Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 416: Vermin Supreme

Episode Date: December 25, 2020

Vermin Supreme, time-traveling miscreant, anarchist wizard, presidential candidate, and representation of the Christmas spirit, joins the DTFH! You can learn more about Vermin Supreme at VerminSupre...me.com, and follow him on Twitter. Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: Amazon Music - Visit Amazon.com/Trussell and get your first 3 months of Amazon Music FREE! Hello Fresh - Visit hellofresh.com/duncan90 and use code DUNCAN90 at checkout for $90 off, including free shipping! Squarespace - Use offer code: DUNCAN to save 10% on your first site.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You will fail so what everybody does But your gym your watch your yoga pants. They pretend you won't so when you miss a day eat the pancakes Give up on a workout you failed Seriously, what the hell? We're body. We've been a part of that too, but not anymore at body We're rejecting perfection and embracing reality Not in a pizza Monday kind of way in a loving your whole life kind of way in a this workout is fun And it's okay if I take a week off kind of way in an I'm eating healthy
Starting point is 00:00:38 And it's okay if I indulge kind of way in a I like myself no matter what kind of way Yeah, you will fail. We all will but we're not gonna let that be the end. You see that we're already making progress So let's keep going. We are body start your free trial at body.com. That's B. O. D. I. Dot com Happy holidays, sweet babies today. I have with us an actual practicing Wizard a lot of you are familiar with vermin supreme. Maybe you've seen him during protests or maybe you've heard his many promises the possibility that he is Going to give ponies to everyone on the planet, or maybe you've recognized that he's more than just a
Starting point is 00:01:28 Chaos agent at protests, but he's actually a peacemaker that somehow the presence of this wizard Lee being with a boot on his head has the tendency to diffuse situations to create a comedic element in Zones where there is the great possibility for Violence and if you're somebody who is into discordianism or anarchism then you surely have recognized that vermin supreme is a brilliant and powerful Magician at least that was my thinking before I got to talk to him and I was thrilled to find out that my assessment was accurate vermin supreme
Starting point is 00:02:12 he is Awesome, and if you've wondered about what anarchy actually is Many people think anarchy is throwing a rock through a Starbucks But if you've wondered what anarchy really is then you're really gonna love this episode and to me vermin supreme represents the Christmas spirit because in the same way that it is Hilarious and beautiful and wonderful to suddenly witness the wild boot crowned vermin supreme at a Serious
Starting point is 00:02:50 protest What's more beautiful than the appearance of the son of God in a place where there's a lot of donkey shit The message here is that it doesn't matter if you militarize the police or it doesn't matter if you Try to scare us with your Omni-present panopticon of surveillance cameras and bullshit laws There's always gonna be a kind of benevolent chaos that appears in that space between the security force and the people and that person is vermin supreme a mystical time
Starting point is 00:03:34 Traveling miscreant, and if you're someone who made the Incorrect observation that it's just a crazy person with a boot on his head Get ready because your opinion is about to change Vermin supreme is here with us. We're gonna jump right into that. But first this It's the holidays and I you know what I like holiday music now that I'm a dad But there's no way that I'm gonna spend any amount of time Assembling a holiday music tape. It's just not gonna happen But it is mind-blowing to me that I could just say
Starting point is 00:04:11 To the robot thing living in my house. Hey Alexa play Christmas music and suddenly Christmas music Just starts playing that will never stop being cool to me. Hey, Alexa Order 50 rolls of toilet paper if you had an Alexa you would order toilet paper for you How cool is that but we're not talking about Amazon? We're talking about Amazon music And if you haven't tried Amazon music before for a limited time You can get your first three months of Amazon music unlimited for free That's access to more than 70 million songs on demand and add free play the songs you want when you want Free for three months you can play mariah on repeat long into 2021 if that's your jam
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Starting point is 00:05:30 trussell to get your first three months of amazon music free Starts at seven 99 a month after new subscribers only terms apply this offer expires January 11 2021. Thank you amazon music Well what I hoped would never happen happened Uh, i'm really sorry to say that um one of the dtf h listeners whose family has asked that I not uh named them
Starting point is 00:06:03 was devoured by uh some combination of a squirrel swarm and uh Pleth of raccoons as it's called which is uh the accumulation of an angry group of raccoons. It's called a pleth I guess he's listening to the podcast and he was he was walking On a he was on a hike or something and you know not we only know what his Girlfriend has said and she's in a psychiatric hospital because what she saw drove her insane She just kept saying the raccoons the raccoons they they they went for his eyes his eyes There's nothing left. There's bones just bones
