Drinking Wine and Talking Shit - S1E4: Sauvignon, Phobias, Puddings, and Post-Holiday Vibes

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In this week’s episode of Drinking Wine and Talking Shit, we dive into the weird and wonderful world of phobias—those bizarre fears that make life a little stranger. We share our fears, as well as... others, as we go through the downright quirky to the surprisingly common.To keep things festive but fresh for the new year, we're sipping on a crisp Sauvignon Blanc and snacking on mini Yorkshire pudding canapés topped with pickle, Gruyère cheese, and thick-cut ham. Tune in for the perfect mix of laughter, insights, and post-Christmas indulgence!Don’t miss this one—it’s an episode worth toasting to! 🍷The wine and the why: 1:19Talking Shit on Fears and how to get over them: 3:20Would You Rather: 15:00Ghost Hunting Laughter: 20:00Sob Sisters/Ask the Twins: 28:31Eating Sponges: 39:45End of Episode and Kyzelle (Sadie's son) Joining in: 41:24Find us on Instagram and Tiktok @DWTS_Shit. And you can follow @only_aamy & sadie.cubitt on Instagram too. Let's laugh with wine together!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you very much. well hello Sadie. Happy New Year. Thanks. Can't believe it. Brand new year, 2025. We obviously didn't quit drinking for Jan. No dry Jan this year. I need to dry October and November. I'm good. But yeah, New Year. So it's been a fantastic few weeks. We've had fantastic Christmases.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It's just been lovely. And we're really excited to go into 2025 and hit those New Year's goals that we spoke about last time. Health and wealth. So, Sadie, this week we've got quite an interesting topic, I think. I think lots to talk about on it. But first of all, let's do
Starting point is 00:01:28 the wine of the wine. So this week I've decided to choose a Sauvignon Blanc. The reason I decided to choose that is because the canapé that I've made, which feel free to try out, is a Yorkshire pudding. Keeping it in the theme of
Starting point is 00:01:44 just gone Christmas and maybe you've got some leftovers, I don't know. Yeah, this is a perfectshire pudding. Keeping it in the theme of just gone Christmas and maybe you've got some leftovers, I don't know. Yeah, this is a perfect leftover thing because it's a Yorkshire pudding with some pickle, some Gruyere cheese and some honey roast ham. So let me show you. Dying to try this, guys. So again, if you're ever in a rush,
Starting point is 00:02:00 you need something quick and easy to make and you want to munch on, you know, when the around oh god sadie's going to drop it um or if you are just fancy a nice bit of wine and a snack this week we have got these amazing little canapes which i personally cannot wait to eat now i try i chose gruyere because it's quite a strong cheese um it's got a lot of flavor and it goes well with the pickle and obviously with the ham and hopefully with the wine. So, cheers. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Sadie will also put in the show notes and on Instagram how she made it, even though it's dead simple. Literally, that. Surprisingly. Surprisingly banging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Favourite word. Banging. I think every time You make something We can make a reel Out of the amount of times I say bangin' Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:48 Bangin' bangin' bangin' Works well because The Yorkshire puddings were warm So Once you put the Puddle on the cheese It's kind of semi Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:57 Semi melted So the wine of the week This week And then guys What was it again? Chardonnay No Sauvignon Blanc
Starting point is 00:03:03 Sorry Sauvignon Which by the way i think we need to have a quick try now with the yeah banging cheers cheers okay guys let's get into it so this week episode is all about fears. What fears of you do you guys have or, you know, that people kind of probably struggle with as well in the day to day at times? And we've had a few really good writings this week from people who actually say they do struggle with certain fears that you would think are pretty out there. But not only that, I think that sometimes in life, life can be scary. And there's not just things
Starting point is 00:03:42 that you can have that are irrational fears, but very rational ones that people probably worry about on the daily. So not only are we going to go into a little bit of a fun and a bit of a joke, maybe, about some fears that we might find a little bit strange, but also, again, no delusion here to anybody, but sometimes you've just got to laugh at things. And then we'll probably go into some more serious conversations. But, Sadie, I think you had a point to discuss and it was around children so well not necessarily um children well there's two things first of all um Kaizel wanted to have
Starting point is 00:04:12 a go on his dad's vr and so Sadie's son Kaizel I just want to be clear that you all know who we're talking about he's only three we talk as though nobody else is listening And so he said he wanted to go on a game Instead Aaron put him on the Jurassic Park Just one you can watch You just watch the dinosaurs Just bear in mind guys this child is three As if you're going to put him on the dinosaurs Put him on the Brachiosaurus one
Starting point is 00:04:40 Not the Velociraptor Or the T-Rex chasing the people out of jurassic park or whatever this and obviously it's really realistic so yeah i knew that it was scared him to death apparently and then the other thing i was going to mention was just because today i've been to the dentist and i never have uh the injection for the pain because that hurts far more than a filling right if you've never done it do it without the injection it's so much better because even though you can feel him drilling so like obviously it's drilling i don't find the injection that i mean the back i have a really bad injection one time it's made me go oh like more than i lay there for
Starting point is 00:05:16 like half an hour and it's drilling in my tooth and it's still i was thinking do i want this injection and the answer was still no i was like no i'd rather go without the pain from the injection is far worse and I don't want to be numb for the next three, four hours. Yeah. So anyway, so there's... Would you say that's not a fear of yours then, the dentist? I'm not scared of the dentist, no.
