Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 330: Jason Louv

Episode Date: March 16, 2019

**Jason Louv**, author, podcaster, and chaos magician rejoins the DTFH! This episode is brought to you by [Purple Mattress](https://purple.com/) (Text DUNCAN to 797979 to get a free Purple Pillow w...ith purchase of a Purple Mattress). Click [here](https://free.magick.me/wizard/) to check out Jason's FREE 10-minute guided meditation, or text WIZARD to 44222.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you've been daydreaming about a beach vacation, here's a reality check. Wilmington, North Carolina and beaches offers an island escape that's closer than you think. Enjoy three spacious island beaches and explore state parks, or stroll along a charming river front and live it up in our historic downtown. Do both and make the most of your next getaway at TravelWilmington.com. Greetings friends. It is I, Dee Trussell, and you are listening to the sound of a glistening sea scorpion ovary that was plucked out of one of the cremated sea scorpions they've been finding down there in the San Andreas Trench. It was given to me by my friend Gregor Paulson, who works at the Center for Nautical Occult Studies in Pasadena.
Starting point is 00:00:52 And he explained to me that the sound of the pulsating sea scorpions ovary as the capability not only to drive out the embarrassing personality patterns you picked up from your lamest friends when you were in elementary school, but it also guarantees five days of pure secreticity and deep-level mind miracles. And more than likely, five broad-scale level epiphanies. So I'm just going to play it for you for a moment and lead you through a guided meditation that he said to me. Sit back and relax. If you have oil, now would be a wonderful time to rub it into your nipples and your taint. Stretch your hair and feet back and do a lower crux position if you're into yoga. If not, just relax. If you're driving, put your hands on your shoulders, close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And if you're not driving, keep your eyes open and your hands on the wheel. Now imagine with every outbreath, a spraying black blast of liquefied, shame molecules is barfing out of your mouth and being inhaled by golden, angelic beings with ruby eyes and flowing hair. Now, in your mind's eye, envision your lamest friend from elementary school. Maybe it's the bully you befriended, so he would stop hitting you. Or maybe it was just a crass weirdo who you thought was cool because she wore sunglasses and lipstick and high heels when she was eight.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Think of the way you thought he was cool because he could draw vaginas on napkins. And you didn't know what they looked like. Think of the way he casually recommended smoking as an alternative to exercise and the way his breath smelled like the undergunt of a festering pig carcass in some cursed land. Now, watch as all the weird, lazy patterns and ideas you picked up from an eight-year-old but still adhere to to this very day blow out of your lips in wonderful arcing sprays of curiously horrible vomit droplets. Behold as the angels breathe them in. Now, envision a sea scorpion, its obsidian carapace, its 17 eyes of emerald and its deadly tail piercing these angels, paralyzing them with its horrific venom. And watch as it slices and
Starting point is 00:03:29 dices these beings into light shards that drift away in the winds of oblivion. Know that now you are completely free. Know that now you will be guaranteed rebirth in the eternal land of flowers known as Amanita Gorlo. There you go, guys. Amanita Gorlo, the classic land. You're free and that behavior pattern is gone. You have been liberated. We've got a great podcast for you today. Jason Louvre is here. We're going to jump right into that. But first, some quick business. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by the matrons of pleasure over at Purple. Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night or staying asleep? Do you wake up hot and sweaty in a sick puddle of your own disgusting insomniac sweat? Are you stiff and sore in the morning? Do you feel
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Starting point is 00:06:40 over at patreon.com. Head over to patreon.com forward slash d-t-f-h and dive into a universe of content that doesn't exist on the main feed. Now my lovey loves, it is with supreme pleasure that I welcome back to the d-t-f-h not only one of my favorite guests, but one of yours, Jason Louv. He is an author who has written some amazing books on the occult and not only that, but he teaches magic with a K. So if you're interested in learning some of the great secrets of the universe, Jason is offering a master class and you can connect to him and get a special deal by texting the word wizard to 44222. You can also find this at his website free.magicwithaK.me forward slash wizard. I'm going to have all the links at duckatrustle.com. I do recommend taking
Starting point is 00:07:44 one of his classes and also definitely check out his most recent book on john d or any of his amazing books and essays that are floating around out there. Now everybody please welcome back to the d-t-f-h the great Jason fucking metronome man it's the bane of all existence. Jason welcome back to the d-t-f-h we're just going to pick up this conversation that we were having before I pressed record to get y'all up to speed. One of my favorite websites is the cia website and the freedom of information act stuff in particular and in particular they have just I don't know maybe a gigabyte I'm not sure the exact amount of data related to remote viewing yes remote viewing what's it's called and also the name of it was operation stargate operation stargate it's so funny we've been having this
Starting point is 00:08:43 very you know very uh a human conversation for the last you know three hours and then as soon as the mics are on it's like cia operation stargate hold on let me check and make sure it's working hold on maybe maybe just like wave at me if i've started drifting or something with the mic operation stargate oh i gotta how's it going duckin i don't mean to ramp up right away but why wait oh man um operation stargate you were you were talking about so we were kind of talking about the concept of telepathy yeah how does it work does it work is it real jason said i wish i knew how to do it and i said i think i in a ridiculous way i'm like i think i do know how to do it i don't really let me let me caveat that because i definitely know how to do it i just don't on purpose
Starting point is 00:09:30 because i don't want to know what people are thinking it's rude well also like you know it's like you really want to see all that no but um no it's like the psychic equivalent of like up skirt cameras you know what i mean like unless you're doing it out of a like and i think when you get into kind of like a guru disciple teacher student relationship where there is a implicit trust where you are like sort of allowing yourself to enter into that model of training with someone yeah but that's such a high level of human that's such a high level of human or interaction that's not something that people should be trying to cultivate as like something they can do you know but yeah we were talking about the concept of the third mind which is a william burrows williams burrows
Starting point is 00:10:13 and brian geisen have this concept it's it's beautiful right it's the idea that and they applied it to their artistic collaboration when they were working on writing and poetry and inventing the cut-up process and all of that the cut-up process go ahead well i'll escape at it when you finish and um you know of course so so obviously you know genesis purge was my primary magical teacher and burrows and geisen were gen's teachers so this is my lineage and all of that if we want to make it you know put it like that but i think it was geisen's idea primarily the third mind it's this simple it's when you have two people collaborating like we were just playing music right so for instance people two people are deep in the creative process together
Starting point is 00:10:51 a third mind emerges that seems to be independent of either person that's kind of like the overlap with the venn diagram but it seems to be autonomous or like its own intelligence yes that begins to become a partner in the creative process or is just the greater of the parts and obviously the same happens in groups you know larger groups it happens in magical groups it's called an agrigore and it happens with large groups it happens with whole nations cities you know social clubs you know obviously this is the gestalt i think that's a pretty good way to you know that's another good way to look at it um but you know like trump rallies like what's that group mind you know it's fraying now at this point happy brilliant peace loving peace loving forward looking yes
Starting point is 00:11:36 what is that group mind uh neophilic you know the concept of neo robert anton wilson's concept neophilia versus neophobia people who are either uh afraid of or or or love new ideas and new things oh that's hilarious neo we've been in a very neophobic period right but um so yeah this group mind so like that i like whenever i've thought about it and since i have experienced that i won't go into great detail here sorry you guys but i have experienced it uh in the sense i've been around people who can do it in a way that isn't confirmation bias style in the way like there seem to be just plucking stuff right out of your mind that you're thinking or they're telling you something that you wrote down you know without even like you saying well i wrote something and put in an envelope
Starting point is 00:12:32 but literally they just start saying a thing and it's something that you are like google searching writing down and that made me think oh i get it there must be some kind of like imprint floating in the space between us that you are you know picking up on maybe you're not even aware you're picking up on it maybe you're just sort of so in the moment that the sort of um i guess you could say orbiting thought imprints from your day are just triggering the other person like a player piano or something spitting it out which is why sometimes when you walk by a person who is out on the streets totally fucking high as a kite i don't know if you've noticed this but sometimes they'll say shit to you oh yeah all the time yeah that's a classic right yeah and here's
Starting point is 00:13:23 that i think this is actually very very simple right and you know as i as i've gone you know we've talked about this a bit in our private conversations like the more that i um you know i've spent my entire life delved into this world and and the more that i go on the more normal it seems and what i mean by that is i think this is actually very very simply explained and people put all these complicated freaking convoluted explanations on these things it's just that mind is a shared space right it's that simple and you think about it it's like we're all breathing the same air like why is the idea that your mind is separately yours like that's maybe that's the issue that's the neurosis you know it was developed you know particularly if you look at our culture if you
Starting point is 00:14:06 look at industrialization and white-scale alcohol abuse and it's like maybe the delusion that you're separate and that your mind is somehow private maybe that's the delusion rather than this very like i think straightforward idea that we're all sharing a mental space like we're all you know it's like i tend to think of people's individualities in their minds as like you know the obvious metaphor would be like you know nodes on the internet or your own personal that's your pc but you're uplinked to the internet which is shared by everyone right and a classic example anyone who's creative can tell you whether they're a writer or an artist or a musician will tell you or even if they're not they just have somebody might have an idea to do something i had a great
Starting point is 00:14:47 idea for a movie and then two weeks later you see the you know somebody else has come out with or songs somebody else has come out with the same song or has written the same book you know i've had so many ideas for things that i've then seen become movies and then the question is like oh like you know then the question is well how do you interpret it do you interpret it as like that person stole that from my mind and then people had to do that and it's like a schizoid response or i think a healthier response is just well that idea was out there and some people are better at picking it up faster and i think people who are great artists are just better at picking up on these things and develop the talent to actualize them faster so you know like we've talked about
Starting point is 00:15:27 here's i i really want to like deflate a lot of this right like in our culture you know since i started i wrote my first book on magic in 2004 yeah 2003 i got the book contract to do it and i went all over the world learning magic from every culture i could and you know i was trained as a napoli shaman i went up in the mountains and learned from them i learned yoga in the himalayas i learned buddhism i learned sufiism like all this stuff right hermetic magic chaos magic nlp like you name it i learned it i went through it right and to the point where it just was second all of this stuff was second nature to me by by my mid 20s and and it was crazy because when i first started doing this it was like nobody
Starting point is 00:16:11 no you know nobody was interested in this stuff now that's changed everyone's interested in this now you know which i would like to think it's partly because of you know what i put out there on my work for sure but i think it's also the cultural trend and even in my first book what i said you know my prediction that i made in my first book in generation hex is this is going to be the next big youth culture and lo and behold that came true right but at the time i knew five people who were into it right um and um so but here's the great irony right or not irony but here's here's the great mystery is all of this stuff is native and normal to human beings everything you're describing like you know everything that we consider quote unquote paranormal right whether
Starting point is 00:16:49 that's telepathy or and we have all these very fancy words for them you know like telepathy dreams precognitive dreams um you know uh sending out you know for lack of a better word vibes into the world and then bring back something to you that match that what you wished for yeah all of this stuff you know like we could list all this stuff like this stuff is not a big deal it's native to human beings and the only difference is that our culture has pathologized it and cut it off in the same way that we pathologized for instance uh you know throughout the victorian period in the early part of the ninth 20th century in the same way that we pathologized sex and said no we do that out of sight right or or particularly now death is a great taboo you know we make death
Starting point is 00:17:32 out of sight in america you never see dead people you know it's it's like it's no one wants to see it's out of sight out of mind where if you go to india there's dead people everywhere everywhere you know so um you know our culture just has these hang ups and neuroses about certain things and we can talk about why that is well it's kind of like um it makes me think of when i'm watching parkour videos okay and you see this you look at someone you're like wait they have the same body that i have and they're fucking jumping across rooftops climbing up walls like monkeys they're they're uh you know i don't know if you've seen any of these russian parkour geniuses but you look at this shit and you're like how are you not dead they're doing this insane shit now that being said i guess
Starting point is 00:18:20 they might not show their outtakes or whatever where they're smashing into walls but any kind of i think this is why we love sports because it's not just the game it's the fact that you're looking at people who've achieved peak physical expertise and it shows you this is what the exact same kind of robot that you are can do while you're sitting on your couch right contemplating whether or not you are too stoned to get up to get more chips this is why people love athletes and great musicians it's like because they show what's possible that right you know yeah but this thing that we're talking about the reason it's a little different from this is because we don't have any kind of data that shows that this is even real in the sense that you know most people think it's absolute hogwash
