Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 294: Abby Martin

Episode Date: July 7, 2018

The host of the empire files joins the DTFH and we chat about the AMERICAN EMPIRE!!! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Macy's friends and family. Get an extra 30% off great gifts for her just in time for Mother's Day when you use your coupon or Macy's card. And take 15% off Beauty Essentials or shop specials she'll love while supplies last. Plus Star Rewards members earn on every purchase except gift card services and fees at Macy's. Sign up today at Macy's dot com slash star rewards. Savings off regular sale and clearance prices, exclusions apply. What's up, what's up, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Praise him. It's AM 429 the morning with Kev and my boy Clint. Hey, Clint. How you doing, man? Hey, man. I'm hanging in there. You know, the commute was a little brutal this morning, but I'm glad to be alive and I'm glad to be in his kingdom.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Absolutely. I listened to AM 429. You're in his kingdom. AM 429 TBZ. Here we are. Bo and Clint. Let's take another one. Let's look at the news.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Have you been paying attention to this story? Try not to. Honestly, you know, I don't look at it anymore. I listen to it because, you know, actually, what I meant to say was I smell it. Yeah. And it smells bad. It smells bad. There's just so many bad smells now.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I think of my Bible as a loaf of bread fresh out of the oven. And any time I want to, I could take a smell of that delicious buttered bread. All the slice. I'd love to give you one. I know a lot of kids used to roll blunts with Bible pages and I was always like, no, no, no, not for me. Yeah. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I had that experience behind the bleachers. Yeah. One of my friends, Daryl Schnau, he has since committed suicide. AM 429. But yeah, I remember he tore a page out of the... Maniscus? That hurts. Oh, la, la!
Starting point is 00:01:56 A Maniscus Book 5 chapter, LeBron, I can't believe I went to the Lakers, but, you know... What hurts worse? Your knee or your wallet, because those Maniscus operations, they're expensive. I think they try to figure out what you got and they try to make it balance out. So you stop thinking about how much it hurts because you're thinking about how much it hurts the pocketbook. So this is like the new OxyContin is freaking out over how much your medical bill is? That's what I hear.
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's what I hear. You know, this just came in. If you hear about this, it's something called digital drugs. Digital drugs. Say what? I'll read it to you. Here it is. It just came in off the hotline.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Digital drugs. Are your kids using digital drugs? Special frequencies that go from high to low using binaural, binaural, binaural, I don't know. I don't know. Binaural headphones going from high to low and low to high at the same time creates something in a euphoric effect and the listener often called digital drugs. Well, why don't we take a download of one of those and play it for the listener?
Starting point is 00:03:03 I don't know about that. Okay, well, we'll take a listen. I want to hear some of this digital. Abby, can we hear some of this? There's no way this stuff could work. I mean, I don't do drugs, so obviously I can listen to the word of God. I can listen to some digital, quote unquote, digital drugs, right? Hey, let me tell you something right now.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Abby? If the word of drugs is God, then I'm a God-y. I'm a drug addict. Let's, I am 429. I'm a drug addict. Let's play this. So whatever this is, this is still got a digital sound. I guess it's going to make us all high.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Clean the bow in the morning. We're going to play this for you now, guys. I'm sure you'll be fine, but this is something off of a, what the hell is that? Be careful. You've lost me at the word, the W-W-W. If I see three letters next to each other, I'm like, I'm out. My niece, my niece came up to me the other day. She's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:04:07 She's so cute. Thank you so much. She's a delightful, darling, darling child. Gloria, I love you if you're out there listening. She comes up to me with her iPad or whatever I pick, whatever you call these things. It's the size of a GD couch. Giant. It's bigger than her head.
Starting point is 00:04:23 She comes up to me with this thing and she's, she's, she's won me to punch in some kind of series of buttons and my thumb print here and then my social there and all this crazy stuff. I know. What are you doing, Gloria? 429. You were rushing hacker, you know? Yeah, that stuff's all malarkey.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Honestly. Debra, do we have it? Okay. Do we got it? I guess we got it. All right, let's go ahead and play that file. Yeah. I don't want to be used by you, I don't want to be used by you, I don't want to be used
Starting point is 00:05:41 by you, I don't want to be used by you, I don't want to be used by you, I don't want to be used by you. Yeah, from the internet, you're, yeah, from that, that sphere of mycelium inner, inner connected influence. My, mycelium. Well, I don't know. I don't even know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I mean, we only, we only went on a date. Did I say that word? Just kidding. I don't know. What? All right. We've got a lot of stuff coming up here this hour, Taco Bell, I guess, is changing the color of cheese.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Did you hear about this? Oh, yeah. I heard they're changing the color of cheese to like this glowing, inner pulsating connection. They're going to change the color. I don't know why, but I guess, you know, if you're not on board with the color of the Taco Bell cheese, then I guess you're not on board with cheese. How do they get all those delicious ingredients into one burrito? I think you got to not ask that question pretty much, just here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You go there, you get it, you eat it, then you ask the question. And that's why you're my best friend. We're going to jump right back into this wonderful show. But first, some quick business. A.M. 49. Look. Every time you breathe, it smells like a great proper, opened up a coffin in the summer
Starting point is 00:07:36 heat. Every exhalation. It is a class formation, makes your living room smell like a dead man's heat. Quip, you should use quip. Why not use quip? This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by Quip. The truth is, most of us are brushing our teeth wrong, not for long enough, and forget to change our brush on time.
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Starting point is 00:08:58 You don't want to put your brush too close to the toilet in a hotel. Don't put your brush right, a lot of us, we get to a hotel, the first thing we do, we dip our brush in the toilet. Don't do that. Take that brush, use the quip suction, stick it to the mirror far away from that deadly back splash. And finally, everyone loves quip. They were on Oprah's list.
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Starting point is 00:10:04 Let's get those rotten bits of old meat out of your nasty fangs, baby. It's time for me to smell good. A deep thank you to all my Patreon subscribers. If you're ready to dive deep into the pulsating nectar of the Duggar Trussell Family Hour podcast, why not go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and subscribe. Also, much thanks to those of you who continue to use our Amazon link. Anything you hear us talk about on this podcast, you should buy it on Amazon. Just click through the link.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Thank you for those of you who continue to use that link. And now everyone, without further ado, please welcome to the Duggar Trussell Family Hour podcast, an incendiary, fearless human being, a person who is not terrified at all to speak the truth. Abby Martin is a journalist and she is the host of the Empire Files, which is a wonderful show on satellite network TELASUR English and YouTube. She is an amazing person and she's one of the very few people who make me nervous to be around her.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Not because she's dangerous, but because the people she's pissed off are deadly. Everybody please stretch out your angelic astral wings and embrace today's guest, the brilliant, Abby Martin. Let's start with the most important thing, the cancellation of the Roseanne Barr show. Did you see that shit? I did. What I was confused about was why is it this time with her calling a black person an ape? Why was this time that the time that it was just too much for ABC?
