Dumb Blonde - Weenie Boys and Disaster Sex Stories

Episode Date: September 2, 2024

Bunnie and the crew sit down to recap a wild Vegas trip where they had their fill of weenie boys and street meat (yes, you heard that right). They then share even MORE sex fails including cou...ch stains, drunk wedding days and a surprise visit from Princess Elsa. At the end of the ep, Bunnie and Tasha share a special announcement about a new adventure! Watch Full Episodes & More:www.dumbblondeunrated.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, I need to ask you a question. I want to know why in the hell are you not on Patreon? I don't think you guys even realize how much content we have on Patreon. Let me break it down for you. We have the BunnyXO show. We have Meet the D-Fords. We have Popaganda. We have more shows that we're adding.
Starting point is 00:00:16 And not to mention, we have the visuals of the podcast. Not only that, we have four tiers that caters to everybody's budget and everybody gets the podcast. There's that, we have four tiers that caters to everybody's budget and everybody gets the podcast. There's no more excuses. Head over to www.patreon.com backslash dumb blonde podcast and sign up. Stop missing out. We have built a huge community over there, guys. I'm talking about hundreds of thousands of people over there. We even have live chats, live chats that I actually am talking in every single night. Last but not least, we give away gifts every freaking month. I'm talking like signed stuff from Jay and I, lives. You just never know what kind of surprise you're going to get.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It's like a Cracker Jack box. I love the community that we've built over there at Patreon. If you are already a Patreon member, I freaking love you, dude. Thank you so much. You guys are my babies for life, my writers. If I could, I would literally make out with each and every one of you. I love you guys so much. And that's a lot of kisses, actually. Gotta go, bye.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Bunny XO. She was a Vegas girl. Bunny XO. She changed my life. Dumb blonde podcast. And Bunny XO. Kelly Rose White. Bunny XO.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Miss Bunny. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Talk to me about Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Bunny XO. Is this thing on? What's up babies? Welcome to another episode of dawn blonde today we're all feeling like shit i'm ovulating tasha's dealing with bullies online hayley doesn't want to be here and mimi has the plague we actually mimi literally is at home right now quarantined because she has measles yep i've got tuberculosis the black plague what happened dude you listen let me tell you one thing about mimi she if she's gonna get sick she's gonna get really fucking sick and it's gonna be with some weird shit it's never anything normal it's never
Starting point is 00:02:18 fucking like hey i have you know fucking a strep throat well she always has that too but today you have what is it hand foot and mouth but a very extreme case of it those fucking dirty little crotch goblins you got bro gross poor baby i look beautiful i think you look great you're so sweet you do Mimi yeah Tashlama I love you guys what's going on over there with you you having your first viral video
Starting point is 00:02:50 got five million views overnight and people are really being rude it's welcome very disturbing
Starting point is 00:02:58 you know yeah it's crazy and I they all hide behind the guise of well you put your life on the internet,
Starting point is 00:03:05 so you deserve to be bullied or you should be able to handle this. And I had some girl posted something the other day and I was so legit. And she's like, I'm tired of motherfuckers saying that. She's like, no, no, we don't. You don't have millions of people. The mind cannot comprehend so much negativity and you don't have so many thousands upon thousands of people saying things to you you know of course it's easy for somebody who doesn't have a following to say that but somebody who has a following of you know like thousands of people it's it's a lot to take on well someone posting a video is an excuse to be a dick right it's not an excuse to be abusive yeah bullying is abusive i remember when tasha first came on the scene, I was telling her, I was like, yeah, I was like, she's like, you know, you, you've created such a
Starting point is 00:03:48 beautiful thing and blah, blah, blah. And I was like, yeah, it's awesome. I was like, but with all beautiful things comes people that want to tear it down. And she's like, no, it's okay. You know, just don't just pay attention to all the good. And I'm like, how's that going for you, Tosh? Well, it's out the window now. once you get in it and it's get shit gets real it's fucking it's a lot man yeah i just can't believe that people don't build each other up you know yeah nobody's kind anymore yeah it's fucking weird it's almost like trolls love to say bad things because they want that response you know half the time that you do i feel like respond to people,
Starting point is 00:04:25 they're like, oh, I was just trying to get a reaction out of you. You have millions of followers. Why are you paying attention to something I said? Because, motherfucker, I opened my app, and your comment was the first comment that popped up in my feed, you know? That's why now I just fucking, I don't even fucking respond to anybody, good or bad, because it's like you can't win.
