Doughboys - White Castle with Mike Hanford, Paul Rust, and Fran Gillespie (LIVE)

Episode Date: November 7, 2019

For our second NYC show in the Feast Coast tour, we're joined onstage by Mike Hanford (The Birthday Boys, The Sloppy Boys), Paul Rust (Netflix's Love, Don’t Stop or We’ll Die), and Fran Gillespie ...(SNL, Big Mouth) to review an east coast institution serving sliders, White Castle. Plus, a live edition of the Snack Stack. Recorded live at the Gramercy Theatre in NYC on September 6, 2019. Sources for this week's intro include:White Castle rolls dice with movie role from The Chicago Tribune Review: Harold and Kumar by Roger Ebert Kal Penn: Hungry For Success from Teen Tribute The White Castle Story: The Birth Of Fast Food & The Burger Revolution By Ashlee Kieler The Untold Truth of White Castle by Joel Stice Castle website Want more Doughboys? Check out our Patreon!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. Is a slider worth the trouble leaving home and journeying miles through the night? If you're stoned and have the munchies as Harold and Kumar are, the answer is clearly yes. This excerpt from the late Roger Ebert's positive review of a stoner comedy starring John Cho and Cal Penn as the titular famished marijuana enthusiast and the crucial third title role went not to an actor but to a restaurant, an iconic Midwest hamburger sandwich joint founded in Wichita, Kansas in 1921. The greasy but generally wholesome eatery, widely recognized as the world's first fast food burger chain
Starting point is 00:01:15 heavily weighed the pros and cons of an association with buds who like bud but ultimately gave permission to filmmakers to use their brand in the title while another candidate, Krispy Kreme, balked when approached and ultimately the chain granted permission to be prominently featured in the raunchy hard art comedy was a master stroke as the fast food franchise would become a part of a film franchise when two sequels were greenlit resulting in nearly a decade's worth of free marketing for the state brand known for its compact burgers sold by the stack engineered with practical considerations to optimize kitchen efficiency
Starting point is 00:01:53 square patties to maximize space on the flat top each patty with five Swiss cheese holes to expedite cooking the burgers are relics from the early days of fast food when food quality was sacrificed for efficiency in fact some even consider the frozen versions available in supermarkets superior to its in-store fare and so this house of sliders already a part of food history became a part of film history
Starting point is 00:02:21 as well as a fixation for those who enjoy the sticky icky this week on Doughboys Mitch and Weigar go to White Castle Who are you? Welcome to Doughboys Live! How you doing New York? Guys we got a great great show my name is Nick Weigar and before we go any further
Starting point is 00:03:20 this week's roast is courtesy of At Ryan Effing Awesome let me introduce my co-host Foodie Giuliani The Spoon Man Mike Mitchell The Spoon Man Mike Mitchell Yeah What's up New York? Oh boy
Starting point is 00:04:00 I feel so weird I don't want to sit here Move your fucking chair over I feel like I'm just sitting here like a fucking lump of shit at the end of the table There's room move the chair over So for people listening Mitch is way out on the wing on the side of the table Do what I'm doing and sort of put yourself in the corner Just wedge that
Starting point is 00:04:22 No don't take that one our guest needs to sit there We're not going to make our guest sit way out on there on the flank Just take that one and nudge that seat over There you go and scoot that seat over more You're fine You're like putting your crocs around the table You got to straddle the corner that's all you can do Who was here for the first show make some noise
Starting point is 00:04:50 Why did you come back? Yeah should have quit while you were behind We have no energy Mitch how are you feeling right now you hanging in there? No I've noticed you're wearing a white castle hat That's right Perhaps tipping your hand as to your view although we'll find out in a bit
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah maybe We'll see Emma has already texted me drop, drop, drop That's right you forgot in the first show and you also forgot in the four prior shows we did on this tour To play your drop I got it I got it I'm not going to forget it this time but I'm not going to do it right now So wait a minute we'll see what happens I'll say howdy ho on my own time
Starting point is 00:05:38 We'll get to the fucking things you want us to do Stop yelling for us to do them we'll do them It's things we do I'll do it now actually Howdy ho to Spoon Nation Michael Williams gave me this hat and he's from White Castle is that right Michael Williams? Yes I am He sounded embarrassed
Starting point is 00:06:04 What if we give it a bad score My score is going up I like the White Castle people I like how chilly it is I mean we're going to be honest because the Doughboys can't be bought I certainly can be Michael just text me a number and I'll give that thing five-fourths baby Hi Nick Hi Mitch Some of our classic early show banter
Starting point is 00:06:37 Saying hello to each other You get to go to oh they're going to be so mad You get to go to Boston my hometown tomorrow But tonight we're in the greatest city in the world Till tomorrow when I make the fun of you fucking assholes But tonight Philly is the one who sucks Mitch I told you this before the show and I didn't mention on our earlier episode We had the great Jamel Bowie to review under review Kava that episode will be out in our feed soon
Starting point is 00:07:13 But I was too embarrassed to tell this Bad career move by him to be on the show Bad career move for him But I was a but you know as far as I can tell for New York Times columnist it's impossible to get fired for that job so Wow he'll be okay But I Like I went to Of all the chains that I thought I might have some sort of bathroom emergency and that we've been eating at
Starting point is 00:07:40 Caught off guard by Kava Kava the healthy bowl place and I not only had a an emergency BM there So much grosser than even you saying I took a shit there This is how we should start a food podcast, right? You you clogged the toilet I clogged the toilet at Kava What were you doing in there? Look
Starting point is 00:08:10 Let me say this I'm a guy for that shit I had I didn't mean to literally say shit I Here's what there was not a plunger in the bathroom, but there was a toilet brush And I said this can serve as a makeshift to the plunger in a pinch and it kind of worked That's vile Why is that so gross? What do you think it's doing in a bowl?
