Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 370: LIVE in Denver with Johnny Pemberton

Episode Date: January 31, 2020

Johnny Pemberton joined the DTFH for a rowdy live show at the Denver Comedy Works! Big thanks to the members/musicians of the Radha Krishna Temple in Denver for kicking off the show with an amazing k...irtan. Duncan and Ian Fidance are coming to the Arlington Drafthouse February 7 & 8! Tickets available here. This episode is brought to you by: Paint Your Life - Text DUNCAN to 64000 and receive 30% off and FREE shipping on your first order! Feals - Visit feals.com/duncan and get 50% off and FREE shipping on your first order. The Bouqs Co. - Use code DUNCAN at checkout for 25% off your order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You've been making better decisions for your busy family for years, and now little by little, you're making decisions for yourself, like snacking a little better, going a little further, sleeping a little deeper, and we're here to make that journey easier and even more rewarding with Acme's new Sincerely Health Platform, featuring nutrition plans, prescription reminders, and more. So sign up in the Acme mobile app to earn up to $25 in grocery rewards. Visit acmemarkets.com slash health for more details. Pals, come see me live. I'm going to be at the Bell House in Brooklyn with the wonderful Ian Fightance. I'm also going to be at the Arlington Draft House. Bell House, February 6th, Arlington
Starting point is 00:00:40 Draft House, February 7th, and 8th. Come see us live. All right, let's do the show. Greetings to you, beautiful travelers on the Infinite River of Time. It is I, D. Trussell, and you are listening to the Ducatrussell Family Hour Podcast, a transmission being outputted from my alchemical cosmic acoustic laboratory in the heart of beautiful Echo Park, California. Now a skeptic might come plotting into this place and look around and think, this ain't an acoustic alchemical laboratory, you hippie. This is just some downstairs room with a bed in it and a table and some weird electronic shit in here. Where's the alchemy? Where's the laboratory? What are you even talking about? It's best to leave people like that alone,
Starting point is 00:01:32 because they're not ready to recognize just how insanely magical the dimension that we happen to have temporarily incarnated into is. So they need to call laboratories offices. They need to call occult ceremonies, shows, and most importantly, they need to call themselves a human being instead of the eternal God fragment they are spinning off into time. And I get it. It's going to be really hard to get a job if during the interview you tell them that you're really excited to be a neophyte initiate and that you're really looking forward to joining their cobble of money harvesting wizards masquerading as a bank in this particular point in the time space continuum. You're probably not going to get hired if you say that. Instead, you're going to have to say,
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm really excited to work at this bank. I really love what Bank of America has to offer its customers. This is the double edge sort of language, grammar. You can use it to completely domesticate a undomesticatable series of phenomena, which make up any given human life, or you can use it to underline the incredible magical nature of that phenomena. It's up to you. And some people don't want to hear your underlining of the incredible magical nature of phenomena. They want to hear you talk in the language of the day and distinguishing one from the other is a really valuable skill set for someone to acquire in this dimension. Because otherwise, you're going to find yourself getting a lot of eye rolls, getting rejected, and most importantly, getting into the most laborious
Starting point is 00:03:29 and boring form of egoic arm wrestling there ever could be, which is trying to get into some kind of intellectual argument about magic with somebody who's a complete skeptic, a cynic, or just doesn't want to hear your bullshit. The very worst thing you could do in that situation is try to win them over to your side. The very worst thing that you could do is to temporarily peel the scales off someone's eyes who is already on the precipice of some kind of hardcore nervous breakdown. Do you really want to rattle somebody's birdcage like that? Do you really want to freak somebody out and help them see that the skyscrapers in their city are actually massive occult towers designed to harvest energy using
Starting point is 00:04:23 particular techniques connected to some sigil called the brand logo? It's not fair. They're just enjoying their life as it is. They don't want to think about the fact that every company has an inner circle of powerful wizards that run the company. They want to call them the president of the company. They don't want to call her the imperial sorceress. They're not interested in using that language even though that's exactly what's happening. Wizards, where do they always live? Towers. What are skyscrapers? Rectangular towers. And what's in the top of those towers? The executive suites. Somewhere in the top of every office building is an executive suite. And it is in that executive suite with the grand views of the circuit board of wizard towers that
Starting point is 00:05:22 any city is that some cobble of chosen people gather together and have rituals where in which they strategize ways to harvest more energy from the circuitry not just to that city but of the planet itself. They talk about things that sound mundane like maybe we should change the color of our logo when what they're really talking about is re-energizing their sigil because it doesn't seem to be hypnotizing or magnetizing people to their particular form of energy harvesting. They don't want to say that out loud. The language of the day seems normal because that's what we're raised with but in some future time it will probably seem just as magical and arcane as anything that you might read in any ancient book of magic. The main thing is it's an easy
Starting point is 00:06:16 thing to find yourself completely mundanified. It's an easy thing as a result of the slow hypnotic process that happens to anyone living in modern society to lose track of the fact that you're only here for a tiny little bit of time and during that time whatever society at large might tell you is the right way to live is not necessarily the right way to live. You only have to look back through history to see the way that others were told to live and how absolutely insane those particular ways of being might seem to us now. For example, there was a point in human history when it was somewhat normal to smell the burning flesh of a witch being incinerated in your village because she had caused someone's cow to produce sour milk. This was normal back then. You might
Starting point is 00:07:10 have a conversation about it over some mead that evening in the tavern how they finally incinerated that damn witch and thank god the milk wasn't going to be sour anymore. Think of that madness but back then if you had spoken up and said something like I'm not really sure that's the reason the milk was going sour you would be the next person thrown upon the pyre. Offer unto Caesar what is Caesar's? I think one of the meanings of that is call it an office building around people who want to call it an office building and call it a wizard's tower around people who are interested in potentially redefining their reality to escape from the dark claustrophobia inducing mind prison that can happen to a human being in the modern world regardless it's not about trying to freak
Starting point is 00:08:03 other people out or show people that you have some kind of mystical superiority or any of that insane shit it's more about reawakening the part of yourself that fell asleep not all at once but over the course of years. If you can't do this if you don't have kids but now that I have a kid I get to hang out in playgrounds and when you're hanging out in playgrounds you get to listen to the way kids talk to each other when they're playing and it's the most magical mystical beautiful kind of conversation you could ever hear because they have yet to be dulled down warped stretched out and dried out on the terrible meat smoker that is the inevitable process of the modern world nobody has yet to tell them that at some point they're going to have to pay income tax balance
Starting point is 00:08:57 their checkbooks do a budget not eat too many carbohydrates or find a great job and hopefully learn how to polish their shoes so that they shine with that specific sparkle that indicates a really enthusiastic worker in a really important company somewhere in manhattan no one's done that to them yet satan has yet to pry open their skulls and take big fat shits on their brains so they get to enjoy magical mystical joyful existence for a few years but slowly they will potentially dry out as most of us have me included which is why it's good from time to time to remind yourself the thing you call your home is a temple and what's happening inside there is the evolution of your soul and that you're being inhaled into the lungs of the divine with every single moment
Starting point is 00:09:58 and then anything that comes your way throughout the day is not just some random occurrence but is an actual encounter with the great eternal ever-evolving alien that we call god and then in those moments instead of shirking away averting your eyes avoiding the reality of what's happening to you by trying to place a mundane boring mask of modernity upon the face of the great eternal godhead you can at least for a second enjoy the blazing glory of the truth of your reality and maybe in that moment get a little spark of inspiration that puts the particular pep in your step that draws others to you that magnetizes others to you who aren't afraid to admit that offices are actually wizard towers my friends this is the duncan trustle family hour podcast and we have got a fantastic