Starting point is 00:04:42 It's just a literal losing battle no matter what because there's so many hateful and real people angry people in this world i don't get it i don't get it either i'm ovulating today anybody does anybody get depressed when they ovulate i looked over at me because i was like yep i know but it's crazy because during ovulation isn't it like when you're supposed to feel like the sexiest and you're supposed to like want to no I thought it was though because that's like when you're supposed to get pregnant so like your loins are quivering your vagina's wet like everything's fucking great and but I'm swollen and angry and pissed off and sad I got the sad
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm a baddie that's got saddies I don't i don't understand it the baddie who has saddies literally i'm like i woke up today and i'm like i'm sad i just want to lay by the pool and meditate you know whenever i get like this i don't know what do you guys do whenever you're ovulating i don't feel like i even know i'm ovulating i know we got to get you back on track with that p I have PCOS so it's I can't even tell you the last time I had a period It was probably like March, April Did you I know I couldn't imagine But that's been like that since high school
Starting point is 00:05:54 But that can't be good right Like isn't your body supposed to Release a period and like an egg And stuff like that It's supposed to but when you have PCOS it doesn't Doesn't semagglutide help with that yeah i'm gonna get back on it for two yeah how's your journey with semi-glutide going memes my shit is regular as regular gets i love that for you how much weight have you lost well
Starting point is 00:06:19 since i've been sick i just lost like three more pounds so like 41 pounds yeah if I could lose 41 pounds I would be happy there would be nothing left of you yeah no I am 160 pounds I would be if I lost 40 pounds I would be what 120 no you can't go by weight you have a butt I want to look like Skeletor no you don't nothing tastes. Nothing tastes as good as being skinny. What'd you say? Shut up. No, I'm serious. You are skinny.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Just have a bite. I'm dead serious about it. So Vegas. Should we get into Vegas? Good old Vegas. I never want to go back. I never want to go back. I still have PTSD.
Starting point is 00:07:05 So we just went to Vegas and, um, you know, Tasha's getting back in the groove. We wanted to, you know, initiate her back into the crew. So we went and got tattoos and Tasha and I, when we were growing up, used to work at a place called Olympic gardens. and I, when we were growing up, used to work at a place called Olympic Gardens. And when you work at worked at Olympic Gardens, it was downstairs was females upstairs was males. And we used to call the male dancers weenie boys. And every night after work, we would creep upstairs to go get some balls in our face because they were our friends. And back then they were like striking young lads and like fucking had routines. And like, I don't know, maybe it's different because they were our friends. Yes. And back then, they were, like, striking young lads
Starting point is 00:07:45 and, like, fucking had routines. And, like, I don't know. Maybe it's different because they were all our friends. But, like, it was just a very joyous, memorable time for us. Every night was joyous. I humped one of the weenie boys one time. His name was Carlos Asada. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:08:02 No. That was his nickname. And Carlos Asada made me puke, okay? It ruined me for weenie boys. I literally hooked up with this dude, and I went down on him, and all I could smell was like cum and tequila. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And I was drinking a lot that night. So, you know, we finished doing the deed, whatever. And I'm driving home on the freeway and literally I start projectile vomiting while I'm driving with one hand looking for a fucking trash bag with another hand and I grab this grocery bag off the floor and I'm just fucking vomiting my brains out in
Starting point is 00:08:52 this bag while I'm driving down the 215 in Las Vegas at six o'clock in the morning wow I never pursued another weenie boy after that it was not fun that was disgusting i just ruined it that but other than that they were our friends and we loved them right yeah they were great entertainers i'm glad you guys had a great time we had a special song for them too balls in your face go round and round round and round round and round balls in your face go around all night long so anyways looking back on those fond memories Tasha was like I want to go see weenie boys and I was like you know what I haven't seen weenie boys in so long I was like let's fucking go see some weenie boys so apparently there's a shit ton of male reviews in las vegas that we
Starting point is 00:09:46 didn't know but there's a new one out um i don't know if we should say the name because are we going to talk good about it or bad about it no so we're not going to say the name but we went to one of them and the men are gorgeous they're beautiful but it just didn't have the you guys tell us about your experience it was so weird it was weird we gotta start about the night there wasn't a lot of people there either which made it also awkward and we were front row no no hayley what tell them about tell them about your dream before we do this oh it wasn't a dream it was a nightmare and in my nightmare um everyone was getting a lap dance and i kept saying no i don't want one and this guy came up to me and forced me to have a lap dance and he fingered me through my jeans
Starting point is 00:10:34 i don't even wear jeans but he was fingering me through my jeans i could feel it in my dream and i was yelling i was like no stop and i was like he finally got off and then just left me there left me used and abused baby it was terrifying denim i woke up in a sweat so yeah so she has this dream before we go because that's how nervous she is about going tasha and i are like whatever this is but what happened with bunny should we say that yeah i don't care okay well and then they came up to bunny and said do you want to get fucked and she said is it hard and they said yes and then she went off that was the end of the dream off into the land of weenie boys glad you had a good i was like that sounds pretty realistic. But no, I'm just totally kidding.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But so I have a friend that works there. We'll refer to him as street meat. He's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful man. He's gorgeous. I mean, none of us can deny that this dude is gorgeous. So I was like, you know what, Tosh? He's intense. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I was not ready for that. He's intense. It might have been the eyebrows anyways i told tasha i'm like i'm gonna introduce you to my friend street meat you're gonna love him i want you guys to go to vip like i had plans for tasha i was like all right girl we're gonna fucking you want to get back in the loop we're gonna fucking throw you right back into the loop throw me to the wolves i was not ready for that that's not i you know you said put my little toe in the water that was not are you cannonballed yeah cannonball went balls deep bum so anyways so anyways we walk in and it's like first of all
Starting point is 00:12:21 one thing i hate about vegas is you're allowed to smoke in these fucking places like cigarettes. And I'm just like, I don't know, maybe I've been in Nashville too long. I'm just like, you as soon as I walk in and there's cigarette smoke, there's nothing fucking cool about it. I'm like, I don't want to breathe in your secondhand smoke because you want to wreck your fucking body, you know. So this lady next to me is just fucking the ostrich she was like this the whole night this lady we can we nicknamed her the ostrich not because not to be mean she didn't look like an ostrich it was the way she was turned around she was looking at us she would make eye contact with me and would not