Starting point is 00:12:23 She's called black people apes before? Absolutely. She brought up a tweet from her calling Susan Rice a man swinging big ape balls back in 2013. And this is after the photo shoot with the burnt cookies of her dress like Hitler. I mean, there's been several questionable things that Roseanne has done. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Well, you know, I guess in this case, I don't know what is the ape that broke the camel's back. It's one, it's one, it's one, like sometimes when you see people get, you know, incinerated these days, right? You feel authentically bad for them because like they were drunk or something. They were on speed and they tweeted something that they truly, I don't think they meant. But with her, this is a, people are really celebratory right now in this, in a way that I don't feel that I feel like what's
Starting point is 00:13:21 unfortunate is I do think that she is mentally ill. Back during her shtick, you know, when Roseanne was first out, she was, she would make fun of her and she, you know, she would make fun of her, the mental illness and her popping pills and stuff. But now she actually believes her, that she's not mentally ill and that she really has this forbidden knowledge of QAnon and the deep pedophilic demon cult and all that stuff. So it's weird. I mean, I think that someone has to be mentally ill of, you know, just five years ago they
Starting point is 00:13:47 were saying Israel's a Nazi state and then now they're, you know, taking the photos, like I said, with the burnt Jew cookies and then now today being like, you know, Palestinians are Nazis. It's just like, just a complete reversal in a really weird way. This is a really rough time to be mentally ill in this country because it, you know, having a podcast and being on Rogan's show, it's really taught me a lot about how people can get off track because sometimes I'll make the wretched mistake of going to some message thread.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I don't do that. What's that? Don't do that. Don't do that. But you do see where there's lack of information, people who are mentally ill or scared will fill in that lack of information with some insane theory about what's going on there. And I have, sometimes those theories are about me or Joe and having been with him or myself knowing I'm not, I'm definitely not, last time I checked in the CIA and I don't think
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm going to be women on it. If I am, they're doing a really good job of keeping me in the dark about my membership. I'm still waiting for my Soros checks. The Soros, exactly. All those things. You're getting Soros checks. You're bought and sold. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I'm bought and sold. Joe's bought and sold. And you realize that this is happening from lack of data. Like they don't have access to my bank accounts or your bank accounts. You know, they don't see we aren't cashing checks from the government, but they fill it in with this lunacy. That's what's happening. And it's, it's kind of sad because I think these people just want the world to be that
Starting point is 00:15:31 exciting. Yeah. I mean, you're right. We're in a position. We're all getting paid by Soros, but I think it goes down to the whole, you know, this, this massive mistrust in the corporate media apparatus. It's coming from a genuine place, right? We got sold the Iraq war.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We get sold basically every imperialist adventure from our government that ends in disaster. Aside from that, you know, the Patriot Act, all these endless catastrophes. So I think that there's a reason why people distrust the mainstream media, but then they want to fill in the gaps, right? They want people to close the circle for them and say, well, what, what, you know, tell me the alternative theory, because it's too hard and daunting to stand in the face of this kind of naked corporate tyranny without a solution or answer. Ah, what a beautiful way to put it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It's frustrating. It is. It's frustrating. It's complex. It's a million different levels to it, real, not like, you know, sticking pictures to the wall that you cut out of time magazine. I do that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:28 With the red tape all connected and. But it is. It's it's it. The world is just think how complex any fan, any given family, take any given family and look at how complex just that group of people can get in their interactions. And then from that, create an entire planet, right? And it's right. It's incomprehensibly on one level, chaotic and complex.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And we can't stand this feeling. That's the problem. We can't stand the, you know, the people who believe in that school shooters or some kind of MK Ultra, Project Monarch, Manchurian candidate trained by the CIA, drugged by the CIA and sent to schools to shoot kids to get the guns taken away. That's so much easier to believe and safer to believe because there's order there. Then it's just, no, people go fucking nuts sometimes and shoot things up. That's a little more daunting, right?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Because we don't we want to feel in control. Yeah. No, I think. The world's largest empire, you know, we have the most guns out of anywhere except other than I think Libya. And we're wondering, you know, obviously, yeah, the simplest explanation really is a lot of the times that the honest one that in a society where we're empire babies, we're you know, this toxic masculinity and also militarization of everything.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Of course, people are going to fucking lose their shit. And you know, especially like under capitalism and this individualism where you have to make it. You got to be popular. You got to you got to pick yourself up at your bootstraps and be rich, kid. You got to be popular. It's all about you. And if you're not your fucking loser, you've done something wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And that really doesn't work for a lot of people. And it really puts people into a corner where sometimes they lose their shit. Like we said, I mean, we're living in a mentally ill society for a very good reason. And I don't think it's one thing. I think it's a multitude of things. But that's why we have this fake news versus Russia hysteria phenomenon where it's either everything's fake news that doesn't worship our anointed leader or it's Russian propaganda of people who are this nearing pun punditry class that can't accept why Hillary lost
Starting point is 00:18:36 and why reality is the way it is. And so we're here kind of waiting in the middle, just trying to sort out what the fuck is going on. Yeah. And what's confusing and then to add insult to injury, we've got Trump in line to get a Nobel Peace Prize for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. So then it's like, well, you know, this man, you know, many of his policies on my Patreon, somebody gave me a real like talking to that I liked it was either right, they're like,
Starting point is 00:19:07 you sound really out of touch. I was talking about how people don't seem to be so nuanced and stuff about Trump, you know, being partially good and partially bad. And this person wrote to me, I'm not sure if it was a he or she, Jodi, thanks, Jodi, said, listen, I've been working in the unions for 20 years. Trump sucks. He's the worst thing that ever happened to us. But for you to say that we're not aware that there's some good things presidents do too,
Starting point is 00:19:30 it makes you seem completely out of touch. I appreciated that. That's absolutely completely true. But this conundrum of having a president that's fucking with the unions deregulating shit that probably doesn't need to be deregulated. And yet denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, for real, for real. This is like now it's become like, I mean, when you were watching The Apprentice, certainly you never thought that guy's going to bring peace to Korea.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Well, this is the one good thing about Trump is that because he, you know, on one hand, he's the biggest puppet, quote unquote, the biggest deep state puppet that ever existed. On the other hand, he does have that kind of streak of independence where unlike every other president who has refused to meet with the North Korean leadership, which has been a disaster, right? Why is it that we're refusing to have diplomacy and talk to people who are so-called enemies? That's insane. So I thought it was great that Trump was like, you know what, I'm going to actually talk
Starting point is 00:20:35 to him. And then the world just flipped their shit. I mean, you had Rachel Maddow saying, there's a reason why no other leader has ever met with the North Korean leadership. It's like, no, that's actually not good, Rachel. We shouldn't be egging on war in the region. But true to Trump's erratic nature, he's already like reneged on the deal and he's like, you know what, I'm not going to do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And Kim Jong-un is like, look, we're actually going to send now this delegation of North Koreans to try to convince him to get it to happen. I think, but they opened the door. Trump opened the door for it to happen. I think the really interesting thing, Duncan, is why is it that two regions, right? And we're talking about the same country, North and South Korea, they want peace. You know, the overwhelming majority of people polled in the region want peace. Why is it even up to the US to be like, you know what, actually, you guys can't have it
Starting point is 00:21:24 yet. We have to like be involved in the, you know, we have to oversee this whole process. I mean, that's insane to me that the US has to even be involved in two regions who want to end this war. Why is that? What's your answer? Because the US is an empire and we've shaped and colonized the planet. And so you look at the planet today and everything's either who are the colonizers and who are
Starting point is 00:21:45 the colonized. And in terms of Korea, you can't look at the region of Korea and all the news stories that come out about Korea without understanding how the US Empire shaped the Korean Peninsula and how it also contributes to the fomenting of war. Really quickly. I mean, the US is the one who came in an arbitrarily drew a line through a National Geographic map to draw the 38th parallel, which was splitting the country in two. Was it actually a National Geographic map?
Starting point is 00:22:12 It was literally someone who didn't even know what the hell Korea looked like. And they're like, here's the line of the 30th parallel. And this is on top of decimating the country, destroying 25% of all, you know, killing off 25% of the entire population, decimating all infrastructure. We only basically pulled out of Korea because there was nothing else left to bomb. And so fast forward till today when we make Korea look like the belligerent actor, like, oh, Kim Jong-un is genocidal and he's threatening us every day. Well, we're the ones who are surrounding Korea with war games and warships.
Starting point is 00:22:44 There's torpedo nuclear submarines that could destroy North Korea in a day. There's beef to do bombers just set up in Guam and, you know, tens of thousands of troops stationed in Korea and Guam that could just destroy and obliterate Korea again. So they've been through this. They've built themselves up in a military fortress to prevent further destruction of their entire country. So there's a lot of things that I feel like are omitted. But yeah, I mean, I really think that Trump does deserve credit for at least opening the door,
Starting point is 00:23:12 right, because this has never been done before with the U.S. But yeah, it's perplexing because on the other hand, he definitely doesn't deserve a noble peace prize. You know, everyone, Obama got one the first day in office before he even did anything. Yes. But after, you know, Trump is overseeing just so much crazy shit that it's hard to imagine him getting a peace prize. But we'll see.
Starting point is 00:23:33 We'll see what happens. I think that it's a disgrace, the fact that people are actually egging on war and telling him that he's doing something bad for wanting to open the dialogue. That's insane. That's where it gets really, really weird to me is the same people who at one point wanted seem to have wanted peace in the most vehement way. Now they want war because it's Trump, right? Like they want war because they don't they don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:23:59 That's the to me. That's where I start getting very confused, where it seems like people are just support supporting infinite, endless war. I mean, this is the idea, right? Like, God, I had I rode with some mystical Uber driver today who's Korean and he was breaking it all down for me. And I was saying, oh, my God, maybe Trump's going to bring peace to the Middle East, too. What if that happens?
Starting point is 00:24:24 Do they weren't really all going to feel like everything's fucking insane? He's like Jesus or something. Like if Trump is the second coming of Christ, just how weird would that be? Oh, now there's peace in it in the Middle East somehow by his insanity. Like, can you imagine and then you have to deal with the fact? Yeah, we're kind of friends with China now. Oh, shit. We're kind of friends with Russia, too.
Starting point is 00:24:45 We actually seem to be kind of just sort of trading with everybody and it's sort of a mildly peaceful planet. And now everyone's going to flip it. I don't think this is my Uber driver. I was like, that's never going to fucking happen. He said, because the United States is the number one weapons manufacturer. And he said the creepiest thing he said, if you make umbrellas, you got to have rain. And I know.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And it was so sad. It's so harsh to imagine that. But do you think that's true? We've these conspiracy theorists, me included, give me on enough mushrooms. And I'll start imagining that, yeah, actually we're intentionally making war happen because some lobbyist is whispering in the ear of some politician who's whispering in the ear of some other politician to go to war at some place where we don't need to go to war just to sell bombs.
Starting point is 00:25:36 How true is that? So I think, unfortunately, Duncan, I don't think it's really a conspiracy theory. I think that, again, if you look at the world in terms of the US being the largest empire that's ever existed, right, we're talking about 900 military bases that span the entirety of the world military personnel in every, almost every country. Yeah. Aside from that, you just look at the way and how the extent to which the US is intervening and you serve the democratic processes of countless countries in Latin America alone,
Starting point is 00:26:01 the numbers 56. So you look at the way that the world is structured. And the biggest. I'm sorry, may I stop you there? Tell me how just if like you and I suddenly are working with the CIA that does that. So you and I are working in the CIA. Just quickly break down. What is the.
Starting point is 00:26:19 What is the order of events that so it's really so it's really easy. Look at the way the world is now. What countries is the US press and establishment fomenting regime change against? We got Syria. Yeah. Let's see. We've got I guess I don't even know. Would you even say Palestine?
Starting point is 00:26:38 I mean, yeah. No, Palestine, Iran, Venezuela, right? Venezuela is a big one that keeps coming up. So those countries, what are they all in common? Well, they all are not completely in servitude to the US military and economic or banking establishment. That is very obvious, right? These these countries have not laid down like a carpet to US business or militarism.