Starting point is 00:19:19 i know i don't know we don't yeah it's and and you know to be honest with you like there are some people who are into the stuff we spend all their time like looking at studies and psychic research and stuff like that it's like for me it's like i don't care you know it's like it for me like and i think i've said this before on your podcast magic and spirituality whatever we want to call it is all about the subjective experience of being human it falls into the same realm as what does love feel like what makes art great it's immeasurable and at the same time in terms of data and all that it's like i guarantee you everybody you know has some story about i was thinking about somebody and they called sure right or i had a dream and then it came true and the hilarious thing is often
Starting point is 00:20:01 people who are the most quote unquote normie they usually have the craziest stories because people who are actively seeking it tend to push it away by they're trying too hard but we remember the hits i don't mean to i'm gonna play the part of the skeptic which i'm not but it's like where where it's like sports we have video of people doing the craziest shit whole in one or insane like you know insane shots the last second in basketball or whatever the fuck like baseball players breaking world records every year but with this kind of thing the nature of it is that it's really difficult to record and so you all you have is mostly anecdotal evidence and largely impossible to repeat right which automatically brings it outside of the realm of scientific
Starting point is 00:20:48 investigation that's it so you end up this is where you sort of but it's in the same way of like you know can you can you exactly repeat a comedy set on demand like have you ever repeated the same set even if you wanted to could you repeat a set even if it's the same material well i mean no you can't repeat this set because the set is you know not just the words you're saying it's dependent on the group mind that you're you know saying the words within and that that's always going to change but hopefully you can reproduce the effect which is laughter and to some degree it might be different laughter it might be laughter at different places but with this thing that we're talking about which ps i have directly experienced and am
Starting point is 00:21:37 like you almost i don't want to say used to it because that sounds flippant but when it does happen it's always like whoa there it is again holy shit that is crazy but as in the whole days when that kind of stuff happened i'd be on the phone with people like you won't believe what fucking happened right now it's just more like whoa okay there's one of those things well see that's great right that's a great frame for things and i think there's actually a word i learned for this read the tibetans have a word for this and i forget what it is which is just like it's it's so for instance in in hinduism they refer to this as cities yes right and in and you know magical powers and in the western magical traditions it's referred to as magical powers right these are
Starting point is 00:22:17 totally fucking unhelpful ways of looking at things because they they imply a that's something out of non-normal has happened and b that it's somehow generated by a person and c therefore implies that that's a special person right whoops the tibetans have a different word for it and i forget what it is but it basically just means oh that's we're noticing that that's happening right and so in the temple in topi you know we say of course in our way which is oh yeah of course yeah of course right yeah so um and this is really important because it it stems from the you know it's like people who are interested in this stuff particularly in the 20th century um have been asking themselves the question is it real what is it you know whatever it is magic paranormal phenomenon
Starting point is 00:23:03 i'm so uninterested in that question like yes it's real i experience it every day you know it's so what you know a better question is um how can we live a meaningful life right right it's like yes i mean yeah that's there but it's only one part of life if you exclusively focus on that it's like exclusively focusing on painting your nails or something i'll give you this so what here's the so what to me okay and but i know what you mean it's like i by the way i'm not discounting any of this stuff i'm just saying like there's let's get to a more it's this simple it's yes the tool exists yes we know how to use the tool the question is what do we do with it well this is a point that i've been thinking about um because the times that i have experienced
Starting point is 00:23:49 these kinds of events have generally been when i'm around either people who are completely out of their fucking mind or like people who are whatever you want to call it awakened into consciousness have a practice whatever it may be uh so to me there seems to be a revelation that happens and that revelation is happening when you're ready for there's a polite quality to the revelation of these things around certain people who maybe haven't seen it at all in other words i don't want to blow your fuse like i'm going to show you something are you ready for this now here's a little thing this is something eventually that will be normal in the same way when my anytime my baby makes any kind of sound that sounds like speech it's a big deal it's like whoa hi hello hello that
Starting point is 00:24:56 he's going to be talking inevitably but it's still a big deal so i think it's something there seems to be an intentional and non-malicious obscuring of this sort of thing yes and and and and uh i think that well that is of great interest to me because i'm still at the place where it is exciting but as i as i practice the as above so below contemplation where you start trying to like escalate the degree to imagine like wait a minute if this happens oh i see yeah there's probably a place where not only does this happen but it's not a big deal and it's used with a true intention to create changes now that's where you have to coven the lodge whatever you want to call it um although i would argue it's probably past that stage because there's a certain level that you know
Starting point is 00:25:54 i i believe i think that the coven the lodge the group is a kind of an early stage in magical development because really what people are doing there um is if it's healthy it's like i'm experiencing this are you experiencing this yeah i'm experiencing this wow okay how do we make sense of this or they're learning a system or tradition that's been passed on by elders in a healthy context right if it's done healthily it's been passed on that allows them to structure it and make sense of it and it's kind of like they're all gathering at the dmb it's like i'm driving are you driving yeah i'm driving like let's learn how to drive but um now it often becomes pathological because what you often have happening in those groups is the same thing that happens in um like
Starting point is 00:26:36 for instance writers groups or groups where people are kind of playing this game like for instance like writers groups sometimes people are reading each other's work and playing playing this game of you're a great writer i love your stuff and the other and they're all like yeah you're all great you're a great but nobody's beginning published right so they're mutually kind of like supporting each other it becomes vampiric in a way it's the same with magical groups and that's my masturbatory well yeah so yeah you know and and and that's why i tend i don't do that thing and um you know it was important to me at one point in my development but after a certain point it's like you know i know how to use it now what well the question is what am i gonna do in the world
Starting point is 00:27:19 and now i'm right back at the same place as anybody is which is okay well i now know some skills but the question is i'm still sitting here um you know what what can i do to help and like honestly duncan i mean you know i'm this is something i've noticed on your timeline you've been doing this lately like you just what did you didn't you just raise like 30 that how much did you raise for jim it's almost 40 it's almost 40 000 now for jenesis purege who was just um you know on the edge of you know destruction basically um you know jenice epikemia for yeah i mean jenice epikemia for a year and a half and has had real financial problems and um it was just in the hospital was unable to breathe that oxygen they didn't know what was going on if you want to talk about magic
Starting point is 00:28:07 by the way this is crazy so um we since last tuesday we raised out we raised almost 40 000 dollars for janet and that's almost a thousand people some people donating large amounts some people saying this is my last five dollars just this outpouring of love of love for this person and in my request when i was pushing this on on you know i was blasting on email and social media and all this stuff and then people were picking it up and tool reblogged it and art news which is the biggest art magazine and the us has picked it up and all this stuff because people really care right signal boosting right yeah signal boosting right yeah and this is the great new you know social media the internet the great new frontier of magic and mental intent
Starting point is 00:28:48 right but um you know i was expecting maybe a thousand two thousand dollars and this all came back it floored me right and um and the crazy thing is is that jen had requested on instagram please visualize that they were going to do a surgery to her lungs were completely blocked with fluid and they were going to and they still are by the way they were going to do a um hopefully not by the time this airs but they were going to do a very invasive surgery that was very risky in her condition with leukemia and so she had asked on instagram you know please visualize the surgery being a success my lungs being cleared and my um you know returning to health right and so i i amplified i made this request and when i send out the email when i was pushing a nonstop on all
Starting point is 00:29:34 these social media platforms saying please visualize jen's lungs being clear they discharged her no joke they discharged her from the hospital saying we don't know why this has happened there's no explanation for it but the fluid in your lungs has just been being absorbed by your body and it's going away and i just heard earlier today that it's even more to the point that she may be able to breathe without having surgery you know i don't know that for sure wow we're not out of the woods but yeah there you go you have thousands of people sending their shared mind right thoughts are things thoughts are real they're one level of existence it's not a big deal you know all called all these cultures throughout the world know this we forgot it for we'd like to think that we're so advanced
Starting point is 00:30:13 we're really way behind a lot of other cultures we you know because we got so into alcohol and caffeine and industrialization and machines and the whole idea and i think really what it is by the way is that you cannot if you see that thoughts are shared and you see you have that empathy and you have that share you see that intention is real if you remember that or let me put it this way until you cut that off you can't begin to view either you can't begin to view other people it's things to be used or animals as things to be used if you shut off your if you shut off your awareness that you're in contact with other beings which is what all the buddhas have been telling us interconnection right all these spiritual traditions you go back to them we're all one
Starting point is 00:30:56 christ consciousnesses and all things all things are consciousness it all boils down to we are all shared consciousness now if you're in that state of mind which by the way i honestly think is our natural state yeah sure then you can't just callously see either human beings or animals is something to learn holy shit not to get like super super like vegan for a second but i've been very into i'm not totally vegan but i still eat eggs and and fish sometimes but um you know i've just got to a certain point where it's like i can't justify eating animal you know i just can't justify causing cruelty to animals to myself anymore and one of the things i read recently that i thought was so on point is that in our culture we train children to shut off their
Starting point is 00:31:37 compassion by feeding them animals right because you get children naturally they love animals they want to be around yeah furry cuddly i mean what's better right they just have this natural love for all people you know but also but also animals right it's like that's why they have stuffed animals you think about that sacred bond the child and the stuffed animal and then it's like at a certain point and then you're putting meat in front of them and you're saying well this used to be a cow you like the like the cows that i love this used to be a chicken but it's okay and we create we as install this cognitive dissonance i remember when i found out meat came from fucking animals and it was devastating because i already didn't like meat like i didn't like it
Starting point is 00:32:20 anyway i remember just having a general dislike of meat and then i don't know who's blew the whistle but they're like ps that comes from fucking animals they didn't say it like that but i remember just feeling like wait what soylent green is cows what the fuck are you talking about this stuff was already horrible now you're telling me it's like it's killing animals i didn't have i didn't know moracy back then i was just a kid but i do remember feeling pretty betrayed by that this meat source and um let let alone and perhaps betrayed by the people giving it to you on some level but let alone the and by the way and they're speaking of cultural taboos we just don't talk about what happens in factory farms or slaughterhouses it's beyond beyond the pale by so many orders of
Starting point is 00:33:09 magnitude i mean we're sitting in this culture on i don't know how i got all the sudden moracy on here but uh we're you know in this culture we're sitting on you know a non-stop um horror show like like you know perpetual concentration camps for animals where they're tortured and and just in all of all they're almost act as karmic sinks for all the violence and hatred of our culture and you mentioned as above so below it's like you know it's like you know we treat animals like this in slaughterhouses and we don't even tell kids that right and most adults go their whole lives without even thinking about it once they just go to the store and it's like oh there's that thing i eat it it's good they don't think about you know bolt guns being and they don't think about
Starting point is 00:33:52 cattle being killed by electroshocking them through the anus they don't think about you know um factory farm workers just casually punching and kicking and raping animals because they can they don't think about things being fed into buzz saws they don't think about that because we don't tell people the drones they don't think about the bombs they don't think about the military and they don't so it's like do you think there might be a connection right this is amazing because to me i i love this it's so basically what you're saying is uh to live in the modern world and feel okay you need to dehumanize and de i guess sentientize i don't think that's a word but you basically need to be in this like sort of like bubble where you are a thing of value that
Starting point is 00:34:42 deserves respect and has wants to be happy but not everyone is like that and whoever the people who aren't like that are those are the people that you can you know not worry about the animals well they don't feel this they don't really feel like we do well they don't love like we do it's mostly just brain chemicals for an animal you ever spent time around particularly higher mammals for extended periods of time and like it's very very hard to spend time even around cows and say that they don't have there's nothing going on there's no emotions there's no feeling right well this so any of these animals any of them and not just but i mean fuck it's like you know i think some people listening to this are vegetarians and vegans some people are like carnivores but but
Starting point is 00:35:28 before i do want to make clear too is i'm not necessarily on a vegan high horse and i don't necessarily have anything against eating animals but i do think that we need to get rid of factory farms in this culture i think everyone probably agree with me on that if let alone for health let alone you know there's a huge such a difference between animals that were raised as humanity has raised them as livestock for human history versus being fed into these h.r. geiger death machines if you drive up through the center of california and see that forget it you know hunting people have a completely different relationship with um or or farming in the natural way yeah or ranching rather whatever because they kill the they kill a man they'll kill them they shoot