Starting point is 00:13:05 fucking stop staring at me and i would like she would like her eyes were like this her eyes were huge and like she would just turn around and she had a long neck and stare at me and i'm just like this and i'm like hayley hayley you can't tell me to look at stuff like that because i will bust up laughing i'm like hayley is this this lady's staring at me and he was like yep she is and we just fucking bust up laughing because she was doing it the whole night but anyways so we walk in street meets nowhere to be found we don't know where he's at and we walk in they give us like a booth that's right literally next to the stage it's like a vip booth it was a lot smaller in there smaller and there was not a lot of people yeah a little awkward um so we walk in there we're
Starting point is 00:13:52 fucking right next to the stage and i'm like all right we need to go get some money because we got a tip you know like we can't just be sitting here fucking not tipping the hose we have to just get to going we gotta get we gotta get tasha back in the hose we have to just get to going we gotta get we gotta get Tasha back in the game so we go up to the ATM we get some money out and straight meat makes an appearance and I think he came out and he said hi to everybody right and then he was like next up on stage hi I tried not to look Haley sat in the corner the whole fucking time and would not like i was like haley let me get you a lap dance and she's like no no i'm like all right fine and i genuinely feared for my life i can tell when haley's being serious and when she's not being serious you know
Starting point is 00:14:38 mimi was just up with the fucking maui because we had security there and everything so mimi is just fucking one by one you guys kept getting off the bench and then there was me and tasha left and i looked at tasha and i said i'm sorry i'm not i'm not sitting here and i went and hid behind the bench too okay but i was alone with all the weird boys well we you just skipped over a huge part but i don't want to talk about it okay but anyways is is Mimi all right? Was she over there laughing or is she dying? She's laughing. Could be both.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Fucking laughing, dude. I can't. I'm reliving this whole experience. No, I did not want to relive this. So this could be the last time we talk about it. So street meat comes on stage and it,
Starting point is 00:15:21 go ahead. I've talked enough. You guys talk about the street meet experience. He did put on a good show. I will say he's very talented. But keep it on the stage. Stay over there. He put his belt on the table in front of me.
Starting point is 00:15:36 It was touching my phone at one point. I remember I looked over at you and I was like, his belt is touching my phone. And she lost it. It was scary. It was scary. The eye contact. it i it was scary it was the eye contact he put it around my neck the belt like what it was on the table he put it around my neck and i was in fear like i can't believe we used to love going in you know what i mean yeah because it was uncomfortable and then he did a handstand or like a headstand. His head was right here, flipped his straight up butt and balls in my face, almost takes
Starting point is 00:16:08 Maui out. And he's grinding. I'm like, oh, no. And then he, I don't know how the fuck he did this. He grabs my hand and puts it on his sweaty nuts down his hands. And I'm like, no, please. And I'm, help, help. Like, there's no help.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Everybody's just looking at me i left i left oh and then you said i need to go to vip with street meat and i would have a panic attack in a dark room with that guy i was not ready for that but you went no no she was fighting with me i was like tasha this is your chance right now going to vip little sucky sucky you know just go start your dreams kick off your your your single life you know tasha was like bitch i am not going i was like motherfucker what did we come here for i'll do anything but that please and i feel like he was on stage for literally an hour and a half oh it never ended it was like he was grinding he was staring what were you saying
Starting point is 00:17:06 it was the eye contact it was the constant like and every time he would look i would look over at yeah hayley it was like a dog when they got in trouble and you were like scolding them they'd be like this every time he was like trying to make eye contact i would be like so how you doing i just i don't know i don't know how we used to i don't know in our 20s maybe it was different and we just were horny or i don't i don't know i'm pretty fucking horny but i don't i'm definitely more horny now i think maybe we were just fucking we also were sober okay yeah let's let's point that out here we anytime we used to go watch the weenie boys we would be coming off a full shift made of making thousands of dollars and fucking drunk as shit i feel like it'd be different if
Starting point is 00:17:49 there was a lot more people there and we were all drunk yeah super drunk then i feel like no you know what i still leave you know what i loved though is that there were women there that actually really soaked it up and like they needed that you could tell those women like that was what they were there for and like there was one lady who was wearing like this cute little sundress and she would like drape herself across the stage and these guys would manhandle her and she fucking loved it and it brought so much joy to her that that made me happy that it brought so much joy to her. I was like, you know what, baby girl? Go the fuck outside of the stage. Keep going over there to her.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So after that fun encounter with the weenie boys, we decided to go downstairs with the girls. That was better. We love the girls. It was a breath of fresh air. No, it literally felt like home. Yeah. We just sat down and all the girls were just.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Are we going to skip over the part where they turned on jelly song oh how could we forget oh so i'm an old baseball boy came out so i'm sitting there and we're just enjoying the view kind of and all of a sudden i hear very familiar guitars and i'm like this man is in a g-string showing his buttocks and all of a sudden i hear my husband's voice loud and clear what song was it empty house and i'm just like i look over and everybody's like everyone's staring just staring at me smiling and i'm like i love my husband but come on i don't want to see fucking half naked dudes to jelly roll and i even i even texted my husband and i was like babe i can't escape you i'm literally in a fucking strip club right now and they're playing your song and jay's like go motherfuckers go like he thought it was hilarious and then we go downstairs to the
Starting point is 00:19:45 girls section having a blast next thing I know I look up on the fucking tvs my husband is baptizing people while there's fucking chicks upside down on a pole and I thought it was sweet like it was a sweet gesture they were just maybe not the right song yeah it, it was even Angel's Cry. So many songs to choose from. Maybe not put the video on the screen. And I mean, there's a girl doing a plie on a pole, you know? And he's in church like this. He's in church praying and I'm just like, babe, I can't make this shit up. Like this is fucking, I wish we could film in here because this would have been a fucking amazing segment for BunnyXO.