Starting point is 00:06:46 Cell phone some ragged clothes Look i'm not saying that the reason these animal attacks are happening to people who listen to the dtfh But aren't subscribed to the patreon Or because of something i'm doing i don't have the ability to do that and i certainly don't know magicians or wizards who i could pay to do dark Spells that would cause people not subscribed to my patreon to get attacked by small Generally considered cute animals rabbits Gophers groundhogs a lot of groundhog bites are happening. I'm hearing
Starting point is 00:07:24 I would never do that to you. I don't care if you subscribe to the patreon or not. I want I want you to be healthy That's my number one thing which is why I'm advising you to subscribe to my patreon patreon.com Ford slash dtfh you're gonna get commercial free episodes. You're gonna get access to weekly meditations and family gatherings and book clubs, but more than that you're gonna get that Guarantee what I like to call the trustle guarantee that you're not gonna get ripped apart By a swarm of adorable creatures I know that won't happen because the only thing these people
Starting point is 00:08:01 Where these attacks have been happening have in common is that they Listen to my podcast, but they don't subscribe to the patreon. It's so weird I'm working on it. Once I once we figure out the cause I'll let you know but in the meantime is the kind of band aid of protection head over to patreon.com Ford slash dtfh and subscribe you're gonna get a discord link So that you could hang out with your one true family And you're gonna get access to Hours and hours of extra content. It's just floating there right now
Starting point is 00:08:35 That's patreon.com Ford slash dtfh Friends today's guest is an activist a philosopher a chaos lord a presidential candidate and a worker of peace He is a notorious pony
Starting point is 00:08:59 promising genius You can find everything out That you need to find out about vermin supreme by going to vermin supreme.com but first Welcome him To the ducatrustle family hour podcast vermin supreme everybody You Mr. Trossel, I'd like to I'd like to welcome you to the show
Starting point is 00:09:44 Of course, it's great to be here across north with vermin supreme where we like to talk to people who are doing various things and have things to promote and And so, uh, welcome to the show. Uh, thanks for having me and I understand that you are a Podcaster of some sort or some note rather. I I assume would be more accurate I well, I've got a and you're I have a podcast And you also are cartoon. Am I to understand that correctly? They turned me into a cartoon last year So, how does that feel? It's liberating it's liberating to to you know, you would think it you might become more entrenched in reality by having
Starting point is 00:10:25 multiple bodies, but uh, it's nice to have a lighter more colorful version of me Oh, for sure. I mean, uh, it's like one of the the beautiful things about me and what I've developed is that Um, there is a huge there, you know, there's a fictional side a mile wide and uh And I have become So much bigger than my meat sack if you will. I mean, I'm just like here. I am some guy and we're just talking But on the internet it's it's I'm a meme and that's a very
Starting point is 00:11:01 strange thing to be uh, it it it's almost about giving up uh, a fair amount of control over The messaging because anybody Can use me in pretty much any way shape or form That they like, uh, whether I agree with it or or disagree with it. How do you deal with how do you deal with that? Do you do you find yourself? Uh, surrendering to that reality or have you, uh Attempted to control the narrative
Starting point is 00:11:33 Well, uh, obviously I have my own dank meme stash. I've got my own social media team I've got a number of regular memesters that have been memeing me making memes with and about me like forever Yeah, and so usually they're pretty clever and they're generally positive And I think that's you know, one of the blessings. Um, that you know, when I became a meme It was for doing something fun and entertaining and informative and educational and satirical Where it's like some people become memes for doing terrible things and it's like hey look it's that meme who kicked the dog Hey get up That's right. You can get memed into hell. It's like you can yeah
Starting point is 00:12:22 You get splattered all over and all these various memes for better for worse and yeah, you're yes, you're you have a glorious beautiful fountain of Wonderful hilarious memes and Yeah, I mean as a rule it's beautiful. It's and that's the the wonderful thing about What I have become is that it becomes an audience participation project where like And in the in the fact that I offer the opportunity to pretend Because you know growing up don't pretend a lot, you know, they they they sort of lose that