Starting point is 00:08:39 You what? What do you think that toilet brush is doing there? What do you think it's doing in contact with? So I should just like left it in there for one of these poor underpaid service workers to deal with Oh, don't try to turn it on me like that you piece of shit I did my best with the tools at my disposal And I was able to get after a few minutes of doing I was able to get a flush And a clean bowl and I left and it was like no crime had ever been committed What were you eating that made your shit so sticky and cement like?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Probably everything on this tour any of the meals we've had No, I was trying to get a self-filate joke in there, but fuck it Like digested cum turns into a solid stool is how you're saying that's what I was trying to say This is dirty off the top. This is fucking gross But you know perhaps appropriate for this week's chain He's kidding Michael Should I play a little drop what should I not have told that now I feel self-conscious about telling it No, you definitely shouldn't have told it. Okay. Sorry everyone go ahead Mitch
Starting point is 00:09:54 How to how to spoon nation once again Emma hit him with a little drop, please I'll put my hands up on some chips when I dip you dip we dip you put my hands up on some chips when you dip I dip we dip I'll put my hands up on some chips when I dip you dip we dip Oh boy oh boy oh boy What the fuck You didn't like that? I was disappointed in you I gotta say
Starting point is 00:10:21 No one likes that song? No one liked it Bitch I love your In addition of the dip from the Halal guys episode with Dave Schilling so I had to add your version blah blah blah You don't believe David? You can't believe that David Nick shit on like this especially Nick a man with a pension for song parodies Here's what happened and I told you this afterwards Keep that oven at keep that oven temp at 450
Starting point is 00:10:49 It's a it's a it's a shout out to me liking oven fries It's an oven fries thing that was a lot of fun That's not true I uh Here's what happened you did that and the reason I froze up and had like a weird reaction Is because literally at the same time and this was a weird like Like we're you know We're not so different you and I sort of thing
Starting point is 00:11:13 Uh huh At the same time I had been working on a I've been writing for a pilot that of course did not go And we were and I had written a fucking Dip chip parody of the dip into a script from several weeks ago I showed that script to you afterwards I still don't believe it I think you wrote that script up quick No I didn't it was like a thing I was like holy shit you stumbled upon this thing You ad-lib this this thing that I had written up previously
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah all your hard work comes to me easy Just improvise that shit you dumb fuck If only you had the energy to actually type something out on a computer Imagine what you could do Uh the keys are hard to push in Uh Mitch should we get our guests out here? Hell yeah This is gonna be a wild episode
Starting point is 00:12:12 Chaos is about to unfold first up From the birthday boys and the sloppy boys Give it up for Mike Hanford Wow He did the dip Wait what is that called? That's the dab I don't think that's the dab He dabbed
Starting point is 00:12:37 Lager told me that would be cool to do and I think he was right It was very cool I really liked it Before I hate to slow the show down No please A bit of housekeeping You guys need to you never settle what you wanted for dinner after this People in the back want to know Wait they want to know they this is a legit question
Starting point is 00:12:56 It was never really figured out because it was kind of hectic I don't think we need to put in a food order right from this I have an order More White Castle Wow Our next guest is from Netflix's Love It's gonna be great don't stop or we'll die Give it up for Paul Ross
Starting point is 00:13:43 Paul just did a little dance and Paul I love you but it's against the spirit of Doe Boys to be that entertaining Apologies And finally from SNL and Big Mouth Please welcome Fran Gillespie Wow Yeah Hello
Starting point is 00:14:20 Kind of a drummer I don't know if you saw I saw it I loved it He has that rhythm Very cool Yeah it was cool you were drumming you came in Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:33 Did you learn that from a rock and roll music video? Yeah quite a few quite a few Me I just want to say full disclaimer I'm kind of struggling right now Is that related to what we had? Yeah it is it's moving through my body at a rapid pace Right It laid dormant for two hours but guess what?
Starting point is 00:14:54 You said to us at the restaurant today Yeah That you've been pescatarian mostly for the last year Yes yes Jesus Christ Actually honestly It's like going straight to Fentanyl I was like I don't drink heroin please
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah it's like when Mormons butt fuck They're like no not till we're married just in the butt Not ching Just to be clear at the White Castle Mormons were butt fucking right? It's an interesting feature We're just kind of going at it You went in the wrong bathroom Do you have you who's had White Castle before
Starting point is 00:15:46 This was my first visit to an actual restaurant Wow Never been they don't have Mountain California I have only had the White Castle frozen burgers before Wow Which are good those are good Hanford I've never been I have had the frozen ones and the times I've had them
Starting point is 00:16:04 The buns have been as soggy as the ones I had today But we'll get into that a little bit I'm sure we'll work our way around today This was my first time at a White Castle institution Really? As someone from Iowa I would think they'd be out there They're not really? No I remember when I first saw Wings World
Starting point is 00:16:30 You know it's a representation of Illinois Right And I'm just a stone's throw away from Iowa And I thought Oh this isn't my culture I don't know these White Castles that they speak of I don't think they ever entered Correct me any Desmoinians
Starting point is 00:16:50 But I feel like it's never really fully come into Iowa Interesting Yeah so this was my I have had the frozen ones Woo! And I'm from Illinois And I have had White Castle several times And I've even had White Castle at the White Castle
Starting point is 00:17:15 We ate at today in Sunnyside Queens Wow Woo! Well I'll tell you this, I'll tell you this I have been there several times And I was keeping it under my hat So it could be a live reaction From us?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Oh my God I don't want you faking like Whoa interesting You heard it before You dipshit No this is real You know when you first start dating someone And you don't want them to know you use the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Yes I do honestly Are there three girls in the audience? Come on Yeah It's mostly a girl thing So maybe not your crowd But so when you first start dating someone You want to cover up that you use the bathroom
Starting point is 00:17:59 And I was dating someone that lived in Queens Who had a car And so I'd be like We should stop at White Castle on the way home I'm gonna take a shit before I get to his house Oh At that White Castle? Yes
Starting point is 00:18:15 I went in that bathroom That was a grim scene And I haven't even done anything yet You went in there so you didn't get anything You just used the bathroom No You pretend that you're hungry for something So that you're like
Starting point is 00:18:30 As long as we're here I might as well use the bathroom Oh my god they didn't have any hamburgers left So I went in the bathroom So I had used the bathroom there several times It makes sense why this specific location was called the Brown Castle I think that's on their cleaning crew You're booing my joke
Starting point is 00:18:52 It was an excellent joke you fools Brown Castle, shit I won the back with my ex-cl... These New Yorkers just didn't get it Yeah they're definitely not as sharp as people from Los Angeles Oh shit Do you guys like sliders? Because I will just say this
Starting point is 00:19:21 I come from a baseline of Slider hatred As a Jerry O'Connell fan I love it Yeah A Jerry O'Connell fan? You know his twin pretended to go missing for attention? Like two years ago? Jerry O'Connell
Starting point is 00:19:38 Jerry O'Connell's twin pretended to go missing for attention That's crazy I'm not kidding it was like he's... Barry O'Donnell? Yes his twin had a different last name That's how twins work Kind of just like mix the letters up Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:55 No his twin was like I'm missing That's insane He tweeted it out He tweeted out I'm missing? How do you declare yourself missing? How does that scam work? I'm about to be missing Yeah sliders are bad
Starting point is 00:20:10 But mostly because the bun takes over Yes I agree Like that's what I like about a proper burg Is that they got a lot of patty What's wrong with sliders they're fun They slide right down your throat you can snake them up Snake them? Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well show us what snake is Come on you can't sit there Mitch is getting down in a snake like position Snake, snake, snake, snake Snake, snake, snake What happened? Perfect Oh you listening at home you should have bought tickets