Starting point is 00:20:20 But it was sweet. They tried to show us so much love there and um you know we we appreciated it but I don't know I just think we're not weenie boy people anymore no you looked at me and said what happened to us and I'm like I don't know because I really wanted to you know get back to a little bit like I used to be you know I thought I was I hyped myself up she had been hyping me up all week and I realized man it's crazy because there's sometimes that I mourn the girl that I used to be because I I do miss that party girl sometimes that like didn't give a fuck and just was the life of the party and you know like I snap my fingers and trucking shit happens you know and now I'm just
Starting point is 00:21:01 so like OCD and so like so OCD to myself. And I have to be in my comfortable bubble. I had a panic attack walking into a strip club. What the fuck? I used to work in them. The thousands of people that I've danced for and touched and fucking been around. And then now I can't even walk into a strip club without having a panic attack and wanting to run out.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I think the one that enjoyed it the most was Jaime, honestly. So we learned. Confirmed. Yeah. So we learned a little bit of information about our new videographer, Jaime. Not only was Jaime super stoked to go to the Weenie Boys. Go ahead, Jaime. Tell us what you told us. Um, back, uh, you know, about 20 pounds ago, that was going to be the direction of my career. There
Starting point is 00:21:53 was going to be a weenie boy. So you were going to be a street meat. I was some, the streetest meat of them all. The meatiest street of them all. I had a of them all i had a couple like nicknames you know that i thought about wait what are your nicknames please tell me was uh romando romando that sounds like a cheese yeah no i wanted people can i have some of the lasagna with the romando cheese please yeah and my my whole gimmick was going to be like you know olive garden they have the stop the cheese i was gonna bring one of those out and kind of just break it on the ground and just pour it all over your body yeah make them lick it off the cracks i love that i'm kind of into that i think i would have been more excited about that yeah i mean i think the
Starting point is 00:22:36 reason they also kept staring at our group was because i didn't break eye contact okay they had good eyebrows oh they did best eyebrows they did i was like good eyebrows but i think i was sending the wrong message yeah no wonder they kept looking over it wasn't us i thought they were looking at us they're really looking at jaime but then maui um made a good point you said because we tried to look at it as like how can we make this not awkward for you know two fairly straight males um and poor Maui I think they just agreed they're like they're they're athletic poor Maui Maui's like I'm like Maui I love you you really don't have to come in the strip club with us if you don't want to he's like no I go with you I'm like okay all right Maui I'm just
Starting point is 00:23:22 letting you know you don't have to be here if you don't want to. And he's like, no, I go. It was fun. And then Charlie Classic showed up, which he's always a joy. We love Charlie. But yeah, it was it was definitely an experience that I'm probably never going to repeat. I just don't I don't I think I think at my age, our age now and you'll get there soon, too. But I think you're actually getting there is like if something doesn't have a purpose or bring me joy or serve me any sort of reasoning why the fuck am i gonna be there or go you know like i don't know i just i grew up i grew up i love it that's what it is
Starting point is 00:23:57 mimi what do you think about it though are we gonna talk about mimi's friend's mom that did get a lap dance so i brought some Oh, so I brought some friends. Yeah. So Mimi, let me just tell you something about Mimi really quick. It doesn't matter what city we're in. It could be the weirdest of circumstances, like being in a strip club in the middle of Vegas. Mimi has friends everywhere that just show up at random fucking places. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:20 They were actually downstairs with the girls. And I was like, hey, where would the dudes come upstairs? And then when they got there, I realized they had brought their mom. And it was her first time at a strip club. So they went all out. They went and got some money for her and called one of the guys over. He put her in a chair and he went to town on her. He was doing this with her tits at one time i looked over i was like wow you're literally paying to get fondled which i mean i don't she probably
Starting point is 00:24:52 liked it yeah that's what i'm saying oh she said her legs were sore oh she hadn't opened them up that far in a long time she said wow mom okay mom was getting it listen i love the fact that weenie boys bring joy to people like that so don't listen don't take but yeah don't take our we're just a bunch of weird fucking just neurodivergent is that what it's called yeah yeah with anxiety and just a bunch of weird tics so it was fun to get to watch other people find joy in it you know and to figure out how we found joy in it and i think we're still trying to figure it out but i think the big thing is is we were sober i found joy in it by leaving yeah literally our joy was going home and eating yeah we were going to our our favorite place ever to get food yeah yeah we had gone to the morgan we had been it was