Starting point is 00:05:33 But, yeah, like, obviously some people, and I was asking this, I said, do people get really scared of coming to the dentist? And it's one of their questions on their form, do you have fear of dental work on their consent form? And no, I don't, obviously. But there's a lot of people that must. A lot of people are scared of the dentist
Starting point is 00:05:50 and I think it's really an invasive thing. You go in, someone grabs your mouth, pulls it as wide as possible, going in there and fiddling about. And not just that, it's uncomfortable, I'd say, even without the pain. It's just uncomfortable. You've got to sit there and wait for somebody
Starting point is 00:06:07 to give you a scale and polish or whatever. But I remember our brother, our youngest brother, he has got a fear of the dentist and he used to go with my mum all the time when he was young and sit with her while she had things done and she was never scared. She never seemed like she was in pain as far as I can tell. Yet he is so scared to go.
Starting point is 00:06:23 He will not go to the dentist. Even now, as an adult. And I think that's quite a rational fear, though. Rational, but not irrational. Yeah, because it can cause pain. Yeah. I think it's a rational fear. I understand it.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rational, not irrational. Irrational fear. Yeah. So, what? A friend of mine's little boy was over at my house not long ago, and he's excessively scared of spiders. Now, I think, oh, you know, you see that from your parents, and he's excessively scared of spiders. Now, I think, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:46 you see that from your parents, don't you, being scared of spiders. But he was so, it wasn't even a spider, with his hair on the floor, and he thought he saw a spider. So he literally dived up, literally just burst into tears, crying his eyes out,
Starting point is 00:06:59 and he was only young. So I can understand, but at the same time, I think it's really important to not show that fear, because actually there's not anything that bad about a spider. Again, it is a bit creepy looking. But, you know, I think as far as things go in this country, it's the least of things you've got to be scared of.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I understand it. Yeah, like I'm not scared of spiders. I've never shown Kaizel to be scared, so he's not scared. He will pick them up. But there has been one time, and I swear this happened, I don't care what you say, one bit Sam. Yes, Sam's our other brother Sam's, our other brother. Sorry, our other brother.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Was bitten by a spider. In England, a garden spider, and it was like this dangling off his finger. Do you want me to tell you why I think that spider bit him? Because it was mean to it. I have picked up every single spider, massive spiders, never once been bitten. I do know they can bite.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Never once been bitten. Yeah, my they can bite. Never once been bitten. Yeah, my brother was probably trying to burn it with a magnifying glass or something at the time. I think it was like eight years old. He wasn't. I'm joking. But my point is he was probably messing around with it and then it bit him. And since then he's had a massive fear. He wasn't scared before he was playing around with this spider and it bit him.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So I'm sorry, but the spider's probably scared of you. And that's a big fear, isn't it? Loads of people are scared of spiders. Everybody's scared of spiders. Like, not everybody, but you know, probably scared of you. And that's a big fear, isn't it? Loads of people are scared of spiders. Everybody's scared of spiders. Like, not everybody, but, you know, a lot of people are, yeah. Like, we had a pet party for one of the kids' birthday parties and this person brings loads of exotic animals. And spiders was one of them.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And I don't, I think, did Sam pick one up one time? This was when we did one years ago, yeah. Got over his fear slightly but i don't think he'll ever do it again i think in that moment he was just shaking holding this spider him and lenny are so scared of spiders like ridiculously scared to the point where okay so don't get me wrong i don't want one on my face right if i have to pick it up that's fine but yeah of course i want one on my face but i don't want to um you, if I'm in bed and there's one on the ceiling, I have to move it because I don't want it to go in my mouth or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But at the same time, if I see one downstairs on the floor or on a wall, I'll leave that. Yeah. It's not next to my bed. Yeah, yeah, of course. Same. I don't want it in my face. Would you guys do that?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Would you leave a spider, you know? Yeah. Who would leave a spider in the bedroom and just let it have its day, you know? Yeah. I think in terms of fears and where we're going with this and where, you know, is that to me with a spider it's like out of sight, out of mind. If I can't see it, I'll see it
Starting point is 00:09:12 and I'll be like, oh, I'll be gone in a minute. Then I think, why aren't we scared of spiders really? Because when we were kids, we were probably more, we were a bit nervous of them. And one time we were sat on the sofa eating a bowl of cereal each and this massive spider was in the living room and we saw it run across the front of the living room and then it kind of disappeared and all of a sudden it comes it's on me it was on us from behind the sofa and i jumped
Starting point is 00:09:34 up with my bowl and yeah and so he's dived off the sofa we both dived off the sofa god knows how we didn't spill our bowls of cereal and we were really young then but i think like my mom she's always been scared of moths yeah I'm not bothered about anything like that there was another time me and Sam we'd got all the lights out and we were sat watching
Starting point is 00:09:50 Batman Begins I think and I don't know how we saw it because it was pitch black in there and we saw something run across the lounge and we were like switch the light on