Starting point is 00:21:11 That was funny Mitch did some funny stuff Now it's like listening to an episode of Mr. Bean You don't get the full effect when you just listen to the bean Okay let's not go down another bean man tangent For those of you who heard the first show We talked a lot about a fictional character named Bean Man A lot of bean talk
Starting point is 00:21:36 Mitch is still lying on the ground I think he's asleep What Mitch did was Is he just dead? Are you dead? No I'm fine You sat in the chair it was classic You sat in the chair backwards to be cool And then ironically the opposite of cool happened
Starting point is 00:21:57 You fell backwards You know as I as I'm older and heavier Falling on the stage hurts quite a bit Yes, yeah And he's still on the floor the bit has become a reality And he needs help Yep turning it into a bit that it is hard to stand up You lock me now but it will happen to one of you before the night's over
Starting point is 00:22:21 What the hell? Will fall One of you will fall over in your chair I'm saying No he won't Yeah that'll happen to ya I expected the podcast to kill one or both of us But I was thinking like Coronary blockage or suicide
Starting point is 00:22:38 Not a pratfall How am I so out of breath from the pratfall? I know You guys were gonna Epstein like you're gonna be hung but Mitch did it So just just been doing the last two podcasts I don't want to keep on bringing it up to you Do you guys always bring up Epstein's like stuff? Is that the new theme of the
Starting point is 00:23:03 Why has been torn up about it since it happened? He's alive Mitch I'm telling ya he's alive And we're gonna find him Let's keep dad out of this You're a slider fan, is anyone else a slider fan? Anyone else on the panel into sliders? Did we just change the subject to baseball? We're still on fast food
Starting point is 00:23:32 Okay we're still on fast food But if you want to give your opinion on sliders the pitch I mean I'm welcome to all hear it I hate them Oh wow You hate people who slide in baseball? That's right you should be running Wait so you're talking
Starting point is 00:23:45 I agree No run, run everywhere Okay so you said slider in a different baseball form than I thought Cause I thought you were talking about the kind of pitch Like throwing a slider Oh that's interesting I hate those too but I was talking about The base um, what do you call them? The base uh
Starting point is 00:24:00 When you're sliding the bases You're a base runners Like when you're sliding into first and you feel a sudden burst diarrhea That kind of slide What an appropriate poem for this episode What are you telling what team you're a fan of from the baseball world? I should say because of where we are Yes
Starting point is 00:24:20 The Yankees Wow I'm also not real I'm also more of a Dodgers man Wait people People are booing the Yankees Are the Yankees not from New York? Oh Mets
Starting point is 00:24:35 The Mets Who likes the New York Mets? Wow Wow I gotta say it is so canon that Doe Boyz fans are Mets fans Mets fans I guess so That's very true
Starting point is 00:24:49 Fran that's too accurate Stick up for yourself Mets suggested Doe Boyz that's how it goes Do you guys just like the podcast because Mets' head reminds you of Mr. Mets? Yeah I saw how excited you were down there Your piece of shit Not as many stitches on your head
Starting point is 00:25:13 Have you guys ever had an Have you guys ever had a crave case? Crave case Yes Wait is that what we got? No Believe me no A crave case is 20 of the same slider
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh Excuse me sir Wow If there are any men in the audience who want to correct the one woman on the panel Please just do that as loudly as you want Hey I'm with him she was wrong When you're a girl who orders a crave case they only give you 20 And it only caused 66% of what a regular crave case would cost
Starting point is 00:26:01 Can I just say that the falling over stuff all of that was whatever I put my hand through the chair it really did hurt quite a bit Are you okay? That looked tough Yeah when my hand went through the chair it hurt quite a bit Yeah You really committed to it I did I was barely moving
Starting point is 00:26:18 I don't want to concern anybody Mets but you're bleeding a bright green goo Avert eyes from green goo What? What on earth? What? Just what did you say Mitch? You want green goo? I was trying to be an alien
Starting point is 00:26:50 Oh got it I said avert your eyes from green goo Let's just say Ever got it? Mitch is the funniest person Anything he says that comes out of his mouth is gold So when it dies I'll tell you when it dies when he tries
Starting point is 00:27:15 You only laugh when he's not trying to I want to start with rust here Because on a previous episode I feel like we talked about our meal And I know you went separately So I want to give you the opportunity to start things off with White Castle You went on your own Oh that's very nice of you Nick You don't have to do that
Starting point is 00:27:38 No I mean you don't have to If you want to pass you can pass No I just feel like the kid who was like I'm not going to go to the birthday party to hang out with my mom Shouldn't get to talk first You guys had a party? You had a good time? Yeah it wasn't a party Paul Can we do this?
Starting point is 00:27:55 I respect the kid who hung out with his mom That's sweet Yeah that's fun I get to hang out with mother tomorrow Well I'll take you Avanna Yes I went to I went to a White Castle by myself Yes
Starting point is 00:28:13 Which White Castle did you go to? I went to the one in Bushwick I want to get granular on this Are you guys cheering for Bushwick The neighborhood you choose That Bushwick area White Castle So it sounds like people like that White Castle That that's maybe a good one
Starting point is 00:28:34 Are you cheering for your mom Because she birthed you Or because she loves you Or because you think she's hot What do you think that was Nick Do you think people lived in the neighborhood Or it was a combination There were some very loud people
Starting point is 00:28:54 Some of us hit first folks in the crowd Talking about how they like that That White Castle location Yeah I liked the neighborhood It was great and I went in and it felt It was really nice Everybody was very friendly Now there used to be a White Castle
Starting point is 00:29:10 At the Graham L Stop That was very popular Very popular and it was closed down But it was like a full staple In that neighborhood Bushwick is maybe the closest To in that entire Region
Starting point is 00:29:28 So you go there Hey Edward how are you doing over here I'm just excited to hear about Where this one White Castle was And where That's not a dig That's the joy that's left Between the two of us
Starting point is 00:29:44 And And Wagner told me Before the episode not to speak Until spoken to so I don't Wow I don't want to upset him Yeah what did he say Daddy rules all Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:00 And then I said well why are you wearing the diaper And he then said Daddy wears the cloth too And I just like I don't know I've lost track Of what we're doing Daddy wears the cloth Don't change the subject until The cock shifts I believe is what you said
Starting point is 00:30:16 So the four of us Have to like Focus on his dick So when it Moves in his pants We change the subject I mean it's crazy Which is already weird
Starting point is 00:30:32 And I'm not quite sure Why it's shifting Why is it shifting Dick Snake Snake Wagner should do a snake With his dick
Starting point is 00:30:48 I would I've been pimped into doing physical bits At Doughboy's live shows and it hurts my back so bad I'm not going to do it I'm sorry What was your least favorite of the My least favorite was receiving a stone cold Stunder for Mitch which I did on two occasions
Starting point is 00:31:04 That hurt? Yeah cause like the way you have to sell A stone cold stunner which also I'm bad at But the way you have to sell it Like it My L5S1 disc injury got aggravated I didn't enjoy it it was bad I think I'm good at the stunner and I think that should be
Starting point is 00:31:20 A warning to everyone on the audience To not fuck with me I think you're good at the stunner but like a lot of Wrestling moves it benefits from having An opponent who knows what they're doing and I don't And I have a bad back So no I'm not going to be doing the snake But
Starting point is 00:31:36 I'm Dad's man Daddy indeed Quiet until we get there Look hosting this podcast is the closest to all Bita being a father I have weak seat As far as you know There might be little Wigers running around Who knows
Starting point is 00:31:54 Not with my motility So you go to this pushup location What is the fight inside? Pandy Smurf is my son That Pandy Smurf is my son Pandy Smurf is your son I've done enough And I found out recently
Starting point is 00:32:14 My son is Pandy Smurf Wow Amazing Pretty cool I thought What a reveal What is the vibe in the Bushwick White Castle? Is it clean?
