Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 351: Noah Lampert

Episode Date: September 1, 2019

Noah Lampert, one of Duncan's favorite manifesters (Duncan's word), joins the DTFH! Check out Noah's podcast, Synchronicity, wherever you listen to podcasts. This episode is brought to you by Burro...w ($75 off and FREE 1 week shipping when you visit burrow.com/duncan and use code DUNCAN at checkout). This episode is also brought to you by Instacart ($10 off your first order when you use code DUNCAN at checkout).

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Greetings to you, sweet friends. It is I, Dee Trussell, and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast, the only podcast on the planet that has received eight Forbes Golden Conversation keys. One more key, and I will finally be able to open that rectangular glowing copper box they keep in the alchemical laboratories far beneath Forbes. And once I get that box opened, I'll at last be able to knife the squid lord that they keep inside, that monstrous creature that's been sending out vibratory waves of despair that have been causing the particular sector of the multiverse that we exist in to grow
Starting point is 00:01:11 and increasing levels of vertiginal nauseating absurdity. I'm going to transform that into joyful absurdity. All I've got to do is knife that pulsating little Cthulhu motherfucker that the people at Forbes for no good reason are holding imprisoned far beneath their amazing company. In the meantime, we're going to do what we can to try to transform your consciousness into something that isn't quite so muddled, disparate and terrified, angry, unhappy, overly dramatic, stuck in some kind of psychic sap wriggling about like some poor little caterpillar creature that fell into the street that you saw when you're a kid and you picked it up
Starting point is 00:01:58 because you wanted to save it and you brought it over into the grass. But right when you put it down a spider ate it, we are going to attempt to do a classic psychic extraction technique with this episode of the DTFH, which is to remind you that your ultimate identity is divine, that you're co-creating the universe with God and that if you want to and are brave enough to dream the great dream, you can actually very quickly expand outside of the dark constraints of your preferences that could be keeping you anchored to a mediocre existence instead of allowing you to access your hyper potential trademark. I own that and explode through the great veil of the particular part of the multiverse
Starting point is 00:02:45 that you were in like a silver cannonball through the chest of some malefic ancient gigantic vampire. We're going to cannonball your ass right in a paradise just by allowing you to hear this conversation with one of my favorite manifestors. He doesn't like that term living on the planet today. These people are great. You need a few of them in your life at least because if you don't have somebody playing the sweet pan pipes of potential paradise, then you can very easily find yourself spiraling
Starting point is 00:03:21 down, down, down past the wreckage of a million titanics down, down, down into some kind of Dante's Inferno style ice lake, some subterranean methane filled cavern where super intelligent toads croak insults at you while you wriggle about in some kind of hell realm completely amnesic to the fact that if you only focus and believe and apply not just discipline, physical discipline to your life and not just repetitive discipline to your life, but to the discipline of allowing the alchemical manifestation chambers that exist within your consciousness known as the imagination to project realities that aren't always the very worst possible amygdala inspired event that could happen to you.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You can actually, if you have the guts, simulate insanely beautiful potential lives for yourself. And I'm not saying sit around smoking the old daydream pipe like some opioid addict all thin and broken with Pierce nipples and some horrific gonorrhea eating your face away. I'm talking about combining this positive mental attitude, the strange thought experiment of co-creating the universe with some kind of hyperintelligence far more advanced than you, which is actually you and see what the results are as Noah says over and over again during this conversation, be empirical study it find out for yourself. Is it possible to formulate within your mind some potential new reality that you don't
Starting point is 00:05:10 exist in yet and just through belief alone, just through some form of attaching your imagination to whatever particular note of the multiverse you're existing at in a more advanced state, is it possible that you can actually change the world around you dive into that terrifying ocean of miracles and synchronicity, the opposite of the wasteland of disappointment, darkness and cynicism that is so easy to get lost in. And before you know it, you'll just be humping a dead coyote carcass and pretending you're making love to a God when the reality is you're just humping a dead dog. We want to see if we can use our imagination to travel out of the land of dog necrophiles
Starting point is 00:06:04 and enter into the land where people make love to living gods. Speaking of dogs, I've got dog problems lately friends. So I overreact when he seems old, dramatically through the couch off the porch. If you think that it's easy to get a new couch you're really wrong, you're really fucking wrong, you couldn't be more wrong. It takes weeks to get a new couch my friend, probably easier to get a kidney than to get a new couch. Today's new sponsor is a wonderful company called Burrow and you're looking for new furniture there's a lot to consider like how are you going to get it in the door or up the stairs or how you're going to move it. Thanks to Burrow you don't have to stress about any of that.
