a it's a subsidiary.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, my God. Why can't I say anything? I'm a fool. Subsidiary. Subsidiary. Let's take this again and pretend it never happened. OK. Subs. Subsidiary.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Shut up, fool. Subsidiary. Yes, Mitch. Well said. So hold on. Wachuset chips are a subsidiary of UTS chips. Yes. Yeah, Maggie said that up top. And I think it's a.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Then I found nothing out at all. It's all right. And I just made a fool of myself. But, Mitch, I want to say this. This will interest you. Wachuset Potato Chip Company was originally founded in Clinton, Massachusetts. All right. Welcome to Clinton, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Oh, boy, Bill Clinton's here. Bill, you know, because it's your your namesake, I guess you might be have an interest in this particular town. That's right. I call it the Little Saint James of the Commonwealth. Oh, no. Oh, Mitch. Oh, Mr. Clinton, Mr. President. Oh, Mitch, why did you say that?
Starting point is 00:27:31 I was I was wondering if Mitch was around. Why did you say all that? Why did you why did you say that? Well, you went to the you went to the bathroom. I wanted you to come over here so you could see that President Clinton was paint was dropped into the studio. He's here. He sees it. He knows what's happening.
Starting point is 00:27:47 So, you know what? You know what I would do if I could redesign Massachusetts? What's that, Mr. President? I'd straighten out that tip of it. Make it a wrecked. Oh, boy. Cape Cod would be a rod, Cape Rod. Bill, that's that's far too horny.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, maybe maybe I'm being a little too horny this time. All right, see you later. OK, bye. Bye. Clinton is actually where my dad's side of the family is from. And like, wow, wow. My grandma grew up in a house that they somebody in our family built in like the 1880s in Clinton.
Starting point is 00:28:25 That's amazing. These people don't leave. My my my dad and my mom's family all from Quincy. Yeah. People stick or they stick around. Why they found heaven? Why leave? You know, same thing happens in Southern California.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Now you get three generations here. People love it. The weather's idyllic. They don't want to leave. Well, didn't didn't one of those generations walk it slowly in front of a train? That was in the 19th century and that was not in California. But yes, my great-great-grandfather did commit suicide by walking in front of a slow moving train in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers who all shouted no
Starting point is 00:29:05 in unison and then his obituary was written up in the St. Louis Post the next day. It's fucked up that I laugh at that. But then also he would have liked it. It seems like he has a better friend to attention whore. And Weigar is obsessed with chuchus. Maggie shared the the painting of the Wachuset chips as a sour sour cream and onion varietal with a little flour next
Starting point is 00:29:33 to it and a tabletop, a greatly great little rendering. We'll share this on our social media. And you have this hanging in your home. Yeah, it's done by this artist named Jillian Hunt with a G. And she I met her through my time and working in Hollywood. And yeah, I have at my house. My dad has one, too. It's just little chips make us think of our grand, my grandparents and lots of good
Starting point is 00:29:55 time. So I just I always look forward to getting them when I'm home. Wow, that rules out. And I'm going to have to get some Wachuset chips when I'm back. When I'm back east. Chuchus chips, Wachuset beer. Anything you want, Wachuset. I love it. Wa, wa, wa, wa, Wachuset's right, Mitch.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's right, Wags. I can talk the talk. So I want to say that North Quincy High School football when I played, we went to go to go back to high end as I was trying to find the score for a long time. But we went down to and played a barnstable and got our asses kicked. Just like I've said this before, but Wags, the first time I ever got in, did I ever tell?
Starting point is 00:30:45 Did I ever say this before? The first time I ever got into a scrimmage for North Quincy High School football? Like I came over. Yeah, is this is this is this is involved in assistant coach shouting something from the sidelines? Yeah, I guess I told the story. I've told too many stories on here. It's you know, it's what happens when you do a you do a podcast for long enough. You only have a deep enough well of stories.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Eventually you're going to start repeating yourself. Tell it again. Why not? It's fun. He's just in coach. Just I got into the game when the assistant coach yelled get Mitchell out of there. He's going to get himself killed, which I heard in the game as I was about to play. Did you get killed? Yeah, it was a Beetlejuice scenario, though.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I can't know what that's nice. I didn't realize you'd seen the other side. What was your school? What's North Quincy's mascot? Yeah. Oh, moving on. Well, this is breaking Jews. Why is the mascot's been changed? You know this? Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:46 We haven't talked about it. But the the Yak, it was the Yakku. It was the North Quincy High School Red Raiders. It was the Yakku. The Yakku was problematic. And so just recently, they updated the North Quincy Yakku. And I wonder if I can find a picture of here it is.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Here it is. This is on Boston. This is on in the Boston Globe. This is this is real news over there. Yes, this is this is this is real the real deal. They basically, as Mitch is sharing this, they basically made a took a pretty crude and offensive Native American caricature and retconned it into being a patriot. So basically, this is it now.
