Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 289: Sam Tripoli

Episode Date: June 1, 2018

I love Sam. He's a fabulous comedian and a top notch podcaster who is a master at interviewing proponents of conspiracy theories and fringe ideas. If you're interested in BDSM and/or mystery schools... then this is the episode for you!

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Starting point is 00:00:45 All right, let's do this. Greetings to you, sweet friends. It is I, D Trussell and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast. We've got a very special episode for you today with a host of the 10 foil hat podcast, podcast about conspiracy theories, Sam Tripoli. I was actually at a party recently and somebody backed me in the corner and accused me of being a shill for the CIA. It was one of the weirdest things ever. He said, I think you know things you don't talk about on your podcast and you're getting money from George Soros. And I said to him, as he am, is it like normal questions? And he was like, if you think I'm going to take the time to reverse that to understand
Starting point is 00:02:30 whatever it was that you just told me, you're out of your mind. I'm just going to assume that whatever it was that you just said is filled with satanic symbolism, illusions to goat headed beings. And then I'm like, wait a minute, why are you so angry at goats? Have you ever met a goat? They're actually really sweet. They're wonderful. I just saw a goat in a park near my house that someone had wrapped rainbow tape around its horns. And it was really fun. Like goats are just basically dogs with horns and weird eyes. And he's like, see, that's exactly what somebody in a satanic organization would say. You want me to like goats? I'm like, well, what have goats done? They make cheese. Do you or do you hate goat cheese?
Starting point is 00:03:13 If you ever had goat cheese on your salad, it's delicious. He's like, goats. I don't want to talk about this because I know for some reason goats are evil and things going backwards are evil. And then I said, have you ever considered that that maybe the thing that's evil isn't outside of you but inside of you and you're projecting your own darkness onto the world and that the people you fear the most are actually people who have just identified the fact that there's a tendency in lazy people to demonize the world while ignoring their own internal difficulties. And whenever this happens, there's witch burnings and crucifixions. And so some smart people just decided they wanted to camouflage or at least create a couple of extra steps in between you
Starting point is 00:03:55 and information that you could potentially use for evil things because you haven't worked out your own interior sadness and pain. That's all. He thanked me saying, you know, I never really thought of that stuff before. I never looked at it in that way. I shook his hand and planted a Galvax nano diode into his palm so that we could track him and make sure that he doesn't cause any trouble for any more podcasters. We've got a wonderful episode for you today. We're going to jump right into it, but first sends it. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by the throbbing lords and ladies of HTML glory over at Squarespace.com. Head over to Squarespace.com forward slash Duncan for a free trial. And when you're ready to launch, use offer code Duncan to save 10% off your first
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Starting point is 00:08:02 that I don't use in real life and I highly recommend Squarespace.com. Right now, head to Squarespace.com forward slash Duncan for a free trial and when you're ready to launch, use offer code DUNKIT to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or a domain. Squarespace, it's time to start a new renaissance. Much thanks to my 1069 Patreon subscribers. You are my patrons. You own me. You are who I bow to every single day and sure, sometimes I misbehave and you have to discipline me in different ways, but I'm learning from you. You're teaching me and yeah, I know I'm disobedient from time to time, but every time you correct me, I am so very grateful to you, my sweet Patreon patrons. If you're interested in taking a deep
Starting point is 00:08:55 dive into the coral reef that is the DTFH over at Patreon, then why not head over to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and check out if it's anything like a coral reef at all. And depending on your knowledge of coral reefs, you're either going to think, yeah, this is exactly like a coral reef or you're going to think, what the fuck was he talking about? Either way, I hope that you'll subscribe and if you do, you will have instant access to interviews that I haven't released yet on the main feed. For example, floating over there right now is a fantastic conversation with the great Buddhist teacher, Jack Cornfield, that's going to be coming out soon. There's also one over there with Roshi Joan Halifax.
Starting point is 00:09:40 These are all coming out next week or the week after, but if you want to get early access to that kind of stuff, it's over there. Also, I release interview free opening, rambling things that are usually at the beginning of this podcast, but they last about an hour and one of those goes out a month over at the Patreon. So if you just want extra DTFH stuff, if you just want to shove your face deep into the undergunt of the DTFH and just breathe in that sweet, oily aroma, that mixture of roses and dimethyl tryptamine and sassafras, grass and windy days on some alien beach where double headed, octopi, juggle human beings shaped like pyramids in front of a triple sun sky, then you want to head over to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and sign up.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Today's guest is a brilliantly funny comedian and he's also the host of a fantastic podcast called The Tinfoil Hat, which is an exploration of conspiracy theories. They're actually doing a show in San Francisco. If you're listening to this before June 1st or June 2nd, in other words, if you're listening to this right after I uploaded it this weekend, June 1st and June 2nd, The Tinfoil Hat podcast is going to be in Sacramento and San Francisco. They're going to be at Cobbs and they're going to be at the punchline in Sacramento. It's going to be a fun night of comedy and more than likely there's also going to be government agents in the room watching the performers to make sure that they aren't a threat to the state. That's going to be fun. Okay, everybody, open up your
Starting point is 00:11:35 mouths and allow massive swarms of nanobots to go spraying into the sky, spinning down, deep into the beautiful ears of today's guest, the host of the Tinfoil Hat podcast, comedian, Sam Tripoli. This is my third podcast. I don't know how many times I've been on, but this is my third podcast in the third studio. Today? No, of yours. Yeah, I'm always moving around. We're moving and shaking. The bunker's always moving. Descendants of Cain. Yeah, dude. Have you ever heard that term before? No. So like that, you know about Cain and Abel? Yeah. And like Cain's the first murderer of all time? Yeah. Well, I mean, mythologically, Cain is jealous of Abel because Abel has...
Starting point is 00:12:54 You saw the chicks? Basically, God favored Abel. Like Abel, they both made some offering to God, and God like somehow preferred Abel's offering. I'm butchering the story. That's fine. And then Cain was like, well, fuck this. And then like beat his head in with a rock. And then God appears and says to Cain, hey, where's Abel? And Cain says that famous line, am I my brother's keeper? How should I know? And God's being God is like, you fucking killed him, dumb ass. Like we don't have to do forensic files. I'm the creator of the universe. And then Cain got the mark of this. So it's really interesting because like Cain receives a mark and this is a mark that's supposed to make him an outcast for eternity. God doesn't kill him, doesn't imprison him.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And so Cain goes east of Eden to the land of Nod. And his descendants were the musicians and the artists. And so a lot of... So we're from scumbags? Is that what they're saying? Well, yeah, we're descendants of the tribe of Cain. We have the mark of Cain on us as comedians. We're always moving around. We're like, you know, you're never in one place. You're always on... Oh, that's so interesting. For sure, dude. You're always moving around and you're always an outside, you know, like comedians and artists tend to be outsiders. If you think about it, like, you know, they always... For sure. Yeah. So it's like a... Sure. It's kind of like an identification of a type of personality. You think of yourself as an outsider? Oh, well, Hunter, I'd like... I've lived
Starting point is 00:14:22 in LA for almost 20 years. I couldn't feel more outside of a town than I've... And I don't hate LA. I mean, you could come to your place. You know, it's so interesting. I love going to new areas of LA that I've never seen before. And it's just like the history and the... Like, your area is really amazing because there's like, no one house is anything like the other house. You like, you got this amazing house. You mean Silver Lake or this little patch? Where you are right now. Got you. You know, and like, it's next to the nice house, but then there's a shanty house that looks right next door. Yeah. And then there's like a three-layer apartment bill. It's like, it's so in and like, how you get here is so interesting. Yeah. Like, I love LA, but in terms of the business, couldn't
Starting point is 00:15:07 be farther away. Couldn't be far... And I'm okay. I like... I just... I just like to do me, dude. You know, I like to do me... Back to the cane story, though. It's so interesting how like, violence is such a big part of a holy book. Do you know? Yeah. But let's... Sex is just the most taboo thing possible. You know, it's like... And Hollywood is very much like that, too. It's like, you can show as much violence as you want. Yes. You show some weird sex shit. Heads explode. Like, you know, sponsors. Like, we can't sponsor this. Yeah. You know, you're showing two people hooking up. That's wrong. But, but the scene before, this guy just went on a giant shooting spree. Yeah. You know, and it's just... It's very interesting that, you know, the morals
Starting point is 00:15:52 are taught through violence. But yeah. Yeah. If like, we jumped into an alternate dimension, like, think how odd the conversation would go. Or it's like, man, don't you think it's weird? Like, all day long, we can show on TV. Fucking. Yeah. We can show anal, like, jizz shots. You saw the recent fucking America's Got Talent, where they swam through the jizz pond. And like, you know, but how come we can't show cutting people's heads off? How come we're not allowed to do that? That person would seem so creepy. You'd be like, wait, hold on, you're even connecting the two things at all? Why do you even think the two things are connected? Why do you want to show people getting their heads cut off? I don't even understand. No, I don't want to show that shit.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It would make more sense to be like, you know, show people fucking. Jizz for days, dog. Welcome to jizz for days. Jizz for days. The life cycle. Behold, the beginning of the human life cycle. Right. Right. Yeah. But no, this is a, there is a, we're, I think it must have to do with like, we're more terrified of the beginning of things than the end of things for some reason. Like, the end of things, it's, it just, I don't know. It's somehow people are afraid of death. It's weird though. Here's what's very interesting. We, we show death on TV all the time, but it, but in
Starting point is 00:17:07 actual real life, we hide death and we hide sex. Like if I'm fucking, I, I close my curtains. Yes. And I feel obscene if I haven't closed my curtains for a second, you know, like you're, I don't know if that's ever happened. We're having sex and you realize your windows are wide open. You catch a reflection of yourself in the, in the window. It's night time. And you know, like whoever was walking by, you just saw people fucking. Yeah. And it's, it's a feeling of like, oh no, we must shut the window. It comes off as rude unless you're into that. Right. Which there's people like, I think the whole thing about having sex in public weird places, which I've done before is the thrill of almost getting caught. It's like, can we do this without getting caught?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah. But, but the thought of like having sex and then forgetting close the window is frightening. You know, it's like rude to your neighbors and they get to see your hump technique. Rude to your neighbors, polite to your stalkers. Do you, do you, um, do you like, I have always been annoyed like in the times like, you know, like when you're dating somebody, you know, and you end up with one of that public sex people and they're like, let's fucking the bathroom. Yeah. Come on. Like, come on. I don't want to fucking the bathroom. It's like, that doesn't, that is of all my fetishes, man. That one is really low on the charts. What about you? But it is on your power. It's on your power rankings chart though. It doesn't make
Starting point is 00:18:33 the chart. It doesn't make the top 10. It's like a very, very distant, distant one. Years ago when I was dating this, I was dating this girl and she was into that shit and like, we had to go on top of this fucking water tower. Like, and there was like a metal grate. It's like a metal grate. It's like, it's just a metal stairway, this fucking weird remote water tower. Like an area where people either go to fuck or bury bodies. And you know, like you want to like, this is when I was in like community power. I was in community cause, but you want to seem cool. So you want to be like, oh yeah, you better believe I want to fuck on top of this water tower. You're like trying to do special moves up there, but you're just getting that imprint of the grate on your skin and it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:19:24 you're just embarrassed. It's so interesting. I literally got told all the time when I was young that women saw me as the weird sex guy, their weird sex guy. So I, they hooked up with me when they wanted to do weird shit, like cross stuff off their list, you know, and now that I'm an old man and I'm in a relationship, but even when you're in a relationship, you just like to engage with the other sex things of you. And I've become the serious relationship guy. Like, and that's as you get older, women see you more as the serious relationship guy. And the young guys has to get weird kind of guys, which is very interesting. I don't know. You know, I think there's like, that's, that can happen, but also there's like
Starting point is 00:20:10 the element of like, you know, you're, you're like an older, you know, you're like, there's something like, I don't know, some, it seems like some people really like the get off on the idea of like, you have learned all these things. And now you can sort of dip, you know what I mean? Like, think of the, I don't know, if you ever got, you've ever tied, you've probably have tied many people up, right, Sam? You know what the BDSM thing has never gotten into me. I loved some of your bathroom reading stuff that's out there. That was pretty cool. What that? Oh, the bite, what the what? There's a magazine out there, something about slaves. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's like, you know, that's your thing.