Starting point is 00:32:34 What's it like? Yeah Would you let Paula jail? It was clean Yeah No I went up and I ordered And then I was asked if I
Starting point is 00:32:54 Want to order food For others and I said yes And Wait What the hell do you mean you were asked If you want to order food for others They tricked you into buying food for everyone Paul the story you just told
Starting point is 00:33:10 I've made your restaurants 2,000 times And never have I been asked Would you like to buy food for others I've never heard that in my life Paul I think you didn't go to this restaurant Others What are you talking about? You know
Starting point is 00:33:32 Early When we went to The previous place Yes I was upset that there wasn't A tip cup Actually Sean Famous Foods is a thing we did not talk about
Starting point is 00:33:48 In our previous show But they are very They have signs posted That the gratuity is included Do not add gratuity Well I'm sorry My heart is just too damn big Boo
Starting point is 00:34:04 Big as fuck Pain me So you bought food for Homeless people at the Bushli White Castle He's so nervous to just say You bought food for Somebody came up to me and said Will you buy me food and I said yes
Starting point is 00:34:22 And then I was like well I didn't get to Give a tip at the last place so this is Pain it forward I'm a little Haley Joel No Boomy Fucking boomy Wow they took you up on that
Starting point is 00:34:38 That's insane They're full beating around the bushwick If you will to say That it was a homeless person You gotta just say it was a homeless guy Not like a man who was maybe there Because They didn't have a nice male
Starting point is 00:34:54 Well I didn't want to say this But the man was Jeffrey Epstein Wow Wow He was a little hungry He said can I have something For my throat And his idea was a slider
Starting point is 00:35:16 He's gonna help with his broken eyes I hate the last 10 minutes No What did you order then For yourself Oh I ordered A slider and surprise Wow a single slider
Starting point is 00:35:42 That was the reaction of the cashier The cashier They're literally this big He said I'll have a slider Rising with a slider Yeah The homeless guy came in to be like A two cheeseburgers
Starting point is 00:36:12 He's like This guy isn't such a wimp So you changed your order to two Sliders with cheese A slider with two cheeseburgers and fries Oh got it So you got the default regular slider Which doesn't come with cheese
Starting point is 00:36:32 Got it That one is 100% beef Steamed grilled on a bed of onions On our signature bun So yeah it's really just onions and pickles And I believe ketchup by default Right am I wrong
Starting point is 00:36:48 Oh you have to specify ketchup Got it Oh okay Ooh the plot Did we add ketchup is that what happened to it We were dipping in ketchup And we opened up one of the sliders And there was one small pickle in it
Starting point is 00:37:04 It was just one Yeah I don't know where that pickle came from Hashtag FOMO Come on God I know it's a popular hashtag I wish I was there No you had your new buddy Paul
Starting point is 00:37:22 My daughter Is your daughter homeless What if I saw my daughter Coming up to be asking for lunch Maybe I'd ask you for food Sure Nice guy Can I ask you this
Starting point is 00:37:48 Paul as a father Would you feed your daughter white castle Wow As the very first thing she'd ever eat The umbilical cord has been cut She's handed to you And you have a hot slider in your hand She's yet to nurse
Starting point is 00:38:12 Her eyes are barely open I actually nursed her When she came out And some white castle sliders Came out of my tit Oh the body's gross No it's a miracle Beautiful
Starting point is 00:38:34 That's beautiful You didn't miss out on much friend You said that Nick and I looked like tired dads At the restaurant They rolled up looking insane Both of them are in like For how old you guys are I would say
Starting point is 00:38:50 There's no other way to describe them as pajamas You guys are wearing like clothes that are not For grown men to wear out of the house And they're both just kind of like We're tired They probably explain that they're both grumpy We're grumpy, we're tired The grumpy bear
Starting point is 00:39:06 They said to us But at least we changed The more appropriate outfits Before we got on stage Oh yeah, Nick the The sequined top hat Is really doing well for you Yeah, I mean we both look like shit
Starting point is 00:39:24 Black tie podcast We look very bad And we felt very bad And we kind of got a second Wind later but it was not related to what we're eating I think that meal made me feel worse For sure We're very tired, we're very grumpy
Starting point is 00:39:40 That was like the nadir of the tour so far Us going into that white castle Us meeting up with Hanford and Fran Was the worst part of the tour I don't mean that, that's what you said I mean that's what our mental state was When we walked in there I still got soggy jeans because of the rain
Starting point is 00:39:56 It's the rain's fault, not my fault The rain made you come? The rain didn't make me come It's so beautiful when the rain When it's raining It's so beautiful that you just Fuck it We got another one for you
Starting point is 00:40:14 He locks people away Dr. Freud? I'm not sure Well yeah, I came After the rain I came in my pants It's sticky, whatever Whatever
Starting point is 00:40:30 I'm tired, okay It was Truly a hellish trip It was raining and it was the hour That kids and queens get out of school Right What? Oh, school
Starting point is 00:40:48 So yeah, it was a hellish trip Seven train out there We got... It was weird because Weiger was wearing a backpack and a spinny hat Trying to blend in Yeah, it was It was kind of a chaotic scene on the train
Starting point is 00:41:08 Also, I think the US Open is going on right now You mentioned in the same burrow And so that was crazy But we went to those sunny side locations As I mentioned, the first thing that Weiger was waiting at the train stop It was like a homework, you know Just telling kids who passed by
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'm like a homework whiz One of the first human interaction We had inside the restaurant Was a listener recognized That was very nice Is that guy here? What was your name? We didn't get your name Matt, lovely to meet you
Starting point is 00:41:42 Hey Matt Thanks for being here, dude Don't ever do that shit again Matt said Matt approached us And I think before... Obviously before introducing himself Just said, don't get the clam strips They're gross
Starting point is 00:42:00 And we followed his advice We did follow your advice, Matt We might be in the hospital now If we got those clams I don't know, the chicken rings Might put me there The Knights of Puppy So here's what our order in
Starting point is 00:42:16 That included the chicken rings that Fran just mentioned It's a console pack 8 Which includes 10 sliders A sack of 20 chicken rings Which I just feel like are an abomination Just on site, the idea of taking chicken A factory farm chicken Lived its entire life in a cage
Starting point is 00:42:34 In the dark And then it's killed And its meat is ground into goop And then it's shaped into a ring First of all That sounds like a dream come true to me Seriously, if somebody was like Hey man, after you die
Starting point is 00:42:52 You get turned into a ring and bring nourishment To others, they'd be like, right on And I like the dark I'd like to just live in a little Ah, the pork chickens I felt bad halfway through the chickens And it also comes with a sack of fries They call it a sack
Starting point is 00:43:14 That is the... Copy-pasting the menu copy You could have just said some fries You didn't have to say sack It says sack of fries on the menu That's like what Santa brings toys in And we got half of the sliders With American cheese and half of the sliders
Starting point is 00:43:32 All natural So we got 5 and 5 The chicken rings come with I think they come with some ranch Or did we ask for the ranch, I can't remember We asked for ranch, I asked for lots of sauces Because by themselves That's true of nuggets too though
Starting point is 00:43:48 Chicken nuggets need a sauce But the ranch helped and the marinara Which we had for another item also helped Wake those chicken rings up a little bit I feel like that chicken meat was so low quality I mean, you need a sauce It's so fucking dry You need something to lubricate it
Starting point is 00:44:04 To get it down your throat Jesus Snake, snake Snake, snake, snake I'm not going to do a snake I don't want to re-injure my back We also got mozzarella sticks Did you say that?