Starting point is 00:32:34 This is the Yakku now, but he was holding a hammer. He like was dressed as a I'm under if I can find the the old the old picture of him. But but the thing to me, that's funny. That's I mean, it's not funny, but it's basically like characters just dressed up in a new costume. They just changed his wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, it's like a different themed Barbie. He's so this is what it was. Here's here's here's a side by side. They yeah, not good. Oh, but that's Massachusetts for you. They're like, we're not going to change it. Wait, let's give him a different shirt.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Here it is. They they they lightened his skin up and I mean, this is just this is hard to talk about. This is bad news. Yeah, I honestly did not know any of this. Not not your fault. A big old beehive in Quincy, Massachusetts. It's it's it's it's Quincy's fault. I think if you bring up any high school mascot,
Starting point is 00:33:35 there's like a one in three chance of it being wildly offensive. Yeah, I that's interesting. So my Shrewsbury high school where I went is the Colonials. But I have t-shirts and stuff from high school still. And he is a scary looking white dude. He's like, wow, wow. That guy killed a lot of natives people. Yeah, as you know, just someone who's trying to like be more thoughtful.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And I'm like walking around LA wearing my like Shrewsbury Colonials thing. I was like, is that good? Like I'd be curious to think what you guys think because it's like, well, those are anyone who lived in the colonies for Colonials. But right. I just think animals, every mascot should be animal animals. Animals can't get mad. Animals just like turkeys, vultures.
Starting point is 00:34:28 They're only awful birds. It saves. That's all that's that's all you got to do. It's your your said. Hey, I was speaking to animals. We're talking high school mascots. My high school mascot, the Long Beach Polly High Jackrabbits. There you go. Everyone can enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Of course, fucking Jackrabbits. Let me share this image with everybody. Is it a jackrabbit? Humping the the knee of the other team? No, it's not Mitch. It's in a horny jackrabbit. Here we go. Jackrabbits are horny. All right. I just shared a Google search with you.
Starting point is 00:35:06 You can see this guy. He's he's he's kind of like a kind of Looney Tunes character to him. They've redesigned the logo since I've been there. He's wearing a Letterman's jacket. He's got a fucking Y's attitude to him. He's got a toad. He's like I'm a grumpy boy. I am a bad boy.
Starting point is 00:35:22 All right, if that's what you mean, then yes, I absolutely relate to this bad boy. Yeah. Yeah, this, honestly, I didn't realize right until now, but the old school Shrewsbury High School Colonial. What's his name? Edward James, almost.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Wow. Why is I'm looking at the the motto of the Paul and we fucking we suck, but we don't suck like that. Yeah, but it's in Latin. So you kind of butchered. Street in the translation, it sounds a lot less elegant. We're looking at the colonial now.
Starting point is 00:36:00 The colonial. This this looks like that. It's the the styling of the old school Tampa Bay Buccaneer logo. You know what I'm talking about where it was just it was a little bit more hand drawn. I feel like that his hat is too heavy. It's basically an early helmet. It almost it almost makes sense. He is a little scary, but he's he looks a little like the Quaker Oatman.
Starting point is 00:36:23 The great. So the version I have on my t-shirt, it must have been like a short lived version, because this is the version that's been around since like the seventies, like that's been around forever. So I don't know, but he's very, I don't know, I'm just scared of him. And for me, any menace just comes more from what he represents. Like this guy in of himself just looks like a normal guy. But then when you actually think about it, then yeah, I 100% get that.
Starting point is 00:36:58 But hey, speaking of all this New England talk, Mitch, we got to get into our topic for this episode, a show set in New England, set in the city of Boston. Wow. Cheers. It's the first edition of This Is Your Idea, Mitch, the Doe Boys pilot program. Doe Boys pilot program. You are now free to lie above your couch, couch tree. So you came up with this idea.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You had ample time. You knew we were going to do it. You had ample time to come up with a catcher raise. That's what you landed on. You are now free to lie about your. You're now free to lie about your. Just say subsidiary again.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Subsidiary, subsidiary, strategy. So this is this is a periodic thing we'll be doing on the on the Doe Boys double where we will be watching a pilot for a I don't know. Maybe some will be heralded shows. Maybe some will be long running shows. Maybe some will be pilots that never got greenlit. Who knows who knows what the future holds,
Starting point is 00:38:02 but we're starting with this is exciting. Well, it's exciting. It's a great premise. It's a good idea. It could be a pilot. This could be a podcast in and of itself. First of all, someone probably already does it, actually. I pitched the pilot program forever. Yeah, I said, Doe Boys pilot program.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You fucking pushed it off forever. Your piece of shit. You never want to do it. I was down to do it. Then just this week, you said, how about the Doe Boys pilot program two days ago? And I said, sure. So I didn't have time to fucking come up with the slogan. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I'm not solely responsible for scheduling these episodes and deciding what goes what the premise is. Oh, please. This is a collaboration. You fucking love to you. You love to be in control, Wigs. I we we share control. You're a regular Diane. I'm not. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:38:55 I'm no Diane. Oh, you're a hundred percent Diane. If I'm a Diane, then you're the Sumner. Ugh. So the pilot for Cheers is Give Me a Ring Sometime. That's the official title directed by James Burroughs, written by Glenn and Les Charles, who won an Emmy for the script for this episode and premiered September 30th, 1982, just days before a new born Mike Mitchell.