Starting point is 00:09:59 like oh my god it was massive biggest spider ever I bet during the summer times as well everyone's had yeah quite a lot of uh visits from uh some big spiders in this country because i know they can get they do get really big though yeah all right yep some spiders in there some uh what's the other one dentists other people are really scared of snakes things like that that are kind of rational but irrational at the same time okay so snakes and spiders things like that that are kind of rational but irrational at the same time okay
Starting point is 00:10:26 so snakes and spiders things like that they're all pretty rational but kind of irrational sometimes especially when a snake can't really yeah but one of the things that i hate and i'm not scared of it per se but i just hate it it makes me go is when you get hair in your mouth saying his phone that is kind of a phobia in a way for you because you hate it. It's not like an irrational fear. Like if it's there, I'll sort it. But every time, because at the minute,
Starting point is 00:10:51 I've obviously just had a baby. And if anyone knows, your hair falls out. So I'm not chronic after you've had a baby. Now it grew really well whilst I was pregnant, but it is falling out now. And the hair, oh, it's coming out of me. Like it just makes me feel sick. And everyone gets hair and follows me around.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's just horrible. They all go, babe, look at all your hair that's fell out. What are you doing? Disgusting. Put this out, but I bet there were some people who were scared of hair. Yeah, of course, yeah, of course. That was on Fear Factor. Can you remember Fear Factor?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, where they used to face their fears. This woman had to, and I would not do this. I would never do this I would never do this and I remember watching it going she had to get things out of a bath full of hairs like was it wet making a gag
Starting point is 00:11:33 talking about it and it was full of hair it was full of hair and she had to actually put her face in it and get things out no she can't talk about it because she's gagging so let's stop them on that conversation if you've not seen Fear Factor
Starting point is 00:11:46 90s TV show where you face your fears but as well we were just talking we were just thinking about I'm a celebrity as well
Starting point is 00:11:57 and the things that they have to do and go through and I think what's funny as well is they'll put people on there and we
Starting point is 00:12:03 as the audience will vote for people who we know will find things the worst. Or say if someone annoys us. Which is mean. So, yeah, they put people. If we find someone annoying on there, we'll choose them to do the trial. Well, we won't because I'm not spending money to vote. But, yeah, we vote them in. So, obviously, one, I feel kind of like we're quite mean,
Starting point is 00:12:24 but we enjoy the entertainment. Yeah, obviously, one, I feel kind of like we're quite mean, but we enjoy the entertainment. Yeah, so, sorry, going off that, one of the things that I've seen on Instagram, oh, my God, some people think it's really horrible, but I find it so funny. You know when people dress up as really horrible clowns and then chase you? Like, random people, they don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:41 So, like, let's say people are getting a lift and there's, like, a girl in there and then, all of a sudden, she starts chasing them. Like, just, I find it so funny. I don't know so like let's say people are getting a lift and there's like a girl in there and then all of a sudden she starts chasing like just i find it so funny i don't know why i don't know but it's just hilarious one this one guy and i'm sure you've seen this one is hiding in a bin oh yeah jumps out the bin to scare someone and gets punched in the face like knocked out yeah i don't know why i find it so funny I will say as well but with I'm a celebrity like I'm quite rational
Starting point is 00:13:08 I think I'll be able to cope with quite a lot of those things because to me I'd be like well if I shut my eyes and shut my mouth I mean it'll caught me nose though that's my panic I will panic if it caught me nose yeah like bugs will caught me nose I find it very horrible I'm a celebrity because why are you
Starting point is 00:13:24 putting those things through that yeah I find it very horrible, I'm a celebrity, because why are you putting those things through that? Yeah, I find it really horrible. I just don't know why you're putting these animals, they are animals, and I think because they're just small bugs, oh, it doesn't matter, that we're killing thousands of bugs just to do a fucking bush-tuck-a-trap.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I don't think it's fair. I agree there. You start putting snakes and spiders and even... And again, even cockroaches and insects. Why? Not that I'm a godly person, agree there like you really are pointing snakes and spiders and even and again even cockroaches and insects why not that I'm a godly person
Starting point is 00:13:48 but all of us are god's creatures I do believe that you shouldn't kill anything you know and yeah you just kind of
Starting point is 00:13:55 go and eat kangaroo testicles for food just to try and so you guys can do a bush trucker trial I mean how real
Starting point is 00:14:00 do you think they are I doubt they've killed the kangaroo to get those balls I'm not saying that but who says the kangaroo wants his balls chopped off in the first place? Those assholes are going through a lot of fear themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Just so they can be poured into your head. What about your fears? Speaking of fears, guys, if you've got any, please write them into us. Please. We really want to know. If they're rational, irrational, don't worry, we don't have to share them. If you want us to share them, are you happy for us to share them? Let us know.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Or we can do it anonymously. Yeah, let us know. We'd love to know your fears. And I think it's a very interesting topic. Yeah. On that note, this week's episode I wanted to make a little bit more... Entertaining. Entertaining for a little bit funny.
