Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 371: David Lucas

Episode Date: February 8, 2020

David Lucas, comedian and host of Brothers in Cursive, joins the DTFH! This episode is brought to you by: Squarespace - Use offer code: DUNCAN to save 10% on your first site. The Bouqs Co. - U...se code DUNCAN at checkout for 25% off your order! Photo credit: Eric Staniford

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. You can get Dirty Angel anywhere you get your music, Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. New album and tour date coming this summer. Greetings, pals. It's me, Dee Trussell, and you're listening to the Dugga Trussell Family Hour podcast, and I'm recording this from New York City. I'm in the Big Apple. I'm looking out right now at the Statue of Liberty. I could see her up
Starting point is 00:00:31 stretched arm through a pretty thick veil of sweet New York fog and New York rain. Now, when I lived in New York City, I would probably consider this to be a shitty day. But having been in the strange utopian weather systems of Los Angeles, blue skies pretty much all the time. No rain ever. This is absolute paradise. And anytime I come here, I always get wrenched in the heart because a part of me thinks, man, are you really going to raise your son in a place where you have to
Starting point is 00:01:09 point when the wind blows because that's kind of unique. I mean, we get the Santa Ana winds, I get it, but no thunderstorms, no rain. If you do get a thunderstorm, it scares the almighty shit out of you. You think it's some pre earthquake that's happening or some military testing site is detonated a new experimental weapon. You never go right to the fact that oh, it's a thunderstorm, which is one of the things that you get to enjoy when you live in a place that
Starting point is 00:01:37 isn't a desert, which is what technically LA is. Also, I'm not bitching about it. I love LA. And anytime I come back there, I'm always happy to be there. And God forgive me for even tip towing around the most embarrassing, boring exploration a person can have the difference between New York and LA to quote, Gotama Buddha, some people will tell you this place is better than that place. But I say unto thee, the whole world is on fire.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Regardless, I like some weather, I like some rain and I love being here in New York, because New York is an occult city. It really is. You could just feel the weird mystical vibes here. This place is dense, tight. This part of the human hive is so incredibly focused and the people here are all little disciplined wizards or apprentices of wizards or sorceresses. You can just see it in their eyes. Everybody's so fucking focused. You don't get what you get in other parts of
Starting point is 00:02:45 the world where you get just the sense that people as they walk around or kind of like lazing about just enjoying a nice, you know, easy stroll through this place or that place here, man, this part of the hive is like Africanized be people like these people are going for it. They've all got plans, big plans. This place, no doubt, is filled with a variety of mystery schools and secret cobbles and wizards. Historically, this has definitely been the case. And certainly right now, I
Starting point is 00:03:19 have no doubt about it, which brings us to something I wanted to introduce to you. I was revisiting one of my favorite, well, my only to be honest, Alistair Crowley book, which is Libre 4. You can get that on Amazon. It's just called Libre 4. It's really cool. It's got a really psychedelic looking cover. And it's a beautiful series of essays. Apparently, it's a like a compilation of a lot of different of Crowley's works. And it's designed for someone who is a novice. And but when
Starting point is 00:03:56 Crowley says novice, that doesn't mean like normal novice. It's still insanely dense. It's written in a kind of like, I don't know, Crowley had this specific, delightful pomposity to the way that he wrote. And it sounds exactly like the way you would expect a sorcerer to write. It's a fantastic book. Lots of essays. It's got the famously controversial essay that Crowley wrote, called I think it's like on the bloody ritual or something like that, which is
Starting point is 00:04:29 just a in depth assessment of human sacrifice through the ages. It sounds way more sinister than it is because he sort of breaks down how in so many different mythologies, you get human sacrifice. But that's just one weird chapter in the book. There's a lot of other stuff in there, a wonderful introduction to yoga in the very beginning. And of course, there are the sort of basics of ceremonial magic. So if you're drawn to that sort of thing, and you want to dive in, or you just want to have a
Starting point is 00:05:00 cool book laying around that makes you look like your Gandalf Libre Four. Now, in the book, he mentions something called the Argentum Astrum. Now, I've talked about this before I speculate about it all the time, especially when I'm feeling particularly dismal about the world. And the speculation goes something like this, for anything that exists, there's got to be its opposite, right? A thing can't be without its opposite. For every light, there's going to be some kind of
Starting point is 00:05:35 shadow. This, I think, must have something to do with the duality. And I don't know, I'm sure there's some like deep philosophical way of describing what I'm talking about. But in my basic, brutish way of thinking about shit, for everything, there's probably an opposite. And so, for me, that means that if, well, here's a sort of boring, not quite boring, but kind of boring example, we've got weapons manufacturers, that's not a conspiracy theory, that's not woo woo at all. Without
Starting point is 00:06:07 doubt, in this world, there are groups of people at this very moment, gathered together, assembling weapons that they're going to sell to different countries and never really ask, what are you going to use these for? What's your intention with these weapons? What are you going to do with this cluster bomb? What are you going to do with this Blackhawk helicopter? What's your plan with the chain gun that I'm selling you? They don't ask that. They just sell weapons to whoever. And then these
Starting point is 00:06:33 weapons, of course, get used to blow up people. And of those people that get blown up, inevitably, there's civilians quite often more civilians get blown up than whoever was intended to be killed. By the way, everyone starts off a civilian, right? I mean, these are just like babies who got like, in camo, essentially, the point is, we know that for sure there's weapons manufacturers, we've got Raytheon, it's out there, we've got Halliburton, we've got people who in the middle
Starting point is 00:07:01 of the night wake up and think to themselves, holy shit, I think I just came up with a better cluster bomb than the one that we're currently using. There's people who probably wake up and like, fuck, if I like, inject this particular DNA into that virus, I think we're gonna have a bio weapon that only kills people of this ethnicity or that ethnicity or only kills people for this amount of time or I could invent a vaccine for it and wait to use the vaccine until a certain amount of people are
Starting point is 00:07:29 wiped out and then they go and pitch it the way people in LA pitch movies, you know, and then if they're lucky, they get a deal and they sell it and the next thing you know, some new bio weapon exists. Now, I hope that isn't happening, but it definitely happened with smallpox. People actually spent millions and millions of dollars researching ways to weaponize smallpox. If you want to get hyper creeped out, check out the excellent book Demon in the Freezer. It's an
Starting point is 00:07:58 incredible fucking book about, you know, smallpox and how they actually like used pigs to make it increasingly virulent. And then they figured out how to aerosolize it and then a whole like shit ton of smallpox went missing. You know, even though apparently there's only like a few samples of smallpox left in the world, thank God, because it's a horrific, deadly disease. Any who not trying to make y'all paranoid about smallpox at all. But my point is we know in the world, there are groups of
Starting point is 00:08:29 people who publicly work on machines of death so that they can make money. And they're able to do that legally under the banner of the military industrial complex. Now, that there's got to be an opposite of that. And of course, there is. We've got all the varieties of charities out there, people like doctors without borders, the Red Cross, and all the charities you we probably will never even hear about just the little community charities that appear in churches, temples,
Starting point is 00:08:59 synagogues, mosques, any place where people are attempting to gain some theophany and translate that divine connection into action. And usually that action looks like some kind of healing, some kind of community service, some kind of offering of food, some kind of donation, some kind of creating a place where people who don't have a place to live can live. So we know that that exists. It's not mysterious at all. They're out there right now. There's people from doctors without borders
Starting point is 00:09:33 literally give up their lives to go to places and give people medical care who otherwise wouldn't have access to it. So we know in the overt that we've got the military industrial complex and then as its opposite, we've got things like doctors without borders and these things operate completely in the public. I now now my sweet, sweet darlings. Here's my here's a mystical little tidbit for you. Crowley talks about created or trans channeled the knowledge of a particular organization
Starting point is 00:10:12 called the AA. This is the Argentum Astrum. Now, like most things, I only, you know, I just I just do the surface level stuff, which is why I'm eternally and perpetually a fool. But hopefully when I tell you about stuff like this, it peaks your curiosity, and you go and investigate it on your own. But I'm just gonna so God forgive me here. I'm just I don't have Lieber four with me. The damn thing weighs like eight pounds. I'm not going to carry it on the airplane to New York. I'm not
Starting point is 00:10:45 that cool. But here's the Wikipedia description of the AA, the Argentum Astrum. The AA is a spiritual organization described in 1907 by occultist Aleister Crowley. Its members are dedicated to the advancement of humanity by perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of universal initiations. Its initiations are syncretic, unifying the essence of Tera Vada Buddhism with Vedantic yoga and ceremonial magic. The AA applies what it describes as mystical
Starting point is 00:11:20 and magical methods of spiritual attainment under the structure of the cobalistic tree of life and aims to research, practice and teach scientific Aluminism. Now, look it up. It is so amazingly trippy Argentium Astrum. It might mean silver star. There's a lot of different descriptions of what the name means. Does it mean Atlantean adepts? adepts? I'm just on Wikipedia gang. I'm not I don't know. I certainly don't speak Latin Greek, Aramaic, and I don't know the language of
Starting point is 00:11:57 Atlantis. But okay, listen to this. Members of the first order of AA, the Golden Dawn and Dominus Liminus are sworn to openly declare everywhere their connection with AA. adepts, however, are expected to work in silence. Whereas Magi are required to declare their law, the Ypsissimi who exists without form, the highest initiates manifest on this plane and are sworn to silence as to their attainment to this degree. So it's not it's like it starts off as a non secret society. And