Starting point is 00:39:19 That's right, squirmed out of his mommy's womb and into our world. Well, I want to watch Cheers. That's all I came out. I already missed the first episode. I was pissed off. Stop crying, son. DVRs don't exist yet, but it'll rerun someday. So the I mean, we should we should just we should honestly start with the Cheers
Starting point is 00:39:43 theme. I mean, there's just like maybe the best theme in all of TV and all of TV. I mean, what's better than the Cheers theme? I think Golden Girls and Cheers are really right on the same level. Wow. Golden Girls is very good. They're absolutely right. They're they're both there. They're they're neck and neck. I mean, I like the Simpsons theme too.
Starting point is 00:40:03 That's a good one. Very bombastic, a different sort of vibe. But but Cheers is just so great and it's such a mood. And I think it's also just a song that stands on his own on its own and does not need any sort of association. You know, it's not like just nostalgia for the thing you're about to watch. It's just legitimately a good song. Let's play some of this.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Taking your way in the world today. It's everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries. Sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Oh, there's the wrong one. The check is in the mail. I know this part.
Starting point is 00:40:53 It's a cat up by the tail is the full song. You learn fiance didn't show. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Got it so good. And they're always glad you came. You want to be where you can see. Troubles are all the same. The top comment on that YouTube video was who else came here from the Applebee's ad?
Starting point is 00:41:26 I guess people now only know this year's theme via an Applebee's campaign. Christ, it's depressing. Anyway, so just a great theme song. I'll just say this, watching this pilot, which I must have seen at some point in the past, but I just had been so long and I'd never really watched it. It's just like, I'm just going to watch this as a pilot. Aside from how efficient it is at giving a bunch of exposition and backstory, I was just like, it just made me want to hang out in a bar.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I was like, man, fuck, I'm really pining for that experience, not getting drunk, which I can sadly do on my own in my own apartment. But just like the experience of being like in this place with other people, not even necessarily people I know, but just like being around that vibe, that energy of like the low key dive bar, it's just like, I was really craving that. So the cold open is as you know, you say we should start with the intro, which is amazing and that intro is fantastic. And also the images that go with the intro just it works so well.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's just the perfect intro, but that cold opens really good. That kid, that kid is a pretty good actor. The kid who tries to come in and get a beer is just a funny little segment and you're off and running just like a self-contained little joke. It's it's like the kind of thing that you'll see in, you know, sometimes the Sunday comic in the newspaper where I'll have those those two panels in advance, that's just its own isolated joke. So that's kind of what it feels like.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You're saying how I was born, the kid who's in there, his ID says he's 38, the young kid, which I'm about to turn. Wow. And he was born in 44, which makes me think so. 82 is now today's 44, which is insane. No. Yeah, he was born in 44. That sounds that sound does not sound like the same amount of time.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I guess it is brain, brain breaking math. Wags. It really is. I love that cold open so much. It's really good. When I was I went to school in Boston, not at Harvard. I went to Emerson, but with lots of other folks. But oh, yeah, I'm a I'm a did a shimmy, as you said that. And but we went to this bar one time and my not 21 year old friend said to the
Starting point is 00:43:42 waitress, can I have a beer, please? That's it. Not specified any kind. Please. And she was like, can I see your ID, please? I dropped it and like walk just left. But it was like, yeah, that's you would be like, have you ever ordered a beer like that? Right.
Starting point is 00:44:04 A beer. How old they were, 18? My friend. Yeah, he's probably like 19 or 20 or something. Oh, wow. You do see that, though, in movies sometimes where it's like the non-specific order where they're just like, like, you know, like, give me a beer or like whiskey. You know, I mean, it's just like and it's it's and then they'll just get it and they'll they'll like it won't be they won't ask
Starting point is 00:44:27 how like how much it costs or anything. There won't be any of the interactions that take place in normal transaction. I'm starving. Can I get a meal? Thanks. You can move these in TV shows. It's so that they're not like giving free advertisement to make sense. They can't be like, I'll have a course like or whatever. So that's what people learn.
Starting point is 00:44:47 You at a bar, you say, hello, one beer, please. Right. Unless you're watching pixels where they make a point of ordering Crystal Skull Vodka because that was part of the cost of Dan Ackroyd appearing in the movie. Anyway, the kid that you meet, he's he's he's a good he's a good he's a good reminder, Gadfux, Gadfux, Kuberton pixels. The Charles, the Charles brothers.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That's true. And and and I know this. The Charles brothers, the Charles brothers and boroughs, boroughs is still going, right? Doesn't he still? Yeah, they were longtime collaborators and boroughs. I think, you know, maybe the most esteemed of all TV directors, certainly among multicam directors.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, they had a long running collaboration. I it's it's all it did go on, Mitch. No, just boroughs is still working in the in the industry today, which is crazy. I mean, yeah, I don't know why he'd even want to. But he still he still does it. And he's yeah, he just I was going to say he's still considered a legend. But why? Because I got a question for you right off the top at the top.
