Dragon Friends - DF2 #1.03. Hot Beef Mouth

Episode Date: April 14, 2024

The heroes of Yearth are rapidly running out of leaders to follow, as they find themselves at the domicile of a great wizard and his mephit life partner. Surely, this screenwriting coach will be able ...to keep the plot on track. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Did someone tell you that you should have made the intros a bit longer? Why, was that one too short? It felt... No, it wasn't too short. Was it too long? It was just right. It just felt like you were really stretching it out. No, Eden, it was good of length. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:20 The heroes of youth, brave heroes of youth Destiny be done, these four freaks will become The heroes of Yurn On the continent of Yurn Where the seasons never change. In the lands of winter, on a blasted plain, sits a quaint cottage, thatched of roof and wooden of side. And in that cottage, an aged wizard, long of beard and furrowed of brow, is thoroughly cross with the heroes of youth.
Starting point is 00:01:16 One wizard, Nilmeyer Mind Freck, is lecturing our heroes. Okay, okay, okay. Let me get this straight. You, just for... You four... You four, just for pageantry, just for a bit of fun that you do, you got all four of the ancient weapons,
Starting point is 00:01:39 you bring them together, you bring it where Celestia was imprisoned and you release her? Am I hearing this right? Am I understanding this? Yeah. Um, it wasn't really, I mean, it wasn't
Starting point is 00:01:54 just my idea. It was barely my idea at all. Oh my god, dear. In a lot of ways, it was your idea. Which way was it my idea? I've been sitting here the entire time while you've been mucking around, fucking around over in Forstopolis. You freaking branged it up. Mucking and fucking.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Oh my God. Do you understand exactly what you've done? No. And not understanding is one dinner munch about human wizard and another human beside him. Charyon Valerian. Played by Simon Greiner and Demi Lardner, respectively.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh. Did I get that right? No. So, all right. Demi Lardner, respectively. Oh. Did I get that right? So, that's alright. I'll take that on. I was going to argue, but I'm not going to. Anyway, back to you. These are the four weapons that were used to imprison her in the first place. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:58 This wasn't explained to you? You don't get taught this in school or anything? We were basically there holding glorified flags. You've got beef? Take it up with our dead masters. I majored in school or anything. We were basically there holding glorified flags. You've got beef, take it up with our dead masters. I majored in trigonometry. Well, did that serve you well? Yeah, I mean, you need to know an angle.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Fucking do it, man. Okay, show me that angle. And he points to just one of the boards of the roof where it meets the wall. If it's a roof, it's a 90-degree angle. What are you fucking... You might have what it takes, young one. Very smart. Very clever.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Where did you learn? What about that one? And she points to the corner of the table. Okay, also 90 degrees. These are all corners. And for learned in the arts of trigonometry is one minotaur barbarian, Sunbelt Gongbonger,
Starting point is 00:03:52 played by none other than Michael Hink. And beside him, a duck. Not a regular duck, a ducklin. A duck with arms. I'm really worrying that Eden hasn't done any preparation for this at all. I'm so worried. Because he's talking very long. Am I talking long?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, you're covering for something. It's sus, dude. This is confidence. Yeah, this is what it is. The arms have hands and the hands fingers. And the fingers have nails. Because I know you guys met up the other day to write the adventure, but did you spend the whole day doing...
Starting point is 00:04:32 Doing your dream analysis? You spent the whole time doing Jungian... Are you trying to pronounce the first word? Yeah, Jungian? Jungian. Jungian dream house. Jungian. Jung? Jung. Oh, sorryian? Jungian Dreamhouse. Jungian. Jung?