Starting point is 00:44:22 We got mozzarella sticks When I was walking up to the theater I saw on the marquee The Doughboys Sold out And I was like, far from it You guys, you don't take Original, no prisoner
Starting point is 00:44:40 One gift certificate No, you don't take one white castle hat Did it come in a bag with free sliders? Yes it did And will I use those? Yes I will I'll use the free slider gift cards I'm sorry, why is there one who says we can't be bought I think we can be bought
Starting point is 00:45:00 I only brought it up because I think there's a rep From white castle in the audience tonight There is, Mitch shouted I'm out earlier Terrible things We're trying to be We're trying to be honest No, I like the honesty
Starting point is 00:45:16 It reminds me I saw Saw That's a funny sentence On the opening night On the opening night of Saw At the Chinese theater And Kerry
Starting point is 00:45:32 Always was given a performance That everybody in the audience was laughing at The audience was all having a good time We're laughing at that guy He's so shitty right now And then we Walked out of the theater And the entire team at
Starting point is 00:45:48 Lionsgate who was like Let's go out and see Saw tonight They were in the audience while we were laughing So that's How did you know the team from Lionsgate was there? You know You feel it When the gate's there
Starting point is 00:46:04 You feel it There was a lion there standing next to a gate Right Wait Did you see Jigsaw? Was he upset? He was upset And he taught me a little lesson or two Oh boy
Starting point is 00:46:24 I will say that The audience may have been laughing But Lionsgate was laughing All the way to the bank Seven sequels That franchise is a horror juggernaut You almost lost your voice there I did
Starting point is 00:46:42 I should have said this right after you said the bank Yeah, the blood bank That's good What did you think of the chicken rings? Did you like them? I thought they were very, very dry And I thought it was an onion ring But I bit into it And was surprised that it was chicken
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's super disorienting They were tinny as fuck You think this is the size of an onion? Fran, I have seen some I didn't raise a knife I like it Fran How about my thoughts on the chicken rings? I want to hear them
Starting point is 00:47:18 I thought they were fun It's because you have the hat on That's right And I hope to one day put one on my brides finger Lube it up with some ranch dressing And slip it out of the picture You want to do that to Fran Bresher? She's not going to like that
Starting point is 00:47:44 She's a high class lady Oh, she's in the audience Sorry Miss Bresher I mean Bresher I call her Fran Bresher I want to say contra the chicken rings The original sliders And the sliders with cheese
Starting point is 00:48:04 Although honestly I might prefer the original Even though I love dairy I'm a dairy dude I think the No You know, he's no I'm a dairy dude No, he's not the dairy dude
Starting point is 00:48:20 Dairy dude No, he's not the dairy dude Meme Meme Meme Meme The new meme is dairy dude He's a dairy dude
Starting point is 00:48:36 Dairy dude Dairy dude That's a dairy dude Meme Meme Rolls right off the tongue We all like saying it Oh Paul, just sitting in my hair
Starting point is 00:48:52 Well stop making me laugh so much Fran Your feeling in your hair Your franny hack Your franny hack I'm a dairy dude I like dairy I like it dairy much
Starting point is 00:49:12 Oh, oh no Oh man, you turn on me now I did like it dairy much Dairy dude sucks I hate dairy dude The combo of the Even though I don't love sliders It just like kind of is so fucking
Starting point is 00:49:32 There's something delectable about how mushy it is Like you just bite into it And it's like biting into an Ice cream sandwich No Do you nail it up in your hands like that? I'm sorry, for my Subpar spacework
Starting point is 00:49:48 That's better Likers got big hands Can you palm a Can you palm a basketball? I could never palm I never quite palm a basketball, no Boo Sorry
Starting point is 00:50:04 Can you palm a pee? Does it hurt when you slap someone? Yeah, Fran, don't ask that You heard of the last show Have any of you guys like Slap somebody like hard? You know what, I've been having this experience Like two or three times
Starting point is 00:50:26 That I've been living in New York the last month When you walk by somebody And inadvertently your hand Slams really hard against somebody else's hand Oh yeah Oh see, I love walking by someone And then like you're walking quickly And maybe you're like finger-stingled
Starting point is 00:50:42 And then you kind of like it was almost Like we're gonna hold hands and then it's always like No, I don't That's nice That's why if I'm walking on the streets in this town My hands go inside my shirt Inside my pants, just One for the bowls, one for the chef's bowl
Starting point is 00:51:00 That's how it works Down the street in New York And I'm not bumping into people's hands Yeah, you can't blame him Well the worst is the crowded subway Feeling Well, whatever Something digging into your back
Starting point is 00:51:16 Restaurant Jesus Hey This podcast is fun Keep telling your subway story You're talking about the subway restaurant, right? You think those Jared Charges are bullshit, right? We rode the subway with you today
Starting point is 00:51:42 It was fun Unmemorable for me What? Well, you're a big choo-choo train I love the choo-choo, I had a great time I've been riding the train, I've been in Hog Heaven Rode the train at the DC Metro Rode the New York City subway
Starting point is 00:51:58 Rode the train between these cities We've had fun on the tour, it's fun Some of the highlights of my tour Have been sitting on the train Playing the Dragon Quest XI demo on the Switch I love it I alternate between If you guys are an old married couple
Starting point is 00:52:14 Or like a mother-child Relationship Who's the mom in this situation? Because I want to know who's nursing who I got the titties, my friend I feel like I got the milk You guys seem like You seem like
Starting point is 00:52:34 What? You seem like Brothers that lost your parents at a young age Like the Like the daughters from Mama who are like in the woods And it's like And then the like Jessica Chastain
Starting point is 00:52:52 Is like, oh look, we have to take care of these kids And they both kind of have a language But don't like each other You seem like, yeah You seem like both your parents died When you were like nine and seven I agree Fran with that, but at the same time
Starting point is 00:53:08 They also act sometimes like people have never met each other That's true They play both sides of that very well I love, I really did like that original slider Did anyone else like it? Your first ever visit at White Castle What do you think of that slider? With or without cheese
Starting point is 00:53:30 What are you talking about? What are we doing here? Oh, you were talking about the slider? Yeah, they were good I liked them with cheese and without cheese They're both good Thank you We're on the same page
Starting point is 00:53:50 God, you're, why do you do this? How do I do what? I don't know, just become I don't, become like An electrician or something Become anything else That's what I want to do I don't want to be doing this
Starting point is 00:54:06 Then don't do it anymore You're torturing these people They're here Drive a train, it's your dream Oh my god Drive a train? I'm sorry, my friend Who's having a stroke by just saying
Starting point is 00:54:28 Conduct a train Your great great grandfather Walked in front of one, you walk behind the wheel That's true Is that true? Yeah, my great great grandfather committed suicide by train Hanford And the crowd shouted, no
Starting point is 00:54:46 This is true He stepped off a train platform A crowd full of people Collectively shouted, no He tried to stop him And a slow moving train Pulling into a station Rolled over him
Starting point is 00:55:02 And he died slowly And the whole time he was going I like this Yeah, it was, they hit the hot top So he was rock hard I know I'm just a yes And I probably can't make this call But I didn't point on that
Starting point is 00:55:18 He had a pet snake too He told me this the other day We don't need to dig into that Damien, he died because he was full of shit That's right Scales La la la la la You asked
Starting point is 00:55:38 Who cares, you asked Hanford, did you like the slider? The regular plain slider Probably my best one of the bunch Your favorite of the bunch No, my bun was wet It was stuck to the container No
Starting point is 00:55:58 I guess The gray soggy bun Was probably not my favorite But the meat inside Why are you so hard on gray? Gray's not that bad I think as a color for food, it's unappealing I like gray
Starting point is 00:56:14 You like gray buns And you cannot lie What is a good gray food? A good gray food A oatmeal, maybe? A beige A good gray food Are grapes gray?
