Doughboys - Wendy's Breakfast with The Sloppy Boys

Episode Date: August 6, 2020

The Sloppy Boys (Mike Hanford, Jefferson Dutton, Tim Kalpakis) join the 'boys to talk sloppy foods, the recording of their new album Paradiso, and to sample Wendy's new breakfast menu. Plus, the debut... of an all new segment, Jingle All The Weigh.Sources for this week's intro:,food%2C%20in%20a%20family%20setting. on Doughboys via more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dave Thomas and Ray Kroc. These two deceased titans form a sort of yin-yang of fast food founders. Thomas the affable beloved TV pitchman as hip-to-be squares has chained burger patties who named his restaurant after his daughter. And Kroc, the shadowy, scheming figure who viewed his business as business as real estate more so than food and established his empire by hustling the McDonald Brothers out of the restaurant that carries their name. But while Thomas may win a popularity contest, it's Kroc whose brand continues to dominate
Starting point is 00:00:32 the sector, the reigning sales champ in all of fast food. And that dominance extends to that AM meal we all know and love, breakfast. In 1972, California McDonald's franchise owner Herb Peterson attempted to replicate Eggs Benedict in sandwich form, and so the Egg McMuffin was born and quickly expanded nationwide at Kroc's insistence. With other beloved menu offerings like their crispy, deliciously oily hash browns, salty sweet hangover sponge sandwich McGriddles, McGriddles is its singular form, and its coffee, which many consider to be better than that of dedicated coffee chains, McDonald's is the burger restaurant
Starting point is 00:01:04 that dominates from Don Tell Dusk and Round Tell Don again. And so for decades, Thomas's chain has ceded the breakfast territory to Mickey D's and other sector competitors like Burger King and Carl's Jr. Hardee's. Until this, the year of our lord 2020, that is, as the quality-focused chain has introduced a breakfast menu nationwide for the first time in its history. And with its offerings including breakfast versions of lunch and dinner menu highlights, chicken sandwiches, and the Baconator, it's fair to assume that Dave Thomas wouldn't consider his legacy honored.
Starting point is 00:01:34 But does this new morning menu give Team Thomas enough ammo to confront the Kroc army on the field of battle word is perhaps most dominant, the most important meal of the day? This week on Doughboys, we return to Wendy's for breakfast. Welcome to Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants. I'm Nick Weigar, along with my co-host, somehow not a sloppy boy, the Spoon Man Mike Mitchell. Ah, I get it. Because I'm sloppy. You would assume, because of the existence of the sloppy boys, that you would be a sloppy
Starting point is 00:02:25 because you're a sloppy man. Those courtesy bad god damn it, Mike. I don't know if I approve of that swear in there. RoseSpoonMan at, if you have an insult, you like me using Mitch to the top of the show. You don't approve of the swear, god damn it? Yeah, taking the lord's name in vain. There's a Christian podcast, we'll stand for that kind of shenanigans.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Is this a thing? The lord's name in main vain. Is that like if I said god damn it while I'm in main? That's one way to think of it. Main vain is a penis, right, Weigar? Yeah, if you want to be clinical about it. If you want to be clinical about it. I guess if you're taking the lord's name.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So a doctor is like, let me see that main vain. Yeah I don't know what taking the lord's name in main vain would mean. I guess you'd have to refer to someone's like dick in a godly manner. Or you're talking about God's or Jesus's penis I guess that could work too. That could be it. And you know he's got a huge one. You know Jesus is fucking hung. On the cross they're like, we gotta put him up higher on the fucking cross man.
Starting point is 00:03:48 His dong's in the freaking dirt. Someone get us some more nails. Oh Jesus Christ. You're buying that thing nailed to the cross? Yeah, they need a lot because he's fucking hanging dong. Jesus. Anyways, we lost any of our listeners that may have some faith. That's what I'm saying is that we disapprove of all of this.
Starting point is 00:04:17 That's what I was saying by the beginning. Don't take the lord's name in vain. Don't take it in main vain. None of that is okay with either of us. I agree. How the hell to Spoon Nation. And hello to the monster squad Nick. Shout out to the monster squad.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's been a hundred episodes or so. That was very funny how you just went hmm it was like a little Yoda-ish. It was creature like. You've been spending too much time at that Henson Studios. Should I incorporate that more the hmm yeah I like it okay I'm gonna do that'll be my new thing. They say something that intrigues me for someone says something that gets my attention. Your five your new thing is making a little hmm noise.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah well we're clearly on our last legs over here Nick I got a little drop hey Spoon man I'm no weird Al or Mike Mitchell he put in parentheses I don't know what that means but I thought I'd take a swing at a song parody I'm a music therapist currently working at a health care facility so I'm still going to work right now and I'm extremely thankful I have you all to entertain me on my daily commute check out my band part-time uncle on Spotify where big fans of the show much love Adam which is fitting for today's guests I thought and also the drop is because it's a you'll see right now. An original Nick an original Wendy's fitting for this week's episode for sure Nick that's
Starting point is 00:06:25 why that's why I read it up top I played it after wow thanks Adam that's very nice thank you for for still working that's a you're doing you're doing some good stuff so by the way what a musical therapist you know that makes me say hmm what is that exactly things that make you go hmm wait is it's oh he is a music therapist yeah that's cool he's set up top working out he's still working wax he's a good guy yeah I liked it was good everything's good you know I could tell that song is from it must be from a musical therapist cuz I heard it and my mood improved really I'm feeling better now wow can't tell honestly Mitch we're going back to Wendy's we got another Wendy's episode this is one of our favorite chains
Starting point is 00:07:27 you you and you and I we don't see eye to eye and a lot of things but we do see eye to eye on our shared fandom of the Wendy's franchise which which I gotta I gotta give you credit for because a lot of people on the I feel like like West Coast doesn't love Wendy's as much is that crazy to say I mean I know the South doesn't like Wendy's as much well apparently that yeah there is a lot of regional variants in Wendy's chains I have heard a lot of the Wendy's in the South are unfortunately this thing we've covered on the show are unfortunately lower quality but the you know Wendy's was always the nice play it was the nice fast food place they had a salad bar they had you know everything was like a little bit more expensive but a little higher quality it was not
Starting point is 00:08:06 a place my family went to a lot but when I got to go I always thought it was a treat and you know in adulthood when I was freed up to go as much as I pleased I mean yeah of course I'll freak on a Wendy's northeast loves Wendy's I mean there I think what you're just saying right now is a hundred percent true is just everyone thinks it is one of the nicer chains you know I mean not that we don't love McDonald's and hey we even love BK it's true Wendy's is Wendy's is the is is the night and I think all these guys will agree yes because they're all they're all northeast easterners wax hey these guys speaking of music speaking of fun songs improve your mood our guest today returning to the show a party rock band composed of three members of the birthday boys
Starting point is 00:08:54 their new album Paradiso is available now Jeff Dutton Mike Hanford Tim Calpakis the sloppy boys hi guys oh hey hello thanks for having a spoon man and burger boy are you still going by burger boy Nick yeah that hasn't been phased out no I that's still going okay good is that what Natalie calls you um it can be I can I can probably get her on board with that does she does she know that that's your nickname on the show yeah she's away she's generally aware of what what takes place on this show she loves the show doesn't she isn't she like one of the she's like our number one fan she likes that I have something to do so that it helps in that regard I want to talk thank you guys so much for coming back thanks for having us I want to talk about something
Starting point is 00:09:47 that is a continuation of a story thread that we first heard about back in when we're up in north in the bay area during sketch fast uh Dutton and this this is this relate this pertains to your new album Dutton you had a little bit of a spill in a shower is that correct a hell of a spill yes yeah after a sloppy boy show I went to take a a lightly buzzed shower at the at the Kimpton Buchanan hotel where I was staying and I fell and I broke a foot and a rib really gnarly and I recall this injury and this the the recovery time was enough where you actually recorded a song on this album or multiple songs with a broken rib is that correct oh yeah I think we we appeared on on the live Doughboys episode the day after it happened I want to say and then two days after
Starting point is 00:10:45 and then and then we were in the studio four days after wow so we did um drums last is to answer your question we we did not end up recording drums we recorded everything else guitar bass vocals and some extra fun stuff and then uh I did the drums after uh the old foot healed up but you did sing with a broken rib like in a full COVID lockdown situation like Jeff had to go into a studio by himself and the guy was behind glass the whole day and Jeff did drums on one side of the glass through my like talk to the guy through a microphone and called us every once in a while or you texted us every once in a while we could listen in somehow he'd like you know text us be like this guy sucks I don't you know I don't think of the I didn't think of the broken foot I
Starting point is 00:11:33 thought of the singing complication because of the broken rib but I didn't think of the broken foot is complicating the drumming but of course you need that for the hi-hat or for the bass drum for the bass drum the heartbeat of the band they say is that what they say we say we say and we're three musical three musical therapists here you're talking to and if you don't say that Jeff gets very very upset and he won't come on stage and perform the other the other day we cured we cured somebody's ed I gotta listen to the sloppy boys out we'll give you a hint as who it was it was one of the hosts of the show and if you're a woman it cures um hysteria is that what is that what it's called exhaustion are we going with 19th century medical diagnoses yeah yeah uh I'm curious
Starting point is 00:12:26 because uh the speaking to your guys album and speaking to ed you guys are hanging meat on your album cover you go drop your hogs are exposed all out there for the world to see yeah we're hanging up they don't really hang they're just kind of like now I saw that and I said is this a is this some sort of joke because uh to me that to me the cover is realistic okay yeah we're rock hard in that thing Mitch you Mitch Mitch does this thing where he's like oh I'm the Irish boss and guy who's got a tiny dick he is so packing I've seen it before and I know it screws with his whole like persona on this show and oh shucks look at me but this guy has got so much confidence in his underpants it's unbelievable our patreon just plummets I haven't seen it you have you probably have
Starting point is 00:13:26 I don't have the I don't have the uh uh NASA grade telescope for such things hammered and I uh we did a sketch uh Catman that that you were Catman wrote called ropes and underwear yes and Jeff very funny it was all of us by the way and Catman by the way is Tim Calpacas for those of you who aren't personal friends with him yeah who wouldn't know that come on he's probably set enough time on this times on this show right I'm Catman uh I'm just learning now Catman what was the old uh what was the old rap uh you gotta hang with the man that is the cat what was it how'd it go yeah we were having a disagreement with the network uh and I said yeah I was trying to get all the birthday boys
Starting point is 00:14:11 to side with me instead of a network uh development person and I said dancing for the man ain't where it's at you gotta listen to the man that is a cat pretty convincing it worked if I remember correctly I think you won me over with that right yeah I do think we were like pretty split and then Mitch was like okay I'm with him do you remember what it was about I can't I can't remember this was one of the show to be funny yeah and we said no so you can't do it oh man um but we did ropes and underwear together hand man we were we were in the buff together yeah yeah yeah we were we were in the buff world we we did something where at one point you were holding my dick on the on stage that is that's true yeah we did do that once oh you guys both crossed hands and and it was like
Starting point is 00:15:03 we had to take the suitcase away and usually we would do it like both of us holding one side of the suitcase I was like I got it or so I think one of you guys threw it to me maybe and I caught it and then Mitch had to cover me up and I covered him up and we walked out of there together that's a good bit so I in the logistics of that because you're you're both completely nude and the idea is it's it's a it's a it's the trope of someone's tied up and their their uniform has been stolen and that's taken to its logical conclusion where your guys are are naked you weren't seeing each other nude backstage well I Mitch is probably right and we probably did uh quite a bit uh actually but because we did that we did that sketch a number of times yes uh and now somebody
Starting point is 00:15:43 doesn't want to do it anymore yeah I'm a little uncomfortable doing it now yeah I get that not me too uh and also there I think there were plenty of times where we we we were much like the cover of parody so uh we were we were we were we were little pingers because it was it's nervous it's scary it's nerve-wracking scary and cold uh Mitch I filled in for you when we did it at the troubadour for a uh Christmas fundraiser ah that's right and I remember like I was like what's the big deal like it'll be it'll be like scary and fun and then soon as we walked out there I saw a bunch of cell phones go up into the air and I was like this they were calling the police Mitch I think that I've I've seen your I've seen your glans but not your shaft