Starting point is 00:04:45 Jung. Jung, oh, sorry. Like Jungle. Get fucked. Welcome to the Jungle. Oh, boy. But yes, you're in the cottage of Nilmeir, and he's mad. He's so pissed at you.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Celestia was imprisoned so long ago, she's out now. We don't even know what she's going to be doing. She could be destroying your house. Or your house. I remember this. I remember this very specifically. She wasn't going to destroy anything. She was going to
Starting point is 00:05:20 unmake everything. Okay. Which is different. A fine distinction I think you'll find. Yeah, if you say unmake you can get past the TikTok censors. Gavin the Ice Meffit comes in and says, well I'm not going to bloody unmake this
Starting point is 00:05:42 stroganoff, so anybody hungry it's already done. It'll keep though for a few days if you're not hungry now. Oh, bad time. I said, well, I'm not going to bloody unmake this stroganoff. So anybody hungry? It's already done. It'll keep, though, for a few days if you're not hungry now. Oh, bad time? Okay. I'll be in the... Hey, hey. You're an ISIMP, right?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, method, technically. Are you like zero to... Are you all zero to zero? Yes, it's cold. But I've got a warm heart. But it's cold. Can I ask a personal question? I'm bracing for it.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Go. You have a penis? Gavin said... Neil Myer's kind of like... Okay, so when you piss urine out of your penis, does it freeze and make your penis bigger at the end? Two. Is that?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Twofold answer. Yes. Second part, you just got to shake it off. It's not a problem. There's a thing we do every week. It's sort of like an ice circumcision.
Starting point is 00:06:41 We get all the excess off. Otherwise, it's just awful. Drag it all along the ground yep and that melts and then i've pissed everywhere houses okay that's good sorry felt like you were gonna send us on a quest no just before we go on i do have a question i know doom and gloom, but what was Lexicon like? What?
Starting point is 00:07:07 What was he like? Yeah. Like an old dude, white hair, beard. Kind of a prick. Yeah. And tell me again what happened when he was all disheveled and he came up to you and he's screaming and stuff. Does this give you some sort of crude pleasure?
Starting point is 00:07:26 No. He was cowering. He was cowering. Was he? Oh, yeah. Yeah, fucking dick. No, it's sad. Sad to see the mayor of Frostopolis in such a bad way.
Starting point is 00:07:39 What happened between you two? Hmm? What happened? He speaks very highly of you. That's the first. Usually he just calls me his screenwriting teacher and sends little sad men over. I am 6'2 and a bit.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Hmm. I want to do an insight check to measure that one. Which one? Demi? Yeah, did a munch about. I want to... So, is it insight? If I want to guesstimate the height,
Starting point is 00:08:10 because I don't believe 6'2". You can have advantage if it has to do with angles. Yeah. Sockatoa, baby. That's what I'm talking about. How could I do this? Okay. Can you two lean up against her?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Sorry. Can you two lean up against him making a triangle that I would then be measuring the height of? So that makes advantage. Okay, cool. Not waiting for the answer. Just go. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Okay, the highest one is a 14 plus inside is zero. So 14. Oh, you'd say he's about 6'2". But you can't tell exactly. Maybe it's a little over, maybe it's a little under. Maybe I've got orthotics. Maybe he's born with it. Maybe it's orthotics.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Neil Meyer turns over to the young sad duckling, the middle-aged sad duckling in the corner. Polly Waddle. Polly Waddle. I don't think middle age is my defining feature. Got a nice hat. Nilmai turns over to the beautiful hat and the wonderful duckling sitting under it and says,
Starting point is 00:09:24 I am sorry to hear about your father. Oh yeah, your dad died. Why do you keep forgetting and remembering that? Thank you very much, Mr. Nilmire. He was a great man. Well, not a great, he was a fun dad. He was fun, yes. He was a fun dad. Not a good dad, but a fun dad. He was fun, yes. He was a fun dad.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Not a good dad, but a fun one. And that's important too. And I'll miss him very much. Well, I have news. In fact, all of your masters aren't actually dead. But they... Well, I don't think Lex was dead at all anyway. You didn't think he was dead, did you?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Oh yeah, but I'm sort of like, you know when a baby doesn't see its mum and it's like, she's gone. It's a bit like that. Does Dinner Munch about have objects permanency? Yeah, no, no object permanence. And then you start talking again and he's like, oh, you're back! Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I'm afraid Celestia, well, not afraid, the opposite, overjoyed to say, Celestia did not kill your masters. What? But they have been sent down to the very prison
Starting point is 00:10:35 that she has been kept in over the last millennia. There is a way. What, Gavin? What are you? Oh, I was just, honestly, I was just standing here
Starting point is 00:10:44 with this chafing dish, my hands melting off, but I've gotten lost in the narrative. Everyone take some stroganoff. Okay, I'll serve up, thanks. He starts slopping the slop. I want to roll for how good the stroganoff is. I think that would be... That's rolling for your enjoyment
Starting point is 00:11:01 or are you rolling for the quality of the stroganoff? Yeah. It'd probably have to be an opposed check, right? An opposed check? Don't you have to roll for cuisine? My cuisine, my cooking skills. That could be history. You might have history.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Okay. Whose cuisine will reign supreme? Okay, here comes Gavin. There's a cooking montage. Rolls and burns. He's slicing mushrooms. He's making a root. He's putting in double cream.