Starting point is 00:10:57 podcast for you today we're going to get right into it but first this have you ever been at someone's house and noticed an oil painting of their dog or their family on the wall and thought what are you some kind of arch duke are you a princess i'm sorry i wasn't aware that you are a bishop are you going to release the hounds on me when i leave this house how are you getting oil paintings done this episode of the d t f h is brought to you by paint your life a fantastic company for you to create an amazingly meaningful gift or just some beautiful work of art for your home you can get an original painting of yourself your kids your family a special place one of your pets at a price you can afford from paint your life dot com i had one done of my darling child and now we have
Starting point is 00:11:51 an incredible gift to give his grandmother an actual oil painting of my beautiful messiah sons angelic face all i had to do is send them a picture of him and they sent back this beautiful oil painting that is eternally going to hang on his grandmother's wall right above her bed look aside from the awesome gift that this is there's so many fun things you could do with it you could actually get an oil painting of yourself and theoretically and i'm not inviting you to destroy the great work of art that you're going to get but theoretically you could do the thing where you like cut the eyes out and hang it in the sitting room where your guests wait to have an audience with you and look through the eyes at them as they nervously await your arrival and your beautiful
Starting point is 00:12:40 tuxedo with your golden cane friends paint your life you got to give it a shot and right now as a limited time offer get 30 off your painting that's right 30 off and free shipping to get this special offer text the word dunkin to 64 000 that's dunkin to 64 000 d u n c a n to 64 000 thank you paint your life have you sweety started getting the coronavirus fear yet i just traveled back from denver where we sold out the whole weekend and johnny pemberton and i actually wore cowboy bandanas through the airport we looked like complete assholes there wasn't a single person in the airport that was wearing a face mask and i'm pretty sure that i must have passed at least two doctors based on the look they were giving me which wasn't the normal look of weird judgment and
Starting point is 00:13:37 fear i was getting from people at the airport but that look is someone who wants to tell you hey that's not going to do anything that being said when you're wearing a bandana you become hyper aware of sneezes because for every like sneeze that happens that normally you might just try to like not acknowledge happen because you don't want to worry about getting a cold you get this smug sense of vindication because there are people out there who truly are that a dream come true for whatever particular virus has decided to inhabit their festering bodies it's like most of us like we try to at least do the thing where you like shove your face into the crook of your arm because you don't want to do it into your hands because your hands touch everything and you smear the
Starting point is 00:14:24 disease everywhere but some people they just free sneeze baby they're just blowing big blasts of horrific virulent mist wherever they can into their hands into people's hair they're not even thinking about it it's almost like they're doing some kind of performance art based on the knowledge that many people right now just under the surface are really sweating bullets over this brand new virus that apparently came to us via a potentially government sponsored bio weapons laboratory in Wuhan China either that or because somebody decided to eat raw bad both of these possibilities are equally fucked up in completely different ways but regardless wear a bandana at the airport I thought when Johnny gave me the bandana and because I was like the hypochondriac we're in Denver
Starting point is 00:15:19 we had like the the actual like disease movie experience where I went to three different drug stores you know I got a one-year-old I don't want to bring a brand new disease into the house we went to three different drug stores to find the right kind of mask which it has to be some special weird kind of mask in every single one they got this weird look in their eyes and they're like we've been sold out for days a run on germ masks oh god if I had the slightest business acumen when news of this new disease came out I would have been found out what companies manufacturing these freaking masks and bought stock in it but instead I just sat and watched the impeachment trials I would never do that anyway it's like when a war is breaking out are you gonna buy
Starting point is 00:16:06 weapons it's a different conversation for a different podcast but the point is we're on the way to the airport and Johnny reaches into his backpack he's picked up two really nice bandanas from a western wear store and he gives me one and I'm like Johnny I think if we wear this they're gonna shoot us when we come to the airport it's like nothing's gonna happen just watch and sure enough nothing happened it makes me want to start wearing face bandanas everywhere because it's like weirdly liberating you know they can they can only see your eyes they can't it's like it's does the same thing for me that my beard does but even better and also there's like something really fun about just knowing you're being viciously judged by your fellow brothers and sisters for
Starting point is 00:16:49 wearing a bandana and oh and also they're worried because they're like whoa like either this guy is like some kind of like throwback bad cowboy or just sick and couldn't find a face mask and we should be worried about them what I've read is that the face masks what they the thing that they do is they keep your hands from touching your mouth and your nose that's the main way to protect you because apparently in any given day most human beings touch their nose and their mouth like some in 700,000 times like just essentially like that your fingers just rain germs down on your nose and your mouth and you know you see I don't know if you've ever gone down an escalator and realized that you just basically like had your hand on the escalator the whole time or you know like just
Starting point is 00:17:41 realized like oh my god I've been like I don't mean just like holding the escalator I mean that thing where you like kind of rub your hand on the escalator you don't really think about it you're just nervous or whatever you know you're on a date you're like maybe I'll massage the escalator railing but and then and then suddenly you realize you just like you know put your your hand in your mouth for a second or just kind of scratched under your nose and when you do that you're basically like a spaceship dropping some alien species on another planet only it's not another planet it's your respiratory tract and they colonize your lungs temporarily until your immune system fights them which is like the aliens already living on the planet fight back and either wipe them out or
Starting point is 00:18:31 they wipe you out but because they weren't meant to live on that planet the planet dies and that planet of course is your body and then your festering body becomes like a escape hatch for people who are trying to escape or your last breaths or whatever and that's how the virus is spread which is why when you see one of these obnoxious sons of bitches prancing through a subway car sneezing as though they're like fucking graffiti artists for germs you should give them a hard stare I mean what are you gonna what are you gonna say to them they're sick who knows I'm not gonna confront somebody for sneezing because then you got to get in their face which is exactly what the germs want so you just have to back off turn away try to get away for them
Starting point is 00:19:11 regardless I don't know man this Wuhan virus thing is so weird because you could find any information you want to about it on the internet you can find people saying it's like a low-level flu you can find people saying it's the new Spanish flu you can find people saying it's a some kind of like propaganda mechanism that China is using to invade Hong Kong you can find people saying anything you want on the internet now which means you essentially just have to make your own decision and I'll admit to you I did this and I have to I should do it anyway if you live in California you should do it anyway but we ordered a shit ton of water and a lot of like canned food you know just in case so what you end up with a bunch of extra water
Starting point is 00:19:56 and canned food floating around it's fine nothing's gonna happen generally nothing ever happens but I don't think there's anything wrong I don't think it makes you a prepper if you have a couple of weeks supply of water and food in your house that just seems like a smart thing to do on a planet where meteorites smash into it from time to time we'll be right back sweet darlings I am a huge fan of CBD the reason being sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep I have a weird form of insomnia and CBD knocks me out there's lots of different types of CBD out there some better than others and today's sponsor is the top tier CBD that I have ever experienced are you a fan of dune do you like Frank Herbert are you aware of what the spice is