Starting point is 00:36:08 arrows through their fucking neck they do it and like the real question to ask yourself i think if you eat meat which i do and i fail this test every time is could you go into the factory and shoot the prod and the anus of the thing you're eating could you cut its throat in a normal setting could you hold a gun and shoot it in its head could you do that would you feel okay doing that and if the answer is no i would just rather not do that i'd rather than then probably you know you maybe you shouldn't be doing it damn it yeah yeah yeah totally but i don't want to i mean like again my feeling with eating meat is i i'm i'm addicted to it and i would love to get out of the pattern but rather than going there i would like to take the exact same concept and bring it
Starting point is 00:37:03 a little closer to home in the sense that what about the way that we completely turn this massive swath of people into a thing called strangers right right that's what i'm talking you're you're in traffic and suddenly you're at war basically there's this group of fucking people who you don't know and the ones who cut you off are assholes the one you cut off you don't think about you know what i'm talking about that unnerving feeling you get when you're sitting in a restaurant looking around and you realize that everybody there is treating the people they're with like they're human and everyone else is like a kind of right the othering the othering process the othering process yeah absolutely although i do have to say there's there's a particularly with spiritual
Starting point is 00:37:56 people there's a real issue with this too because very often very spiritual people go too far on the other direction particularly with psychedelics and meditation where they and and the ideology of it where they buy into the not buy into buy into is the wrong way of putting it but they adopt the ideology of oh we're all one we're all love everybody we're all one and they completely lose their sense of boundaries with other people which is quite necessary to live you know we need to be able to um you know a healthy boundary is having healthy boundaries means being able to drop to being able to drop or assume boundaries when needed at will sure instead of having one permanent either your boundaries permit because boundaries permanently down is not a good state
Starting point is 00:38:39 to be in right like totally living in the state of oh i'm the same as everyone well what would that look like well you know name name the asset casualty of your choice right jesus well not necessarily right because even jesus i mean jesus comes and says you know jesus makes very clear distinctions i come with a soul i come with a sword right now what does that mean holistically the sword gabora right the gabora the fifth sphere of the tree of life means um you know is is the ability to make separations it's related to the walls in your house are related to gabora because they separate the inside from the outside okay your skin is gabora because it separates your body from the outside if you didn't have skin you wouldn't make it very far so boundaries and
Starting point is 00:39:17 separations are very and enforceable if need be are very very important and one of the real issues with our current spiritual culture is that people just try to rush to the goal and they don't learn healthy boundaries which is a whole lot of tangent but this is i mean i agree with you and um i think that worrying at least for me worrying that at some point my ego identity is going to melt away to a place where i have to actually worry about merging in with everyone or having no boundaries or is very similar to the time i was working out regularly and started thinking like i hope i don't get too ripped not in danger man not in danger of that but i know what you mean some people they end up like prematurely jumping there or they pretend that they're there and
Starting point is 00:40:10 they're not all kinds of like stupid traps you can get into and they may be well meaning right well meaning so yeah sort of well meaning but sometimes there's like an agenda behind it where they're like you know what i mean i'm more but i also want to point out like our culture you know one of the reasons why i teach is that um our culture you know magic, mysticism, spirituality there's rules okay in the sense that there's a process you go step a b c d you're going to get the result and there's a definitely a structure in a process to people's spiritual development it looks different from person to person but there's tried and tested methods to take to do it properly our culture has this really endemic problem where you know the insta you know if you want to call
Starting point is 00:40:49 it this the instagramization of everything where if you look at things like people posting these inspirations you know people when they think spirituality our culture has shut it off for so long outside and we don't even remember christianity i was thinking about this today it's like how many people would remember you know just if you ask the average gen z person or millennial it's like how many people remember the story you know the story of king david how many people know the song of solemn how many people know you know the galatians you know and nobody right it's like so we've lost even our own you mean people outside of christianity you don't go to church regularly well you know yeah outside of you know outside of diehard christians
Starting point is 00:41:27 but in terms of that our culture has lost all religion all spirituality even the one that used to be the dominant one right has just become oh that's just like another thing that some people do and so we don't have any structural language for these things and so now when people approach spirituality what they do is they just repeat sound bites that have been given echoed you know somebody long ago long ago somebody became enlightened and gave a great insight into the constant flux and changing nature of the universe and then that became and said this is what reality is and then actually that was not even fault that was false from the get go because they had to express it into language which immediately makes it false
Starting point is 00:42:09 because now it's been for the revelation has been forced into the very limited code of english which has its own or excuse me not english but whatever language which has its own presuppositions and structures so just to speak you lie right and then that gets echoed and echoed and echoed by spiritual teacher quote unquote teacher until you get filters out into the culture as be here now or and i don't want to mention that that's that's a bad example but because that's a bad example because that actually but excuse me i back up because that actually that actually comes from an adept right that one actually comes from an adept so that one doesn't count but things like another great one is another great one that doesn't count is don't
Starting point is 00:42:47 worry be happy that came from mayor baba yeah right but you know but you end up with things like oh you know like yeah be positive and send out positive vibes and all this stuff at the last ramdas retreat i was at bob thurman who's this amazing i love bob thurman he's incredible and he was a speaker there and he came on the first night when he was talking the first thing he said is be here now i can't do his accent he's got the coolest accent he's like be here now what does that even mean that doesn't mean anything he was like he broke it in half in front of everyone at their it was so great because he's like he was saying practice practice everyone's always practicing i'd like to see someone perform for once which is cool and i think a really important aspect of
Starting point is 00:43:32 what we are talking about here is recognizing what you're saying which is that anything that involves language is very similar to quantization on the piano right we're taking a we're taking something and smashing it into uh notes and we have to if we want to make music and so we don't have to you can make noise music or whatever but it helps and it also helps if you want to play music with other people to know what scale you're playing in and so similarly i think when people um make contact with what's called the Buddha mind or whatever you want to say then they just start talking and the thing that comes out of their mouth sometimes the smart ones don't but we can't all be them well the smart ones don't but i think there's some people who are
Starting point is 00:44:25 for lack of a better word or a description are told you you're the one and i think they might be like i don't want to i think quite often they're like i would rather not if that's okay i think that take this cup away from me moment in the garden of chisthomy probably happens in other places as well that we just don't hear about the story maybe because they you know it just doesn't make it in but i think that there's quite often a sense of like oh i'm sorry but you need to go out and disseminate this information and when i say they're told it really brings me to what i wanted to talk to you about which is you know i've been reading Lieber four again and he talks about the temple uh and it reminds me a lot of what chogium trump arempache when he talks about shambhala
Starting point is 00:45:16 which is like a city that could exist here but also exists at some transcendent out out of time or in a different time i don't know what you would say so well very similar concept to that is the church right you know the temple you know it's like one of the things i learned from um orthodox christianity which i have a tremendous tremendous amount of respect for is you know the the progress of you know the first and second temple of jerusalem yes right so the first temple is built it's destroyed you know that the first temple uh contains the the ark of the covenant the the um it's destroyed the second temple finally and this is the whole story of you know the the whole testament and and and the art narrative arc the whole narrative arc of the bible the bible is the
Starting point is 00:46:00 narrative arc of the entire bible is about that it's about the building of the three temples you know that's the whole thing right so so the building of the first temple it's destroyed which contains the ark of the covenant which contains the the tablets on which the ten commandments are written right um and then it's rebuilt as the second temple and then the second temple falls into disarray and becomes profaned what happened to the ark and this did it make it into the second temple it ends up in a warehouse i know i mean before indiana jones got i don't remember actually that's a good question i gotta look i got that's a very good question i i'm not sure um okay my biblical or so so the second temple is rebuilt the and the temple in the bible represents basically
Starting point is 00:46:45 the temple represents the covenant between man and god and whether it is and the status of the temple demonstrates whether it is being properly kept and followed or not okay so it starts out great but then it's destroyed and then the second temple is rebuilt but then it falls into disrepair and that's the whole point of the new testament where christ shows up he's the son of god he he he says i'm the jewish messiah and then he goes to the temple and the whole part with him kicking everyone out of the temple it's like you guys are like selling you know baseball hats in front of this what's wrong with you this is holy right so then that so then but then the second temple is then um by the way the temple becomes profaned during that time because instead of the ark of
Starting point is 00:47:36 the covenant they place the image of zeus in the temple right which becomes is the rome the god of rome the roman occupation they place the god of zeus in the temple and it's referred to as the abomination of desolation which is then picked up on by crowley later but um but the second temple is destroyed by nero and that's what the book of revelation is about the book of revelation is a record of the destruction of the second temple and the persecution the jewish people by or the jewish believers in in christ uh by rome and the and then it's said in the in the book of revelation the third temple will be built and that will be the final temple and evangelical literalist christians say that this means that uh they this is by the way the reason for all you
Starting point is 00:48:19 know most of the u.s foreign policy in the middle east um the evangelical christians believe that that means a literal temple has to be built the dome of the rock has to be replaced a little temple and then jesus comes back but you know the what i learned from the orthodox who are so deep and mystical is no the church is the third temple and the church doesn't mean the organized church it means the body of all believers of christ meaning those who have the christ consciousness right all who are believers who are in touch with that consciousness that's the third church and it can't be destroyed so the temple is in this case a tuning fork when you're out when society is out of tune with that frequency everything is in disarray and certain patterns pop up which is you know
Starting point is 00:49:11 charlatans appear and begin selling shit in a place where um there should be some kind of connection with the divine happening yeah or the connection with the divine becomes monetized in the sense that people start trying to sell something that is as unsellable as like your breath it's like someone trying to sell your own breath to you or something and and so um well it doesn't necessarily have to do with i don't think it necessarily even necessarily has to do with any of that it's more like it's it's people's state of consciousness right it's like our culture is as profane as it gets right you know and and but i also you know i used to believe in historical cycles and things like that i really don't i think that the human
Starting point is 00:49:56 experience is pretty much the same it's it's everything is always decayed everything is always getting constant disarray but that's changed within people's hearts not within external structures i think well just for a fun thought experiment do you ever think to yourself oh i get it this is just a thought experiment it's fun to think about i'm in the temple right now but because of my profane state it looks like the earth plane but the reality is that i'm so fallen that i can't see where i'm at even i'm blind as a fucking bat so i'm existing in this sort of frequency where i look around and i see whatever my particular biases are you know my what did you call it earlier metaprograms metaprograms i'm seeing all my metaprograms and the metaprograms some scars and
Starting point is 00:50:52 some scars slightly different concept but yeah and these are so essentially like this is just fun to think about this is the temple we're in it right now but we're in a room of the temple where the basically the crazy people go to we're wrapped up we're being taken care of we're being watched over because people in the temple want us to be better but because they know if they are to reveal the temple to us as it is we're just going to either freak out even more or start like knocking shit over we're basically quarantined in some kind of like dimensional again thought experiment gang not going cuckoo we're quarantined to some kind of you know area of the temple that is um where we have to stay until we begin to
Starting point is 00:51:43 remember where we're at and the moment you start doing that that's when you start experiencing the strange cities and all these things that's when all the stuff that seems abnormal in the profane state start seeming normal and somewhere at in that place you start getting all these chances where can i can i make this real simple for you yes thank you i don't want to break the internet but why not um the temple okay let's it's very simple the temple is your life right it's like everything around you that you're experiencing right now listening to it's everything you can see your perceptual experience of your existence is your temple right we're not fallen we've just forgotten that it's part of us and what i mean by that literally is you at no point
Starting point is 00:52:26 kind of we can do this neurologically if you want you at no point contact anything that is not represented to you by your sensory organs all that you think reality is is stuff that your eyes and your ears and your skin and all and your nose and your tongue is processing from external input which you do have no contact with at any time you don't you can't take the glasses off right right you're just getting and your brain is representing it to you is something that allows you to survive so everything that you think is outside you is literally just neurological in your brain okay that's your temple and you're not fallen you've just forgotten that it's part of you and the reason that as people get in as people get deeper into these practices and they start to