Starting point is 00:27:00 That's very true. So that's the way that the US operates. It's the countries that aren't completely in servitude to us that we knock down and replace their leaderships. I mean, this is all. How many are left? Just a couple. Just a couple.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Iran, Venezuela. I mean, the ultimate prizes are inevitably, obviously, Russia and China. Those are the big prizes. Those are the big competitors in terms of capitalism. Right. But right now we have these little countries that are still semi-independent post-colonial states that we need to knock down in order to get to those big prizes, Russia and China. I mean, this is this is an open conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:27:33 This is a conspiracy of capitalism. You need to keep growing as a system economically. And the only way to do that is to cross nation states and cross borders to keep seizing different economies, consolidating and monopolizing those industries. And that's the way that the US runs. That's the way that the US is operated. We had World War II, World War I and World War II, where you had a bunch of different competing empires that kind of all all came to a head with the dropping of the nuclear bomb.
Starting point is 00:27:59 The US asserted itself as the dominant empire. And since then, we've been destabilizing and destructuring the entire fucking world and taking out leaders that have threatened our economic hegemony. And that's the way that we are today. So I think that, you know, taking Iran down, taking Syria down, all of these countries, look at Libya that the Gaddafi wanted to basically get off the dollar. I mean, Venezuela was talking about getting, you know, basically using their resources for the people instead of US bankers.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And so it's not, you know, it sucks. I'm a big, I'm as big of a conspiracy theorist as the next person. But like, this is not a conspiracy. This is just the reality that we live in. Okay. Well, let's, this is instead of envisioning world peace. I want you to describe to me what the world looks like when the United States, if the United States, like you're saying, succeeds. We take out all of the countries that you just mentioned, including the big prizes.
Starting point is 00:29:01 We do regime changes there. Now what does the world look like? Oh God, I mean, it's, it's really dystopian. And it's like Blade Runner, like very dystopian. I feel like it's, you know, you have this monolith, monolithic empire that is no, no longer needs to foment war constantly, but you're going to have that kind of 1984 Orwellian society where you just have the, like imagine war outside of yourself without, you know, it's just a construct of, of the threat without that actually existing.
Starting point is 00:29:31 So I feel like we'd live in like this virtual reality setting of this retaliatory nightmare where we've just created a fake enemy that actually doesn't even have to exist anymore. And that's what the establishment can do to us. That is so creepy. So you're saying like suddenly like, okay, so it's no more Putin. We've got some, I don't know, someone in there, the U.S. approved. The Ayatollah is gone.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah. Now we've got someone approved by the U.S. Assad is replaced by somebody. And you're, because, and you're saying now we're going to invent people to fight. I think so. Because you still have to sell weapons. Yeah, exactly. You still have to sell weapons.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So in a weird, construct. But so in a weird way, isn't it just, isn't that maybe what's already happening in the sense that we're just like, no, no, let's, let's just leave a couple of things out there to keep fighting so that we keep selling these bombs. And back to your point about the, how the, everyone works in concert to sell that. It's so true, Duncan. Look at the, look at the media. I mean, we're talking about the fact that the media always eggs on war, right?
Starting point is 00:30:32 And the fact that Trump wanted a dialogue with North Korea and you actually had people opposing that, where you have Trump bombing Syria, the only time that you see bipartisan praise for Trump is every, every time he just wants to bomb something. That is true. Like dropping the mini nuke, the Moab bomb on ISIS caves, quote unquote, in Afghanistan. Everyone just loved it. You had Brian Wilson with a heart on, you know, talking about the beauty of our weapons. It's, it's stunning what the people do to basically egg on Trump and, and cheer on military
Starting point is 00:31:01 intervention. And this is why Duncan, because you look at how, look at the media. The media is subsidized by banks, weapons contractors and oil companies. That's why we don't hear about climate change on the media. Like we literally don't hear about these things. And all you have is an, in the commercial break, you'll see a commercial for a tank. What the fuck is that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Do you, this is one, I remember watching, I don't remember what CNN and they're like a Halliburton commercial. But why, and I've always thought like, who are they advertising to? They're, they're, that's, they're just reminding people who owns the message. That's who owns the message. And that's who, that's the machine, man. The machine just operates on its own. So you're saying, you know, they have to keep selling weapons.
Starting point is 00:31:43 That's the machine. And if people descend or disagree with the ultimate goal of selling weapons, they'll be pushed out of the board of directors. You know, there are their own grave diggers. I mean, they're, they're basically just digging their own graves and, and, and, people who disagree with this end vision are just going to be removed. Have you ever met anyone who works at one of these places? No.
Starting point is 00:32:05 God, wouldn't that be cool? I really want to meet them. I want to talk to a weapons manufacturer, like someone deep in Raytheon or whatever. Because this is the, these are the people I always wonder about the most because surely they are not feeling great about what they're doing. Are they, are they just sort of, I don't know, demonic? Did they, I just can't imagine that in these places that there's people who are 100% like, if I were, you know, putting the last bit of polish on a bomb, I just made.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Which they do. They shine them. You know, there's like a whole like bomb polishers. Yeah, I guarantee they have something that polishes the missiles that they sell. Because when you see the missiles, they look good. Like they've been cleaned. They've got a gleam to them. Like a, like a new car, a fresh $100,000 missile.
Starting point is 00:32:58 A new missile smell. I got that. Oh my God. The gunpowder smell. I think that people are compartmentalized Duncan. I don't think that, I think the vast majority of people working at Raytheon, Lockheed, Martin are compartmentalized into their own units. And a lot of these people, you've met them, you go to college with them and you're,
Starting point is 00:33:13 and they're all like revolutionary and hardcore. And then they just become fucking cogs in the machine because that's the system. We can't all just go out and fight the man forever. You have to like make money and do your job. And a lot of these companies are the only opportunities for some of these people. And a lot of areas. It seems like the only hope here though is that at every, the weapons manufacturers, we've got the, I don't know what the chain of command is at a weapon, a weapons factory.
Starting point is 00:33:42 There's someone running the show who definitely loves killing people, gets excited about body counts, probably gets reports on the body counts and like sends those to other departments. Like what's going on with your bomb? It only killed 50 people, but we dropped it in an area where it should have killed 500 people. Jack, what's happening here? These meetings are happening, but it seems like somewhere down the line, there's people there who maybe feel bad or don't want to be there.
Starting point is 00:34:09 It seems like the only hope would be people at these companies just quit. Like we're not going to make weapons anymore. That's in fantasy. It's a weed, it's a literal pipe dream. It's a pipe dream because jobs are always going to be needed and people are always going to choose that over, I'm just going to quit from some sort of moral compass that's guiding me. Because look, at the end of the day, it's the cultivation of the dehumanization of the others. So as long as we're dehumanized to think of people less than ourselves and as long as we're
Starting point is 00:34:42 living in the empire, if you work in some of these weapons manufacturers, you obviously have conditioned yourself into thinking that these people deserve to be killed. Otherwise you wouldn't be comfortable taking a job there. That's like, it's just the way that we're conditioned. The media tells you these people are our enemy, they need to die. It's just the same reason that no one who is a Democrat who's upset about Trump's policies now claiming to be upset about Trump's policies in the Middle East, cared when Obama was bombing seven Muslim countries and up to drone strikes.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Didn't give a shit. Yeah, didn't give a shit. Didn't give a shit. And this is where it gets really, I guess just because it's happening at home, it's obvious, but these rotten school shootings, I just can't even imagine being a parent. Oh my God. I just don't know what that feels like. I cannot even imagine.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But those school shootings happen and there's, I mean, everyone freaks. But then when we do bombings that kill kids overseas, nobody really talks about it. Why aren't there marches? Why aren't we marching? Why don't we march on the weapons manufacturers? Why aren't people sitting around Raytheon downtown or in fucking, where is it? It's in Westchester or some shit. Every time I go to LAX, you pass Raytheon.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Why aren't people protesting around there, Abby? Why do we seem to be completely numb to the violence of the empire? But we seem completely freaked out when violence happens inside of our own school. I think it's human psychology and also, you know, that has a lot to do with it, obviously, but also we've externalized all the horrible shit that we do to other people. So that's like, I always say, the safest place to be is within the US because you're safe from US bombs and US regime change. And so we've externalized all of the violence, the hate.
Starting point is 00:36:39 You know, you go to other places that are affected by US foreign policy and they're just like, I love Americans. Like they can all separate what Americans are to their government, but we don't separate other people to their government. You know, we hate Iranians. We think Palestinians are terrorists. And but then there's also the thing about the hypocrisy with especially the Democratic Party when it comes to these mass shootings, because they all like to pontificate about
Starting point is 00:37:02 the NRA. Like you said, Duncan, we are the largest weapons manufacturer in the fucking world. We have the most guns out of any goddamn nation. And here we are selling weapons to police state, theocratic dictatorships like Saudi Arabia that are using it to bomb weddings. Where is the outrage on that? Where is the Democrats saying, hey, maybe this bleeds into our society? If we are the empire and we're selling the most weapons to theocratic dictatorships
Starting point is 00:37:27 that are using them to behead people in the public square for sorcery, maybe we should take a fucking step back and say, hey, maybe this all actually reflects our leadership, maybe, and this reality star obsessed culture where we make these people an instantaneous celebrities. Maybe all of these things are components of why we have this unique phenomenon in our country. But no one's done that, Duncan. We just like to blame the exits and entrances to schools. We want to say that the transparent backpacks and bulletproof blankets are the solution.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And all these people who want to say, you know, and I have my own opinions about gun control, but I find it hilarious that, you know, they claim that it's detalitarianism, right? If we talk about banning the bumper stocks or any of this shit because it's a slippery slope. Why isn't it detalitarian to have Dana Loesch talk about militarizing schools, putting metal detectors in there, putting cops everywhere? I mean, that to me is fucking detalitarian as fuck. Well, this is, I mean, I had a really dark moment as I was, well, one, man, it's like, God, I'm an old, this is when I, you know, you get these signs from the universe,
Starting point is 00:38:32 like you're getting old now. But one of them was, I think I tweeted something that I thought was brilliant. Which was like, I tweeted like, you know what? Next step, it's going to be like the TSA is going to be in every school. And then right away, someone like tweeted back like, that's every inner city school now. Wow. You know, that's what it's like there now. Now what I was actually thinking is I don't mean like metal detectors.