Starting point is 00:12:35 then the more deeper you get into it, the more it becomes a secret society where you don't even talk about it at all. Now listen to this is where it's really trippy. Members officially only know those directly above and below and the chain of instruction. Members are expected to work alone, consulting as needed with their superior in the order. In this way, the founders of the system hope to avoid the many political problems that allegedly brought about the downfall of the
Starting point is 00:13:05 predecessor organization, the hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. The AA is an organization focused on enlightenment of the individual with a strong emphasis on maintaining the chain of initiation from teacher to student and devoting all of one's attainments to those individuals below them. So anyway, wow, what a weird concept. It's so trippy and weird to imagine this organization where you only know your teacher and who you're teaching. That's it. You don't know the great chain of
Starting point is 00:13:36 the organization, how far it stretches out. And certainly any given day you might be running into a an adept in this particular organization who's not going to tell you because they're sworn to secrecy. But what we do know about the thing is that it's dedicated to the advancement of humanity by perfection of the individual on every plane. So essentially, it's a good thing out there, but it's secret. So in the same way we've got churches and mosques and temples and doctors without
Starting point is 00:14:07 borders, and right out there in the open, doing good work, we have organizations like the AA, which are kind of in the open, but kind of super secret. In fact, it could be that you're already being taught by your teacher in this organization. And you just haven't quite woken up to the name of the thing. And they might not ever tell you that the name of the thing is the AA. But of course, here it says you're supposed to declare it everywhere. Listen, I don't know. I've never met a single person
Starting point is 00:14:38 who announced that they were in the AA. I know a lot of people in AA, but I don't know a lot of people in the AA. Not to say that people in AA aren't in the Argentum Astrum. I have no idea how that works. Regardless, here's a fun thing to think about the next time you're walking around. Because this particular mystical organization, which is, to me, something I'm always fascinated by this mystery schools, right? Like, we know there's like, generally, you know, generally, mystery schools
Starting point is 00:15:13 get portrayed in cinema in the negative, like Rosemary's baby, you know, like secret cobbles of Satan is trying to bring the antichrist to life and like doing horrific things, controlling people in power secretly, all that shit. That's that's, you know, people that's hereditary, you know, that's not hereditary is in like DNA, but the movie hereditary with the covens of witches trying to summon the demon. But and that would be the military industrial complex occult version of what
Starting point is 00:15:45 we're talking about here. But also, there's going to be the opposite of that, which is these secret groups of mystical workers out there who are actively engaged in trying to upshift the consciousness of the entire planet. And they're doing it on the individual level. They're working with people around them, either like, allowing them to know that Oh, yeah, you know, I'm a member of this group and the group exists on every plane of reality. In this particular plane of
Starting point is 00:16:14 reality, it's called the Argentum Astrum. But in other planes of reality, it's got a varieties of names, or they're just like hanging out with people and listening to them because they know these are people who nobody listens to and feel incredibly lonely. And they know that just by like expressing love or creating a space of love, they're going to like upshift that person's consciousness, not through their own effort, but just by giving a space within which for once
Starting point is 00:16:41 the person is being heard. So it's pretty exciting to imagine there might actually be people in your life right now who are part of groups like the Argentum Astrum and who are working with you, actively working with you via some form of selfless love or service or sweetness. And the other fun thing to think about is they're not in a hurry because it exists on every single plane of reality, meaning that the human plane, the dense plane, the bardo of becoming, as
Starting point is 00:17:14 it's sometimes called in Buddhism, that's just like one little sliver or slice of what's going down in this particular infinite thingamajig we call a universe, meaning that you on this level, you're seeing yourself as a human, you look in the mirror, you've got a beard, if you're me, you see like insanely beautiful abdominal muscles and like a phoenix tattoo that's smoking a bong, but phoenix smoking a bong on your arms and on your abs just got that
Starting point is 00:17:45 fresh ass tattoo. It looks so good. Taking a big fucking hit and it says born again through fire underneath it, but I don't know what you see when you look in the mirror, regardless the idea is that that's just one little part of what you are. There could be a part of you right now in some hyper dimensional DMT style grove sitting down with your actual guardian angel who is talking to you and teaching you and giving you instructions on how to be non-attached, how to be
Starting point is 00:18:19 compassionate, how to give more, how to love more and on this plane of reality, that shit's coming to you by stuff that you're noticing in movies, you know, or stuff that are like just randomly picking up a book and opening it to a page which happens to be about compassion or running into someone on the street and ending up in some weird conversation with them where they tell you exactly the thing that you were needing to hear. That's how it looks like here on
Starting point is 00:18:45 the in the bardo of becoming. Here our teachers teach us through coincidence and synchronicities. That's one of the main ways. That's when I really start listening. There on the higher planes they might just be saying it outright to to our astral light bodies. Now, again, this is hyper speculation on my part. Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, I am not a member of the Argentum Astrum though I would certainly enjoy uh bugling out that I was and you know
Starting point is 00:19:13 that if I was, I wouldn't stop talking about it and that maybe that's the problem is because once I got to some certain level of it where you're supposed to shut the fuck up, I wouldn't be able to. I'd want to go, oh my god, I've figured out how to levitate wine glasses. So maybe for this particular uh incarnation, I won't get to be in the Argentum Astrum. Regardless, check it out. Look it up. It's so cool and weird and fun to imagine and even if it is just
Starting point is 00:19:41 hogwash invented by lunatics, if you want to have a great day and you're bored or you feel a little anxious or stressed out crushed by the horrific dark capitalist um um of the world uh then it's fun to like as an exercise, just imagine wait oh wait I'm not being crushed. I'm being taught. I'm not being broken down. I'm being initiated. I'm not being starved out. This is like in a Shaolin temple where they like put scorpions on your nipple and spank you with with snakes and and
Starting point is 00:20:19 yeah it sucks but like after seven days of that you learn how to walk on water. Uh maybe you know maybe that's what's actually happening with your shitty job, your weird relationship, the uh disease, the ailment, the loss, the gain. It's all just it's all just snakes slapping your ass via whatever the particular modality of suffering you're most tuned into right now and and eventually you'll realize you'll thank eventually you'll like come to on the astral plane
Starting point is 00:20:53 and you'll say to your guardian angel I just want to thank you for putting those scorpions on my nipples and for spanking my ass with the anaconda and even though on the human plane of reality that looked like a shitty fucking job that I had a two hour commute to get to and a disintegrating relationship or the loss of my beloved pets in a horrific dog walking slash train slash blimp accident it really taught me about impermanence and it never would have happened if you hadn't been really
Starting point is 00:21:29 really putting those hyper dimensional scorpions on my astral nipples. Much thanks to Squarespace for supporting this episode of the DTFH. My friends the domain named scorpionnipple.com is available just think about that if that's not low hanging money fruit I don't know what is I don't even know why I'm saying that it's available and I could just buy it right now and probably within a couple of weeks I'd be hanging out with Jeff Bezos up to my neck in stem cells getting ketamine drips into my retinas
Starting point is 00:22:04 while getting blowjobs by some brand new sex creature that swims around in the stem cell juice but I'm going to give you scorpionnipple.com and I invite you to get that domain name via Squarespace. Squarespace is all you need if you want to make a beautiful website you want a business website or you can sell stuff like your stinky socks like what my friend does they've got everything you need they have shopping cart functionality they size to every phone and they have excellent customer support
Starting point is 00:22:38 if you need to make your website fast they've got templates that you can mix and match really quickly and put together to make a beautiful website within minutes or if you want to make a hyper complex incredible website like the one you might see at dunkintrustle.com which is a Squarespace website you can go deep it's all up to you they've got everything you need to do ad campaigns to gather emails for your business but it doesn't have to be a business it could just be an art experiment I know what you're thinking
Starting point is 00:23:13 if I buy scorpionnipple.com that's definitely going to be a website that packages stuff it's just going to be a shipping website just a real basic bare bone shipping website it'll be the name of my warehouse that I ship stuff from but you know what scorpionnipple.com could also be some kind of incredible art website it could also be a love letter valentine's day is coming right up and you could buy scorpionnipple.com for your beloved and just have pictures of your nipples with scorpions hanging off of them now I
Starting point is 00:23:46 don't want you to hurt any scorpions and I'm pretty sure if I was a scorpion I would want a monkey to send it hanging me off of their nipple but I guarantee you could find some nice iron weighted nipple scorpion clamps and hang them on your nipples put them on scorpionnipple.com and share that with your beloved on valentine's day and with the entire world simultaneously Squarespace they've got everything you need they're an incredible service and I've used them
Starting point is 00:24:15 for years anytime I upload an episode of the DTFH I use Squarespace and right now if you go to squarespace.com forward slash Duncan you can try them out at no charge and when you're ready to launch use offer code Duncan and you'll get 10% off your first order of a website or a domain thank you Squarespace. Much thanks to Bukes for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH my darling lovies valentine's day is right around the corner and I'm not trying to twist your arm or get you like into a valentine's day flower
Starting point is 00:24:51 thing but I'm telling you if you really want to blow your lover's mind order them Bukes roses why not just get roses down the street I'll tell you my friend these things smell incredible these aren't grocery store flowers these aren't like the the sedated numbed out morphine out flowers that you buy at the grocery store these things as soon as I open the box my my entire bedroom smelled like I was in a prince video and the reason that grocery store