Starting point is 00:11:32 He's making a root? It's beef. Ooh, snake eyes. No, but sixes, double sixes. Or if you turn one upside down. 69. Oh, they're having unsatisfying coitus. Oh, one of them's just tricking.
Starting point is 00:11:50 They're having a good time so they can get sucked off and not have to try. You know what's horrible about this is that I've had to now imagine you and Tom trying to do 69. And one of you is very tall and one of you is very short. And I imagine that's just exactly how it is. It's like a koala. I've got to go...
Starting point is 00:12:08 My go! It's my go now! A koala trying to suck off a eucalyptus tree? Is that what this is? Yeah, and then the mouth of the eucalyptus tree is at the bottom, so I've got to scuttle back down. The eucalyptus tree is like, ah, my fucking neck pains!
Starting point is 00:12:25 Very much like Korn, every few months a bush ranger comes around, takes you off and gives you a chlamydia shot. I'll take a sip of water for that. What is this fucking show? This used to be a nice show. It did not! The stroganoff is a little watery. It did not. You fucking liar. The stroganoff
Starting point is 00:12:45 is a little watery. Oh. Okay. How is it, guys? Eat it. Eat it, Jones. It's good. Alright, performance check.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Performance check. Now, this is for lying. So, what is that? Deception. Deception. Deception? Unless you like it watery, which nobody does. Oh. I like a watery. Which nobody does.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Oh, I rolled a 19. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, you got a 20? Yeah. Okay. What do you say? What do you say to Gavin? You will have to fight for me to not suck you off.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Wow, that good. I thought, though. off. Wow, that good. I thought so. I will cool off my mouth so that I don't do you any damage. Oh, yeah. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Have you got any ice blocks? Fucking cool off me mouth. Yes. My concern would be that if, so you've got the hot beef mouth Hot beef mouth And someone
Starting point is 00:13:49 So you're about to suck someone off You're the one with the hot beef mouth Wait a second Hey, safety first This hot beef mouth could burn that penis So I'm going to cool it down I fucking, that's what I'm saying I'll chug down some ice blocks
Starting point is 00:14:00 Now you've got the other problem Now you've got to frostbite the dick. I'm going to get stuck. Ladies and gentlemen. He's got an icy penis anyway. That's what I'm fucking saying. Ladies and gentlemen. She has thought through the mechanics
Starting point is 00:14:14 of this blowjob, Michael. Sorry. How's the show going? You enjoying yourself so far? Ladies and gentlemen, we are Hot Beef Mouth 5678. It's a sort of beef gum situation.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Okay. Is anybody else lying? Send us on a quest. Okay. Whenever you want it, though, it's offered. I'm not going to force it. I'll just put that in my back pocket. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Jenna, please stop soliciting my ice mess. I will. Okay. I'll just put that in my back pocket. Thank you very much. Please stop soliciting my ice mess. I will. I'll go prepare the chamber. What, for your suck-off? Not for my suck-off. So, things have happened in there. We've had some pretty cool parties around here. This guy. Okay,
Starting point is 00:15:03 I'll be right back. I'm going to get dessert ready. Did he suck you off? No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No. No. No. No. No. We didn't. No. No.