Starting point is 00:20:50 No, I wouldn't call it my thing, but I know how to do it. And, and it's a thing. It's like a thing you learn how to do. And you start off doing it. And you usually don't know how to do it at all. So you're not into it yet. You understand how to do it. It's not really your thing. Sounds like I'm dodging it. I would be, I'm not a shit. No, no, no. It's interesting that you have a, you have a skill in something you don't really care about much. No, I think I like it. It's a fun, I think it's one, I think sex is like, you know, obviously a form of communication, and there's all these different languages, and that's one of the languages. Yeah. And, and that, that's a, just like any other language you learn, you can learn a few different languages.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But am I into like that language in particular? No, but it's definitely a wonderful skill to have because if some people really enjoy being, being dominated and so like they love it. And, and if you don't, what do you think that comes from? What do you think that's from? I've always wondered, because it seems like BDSM has always been this little secret. Yeah. That a lot of people are into, but not a lot of people talked about. And then like 50 shades of gray, which is like the McDonald's of fuck BDSM comes out and it seems to be more open and it just seems to be like way more popular than ever. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just maybe people are more talking about more honest with it. It's, what do you think that type of sex comes from? Like what is the attraction to
Starting point is 00:22:16 that? I think it's a, it's a way for people to, so like everyone's been injected with various levels of sexual guilt, I think, you know, like they think their bodies are fucked up or they think they're, you know, they think they're dirty or they think they're, you know, there's something, you know, there's all these hang ups they have. Maybe they're nervous about this thing or that thing. And so the moment that someone has been dominated and when people think about this stuff, they're so confused about it. Like number one, most people think it involves pain. In other words, it's like sadism or masochism and it's in there BDSM, but it's like that, that, when I remember before I knew anything about it, I thought it's about hurting people. Why would you ever want to hurt someone?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Why wouldn't you even want to be hurt? Right. Right. But that's really not what it's about. Okay. It's, you know, it's, it's sensual. It's about the spectrum of experience and for some people, it's incredibly liberating to no longer have to worry about being in control when they are having sex because that's for a lot of people, it's a real bummer. Some people are just, you know, they're nervous about making decisions during sex. Like they feel guilty or afraid or whatever. So when all of that has been removed from them and you've done it in the right way, it's really a form of hypnosis. That's amazing. Yeah. That then for them, it becomes this like liberating, incredible moment where they no longer have to feel guilty for having sex.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I think that's one version of it. And there's other versions too. It's just like, there's something incredible about, it's like, you know, punching your time card at the end of the day. Like you, you're off the clock now. You don't have to do anything except, you know, submit. When you talk to these BDSM missers, and I know a lot of them, so much snake oil, Justine Cross, they're wonderful. I know Justin cross. She's very wonderful. I had her on. She came on the show to talk about basically like how they took down back page and all that stuff. And there was some shady stuff with back page, but it's put these, these girls who work in the sex industry in a bad place. Mistress Justine Cross, Los Angeles, look her up. God, she's
Starting point is 00:24:31 wonderful. As a wonderful little, I don't know if she's still in Culver City, but it's got a nice little spot up there. There's a wonderful lady named soma snake oil. I don't know if she's still with her husband. I haven't seen pictures of them together, you know, but she hired me to do her husband's big here. Her husband is or was a fat Mike from no effects. Yeah. And I got hired to do his birthday party at a BDSM bar. Oh, wow. And I showed up and everybody was either cross stressors or leather daddies, right? Yeah. And I was bombing like I was bombing dude. And I got heckled by this guy that looked like a cross-dressing minotaur. So every time my jokes would bomb, he'd yell, I want to fuck you in the ass. That's
Starting point is 00:25:16 what he'd yell. And it's, dude, God bless him because he saved my set because my ability to rip this guy. Yeah. I stopped doing jokes and we just, it just became a comedy duo. Sam and the minotaur and we just started ripping into each other and it was fun. It was fun. But you know, she's in that whole world and I had Brian Jarvis one time when I was doing the naughty show back in the day, do something at the comedies at the improv where I wanted to do it like, do you remember when Johnny Carson would have the guy who came out with the animals? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the animal, he would like have the animals there and Johnny would ask all these questions. So I did that with, I had Jarvis play the gimp.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I had her come on and explain her pet slave and talk about him like he was a wild animal for the crowd to watch. That is so funny. That is hilarious. It was really funny, dude. Yeah, man. That's, you know, BDSM has got to be one of the most misunderstood things, but you know, but you learn it. That's the point. It's a skill. You learn it. And I barely know anything about it. Like people like Justine Cross, these are people who are like, they're like, people have been to like, they're physical therapists. They're like, it's a, it's a true skill. It's not, and it is, and it's, it's functions on like so many different levels. It's like camping. Like you got to know how to do knots. And also it's like, there's a lot of safety involved. You've got it because like, you
Starting point is 00:26:47 got to make sure you're able to get the person out of the knots if something goes weird. And also it's like so deeply embedded in consent, which is that it's like, it like that it is so based on like consensual, a consensual interaction. So there's this entire like, very, very intense. Like you have to be so attuned to what's happening with the person that you're with, because number one, they want to go into the state. But number two, the moment they're like, stop, you, it's like turning a TV off. Like there is nothing else except you're untying them because it's like, it's really serious. So there's the other, there's like this real ethic around it that I don't think people understand this. Yeah, there's got to be like, if they say stop,
Starting point is 00:27:32 there has to be a complete under 100% understanding that it's going to stop. Well, you go immediately out of that character. Like you go out of that part of your set because everybody has inside of them a submissive part of themselves and a dominant part of themselves. Everyone does. And if you become a dominant person, like, you know, like some people aren't very dominant in real life. But you know, you hear a lot of times these dominant people become submissive. Well, sometimes submissive people can become very, it gives them a chance to experiment with like being supremely dominant. And that's a personality that is inside of everyone. And you see it come out of people sometimes. And if it comes out in the wrong
Starting point is 00:28:10 place, it's incredibly cloying. And it's like really really like all these submissive people just start going like dictator crazy on people. Yeah, well, you know, how often have you seen that when you get like some, you know, some shithead, great. That's a great point, dude. And you give them any kind of power. You can even say that with Hollywood, the Me Too movement. We saw these guys who kind of like writer theater guys get this power. And then you find out they're just like turned into these monsters. Yeah, you know, and it's just like it's that's a very interesting point. Yeah, man. I thought about that. Yeah. And that's you that's that. So that part of a personality, that's a that's a great that's a very important part of anyone's personality.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You need that like you need to be able to like suddenly become something really strong from that's a good that is a great golf club to have in your golf bag. That's a great brush to have in your paintbrush collection. But you need to know when to bring that out and who that is and why it comes out if it comes out like in the wrong time. That's usually like when you say, you know about a person by the way, they treat a waiter. Yeah. Right. And that's because what's happening is that you suddenly you'll see you'll be with someone who seems super nice and then someone who's their servant appears and they take on the role of some kind of like domineering piece of shit. Like, excuse me. Excuse me. The surface around here is terrible. It's like, go do that in
Starting point is 00:29:33 the fucking dungeon, bitch. Not not an arrestor. Save it for the dungeon. Save it for the dungeon. This person didn't sign up for that. I feel if more people have more dungeons, we'd have less road rage, less people wouldn't have to go to couples therapy. They could get it out there. Yeah, because because like there's an affliction that people either feel too in control or not in control. People feel like they have too much power and then they get all stressed out because they feel like they've got just too much shit to worry about too many plates are spinning and they're freaking the fuck out and they just want to relax and put on a diaper and get fucking spanked for a little while. So they could just like chill out or people feel like they don't have any control
Starting point is 00:30:13 at all. And so the moment there's an opportunity to have any kind of control, all the anger that's gone along with their complete sense of worthlessness or impotence or whatever comes spewing out on top of it. That's the other thing with BDSM is people think it's an angry, that it has anything to do with anger. Like, ah, shut the fuck down. It isn't that. Like at least my experience with it is it's love. Like because if you're with somebody who wants to be dominated, you're giving them all the attention. Like you're giving them like they're getting 100% pure unadulterated attention that is completely focused on this particular fetish for them. And even though it's coming across as you being like, don't move, sit down. Is BDSM is this a would you say this is a first
Starting point is 00:31:03 world form of sex? I mean, what's the BDSM seen in like Nigeria? Like, do they have that? I think it's universal. I mean, it's certainly in Japan. Like if you look at like the it's there's yeah, binding and like all this stuff. I think it's a universal. It must be. I mean, you can see that in all forms of sexuality, someone is being more dominant. Of course. So it's already embedded in the way we have sex as it is. Like someone is the one who's like deciding, you know, what's going down. That's one. I mean, it's not always like that. If you get into like Tantra or you're merging with a person or you're becoming one identity, I don't know. It changes then. But certainly it's like, it's yeah, you ever add all this stuff and kind of like an MMA form of
Starting point is 00:31:51 sex where you're doing a little BDSM, a little Tantra, whatever you think. So it feels like they're different. It feels like the two things are like separate or all together kind of separate. I mean, certainly like after you have like dominated someone or been dominated. Have you been dominated? Yeah. Yeah. How'd that feel? Oh, it's well, you know, there's been a it's happened to me a few times and only a couple of times that I really like it like the the because there's this thing called sub trans. Have you ever heard that before? No, it is. So that's like the hypnotic state someone being dominated goes into. So like they like it's an actual state of consciousness that they enter into. And you can't fake it. You can't number one, you can't fake dominating
Starting point is 00:32:35 somebody. They can't fake being done. You could try, but it's not real. Like it's there's actual submission and domination or there's like the, you know, people who went to Hot Topic and bought a pair of bullshitting. There's no acting. It's either you're in or you're out. You're you are either, you know, if you're in some like if you're in any situation where there is a competition or where there is an interaction based on like, you know, hierarchy or control, you're either being dominated. I guess the way to put it is like it's a full surrender. It's full surrender. Right. And you don't fake that. Right. Like that's not right. And someone who likes to be dominated, if they get around someone who doesn't know how to do it, that person's going to do like all this
Starting point is 00:33:24 weird, stupid, embarrassing shit, probably from reading 50 Shades of Grey. Yeah. And that the person who likes to be dominated isn't going to get like their itch scratch because the person that doesn't actually know how to do it. Like you actually, the thing about it is you actually have to do it. Yes. It's not like my dogs, like my dogs, they're either they sit or they don't. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's not like it's just that that's it. Yeah. It's the identical thing. It is so interesting. Just the human sexuality. It is so interesting. Everywhere else is like made to survive, made to survive. The species got to survive. We're so complex and just like all the different things that get into, you know, what you're into
Starting point is 00:34:06 and you know, like, it's just so interesting because it's like, I think we're the one of the few species that may that has sex for enjoyment. I think there's like a set of monkeys out there that maybe does that. But for the most part, everything else is just like survive to survive all the species. Well, you know what? We don't know. And the thing is we don't fucking know what's going down. Like when you see like a seahorse. Yeah. You don't know if he's just having fun. Got a couple hours. Let me knock this out. We're like, he's mating. Yeah. Survive. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we like to think. We don't have any idea what pheromones are being released or like, you know, like how long he's been like hoping for this moment or like, you know, we don't know. But
Starting point is 00:34:47 you know, sex is such an incredible, I think a lot of people don't realize that it's so it's an occult activity in the sense that it's a hidden activity. It's an activity that is not spoken of. And yet it's in front of everyone all the time. It's an activity that's right out in front of everybody right out in front of everybody. It's on billboards. It's on all over TV. Now social media. It's all the time. Yeah. I was just talking about the amount of dicks that like millennials have seen in their life compared to like even a guy, a male, a male millennial, the amount of dicks he's seen in his life versus what his grandfather or his great grandfather saw. It's not even close. I mean, they've had porn on their phone forever. I guess it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:36 as they say, as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Like I'm sure at the beginning of the human, you know, humans moving from like proto hominid to hominid, everyone was just very comfortable seeing dicks swinging all over the place. Do you think it was until one dude showed up with a really big dick and everyone's like, okay, let's cover these up because no one could get any. Nobody wanted to hook up with you. You're like, it was good two weeks ago. Yeah. Then Thor showed up with this, the hammer of God. And now I'm looking at your popcorn shrimp you got over here. I mean, that's one of the beautiful humbling things about burning man is it's like you do see the spectrum of dicks and burning man. And it's just like, you don't have to be like you do like,