Starting point is 00:25:25 flowers are like the one flew over the cuckoo's nest version of flowers like flowers that have been getting electroshock therapy and some mk ultra cia mental asylum is because they've been refrigerated blooms from Bukes actually smell floral and they've got a great valentine's day deal going on right now Bukes short for Bukes B O U Q S they've got blooms starting at $39 the Bukes company is nationwide and offers next as well as same-day delivery but don't procrastinate we even have flower subscriptions
Starting point is 00:25:59 the Bukes company works with some of the world's finest eco-friendly farms because their flowers are sourced directly they arrive fresher and live longer ours lasted a long time before they died and then I had to like show the baby see that's the cycle of life but for a long time for a long time it was like God herself was breathing on our bedroom right now you can get 25% off your order from the Bukes company go to Bukes.com forward slash Duncan with code
Starting point is 00:26:35 Duncan that's B O U Q S Bukes.com forward slash Duncan with code Duncan do me a favor blow their minds everybody order flowers it's 30 bucks and you get 25% off I would not lead you astray these flowers are amazing that's Bukes.com forward slash Duncan use offer code Duncan thanks Bukes friends we have got so much coming up there's a big tour that's going to happen soon not to mention that at some point in some mysterious amount of time
Starting point is 00:27:09 you're going to be able to watch on Netflix the animated series that I did with Pendleton Ward called Midnight Gospel and we've got much more than that right around the corner if you want to dive deeper into the DTFH won't you do me a huge favor and subscribe to us over at patreon.com forward slash DTFH you will get commercial free episodes of this podcast along with at least one extra hour long rambling rant thing every single month we also have a shop which has got t-shirts and posters in it
Starting point is 00:27:46 and if you if you want to support this podcast one of the best ways to do it is to try out the ads that are taking the risk of putting their brands on the Dugga Trussell Fabley Hour podcast order some Bukes sign up for Squarespace all right let's jump into this episode what I love about the comedy store is you get to meet people who are the funniest people you ever met in your life and I'm gonna we talk about the story of me meeting today's guest David Lucas
Starting point is 00:28:17 later on in the podcast but I crossed paths with this young comic saw him on stage he was so funny like alien level funny like whoa this guy must be from like I don't know another star system he was on this show that Tony Henchcliffe does called Kill Tony which you should go see sometime and I watched him being completely in the moment and just thought wow that was a really funny dude we got to be friends I did his awesome podcast he agreed to do mine and so that's what today's episode is it's a conversation
Starting point is 00:28:56 with a relatively new comic to the comedy store when I say relatively new he's been there for a while but still in comedy store years not that long at all he's a really funny really deep really spiritual guy and you should definitely check out his podcast for others in cursive which I don't know if you'd necessarily label it a spirituality podcast but it's like an old school hilarious funny ridiculous podcast and you should check it out for sure I did an episode and I haven't laughed that hard in a long
Starting point is 00:29:30 time all the links you need to find David are going to be at dunkitrustle.com now everybody please rip open your astral chest cavities and let some of that mystery school glory like go spraying through the pulsating tubules that connect all sentient entities in the universe to each other and spray that sweet sweet Illuminati love all over David Lucas it's been dunkitrustle David thank you so much for coming on the show absolutely it is so cool to get a
Starting point is 00:30:26 chance to talk to you I did your podcast last week yeah we had a lot of fun had a blast you have a old school podcast which is amazing what do you mean old school old school like in that like when rogan started doing it it was just like sitting around just bullshit nothing important no there's just if something important came up it was cool yeah but there wasn't any kind of sense of like shit this is important those are the old days man like now if you go on rogan you're shitting bricks you know it's like 70 trillion people
Starting point is 00:30:57 watch it Bernie Sanders was on the show people are on it he had Snowden he had Snowden yeah he had Snowden he had Lazar the UFO dude man and it's like if UFOs are going to be announced it'll probably happen through his podcast probably right so it's but your podcast what I love about it is it's hilarious thanks but it's just that basic like just having fun with friends coming there to have fun man nothing uh only serious thing that came up last week was uh has the government been feeding us
Starting point is 00:31:30 sweet limes instead of lemons yeah that's right we were cracking the code because you thought limes were baby lemons they are we've been eating sweet limes this whole time it falls in with the conspiracy theory that birds are actually cameras that people are saying that like there hasn't been a living bird on the planet in a decade it's all cameras it's all surveillance devices they charge on telephone wires I like I like that I do too I like it you like conspiracy theories I do what's your if you have to pick like the one that's most likely to be
Starting point is 00:32:03 true um Tupac living in Cuba oh really you think he faked his own death it sounds feasible I don't know anything about that one I thought that the conspiracy was he was like assassinated by the government not that he relocated uh so apparently this thing started when he died because um what was it uh he named one of his albums Maca Valley and what was it Maca Valley like faked his own death and then came back seven years later wow so I remember when I was like an elementary school everybody was talking like Tupac's gonna come back this year
Starting point is 00:32:40 I think it was like 2003 oh shit Tupac's gonna come back this year man yeah so um I mean he did have a lot going on you know he pissed a lot of people off and he wasn't really that guy a lot of people think Tupac was a gangster but Tupac was a artist right he was a performing art school yeah I don't think there was really a gangster bone in his body probably what he got with death row is you know when he started you know you start hanging around certain people and you kind of pick up their attributes sure that's probably
Starting point is 00:33:10 when he started you know acting more gangster like he was a real actor yeah who was uh what Jada Pinkett's love interests wow and uh Will Smith actually talked about that recently that he didn't ever feel like he could uh live up to be what Tupac meant to Jada it was kind of crazy whoa that's fucked up well how are you gonna do that what are you gonna do can you imagine that yeah being with somebody that was getting talking up with fucking Tupac right what are you gonna do
Starting point is 00:33:41 I would just apologize every morning you got to what I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know I don't know why you did it it's your fault but with Tupac the conspiracy theory I've heard his aunt lives in Cuba she's never been found because you know his mom was like a very strong black panther that I believe got arrested with some powerful guy and also his aunt was involved in this I think they had like they were being charged like a assassination attempt or an actual assassination then she fled to Cuba never to be heard
Starting point is 00:34:14 oh okay so there's like a precedent there right for him but the reason he fled is because he felt like he was in danger he just felt like he had made too many enemies had to reinvent himself somewhere I wouldn't doubt it I wouldn't doubt if Epstein is somewhere chilling that's one of the to me if you're gonna follow the trail of logic with Epstein it's more likely that he's still alive than it is he killed himself if the ideas he's got a reservoir of the most powerful people on
Starting point is 00:34:48 earth the films of them banging kids right if they're if that's on record then there's no fucking way that he didn't have a kill switch right that was gonna release the stuff if anything ever happened to him exactly which means that he is probably still alive I mean like my great at it growing up young I won't say you know he's old it's very old he's in his 80s but I won't say that he was like a conspiracy theorist but he always said if you see it in the movies best believe they're already doing it and uh what's that one movie with uh
Starting point is 00:35:24 what's his name uh more uh the guy with the eye forest whittaker uh and the president was in it and they were like in spain and they used a body double for the president but then they actually like kidnapped the real president okay yeah yeah yeah I know I haven't seen a movie but I do know what you're talking about this is not this is essentially another conspiracy theory what I'm just saying like they're already showing you body double so you don't think they can show us a body double of epstein well or like you know I don't know if you if you
Starting point is 00:35:54 watch like some reporters or famous people like they'll show videos of them and all of a sudden they just kind of like shut down have you ever seen that shit like there's a whole montage on youtube you have to send me that I love to watch they like they're just talking and all of a sudden they're like I'm malfunctioning droid right yeah I can't remember the sports announcer but there was a there's a video of him and it looks like he just stops working for a second and so this is a whole like terrifyingly ridiculous
Starting point is 00:36:28 theory that what's happening is if you get famous enough they kill you and replace you with a clone that's controlled by the powers that be because the last thing you want is a charismatic kind person who can distract the herd and changing the way that they're currently living right so that's the theory I heard about tupac was like oh no no way too much fucking charisma people were listening to him too much yeah too much yeah do you bind to that shit um yeah yeah remember when uh Eddie Martin Lawrence was running down
Starting point is 00:37:06 Ventura Boulevard naked shooting the guns and they trying to kill me oh yeah come on man yeah that's right man yeah yeah like and there's all kinds of really creepy glimpses of that for a second I mean you know Tranny that Eddie Murphy supposedly slept with was thrown off a building do you do you know about the okay we'll bring it down to like Jeffrey Dahmer for a second because I like you know the term as above so below like from from like things that we can see we can extrapolate things that we can't see so you know Jeffrey Dahmer
Starting point is 00:37:40 he had some dude that he had been like raping the black dude drugging and the guy runs yeah the cops bring him back saying oh this is a lover a lover's spat and then Jeffrey Dahmer kills the motherfucker right and so like yeah we keep getting these weird glimpses of little moments like that now I mean if you're gonna use Occam's razor it's more likely Martin Lawrence was just high as fuck right having a nervous breakdown completely freaked out by the pressure of all that fame