Starting point is 00:16:33 on multiple occasions I feel like that was a joke for you to just poke just Mitch is mostly glans it's a half glans uh-oh the police are arriving at my door now you guys are saying is it glans or glands I've always heard it as glands glans is more elegant so I'm going yeah glans glans I gotta dance for the man that is a cat on this one sorry oh yeah baby so you guys you guys are I wanted to ask this and I'm not sure if this if we've covered this territory in the past so apologies if we have but I thought this was a pretty great question you guys are sloppy boys what are your favorite sloppy foods have we talked about this before I think you asked us specifically about sloppy joes and sloppy joes okay yeah wow that's
Starting point is 00:17:29 what it was my favorite sloppy food is poutine oh poutine is good and sloppy yeah that's a real mess wherever you had your best food the best poutine of your life um uh at the fancy one at opiate de couchant but um I kind of like them all I like cheapy ones wait is that fancy one is that in you know the the French name you cited you cited maybe think of Quebec is that where it was located yes ah correct the Mundo we used to have do you guys remember um there was a chain here we had a location um in LA that was smokes poutineery uh uh and they closed right next right next to big wangs right next to big wangs uh the wings place we reviewed which is probably my best uh my favorite sloppy food is probably the wings same how wings is a great answer those are
Starting point is 00:18:19 both great answers great answers all around two great answers from three great men I smoked poutineery we reviewed when we're up in Saskatoon Mitch we went to an authentic Canadian location and have a lovely time there lovely meal holy smokes yeah we went up to Saskatoon's Saskatchewan which we did not realize was as remote as it was right and that was actually our first Canadian show in fact with you there on that one Alana came with us yes Alana Johnston okay and we had a uh we had a lovely time and they took us into the kitchen they had our pictures there like they were waiting for the dough boys to arrive and when we got there they gave us the you know this did not affect our score the dough boys can't be bought but we got ushered into the kitchen
Starting point is 00:19:00 and we're shown how poutineery poutine was made and we got to make a batch of our own wow which is a lot of fun it's like uh Saskatoon is like have you ever you know like in movies when they like like establish like a desolate place in Russia where like uh right where they send some I don't know some american get sent to like some like remote place in russia and it's just snow and like out his windows it's like just like that's what Saskatoon looked like at least in the winter time yeah it's just it looked fucking there's like an act to set piece in an action movie there it's just this like remote remote desolate wasteland so you're saying a place that could just be destroyed basically why yeah pretty much where is where is Saskatoon is that Saskatchewan
Starting point is 00:19:45 it's in Saskatchewan oh damn so there's a Saskatoon in Saskatchewan and there's also a Regina I believe in in Saskatchewan and they have a little bit of a rivalry we learned hmm I forgot that already I think it's a playful rivalry but it exists kind of a bay area LA sort of sort of rivalry hmm you know in the same state but the same province but they just uh they're kind of at each other's throats a little bit and bay area is in california yeah in california yeah let me write that down I'm drawing up a map my own map in quarantine we've actually been there Hanford we were talking earlier about s of sketchfest that is in the bay area ah yes I do remember there you go that was a fun time that was a lively room as I recall oh so fun the cobs theater yes yes
Starting point is 00:20:33 yeah it won't be happening this year it seems oh boy probably not I'm going now weigar the cobs theater do you ever enjoy yourself a cob salad Mitch I that's a great question and yes I do I do like a cob salad do you know where I was invented um I knew this at one point but I've forgotten the the bit of trivia uh the brown derby in Los Feliz which is now that's right that's right Tim it was mess hall right okay yeah the brown derby I knew that and I didn't say it I'm a fool Mitch you should have you should have I know I know this that sucks I know it's you were just you were too nervous to say it I was too nervous you brought up the cob salad um I know this because I've uh in Florida that's what we go to the brown derby and when I was younger we used to go to the
Starting point is 00:21:22 brown derby in Florida and they have a their famous cob salad there and that's what we used to go there just for that why now this isn't it's in Disney right Disney world correct so it's interesting that the replica of the real thing exists in Disney world but the real thing is now gone it's like if the Eiffel Tower was you know detonated but the one in the at the Paris in Las Vegas continued to exist it's it's just it's just an odd odd situation you know I kind of wish the Eiffel Tower in France was gone so we had the only one am I right boys yeah there we go get rid of it oh wait returning to wings again real quick because I love wings and I you know we're yes quickly do you know who I'd call upon to get rid of that Eiffel Tower who Mitch
Starting point is 00:22:09 the Mars attacks crew those bug-eyed aliens could definitely take it out with their death rays I should have assumed he loves the Mars attack crew I should have known who else would he be talking about the Mars attack crew knock knock that's what they do that's their uh that's their call liger I I want I've told you before that I want to like that movie more than I actually like it I feel like it it gets a little tedious like I kind of just I'm kind of like okay I get it at some point even though I like the character design of all the Martians and I like the idea of you know a sort of spoof of these sort of 50s sci-fi movies yeah I I didn't like the campy violence when I first saw it as a kid I was not ready for like killing Michael J. Fox yeah that sort of
Starting point is 00:22:55 thing was a little I was a little bit um sweet and nerdy for that when it was like 12 they killed Doc's best friend uh Jeff revealing why he's considered uh the coolest dude to wager is that he was oh yeah so much of a dweeb that seeing Michael J. Fox die made him sad he was a child Dutton's cool as hell he's wearing a star wars shirt with Greedo on it right now now I heard the Greedo shot first nice message boards that would uh just just prove that to him oh my god I've gone full nerd I also just I just want to make it clear that Dutton was 14 when Mars attacks came out so yeah so what you can't like Michael J. Fox at 14 and then when they put
Starting point is 00:23:51 Pierce Brosnan's head on the dog I was like put it back that is weird as hell you put it back actually I think I think it's Sarah Jessica Parker's head on the dog Jeff sorry what did they do now I'm the real nerd uh Pierce Brosnan I think uh I think was just was just a floating head oh okay hmm you're thinking of when they put his head on a suit and that was golden eye right that's right totally different movie different studio I think do you guys like the Burton's where's your where what's your favorite Burton what's everyone's favorite Burton let's go around their own pee we pee we good choice and isn't it interesting that that movie came before the tv show you would just assume it like came after but they just made
Starting point is 00:24:33 that bonkers weird movie out of nowhere list off so I list off side of his movies there Mitch are you on the computer Beetlejuice Beetlejuice oh yeah Beetlejuice I really like um bad wood Batman nightmare before Christmas oh yeah yeah yeah yeah nightmare might be mine just off the top of my head big yeah nightmare is great I like big fish but it was not my favorite he didn't direct nightmare right I like big fish a lot oh shit you might be right it might be like a it might be like a Tim Burton presents and then they gave it to like an animator or something I don't know yeah Henry Selick ooh um my favorite Burton Lavar great answer my favorite Burton the pro snowboarder this first name I can't recall
Starting point is 00:25:20 we all know the name you know and that's your favorite that's my favorite are you sure you're not talking about the Burton brand of snowboard oh is that not a guy I don't it might be but I I know there is a brand so someone is is sharing their screen right now and we see the shots of Sarah Jessica Parker on the the body of a Chihuahua I'm assuming it's you song hacking in or something it's I think it's you songs hacking in uh from Hal but the more just more disconcerting is the shot of the Chihuahua's head uh affixed to Sarah Jessica Parker's human body which I totally forgot about that is nightmarish yeah if I was a young Dutton I too would be uh going way away mommy take me home 14 year old Dutton doing that uh why is uh you can put this one
Starting point is 00:26:10 right in your spank bank the uh the dog on on Sarah Jessica Parker's uh body but I want to say look at this the Mars aliens are masked up hey how about that the the Mars attacks aliens will wear masks but we won't wear them over here boy ahead of their time right and I just want to say that one of the sloppy boys is anti-masker as an anti-masker I won't say who you'll find out at the end of this episode I'm sure hey Mitch when you had your screen shared there what was the uh Futurama NSFW folder I'm looking for benders butthole apparently all the man apparently all hey uh on the mask topic we obviously we're locked down right now I don't think we've talked I don't think yes on the mass topic is spoken but also
Starting point is 00:27:09 but on that but also on that uh on that topic I don't think we've spoken to any of you during lockdown it's certainly not on the show and I'm curious like what have you been doing for for grub and for drink while you've been while you've been a trapped indoors um well why are you helping me out big time recently which is that I had not tried the fried chicken at Albertsons oh yes I live right by Albertsons I go there every day it's pretty much where I hang out um I don't particularly love it but it's just right by my house so I'm always going there but I never got any of the hot food and that's I mean I'm that's where I'm doing my like quarantine grocery shopping and then I heard uh you telling Raj Desai about the fried chicken and then I got it that is that's
Starting point is 00:27:54 it is better than I thought it would be it's a tasty bird I used to do back pre-covid I would do their wing bar a lot a little too much wow and they they got rid of it uh for for these times but uh you know they would have like you know six or eight different kinds of wings like breaded not breaded teriyaki different different hot's is great it's gotta walk the walk when it comes to wing fandom oh yeah I've been doing a little pulled my sister got me a slow cooker and I've been doing almost every weekend I got some chicken or some pork in there and that's that's that's kind of a sloppy thing that's a sloppy thing also there uh nick now I gotta say this hey nothing gets me more angry than uh a person who doesn't walk the walk when it comes to wings
Starting point is 00:28:40 you're out of the bar and you say hey I got some wings this guy's like I love wings and you go hey I have a wing I can't have one right it's fucking bullshit it's not a realistic instead I have to go to the bathroom I want to talk to people um I've you guys uh you've eaten wings with Dutton and you know that he doesn't wipe his face while he's eating the wings and he doesn't end with a meal boy he does a big wipe down a hose off at the end I feel like he looks like the Joker there's there's a um there's sort of like a bubble of safety that like okay these are the people that I'm going to be eating wings with um and uh you know you just got to get through it it's part of it yeah and um I get it all over my mouth and then even when I even when I wash my face
Starting point is 00:29:28 sometimes I have the orange stain like Ronald McDonald like like two inches in any direction around my mouth now I gotta say this just to recap the guy that nick thinks is the coolest guy on earth was afraid of yeah was afraid of bars attack when he was 14 and he doesn't wipe his face up when he's eating wings I'll just say that that to me is a power move and it's it's it's like you know you just sort of asserting like yeah I got I got wingsauce on my face what are you gonna do about it it could be nick but he is also crying because the sauce is too hot when he's doing it yeah you don't have to deal with him later on oh my poor cheese it's fine we'll talk to the manager we'll go back later but it's tough at a place like like ye rustic because you might run into like
Starting point is 00:30:15 you know people might come in that you weren't planning on seeing you eat wings yeah sometimes you know Pam Anderson walks in says oh are you the sloppy boys and hey big boy yes ma'am so the mask Mars attacks Pamela Anderson we're kind of locked in the 90s right now that's what we grew up man I guess so uh that was your comment what I'm just saying uh well Nick I'll tell you this yeah I'll tell a story from the present from the past it was just a little but not that long ago I saw Tim Kelpakis shopping in Albertsons when I was with my mom oh no I was with my sister sister exciting and then um and we then also we ran into Blaine Capach it was a there was a bunch
Starting point is 00:31:14 of real Algonquin round table going on Blaine got a great great comic very funny dude I worked with him in at midnight for many years then when the funniest men I've ever met it's a hilarious dude why isn't he been on the show we got to get him on the show he used to do I remember in the early days when we first got to uh uh LA we'd go to UCB a bunch and see him among others do stand up and he would always do uh the the car lot like air-filled wavy balloon guy he was he was really uh that really always like the first time I saw it I was like oh yeah he really looks like that he's the king of warm-up for for live tv audiences and stuff like that but Mitch when we saw you at Albertsons that was one of those situations where it was like your mom and
Starting point is 00:32:06 sister were in town to help you clean your apartment and then I saw you guys at the grocery store and and you didn't have anything yet but Courtney was like yeah I'm helping Mitch get food it was like it was like they were with the cleaning your apartment and filling your fridge and then you were kind of just like following around behind them yeah I'm getting my fridge all full Tim the listeners are gonna love this and call me a baby man it will be great uh uh every so often my mom and sister do help me up but we hang out and lost it they come out and they we hang out they come out and you put them to work I don't put them to work no listen here listeners we hang out my home and then we go to the grocery store