Starting point is 00:20:44 Milan just this incredible stuff that anyway I'm not going to give you a synopsis of dune and feels folks if you're listening to this commercial my apologies for using an incredibly obscure reference from a sci-fi novel but feels is the CBD equivalent of the spice melange but the point is feels is this beautiful premium CBD tincture that gets delivered directly to your doorstep this stuff knocks me out it does the exact same thing that benzos do for me minus taking benzos it just makes you fall asleep and even better I don't know if you've ever had CBD but some CBDs can have like a weird taste to it this stuff is like you can like taste how good it is for you it's this beautiful amber nectar and I love it even better the people running the company are
Starting point is 00:21:40 really passionate about CBD so if you're wondering how to use it dosages etc they offer a free CBD hotline and text message support to help guide your personal experience feels has me feeling my best every day and it can help you too become a member today by going to feels.com slash Duncan and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping that's f e a l s dot com slash Duncan to become a member and get 50% off automatically taken off your first order with free shipping feels.com slash Duncan and all the links you need to get to our sponsors are at dunkatrustle.com thank you feels holy lord in heaven it felt good to get back to the Denver comedy works and be on the road again because of this show coming out for Netflix and the baby I have not been able to
Starting point is 00:22:36 perform for too long and it was just I I feel reborn honestly I just feel so good after spending a weekend in Denver getting to hang out with you all again it's been just it's been too long and you know it's like weird with comedy you know and with stand-up or with any art form it's so easy to like like get imposter syndrome and to like get nervous like do you even deserve to have that kind of job or to even try to have that kind of job and then your mind tricks you and the next thing you know you forget just how much joy it brings to your life and stand up for me is like that it is the ultimate antidepressant I feel bad for my wife like you know before I went to Denver I got all weird and grumpy cranky and just like aloof because I was nervous I didn't know what's
Starting point is 00:23:36 gonna happen it'd been a long time I was like going up non-stop at the comedy store well not non-stop but as much as I could for a few months before that to get ready but that was not helping to assuage my fear that maybe nobody would show up or that you know who knows you never know that did I lose it is it gone have I lost it but uh it didn't go away and it just felt so great to be there with Pemberton who is the guest for this episode of the DTFH he is so funny and I mean it's you know in general when you're on the road with somebody how many times are you gonna come out to like watch them perform but I watched almost every single set that he had because he just amazes me with how funny and creative and unique he is he really is if you if you ever
Starting point is 00:24:30 have a chance to see him live you've got to go watch him and it's cool because we both kind of started doing stand-up at around the same time and so we've both kind of watched each other develop in different ways and it's just cool to see him where he's at now with it because holy shit man he got like he got his like you know he didn't it's not just like a standing over he got a standing oh during an applause break because one of his jokes is so funny I'm not going to give it away but lord lord god definitely go see Pemberton if he's around now this is a live podcast that you're about to listen to I'm not going to censor it though kind of like part of me does want to censor it because um this is the end this is what we we sold out and so we added this at midnight
Starting point is 00:25:18 on a Saturday at the end of a comedy weekend uh Johnny and I both had had some beers I'm not going to lie I'm and so if like you know and it was like a late night wild crowd and Denver but it was lots of fun so forgive my sanctimony in general but especially if like some apparent preaching came bursting out of me during this particular late night podcast it uh it's not all that though thank god it is super funny but that being said I got lucky enough to make contact with some devotees from the Arata Krishna temple in Denver a particular devotee by the name of Ananda came with uh a group of just wonderful devotee musicians and at the beginning of the podcast there was the we they we sang that Hare Krishna Mahamantra the Kirtan and people sang along it created this
Starting point is 00:26:15 really great vibe and so before uh Johnny comes on you will hear a little conversation between me and Ananda who is just a wonderful devotee that you if you live in the Denver area you can go to the Arata Krishna temple and meet him darlings if you want commercial free episodes of the Ducatrestle family our podcast won't you please subscribe to us over at patreon.com also we have a beautiful shop which has got all kinds of t-shirts posters mugs and a variety of other cool stuff for you to peruse I'm going to be at the Arlington draft house coming up on February 7th and I'm going to be at the bell house on February 6th I'm also at the draft house February 8th you can find all the ticket links at Ducatrestle.com as well as the links to find Ananda
Starting point is 00:27:06 the Hare Krishna's in Denver Johnny Pemberton and any of our glorious noble sponsors it's all at Ducatrestle.com if you enjoy this podcast will you please subscribe to us on whatever particular app you use to get your podcasts all right without further ado my darling beautiful children I will offer you a live uncensored meandering semi-drunken DTFH from the Denver Comedy Works Hare Krishna Thank you thank you so much thank you so much for coming out here at midnight roll in the dice you don't know what this is going to be like y'all are amazing and I have a special treat for you tonight I've got an
Starting point is 00:28:38 incredible musical guest everybody please a giant round of applause for the singers from the Radha Krishna temple a giant round of applause thank you very much good evening thank you Duncan so much for having us Duncan has asked us to come out here and share a very traditional and wonderful practice who here has heard of Kirtan has anyone heard of Kirtan before oh super sweet okay Kirtan is is such a potent form of meditation because sound carries consciousness isn't it right and and there's this sensitivity that we as living entities have to sound someone ever told you it's not what you say but it's how you said it right because consciousness is carried by this
Starting point is 00:29:47 medium of sound vibration and so the ancients understood this potent practice and with that in mind they they this practice of mantra this practice of Kirtan helps to elevate the consciousness beyond the limitations of matter and so as you see up here we have this maha mantra this is a mantra that's given in many of the ancient yogic texts that describes not only the original state the natural state of the living being right but engages one in that function so this will need your participation though because Kirtan is a is a is a team sport um so we we have a few tests because it's late so it's going to make sure everyone's okay so we're going to work on some clapping we're going to just practice clapping together okay so you'll follow me you ready
Starting point is 00:30:41 okay there it is there now now who speaks anyone speaks Sanskrit in here okay it's okay Daniva there you go so we're going to go with the pronunciation i'll say two words at a time and you can repeat after me okay Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Fantastic oh you guys are hired so what we're going to do we're going to we're going to create some movement here does that sound good but we need your help so the way it'll work is we'll chant this full mantra through and then you'll all repeat we'll chant it to a nice tune a nice beat we have some flute all right so we'll chant the full mantra tune then we'll all repeat and like that we'll create this kind of loop that we can
Starting point is 00:31:46 all jump on that elevator and allow that perspective and that consciousness to elevate we'll start with a few invocation mantras feel free to close your eyes and or feel that presence that space within yourself of openness of gratitude of an opportunity is okay krishtana prashtida morning possess
Starting point is 00:32:55 me jayashree krishtana chetanya prabhu nityananda shriyadvaita ghararha shrivasari gaur bhaktavinda hari krishtana hari krishtana krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama
Starting point is 00:33:33 rama rama hari hari me hari krishtana hari krishtana krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari all together
Starting point is 00:34:34 hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama yama rama hari hari hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari
Starting point is 00:35:40 all together hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari let's go again hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari
Starting point is 00:36:24 hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari now check it out hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari everybody
Starting point is 00:37:06 hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama a little bit louder with us hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama let's hear the flute
Starting point is 00:38:16 okay after me ready hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama hari tanto hari rama hari hari hari hari eram hari hari hari hari rama hari rama hari rama rama hari hari hari krishna hari krishna
Starting point is 00:39:28 hari hari hari rama hari rama rama hari hari hari krishna hari rama hari rama hari krishna hari krishna krishna hari rama hari krishna hari rama hari rama one more time hari krishna hari krishna krishna hari rama hari rama hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari rama hari rama one more time