Starting point is 00:38:17 loses his mind for a second goes running down the street with a gun right then it is that there's some conspiratorial network of shadowy figures who were like listen man you gotta do what we want we're gonna take you out and then he goes galloping down the street well I don't I don't necessarily believe that uh and and Jeffrey Dahmer he knows crazy the guy that did get away from him I believe he committed suicide like a few years later on the same day that he got away from Jeffrey Dahmer
Starting point is 00:38:46 damn it was a black dude damn it he was like a crack well he turned to crack after that right yeah but uh when it comes to the powers that be man like I don't it's like this man it's uh when you get into the entertainment industry you already know what it is you know what I'm saying you already know how this goes uh well don't go against the grain you know what I'm saying so I don't feel like it's necessarily like all that what people make it out to be but it's like you get a job with the government don't go out there telling what we do or
Starting point is 00:39:17 else we're gonna have to take care of your ass you know what I'm saying well there's a long history our tradition of like in magic of secrecy that's for sure like you know magicians like the real magicians like telling somebody how someone else's trick is done is like it's fucked up right and I think in any industry in the upper echelons there's like necessary secrets that might be happening but the shit we're talking about man this is the idea that in like the upper echelons
Starting point is 00:39:51 of Hollywood there are dark satanic child abusing lunatics you think so worse now this is the I don't think so this is the legend oh because I'm like there's dark satanic child abusing people that work at Burger King that's it yeah that's it exactly you don't think there's some sick motherfuckers in the industry like uh what's the college who's getting in trouble um oh fuck that guy yeah that demon that mother fucking god what's his name I can't thank right he made like a million shows
Starting point is 00:40:26 yeah and there's like an old clip of Kurt Cobain's wife what was her name Courtney love Courtney love Natasha Legerro interviewing her like five six years ago and saying like do you have any secrets in hollywood any viced young actresses or something like that and she goes yeah don't go to Harvey Weinstein's parties you know and like there we go it was like a one of those like secrets that everybody knew but no one was had the guts to stop it yeah right because it takes more than one
Starting point is 00:41:00 you're not gonna believe one uh just like uh what you call it what's what's his name uh Corey Feldman he was telling us about this shit yeah for years yeah nobody believed him like oh he's crazy yeah you know like that that is um like Dave Chappelle said when you call someone crazy that's too dismissive how about listen to him for a little bit yeah I will say though I did experience some crazy stuff I was driving up my hole in one day and uh there was this big handsome black guy about six four
Starting point is 00:41:31 I had took a girl up there to chill like you know to see the city yeah and he uh came running to where we were parked he's like help me help me they trying to kill me Jesus and I was like who he's like they they they they trying to get me mad and then I was like uh I don't know what I can do for you bro I ain't got no gun and then he kept running past my car and that made me drive off okay hang on have you ever heard the coast to coast call where they shut down coast to coast what do you mean can I play something for
Starting point is 00:42:01 you real quick hold on I gotta pause it holy shit what's yeah I want to know what coast to coast because it's audio it's just like through this into the mic I think it's actually I'm not sure what's gonna happen okay okay so this is okay this is coast to coast which is like an art bell show it's a paranormal show okay so he gets a call from somebody claiming to be from area 51 okay this is that call hello art yes hi um I don't have a whole lot of time
Starting point is 00:42:33 um well let's begin by finding out whether you're using this line properly or not area 51 yeah that's right where are you an employee or are you now I a former employee former I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and and I've kind of been running across the country um and I don't know where to start they're they're gonna um they'll triangulate on this position really really soon you can't spend a lot of time on the phone so give us something quick
Starting point is 00:43:09 okay um um okay well what we're thinking of as as aliens art they're uh they're they're extra dimensional beings that an earlier precursor of the um the space program made contact with they they are not what they claim to be uh they have infiltrated a lot of uh a lot of aspects of of the military establishment particularly the area 51 uh the disasters that are coming the military and sorry the government knows about them and there's a lot of safe areas in this world that
Starting point is 00:44:00 they could begin moving the population to now art but they're not doing they're not doing anything they are not they want the major population centers wiped out so that the the few that are left will be more easily controllable let's start goes off the air the radio station goes down wow how old is this old this is like years out i look at the date i'm not sure this is let's set it down yeah
Starting point is 00:45:20 in some way something knocked us off the air and we're on a backup system now you know man you're like okay so you're you know you're running you're fucking awesome and art bell shows awesome conspiracy theory radio show yeah you know you just get another call from somebody like here's a fucking another this is great but who gives a shit it's interesting and then all of a sudden your radio station goes offline that is this that's a scary that's a scary moment but could it be a coincidence was it storming well or it could have been planned it could have been entertainment you know they're like let's fake everyone it's like when they uh read the uh the novel uh war war of the world on the radio and everybody thought the world was ending that's
Starting point is 00:46:12 right it's powerful it's powerful man but i mean isn't that the problem right now and the world that we're in is that like every single story martin lorence some weird shit on art bell every single story has an alternate hypothesis that is the opposite of scary you know i mean like that's generally the idea is anytime any weird shit happens it either gets like signal blasted to the point that it's so distorted whatever it is as a million interpretations right and it gets watered down to nothing or you know people seemingly logical people are on the air dismissing it it's like oh it's just nothing at all i mean this is like the war the world is a perfect example man like beehives the queen b releases pheromones and those pheromones control the way the workers
Starting point is 00:47:06 act right and for our hive the pheromones come from tv the media the media yeah i just feel like if that um if the stuff that the government is quote unquote trying to keep from us is so powerful would it really be available on youtube well right that's the the and the answer yeah the answer is what they do i mean go on the cia's website they have a library that is filled with all the freedom of information act shit that people have gotten from them and they just put it out there because i mean i remember once i'm looking at this crazy shit about remote viewing it said and it was saying like you know cia stuff i'm like the cia never did this then i realized i'm on the cia's website and they say they do it well they're yeah they do do it they do at least
Starting point is 00:47:59 they've attempted to and that's when the freedom of information act stuff so the idea is like actually it's better to leave it on youtube to leave it out there because if you see it out there you're like it's probably nothing right because why would it be out there right you know i don't i don't know to me my question to you is what what if all that shit is true hollywood illuminani martin warrants was threatened we live in a world where reptiles are running the show whatever it may be how does this change your day to day existence it doesn't doesn't do anything because there's what can i do about it live live with that controlling me like oh my god when are the aliens gonna get me when is i'm in the entertainment industry when will the powers that be tell me i
Starting point is 00:48:41 have to sacrifice a family member right what if i want to do you get to choose the family right i get to choose the family member because i got a couple how would that what do you think that conversation would look like like how does that even come up in a meeting if it how i feel about that is that if you do get to that insanity level where kevin heart's headed it's it's i just feel like it's with anything like uh we in order to control you we might have to strip you of something that's of great value to you maybe they say that not telling you it's a person you know yeah it's like when you i mean we're their employees you have an employee handbook when you get hired by any job listen i don't know i have i've met people who are incredibly famous
Starting point is 00:49:44 as far as i can tell no lizards yet you know like it's i know a lot of people that are incredibly famous as well we probably know a lot of the same people yeah and it's like i know guys that are worth a hundred million two hundred million it's like they don't have these weird wacko stories you know it's entertaining to me i will say that yeah yeah i'll bring it up in conversation but do i live thinking that the powers that be are gonna kidnap me one day and put me in a suburban and take me to some secluded area and make me sign a blank sheet of paper giving my soul over or if i don't follow this they're gonna kill one of my family members like i just want to be one of the greatest comedians that have ever lived i think that's gonna happen to you but before not the van
Starting point is 00:50:28 the comedian part but the um but you gotta admit if you end up in a van with a fucking illuminani that's the best day of your life i have fun with one of the best days of your life like because you that's like you know there's a there's a few things i'm gonna request what make sure that my great great great great grandkids inherit the wealth that you may need me to comply with these rules that you have i want to make sure i pass down generational wealth okay this is great i'm in the van all right we got that we're writing that down generational wealth what else do you want i want to be able to retire my closest family members okay we're gonna retire your closest you mean retires and like they don't have to work and they don't have to work anymore you gotta be careful
Starting point is 00:51:13 when you talk to us about retirement because we have different meanings for it got you so we're gonna retire your closest family members okay this is great we just need you to fist this toddler on camera so we can have something over you that's the fucking story though man it's like that it's like it's the most ridiculous story and i don't believe it and by the way you guys sorry to make a really gross fucking child abuse joke my apology that i have a kid now it's fucked up but this is what the goddamn narrative is here right but i i've got a scarier version of it than that than the van what's up slow boil a slow slow boil num and also another scary fucking idea every when people think about this shit the celebrity thing the fame the success a lot of times they may not know what