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Starting point is 00:09:03 your dark mood caused you to enter into some kind of alternate part of the simulator where they're actually monsters. It's Jacob's Ladder except with couches. This doesn't have to happen to you. Head over to burrow.com give them a chance. These sweet darlings took a chance on us. If you're looking for new furniture check them out. It's burrow.com slash Duncan. That's burrow.com slash Duncan for 70 dollars off a new sofa. Friends if you've been up at night screaming at the ceiling how the fuck can I help the DTFH all you got to do is go to patreon.com slash DTFH and sign up you'll get an extra hour rambling thing for me as well as commercial free episodes of the DTFH. There's lots of weird stuff over there. Go check it out. We also have a shop located at
Starting point is 00:09:59 dunkintrestle.com with t-shirts, posters and glorious DTFH associated merchandise that you can adorn yourself, your friends, your family, your neighborhood with and hopefully help us continue on the trajectory that we're all enjoying together. That trajectory being at last escaping from the Gnostic prison of our own minds into the kingdom of heaven and I don't think you can do that without a DTFH t-shirt. I'm very excited to introduce you to today's guest. I met him years ago at the Rom DOS retreats. He's got a wonderful podcast called Synchronicity. He is a really positive, contagiously positive person who has tuned in to some of my favorite manifestors even though he doesn't like using that term because it's a confusing term but today we have a
Starting point is 00:10:57 wonderful conversation about manifestation and about allowing yourself to open up to the possibility that you are a lot less limited than maybe you think you are. All the links you need to find NOAA will be located at dunkintrestle.com and now everybody please welcome to the DTFH NOAA Lampert. I've been dying to talk to you been following your tweets and we had a nice conversation but it seems like you've had a kind of breakthrough and you have gone into the deep waters of manifestation and the last time we chatted I had such a wonderful conversation with you. I think it did trigger some kind of chain reaction in me because after the conversation I started thinking about manifestation again. I put the whole concept on hold temporarily just because I decided like well
Starting point is 00:12:25 I don't know man it's maybe it's bullshit but what if it's not and if it's not bullshit then it means that my own limited understanding of things is going to start bringing shit into the world and then isn't it better to say that I will be done than to try to you know in your own mind project the future that you would like for yourself because isn't the grace of the divine going to create something for you far more spectacular than what you could imagine which brings me to my first question in regards to manifestation which is number one let's break it up number one how did you get into it where are you learning this stuff and number two don't you think it's better to allow the universe to give you gifts than to create these gifts yourself
Starting point is 00:13:15 totally oh my god best fucking question ever to open it I guess the first thing I'd say is yeah it's been a breakthrough this happened to me before 16 years ago and I didn't know what was going on and I described it as one giant synchronicity and what was happening is is everything I was thinking like would almost immediately come true to the point where this didn't stop for three months and it freaked me out but now I kind of did it myself and will walk through how I did that but here's the question when you say divine thy will be done and universe if you're thinking of something external to you you're failing the test and it sounds kind of like blunt and dickish to say that but when you fully understand that the sense of I
Starting point is 00:14:03 am in you your imagination that's God or source or universe or Krishna or Buddha or anything and you're also you this is what the rastafarians call I and I it's this big god I am and you you still get to be Duncan I still get to be Noah oh shit that's what I and I means that's what I and I and that's why they smoke weed that's you know how much I love weed like I've I couldn't I've had every logical and objective reason outside of something being bad for me and bad for my family but like I smoke a fuck what a weed and I've always wondered why like I've known I love it and I know it's not bad for me and I've had to question this because sometimes I smoke a lot and what the rastafarians use it for and people who smoke a lot of weed or just are familiar with cannabis
Starting point is 00:14:48 is it shifts you into these imaginal realms so I use the word imagination and consciousness interchangeably but that sense of I am what you have in your skull right up around your brain area I am Duncan I am happy I am successful I am sad I am depressed that's God that's literally everything that's what in the Bible I've got super into the Bible I never thought this would happen but that's what's Yahweh Valhaze right that's Yahweh that's what we can break that down kind of alchemically and prove that this is an operative thing however before we get totally off in the woody bend what I like to say to everyone is don't take my word for it don't take anyone's fucking word for this shit do it yourself empirically test these techniques prove it to
Starting point is 00:15:37 yourself build the ladder of faith where you know this is an operative principle and this is actually how it works and then come back and figure out kind of what the implications are and just as a caveat bring an ethical framework with you which I don't have to tell you and your listeners but like you know think about the ethical framework use this stuff lovingly it's just a good idea we can go into that specifically why later you're saying don't manifest stuff it's going to hurt somebody don't use it for sorcery don't use it to manipulate people don't do non-consensual manifestation is that what you mean we're doing it anyway is the point right this your state of consciousness internally is constantly being reflected back to you in the world we like to
Starting point is 00:16:21 think of the world as the cause but the internal I am subconscious slash unconscious that's the cause everything out here in this world is an effect right this is what Blake William Blake would call you know it's just but this is a shadow this is mortality a shadow of mortality it's not it's not a thing that if we're trying to use this world to gain insight into what's really going on it's like looking at a very small part of someone's skin and being like oh that's Duncan like I saw his like left pinky I know exactly who Duncan is and what he feels and what he loves and what he doesn't love like you know what I mean like it's just it's a weird way to try to go about it a mantra I've been kind of telling myself is and it's weird this shit will definitely flip your
Starting point is 00:17:06 world upside down this is definitely kind of like popping out of the matrix if you fully grok this shit and all your fears all your doubts all your anxieties it might feel like you're actually going to die in real life kind of like a psychedelic trip where your ego feels like it's like but you may be convinced you're going to get hit by a car or some shit you won't don't worry what's happening is you're psychically killing the version of yourself that doesn't want to deal with this reality right if this is true what I'm basically saying is that your imagination creates reality it precedes materiality that means every fucking thing in your world and this applies to everyone is your responsibility and the logical and analytical mind fucking hates that shit that's
Starting point is 00:17:46 that's apocalyptic you know what I mean but isn't it also this so okay this is I want to dwell here in this what you're saying and why I think people have resistance to it and why it can be it can create a kind of like existential vertigo yes because you're you have to like you have to deal with the fact number one that that song row row row your boat yes yes was not that whoever wrote that song minute and that the weirdly row row row your boat is almost like an an occult mantra and a lot of people don't realize that row row row your boat gently down the stream merely merely merely merely life is but a dream and you see and you know it's all it's advising a kind of way of navigating within this universe and it's also you know sort of