Starting point is 00:56:32 They start out sounding like they're gonna be gray But then you see one and they're not The answer is no, Hanford That's our green horn I'll say And this is kind of a loophole But I'll say kind of old guac You can usually
Starting point is 00:56:50 Oh, that's good I have one You can usually salvage it by scraping off that top layer I have a gray for all of you And you'll be amazed Tuna fish And a tuna fish sandwich is gray It's deliciously gray
Starting point is 00:57:06 It becomes pinkish I send it back I tell them to gray it up Please You're the McCarthy of tuna fish Get those pinkos out of here We got six menu items from White Castle And I can't believe how little we've talked about them
Starting point is 00:57:34 We got the surf and turf lager We got the surf Can we talk about something real quick? Yes, please I couldn't hear your introduction exactly White Castle is Loosely based on the movie White Palace
Starting point is 00:57:50 Is that true? With Susan Sarandon What do you mean? It's based on a movie It was based on a book We wanted to call the book White Castle They wanted to call the movie White Castle
Starting point is 00:58:06 White Castle said this movie This book and movie is too steamy We don't want the sex-related stuff In the confines Of our establishment So they changed it to White Palace What did you guys think of the slider? It's difficult to talk to you, Paul
Starting point is 00:58:32 Because I can't tell what is a lie What, are you talking to the orange buffoon? Orange buffoon? Yay! I will say the fries were a highlight The crinkle cut fries are good The crinkle cut is the way to go Crinkle cut is the way to go
Starting point is 00:58:56 Love the fries We got the chicken and waffle sliders And the surf and turf What did you think of all those, Mitch? Surf and turf was bad Absolutely putrid We got both the Alaska Pollock Plus a beef patty with cheese
Starting point is 00:59:12 In the same sandwich They should not offer it It's dare food, it's disgusting Also the individual bite I had of just the fish Is it all of it coming together That's making it weird or is it the fish? That was the worst bite
Starting point is 00:59:28 Just having some of the fish There was an audible groan in the odd When you mentioned eating the fish The first thing I ate was a bite of that A bad track Truly awful The White Castle guys here He came to a beauty pageant
Starting point is 00:59:46 To see his daughter get booed by everybody He's just a hat salesman I liked the surf and turf thing I will say the impossible sliders Impossible meat is good He came plain Which was maybe a kitchen mistake I had cheese on mine
Starting point is 01:00:10 Did she say plain? The thicker one? And I like that The impossible sliders were great The chicken and waffles slider Which has a little bit of gravy on it And has bacon crumbles You added the bacon crumbles
Starting point is 01:00:26 I was there for that She said bacon crumbles At one point I said I want the one with the bacon I said I want the one with the bacon Because that was what it said on the menu That was my favorite thing I got to say Those were good
Starting point is 01:00:42 The Belgian waffle Give me a break That's good Did I like the way the bacon crumbles look? No I think that we should just not look at the food And you guys should just eat the food Because I think that there is something about
Starting point is 01:00:58 The way it looks that informs How you feel like it will taste Sure So we have to put like a blindfold on and eat it? Yeah Alright I guess we could, next time we go Stand at the ordering counter and put the blindfolds on
Starting point is 01:01:14 Put our chins on the counter and they just slide them into our faces That's why it's called a slider Are you describing the Butterface of foods? Have you guys ever watched this Type of, I think it's just a type of porn Called bait bus Bait, bait?
Starting point is 01:01:34 So this is a fascinating thing Jesus Christ Our buddy Mano told me about And I watched it and I was like I love this just as like a work of art And But I'm still going to jack off to it Yeah, I mean, yeah
Starting point is 01:01:50 What is it? What the bait bus is is that it's like a You're aware of, you know what the bang bus is We all know what the bang bus is Yeah, we all know, but if someone didn't Know because they don't watch a ton of porn We can tell her The bang bus is like the idea is
Starting point is 01:02:06 They pick up a woman on the street It's all fake, but they pick up a woman on the street And then they like take her in the bang bus And then they have sex while they're in the bus So the bait bus is similar They pick up a guy on the street And they take him on And they put a blindfold on him
Starting point is 01:02:22 And they have a sexy woman on there And they're like, she's going to Hey, do you want her to give you a dome? And the guy's like Yeah, because he's like a Supposed to be a straight guy And he starts and they put the blindfold on him And then a guy comes out
Starting point is 01:02:38 And starts sucking him off And then I watched a bunch of these And every time Hold on folks He was going to say every time Yes, yes It's such a specific formula Because like at some point during the act
Starting point is 01:02:54 The guy's blindfold comes off And he's just like, oh dude, what the fuck I'm getting my dick stuck by a guy And then they're like They're like, we'll give you a hundred bucks If you let him finish, he's like, oh god I guess And then he's like, oh god
Starting point is 01:03:10 I guess And then he's like Reluctantly has sex with a man It's so great So a man Pays someone One hundred dollars to be able To suck his dick
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah, that's what Yeah, realistic Please, please, let me suck your dick So, Weiger When you're watching these And Natalie comes over and you're like This is research I need things to talk about
Starting point is 01:03:42 I'm writing an intro For my White Castle episode When he gets a subscription It can be on his corporate card Speaking of White Castle Did you hear Nathan Fillion Bought the entire enterprise I hadn't heard that
Starting point is 01:04:02 Wow, that's amazing It's true He felt like it was his namesake That makes sense As the star of the show Yes And the color of his skin He's a white man who is the star
Starting point is 01:04:18 Of ABC's Castle, yes Guys, I think we're at the point In the show where we should give our final thoughts On White Castle What? It feels like we've been up here ten minutes Nathan Fillion is waiting on a stage right now And it's very hard
Starting point is 01:04:34 For him to get to do things So you've all done the podcast before You know the drill We'll go down the line Give your closing arguments In favor of or in opposition to White Castle And then conclude With a fork score
Starting point is 01:04:52 From zero to five Forks Fran and Gillespie seated to my left I'm first? I love to Fran is going first When I first went to the castle You know I was quite tasty
Starting point is 01:05:10 Sing your song from the green room I messed up What was it? What was it? Oh yeah You got the bun on the outside bugging the In between Patty Unlike any other burger
Starting point is 01:05:28 Okay Crinkle fries That's a That's a plus for me The other food Honestly From the time It hit the bottom of my stomach
Starting point is 01:05:54 It's been truly Coming out like frozen yogurt Vanilla Vanilla I was in a cab with a friend And I was like the cab needs to pull over now And so that Let me see I don't love
Starting point is 01:06:16 But um Nothing long It provided me with the bathroom When I needed one and is a safe space For People of all Creeds And makeups
Starting point is 01:06:32 Why are you looking at me? Yeah Mitch will make this less problematic Honestly It's just uh I have a soft spot in my heart In my heart for White Castle When uh you know I was living in the Midwest
Starting point is 01:06:50 And had a driver's license Almost every weekend So for that I gotta give it Two forks You got so sentimental and then gave it Two forks Well the food sucks and Truly it's not even diarrhea
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's like a full poop that won't stop God Alright Russ man go ahead Oh man of course Yeah He just wants a free hat Hanford Uh you know Nick
Starting point is 01:07:38 This wasn't my best outing Uh I had some food I never had before I like the idea of White Castle I think it's fun the little burgers Mordrem is a big group like 20 burgers That's fun you go out with your friends I get that
Starting point is 01:07:54 Yeah that person was Very quiet when I messed up Interesting It just that Let's re-litigate 2016 I uh yeah the The crinkle cuts were good Uh the little patty I had on the
Starting point is 01:08:18 Plain Burger was good Uh the score I want to give it I'm not gonna give it cause I will be booed Be honest Do it I had fun with my friends at this place With the four of us went it was a lot of fun I'm giving it a one
Starting point is 01:08:40 One fork for my Kanford Alright Mitch Where in your White Castle hat Sorry Let's see what you think I wonder why Come on Harold This tour is really uh
Starting point is 01:09:00 Let's hear it Kumar Whoa which is Whoa okay Cal Penn is in Sunnyside We were in Sunnyside That's crazy We doubled down on Cal Penn Besides a show on NBC that's not out yet
Starting point is 01:09:16 But it's coming I don't so think they recognize it It wasn't I looked it up it wasn't the one from the movie though No it's not that one was You were saying it's in New Jersey? Cherry Hill New Jersey Alright
Starting point is 01:09:32 If Harold and Kumar went to White Castle There should be a post-credits scene where they're just on the toilet Right For a long period of time With as crazy as that movie was I bet there is I think White Castle is also fun It's a fun place Where else can you get sliders?