Starting point is 00:25:42 a long day it was we had literally done the morgan wallen concert and we did the morgan wallen walkout the it is baffling to me how many people did not know who i was imitating in that tiktok that i did that or the whole uh she's throwing up devil signs when you were flicking your eyebrows have you guys ever seen a cartoon character when they lick their hands and then they go like that i think even jim carrey does it yes i don't understand how this is devil horns unless i were to go like this you know i was like like that people will look at anything yeah and people were like this is the best wwe walkout and i'm like this is do you guys not watch morgan wallen do his freaking walkouts oh look at him hi blue oh chachi's like who look at chachi's not excited look at your cousin chach chino look at your cousin he's scared look at your cousin
Starting point is 00:26:37 do you see him so moving on from the weenie boys you had a halloween party a little going away halloween i did it was like a housewarming slash halloween slash going away party it was great who was there i had a lot of people all my closest friends uh chelsea lynn came that was great kaylin amber i thought you guys were gonna come but hey. Mimi has the measles and I'm depressed. Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. You were there in spirit. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, it was a grand old time. It was nice. You're the only person I know that has a fucking Halloween party in August, but I love it. Yeah. I'm down with it. Okay. I think it's amazing. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I have to have Haley tell the story about when she was a werewolf. I didn't think we were going to bring that up, Mimi. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about it. Oh, we're bringing it up. I'm pretty sure that was like the last Halloween party I even went to. It was like 2017 maybe era. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Okay. So it might have been 2016. And I had dressed up as a werewolf full-on face paint everything you could not tell who I was yellow contacts everything and I went to a Halloween party full-on werewolf okay this is my first like Halloween party I was at this apartment complex it was the first time I ever like i was drunk enough to where i was making out with girls and i was in the bathroom with one and we were like yeah we were kissing and she literally pulled back and was like this is your first time is it isn't it and i was like i was like yeah i think i'm gonna go get a drink and i fled i could not do it and then
Starting point is 00:28:28 hold on let's just pause right there really quick because hayley goes through these phases where she thinks she's a lesbian and i'm fine with it because i'm just like if you're a lesbian be a fucking lesbian but she literally will swear like i'm gonna date females and i'm like hayley you could never and she's like yeah she'll straight up be like yes I can I can I she's fine she's the and I'll be like okay and then literally I can appreciate a woman's beauty and I think that's I love bitches but I'm not gonna be
Starting point is 00:28:54 with one you know like I fucking love females I love their bodies I love everything about them I will make out with them I will love them and squeeze them but I'm not gonna be with one no i just i love flesh on mesh penises well so do i it was a phase recently too yeah no it comes and goes it's gone yeah it comes and goes it's gone so go ahead so uh clearly i'm not a lesbian because I immediately went and found a guy and um we did it in the front seat of
Starting point is 00:29:28 his yellow challenger outside in the parking lot of this apartment complex full werewolf paint and yellow contacts and the my contacts match the color of his challenger what's hot about that what was he dressed like i don't remember i don't remember all i remember is that i'm in i had black lipstick on oh and yellow contacts yes the werewolf he definitely was knocking something off the bucket list probably he probably tells everybody bro i fucked this bitch on halloween one night and i fucked a werewolf yeah yeah oh my god yeah yeah i mean i've done some weird shit but normally when i'm dressed up in costumes getting banged it's like something cute nope my halloween costumes are never cute i know i was kevin james if you guys didn't see that kevin james doesn't wear a full face of fucking makeup this kevin does no okay this kevin this kevin does no she's like i still had to be myself she posted on tiktok i just sneezed my eyelash off she posted on tiktok she's like can
Starting point is 00:30:37 you tell that i'm kevin james and i'm like no because kevin james doesn't i thought she was fucking sue dylan i didn't know i was like i was uh taylor thought i was gypsy rose's mom that too like i was like no kevin james does not wear and she says to me it was the shrug i'm like it was the i'm like nobody know i mean they know the shrug but nobody was gonna put two and two together that's why look it's still my screensaver she's so proud of it the screensaver actually looks like kevin james is that you or kevin james okay i was like damn i love kevin james i couldn't see you i love it well anybody else been fucked in a ugly halloween costume tasha have you no you always wear cute halloween costumes mimi what about you no yeah i may i don't recall but no