Starting point is 00:36:17 you do have to deal with the fact that it's like, man, they're fucking like massive dick trunks swinging everywhere. Yeah, it's hilarious. Some dude, some chieftain, some chieftain with a small dick was like, all right, all right, we got to start wearing fucking loincloth. This is ridiculous. Put something on that fucking thing. God told me God told me to God's ashamed of you. God told me to that's so true, dude. Yeah, I like there's something in it that's so it's like I like it is a you know, we you and I in particular, we're so into we love thinking about conspiracy theories and you know, particularly like brainwashing conditioning state conditioning and like and for a lot of people, they don't realize they're conditioned and that they're brainwashing that
Starting point is 00:37:09 they've been intentionally brainwashing conditions. So so so many people walk through the world and in their mind, every idea that they have is their own unique idea and everything that they do is just something they just decided to do. They think they're autonomous. They think they're completely in control of their lives and they have no idea that so much of what they think and so much of what they do and so much of their feelings about this thing or that thing have been intentionally embedded into their minds by the state, dark forces or light forces, parents, the state, you know, okay, okay, okay. So so for people who aren't really aware of their conditioning, one great place to start is just, well, okay, go. If you're, if you think you're not brainwashed,
Starting point is 00:37:56 take your clothes off and go stand outside. How does that feel? Just thinking about doing it, you're already like, oh my fucking, I would never do that. Right. Well, why? I mean, are you evil? Is your body evil? Or when are babies evil? When babies are born? Is this an evil? Is this a, is this someone who is a, what's the exhibitionist or baby's exhibitionist? Right, right, right. Should we like figure out some kind of way to like put a cloak over a woman's pussy so they give birth into a bag so that we can keep the baby covered at all times? You know, so baby jumpsuit. Yeah, baby jumpsuit something. So that, so there, so it's that, that is a wonderful starting off point to understand just how absolutely controlled humanity is. I couldn't agree more. There is a,
Starting point is 00:38:49 from the beginning, there is a pounding in of how we act and what and what the rules are and all that stuff. And we see from, you know, everybody, it's just like, whether you're Jewish, Armenian, Italian, whatever group, your, your, your grandparents, your parents always tell you the story of your people and the history of your people. And he gets passed on for generation to generation in that type of brainwashing as well. And then as we grow up, there's the brainwashing of interaction between people and, you know, in which these are dark forces come to these people over history. Time is have screwed these people and there's that and these people who maybe you're 20 years old. But 200 years ago, these people screwed your people. So that has to be rectified.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And there has to be revenge on that because this happened many moons ago and we can, you know, and then it just keeps going back. And this is weird cycle of just like, you're right, brainwashing that goes on. Yeah. And it's, and it's a, it's a fascinating condition because you could almost consider all like, you could just think like, well, all those things that are inside of your mind that are making you feel guilty or ashamed about certain things you want to do. Those have been put into you by some experience or by a person or something like that. And you could almost like it just as a lens to look at it through just for fun. I'm not saying this is how it is. You could start thinking of those things as living entities. So you could almost
Starting point is 00:40:31 say like, you have a parasitic thought pattern that's been implanted into your mind by a manipulative sorcerer consciously or subconsciously. Yes. But there's no way to scan for it. Like, I can go to the doctor and get a scan for parasites and the doctor can be like, yeah, man, you've got a fucking tapeworm. But that we, as of yet, we don't have a methodology for scanning a person and being like, Hey, man, you have got like inside of you, man, you don't even realize this, but you've got a fucking Marlboro light demon. You know what I mean? You have deep inside of you a Pfizer entity is living inside of you. I get that. You know what I mean? Like you have living within you a Gucci entity, like all the corporate brand names that you're like connected
Starting point is 00:41:18 to or suddenly feel, oh man, you're fucking crawling with comedy store, dude. Like you've got like comedy store all over you, man. You got the cigarette demon in you. Yeah. That's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. It's a form of possession. I was just having this conversation with Sean Stone. It's like, but we don't call it demonic possession. We call it proclivities, abituations. It's core, you know, like we're, we're drawn to certain brands. Like what do you like? Are you an Apple? Are you an Apple guy? Yeah, I am. And I hate it. But then I can't the thought of getting off Apple scares me. Yeah. I go, maybe I'll go with those like those, uh, you know, HTC phones, man. And then it gets close, it gets close. And I'm like, no, I can't
Starting point is 00:42:03 leave Apple. Yeah, I can't leave Apple. And then Apple sends out that operating system that just is like a suicide note for your phone where, and then your phone just commits honorable seppuku. And it's like the battery can't drain the operating system doesn't work. So you're like, Oh dude, my phone's not working. They're like, Oh, it sounds like you got to upgrade to a new phone. And it's like their evil plan goes through. And I'm like, I'm gonna remember this next time I have to renew. And then the day comes and boom, I'm back on Apple. That's it. Yeah. And now, so now what you could, what, and if we could jump into another dimension, the very closest and you would just say, Oh yeah, you've been hypnotized by a cobble of sorcerers using their magical
Starting point is 00:42:43 implement job sorcery. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, you're, you're one of the, you know, you're, you've been sucked into this cobble of sorcerers who has an exchange. It's an exchange. It's a, it's almost a symbiotic relationship. They would like to say it's purely symbiotic and not parasitic. But like you, you have, you know, basically a familiar, like you've gone to the Tower of Apple, they've given you a familiar, this like imp creature that answers all your questions and allows you connect with other people. And the imp from time to time goes in stairs in a crystal when it's getting the update. It comes back with like a slightly different skin tone. I've got a limp. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe a limb, maybe, you know, yeah, it's time to get a new amp, time to get a
Starting point is 00:43:22 new amp from the Apple Tower. Yeah. So, so this is, this is just another example of how we have become completely conditioned and subjugated by corporations. A great example of this is political correctness, man, how there are people that have been trained, brainwashed, just to hear a word and the word itself is enough to go nuts. Right. And there's no context to it. Like before, like the political correctness, we know if now before it was, if you were dirty, people would flip out. If you said the word Jesus, just the word Jesus, there used to be this great comedy club called Riddles. It's still around, but the old location in Chicago with Orlin Park was Riddles. And you could literally say anything you want in this room. It was one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:44:15 rooms to play. But the minute you mentioned Jesus, it just shut down. And no matter what you said, you could be like Jesus, the greatest thing out, people, boom, shut down, not in a comedy club. You don't talk about Jesus. Well, fast forward to 2018. Any word that comes up within a stand-up comedy context that they have deemed as negative gets a shutdown from the crowd, regardless of the context in which you're using it. And that's all comedy is, is context. What is the context of what I'm talking about in terms of whether you should get upset or not. But we've conditioned people to use political correctness over common sense. Well, this is why I think the term curse word is so funny. Yeah, because it really is magic, like a curse word. It's a word of cursing.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And if you utter certain words of cursing, it like it really does change the energy of a room. That is so interesting. I've never thought about that. Cast a spell. So at that moment that you utter the forbidden word, and now there's, if you look at the history of forbidden words, it's really quite interesting. For example, in Israel, when the temple was still built, I read this in this book on Jesus by Reza Aslan. But when the temple was still built, you would, once a year, the high priest would go into like the inner sanctum of the temple and utter the name of God, some version of Jehovah Yahweh, some words, some unspeakable name. And the priest would go into this sanctum with a rope tied around his waist. Because the idea was,
Starting point is 00:46:00 if you utter the name of God, you could actually be struck down. You could die. And so they wanted to have a rope so that they didn't have to go in and get your body because you're in a place that you're only supposed to go once a year. And then they would like, they could drag your body out after uttering the great name, whatever it may be. And so this is, if you look at the history of forbidden words, it's not a new phenomena. Like for us, we find it a little like jarring, I think, because the word has changed. Like now it's like one word and it's like the word has changed. Certainly there's infinite logical arguments for why that is a triggering word. And a lot of us, man, you know, just don't even fucking, just don't even like realize it. Like, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:46:46 I was right, I was right in the back of a Uber talking to the drivers. He's just basically explaining like, you know, man, like there's like, and he's doing it in the perfect way. Just like, you know, there's like actual parts of America, like where black people, they just know they can't go. Like you just can't go like you can try, you can go, you can go there. But it's like, it's not going to be great for you. It's going to be really fucking weird. I feel really bad for those areas because they're missing out in such amazing shit. You're saying if you're racist, dude, like what are your forms of entertainment that you're willing to put up with? NASCAR, Fox News, country music, yeah, like dark metal. I mean, like you're missing out on so much amazing shit.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah. And so like the great misconception or like what basically what's happening, I think with that word in particular is it's like by uttering- We're talking the N word. Is that what you're talking about or anywhere in general? Yeah, I think that's like one of the great evil ones right now. Right now, yeah. But like, if you fucking say that word, you align, you know, even if it comes from like just either one, a sense of rebelliousness, like don't sit, don't, don't use your cell phone in this place. Fuck you, I'm using my phone. Even if it just comes from purely something that has nothing to do with any kind of sense of like- The F word is a religious word. Fuck. Yeah, it's a religious word. It was made by the Pope. You mean fuck? Fuck
Starting point is 00:48:11 is a religious word. It's fornication under church knowledge. It was basically the nobody was having kids and the Pope was like, okay, we gotta start cranking more Catholics out. Let's go. Start fucking. Start, yeah. So that word started off good. That started off good and then it had a hard C on it, I think. Yeah. And people like, no, too hard of a C. We don't need to hear that, dude. You know? But then when you look at like the alternative words, like intercourse, it's such a like dry, like scientific word, like it's such a sad word. The word I don't understand why people and women have a word. It's the C word and I don't understand. I don't think they care anymore. Oh, dude, go in the middle of a show and drop that and see how the rest of it go. Yeah, it goes,
Starting point is 00:48:57 dude. And it's just a word they've been trained not to like. I personally think the word they should never want to hear is wench because wench through time is like cunt set on fire. It's like a million cunts. It takes a million cunts to make one wench. I don't know if you've ever seen like it like the town wench. Everybody was fucking the town wench. The wench was fucking everybody else. This is ridiculous. I've never, wench sounds like sweet. Like it's a sweet thing to say to someone like coming in. Minch sounds like a fucking he's a real minch. Sounds like a bad word. It's not but but when she was like a bad word, like you were the town wench, you know, it's like not good. You know what's so funny to me that the reason like all this shit is like frustrating is because
Starting point is 00:49:39 it feels like people are missing that a word is like the material around an either gunpowder or like rose petals. Yeah. It's like so, so, so like the energy behind the word is what hurts and you know, so if like someone's sitting in front of me and hates my guts and calls me brother. Hello, brother. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it's like they want to kill me. Right. That word brother compared to someone who loves me brother. It's like it's like and I can feel I'll feel the difference the energy. So the energy and that's so I think one of the problems though I do understand not wanting to align yourself with an entire legion of idiots out there who fucking hate people based on as Terrence McKenna put it their photon reflectivity of their fucking skin. Like the
Starting point is 00:50:37 it feels like what sometimes can get lost is that we forget that it's this energy inside of us that gets wrapped around wrapped that is enclosed in our language and our semantic choices and that is why you get around somebody and they can order a coffee and it sounds like they just ordered a fucking nuclear strike and they could do it in the most calm way too. Like, you know, it's it's it's I think of it as like lately I've been thinking about the fucking John Wayne Gacy effect. Like, you know, like people were going and hanging out with John Wayne Gacy when he had bodies buried in his fucking just hanging out with him. Yeah, think about that. Like, you know, like imagine like right now we're doing this podcast. But every once in while you're