Starting point is 00:53:07 experience synchronicity what's actually happening is just the messages are going to and from the different that that the external is part of you so yeah it seems like it's talking to you because it is you right does that make sense it's like yeah it seems like weird stuff or weird stuff happens when you focus on it it is you it's part of you there's no separation sure right so but also there could be like if we want to do the interiorization of the universe and I need to caveat that because this is for safety's sake right this is very important okay um that does not mean but it's it does not mean that this is you it's you don't want to fall into solipsism right and think that other people don't exist that's the error that everyone makes particularly people in the western
Starting point is 00:53:49 traditions particularly people in the western traditions which has all this language about grades and special status and all like that no this is the natural state of everybody everybody is you know god essentially well that's the third mind isn't it I mean it's like there's there in this case if we're talking about like the sum total of all neurological activity producing the sort of simulation or whatever you want to call it that we call reality and we also imagine that there is the sum total of all minds happening at once not just on this planet but it all you know theoretical planets then suddenly what emerges now is like the universal mind now we've popped out of our own minds and we've entered into that place you were talking about the kind of like
Starting point is 00:54:39 what did you call it it's the place where two minds kind of intersect momentarily not the third not the third not the third month yeah so it's the third month so in this case to me this is where it's fun to start doing just little experiments but before I even talk about that I'm gonna have to trunk play you trumpet me dad I'm gonna have to trunk play you you're talking about external agencies and assuming external structures external agencies that there is a system that there's a universal mind yes so what like like literally okay so let's say all this stuff is real right yeah let's say that all the cities are real they are and and all of that so what like and well listen let me tell you okay let's bring it down to earth we're driving by one of those
Starting point is 00:55:22 fucking trampoline warehouses okay it's filled with trampolines you go in there and you can jump on trampolines for four hours and dive onto trampolines so what right it's just a trampoline warehouse it's just a place filled with stretched out material that allows you to propel your body into space at velocities that you've never done before with like people freaking out having a great day so what it's a blast that's so what and listen let me just add one thing and I don't mean to like put the fucking bullseye on you but I do want to point out one thing I have as I've contemplated more and more and more this idea of as above so below and really really thought it out I do think that there is a semi-organized if not organized veiling in this case and
Starting point is 00:56:21 I get it I try everyone does it Trump a Rinpoche in his own way various teachers have encountered in their own way it's either so what disown it don't worry about it don't get caught up in it I found a wonderful Crowley passage on it sand traps essentially it's like don't get in the sand traps right but still to me it seems like well here's the so what if we can identify this quality in the universe which is I think one of the most beautiful things ever and then teach it in a way that isn't maybe it's time to stop concealing it so much maybe it's time for it to not be so mysterious maybe it's time for a more concerted effort you know it's like this thing where like think of my one of my teachers was you know introduced me
Starting point is 00:57:18 to a wonderful um uh to Dilgo Kinsey Rinpoche who you know was in a cave for like I don't know how many years like 15 years or something came out of the cave running away from his wife or something like that shirking material responsibility but but um uh and I don't think taking the easy path well no I'll talk I have a theory on that but regardless of that um the what I'm saying is you know he comes he came out of he came out of his seclusion and became a really great teacher and rippled the pond so to speak and um sometimes I think fuck man it's time for some of y'all to start like coming out of the caves it's like maybe this if maybe the system the initiate system or the whispered system or the gradual revelatory systems are antiquated and
Starting point is 00:58:10 that oh yeah I agree and yeah and it's well I mean look I you know I spent the last 20 years putting all you know putting all this information out there and you know even through through magic dummy through my school I you know I'd you know add an estimate I've probably taught something like 50,000 people this stuff yeah so so but does anyone ever tell you to shut the fuck up surprisingly no you know I didn't think that would be the case you thought you would get like you'd get like the the men in black would be on me or whatever no not the men in black but I mean like I was more I was worried about the christian right but honestly they you know it's like they don't care you know the only people that I've ever I think I might have mentioned this before
Starting point is 00:58:50 on your show the only people that I've ever gotten flak from ever for doing what I do are other are other people doing the same thing who are who are just like all like pissed off because they didn't get the attention that's it like honestly and and this was a big revelation for me because I thought going into this that people would you know be against it that they would consider it blasphemy or a heresy of one type or the other and honestly people are just curious and I mean people from all different types of walks of life they just want to know because it's the thing that we're missing in our culture which is the connection to the eternity eternity and all of that you know and people want that
Starting point is 00:59:28 I mean ultimately what I'm trying to communicate is yes there's lots and lots of techniques and boy there's a lot of techniques but ultimately what I want people to do is is wake up to this present moment and the awesome power and responsibility that they already have and you know right right and it's it's like and that's the thing it's so easy to get caught up in the language of it like we were talking about like yeah you can build synths for so long that you never make any music it's the same it's the exact same it's the perfect fucking metaphor spiritual materialism yeah right and it but it's true I mean people stay in these systems forever learning them and you mentioned you know my process and you know it's it's um
Starting point is 01:00:13 I've really changed my views on certain things a lot actually since the end of last year and I just got to a point at the end of after I'd written my book and and done the the promotion and I thought about where I wanted to go next with it or I was like look I just got to this point where for me the question is while I'm here what good can I actually do for people and it fucking matter like what the you know like and look by the way I'm not saying this as somebody because people often too quickly go to the point where it's like oh the rules don't matter it's like believe you me it's like I can do you know I'm saying this as somebody who has the equivalent of I'm not saying this to puff myself up but for context I'm saying this from the you know
Starting point is 01:00:58 from the perspective of somebody who has the equivalent of a higher degree in theoretical calculus but for the occult I mean when we talk about Anokian and John D and all that like you know you give me you know if we want to talk about the rules like I'm not a cast like yes I know cast magic but I'm not a cast magic guy if I can do gomotri in my head by the time I was 23 you could give me phrases in Hebrew and I could calculate and I can still do it calculate all the numerology and the Hebrew language in the tarot cards and spit it back to you in five seconds like rain man I read your John D book man I know I like it's you you are one of the top scholars in this particular field that I've ever met but it's not just I mean done the yoga I've done the
Starting point is 01:01:37 shamanism I've done the rituals I've done I did it I did all of it you know and I it wasn't just an intellectual exercise for me right like I've been through it and so I say this as somebody who's like you know got you know it's like the equivalent of like you know training in seven or eight different martial arts and coming to the end of him and yet I have to say so what and that's not a negative question for me what it boils down to now I said and I use the reference of you know differential calculus one of the crazy things about math is math gets as complicated as you want it to be but ultimately it often boils it follows an arc of simplicity where it becomes more and more simple as it goes on right and in many cases it's the the most basic things are the most important
Starting point is 01:02:18 it's the same with music right a few notes 12 12 notes whatever it is right and then you can make it as complicated as you want yes so what I'm trying to say is it comes down to can we spread love in the world right and I don't mean that as an airy fairy thing I don't want that to not as a hallmark card but it's like can I make your life better I'm right can I ease suffering can I bring can I show you that I care about you and that I love you and it's amazing to hear you saying this to watch this this is cool man this is sort of like you actually are entering the next phase I would imagine uh want you know one of the things named Crowley Baba said to boil it down to a very simple point I hope so he said if you know because people are going to him and saying how do
Starting point is 01:03:03 I get these cities people want it like me crazy dumb me I wanted to go to the trampoline warehouse just for a second man we can get right back on the road all right we don't have to the can we just take a couple of detours the problem is you know good teachers are like no you've been taking detours for the last 6,000 lifetimes man I'm trying to get you to the temple yeah yeah we always you always go to the trampoline warehouse but that's all that's all our inherent we will always do that right yeah it's so frustrating but so but people were going to you know people and they were seeing him you know being around him crazy shit would happen because they a field is produced or whatever you want to call it but he said if you want these cities these powers feed
Starting point is 01:03:44 people yeah that made a big impression on me when you said that I really like that but now that's what you're doing and because and you know what happens the moment that you diverge from your programming and go wherever there's need that's a little outside your comfort zone and start doing that crazy shit starts happening almost right away it's like almost it's like a circuitry has gotten reversed in you or something you're like a machine that's been running on the wrong kind of fuel maybe you've been putting out shit exhaust and all of a sudden you start putting out miracle exhaust that is real and that's so simple it's just so frustratingly simple because it's like well you obviously can do that you don't need to go to a Shaolin temple and wait at the gate
Starting point is 01:04:47 you just can go downtown with some food well this is the temple right all let all all are all of our waking and sleeping experiences the temple like the temple is whatever you make the temple right your life is the temple right you know your whole experience is like your life like when you die you're going to look back and say what did I do in my temple the temple was your life right as above so below if we're going to do a russian nesting that's actually exactly what that means by the way the ear it's the external and the internal are the same thing but yes well like if the theory is oh shit we're like in some hyperdimensional temple temporarily hallucinating reality is we consider it or maybe we're just here maybe maybe we're just here and it's not a big
Starting point is 01:05:27 deal maybe there's no big maybe it doesn't have to be hyperdimensional maybe the maybe whether we don't get to say hyperdimensional it's fun to say it's nice but maybe maybe the question of whether we choose to love others or not is so important and momentous and overwhelming and perhaps you know it will be a subject maybe perhaps will be judged by that maybe that is so momentous and overpowering that we don't need to put any other language on it because it's because when you really look at it's like fuck you know you know look at bill gates right bill gates went you know and this is i love this bill gates and warren buffett people who some people have mixed opinions about you know bill gates is a great example he made it you mean like which one
Starting point is 01:06:08 you want to fuck killer mary exactly and then what's the third is i don't know jimmy buffett jeff bezos um but yeah i'm looking for a jimmy buffett joke my mind's not finding it margarita there's a margarita bill joke in there somewhere anyways um but yeah i mean you know bill gates fuck jimmy buffett talk about yeah my secret's out so um cities right let's talk about bill gates as a metaphor for cities like bill gates it's like what better city is there than being you know being a billionaire right sure and he's just like and you know and then he decided to give all the money away right and um bill a couple of weeks ago maybe a month ago at this point bill gates and warren buffett released what they believed to be their greatest metric for success they thought
Starting point is 01:06:57 about this and consulted with experts whatever they did and they tried to come up with like you know business people love metrics it's a great you know business people do i read this by the way it's that's the one where they said the greatest metric for success is to be one of our children yes and to inherit all of our wealth and to inherit the private space space on on the moon they will keep you away from the rabble yes it's definitely that but otherwise sorry to make a damn gag please continue uh and the the bolt hole in new zealand where they can wait out the uh whatever the whatever the anunnaki returning yeah the uh the the anger at jeff bezos but um he uh so yeah but they said so the best metric for success is do the people that you love love you back
Starting point is 01:07:40 whoo it's pretty good right yeah that's pretty cool it's wrong what is it what what what is the right what what's the right answer so and i don't by the way i mean not wrong god damn it i sound so fucking sanctimonious all the time and if i was a synth i would like just have someone i'd be like oh my sanctum sanctimony knob is off can you just adjust the just the fucking thing please um the um but what i mean is this so within this conceptualization of love we have the monetization of love right so now it's like when i give you do the people who you give love tokens to i see your love tokens back and of course capitalist super successful people are going to quantify everything because that's how their minds work it doesn't make them evil yeah no i see your point it's a good
Starting point is 01:08:29 point but but and and the broader point is if you're giving to with the expectation of giving something back if you're giving love with the expectation that you're going to be love back i i hate to break it to you that's not real love that's not real love and i want to that's that's uh you know you know making a deal or whatever that's the art of the deal that's just another kind of bitcoin baby that's some fucking weird ass love cryptocurrency the real measure for success i would think would be do how much do you care if the people you love love you back right that's a good point if you don't care and you just love you know you're like oh i just love i'm so happy you're here that's a thousand percent true yeah you're gonna feel oh you're a lot better
Starting point is 01:09:11 i would say um but um the the to get back to the main point here man i've been watching your i watch your twitter live and i've been quite inspired by it and i have just i've just been shitposting about andrew yang but okay the yang stuff i don't i just haven't looked into yang yet we'll get there we'll get there but but the you know watch for one here's the thing it takes a weird kind of courage to blast positivity out on twitter in the way that you're doing it that's real it's easy to do the fucking instagram pick you know grab a stock photo picture and put on it something like every life's a rainbow love all the colors eat or let me examine that whatever the fucking thing is you throw it out there people is they're taking shits look at it and then you