Starting point is 00:14:42 So I've got some would-you-rathers for Sadie. And most of them involve fears or things that we would probably perceive that people might be scared of. And given Sadie, there's a bit of a challenge of us telling us whether she thinks, which one she'd rather do, really, in comparison. Gone am so. Bear with me.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Number one. Would you rather be taken away by aliens in a UFO? Yeah. Or abducted by pirates and taken to Neverland? Aliens. Where you never grow up. Aliens 100%. And why? Pirates are men.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Good point. Bloody men. Let's not go on that tangent again. People think we just hate men all the time. let's not go on that tangent again yeah many people think we just hate men all the time it's not true it is not true just most of them it's like choosing the man or the bear the bear right would you rather be on a boat attacked by the kraken or in a house attacked by a godzilla a house attacked by a Godzilla? A house attacked by a Godzilla because there'd probably be more places to kind of run and hide. If you're attacked by a Kraken, you're pretty
Starting point is 00:15:51 much dead. And you'll drown if you can't. Even if he doesn't kill you himself, you'll drown attempting to escape. Okay. Come on, make them harder. Would you rather? Okay, go on, next level. Would you rather be mummified...
Starting point is 00:16:09 Alive... Or burned alive from the inside out? That's a hard one. I know, but a great one, isn't it? Great and claustrophobic, actually. Do you want some more? Touch. More wine, please.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Dear, the tosms enough. Thank you. do you know what after this I'm going to have a night in with my mum where we'll also be drinking a couple of cups of wine so what are you doing better take my time you're welcome to join
Starting point is 00:16:34 okay so come on then what's your answer mummified alive and if anybody hasn't seen the mummy movie this is obviously being mummified alive is not sexy. It's not nice. Neither is burning you from the inside out alive.
Starting point is 00:16:48 But you've got to pick one. Maybe, let's say that the mummifying probably also involves those creatures that come on you from the mummy or your skin while you're alive. Oh, that changes my answer. I was going to say mummified because I think suffocating is kind of less painful. You tend to just get, and then pass out.
Starting point is 00:17:07 As if she knows. I've heard. From all those dead people. But burning from the inside. But now you've mentioned scarabs. God. Oh, my God, she knows the name of them. So the scarabs from The Mummy 1 with Brendan Fraser.
Starting point is 00:17:19 They're in all of them. Not seen it. Watch it. Great movie. And he's still hot in it. Come on on Sosa yeah which one are you going for
Starting point is 00:17:27 I really don't know but from the inside out yeah from the inside out how long does each take I'll say they both they both last the same amount of time which is it's a hypothetical question Sadie I don't really know they always have these I'll say they both last the same amount of time. Which is?
Starting point is 00:17:45 It's a hypothetical question, Sadie. I don't really know. They always have these backup... I always have these backup questions. What's the thing you've got on when it takes to burn from the inside out? I'm a bit mummified. I really couldn't answer that question. Just answer it.
Starting point is 00:17:58 You've got to pick one. I'm here now with my mummification kit and my flames. I know my answer, right? I'll go for mummified because the scarabs actually speed up the process very, very quickly. So you can't be the same time
Starting point is 00:18:10 because scarabs are fast. Have you seen the mummy? So we're going for mummification. Mummification it is. Would you rather eat frogs' eyes rather eat frog's eyes or your son's bogeys
Starting point is 00:18:38 frog's eyes I really was wondering whether you'd pick Kaizel's bogeys bogeys are another thing that make me go, like when kids are snotty, oh, driving at the wall. Wipe your kid's nose!
Starting point is 00:18:58 Oh, that's been it. Okay. Would you rather drink a stranger's blood, even though you know it's completely clean, or somebody you know who's not related to you is urine? This is a good one. Someone I know, but they're not related to you.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I'll let you pick the person the urine you'd pick Courtney wouldn't you or Aaron probably the cleaner Courtney's here Courtney is Sadie's best friend shout out Courtney if you're listening
Starting point is 00:19:42 we'll put this on as a reel she'll see it okay would you rather eat uncooked alive worms or a dead but uncooked frog um uncooked alive worms they're full of protein and really good for you and easy to swallow yeah you have to chew i mean you kind of do okay would you rather stay overnight in a haunted castle or spend three hours in the winter in a cemetery near your home and it's fucking freezing yeah literally probably the haunted castle yeah at least you might have a good night's sleep there well you won't we have to be haunted
Starting point is 00:20:24 take a sleeping bag and have a bed. You know what I mean? You won't be outside, will you? You'll be away from the wind and the elements. Also... Might be a few spiders. I don't care what you've seen on TV. Ghosts of Sheol.
Starting point is 00:20:37 That haunted night we went to, oh, cracked me up. I was dying. I am going to mention it, yeah. It was great. It was great fun, though. It was great fun. We really, really mention it, yeah. It was great. We did have... It was great fun, though. It was great fun. We really, really enjoyed it. So, um...