Starting point is 00:45:53 And please Maggie, you as well. But are you a Diane Stan or a Rebecca checker? I always, you know, here, Rebecca was a Kirstie Alley character who appeared in later seasons after the actor who played Diane left to pursue other things. I I always just because of where it hit me in the age and when it was airing, I watched more of the Kirstie Alley episodes. So I guess I probably lean more Rebecca. But you know, when I watch an older chairs, I'm like, I'm like, oh,
Starting point is 00:46:29 Diane's character is really good. Yeah, it's funny. She's great. What's what's the actor's name? I've been on in front of me. Shelly Long. Yeah. Shelly Long. That's right. Shelly Long. Yeah. Shelly Long is great. Well, you know what? I think this is maybe the only episode of chairs I've ever seen. But I've seen it multiple times.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Wow. The only episode you've seen. Only episode I've ever seen. Wow. Because they use this pilot at film school as the pilot. Yeah. Excellent in terms of character entrances and exposition and. Yes. Every every every character, every character just comes in and then it's it's crazy that you know you they come in, they're established and then that's what their their character is for a decade.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That's their characters is that way for the next decade. I mean, obviously they change in different ways or whatever. But right off the bat, it's fucking crazy. And it's I mean, it rules. It's it's it's fantastic. It's efficient. And there's a kind of thing where if you know the way like Carla, for instance, is introduced, if you could make that like a little bit more clunky and hamfisted
Starting point is 00:47:40 and it would just feel like, all right, you're just dumping exposition in my lap. But they it's like it's it's written elegantly enough where it doesn't feel like just an exposition dump. Coach rules. Yes. It was it was funny to hear him talking about a time when the Patriots were like known to kind of suck. Though they do that they would go to the Super Bowl a few years later for the Super Bowl shuffle and get destroyed.
Starting point is 00:48:04 But these are like the Steve Grogan years, which in Grogan was was was is like the second or third best third best quarterback. And I'm sure people have a lot of thoughts on that in Patriots history. But they talk about the Patriots. That's like a whole part of the plot line is them talking about how whatever they drafted, they drafted a linebacker and the linebacker is the team is going to suck or whatever. So it's it's funny to hear that different time likes.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Maggie, are you a Pats fan? I am, unfortunately, like it's kind of like yeah, I'm like, I have you know, I have Pats swag and I I like I think it's just the cognitive dissonance of this is where I'm from. This is my team. Who am I? Who else am I going to root for? But like, God damn it. Oh, like just every time.
Starting point is 00:48:55 But I was really happy to hear that Jessica Chaffin had a great Julian Edelman story because I have a good Julian Edelman. Wow. Please share it. Well, unfortunately, I wasn't there. But my boyfriend was working on a like a Puma shoot or something where they Julian Edelman was the model and he said he brought we have we have a football that we would like throw around because I like to do sport sometimes. And he it disappeared.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And then he came back and he brought me back a football that Julian Edelman signed. And he said Julian was so nice that like a lower person on the totem pole at the shoot. And somebody else went over and said, hey, man, would you sign my hat? And Kevin said, oh, yeah, he I told him you're a big fan. And so I have a a football that says got to believe and he Kevin said he was just like so nice and so gracious and, you know, wasn't bothered at all because, you know, he's working. And so just, yeah, made me really, really happy to know that, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:06 taking time out of the day for the little people. That's that's great. Also, this is a great transition into Sam. Sam sounds Sam is first of all, Sam is cool as a cucumber. You can accuse him, baby, being a little bit of a cadwags. Right. I mean, he's a little bit of a horny. He's a lady. He's horny. He's a ladies man, but then also like he has tumultuous relationships.
Starting point is 00:50:30 He's getting himself in trouble. Right. Played by Ted Danson. But Ted Danson and he's he's so much here and it's really it reflecting in the lights with today's new HD, today's new HD TVs. What am I fucking 70 years old? I tell you, I'm a stand for today's new HD TVs. His hair is really browned up.
Starting point is 00:50:56 You can see it in the lights. It's very brown. But man, just the coolest, the coolest guy there. He's cool as hell. Have you ever bartender that? No. I mean, I've never I mean, like I've met cool bartenders. Have I? There are a couple of birds bartenders back in the day who are great.
Starting point is 00:51:14 There's been some cool bartenders. How about Emma Erdbrink, huh? She's pretty cool. Emma, Emma is, Emma is one of the coolest bartender. Sorry, Emma. You lose to Sam. Fair enough. I'll take that. Sam is the coolest bartender of all time.
Starting point is 00:51:34 He's a and he's also a former Red Sox. He's got a bar in Boston. He's a former Red Sox reliever. I mean, this guy rules. He's he's also kind of like. He's kind of like an also like an open and even though he's a ladies man, he's like an open and nice guy to a lot of people. He's listens to people. He's great.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Sam's great. Sam is good. Yes. Just another bit of character detail. He's a recovering alcoholic who's been sober for three years as of the pilot. Yeah, a little bit of a wider detail. So I'm not recovering. So the only things that I thought that Cliff was maybe like the most not fully formed and maybe he was kind of this.
