Drinking Wine and Talking Shit - Fast Fashion Faux Pas, Mince Meat Mysteries, & A Touch of Rosé

Episode Date: December 21, 2024

 This week, we’re unravelling the tangled threads of fast fashion—what’s the real cost of those bargain buys, and why is it so hard to resist a good sale? Then, we take a sweet detour into the ...world of mince meat swirls (because, why not?) and a tipple of rosé wine for good measure. From serious discussions about sustainability to light hearted culinary curiosities, this episode has it all. Tune in for laughs, insight, and maybe even a new craving or two! Find us on Instagram and Tiktok @DWTS_Shit. And you can follow @only_aamy & sadie.cubitt on Instagram too. Let's laugh with wine together!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Good afternoon. Sadie, how are you doing? I'm good, thank you. How are you? Yeah, good. I'm ready for episode two. Yes, I'm buzzing. Can't wait for the wine and the wine. It's my favourite bit. Amen. Excellent. Me too. I'm a bit pecker. So, yeah, episode two. We're back. Hope that people are back to watch us for another episode. Do you think they will? After maybe talking a little bit too quickly last time?
Starting point is 00:01:06 I know. I hope so. We are going to try and slow down. We just get on a roll talking shit, don't we? Yeah. Over-excited. Over-excited, yeah. All right, well, why don't you tell the guys...
Starting point is 00:01:18 Well, how have you been, anyway? How's your week been? You had a good week? Good week. Very busy. Trying to manage children, work, my business. Oh, it's just a lot. But yeah, it's been good.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I've been Christmas shopping. Christmas coming up as well. Yeah. So much to do. Dead excited for that, actually. And then, obviously, we're going to Paris in the new year, so we're just sorting our bits for that. Yeah, Paris.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I've got your kids for the weekend. I'm looking forward to it, actually. How about you? How's your week been? Yeah, really good. I'm looking forward to it, actually. How about you? How's your week been? Yeah, really good. Yeah, just back at work on Wednesday. Didn't go back until Wednesday because everyone did Tuesday off.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So I had a really nice weekend and a couple of days away. And then, yeah, back to work. But then before I knew it, it was Friday. And yeah, now it's the weekend again. I know. I know because even our cousin said, I can't believe it's Friday already I was literally just getting ready
Starting point is 00:02:06 for Amy's fight and now it's been another week yeah we had a great weekend it was really really good she did an MMA fight and she won
Starting point is 00:02:15 I won yeah I think we did mention it on the last episode yeah so glad I won it was just a white collar thing for charity but yeah
Starting point is 00:02:22 really liked put myself gave myself a challenge and was glad to have succeeded I did myself but gave myself a challenge and um was glad to have succeeded at it so yeah i need a challenge i feel like with like trying to lose weight but not even just about the weight but like being healthier yeah yeah i want to you know obviously i'm starting my mornings with my lemon and ginger tea oh are you i mean i do have one massive coffee with one massive sugar, and then after that...
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, yeah, OK. I just love coffee too much. I do struggle to drink enough water. Yeah. I did have to, and obviously now, since the fight's finished, I've had to give myself the week off, and I've just been so unhealthy. I've drank so much alcohol.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Well, you was having a break. Yeah. Had so much crap. From fitness. So much food. So much cheese. I feel like giving myself the challenge of just doing a 5k because you could do
Starting point is 00:03:06 that with me. Yeah I could do 5k. My knees are a bit dirty. I know but everyone's so slow. I might be alright. It's just about
Starting point is 00:03:12 building up my stamina. I have like a 2 mile max at the moment it really does hurt. Oh okay. Or you could bike alongside me but you'd be biking very
Starting point is 00:03:19 slowly. I can do that. Or we could try and do something like a triathlon but our own version. Yeah our own version. So we could do like a swim, a run and a bike. or we could try and do something like a triathlon but our own version yeah our own version so we could do like
Starting point is 00:03:26 a swim a run and a bike or we could skip the run and do a a swim a bike
Starting point is 00:03:34 and something else I don't know what else could you include instead of a run a row you'd have to do it at the gym yeah
Starting point is 00:03:42 or like um if I've got a goal i can train for it whereas but we could do a mile run yeah okay yeah yeah and then do the swim do longer yeah okay because it's just that my knee just swells really bad if i just do it for two yeah so not being a not being a what's the word not being a wimp she had a really bad infection when she was younger and that's why but even if we do one mile run one mile swim one mile bike or like in the gym slash well run outside it's nicer but at least then that's giving me so much more to work towards and then i can get bigger and bigger i just i want to feel healthier be healthier yeah so yeah well i was thinking, anyway,