Starting point is 00:41:39 hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari rama hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari rama hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari rama hari rama hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama hari hari hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama rama rama hari hari krishna krishna hari hari rama rama
Starting point is 00:44:31 hari hari hari hari hari krishna krishna hari hari I need your help on this last one hari krishna hari krishna krishna krishna hari rama rama hari krishna krishna krishna hari hari hari rama hari rama Last time as loud as you can You can Thank you so much Now
Starting point is 00:45:45 Kirtan sometimes there's a way in which that We gather all these beautiful jewels in that experience at ten minutes right now at the end There's a there's a very special mantra that we can say to help Collect those jewels and plant them in the garden of our heart. So you repeat after me go runga But you have to yell it. So you ready? Oh, one two, three Thank you so much I Give them a giant round of applause y'all they're out at Temple Bay Krishna Rada
Starting point is 00:47:05 You're probably aware of this but they have a beautiful Hari Krishna temple here and they serve the best food of all time So if you ever are looking for a nice vegetarian meal, they've got it. They're incredible That's how they got you That's how they got me anyway, and I'm glad they did Welcome everyone before we get the podcast really going I just want to say thank you so much I know it's midnight. This is super late y'all are incredible for those of you who came to see the stand-up this weekend Thank you so much. This has been my
Starting point is 00:47:50 Thank you It's been my favorite stand-up weekend of all time you're really I mean that from the depths of my heart. Thank you so much so Here's the thing when we do a live podcast a few things When I do an intro to the podcast usually it takes me. Oh, thank you. It's What to you might seem like thank you What what might seem like my just mindless stoned babble For me sometimes that takes days like
Starting point is 00:48:30 Recording edit and I'm getting better, but it does take a little bit of time So it's and I don't have my synthesizers here and I damn well wish I brought up. I Miss I miss them so much. Thank you So I won't be able to create a song like I usually do but One thing I love to do when I have a group of people here sharing the podcast space is to Get ideas from you about what I should talk about for an opening rant for the podcast And then we'll try to roll with it and see what happens because that is what especially with Kirtan What happens is a sort of beautiful group consciousness
Starting point is 00:49:12 Which is why I feel so lucky that they were so generous to come out here and do that on it like on I just they didn't like I called the temple at like 330 because I'm like damn we And the devotees are so generous that the temple they gave me a Nanda's number and he's like Well I'm driving friends to the airport, but I think I can do it So sweet So sweet
Starting point is 00:49:44 So give me some give me some topics. What should we talk about tonight? What you okay? Pina grams love all right shapes. That's fun Ketamine pina grams two of my favorite things Okay Here's what we got okay hold on one at a time because I it's late at night, but I'll tell you what I heard We got pina grams. We got ketamine. We got Robert Anton Wilson. Someone said DMT burning man What's it Fisting
Starting point is 00:50:32 Come on fisting David Koresh pina grams and ketamine. All right, that sounds fun So even though we've started Even though we've already started we have to do a fake start because that's what they're gonna hear When we upload it so like I just came out or something like that So please just a big cheer make it sound like we're in some math not yet. I'll sell that Okay, here we go. Never done a podcast this late I Greetings dear friends it is I Duncan Trussell and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast live from the Denver comedy work
Starting point is 00:51:51 Welcome Oh you guys want to sing the song Okay, hold up, let's do it, but let's do it when I ring this gong Oh Welcome all of you glad you are with us Shake hands no need to be blue. Welcome to you It's welcome Welcome love that
Starting point is 00:52:47 Too much I don't have my sense I'd like to Pina grams Wow, what a shape I Can remember when I used to think pentagrams were evil. There was a time I grew up in North Carolina And there was a time when I really did believe that that shape represented Something like bad like there could be a bad shape and Like when God was creating shapes
Starting point is 00:53:26 And looking through is like square that's a good Triangle all right, I like the triangle Two triangles together I like them Squares wait what the fuck is this Five-pointed star Get this the fuck out of my universe creating laboratory And it's spun down and rained down on the earth Got on the got on the bottom of the most evil
Starting point is 00:54:04 sea creature of all time the starfish Got into the sand dollar that oh my god What's more evil than a sand dollar? But I remember like when I when I still was a little superstitious about the pentagram I remember walking down the beach and picking up a sand dollar and seeing the pentagram And I somehow have missed it. Yeah, those appear on them. I'm like holy fucking shit. This is a bad sign, man This must be some kind of evil beach or something. I don't know what this is I used to have a lot of
Starting point is 00:54:45 Things that are just natural that I was afraid of you know like 13 I used to be legitimately Terrified of the number 13. Are there people here who scared of 13 still anybody? 12 plus one. Yes, that's right. My brilliant mathematician friend It is 12 plus one It's also 14 minus one Yeah, just did that without a calculator Not bragging But 13 man that one really got me cuz that
Starting point is 00:55:24 2013's when my mom died 2013's when I got one of my balls cut off Yeah, just happened in the same year. Yeah, it's fucked up man 13 So then ever since then I've been like I was sent for a while. I was just really scared of that number 13 wherever would pop up I get scared now Here's a funny weird thing that happened to me once when I was in a going to liberal arts college You had to do service to get the degree at Warren Wilson College. And so My friends and I we figured that we could just like Make up a thing we were gonna do, but really it was a way to go to India like doing service. So
Starting point is 00:56:08 I literally I told my the school. I'm like, okay. I want to go do service at the Hari Krishna temple in Vrindavan in India and then go do service in Dharamsala Teaching English to the monks and so we were going to do service at the school Dharamsala teaching English to the monks and so we went to the Vrindavan Hari Krishna temple and It was so great. The person there one of the devotees was like just chant Hari Krishna that will be your service here And we're all like yeah Good to us like we were picturing like cleaning out like ditches or something. You know, I was like, okay For how many hours shall we chant?
Starting point is 00:56:55 But then Dharamsala is cool. I did get to sit with some of the monks and I can remember You know, there was somebody else teaching the monks English and these are Tibetan monks and in Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism The number 13 is actually a very sacred number. It's in fact their lucky number. It's like their seven and so There was this guy trying to explain to one of these monks how in the United States Some buildings don't have a 13th floor like you know like and the monk was he was looking at him perplexed Because in his mind he was like so they're floating above each other How does it work? Yeah 13 that number used to scare me so much and then
Starting point is 00:57:46 And then my my son was born on January 3rd 13. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah But then this is when I when I that didn't fix it that did not fix it I was still like oh shit man. I don't know One three four shed you should have waited He would have been like you induced me motherfucker. I couldn't wait and stop but then We got him home and he got jaundice and and we had to take him back to a Nick you and that was scary and You know you're exhausted to any parents any parents out this like you know how tired you are right after that
Starting point is 00:58:41 You know you the man not the woman. She's fine Totally joking about that you're both beyond time So then we in terrified because it's brand new being to the world Suddenly you just the last thing you would want something to be wrong with that baby And so you we went to this Nick you and we they put him in like it's in a Nick you it's like all these tiny little babies And they're in these like I don't know like dog pins. What are they cause? I'm not a doctor like Really like a juror like what you put a gerbil in but it's a baby and there's
Starting point is 00:59:24 Aquariums They're already what yeah, they're in the matrix dude It was wild all the babies are floating in this pink goo And there's a thing is stuck to their head that projects reality into him And Keanu Reeves came in and like God is sad it got us to a better hospital. It was cool But regardless the baby was Placed in one of these and the number well what? Oh an isolate
Starting point is 00:59:58 Oh an isolate What a weird name that's so fucked up an isolate It's not we're not gonna put you in solitary confinement. We're gonna We're gonna put you in an isolate for the next 25 years That's cool. Well, he was in an isolate and Is there like a more masculine thing like An isolate man. It's a tenet windows. It's one of those with tenet windows He was in an isolate and the number the isolate was 13