Starting point is 00:52:22 And I don't know. I feel like I've read about it, but I don't know that Cliff was a was he originally just a guest star and then he stuck around because there's another guy. There's another guy that they're like, see you later, Ron. And I'm like, poor Ron didn't stick around. Ron, Ron does not make it. Yeah, Cliff. Cliff was the idea was Norm was going to be kind of like the central regular and then it ended up being Norm and Cliff as a duo.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And then from what I read, Cliff was part of, you know, him and then Ron. And then a third character who you see in a couple of wide shots. But all of her lines were cut was the the older woman in the wheelchair. As she apparently also was was a was a regular. And then her like like her character and then Ron kind of like ended up not being not sticking around. But Cliff and Norm were fixtures, obviously. And I also think that there's like there's a couple of moments in it where
Starting point is 00:53:09 there's like from that Diane has like a couple of like good grief moments where it's almost like there's one where she almost looks directly into camera, which is kind of but but weirdly one of the only dated things in it. And like in something that like you don't really know cheers for anyways. But there's one where she kind of like looks right. But there's fantastic jokes. That was I think Shelley Long had a very like theatrical kind of acting style opposed to everybody else who is very like natural.
Starting point is 00:53:37 You know, of course, like had their beats for jokes and stuff. But she was like, I'm just here with my fiance. He is a professor. That acting style was a little like like just it felt really theatery. Like right. Yes, I think that her origins, her origin story works for me. Like the fact of like, oh, that's that's like an interesting fun way to get her into the show. But I agree with you that like there is like a lot of black. I mean, and obviously the whole the whole set feels kind of like a like a theater
Starting point is 00:54:11 set, which is a great thing about it. But she definitely feels like a black box one person show at some point. One thing I had to mention about the logic of the plot of so she's she's getting stood up and left by her fiance. And so at the end, she's like, OK, it's like a romantic storyline. And then she's like, but no, I need a job. But yeah, yeah, T.A. You you're a grad student, right?
Starting point is 00:54:41 You don't you're not just a T.A. So I was like, she would just be like, we were dating and we broke up. So can I be someone else's T.A. But they're right to her neck. Like it's totally a different story. OK, like they just kind of adjusted it to be like I'm his assistant or something. Yeah, yeah, it's not it's not a lot doesn't logically quite line up. Maybe back in 1982, though, like the fucked up world of she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:55:07 I was dating him and then he like left me and they're like, well, you're no longer allowed to work here. Yeah, that the fucked upness of the of the 80s maybe would would be an issue. But or I'd buy that she just like couldn't she couldn't bear to be around it or something. I want to just go over a few a few jokes that I thought were were great. So there's a joke where Ted dancing gets a call and basically he's trying to say he went out for a haircut.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yes, he walked out for a haircut and he mimes all of it. And then Diane says he went to mime school and I thought that was funny. Yeah, she's making excuses for him on the phone and he's visually he's silently communicating what he wants her to say. And then here's another one that I liked. Well, first of all, the first norm is very intense, by the way. They're like, oh, they like really they really fucking
Starting point is 00:56:05 yellow, it seems it feels like they got into their groove later. But the sweatiest movie conversation was good. I liked that quite a bit. And then the joke that I thought was fantastic was the novel joke. Where coach has been working on a novel for six years and she said, oh, you're and then Diane says, you're oh, you're writing a novel. And he says, no, I'm reading one, which I thought was just great.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I really liked Rhea Perlman when she says, like, I love to see a woman who's not afraid to take her luggage out for a drink. Yeah. I I love mean Boston waitresses. They're the best. Rhea Perlman is is is I mean, there's so many great people on the show. And so it feels like all of them are kind of unsung because like, you're always jumping around to the next one.
Starting point is 00:56:55 But yeah, this is before we even got there's no Frazier and no Woody yet. Because no Frazier passed away. Coach passes away about four or five seasons into the show and Woody comes in and Woody and Woody's Woody is great for like a replacement character. Woody's Woody's character. I felt like and maybe I'm misremembering it. I'm going to look it up now, but I felt like that I thought coach the actor who played coach died a little sooner than that.
Starting point is 00:57:23 But maybe it was four to five seasons in. Anyway, maybe yeah, it might it might have been something like that. But anyway, he's he's great and is his character game, if you want to call it that. Yes, and is that he is he's like very forgetful. He's like kind of go like, you know, like losing it a little bit. And so he, you know, the speaking of the coach joke I like is when they call and they ask for Ernie Pantuso on the phone.