Starting point is 00:38:59 I mean, like they're going to have TSA agents where you have to get to school a couple hours early. You've got to get your shit rifled through. There's going to be dogs. There's going to be scanners. Right. And then it's going to take you two hours to get into your school. Right. And then you're going to get into yours and it's going to be a police state.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And then I started thinking like, oh, I get it. Of course, this does make sense. Which is like, if you did want to create a police state, the best way to start is in the schools. Start in the schools. Set it up so the schools become little totalitarian states. Yep. Get the students used to it. No, this is normal.
Starting point is 00:39:33 We're protecting you, man. We're protecting you. You don't know. Get used to these security guards and officers and drones. Drones. Yeah, drones. Did you hear that about the prisons? No.
Starting point is 00:39:42 So this is a new thing where they're doing an experimental program where there's drones in the prisons. So now when you're in a prison yard, there's drones floating above you, watching you. And theoretically, in your cells instead of guards, it's going to be drones going by. So yeah, it's going to be like drones at these schools. You're going to be walking to your class and a drone is just going to hover in front of you. Maybe do a retinal scan. Just to make sure that you're behaving. Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Do a blood book. Yeah, check your bio signals, what your temperature is, to see what your pulse is looking like, how dilated your eyes are, what drugs are you on, a pheromone check. Do a quick scan. Oh, my God. Oh, shit, man. This kid's pulse is up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:24 His eyes are dilating. Oh, my God. Yeah. That is terrifying. Yeah, that's where it gets really terrifying. Wow. Yeah, I know. Because right now, it's like in a weird way, the security apparatus is visible right now.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So at least we can see the totalitarianism. The next step is when the security apparatus is not visible or is not quite as noticeable. So we just walk. Oh, my God. Now I'm on a rant. I'm going to stop it, but I'll tell you. That's really scary. I go on Reddit conspiracy late at night for some reasons.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't know why. Sometimes a lot of stuff on there is just fucking lunatics. But every once in a while, there's shit that's real. And one of the things they put is Alexa is monitoring you. And you can actually go into your Alexa settings. If you have an Alexa, of course, you don't. You go to the Alexa settings and you can look at your Alexa history. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And if you scan through it, it has recorded random bits of just weirdness for now for me for like a year and a half. It has a year and a half of monitoring me. And it has. We couldn't translate. It just says we couldn't translate this to text. Listen if you want. And you just hit.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It just records it randomly throughout the year. Just you talking. You could hear my wife and I like in the midst of, I don't know, some argument where she is saying, let's talk about this. That's all. I don't know what we were like talking about, but it was serious with that moment. I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And it's just randomly just like sniffing little bits of audio and saving it on the cloud. It's just sitting on the fucking. Wow. All these little Alexis, they're everywhere. And they're just they're just vacuuming up little tidbits of conversation that are just sitting there for some reason. Yeah, you can. If anyone out there, if you have an Alexa and you want to freak your fucking shit out,
Starting point is 00:42:13 go look at the history of the Alexa and it's recorded you. And it's recorded for you as long as you've had that fucking thing. Oh my God. That's so scary. I know. I know. I know because but what you're so great. You're so good at describing the empire of the United States.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And I love that you keep referring to it as an empire. And because that's what it is. But it's an evolved empire. Yes. Because they figured it out. We can't go around with the robes anymore, guys. Right. We've got it like we're not where the ropes.
Starting point is 00:42:47 We're going to have a president, not an emperor. It's going to be someone who comes and goes a little puppet person. Just like we always have. I'm sure emperors always have little puppet people that work for them. That was probably a big part of empire. Find the puppet man who you're going to like, you know, control. He's going to get killed more than likely. So you won't get killed.
Starting point is 00:43:05 It's all it all makes sense. But let's camo a little bit. Camouflage man. What's so amazing about evolution is looking at the ability for things to camouflage. And like how that's part of the evolutionary process is the world rewards great camouflage by letting you live. And so, you know, the United States is an empire. It's a very well camp.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Not maybe not so well camouflaged, pretty well camouflaged. So Americans, what's that? I said it works really well because we've conditioned ourselves to think that we're actually the greatest country in the world. That we're the moral arbitrator of everything that's right and holy. Yes. You know, we deem who's the enemy. We we decide basically world policy.
Starting point is 00:43:50 So yeah, I mean, we've conditioned ourselves into thinking that, you know, with the freest press, the world's greatest democracy. There's all these myths that you have to debunk and deconstruct to actually make people realize it's actually the opposite of what we've been told. We're actually the most like dangerous, violent force that the world has ever seen. That's right. But where it gets before you get to that, I just want to point out that the next step in camouflage is, yeah, we're going to monitor you.
Starting point is 00:44:16 We're going to fucking watch everything you do. And we're going to know who you are at all times. But it's not you're not going to see it. You know, you can just pretend it's not there, but it's there. We're watching. That's the final phase of it. That's the final stage of it, I think it's just like, yeah, we're going to be watching you and just deal with it.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And I don't know. Sometimes I wonder, is that the worst thing? Is that like, I don't know. It's it's it's confusing, but just I wanted to make that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I want to ask you where it gets really confusing to me is ever since I was a kid, I knew the news is bullshit. They talk weird.
Starting point is 00:44:57 They promote war. You know, war is coming when they start talking about some country being evil. All of a sudden out of the blue, they get they get us primed. They get us. It's like the news is like to war. What forplay is decepts, right? They get us all fucking turned on and pissed. And then there's a war and we just kind of accept it.
Starting point is 00:45:15 They who bus up. So where it gets a little confusing to me is now we have the president saying that news is fucking bullshit. Yeah. So the state is attacking the propaganda mechanism of the state. The thing that formerly was the propaganda mechanism of the state is being attacked by the state. So I don't can you explain this to me? What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah. And before I get into that, I wanted to say also it's different. You know, a lot of people say the U.S. is falling in global power and we're in the death rows of the empire. I agree with that. But the dangerous thing about the state of the U.S. is compared to other empires falling in the past is that the U.S. again has the military bases all over the world has personnel everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:59 We're not going to go out without a fight. You think that the U.S. isn't going to like give up its power militarily without actually killing a shield of people? You know, I mean, what are we going to do with all these weapons and having, you know, all of these countries under our thumb? To your point about Trump, it is confusing, right? It is confusing that that Trump, you know, and it and it appears to a lot of people that Trump is fighting this deep state apparatus that he's really this anti-establishment figure.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Again, we're in this dueling reality of mass hallucinations where you have everything that isn't worshiping Trump fake news, but you have to look at this is also a billionaire funded media apparatus to the Breitbart's info wars and Fox News. So that is 100 percent idolating Trump, 100 percent worshiping Trump. And that is also a huge part of media of state media. It just depends on the hyper partisan nature of where people are have their loyalties. But in terms of your your point, the neoliberal blob, this institution of mainstream media, CNN's, ABC's and all of these people, the DC neoliberal punditry Huffington,
Starting point is 00:47:03 Huffington Post, absolutely. They all hate Trump. Why do they hate Trump? They hate Trump because Trump removes the mask of empire. They hate Trump because Trump is basically exposing what the system really is. Trump for the first time. He's like Netanyahu for Israel. Trump removes the mask and he's like, we're fucking belligerent,
Starting point is 00:47:22 misogynistic, bigoted, bumbling around, right? And these punts, they've groomed the public. They've groomed the masses and accepting and worshiping someone like Obama, who makes empire palatable to the rest of the world. He's able to sell it. He's this really established guy just like Hillary. She was a, you know, she's the woman. She's just like Obama sold the empire right as we're in the cusp of this revolution
Starting point is 00:47:48 after the Bush administration. Obama comes in, tightens it all up and carries it through. And they wanted Hillary to just continue that legacy. Trump comes in and fucks it all up. He basically shows the rest of the world. The rest of the world is like, this is what America really is to us. We know the repercussions of the empire and to Americans, we're just offended that Trump has basically delegitimized us,
Starting point is 00:48:11 even though the rest of the world has already seen us for who we really are. I got you. And so the media hates Trump for that reason. They don't hate Trump. They don't, they don't criticize Trump for the right reasons. They don't criticize Trump for upping drone strikes, 400%. They don't criticize Trump for carpet bombing neighborhoods. They don't criticize Trump for the selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:48:29 They just criticize him for things like paying off a porn star. You know, like these things that are just very superficial and actually have no substance whatsoever. Grabber by the pussy. Yeah, grabber by the blink. I love how kids in the future, I heard someone saying this at the comedy store. He's like, in the future, our kids are going to be filling out multiple choice questions on a test.