Starting point is 00:51:22 catching a smell of just decay. Right. A thing that your whole body has been trained to be aware of. Yes. It means you might be in danger. Yes. So it's like a specific smell, the smell of death. I'll never forget that smell. You've smelled it. Yeah, like right when I moved to LA, LA the first like week back back when Hollywood Boulevard was even a shittier place than it's now. There was this storefront that was empty. And I remember walking by like, what is that smell? And I looked in and there was like this homeless guy looking in there too. And I was like, he's like, was I he's like, that's a dead body. And I was like, Oh, it fucking is. And then this other guy goes, shoot, get out of here. I go, that's a dead body in there, dude. And I don't even know why I didn't
Starting point is 00:52:08 call the cops at that point. It was like so weird. I just like, I just moved I just moved on with my life. There was a dead body there. I guess you're thinking, what are they going to do? They're not going to resurrect the guy. It's like, what's left? Like, you smell it, dude, you know, describe it. All the worst garbage ever in one smell. It's just like it's so strong. It is rot. You smell rot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's it's it's built into us to be like terrified of it because that's where disease is. That's where like dangerous. And so like, what happens, I think, is that people have made a pretty critical psychological error and thinking that all that shit that they haven't worked through inside of them, like they can hide,
Starting point is 00:52:59 and they can hide it from people who are also hiding shit or people who are kind of distracted or whatever. But you really can't hide much from people who've done any kind of real training and perception. So you a lot of people, no matter what they say, it's very similar to like being at a wonderful dinner party where someone's like, here's a beautiful plate of strawberries. And here's some wine and here's some champagne. But underneath buried in the dirt is death. Yeah. And it's like, no matter before you so you have to deal with that that thing inside of you, that's like the idea is to like get in there and exhum all that shit and and give it a proper burial. And you know, it's interesting, dude, you there is that in stand up comedy too. You know, there are some guys who
Starting point is 00:53:46 in comedy who are who work clean. Yeah, off stage, they're horrible human beings. And that's almost the same thing. Obviously not murder, but the ability to switch it on, switch it off, public face versus real face, all that stuff and how that is psychologically taxing on you, it eventually catches up with you because you're not able to do you for real. I find the people, you know, it's like, I never, I always say, not all clean comics are assholes, but most asshole comics were clean. Okay, and that's just something I've learned over life. I'm not applying that to you and how you see other comedians, but that's something I've learned that people who come in and we're treating people like shit at some point, they were always working
Starting point is 00:54:36 clean and all this stuff. They made business decisions, in my opinion, the guys who are the nicest dudes that are the guys who are themselves on stage like David Tell, like what a wonderful guy that is. He couldn't be nicer, you know, and it's just a fucking savage on stage. Nick de Palo is like that. My mom went and saw Nick de Palo do stand up and met him after says he was a nice guy on stage, just a, you know, a cyclone of comedy, just a wrecker of rooms, you know, and it's just, it's interesting, you know, the more you are you, the more you're into the more you've experienced life and you, you kind of let shit go and you don't understand. It's the people that don't take time to expand their minds and get really upset, upset and stuff. Like if you
Starting point is 00:55:25 instantly get mad at hearing a word you don't like and you don't take time to hear what it is, that says something about you, right? I mean, it says, being offended is usually, usually, it's a warning sign. Like if you're offended at language versus action, like if you're a couldn't agree more, then it probably probably means that you're like stressed out about some other shit. Like usually, like, you know, it's like kind of like you slam your finger in the door and then someone comes up to you and it's like, Hey, what's up? You know, like, fuck you. Yeah, because you're in pain. Yeah. And like people who are in pain, they get angry, easier. Right. That's it. Like that's what I've noticed is people usually if someone's quick to get angry,
Starting point is 00:56:09 or if I'm quick to get angry, that means I'm hurting. Like it's not like people. So that's kind of gives me a little bit of compassion for those people. I do have compassion. I think you gotta have compassion. I think also we have to understand something like I always found it interesting how people love prank shows so much. They love prank shows. Yes. They love to see people get set up and then made to look stupid. And what they don't realize is for the most part, these people are getting set up are very nice people. They're they're actually in a moment where they're trusting the person we're talking to that this is a real moment. And this at this moment, this person is betraying their trust. Yeah. And they are setting them up
Starting point is 00:56:52 and almost fucking with them. Those are to me, those are bad prank shows like the good prank shows are the ones that even at the worst, even the nicest prank show. And I'm not saying that these people are scum. I'm just saying this moment, these people are trusting that this is an authentic moment. Right. And they are trusting that oh, you're in trouble or whatever the prank is at this time. Yeah, they're they're stopping to help you to engage in this to help you get through whatever problem that you are presenting to them. Punked was very much on that. Here we have a situation, Celine Dion. We need help. Those are lame pranks. The good prank shows are like the the Borat pranks where you construct this character that sort of naturally invokes like
Starting point is 00:57:40 triggers racists. You know, okay, I can understand that you go into you go in. Okay, my those pranks right if we're talking where you're going into meet with a politician and you're going to kind of lampoon him. Yeah, I can understand that or it brings out a person's puffed up like it brings out a person's puffed up side the kind of pranks you're talking about and I know what you're saying those suck. Those are not even those are I don't even know if those count as pranks like some of the pranks I've seen on punked where it's like dude is that's not a fucking prank. Like if you set like a garbage can on fire and someone goes to put out the garbage can and you're like, I'm set to fire. Like your car is getting towed or someone's being harassed and they go to help the person
Starting point is 00:58:25 being harassed. I got you. Those are shit prank. Yeah, like when jackass put the baby on the roof they drive off and people say it's a real baby and it's funny to watch but at that moment you're like betraying this person's like truck and I'm not saying it's the biggest offense in the world. Yeah. I'm just saying that's what it is. But the reason I bring that up is because I think that gets done on a much bigger level to get back to conspiracies but a much bigger level by very dark forces who manipulate this whole group of people. Yeah. Because this whole group of people are very trusting. Yeah. My girlfriend who I love with all my heart. Okay. Can't stop watching mainstream news. Yeah. And she has love and intention in her heart. Yes. And as somebody who
Starting point is 00:59:20 studied like the you know conspiracies and I thoroughly enjoy it, you know, I know what's going on in that boob too. But she trusts that. Right. But she doesn't understand that people paying those people have alternative motives in my opinion to muck everything up. Dude for sure. I mean we got to keep this shit away from like I've actually thought like there needs to be like a movement to get Fox News away from grandparents. Like we got to get this shit away from old people because when you think about the number of old people who are sitting alone in their homes in their apartments, I don't know like if you have a grandfather and an aging dad. Yeah. But sometimes you call these people like I remember going to visit Mitzi in the later years and
Starting point is 01:00:10 inevitably she'd be sitting in front of Fox News at night trembling with Parkinson's. And anytime one of the fucking alerts came up, like you know, like these news play, they use the alert. Yeah. For nothing. Yeah. But like anything can happen. Anything. They'll just make up a thing that happened. Any fucking wolf blitzer can get an email. And it's like. And it's intense. The thing behind the alert is like this is not, this is news, news, news places use alerts in the way not all comedians, but some comedians use special. Like if it's a special, it should be special. Yeah. If it's a fucking alert, let me know that this is true. This has got to be a tsunami as an alert, you know, but so anyway, the point is we're triggering the adrenal glands of these fucking
Starting point is 01:01:04 geriatrics. Yes. And they're festering in their own like stress chemicals and they're getting sick and they don't even realize they they think they're getting sick because it's old age. No, you're getting sick in the same way those little potato people are getting sick when they stared in the fucking dark crystal. Yeah. Remember that when you remember that where the eyes went white, they withered up. Yeah. It's like that. Yeah. And it's not even I don't know if it's like a state conspiracy or it's just that like a fucking team of very clever sorcerers figured out a way to hypnotize vulnerable and weak people into thinking that it's the fucking apocalypse. One dude 100 percent. It's like these very smart people have a lot of money know how to
Starting point is 01:01:43 use propaganda on the masses. And it really is that man. It really is that. And the problem is like and I talked about this with other people like the thing about conspiracy theorists is everyone we're like the new cat lady, right? We're like the crazy people that scare the children. The real truth about them is that they just remember they they don't forget. They keep score. And I feel like in particular this town, Hollywood, which is like really have in my opinion, probably the roughest three years of its existence with the you know, the election of Trump and who I like. I'd be honest with I've been like the president since Jimmy Carter, you know, right? I just I don't care if it's an R and a D, dude. You know, when you take a look at it,
Starting point is 01:02:28 you take out the emotion of it. You really what's going on. You know, there's some war criminal stuff going down. And maybe that's the nature of the seat itself, the position. But you know, it's like this town, I grew up on thinking this this town was for the rebels, the outsiders. You know, if you look at young MTV back in the day, they were the artists, the descendants of Kane, right? The guys who didn't play by the rules, did their own thing, questioned authority, you know, did all that stuff. And for some reason, it's changed a little bit. You know, and you know, with the Me Too stuff coming out, the blind following of Hillary Clinton and how nobody can come to grips with that, a woman could be evil. And this notion that,
Starting point is 01:03:15 you know, to judge a group of people, to judge somebody in a negative way based upon the group they're on is frowned upon society as it should be, right? If I go, Oh, that's a black guy. He's obviously a crack dealer. That is offensive, right? That is completely wrong. But in my opinion, it is as equally wrong to look at someone in power as good based upon being a woman or being a black man or being a Latino or whatever, or being a president or anybody. You know, yes, it is really bad to do identity politics with people in power because these people just like Jack Ass with the baby on the car will manipulate you. They'll manipulate your emotions. And that has, that is completely what was done with Hillary Clinton. And Trump is an asshole too. This is not a Trump
Starting point is 01:04:10 rally at all. I'm just saying like this town has done a real disservice to what it represents by blindly getting behind somebody and blindly hating somebody based on pre determined characteristics. Yeah, it seems like it's like been it's like a kind of perfect storm of the problem of social media sort of giving people these like rewards for saying pretty obvious non statements that like somehow seem brave. And then people get a bunch of likes for that. And then they start repeating these non statements. It gets addictive. They get addicted. And then they keep doing it. And then it's like you see like a funny person suddenly getting sucked into like a just essentially like a kind of seizure of need, because they don't really
Starting point is 01:05:03 like they're there. Sometimes you get the feeling that that's pretty much the limit of their social activism is tweeting pretty things that you and I like have been aware of for a long time probably when it comes to like if you've ever taken a healthy dose of LSD and spent any amount of time contemplating an American president, then you know there's something incredibly fishy going on there. And you probably know a lot more than that too, because it helps pull up on it helps unveil a lot of the conditioning or the scales on your eyes get lifted for a second. And you realize something that you actually said earlier in the podcast, which is it's the sometimes the people who are on stage and seem so clean and sweet and family friendly. It's shocking to realize
Starting point is 01:05:53 that the moment they get off stage, they're actually like really pissed off. They're angry. They're like sociopaths. They're crazy. And so when we look at like the networks, and we see this like parade of apparent health, like here's what healthy people are like, or even like here's what comedy looks like, or here's like look at the fucking host on the TV shows. This is like what a good successful man or woman looks like. And this is what it looks like when you're cool and clean. And so when people what are people are starting to realize, which is for us non shocking, but for as many people out there who've made the assumption that the thing they see on stage is the thing backstage, is that the entire collaboration that led up to some of these creations, whether it's the
Starting point is 01:06:39 collaboration to create an American president or the collaboration to create a family friendly sitcom, when they realize the thing by it within within that collaborative effort, there are fucking sociopaths. Yeah, there are pedophiles who are like praying on children and they've put themselves in positions of power. Yeah, they could have access when they realize that the the coven behind the magic is not a coven of white witches who are like like full house or whatever whatever it is whatever the thing. I don't know like how those people are in full house. I think a few of them gotten trouble. But like the classic thing you hear is like child stars. What happens to them? What happens to a child star when they get older? Sam usually they usually become drug addicts and
Starting point is 01:07:28 they crash and burn their life. We've seen a lot of that and you know, finish your point. I don't want to know that's that's it. Which is so you see what happens is the real tragedy when it comes to like the old way of doing TV, the network sitcom is you get these little children in there. Yeah, who get their childhood sort of like siphoned off of them so that their parents can make money. And the people quite often the people behind it. Wait, which show was it? Wasn't there like some weird show where the dude was like, had a foot fetish and it was always Nickelodeon. Right, what show is that all he basically it was the fat guy from ahead of the class. And he just released just he just got kicked out of Nickelodeon because it's all starting to come out.