Starting point is 00:13:00 Maybe not ability but the desire or the need to to fully pretend Silly stuff sometimes and I believe that I am a conduit For that opportunity You know when when I'm talking about ponies and asking people what are you going to name your pony? The people want to Pretend right along and they want to talk about zombie preparedness and the the time travel and and all these sort of sci-fi tropes that that I've tapped into It's just so wonderful because it's it's an open-ended
Starting point is 00:13:35 improvisational project and and it's just not Something that occurs on the internet because you know, I'm a real person And I've been doing it in in the real meat world for a lot longer than the digital world But it's it's always been this very playful improvisational playing off People who come up to want to know what's going on or with the other politicians or or with the police or the authority figures or
Starting point is 00:14:06 all these people and And yes, it is because I have discovered this magical boot. Are you a wizard? Which? I would have to say yes In fact, I'm a registered Time lord and wizard with the universal life church because those are actual titles that are available and I snatched them up And I believe that there is certainly a lot to be said in terms of a wizard like altering reality changing reality
Starting point is 00:14:38 changing people's perceptions Of reality, you know, I have a real affinity for the discordians and the surrealists and the da da is sure And and the people that that believe that, you know, you can offer, you know deeper truths and revelations to people by using shocking juxtapositions and in in my own way in my own sense, I you know, I use a lot of humor and absurdity and And, you know, the beautiful thing, you know, people ask me, you know vermin, what's what's with the boot on your head?
Starting point is 00:15:15 And I will my stock response to the media is generally it stands for all it is good in america The ability to wear a boot on your head if you want to Or sometimes I'll tell them the boot is a pile of shit and that they are the flies that buzz around Yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought I thought you when I saw you for the first time I thought that My first thought was a wizard has gotten in
Starting point is 00:15:43 to this meeting and But then I because I didn't see it as a boot I saw it as a wizard's cap and then it was later that I realized that's a boot now I'm not saying there's a difference between the two a hat's a hat. I mean, you know You could say a shoe is a hat on your foot And yeah, and it's a It's a signifier, you know, it signifies to people to onlookers that what they might be subject to may not be linear in nature
Starting point is 00:16:12 So so it's a little bit of a warning Obviously if it's in a crowd, it's it's this magnetic attraction because it's the the tallest thing in the room and and yeah People are drawn to it and authority figures are drawn to it Because it's not right. I mean the the beautiful thing for me about it is if you take a photograph of me wearing the boot In any place any time any situation any crowd of people and you show that Photograph to a kid and you say to that kid. Hey kid. What's wrong with this picture? And it's just so it's it's obvious. It's it's unmistakable. It's undeniable. Yeah, it's what is it's wrong The man has a boot on his head. It's not correct. Yeah, not right
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's a and so just that and the and um This crazy combination of the platform planks of you know, the ponies and the uh, the tooth brushing and it just It has such resonance with so many people Um, that it's allowed me to communicate with millions and interface with media across the flat earth and uh, Yeah, it's allowed me. I think it's hollow I guess it could be flat and hollow
Starting point is 00:17:29 Uh, I don't want to I thought you're talking about my boot for a moment. And of course, the that's another uh Uh, controversy. I Sort of little alien being up there within the boot somehow Controlling my thoughts emotion and movement or is the boot itself the actual alien that somehow attaches itself to my head To control me. Um, and I it's it's very hard to say If you had to name the kind of magic you practice And I'm sorry to even ask you to name it
Starting point is 00:18:00 If you haven't named it or to try to limit you or control it in some way by even asking you to name it But if you add to at least in this moment, what would you call it? I I suppose the the the chaos magic, uh, even though I don't really fully understand It in it's totally or even partially but it seems like it's in that vein that that discordian vein We're we're trying to create the chaos and and and and I think Being able to alter You know that reality and I've discovered I've been able to use that In different situations in very high stakes situations sometimes, uh, particularly
Starting point is 00:18:42 Uh, really tense, uh demonstrations in the past You're not safe. You don't seem safe. You put yourself in danger Watched you and I thought to myself as many of us have that, uh, you know Before maybe some people before they think of wizard. They think activist But I don't know if there's a difference between those two things, but yes, definitely you seem to you seem to put yourself in danger And and a big part of that is just understanding the situation Having a real solid situation awareness because I've been in those environments so many times And having an understanding of how they work and how they operate