Starting point is 00:48:47 It's like, grabber by the blink. This is our world, man. This is our world. But it is confusing because people are like, look, the media hates Trump. That means that Trump's good. And I think that it's not as simple as that because obviously a lot of the, a lot of the media that's hyper partisan right wing billionaire, the Koch brother funded libertarian networks and also the info wars and Fox news is love Trump.
Starting point is 00:49:12 They love him. It's just this blob, this punditry class that lost their power. When Hillary lost, they all saw that their futures were dwindling. They were like, oh, shit, where do I stand now in this place? And I saw it when I was in DC, these people just want access. They can't handle losing their access and losing their power. And I think when Trump got in, they just thought, oh, shit. You know, where does that leave us?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Where does it leave them? What's the future for these people? I mean, they're going to, they're going to keep trying, Duncan. That's why we see them continuing over and over and over again with the Russia stuff, because again, they can't accept reality. You know, in the DNI report from the intelligence community, they were so desperate to blame and absolve their failures on anything except themselves that they blame Russia for everything.
Starting point is 00:49:58 We see that they blamed me as part of the DNI report. My old show on RT, they actually said that that was part of the reason why we have Trump. Yeah, that's how desperate they are. That's how desperate they are. Holy shit. You're the one who did it. Yeah, I did it. So in a weird way, you're partially responsible for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, exactly. I want the peace prize. How weird. So, I mean, are you a Trump supporter? You don't seem like you. No, God, no, no. So you don't like Trump, but you're, so you are confusing. It's great.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I love it because it should be this complex. We want things to be easier to understand. Why should they be easy to understand? It's a convoluted mess is what it is. And it seems like what you're saying is there, essentially, we have these two outlets, two factions, and they are at war with each other. And one of them has, but which one, if you had to pick, sorry to ask this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:58 But if you had to pick between these factions, which one would you want to be in power? See, that's the problem, Duncan, because that was what I felt like was the biggest conundrum with the 2016 election. I hated Hillary and I hated Trump, and I thought this is fucking awful. You're making people choose between the two worst people that could possibly be the choices for the presidency and the CEO of the empire. And I think that on one hand, Trump is awful. He's galvanized generals who are bloodthirsty neocons and evangelicals,
Starting point is 00:51:28 right to surround him, who are from the fucking year 1600, who are setting us back hundreds of years. On the other hand, you have the neoliberal blob people like Hillary Clinton who again make empire palatable, make people asleep. And if Hillary were alive today, if Hillary were president today, people would be asleep. People would not be out in the streets. They wouldn't be protesting the mass deportation of immigrants, even though Obama deported more people than any other president combined.
Starting point is 00:51:59 All American presidents. All of these things. Yeah, all of these things people would not be out complaining about or fighting. And so for that reason alone, I feel like I would rather have Trump only because, and I'm saying this not lightly because I understand, you know, tons of people are facing really devastating life choices of being deported, undocumented people are being, you know, living a really crazy life right now under Trump.
Starting point is 00:52:23 But however, the opening is there for change. The opening, finally, with Trump as our president is there for people to wake up again to what the system really is and what it represents and actually fight to change it. Because I think if Hillary won, you're just going to have people just hypnotized, just like Obama, and we're going to just again, remove ourselves from everything that we're doing in the Middle East. And just as long as we're comfortable, we don't care, Duncan. And so things need to be uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Things need to get a lot worse before they can get better. I truly do believe that. You know, this is to me the really scary thing about it. If you kind of look at like the American presidents as a kidnapper, you know, I don't know which movie is some movies, people get kidnapped, people end up in desperate situations. But the person who's kidnapped them is kind of acting like they're their friend. You know, like that weird thing where you're Stockholm syndrome?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah, well, not even Stockholm syndrome. You know, it's sort of like you, I don't know if you've ever been conned before, but if you ever get conned, so when you're getting conned, the first phase of getting conned is the person acts like they're your friend. But you start thinking, oh, shit, I'm getting conned. Right. But the next phase of getting conned is getting mugged. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Getting mugged is the same thing as getting conned. A mugger just takes your fucking money and says, give me your money. It doesn't do the song and dance around taking your money so that they walk away and then you think about it like, shit, I got ripped off. So, but if you look at the progression of like, okay, so I've got you where I want you, I'm going to pretend to be your friend. Oh, look, I'm this articulate, sophisticated, elite, educated, charismatic man who is just seems so beautiful and peaceful.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It's like, yeah, you're here. That thing you're hearing in the back rooms of the house. Don't pay attention to the screen. That's definitely people getting killed. Unquestionably, people are getting killed. You're right about that. But hey, check me out on Letterman. I make baseball references.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I make jokes about the Jonas Brothers. Yes, you're right. I am murdering people. So you're kind of like, oh, okay. It's so true. It's really cool. Where it's like, we get Trump. But that's that's where like, suddenly the person doing it goes from being like,
Starting point is 00:54:44 look, I just want you to be happy. Yes, I'm murdering people, but I'm, you know, this is the right thing to do. You know, this is what we do to shut the fuck up. Oh, you sad I'm killing people. I'm going to torture their families too. Yeah. Yeah. Now what are you going to fucking do? Do something. You're going to do something.
Starting point is 00:55:01 What are you going to do? That's the next phase. Well, that's where it becomes fascism. Right. That's where it becomes full on totalitarian when it goes from the, because Mussolini wasn't pretending to be a nice person. Right. Did you see what his main building looked like?
Starting point is 00:55:17 Have you ever seen pictures of Mussolini? It just looks like something straight out of hell that demons would live in. Like, look it up. It's like they didn't even try to make it seem happy. It's not the White House. Yeah. This beautiful, maybe fairy tale looking place. It's like a fucking terrifying looking satanic building
Starting point is 00:55:36 that a person inside was like, yeah, I'm Mussolini. Yeah, who do you think we are? I'm a fucking fascist. Right. And so that to me is like, I love what you're saying because it's sort of like, well, this is going to like create perhaps a push towards a more peaceful world and the less warmongering government. But then I just think, no, maybe the scary idea is just like the next phase
Starting point is 00:55:57 of power where they're like, all right, we can take these stupid masks off. Man, those shoes were too fucking tight. No, exactly. That is when you, again, empire has learned and the US government has learned on how to be relatable to people and the hijacking of identity politics, this hijacking of like revolutionary language to sell warmongers like Hillary Clinton. She's a woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 You know, what's what's next, a trans person or gay person? And then we're just going to be like, it doesn't matter what they're doing as long as you can get behind this idea. And then that just sells, that just sells all of the policies around the world, Duncan. You're totally right. That is the future. That is the dystopian future hellhole. Is everyone thinking that you're free?
Starting point is 00:56:47 You have to imagine that if you're Trump and you're narcissistic, power hungry, billionaire, who's like making shit happen. I'm just thinking if I put myself in his shoes at night, sitting in the White House, thinking that I brought peace, the Korean Peninsula, you know, probably I'm bored. So I'm going to go through as much like I'm going to just write down like five people I hate and then use all of my state power to like look at all their emails. You know, he does that night. Trump goes through his enemies emails and just laughs his ass off.
Starting point is 00:57:22 You know, he does. He can write. He has that level of security clearance, right? Like he could call someone at the NSA, right, and give them a name and be like, Hey, can you send me their emails from the last five years? And he just actually just send me the images and the emails and then we'll go from there. He could do that. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Is that me just confabulating something? No, he could. He could do whatever the fuck he wants. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And he does do that. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Guaranteed he does do that. And not only does he do it, I bet he has parties with his friends and they all sit around and they laugh their fucking asses off at all the dick pics Obama has sent. You know, if Obama sent a dick pic, Trump has it now. I'm talking about a guy that would call people pretending to be his lawyer because he wanted, you know what I mean? I mean, this is a guy who is totally off his. Shit.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And it's sad because he's seeing the aliens. Like, you know, Trump has probably seen the aliens and just saw whatever. Yeah. He's like, whatever. Doesn't care. He doesn't care. He's like, seeing them in the White House. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Get the little squiddlers out of here. I like them. Just keep them out of my office. But the so we know that we know that he's doing that. But you know, Abby, if you're Trump, you do fantasize about how great it would feel to put on a fucking robe and have a scepter and stand in front of the planet and get worshiped. He thinks that. I bet he wants that.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I could get this done so much faster as an emperor. Right. And there's people who have to say to him, just relax your highness. Give us a little time. We just have a few other places we need to fix. And then we can come out again. Then we can come out again. We can come out, you know, like we can like emerge again.
Starting point is 00:59:14 He's such a wannabe dictator. Yeah. I mean, he he he's getting there. Just give him another year of executive orders and shuffling around these Supreme Court judges and judicial nominees. It won't be Trump. Trump's going to get some weird, you know, he'll get Trump will just one day years down the line.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Maybe I don't know. He's just going to like eat a bad fucking hamburger and some food poisoning. Whoa, that's nuts. Yeah, they're like dropped dead from eating a hamburger. Oh, that's crazy. And that's when someone that we've never even heard of. Right. Magistrate Williams or some weird, you know, Cernovich for president.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's going to be President Cernovich. But I want to, you know, this is mostly ridiculous. But I do want to ask you, yeah, so let's imagine. Right. That suddenly Trump is supposed to show up for a press conference. It isn't Trump. It's a beautiful, powerful man. We've never heard of who's like, I'm running the show now.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And the military is behind me and the corporations are behind me. And America, this is the new America. This is how we're doing it. What do you think would happen? It depends on what happened to Trump. Did he die? I had food poisoning. He got sick.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Pence was in there for a second. Then Pence comes out. We think he's going to talk. And he just, it's like bringing up the next conference. He's like, I want you all to do your magistrate, magistrate steal. And a guy's going to come out and he's like, yeah, this is pretty much how it is now.