Starting point is 01:10:05 know forget about it it means nothing but when you're like what i've noticed that you're doing is you're putting like actionable things out it's gotta be real it's like it's like does it are you actually making somebody's life better i mean it's the difference between sending thoughts and prayers and actually doing something that tangibly improves somebody's life you know somebody's starving are you gonna send them thoughts and prayers or are you gonna pay for them to fucking eat you know which is it gonna be man you're gonna get sucked into some kind of fucking weird updraft here man like the the because you know my if you wanted everyone's like i want to find really not everybody but you know a lot of people are like i want to find i want entry into the
Starting point is 01:10:47 fucking inner sanctum man i want to know the secrets let me in come on i'm ready it's that it's a trope it's it it's in you know dr strange or whatever right it's like that's a true and it's a real thing you know it's like that's a very important game that's played between in these lineages come on come on what do you want from me what do you want from me and it's always like just fucking wash just shut up and wash the windows man you're not ever gonna be ready for this you know you're never that's like you know like when i when i first met jen the first thing i said to jen was tell me about magic because that was the first thing she said to burrows and geisen i spent the next seven years doing jen's dishes and cleaning her basement that's it that's it
Starting point is 01:11:26 i'm not kidding and this is this is you know i but i don't want to get this has been my experience but if you go downtown or wherever there is need in your life personally or even a few notches outside of that you're gonna run into other people who have gotten the symbols to go and help and that's where you start meeting some really interesting beings and a lot of them they don't care to be known and it's not like they don't care to be known in the sense that they're like you know i don't know like hiding because of their great talent or whatever like that it's literally they don't really have much of an identity they're just helping they don't really care oh you're this thing cool whatever they don't care so a lot of times people who have
Starting point is 01:12:21 narcissistic tendencies they don't like we all that you you just raise his eyebrows i'm like fuck look where you're sitting man we all got it we're in la we all have a little bit of the disease the burning grounds i consider la the burning grounds if you can do it here you can do it anywhere it's okay to be you know to to have some need but i'm talking about like one thing that really burns a narcissist or semi-narcissist or self-involved persons tits i don't know if even that's a saying but is when you get around people who don't really care how fancy you are yeah they're not in the sense where they're like whatever you're on this thing i don't know but literally they're like not seeing it like you're that thing that you've been the
Starting point is 01:13:03 tail feather you've been throwing up or the spin you've been putting on your ball or whatever they're like whatever i don't it's not i don't like it it's like i just don't care i'm too busy helping people and they don't say it like i just said it they don't you don't say it they're just like okay well i've been thinking about this a lot so i was thinking about this recently and i think this i i want to update this if i can or or at least offer a different spin on it so in terms of yeah you said you're watching my twitter timeline so i i just did this fundraiser for jen before i did that i did a fundraiser i sent a bunch of i i raised a bunch of funds and then i matched the funds to send to a group that i think is profoundly great and people should look at
Starting point is 01:13:47 which is called napal youth foundation which is a woman who run by a woman who used to be a state senator in california and then retired and said well i could go play bridge in sonoma county or i could go to napal and she's now saved on countless thousands of children she basically single-handedly ended the there was more or less a slavery system for young girls in place in napal that she pretty much ended single yeah it's very very common in i mean human trafficking right like we're like we're gonna sit here and talk about magic powers in a world where human trafficking exists well how about you go fight that dragon if you're such a big wizard you know what i mean let's see your magic powers right so um but yeah i mean this is very you know it's common it's
Starting point is 01:14:31 common in many all over the world it's kind it happens in the u.s there's human trafficking everywhere so um um but uh but uh anyways but we uh uh i raised a bunch of funds for her from facebook and then matched them and then we were able to i don't know how they're gonna spend it but the um you know they will probably i believe it is close to saving seven children's lives from malnutrition right so here's the traditional thinking about charity and i was thinking about this now all the programming around charity is that you shouldn't talk about it right if you talk about because then it becomes an ego game it becomes an excuse to say yeah look at me i'm such a great person yeah like i'm the i'm the you know the savior of all these people and say look how
Starting point is 01:15:14 it's like virtue signaling right we all know we all know this from the social media age there's nothing fucking worse than virtue signaling but i thought about this for a second and i was like wait we live in the social media age why should we not be telling people about this stuff by the way you can anyone can start a fundraiser on facebook for anything and it'll spread like wildfire on social media so you don't have to have a bunch of money you can start it with five dollars but it shares virally and people are contributing right so but i thought like we live particularly now we live in a a diarrhea stew of ideology right like literally like have you anytime you know the minute i get on youtube twitter and it's only gotten worse in my lifetime i mean do you remember
Starting point is 01:15:55 in the 80s when people watch pbs do you remember that listen man mr rogers cosmos you can't say diarrhea stew diarrhea that's where we are thinks like i do and then expect me to remember mr rogers all i'm thinking about is now is like contrast right boiled i i'm just thinking like i guess in a world where probably everything has happened surely someone has boiled their diarrhea i just probiotics do you know about do you know about um um fecal transplants yeah yeah so there you go but yeah let me tell you something man a fecal transplant is a lot different than having like a gumbo pot filled with diarrhea loving loving diarrhea are great levelers like everyone laughs like no matter who they are everyone will either laugh or be disgusted by a diarrhea or a
Starting point is 01:16:45 far joke right it's like they're great levelers just i've i don't know like i'm like i like to think of myself as somewhat of like an expert at all phases stages of vulgarity particularly the base states and i've never in a million years thought of something like boiling diarrhea you at it i didn't say you you added the boiling what you yeah you you i just provided the stew and you heated it up duncan you you boiled it wait the stew requires boiling if you're gonna make diarrhea listen otherwise it's just a pot of diarrhea what what what are the chunks in it what's the chunky bits is there like the equivalent of carrots depends on who you're gathering the diarrhea did the carrots and the corn come corn come out of your body or were they added after you know hey don't be rude at
Starting point is 01:17:32 the table is it vegan is it vegan diarrhea i'm sorry my friend's being a little rude did it come from the body of a keto person was it was it were they eating organic free range i mean there's questions to be asked here listen every time i bring you to one of these diarrhea restaurants you always fucking say that it's fine we'll just have two more bowls of just people just get picky you know like oh like you know like so yes i know what you mean like it diaries to it seems like and like not that long ago access to content was limited and the content that we did have access to was highly curated right there was no ability to get anything the closest we had to any of the shit that we can like spend literally the rest of our lives looking at was public
Starting point is 01:18:16 access right that's it by the way and just to push this metaphor it's like what is what is a facebook feed right what is a twitter feed what is instagram this is what particularly ones where people are sharing it's like it's a roll of toilet paper like you see people pulling off one square they wipe their ass and they're like i just read this look at this shit i just consume this music look what just came out of my body if you see you know there's an ad that keeps popping up on my instagram feed i guess because they've identified me as a true idiot and it's like i the ad says like i just read i read four books today and you look at it oh i've seen that one so we must be in the same the same boat well maybe it's just like the speed reading app or whatever it's not speed
Starting point is 01:18:56 reading that's what i was interested because i'm like oh cool i want to learn how to read a book like four books in a day through speed reading is that even possible what is this but it's like cliff notes oh i saw this is like that where they just like summarize four books for you so that's not reading a book so that you can be a successful entrepreneur that's the most that's like saying and also the fact that it's the one i hate is grammarly also the app the ai that corrects your writing for you because you never learned how to write yeah look man i'm not scary for a writer why is it scary well it's a scary for the same reason if you're if you are a line cook and a robot takes your job you know it's grammar you just fucking sold grammarly to like everyone now is
Starting point is 01:19:37 downloading grammarly for a second you just now i want it again i had it learning to write precisely correctly structures your brain and advances your intelligence in the same way that math does oh my god listen i'm sorry i usually have a rule about not outing people about shit that happened when the mics are off oh but what did you just teach me but but i'm not a professional musician oh i'm not a professional grammarian yes okay the music ai god damn it we got it we got to talk about the becoming ai apocalypse i wait i don't want to talk i derailed you man you are saying we're in diarrhea stew in the old days we had mr rogers and you're also talking about something that somehow i guess i shouldn't be surprised i didn't think about it because i'm unfortunately
Starting point is 01:20:20 innately selfish i didn't even consider the fact that like anyone could just do a fundraiser i don't know oh yeah facebook makes it makes it like literally you can go on facebook click a button that says fundraiser and just type into the search box and you'll find and please go to charity navigator or something to make sure that you get a good charity yeah um but it'll just immediately start a fundraiser for you and then you just say and people do it for the birthdays now like for my birthday i raised funds for um uh people in appalachia which by the way if you don't know about the situation about people in appalachia in the us you will be shocked the levels which i've been there i've seen it you would be shocked how this can occur in our our
Starting point is 01:20:57 country you know and this is all basically poor rural white people who live in uh unbelievably unbelievably dire circumstances and nobody offers them support and you don't hear about them at all and and so you mean are you talking about like not just the poverty but the the like they're all they're all addicted to oxy well yeah well the oxy cotton epidemic but that's the whole country now you know that's the whole midwest i mean appa at rural people in appalachia who live in the backwoods in particular i saw a documentary on an incredible level of poverty it's like you you'd be shocked you'd be shocked that it's happening in the us there's lots of places like that in the us there's parts of suburban washington dc that are um or or ex-urban uh
Starting point is 01:21:38 washington dc that are just shocking but um you're just saying it's easy to help like you're saying it's easy to help and it's like we're not it's not like building an airplane it's not like it's a clicking a button on you without getting out of bed you know and it's like so why aren't people why don't we do this well this is my point so we have this whole conception about charity right like we have all these these rules and there's rules in in um the bible and actually the koran is so fucking on point about this in you know if people are strict muslim muslims the koran basically says you automatically tie the 10 of your income either you know for charity automatically it's a get it's assumed right and actually um um islamic finance which
Starting point is 01:22:20 is a whole sector of fine the financial industry is set up around this concept you know it's like that's a great fucking idea you know because that then that makes when you're making money it's not just about you and your selfish desires you're a conduit who does the tie like is this something organized through your mosque in this in in i don't know how i mean it's it's i know the church is 10 percent it's i i think it's either the i believe it's either to a mosque or to a charity i don't i don't know that it's just it's neither here nor there i've just always it's it's it's it's basically mandated but in the koran but i think different groups i just mean what i'm saying is like the tithing thing has always seemed boring to me in the sense that you give the church
Starting point is 01:23:01 your income and then they distribute it i've always thought tithing sounds awesome if you are in charge of the tithing i agree because churches you know well not all churches but you know religions are set up to just siphon tax free income that's we don't need to talk about that but um well i mean tithing technically is tax free income right like if you donate 10 percent of your income you're not paying that's a tax for it depends i think it's yeah i'm not here to do financial i i'm not a financial advisor please check with your local financial advisor um but um uh but yeah it's not just about the tax benefit because the tax benefits cancel out really quick i just i'm i'm being the worst and i just took your beautiful here's here's what i want to do yeah
Starting point is 01:23:44 i'm so sorry how did i get this to fucking tax write offs for chair i'm a demon sorry don't worry i've triangleed you so um what does that mean oh don't worry don't worry about i have something i want to show you just everything's everything's under control okay cool uh no so the fuck never okay so we have the most powerful tools for communication ever created in human history and we're using them for diarrhea stew when we could be using them to literally change people's lives right facebook fundraisers now facebook takes a cup but facebook fundraisers is an amazing example you don't have to do it that way there's infinite ways to do it um and um and this means either donating directly or crowdfunding charity wow we want a really powerful concept
Starting point is 01:24:31 particularly for you know there's a real generational divide you know baby boomers gen x people love the idea of owning things millennials gen z people they you know they're not interested in owning and so for them the idea of crowdfunding things you can have the experience by the way you can have the experience of donating tens of thousands of dollars to a charity you don't have to pay for it all yourself it can be crowdfunded people can be chipping in ten dollars here and there right anything and then you can say like for instance we just raised forty thousand dollars for gen that's that was crowdfunded by eight hundred nine hundred people but then i can have the the feeling the sense everyone who contributed has the feeling the sensation we raised forty thousand dollars for