Starting point is 00:18:48 suggesting an attitude and then uh it's also you know it's finishing off with what for a lot of people is it would be initially a really delight and then if you really think of the implications almost nightmarish depending on how deeply you're attached to the dream and and that to me I think is the place where people shut down when it comes to this stuff don't you which is like if you deal with if you want to like if you want to do this stuff you're gonna have to deal with the fact that you're kind of in a dream and if you're in a dream then that means that the same thing that happens to you when you wake up after dreaming that you've had this life or that life been this thing and been that thing gained this lost that the same thing that happens which is two hours later
Starting point is 00:19:33 you're like whatever but that that could happen to this your son your daughters your mothers your brothers you you wake up and it's like oh fuck that was nothing it was a wisp oh no they're still real this is where it gets really trippy and what's cool about where we are in linear time right now is we're moving into kind of this paradigm where this is becoming more apparent that these are how things work and what I've noticed is as people kind of just try this out and test it out and just to be clear like we're talking about pretty heady concepts I use this technique just I had just had another kid our second son Gabriel congrats thank you so much he's fucking awesome he's been in the hospital twice it's been fine but he's totally cool he's it's just
Starting point is 00:20:24 the proof of this shit is when you're dealing with a very difficult situation and you know you're good that's when it gets fucking like oh my god I think this stuff is really really really powerful it's but I just to go back I started with money I started with like the most base level thing that people would think is like not a good thing to start I just started with money I was like I need money and then very quickly afterward it popped open and then what I started to realize what do you mean it popped open I just popped open a money portal it's it was insane and it continues and it's just it and then when I got attached to it it disappeared for day I'll break it down not won't talk and being vague but I got weirded out to it there's a graph there's a visual
Starting point is 00:21:05 graph that shows this so what happened was is I was using these techniques you tip me off to mature with so when I see him in the city he he tip me off to the og of this stuff who honestly listen everyone is you which sounds crazy but this guy Neville Goddard this aspect of us was a saint and I had never heard of him but he was in Mitch's book and there was something about his voice in his voice Mitch's in the audiobook where I was like dude this guy really loves this guy like this of everything that was heard in this audiobook like he loves this guy right so I was like yeah I'm gonna check him out so I went on Soul Seek which is this like ancient peer-to-peer file software thing with a really good name that I was using in like the early 2000s like a
Starting point is 00:21:49 Napster competitor and I was typed in his name Neville Goddard and there was like 70 80 talks wow oh he's fucking voice dude and he died in 1972 so a lot of these are from like the 40s 50s and 60s so it sounds like shit and I was like whoa like I'm gonna listen to this so I'm like mowing the lawn with it jacked up and it's like hissing and scratching and he's just talking about a variety of things he's talking about how imagination creates reality and then he starts talking about Jesus Christ and I grew up reformed Jewish which is like Jewish late like we barely do anything like it's not it's not very religious at all so I didn't know anything about Jesus Christ but when this happened to me 16 years ago I had a distinct feeling for like at least a few weeks
Starting point is 00:22:36 that I was Jesus Christ and that's a weird thought to have knowing nothing about him usually a bad sign right that's like a manic episode sign well that's so this is I just did an episode on mental illness because I think what's happening for a lot of people we're misinterpreting but we want to be clear that you also want to stay grounded and connected to this world so I thought this was brought on by like a nominal hit of LSD and kind of got launched into space so when I'm thinking Jesus Christ that's exactly the thought I have something is wrong here or it eventually came in but anyway flash forward to like a few months ago and I'm hearing Neville Goddard talk about what he means by Jesus Christ and what he says first and foremost he I've only heard him say
Starting point is 00:23:16 like a few things in the negative saying like no this is wrong and one of them is that any historical interpretation of the Bible is just like wrong it's just like they got a wrong and like this is like don't look at it like that because it's wrong what it is he says is kind of a psychological not kind of a psychological interpretation of what people go through in this world so every character in the Bible every situation in the Bible is a psychological state we pass through and so where this culminates in the New Testament which I was not familiar with at all is known as Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ is isn't a guy who's going to come up and fucking save everyone but it's a state of consciousness where you wake up to what is actually going on where I and I
Starting point is 00:24:01 it's actually not a conceptual reality but a real reality and you don't do this in like some weird esoteric cult like way you do it empirically we use our logical mind we use our ego we use all of these things we use our desires which truthfully are just God given gifts and we're giving them to ourselves so we can feel fulfilled so we can move into the version of our reality use the word manifesting I try to avoid it just because I think it's like charged like God yeah I like to use select the best version of your reality select the best version of you just be the best version of you because honestly and you get this right if we all move in to the best version of ourselves what happens to the world around us like we all start carrying around water bottles and recycling
Starting point is 00:24:46 and realizing like we don't have to eat like this all the time like weird shit starts to happen when you appropriate certain states of consciousness and they're empirically testable techniques and the only resistance I've really met on that in terms of how far it can be taken or whether people are actually going to do it or people just like nope sounds like bullshit not going to do it and it's like okay at first wall that's yeah and it's like cool but if you start testing this shit it gets so I mean it is the only metaphor I can use it's cliche but it really is like popping out of the matrix and if you stabilize these states of consciousness and you don't just you know collapse back into a smaller version of yourself who's afraid and anxious and like maybe
Starting point is 00:25:27 this is a wrong I don't know you're golden and you you start doing what you always wanted to do you express every part of your being and recognize it's not wrong and then she can get a little weird because you start moving into this non-dual like right and wrong area right and that really can bump up against external reality if you're not working on yourself so here's an exercise check this out this is a fun one that applies to what you're saying uh that I've been playing around with um the well first I one of my favorite things is Robert Anton Wilson's recommendation regarding the stuff which is maintain agnosticism so for a lot of people that first wall the wall of like I'm fuck that it's just a bunch of new age crystal gazing you know bullshit this is a bunch of sage
Starting point is 00:26:17 burning desert fucking mushroom nonsense that you're not gonna you can't none of it it's just what the secret you know what I mean so okay fine that's a justifiable reaction to the term only because uh in the worst case sometimes manifestation is a spiritual bypass a pathetic spiritual bypass to avoid sweating or something you know it's it's like a magical thinking that does nothing okay fine so that to me I will love what you're saying especially the part about you have to have an empirical approach to this so step one is okay you're probably right but what if you're not let's find out so let's just climb over the the wall of skepticism into the next zone which is the place where you can begin to experiment with a part of your laboratory that you'd walled off