Starting point is 01:00:37 We're going to, we're not really going to do the election stuff. He just knew that was bullshit. We were, here's what happened. We got infiltrated by the Russians. I'm going to have to set things straight. It means we have to suspend the elections because all the machines have been taken over. There's really no choice.
Starting point is 01:00:52 This is just an end result. Obama will be standing behind him. We have to do it this way. We were completely infiltrated by the Russians. So we got to call off the elections. We can't really do the way thing we were doing before. We've got to take care of business for a few years. Something like that, what do you think would happen?
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's a good question. I would like to think that people would just have a large-scale revolt. But I think it's such a hyper-partisan reality, Duncan, that half the country literally does believe that the Russians have infiltrated us. So I feel like the Democrats would be like, this is what we need. The Russians did this.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And we need people to just take over everything. And then the other half would be the militia people who think that the deep state took out Trump and would go with their guns in the streets and start the revolution. Just like Alex Jones is warning everyone about. They would start the revolution. They would start a really dangerous revolution.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Imagine, though, because I don't think that happens. I think what happens is, yeah, some people take to the streets. They're immediately mowed down by machine gun fire and Apache helicopters. And I think that the front line of people who get mowed down are like, you know what, I like Magistrate's deal. Maybe he's OK. And then that's it.
Starting point is 01:02:05 It's just like that. I mean, I don't think, I think you could do it in three days. I think it could be done in three, just one speech. Let them run out in the streets. Just mow them down. And now, you know, we'll go to war with Russia. We're going to have a little World War III go down. And then we're going to just do it.
Starting point is 01:02:21 We're going to big push the final thing. We're going to do it. You're totally right. Because when Donald Trump won, I thought, you know, oh, Trump's never going to win. I was like, if he does, there's going to be a revolution the next day or that, you know, and look what happened, Duncan. Here we are almost two years into the presidency.
Starting point is 01:02:33 And nothing has happened. People have accepted it. It's very easy to condition people immediately into accepting this dystopian nightmare that we're living in. And so I totally agree. But it isn't a nightmare. It's a nightmare to a lot of people.
Starting point is 01:02:49 But you're right. It's not a nightmare to a lot. You're right. God damn it. See, this is my problem. Yeah. I always forget. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 It's so easy to be like, it's not a nightmare. Right, right, right. Yeah. Everyone podcasts. You do your podcast show. You know, everyone's podcast. You know, we all podcast. We just podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Yeah. Just a podcast. That's a podcast. But yeah, you're right. So for a lot of people, this thing that we're in right now is like some kind of nightmarish thing. And yes, still nothing. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:21 No one's really doing anything except sitting back and letting the anaconda squeeze tighter. This is a really disturbing just notion that people would just sit back and let magistrate. Steel? Steel. I think it would just be like, oh, you know. As long as we could still podcast then.
Starting point is 01:03:42 No, we would podcast about magistrate steel. And they would let, you know, magistrate steel would like laugh. Right. He would be like, I listen to podcasts. I know a lot of you are upset with me. I know. I'm a podcaster myself. He would have his own podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:57 That's the future. But I think it would just be more like he would come out and be really affable and just be like, guys, look, I know. I know what I look like. And you're right. I'm an emperor. Right. I'm the new emperor.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And I know that's a laugh about it. It's just let's get used to it. Right. Because think about it. Really, this can be a lot better than it is right now with our current democracy. And then suddenly people would think, you know, maybe he's right.
Starting point is 01:04:21 All of magistrate steel has to say is like, you know what? We aren't doing that college tuition thing anymore. It's all free. Everyone will go to college for free. That's it. Everyone goes to college for free. And we're going to make sure that there's a basic income for everybody.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I'm going to start sending every single American. We'll receive every two weeks a check for 500 bucks. Guys, I know that's not enough to live on. But it's close. It's $1,000 a month extra that you're going to have. And I think that at that point, most people in the country would be like, you know what? He's not so bad.
Starting point is 01:04:58 You know what, though? Now that I think about it, again, to the point of people, you need to make people think that they have a choice. And that's why capitalism, like under our system, is so successful. Because even though half the country is living in poverty, Duncan, and people, you know, 70% of Americans don't have more than $1,000 to their bank account,
Starting point is 01:05:17 they still believe that they're free. And they still believe that this is the best system in the world and that they can be rich. Everyone's just a Donald Trump in the making. So I think that when you take that agency away, even though it is a myth, largely, when you take that agency away from people, I think that people's psychology changes.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And that it wouldn't be as easy to just rule over society. I think that people would be like, holy shit, we no longer have freedom. So there's something very unique about the idea of freedom and this idea, this notion of what America is that continues to keep us, you know, working hard and being good old bees. Okay, I don't mean to keep going back
Starting point is 01:05:59 to this ridiculous scenario. But I'm saying like a young, charismatic person somehow ends up there. And it's like, no, we were doing it all wrong. We're not going to do these global wars anymore. We're not going to do this anymore. I'm nationalizing everything. Oh, we're taking the money back from these banks.
Starting point is 01:06:20 You know, we're going to give people this and that. We're going to give you whatever you want. We're going to get, this is the thing. This is the new America now. It's not what it was before. Maybe do a couple of executions, you know, get some like people from Pfizer or whatever. Hey, this is the guy who was making millions of millions
Starting point is 01:06:39 of dollars by selling poison to people, addictive poison. We're going to, look, oh, we just shot him in the head. Right. Then people are going to maybe be like, wait a minute, this is not awesome. Yeah, this is, wait a minute. Whoa, holy shit. They're like nationalizing the, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And on top of it, friends, marijuana, it's legal. Right, right. You know, things like that. I think that people might be a little more likely to go with it with just a little bit of just a little bit, because they've already taken so much shit away from us. Right. That's, that it's just a human right.
Starting point is 01:07:11 And obviously we should have access to marijuana, like national marijuana should just be legal. This is an easy thing to give back. Oh no, here you go. You can have that. The thing you should have had anyway, we're just going to let you have it now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:23 We're going to give you that. We're going to give you a free education. You know, the only difference is like, we're going to have to do a little, some things overseas. Yeah. A couple of things overseas. Got a clean house first. A little world war.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Just one little, little tiny world war. Yeah. Yeah. Or even creepier, a little like merging. You know, instead of just like, you know, like we're just going to merge. We're now like Russia, China, I think freaking Moshe Kasher, the comedian said that to me as really spooky.
Starting point is 01:07:55 He's like, you know, the spooky thing is this, what's going to happen is just like a, a new, what was it called? What was a new access? Yeah. Which is the United States, China, Russia. You know, I maybe, maybe throw Israel into the mix. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:10 So now we just have these like main super powers that merge into one super, super power. That's scary as hell. No war, no world war three, just like a natural. Don't you think that's the next, that's what's going to happen? If, if we don't come to a next, a giant war again, which I do think is going to happen, unfortunately, because I do absolutely.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Because look, we're still, we're still competing with all of these powers. Russia and China are not going to go along with the domination and hegemony of the U.S. And so there has to be something that's going to come to a head before we get to that point. What is it? You know, the unipolar world.
Starting point is 01:08:46 How does it get just, if you had to, I mean, no one's going to hold it against you if you get this wrong. Yeah, they will. But, but just if you had to put money down. Oh my God. Well, there's a, there's a couple of things that could erupt as we know Korea is one of them.
Starting point is 01:09:01 That, that we can go either way on that one. I think the Pakistan-Kajmir border is another one. That's a hotspot. The Ukraine thing could get really heated. But yeah, I mean, those are some hotspots around the world that I think could, could go out of control in terms of like a hot war plus Syria. I mean, look, this is a region that we've been trying
Starting point is 01:09:20 to start essentially a war for the last five years. And that's one thing. If Hillary were in office, we would have already had a no fly zone in Syria within the first two months. So it just is offensive when people are like, you know, people who actually worked for Hillary Clinton, thanking Susan Sarandon, like literally being like, thanks Susan Sarandon after Trump bombed Syria.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And it's like, wait, did Susan Sarandon bombed Syria? I think fucking Trump bombed Syria. But it's like, Hillary would have been bombing Syria immediately if she got into office. So it's just nuts that people can't accept what a warmongering corporate shill Hillary was. But yeah, no, I think Syria is a huge hotspot. And that's why Obama at least was smart enough
Starting point is 01:10:01 to not continue to send weapons to the rebels there. But Trump, unfortunately, because he's trying to acquiesce too much and bend over backwards to people who are like, no, you need to be harder on Russia. He's like doing, he's doing a lot of shit wrong. He's, he authorized a giant $700 billion defense bill. You know, we're $500 million of that is going to build up US aggression and the Baltics to counter Russian aggression.