Starting point is 01:25:09 something that's likely saved their life right so the um so so but you know we have this cultural taboo around talking about charity and it's considered crass and like oh like you're just doing that for virtue sick only self on the back and that makes sense in the context that you think about like think about like five hundred years ago like oh there's joe walking around the village in white clothing talking about how great he is because he gives to the church like oh look how much i give but we don't live in that world anymore we and there's a real you know as a someone who's long worked as a marketing professional there's a real value to obviously mimetic spread and people you know it's like you know when i created these fundraisers it gives
Starting point is 01:25:51 people an excuse to share them it gives them an excuse to feel feel good it gives them an excuse to give and then other people imitate the behavior you know it's just like every other meme like why are we using these things to spread fucking pepe memes when we could use them to spread fundraisers to actually really and by the way why are we using these techniques to to spread think pieces about how terrible everything is and how awful the world is and how fucked the system is and like i get on facebook and i see young people just sharing memes about ironic edge memes about how they want to die all day long you know this is like edgy edgy gen z humor or whatever who is that woman you showed me though she does like the same thing but it's not so negative you sent me
Starting point is 01:26:34 some she's got like a youtube channel i can't remember i don't know anyway but it's just like it's like it's like okay well the pow we have in almost infinite power at our fingertips what are we going to use it for well i suggest that you know this is a we can use these technologies to really the technology is here for us to tangibly make a benefit and difference in people's lives why are we sitting on these things fucking whining all day long it's gotta be some kind of just just like it's kind of like um it reminds me of early cinema right like you look at like the first movies they're not only they're terrible they're just like people were so excited they just needed something to film i think it's like a blacksmith is that what edison filmed or some shit it's like
Starting point is 01:27:20 let's film a blacksmith i just know that the journey to the moon the jewels verne won the early oh before what like the one with the rocket lands in the side of the the moon's face before that the earliest stuff is just like fucking just it's it's sweet because it's like a blacksmith like and i'm glad they filmed or whatever but i think similarly with this technology we're just figuring it out and what you're talking about is probably in this what are they we have like background radiation right in the universe that we can pick up when you turn on a radio that that's just background radiation for the big bang right so we have epigenetic background radiation oh yeah yeah yeah inertia just inertia from all patterns running from bears we're still
Starting point is 01:28:04 running from fucking bears and so because of that it's it's now thank god we're running from bears online and we're like writing these like what we think are sophisticated think pieces about the bears that we think are chasing us that are actually just hyper complex screams there's a fucking bear right but we talked about the whole thing about the the Tibetan the Tibetans talk about the karmic imprint of animals no oh this is great right so the Tibetan the obviously in the context of the wheel of life not to go on a big detour but the Tibetans talk about the karmic the karmic there are the state of consciousness of animals and they say that obviously lots of animals reincarnate into the human realm yes right so they said like oh you would imagine that being an
Starting point is 01:28:50 animal is great because they um you know they have no worries in the world they're just like i'm a fox i'm running around right but they basically said that the state of consciousness of animals i think this comes from bob thurman by the way the state of consciousness of animals is constant terror about being eaten right so the constant fear that some shit is gonna like if you're a cat you all you're always afraid that a dog or a hawk or god knows fucking what is going to come eat you across the board in the animal kingdom everything in the animal kingdom is engaged in eating or being eaten right and so they basically say that when when animals reincarnate as humans they care it's exactly what you're saying they carry that with them right constantly afraid
Starting point is 01:29:27 that something's gonna eat them well i mean we are fucking animals donald trump's gonna eat me well and and he might but the the reality is he's on his last he's on his last sputtering wind i think something is gonna eat you i but you don't need to write a thank piece about it because the reality is there's people like in the sense that like yeah maybe you're gonna get eaten by that i don't know like now everyone's freaked out about trans these people are freaked out about trans people it's like i don't know that you're even ever gonna run into one right in your whole now that oh Jesus what but i'm just saying it that fills in a spot in their brain of like a new thing to be worried about you know like you know people you get i'm not gonna get into into i don't want to
Starting point is 01:30:11 get into like political whatever i'm just saying like a black marble or you choose the color of the marble representing doom rolls out of some machine in your brain and you spray paint on it whatever the particular fear flavor of the day is depending on your political leanings you know because it's like you're you're going to the tv or to twitter it's your metaprogram the fear is in you you're just looking for something to fill the and and and twitter and and social media if you're looking for something to be afraid of if you want to go fishing for something to be worried about this week go no further than i mean fucking hanity literally has the villain of the day so it's like and he's the only person in the media that does something like that all of them but if you're not creative
Starting point is 01:31:03 enough to invent something to be terrified of don't worry yeah like the skate the the uh the escape go to the week the mob tear down of the week that's it right and and and but what you're talking about is just like and here's the thing clearly at first we're going to use the technology in the way that you we're going to use the technology in a way that reflects the reality not just of our lives but of the some total experience of the human species and let's face it man we've gone through some rough spots it's like i think this is where it's like so maybe some compassion like if you look at our species as a person like an immortal dna thread you know and you look back at what we just went through fucking world war two i think about that a lot you know she's can you can you
Starting point is 01:31:58 imagine what that must have been like can you imagine how fucking hard people had to be to deal with that like our grandparents waited through fucking knee deep and blood in europe to be able to build this for us that's right to make sure that like like the mind boggled i don't think that anybody who wasn't a lot didn't live through that can't even conceptualize what that must have been i think as a species we're still shell shocked from it i completely agree we're like stammering and stuttering after this crazy thing happened because it's not just that that happened it's because it happened it can happen again so we're like kind of we're all in the aftershocks of world war two and and and then personally people are experiencing their own like aftershocks from
Starting point is 01:32:44 personal trauma and abuse that is sometimes directly related to war and this is PTSD and epigenetic trauma so you know this this what the the reality is that of course people are scream tweeting and i do just as a very brief aside not to not to just add to what you're saying that's one thing even though our current kind of like neo fascist movement moment even though our current neo fascist moment and these neo fascist movements that are popping up around the world that many throughout europe and yeah it's fucked even though it's fucked and it's horrifying it's um when you consider it in context of what actually happened out now who knows what could happen but when you consider it in context that it is ultimately still an aftershock from
Starting point is 01:33:32 world war two and when you look at social media warfare and things like this you know i made this point where it's like you know if we were um our parents generation let alone our grandparents generation we would have been fighting these battles with our hands and with guns and now we're fighting them on social media for the most part and it's fucking awful but it beats physical combat right so there's progress there's a there's a bright side and and and some you know sometimes in my you know generally like i'm like i don't know confused understanding of these things i do i do think of that like try to look on the bright side i do think like yeah that you know at least like now you know like we're not killing each other over the shit and the other bright
Starting point is 01:34:22 side i think of is like is it kind of like as a species our immune system has gotten better at recognizing this particular fucking virus and so when it pops up in in in any way shape or form it is like instantaneously fallen upon and attacked and brutalized because you know sometimes i do think that like if a fucking cancer cell could talk right if these walls could talk yeah it would be saying things along the lines of like hang on guys i'm just wanting you i just want to have a conversation i just want free speech here i just want to talk a little bit about our fucking dna doesn't have to you know produce us the way it's pretty you know just sit down for a second i want to talk to you about something all right now i know what you're thinking i know what you're thinking
Starting point is 01:35:12 and i don't blame you for thinking that it's a sign that you're just take a red pill or two but you know come on does the pancreas really have to be this shit you know what i mean because because really like if you look at like people like um what's that dude's name it kind of vanished but he's like that southern weird southern dude who's like a racist you know i'm talking about spencer yeah it's not like he's secret about what he's saying he wants a fucking white what's it called a ethno state yeah you know what i mean and then when people like when when that awful and where people got run over by that and they were talking to him about it at least in the documentary i saw he was like kind of smirking half smiling yeah you know what i'm talking about
Starting point is 01:35:58 yeah yeah yeah he's clearly very um uh yeah i actually read that there was like an account somebody posted on reddit of somebody became involved in his group and like fell for this whole thing and got involved and it completely destroyed their life and then i think they got out of it and they basically said like look like Richard Spencer is a sociopath he was just using people he does not have any empathy for them he's just using them up and throwing away basically to prop up his own ego right you know it's like but it's like but in terms of the cancer metaphor it's like there's so many people like that out there it doesn't necessarily mean just not not just on the far right like the social media age has exposed us to these human pathogens right there's so many
Starting point is 01:36:39 think of how many people have we been exposed to over the last 10 15 years we've just used this era to just put their personality and their ideas on blast to the point where you know as somebody who's a marketer i know it's like if you repeat it you know as gerbil said if you repeat it enough if people accept it as the truth right and we live now in an era where monetized polemicists it's it's it's like we're in the era of the professional polemicist oh yeah who is monetized creating a divide and and and the monitor and so they went into it as a with a kind of like entertainer sense you know it's like this is i'm just gonna do like the hitchens thing or whatever i'm gonna it's gonna i'm gonna be a cervix and smart and i'm gonna use like great debate skills
Starting point is 01:37:26 to make points that naturally alienate at least half of the people and not only that tell a story about the people who don't find me to be palatable and so within that that's cool at first it's interesting but then suddenly you have to keep repeating the polemics you have to keep breaking shit apart because that's your job right and then you're injecting it now you're essentially it's like you it's the age of the professional fearmonger it's like it i need to produce a terror and then talk about it in a way that is gonna freak people out get invited on fucking whichever news program there is be divisive enough so that i grab a small audience and i'll get rich that's the idea man well that's always been the game right i mean it's in the media it's always been the media game but now
Starting point is 01:38:14 everyone is their own fox news right the scary thing particularly is particularly when you talk about people who are putting out messages that are alienating people and we saw this happen to the conspiracy community eventually the people that just get locked out end up all gravitating towards each other and what we've seen now is this whole thing is you know it's gone from individual cancer cancer cells to metastasizing where all these people who were kind of on in all these fringe groups like there were some people from the conspiracy world there were some people who were like way out on the fringes of the esoteric world there were people who were like kind of on the right but not that much there were there is people the libertarians you know all these people have
Starting point is 01:38:55 just been pushed to the friend you know they've been pushed kind of they've ended up all like circulating together and it's like in the same way that and and they've all not only self-radicalized but now radicalized each other to the point where now we have the alt right where it's this it's almost like the it's become a religion for people and it's become a and it's a scary thing that happens when people are all in an echo chamber and they're echoing each other's opinions even if the opinions are all wrong the fact that they're all talking about them presupposes that they're true and they're they're they're they're they're validating each other to the point where we now have this you know where we now have this thing that's come out of the you know whether it was
Starting point is 01:39:39 engineered or not i think is an open question and i have my views about that whether the alt right was purposefully engineered by who i don't know but purposefully engineered to push back against the progress of things like um you know um the success of standing rock and wiki leaks and edwards noted in fact that there was so much agitation from the left prior i don't think that um just seems like weak lazy people trying to find some shit to blame their like personality problems on or something in it but i'm i don't know in the story for all human history but now they can they all gather together and create this like like mega entity of hatred and rejection well i this is the path that i've identified it goes somewhere like this it's like i'm not sure if the
Starting point is 01:40:28 earth is round that's where it starts right it's somewhere in there you start thinking like maybe the earth is flat now i'm not saying you shouldn't wonder about that this is a good thing to wonder about prove for yourself whether the earth is round there's a shit ton of data out there for you you can do the measurements yourself figure it out explore it learn from the exploration just do it but then what happens is somewhere within that you're going to run into somebody who recognizes oh okay you're not a type of person who believes just what you hear right so hey you know what else is off a little bit human history you know that right like what you think history is isn't history at all right now what does that naturally lead to
Starting point is 01:41:15 holocaust denial right that's the next step so it's like it goes like there is i think and i don't know for sure i don't know if anyone's done this study but i think if you were to take like and p.s flat earthers out there who are like i'm jewish and i know the holocaust happened i'm not talking about you i'm talking about the people who are like i don't think any of this is real including the holocaust and then that leads to um obviously raging anti-semitism because now it's like the jews tricked us into thinking that there was this thing that happened and it didn't happen now we're right back to where we were pre-world war two irrational people creating a scapegoat out of an entire group of people and then boom what do you get you get some real