Starting point is 00:57:52 He answers the phone. They're like, is Ernie Pantuso there? And he he asked around the room, is there any Pantuso here? And then Sam is like, that's huge. That's you coach. And then he's like speaking. I was like, that's fun. That's a good joke.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Yeah, I really enjoyed that. I was very delightful. So the plot basically is that Sumner Sloan, the we talked about how Diane is a is a TA and the professor Sumner Sloan, they're going to elope together, which and he's clearly much older than her, like 20 years older than her is going to get a ring from the ex from his ex-wife so that he can give it to her. And then in in so doing ends up reconciling with his ex-wife and and and
Starting point is 00:58:35 Diane is left out to on her own. But this is a real like it is it is a thing where like that that element, I feel like it would not be in or if it was in a show to these days, it'd be like, hey, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you dating your your professor who's fucking 25 years older than you? Yeah, he's a sociopath. Like, yeah, he's right. He's fucked up. He's still married.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Right. They were about to go get married. Yes. Diane and Sumner were about to go get married. He was like, could you imagine if you're like going over your exes to be like, hey, I just kind of come grab this thing. And then you call your new person to be like, actually, we're back together.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah. That guy is crazy. Yeah, that guy is crazy. And you're right. It is. It's his ex-wife. But I will say this. Sam really calls out. He's like, I don't like that guy. Sam says he doesn't like that guy. He calls it out, which is good.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And Sumner is a villain. Do we never do we we don't ever see Sumner again, do we? He I think he comes back in a couple of random episodes over the course of the series, but he's not like a regular character or anything. Is this a real but this is exactly what David Brooks did with his the New York Times columnist. This is exactly how he met his his wife, who's like 20 years younger than him. She was his assistant.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And then he'd left his he left his wife and then started dating this like college student, God, and he writes he writes all this stuff like like he writes all of he's just like very conservative and writes about morality all the time. Piece of shit. Anyway, it's very annoying. David Brooks sucks. I was just going to ask you what do you it should grad students be allowed to date professors? I don't have a strong opinion either way, but I think it's
Starting point is 01:00:20 pretty dicey. I mean, I guess you're I guess at that point you're maybe old enough, but it is still like a power dynamic there. It's a power dynamic. I don't know. It's weird. It's why Wigs and I, when we started this podcast, we vowed to never date each other. Yeah, guys cover it back. So Diane, like you were saying, the the plot of Diane losing her job.
Starting point is 01:00:46 It all comes back when when Diane memorizes this drink order, which Nick instinctively instinctively memorizes the drink order, which is it is a laughable moment, but Nick, I think that we should drink every drink that she memorized for a double. I think we should drink each one Christ. We'll get fucked up. It's like seven drinks. Yeah, baby. Wine spritzers. It's just like would give you heartburn.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah, we'd throw up definitely. But also I don't have like a vodka gimlet and then an Irish coffee. Just throw up. I'm going to see I'm going to I'm going to say the drink order. I'm going to see I want to see. I want to see if I'm I wonder if I can find it. But I want to see if anyone can repeat it back.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I'm never going to be able to find there's no way there's no way we're going to be able to do this even though we're going to be able to repeat it back. All right, well, then, then, no, why extend never mind. It's off. Weird that Shelley Long or answered the phone at the bar. Yeah, that was a little crazy. Like I was at a restaurant and I heard a phone and I was like, I guess I'll answer it.
Starting point is 01:01:59 There's a lot of stuff in this that I think maybe we watching it now are like the old days were so crazy, but I think that would have been weird in 1982. I think so, too. Yeah, it's not like writing a check at the grocery store. It's like that. No, this is legitimately an odd thing to do in any scenario. It's not your business. She's so high anxiety.
Starting point is 01:02:21 She has to get a phone at a bar. It's so funny. And everyone wants to pretend that they're not there. So like families are calling the bar all the time. Yeah. It's I mean, look. We should we should we should we should rank the pilot. I want to say that after I watched this, I watched
Starting point is 01:02:41 the closing five minutes of the cheers finale, which I've seen. And I'd seen the pilot before, too, just to be clear. And I'd seen the finale before, too. But man, the finale made me cry. It's such a beautiful. Yeah, Norm come. Norm is the last one to have a drink with in the bar. He said beer norm and he's and Norm says, why not?
Starting point is 01:03:01 And he has a beer with Ted Danson with Sam and then Sam straightens out a picture in the bar, which was like a picture that represented coach. It's a very and I was I was I was tearing up. Why is yeah, it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a fantastic. It's a fantastic show. Great, great opening, great closing. There's one last guy who who knocks on the door at the end of the finale. It should have been the kid who was trying to get a drink.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Oh, that would have grown up now. Your book ended. I don't think anyone would remember that. Yeah, yeah, probably not. But why? Because we should review this, right? Like this is before TV was on DVD or streaming or anything. So I think people just like forgot like old episodes. Yeah, and maybe and you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:44 Maybe it's better that maybe it's better that they didn't do that. That sucks, actually. I can't find the order because if you search cheers with and drink order, it's like saying like cheers, like enjoy. Enjoy. Oh, yes. So it's it's basically impossible. But we should review this in some sort of pilot or airplane scale likes. Oh, that's how the pilot program.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Who cares? Yes, I like if we're going to a pilot program is going to be a recurring thing, I like some sort of some sort of airplane. All right, metric. How about you do class so you do like economy? Wow. Oh, this is great. I would say I would say first class and then I would say above first class, you should be like private jet or private flight. All right, so it won't be a 9-11 ranking.