Starting point is 00:15:17 That didn't happen. I didn't suck him. That didn't happen. No. No. Why didn't you emphasize the word suck? Why didn't you say, I didn't suck him? Hey, you come into my house.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You come into my house after destroying the entire of Frostopolis, I suspect. Releasing a creation god, and you suggest I suck off my ice method. You suggest I've sucked him off many a time, don't you? Admit it, how many times do you think I've sucked his little ass? I don't know, you guys live a time, don't you? Admit it. How many times do you think I've sucked his little nuts? I don't know. You guys live together. I don't know. That doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:15:50 There's nothing wrong with it. I'm just saying you have a lot of opportunities. When you live with someone, you wake up every day. They're there. You can suck them off if you guys are into it. And he gets really close and he's six foot eight tall and he even towers even over you, Sunbelt. And he says, don't you know?
Starting point is 00:16:04 I know all the opportunities I had oh oh oh and then he turns around and marks it on the on the wall and he sighs and he uses
Starting point is 00:16:19 the little frozen piece of extra dick that he keeps in his pocket oh excuse me for a minute my my eyes are melting a bit. I've just got to go dry that up. Gavin, prepare the chamber. Yes, Neil Meyer. And he flaps off.
Starting point is 00:16:44 With his wings. Yes, good news. Your masters are not dead, but in fact imprisoned. If Celestia was released from her prison with the four weapons, I believe that the prison can be
Starting point is 00:17:02 opened once more and your masters can be released and Celestia can be imprisoned again. How do we defeat her? With the weapons you talked about earlier? Yes. I think it'd be a pretty good start, Polly. All right. But I don't think we can do it alone.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I will lead you to the four places. That's what the chamber's for. I'm going to do some... I'm going to do some... I'm going to look through. I'm going to do some spells. Yoo-hoo! Chamber's ready. Okay, I'm going to go do spells and we're going to get your heroes out and then they're going to use the weapons and we're going to sort this out
Starting point is 00:17:36 and you four are going to go down as the very best apprentices the entirety of the earth has ever seen. How's that sound? Really good! Okie dokie. Have fun doing spells! Okie dokey. Have fun doing spells. Okey dokey. Going to do spells now.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, God. He's doing spells back there, so you just, if I can get you anything while he's doing spells. I'm just finishing off my stroganoff. Oh, good. How is it? It's not, I mean, I would you like, well, I could shake your hand It's so good
Starting point is 00:18:10 I could shake your hand Yeah Okay Like I wouldn't suck you off I Kiss the tip I guess If that's the scale
Starting point is 00:18:22 Like if that's the scale What was your deception on that? What? What was the deception on that? What? What was the deception that you rolled on telling an ice method that you'd kiss the tip of his penis? Eleven? I don't know. Eleven? He doesn't buy it. He's like, just say you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I can take criticism. Is it not good? Oh, I don't like it. It sucks. Oh. What is it not good? Oh, I don't like it. It sucks. Oh. Oh. What is it about it? The beef's too stringy? Cook time?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I would say if I was to narrow it down, the things that suck about it are everything. That's pretty broad. That's quite broad. Well, it's not broad because a lot of it sucks individually. If you break it down into its different... Do you want me to go through and tell you how... Okay, let's talk onions.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Too thick, too thin? It's not even that. It's that they've been over-browned. Whoa. Whoa, whoa. What, like caramel? No. Burnt.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I was trying to be kind. Oh, that was what that flavour was. You see, I don't have a lot of taste buds. I just experienced temperature. So I'll be honest, cooking's a lot of guesswork for me. The only thing you can, the only
Starting point is 00:19:44 sense you have. Yeah, I put it in and I was like, oh, that's a bit The only thing you can... The only sense you have... Onion pie. Yeah, I put it in and I was like, oh, that's a bit hot. So I put in more chilli or make it more black. Okay, Gavin. How do you guys cook? What?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Like, why would you make, like, a beef stroganoff with so many complex flavours? Why didn't you make something simple like a carrot or something? Why didn't you make a carrot? I wanted to express myself creatively in the kitchen. And a carrot's just chopping. Hey Hing, how does Sunbelt feel about eating beef? As a minotaur.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That's a sin. He said it's a sin. That's a sin. He said it. That's a sin. That's a sin. Yeah, I guess it's because the top half, which is the bit that's doing the eating, that's cow. Probably doesn't even have the teeth to chew beef. Yeah. I think he's just going, what?