Starting point is 01:42:05 fucking problems man because once these dum-dums get together they get they get you know they get violent i might the only like comfort i take in any of this shit is when you see the videos of them versus the videos of like nazis in the past these people seem fucked up like they're like way overweight or all weird and like crusty and like they look sick they look fucked up they don't look like they could like do much well we live we live in a this is we live in a um we live in a country right we live in a country full of of people who are losing their jobs who are addicted to oxycontin and by the way we we just learned you probably saw this you know the person the company that created oxycontin like the president came out like they now have them on record he
Starting point is 01:42:53 came out they had a party after they released oxycontin and he said there was going to be a blizzard of of money from this and uh they were gonna make so much money off this and they were parting it's like it's uh you know they were probably on oxycontin yeah right right um you know the the situation in this country is very dire and i think that in particularly living in the media bubble of los angeles as we do we're really insulated from a lot of it you know if you go so many places in this country if you go to um you know they've just just been devastated by oxycontin and the factories closed down you know and they're just living in abject misery there's no work and you know the the common pattern by the way is um for a lot of small
Starting point is 01:43:43 towns in america is that whatever the source of labor was so like usually it's one place like the auto factory or you know auto in fact the auto industry shut down a long time ago in the us in the 80s but you know manufacturing jobs um and people talk about you know the coming automation crisis it's like a lot of a ton that's been going on since the 80s yeah and you know a lot of men most of the manufacturing has been automated out of america the you know farming has all become corporatized monsanto all this stuff and the so usually in these towns what happens is the source of labor leaves no one's got a job um then what happens is um often how the cycle starts is the elderly people who get oxycontin prescriptions for their medical conditions
Starting point is 01:44:30 to make money turn around and sell it or it's stolen right and then next thing you know everyone's on oxycontin yeah and then of course what happens is when there's no when they can't get enough prescriptions filled then people turn to heroin because what are you going to do when your oxy cotton's out and you're an addict it's like heroin is not heroin addiction and it's all heroin right it's all junk right this is something that william burrows was so clear on it's like oh like oxycontin, vican, percocet, it's not the same it's fucking junk it's the same shit right and so people fool themselves into this spectrum of oh like it's not at least it's not heroin it's fucking junk right and it's like but i'm coming from this place of like of addiction is um not
Starting point is 01:45:15 a moral failing it's not a failure of willpower it's certainly a failure of ethics on the parts on the behalf of these pharmaceutical companies for pushing this shit on people when they know damn well what it is and what it's going to do they fucking know yeah um but um um and so you know once somebody's an addict they're an addict right it's not they're not going to overcome that through willpower when you're when you become a heroin addict you're you're before heroin addiction your body naturally produces endorphins to keep you numbed to the agonizing pain of just existing in a body right your body is constantly producing opiates to keep you that state of comfortableness you experience on a day-to-day basis yes is you know don't quote
Starting point is 01:46:00 me on this i don't want to know the exact science but it's produced by your your body's natural pain relievers right so what happens when it's just like people who take testosterone or things like that when you take synthetic opiates junk right it it um your body stops making it just like anything else because it's getting an external source so it says oh i don't need to make that that's why by the same principle when bodybuilders start shooting up steroids their ball shrink to the size of peas because their body's like oh great i've got testosterone i don't need to make it anymore so it shuts down the testosterone production facility it's the same thing with uh your brain naturally produces opiates now it's not producing it so when people try to kick heroin they're
Starting point is 01:46:40 experiencing the most agonizing pain because they're not only they're not only getting the system it's like their body is like it's like they have that the people describe it as they have no skin their bones are like shattered glass like it's just pain and this goes on for close to a week while they're shitting themselves again the diarrhea vomiting and constantly constantly thinking about it would all go away if i just have a tiny bit so tell me that that you know and and you know somebody and they can just go down the street and maybe find somebody if they know how to get some right now tell me that somebody who has had everything in their life take you know they've had their employment taken and by the way we also know that the number one cause of
Starting point is 01:47:25 divorce and broken families is financial stress it's not infidelity infidelity runs a far second to financial stress financial breaks up families right so you had so now there's no work family broken families no opportunity no hope you turn on the tv and everyone's just all the guns are you know you know and are unfortunately you know on the on the left people have fallen into this trap of demonizing people in the middle of america with one hand with it while at the same time they're running a cold opium war on them let's be very very clear right like basically the message from from the the message from the corporate concerns in this country is we don't need you anymore because the the people in the corporations they know damn well they can get all these jobs run by
Starting point is 01:48:12 either automation or outsourcing they don't need the people in the middle of america so the message from the message from the the the the corporate concerns in this country is we don't need you anymore go fucking overdose in a corner and by the way you're the problem jesus christ that that's crazy that's what's happening right now what's gonna so so you tell me that somebody in that position who's lost their job living in a situation of dire straits in a broken situation and that they're they're now they're addicted to oxy cotton right and that that's the thing that with one thing that makes everything okay now you tell me they're bad for being addicted to it no go fuck yourself right like no you're not bad for being addicted to oxy cotton i don't care where the
Starting point is 01:49:02 fuck you live or what dope you're on where you know the the place where you need to sit down and think is if you're becoming like you know if you it's because what you're describing there's a very exploitable situation that's being exploited right it's like okay great here i have a group of people human cattle basically from the perspective of these people that you're talking about i mean if you're celebrating the fact that you're about to get rich off of fucking oxy cotton but and i do want to make one caveat by the way this is not just the middle of america we know this because the same thing happened in black communities in the 80s with the crack cocaine epidemic right right right but it's like so but what i'm saying is essentially this is an exploitable situation
Starting point is 01:49:40 and i'll tell you man this cab driver in new york told me the creepiest goddamn shit about isis he's we're just driving around this he was from syria i think we're just talking and he was it's because he had like a i can't remember there was he was he was awesome but he was telling me like you know isis that's not their name he's like he said some weird middle eastern name and he's like they come out after war when things are really bad they come out when things are really bad this like this like it was just creepy like like some kind of like doom locust that when shit gets just bad enough and exploitable where everyone's all fucked up because like they've been being bombed by a superpower you come to them like listen join us right it's all that's left
Starting point is 01:50:27 we're seeing this so so that when you're saying is the alt-right organized it's like well if we're looking at a kind of like opioid epidemic meeting the last fucking recession meeting like massive unemployment meeting all these fucking things and you really do have a perfect situation where you can get in there and be like you know what's causing this right it's well what shape do you think the earth is you know what i mean it's just it's you see how it's like it is such an exploitable thing uh that it's terrifying to imagine what happens if someone recognizes that and is like let's use the fucking internet and twitter and facebook to take all these fucking people out of their goddamn minds on oxy broke divorced sick dying all over the planet
Starting point is 01:51:21 and let's start doing little hits right the algorithm start sucking them down so it's like and then the next it's the same things happen in the middle east you know it's like it's like particularly in the wake of when the u.s went into the middle east and just you know devastated these countries like iraq it's like yes of course people are going to be radicalized in the wake of that because also then at least in the case in the least they can point to yeah the americans are like destroyed your fault you know they can point to all the abuses of america because they literally did and then and this was has always been this was always the point of the obama state department or and and some prior you know where they were saying that you know um uh uh uh violence leads
Starting point is 01:52:01 to further radicalization in a sense but that aside it's like if we look at history look at all throughout human history look human beings are fucking simple okay like you meet everyone listening to this like everyone out there deep down what do we want happiness yeah we want to be happy we want to be left alone we want to sit on the couch and watch fucking true detective and have food to eat have some love and play with our family and have love and that's pretty much it yeah every once in a while you get a pathological human being who goes a little goes a little ape shit yeah um and the crazy thing is is that people are so susceptible and manipulatable that the next thing you know they've got tons of people behind them behind them but the thing is that if you look all throughout
Starting point is 01:52:36 human history people do not become radicalized by ideology and ultimately we might even be able to argue the ideology doesn't even matter people become radicalized by hunger right why did the french revolution did not happen because of the propaganda of the enlightenment and the masonic societies it happened because people ran out of of uh bread right nazi germany happened in some sense because people couldn't eat they talked about the inflation was so bad they had to wheel uh wheelbarrows full of german dutch marks to buy one loaf of bread that's how bad inflation was yeah so it's it's it's i i mean i think we could take it to even a deeper level it's imbalanced it's like what you need is some kind of radical imbalance and within there that's where
Starting point is 01:53:20 this uh disaster starts happening on the so but imbalance at the at the level of survival needs right right but but you know but shit man it's like you can uh simulate that situation you know i mean if you can give people the impression that that imbalance is happening you know and it might not be happening quite the way you think it is then you could theoretically produce you know radicalization would be easier now listen what we did i just asked the u.s government is destabilize lots of countries in south america i've never heard that now it's not a that's a conspiracy theory um this is i we this there's a third leading cause of divorce in america which is late night podcasting and i want to synth the synth buying too many since modular synthesizers
Starting point is 01:54:07 listen i want to point out what we just did and it's my fault here we were talking about the think piece the spreading of fear the uh being a polemicist and then i became it and we started talking about the bear chasing us but they're very real i mean look look there's very real things to be very concerned about it's just the question is how do you react do you react by just like you know i want to say this real quick real quick just because i have to i'm completely aware that my life experience is different than other people's life experiences i've got it real fucking good and i'm work i i'm like trying to really like work well i think we both do but we're both using it as uh to do good i hope well i hope i mean i but you do have
Starting point is 01:54:58 to exercise your empathy muscle i mean i'm i whatever let socioeconomic place you find yourself whatever photon reflectivity on your skin but it is important i i don't i'm just learning like fuck man you have to really unfortunately some of us really do have to stretch so what i'm saying is i don't mean to deemphasize or say no things are actually great out there man they're just great i don't want to sound like that i know there is a clear and present danger probably in ways that we haven't even thought of you know unfortunately crazy shit crazy shit that is you know who knows what it is but all that being said what can we do now all right you want to know my 10-year plan yes all right let me lay this on you here so within the next 10 to 20 years automation is going to
Starting point is 01:55:52 decimate this country okay yeah right it's starting it's our start already frankly with manufacturing the next thing is truck drivers um truck driving is the number one job in america number one it's pretty well paid too right people don't really want to do it because it's hard on their families and things like that but it's um it's it's number one job um all of that is going to go and then also all the um all the little towns along the highways are going to get decimated too because people aren't going to be stopping as much absolutely and uh that's that's now the ai the timeline of the ai apocalypse is terrifying and the scary thing is that um people have just begun to see just the first wave of it which is uh trucker jobs right so i was consulting on ai
Starting point is 01:56:42 with google in 2017 and i was basically telling them you have to turn this you have to put compassion into this right and the speech i gave is on youtube you can find it if you search jason lou of google ai or something like that um now the or it may be a podcast just google it so the um that's gonna happen but people think oh it's just truck it's just those people in a middle america should i touch me look as somebody who knows about technology like no no it's going to take everything right so so first the trucker jobs like so we already have automated checkout tellers in supermarkets and banks um it's all blue collar manufacturing labor that's all going to go but white collar jobs are coming next you know how easy it is by the way people are telling people
Starting point is 01:57:28 oh learn to code you know how fucking easy it is for an ai to code that's its native environment that's the first thing it will learn to do you know or just it's not even really just ai but just machine learning and brute force brute force algorithm right for his algorithms right so coding um the legal profession think about law law is all code it's just legal code that will all be automated yeah i know i i interviewed this guy at stanford about this um and he like his description was beyond satanic it but i remember thinking to myself well you know comedy at least and now i don't know if you've seen this new fucking ai that's come out that can imitate speech patterns oh the google call center worker thing it's something that just popped up where like
Starting point is 01:58:12 the people who created are withholding it because they think it's the impact is going to be real rotten and they showed like uh they just took like a bunch of trump speeches and had it write a trump speech wow and i'm not saying that's the most difficult thing on the planet we've seen deep fakes and stuff like that they can copy what somebody make video of somebody right so you take so you take that ability to imitate and mix it in with the deep fakes CGI crossing the uncanny valley shit so theoretically if you have enough content out there someone could take all your goddamn think pieces then take your image and then animate that with a personality that's better at writing than you and smarter than you imagine this shit suddenly we're not quite there yet and