Starting point is 01:04:40 No. This is probably in slightly better taste. But if so, cheers get zero. Oh, let's yeah, let's do I like that a lot. I like that a lot. But then again, don't we want to dynamite? Don't don't we say but don't we say fuck you to the first classers to even though now I fly first class because I'm too fat.
Starting point is 01:05:01 We also say fuck you to the people on private planes. But, you know, you know, that's also that's living. Let's get private planes out of the way. Lay off, buddy. Oh, Bill. Yeah. Bill, are you taking the Lolita Express from Clinton, Massachusetts to Little St. James?
Starting point is 01:05:22 It was left in my will. Yeah. From one little St. James to another. Ha, ha, ha, ha. You did the Woody Woodpecker laugh. Did I do that? Now he's doing Urkel. Bye. All right, he's gone. All right, let's let's let's let's let's let's economy,
Starting point is 01:05:43 economy plus even more leg room. Or first class. Oh, wait, well, there's business. I mean, status to a business class. Is that still business class first class business class. And then Delta one. All right, Delta one is the is the top is the best. First class will be the best.
Starting point is 01:06:10 OK, here we go. First class business class economy plus or coach. This is a this is first class show all the way. Why is come on, it's a first class pilot. Yeah, it's really well done pilot. No, no way. There's a lot of great jokes established in the characters. First class first class for me as well.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I concur. This is a first class pilot. First class first rate. Have you never seen it? Maybe give it a watch. Maybe you also want to watch more cheers. And maybe, hey, we know we got some some younger listeners who maybe aren't as familiar with this program, but I think if you watch this and and understand the time period, it's still like just a really well made half hour of TV.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Check it out. So I got to ask Maggie and Weiger. Maggie, you said that you this is basically the only episode you've seen and why I'm not sure how much of cheers you've seen. Have you seen a lot or no? I've seen most of it. I mean, this was I'm old enough where it was on at in my like my parents watched it when I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:07:11 So I absorbed a lot of it. You know, you were at the celebration for the for the final episode, right? I do remember my parents watching the final episode live. I remember seeing it. I remember I remember the final episode was especially in Boston was like a like especially a big celebration and they were there and they were like the banks, right? They were they were they were they were like shooting champagne out.
Starting point is 01:07:36 They were like in the building above the bar. I think is the bar is the bar is basically on like like a first floor and then there's stairs that go down, right? Emma, I've been I've been one to the I went to the actual cheers bar. The Bullen Finch, the Bullen Finch. I went I went there like once maybe in my entire life and then I went in a brownstone, but it's like downstairs on the corner, kind of.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Yeah, it's it's been a it's been a very long time. When I went when I went to when I was going to be you for summer class, Wags, which was a film class, I'd always on my way back, I'd always drive by the Bullen Finch. But but it's that's still open. But the the the one in Faneuil Hall, they've they just decided to close and I just went there with Micas this last year.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Wow, we had we had a beer and we had a beer in the cheers bar, but they're closing that one, which is which is sad because it's kind of like the city walk version. And so that's that's closing down. But is there and but will the original stay open? Yes. Yeah. I think it's like a it's like a bubblegum shrimp company. That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Because it is late. It's called cheers now. But like I mean, I I used to my cheers was this bar across a common of the Boston Common called the Tam. Have you ever been to the Tam? I have been to the Tam. Yes, Weiger has also been to the Tam. I've been to the Tam.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yes, you went to the Tam. When did I go to the Tam? When we were when we did the show in Boston. Remember, it's the place that we were standing out in front of. We went in there and had drinks after one of the shows. Huh, you guys at the Wilbur. Where were you? Yeah, yeah, right next to the Wilbur.
Starting point is 01:09:17 But the Tam was like my college Boston bar where it was like the bartender Lynn was drunker than you and she's like, hi, sweetie. And then she would pour you drinks that were so strong that I would be like, can you put more soda in this? Yeah. Wow. Be drunk college kids and like leave or like forget backpacks and like stuff and call them the next day and be like, hey, is my backpack at the bar? And they're like, yeah, honey, we open at 10.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Come get it. Why is this? Does this does this do you remember this at all? Mitch is sharing his screen with pictures of the Tam. And we went in here and we walked down and we sat in this back area here. You don't remember this? There was no there was no people in it. So maybe there were no.
Starting point is 01:10:07 It's just like sticky, sticky. There's a downstairs somewhere. But it was that was like and there's big buck hunter in the back. There you go. Yeah, that was I that the Tam has closed, which I'm very it like closed like suddenly one day and all the regular I didn't know about it, but that that was like a very had a vibe to it that I think that the cheers bar is trying to emulate.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Wait, you're saying the Tam is closed now? The Tam closed. What? When? Like a year or two ago. We were we were there just last year. Let me see, because it was like all of my my college friends were all like, oh, my God, the Tam closed. I mean, it may have been one of another
Starting point is 01:10:50 unfortunate unfortunate quarantine casualty. OK, let's see. Wait, wait. This says. But oh, OK, the Tam appears to have closed, but only temporarily. Ah, OK. Wow, it's still good. We we we we were there and I feel like people were like a given wagger trouble out in front of it, which also makes sense.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Well, what were you looking at them or something? Yeah, why are you looking at all? Hey, buddy. Boston people are awful. I honestly have no memory of any of this. I don't remember anyone getting me any guff. Dear Lord, dear Lord, did you just black out the entire fucking Jesus?