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's jokes. Our friend... Our friend does ghost hunts, something she's very, very interested in. She's actually bringing out her own podcast in the new year, all around haunted places around where we actually live,
Starting point is 00:20:59 so that should be really interesting. However, she does also do some ghost hunts where her and a group of friends or a few people who are quite interested can go and do kind do certain ghost hunts where her and a group of friends or a few people who are quite interested can go and do kind of a ghost hunt in different rooms in different buildings sorry and she'll use like certain pieces of equipment in order to go and capture capture the sounds or the the essence of these ghosts. Now orbs. Now although I don't believe
Starting point is 00:21:23 in ghosts and I'm quite a pessimist and she's very very like we always talk about things like that she knows how i feel and she's a very interesting person to start to and very smart and but that's something she enjoys doing however we went and although and although it was a very good night it was we absolutely loved it and it was so funny because obviously we don't believe and i think it's very easy for people to i was i really wanted to be convinced i didn't i didn't convince me i want i really want to yeah yeah i mean i don't know if i wanted to but i'm happy to be open to it and when we had to do this one thing where we sat in front of a dark so now apparently they've seen ghosts in this location loads of
Starting point is 00:22:02 times loads of sightings of ghosts in this location. In the history, like, historically as well, yeah. But me and Amy used to go play scheme there, and I was like, I've never seen a fucking ghost yet. Yeah, we used to go to a play scheme, and then an activity thing during the summer, and it was there. It actually brought back a lot of memories going round, didn't it? Anyway, there was one bit where I had to sit,
Starting point is 00:22:20 and you had to be a volunteer, and I thought, oh, this is a load of shit. And don't get me wrong, it was well scary, it was. And you do that, speak clean. Very. And I was volunteer and I thought oh this is a load of shit and don't get me wrong it was well scary it was and you do that speak clean and I was like I'll do this this is a load of shit I will do it but you had to sit in front of a dark room and all the lights are off okay
Starting point is 00:22:37 obviously because all the lights are off there's some street lighting outside and there's trees banging against the window so that was already you know eerie and so you sat in a chair and then you've got headphones on listening to static because apparently uh sometimes ghosts or spirits can relay messages through the static of the radio um so i sat there and i'm thinking i'm very rational in my thought process so i was like well it's it's it's nothing's going to happen because I don't but nothing will happen and I'm a bit like
Starting point is 00:23:07 I don't believe anything will happen so I'm sat there and had to stay for five minutes five minutes because you're just staring into this abyss did you have something over your eyes? no you have to look into this room oh I know she was on like a stage and behind her was like curtains
Starting point is 00:23:23 for like if they do shows there so she would obviously step quite high up and away from us with then the curtains in front of us look into this room. Oh, I know. She was on like a stage and behind her was like curtains for if they do shows there. Yeah. So she would obviously step quite high up and away from us with then the curtains in front of her. So it was very dark. But I was staring
Starting point is 00:23:31 into the kitchen room where apparently there's been a ghost sighting. Oh, right. Okay. Are you about to have something on your head? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I've just set my headphones with the static in. I've been listening. I'm too busy playing on a computer. Getting Woody Walters ready. Anyway. So I'm sat there
Starting point is 00:23:47 and I'm thinking well just count to 65 times and it'll be over and at one point I'm like just don't look at the room just don't look at the room and I'm looking down like just count count count and I wasn't scared but at the same time you're like well I am a bit scared we were really quite far away
Starting point is 00:24:03 so the room is quite a long room as well someone just quickly came out of that kitchen and got me i wouldn't let that happen cd it's a ghost amy if a ghost can grab you i can grab it well that's true um but yeah anyway obviously nothing happened and all i could hear was radio four or something coming through i did say at one point i was like i can just hear the radio and they were like apparently if it's backwards then it could be a message am i it's radio four it was radio four clear the news yeah literally i could hear the weather report actually and although and again there must be a day like no you didn't hear believe exactly what you want to believe and like literally you know we believe things that maybe other people do
Starting point is 00:24:43 um but it was a very fun fun and entertaining evening for us really um and we'd probably do it again yep um but uh yeah so keep an eye out for my friend's podcast as well i'll probably mention it in the next few months uh whilst we're online if any of you are interested in ghosts ghost hunting and the supernatural. So, could one more would you rather to say then, just to get to her brain juices flowing. Would you rather be attacked in the sea
Starting point is 00:25:14 by a giant octopus with feet as hands, tentacles, with feet as tentacles, because I have a fear of feet if I'm going to be honest. I mean it's not a fear
Starting point is 00:25:27 but I really detest feet. Other people's feet. Apart from the baby's. Apart from the baby's feet obviously. Kaisel is a baby's feet. But I just don't like adult feet. So would you rather be trapped in the sea with an octopus