Starting point is 01:08:14 And I mean, it did kick him out. Oh, he's got I'll tell you off thing all that all the stuff about him because you know, it's alleged, right? It's alleged. And you know, we've seen like all the girls alleged. I didn't know I mean, like, dude, I mean, that's what you're supposed to say. So if he hears this, he can't come and sue you, right? Yeah, I've been put my money on. We didn't even name a name. There's just some dude at Nickelodeon and some fat guy Nickelodeon. Yeah, it's alleged. But I but the point is, like, you know, if you watch that show, it's called an open secret. If you've seen that shit. Oh, yeah, dude. And that is 100 all that shit is real. And I you know, I was talking about way back in the day and everyone called me a crazy person. It's 100%
Starting point is 01:08:56 real, dude. If you look at like the little girl from Poltergeist, who just out of nowhere died. And then there's no story about it. Just gone, gone. You look at like Gary Coleman. What was that show? The facts of life? What was that? Was that the fact different strokes? I mean, the daughter on that her life was tragedy, dude, tragedy. And we've seen over and over these kids who were child stars, who became giant drug addicts. And later we find out because they were all getting molested. They were getting molested and passed around in these in these groups of things. And people don't think it could happen. 100% right. It does. But this is see this is like, okay, so like Carl Jung said this brilliant thing, which is that the leader of a country
Starting point is 01:09:45 can but if there is a collective shadow, I don't know if we talked about this in your podcast, but if there's so the idea is like, everybody has a shadow side, everybody, no matter who you are, I have a lot of dark passengers, but here's where you're right. But in like, I think what Jung said is like you the the parts of yourself that you're aware are dark. That's not your shadow. Your shadow is something that you aren't even aware. It's like, it's like almost on it. It's like unlookable at it's so dark. And it's like, so everyone's got one, everyone's got one. Everyone has a shadow is another new shade is just part of being alive. You're going to have like an antithetical aspect of crazy crazy. So what Jung said is that I believe was young that the
Starting point is 01:10:26 collective shadow of a society can manifest as their leader. So Adolf Hitler was the collective shadow of the repressed aspect of Germany at that time. And so when what happens is the thing that we're desperately trying to not acknowledge or hide, it ends up appearing in front of everyone and controlling them. So cool. So like the thing that you're talking about here with it's non different like with TV, with the church, with the Catholic church, with families, with actors, with with it's pretty much runs the gamut. And the problem is that there is a great deal of tension right now between the way people show themselves on stage, whether that stage is their desk, whether the stage is the the booth they work at at a movie theater, whether that stage
Starting point is 01:11:21 is whatever in the in the person that they actually are. And that tension is incredibly painful and incredibly dangerous. And it fucking drives people nuts because it bifurcates, you know, the person into a bunch of different entities and it scrambles them up. Anyway, the point is, we're just seeing a reflection right now, I get that of a deeper problem, which is that people have been taught by corporations and by schools and by parents to pretend to be something and or that's a great point. And it is great. And I personally believe there's there's a darker part to this, what you're talking about. There's always that theory that confession in the Catholic church wasn't done to get it out, but more to use to blackmail people,
Starting point is 01:12:13 you know, like now the church knows what you're guilty of and they'll they could give that information to somebody else, they'd come around and I stop you there for a second just to jump off that point. Yeah, this to me is the very the most hilarious fucking thing about the iPhone and all phones is that for some reason, you know, we're always like, Oh, our phones are being tapped by the government. Oh, our phones have been tapped by this and that. And for some reason, people don't think that like people at Google, they just assume like the people at Google aren't going into your emails. Yeah, they assume that the people at Apple aren't like turning your camera on. They assume that the people now you remember this shit was happening when I think
Starting point is 01:12:51 it was the FBI wanted Apple to crack the to unlock someone's phone. San Bernardino quote unquote shooter. They said who was the quote quote shooter. Yeah. And remember how Apple was like, we're not going to fucking do that. That's a slippery slope. Right. And the attorney for Apple came out and said some veiled threat. Do you remember that? They the attorney from Apple came out and said something along the lines of like, what if we started accusing the CIA of assassinating Kennedy? Do you remember that? It was a veiled threat. And the moment they did that, they fucking stop fucking with Apple. Yeah, because what Apple was saying is like, Hey, dumbasses, we have your phones. The president is using an iPhone. We know everything. Fuck off. Yeah. Fuck off.
Starting point is 01:13:39 That's a scary moment when a corporation becomes bigger than a government. They think about that because like, you know, I've always thought and live it if you got any libertarian listeners, I don't, I don't, I'm libertarian when it comes social. If you're waking setting adult, do what you want to do, you know, business wise. I mean, let's say you want to build a deck here on your new cool place. You got to get 1000 permits for that. I'm against that. That's unnecessary. And it's red tape and it's just a money grab. But it's like, if I go to work, I want to know that where I'm going, I'm not going to die. There's a chance I might not die because I'm unsafe workplaces. That to me is protections, which they smartly called
Starting point is 01:14:20 what's the fucking regulations and everyone goes crazy and regulations, right? But I do believe there's a part of me that believes that the whole libertarian movement is a Psyop by very big corporations to get a movement to say less government, less government, because the only people can stop a giant corporation. And we see it happening all the time in Europe. They kept kick out Monsanto's. They just kicked out one country just kicked out George Soros. You see them, the only people could stop giant corporations are in fact the government. So the best way to make sure that doesn't happen is to get a giant movement going. I can offer you a counter argument to that. That's fine. I'm cool to check out this counter argument. It's pretty cool. You'll like
Starting point is 01:15:06 it. It's like, so the counter argument to that is actually regulations are a way to link corporations. Maybe it's the same way we're saying the same thing. Actually, the idea is this. It's like, so all these fucking regulations, what it does is it produces a series of like, you know, hoops that somebody's got to jump through to get a lot to get a license to do this thing or that thing. Right. So you've got to do like a government inspector comes and looks at your fucking like bit whatever it is, the building, whatever it may be. And we're assuming the government inspector is like, authentically like not getting paid off. Most of the many of them are. Yeah. But the government inspector comes and looks at your building. Most people I know in town,
Starting point is 01:15:51 they're just like, yeah, you got to bribe them. No question about it. You got to bribe them. Like they come, you give them some money and they like pass your fucking shit. Yeah. So that's just that's just the way it is. Like I've talked to a few different business owners, you know? I mean, Oh, literally, they're like just from like, oh, yeah, they're $100, $200. What's a bribe? I don't know. What is that? They usually it's like, I've never bribed anybody, dude, like I'll give you an example. Okay. This is this happened a long time ago at the comedy store. I remember the fucking guy was he was a rapper. They were trying to create at on they were trying to create in right around the comedy store, something called a business something district where all the
Starting point is 01:16:30 businesses put money in to get their own private security. And like, it's like a weird thing that is somehow connected to the city. It's like a business control district or a business something district. And I think it fell apart. But for a little while, if you remember on Sunset Boulevard, there were dudes riding around on bikes and shit, I think it's called a business improvement district. Okay, right. So, Mitzi fucking hated that shit. She was like, what, fuck that's a fucking shake down because they wanted money. They wanted money to so each business puts in a certain amount of money for the bid, the business improvement district, right? You put in a certain amount of money. Now you've got a dude riding around on a bicycle, he's gonna like keep like
Starting point is 01:17:08 fucking like drunks off the street or just give the appearance that this is a safer place than it actually is. Oh, by the way, most security is just an appearance. Well, yeah, that's all exactly. You ever been to 711? They got that guy's security guard. And you're like, this dude's getting paid $10. He's not gonna stop anything from anything. Well, this is the great illusion is we all think we're safe when we're really not like death rides on everybody's shoulder at any second, you're gonna die. And that's the great big secret that nobody wants to admit. But that being said, the business improvement district, we this dude like as Mitzi wants to fight this fucking thing, she doesn't want to do it. And I remember like this dude comes by, I think he was
Starting point is 01:17:46 from the city, maybe from the business improvement, he comes by, I'm supposed to walk through the comedy store with him, we go behind the comedy store, standing in the alley outside the green room in the main room. And the guy looks at me, he's like, you know, man, we could have this fucking building torn down. It was not even like a, it was like not even a veiled threat. It was just like, Hey, dumbass, if you know if we wanted to, we could like really fuck your life up if you don't agree to this thing, which is really just a way we're going to suction, siphon some money away from the businesses. And that's not a, is that a bribe? I don't know. It's kind of a bribe. Isn't it saying, Hey, do you want to be cool with the city? Yeah, the problem is I can't remember
Starting point is 01:18:26 if the guy worked for the city or not. But so that's not really a bribe in the sense that it's no, it's a business improvement district. But it's a weird way of being like, Hey, guys, there's going to be an extra little tax we've come up with. And if you don't pay it, we're going to make trouble for you. Right. And is that a bribe? Or is it like, no, we just want to improve. But you know, we'll make so another way to put it is like, that's a bribe. Right. So we have this way of like making bribes not seem like bribes anymore. So anyway, the whole point is when we, when we come to the concept of regulation, which is certainly insert some, we need that shit. If you look at places where there, there isn't regulation, that's when the fucking tent collapses. The concert
Starting point is 01:19:05 Yeah, that's my whole point. But but where it gets weird, where the libertarians are like pointing out something that's certainly correct, more the anarchists and the libertarians, I think, even though the two are like one one leads to the other sometimes. But the idea is that actually what's happening is that, you know, we get when we look at like Soviet, the Soviet Union, and it's like the state is running everything, the state is running, yes, the fucking grocery stores, the state is running everything. And it's like a nightmare, right? Yeah. And in the West, we're like the state isn't doing that at all. The state's not running anything at all, except the state has come up with the way that you're supposed to train employees. The state has come up with
Starting point is 01:19:43 the forms you're supposed to fill out to make a business happen. The state has come up right all these regulations and the people who are working in the corporate offices of many of these massive, massive conglomerates used to be working in the government. Yeah. Government workers go to the banks. Yeah. People who work for the bank see it up all the time. So there is now this foggy, weird, like, membrane through which government workers become private workers who work for massive corporations and met people who work in massive corporations, become government workers. And now we see that there's actually a deep connection between these two things. And I think libertarians and anarchists are pointing out, fuck that, man, we don't want state run