Starting point is 00:27:10 because you made a set of assumptions usually based on some kind of rational assessment of reality within which making shit happen that is a million times more miraculous than what you ever thought you could do seems like a waste of time and so okay take that fucking wall down for a second and here we are in this new place with the bubbling beakers and so for me what I've been doing uh is using simulation theory as the uh using the vernacular of video games and simulation theory to play around with this line of thinking and so um specifically like okay we're in a massive multiplayer interdimensional role playing game that uh is not just this particular zone which we're in which is whatever your subjective universe is but there's literally an infinite number of
Starting point is 00:28:17 other games running where you are you are the main character and in and then that's where we hit the continuum of potential self not just in the positive by the way so uh and that's where it's fun so one vision one visualization exercise I've been doing and it's definitely not something you'd want to do over and over again based on these theories which we'll get into and I'm looking forward to your description of them uh um because a lot of times with this stuff people like imagine the greatest version of you like what you said yeah how about this imagine the worst version of you right so now I'm that what don't do that now let me explain why okay so just based on this framework the very worst version of you that you can imagine is happening right now in a different
Starting point is 00:29:04 zone of the game right so while you're playing this game and you've achieved whatever achievements you have or there's achievements you don't have or there's mistakes you made or whatever somewhere in this incredible hard drive or server or cloud within which all these multiple realities are being generated there's a version of you that's like at the beach digging through a fucking trash can trying to find a ham sandwich you've got like you know I don't know like very like a shit ton of horrific diseases you got beaten a few weeks ago so you're like mind is is like kind of like going in and out you're stuttering you're super sick maybe you've got like I don't know four months left to live or something like that you destroyed your life
Starting point is 00:29:54 but you'd barely even remember that right so you imagine that being right you and then you have compassion on that being and this is the fun thing you try to draw that being out of that part of the simulator into the you that you are now so then if you do the visualization exercise is as much as much courage as you have and you really allow yourself for a second to operate as that being then you when you pop back into the you that you are now you'll experience a wild relief because you're no longer that being anymore you've literally jumped through the simulator into this identity that you currently are right now so the reason I say it's it's easier for us to imagine more degraded versions of ourselves than to imagine more advanced versions of ourselves
Starting point is 00:30:45 and but what it does is it produces I think a kind of like way to understand how the shit is done which is the feeling what you're yeah there's something going on there dude that's that is a really I don't mean to cut you off if you have more to say the last piece of it is this so within this and it is a quick last piece imagine the possibility that not only can you in some way or another visual visualize this version of you but imagine that that version of you is already existing and seeing you as you are now and pulling you into it so that it's so two-way street so to speak yes so welcome to the new reality is what I would say to you cool this is legitimately what's happening I use the technique that a Neville Goddard referred
Starting point is 00:31:41 to as revision where you go back to situations that are traumatic or difficult that you didn't handle with grace or could have went better or just you want a different result and you imaginably recreate the scene and the same type of healing that you just described takes place what I love about your idea is I just tweeted this out today so I used to do this meditation which I learned from the sound healer guy who talks like fifth dimensional beings so like straight woo I took my very non-woo friend to like this thing in New York and he was like whoa we I had never felt that high in my life on anything it was insane but anyway the technique in the meditation was is you would imagine connecting with a future version of yourself
Starting point is 00:32:18 that was perfect and today I tweeted out now when I do this meditation or do this thing I'm sending it back to that other version of me saying I got you and it literally is kind of the same thing that you're describing this is what we do and when you know that this is how it works and you have techniques and you prove it to yourself and you're not relying on anyone else telling you anything and you know you're going to use it lovingly and benevolently like watch what happens to this world over the next like it seems so improbable because if you look out in the world there's so much horrible shit going on objectively but recognize the way to actually turn the shit around not like hopefully I think so maybe but is literally summoning forth and
Starting point is 00:33:03 healing all of those hurt versions of yourself from the worst to where you are now to the best and bringing them in together like that's how we move this dimensional reality into just like I don't want to say Shambhala because I don't I think I use that word all the time for it I think that's a fantastic way to describe it and but you you said you did what just define Shambhala it's just an enlightened society it was Chogyam Trungpa's vision who is just a real classical trickster archetype mystic who also just I recently found out dealt with a tremendous amount of personal suffering that's that wasn't spoken about I found that from someone deeply inside of Shambhala you know it explains a lot kind of what has happened through various set you
Starting point is 00:33:49 know branches of it but I also know some of the best people I've ever come across come from Naropa and that lineage so he really was crazy wisdom but Shambhala is just kind of this like utopian enlightened society where everyone's collectively moving up together and if we want to look at it also in Vedic terms Sri Yukteswar who was Paramahansa Yogananda's guru and the age of the guru is dying so this is somewhat relevant but he a lot of people think this is the Kali Yuga and if you look outside it's easy to think that that everything is going that everything is going to hell that everything is getting worse and worse but Sri Yukteswar based on his calculations of yugas which are these long time cycles actually was like no no no this is the Dvapura Yuga this is
Starting point is 00:34:32 the period of time where light slowly emerges and people wake up to what's actually going on and these things last like 600 800000 years and we're towards the beginning of it and it feels weird to kind of rebalance how you look at reality but again that's where I think the benefit of these specific techniques or anything that can get you there whether it's mindfulness or anything is you do it yourself you prove it yourself that's the most important part of it because otherwise you may always have that doubt that oh did Maharaj do it for me or do it for me I mean I have some funny takes on Maharaj now and still very much like what an amazing being who just obviously connected a lot of other people but it's you right he's you that's what he was saying to
Starting point is 00:35:17 everyone over there all these times this way he's throwing apples at the west centers and hitting them on the head and saying go he's like it's you it's not me it's you okay I want to I want to take a little break here but but but and when we come back I want you if you don't mind to give us a few of these techniques that you've been talking about some beginning level techniques that we can start this strange experiment of I guess you could call it man not manifestation I've been thinking of it actually as multi-verse navigation through visualization but let's uh when we come back let's talk about that why in the name of god's sweet green earth would you spend your precious life energy slithering through grocery stores slipping and child diarrhea falling into rotting
Starting point is 00:36:14 apples and old pulpified diapers when you could be enjoying cathedrals groves forests and drinking mead from a barrel instacart allows you to spend your glorious human incarnation worshiping pan spending time listening to wind chimes enjoying the tweeting of birds or working in your workshop making magical puzzle boxes that can transport people into soul prisons where you can control them for eternity instacart they will get you groceries delivered in as fast as one hour or at a time that works with your schedule they've got exclusive coupons so you can save money without having to clip and cut all those coupons I've one of my friends cut his arm off clipping coupons in a terrible accident it's dangerous and risky instacart will potentially save your life