Starting point is 00:51:59 you're getting into i'm at a level of success right now where that there's a lot of uh critique and everything i do and i'm not even like fucking Dave Chappelle famous and i'm like damn like you i'm learning now to post on social media and get the fuck off don't try to read the comments you you can't uh engage with everybody in the inbox uh there's there's some wacko people out here man there's some there's some i won't say wacko but there's some different people out here and there and their fans are your work and um i appreciate all my fans but you know when it gets to a level where it's crossing fan and celebrity then it's like the likelihood of us hanging out is slim well listen to you know the with the dangers i think in this business
Starting point is 00:52:53 are not Illuminati vans if that shit's out there Illuminati van i'm in i'm interested i'm not going to hurt anybody you know once though i did get a call from DARPA i'll tell you about that some other time DARPA the defense department after going on rogan yeah but but but um that's a different story but the to me i think the danger is not so much it's not like literal like occult forces but internal psychic oh yeah forces they can they can get really really really stretched in strange ways when you start getting a lot of attention when you start getting a lot of attention whatever demons you have are gonna whatever temp shoe is gonna be times 100 right well you can have it right because if i did cocaine shit i'd probably be coked out right now do you
Starting point is 00:53:47 think you get addicted to coke no i don't like drugs i'm naturally high man well what do you mean by that i have anxiety and depression so i use those as kind of like my drug so when i'm feeling anxious or if i have a panic attack because what happens when you do cocaine your heart races you start sweating you just get this like you know like uh energy or energy burst think like a the a great set the feeling you have when you get off stage it's that i get those daily from panic attacks so i don't need a drug yeah i'll just channel that into my height that's what i do right so when i have anxiety and things start getting distorted and i get you know the auditory and visual hallucinations i just pretend i'm on shrews or something okay so you just imagine
Starting point is 00:54:30 well you are i mean that is the funniest thing about you know anxiety attacks depression is a little different but is that if you follow the any kind of anxiety attack you can watch it peak just like a psychedelic which it's a peak and then descend you are oh shit my brain pharmacist wrote me a fucking shitty prescription for this crappy goddamn drug called anxiety some amygdala release that causes all this stress yeah the the medicine is worse what benzo's will fuck you up for sure i was on uh paxil and i had tranquilizers which took my creativity for the time that i was on them so i mean i like like my mom my mom's a christian and my aunt used to be and now she's more of a spiritual person like me i'm
Starting point is 00:55:22 a buddhist um but a long time ago when i was a kid uh people recognized something special about me and they always told me you know when you have something great there's gonna be a lot of stuff that you know uh comes with that so with me being intellectual intelligent comes the other part the depression the manic episodes the anxiety which i all appreciate because my creativity balances it out you know i feel like i was born to be on stage born to create i'm not good at anything else i can't work a job wait when did you when did you start stand up when i was like 16 where and uh making george i used to do a lot of church shows and then uh i used to go to a lot of comedy clubs church shows yeah like do stand up at church okay so i had to be that was a thing
Starting point is 00:56:17 that's a thing well i mean i was so young like i couldn't really get into anywhere you know i mean no i mean was there like there are other comics on the lineup other no it was just me so you wait and just only because you're just like saying church show like we're like oh yeah classic church comedy show so you know uh i had a momager okay oh shit yeah so um she would just talk to churches and they let me come do 15 20 minutes yeah get ready was it christian themed they would just know um because early on i knew i wasn't a christian a christian a little background about me uh i'm half cuban so i grew up in a catholic school with baptist grandparents so you can only understand the confliction right yeah uh but uh in georgia in georgia yeah
Starting point is 00:57:08 but uh what was i saying oh yeah i had a momager so she would just uh she's pretty popular in the area so she would just talk to you know different churches like you know after the choir sings before the preacher comes up my son does comedy and it wasn't necessarily like christian comedy it was more so just along the lines of clean comedy yeah of course i don't i mean i got jokes now about Jesus that a church would probably be ready to baptize me in holy water like i got this joke where i says where i say um Jesus's mom was me tooed she didn't ask to be pregnant oh right oh you're saying that she was raped by god she was me tooed by a nigger named holy spirit okay i got you yeah yeah that idea was like not a willing humping session right it was like
Starting point is 00:58:03 like a cosby style and you know i mean in all honesty how's can you look at it that that she enjoyed having sex with the creator of the universe i don't know if it was that type of sex but she was spiritually impregnated or how however the bible says but i'm sure you think she prayed to god to be impregnated without this is one to me like in christianity one of the glaring weird aspects of it is that sex sexuality gets really swept under the rug and the weirdest fucking way and the bible most women are viewed as hoes except for mary but yeah but they don't when they're talking like there's the i don't know there's some that poem of there's a poem that's kind of like uses all these like fruit analogies that talk about fucking you know like you're
Starting point is 00:58:54 but but the uh the what's cool about like uh hinduism bhakti yoga like the story of Krishna is there's a amen rah i don't yes are you saying there's a connection between Krishna and amen rah well i mean there's a connection between jesus and all these people right well right this is like the idea that these are just different symbolic right figures that emerge in different cultures in certain ways according to the culture to talk about the solar system deep information yeah okay yeah sure because like the what was it the resurrection is about how the sun went down and then on the third day it rose again yeah yeah sure yeah because that's when you go into the spring solstice right this is the sorry for chewing ice this is the pagan this is like the
Starting point is 00:59:45 concept of like nature religions got transformed into christianity or the various religions and this is like i think definitely what's fucking cool about this shit is it's so dense it's so deeply encoded it's like it's not just that other interpretations of it or it's that uh uh it's a story of creativity it's a story of when you've got writers block and you that's the crucifixion and it's a story of when you're like fuck and i'm never gonna be funny again i'm never gonna write a joke again it's depression it's when you're laying in bed completely numb you're like this is it i'm done and then the resurrection is that insane moment where all of a sudden you start turning the corner you're right 30 jokes in a week what the fuck what here it is every
Starting point is 01:00:32 comedian goes through that you have to if you i mean if you didn't if everyone didn't go through that then there'd be a lot more comedians yeah because it i mean it that's the what kills people is like that if you that am i even funny yeah yeah and no that day you're not you're not funny your brain isn't spitting out whatever the fuck it is i like that interpretation you say and i i'll often ask um you know because um i talked to my family about it and i'm like it's not that i'm trying to discredit jesus i do believe that you know there was possibly a great man that walked this earth you know as as well as several other great men you know um what's his name jesus that's left up to you and your faith yeah uh like i told you on the podcast i believe there's only one mountain
Starting point is 01:01:17 top right no matter how you get there baby you're gonna hike you're gonna fly you're gonna take a helicopter drive up there walk crawl yeah however you choose to get there that's how you get there it's all about what you believe in your mental yeah right yeah and oh that's why a lot of those stories are really useful because they're meant to be maps to get get up there yeah like i take the story of jonah in the well as uh pregnancy or being in prison or being imprisoned by anything you're in the belly of a well so it's not physically possible for you to survive in there with stomach acid and all this water yeah that he brings in and what was he able to light a candle and write while he was in the belly of the well so it's like uh that i take that that can be a
Starting point is 01:02:03 story of anxiety the the the part you can be the well yeah you yourself you're trapped inside yourself because it's a mental it's a mental belly it's a mental cage it's a mental jail yeah so now you have to spend some time inside of this well which is you to truly find yourself because he came out of the well a better person that's well yeah that's right he and also he was he didn't want to go like god was sending him to some place he was getting like the creative impulse he was he was being told by god this comes up again and again go there and he's like i don't want to go there and he ended up on a ship going the opposite direction and then the ship hit high water and and this is how do you look at god i look at god as me and everything
Starting point is 01:02:59 around me you're god you know yeah well the moment you just look at god as you and not everybody around you you become the biggest asshole on planet earth like that is yeah i'm not saying that i'm just god no i know when i look in the mirror i see god when i look at you i see god i love that i know i look at trees and leaves i see god it's an expression of everything i i look at god more so as a verb than a noun it's an expression sure well it's a it's an outflow of sorts it's a kind of thing that's right now absolutely and not and yeah i you know when i think i think god is a uh i as a term of convenience so if i need to like make a connection to the sum total of all things i'm gonna use the term god and that's how i pray i pray before i go on stage oh you do i'd say do
Starting point is 01:03:49 you say the same prayer uh pretty much i thank god for my creativity i thank him for the gift of laughter i thank him for the gift of expression and i thank him for the gift of control because when we're on stage we're in control yeah if you know how to control the audience it doesn't really matter what you're saying they're gonna enjoy you yeah that's right yeah that's you see say you see some comics uh talk for six minutes without a punchline and the audience is just so engaged with them oh yeah i love that i love that when i'm learning to be more conversational on stage and well you know it's all within the growing this is the growing of me because i'm in a weird place with my comedy now where it's like i know what i'm doing but i don't really know what i'm