Starting point is 00:20:38 What's beef? With a mouthful of... It probably just doesn't taste any different to the inside of his mouth. Just tastes like... Just tastes like a mouthful of... It probably just doesn't taste any different to the inside of his mouth. Yeah. Just tastes like... Just tastes like a mouth. Tastes like... What is this, like, flavourless curd?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Is that what you've served me? So, like, would you be able to eat a bloke then? Yeah, but I wouldn't be able to shit him out, because that would be... The bottom half of me then would feel bad. Right. We just chicken. How the...
Starting point is 00:21:08 Okay, I think he's... Spell's almost done. And the door slams open and you see into this dark sort of cavernous room with lights, but they're coming from candles. The light's coming from candles. Be careful not to knock over any candles. Oh, very romantic, Gavin.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Well, it's for magic. Yes, of all kinds. And the rose petals, are they for magic too? The which? The rose petals? Yes. They're also part of the spell? They're called spell components for those of us uninitiated in the dark arts.
Starting point is 00:21:44 What are these oils for? Massage. Your little ice hands. You dip your hands in the warm oil and they just come out and they just disappear. I'm very well scented. Enter the chamber, you fools. Have fun, guys. Thanks, Gavin.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Thank you, Gavin. Thank you, Gavin. Is this a trap? It's not. Okay. Sometimes when he's doing spells, he just needs to get in the mood. That's why I do the candles and whatnot, you know? The lighting's got to be right for magic.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm in a trance. I will say that's a bit tough, but good luck. Don't step on the petals. We reuse them. Alright, so we enter the chamber. What colour's the room?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Crimson. So it's a bit of a red room. Is one of you wearing your Dom jeans? What's that a reference to? What's a Dom jeans? It's a reference to In Fifty Shades of Grey. There is a man who says, I can only fuck when I'm in denim. And he puts on his jeans to violently fuck in the Red Room.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Oh, is that what it is? Yeah, yeah. Well, that's very nice. Like you're reading the news. Yeah. She's right. That didn't explain what the Red Room is. I asked you what the Red Room is.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I think you gave me a story about a man who likes to fucking jean yeah I don't know like what Michael Ng is wearing right now I'm wearing a full Canadian tux suit and I've never felt less turned on you are so lucky your house is blue that's very interesting because as you go in
Starting point is 00:23:39 you notice that Neil Meyer is sitting his eyes are glowing white and he has changed from his cloak for the trance and the spell he's had to don full denim down to the bottom and as
Starting point is 00:23:56 you sit down he opens his mouth and his voice seems to echo around the room and he says the heart of the Ironwoods is here where forest people drink their beer the acts of sands where you going with the tomb of gridlock ruins the blades of grass well don't you know they're in a big volcano this lead staff the fire piece has found a home in has found a home in...
Starting point is 00:24:27 As he opens his mouth to say the final pieces, his eyes go wide and black seems to come out and flick around and then slam him straight in the eyes as he chokes on his own throat. And wonderful soliloquy. The whites of his eyes turn black and the centre pupil become colourful and he seems to crack in his bones and then he settles and looks at you all
Starting point is 00:24:51 and says, I'm very sorry about the other day. I'm awfully, dreadfully sorry. I'm not usually like that. I am a creator, not a destroyer. Oh, sorry, you've not usually like that. I am a creator, not a destroyer. Oh, sorry, you've, um, Celestia. Don't look scared. I'm here,
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm here, I'm here, I'm here for you. I felt like I was not myself, you know, so I'm here, honestly, just to answer questions that you might have because I think it's going to be a lot better, and you'll see when you're all not existing anymore. Does that make sense? Yeah, what's the timeline on that?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Oh, I'm thinking in a few weeks, depending on whether I get my stuff together. You know how it is. You have a project, and then you start doing it, and then just other things come in the way, but I just really need to lock in and just get some plans out. You know what I mean? Would you like some help? We are... Bad. Bad?