Starting point is 00:04:25 we want some 2025 goals. We're going to set some up. So join us next time to find out what they're going to be. We're also trying to get our mum to be more healthier and on the healthier hike as well. So if you've got any New Year's goals, let us know what they are. Maybe we can get some inspiration from you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:40 But also, maybe join us on our journey and we'll kind of post about it as well because I think it's all about health, isn't it, in 2025? Health and wealth. Health and wealth. Let's get rich, people. Yeah. You know, have a better life.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Just have a better life. Okay, so we are... Why don't you say the why and the why and what we've done this week in terms of why and the why and if you wanted to you could also introduce the topic because you've chosen the topic this week.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That was quite a good topic. So do you want two pour then? I'll happily pour. Just a small one. As you can see if you want to jump on to that.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So this week I wanted to make the mincemeat pinwheels. So that's what I have just here. They look delightful and smell banging. I have put icing on them like you would a cinnamon bun. Just because I thought that would add a bit of extra sweetness.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Now, obviously, with mince pies, they say the best is like sherry or um mulled wine yeah or there was another one i think also begun with an m can't remember what it is so if you let me know that'd be great um so if yeah so what you're saying is obviously that'd be what you'd usually put yes but we don't really like them so So we just went with a rosé, Le Toile, French obviously. It's quite a strong wine, I thought. But it is quite sweet.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It tastes really good. Great fruit, blood orange and berry fruit flavours. So we thought it would be good. How much was it? I think it was £8. So still getting our wines on a bargain, guys. Not getting anything too fancy. You know, as time goes by,
Starting point is 00:06:30 we might try more expensive wines and even maybe cheaper wines. Don't know. But at the moment, we're just thinking about, you know, your general weekly shop. You pop in. What can you have with a nice dead easy dinner
Starting point is 00:06:39 or a nice little snack with the kids or whatever? Or maybe you want to do a little bit of baking on a Sunday with the kids. Make the pinwheels. They're dead easy. And you can have a glass of wine. Yeah past ink corner not really just have one or two and sit around so aileen um take a pinwheel off not on this you have to like it's a bit squishy because oh Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You know what? The whole consistency just screams delightful. I love this one.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I don't want to get any down my... I don't know. Yeah. I think they're still a bit warm. Which we were going to advise to put the ice on after they've cooled down, but actually this whole combination is fantastic. I mean, it's melting over my fingers and I don't really know what to do about it we don't have any napkins but from what you can see you tell me
Starting point is 00:07:33 got it all over my fingers i'm just gonna try it as well with the wine even though our wine technically didn't go with this i'm sure it won't go with this. Yeah. Can you pass my mug, please? Thank you, dear. Thank you. So, Le Toile Rosé with Cheers. minced meat pillows
Starting point is 00:07:53 and icing. Yummy. It's a bit sharp. It is a bit sharp after the sweetness. But it's quite a good combo because obviously it sharp after the sweetness but it's quite a combo because obviously it cuts through the sweet getting everywhere well nice all right then so our topic of the week this week is um fast fashion as well as you know we kind of go off topics at times yeah fashion fails, maybe a bit about catwalks.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So let's get right into it. Amy, what is your opinion on fast fashion? When you say fast fashion, do you mean, you know, obviously the ever-changing ways of fashion, you know, this new thing comes in and out. I've never been a fashion, like, don't get me wrong, I wear what I think looks nice. And if I see something that looks like myself, I buy it.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But I would never think, oh, that's the fashion now i better jump on it like it's not something i've ever been like if i think something looks nice and it's comfy or yeah it's usually comfort i'll wear it yeah yeah whereas at the minute like you see a lot of stuff at the minute aren't you like new trends coming out like i saw so with oh you know everyone's kind of got a really crazy of hugs at the minute yeah and um everyone's loving it don't get me wrong i said to my boyfriend i was like oh i'd love a nice pair of uggs maybe for christmas like the boot ones but because everyone's loving the uggs i was like shopping the other day and i saw this ugliest pair of ugg uh gloves mittens and mittens they were massive and there was like this girl wearing them, she was like, so fashionable. And I'm like, but they're horrible. They're really horrible
Starting point is 00:09:28 gloves. I would never wear them. But because they said UGG on them, people would buy them. And I saw on social media, this example, I don't know how true it is, because we have to say this, it's probably a load of bullshit because we saw it on social media, but apparently this trainer store,
Starting point is 00:09:43 had like their own trainer store and it was like a discount trainer store it was like you know really nice trainers but for £20 to £30 and they weren't
Starting point is 00:09:50 making many sales so they did like a bit of an experiment and in a high end area of the city opened a little boutique and they priced everything really high prices
Starting point is 00:09:58 and made it seem like very high end like very luxurious and people came in and bought the same types of trainers for £600 and then they were making like they were recording the people making the comments about them oh they seem like they're just great quality what you know why would you spend 600
Starting point is 00:10:12 pound on these and people were saying oh because they must you know i think it's that people put such a high price on things so people assume obviously then then if they buy that and i don't know how to say if they buy that product status status yeah it makes them think well i could afford to spend 600 on trainers so that makes me better than someone who can't and i might be wrong i mean i'm not i'm not slating anyone who buys expensive clothes like absolutely i understand that i like to treat myself to nice things too as well you know it's not i'm not judging anybody it was just a really interesting way that society i think has you see is spending like spending money and we all want to have a nice life we all deserve to have a nice life and not be struggling and i think the distribution