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yeah, and in somewhere right around that time I get a Text and it's a movie of Ramdas and the people at his house Singing happy incarnation to my boy I know But right at the moment, you know right at that place where you're like Fuck this. I've got one ball. No mom Is this now gonna like be like this eternal thing for me like am I always gonna be is this what 13 is
Starting point is 01:01:19 But really it was in fact the exact opposite like the number 13 is now like My favorite number and I not because I think there's any special thing about the number 13 or a pentagram or anything like that But because what it represents is that that thing that keeps reappearing in your life Over and over and over again that you don't want to face your bad luck your thing that thing At some point you realize that that thing was your greatest teacher chasing you all around the planet Like listen wait listen. I know you wait come here for a second come here listen like get the fuck away baby No And the Bhagavad Gita one of the verses the Krishna says is of subduers I am time and
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah, and let me tell you eventually your number 13 It's gonna catch you like on the nature channel, you know When you see like the baby thing whatever an elk whatever running running and the wolves are coming And it's getting tired and tired and tired I saw it just last night a wolf chasing a little baby gazelle or antelope And they both like when the wolf caught it they both just sat there for a second caught their breath And then the wolf ate it But yeah your number 13 is gonna catch you and So you might as well just sit down let it eat you up and that sounds really dark
Starting point is 01:03:13 That sounds really dark, but I mean it in this way and the person I'm gonna bring to the stage for a few minutes Is probably gonna be able to explain it to you better than me but another great verse in the Bhagavad Gita is Arjuna this warrior fighting in this battle Krishna as his charioteer and He has Krishna show him his universal form and this is where we get the famous Oppenheimer quote that you've heard You know, do you does anyone want to yell it out? Yes, yes, I am become death destroyer of worlds and then there's a lot of other scary things That you hear one of them being something along the lines of look look look in my teeth I think it's Arjuna saying I see in your teeth all the warriors everyone being devoured by you devoured by you
Starting point is 01:04:05 That's what's happening to us. We're in the digestive system of God and It's wonderful because that means God thought you were good enough to eat Like let me have a bite of that So let let it let God eat you that's what I that's what I would say if God who's picked you in the great Infinite menu of possibility to devour over the course of your lifetime Just lay back and enjoy getting chewed up You're getting eaten by love But it's that doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt it's still skinner
Starting point is 01:04:52 So now very for about ten minutes I'm going to invite back to the stage Ananda who I just wanted to have a little chat about vice-nava bhakti yoga with and then after that We're gonna bring Pemberton up and get real fucking weird. So Okay Okay, but now please welcome back to the stage the wonderful Ananda. Are you still here? Yay! Thank you so much Why am I making this really awkward? Thank you so much. Thank you
Starting point is 01:05:41 What do you think? Yes, I got this. It's like yeah, that's great Yeah, it's a pretty good one. I got lucky with that one My other one broke But it already been burned up at Burning Man When did you become a heart? Do you consider yourself a Hari Krishna? I'm assuming yes, okay, I drank the Kool-Aid Okay, good I drank the Kool-Aid What's the flavor of that Kool-Aid?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Nectar Bliss When did it happen? So I was um It was about ten years ago. I first met a few monks. I was on campus. I was going to school at Northern Arizona University I was studying music and yeah Flagstaff and So going to school there and
Starting point is 01:06:28 I came across these monks just doing some kirtan and I had no idea what it was I just thought it was a jam and I said can I bring my drum and jam with you guys and I'm like, yeah, sure And so I brought my drum over and I remember it was a it was a musical experience I'd never had before what they weren't great musicians But it wasn't it wasn't the music it was it was actually a vibration that was something much more profound, right? That I was experiencing and so from that through a very organic process of me Just having the experience with kirtan with the knowledge presented in Bhagavad Gita I came to this resolution that I want to I want to immerse myself in this and actually experience something
Starting point is 01:07:10 Because I've realized throughout my life that I can't expect an experience unless I experiment I can't just be an armchair philosopher Right Or I just think of a lot of things but then I don't invest myself in them And so then from that I kind of made one of the most spontaneous decisions of my life And I shaved my head got on a bus to Chicago and ended up traveling around the country Different music festival sharing Bhagavad Gita teaching meditation And then I ended up here in Denver 2012
Starting point is 01:07:44 Was there I mean this with great respect? Yeah, yeah Was there ever a point in this where you're like, well, I'm in I'm in a cult I mean, it's interesting I mean I ask myself that all the time It's an important question If you don't ask yourself that question, that's the that's the concern Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:10 It's interesting because the word cult has such this connotation By the way society has kind of molded, you know, what we know to be cults, right? Jonestown Totally That kind of thing Yeah, literally the Kool-Aid Yeah Literally the Kool-Aid
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah So my question really to myself it wasn't like am I in a cult? My question was more like what am I and what I am and what is what I'm experiencing genuine Right And and the answer was always yes And and because of that then I've continued endeavoring in this culture of spiritual realization Sure Right, which is where the word cult comes from
Starting point is 01:08:57 But cult means culture Right Right, so it was it was this progressive and consistent experience of a culture of self-realization Right You know to me after you get past the cult thing because by the way it's like and you and I right now you know what we sound like Exactly the way people in cults talk but fuck it I'm just gonna say But you know when you do think about it's like we're all going around with like weird green rectangles in our wallets
Starting point is 01:09:28 That we give people for stuff and we put like crazy shit in our cars so we can drive to a place We don't want to be for eight hours a day and then we come back exhausted We've been away from our kids all day and then we lean back pop on Sean Hannity Let our ulcers bleed a little bit and we sit back and we go well, but at least I'm not in a cult So yes, I know exactly what you mean, but once you get past that and there's something that I am have been Particularly with chanting Ari Krishna that is always I've always gotten to a point where it becomes so powerful That it's frightening like there's something in it that is so you know the story Maybe you can tell the story of the Rosalila the gopis going off into the forest because do you know about do you know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah Yeah, so just this experience of total absorption Yes Right where it's said in Sanskrit that living entities were us Jivas were this by nature it's called Tattashta And Tattashta means on the ocean or at the ocean at the beach where the water just meets the sand It's not quite beach and it's not quite ocean it's that Tata in the middle that Tattashta area and living entities were like this also We want to be absorbed in something and so this past time of the divine dance The gopis of Vrindavan are exhibiting the highest level of absorption in pure love for the divine
Starting point is 01:11:23 The gopis can you make something out of that? Yeah, totally totally gopis so in the Vedic canon not only does it describe a very in-depth philosophy and a very in-depth theology Right and a science of meditation a science of Self-realization But it describes the various levels that living entities actually attain to a love for God right in in Greek the words agape This kind of is a different type of love than just maybe what we experienced which is which is actually a reflection like Plato's cave in allegory Right I'm looking at a I'm looking at a wall and I'm seeing shadows but actually it's a dim reflection of the of the true reality So in a similar way there are these relationships that we experience these reflections of relationships that we experience And it's described that that love for God continues to increase more and more in such a way that it becomes absolutely selfless
Starting point is 01:12:24 It's it's not a love that's based on what do I get but how much can I give right And so the gopis exhibit the highest level of this love and in Sanskrit it's called Prema So in this in this exhibition of divine love they're they're fully giving of themselves in this divine Prema which is devoid of any blemish But they all the thing that's one of the stories I love is you hear Christmas flute in the forest and they leave everything they leave the candles burning They leave everything they hear this flute is so beautiful and they and they just they're like all right fuck whatever this was I'm going in that direction That's what you did and and that's what you're talking about I think when you're saying eventually you've got to get off the couch and like go towards the flute You got to go for it but wow it's scary because at some point it can feel irresponsible you feel like you're you know what I mean You're like you really are detaching from a map that has been lived on by lots of people in the modern world called popular culture