Starting point is 00:25:58 We are bad. That's right. And we also hate... We hate this bloody place. Yeah. We'd love to help you unmake it. If you were looking for four little assistants, well, that is us. We also hate ourselves.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, Polly, I appreciate that. And there's so much of you to hate. But I don't hate you, necessarily. It's that hate that you have for yourself which is... What's imperfect? No. Um... you have for yourself, which is, what's imperfect? No. Wait. Just kidding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:32 We love ourselves. No, no, look, I just, it's completely fine. I don't need any help. This is something I'm doing myself. I have plans for the next. I have a question. Yes. So what's up?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Why then, what's the big problem? Why the unmaking? I just feel like this was a bit of a draft, you know? And things just sort of got out of hand. I mean, the only one that I think about keeping is him, and she points to Valerian. He's just handsome. I like
Starting point is 00:27:03 this guy. I like this guy. I like him better now. Yeah. Aesthetically, don't you agree? Can I ask you a question? Yes, that's why I'm here. What is... If you had to, like, name, like, one weakness that you had...
Starting point is 00:27:19 That's right, yes. We were all just talking about our weaknesses. Like, I am allergic to chamomile. Chamomile, I know, yes. I created your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. Oh. So what's yours? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know, I start doing something, I think, no, got to get it right, got to get it right. Do it a few more times, so to speak. This is good, though. I feel like they're getting a bit of, it's like a Q&A, isn't it? Can you read our minds? Wouldn't want to. Bit weird. But can you?
Starting point is 00:27:57 But could you? Sometimes. Really? What am I thinking of right now? Okay, you called my bluff. I can't read your minds. But I do know what you've been mucking around with. You're looking for the weapons and I had to pop in just because I think it's fruitless
Starting point is 00:28:14 and you're really going to enjoy what I have planned for the next Earth. So let's just cut that out now. Can we all put our hands up? Hand up, everyone. We're not putting our hands up? We're not going to be here for the next Earth if you're going to kill us all. Yeah up, everyone. So. We're not putting our hands up. We're not going to be here for the next Earth if you're going to kill us
Starting point is 00:28:27 all. Yeah, not fair. What if there's cool stuff there? There's going to be a lot of cool stuff. We just see my plans and she
Starting point is 00:28:34 pulls out kind of out of the back pocket of Nil Meyer, like a blueprint, which is like an artist like rendition. And she says,
Starting point is 00:28:43 there's quite a few. This one's a bit postmodern. I'm going to do a lot with the lighting, I think. It's going to mean something about capitalism. Working on it. I don't quite get it. Why did that wizard guy have that in his pants the whole time?
Starting point is 00:29:00 I put it there. I knew this was going to happen, and I put it there. Do we have to ask questions about you, or can we ask questions about other stuff as well? You don't have to. I just thought it would be nice for me to sort of pop in, just get the four. One, one with you, gang.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Felt a bit rude the other day, what I was doing with the whole destruction of Frostopolis. So what changed your mind then? Why are you here now talking to us? Because you just felt rude? Okay, two things. One, I kind of felt like Nilmai was poking around, What changed your mind then? Why are you here now talking to us? Because you just felt rude? Okay, two things. One, I kind of felt like Nilma was poking around looking for the weapons.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And I just want to say it's probably not a good idea. But I feel like you're probably going to want to follow him around and just collect them all up and do your silly little thing. So I thought I might jump in, suggest you don't, and if you still wanted to, maybe do this. And she cracks Neil Myers' kind of wrist in back, and she goes... Oi. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Don't. Oh, I'm going to keep doing it. Okay. I want to see. I will. No! That's fucking crazy. I can't.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Like, can you? Like, if you just move your wrist. Go ahead. Do a check. It doesn't crack. He's double jointed. What check? I can assure you he's not double jointed.