Starting point is 00:25:42 with feet as its tentacle? Yeah, I get it. Actually, no, feet as its suckers. Your feet sticking on you. So he's got tentacles with feet on? Yeah. Okay. Suckers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:53 He's got arms, tentacles with feet. Amazing. Go on. Or by... Making this one of us go, or trapped in a room with those big spiders from Jumanji 1. So as I said, would you rather be stuck, like I'll say not in the sea actually, in a tank with a giant, well not a giant actually, with an octopus that's quite large yeah giantish
Starting point is 00:26:25 uh with fetus suckers or stuck in a room a boarded room with the spiders from jumanji do i have a weapon i'm going to say no if you want to use your imagination i will allow it there's not really a lot to use is there you're stuck in a boarded room and also an octopus can really grab at you though can't it and they shoot out them things how many spiders have I just got one octopus and more than one spider
Starting point is 00:26:58 yeah of course you have this octopus has got 8 arms spiders and 8 spiders I would pick the spiders do you want to know why no I'm not ready yet. You just said octopus. I lied. I love the time making you think.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Why? Why would you choose the spiders? Just came to me. I know it'd be hard for you to choose. You just do it like feet, that's why. That's's why that's not why i think you could kick the spiders you can get them off your you can move you can probably stomp on them the octopus you said you said but they're quite big aren't they yeah have you seen them and do that right so no in my head it's like massive like bigger than me i'm a spider yeah like this size like you know me. Or the spiders, yeah. They're about this size.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yes, I remember now. 40 centimetres wide, fat bodies. Okay, the spiders, yeah, 100%. Okay, last one. Would you rather be in a river full of piranhas or a jungle full of tigers? I would rather be in a river full of piranhas because piranhas don't actually attack when they're together. They only attack when they're on their own and feel threatened.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So if you stay very still, you're all right. Yeah, tigers will eat you. They will just attack you and rip you to shreds. Yeah, eat you, yeah. Absolutely. Right, guys. Because this is the first episode back after the new year and we wanted to kind of have a funny, kind of light-hearted one, really,
Starting point is 00:28:28 as well, in terms of fears. However, this week I have had a few write-ins from people who wanted to tell us about their irrational fears and I would like to ask Sadie to give them some advice and they would like that too. So I'm going to tell Sadie, give Sadie a few of these. I'm just going to have to grab my laptop for this one because we really need to read them properly. Okay. And I will see how Sadie, give Sadie a few of these. I'm just gonna have to grab my laptop for this one because we really need to read them properly.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Okay. And I will see how Sadie gets on. Some advice. So you need to, this is a Sub Sisters section, guys. We use. Hey, Sub Sisters. Anyway, right, okay, so, here we go. First one, I even found the names of these fears for some of them as well. So, hi, I have a really irrational fear of balloons.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Now, the irrational fear, the fear of balloons is called globophobia, or globophobia. I'm not quite sure. Hi, I have a really irrational fear of balloons. I hate how unpredictable they are and the idea of one popping near me makes me so anxious that I avoid birthday parties or events with the balloons altogether. So pretty much every event then um it's embarrassing and i'd love some advice on how to deal with it bear in mind me and said you are not doctors are not psychologists this is just a chance for us to talk about your opinion i don't necessarily think well you know people say face your fears just do it anyway that doesn't take away the fear you just get better at doing it whilst also being afraid absolutely however saying that just go to every single party and event possible and just try not to be as actual
Starting point is 00:30:18 what's the worst that's going to happen i think you need to tell yourself what is the worst thing that's going to happen to you what is the worst thing that's gonna happen to you what is the worst thing that's gonna happen to you a loud noise maybe a bit of on your face when a balloon goes off like really it's not that bad so maybe just try and keep telling yourself that and go to every single party and event and be anxious be upset be afraid because then the more afraid you are the more you just think fuck this i'm not being afraid anymore because that's what i'm like you know when like people say oh i'm not very i'm shy i hate being shy i hate it it annoys me that i'm shy at something so then i just tell myself well i'm not going to be shy anymore because i don't want to yeah sod it now yeah i don't care i'm not gonna be shy i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let it hold you back from things you want to achieve in life i'm going to pop my shit
Starting point is 00:31:03 you'd get that if you were Instagrammed like I do. I'm Instagrammed all the time. Right, so sorry. That was very good advice. However, I did Google what advice... Okay. Well, not advice, but kind of what steps that psychiatrists, for example, may take if talking to them. So initially, it did say that the first step might be working on calming your nervous system
Starting point is 00:31:28 when you're near balloons. I assumed it was going to say to have a big glass of wine, then go to the party. Nope. It said, for example, practice deep breathing or grounding exercises to help you stay present. Just drink a bottle of wine. Just try the wine. You'll be fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Then it says introduce yourself to balloons in a controlled setting. Start with something small like looking at a picture of a balloon or watching a video where someone is handling one. I am not denoting. Do you need to watch a video where someone's handling feet?