Starting point is 00:10:51 of wealth and this is an insider from ballgame i'm going down the right rabbit hole now but like you know you've got people who can afford to go out and buy six and a pound cleaners and then people who really can't afford to buy the 30 pound dreamers yeah um so it's just interesting really to see that and see how people reacted and responded to to buy the £30 inners. Yeah. So it was just interesting really to see that and see how people reacted and responded to the same shoe but highly priced as though, oh, well, you know, I'll buy that and it's going to be a fantastic product. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm rabbiting on now. But yeah, I just found that odd. Very interesting. Yeah. And I think my problem with last fashion is obviously the massive turnover in closing shops and the waste and you know obviously you've got people working for hardly any money making these clothes and shoes and then we're we're quite happy to go out and buy them because we're getting a good deal do you know what i mean like primark and h&m and loads of shops next even
Starting point is 00:11:44 like you know i mean i don't know what their factories are like and how much they pay their staff, but a lot of it does say, you know, made in this country, made in that country. So it does make you wonder. Yeah, you know, where they're coming from, how much the people are being paid who are making the clothes and then how much, you know, they're making on selling them quite cheaply as well over here.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And look at Next, like £120 for a coat the other day. And I thought, I wonder how much it cost to make that. Yeah. Because I made it £120. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And I think things like Shein and Teemu, these websites that are now like really quick, they're like, that is definitely, and it puts me in fast fashion, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:12:22 How many times do you see on your newsfeed, especially the women out there, I'm sure you can agree, on your newsfeed or your, you know, Facebook feed or Instagram feed of Shein or Teemo coming up with the latest different types of clothing and products, and then the next week or two, it's slightly changed again. More products, obviously, being bought out and people jumping on the bandwagon, and the more people share it. Oh, and it's like the new Dyson hair hair curler like i've seen that as well and like
Starting point is 00:12:48 so um basically you've got the dyson hair curler and then now people have bought somebody's bought out this dupe so duplication of the dyson but for much less money which is great but because the ad's going around so vibe vibe like, so kind of viral ad, basically, that's going around showing this dupe and how great it is, people are obviously jumping on the bandwagon
Starting point is 00:13:08 and buying it, but then the other day I saw an advert from Amazon saying if you're going to buy, you know the new projector? Yeah. They're doing a cheaper one of that now,
Starting point is 00:13:18 so I feel like they're trying to combat someone being able to put these ad apps, say get this one, it's cheaper, but just as good. They're trying to combat
Starting point is 00:13:24 what's happened with the dupe to not happen with theirs, so they're putting out an ad saying make they get this one, it's cheaper, but just as good. They're trying to combat what's happened with the duped and what's happened with theirs. So they're putting out an ad saying, make sure you get the right one from Amazon because it's the best one and you might get duped into getting this bad version. So I think it's really interesting how you're kind of seeing different shops
Starting point is 00:13:39 and retailers or whatever using different marketing strategies to keep their products alive yeah highlighted yeah but sometimes the dupe versions
Starting point is 00:13:50 are still fine like really good like I always look at the reviews and the stars and it's like oh it's got four stars like cool
Starting point is 00:13:55 yeah it works yeah and I will check what people have written I'm more like that with books like if I'm going to buy an audible
Starting point is 00:14:02 yeah not wasting a credit I just use the audible yeah I was going to buy an Audible. Yeah. Not wasting a credit. I just use Audible. Yeah. I was going to tell Mum to use it actually. I've got like three credits built up because I've not bought anything. Because I'm just like, well, I dare buy something that I know I'm not going to love.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And I've been listening to the same book a few times at the minute because I want to really take in what the author is saying. So then I'll go on and I'll listen to the preview because I want to know if the voice is annoying or not. Yeah, yeah. Then I'll read the reviews and be like, yeah, okay, that sounds like it's worth a credit. The other day I stupidly bought a book and I thought, this is really boring. Like, it's not really boring, but she's not giving me anything yet. Oh, that's quite frustrating. Like, I've listened to Rachel Rogers, We Should All Be Millionaires. Love it. Such a good book. Like, I've listened to Rachel Rogers' We Should All Be Millionaires. Love it.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Such a good book. Like, it gives you actionable things to do. You know, when you get these people. Suggestion then, guys, if you're one of those people. Yeah, I did get suggested a book by someone else. And it was like, yeah, it's really good. You should listen to it. Listen to it. Wasted a credit on that.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And the guy tells you, you need to be doing, you need to be like this. You need to be like that. You need to do, but he doesn't actually tell you need to be doing, you need to be like this, you need to be like that, you need to do, but he doesn't actually tell you how to do these things. And I was like, I've got no, you need direction, don't you know?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah, I've got no actionable steps to take from you. So really, I've just wasted a credit on your, on your book. Crappy book, yeah. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:15:18 going back to fast fashion, or let's look, let's talk about catwalks then. So we see these massively high-end catwalks with all these amazing clothes on. Are they amazing though? We don't actually wear that. So who wears those?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Where do they wear them? No, I don't know. Or then you've got big brands and I don't think we're really allowed to say brand names but you've got big brands selling a coat that looks like a plastic bin liner with rips in it for three grand. And people are buying this like i don't know and if we're um uneducated or you know we're slightly ignorant and don't know certain things and you guys do tell us like feel free to come