Starting point is 00:32:53 listeners come on over to my side and then we go to Foot Locker I get a brand new pair of shoes that's this that is not what happens I'm a very I'm a very uh complicated man yeah that too but I'm very uh didn't want to say unsanitary a very uh there's clutter Nick I'm a hoarder in many ways you have a lot of stuff you're not like I don't think you're on a hygienic you're a you're a clean man you smell great thank you and your place is not gross it's just got a lot of stuff in it which I understand I for real I for real I'm a hoarder in many ways and I save things well the uh Captain Phasma Funko Pop that you do not like comes to life yes you don't like the movie Nick was just trying to Nick was just trying to give this away I should give it away you should
Starting point is 00:33:48 what do you need it for you don't need it no nobody needs a Funko Pop also every dope every note that we've gotten from Doughboys I've saved uh every every it's true every every every birthday well I I save too much stuff I am a hoarder it is the truth I am a hoarder man uh but I'm not collecting you're in right no I it's true uh Wager mentioned that you smell good and I do think that's an interesting piece of the puzzle you're always freshly showered you're always freshly dressed that it doesn't you're not sloppy in that sense it's puzzle no yeah that that's the thing like sometimes people will write in roasts about like Mitch smelling bad and I'll be like this isn't getting on the show because it doesn't add up that was it that was always funny on the Simpsons
Starting point is 00:34:33 whenever sims Homer Simpson was called like a disgusting like smelly pig by Selma and uh no who's the other one I can't think of a Patty Patty Selma Patty of course uh like that always hit me funny because I was like oh yeah we can't smell him we can just see him hey dad we can't smell him that's what it's so limiting about the two-dimensional TV experience you can't keep listening guys this is good yeah this is actually really good are we rolling on this he goes on these nice rants about 2d tv it's good it's great Hanford loves them I love you guys I sit back and I just learn and learn what's your favorite 2d tv hamford simpsons 2d tv yeah probably the simpsons I probably had the
Starting point is 00:35:17 spent the most time with I've been going back and watching some recently very very funny to me now you say 2 2d tv you mean basically any show right yeah I think so or are you specifically referring to 2d animation any 2d show I mean I guess anything so any show I got him hamford you know that uh hamford was in my the first film I ever shot hamford you were in do you remember this college bump in no I don't think I remember it you were it was like the bolex in camera edit yeah yeah yeah but it didn't like come out at all right yeah yeah it was it was pitch black that I claim the whoever developed that film whoa hey didn't your mom just find the cd with your
Starting point is 00:36:02 films my mom just found the cd with my films wager wow my student film college bound pimp which is real no probably aged really well yeah it probably is aged straight it makes me so mad I mean also like I like that I wanted to make something funny but then it makes me so mad like in 2003 I mean I think I also knew that that was still hacky but I don't think I knew how hacky it was maybe it aged great maybe you know where do you stigmatizing sex work maybe it's time for true it's true maybe you know what can I submit it for the Oscars this year is that out of the question you have a good shot this would be your year for a short subject sure yeah and you you'll win I would say there could be some
Starting point is 00:36:55 issues with eligibility just because it wasn't made or released this calendar year and that's what I think of more like you know the they may be relaxing some restrictions on whether it gets a theatrical release but I think the film dating back to 2003 could be an issue do you want to know who my favorite sort sort short subject is Danny DeVito I love to talk about him it's a conversation I see I was trying to think if you were going to come up with a famous like short person who played like uh under a king or something in a show I thought you really had a subject I knew it would be a subject relationship well I went with the worst one why uh no that wasn't the worst one no you can't you actually you
Starting point is 00:37:42 can't go Peter Dinklage because he's not really a subject he in in Game of Thrones he was royalty right that's true yeah he is he is kind of like the second in command isn't he I guess Verne I guess mini me is kind of a subject it's hard to tell where mini me like how much power he actually has in that situation because I think he's just kind of a sidekick but let's say Dr. Evil is uh debilitated does number two ascend or number one who's the who's the who's the the Robert Wagner character whatever his name is number two does he ascend or does or does does mini me take the reins that's a great question that's a very I don't know imagine if mini me was running the show that would be I mean that would be very funny well Dr. Evil did look to mini me for some advice
Starting point is 00:38:30 about like what to do with Scott right so he did he did kind of take command from him every so he's kind of like in a conciliary role like an advisor you know what that's that's Peter Dinklage's role as well he's kind of like the advisor he's the king's hand at some point the hand right that's yeah was Austin powers in the feudal system it was in the studio system I think oh yeah studio system Jeff what were you going to say about Weigar's voice not his voice I was going to say I said uh your boy Sonic is looking pretty good for the Oscars this year yes Sonic could be a real contender he's one of like four movies what else is there there's Sonic there's an animated bloodshot yeah for animated movies because
Starting point is 00:39:15 what are the other candidates I guess are they going to say the the Pixar one the Pixar half dad movie is that going to be eligible I don't know maybe um man I hope when Sonic wins that Oscar on stage he fucking bends the Oscar statue into a gold ring how cool would that be so cool epic and by that I mean Ben Schwartz in the sonic costume yeah awesome yeah they should have physical ceremony you should attend full cosplay I remember when like Yoda would show up at the MTV movie awards and accept that clip is amazing that clip is so good it's like a little bit of of visual wizardry it's a little long it looks so cool it's a little long but it's amazing there is there are some there's some breaths in there there's moments where oh yeah they were like these uh freshly
Starting point is 00:40:07 sexually active throngs of teens will watch Yoda for five and a half minutes he gives a shout out to Snoop Dogg doesn't he and Queen Latifah and Queen Latifah that's right there's also Beavis and Butthead we're at like an Oscars or an Emmys or something once right Letterman Letterman like slaps him in the back of the head that's fun remember that being fun yeah Letterman Beavis Butthead already gets that so funny Beavis and Butthead hung out with Letterman I think Letterman was like eating a burrito or something and like he slapped one in the back of the head that Letterman Oscars is so infamously reviled but I bet if you watch it I bet it's awesome right like it probably bombed right he did his like his style of humor right yeah because everyone's like oh he said
Starting point is 00:40:51 Oprah Uma Oprah Uma it's like that sounds kind of that sounds funny yeah that is funny and that brings me back to my Weigar Wi-Fi joke that's true we all enjoyed it and I'm glad to be reminded yo you did not like that no I liked it a lot good no why can't you laugh your ass all about it that's great he's loving it right now he's laughing again yeah he's laughing he's holding on he's private messaging me oh I can't repeat that hey we're talking of fast food breakfast this week and so I wanted to get your guys thoughts on breakfast in general I've got a great fast food uh uh quarantine breakfast I had a story for you in a second oh go for it though I see like you were on a tear there it seemed no I mean this is this is actually
Starting point is 00:41:38 great because this is exactly the sort of thing I want to talk about okay the tear has been torn I tore the tear I'm so sorry uh so I was for the first like month and a half I think uh of quarantine I was at my girlfriend's mom's place in she lives in rural Pennsylvania so it was like we were out there in the country and there was a lot of space and stuff in big old country house so it was great but their neighbor owns a bunch of or like manages a bunch of Dunkin Donuts in the area wow and while no one was going like they had to shut everything down so this food was just gonna go bad they would go around to some of the neighbor friends were just kind of giving out you know a bunch of juice and
Starting point is 00:42:18 milks and things they had at their stores they gave us I think like seven pounds of Dunkin Donuts bacon seven yeah they came in these like huge like plastic slabs just like separated with that uh like butcher paper type stuff and we like you'd make breakfast and just make way too much bacon and just I think I every breakfast we had bacon it was just like eight strips of bacon because it was there it was so we like I ate so poorly off this bacon for quite a while and we didn't finish it how was the bacon separated how was it like on its own it's oh um not great it's it's like not the best bacon you've ever had but you said like really thin stuff paper thin yeah yeah but it was just such a weird uh thing that like sit down a bacon have or sit down a breakfast and
Starting point is 00:43:05 have like a huge plate of bacon and know that you should not be eating it eating that much bacon did you become one of those guys who's like you know keep calm and eat bacon and yeah yeah yeah like I got a bunch of bacon shirts and like yeah little fuzzy slippers that looked like piece of bacon yet great yeah yeah don't talk to me before I've had my bacon right right right yeah right yeah eat sleep bacon repeat sure mm-hmm eat sleep bacon repeat it seems like drink it you took drink out gonna get parched yeah well I don't really have that shirt so oh okay um sorry to offend you there hand man well that's okay that man what do you what are your breakfast prefs I'm not a big
Starting point is 00:43:56 breakfast guy and I usually skip it because it's kind of like um I feel like we were told to eat breakfast and then you find out you kind of don't really have to actually and yes um I love to eat and breakfast is the only time I'm not really hungry so why waste the calories so I skip breakfast and then have a gigantic lunch that makes me pass out and then I'm sad and then I have wait too long to eat dinner and I have a huge dinner but um fast food wise I think the only I really don't really like fast food or I don't get excited about fast food breakfast I'll eat any of it but the only one item in all of fast food breakfast that'll pop into my head and be like oh I want that is the uh del taco epic burrito wow it's got crinkle cut fries and eggs and bacon it's very good
Starting point is 00:44:43 interesting lot going on in that burrito I I've had some success with the del taco breakfast in particular they're just they're straight up egg and cheese burrito is so cheap um and that that's like one of the most you know I remember being when I was when I was broke that was like such a go such a breakfast go to because you can get like two for like a dollar or whatever um but yeah that that burrito that that more substantial one that's it's got a lot going on they have another one that's got beans in it that I also like I don't a lot of times beans in a breakfast burrito are like too much but it really works in that one mm-hmm oh yeah I like the del taco shout out mm-hmm you know I'm with Tim for breakfast it's a Brexit for me I don't want it wow you know what I think
Starting point is 00:45:28 that is I'm I'm the same I don't dislike breakfast but I don't really get excited for it uh I think it's because there's like not much to eat in bright like there's kind of eggs bacon waffle like the waffle uh pancake side of it there's not much like to do with it yeah but but it's great it's like there we go yeah I love like eggs cheese bacon lunch lunch there can be and dinner is like so many different options so like I have tuna fish for breakfast I don't know dude there you go you can't do that because it's not a breakfast food Jeff what I you know I I gotta amend this because people are gonna get mad online but I I love breakfast food don't get me wrong I just don't like the idea of eating before 11 so eat it I do eat it eat the food I just I don't like to eat
Starting point is 00:46:25 before 11 I'm I'm with Catman no you guys both you're weird because also neither I know and I'm willing to say it on the air that neither you drink coffee yes well first off we never said we weren't weird okay we are weird but I drink coffee I absolutely drink coffee what my preferred breakfast drink is a bloody Mary oh yeah baby are you doing that like I like what you're not doing that seven days a week though right I wish no I'm doing it zero days a week okay I can't let myself but I would uh because I also just love tomato juice I would drink that every morning bloody Mary's are a thing that I didn't like at all like I didn't like tomato juice at all growing up and then I love a good bloody Mary now it's one of the best I love a bloody Mary it's a lot of fun it's a great
Starting point is 00:47:08 brunch indulgence but I'm curious what a j-man brought up that that's Dutton I'm referring to that you don't like you're not a coffee drinker but do you drink coffee are you like Mitch you coffee is like a rare thing you'll have or do you have that in the morning pretty regularly I have a cup every morning right when I wake up oh okay and just now to pet me up for dough boys I made myself an iced coffee put a little oat milk and I feel like a hipster I feel like I should get some skinny jeans going on Tim I gotta ask you when's the next bright eyes show wow you know I'll be in the front row baby hey now I feel like a hipster yeah I'm like come on baby okay look at me I'm in the front row now okay let's go let's go wow this scarf my man
Starting point is 00:47:55 okay we'll be back with more dough boys what welcome back to dough boys we are here with the sloppy boys wow reviewing Wendy's breakfast sloppy dough slap sloppy dough have we done that before in the show that's really good I think yeah I think I've done it every time yeah I think you've named our text chain that that's what it is that's what I'm thinking of uh Wendy's has tried breakfast before in 1985 and I believe 2006 but this this one finally seems to be taking they they started testing it out last year and began and did a nationwide roll out of the breakfast menu in March of 2020 why yes when they did breakfast the first time did you ever grab it before like a college class or anything