Starting point is 00:19:22 And how one thing can lead to the other and the tit for the tat and the escalation And you know, you know between the cops and the protesters Uh, there's this no person's land it and it's a vacuum and it will something will fill it eventually It could be an agitator. It could be a cop taking a cheap shot It could be a demonstrator getting this Emotionally wrought up and and and escalating things But I have discovered that by entering that space and using my bullhorn and my calm demeanor and humor and jokes
Starting point is 00:19:57 That I can sort of short circuit it. I can I can rearrange the the flow of events I've watched it happen I'm sorry to cut you off. I've watched it happen. It's the strangest thing to see the police officers unmoved by legitimately Upset passionate people But you're there and somehow you you cross you you get in there you cross it. They they they can't they smile
Starting point is 00:20:31 The state smiles, but then also the protesters smile. It's some kind of I know I've seen it. It's it's real magic It's I mean if if any of y'all listening want to see what magic looks like it's I don't know of another way to put it Psyops But to me and maybe I maybe it's too much to in it's it's Old age and lots of acid But when I see a politician I also think to myself. Well, that's some form of magic there, too And when I see you show up
Starting point is 00:21:06 Then I start thinking well, there's some kind of wizard battle Happening here. You've decided to show up To distort transform Alchemize the mundane reality that they seem intent on keeping us all fixated in That yes that too and I believe that my You know my critique such as it is I mean I've been flogging the damn mandatory tooth brushing laws As a warning of a utilitarian Fascist police state, you know for 30 years and yes, it's sort of freaky to yell these things come to pass
Starting point is 00:21:46 And but but I just it has allowed me to be considerably more aggressive In a lot of ways If I came at some of these politicians like I like to do Going up to Ted Cruz's and Chris Christie's or cleanser or whatever And you know if I wasn't using my humor It and had the same energy it would be very scary Yes, and and I don't people would be frightened by it. Yes, but because I come on with the
Starting point is 00:22:19 absurdity In the in the nonsense if you will It that alone changes the reality and it forces them into a a different way of interacting And and I've discovered that by using these Wacky, you know questions. I get a much more interest in response, you know when I asked John McCain, you're where he stood on mandatory tooth brushing
Starting point is 00:22:46 And he said oh my staff has had lots of experience hiding in people's bathrooms late at night to make sure they've brushed It's like, okay Or or I asked Lamar Alexander a question one time and he responded with And he answered why yes vermin? I do have Elvis Presley imprisoned underneath the governor's mansion of Tennessee for committing heinous acts Wow, you know, I you know, once again, I prompted the question, but they responded and they added their own little twist Uh to make it a little You know
Starting point is 00:23:19 enlightening, you know, they're they're showing more Of a subtext that they might With if they were giving a straight answer to a straight question Like they're kind of like in a weird way illuminating whatever the the metaphor of their existence is, you know, like Yeah, does he have Elvis trapped but in a weird way We we all find ourselves sort of whether you like it or not under the spell Of these people who have collaborated. They are it's a it's a it's a coven of people in suits who are Very convincing
Starting point is 00:23:54 And and very easy to believe it if you're lazy, you know, it's easy like for some reason they're so sincere And I get drawn into it all the time um all the time I've tried to Eliminate, you know, I mean the fact is the emperor has no clothes But he could kill you with absolute impunity and get away with it Yes, and that's the thing that I mean, I look at you know, people look and they It's it's a frightening reality, but it's absolutely ludicrous Right just that
Starting point is 00:24:28 Contrast is is ridiculous Do you have you ever looked? Sorry Oh, no, it's okay. I I guess the fact that I I'm an anarchist I believe I've always been an anarchist ever since I made that conscious decision to be so And I don't believe
Starting point is 00:24:53 In the government's authority and and I believe that I have found a way To operate That makes it very clear and in many circumstances does indeed I deny authority to authority figures um Can you define for us anarchism would you mind defining your
Starting point is 00:25:19 Anarchy for us Well for me, uh anarchism Is a belief That the government's claim of power over us Is illegitimate and um And that authority By its nature
Starting point is 00:25:41 Is coercive? Yeah, and they are using their self-imposed Pretend authority, but they're usually they pack it up Uh with this threat of violence. Yeah And I I believe in mutual aid as opposed To the government organization structure