Starting point is 01:10:25 It's like, what does that mean? 500 million more are going to fund neo-Nazis in Ukraine. And the rebels in Syria who, you know, that could be a really slippery slope there. They're neo-Nazis and that's who those people are. There's a lot of neo-Nazis, the, yeah, the Azov battalion and a lot of these people in Ukraine who are total Nazis. You see this every day stories coming out where there's,
Starting point is 01:10:46 you know, thousands and thousands of Nazi, Nazi strong marches, actual Nazis who are getting into elected positions there. And yeah, no, no peep from the mainstream media and no peep from Israel, amazingly, you know, as concerned as they claim to be about anti-Semitism and the rise of Nazism. It seems like they're only concerned with this crediting
Starting point is 01:11:06 pro-Palestinian activists and they're not, they're not concerned with the rise of Nazism in Poland or Ukraine or here. You know, I don't really see them commenting much on that. It just seems like they really just, I don't know. I find it interesting that when peep, so like they put these signs up and they're like, if you come here, you're going to get shot.
Starting point is 01:11:29 And then Israel? Yeah, the Palestinians, people go there and they get shot. And I, to me, if you really want to understand how it must feel to be a Palestinian, understand where your brain would have to be if there was a sign somewhere saying, if you come here, you're going to get shot and you still go there.
Starting point is 01:11:53 You're desperate to the point that it's, you don't really care if you die. That's, that's what's going on over there. They don't, when people get to the point where they don't care if they die, this is a conversation that I had about the emulation of the Tibetan monks. Self-emolate, that's the last resort.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Like you don't self-emolate if there's like four other things you could try before that. Right. No one's setting themselves on fire and thinking like, well, you know, I could have like written a letter to the someone. They're setting yourself on fire because it's, there's nothing else left to do
Starting point is 01:12:31 and you're trying to send a message. So whatever's going on over there in Palestine, one thing you know for sure is they've gotten to the point where they don't care if they get shot. They're willing to get shot. Also, they're using slingshots. And every time they shoot a missile over, which they should, it's fucked.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Killing is fucked. Missile scatters all over like a playground. It gets shot down by the iron shield. It's weird how many people immediately start tweeting like, see there's savages. There's savages. Yeah. Is it, can you at least say, well,
Starting point is 01:13:03 there's savagery is on both sides. I mean, that's fair to say. Like if you're gunning down people or burning tires, I don't know. Well, really quickly, I think that there's several things to say. It's not a both sides issue. And I used to think that too, Duncan, but there's one side that is being brutally occupied by another.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I mean, Israel is a settler colonial state that is installing an apartheid and brutal occupation system. Gaza is different than the West Bank. West Bank is under brutal military occupation from Israeli soldiers. You know, dehumanizing checkpoints, et cetera. But Gaza is Palestine. That is part of Palestine.
Starting point is 01:13:40 So there is no border. The border fence, quote unquote, is really a prison fence that is literally encaging two million people into an open air prison. It's a cage. Aren't they building a seawall too around there? They can't even leave. Like if you try to leave as a Palestinian in Gaza,
Starting point is 01:13:57 you will be executed. If you're like a fisherman and you go out too far to fish, you will get executed by Israeli soldiers. I've heard they're building a, they're actually wanting to build some kind of seawall out there. Not surprising. So not surprising. So if I'm a Palestinian and I am not a member of Hamas,
Starting point is 01:14:16 I was born in Palestine and I want to leave. I'm like, you know what? This isn't the best place to live anymore. I don't like it here. How do I leave? So if you're in the West Bank, you can leave, but a lot of the times you can't travel freely. So it depends on where you're born.
Starting point is 01:14:31 If you're born in Gaza, you're born dead. You can't leave. And I know people who've lived in Gaza their whole lives because they can't travel. There's nowhere to go. No. You can't go to, there's not an exit. So wait, I live in the Gaza Strip.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Right. And I'm like, you know what? I want to move to Syria. Yeah. No, you can't. Oh my God. I want to move to Syria. It's better there.
Starting point is 01:14:52 No, you can't. You can apply for a permit to maybe leave, but you, no, you don't get approved to leave. That's why people are killing themselves. And also to your point about the rockets, Hamas, they call everything in the Gaza Strip a Hamas target just because Hamas is the democratically elected leadership.
Starting point is 01:15:08 It's an armed resistance movement. And people would argue, you know, that's legal to have an armed resistance when you're being brutally occupied. But that aside, this latest March of Return where 1,300 people were shot in one day from live ammunition. 500 Palestinians were shot in the head
Starting point is 01:15:23 by snipers who were perched up on a fence. I mean, beyond a fence, 100 yards away from these protests, sniping people with sniper scopes, kids in their scope, medics, they shot 19 paramedics and one day they killed one. I mean, there's press, three journalists died, children, seven children were killed in one day. So you, when you're deliberately shooting people who are unarmed, Duncan, these people were unarmed protesters,
Starting point is 01:15:47 thousands, 35,000 people were unarmed, protesting they're in prison. These people are protesting the fact that they are caged like animals. 97% of the water is contaminated with sewage. They only get three hours of electricity a day in Gaza. And you can't travel. So if you have cancer, you can't get treatment.
Starting point is 01:16:07 You are born dead. And so a lot of these people have no choice but to protest and Hamas stepped back. Hamas didn't have anything to do with these protests. The fact that people are using Hamas as an excuse to execute 100 and 10 people, including kids, press and medics, they're fucking sick. You're a sick person.
Starting point is 01:16:26 If you can't see that this is wrong and justifying this massacre by saying that Hamas planned it or staged it, the snipers saw people in their scopes and they decided to pull the trigger. There's only one side doing the killing here. So it makes me sick that people want to blame this on Hamas. And if you were in Gaza, you would understand what these people go through on a daily basis.
Starting point is 01:16:47 And you would understand that there's no will to live. You have no dignity for life. You have no life to live. And the fact that they were protesting in mass peacefully and were still gunned down, mowed down by snipers is just beyond the pale, Duncan. And you had no one criticizing it who was in our government other than Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 01:17:05 And even he said, Hamas violence does not excuse this massacre. It's like, what Hamas violence? I didn't see shit. I didn't see one Hamas armed soldier. All I saw were people throwing rocks. And when you throw a rock at a fucking fortified tank, well, I'm sorry, I don't agree that you should be executed. That's insane.
Starting point is 01:17:25 What the fuck, man? No one knows this. No. I mean, like, I don't know it. So I have no way to, I trust you. I believe what you're saying. So we've got a part of the world where there are a, how many people are there trapped?
Starting point is 01:17:42 1.8 million. So where 1.8 million people have been enclosed in an open air prison where they're getting power for three hours a day and they can't leave, there's no way out. They're getting gunned down. Is there anything that people can do about this? Like, what is the hope for them? Are they just dead?
Starting point is 01:18:01 Is it some kind of very slow, long-term execution by confinement? Yeah, I think there's an ethnic purity that Israel's trying to attain. And that's why you see a lot of alt-right Nazis who love Netanyahu and love Israel, because like Richard Spencer, he was like, this is what we need. We need an ethno-supremacist state to have white people, you know. And Israel really is a white supremacist ethno-national state
Starting point is 01:18:24 where they want to expunge and expel all the indigenous population, all the Arabs and all the Palestinians. Not everyone in Israel. All the Palestinians. No, of course not everyone in Israel. It's just the government. The government. But unfortunately, the government, like I think with Trump,
Starting point is 01:18:36 I think Trump reflects a lot of the true nature of what America is, and I think that Netanyahu reflects a lot of the true nature of what Israel is. Because again, Israel's a settler-clonial state, even though it started off socialist with the Kibbutzes and a lot of progressive ideals, like having a refuge for Holocaust survivors, it has turned into a kind of a fascistic streak that actually is an inevitability of having a settler-clonial state
Starting point is 01:19:05 built on the ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population that it still goes on to this day. Why do we do that? Oh, what do we do? So Palestinians have asked us, Duncan, and this is why, even though there is a left within Israel, it's small. There isn't enough people pushing the government to the left, and there isn't enough people actually calling to end the occupation
Starting point is 01:19:24 in apartheid state. And these are a lot of people who are indoctrinated from youth. Like, you're surrounded by people who you are told want to kill you and hate you. Like, I get it to a certain extent. Well, they do. I mean, it is one thing that would be safe to say. If I was living in an open-air prison where my friends have been shot and bombs have been dropped on me,
Starting point is 01:19:48 it's not like I'm going to feel great about the people who have been doing that for my entire life. So I think it is fair to say that many Palestinians probably would like to fight back and kill people. And that's why they elected Hamas and Gaza, because they wanted an armed resistance that were fighting the oppressors. I'm saying that just so that the complexity of the situation becomes clear. This is not a group of people who are over there like, oh, God, we only want love and peace. They're fucking pissed off.
Starting point is 01:20:16 They get three hours of electricity a day, and they've been getting shot at. Yeah, exactly. And some of them didn't choose that. Some of them helped dig tunnels and did suicide bombs, and it fought back. But it is, we do have two groups of people who really don't like each other, right? That's safe to say. Like, Palestinians don't like the Israelis. The Israelis don't like the Palestinians.
Starting point is 01:20:39 And the Israelis are winning. Yes, they have. That's the situation. Yes, yes. And I think that the Palestinians have asked us. You see Natalie Portman, who was essentially an ambassador for Israel, not technically, but she essentially was. She actually boycotted this conference that was going on a couple months ago.