Starting point is 00:37:10 you're not going to bleed out on the floor of your kitchen surrounded by the coupons that you managed to clip looking at the terrible wound that you inflicted on yourself because you weren't paying attention you can get instacart to pick up groceries at your favorite stores they're delivered from local and national retailers you choose get the app or go to instacart.com and shop the groceries you need from your favorite local retailers they will deliver your groceries in as little as one hour or at a time you select and they're going to keep your hot items hot and your cold items cold try instacart right now and you'll get ten dollars off your first order to get this limited time offer go to instacart.com or download the mobile app and enter my promo
Starting point is 00:37:56 code Duncan at checkout that's ten dollars off your first order today at instacart.com or through the mobile app and don't forget to enter my code Duncan instacart.com or through the mobile app with my code Duncan at checkout support these sweet darlings for they are supporting the DTFH now back to the show all right we're back so let's hear it what are some techniques that we can use to do the experiment ourselves yeah this is this is this is the gold right so I'll add that I find it helpful to write down this first thing I'm going to describe I was omitting that at first and I realized the power of it of writing down also with like a pen or a pencil in physical space there's something to that I don't exactly know why but it's important for imprinting it kind of in
Starting point is 00:38:57 the deeper parts of your subconscious or I amness or unconditioned awareness you want people to pause and go grab a pen and a piece of paper right now yeah you can do this though like I'm going to recommend people do this before they go to sleep so if you just okay but I mean like yeah like there's no harm in just like bootstrapping this right away and doing it like you'll do this to the degree of which you really want this stuff so the first thing you're going to do and I'll point out this took me about 36 years 35 years to figure out step one you have to be clear about something you want and know that you want it and I didn't think like this in life I weaved together an amazing life but I didn't know you had to really just pick something so you can pick with
Starting point is 00:39:41 anything you really need or it can be a small thing or it can be the biggest thing do whatever you feel is appropriate and you can pick that now and until you actually do the technique so the technique is super fun and cool you're essentially going to enter a drowsy like state like a hypnagogic state okay the cool thing about this is you can do this before you're going to sleep because you do it every night it's this liminal boundary between going to sleep and being asleep and you do it every single night so that's a perfect time to do it but you can also do it just like a regular meditation you can just get in a comfortable chair and the other cool thing is you don't have to be sober if you don't want you can be high you can be drunk if that's what works for you you can do
Starting point is 00:40:22 literally anything that works you'll know what works you'll recognize when it works but there's no perfect holy i have to do this right state it's just relax the tension it's what almost every basic mindfulness or one-pointed focused meditation is looking for but don't sweat it is my point okay you're looking for this state and then what you're going to do is your desire or the thing you want or the wish you're going to construct you're going to have your eyes closed right you're going to sleep or you're like you're taking a nap state akin to sleep is what neville goddard called it and you're essentially not essentially in your imagination you're going to build a scene that implies what you want the wish has been fulfilled so this is a scene that would directly follow the
Starting point is 00:41:12 thing you wanted happening and this is key and you're also going to do this from your own perspective your own point of view so the way i would describe this is don't watch yourself climb a ladder like it's a movie like be in your body climbing the ladder that's a very important distinction you're going to feel yourself into this scene and you're going to construct this scene a very short and compact scene that has the same sensory vividness as this world at least the same don't make it too comically different but at least feel it intensely and see it feel all the senses you can load in as many as you can cool the real alchemy is this is feel it you need to feel how you would feel if this had actually happened right that is the most important part of this i do a little turbo
Starting point is 00:41:59 charge thing so if you also imagine that you knew you were going to imagine this for yourself it also instills this sense of wonder and awe into the thing and this is what happens um if you're going to sleep just go to sleep that's it if you're waking up for your meditation and it feel like you did it right just get up and that's it and you're gonna lightly carry this around with you kind of like a fragrance just but you're gonna assume that it's done that i will be done right just wow so you're gonna assume that it's been done and do not take any additional extra steps to make the thing happen you're gonna wake up the next day if you're you know wishing for something don't make that extra call don't do that extra thing don't get jack and jill to help
Starting point is 00:42:43 you out with that thing right the reason you don't want to do that is because when this thing happens that you imagined if you did these extra steps your logical analytical mind will step in and say oh here's a bridge of incidents that led to this that's of course i did this of that happen so it needs to be kind of like exactly like you said let the universe which is you come up with some crazy situation that allowed it to happen so here's what happens you step into the first one of those and you're like holy fuck what was that you're like that's weird okay all right this guy on the podcast that's some weird shit what is going on then you do it again and then it happens again you're like but wait i'm sorry let me stop you for one second i'm sorry to cut you off no no
Starting point is 00:43:24 but did it what if your thing that you're wanting is so tremendous that it requires extra effort you know like what if like great question yeah okay okay so here and there's two schools of thought to this one is you don't mention your thing and your desire to people out loud because what you could happen is is if you're doubting it you'll see it reflected back at you whenever someone doubts you on something that's your doubt being reflected back to you that's what everyone is they're just so that's one school of thought i'm ballsy as fuck all right so i'll tell you what mine is right i pulled the ripcord on something that radically changed my life in a really good way but also just in real life this world had crazy implications and what i wish for after i got the
Starting point is 00:44:16 money after i got dropping like feeling shitty and just like feeling unfulfilled is i pulled the ripcord on meeting my creativity like fully my creative potential hitting it doing what i've always wanted to do and holy shit man like talk about things needing to scale up quickly to make it happen so i didn't say that you don't do anything to achieve your desires like i'm making an album right now right i still have to make those songs but i'm not forcing it i'm not saying i have to call this guy and get this lined up i'm just doing it letting it come and it's coming the most effortlessly most transcendent beautiful way i could possibly imagine and i'm witnessing it and i'm loving it and i'm just like oh my god this works for anything so it can be a huge thing but
Starting point is 00:45:03 those steps will naturally happen like if let's say you did it for like uh for like you wanted to be the best version of yourself and you weren't specific for me i always imagined myself like not as an emotional eater but i didn't load that into the scene but lo and behold when i became kind of a different person psychically i don't emotionally eat anymore dude there's days where i won't go for like 18 hours not get hungry at all exercise all day long do garden work do all this stuff and i feel fucking great like today is one of those days and like it's just but what i hear you man but i'm thinking like okay i just saw this insane house in san francisco was on the news it's like a 20 million dollar house in san francisco what if you want that right you want it i just