Starting point is 00:48:47 in 1985 when I was a four-year-old boy no I did not do that Mitch I'm two years younger than you two years younger than you two years younger than me what the hell I'm two years older than you I misspoke you're only two years younger than me there's not some giant generation gap you scared me I thought you had some Benjamin Button thing going on for a minute um 10 years younger than I'm like it's the beard Mitch it's the beard that that beard has gotten huge Mitch yeah it's out of control yeah yeah I just got a little bit of a haircut myself I did it myself and it's uh awful but it was getting long I think you look handsome oh thanks you look great well thank you that's why
Starting point is 00:49:29 I bring these types of things up I'm curious because you Mitch and I are our big Wendy's fans and but I'd like to hear from the the I think America would like to hear from the sloppy boys your thoughts on the house Dave Thomas built are you guys Wendy's fans and if so what do you get from there from their lunch and dinner menus I'll take this one uh I'm from New Hampshire this is Jeff speaking and uh I spent um well I'll say this Mitch and I ate Wendy's in the parking lot the other day in the morning and it reminded me of high school because I spent so much of my adolescence in Wendy's parking lots wow loved it it's a regional hit I took my hat off your hair you you know sometimes you've been randomly doing zoom calls with a uh wig on and
Starting point is 00:50:20 now this uh hair is longer than that wig you've been I was usually keep it high and tight you've got a bit of a you get a little bit of a mane right now I've uh I was there was a few zoom calls why did I do this to you ever I have a little wig standing by and I put the wig on for the zoom calls it's hard to tell I can't remember it's hard it's hard to tell so people don't pick up on it your hair is so curly Mitch I've this it's never been long enough to curl you're like a guy called caveman uh cow back inside do you feel about when and I look like the lizard I don't you're a guy you don't look like the lizard all the time he texted that to me if you take that green shirt off maybe it will be a different story um to answer nick weiger's fucking question Hanford
Starting point is 00:51:14 I uh yeah I think of uh growing up of the big three McDonald's burger king Wendy's my family opted for Wendy's and I remember thinking like oh it's got a square patty so that's a good uh burger um but we that's the one I was partial to but since uh you know 14 years in LA I have not been going to Wendy's whatsoever and um I I feel like they're maybe like don't really know totally know their brand anymore kind of like Burger King but but they're figuring out the breakfast stuff like they probably had to do a lot of work to be like what even is our breakfast because we're we're the old-fashioned America burger stand so what is it that we would serve in the morning I think they're maybe a little confused about their whole deal interesting and they're doing
Starting point is 00:52:03 a lot too they're shooting in every direction yeah well we'll get to breakfast in one second I do want to hear Hanford's thoughts on sorry that's a table of contents at most we are so sorry about that that you guys are fine uh but I did Hanford I did want to get your thoughts on Wendy's as a chain your bias is going in yeah yeah uh I am a Wendy's fan I like them like Jeff it's a very like high school food for me I um the Frosty's a big hit for me I dip my fries in it I think we've talked about this maybe on this podcast before or in real life uh I like the baked potato I do that frequently oh that's great I like the I like the child like the butter and the sour cream and stuff yes I did go there recently during uh court like COVID and I don't know if you guys have had this but
Starting point is 00:52:50 like uh first of all my I got the baked potato and it was not cooked it was like disgusting you got a raw potato more or less I mean I could I could bite into it but it was like this needed some more time uh but have you noticed that with like during uh the COVID pandemic that I don't know restaurants that like even fast food restaurants are kind of like slumping and stuff oh yeah I think I think that it's uh naturally that's the probably a whole situation with working and right right right I'm just surprised with I'm surprised with fast food because it seems like that's just something they like you know it's like a factory and all of it should be the same would you prefer that you know that your potato was cooked perfectly but that the person that had
Starting point is 00:53:37 to work and make it was put at risk sounds like that's what he's saying that is funny well that's a very interesting allegation to him and I don't think I need to sit here on a on a fun podcast talking about fast food that's weird you still get the I I associate the baked potato with the old Wendy's that still had the salad bar and was trying to be almost like a family restaurant so I remember do you guys remember that they used to have like pink fluff on the salad bar there no I don't remember the salad bar I remember the salad bar the pink flower it's like an ambrosia is that what you're thinking of yeah there was like a big a big tricked out ambrosia on the salad bar that was really weird yeah sounds scary such a staple of I feel like so many of
Starting point is 00:54:22 like events I'd been to that there was like someone like something like a potluck someone had brought ambrosia and that was the only context I encountered it there or like in a salad bar yeah um weird food it's a weird food I think that I think that there's there's definitely right now during the COVID times Hanford I think I had a doctor's appointment yesterday I went there they didn't they they forgot my appointment I think just things like that are are happening because yeah but how was your baked potato my my baked potato at the doctors they yeah remember in the South Park movie they put a heart they put a baked potato where Kenny's heart supposed to be it was very funny it made me laugh um guys we're just reliving the 90s today
Starting point is 00:55:08 nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that but uh honestly for the most part when I go to Wendy's they're pretty good they're like occasionally they can get some some some stuff mixed up or wrong or whatever but I don't think that they're biggest offender of uh of of of that and and when it came to this breakfast order that I got today or for the show I got a fucking shitload of stuff every single thing correct but was it all good wigs well let's get into it so you got you and you and uh Dutton it sounds like went on an excursion you met up in a parking lot and had a little socially distanced breakfast hang look here's the deal Tim we should have invited you you message us that this is this is a very very good thing to happen where uh right
Starting point is 00:55:57 after these guys ate Wendy's together I texted them and said you guys want to get Wendy's in the next couple days before go boys and they were both too nice to break it to me that they that so they just a minute nobody lied but Mitch was like um well because I was like well let's get in the next couple days and Mitch was like I got a doctor's appointment and then Jeff was like oh yeah maybe I got work these fucking guys aren't eating well the twist is that I went this morning with you Tim and we just did it all over again wow are you just buying on buses now Tim I want to state unequivocally I would have I would have gone back with you for real I 100% would have sure but also you're allowed to hang out without me I got my own social life going on too he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:56:38 hurt my feelings in fact I was eating and that fosters free freeze with Ben Axelred the very moment you guys were at Wendy's we're all doing fine wow Weigler offered to fly out to New York to find me and go to Wendy's with me here because you had no one to go with you know he's just being a nice guy I said Weigler it's really not safe I don't think I would have done it Cat man I love I love I love eating with you you know what you talked about earlier you talked about poutine up in in Montreal I've also been to opiate a cochon and I've also eaten this the Montreal the Montreal strip with your with your dad oh yeah we ate that town took it for everything it's worth we did what a what a I truly some of my favorite
Starting point is 00:57:23 memories from uh from from my 20s Montreal strip is that a is that it like the Vegas strip where you're talking about a steak like a piece of meat this well Mitch is making this up but then that we we treated Montreal as if it were the Vegas strip got it and we just walked I mean it's like the most fun thing to do is to stop in to get some food but not eat a whole meal so that then you could walk if you're on vacation you're saying I think we're in Montreal for a comedy festival we eat a half of a smoked meat sandwich here so then we could walk next door and get some poutine at a different place and I think we maybe hit several places and we did that in New York as well oh yeah it was great man how fun is that going to multiple restaurants
Starting point is 00:58:05 in sequence or going to getting a getting a drink at a bar then going to have a meal at a restaurant then going to get a nightcap at a different bar and remember those times like a mario batali uh uh who I am not a fan of don't support um do you have you guys heard of his like all night uh bacchanals he used to do yeah like like he'd like go out all night he'd like text a bunch of chefs and they they go through all of Manhattan just eating for a whole night and just eating and drinking like after all the restaurants were closed wow they just like they go they go they they go to like five in a row wouldn't they eat like five meals in a row wow but batali just spending all spending all his employees stolen tips yeah exactly I was gonna
Starting point is 00:58:49 say that story at one point was like you heard and you're like well cool and then you're and then now later after the fact in hindsight it's like oh he was he was groping people the whole time and of course you're like chugging bottles of wine all night um I I tim comes from a restaurant family why I am aware of this you're aware of this and your dad loves food cat man he loves he loves he loves to eat so it is fun does my mom's a great cook is as well my brother and sister of both my sister's a food blogger my brother has worked in kitchens so it's a it's a food family um and you know what I was just putting two and two together yesterday Dave Matthews band recorded a few what is that up to by the way piece of shit my favorite number wigs four oh how about that
Starting point is 00:59:38 math whiz I almost went to school for engineering I I know math wigs boy what a different but if we you know what you and I imagine that the no-do boys world where you go to school for engineering I finish up my math degree we're both just computer programmers somewhere math man living our lives we could have been math men you could be driving over a shoddy bridge of mine right now plunging into the sea I think I'd just become Newman in Jurassic Park if that happened Tennessee but uh I was I was gonna say uh that Montreal's oh I put two and two together sorry I went back to Montreal I put two and two together Dave Matthews band recorded a few albums up in Woodstock New York uh cat cat man yeah baby Bearsville and it's his chance he probably
Starting point is 01:00:30 went into your dad's pizza restaurant pizza shop definitely happened plus I cooked brisket sandwiches for my morning jacket plus one time at Woodstock pizza our old restaurant Bill Murray went behind the counter poured himself a fountain soda and was chit chatting with my dad Woodstock was a place to be but I was a baby and I don't remember any of that cool stuff but DMB was Bearsville studios and uh yeah I think that they recorded uh maybe three albums there wow wow that's very we do know that uh Dave Matthews is eating at factors when we saw him come out of factors that one time that's true yeah that's right I was very upset I wasn't there for that oh he weren't there right right probably better you weren't there that you would have scared him I mean sir I mean oh
Starting point is 01:01:17 he was like you three are really cool and we were like yeah good thing number four isn't here Wags Wendy's breakfast I mean Wendy's breakfast yes so you guys went together what did you get it's a big episode this is big I know I know yeah Wagner do you not do the uh intros anymore you still do those right I do the intros yeah but you've done this restaurant before yeah I'll record it later yeah that's that's my favorite part of the uh the episodes oh well thank you for saying that I mean yeah it's I I do record them do you think that has a compliment he he doesn't like an hour and 45 minutes he likes the first it's just started I haven't been dragged down by this whole thing I'm not depressed about all the fast food I ate
Starting point is 01:02:08 I used to do it in front of the the the guests when we're doing it in studio I do that more often and then you know it ended up becoming a thing where we have some guests with shorter availability windows and so these are just recorded later and then obviously on zoom it feels like I'm not going to have everyone sit on mute while I read a monologue for three minutes you know I'm good I'm good for the next five hours so whenever you want to do it I can stay on until you run so you guys went together you you got Wendy's breakfast together Mitch and Dutton and eventually Calpacus in various configurations um let's let's just go through and and I think you know there's there's not that much on the menu so and Hanford where did you where did you go to
Starting point is 01:02:50 get it I went down on uh hold on I got the receipt right here it is 8th avenue like a near Columbus circle got it so you were in Manhattan there's not many Wendy's is around to tell you the truth yeah I mean that's a that's a big problem a lot of times with these uh you know with these major cities is that some of the chains will be pushed to the ex-herbs hey Hanford yeah um you ever go down to 5th avenue uh yeah when I'm uh shopping I'm glad you interrupted nick for that yeah when I want it when I'm shopping for uh Tiffany diamonds and the and the like what's your angle there Mitch I'm curious uh you know I was gonna try to ask him if you had heartache on 5th avenue but it's just not worth the whole thing wasn't worth it we got a 90 steam going I thought I'd reference
Starting point is 01:03:43 oh oh you know what you know it's 6th avenue it's not even 5th avenue what song are you thinking it's like a wallflower song wallflower song oh 6th avenue yeah it's like the third hit uh oh everyone's upset now everyone's mad at me no I'm not mad no I am Mitch I'm mad I'm cast now I told you we skipped my favorite part now I'm listening to you talk about the wrong song Tim are you mad um I'm just like a little bit ticked off you damn it yeah when you were asking that Tim Tim was facing away from his microphone and Jeff was leaning back on his couch I don't think they're mad I think they're just bored no I'm having a blast thanks for having us Wiger let's hear your question I was just gonna I think I was just gonna go down this road