Starting point is 00:30:17 What are you trying to do? Nothing. I just want to see. I want to see. I want to see if you can twist his wrist off. I want to see if you could twist his wrist off. And in a flash, Gavin flies across the room and splashes hot strong enough onto Nilmaj. Nilmaj wakes the hell out of it.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And half of the eye kind of like flashes back and goes white. One of the eyes still stays black with colour in the centre. And he goes, oh my god, what the my wrist, what, you were trying to save me, weren't you? You weren't going to go on. You're being possessed. Stop. Bad ice method. Bad. I've got pith
Starting point is 00:30:56 on me. That's disgusting. This is exactly the reason we need a new earth. Pith on me. Pith on me. What? It's the only way. No, I don't want to. Everybody's looking. And, um, feeling like he's losing grip, he kind of raises his semi, the good wrist,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and he flicks his hand. He flicks his hand. A ring, a big white ring on his finger glows blue. And just behind you, a giant crack in reality seems to shatter like a big ice wall and smack clicks open and begins to suck you guys through.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And you all come yourself as you go. And he says, Go! You must go! Run before she takes control. I, sometimes, my nipples are prone to eczema. What? We're talking about our weaknesses still or no?
Starting point is 00:31:58 And he goes, there's some cream for that in the top drawer. Grab it on your way out. Right, grab that. cream for that in the top drawer grab it on your way out you fucked up so much just don't fuck this up okay I don't know but you can't stay to find out find the weapons. Go. Alright, I'm jumping in. I'm going through the crack. I jump in. Crack time. Let's all have some lovely crack time.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And with a flash of light, our heroes are sucked through a portal writhing and reaving, twisting and torning. Landing with a clunk.
Starting point is 00:32:55 And a sploosh. In the dark. This dark is wet. And indeed it is wet. And indeed it is wet. And all around you, sounds of slurping. In the dark, sticky wet pads on slimy wet flesh. All right, well, I'm looking around. Can I see in the dark?
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm just a human. I can't. You're just a human. I'm going to touch something. So you reach out and you touch something. It's... Do you say yes when I've got it right? I've got a torch, so I'm going to light a torch. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And as the sparks flicker your torch into life, dozens of sets of eyes blink at you through the darkness, looking at you guiltily for their lips are locked to one another. You have found yourself in a jungle in the midst of what looks like a Bollywug teen make-out party. What? Bollywug teen make-out party? No, Bollywugs. You know Bollywugs?
Starting point is 00:34:33 It looks like frog people. It's a bunch of frogs making out. You've taken us to a frog sex party. I'm not. Yeah! I feel like we We've done a frog sex party In Dragon Friends before Yeah but that was years ago It's time for another one
Starting point is 00:35:00 What's your sexiest Frog sex music It's not easy being horny That's what I'm thinking. What's your sexiest frog sex music? It's not easy being horny. How? Why are there so many songs about gang bangs? Why are there so many songs about gang bangs? You'll have to tune in to the next episode of Dragon Friends to find out what will happen. How slimy will it be?
Starting point is 00:35:33 What details will the lyrics contain? Please come back to find out. Please come back. Bye. Please come back to find out. Please come back. Bye! The cast of Dragon Friends Campaign 2 is Alex Lee, Simon Greiner, Michael Hinn, and Demi Lutton.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Our Dungeon Masters are Eden Lacey and Tom Carty, with live accompaniments by Nick Harriot. Shakira Khan is our producer. The podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by me, Hugh Guest. And new episodes are recorded live every month at the Vanguard Theatre in Sydney on Gadigal land in the Eora Nation. This week's episode is brought to you by contributors to the Dragon Friends Patreon,
Starting point is 00:36:12 who get early access to ad-free episodes, show recordings, and exclusive content for just $5 a month. Until next time. When a goddess returns from years of imprisonment Promising ruin for all The rich and the poor all pray Please don't unmake us Who will protect us from what is in store?
Starting point is 00:36:38 The heroes of Yerf! Brave heroes of Yerf! Destiny be done! These four freaks will become The heroes of young Why are there so many Songs about gangbangs? It's the longest night of my life Orgies are parties
Starting point is 00:37:21 But mainly for coitus And why's that guy fucking my wife? So I'm just hiding out here in the bathroom, listening to Chad fuck Britney. Someday I'll get it. A gangbang erection. The lovers, the rimmers, and
Starting point is 00:37:52 me. I went to the bar just to get a drink as soon as we got off stage and I came back upstairs and Dave was coming down and he said, oh, they're in there just like writing the Gangbang song. I was like, oh, that's funny. And they were.

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