Starting point is 01:20:56 And she said, because of recent events in Palestine, I don't feel comfortable going into accepting this award. And they were going to pay her like a million dollars or something. So that was a huge deal. Right. You have people like Adele, who actually said she refuses to play in Israel. You have the electronic duo, The Knife, who has boycotted Israel. And you have Stephen Hawking's.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Stephen Hawking boycotted scientific conferences in Israel because he agreed with Palestinians calling for us to have a scientific and artistic and cultural boycott of Israel until they end the occupation and, you know, end this apartheid state. You think that's why he died? They unplugged that. He was taken out. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:21:37 He was taken out. Hawking pulls fucking cords. But that's all we can do. All we can do is support the Palestinian call for BDS, boycott divestment sanctions to support, you know, boycotting Israel until they stop what they're doing. Like, okay, let's say you and I now we're not working for the CIA anymore. Somehow they've made us the the leaders of Israel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Now we are. Okay. We're like, all right, we don't want to do this anymore. So what can we do? What actions can we take to tell these? How many millions of people? 1.5 million. 1.8.
Starting point is 01:22:11 1.8. What can we do to tell these 1.8 million people? Hey, guys, we fucked up. We should have shot, right? I know many of you watch your grandparents brains get splattered all over the wall. Sorry about that. Very sorry. You were, you know, sending missiles at us too.
Starting point is 01:22:29 We just won. But now we're sorry. So can you please forgive us and not try to get revenge? Right. Well, I think that what's what's unfortunate, Duncan, is it's not like they're just sitting back and being like, well, there's nothing we can do now. Kind of like Guantanamo. It's like, well, what are we going to do?
Starting point is 01:22:46 Let these people out and then they want to kill us now. Right. As if that's a reason to continue their occupation. But I think that what's amazing. It is a reason. Is that Israel is continuing to build settlements in what should have been the Palestinian state. Right. So there's, you know, you hear people say we need a two state solution.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Unfortunately, whatever state would have existed for Palestine has been overrun by illegal settlements from Israelis and Jewish settlers who moved from Rhode Island or whatever. Fucking move on top of an Arab village and then is getting set up by a guard post and electricity lines and water lines from the Israeli military. Unfortunately, there has been such little respect for Palestinian sovereignty and land that there'd have to be a massive, you know, apology tour. But on top of that, like a rescinding of all these settlements and being like, okay. So I think that first and foremost, stop building settlements because until that until that happens,
Starting point is 01:23:39 nothing can really be taken seriously. Everything's just taken with a grain of salt. Whatever Israel says doesn't matter because their actions speak louder than words. So there's no really not what. Stop building settlements. Have one state with equal rights for all. Stop the apartheid. Kill them all.
Starting point is 01:23:56 That's what, and that's what they, yeah. Stop building settlements or. Yeah. Drop a nuke or just sort of slowly like squeeze, squeeze down there. And then it just seems like you would let them escape by sea or something. That's what I don't understand. Yeah, they, they, they can't even let them escape. It's like, I can't even think of another refugee like ethnic cleansing in the world that you
Starting point is 01:24:20 actually can't leave. That's where it gets confusing. They just wanted them all to die. That's really disturbing. It's the most, you got to back into a corner. Right. You have a recipe for just. And then you act shocked when they send a rocket over, you know, these glorified fireworks.
Starting point is 01:24:34 You're like, oh my fucking God, well, of course we need to bomb a UN shelter or a school. It's like, well. Well, I mean, I wouldn't call it glorified fireworks. I saw the rocket that landed that fucking playground. That's real. They definitely want to blow people up. By the way, I'm not saying.
Starting point is 01:24:47 No, I know, but they really, I don't. When's the last time a rocket fell on a playground? What, what, what video did you see? Cause I'm actually curious. Cause I. It happened. It happened today. It happened today.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Yesterday. Yeah. The rocket flew over. So there was some shelling that happened. A rocket landed. They took pictures of it. They're like, look, it definitely wasn't fireworks. I mean, like, listen, the palace, I'm, I, this is a confusing thing to me.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I, and you just helped illustrate what I thought it was. But I, you know, it's, it's hard to talk about this without just sounding like a monster. But if I was living in Palestine, I can't imagine. Look, I have three hours of electricity a day. I don't really care anymore. Like I'm going to do whatever I don't care. Just shoot me. At least I'll die a hero.
Starting point is 01:25:34 It'll seem awesome. Oh, maybe I'll get on the news who gives a fuck. All my friends are killed. I've been killed. Everyone knows someone who's died. 1.8 million people. Oh, everyone has a horror story. Everyone has a horror story.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Everyone's got PTSD. Everyone's broken. The world doesn't care. Right. We're, we're fucked. So I'm just going to, you know, I don't care. I'm going to fire a fucking rocket. I hope it lands on the playground.
Starting point is 01:25:57 This is if I'm like super depressed and angry and have PTSD. But it's so that means, okay. Well, there really isn't a solution outside of decimating them. And then, you know, pretending it never happened. I mean, that's where it gets fucking weird. Well, I mean, I think that we do have hope. We look at South Africa and there was a BDS of South Africa too. It wasn't that white people in South Africa woke up one day
Starting point is 01:26:20 and they were like, you know what? We're not going to be racist anymore. There was a, they were forced from the outside to and their apartheid state. And same with Israel. They need to be forced from the international community to end apartheid. So provide equal laws and equal rights for everyone living within Israel and Palestine. Right. But right now that's not the way it is.
Starting point is 01:26:41 And the brutal occupation. This is an illegal thing under international law as well. All of this is illegal. So I think that I don't think that, you know, the fact that Palestinians, a lot of them are upset and will hold resentment toward Israelis is enough to continue to imprison them and brutalize them on a daily basis. I think that we should all be adults and say this is, this is really fucked up and wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And it's better now than never to stop it. Well, I hope that we have peace. I don't know. That whole, it's just the most confusing thing. And no matter what I say, you just end up sounding like a fucking lazy piece of shit. Oh, I hope there's peace. Thanks for doing my show. Let me do a quick square space commercial.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Yeah, I'm just kidding. You know, it's like you, you really do feel incredibly impotent over here. I know, I know, and I guess that's it. Like, well, all right, I guess I just won't do any podcasts in Israel. But the truth is I would, I would fly to Israel and do podcast. I wouldn't, I would, I do want to go there. I want to see it. I think just go to West Bank too.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Don't just go to Israel because a lot of people just go there and then they're like, you're fucking crazy. It's like, well, did you go to the West Bank and actually talk to Palestinians too? Right. And I think that's saying, you know, they're all going to go and kill them and stuff like the West Bank, you can travel around and they're, you know, they are under brutal occupation, but there's still like, they've largely practiced non-violence. Like, I mean, yeah, there's, there's reports of like people being stabbed every now and again,
Starting point is 01:28:09 but like for the most part, the fact that Palestinians are largely non-violent, living under the situation that they're in, I think says a lot. Do they, is there, who's their main spokesperson? Do they, are there any voices coming out of Palestine? There's a lot, but that's the, another problem is that they pretend like this guy Mahmoud Abbas, who is the Palestinian authorities president, is like their leader, but it's really a puppet government to pretend like Palestinians have sovereignty. So it's what Israel likes to use to pretend like, look, Palestinians have their own state
Starting point is 01:28:37 and their own leadership. No, it's a puppet government that is essentially in the pocket of, of the Israeli government and the, and Abbas will do whatever Israel says. So it's not, they're not sovereign, they're not independent. I mean, we're talking about people in the West Bank that can't even hold up a flag. That's the occupation. You can't be a part of a political party. You can't raise a flag.
Starting point is 01:28:55 They don't have guns, no weapons. You can't raise a flag. No, you can't, you can't raise a flag. What happens if you raise a flag? It's against the law. I, we, we met two people who were shot for putting up a flag in their hilltop in this town called Sebastia. They were in the hospital because they were almost killed by Israeli forces for putting
Starting point is 01:29:11 a flag on a hilltop. So yeah, that, that's the state of how crazy it is there. Dizzying. Yeah, it is. It makes me feel like I'm having an anxiety. I know, I know. And that's what's so dizzying about seeing the reports coming out from the media saying people died in clashes, Palestine, and painting it as if it's just this conflict that we,
Starting point is 01:29:30 you know, we know that, you know, we know that the reality is a little bit different than that. They do say that. They say they died. People died. Palestinians died. Yeah, they all died of murder. Yeah, they died of murder. They died from sniper fire and shots.
Starting point is 01:29:43 You got me fired up today, Abby. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thanks. Great chatting with you. So much. Everyone check out the Empire Files and also Media Roots Radio with my brother. Thanks so much, Duncan. You're the best.
Starting point is 01:29:53 You're the best. Thank you, Abby. Thanks so much. That was Abby Martin, everybody. If you want to connect with Abby, all the links you need to get to her will be at dunkintrustle.com. Much thanks to Quip for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH. Remember, if you go to getquip.com slash DTFH, you'll get your first refill pack free.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Thanks for listening, my sweet friends. I will see you soon. Until then, Hare Krishna. A good time starts with a great wardrobe. Next stop, JC Penney. Family get-togethers to fancy occasions, wedding season two. We do it all in style. Dresses, suiting, and plenty of color to play with.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Get fixed up with brands like Liz Claiborne, Worthington, Stafford, and Jay Farar. Oh, and thereabouts for kids. Super cute and extra affordable. Check out the latest in-store, and we're never short on options at jcp.com. All dressed up everywhere to go. JC Penney. A good time starts with a great wardrobe. Next stop, JC Penney.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Family get-togethers to fancy occasions, wedding season two. We do it all in style. Dresses, suiting, and plenty of color to play with. Get fixed up with brands like Liz Claiborne, Worthington, Stafford, and Jay Farar. Oh, and thereabouts for kids. Super cute and extra affordable. Check out the latest in-store, and we're never short on options at jcp.com. All dressed up everywhere to go.
Starting point is 01:31:24 JC Penney.

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