Starting point is 00:45:51 had a friend do this with the house specifically she picked it up in three weeks so i'm using it as an example i'm not going to vocalize what i'm working on because i think i've fallen the other school thought but like but only because just to to truly play in this case truly the devil's advocate uh what about that like what about i'm talking about like like the things that are so insane astounding ridiculous desires that where i am right now uh to me if i were just to write it down on paper seems a fair distance away from you know having the papers to that 20 million dollar house in san francisco which by the way i don't i don't necessarily want that but you know what i mean like the i i get i get what you're saying i totally get it here's the truth it may
Starting point is 00:46:50 be uncomfortable for some if you understand what i'm pitching out here and you try it and you test it yet yours you got it no problems if you use this lovingly it will absolutely happen you may think in your mind that i need 20 50 million dollars to comfortably buy this house you have no idea what the circumstances that would lead to you living in that house and having the papers right it absolutely works this is why i say use it lovingly have an ethical framework use the golden rule because here's what happens if you don't use it lovingly it's not like you're gonna do some fucked up shit although we see it in the world there's something called the law of reversibility so that means if you start using this for other people which i highly recommend you do not use
Starting point is 00:47:32 it for yourself because that's what actually changes reality but if you like wanted someone to do something for someone and you wish it for them and you'd use this technique and or one of these techniques right and they're not capable of wishing that for someone else or themselves it bounces back off them and hits you so if you're using it not lovingly watch the fuck out if you're using it lovingly and it bounces off them because they're not capable of that state of consciousness and it hits you great if you're not already there you're just gonna up level and this i seriously really really is important and wait let me hold on so okay for example i'm thinking of someone i want them to have like i don't know i'm trying to think of some small but cool thing
Starting point is 00:48:20 i want them to have i want them to find a girlfriend i want them to find a perfect soulmate person for them and but if my wanting that is not because i love them and i want their lives to be better but because of something like um i don't know like i'm trying to manipulate a situation or i'm scared for them or i'm there's a go away let's just use a situation that's not real but like you just want this person to find someone so that you don't have to deal with them right so then right i send that out this person they maybe they somehow act as a reflector for that intention it comes blowing back to me and because i'm sort of in a dark state then that means that some sort of failure comes my way is this like the thing they say like if you anything
Starting point is 00:49:17 you do it multiplies by 10 or something yes yes yes that's exactly what it is in the buy that's psychological thing so yeah this is exactly how it works the key thing to remember here is your current state of consciousness is constantly being reflected back to you all of the time like people wonder what synchronicities are this is what i've been telling people this is my direct experience my direct experience only is your life is a symphony of synchronicities and you're the conductor and the song you're conducting is a song to wake you up to who you really are if you really get into that flow and understand what that means like life becomes something very different it becomes that merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream but not in an existential dread oh my god sad way
Starting point is 00:50:06 it can be that but this is like truthfully if we get like you know relationally weird about this we take bodies to experience this stuff it's fucking amazing thank god everything we think in our head doesn't immediately happen like thank god we have this fun dimensionality minimum time where we have right the second to experience for a year to experience something that we can change our mind so it really is a playground and it seems super serious and when you say that and look at the suffering in the morning it sounds wrong you bail this to what's gone out there because that is internal suffering so if you know how to heal it in yourself you intuitively draw out the circumstances that heal it in the world but everyone has to do this agaia
Starting point is 00:50:48 the planet is a big ass thing so this is like a co-imaginal act that we're all going through but the way i see it at this point is we're multi-dimensionally jumping onto the timeline like at least the one i'm in where shit is getting good like well this okay so here's the here's the thing man this is like the the way that i have okay a quick story yeah there's a great church in la you should go to in here it's called agape and it's somewhat inspired or majorly inspired by many of these um i don't know you call them philosophers mystics and it's a man like they do talk about this idea of like you know you're co-creating the universe with god you are limiting yourself if you use love as your compass and add to that visualization then you can radically transform
Starting point is 00:51:43 your life in ways that you can't possibly imagine or if you're if you're in a limited state of consciousness you can't possibly imagine and i can remember they were having like a some kind of lotto or something where like somebody was it was like you could win a car and i was thinking like wait is this like a fucking manifestation contest in other words like does the person who won the car they did the best manifestation right and but what it really it was my mind's way of sort of illustrating a problem i had at the time with all of this stuff which is there's only one of those cars and there's a shit ton of people there's only one 20 million dollar mansion in san francisco there's only one this there's only one that right
Starting point is 00:52:32 but if you add multiverse theory to this stuff and imagine that no in fact there's enough cars for everybody and that's the miracle of the loaves and the fishes that jesus did right the dividing of the bread because that the idea is like you are not just limiting yourself by imagining there are only a certain amount of this thing or that thing in the world for you you're limiting yourself by imagining there's only one world and the moment you sort of allow yourself the fantasy of there being infinite worlds happening simultaneously that for me is where i can make some kind of math work within which this stuff becomes very very possible and if you add to it that this thing that we're inside of is some form of simulation that is designed as you're saying to wake you up to
Starting point is 00:53:35 you are you're just meaning it that's the key though right you're designing this simulation if that's the lens you want to look at through i'll say one thing like stable imaginal acts create this world so if you believe in something like astrology i love astrology it's amazing modality i've really been getting into it but recognize you're your natal chart you're your chart but you're also the whole fucking zodiac like you have to remember these two principles so you can go down any rabbit hole like i believe in all of the things i used to believe in and you know like we've been aligned in a lot of different paths and from buddhism to the bhakti path to all this stuff to christian mysticism and all these things they're all real and they're all talking about the same
Starting point is 00:54:17 thing it's just if you get to the unconditioned awareness part of it the kind of root genesis which is this imagination and we can experience it whenever we want and use it as an operative principle it's just like everything gets awesome and you do exactly what you're talking about you exist all of those places and if you really like level up and get this stuff you the cascading ripples of your compassion are exactly what people do in zogchan and like the deep deep deep visualizations to reach enlightenment and the guru stuff they've been doing it's just spreading this shit out across everywhere everywhere everywhere and like that's what's happening and it's amazing yeah well and it's great game design too it's like it is to me that's like the