Starting point is 01:04:39 not 6th avenue Mitch I was going to say get away from there you'll get heartache that's what I was trying to say I was going to say I think we probably all got similar menu items so I think what we'll do is we'll just go through and and say what we got an all-way in I'll start with the big one and this is their flagship item I went to Wendy's in Culver City which is actually one of the Wendy's where they previewed the breakfast menu they had it out months months before right this is my first time trying it and uh this is a good Wendy's and I got the breakfast baconator which is grilled sausage American cheese the sausage by the way in the square form factor of their beef patties apple would smoke bacon and an egg and cheese and uh and then a
Starting point is 01:05:23 Swiss cheese sauce and it's on a bun I thought the breakfast baconator was great I really liked it I thought it was it was flavorful it had a lot going on really filling a lot of times that a breakfast sandwich at a place I feel like you need multiple sandwiches to get full this was really substantial I thought the hamburger bun really worked but I'm curious did any of you guys get that breakfast baconator and what did you think about it oh yeah yeah yeah well I got it we all got it wags of course we got it so if I get bacon it's the one that they were pushing it was that they're really pushing it yeah they handed me one on my way in and I was like I just hold on a second let me put a mask on first and then let's talk I I did you guys all love it because I felt like
Starting point is 01:06:08 it was it was good it definitely tasted good and everything but I found it to be a little kitchen sinky I said you know we all love a bacon egg and cheese but then and it's a delicate balance of the crisp and the crunch it was it was the my favorite thing that I got uh thinking about it now and looking at this receipt with everything I got I do want to throw up but uh it was uh it was good I like the spice of it the patty had some spice to it which was nice and a lot of cheese on mine which I like spicy like as in heat or just seasoned seasoned season and weigur what did you say there was another cheese but you said it's like a a swiss cheese sauce or something yes there's cheese on it and then there's a swiss cheese there's american cheese a slice of that and then
Starting point is 01:06:58 there's swiss cheese sauce drizzled on top yeah I I could I see what you're saying cowpack is it kind of has a lot going on one might say it's it's ungepochka it's you could it could lose one thing but I I still it still really worked for me it's still overall I think was you know maybe that swiss cheese sauce is the one the one bit of excess but I think overall it was just so so scrumptious but what did you think dutton fuck you fuck I just want to say fuck you it was great and I got a lot of stuff and uh and uh it was the thing that I returned to I took maybe you know good three bites of everything and then I was surprised because I'm not like a bacon meme guy right uh I'm I'm not it's a great like you gotta you know keep calm and eat bacon that's
Starting point is 01:07:45 yeah exactly yes and and I kind of resented that you know it's bacon is my spirit anator you know right I did go back and finish it and I think a lot of it's got to do with that bun the bun is great because a hamburger bun works so well and and at first I was like that's kind of a cop out doesn't feel like breakfast but then I had some of the other stuff and like the croissant not as good the um maple bacon croissant uh sticky and weird and bad and so just just from a raw handling standpoint the bun was a winner yes I got the the croissant I got and I I think I agree with you here that the croissants the croissant style bun is just not very good and it doesn't taste at all it doesn't taste like a croissant it tastes like a like an
Starting point is 01:08:32 approximation of a croissant it you know it's this this croissant like a you know bread um which I don't find it weird and it's square too yeah give me an actual croissant but I got the sausage egg and cheese croissant and that was my least favorite bite that was the thing that I thought of the sandwiches that was the one I thought was just pretty weak uh and I think the bun was what what lost me for uh there um uh Tim uh Tim you mentioned your thoughts of the breakfast baconator but what else so what other items did you get I went a little nuts and I had three sandwiches the baconator and the other two were the maple bacon chicken croissant yes and then the honey butter chicken biscuit and that was the winner for me honey butter chicken biscuits Tim I'm
Starting point is 01:09:14 with you the honey butter the honey the honey butter the honey butter the honey butter the honey buddy baby the honey butter the honey butter chicken biscuit there is I like the baconator here's what I think with the baconator with that other baconator you got those big juicy Dave Thomas beef patties in there with the baconator and that's a big of a power of the equation that meat and cheese and the bacon is really on display and I like the the the breakfast baconator doesn't I don't understand it doesn't feel as much as like a baconator because it just is they should just add an egg to the burger and not done us because that's a that's a fun thing to do yeah maybe there is a little too much going on I still do like it and I think it is it's it's
Starting point is 01:10:09 up there with my favorites I think it is I think it maybe is my favorite but right there after that honey butter chicken biscuit is great it's delicious I also got the honey butter chicken biscuit and that was my second and those are the two I thought were both home runs the baconator and the chicken biscuit and and you know the the the reason I like the baconator is just because I I am just you know maybe a little bit more man of more conventional tastes in in breakfast regard and I think I just rather have something with eggs and bacon versus a a a chicken patty for breakfast but I do I did they find it very very tasty I thought the biscuit was good enough the maple honey butter was just a little kiss of sweetness which was a delight and the chicken is just Wendy's chicken is so
Starting point is 01:10:51 good I mean Wendy's chicken won the Dave Thomas cup in a munch madness chicken fight our second annual was that was that before the Popeyes chicken sandwich it predated the Popeyes chicken sandwich but Popeyes itself the chain Popeyes chicken was a finalist it was it was down to Popeyes versus the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich and Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich prevailed now if the Popeyes chicken sandwich was in the mix I to me that scrambles the whole equation I think that one that one could take it from from Wendy's yeah that one's good Nick do you have time for a Wendy's chicken anecdote yes please okay during quarantine as I was talking about the family that gave us the Dunkin Donuts bacon they also had some Wendy's and they gave us some Wendy's just
Starting point is 01:11:35 like chicken breasts and we made a chicken parmesan with those and it was really good did it really yeah I mean that like they were just like get rid of a bunch of stuff how do you know these fast food magnets they were they were neighbors of oh shit is it magnet why is it magnet I say magnet no it's magnet magnet I think magnet oh hey Mike did it seem like the chicken patty is is that the normal chicken sandwich is that patty the very same patty that was then on my biscuit this can't be can't be now hold on Jeff I don't know no I think I think it I think it maybe I don't know it looked like it looked like kind of soft it's a soft isn't it didn't McDonald's started the thing of having a chicken option on their breakfast menu and they made a big deal out of it so Wendy's kind of
Starting point is 01:12:29 kind of biting their style a little bit by having so much chicken on their breakfast menu yes I do know it is I think it is a regional delight in the American south the idea of having a chicken biscuit in the morning um so you know I don't think McDonald's necessarily invented it's possible Chick-fil-A had it on their breakfast menu before McDonald's but I do think that wow you're a real you're a real hulhauser you know that what do you mean an American delight in the what did you say it was it was poetry I'm appreciating you oh that's nice of you to say yelling at him I'm appreciating you I'm appreciating you you piece of shit you're fucking me I do like I do think the the sweetness
Starting point is 01:13:14 the maple honey butter is is really what makes this one and I think gives it a just a little bit of of added character I've had the McDonald's one I think it's good I had this thing to the honey butter chicken biscuit and I I had some uh I think they didn't like spread out the honey butter whatever you're talking about enough because I had like one bite with it in there oh no so I was eating I was like this is just a biscuit and some chicken I don't know what this is all about was it not very sweet because that was speaking of the the American south as Nick so poetically put it first the Saskatchewan thing and now that you really have you know your way around the map I I do appreciate that and I think that I think I was walking into Wendy's with a little bit of
Starting point is 01:13:55 a chip on my shoulder saying okay Wendy wow me what do you got for breakfast and then and um and I'm thinking about this thing of like what is an old-fashioned hamburger stand when they do do when they open for breakfast baconator feels a little uh too kitschy uh I said kitchen's sinky and now I'm saying kitschy so so both types of kitsch are involved yes and then but then and they feel kind of random and I'm looking at this breakfast menu being like yeah they're all over the place but when I ate that honey butter chicken biscuit it did remind me of waffle house and it did make me think like oh that's very American and it's sweet on sweet on a biscuit it did feel like very like down home in a in a distinct way yeah I think that's a great observation um are there any other
Starting point is 01:14:42 sandwiches we haven't discussed that anyone got I I just got to take it back to the maple bacon chicken croissant my Tim you had one it was the only one that was like I thought was bad like if I only got that I'd be like fucked up and and I only took a bite of it and then like later in the day I would get a whiff of maple bacon and I was like I barely touched that fucking thing and it's haunting me all day hey there's no bacon on the honey butter uh chicken biscuit no it's much simpler it's just it's just the patty the spread and the uh the the biscuit I think I think allegedly the spread allegedly well yeah and it's supposed to have the spread I think that a big a big part of it is yeah maybe there's a little bit of sweetness in that that fake croissant bun that's making it a little
Starting point is 01:15:28 over the top but yeah I think the croissant really killed the the the bacon egg and swiss croissant that I had that bun I thought was so bad and and it was wet and like if you're gonna do a a maple-y thing I feel it just reminded me of how good a McGrittle is like hold on we're we're we're we're confusing our chickens here the there's the there's a croissant that has bacon on it with chicken yes and and that's the maple bacon chicken croissant and then there's the honey butter basic chicken bit no we're not confusing it it doesn't sound like a different thing I'm taking the back back to the maple bacon but did anyone really like the maple maple bacon croissant no that's what I'm saying is bad no yeah it was it was bad it was I didn't dislike it but it was definitely
Starting point is 01:16:06 the dud of my three it was very wet yes that's my biggest problem with it yeah I'm willing to get dirty for wings or like you know like you go to a weird place where it's like we make a sandwich out of a donut you fucking dumbass and then like that's fine if it's like an event but if it's just like a Wendy's four dollar breakfast thing like I don't want to get sticky and gross and stinky I'm with you you don't want to get sticky and stinky in the morning you're trying to start your day off right sticky in the morning is no good Nick no thanks why what was your old breakfast in your video game programming days so when I used to work in this was when I was a a worked at Activision as a I did customer support in QA this is before I worked in design and I got a I would my regular
Starting point is 01:16:55 breakfast was I would go to the I would get a vending machine breakfast of a Snickers bar king size Snickers bar a black coffee and a Mountain Dew code red wow that is like that's like when when you read the article about James Holmes that's like what you described earlier in this day Jesus that morning that morning you had a Snickers bar fucking because the I think that code red and coffee at once is what really takes it into that that's the craziest two drinks that are like caffeine loaded are is so funny to me so much caffeine that would just like get your fingers programming and you just go all day well it wasn't programming at that point but I was but uh you know it was a thing where I would I was like going to work at
Starting point is 01:17:42 8 30 a.m. and this was back when I I mean I've always had sleep problems my sleep problems were really bad so it was probably on like four or five hours of sleep um and so yeah I would just get have to just spike my blood sugar and have a shitload of caffeine first thing in the morning to get me through my shift I'm really I'm really hyped up now buddy that's probably I'm really flying you're talking before about where you if you didn't do this podcast if you became a math student or whatever where you'd be not you'd be dead that you couldn't last that long I'm much better off I'm much happier you're doing this show yeah we're happy you're alive yeah oh thanks guys you're you'd be making I say it every day you'd be making the
Starting point is 01:18:24 some HBO video game lags you'd be making the you'd be making the hung video game Weiger worked on Sopranos Road to Respect I briefly worked on Sopranos Road to Respect yeah wait uh any Tony Hawks they were they were Activision weren't they I never worked on a Tony Hawk I did you know I was there when the Tony Hawk games were released so when I was working customer support I deal with a lot of parents like calling upset that the you know Tony Hawk hey dude my kid how do I how do I do an Ollie dude I can't manual a lot of skaters who couldn't figure out how to translate their skills to the video game controller no it was all it was all just mad parents it was all just parents mad that their game wouldn't work or that they bought the
Starting point is 01:19:12 wrong game for the wrong system they bought the game for the wrong system and then they think it's your fault but hey let's get back to Wendy's yeah let's get to the frosty chino Nick yeah yes so I got a vanilla frosty chino moving away from from sandwich territory into drink town this was a I think that they say it has their legendary vanilla frosty mix and that's part of what they they add to the coffee the cold can they really say it's legendary when it's the vanilla is pretty new that's their copy the legendary vanilla frosty mix uh mix with coffee and frosty is legendary the frosty itself is legendary yes I agree with that you got Mitch and you also got the you got that one and you also got the chocolate one I know Mitch right