Starting point is 01:09:50 There's no other place that gives you sliders There's no drive through sliders That's right I like that it's a fun Sliders are fun I like getting a lot of them I like it makes me feel giant like That I can throw burgers up in the air and eat them I've seen you
Starting point is 01:10:08 I did do that you guys weren't paying attention I threw burgers in the air and I caught them in my mouth and ate them I've seen you do that with a Big Mac But you didn't do that till then Alright low blow Low blow Low blow that's what Weigar was talking about Bran
Starting point is 01:10:28 Bran Um Here's the one thing It was a baritone blowing up Oh Here's the deal Cows and fish should not mix You've never seen a cow and a fish as friends
Starting point is 01:10:48 Or hanging out They're not in the same cage as at zoos They're not in the same cage as at zoos You know how you go to a zoo and there's cows there? Yeah In a cage of a fish This is why we go to the zoo It's a farm zoo, shut up
Starting point is 01:11:06 You know what would be fun? The farms have zoos too Has anyone else ever thought about sucking on a cow's udder? It would be fun Of course people have thought of that People I'm sure that's how milk was discovered Oh Tom Green, he did do it
Starting point is 01:11:22 That's true he did do it Weigar sucked his dick that guy I sucked Tom Green's dick You just So why are you sucked Tom Green's dick? I heard Nick Weigar suck Tom Green's dick Yeah, it was really prolonged and unfuddy
Starting point is 01:11:48 My mouth is on your dick You were saying that to him Oh that's good, I like that I didn't like it even It was like we get it You're putting his mouth on his dick Oh you're doing it at 12th and 13th time? Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:06 Yes that's right Rip into the man who's doing so well right now Let's double down on Tom Green Him on his high horse You have more money than him maybe? I'm sorry Tom Green I did not mean to bring Tom Green into this I did not know that Weigar sucked his dick
Starting point is 01:12:26 For the listener at home I'm wearing a green t-shirt That is true I say what I see Cows and fish should not be together They should be separated Right It's not right
Starting point is 01:12:42 They shouldn't be in one sandwich together This is the Boston coming out Don't clap That's funny Fish shouldn't be with cows Last time I checked This ought to be a real Christ met King Herod
Starting point is 01:13:16 That was the last time you checked Can you guys Everyone here help me out with something real quick Am I dreaming? Alright I like the sliders I like the impossible sliders The chicken rings are fun
Starting point is 01:13:38 The crinkle cuts are fun Sit with my friends at the White Castle is fun They made a fun movie about Harold and Coombar Are you Wesley? I went to the White Castle With my friends It was fun
Starting point is 01:14:02 I Am gonna go Three and a half forks Wow I liked it This is a dream I will eat those sliders all day long What's wrong with the sliders?
Starting point is 01:14:22 The sliders are good With cheese and without Even though I'm a dairy dude The fries are great If I had grown up with these fries These would be my favorite fries Because I didn't I have affection for different fries
Starting point is 01:14:38 But these fries are good I think it's just gross that they even exist The serve and turf is awful It's just so fucking gross Hold on a second Michael, are you still here? Michael? You're here?
Starting point is 01:14:54 No, no, don't bring him up No, leave him alone, sir Don't pull that man You're a good man, thank you I was worried you'd respond with a single gunshot It's the stage Who would you take out? We love you
Starting point is 01:15:10 It's got three and a half and five forks Swagger, you can put it under the positive side Chicken rings are gross The serve and turf is awful And possible sliders are pretty good Chicken and waffle sliders are fun The mozzarella sticks are pretty good I feel like this place is
Starting point is 01:15:26 If I had, if this was For me, I think of the gross place That I love is Jack in the Box On the west coast and Thank you, yes I know it's disgusting, I know it's awful I know if I took someone who'd never eaten there as a kid As an adult and they had it for the first time
Starting point is 01:15:42 They'd be like, what the fuck is this place But because I have some nostalgic connection to it To me, that's a five fork restaurant I might feel like that about White Castle If I'd grown up with it However, I didn't And as someone encountering this for the first time As a grown ass man
Starting point is 01:15:58 I feel like I can't go any higher If I walk down the middle, which for me Is three forks Three forks for White Castle Wow Guys, that was our review of White Castle It's time for a segment You brought us some food
Starting point is 01:16:14 We're gonna open our mouths and eat it And then open our mouths And tell you our hot takes It's the Snack or Wax Snack Stack Wow No You song has brought out A big box, rather
Starting point is 01:16:30 Of bags of food that you guys have brought out here So here's what we're gonna do In the first show, I'm going to take this box And pass it down the line Everyone take out one snack that you want to try And that will be something that the whole panel Will taste test The box does count, we said last show
Starting point is 01:16:46 You can't eat the box if you want Yeah, you definitely can eat box Fran! That is enough Too much! But we don't go blue Do I not look? He's handing the box
Starting point is 01:17:08 You've never done the snack stack before? I'm so sick and tired Don't say it like that Honestly I was saying to Paul earlier That eating White Castle Has given my B.O. A different scent
Starting point is 01:17:26 Like when you smell your own pit And you're like, that's me? You know what I mean? I imagine it's what it's like if you masturbate With your non-dominant hand You're gonna be like, who? Can I tell you something? I've been noticing that scent all night long
Starting point is 01:17:42 Are you flirting with me? Frans are yours It was a joke because it was White Castle's scent Where's the Korean barbecue chips? Moving on I've got these That was just a glimpse Into you on Christmas morning
Starting point is 01:18:06 Where's this? Come on I don't like looking at him Looking in the box Look at the face After commenting on his mother's body Oh, it's so old So So time is at a premium here
Starting point is 01:18:24 We should get into our audience questions While we're taste testing these It's time to open up the feedback There was Korean barbecue chips and they're gone Yeah, it's a different audience Korean barbecue chips from the last one Yeah, it was a different audience I don't know what to tell you
Starting point is 01:18:40 They're probably backstage Mom! Oh no, I'll choose fucking Fritos Emma, who's the first person Who the fuck brought Fritos? Jesus Christ Emma, who's the first audience member Who has a question they've submitted?