Starting point is 01:20:28 goddamn businesses. We want there to be a separation. I completely agree with that. I completely agree with that 100%. But what I am talking about is this, like, when we get rid of regulations, the need ones, they're inevitably is a crash. And it's done on purpose because these giant, like Goldman Sachs, right? They literally, through law, they were allowed to create a profile, which they put all these bad real estate investments in. And they did it on purpose. Then they went to their investors and told them invest in this portfolio, knowing it was going to crash. And what they do, they went and they, they, they got insurance on that, meaning if it crashes, yeah, they get money. Yeah. And it crashed and they made so much money. That to me is a
Starting point is 01:21:21 major problem. So I don't know where the fine line is between necessary and abusive. You know, when you say that the company, when the city comes to the county store and goes, either pay us this, like this improvement thing, or we're going to shut down your bid, that to me is abuse. The, the thought that a company can tell its investors knowingly to invest poorly in this and it crashes, causing such a giant crash that the U S government has to throw a trillion dollars in to buy out bailouts and that these corporations budget this buyout into their budgets. That to me is chaos. I don't, I, so I don't, I don't have an answer. Well, what you're doing there though is you, you're creating a separation between the corporation and the, and the state.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Like, so the idea is like you're, that, that somehow the state has been victimized or manipulated by the corporation is though they weren't even, we weren't working in cahoots. But really when you look at it, what you start finding out is through, I mean, look at what's happening. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. Okay. I get that. So you're right. So like here we have like, so here we really, what's happening is the state has teamed up with corporations to siphon money from people through taxes. So really it's the government and the corporations are the same thing, but they've come up with a clever ways that they could siphon money from the people. That's what it is. I get what you're saying. So there's no, like, if there's a separation between
Starting point is 01:22:48 the two, then we could see that is kind of the narrative that gets thrown around is like, oh, no, the poor government, the poor United States government is being manipulated by the banks, is though the banks were separate from the fucking government. Please, please, please. Look at like, isn't that fascism when the government and corporations merge? Is that what considered fascism is? Corporateocracy, maybe? I don't know. I don't know what you call, I don't really know. I don't know the particular name for it. But to me, it seems like that was the big thing about Obama's Obamacare. It's the coalescing of power. Okay. So it's kind of like power will coalesce. Point Duncan Trussell. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Well, I have no
Starting point is 01:23:29 problem. David Graber is the utopia of rules. It's a fantastic book that like breaks all this shit down. It talks about like the intentionality to like, basically, there's like this idea of credentials, so credentialization. So it's kind of like, there's all these bullshit credentials. So here's how it works. I want to get credentialed to practice psychology. So to get credentialed to practice psychology, I have to go to school very expensive. So to go to school for most people, that means I have to, what? I have to get in debt to the banks to go to school to get credentialed. Yeah. So essentially, it's abroad because the thing that the training that I'm getting, do we really need it? How much of it do we really need? Do we need four years of it? Could it be
Starting point is 01:24:18 done in five months? Because do we need four years? But really, it's more than four years, more like eight years. So I've got to go get this credential for eight years. So eight years into debt. So really, at that point, what is happening is I'm saying to the banks, if you will give me the credential, so I can practice this thing or that thing, then I will tithe to you a percentage of my yearly income. Oh my God, that's so interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's the name of that book? It's called The Utopia of Rules by David Graber. It's really, really great. That's so interesting. It's really good. And so what you're seeing there, like, okay, so right now, everyone's like, you know, shitting bricks over Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, who was meeting with,
Starting point is 01:25:01 like, AT&T, I believe, and other governments and saying, I will give you access to the president for $500,000 for a million dollars, whatever it is, right? Right. And everybody's like, what the fuck is this shit? Yeah, crazy, crazy, right? But really, what that is, is it's just Trump doing what presidents have always done, but doing it in a sloppy fucking way. Yes. That's the gift of Trump. The gift of Trump is like, he's showing us, wait, this is exactly what presidents have always done. They've just been a little more subtle with their ways of making that fucking money flow into the private accounts. They're just a little more, Trump is just like kind of like clumsy. So like, he's like, and I think, you know, when people talk about the deep state and people being
Starting point is 01:25:45 upset with him, they're not upset with him because he seems to be like, has a short fuse. They're upset with him because he's giving away all their tricks. He's like a bad magician at the magic castle who's coming out and he's like, he's showing all this fucking shit that the other great misogynists, everyone's like, wait, that's a trick. I know how to do that now. That I think is why people are so upset with him. They're like, dude, we figured out a way to trick people into thinking you're God, you're God and you're fucking giving it all away. That's what I think is the problem with Trump. You know, that's great. Yeah. Yeah. That is so true. And as I've always said, like the difference in Obama and the difference between Trump is like, it's like you're, you're, you're
Starting point is 01:26:26 significant others cheating on you. Do you want to know about it or don't you want to know about it? If you want to know about it, that's Trump. If you don't want to know about that's Obama. There you go. That's a great way to put it. It's just the secret is right out there on the tape. It's really not that much of a secret. It's like, but come on, friends, really, really, really, really, you think American politicians are not being paid off to make decisions. You think they're making decisions based on their constituency. Right. Come on. Really? You really think that some of them maybe, but all them, I don't know. It's like doping in baseball, isn't it? It's like if one of them starts getting paid off, all them kind of have to start getting paid off, or they don't have
Starting point is 01:27:00 the money to run their fucking election campaigns. So it's like, to me, that's the, the, the, what, what we're seeing in the, and that's one of the great gifts of Trump is it's like, let's stop fucking pretending that the state is some kind of golden shining God. This is not, it's no, so it's it, North Korea, North Korea, everyone's like, my God, they really thought that Kim Jong-un is a God. Those savages, how could they think that? Can you imagine that an American president told a lie? It's no different. It's like, it's a fucking human. Or you like to get peed on, or you like to have weird sacks and grab somebody by the pussy. Can you imagine the thought of this town getting so upset about grabber by the pussy? I don't get it. I don't know. Is it that they, they were trying to
Starting point is 01:27:53 show the powers that be that they're going to play ball by going absolutely nuts over grabber by the pussy? Well, Sam, that's offensive. Yeah, it is offensive, but we got to look at where the playing field in which this is, this is happening. I don't, I, like, when people get outraged by that and, and like, when you look at Clinton's, they've been on a fucking Lolita Express 22 times. Right. Well, but again, it's like that, the assumption here is that people, number one, the assumption is that what you're seeing on social media is all coming from actual humans and not, you know, bots, bots, which goes back to our manipulation. Yeah. So, so you do run into like astroturfing, they call it. So who knows? I mean, what I, what I would like is, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:40 I think what we, is a pretty normal, nice thing to want is for our leader to be not perfect, but for our leader to be an example of what we can do as a country. Like we want our leader to be like, dude, look at us. That's us. That's not a reflection of our shadow. That's a reflection of all of us and some of it's stupid and some of it's annoying, but really, man, that's a cool motherfucker. Like I like that person for real. Maybe he's not telling the truth or she's not telling the truth all the time. That's a cool motherfucker. That's what he, like what you were saying, most of these people are being pranked. They're really nice. Yeah. And most Americans, they're amazing. Yeah. And really what they want is a president who's like their kids can look at
Starting point is 01:29:23 and be like, that's a cool guy. They don't really care that much, but you want your kid to look at the president and be like, man, that's a, that's a wonderful human. Maybe not perfect, but he's pretty great. Right. And so when like Trump, all this shit comes out about this dude being this fucking like pig and being this fucking thing that many of the people who are upset about it, if they really scan back in their history, maybe they've done some shit they're not so proud of, but it's like, God damn it, man, you fucking please, please, if you're going to fucking, if you're going to con me, please don't let me know I'm being conned because then I can't sleep as well. Right. Right. Right. And this, this is what scares people, especially in the conspiracy
Starting point is 01:30:01 world, man. They get very scared. They don't hate you. Like, because people get angry with me. They get angry. I mean, it's, it's gotten weird at the store a couple of times. People can say passive aggressive stuff to me very much that I have, I have to let it go. Yeah. Because if I, if I go back, then I'm the aggressor and I'm the asshole. So I just have to let it roll. And they're not assholes. I just know there's that deep down side they're scared they're getting lied to and they don't because they know me. They know me. They met with me. They've interacted a thousand times. You know, the next guy, you know, the next guy I fuck over is the first guy I fuck over. You know, I purposely operate like that. Yeah. That I try not, you
Starting point is 01:30:48 know, they know me. They don't know these people, but they trust these people and they've been getting told the stuff by these people for a very long time and the thought and I come in with something different and they get scared that they are getting lied to. Well, you just have to, you're right. And you're triggering something that's like for a lot of people. The idea like what here's like, I don't know if you've ever been conned before. I've ever been conned. No, I've had moments where I'm like, I think I'm getting catfished. You know, when you had a conversation with someone on the internet, you're like, this is too good to be true. You know, I think I gotta, I gotta get out of this thing. So we've ever seen that terrifying movie. There's two versions of it.
Starting point is 01:31:28 There's a remake of it. There's original. It's called funny games. You ever seen that? No, I have not. So this is like a really disturbing movie. And the movie starts off with these people at a vacation home. There's a knock at the door and these two dudes are at the door. They say they're from the house down the street. They need some eggs, right? Like, can we borrow some eggs? You know, we didn't, they're like kind of weird, but it's like, oh yeah, sure. And they, they bring them some eggs, right? And the, uh, the, the, the guys like drop the eggs. And they're like, oh my God, we're so sorry. I'm so sorry. Do you have any more? And they get the woman goes and gets some more eggs and brings it to them. And they drop the eggs again. What the fuck is happening?