Starting point is 01:19:54 I yeah I did I got a small uh chocolate frosty chino and a small vanilla frosty chino um I I think that the vanilla one like works better for what it is but I actually did enjoy the chocolate one here's my deal with it though is that I thought that that was I think that drink can be delicious it like is close to being delicious but it just needs to be blended more uh the the frosty sits at the bottom of the cup yeah but if if that thing was like blended up within the within your iced coffee there it it would be fantastic it would taste great it would be like it would be an a plus I mean like it's not a thing you'd want to get every morning but you know when you go to coffee bean and you get yourself an ice blended it would be the same
Starting point is 01:20:43 deal as that you know what I mean it would it would be pretty fantastic I think if it was a swirl a little bit better yet but it could be it could be an improvement I but I do just think it's just so punishingly sweet and maybe that's a product of what you were saying Mitch that that what you're sipping through your straw is all that that frosty clustered at the bottom but I I just thought it was like just too much do you just think a frosty is too sweet because I didn't think I thought the iced coffee on top of it wasn't like super sweet it depends on the because a frosty is a different context a frosty is like this is my dessert I'm having after a meal but nowadays like you know and and maybe maybe in my my Mountain Dew Code red guzzling days I could
Starting point is 01:21:21 take down a frosty chino first thing in the morning but these days I it's just too much sugar for me especially after eating a big heavy sandwich I don't know that was that was my take did anyone else get the frosty chinos I did and I had the same thing about like oh oh there's some stuff down here I need to like mix in and when it first showed up I was disappointed I guess consistency wise I didn't know what it was and I was thinking oh it's probably like a frosty or like a um frappuccino too like frozen um kind of more substantial drinks but it was just like this is iced coffee yeah um and so but then I took a sip and I shut right the hell up because I I liked it wow not not too sweet for me I downed it I had my morning morning coffee and everything and I
Starting point is 01:22:08 polished it off I think I think just if they mixed it up a little bit more um and possibly I mean like I don't know what it would be like if it was all blended up but maybe you'd have to subtract some frosty maybe you'd have to add some frosty I don't I don't know what the right equation is I'm good at math but not at this math I don't know I don't know what I don't go back to engineering school but but I think when it was working it like when I took sips where it was working it tasted great and I loved it yeah I I think more more of a frappe and less of a float I think would just and that that's the way you diagnosed it as well which I think that's that's that would improve it the other thing I want I think worth touching on is the
Starting point is 01:22:54 seasoned potatoes which is their counter to the you know the hash browns or you know whatever all all the other potato preparations all these different chains have and I think the McDonald's hash brown is really the only one that works but I so these are more like potato wedges these are natural cut skin on potatoes and they've got a pepper and garlic powder I just was like I don't need these I didn't think they were the texture was very good and and I just didn't think they added a lot to the meal like slathering them they catch up they were all right but I just I would have rather had a uh just a straight up hash brown me and Dunn liked them yeah I got them both times wow yeah I thought they were kind of uh not necessarily good or bad just sort of there
Starting point is 01:23:37 they're just a surprise I feel I feel like there's like and I thought when I'll get into this in my final thoughts but I feel like when it ooh a little tease I feel like if you got those potato wedges cold they could remind you of like some sort of like a bad bk breakfast that you got or something or like like uh that just kind of like they could grease up or be like kind of colder and they're not gonna they look they were good but they didn't they're not McDonald's hash brown so you know how how am I judging there they're still like the spice is nice swags the spice is nice and it's a and it's a different sort of thing but it's just it's not an a plus item but it's not terrible it was it was a nice side it's it's a serviceable size aside but I think I think hand
Starting point is 01:24:26 man put it well it's just it's just like eh you know I it's a it's a shrug of a side for as far as I was concerned wow all right what what is what do you think they the thing with that is I was just like oh I'm surprised that this is just what they did I like I like a yes they got a frostachino they got a breakfast baconator yeah I agree with that it was just like this is it yeah it would remind me of like McDonald's like I'm sorry when Dunkin Donuts had like potato wedges or whatever when they have the hash browns Wendy Wendy's does bake potatoes this they just chopped this one up that's all that is see but I even if they did something more like that like that was more baked potato or something I don't know I just was surprised that it was
Starting point is 01:25:07 almost like kind of basic but yeah I think the seasoning is good so I would I just want to like to see that just see their chart their take on a hash brown and and you know because I just think that would have that texture that crunched Christmas would have been a little bit better by the way we should mention before we get into our final thoughts that Mike Hanford has switched his zoom background earlier it was Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy's next to his beloved daughter who he named the franchise after now he has switched it to Al Pacino with a jacket full of donuts uh from the movie Jack and Jill where he is cut a commercial for the Dunkin Chino yeah you were talking about the Frappuccino so much that I didn't have so I kind of zoned out and
Starting point is 01:25:45 said oh Frappuccino makes me think of a Dunkin Chino maybe this will make my friends laugh so I put it up there and uh no one until now has said anything no we like we all liked it you like you would try to do that I like a lot I didn't see any smiles across the whole board Hanford if you get an acknowledgement from Weigher that is basically his laugh he'll just I've never seen Jack and Jill but it's because I've said it makes me laugh as I said on this podcast before we actually these guys here Calpacus, Dutton, Hanford we went and saw grown-ups two in theater and we laughed our asses off we loved grown-ups two yeah uh Shaq throws a guy over house it's very funny it's very funny we just I just texted you that video recently and it's
Starting point is 01:26:31 still so funny if i'm throwing that guy over the house it's so it's so funny it's it's the Dunkin Chino the Dunkin Chino thing is kind of like the Shaq moment where it's just like so funny why this guy is doing this thing yeah yeah yeah it's a perfect sketch in the middle of the movie yeah that so I had I had Jack and Jill on the other day and I was watching the first 20 minutes of it I was laughing at it and I was like it's funny well I think it's a very good it's it's it's got wacky goofs but the one bummer is like if you keep keep watching it and when you get to like the end of act two and when you're supposed to feel really sad for Jill it's a bummer oh that sucks but but but it is funny to me that people are like what what like there was like this attitude
Starting point is 01:27:13 of like what is Sandler do what is he doing really like Al Pacino's doing and it's like yeah I don't know he's doing weird funny stuff it's weird and funny what are you talking about right sand man has come back around everyone's everyone loves sand man again you know what they didn't show him the pre appreciation before nick and it fucking pisses me off are you're really concerned for Billionaire Adam Sandler beloved by the whole world had a certain time period that is not even still happening but I met him even in this time period he was still making cash hand over man I met him and I told him I told him I told him I was always there for him he must have been so happy that you're you're leading the charge on that
Starting point is 01:27:59 what are the biggest comedians in the world used to have for well we should get to our final thoughts on Wendy's breakfast so sloppy boys you know the drill but just a recap we will each go around give our assessment our closing argument if you will of this menu and then end it by giving a fork score we will begin with Jeff Dutton hey um well it's very serviceable and they should have been doing this probably for a while they're they do every version of everything like if you prefer croissants you can do that if you prefer biscuits you can do that what I would like to see is them cleaning up the menu a little bit like I was bewildered by all the options and they could have made it so much simpler by being
Starting point is 01:28:48 like hey sausage egg and cheese on a croissant or biscuit and it would have like or which they offer by the way but but like rather than give everything its own square and its own space on the menu with like this entire new restaurant say your choice of sausage or bacon or say your choice of biscuit or bun or or whatever otherwise I feel like I'm looking at like 15 items when really you're just mixing and matching the same like three or four different ingredients um but uh baconator check it out otherwise uh mix and match your own you know what breakfast is like and then uh what's my fork rating just slightly better than average out of five five forks yeah out of five forks yeah I'll call it three three forks yeah slightly better than average all right Tim go ahead oh well I I
Starting point is 01:29:41 liked it I thought it was good and and again I got no nostalgia tied to McDonald's breakfast or any other place that I'm like putting it up against the beloved McMuffin of my youth I'm just eating it and thinking this was all of it was good the special thing yeah Tim you're like a regular he'll hauser too the beloved McMuffin of my youth I'm trying to dethrone him I really liked the the biscuit um with the honey butter and chicken and that alone because the other stuff there was no flaws with it it just it tasted like good fast food breakfast but nothing special but the fact that I did pause and say oh that's a good biscuit makes me feel like I'm in Georgia um then I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a I'm gonna give it a uh a three and a half forks wow three
Starting point is 01:30:36 and a half forks from Tim Calbackus all right Hanford your thoughts your fork rating um well I'm gonna try to be like he'll hauser too uh and be poetic uh like like eggy this is a mess what I blew that I really blew that um I oh I got an item that nobody I think has talked about yes the sausage egg and cheese burrito it was like a a quick little light like a maybe hammer and a hidden hammered I got I got that as well yeah I was fine it was one of those things were like if it was if I had like a hot sauce on each bite it would have been great I like I said before as I'm talking about this food and looking at this big list of food I got uh I am sick to my stomach and uh I think I didn't really love it that much and I'm gonna go with like I would eat
Starting point is 01:31:35 there again it wouldn't be my first choice I would go McDonald's breakfast uh first choice this for me is a it's one to five or zero to five uh zero to five I'll do a one oh I was gonna go too but then I thought I would rather eat something else besides this well at four for Wendy's are you a big McMuffin guy and you love McDonald's breakfast yeah okay so so that's what you're that's that's the thing I think there's these people that just think that McMuffins are so special I like I like they're the the yeah I like that stuff well guess what we found out who the biggest dipshit of the sloppy boys is sloppy doi is more like it you fucking fool I can't buy my zoom when I is he's looking at me
Starting point is 01:32:28 I would hope he's not saying those things to me hafford one fork one fork what what what's the difference if I give it I mean nothing I mean nothing will happen if you really want to break it down there's no real consequence what's the lowest like what's the lowest score you guys have ever given to a terrible place we've given one for zero places before yeah we've got we've gotten zero or half well I I remember the uh didn't Neil give uh Pizza Hut a zero Neil Campbell early on in our in our podcast yeah so the our first very low rating of a chain it just that was controversial he almost sunk your whole show with that yeah it was that we had to recover from that and hey look before before the
Starting point is 01:33:18 the burger brigade and spoon nation coming after me I love Wendy's food in fact Wendy's food is great the breakfast I'm not going there for breakfast guys you know what you're being honest and that's all we ask uh uh Mike Mitchell that's not all I ask your thoughts your thoughts on his breakfast well I got I'm gonna run down what I got because I didn't talk about everything I got I got a small vanilla frostachino iced small chocolate frostachino iced is there why does it say iced oh it's iced frostachino maybe is that what it is anyway there's no hot frostachinos there yeah there is no hot frostachino and then there's no blended so whatever um I got myself medium seasoned potatoes I got there's no need to get a medium but I got one uh I got a sausage egg and cheese burrito
Starting point is 01:34:07 which is actually I'll get to that in a second I got the breakfast baked baconator I got the honey butter chicken biscuit I got the maple bacon chicken croissant croissant damn it maple bacon chicken croissant and I got a bacon egg and swiss croissant and then I got a sausage egg and cheese biscuit so I tried kind of like a I tried like a bacon and egg and cheese thing for the croissant I I tried a sausage egg and cheese thing with a biscuit nick spoon man's bite of the night goes to the sausage egg and cheese biscuit I loved it wow I told Dutton that was a really great good bye I got that this morning that was good it was good in fact it's so good three and a half forks wow whoa uh Dutton it doesn't matter Hanford already destroyed the score well you know