Starting point is 01:19:00 I've got TJ Kaczynski And then who's up after TJ? I've got Dylan Gonzalez on deck Call me crazy, but the combination Of Tosillo's pizza rolls and mustard Is super delicious Despite any immediate flavor A version
Starting point is 01:19:18 So what are your guys' strangest Most favorite food combinations? This is a great question That almost gave me ASMR Thank you TJ What did he say? I don't know Those are the kind of questions you're going to get in New York
Starting point is 01:19:36 Thoughtful, you like hearing them Oh, that's bullshit These people are fools Yeah, right What's your favorite color champ? We'll get some good questions In Boston tomorrow, baby Oh, fuck you
Starting point is 01:19:54 I once went to a Q&A With the author Not personally I went with him, I went to observe it A Q&A in LA With Jonathan Franzen, the author And then the first question With the Q&A with somebody went
Starting point is 01:20:10 I mean, when you're writing a book Don't you just go Oh, this could make a great movie No Oh my god Such a bad representation Shut up I went to a Q&A once
Starting point is 01:20:26 This was a In Long Beach when I was a kid I went to see a screening of The Lost Boys Which was, I believe was directed by Joel Schumacher He was involved in some way Yeah, I like that movie It was a Joel Schumacher Q&A afterwards And
Starting point is 01:20:42 So my friend brought His friend Who I'd never met, I met that night And he was kind of like a weird guy And he stood up During the Q&A and the question he asked Joel Schumacher Was
Starting point is 01:20:58 Did you direct Goonies? The legitimate question Google it He was, Schumacher was very nice And he replied that I did not, but that was a wonderful picture Very diplomatic Schumacher
Starting point is 01:21:20 That was a really good story The second best thing I liked about that story Was now that we have the house lights up Looking at the audience, seeing who's laughing And having fun, and who is checked Out Not because of the story Right
Starting point is 01:21:36 It's fucking latest shit and you're watching Is the back section having fun? Yeah Wow Making the front section look like shit Okay, we gotta address this question Weirdest combination of Like some sort of
Starting point is 01:21:54 Things that go together that don't seem like They should go together To be fair, I'm checked out too, go ahead Look, we're all checked out We're just gonna power through this I felt more alive You know, this is a thing that I think is known About where it's not like, this isn't a weird thing
Starting point is 01:22:10 But I am one of those people who loves Like, I take That shake, and I got some fries I'll dip them fries in that shake Especially Wendy That's a weak ass answer What do you got? One fish patty
Starting point is 01:22:26 And two burger patties On a slider You don't think they work But they work perfectly So I had these Minions Despicable Me treats from Dr. Nick Thank you very much Love to see my buddy Stuart on the packaging
Starting point is 01:22:44 He's not your friend I think, this was I can't quite tell what this is supposed to It says ingredients, Hawthorne sugar Jujube, maltose, and salt I can't quite tell what this is supposed to taste Like it's just sort of like generically sweet Maybe a little bit raisiny, but I think it's pretty good
Starting point is 01:23:00 It's like a wafery sort of texture to it Send them down Anyone else got an answer of a weird food combination? Yeah, I like I like cheez-its and orange juice Together Only orange foods? That's right, it's my
Starting point is 01:23:16 I called the orange go-round Because When I eat them, I spin around Because I love it so much Which I would do for you now You're on stage, but I'm checked out Who's our next questioner? Dylan Gonzalez
Starting point is 01:23:36 Where's Dylan at? And then who's on after Dylan? I don't know if I like these Raise your hand, Liz Where's Liz at? Liz is gone Where is Liz at? She's up there? Okay, got it What do you guys think of any of these other snacks you've tasted?
Starting point is 01:23:54 Let us know what you got and how it tastes I'm gonna give a whack to these, Wagga I don't like them They're really dry They're very dry I got some chocolate covered almonds I thought they were candy You boring fuck
Starting point is 01:24:12 I wanted to try Chocolate and almonds It beats cheez-its and fritos Who brought cheez-its and fritos? What's wrong with you? I like it, give us a classic snack Can we get a hand for a glass of orange juice? Okay
Starting point is 01:24:28 Hi, what's your question out there? Hello And when you eat hummus Are you a mixer? Where you mix around the extra condiments on the top? Or do you just go at it and let the natural mixing happen? No I'd mix it up
Starting point is 01:24:46 I'd get a real mixed it I'm a sabra girl And so when we have those red little chilies At the top, I'll mix them around That's good Every time I have hummus I'll start off by doing every time I have it I'll look to the people in the room
Starting point is 01:25:02 And say, ooh, there's a hummus among us It does do this And then I'll just dip into it I mix it up, I mix it all up Huh? What do you taste testing on the end? I got hop-a-pops
Starting point is 01:25:26 Popped lotus seeds I haven't tasted them yet, I'm gonna say they suck Have a bite Gluten-free, soy-free, no trans fats Mango habanero Boo is right High in the good stuff, that's what it says We're just taking a bite
Starting point is 01:25:42 They suck Wow Me? I love my bagel crisps Now, the reason I chose these Is because they're the most delectable thing in Chexmix Wouldn't you agree? When you see a bagel chip
Starting point is 01:25:58 Why, you have a smile on the face But when you see the brown ones, oh no, no What are those? Never seen them outside of Chexmix Anyway, these are good People bought us these New York style bagel crisps In the everything varietal For the first show
Starting point is 01:26:18 These were also in there Wait, were they? I love the Korean barbecue chips They're from the other show I know, I want them still Have them after the show Say what you thought on social media Emma, do we have our last questioner?
Starting point is 01:26:34 Where's Liz at? Are you with Liz? I'm all the way in the back Hi Liz, hello Okay, so I personally I've eaten a two piece Tophies chicken basket while driving I want to know what the most impressive thing
Starting point is 01:26:50 You've eaten is while driving First of all, are you from Chicago? Yes, you are You're from Chicago? I want to know what you... I'm from Chicago too, I like it I hate eating while driving I don't like driving period
Starting point is 01:27:06 And then eating is like another Element to it that I'm just like a greasy Hands on the wheel Distracted I just don't like that So I usually will park my car If I'm driving and have to grab food to go I'll usually park my car, eat my meal in my car
Starting point is 01:27:22 And then take off Highest degree of difficulty Wall in motion I think probably a veggie sandwich Just because those components were fault We're tumbling out of there Like that's a sandwich that's hard to keep intact It's got a lot of stuff in
Starting point is 01:27:38 I've eaten a whole time Really? Isn't it hot in your lap? Isn't it hot in your lap? I'm not driving with anybody while I'm eating at Domino's Pizza It's in the fucking passenger seat buckled in Wow
Starting point is 01:27:56 Yeah Safety I ate a whole Domino's Pizza On the way to the airport for this tour Ha ha ha ha ha What are you doing at Domino's? I better get one last one When I'm driving I don't eat much
Starting point is 01:28:16 But the other drivers Eat my dust These are so hard These white rabbit candies It says creamy candy, it's so hard Ha ha ha ha ha Epitaph I have gotten containers of tuna
Starting point is 01:28:44 Okay? From Lassens, which I know is maybe Not a good company It's an LA, maybe it's not a good grocery store But I've gotten containers of tuna And forgotten the utensils And just scooped straight tuna from my hands Into my mouth while driving
Starting point is 01:29:00 Jesus Christ A mermaid A mermaid Yeah, kind of like a mermaid Hanford, anything come to mind? I, one time Going from Los Feliz to Santa Monica For an audition
Starting point is 01:29:18 I dressed and ate an entire turkey Myself It was Thanksgiving day So it wasn't that weird You had an audition on Thanksgiving day? Yeah It was for a Thanksgiving movie?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Yeah For the next year Any other thoughts on the snacks that we've gotten From the snack stack? I can rank them for you Snack are the New York bagel chips Yes they are, that's the snack Wack are the minion things
Starting point is 01:29:52 Wack is the hop-a-pops Actually a snack to the white rabbits They're very hard to eat Was that it? Was there a fifth one? There's weird nuts that he picked No one tried them A snack to the weird nuts, I like them Wow, how about that?
Starting point is 01:30:08 They're not weird, they're chocolate on an all-name Well Fran, you must admit This does not show up on a tree When your mom visits New York And is like, Ed a mommy? A hot pee? Guys, that's the night show Mike Hanford
Starting point is 01:30:26 Paul Russ Fran Gillespie You songin' him up I know next time for this movie I'm Mike Mitchell, I'm Nick Weigher The Dairy Dude, Happy Eatin' See ya New York, thank you Wack is the hop-a-pops
Starting point is 01:31:28 That was a hate gun podcast

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