Starting point is 01:32:07 They mean to drop the fucking eggs? Oh, this is creeping me out. So then like what happens is like they kind of start acquiescing to what obviously is, is not right. And another, if you really want to see the perfect example of it, Sam, by the way, we're at 404. You got to be somewhere traffic, whatever you need, perfect example of it. I just need you to talk about one thing before we go. Sure. Magic schools. Oh yeah. Mysteries. We'll get to that. This actually kind of connects. Okay. So like if you want the perfect example of this, it's fucking Rosemary's baby. When was the last time you saw Rosemary's baby forever? Okay. You need to watch it again. Cause if you look at Rosemary's baby, spoiler alert, Rosemary becomes the mother of the Antichrist. Rosemary's
Starting point is 01:32:48 the mother of the Antichrist and her and her husband move into a building where they are gradually manipulated by Satanic witches. She gets raped by the devil, um, and, and, and, and ends up giving birth to the Antichrist. Now, if you look at Rosemary in particular, who it's a really interesting type of protagonist and you realize like in many ways she committed like a really kind of atrocious sin, which is that she kept acquiescing instead of sticking up for herself. It's like people. She was people pleasing. She wanted to believe these people were okay when she knew they weren't. And she kept saying, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And then she ends up rocking the fucking cradle of Satan. So I think the, the, the film in a lot of ways is
Starting point is 01:33:39 a commentary on people pretending to be victims when in fact they are actually like, they've actually opened the door to vampires, to demons. They welcomed the vampires in. Yes. Right. So, so I think like that, that is, is so interesting. Yeah. And that's for a lot of people. They want to imagine that the state of things, the condition of things is, has been imposed upon them and that they haven't in a lot of different ways acquiesced to this. And so anyway, the point is wrote, it's easier to be hanging around people and playing the game of pretending they're not fucking using you than to confront them. Because if you confront them, now you've got to fight. Yeah. You know, now, now, now the gigs up, now you got to fight, you have to wake up, you have to fight,
Starting point is 01:34:28 and it fucking sucks. And this is, this happens in families where there's abuse, which is this abuse has been going on and on and on and everyone fucking knows it, but they don't want to destroy the fucking family. And so they stay quiet. They would rather great example, Penn State, same thing. Exactly. They don't want to ruin the program. Michigan State, same thing. Exactly. Catholic church. Same thing. And so, so we have this like, so like, for example, with Obama, there's just some facts out there. And one of the facts is that Obama under his administration, they deported, now this might have changed. I don't know if Trump's caught up with him yet, but under Obama, they deported more people than all American presidents combined, all American presidents
Starting point is 01:35:17 combined. You can look this up. This is not a radical far right, all right fact. This is true. It's correct. You can look it up. I remember like getting in online, this somebody came at me so hard and was attacking and attacking me. I'm like, Hey, look, I just want to show you this fact. This is a fact. And they like, they had to like gradually what she said, which is really close. Like, you know what? I'm just scared. And I'm like, I know, I know that's what it is. I don't remember exactly how the interaction went. It was something like that. But my point is that the difference between Obama and Trump is Obama made it seem like he was this kind of sophisticated sweetie. And I guarantee he is on certain levels, but also he had a lot of people
Starting point is 01:36:00 deported. He ordered a lot of fucking violence to happen in the world. He was part of this thing in that thing where many people who were who had done nothing wrong were killed for for in the name of what? Yeah, you know, and so this this is true. Just know that the Nobel Peace Prize winning president is the first president in history of the United States to from day one to his last day was in war. He's the only president to ever be in war the every day of his but but you know, again, not not I mean, I'm not defending her. I know I get I've always called Obama what people get upset with is is I compare Obama or like, I like to draw the Manson like we everyone's upset with Charles Manson. But it's like, wait, he didn't really he didn't do anything. He just ordered
Starting point is 01:36:49 people to kill people. But he was in jail forever. But that's what every American president does. They like because they're these I get that are these charismatic leaders that events people to murder for them. And then the people that they've convinced a murder for them are some of the great very sweet, wonderful people who just want to help. They actually use this terrible trick. It's a really terrible, terrible trick, which is like humans. We want to build shit together. We like to build stuff together. I got that we love it. We love and we love to serve each other like humans like to give things to each other. We love to help humans Americans, man, we fucking love to help. Yes, war is there's no better place for you to help your your your your friends. There's no better
Starting point is 01:37:33 tribe to build shit with your tribe and and to save lives. And you can do it under the illusion these days that what you're doing is for some just cause. And the whole fucking things falling apart now is we look at Iraq. We look at like all these things that happen. And we think what was that for? Why did that happen? Yes, we took our best people and we put them into a situation of an absurd situation. And now they come back here with PTSD. They come back here and they kill themselves because they're dealing with this kind of cognitive dissonance that comes from a sense of like, man, I wanted to help. Right. I wanted to fucking help. I concur. I wanted to help. I came I came there because I wanted to fucking help. I joined the military.
Starting point is 01:38:26 I wanted to fucking help. I saw the buildings on fire. I wanted to fucking help. I wanted to help. I didn't want that to happen. I love this country. I wanted to help. These are good people, you know, and they got sucked into a thing. Oh, it's so sad. It is sad. It's completely sad. And it's like people don't want to come to grips with a lot of that stuff. People don't like to talk about the 9-Elevens and all that stuff because it scares them. The notion that somebody who's on, you know, there's good evidence that Hitler was a Rothschild, you know, there's a lot of evidence to that. Well, I mean, you can, I mean, instead of saying there's good evidence, I think the way to go, I don't know if you're right or wrong, is to point to what is true. Bear aspirin. Just start fucking
Starting point is 01:39:07 there. You know about Bear aspirin? Fuck boy, they're making cyclon B. You know what I mean? So if you start looking at the way that many corporations, because everyone's like, you know, the Nazis, what do you think those fucking Nazis, what happened to them? Where do you think they went? You think they all just vanished? They entered an expansion draft. They got drafted by England, Russia, and the United States. And the ones that didn't get drafted either went down to Argentina or they were thrown like they were thrown on trial. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, if you look at the number of Nazis that like ended up being like there were war criminals and got hung versus the number of Nazis that were when you look at Hitler giving that speech and like
Starting point is 01:39:49 everyone's scattered out there, it looks like it's like they based the fucking Star Wars scenes in Star Wars off of that where it's like this like infinite display of these people. Like you, where do you think they, what do you think happened to them? These were skilled people. These were trained people. These were very deeply indoctrinated brainwashed people. Where do you think they went? You think they just vanished? You think they just disappeared? Well, it's come on. Where did they go? Where did they go? Where what happened to them? They evolved. Many of them, they figured out a way to like do what they were doing in a way that didn't seem so fucking overt. That shit's not going to work. That form of imperialism, that doesn't work anymore. That's over now. It's gone.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Like it's not going to work. So we have to, you know, if the impulse is to conquer, we're going to have to convert that conquering impulse into a way that's palatable to the majority of people to subjugate. Well, we can't subjugate in the way that's advised by the prince these days. So my Machiavelli's book, The Prince, we have to figure out another way to subjugate. We have to figure out another way to do it, you know? And so to me, the comfort is this. It's what's happening is not different. It's just concealed enough. That's all. It's an evolution of imperialism. And in a lot of ways, there's something about that that's comforting in a lot of ways. It just depends on the way you
Starting point is 01:41:12 want to look at it because here's the truth. We are living in a time where more people have access to electricity than ever before. We're living in a time where literacy rates are higher than they've ever been before. We're living in a time where infant mortality rates are lower than they've ever been before. We're living in a time of compared to other times in human history, of great prosperity. And we're living in a time where there's a lot of beauty that's happening. Of course. But because of that, the darkness, when it appears, it is freaks everybody out. Way more, way louder, way more intense, way more intense. And I think there's something beautiful in that because it means that things are getting better, truly things are getting better. The fact
Starting point is 01:41:57 that now we're upset because one of our leaders said, grabbed by the fucking pussy, when you look back in the history of leaders, oh my God, they're lopping fucking heads off of there. They're just like, they're fucking like Vlad the Impaler. He's fucking putting people on goddamn spikes in front of his fucking castle. Yeah. So I think there's something beautiful that the immune system of society has become activated just by a kind of like creepy ass fucking, cunty, brutish, sexual, deviant president. I think there's something in it that's quite hopeful. It's just we don't want to act. And how do we act? And what is the way to like make things to like rip the veil off of things and make things better? I think the fact that Stormy Daniels just got the key to West
Starting point is 01:42:45 Hollywood yesterday and isn't at the fucking bottom of a river has shown we've grown a little bit. That is it. And as long as we keep our eyes on that, yeah, instead of getting so terrified by realizing like, no, these are the machinations of power, power coalesces, power manipulates, power seduces, power subjugates, power like doesn't really care about like you or doesn't care about hurting power just wants to have more power. This is just the way it is. As long as we like look at it from that perspective of like this isn't some unnatural volcano of satanism. It's just what we're beginning to see is the revelation of how things actually are. And eventually it's going to get to the point where we have to act and we are acting many of us.
Starting point is 01:43:28 And that brings us to the mystery schools, which is that Sam and I were talking about this. Yeah, you blew my mind. It was so funny because I had you on speakerphone laying in my bed with my girlfriend and you were you like, you don't know what mystery schools are. I go, no, what are mystery schools? You're like, you don't know what mystery schools are. I'm like, no, you're like, you're a conspiracy theorist. I was like laughing. When I got off the phone, my girlfriend's like, dude, you got to act like you know what mystery school your girlfriend's awesome. It's conspiracy theorists talking are so funny because one huge part of being a conspiracy theorist, if that's what you call us having a conversation is at one point someone's got
Starting point is 01:44:05 to be like, what? Yeah, you don't know that. Let me tell you this. And that's why I do love my podcast now because I have learned so much in life and there is so much knowledge out there that the thing is it's like what I've said, you know, I did tape Fletcher's podcast a long time ago and I was always talking about how so many people just take the first exit off the road in their life. The first exit off is what they take and it leads to this job that never fulfills them when if they maybe would have gone two or three more exits down, they could have been somewhere very, very exciting. And so the knowledge that is out there, a lot of people just take the low hanging fruit knowledge and they don't crawl a couple branches up to some really interesting
Starting point is 01:44:54 knowledge. Yeah. And that's what this my podcast, Tim Foil Hat has done for me, Tim Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli, is it's really opened my mind to a lot of interesting things that I would never have known unless, you know, we dug deep and went for it. Yeah. And a lot of people don't, you know, they don't want to go up the tree and they don't want to they like they like where they're at on the tree and that's totally okay. I mean, that's kind of like, I think one of the ethical sort of considerations, like if you if you like if you want to sort of construct an ethical power structure that isn't really based on subjugation, then or you'd want to like, in other words, like if you if you were kind of like recognize that in the world, there is
Starting point is 01:45:40 just a never ending BDSM party happening that isn't based on consent. You know, sort of look out of the world, you look at the natural world, you look like when a when a fucking beetle eats an ant or whatever, when a beetle like sprays acid on an ant before eats it, it's not being like, Hey, do you mind if I spray acid on you and make you a part of me? Yeah. It just does it. It just takes it. You look at like, man, this great video popped up on Reddit of just like, these birds eating some corpse, which is just if you look at the natural word, I think the birds are eating a bird corpse. So like all these birds are sitting chowing down on some dead bird, basically like a scene from The Walking Dead, they're just like, we're eating bird, we're eating our friend,
Starting point is 01:46:26 eating Jerry. And then like an eagle just comes walking up, doesn't even threaten them. And they're just like, All right, lunch is over. And the eagle just starts eating the dead bird. So you look at the natural world and you see that. Or another way to put it is there's rock slides, avalanches, there are things that happen just, just K, K, like, just absolute natural, just, you know, people get hit by lightning, people just people, you know, just accidents happen, you know, that you look at that, okay, well, Jesus Christ, there's like, when you look at that, like, that doesn't seem really fair. And then you look at plants, you know, like, kudzu will just wrap around another fucking tree and kill it. And you look at that and