Starting point is 01:34:59 maybe if they didn't serve me a um a raw potato there it comes there it is and also you've been eating over this raw potato you've been eating chicken parmesan made with Wendy's chicken all month and your your numbers are off man just doing about that I'm in my own world over here do you know what you know what your issue your you know what your people's issues is during covid is you can't get my potato right hey hey don't don't lock the door on me oh boy you're a Karen you know that you're a Karen boy Hanford Karen it's all falling into place um that yeah the sausage egg and cheese biscuit my bite of the the my spoon and bite of the morning and uh that I gotta say this the sausage egg and cheese burrito
Starting point is 01:35:54 that was my fright of the night oh boy I had to take off from that one for my scared I was scared yeah it was my the shell of the burrito was hard like you know what like it was just like when you microwave a burrito or something and like that's part of the the the the tortilla is hard I said shell yeah but uh my baconator sausage was uh burnt um and and uh I the it was just it reminded me of how good that sausage burrito from the breakfast burrito from McDonald's which I'm a big fan of flags uh and I Tim I love McDonald's breakfast to me McDonald's breakfast is a five forker Nick would you agree with that yeah I think so I think I mean as far as fast as breakfast we reviewed it with Sarah Silverman I don't remember I don't
Starting point is 01:36:42 remember what we get what we gave it but it's in that area I you know I think that and Dunkin Donuts are one two as far as fast food breakfasts go in some order yeah I don't even put Dunkin in the same category but Wendy's I think is is is what category you put it in I put it in its own little separate category it's it's not by itself it's it's not the fast it's not the fast food chain restaurant like like Wendy's McDonald's and Burger King it's in a separate category that's not that crazy but you could get a croissant with egg cheese and sausage the very same menu item you so love yes I know and look they're they're drive-thrus there look fine Dunkin Donuts is my favorite breakfast five forks for that but also McDonald's breakfast I'll give it five forks
Starting point is 01:37:30 because I think McDonald's is great Wendy's is is right below I love Wendy's maybe I like Wendy's more than McDonald's for burgers and chicken sandwiches it's a possibility but the breakfast is good but it's kind of inconsistent there's some stuff that doesn't work they're still figuring it out I think at its worst like the the the maple bacon chicken croissant that tastes like kind of like a greasy bad morning breakfast sandwich that you get at at Burger King or whatever I don't want to I don't mean to shit on Burger King too much but like yeah Burger King is back we like Burger King again we do but I'm saying like when you get a like a greasy breakfast sandwich we're like oh shit you're in the fucking train station or some shit yep and you get a
Starting point is 01:38:14 fucking greasy breakfast sandwich that's what that maple bacon chicken one was like to me and you know where you were you doing that train station you're on your way to Hogwarts oh my god you're trying to get your last bit of food your last bit of a of civilian food before you have to eat the muggle food I'm sorry yes thank you man for where you have to eat Dumbledore's slop for the rest of your childhood and also Hogwarts represents Palestine I think I used that same exact reference last time but I think that it's it's a good outing Nick it's it's it's right below I'm gonna go four forks four forks wow I think I think that it's uh it's fair but it's it's it's you know
Starting point is 01:39:05 even even eating the baconator at times I was like this is like a this feels a little heavy and greasy like morning breakfast that you don't like but then there was bites of that where I thought I transcended it and I thought that the honey butter biscuit honey butter chicken biscuit was was that also trans that's transcended morning breakfast a little bit but yeah four forks I knew because when you took a bite your your pupils got really big and like you had you had like a rainbow uh aura around around your head it's true boy I gotta say these scores are like the six of us including Emma geographically right now all over the map of course you would make that comparison you love maps you're so good with
Starting point is 01:39:54 the maps it's your Rand McNally thank you more like random McNally yes oh my god oh my god yes uh so here's here's what I'll say I I agree with Mitch's thoughts I think uh in general I mcdonald's breakfast is is very very good this is not mcdonald's breakfast it's not of that tear but however I really like the the you know I like some of the bolder steaks they are trying to get to go for I like I like the uh you know I like some of the bigger swings they're taking now if there's a bolder steak on the menu that might be good if they're oh well I mean as long as it's not a bolder steak as in bo uh you lder like something you're not talking about the same thing no and so long as not steak s ta ke that's true too or or snake s na ke yeah yeah I mean that's a
Starting point is 01:40:56 word I would hate that if I reach into my Wendy's bag and a snake left out of me go ahead nick if I hold on a second can I think that didn't happen nick I quickly I just I just want to talk about this with him or if I reached into my Wendy's bag yeah thinking I'm going to grab onto a spicy chicken sandwich and a freaking snake bites my finger right are you kidding me I don't want any of my food to bite my finger let alone a snake now we're getting zero four situation yeah food I would just want food in the bag even if it's not Wendy's food that's better than a fucking snake being in there this this this this this might seem extreme but if I go to any fast food restaurant and I reach into the bag and there's a rattlesnake in there I'm not going back wow yeah that's minus
Starting point is 01:41:40 one fork wow that's a big statement to make I mean you guys was doing this show for five years I don't think I've ever said a reason why you wouldn't go back to play that's a huge that's huge a snake no one wants a snake in their bag so I ordered a shake and not a snake go ahead Nick I we keep cutting you off go ahead I heard a garden salad not a garter snake yeah right exactly exactly you know I'm also Snape from Hogwarts like you just brought up so Snape yeah I want french fries not a bunch of little you know yellow snakes worms yes even worms I don't want worms in there worms I wouldn't be as mad about as a snake but I'd still be upset oh would you go back capacity to bite if it's a nonvenomous snake I think I'd rather have a nonvenomous snake than worms because worms are
Starting point is 01:42:28 gross oh a garbage venomous snake yeah if it's a venomous snake then I'm scared what if they were dry worms would you be okay with dry worms like like dead worms just they haven't been in dirt for a long time and there's no slime on them they're just living worms that are just kind of dry but still wriggly I think that's still gross okay I don't want that yeah yeah I know what type of worms I would like in there but I'm not gonna say unless you really want me to go ahead so oh no we want to hear go ahead gummy worms I do I would love it if gummy worms were in there on gummy worms would be great yeah so I will say that's it for oh you have a review sorry yeah um the croissants just don't work I think they should they should lose the croissants they
Starting point is 01:43:12 should simplify the menu a little bit the seasoned potatoes I didn't love and I think you know my one regret because I got a fountain Coca-Cola and a frosty chino as my beverages I should have just gotten a regular coffee because I'm curious how their Wendy's coffee is and I haven't had it so that that was one misfire on my part from an ordering standpoint that said I thought the the biscuit and the the the sandwich that's on a hamburger bun were delightful and I think they've got some really really solid items on this menu and as far as I'm concerned Wendy's overall remains a five fork chain there's no reason to diminish its stature as a result of this breakfast menu and I also think their breakfast menu is pretty damn good and I think they get a lot of stuff right
Starting point is 01:43:53 and I think they get enough right to warrant a four fork score I'm in the hand-holding club with me with my my co-host Mike Mitchell we're hey we're not that different after all now Nick yes what's your issue with worms man they're just gross you they're not that bad they're nasty they're gross I don't want worms around me they're wriggly they're slimy what about earthworm gym earthworm gym is cool but he's a different type he's like a specific worm yeah he's a graphic image yeah thank you you specifically love the creator of earthworm gym is that right okay dug ten apple is that like a canceled guy is there some scandal behind him yeah yeah there is there is oh he's really yeah is that is it that dug the guy I'm you know I'm looking up famous
Starting point is 01:44:53 worms right now yeah earthworm gym is up there I mean though the worms from doom mmm I almost said doom I meant dune in case that that nm difference wasn't clear dune d-u-n-e not doom d-o-o-m dune okay so I got a wiki list of fictional worms going back to back going back to Tim Burton you got the sandworms and you got the sandworms sure those are different type of sandworm um you got the graboids from tremors sure I don't like the name graboids by the way why because it's like they would it's like they're graboids because they grab you yeah that's like a funny that's a funny part of the movie is when they're naming them hmm I don't love it all right I guess um there's a alien chest per oh that doesn't count what are you looking at what what worm is
Starting point is 01:45:49 it I'm looking at famous worms and there's there's stretching over here why's yeah because there aren't a lot of them yeah yeah there's really not yeah hey there's the book worm from uh from book guy Tim it's listed in here oh that's classic that's almost like the dead parrot from Monty Python you know wow let me just say this I mean it was hold on I got a conference call oh that's me go ahead but um the winds were taken out of the sail for the review when when Dutts who I thought liked it said three right off the bat mm-hmm yeah and have her have her put it in the grave with one well but but like okay go ahead and what do you mean the grave I thought we were looking at a
Starting point is 01:46:46 four forker here I thought so too I thought this was the this would there be more a rapturous reception I mean I was teetering on a two and a one yeah Mike is all way off because he's just he's he's he's a McDonald's guy Jeff had too much he went with Mitch and he came back with me he he he overdid it I guess it's not fair for me to say three if I went twice in three days I clearly liked it somewhat well you know what Nick we can't change people's minds here though you know what I mean we can't we can't that's not the goal of this podcast the goal is to give people a platform to say what they feel and hey that was our review of Wendy's breakfast it's time for a segment we've got a set of fast food jingles
Starting point is 01:47:35 and you all must guess what year they're from it's jingle all the way spelled w e i g h this segment is a new segment that is the brainchild of our our new associate producer the drop king Robert Persinger wow so if you love it or hate it let the drop king know on social media just know his job is on the line his job is on the line if it's not liked he's fired yeah this is his this is his attempt to keep to stay employed here so here's how this is going to work Emma is going to play our producer is going to play each jingle and then you each will guess the year of this particular Wendy's jingle when what year was this Wendy's jingle played and whoever gets closest without going over prices right style wins that question oh and in this case so over is recent
Starting point is 01:48:28 yes more recent yes so if you came out in years now if it came out in 1979 and you guess 1980 and someone else guessed 1977 1977 wins 1980 is eliminated all right Emma let's play the first Wendy's jingle right now get two free big disposable shavers when you order ready breakfast entree only at Wendy's the big shaver for sensitive skin for many smooth shave weird that's so weird there's a big shaver included a razor which may or may not be a clue how do we the big razor is a clue nick how do we how are you gonna do this do we just go around and and and yes i think we'll have a different person start each time we'll do prices right style we'll go to so this first one
Starting point is 01:49:37 Dutton you'll start then Tim then Mitch then Hanford so go ahead Dutton some visual cues there uh i'm gonna yes we did the our listeners do not did not get to see the commercial uh but we did get to see some video which may give you something i'm gonna say 79 79 for Dutton um i'm gonna go i'm going later because it's you know it's like a doo-wop song but it was a throwbacky retro thing and i don't think the the baby boomers were obsessed with doing that type of thing until my birth year 1983 wow 83 for calpacus michael uh i just want to say also um catterpie weedle and one wormpole are uh three other famous worms nick that we didn't mention and uh now is a caterpillar a worm well you just fucking blew my mind my man
Starting point is 01:50:31 i mean maybe it is it might be you're on the wrong podcast my friend and mulgara nick from zelda oh yeah that's a good one um nick you just showed a we just got shown a clip with breakfast food at wendy's i'm guessing what you said earlier 1985 the year that they served breakfast is the year of that commercial wow all right handford mitch that's pretty that's good sleuth and i i would love to jump on board but i'll mix it up just to keep it interesting uh they were advertising a a big razor disposable razor at the end there when was the disposable razor made i think like 63 60 i'm gonna say 64 1964 64 it was a color commercial uh but that is a that is a bold choice i will say
Starting point is 01:51:30 it's pretty clear who won this one it's it's it's mike mitchell this came out exactly in 1985 on the dot you are correct this is a good memory there that's good you know what it had in it uh was that blue grid that you see quite a bit in like 80 stuff or vapor wavy stuff it's like that blue grid that goes to the horizon that's that's used that was used like all the time back that hey nick i listened to you you see that i like that i like when you listen to me you know how she can listen to your mom for once the hell she's looking out for you mitch all right let's wait i'm about to see her soon now here's here's the deal yes why why why a big razor with food it's just such a weird combo
Starting point is 01:52:27 no what a weird promotion well let's see how this next one is in terms of weirdness uh emma let's play the next commercial all right i think that's enough of that clip uh tim we'll start with you this time what do you think what year i think they're this was like a yuppie kind of a demographic they're going for here and i'm gonna say that it's later than the other one and but not too late because 87 87 mitch tim i was thinking 88 when i first saw that but i'm gonna go 1990 on the dot because i think that there's some like 90s vibe and there's some 80s vibes from that 90 1990 mitch guesses 1990 handman well the the song the singer i kind of sounded like paula abdull