Starting point is 00:31:33 he's like i plead the fifth i plead the fifth it's during my hoe phase it's not listen i wish you would go back into your hoe phase mimi and i were talking about that last week on the ask tell confess that we do. No. I was like, we miss Haley just fucking. My stories. I had some good stories. Yeah. You had some really good stories.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I think I'm asexual. I think you're just going through a phase. Maybe we busted out during tour. No. We were talking about putting you and Tasha on one of the dating apps while we're on tour so that we can like, you know, start scouring the cities. We've done that. Me and Mimi have done that and it is not great. So tell them what you guys used to do. We'll be in better towns now.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Tell them what you guys used to do. Nope. Tell them. Nope. Tell them. Nope. How you guys would. Oh, I will. Okay. So we used to set location to whatever little small town where we were in.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And then we would swipe to see if they were jelly roll fans or not. It was when we were on tour with Brantley and we would swipe. We would literally be able to tell who was a jelly fan and who was a Brantley fan. Yeah. No, it was awesome. That was the entire town. But Mimi or, but Haley was also trolling for Dick. Yeah. No, it was awesome. That was the entire town. But Hailey was also trolling for dick.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It was like a win-win situation. I never got one either. No, you never did. You trolled, but you never did. Tasha, would you be open to that? I'm scared of that. That's serial killers. You know what I mean? You just can't trust anybody anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:06 What'd you say? Can't go looking for trouble. Oh, you're going to play with fire. You're going to get burned. Can't you just meet people the old-fashioned way anymore? It doesn't work anymore. I don't feel like people... I don't want to leave my house,
Starting point is 00:33:17 so I don't know how I'm supposed to meet someone. Do people do that anymore? How did we meet the old-fashioned way in bars? Yeah. That's how I met people. How did you meet the old-fashioned way in bars yeah that's how i met people how did you meet people in church well that would always blow up too yeah i feel like they're the craziest ones yeah yeah i don't know i don't know where people go like that are single now to go and fucking a lot of it's online i've done when i was doing wedding makeup i had a few weddings that were
Starting point is 00:33:45 they met on tinder or hinge or something they're still married i love that yeah good for them because it didn't work out for me happily ever after swipe i'm pretty sure the last time i had it i deleted it because a guy on there was like shit on your couch well that too um that that too I still had it after that and it was a guy that said I'm sure guys just want to talk to you for jelly roll but I'm not gonna do that and I was like thought never crossed my mind until now and then I deleted it yeah should we tell the shit story again I feel like i feel like we have touched on that no only on other people's podcasts not on mine there's a what'd you say memes i said so tell them about the shit story hayley i mean i was talking to a guy for a few weeks
Starting point is 00:34:42 couple she really liked this one. She really said. And this was like what I was kind of manifesting too. And I was like, oh, everything's working out. You know, everything's good. And then one night, the last night I ever saw him, he came over and we did some things. And he, I already knew he had to leave to get up early for work.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And when he stood up afterwards, I noticed noticed something I had like pink lights on so you really couldn't see what color things were and I noticed something dark on my couch and in my head I was like oh damn that's Luna's like fur like that's embarrassing I thought it was just behind a pillow or something he leaves and he like he stands up and then he sits back down really quick to like grab his stuff off the table i'm like what are you doing he's like i'm just getting my stuff off the table i'm like you can't just bend down pick it up that was already weird and then he like leaves immediately and then i turn on the lights and it was three skid marks on my couch one was long and then it was two little like stamps two little like butthole stamps yep and and i was like no fucking way it took me a hot
Starting point is 00:35:55 minute to process it and i was like maybe it's nutella because i was eating i had those like siete churro strips and nutella on my couch the night before. So I was like, maybe it was Nutella. And I couldn't smell anything. She scratched and sniffed it. I didn't scratch anything. To be clear. She did the old. No, I did not.
Starting point is 00:36:16 No, I did not. Yeah. I was just like, no, this can't be real. I didn't smell anything. I didn't smell anything when it was happening either my thing is is how dirty is your asshole if you can't even get ridden did you ride him no oh so that's just from sitting up there wasn't even any friction to cause the doo-doo well i was i was performing acts of service i mean but what what was he doing like moving his hips like that literally like what was i don't know i don't know i try to block that from my memory
Starting point is 00:36:53 honestly and the worst thing is i'm like hayley let me call this man and just prank him i just want to be like i know you shit on her couch you know she'll never know he'll never know who it is and she will she will not let me do it i'm like one of these times when she's asleep on right now no he's blocked his number's gone i couldn't tell you it's all right i'll figure it out we're gonna get her phone and we're gonna literally get this dude on tour he's erased erased because he had the nerve to give me attitude the next day like he was short with me talk about the ultimate gaslight you fucking leave shit stains on somebody's couch and then you're mean to them for no fucking reason because you
Starting point is 00:37:37 know you shit on their couch yep it's crazy yep i may have you ever shit on someone's couch? No. That's a no. No, I don't think. No. On the bed? Anything? I've trusted a fart, but that's like. I shit one time. Yeah. I shit one time too.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I trusted a fart. It happens. I had little poop balls. You just ditch the underwear and then you're good. It's fine. I understand that. Yeah. Didn't you have a run in with a skid mark?