Starting point is 01:13:42 Yeah and you're heading off into the forest and then those maps they start getting a little different a little blurry and you're not quite sure To me that's scary that's scary sometimes I wonder would it have been better to not hear the flute and just watch Sean Hannity Joseph Campbell talks about the hero's journey right and that that there's this and and and within that there's a wonderful book that I that I just recently read called falling upward by Richard Roar you've heard this book amazing book right and he talks about the necessary suffering of growth right there there are There's certain there's a type of fungus right that actually only grows after it's shocked like we hear of like in the redwoods Like the seeds actually only take root after fire right because because the heat of the fire and then the ash and the nutrition that comes from the burning fuel right actually then allows those seeds to then grow deeply into the earth and then grow strong so there is this necessary suffering that comes preemptively before growth inevitably and and yeah it is scary but it's a lot scarier to be ignorant of reality so wow
Starting point is 01:15:16 I got lucky tonight Wow I'm so lucky that you came Ananda you are brilliant thank you so much for chanting with us and for your wisdom Ananda everybody let him hear it Wait Ananda where can people find you So we have the the Denver Rada Christian Temple it's on 1400 Cherry Street every Sunday tomorrow at 420 in the afternoon we start with some Kirtan yep it's Colorado it's Colorado 420 in the afternoon we start with Kirtan and then about 515 we have a discussion I'm actually giving the discussion tomorrow at the Sunday Feast so please feel free to come down 1400 Cherry Street also on on Instagram Ananda Morari at instagram.com
Starting point is 01:16:13 Selfless or shameless plug I'm quiet it's your name and I'm like beach dude at Instagram Ananda you are wonderful Ananda everybody let him hear it Ananda Morari thank you A big thank you to Boox for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH They actually Boox actually put me into a kind of like weird ethical moral crisis because they sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers right before I went on the road and it made it seem like I had like done something very romantic for my wife when in fact it just like randomly happened
Starting point is 01:16:55 and so for a second I had to think like Jesus Christ do I lie and tell her that I ordered these four because I'm going on the road and then I felt bad because I'm like why didn't you think to order flowers before you went on the road she's wonderful she's the mother of your child but I told her the truth I said they came from Ram Dass which is I guess not I guess is still kind of not the truth I mean I said you know the spirit of the universe brought these to you but anyway they're beautiful that's the point they're really beautiful and they smell so good and it filled our room up with a wonderful smell of roses Friends Valentine's Day is approaching
Starting point is 01:17:39 you don't have to just order flowers for your lover you can order flowers for your mom your grandmother somebody else's mom listen here's what I love about bouquets they smell so good the whole room just filled up with their beautiful smell it's way different from the flowers that you buy at the grocery store it was really really nice you've got to try blooms from bouquets because they actually smell floral they've got a great Valentine's Day deal going on now Boox it's short for bouquets it's B O U Q S and not everybody wants roses for Valentine's Day the Boox company as you covered with a variety of beautifully styled bouquets, sweet treats, plants, gifts and succulents
Starting point is 01:18:33 they've got blooms starting at $39 the Boox company is nationwide and offers next as well as same day delivery they even have flower subscriptions the Boox company works with some of the world's finest eco-friendly farms because their flowers are sourced directly they arrive fresher and live longer right now you can get 25% off your order from the Boox company go to boox.com forward slash Duncan with code Duncan that's B O U Q S dot com forward slash Duncan with code Duncan
Starting point is 01:19:13 thank you Boox and now the moment you've all been waiting for one of my dearest friends you may have seen him doing stand up this weekend a giant round of applause for Johnny Payburn and everybody Johnny where's your guitar Johnny we're gonna do it again we did it we rehearsed it differently him coming out now everybody you probably saw him this weekend
Starting point is 01:19:46 a giant round of applause for Johnny Payburn Johnny welcome welcome this is fun Johnny recently has also gotten into a cult what's yours called I don't know is it marriage I don't know with so many cults if you so if you had to start a cult yeah
Starting point is 01:20:22 what would it look like what would it look like if I had to start a cult I mean I've kind of thought about this a little bit because I think a cult is essentially like what you want the ultimate birthday party to be you know it's like a cult is what you want the ultimate birthday party yeah if like the ultimate birthday like if you could if you could like custom build your ultimate birthday party which would for me be no birthday party do you hate birthday parties I hate birthday parties I hate them
Starting point is 01:20:55 this is the this is the duality of the universe right here this is this because I don't want to have a big old party I want to have like a bunch of country musicians who are all dead like reanimate them okay have them play in like a big nice lawn there's a lot of shade okay but I want what upon the reanimation say Johnny Cash
Starting point is 01:21:20 he'd be good you know he's a good singer I actually wasn't going to have him though so you know he's great but I mean who would you who would you reanimate I'd probably get Ernest Tub up there okay Ernest Tub so you've just like brought Ernest Tub back from the dead
Starting point is 01:21:40 yeah so he's probably screaming right he's like what the fuck am I I'm coughing what do you say to him say hey it's my birthday I guess yeah you what where's my wife I'm gonna ask him if he wants a cigarette
Starting point is 01:22:06 he would definitely want a cigarette okay so now you've calmed him down a little bit he's smoking a cigarette you've got a reanimated zombie country singer what do you do after he sings at your party do you kill him again and like bring him back once a year yeah once a year yeah
Starting point is 01:22:28 he's like a zombies chain to the ground and I think it would be we don't have a lot of oxygen a lot of pure oxygen IV fluids yeah and you know that would be it that's what you really need that would be it
Starting point is 01:22:46 okay so you got your undead country singers what else is in this cult I mean I don't know like pure oxygen pure oxygen IV fluids and maybe um I don't know I could just be custom tailored if you want demoral you could have that I suppose
Starting point is 01:23:04 I'm in that's all you had to say that's that's the cult but it's a one day cult it's like a thing you live to die your voice sounds so perfect for the voicemail message of this cult hi welcome to Johnny Pemberton's
Starting point is 01:23:23 birthday death cult if you're here for the first time you like to listen to Ernest Tub press 2 if you'd like to listen to Hank Williams the third he's still alive you've reached the wrong message
Starting point is 01:23:46 what's the demoral number man oh you have to show up for that okay I don't know if that's really a cult well first of all let me just say only like I'm not saying that the hard Christians are a cult or whatever I hope I don't sound like I'm bashing them
Starting point is 01:24:04 by the way I love cults PS they're all awesome yeah it's great to be a cult cult's great it's fine that's right it means you're doing something right it's a fucking cult so it must be interesting
Starting point is 01:24:20 have you ever encountered like an actual dangerous cult I don't think so maybe I have I didn't know it I did go to the museum of psychiatry put on by the Scientologists I did go to that hey they're great
Starting point is 01:24:36 we upload this to the internet I don't want to lose it love them they're great let's talk about something else they're great it's fine I love them I'm a member now I have a son
Starting point is 01:24:52 they know his name I bet they do they can't wait to meet him how was that fun it was actually pretty fun psychiatry kills that's the name of the museum I don't think it's still there we left though that was the weirdest part
Starting point is 01:25:08 they really want to get all your information and they have like a bunch of people kind of hanging out who are really nice and they're like why are you here you're just like hanging out at the exit you're like of the psychiatry museum oh hey Bob
Starting point is 01:25:24 hey Julia good to see you Bob is about 60 and Julia is like 22 you guys aren't friends yeah but she's hanging out oh wow what are you guys just like hey you've been watching
Starting point is 01:25:40 oh cool you live there wow that's a cool name it's not my name ha ha ha ha ha it was crazy oh what a beautiful name I love the Simpsons ha ha ha
Starting point is 01:25:56 there was a cult that would come to my college like an authentic cult cult the kind of cult that you hear about on the news but I don't think they ever made it on the news and I can't remember the name of the cult but like