Starting point is 01:04:30 doing and i know this is not the final stage of where i'm going to be as a comedic expression i look at myself as a comedic expression expression you know man the way i when i realized i wanted to have you on the podcast was at killtony and my wife and i just stumbled into the main room for some reason we've been out partying i think we're a little drunk and we're like sitting back there just enjoying the show and then you came out i had met you but i hadn't seen you perform yet you came out and some what was the guy's name adam ray adam ray sweet guy sitting there you got him confused okay so i'll just let you tell the story because basically before you tell the story i just want to say i saw you come out and just begin to lay into adam ray in the funniest
Starting point is 01:05:27 most brutal like yeah really really like graceful way and you were like because you know if you're going to do that kind of shit you gotta know the balance and you can yeah because you can ate that's the the best way to alienate an audience is to seem like a bully right so if you can kind of like meter it out in a certain way where there's like compassion or love behind it the audience will stay with you and the person you're roasting will not get pissed off or shouldn't anyway adam ray handled it great now tell the story about why you started attacking because he wasn't fighting back yeah so adam ray is not a roaster i later found that well he later talked to me after that he was like i wanted to roast back but i didn't want the audience to hate me
Starting point is 01:06:11 and i was like bro anything that comes out of your mouth because right now they look at me as mike tyson right so when you're a great fighter or whatever you are people are waiting for your downfall or they're waiting for somebody to at least get a good hit on you yeah so like yeah anything i told him anything you say out of your mouth is gonna hit yeah because it's like i've just been knocking people out and when someone finally at least connects with a halfway decent joke it's it's the audience is gonna love it yeah so uh the problem was um i'm just now getting into mainstream comedy within the last i'd say like well i've been into mainstream comedy but i'm just oblivious uh to talent to not necessarily talent but to the comedians right i don't know names
Starting point is 01:06:59 i don't know faces yeah and i'm getting better now you know especially being at the store a lot and getting up more so i thought adam ray was andrew shoates okay and everybody was warning me like when andrew shoates is oh he's gonna rip your ass up right so i'm like all right i know how to handle this you know like when you're fighting you throw a jab out let's see what this fighter is about let me throw this jab out boom all right let's see if he hit me with a hook so i i i kept i kept you know jabbing and throwing a hook and i'm like damn he ain't biting yeah he ain't even ducking he just that's what was so astounding that that's why we were all spellbound because it was like it was it was watching like a bear attack somebody who was you know what i mean that thing when people
Starting point is 01:07:45 just limp up and the things just thrashing them and then which but somehow you didn't people didn't think you're a bully he by the way i'm not trying to paint him that's because that's because um when i rose i do visual jokes so i don't do like any hurtful like you got to know someone's past like adam ray remember when you killed that girl having a ui well she i do jokes that are visual so it's like whatever i say you can see it so he look he looked tired so i was playing like did you just wake up out of a coma like why do you look why do you look so damn tired so it's like it's it's a fun you know but you gotta understand y'all this guy it's like you're on a show just having a fun night right and suddenly someone just out of the blue is just raining fire on you because
Starting point is 01:08:36 he thinks you're somebody else ladies it was funny and he handled it he adam ray it'll great but anyway man uh that's when i was like holy shit wow that's a funny guy we're cool now you're funny yeah thank you man thank you yeah and and in that like so like fuck i want to talk to you about it because you know a lot of times i have people i have comics on who've been out here a little bit longer and stuff but it is interesting to me to watch you as you like really begin to experience the kind of heat you're getting right now and this feeling of getting and i don't just mean heat like accolades or like people saying you're funny your opportunities you're probably getting i'm talking about that thing when you really start getting your rhythm when it really starts
Starting point is 01:09:27 happening that's happening now that's exhilarating isn't it and i don't know if this sounds weird or if it sounds um what's the word i'm looking for arrogant but i don't think it's arrogant but it's like everything that's happening and that will happen i've already saw it like manifesting it yeah so you're a manifester but i mean also bro i know this is gonna sound weird and i'm real big on energy but every single big moment i've had in life i've dreamt about it and i'm talking about like a real visual audio dream and then i'll experience it i'm like oh man i remember this and i'll smile on the inside wow yeah so which came first the chicken or the egg did you did the dream create the reality or do you think you're experiencing some kind of uh like prophetic
Starting point is 01:10:18 vision um i do believe that i have visions um like with anything i do in life um i pretty much like meditate on it and i need to see it and sometimes i'll just meditate on my future and i'll see it see things that are happening um there's people you can ask that have came back to me and told me uh like you remember two years ago you said you're gonna be a door guy and it happened now and i'm like yeah bro like anything i tell you you can write a check for it so what's your why is it why does it work like that what do you think that is um you know like when you buy a uh if you go buy a Mercedes Benz E 350 red you never saw one before and now that you bought it you see a whole bunch yes because you're now focused on that right so when you're
Starting point is 01:11:13 focused on the positive you start seeing positive i have my negative thoughts are probably positive nine to one you know so i might for every nine positive thoughts i have i might have one negative right and it normally involves like the depth of a family member yeah that i'm close to this i don't know i'm a weird person i think about weird shit or seems not weird to think about that so um yeah so you know every time i have a negative thought i just i because you know a negative thought can throw off a year because it starts at one negative thought right and that's a negative day then that negative day turns into a negative week yeah then that negative week turns into a negative month and that negative month turns into a negative year yeah and that negative
Starting point is 01:12:00 year can turn into a negative decade and that could turn into a hell right so it's like you i don't let one i don't give a fuck if i go outside of my car is on fire right now you know all right man all right duncan uh this is an insurance matter i'm gonna just take a lift home right yeah i'm like damn why the bad shit always gotta happen to me yeah what the fuck shit always gotta happen i'm not that person it's like whatever man you know roll with the punches that life gives you uh it's not that serious no at the end of the day as long as i you know got my family members in the same mind i'm cool yeah that i i love thinking about this stuff man i've gotten into some you know authors who talk about it i'm reading a lot okay i'm reading
Starting point is 01:12:44 a lot of neo degracia tyson now okay yeah yeah but he's like that's not a manifest or new he's like more of a skeptical carl sagan right like um he breaks things down like i'm reading astrophysics for people in a hurry so um when you start learning like how minut these problems that we say we have are compared to the vast uh creation and how long it took for a fucking planet to be created and life to be able to be sustained on earth yeah then you'll realize like the shit i'm worried about is bullshit right i'm a fucking proton compared to this whole thing called life i'm this whole thing called life that thinks it's a proton right and yeah and that's to you know that being hyper compressed into an identity for a massive universe this is like what someone
Starting point is 01:13:37 who just passed away on my teacher's ramdas said dying is like taking off a shoe that's too tight and you know being a human being seems to be akin to being everything with a blindfold of the universe wrapped around it and that's the day-to-day existence is absolutely and okay but to get back into the manifestation stuff man that is one part of it which is at least neville goddard talks about like the steps to start manifesting and the first step is i am you know i am so that's the first step is like experience the vast nature of everything and then in that you can start manifesting stuff you never one piece of advice um if you know any younger comics are listening to this is uh i see a lot of younger comics that i'm so upset with you know and it's not
Starting point is 01:14:37 that they're not doing everything that they need to be as far as comedy is involved but it's like y'all are lazy as fuck when it comes to working um comics don't want to work because they feel like they'll miss an opportunity but if you get a daytime job comedy doesn't start until 536 right how can you be focused on being funny if you have no security and where you're gonna stay or how you're gonna eat yeah you i've always been a hustling i get it man you know and that that's maybe why i was able to you know uh elevate maybe quicker than some other people who have been out here the same amount of time as me because it's like if i'm hanging with you joe rogan jeff ross and y'all say let's go eat at crestations i'm like bet i'm not like oh i can't go because you don't know what
Starting point is 01:15:27 that opportunity is going to turn into right joe rogan might like my personality and hear me talking to you and now here i am on jre right now my life has been transforming people now all of a suddenly see this asteroid coming in they're like why didn't we see that coming before yeah man you know what i'm saying oh sure i mean that's like sometimes i like rogan saw me when i was doing like a long time ago man like he saw me in the or he liked some joke i did i got off stage he like gave me a big hug and like was like that was really funny and it was like that just alone was like holy fucking shit that's so cool but then he started taking me on the road and then that led to everything for me absolutely but if i canceled that spot who the fuck knows what would
Starting point is 01:16:12 have happened you know you do need to like as much as possible be out there you know i have a funny story about kill toni and i tell my buddy i'm like bro i'm gonna as soon as i get richer i'm gonna give you like 20k so um i had like a i'll say like a a month period where i was kind of like after comedy store f kill toni i've been going there for five months straight and i've only gotten up once yeah so my friend came into town from a land he's like hey bro i want to go sign up for pot looking kill toni i'm like man i ain't really trying to do that he's like man come on man come with me dawg i was like all right bro pick me up and i'll come because i'm definitely not driving to the fucking comedy store and paying ten dollars for parking yeah and i'm gonna want to grab a drink
Starting point is 01:17:00 and you know be out of 30 bucks or whatever to just be kicking in you know so um that night we went i got pulled and he didn't get pulled and that was the start of me being a regular on kill toni right yeah the time that i didn't want to go yeah yeah yeah that's it i mean it's like i think about all the we'll never know but i just think about all the nights if i'd gone out who the fuck knows what would have happened carpe diem sees the opportunity sees the moment yeah yeah but it's you know the problem is as a comic one of the common things that you do here is depression man you said it here yeah and depression doesn't want you to do anything to do shit yeah it wants you to stay inside and uber eats uber eats making so easy to be depressed because you don't even