Starting point is 00:55:05 the really entertaining quality of it is that if you like just anytime in a well-designed game that some new power emerges that i completely didn't expect that then adds an element to the game that that makes the game like a million times bigger than i thought it was there's this ah this like oh wow sense of delight and so that's a joyful experience and everyone loves that it's the feeling of there being a wall and the and the wall goes away and that's the term breakthrough it's like just a a joy and it's also a real it's a great remedy for depression like i just read this study they did on crows and um when crows figure out how to use tools effectively their mood gets better and because it's a joy suddenly what the moment you go from like whatever
Starting point is 00:56:06 the thing is not knowing how to walk to walking for example holy fucking shit like your capacity as a human becomes so much more potent than when you couldn't walk when you learn to talk when you learn to drive a car if you ever learned to fly an airplane when you learn how to make music when you learn a new language not only does this add a completely new dimension to your experience as a human being it actually brings a new perspective into your life right like you know what i'm saying because you're a musician so when you first started learning music think about how music itself changed for you do you remember that oh gosh i mean when you start hearing different things and songs and you can't unhear it yeah totally totally yeah and and and then so suddenly like now your entire
Starting point is 00:56:58 experience of music for the rest of your life is going to be radically different because you are listening and in hearing things that you never even knew were there and that came not from some kind of like a wild mystical magical spell it came from discipline and repetition and the gift is here this thing that you thought you knew up until this point here's a you get to listen to music in a brand new way for the rest of your life so that's one version of it and then also this applies of course to walking if you're looking at the world from the pov of a crawling infant versus the pov of a infant that can stand that looks like a completely different world you know that's a whole new world that you're seeing there and i think a lot of people get depressed because the joy of these
Starting point is 00:57:48 things that it evaporates from their life because they're like okay i know how to fucking walk i know how to drive i made some money i have a i learned what i'm gonna learn that's done and so that means they're staying in this static place but i think this progression of crawling standing the the it's it's continuing to happen if you want it to only you like you were saying up front you've got to be prepared for the possibility that you can learn to walk again only this learning to walk is going to give you a perspective that lets you see reality itself in a way so startlingly different than what you've come to think of it as that it could drive you insane and man that you we gotta admit there are a lot of casualties or at least temporarily stunned
Starting point is 00:58:43 blabbering people who got outside the wall so to speak looked around and saw this like incredible potential and then just went nuts and started saying they were fucking jesus start you know what i was one of these people i had to pull myself i mean it wasn't just me but i i went create i was diagnosed at one point as bipolar i took lithium for four years i eventually went off it with like with my family's permission and threw a psychiatrist because i wanted to do it the right way but dude like what you're describing happened to me i wouldn't shut up about unconditional love i was telling it to everyone i had no filter i was having all these objectively people around me seeing weird things happen but i couldn't explain them and more importantly i couldn't communicate
Starting point is 00:59:27 this stuff at all not vocally not linguistically not energetically so i collapsed back into a state where i was like oh that's not how reality works and i stayed there for damn near 16 years but when you do it yourself sounds drugs without anything but these techniques or anything that works for you and you stabilize it that's where this shit gets super weird and that's when we start talking about things like depression and anxiety and fear and social all of these things i look at those now rather than these thick states and chemical imbalances because again the physical world to me is an after effect and if you just play with that idea to see what happens but those are threshold guardians these are what joseph cambell would refer to as threshold guardians and i love the video
Starting point is 01:00:12 game stuff because when i was on romaine's podcast we were talking about this which is he was like you know have you played the new mortal combat i'm like no the last one kind of sucked but i heard the new one is good i should play it and he's like yeah but like you know it's weird when you're describing these threshold guardians i'm thinking of mortal combat i'm like do that when you're playing a video game think of the one you're doing a fatality on and when you're going through an rpg and you're smashing things think of those like your fears and doubts watch what happens enjoy your video games play them and recognize that's actually what's going on now what's weird about threshold guardians is they can be internal but they can also be external right a situation
Starting point is 01:00:49 can come up in chaotically it's like the Buddha sitting under the tree if you really are at that fucking tree and sit down what do you think is going to happen around you your objective outside world is going to get super weird weird uncomfortable turbulent things can happen but if you maintain that fixedness and you're knowing this that this is really how shit works watch what happens it's fucking insane but in the best possible way in your analogy and metaphor of standing up that's what we're doing collectively right now we're all collectively stopping crawling stop thinking we don't have any power stop thinking the illuminati or donald trump or these other people control our lives recognize that there's still stuff going out there don't be passive don't be a
Starting point is 01:01:33 camel and put your head in the sand but recognize who we are stand the fuck up and start doing the things you want to do and yeah if everyone's dream is to have that 20 million dollar house i mean i then we come into a conflict of whose imagination is stronger and that's what it is but like the truth is is most people don't want a 20 million dollar house most people want to feel fulfilled happy successful have a loving relationship maybe multiple whatever it is not feel like that to hide themselves that's everyone's like dream and that looks like a million different things and whoever you are as an individual your specific desires will lead you exactly to that spot time and time and time again it's foolproof it's fucking nuts and then you can start blessing
Starting point is 01:02:17 people your friend who doesn't have a girlfriend your sick person when you really believe this shit test it out test it out when your sick kid is in a hospital like my newborn test it out in the hospital room and see change the place of darkness and misery and sadness to a bright happy place and see how quickly the doctors are surprised he gets out and then it don't see cases like that and you can say oh no is delusional it would have happened anyway whatever so that's that's cool if you want to believe that but you know it's not that people won't die it's just that when people die rather than saying they're gone forever where did they go you go in your imagination and you say oh there you are that's really you holy shit I can talk to you we can actually like you know
Starting point is 01:02:58 possibly like everyone is doing more and more people are waking up to this but this is really how it works and it's beautiful and it changes the way you operate in this world because you you drop the stuff that's just weighing you down and making you question and fear and that's the real power of this stuff all the material stuff is fun and cool and you should love it because it's great but it's the alchemy of the mind that takes place that's the best wow man oh I love it so much it's like it's such a you you know anytime you find yourself I find myself in this conversation I feel so much more buoyant and joyful and excited and clear and but I want to I want to talk to you about one final for me a personal block when it comes to this and and and if you know of these