Starting point is 00:15:56 back like well this is the reason they do this or this is you know i don't know i know it's money but my point is it's like oh well i'm in fashion on catwalk fashion that they make i don't know what happens with the clothes afterwards. But my point is, it's like, oh, well, I'm in fashion, on catwalk fashion. I don't know what happens with the clothes afterwards because God knows I would not wear them and they look absolutely ridiculous half the time.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You wouldn't wear them out to the red carpet, let alone on the day-to-day or to the office. So what are these clothes like showing us? And it may be we just don't know the history
Starting point is 00:16:19 and we don't know certain things about fashion and catwalk fashion. But if you look at Christian Dior, okay, so like back in the day, he had some gorgeous gowns and they would be on the catwalk and people would buy them. Then it starts to get to a point where
Starting point is 00:16:31 it's like gets so much, because obviously it does haute couture, doesn't it? So it gets so much more extravagant that then you're like, yeah, it looks fantastic on the catwalk. It really does. I love watching some of Christian Dior's shows or the Okator shows, but you would not wear it.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Where are you going to wear it? I mean, obviously, to the Met Gala. Obviously to the Met Gala, don't they? Yeah, but even when you... Fair enough, there might be the odd occasion where you say, but this would be a massive event. You're still not going to go to the red carpet to go and see a movie premiere, are you? You'd wear a normal dress did you see them at god no
Starting point is 00:17:08 not something i necessarily follow really shabazz did a little bit on it did he yeah we love shabazz says yeah um he basically just went through the different outfits and was like this just looks awful looks like you know i think um, like, dressed as a tree. I don't know. I can't remember. But do you know what I mean? I'll try and find some pictures and show you. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And I just think, again, like, I wouldn't wear that. I think as well. Like, have you seen a lot lately of... But then if you don't wear it, you get classed as boring. So you know in the reviews as to what you wore, who you wore, if you're boring, they'll say you're boring. Who are you wearing? Yeah, who you are. Who are you wearing? I know, I know as to what you wore, who you wore, if you're boring, they'll say you're boring. Who you wore.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, who you are. Who are you wearing? I know, I know. Who are you wearing? But then if you're too extravagant, you get made fun of because you're too extravagant. It's just like, hmm, happy medium here. How do you even know what the happy medium is if you've seen the outfits? It's not like you can just nip to Bloody River Island,
Starting point is 00:18:02 get a dress on there and show up at the Met Gala is it? Um I'm sorry I'm going to say so the thing on that was obviously moving a little bit away from catwalk fashion if that's okay unless you've got more
Starting point is 00:18:11 to say on it No I've got a few other bits At the minute as well and again we always come back to things we see on social media so we've seen things like
Starting point is 00:18:18 so people doing these social media these reels where they're in one outfit and I've done one I've made one and then I'll send you in a different outfit
Starting point is 00:18:24 and it's crap don't see it I'll do something like that they look alright they're very cute Kyle's I've done one, I've made one and then I've suddenly worn a different outfit and it's crap, don't see it. I'll do something like that. They look alright, they're very cute. Kaya's also cute because he's a kid. I mean they're not cute, they're not cool, they're great, do them. But obviously you see a lot of that now don't you? So fashion and the more we have social media and I know again we've always come back to social media but it's because it's always there. The whole world is right there in your hand and because of it you see more of the bad stuff that happens in the world and the more weird stuff that happens in the world.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And it probably already always happened. It's just that we didn't have access to all of that information in the past. But obviously, like I say, you've got these people, they're doing their videos. And I think, do you think, and again, I'm not necessarily got a main opinion on this, but do you think videos like that make people feel like, God, I need to be better? I need to be, I need to dress like that. Yeah. I need to buy those clothes.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Of course. Social media always has an impact on people, doesn't it? Yeah, yeah. Like, I don't follow... I only follow things that I find funny. Or maybe some recipes. Yeah. Or I do follow a couple of women that do.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I can't remember their names. We follow a lot of wine channels. Yeah, we do, yeah. But I follow a lot of women because I sometimes struggle with what do i wear today yeah yeah what have i got an idea yeah so um and one of the girls does that primark on the hanger versus on me and she always looks amazing i think god you always look fantastic and you're literally just going to primark yeah and again i know we're talking
Starting point is 00:19:41 about fashion and like it's bad same time'm not saying it's bad, necessarily. Well, it is in terms of like the human element. Yeah, and consumption, I suppose. Yeah, and waste and fair pay and all that. But at the same time, for those that can't afford big brands or any brand, for that matter, Primark is the way you'd go, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. You'd go Primark or even New Look.