Starting point is 00:31:56 No, I fucking don't. I'm not taking this away from people who are actually scared of balloons. It is slightly... You've got to laugh at yourself. I laugh at myself all the time. I'm not taking this away from people who are actually scared of balloons. It is slightly... You've got to laugh at yourself. I laugh at myself all the time. I'm an idiot. I make mistakes all the time.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I do silly things. I embarrass myself. You know what I mean? And I've obviously got a strange pair of feet. So no, I would not like to watch a video, but if I had to go in a room full of feet, I'd definitely have that bottle of wine first. I'd have that bottle of wine anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Then introduce yourself to balloons in a controlled setting. Okay, yep, look at pictures. This might sound simple, but it's an effective way to ease your brain into associating balloons with safety. When you're ready, you could try being in the same room as a deflating balloon or even holding one that's only partially inflated so there's no risk of it popping. Work your way up as you feel comfortable and remind yourself that you are in control of the situation. Yes, you are. So as much as we're going to laugh about it because it is hilarious and it is funny at the same time we get it it is a fear and you can't help what you're scared of can you no that's quite good advice really i think that's quite good this can be applied to anything anything okay so so if you are globofobic do it alright
Starting point is 00:33:06 okay anything boobic just okay irrational fear number two
Starting point is 00:33:13 irrational irrational fear okay number two so they're all a little bit irrational
Starting point is 00:33:19 the ones I've chosen we have had a few in normal like not normal fears but you know people kind of writing ones in but I thought for
Starting point is 00:33:25 this episode I'm going to keep it light I'm sure we can move on to the other ones next time if we want to go into a
Starting point is 00:33:29 little bit deeper like fears of financial failure for example that is one of my fears on death that is one of
Starting point is 00:33:36 my fears financial failure yeah bye mate if you're scared of loons not joking not taking the
Starting point is 00:33:44 piss out of you yeah you've said that they're fine but it's funny they're not gonna watch us if they think they're not gonna take the piss they'll hate us
Starting point is 00:33:51 all over the internet let's watch these guys then slate them later true right next one hi well she didn't say hi
Starting point is 00:33:59 hi there my name is Laura actually she did say we can say her name on this one I know this sounds weird but I have an irrational fear of cotton wool now i think yeah just the thought of touching it or hearing the sound it makes send shivers down my spine and i'll go out of my way to avoid it
Starting point is 00:34:16 it's embarrassing and i don't know why i feel this way um would you guys have any advice that can help me with this? The same as before? I don't have a name for this, by the way. There's not a name for it? For the fur of cotton wool? There probably is, sorry, but I haven't... You haven't found it. We'll find it in a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Put it on. I didn't find it. So, what do you think? Same as before. I mean, just, that's... That's all you can do, isn't it? That's all you can do, sorry. Expose yourself to cotton wool a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Right. Or, just don't fucking use cotton wool. Yeah, also, cotton wool isn't really in your life as much as it used to be. You know when babies were really... Years ago, sorry, when we were babies, you used to use cotton wool and hot water, didn't you, rather than baby wipes a lot? And also, use those either cotton pads,
Starting point is 00:34:59 or there's different types of pads now that aren't even cotton. Use them. It doesn't even matter that you're allergic, that you've got a fear of cotton wool, because you don't need to use it then just don't use it that's like saying oh it hurts when i do that don't do that i want to say thank you to the listener for writing in even though it sounds like she's been all right bitch about it you need cotton wool so don't put yourself in that situation if you don't need to not every fear needs conquering next last one that i'm going to do just for today is i don't know how to say this um and this wasn't a writing actually this was um my cousin told me
Starting point is 00:35:32 about someone they know who's actually got this fear okay it's called trypophobia or trypophobia i may have pronounced that wrong it is the irrational fear of holes. Imagine I'm in sex with someone and I've got a fear of your own hole. I don't think that's... It's a joke. I don't think that's that. I don't think they are scared of that hole. Dear Amy and Sadie, I have now listened to your podcast for two weeks and I'm really enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:35:57 I was very happy to know that you were doing an episode on fears and was glad to write this text message to your cousin in an explanation as to why i'm scared okay okay not why i'm scared i suppose i have an overwhelming and irrational fear of small holes actually so oh sorry i was a little bit wrong here like sponges honeycomb or even pictures of certain plants oh it makes my skin crawl and gives me an intense feeling of discomfort. I do know it's irrational. I have no idea why I feel this way, but it feels impossible to shake.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Again, so? How can I deal with this? Do you really have to deal with that on a daily basis? Is that a daily basis kind of fear? Sponges and honeycomb. Don't eat a crunchy. And don't buy sponges. Buy flannels or...