Starting point is 01:17:50 gotta leave your house to the fucking it is like something in the press person manifested it's like it's like for sure something in a press person i don't want to leave my house but i still want to be able to eat like a fucking pig it's like one step away from food tubes man like like actually like the way we get cable just tubes that come out of the wall or your bed that you can just open your mouth and sprays protein and it's we're it's almost that i'm surprised we don't have a pill yet that we can i was just talking about this earlier i'm like why don't we have a fucking pill that we can eat once for breakfast that can expand in our stomach and it just gives us all of our nutrients and we're good yeah i don't i that'd be that would be incredible and horrible
Starting point is 01:18:36 at the same time i'm a large guy but i've gotten way healthier within like the last three four months and like i have to eat more now to lose weight my trainers like you have to eat more like oh yeah yeah because i write on everything or he's like you don't eat enough it's not weird your body's holding on to the fat because you're not eating enough calories so fucked up it's the craziest shit went to like realize that like every single thing you're doing or that you think is the right way to do shit is not it at all so now i bought a whole bunch of uh low carb protein bars so when i don't feel like eating i'll just eat one of those with a bottle of water and at least it keeps because you know metabolism is like a fire you need to constantly be throwing logs on it to keep
Starting point is 01:19:20 that fire burning yeah so now i'm eating these protein bars you know to help um in between the times i don't eat and my body's just holding on to all these calories yeah so that's one of your that's like what you're trying to do you're trying to lose some weight now you feel you're manifesting some kind of god knows what future for yourself right now part of that is you're trying to like trim down a little bit yep so i can be here to enjoy it be here a long time you know one of my favorite comics is patrice o'neill and he died at like 41 diabetes right is it diabetes yeah stroke diabetes well stroke from having diabetes it's really weird how comedy is a dangerous profession because we live fucked up you're out five six nights a week drinking and smoking weed all night
Starting point is 01:20:09 long probably two o'clock in the morning going to eat some fucking steak eggs and potatoes at your local norms or some shit so it's your i mean i don't do that but um i used to you know go out every night drink like hell i don't smoke we eat but it's like man you know you're not treating your body right and then are you waking up and going to the gym also the anxiety man it's also the anxiety that it's not a you know a regular job i can remember when i when i when i when i stopped working at the comedy store that was my last regular job and i remember when that last check from the comedy store went into the atm machine how did it feel felt scary dude because i've been getting these checks for my whole you know i'd always had a job all of a sudden that's
Starting point is 01:20:59 that rectangle is it as far as like what you know is coming down the pipe but you made it work right it took me a long time man because i was like no i made it work eventually but it was a bumpy ride for me for a while which i deserved i wasn't working on it i wasn't like diligently focusing it but it did it did it did work eventually and it gave you character yeah it did it gave me character and it made me have a lot of respect for young comics too because it's like that fucking fire you have to have to do a thing that is like probably going to alienate you from your family it's probably going to alienate you from your relationship i look at you like you're crazy yeah man relationships oh that is comics get ready for a lot of temporary situations with women or men or whatever you're
Starting point is 01:21:47 into yeah man because they do not understand that shit well no i mean but also you're gone like you're gone a lot you know you're gonna you've gone at night you're like anytime you say something funny you stop and write it down it's fucking annoying it's like are you even listening to me then all the other shit man you know you're dealing with like industry stuff and weird business stuff and it's just weird if you're failing it's weird if you start succeeding they could get threatened a little bit by what's happening and or you're gonna be swept up in some fame vortex and end up leaving them you know i will say this um a lot of my friends from high school think i'm rich and it's i'm and i'm glad that they are exposing themselves before i actually become rich um what
Starting point is 01:22:37 do you mean they're asking for money yeah already you're getting people asking you for money every for like the last past two years yeah are you fucking kidding probably like a hundred people and it's like this is why when people get famous they don't fuck with the people that they grew up with anymore because they look at them like an ATM dude that's so dark man i can't that's fucking crazy a dude a dude i went to high school and asked me could i pay his rent and he didn't know when he'd be able to pay me back but he said i'm sure you won't need it what i'm like bro i got a kid man what do you mean i was like all right so anybody that that wants to this is my thing all right and you can use this to if you need you know i say between
Starting point is 01:23:21 five to a hundred dollars i'll just give it to you i'm at a point where i can afford to lose a hundred bucks i'll fuck off a hundred bucks anyway maybe two hundred great depending on the person you are maybe three hundred you know so if you need something like five six seven i say uh all right this is what i'm gonna do for you i'm gonna call my daughter and put her on three way and ask her for five hundred dollars ask her can her daddy give you five hundred dollars right because this is who this is who you're gonna be taking money from my daughter yeah you got to think about your kids right so ask her you want to do that how are you doing that though man how are you balancing stand-up comedy with being a dad well i'm a part-time daddy like my
Starting point is 01:24:01 baby mama called me i'm part-time daddy my daughter doesn't live with me is she not is she in LA they live right outside of LA and Rancho Cucamonga how often do you see her a lot i FaceTime are damn near every day and when i'm not on the road or busy i'll get her so even if that's once a week you know however she wants me to get her it's my baby mama's pretty loose with the visitation so it's more so like um and you know in a couple of years i have enough money to put her in private school and i'm gonna put it in a private school in between like here and where her mom lives so that i can pick her up from school more you're not stressed out by having a kid no i love it she keeps me grounded she's so funny and uh she makes it all worth it
Starting point is 01:24:50 what's her name yuri why you are i cool it's a russian male name for earth worker man it's to me like having a baby has been definitely the greatest thing that ever happened to me but dear god but your kid also stays with you so it's yeah that's right yeah that's right oh i try to spend as much time with him as i can you know when i'm one right what one he's one yeah that's age that's the uh my daughter is oh she's a she's a fucking little human and we were driving um a couple of days ago and she didn't do like she normally does and say hey daddy she reached up she's in the booster seat she's pretty tall she reached up and she tapped me on her shoulder and she's like dad can i ask you a question i think my daughter has like a replica
Starting point is 01:25:38 of me she's like can i ask you a question oh yeah baby she's five she's like what do you do when you think too much what do you say i said what are you thinking about she's like just everything well she said i think about the trees i think about grandma i think about birds i think about you i think about mommy and i said that's not a bad thing do you feel good when you think about these things and she's like yeah i was like do you think about scary things she's like sometimes sometimes i have bad nightmares and it wakes me up i was like when we had those bad nightmares just think about the great things like the trees and things like that and every since she was one people might think this is weird or they might think it's genius i've never allowed her to use
Starting point is 01:26:24 coloring books i've always gave her blank sheets of paper and allowed her to color on her own because i don't want her to get used to standing boundaries cool so from one you know when she started expressing that she wanted to be creative um i just would get like a big ass go to like the art supply store get those big ass sheets of construction paper and let her do her thing for hours oh that's cool that's great yeah it's fascinating man watching this little baby begin to take on a personality like we take them to these music classes and seeing all the different types of kids yeah all the different souls in those bodies you know you can tell if your kid's gonna be stupid by one you can't i don't know really yeah no you can't well i mean maybe i
Starting point is 01:27:17 am stupid i remember my one of my favorite things my dad used to say is he would especially if he's like meeting a new girlfriend he'd be like we used to thank dunk and was retarded he just says like where are you from again i'm from uh north carolina but i was born in georgia what part uh say simons oh he's born in nice area well yeah for a little bit right by savannah we were we left that nice area because my grand my grandparents were well to do but then like my mom married my lunatic wonderful you know hilarious alcoholic ptsd father who took us on a fucking uncle toad's wild ride through the country which is pretty great but and i'm glad it happened definitely gave me some definitely like i don't know what would have if i'd stayed in
Starting point is 01:28:07 st simons island yeah but people people like us bro and people from that area they're always gonna think we're different um my family thought i was crazy as hell when i said i'm moving to LA oh yeah right right because i bet they did man the first thing my mom said because you know i was in theater and stuff and i guess she thought it was just some a phase that would pass yeah and same when i was a teenager and i had finished high school and i did one year college and i was like i'm moving to LA she's like for what i'd like to be an actor and a comedian yeah and she's like you're gonna have to be gay i'm like what black mom we're talking about right here you're gonna have to be gay what oh she was pissed about that she threatened me with so much shit what why did she
Starting point is 01:28:53 think that i'm her only child she didn't want me to leave numerous amounts of reasons you know but she was a momager like she's the one who planted the seeds she's taking you to these churches why would as long as i stayed there it probably was fine but you know going to LA and she just didn't expect that all of a sudden that's what she probably thought it was something that was just gonna pass like yeah you know it's a phase like no it's not gonna pass it's a lifetime commitment Felicia never going away it's and i you know i can remember that moment in particular uh when i realized it's never gonna pass which i think is another critical aspect of it is like if you think it's gonna pass yourself or if you're just like i don't even know if this