Starting point is 00:20:08 We're guests today. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. And she does some great outfits. And she always looks amazing. Like, she always has... Like, you know if I just want a general everyday outfit, but... Yeah, you just want ideas.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You just need ideas. I'm a bit like, what's in fashion... What's kind of going to make me look kind of trendy but not over the top yeah and usually it's a pair of jeans a rug shoes and a jumper and a nice bag across and that look that's fine i steady and i'm like yeah i've got all that i've got that in my wardrobe but i have to go out and buy something because i know i've got good stuff i can't always put it together the way i think about it yeah and it's nice to feel nice and look nice isn't it you don't want to look nice and feel nice like there's nothing wrong with that at all.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I just find, like, I think for us, it's just always how strange the world works and how funny people can be. And also, if you want to be that way and you want to make sure you're always looking great, absolutely fantastic, but then it's when people are judgmental, I suppose, to people who don't and can't always. Or people who, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:02 and there's the element of jealousy maybe then when other people can't have a certain thing or, you know, and there's the element of jealousy maybe then when other people can't have a certain thing and or you know and that's why i suppose the world which is why they don't let you wear branded stuff in schools isn't it yeah yeah yeah good point yeah you know it's uniform only and that's to stop that yeah and also you know to kind of have a sense of unity i guess so um another thing i wanted to discuss was 90s fashion and how it's coming back to the 90s. I loved 90s fashion.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Well, we were proper 90s babies. We were born in 1989, so we obviously went straight into the 90s. You know, Spice Girls and Flared Jeans. The best films ever, mate. The best films ever, yeah. Big belts. Ballet shoes, dolly shoes. the best films ever the best films ever yeah big belts ballet shoes
Starting point is 00:21:47 dolly shoes well that's a bit later I think actually but those big belts are coming back in you said no they're not and I actually saw a reel the other day
Starting point is 00:21:56 of this girl getting ready she's like oh my god I love this big belt and this English woman did like a what do you call it yeah like I don't know what you mean
Starting point is 00:22:04 like a video yeah and they were it? Yeah, I don't know what you mean. Yeah. And they were like, when you all of a sudden realised that all the fashion trends that you had as a kid are now coming back in and you got rid of all your stalkers. And you've got to go and rebuy all. Could have had that big belt. I used to have the piss taken out of me at one of my old jobs because I still wore mufflery, skinny, bootcut jeans and things. And apparently they weren't in fashion anymore when they came and then they came back around into fashion and I was like well I don't know why I was ever worried about that I was like they're now back in fashion although they're a bit
Starting point is 00:22:33 tatty now I can't can't wear them I have to buy new ones but that's the point I love a flare I love a flare it's not in fashion so they would people would wear it yeah whereas I'm not bothered about that that's what I mean I didn't care that they took the piss out of me either. I was like, whatever. I think I'm not nice. I don't care what you think. You know what I mean? I just weren't bothered about that. And I don't think I would be too much now either.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I mean, half the time I'm wearing leggings and a jumper anyway. Yeah, exactly. That's never going out of fashion. Leggings and a jumper. That's never going out of fashion, is it? Leggings and a jumper. It's just cash. It's just cash. It's just cash.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, I used to love 90s fashion um so then i put obviously i'm 90s fashion though sorry i'm just saying like um was anything specific you wanted to mention on that i'm just saying like the reason i find it funny is like you've seen all these reels as well um of people that have like took the mick out of it it's like 1989 sorry 1998 school dance got foundation line blue eyeshadow eyeshadow blonde uh no extensions that you can see like in the 2000 like 2014 i think when i used to work at the college and the girls would come in with all the clippings you know you can see it. It's the boy. Yeah, I know. I didn't see the point of that. I never saw the point of it. But, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I just thought it was really funny. And it is interesting that it's all coming back around. But that's happened so many times. Look at the Ra Ra Oscar. That came back around. Like, that was when my mum was a kid. And, like, years ago, that came back around. That would have been in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So it's like, it always happens. It's amazing how history repeats itself, isn't it, guys? A bit worrying. Yeah. Not interested in terms of fashion um but yeah sorry go on no that was it really that's all i really had to kind of mention in terms of fast fashion and fashion in general like i'm not hugely in fashion but i would like to think that in general i have a good look all right yeah yeah look all right what do you think
Starting point is 00:24:22 guys uh yeah i don't wear my white fox Tracker today Question to the audience That's in fashion Yeah That bloody white fox I don't get it Sounds like one thing
Starting point is 00:24:35 But In my old shoes Yeah Question to the audience Yes Do you Are you bothered about Fast fashion
Starting point is 00:24:43 Are you bothered about Making sure you always look good Are you bothered about making sure that you always look good? Are you bothered about sticking to these trends that we see online? Or are you just yourself and do you prefer to stay as you are? And it'd be great to kind of have, we'll do this as a poll. It'd be great if you could come back to us on this. Just find out how much does, and again, I know we always come back to social media, but I just think it has such an impact in everyday life now.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And every topic we talk about, there's something about it on social media. So does something on social media, does that kind of thing kind of bother you or you're not bothered or you really untrend with it or you just like it i think as well it depends who you are and what you could pull off so i also follow this woman who i don't know what country she lives in but it's not the uk or america um and she is absolutely stunning and she does different styles with similar colors or similar outfits or how you can make things look differently and i wouldn't necessarily necessarily say that they are in fashion but because of the way she styles herself she always looks really well put together very glamorous very um classy uh so yeah i think in fashion like baggy jeans