Starting point is 01:53:41 to me and i for some reason associate her with the year 1989 i'm gonna go with 89 that's a good one hamford i should have gotten some good answers or that's more of a family feud thing yeah but you you can say it to us though good answer good answer uh well now i just gotta say it to everyone or else i'm gonna tip my hand all right datten oh shit what do you think 87 90 and 89 are the other guesses what year do you think this came out one more one more time with the other guesses 87 yeah 90 89 88 that was my first thought that's 91 wow wow he is prices writing it and you know what that is a good answer because that commercial came out in 1994 for wendy's specifically in the philippines oh that was targeted the philippines market so that wouldn't
Starting point is 01:54:37 have been on us tv uh i don't believe so at least that's where this is where originally aired uh all right let's uh let's do a couple more here let's hear why are you tricky do you tricky fucker trick this man this is coming from the drop king he's the one who compiled this drop king you're fired by man all right next commercial all right i think we're good there but wendy's has some jams this that commercial is great yeah that that was a 30 second commercial i the one before that i think was a minute long commercial yeah very long commercial all right with that one i'm just gonna who knows who knows
Starting point is 01:55:44 hold on is hamford first mitch you start this one oh nice try any uh for this one nick you said we were stuck in the 90s this whole episode i'm going back to my last pick 1990 again 1990 again for mitch hamford i yeah you ever come to one of those things in life where you just got to go with your gut yes off done this is one of those times for me 2004 2004 so i gotta go with this point you got to do it john carrey has just clinched the democratic nomination uh-huh that all right uh it's a swing dutton what do you think i'm thinking 1995 95 calpacus you guys are you guys are crazy it's cool in the gang and they wouldn't be doing a commercial in 1995 i'm gonna go with my birth year 1983 wow you take it that commercial came out
Starting point is 01:56:49 in 1986 wow so far mitch dutton and calpacus all on the board hamford yet to score all right let's say let's let's maybe we'll have some more luck with his next one let's hear this next commercial Emma go ahead and play it when i was young i never needed any fun and having lunch was just for fun those days are gone don't want to be all by myself dry your tears wendy's pretzel bun is back all right there's a big visual clue in that commercial that our listeners obviously are not exposed to but uh what did you what do you what do you think hamford you're up first this i this was the new uh wendy's lady right yes yeah when when did that happen now i'm gonna say like uh i'm gonna say 2010 2010 for my canford yes the the new wendy's
Starting point is 01:57:58 uh the girl with a they replaced wendy with a like a like a sexy wendy which was an interesting choice to sexualize the founder's daughter yes but that's what they decided to go with all right dutton what do you think in response to that you remember like they really sexied up grimace yeah did they ever houchie mochi um mike you have to do much mike you said 2010 nick do you have that written down yes 2010 i'm gonna say i'm gonna price is right you again say 2011 wow 2011 cow packis now you're in the position where you could price is right dutton if you want it and i'm just crazy enough to do that type of shit um because i do think i remember this new wendy and i but this commercial was not at the beginning of her run like she'd
Starting point is 01:58:54 been doing it for a little while so i do think it was later and i will prices right duddy buddy and say the year i wish was my birth year 2012 2012 well right mitch i'm gonna prices right the cat man no 2012 the year the world was supposed to end uh this one is tricky because it's it's it's like an 80s feeling commercial all by myself look this is what the thing with cool in the gang of course cool in the gang is it was an 80s group but then i'm like i don't know when cool in the gang was doing a wendy's commercial wouldn't that be later you know what i mean and and but with the wendy's girl we know for a fact that this is later advertisement wendy's um but one that is i don't know i'm going 2013 you got prices right mitch that strategy paid off because you are
Starting point is 01:59:51 correct it came out in 2014 wow later than any of your guesses but you came closest all right we'll do one more what was the visual clue there uh the when the new wendy's girl oh we're gonna say there's a there's a twitter bug at the end too oh yeah that also would have that also would have tipped it um all right we got one more emma let's skip to number six let's play number six and see if anyone can puzzle this out man i love when these death tournament guys realize they're real enemies the audience you know it's a classic oh my god don't look over too fast morty we're being followed who are those guys wendy's breakfast morty it's a wendy's what wendy's breakfast they've been trying to make us do a commercial about it for months man i'm hungry those things look good bet your
Starting point is 02:00:31 ass they do morty that's the breakfast baconator frosty chino and honey butter chicken biscuit chicken biscuits a bruiser morty do not understand run morty run i'll never do it you'll never take me alive wait run and get wendy's breakfast before wendy's breakfast gets you so not really a jingle there um and again definitely some visual clues i've had some rhythm to it there is a singsongy nature to dan harmon's dialogue that's true uh all right this is uh uh let's see whose turn is it dutton i believe you're up again 2020 wow 2020 for jeff dutton calpacus uh the year of my death 2020 can you guess the same thing and on prices right or do you ever guess something different i i'm gonna i'm gonna allow it because i don't know the rules well yeah no yeah wait
Starting point is 02:01:22 if i have to go 2019 i will but i know it's 2020 because they said they've been trying to get us to do this commercial for ye for months and how many months do we even have it's true uh all right mitch what do you think oh my god i don't know what to guess oh you you should just you need to take a guess right now you come on this sucks it sucks that you can't guess right now oh i don't know my guess nick my birth year 1982 mitch i am going to prices right you and go in 1983 wow well you know what we end with a three-way tie jeff tim and mitch all have two correct answers wow out of the five questions hanford did not
Starting point is 02:02:16 get on the board uh so hey that's i think that means mitch i think that means you're now the third sloppy boy wow baby wow you are in mitch you're probably the best singer out of all of us so you know welcome mitch had some pipes uh you know we've done and i were gonna release uh uh you know what in my position as sloppy boy i resigned and give hamford my seat wow oh wow so that's cool that's very big and he's getting the official style that you have to resign mitch as we talked about at the beginning of this podcast you were a small man in many ways but that was the biggest thing you've ever done in many ways hey that was jingle all the way spelled w e i g h it's time to open up the feedback today's email comes from erin erin writes when i got married i
Starting point is 02:03:10 registered for housewares but i couldn't find drinking glasses i liked i wanted glasses like they use at olive garden tall thick wavy greenish tinge glasses but i couldn't find any i liked my sister surprised me by buying a case of glasses from olive garden directly she found out that everything in the olive garden decor flatware dishes can be purchased anyway 13 years later i'm still loving my olive garden glasses perfect size shape weight etc do you guys have any chain restaurant dishes utensils you would love to have at home or alternatively chain restaurant dishes utensils you hate for example and this is a hot take i hate the plastic red pebble textured cups from the old pizza hut restaurants which i love i love those cups that was going to be my answer
Starting point is 02:03:52 wow what the hell like we had him we had him in the ifica dining hall they might be bigger than they might be bigger than the one she's talking about but i'm talking about like a big red translucent tumbler love those yeah there's also there's there's a blue one of those that i think is oftentimes pepsi branded that similarly like yeah give me that give me that big plastic cup i love it man she out everyone just disagrees with her she shouldn't have included that last part very scorching hot take to to close out that email i you know what you know what i knew i got mine um i'd want the big mama's and papa's pizza car that you deliver the the giant pizza i just drove by that car yesterday and it's funny how small the car is so it has a giant
Starting point is 02:04:37 pizza rack on top and then a teeny little car they could just have a normal car and it would all work fine this is a local chain in la that has a novelty a gigantic like six foot by six foot pizza that they can deliver and they have a special car and special carrying case it's a smart car i think it's a smart car smart car and then put like a huge thing up top to make the pizza look that that much bigger i'm i'm thinking of as i was thinking through this i feel like bj's has nice beer glasses and maybe i'm misremembering that maybe i'm thinking of a different chain but i feel like they have those nice sort of like scoop sloped you know uh uh glasses that i think are are are really are a lot of fun um as opposed to the more you know traditional uh pint glasses
Starting point is 02:05:25 if i if i'm if i'm wrong on bj's i hope i i hope i'm not but that's what i'm thinking of i think that would be a nice piece of glass where to have hey nick did you like when you said i was trying to open up the feedback i did a sound effect of of it opening it up i didn't hear it what was it it was a whoosh that's that to you is the feedback opening up which i thought you were speaking in klingon anything else comes to come to mind calpacas handford i'd say i i'm with you guys on the the pizza cup i love all i've got a bad one that i hate which is like most places that do any take on a martini glass like i don't like when it's route when it's like the stem is bent or the martini glass itself is like really fanned out like an extra wide funnel and i think a lot of places
Starting point is 02:06:16 yeah they're trying to go all sex in the city with it but the martini glass is a great thing you know don't mess with it um this is not necessarily uh the utensils used in the chain restaurant but when my parents came to visit me when i was in la i was working and they had to spend the day up didn't have to but they went to go spend the day up at a universal city and sure enough that christmas i got a bubblegum shrimp mug wow that was like smaller at the bottom that it wasn't top so it was kind of like tippy and that's a terrible mug and i do not have it anymore i i will say the you know another another piece of uh another dish i like the the mugs you get at i hop i feel like are are always real nice i think that they're coffee mugs is it like a big
Starting point is 02:07:03 diner mug it's not like a big diner mug it's just like a like a normal sized mug but it's just like a quality snug mug and it's it's great for a cup of joe uh but the the other one i'm thinking of mitch you and i went up there uh with uh with uh jess and zack from off book we are a and w canada the root beer glasses the heavy glass root beer glasses are great and they were a lot of fun and hey you know what you don't just have to drink root beer from those hell yeah hey i also had that root beer glass in my car i got an a and w had car service and they brought me a glass mug out to my right out to me and that's fun yeah that rules you know what i would like i've never seen anyone's home before is when you go to diner i think i hop does this or at least perkins used to
Starting point is 02:07:48 the oval uh plates oval uh breakfast plates oh yeah i like those i do i i do like the ovals yeah do you know do you know what my choices would be my real ones well besides that i want mcdonalds to bring like the mick blt back to have like a the the thing where you can just fold the two sides of the sandwiches together i think that's fun but that's different but uh for me there's a few things it's one it starts off with those stainless steel cups you get with fraps or or milkshakes at uh say friendlies or whatever and then brigam's you got they have they have steel ones for sundays but then also those glass ice cream cups that you'll get it say a friendlies or brigam's or anything like that oh those are fun well let us know what your what your fantasy
Starting point is 02:08:36 chain restaurant dishes or utensils are hashtag i love utensils wow and hey if you have a question or comment out the world of chain restaurants you can email us at dopeboyspodcast at or leave us a voicemail 830 godo that's 830 463 6844 and to get the doughboys double our weekly bonus episode you can join the golden or platinum play club at slash doughboys and you know what else you can do you can check out the sloppy boys their new album paradiso uh tell us all about it guys it's streaming everywhere spotify apple music oh my god this thing's all over the place wow it's a hey come on it's a fun record it's a summer record it's the third of the trilogy a party rock trilogy of albums listen to them all in order uh and for a limited time we should
Starting point is 02:09:22 plug the uh paradiso zoom room uh oh yeah for the next uh for the next eight or nine weeks we're going to be doing zooms on friday night and you can find the login at our uh at the sloppy boys on twitter or instagram wow i listen to the album it's great i had me laughing it had me partying it was it was a great time hey master bong ripper made me light up a dupe whoa oh hey speaking of which we're gonna end this episode with a track from the new sloppy boys album paradiso here is the master bong ripper i'm the master bong ripper i'm known throughout the town if you think you've spied a smokestack it's just me that you have found
Starting point is 02:10:36 the master bong ripper the master bong ripper the master bong the master bong ripper i worry about the ozo and the greenhouse effect but when my puffs finally roast the ice caps at least i'll be totally rigged the master bong ripper the master bong ripper the master bong ripper uh on the next dough boys double activist and fellow so Cal local albert carato joins to review papa john's new shekeel o'neill themed shakaroti pizza does it dominate the pizza game like prime shak dominated the rim find out only at slash dough boys
Starting point is 02:11:52 sources for this week's intro are in the episode description that was a hit gum podcast

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