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah. And it does say, say again a lot of fears are all down like so when i've done research around this it is gradually gradually desensitizing yourself to these images or objects in small manageable doses yeah and you can start by looking at less triggering patterns like polka dots or something with evenly spaced holes that feels less overwhelming i mean what has holes in like... cheese. I think it's not the type of cheese we get or we'd get normally like most commonly. Over time you can work your way towards more challenging visuals always stopping if you feel too uncomfortable. It might also help to reframe your perceptions of holes. Reframe your perceptions of holes.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Perception of holes. What's a perception of a hole? Yeah, something that fits into a hole or goes into a hole. Instead of focusing on the patterns that make you uneasy, try to shift your attention to the larger context. For example, if it's a honeycomb, focus on the idea of bees and their fascinating role in nature. The cognitive shift can help reduce the emotional intensity, apparently.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Again, though, like, I mean... Again, though, it don't really matter. I agree agree i think you desensitize yourself if you're scared of holes i mean keep saying allergic doesn't matter if you've got a fear of holes like small holes people obviously care that they've got that fear you can't take that away from someone oh it doesn't matter because i'm not saying it doesn't matter i'm saying it's not something you have to deal with on a daily basis, so don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Don't feel like that's a big goal in your life that you've got to achieve to not be scared of those things. It's fine. Just don't use cotton wool and just don't buy sponges or eat crunches or make your own honeycomb. I mean, obviously, there's going to be times when you can't avoid it, but you're just going to have to deal with that feeling and there's small holes as well
Starting point is 00:38:26 so like what class is a small hole what about your iPhone jack like can you remember when your iPhone jack was small and a hole but I think she's saying like lots of little holes together
Starting point is 00:38:35 I'd like to know more about this fear however the last thing I wanted to mention and Sadie's brought it up already is that some people have the fear of buttons and I've not researched it no I don't know what the name of the fear is but isn't that well it's just thing I wanted to mention, and Sadie's brought it up already, is that some people have a fear of buttons. I've not researched it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 No, I don't know what the name of the fear is. But isn't that interesting? Well, it's just somebody I used to know. But I know somebody. She has a fear of buttons. Yeah. Like she would say that she didn't like sewing buttons onto shirts because it just made her feel sick.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Interesting. Yeah. And where have these fears come from, though? You weren't born with a fear of holes. Something's made you feel that way, surely. Like, what has caused it? Is there a trauma there? Yeah, is there a trauma there?
Starting point is 00:39:12 Anyway, yeah, so, this week, guys, we have gone into the world of fears, people's irrational fears, and do you know what? We haven't even probably put a dent in it. So, if you know or have anything you kind of want to share with us about fear or you've got an intensely irrational fear yourself and you really can't get over it and and let us know how that feels because it must be very upsetting and hard to deal with i'd say like in life if you're scared of like when people say they're scared like certain people don't like
Starting point is 00:39:38 just sponges generally sponges and i love sponges i eat i bite them Sadie bites sponges now on that note right I found this is a while ago I saw this story don't know where I saw it Facebook or on the news I think it might have been
Starting point is 00:39:51 on the actual news what there's a woman who actually enjoyed eating her sofa foam oh yeah I saw that so the foam
Starting point is 00:39:58 from her sofa and I don't want to eat the sponge I just bite it I actually like to fill it with it's not normal, no. But you know them baby sponges,
Starting point is 00:40:06 sometimes I buy them. Because even though I've got them for Norea, I'll buy new ones just so that I can fill them with water and bite into them, yeah. Fuck you. It was really, really, it was worse when I was pregnant. I wanted to eat them more.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And Kaizel does it now. How interesting. So you've gone from fears of sponges to loving sponges a little bit too much. I love a sponge. At this point, yeah, she literally actually
Starting point is 00:40:28 had started eating away her entire couch like she was getting disgusting. It is gross. I mean, why would you want to swallow that? I mean, what's in your system?
Starting point is 00:40:34 I know when my dog chews something too much and it accidentally goes in her mouth, she's sick so surely that's just bad for you. Yeah. Although, just quickly
Starting point is 00:40:42 to mention, nothing to do with what it is to do with sponges, but the other day I walked into the bathroom and Aaron is cleaning the sink and the bath with Nerea's sponge
Starting point is 00:40:51 which Sadie wouldn't have known about and then she's going to use it on the baby literally I was like why are you doing that bloody man I was like
Starting point is 00:40:58 what are you doing that's Nerea's sponge and he was like cleaning toothpaste off the sink I thought who knows who knows who knows
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm hoping he would have thrown it away afterwards he'll get a fresh one out but he never did
Starting point is 00:41:11 anyway well yeah that's it then guys that is episode one of the new for the new year obviously episode three
Starting point is 00:41:19 all in all four all in all actually yet again Kaizel's here to join us for the end of the episode
Starting point is 00:41:24 because he can't stop interrupting us so say hello to the viewers wave wave come on child so guys that is the end
Starting point is 00:41:32 of today's episode we have got Kaizel who walked in the room now because he can't leave Sadie alone for too long so she's going to go and sort him out the joys of parenthood
Starting point is 00:41:40 but we hope that you enjoyed the episode enjoyed listening to it maybe you've got smart thoughts views opinions and you've got a fear yourself so please send them in and if you've got any new year's goals and if any of them are also relating to kind of conquering your fears or at least putting yourself out there into you know um uncomfortable situations because you want to progress in in certain ways and then fantastic and we'd love to hear from you
Starting point is 00:42:01 run out of wine, but cheers. Cheers, guys. Thank you. you

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