Starting point is 00:25:43 are in fashion everyone hates them because they make their bum look terrible and they don't do anything for your figure so do you need to wear something if it makes you look silly
Starting point is 00:25:52 if you don't like it yeah or if you just yeah like my boyfriend doesn't like flared jeans and flared trousers
Starting point is 00:25:58 right I mean he's coming around to the idea because he's got a pair that are dead tight around every other part of your body but they're flaring
Starting point is 00:26:02 at the bottom so it's the like because actually you do look really nice in those but it's i wouldn't not wear them because he says he didn't like them i'd wear them if i wanted to wear them and i do like them but over time like he's gotten used to it but i think he he just thinks oh i don't like flared trousers and i don't know if that's because it's it's quite out of fashion he's thinking oh no it don't look right anymore um but it's not his biggest thing i like favorite thing either yeah but i quite like i don't like a big flare.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I don't like a 70s flare. I like a boot cut that's like... Yeah, I don't mind a boot cut. And to be fair, I've still got some skinny jeans that I wear with boots. I haven't got many jeans. Not quite as a lot of pairs of jeans, actually. Skinny jeans, mainly. Second time I got pregnant, I just vetoed jeans. Yeah, I don't believe you, though.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Because jeans are not the comfiest thing to wear when you want to chill. Like, I wouldn't put jeans on. It's like, I went away at the weekend and my friends made a massive breakfast. Now, I wouldn't normally eat breakfast, but I ate it and it was banging. I ate a lot, including two rounds of white bread with pork top. The whole thing was amazing, right? But then we went out for the day. Well, the whole day I was tired, full, sluggish, and my jeans were so tight on my belly
Starting point is 00:27:02 and I was just so uncomfortable and I wish I'd not worn them. So jeans, yeah, I get it. But then if I want to go out and feel sexy and I my belly and I was just so uncomfortable and I wish I'd not worn them so jeans yeah I get it but then if I want to go out and feel sexy and I feel slim and I'm not eating all that shit I'd love a pair of white
Starting point is 00:27:10 skinny jeans heels blouse and a nice blazer and I just think that that outfit always looks nice so that's my new thing that's how
Starting point is 00:27:17 Gen Z's can tell we're millennials because we still wear skinny jeans with a blazer and shoes apparently well I look sexy still so I don't care they can also tell if you are a millennial wear skinny jeans with a blazer and shoes, apparently. Well, I look sexy still, so I don't care. They can also tell if you are a millennial because you wear trainer socks.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Oh, what, instead of these ankle ones? Yeah, like me, I like the ankle ones, don't I? I do a lot of trainers on. Probably why I still get IT'd. Just one thing I wanted to mention about social media that was completely off topic but i wanted to say it because it was dim-headed all week well a lot of things really but dim-headed and i suppose you could link this to fashion too if you like but you know how i think that there's so much on social media that people say is fact so like oh yeah this is what you should do every day if you want to
Starting point is 00:28:07 lose weight you need to do this if you want to do well in your career or in your life or in your business that you need to do this this is you have to this is a fun and it's not a fact it's not a fact you've not you've not got evidence you study you know don't research to tell me like get up in the morning it doesn't matter if you've got really busy life and children and a husband and a house to run and a business to make get up at like 3am exercise shower journal listen listen to a um a good podcast or read part of a book. I'm sorry. I barely have time to pee. So don't be telling me you've got to do all this.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Now, I do like to do, but it has to be very specific to me. I can't just open my journal and be like, right, I've got to write about my day because it's the same. Well, today I got up. I've got the baby.
Starting point is 00:29:02 She's crying. Yeah. Make sure Iel had a wee because he wanted some chocolate for breakfast and wasn't allowed then I tried
Starting point is 00:29:10 to have a wee in private but that wasn't happening and then I tried to drink a coffee but it went cold within the 5-10 minutes
Starting point is 00:29:16 that I sorry the 10-15 minutes that I was trying to journal but I've got one kid trying to eat so I drink milk from
Starting point is 00:29:23 which isn't your tit at the moment but what if it was you know you've got one kid you've got one kid trying to eat so eat drink milk from which isn't your tit at the moment but what if it was you know you've got one kid with a tit the other one cried about chocolate and then you try to journal at 3am I mean I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:29:32 but who made up that bullshit yeah it's not gonna happen I mean obviously not 3am but even if it's 6am I try and sneak out of the bed because I still have my I have my kids in my bed erm
Starting point is 00:29:40 we have there's me and my partner two children and a cat it's like anyway it's not just other things that it's just it just annoys me we have there's me and my partner two children and a cat anyway it's not just other things that it just annoys me how you're told
Starting point is 00:29:50 all these things and people believe it to be 100% true yeah we all read something if you listen to this podcast it must be true then yeah
Starting point is 00:29:58 and I do believe if you're going to do a podcast be clear to say we don't do research we don't our research is Instagram or our own opinion based on our life experience and we're allowed that we're allowed to talk about that