Starting point is 01:26:12 matching footwear is that the name of the cult do they have matching footwear you know sandals you know I'm gonna be honest man at the time I wasn't like paying attention to the cultist sandals
Starting point is 01:26:28 but you're right that's where you should look first why what are you saying I just always think about the Heavens Gate Nikes you know that was such a good move but they matched what are you saying
Starting point is 01:26:44 like don't go to a cult that has matching shoes no do I don't hear such a death call either no I do I think the Heavens Gate they had like a good internet presence ha ha ha they had so much stuff going for they had like a clear design
Starting point is 01:27:00 like they had like a nice like um graphical what do you call it they had a nice they were art directed yeah honestly my publicist is actually was having Gates publicist I'm not joking he's wonderful man you're lucky he's hard to get
Starting point is 01:27:16 who are these people who showed up they showed up in a bus that on the back of the bus was written going home and ha ha like yeah just what you'd expect
Starting point is 01:27:32 and they were beautiful that that was the other thing about them these weren't like these were like like glamour hippies you know what I mean like they were pretty they're like you know I'm talking about like sometimes you run into a particular type of hippie
Starting point is 01:27:48 that really does look like he came out of a JR Tolkien book or something you know like sometimes I wonder if those are the aliens like I've been given a DMT pin by one of them I'm not joking it's the kind of people who like they're like this like oh
Starting point is 01:28:04 you have to pay for that yeah exactly exactly overalls they're like beautiful like they they come from some just they just hopped into like hell for a few minutes like hi what's up hi my name's
Starting point is 01:28:20 Mercurio I by the way for any authorities here all this stuff I say it as a joke I did none of this has really happened but I remember one of them like gave me a DMT vape pen and was like here
Starting point is 01:28:36 first of all he was referring to himself in the plural so he's like we wanted to give this to you and he's like we are trying to upshift the consciousness of planet earth right now so we made a bunch of these and we're just
Starting point is 01:28:56 trying to get them out to as many people as we can yeah we know we like there's some DMT vape pen blacksmith shop underneath the rainbow where all these beautiful hippies are like very
Starting point is 01:29:12 beautiful vape pen it was like that and then he's gone just vanishes into the crowd the beautiful hippie all that I'm left with very very powerful DMT vape pen just joking never
Starting point is 01:29:30 happened but it was like that version of hippie but sinister they were like sinister so they would stand in the courtyard of the college one of them reading the bible
Starting point is 01:29:46 ferociously reading the bible and me and my friend Emil would like I remember Emil Amis the best we went and stood you know just watching them laughing because we knew
Starting point is 01:30:02 it was a cult and he made eye contact with me that's good oh fuck man this shit this guy made Charles Manson look like somebody who works at like a shoe store or something like that this was like
Starting point is 01:30:18 his charisma he just was like the lord sat here's his laugh it's like the lord detests mockers I was frozen I was like we gotta get the fuck out of here man
Starting point is 01:30:36 I don't know I don't know what this is but they might have magic powers who knows I don't know and we split but every year they would show up and at least like one student from warren wilson would be gone they get in the van they get in the bus
Starting point is 01:30:52 they went home going home it was seven tribes I would remember it wasn't the seven it might have been though it was up in North Carolina it could have been the seven tribes PS if it is the seven tribes
Starting point is 01:31:08 it's not that's not what I'm talking about leave me alone I have a son I love you guys whatever you are it's fine no offense if you're one of them all I know is they took people away in a bus that said going home on the back maybe they took them home I don't know
Starting point is 01:31:30 they just gave people rides I don't know but that's an interesting life I guess if you go away in the hippie bus that's like could be cool I think I wanted to do that when I was young I wanted to be like a bohemian
Starting point is 01:31:48 me too there's not enough toilets though it's one of the biggest problems sanitation because you have a show coming up where you're going to talk about this can we talk about it here for a second sure if you want to
Starting point is 01:32:04 awesome cool yeah Johnny's about to dive into something that I think is one of the most difficult things to do in comedy I tried to do it this weekend with some success because I've had testicular cancer but thank you so much
Starting point is 01:32:20 I really appreciate it but and it's scary to do that because on one hand you don't want to bum people out you know what I mean on the other hand it's really if you haven't figured out an angle on it where you're actually cool with it
Starting point is 01:32:36 they're going to sense that you have to really come to terms with it but tell me about your bowel disease it's like the worst setup but it's like sorry I mean it's nothing you can do you couldn't do a good job
Starting point is 01:32:54 it's not possible that's the nature of the thing is that anyway you slice it it's still shit you know right it's called all sort of colitis but I had my colon taken out a long time ago
Starting point is 01:33:10 so now I have something called pouchitis sometimes and it's exactly you better be booing the disease demon how else could I possibly interpret right
Starting point is 01:33:26 that's what it is and it's something I've dealt with it for such a long time it's not like a thing where I don't think about it actively a lot but I've had a lot of crazy experiences because of it and I think a lot of those experiences because I had them when I was so young
Starting point is 01:33:42 they've like colored a lot of things for me that I think if I didn't have those experiences I think I'd be a much different person maybe not as good I would have a lot more learning to do I think right because I learned a lot of stuff really in the
Starting point is 01:33:58 hard way when I was really young and didn't realize I was learning it's more just like you have to deal with situations that are that primitive that kind of makes you think about things differently you mean like it's just like because it's two things tied in it's not just that you have
Starting point is 01:34:14 you know a limp or a spinal disorder some kind of thing like that what's going on with you is actually tied in to piss to pooping right so it's like why did I say pissing I was gonna say I don't know what a bowel is
Starting point is 01:34:30 but so it's like you also have tied into it this like thing that's like almost Freudian man you know like real quick when my wife was pregnant I had to go buy her diapers yeah sorry
Starting point is 01:34:46 this is something that happens because sometimes when people are really pregnant they pee themselves that just happens but I remember going in there and really feeling embarrassed about buying the diapers and then thinking like did some awful person in the distant past like
Starting point is 01:35:02 do for diapers what Hitler did for the Hitler mustache why am I ashamed of this thinking around like oh so that's what I'm saying it's like it's tied into a thing that we're already kind of hung up about which makes sense because it's ties in like a thing of like basic human
Starting point is 01:35:18 sanitation so you feel like you are it's the thing is abhorrent for a reason like shit smells bad because it's dirty and it's not you're not supposed to eat it what? wait what did you just say then what will I eat
Starting point is 01:35:36 you're not supposed to eat it it's not supposed to there's also like a lot of stuff that has to do with like control and there's a lot of things we all have like this false sense of control in our lives and I think if you if you have a bowel disease you lack a lot
Starting point is 01:35:52 of control on a very fundamental part of your life and so it sort of teaches you to be humble in that sense where you're kind of like oh I don't have control over this thing that everyone else has control over so maybe I'll try to exercise control on something else I got you
Starting point is 01:36:08 you can exercise control on the arts because you can create stuff and you have control over the thing you've created right beautiful script man it's like this sounds like it is a non sequitur
Starting point is 01:36:24 but it leads into what we're talking about I saw this thing on YouTube man it's the most fucked up thing I've seen so many fucked it's not the most fucked up thing the most fucked up thing I saw well on the internet the most fucked up thing I saw on the internet recently was a
Starting point is 01:36:40 pit bull chewing a guy's dick off did a podcast I'm glad you didn't send me that I almost did I bet you did I was within seconds of like I've never seen a more horrible thing in my life this has nothing
Starting point is 01:37:00 to do with what we're talking about but what I did see was it's a guy it's some sports event who has picked up some kind of firecracker and was I guess gonna throw it or something
Starting point is 01:37:16 and it just blew his hand off wow and I was watching it because there's the moment where the guy's kind of looking at his hand yeah and people are like screaming before everyone just starts screaming and you see him like