Starting point is 01:03:47 of techniques to remedy this block which is so anytime I allow myself to sort of explore this possibility this particularly well whatever it may be a material some insane material thing I want some interpersonal thing I want some personal change and especially this idea of like oh no you can still talk to your mom you can talk to your dad they're there I hit the identical emotional block which is a aching in my heart a sense of like I don't want to try that because I don't want to deal with a heartbreak of disappointment when I realized it was just a pipe dream how do you deal with that well the first thing is I can tell you and I've had people hit me up about loved ones who have just passed and I take this very I honor this I don't take it lightly the first
Starting point is 01:04:47 thing I can tell you this and it's true it's the opposite you'll feel the opposite you will start to dissolve what is felt as a permanent state of grief that will return everywhere at random times and you'll experience it as a joy because you'll know they're always there with you not in some conceptual way in a real way but in terms of a practical technique that's just a conception is go back to the traumatic incidents go back imagine Lee and use the art of revision to rewrite the scenarios where you find the places where those blocks exist whether they were real in this world or an emotion you never expressed or the part of you that doesn't want to accept this because maybe that's the trigger that turns everything in your world upside down
Starting point is 01:05:33 completely like to the point where like you're like thought your life was turned upside down a million times so there's all these different things but the real secret is this imagine the wish fulfilled imagine talking to someone it could be me it could be anyone saying oh my god you were right it was gone it's exactly like I said the opposite you do the end scenario and it doesn't have to be a visual scene some blocks with that it can be a phrase like thank you thank you can be oh my god I didn't know it could be like this it can be anything you can what's very effective is using a friend's voice you use them essentially like an angel like a messenger you use a friend's voice saying like it's so great you got there whatever it is and it just it happens and like
Starting point is 01:06:22 all I can say is the age of the guru is dying and is just about to be dead and what that means is you're your own guru everyone is the guru you teach yourself this so these techniques are freely available the first thing I did when I found out that this shit worked for real is I made a pledge that I'm literally never charging for this I'll charge for other things I do divination and music and all these other things but I'm never charging for this because this is to me the sorcerer's stuff if you fully grok this concept like you drop that heartbreak you take off that old shoe like you know Ram Dass his old friend said you know his disembodied friend Ram Dass knows about this and I'm telling you man it's the best feeling like you'll cry I guarantee you'll cry but you'll
Starting point is 01:07:10 be the happiest you it'll be tears of joy like oh my god mom and dad like this isn't a delusion this isn't me going crazy this isn't some you know trick of the mind and then like when you can listen listen to what they're saying and know it's them I mean I'm telling you man like my mom and dad are still alive luckily in this reality but I'm telling you we choose these states of consciousness we choose to feel this grief and the depths of it like it's a choice people who don't let people I say beings who don't incarnate in this reality are pussies they're just pussies that's all like they're put they don't want to come down here and feel all this shit and get locked in body and fucking get pinned and crucified to this consciousness they're pussies and I heard
Starting point is 01:07:54 neville goddard he always it's the funniest thing it's some weird talk it's on youtube I put it up there on my pod network somewhere but he talks about like the beings other dimensions of existence and higher planes of consciousness they don't like to come here because it stinks like it smells like some shitty place and so like fuck it we don't want to come but like we come here because we're fucking badasses and we're rebels and we want to experience this shit so we can transcend it recognize what we're really doing here and then just like oh shit now it's really fucking live life I love that you're dissing hyperdimensional entities at the close of the podcast and it did it did bring up to me bring brought to mind a academy memory where I encountered some some
Starting point is 01:08:39 kind of entity which hasn't happened as much as people might expect from me but this being was disembodied playful it was doing something it had it was playing a game I'm not I didn't understand the game at all but it was aware that I was aware of it and it expressed to me something along the lines of like why would you do human because it was like what are you doing like why would you do that it's like it's so dense that's what expressed it was like that's such a dense game and it was doing some kind of weird thing where it was like extending itself through light and it was really enjoying somehow like stretching its translucent sort of non non-static physicality through light in various like forms and it was looking at me like oh boy
Starting point is 01:09:41 you're stuck with that fucking body why why do you play that game it was really but it wasn't judgmental it was just more like wow it's kind of was treating it just matches what you're saying because it was sort of looking at me the way I look at people who do those like hardcore mud races right you know like that it's like why are you doing that there's so many better incarnations but that's cool I that's I agree with you I think there is something wonderful about this particular realm and I'll always stick up for humaneness and human incarnation I like it you're quite a lot yeah it's like I'm the best no I am so grateful to you for this conversation and um the it's interesting you know I'm I always will have a bit of a a lot of a skeptic in me
Starting point is 01:10:31 but I've been your tweets really do kind of get in my head man and uh I think that that you're doing a lot of good by putting this stuff out there in the world and what your interpretation feels very grounded and um and and especially the part which is go see your invitation for people that you got to test this yourself like if it works for you great if it doesn't okay we're fucking nuts you're was exactly and that's I encourage people who feel like that to test that internally too right because that is such a threshold guardian that so many of us have trouble with and it just test it just get over that look put it in a psychic box to the side and test it and then if weird shit happens you have people like Duncan and me who you know are experimenting with this
Starting point is 01:11:17 shit and maybe we have another technique or something that can show you that you have everything you need and that's really the like that's the whole that's what every mystic throughout the ages has been saying it's you it's all you it really is where can people find you uh um the synchronicity podcast synchpodcast.com I'm around Instagram Twitter I'm loving it now I'm loving the internet it's just a fun place well I um I'm really uh excited to try some of these techniques you mentioned and I got to talk to you about this incredible mug but Hade Krishna my friend thank you so much and uh I'll see you around thank you so much for listening to this blessed episode with Noah Lampert all the links you need to find Noah are going to be at dougatresl.com along with
Starting point is 01:12:07 the offer codes to our wonderful sponsors borough and instacart if you like the DTFH won't you give us a nice rating please and subscribe we'll see you soon until then Hade Krishna it's Macy's friends and family get an extra 30 off great gifts for her just in time for mother's day when you use your coupon or Macy's card and take 15% off beauty essentials or shop specials she'll love while supplies last plus star rewards members earn on every purchase except gift card services and fees at Macy's sign up today at Macy's dot com slash star rewards savings off regular sale and clearance prices exclusions apply a good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop jc penny family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season two we do it all in style dresses
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