Starting point is 00:30:09 and we're allowed to say what we think but if we were going to say something to you that we really needed to make sure it's actually correct we'd check yeah and also and i think it's not just that i think people know that they don't i think people know they're not putting the right information out there i think people are aware of that like i'm not just talking about on people's podcasts if they want to say their opinion, they can. But it's like when you see something, did you know? So have you seen that thing about the female dragonfly that plays dead when other dragonflies come nearby if they don't want to mate? Right.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So it's a joke, and she goes, Oh my God, here comes Carl, play dead, girl. And the dragonflies play dead. Fine. Then yesterday I saw on Facebook, did you know apparently, I don't know, did you know apparently, it't know did you know apparently it said this on instagram sorry did you know that a female frog will also plead head or something like that to avoid meeting with a frog it doesn't like why is a frog now doing the same thing now it's the drug of like google it because i just feel like are these things true and why just why
Starting point is 00:31:01 put it out there if it isn't true i don't understand that right and then say about the thing about the reindeer oh so yeah yesterday there was a thing on about reindeer and it said every um each winter male reindeer shed their antlers therefore all of santa's reindeer must be female which is incorrect also i don't think they shed them every winter and i don't think females have antlers as big as the ones you see on Santa's. They don't. And whether or not I'm correct or incorrect, I just don't think that was a factually correct thing to be putting out on female dragonflies. They do, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:33 The frogs. Because obviously the dragonfly one might have been correct, but why the frogs? Did it say a particular type of frog or not? I don't know if I sent it to you, and I can't check. Okay, so... So did you know then, guys? Did you know? Female dragonflies mate with their partner.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yes, some female frogs play dead to avoid mating with males. Well, ignore me then. Do male reindeer shed their antlers? Surely not. reindeer yeah two male reindeer shed their antlers surely not oh my god that's actually true but don't believe everything you hear on the internet and
Starting point is 00:32:15 everything you hear on youtube google it ah they shed them they don't their antlers don't fall out yeah they shed so surely they still have antlers. The softness comes up. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:32:27 But then that doesn't mean then that all of the Hang on, hang on, hang on. Hang on. It says here male reindeer shed their antlers in late fall usually in early December after the mating season. Reindeer antlers fall off and grow back larger each year.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Male reindeer start growing antlers in February, while females start in May. Reindeer shed their antlers to create a histamine response that makes them feel itchy and remove the velvet, a soft skin layer that protects the growing antlers. Castrated male reindeer continue to grow antlers, but don't shed them. They become large and don't shed their velvet.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Well, that just means... Why are you castrating them? All of Santa's reindeer must be castrated. Castrated males, then, isn't it? Because they've got massive antlers. Because females don't grow antlers that big. Female reindeer keep their antlers through the winter until their calves are born in the spring,
Starting point is 00:33:17 and they use their antlers to protect themselves from predators and to clear snow from their food sources. So, they're either castrated male reindeer or female reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh. Okay, they're either castrated male reindeer or female reindeer that poor Santa's slay. Okay, maybe those three facts were correct, but all we're saying is check your facts, don't believe everything you see on the internet, because it leaves half of the time.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But it says that they shed them in late fall and don't get them until spring, so Santa's reindeer are rather women or castrated males. They're not women, because women don't grow, and they're that big. Women are castrated males, then. They're not women don't grow antlers that big women are castrated males then they're not real, Sanctus reindeer aren't real real reindeer
Starting point is 00:33:49 but if they were, they'd be castrated they'd ignore us right, anyway let's move on because we need to come to a close now we do, right, let's move on then now is the section of our show where we either have ask you some sorry ask each other some would you rathers or we have a subsistence section slash confession section so it is up to you to write into us to ask us for advice which if you
Starting point is 00:34:19 take we are not responsible for and or can probably take the mick out of a make funny, if that's okay. I think you can appreciate that. Or you might have a funny or whatever type of confession that you might want to share with us. So this week I have a good few to ask, well, tell you about, and they are subsisters stories. Okay. Subsister.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Okay, so the first one, again, anonymous and very short and sweet uh i'm going out with a a man i met about six months ago and he keeps asking to borrow money he does have a job we do meet regularly however it is every other weekend because we live far away from each other and i'm not sure whether to to keep sending him money not. What do you think I should do? Definitely stop sending him money. I don't think there's any other advice I can give on that is just stop sending him money. I'm sorry, but if he's got a job, how often does she see him?
Starting point is 00:35:16 Every other weekend, she said. Every other weekend. I just think if he keeps asking to borrow money, that's ridiculous. I wouldn't want to be with somebody who can't... If he's only been with you for six months, you see him every other weekend, why is he asking you for money? That's ridiculous. I wouldn't want to be with somebody who can't... Who, if he's only been with you for six months, you see him every other weekend. Why is he asking you for money? That's kind of out of line.
Starting point is 00:35:29 He could be asking someone else for money. Who did he ask for money from before he met you? Why is that happening? It's just a massive red flag. Yeah, it's a massive red flag. I would definitely stop sending money. I'd probably do a little bit of digging. I'd still like to do a little bit of investigatory...