Starting point is 01:37:32 looking and you know he's thinking like is this a dream this is a dream right I didn't just drunkenly pick up an explosive and blow my hand off did I but for the rest of his life
Starting point is 01:37:48 his hand's gone there's no way it's coming back and so that guy was starting a new life after that where he's gonna have to like do everything over again you might be a better guy yeah I hope so you know about Daruma
Starting point is 01:38:04 the Japanese monk Daruma I think that's his name there are these little clay or paper mache figurines of this I don't know maybe 15th century something monk named Daruma I don't know his full name but he how the Daruma works is you
Starting point is 01:38:20 color in you make a goal and you color in one of the eyes when you make the goal when you finish the goal you color in the other eye and this monk Daruma he was such a procrastinator and having so much trouble getting stuff done that he cut his arm off
Starting point is 01:38:36 as a reminder to himself he's such as like a severe reminding himself of what to basically like to teach himself as like a like a permanent reminder that he could cut off his own arm I mean wow
Starting point is 01:38:52 essentially no I know what you mean though this is like that verse in the bible if your eye offends the pluck it out it's like this concept of like whatever the thing is in you that's holding you back extreme commitment
Starting point is 01:39:08 it's like getting a face tattoo or something where it's like well I guess I'm gonna be a rapper you know I mean it's funny but I really think that's fucking absolutely true if you like get a bunch of face tattoos you're basically so committed
Starting point is 01:39:24 to your thing what else can you fucking do you gotta do it that's true do you think somebody came up to Daruma and they're like listen do you want a face tattoo or you want to cut your arm off he's like it's cooler to have one arm than a face tattoo
Starting point is 01:39:44 but I know what you mean that I do think that is one of the most important things a person can do in their life is find a thing like that and like commit to it to do it to really go for it but it's rare
Starting point is 01:40:00 it's rare to pull it off you know like for most of us I think it's thrust upon us you know like a thing comes our way and then a bowel disease our balls get sick our you know whatever you have a baby whatever it may be
Starting point is 01:40:16 that your plans whatever your idea what was going to happen in your life doesn't happen and goes completely in the different direction than you thought it would and in that moment this is something Ramadan talks about all the time
Starting point is 01:40:32 that's the moment where you can choose to be up all night thinking man if only I hadn't picked up that fucking firecracker man I would have that's it that's that's a moment where you can do that or you just do what you're
Starting point is 01:40:48 supposed to do when you're dreaming which is get into the next dream it's like fuck well got one hand now oh shit I got one ball now you have a bowel disease on the guy who has this now that's how it is
Starting point is 01:41:04 and that's it and then with the moment you stop resisting that everything becomes exactly the way it was before it becomes even better you know usually better yeah definitely better because you've you've learned a lot because it's
Starting point is 01:41:20 something where you can't it's a lesson that you can't unlearn especially if your hand blows off because you're looking at it all the goddamn time and here's the good news my friends this is the first official announcement Johnny
Starting point is 01:41:36 and I are starting a cult and and here's the even better news we have put in everyone's drink tonight there oh wait did everyone get their drinks it's a virus it's
Starting point is 01:41:54 it's gonna give you a bowel disease not for another year though you have a year I would also like to invite you to snip off one of your balls if you're a man in the audience and
Starting point is 01:42:10 maybe blow your hand off and then they will know you are our family no don't it's not a tomorrow thing this is a now thing yeah with there's no such thing it's tomorrow baby
Starting point is 01:42:38 tomorrow doesn't exist this reminds me of something a channeler said to me Paul Selig one of his channeled entities I've interviewed him on my podcast I don't know if I said this on the podcast and I feel like I shouldn't
Starting point is 01:43:08 I think it's okay for me to say it say it okay Paul Selig when I was introduced to him in New York I didn't really quite believe in channelers I was like I don't know if this stuff is real
Starting point is 01:43:24 the person who introduced me to him I trusted but I thought it'd make an interesting podcast I was sitting with this guy and like you can just feel energy and then I he smells he smells
Starting point is 01:43:44 he smells great here's the point that still smells he smells great it still smells so I mean it's I'm right I am right
Starting point is 01:44:00 no don't agree with him he gave you a bowel disease the point is this one of these entities said to me pain is only one of the ways to learn that's just one you know and I'm all caught up in that one
Starting point is 01:44:20 for some reason but y'all you don't have to snip your ball get a bowel disease or have your hand blown off apparently you can also learn and grow and get it wise by love by loving and opening up to others apparently
Starting point is 01:44:38 that's what they say but that's true so I think it's the idea and I love what Ananda said up front is dive into that you know and I'm not going to get all cheesy and spiritual for much longer because Johnny's about to sing an incredible song
Starting point is 01:44:54 that we respect stage yeah you are I'm going to play the parts but one of the things that Neem Karoli Baba said about Jesus is he lost himself in love
Starting point is 01:45:10 not he's fake you fucking atheist I thought Jesus fucking Christ man Boramir and the Lord of the Rings is fake but I learned from him like he doesn't have to be real oh no shit
Starting point is 01:45:30 no offense a lot of my friends are atheists but we get it Jesus is fake okay so what what's real man that's what I want to know get on the bus baby get on the bus
Starting point is 01:45:50 he lost himself in love that's what you can do that's the most intense thing you could do just ask how you can help and do that that's the next thing and then watch what happens to your life sure maybe your balls still get snipped off or you'll get the bowel disease
Starting point is 01:46:06 or your hand will get blown off or whatever but it won't be the same as when you don't have that in your life that sense of how can I help how can I give this is what I've learned from Ram Dass that's my cheesy fucking thing I'll probably snip it out of the podcast
Starting point is 01:46:22 that's how I feel hey you guys are awesome I love you I love you and now Johnny is going to sing a couple of songs we've got about nine minutes left here can I see your guitar Johnny
Starting point is 01:46:46 do you want this pick or no I'll just do hands what's your thing with me using my just my hands on your guitar no it's not I just thought you'd like a pick but it grosses you out once I picked up his guitar it's not at all
Starting point is 01:47:02 and he's like don't get your hand cells on my guitar do you know how old these strings are no they're fucking these are eleven year old strings change your strings no they say man change your strings
Starting point is 01:47:18 change your life man I don't want to change this right now that's good but that's this song weirdly coincidentally the name of this song is change your strings change your life here we go we're just going to do
Starting point is 01:47:36 do you want to get it do you want to get it change your strings change your life go back home and get your best knife bring it back to where you found it
Starting point is 01:48:10 and turn it back on yourself bend over a chair and you're gone change your strings change your life ask your daddy what happened to that knife big brother
Starting point is 01:48:28 took another river and washed off the blood now we don't know where to find anyone change your strings change your life change your change your
Starting point is 01:48:54 change your change your your your your your your
Starting point is 01:49:12 you all have been wonderful thank you so much for coming out tonight we love you Hare Krishna we'll be hanging out over there in a second thank you for coming good night a big thank you to Ananda and the Hare Krishna's for anointing our live podcast much thanks to Johnny Pemberton for being a guest on the show and much thanks to our sponsors books feels and paint your life all the offer codes
Starting point is 01:49:48 you need and the links to these wonderful plate brands are located at dunkitrustle.com and thank you all for listening like us subscribe to us and most importantly come see me and Johnny live the next time we're in town I'm going to be the Arlington Draft House and the Bell House links are at dunkitrustle.com until next time Hare Krishna all dressed up everywhere to go JCPenney a good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop JCPenney family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season 2
Starting point is 01:50:52 we do it all in style dresses, suiting and plenty of color to play with get fixed up with brands like Liz Claiborne, Worthington, Stafford and Jay Farar oh and thereabouts for kids super cute and extra affordable check out the latest in store and we're never short on options at JCP.com all dressed up everywhere to go JCPenney

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