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yes. I've done some weird shit i can't remember all of it where the guy slid and there was a skid mark on his sheets oh yeah that was i was getting paid for that though so i tolerated mine was free i still have the video of it and everything on mine do you have any horror dating stories for sex stories um taj i know you do think of one uh no no i'm pretty um damn pretty safe i would say really yeah not one any that have caused you to be celibate because i've been celibate since then any that have caused you pain trauma trauma uh
Starting point is 00:38:46 no can't recall damn must be nice how are you gonna be a woman must be nice hi man you don't even have any trauma traumatic sex stories good point i don't know that's probably why i never followed tasha let me hear i know you got. The reason why I'm celibate? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Okay, so what? I've been single for like seven years. This one young lad was chasing me around for a little bit. And we started messing around.
Starting point is 00:39:19 He's on top of me. And he gets one little stroke in and he like goes stiff. And I'm like looking at him and he is buff. I mean, he is in shape, everything. All of a sudden there's something warm on my head dripping. He gets a bloody nose on me and my blonde hair. I thought this dude was going to die. Like I was so scared scared like it tripped
Starting point is 00:39:46 me out bad so i haven't done anything since and i just i was like you know what that was a sign you know so you've been celibate since then seven years and seven years one time that and it was that the last time i was celibate was another horror story i was celibate for almost two years i was talking to a guy for only a week and he was fresh out of prison should have been red flag The last time I was celibate was another horror story. I was celibate for almost two years. I was talking to a guy for only a week and he was fresh out of prison. Should have been red flag number one. Haley has a type. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Should have been red flag. He also had a yellow car. I don't know if I had a thing for yellow cars. And I was already over this dude and he was already staying the night and I was just ready to go to bed. And I remember I was laying in bed, and he texted me to come downstairs to do stuff to him, and I was like, you're a dick. And I put my phone down and went to bed.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I was woken up at about 3 in the morning to my bed shaking. I opened my eyes, and he is jacking off next to me watching Family Guy porn on full volume. While you're sleeping? i'm sleeping like you wouldn't know that he was jacking off next to him yep while i'm sleeping i literally i didn't even i had a fake that i was asleep because i was like please god just let this end but wasn't he switching back from family guy after family guy he switched to Frozen. That's so weird. Like Elsa and Anna. Yeah, that's weird. I had a knife in my nightstand and I thought about it.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So what did you say? Did you just go back to sleep? Yeah. I was frozen. Literally. I literally didn't know what to freaking do. So I just like waited it out. Did he come?
Starting point is 00:41:23 I don't know. I shut my eyes oh and then i remember at one point he woke me up with a flashlight and was like looking for something under my bed is he on crack probably probably he was probably looking where to wipe his fucking cum hand so yeah i it was like 8 a.m and i went and slept on the couch the rest of the night because then his snoring was so loud i had to i had to get up and leave and then i was like call fucking uber you're leaving and blocked him and that's the end of that and then i was celibate for two years you never told him that you knew that you he was whacking off to the fucking family guy no how do
Starting point is 00:42:00 you do that i have to tell i'm the type person. You need to start calling these men out. Literally. I'm the type of person. I literally just don't ever want to talk to you again. I'm just, I'm a professional cutoffer. I admire that. Cause I can't cut people off. I literally.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I'm clean of that. And I won't tell you what you did. So I can cut them off, but I will let them know why they're, why they're being cut off. You know, like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:42:22 you did this and I'm not fucking with you again. You know, like, that's how, I can't just silent cut off. I want motherfuckers to know. I'm silent too. I don't like to talk. I don't know why. I just love it. I love to be like, you know what? You are the reason. Because I don't like it to be left unsaid.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Oh, it's unsaid for them, but not for me. So I'm good. I just want to make sure motherfuckers know the reason i'm cutting them off is because of them it's a you thing not a me thing you know like you're getting cut off because you're a fucking weirdo i'd have just been like bro frozen well they know where i live too so i don't want to start any like beef or anything you know so it's just a silent cut off for me uh so weird i could just the dating scene now is just fucking insane shit it's crazy especially in nashville you said shit literally it's a shitty situation so moving on
Starting point is 00:43:14 from disaster maybe do you have any disaster sex stories you want to talk about i've been married way too long i think we're good yeah what about the first what about uh the first night you did it or your wedding night the the night yeah wait though we didn't okay fun fact jason and i didn't have sex on our wedding night because I got blackout drunk, puked profusely, and then as he tried to get me out of my dress, he accidentally slipped, dropped me half naked on the hotel floor and left me there. What was the other time, though, where it was a little bit bloody?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Oh, we've already talked about that. Have we? Yeah, we've talked about it. Yeah, I broke Jason's dick. Yeah yeah i've had that happen to me it's just no if you guys want to know about those just go through past episodes there's it's a bloody mess so moving on from all the disaster dating stories uh tasha and i are opening up the gym Sacred Heart. We found a location in Franklin and we're
Starting point is 00:44:29 starting renovation on this gym this week and tell people about it Tasha. It's going to be amazing. We're going to have a nice ring. Yep. Bag set up. We're going to be able to run a class, have people sparring. It's going to be really cool to teach in a different area and be able to run a class, have people sparring. It's going to be really cool to teach in a different area
Starting point is 00:44:46 and be able to build an amazing program. Yeah, it's awesome. We're renting out a space from our friends Luke and Lisa who own Southside Strength in Franklin, Tennessee. So we're going to be kind of, we're still separate, but conjoined with them. So it's like if you want to do weight lifting on one side you can if you want to do cardio and boxing on the other side that's us and
Starting point is 00:45:10 you know we're gonna have kids involved and it's just gonna be a really cool thing and I'm so excited about it it's taking a minute to get it off the ground but I told Tasha I was like this shit's gonna move slow but once it's up it it's just going to be, you know, all, all go from there. Are you guys going to come box with us? Yeah. Hey, are you going to come?