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, 100% happy. ...things myself. I'd want to find out a bit of investigatory um yeah 100% myself i'd want to find out a bit more about it but that's because i'm curious um but i'm definitely not sending money that's that's absolutely ridiculous and if anyone's got other opinions on that or you know you might have been in a situation where you know that's you've had to send people money and it's worked out for the better then please let us know but no i don't think that's that's not a good thing no no no no okay next one again anonymous my husband cheated on me with a woman at work and has now got her pregnant but wants
Starting point is 00:36:10 to come back to me what do I do that's totally up to you I mean um that's a really hard one depends on when you've been together has he always been loyal to you and he's slipped up and cheated and you know made a mistake and she's got pregnant and it was accident I mean I'm not saying that's a really hard one depends on when you've been together has he always been loyal to you and he's slipped up and cheated and you know made a mistake and she's got pregnant and it was an accident
Starting point is 00:36:28 I mean I'm not saying it's okay he needs to pay for that but if you're still in love with him has he cheated on you before yeah it's happened a few times does he deserve you
Starting point is 00:36:37 to stick by him and help raise a child yeah and also it's not your child and it's mid marriage I mean how embarrassing like what would other people think like not that it matters what, and also it's not your child and it's mid-marriage. I mean, how embarrassing. Like, what would other people think?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Like, not that it matters what other people think but what would your friends and family think and want best for you? And I do think sometimes it matters what other people think because I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:36:54 I wouldn't want my friends and family to think that I've just let this man walk all over me and then let him go and cheat on me and then now I'm letting him come back with a baby
Starting point is 00:37:02 on the way. I don't think so. So it does matter, I think, to an extent, what I would see other people seeing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it would to me. But that's true, yeah, obviously. But yeah, I think it does depend on the situation.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Like, it's really hard because I don't know you. And I think if you've had this happy marriage for so long and then something's probably happened in the marriage that's really broken down and then he's gone and made a mistake which is you know yeah you know we all deserve
Starting point is 00:37:27 a second chance unfortunately this one mistake who gets pregnant though like you know where a condom
Starting point is 00:37:31 like yeah like idiots use a condom you're obviously still married you're cheating
Starting point is 00:37:38 you're having an affair you could get an STD or get the person pregnant I mean out of those things just wear a condom yeah do you know how many people say oh I hate condoms oh boy I know but they're boring get an STD or get the person pregnant I mean out of those things just wear a condom yeah do you know how many people say
Starting point is 00:37:47 oh I hate condoms oh boy I know but they're boring but wear one it is what it is they're not always fantastic the amount of times like condoms can break
Starting point is 00:37:54 it is ridiculous but wear one anyway just in case I mean at least you're trying to cover yourself it's not like you know at least you're making the effort whilst you're cheating
Starting point is 00:38:03 when I was a teenager honestly when I was a teenager I was on the pill and I always used to because I was when I was a teenager I was on the pill and I always used to because I was so adamant I'm not getting it I was always on the pill it was going to be my choice absolutely
Starting point is 00:38:17 make it your choice and be in control and also make sure that the two people want to say yes to it and not just one okay last one And also make sure that, you know, the two people want to say yes to it and not just one. Yeah. Okay, last one. I'm engaged and I've planned the wedding, but I've met somebody else.
Starting point is 00:38:32 What should I do? Oh, God. Break it off. I know that's a bit blasé, but you've met someone else, you're in love, you're not married yet. And Elsa's not elaborated. But then divorce. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You're not elaborated on anything. She's not elaborated on anything, so it's a bit like, well, okay, do you want to be with this new person then? I'm assuming. Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry, but that happens, don't it, in life? Of course it does. You know.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I think it's like, you do want to marry him, break his heart later down the line when you've sent all this money and not married. And there's a lot of stigma around affairs and things like that, isn't there? Or, you know. Yeah, and I think if you want to be lost, you want to be lost. Yeah. Life isn't black and white as it is. There's a lot of grey areas.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah, and at the end of the day just because you've like probably met someone else and want to move on that doesn't mean you're a bad person I know I remember I was having a conversation with some friends
Starting point is 00:39:11 and you know they were really going on about this girl who cheated on her husband and I was like okay that doesn't make her a bad person she's
Starting point is 00:39:19 she doesn't know the ins and outs of their relationship you're going to have a relationship and you just cheat because you just wanted a bit of fun
Starting point is 00:39:24 then that's ridiculous but if you're in a relationship that's probably relationship. You're going to have a relationship and you just cheat because you just wanted a bit of fun then that's ridiculous. But if you're in a relationship that's probably breaking down or you're not feeling it well or maybe you just fell in love with somebody else and that's okay. That doesn't make her bad.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Like you can't, you know, but that was one of their friends as well that they were talking about and I was like, that doesn't make someone a bad person. Cheating is a way of life a lot of the time.
Starting point is 00:39:42 People do it time and time again yet we're always still surprised when when it happens yeah yeah three months she didn't know but a thing poor woman did you see did you see only that east end is real no because i think it's like i don't know what year it was now but some year ages ago, I think it was like 14 years ago no but what? EastEnders Christmas special when Stacey and
Starting point is 00:40:13 the ginger girl got caught on the wedding video while they were all watching it together it was his own wedding wasn't it? no it was Stacey's wedding yeah badly innit and I was like, I don't remember it at the time I was just on my phone Is it his own wedding? No, it's her, Stacey's wedding. To his son? Yeah, badly, innit? And I was like, I don't remember it at the time.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I was just answering my phone. Like, oh my God, stop the video. Hi from me on the Easter Sunday episode. Comments because it was on the Archbishop of Vandermere. It was like, the comments were like, I'm going to remember this like it was yesterday. We need a new Christmas special. Just do Sunday to make're making the most embarrassing Christmas ever need to wrap it up now
Starting point is 00:40:51 that's the end of today's episode but we thank you so much for joining us again we hope you join us next week for episode 3 and I have no idea what we're going to be talking about yet but it'll be hopefully funny, interesting and maybe a little bit out there. Cheers! Thank you. Bye.

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