Starting point is 01:58:58 i'm kind of skeptical whether we'll get to that point but that journalism is about to be uh i don't think we're as far let's say we're 20 years away let's say we're 40 years away all right that means we're 40 years away from you getting this unfortunate tweet hey what's up jason i really enjoyed this lecture you gave like what lecture you click on the link oh yeah it's you yeah you're giving the most inspired talk on magic you've ever seen it's brilliant man it's fucking brilliant it's on youtube it's got 500 000 downloads it's spreading all over the fucking planet and you didn't do it someone else did it and they're making money from it you don't even know who it is right you know that is crazy to imagine that this is a thing we have to worry about we are literally
Starting point is 01:59:50 in potentially at the very beginning of invasion of the body snatchers and we're creating the fucking body snatchers well this is these are all potential things but the definite the definite is that within 10 within 10 years there will be massive structural unemployment in this country more than half 40 percent yeah right or well i mean like that that's a thing like i talked to people in the tech industry and they're like 70 80 they're popping it up now right and and what they say in the media is maybe is is you know they don't want to freak people out but you talk to tech people and they're like yeah like pretty much there's pretty much nothing that an ai couldn't do so here's the thing now we know for a we know obviously these big companies are going to automate
Starting point is 02:00:27 everything there's not going to be any jobs the only solution that i can see is universal basic income um elon musk sees the same you know i've been thinking about ai and ai affects for two years now it is the obvious solution um uh now not to endorse anyone candidate but um universal basic income as proposed by anybody is the right answer are you running for fucking president no but andrew yang is right so andrew yang uh and by the way i recommend um listen to his podcast that he did did on joe rogan it's all laid out right and so andrew yang is an entrepreneur from san francisco how does it work i don't i mean i'm sorry i just i want universal it makes sense right you would think like oh a universal basic now he calls it a freedom dividend because people are going to be
Starting point is 02:01:09 like oh my socialism but he pays for it so it's it's from what i understand it's it's really straightforward we already give people um income right in this country in the form of social security social security unemployment various other um disability disability all these things and so the plan is his plan makes perfect sense it's a thousand so everyone gets a thousand dollars a month no questions asked right and most of that is paid and i think that listen to his podcast on rogan he breaks it down specifically but um most of that is just converted over from what we're already giving people and they're basically just taking money they're already giving people and just taking the conditions off it and saying here do what you will with it because by the way somebody might want
Starting point is 02:01:54 to start a business with that money instead of just letting it sit in you know food stamps or something like that you think that fixes it though it's i mean ps no i don't want to get the basic income people after me i love it let's do it if we can do it let's fucking do it i would like it if no one had to work i want to do what did andy warrell say wanted to do put carpets on the streets yeah yeah i'm all for it man if we could make it work let's do it we'll mine some asteroids get whatever it takes but i um don't understand how giving someone a thousand dollars a month is going to really help that's honestly not that much it is a band-aid right i mean 12 000 dollars a year is a band-aid but it's it could be the difference between mass social violence
Starting point is 02:02:37 and misery and people at least beginning like is it the coliseums is this just no different than the room they call like the they say like towards the when the room was collapsing everyone started going to the fucking coliseums they were like trying to keep the people entertained because the whole thing was so wobbly it was going out of control like essentially like ps i don't know why i have to keep saying this universal basic income great yeah if we could do let's do it but i keep thinking like but isn't the real problem here more of a existential special identity crisis which is for the longest time we've associated who we are with our jobs oh but you haven't heard the second part of my plan i keep i'm sorry but yes you're totally
Starting point is 02:03:21 right like the whole david graver thing that you're into bullshit jobs right yeah like people are all like they're taking my jobs it's like motherfucker like turn the clock back about 200 years do you know how hard people fought not to go into factories when they put uh john zersen talks about this when they put people first started putting nobody wanted to work they dragged people out of villages to chain them to benches in factories you know and uh or not change but they basically that's what that's why urbanization happened the whole uh phenomenon where there are um clocks in the center of of towns you know when that started that's when these factories put the clocks in there so everyone knew what time it was to go to work and when people tried to put the clocks in there they
Starting point is 02:04:02 would constantly destroy them with rocks and try and turn them down like don't put clock time on us you know like that's the man got it so so we've yes you're totally right we've been under this delusion i mean buck buckminster fuller said in the 1970s um nobody needs to work right he said it's some point in the mid 1970s there was a point where people didn't need to work anymore it's just not necessary there's enough abundance for everyone there was enough food in the mid 1970s if properly distributed it would feed everyone in perpetuity women garbage women well maybe some people right but it's like but his point was the majority of jobs now are paper shuffling jobs right so so um so here's the plan right here's the 10-year plan what is it okay so so by the way
Starting point is 02:04:46 the thousand dollars a month um his plan the math works out and i love this guy he basically his his tagline is the opposite of donald trump is is an asian who's good at math that's what andrew yang said right i love him his his laugh he's i just like i've just become obsessed with this guy he's really really really smart um and and so basically what he's saying is that most like part of the universal basic income will be paid out of what the government is already giving people and the rest will be paid by facebook amazon google and big tech companies it's like look if you guys want to make save 150 180 billion dollars from automation and by the way how much tax did amazon pay last year zero because they ran it through ireland amazon paid zero in tax
Starting point is 02:05:27 last year so basically like you want to you want to destroy our country okay pay universal basic fair enough i think it's a fair deal so here to wrap up here's the future here's the 10-year plan duncan i can't wait andrew yang gets into office everyone gets 10 everyone gets a thousand dollars a month louvre raises an army of of sadhu's warrior monks and sorcerers who take a thousand dollars a month is more than enough to dedicate yourself to pursuing meditation the occult arts consciousness expansion and creating the shambhala society the truck trunk will always promise but which we will now actualized of enlightened people actively making the world better you mean like some kind of collectivization using the thousand dollars a month decentralized right but the point is it's
Starting point is 02:06:12 like that the the resources are there like all the tech is there you want if you go to magic.me all the gear you will ever need and by the way i'm about to launch a huge new course with lots of new stuff but all the gear is there take the gear learn the meditation learn the magic learn everything you need to become an enlightened agent of positive change on this planet take the thousand the thousand dollar yang bucks a month that's more than enough to to to fund this type of lifestyle because by the way the only thing you need to live this lifestyle is a meditation mat and you don't really need the yang bucks it sure helps though the thousand dollars a month that sure helps it doesn't hurt man this is america you can't get by on no money well no i am thinking like if that if like
Starting point is 02:06:57 universal basic income did happen and that met intentional communities so you know you get 20 people together in one place and there now there's 20 thousand dollars a month happening that's nuts like you can do a lot with that that's crazy and people if even in a family right there's the two adults they're both getting it's everyone over the age of 18 he gets a thousand a month i think yang explains so it's 2000 a month for a family or for more people you know yang what's what year is it 2020 yang 2020 yang gang blue army think about it how are you wait how are you wrapping in your fucking a cult army around this guy's presidential campaign he's providing the fun does he know you're doing this damn you like is it i was i was sending him free marketing
Starting point is 02:07:41 advice i don't know if he was reading it or not he probably is yeah i mean listen you gotta like you gotta keep your your army part down like if that because what's gonna happen is people are gonna be like listen if yang gets elected lou is gonna raise an army of wizards army is a strong word what i mean is an enlightened society of high climate here's like it's the shambhala concept right yeah sure like um we know you and i both know from spirituality spiritual practices are really all okay here's what human beings need to be happy family community spiritual connection yes food basic needs covered right they're make sure their kids have a great happy life and their kids aren't family doesn't have to mean blood relatives exactly it can be chosen family can be
Starting point is 02:08:23 community right intentional community so um all the great enlightened societies of the world have basically been run along those lines you know by and i can assure you hanging out with people meditating doing you know you know positive kind of rituals and having a basic family existence beats fucking 5 000 channels any day right because we're sick in this country because we don't have social and this is why i love podcasting it's like our last shred of actually being able to talk to other human beings right i wish you guys could see it we're actually sitting on the floor like two kids did a sleepover the the um here's the thing and we have to wrap it up gangbugs wizard army we do have to wrap it up sorcerer army gangbugs wizard army i love the slogan put it on a shirt
Starting point is 02:09:11 and i will buy it um this is what rempache said he said these whatever your particular like big social idea is whether it's some form of socialism whether whatever the big plan you you have in mind start with a family and that is where the big change will come from because it's like if we could do that like if we can make our families work if we can make our home temples work if we can like really like give up ourselves enough so that the people we're living with can like be themselves fully uh and really not do gates buffett style fucking quantized god damn or rather monetized love quantize your love don't want quantified yeah quantified love transactional love the bane of human existence if we could do that in and those of us who are
Starting point is 02:10:13 having children can like have a child who at least the intention for that kind of thing was was there then what rempache chogum jumbo was saying is this will create over time a big change now i think we are gonna have to shift hey Duncan remember when uh uh two podcasts ago when i came over what did i say Duncan the children are our future and you were like get out of my house and did i say that yes you did now listen to you i'm proud of you such a monster man thank you life comes at you fast i really well i like it man i really do and uh i'm really lucky to have you as a friend me too thank you so much for being on the show and uh i'm gonna look up is it wang andrew yang and can i end with a plan yeah please so as you all know i've been
Starting point is 02:11:05 teaching magic at magic dot me i have the ultimate master course coming it's not out yet it's coming in a few weeks um it is going to be the ultimate training where i'm gonna and i'm by the way it's not just going to be training in magic it's going to be doing magic where i'm going to be radically walking people through and you know i've been doing these sessions with people where i've been spending two three hours completely transforming their lives one on one one on one um but there's there may there will be a one-on-one component um potentially but what there will definitely be is a session where it'll be a group session where i'm going to be walking people through you know really kind of the awakening process and show and like people are going to go through
Starting point is 02:11:49 that course and they may start confused not sure what they want to do with their life not sure where they are not sure about what spirituality is and they're going to walk out on the other end of that course knowing exactly who they are exactly what they're doing in their life and with geared up with all the tools to do it no way i want to do it it's going to be awesome so it's not out yet however um i'm going to offer it for a special i'm going to offer it first to this is the first time i'm mentioning it so i'm going to offer it first to the people who are listening to this podcast so in order to find out about it you have to be on my mailing list and the good news is i have a free gift for you which is i've created a 10 like a 10 minute guided meditation that will
Starting point is 02:12:29 start this process that will begin the process of basically somebody awakening to their own infinite potential awakening to their awakening their inner magician right so it's a guide it'll be a guided 10 minute audio meditation something you can do every morning cool something you can do to prime your day something you can do before going into any situation that you need to handle in order to get it um please text the word wizard to the phone number 44222 so it's the word wizard to the phone number 44222 if you're in the us you will get a text back asking for your email put your email and then you will get the guided meditation and then you'll be on my mailing list i'll send you lots of other good free stuff videos podcasts tech on us oh yeah articles um
Starting point is 02:13:13 general we said the magician uses the greatest tools available to them at the time that's i took it to heart and and then i will announce and then if you're on that list you will be the very first when the big class is announced in a few weeks if you're if you heard that you're like what the fuck text what to what go to drussell dot com the links will be in this episode of the podcast so you could take this class and uh you should do it you know just hanging out with you man you i like the way you teach because it's these very simple things that i've never thought of like a you know that's my favorite kind of joke on stage is when a comedian says a thing that's so brilliant you you know but so simple and you do that and that's why i'm you know i'm lucky to be friends with you
Starting point is 02:13:52 me too a couple of things just hanging out tonight i'm going to remember for a long time man oh real quick yeah diarrhea stew diarrhea stew i mean there you go the tontrick view of the burning ground the tontrick view of reality so the uh oh yeah so uh oh yeah so oh yeah it's wizard to wizard to the phone number four four two two but a caveat it only works if you're in the us so if you're outside of the us you will be arrested oh please go to the website um it is oh sorry um go to the website free dot magic dot me slash wizard and by the way kids that's magic with a k so free dot magic ma g ic k dot me slash wizard and you can get it there that was the great jason lou everybody all the links you need to find jason will be at
Starting point is 02:14:38 dunkatrussell.com much thanks to purple for sponsoring this episode of the d t f h and much thanks to you for listening if you enjoy the podcast make sure you like and subscribe i'll see you soon harry christina you you you you you've been making better decisions for your busy family for years and now little by little
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