Starting point is 01:47:06 like, Oh, that doesn't really seem fair. And then you're kind of like, Oh, I guess, but with humans, all that, even though we do seem to be the end product of an evolutionary process with us, that stops. Yes, with us, we're not really like that. So but with us, it is like that. It's just the way we do it is more nuanced, the way we do it is more camouflaged and clever. And so if you wanted to create a way to sort of disengage from a lot of guilt for being a subjugator, then what you would want to do is produce an equal playing field, which is like, Hey, if you guys want to hang out down at that part of the tree, you're welcome to hang out down there. But if you're hanging out in that part of the tree, you're going to be working for, for us up here in
Starting point is 01:47:51 upper parts of the tree in different ways. Yes. But we're up here. We're leaving the symbols and the signals and we're leaving it everywhere right in front of you. It's right there in front of you. It's right there. All you got to do is just don't take that exit. Or if you took the exit, go back on the highway and just do it. And if you do that, we're going to help you even. That's the other part of it is like, we will help you once you start like once you're like, All right, I'm going for it. So interesting. We're going to help. So anyway, here's the concept. I love that. The mystery schools to understand mystery schools start with regular schools. So if you look at like the school system, we've got high schools and college and junior high
Starting point is 01:48:26 schools, right? So you go to high school and you do good enough. We do well enough in high school and you have a good GPA or you demonstrate this. You go private school real quick. No, I did not regular school. You get a good GPA or whatever you demonstrate that you're this thing or that thing. You work super hard. Maybe you're great at sports, whatever it is. Then suddenly, you no longer have to get in debt to the banks to go to another school. Actually, the other school will like recruit you school, right? Schools will like try to get you to go to their school, right? So now you go to university, the Ivy League schools as they're called. And it's like getting into them is really, really difficult. But once you get into those Ivy League schools, what fucking happens? You get
Starting point is 01:49:05 in the Ivy League schools, you join the skull and bones, right? Become part of this fraternity or that fraternity. And then once you join those groups, then suddenly you begin to like, you have access to children of some very, very powerful people. But you're going to become the powerful people because you're meeting their children, you become friends with them. And then in that process of grooming you and teaching you and giving you information that isn't accessible to people who don't want to go into debt to the banks or can't get in there, you gain a kind of power. You start learning all this stuff. And then from learning that stuff, then you get into politics and then suddenly the next thing you know, you're the president, you're a senator, you're running
Starting point is 01:49:41 things. And then everyone's shitting bricks because they're like, he was a member of the skull and bones. So really what you're seeing there is what some people say is a reflection of a completely different type of school system that exists outside of the scope of popular culture. Okay. So in the same way that there are universities like Harvard or Yale or whatever, there's also other universities within those universities. No, there's other universities that aren't even like universities. Yeah. And so this is the Freemasons. This is when I was interviewing Sean Stoney. He's talking about he's a Freemason and then within, but once you become a Freemason and you get through a certain number of degrees, you actually can get tapped or invited
Starting point is 01:50:27 into other fucking schools all together that people don't even know about. Like if you look at the Freemasons or you look at like, you look at that, that's actually just a kind of like an inflow point. It's kind of like a tentacle. I think I've told you this before. I love it so much that Douglas Adams wrote that mice are actually the end of the tentacles of interdimensional creatures who come into this dimension to study scientists, right? Like scientists are always working with mice, but mice are like actually like studying the scientists. But anyway, that's a dumb joke. That's so funny. So in the same way, like the Masonic temples or the protrusion of the end of a tentacle that's connecting to a capillary system, a very powerful force that's
Starting point is 01:51:19 designed to allow people who are interested in learning, climbing up the tree to have a chance. And then once you get in there and you demonstrate some kind of, you know, I don't know the way to put it, well, you didn't demonstrate a certain type of intention, then from that demonstration, you get invited into deeper and deeper and deeper parts of the temple, so to speak. So it's like, these are universities, mystery schools are like universities that aren't real universities. They're kind of just like, oh, I go to this Mason Lodge and I join the Masons and I slowly learn through that. These are universities that universities were based on. They're as real as it gets. It's just the universities tried to like become like
Starting point is 01:52:06 mirrors of the thing that existed for much longer than the universities. So no, the mystery. Is there a Mason University? No, I think what Sean Stone was saying is like, by becoming a Freemason, you get inducted into a society where there are secrets and then you You learn these secrets. Yeah. And once you start learning those secrets, you're being tested and they're testing you to see like, well, do you have a big fucking mouth? And if you have a big fucking mouth, they're like, all right, well, we're going to let you stay at this level, even though you might think you're progressing. They're just like, we're going to keep you at this level because we you're going to disseminate the wrong types of information that people aren't ready
Starting point is 01:52:41 for. Interesting. Yeah. But also that being said, if maybe they recognize that you have a good intent, then they're like, okay, okay, we're going to let you catch on to certain things and say it publicly. But really, you think you're the one saying the thing publicly. Actually, we're just ready to get this information out in the world because we think that people are ready to level up. We want to send an invitation out, which is like, Hey, listen, come, we're there. Don't worry. It's cool. You're not crazy. We've been around for a lot longer than the United States government. We're around a lot longer than this thing or that thing. And when you're ready, we're here for you. Don't worry. It's okay. You're just as safe as that bug. You're just as safe as that fucking bird.
Starting point is 01:53:22 You're just as safe as any other thing in the natural world, which is to say you're not fucking safe at all. But that's okay because that's the way things go. And then the illusion of security. Yeah. And it's like, look, these people over here, they don't see shit. They don't see shit. They're walking around with their hands in their pocket or their fucking eyes on their phone or their eyes on the prize. They got their eyes on the prize. They want to make some money. They want to make some money. That's okay. Let them go make their money. You know, but if you realize like, wait a minute, I think that's a fucking, that's it. That's just a cat toy. All those green bills. That's just that fuzzy little pink thing bobbing around. Once you start realizing that, you know, like, wait a
Starting point is 01:54:02 minute, I don't think I'm going to look at that anymore. I don't think I'm going to look at the alerts on Fox News anymore. I think I'm going to go start looking in different places. Yeah. That's where you meet them. I love that. I love meeting people in different places. I love hearing about it. That's a big thing in my podcast is I just don't judge people. Like some people listen, get really angry because I don't challenge people on stuff. But that's not really what I'm about. I'm more about, okay, I have you on. Let's assume what you're saying is real. Tell me about what you've learned. Yeah. And then either you, you like it and you keep it with you or you go, oh, that's crazy. You throw it out and you move on. You know what I'm saying? Damn right. And I
Starting point is 01:54:39 enjoy that dude. Well, that's why you got such a great fucking podcast man. Nobody wants like, come on. Yeah, no, duh. You could like attack somebody because they said this thing like really you're going to like get into a fucking like political argument or like some kind of argument with somebody who like says they saw Bigfoot. It's like, let them tell you their fucking Bigfoot story. Like what is it? Like what happened? Who are you? And you never know because within that space that you create some real truth can come out. For sure. We had this 85 year old man who's been on Ancient Aliens talking about Anunnaki and I'm like, and then like the third you're like, dude, why do you I'm like, dude, that's not the show. The show isn't challenging you. There are
Starting point is 01:55:19 shows that are like that. This is not that show. This is like I get conspiracy theorists who tend to be like street dogs beating down constantly because they like like a Kanye West, whatever you want to say about that guy. He literally said we should give Trump a chance. We need to stop with the diversity and he got pounding on and that happens on smaller levels all the time with people who see it a little different. So I like to take those people interview them and go, what are you saying? I'm not here to beat them down like they are everywhere. I want to hear what they have to say and let the listener glean what they want off it. I think that's a great I mean because I think it's a it's a the job of someone doing the kind of show that you're doing is not to suddenly function
Starting point is 01:56:05 as the discriminatory ability in the listener's mind. It's their job to listen to me like I don't think that's real because you're letting someone say something doesn't necessarily mean you believe it. It's just like you're letting them sing their song. It's like let them sing their song and then if you don't believe it go you do the research you check it out. Was that real? Is Hitler a fucking Rothschild? I don't fucking know. I'll look it up though. See what the data is and like whether that even impacts my life or not probably not in the sense that like I'm pretty pretty convinced that like um in the same way that we're looking at like you know Kim Jong-un who's like seems to and I think he really does want to like not be a uh I think the kid wants isolated. I think that guy
Starting point is 01:56:49 wants to party. I think Kim Jong-un wants to fucking go have some fun. He's stuck with all these old goddamn military cunts. Yeah. He's like trapped in some stupid predicament. He probably wants to date a couple hot black chicks. Dude he yeah he's like fucking he's and I'm not saying like yeah no you don't understand he's running the cabs killing the dad. Yeah sure sure he is. I know he is. He's fucking I'm sure and like the son of a bitch feels terrible or doesn't feel terrible but I guarantee that compared to his dad he's a few shades lighter in the sense of like being like kinder. A few shades more compassionate. Yeah. He has access to the internet. He goes on reddit. Yeah. He watches fucking you know what I mean. You know what I mean the guy and but the guy's
Starting point is 01:57:31 surrounded by some crusties probably right. I totally agree. And if you look at his predicament and the predicament of the American people or the people who are in the government right now we want things to get better. They're surrounded by crusties too. Neocons, neoliberal. Right. And so it's like we're looking at a real kind of like interesting shit. So interesting. Yeah. And I think it's really quite beautiful. I think what's happening is like quite I think it's beautiful. And I think that there's a lot of forces at play here that have benevolent intentions and are just figuring out a way to like make things unfold without there being a global conflagration. I think it's interesting. Meanwhile someone's going to play this shit after like
Starting point is 01:58:10 World War three breaks out. You idiots listen. You are totally wrong. Now is everything seem okay. That actually happened to me. I put out we recorded up so way to week to put it out and the information changed a little bit. So I had to put out a disclaimer before to just let people know it's like this guy was nice enough to come down due to show. So I won't put out his episode and I you know because I appreciate what his his time and effort. Yeah. And then it changed again. So it's just like okay then it kind of worked out. It's a process where you when no matter what you want to think about life you must admit it's a process. We're in a process. Everyone that you see is in process. When you see a person who's an asshole don't think that person's permanently
Starting point is 01:58:49 an asshole think that person is in the part of the process where there's still a fucking asshole. And just know that most people they're growing. They're changing in a positive way. They're just in a process right now. And that's important to realize you're not looking at the some total of a being you're looking at a frame of their yes. I think and we do that a lot with it. Yeah. I totally agree. Tripoli you. I love chatting with our talks are coming back on the show. Can I I don't know when this is going to come out. I'm going to put it up on the Patreon right now and when do you need it out. Well June 1st I have a big show. OK so we'll just put no we'll just put this out right away.
Starting point is 01:59:29 I'm doing I've been very blessed live nation all things comedy are presenting a tinfoil hat comedy not comedy and conspiracy night. We're going to be at the Cobbs comedy club in San Francisco and then we're going to be at Punchline in Sacramento. It's myself Eddie Bravo off the grid Ryan who says Holly Krishna to you. And then my good friend Tres Mala from Vegas. We're going to be doing a basically an hour of stand up and then we're going to be doing a Q&A with the crowd. So Cobbs is a big one. If the shows go well we're going to go tour. They're going to put us on tour. So I'm super stoked. I'm very the fact that a giant corporation like Live Nation is giving something like tinfoil hat and people really got mad at me when I said
Starting point is 02:00:16 tinfoil. Well why would you call it that. It's like the same NWA. You're like taking it all back. I googled the other day like tinfoil hat. I want to see where I am. I'm number five when you put it in tinfoil hat. My goal is to get at the top to take back the craziness of that of that label. So it's a big tour June 1st Cobbs in San Francisco June 2nd in Sacramento. Friends go support this beautiful person. It's so fun. It's such a wonderful thing to get out there in the world. Also a brilliantly funny comedian. So head out there especially if you're in a mystery school. Let's recruit the sun up again. I love that. I love that. Cool. Thank you Sam. You're the best. You're the best. Thanks for listening everybody. That was Sam Tripoli.
Starting point is 02:00:57 Go see the tinfoil hat comedy night over at Cobbs and the punchline in Sacramento Cobbs in San Francisco. Much thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode. Remember go to squarespace.com forward slash Duncan for a free trial when you're ready to launch East Africa Duncan to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or a domain. Thank you to all my Patreon subscribers and thanks to you for listening to this episode of the DTFH. May your life be filled with love, sweetness, abundance, peace, joy and never ending hyper accelerating orgasms that are gradually making you remember your true identity and eternal soul enjoying the ocean of time like a dolphin surfing the waves towards the shores of infinity.
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