Starting point is 00:45:32 You didn't come back. I've never boxed before. The only boxing I've done is drunk night out at bars. I have arcade games and you like punch the thing. Yeah. I love those. What's your score? Whenever you punch them,
Starting point is 00:45:45 it was around 600. See, I bet you, you could bet i don't know you're pretty athletic i've never been in a fight though i am athletic but i haven't been in a fight you're pretty athletic though so i think that you would get it and you're because you're pretty analytical too so i think you would definitely get it but yeah and we have decided on the name it It's going to be Sacred Heart. And I don't know. It should be opening in the next couple of months. We don't have an exact date. But when we do, of course, we'll let people know. But everybody in the Nashville area start getting excited because, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:16 we're getting excited and we just want to make a difference in some kids' lives. And Tasha's a great coach, dude. And her lifelong dream has always been to teach kids so get back yeah you were because you were running a place in Chicago yes yeah she had the program out there the boxing program which I program built some really good fighters yeah my kids program was oh my gosh they were so good yeah yeah yeah your kids and one of your kids though like your real kids uh sydney no no it's a brooklyn brooklyn's a little badass they all fight and you know what i don't have to i could say hey i'm gonna give you a piece of gum go beat that kid up over there
Starting point is 00:46:58 they'll do it for a stick of gum i mean these kids love it they to learn. It's just they're fighters. They're excited. I'm excited too. I can't wait to get it off the ground. We are leaving for tour this weekend. No, wait. Monday. We're leaving for tour on Monday.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And we're going to be gone for three months, dude. I'm so excited. I'm ready for tour. Bro, me too. Our bus is so nice nice am i the only person who feels like 2024 has been a shit show but it's been like a cool shit show so it's like i'll have like really good moments and then i'll have like really weird moments you know like it's just been a fucking just weird dynamic this year weird summer it's the summers that are always weird
Starting point is 00:47:41 that i've had to conquer every fear i've ever fucking had this year in a fucking three month time span dude i've fucking got you know the medical diagnosis had my ever i've repeated this a million times but 2024 has just been a strange fucking year and i don't know why if anybody knows why let me know a big test every i feel like i've been tested enough i'm good like 2025 can we just be fucking smooth sailing that's i'm ready i'm so ready but tour i feel like once we get on tour it's like nothing else matters and it's literally like just a breath of fresh air every day because we wake up in a new city we get to meet people we get to see daddy has a new show and it's insane like his one thing about my husband is every um tour he levels up as far as like his set goes and and like you know the um the fire the lights the
Starting point is 00:48:37 screens and like there's some really cool surprises tonight is the first night of his show and of the tour in uh salt lake city and i'm telling you like i just can't wait for everybody to see this i can't wait to start seeing the tiktoks i want to watch it from the crowd one night me and mimi are gonna no i told you i want to go in the skies we're gonna watch from the crowd no i think we can get because we're playing arenas i think we can get suites now yeah so i think we'll be able to like either yeah because a lot of people think you know backstage side stage it's way better but you can't hear anything you can't hear anything you can't see anything the fire is so freaking hot dude yeah it's like almost catch on fire no we should put on disguises and go out into the crowd
Starting point is 00:49:21 we should make that a tiktok well maybe put on fake beards as long as my stashes yeah just put on like mustaches beards and wear hoods maybe has to cover her hair because i could bring my kevin james wig yeah the minute that green if i were a hood for sure yeah but the minute that green comes out people are gonna know who you are yeah so you have that i get recognized because of mimi's hair literally like i could be completely under the radar nobody will even say anything to me and they'll be like hey you know and they like put it together and i'm like hi you know it's that fucking hair man it just gives it away every time well i love you guys and I'm glad we got to do this catch up. How do you feel about that memes? You did great. You did fantastic.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Saying that much it's time for tour babies. You guys ready? We got to go finish packing and get all our stuff together and guess who else is going to be on tour? This guy right here baby. you ready to go on tour you ready to go on tour we love you guys so much thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of dumb blonde i will see you guys next week bye

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