Starting point is 01:11:31 It's a long tour. That was a tail end of it. Hey, that's the Tam is Maggie's cheers. Let us know what yours is on social media. Hashtag cheers to me. I know what your local bar is. I also want to let it be known that wise, you remember this, that I that I worked on a I was working on a pilot.
Starting point is 01:11:49 This is like coach working on his novel. We're just yes, but I for cheers to remember. I was writing your cheers to idea. Spelled T. O. O. Yeah, and it was the gift shop of cheers. And then there were people just hanging out drinking in it. But Maggie, as someone who's just seen the pilot, are you Emma Weigher doesn't remember Emma's back.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Weigher doesn't remember being at the Tam. I don't know if Weigher actually came to the Tam. Did he go home or something? Maybe he just went home to bed. Because that was was that the last I think that was the last night of tour. And actually Mitch and I closed it. They kicked us out. Yeah, I went home.
Starting point is 01:12:26 That's what it was. Yeah, you were the one misremembering it. Yeah, I don't think Weigher came because Natalie was there. Oh, sorry. I think we went to that bar across the street first and we were it was a bunch of us there and then we went to the Tam after that. I remember the one across the street. Yeah, Weigher came across the street, but then he didn't come to the Tam.
Starting point is 01:12:42 By the way, who blacked out now, Mitchell? Well, first of all, we did shut it down. So I so I probably was blacked out. If we were if we were shutting the Tam down, I probably was blacked out. But also Weigher, you didn't join us. That's the issue. You went home. You lose her. There are very I went to the Tam all the time in college and there are very few nights I remember leaving the Tam.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Jesus Christ, my God. And left my backpack at the Tam and called them the next day and was like, is my backpack there? And they're like, come get it. They're the best. I tried to get a bartending job there. And I was like, do you guys hiring bartenders? And she was like, it's just me and my husband. And that's it. I was like, so no.
Starting point is 01:13:20 OK, cool. But it's a great bar. I love that place. Now, so one last question before we wrap it up. And why is we going to get you to the Tam, I guess next time we go back? I guess. Will you watch more Cheers? Why is he already saying it? Will you revisit Cheers? Maggie, will you watch it? I think so. It's great comfort food for me.
Starting point is 01:13:38 I was like, I was reminded of that. And I was like, oh, yeah, this is fun. But I don't know, Maggie, what do you think? Yeah, I mean, especially right now when I don't want to go to a bar and I'm scared to go to a bar like to have a beer and feel like you're in a bar. What a great time. Like, yeah, absolutely. And also, it's like it is so fun.
Starting point is 01:14:00 And all these actors are so great that I just love to to to take a little trip. And there's so many seasons. So hell, yeah, I would definitely do it. Well, there you go. Maggie Monaghan, thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for watching the Cheers pilot with us. Anything thanks for sharing all your thoughts and memories about what you said ships, which I'm very excited to try in the future. Anything you would like to plug at this time?
Starting point is 01:14:25 Just crossing swords. Season one is on Hulu. Awesome stop motion animated show. It's very gross. It's very fun. And then, of course, where Nick and I work together, Earth to Ned on Disney Plus. Wow, check that out. I also, I want to say I was going to say, shout out your social media, but you're not on you're not on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I like, I don't know. My mental health is awesome. I was going to say a hero, a hero. It's much better judgment than me. I really I couldn't do it. And my Instagram is private, so don't even worry about it. Crossing swords on Hulu, Earth to Ned on Disney Plus. Maggie, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And hey, hey, Nick, a successful pilot program, a successful pilot for the pilot program. And Nick, dough boys were everybody. I couldn't think of a I couldn't think of a joke. Why did I try everybody does your name? Where everybody does your name upon. There you go. He did it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:15:29 It should have been a double pun. This should have been the double pun that worked. Yeah. Oh, well, close enough. Yeah. And hey, to take us out. Why not? Once more, the legendary theme song from Cheers, you motherfucker. Yeah, I knew it.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Hey, baby, I hear the blues are calling Toss salads and scrambled eggs, quite stylish. And maybe I seem a bit confused. Yeah, maybe, but I got your pegs. But I don't know what to do with those Toss salads and scrambled eggs. They're calling again. Scrambled eggs all over my face.
Starting point is 01:16:15 What is the boy to do? How are we going to listen to the whole thing? Frazier has left the building. On the next dough boys double, we discuss New Year's resolutions and consume those chip like objects that come in tennis ball cans. Pringles. Once you pop, can you really not stop? We'll find out as we bring in the New Year.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Get the dough boys double every Tuesday only at slash dough boys.

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