Starting point is 01:29:40 shit keeps if i'm gonna keep doing this forget it it's a fatalistic impulse to into some degree do you know what i'm talking about it's a kind of like i'm just gonna keep doing this and the and you know people like auri i always think of him severe yeah i always think like if there was a nuclear attack as soon as we were able to like climb out of the rubble i could see him starting to do comedy shows you know like yeah i mean and you too it wouldn't be that long before we would figure out a way to start doing at least some kind of like once a month event in non-radio active areas you know but and to me that's the that was like what i learned from mitzi and that's what she uh just i'm scared to hang around that dude who auri why after he fucking uh molly
Starting point is 01:30:33 burt christier what yeah hold on auri dozed burt christier why they were doing a podcast what yes when was this not too long ago this is public knowledge google it hold on are you fuck auri what are you doing that's fucked up man you what like if you that's considered attempted murder you know look so this was in october yes the time auri spiked burt's drink with molly i bet it's not true i bet it is true he really did it yes burt yes and burt's wife and kid were there that's on jre bro you got to watch that i'm scared of that dude man i don't want to be fucking about your drinks around him yeah i fucked i won't drink around it uh yeah man auri is that's great that's like a new level of auri chaos like i've seen him do like insane
Starting point is 01:31:37 shit but he came out naked on killtony i was like this guy is not right well coming out naked that's kind of umpar for the course like i could see him doing that i'm not gonna blink at that but i don't know when he started poisoning his fucking he's a poisoner like when did that start happening i'm scared of that's fucking because you know why you should be scared auri by the way this is crazy we gotta talk man that's fucking crazy if that shit happened to me i'd probably be uh out of comedy because of what i would do afterwards you don't know i mean the problem is like first of all no i'm saying my retaliation would oh you wait what would you do back this is a lot of stuff i'm i'm like if that ever happens to me man i probably would be in prison
Starting point is 01:32:20 well yeah you you know the whole dosing people you know like all of the i remember before i knew anything about joey dies now that i know him i know if he gives you weed or any kind of drug you have to cut it into fourths and take a fourth of it and that's gonna be way too much for you because he's gonna give you his dose not your dose he's gonna give you a joey deal like what he takes you know what i mean which is a lifetime of you of eating marijuana like like once i was at the ufc with joey dies and i look over he's unwrapped some kind of foil thing that was like weed i've never seen this kind of weed before then he like it's like it looks like a tootsie roll he looks up at me and he breaks it and like black fluid starts running out of it and he goes look at it it's
Starting point is 01:33:16 bleeding then he just fucking eats it man and then like you know i've seen him eat mushrooms like popcorn i've seen him reach into like and i'm this is not hyperbole man like literally like with a way a person casually eats like popcorn i've seen that happen so and you know i can remember once he joey dies gave me a some weed and i took it and i remember he got this twinkle in his eye when i ate it and i got my fucking car i'm driving in rush hour traffic i'm the sun is setting i'm start just thinking like oh it's the end of the world like it's definitely the end of the world no question about it this is the apocalypse i'm considering running to a getting out of my car on the interstate because it's not moving and ordering a hamburger at a mcdonald's to get back to my car you know i'm
Starting point is 01:34:10 not gonna do something that's kind of teetering on in my mind and like i got home and and right when i lay down and went to the fetal position deez calls and i'm like hello and he's like welcome to my house motherfucker ha ha ha hangs up that was to a panic attack well man he just knew that by the time i got home i would be shitting fucking bricks with what he gave me it was an edible now i know now i know to quarter the shit up but give me somebody molly is insane man that's madness my tolerance is so low i'll probably be so fucked up from any of that shit well yeah you don't you don't need to be taking that stuff no i don't fuck with it i'm just like i don't do that it's not your thing i mean you got to listen to that by the way there's a lot of people who have that in them and
Starting point is 01:34:57 they feel like they're like not exciting because they don't do psychedelics your body say don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah definitely don't do it man i like the way my brain operates right now yeah well i know a lot of people are afraid of uh of that you know they're desperately afraid that they're gonna fuck their brain up that there's gonna be some moment where the whole thing just collapses and they go crazy from this drug or that drug you know but you know that could happen without drugs anyway yeah it just happens sometimes it can happen with alcohol it can happen with oxygen it just can happen we're like oh did you hear that one conspiracy theories uh theory not conspiracy theories one conspiracy theory let me see if i can get it right that uh we're living
Starting point is 01:35:43 in like so when we're awake is really when we're dreaming the oxygen is poisoning in us and everything that we see is an illusion and our dreams are really real oh like our dreams are like kind of like waking up for a second and then we're all fucked up like this right now according to that theory would would be fake well yeah that sounds like you know that sounds like Tibetan dream yoga is what you know Tibetan dream yoga is it's it's the idea that this is a dream so basically like you and it's not an intellectual thing you know where like you can think yeah i can kind of see how this is like a dream the idea is that you have to begin to study the moment enough to realize that how dream like this experience is you know that this
Starting point is 01:36:37 experience is like a dream shit happens so quickly in a life you know like in a dream one second you're in a barrel right floating out river of blood the next second you're like talking to your grandmother in a field or something and like the if you really look at your life this is how our lives are right then you know one you are just in front of a church doing like clean jokes you know true now you're in LA you know pretty soon you're gonna be in a fucking van signing satanic documents can't wait yeah but with blood yeah yeah yeah with blood but the idea is like you can control it that's what manifesting is is like because this is a dream and because it's no different from a dream in the same way that if you're in a dream and realize
Starting point is 01:37:26 you're dreaming what's the first thing you do when were you dreaming have you ever had a lucid dream define lucid dream where you realize you're in a dream like you like suddenly you look around like fuck this is a dream i'm dreaming yeah yeah so what's the first thing you do and that happens wake up you wake up yeah i try to fly or fuck that's usually what i do i definitely don't wake up i'm like it like i'll either try to like levitate or fly or manifest sex and those are my two i can control my dreams how do you do it uh thank really hard on what i want to dream about before i go to sleep like kind of like meditate into a sleep right that so that's the idea but except you just transfer that into right now which it sounds like you're already doing to
Starting point is 01:38:13 sound degree nicotine patches cause uh crazy dreams do they really yeah yeah i did i i haven't oh yeah you're hooked you're hooked on that fucking vape yeah do you do nicotine patches too no but uh red band was telling me and so his chick took one a half of one to see if it would give her crazy dreams and it gave her crazy dreams yeah i remember red band talking about that you got to watch out with red band red band went online and convinced people that like the stuff that cleans poodle tears gets you high yeah well you know like dogs get that weird runny shit he like angel eyes there was a it was some dog drop called angel eyes and he convinced people it gets you high so he had like people like smoking angel eyes don't listen to red band
Starting point is 01:39:02 about nicotine patches man you're maniac he is a maniac david i think it's been about an hour man um and the baby's screaming so let me look at the time man it's about an hour and some change my friend thank you so much for coming on the show it's nice chatting with you manifest some shit for me before you announce your dates i got you buddy thank you um so what do we have for duncan um me and duncan show work closed this year on something together if not this year to be at the top of next year just wait until you see it um me and duncan will hike in this year and meditate at the top of an elevation somewhere in LA or the surrounding areas we will probably have about five cookouts this summer together um i'll season the chicken as
Starting point is 01:39:57 him being white he doesn't believe in seasoning so i'll make sure i season the food before i bring it to his house um uh yes all these great things and this year i can see duncan uh gathering a six figure check off of one project y'all watch this um yeah so uh you can follow me at uh david lucas funny on instagram david lucas on facebook uh brothers in cursive podcast um i'm at the atlanta punchline with eric griffin january 23rd to the uh january 23rd through the 25th at the atlanta punchline with eric griffin we have six shows there's six opportunities to see me and eric griffin is one funny motherfucker those are great shows man yeah man thanks so much for having me on your podcast and inviting me into your world and your space you got it man yeah it's
Starting point is 01:40:58 great hanging out with you and i hope you'll come back on again sure i will had a christina thank you much thanks to david lucas for appearing on the d t f h and much thanks to books in squarespace for sponsoring this episode if you want to find david lucas if you want the offer codes to books in squarespace it's all going to be at duncantrussell.com also thanks to those of you who continue to use our amazon portal and most importantly thank you to all of you who take that extra step and subscribe to the d t f h on whatever your particular podcast listening device is we'll be back next week until then find the others and if you're in the argentina masterm and i said too much or too little or messed up talking about y'all please forgive me you sound awesome let me in
Starting point is 01:41:52 harry christina until next time i'll see you around ghost towns dirty angel out now you can get dirty angel anywhere you get your music ghost towns dirty angel out now new album and tour date coming this summer a good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop jc penny family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season two we do it all in style dresses suiting and plenty of color to play with get fixed up with brands like lis clayborne worthington stafford and jay furar oh and thereabouts for kids super cute and extra affordable check out the latest in store and we're never short on options at jcp.com all dressed up everywhere to go jc penny

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