Starting point is 00:26:07 I've always believed that the only way to be able to extricate ourselves from the government is through Mutual aid and voluntary cooperation To replace the the functions of the government if you will I mean when the government tries to Say, you know alleviate Poverty or something like that. You know it requires Taking all sorts of money and then running it through a bureaucracy in a very
Starting point is 00:26:41 inefficient way That has all sorts of conditions on it that ultimately has incredible amazing unintended Consequences and I it seems that it's just true of a lot of the things That the government attempts to do I want to thank hello fresh for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH. I love to cook. It's really fun. I think it's a bizarre Alchemical
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Starting point is 00:29:09 Use code dunkin 80 to get 80 dollars off including free shipping again. That's hello fresh dot com forward slash dunkin 80 use code dunkin 80 to get 80 dollars off including free shipping. Thank you. Hello fresh Do you see that bureaucratic? Do you do you see that matrix or whatever the thing that that Philanthropy or love with if like we're gonna say like mutual aid We're gonna have to use symbols for it in the world. We're in right now We've got money Sometimes it's just giving someone money or food or giving someone some something that they can use to survive
Starting point is 00:29:51 But when you run it through that system, you're talking about it somehow becomes corrupt and I Sometimes when I'm really feeling it's out there. Is it a demonic force? Do you play around with the idea that that bureaucratic system is a kind of congealed demonic force? Um, I I don't think so. I I hate to say Talk about demons as if though they are are real Um, I and I I don't even know if an institution itself is necessarily Evil, but it's it's certainly not productive Or as productive as it would like to be
Starting point is 00:30:31 Um, but yes, it is sort of I often talk about spiritual money laundering Um In some of the in a sense and I think that when the government takes the money and launders it They're laundering it in a dirty way, but if you take money and you spend it directly on good acts Um, then that's a good laundering. Uh, the rainbow gatherings Uh, for example, uh, are you familiar with the rainbow gatherings? Yeah, a little bit only from stories from people who've been I've I have yet to attend one I think you'd like it. Um, and of course, we're talking about the uh, the rainbow family of living love and light
Starting point is 00:31:12 Annual gathering of the tribes. It's uh, it's a very Large, uh, you know, I would loosely use the word hippie quotation mark Uh event to describe it. Although it it all all walks of life attend It happens once a year. Usually you're around the fourth the first week of july And uh, you could get up to 10 000 people in the woods in a national forest out in the middle of nowhere Um picture if you will uh three four thousand people sitting in concentric circles In a large field uh in the middle of nowhere in a meadow all of a sudden out of the tree line comes
Starting point is 00:31:54 Dozens of people bringing five gallon buckets full of food these people in the circles Have their cups and their bowls because that's the tradition and and the people start going around and doling out food Which comes from the up over a hundred different little kitchens up in the woods that are across between gilligan's islands in the in the flintstones as far as technology and during this time the food goes around town criers go around the circle letting people know uh safety information or or parking information or things they need to know and and uh other town criers are going around talking about the
Starting point is 00:32:38 Where the drum circle is at night or where the talent show is at night or um where um, you know The hatman spots are and also the going around that circle is the magic hat and the magic hat goes around Because it's a magic hat and because the rainbow gathering is a non-commercial event because you can't buy anything You can't sell anything you you can barter, but ultimately um the only legitimate place to put money is in the magic hat It's a non-commercial event. So people put it in and then it gets spiritually laundered Um, it goes to the banking council banking council says hey, we made X amount of dollars the next morning
Starting point is 00:33:19 All the kitchen representatives come together and they have a spokes council and everybody puts out their shopping list And they give it to supply and the supply council Interface with the banking council and and they go to town and bring it all back and it goes over and over every night and there's miles and miles of of uh water pipes and like There's there's a million things that need to get done vegetables need to be chopped fires need to be built stoves need to be built Biscuits need to be need to be made shitters need to be dug health and safety all these things
Starting point is 00:33:50 And the only reason that any of those things happen is because people see a need for them to happen And they come together in a council uh non hierarchical Form and make that happen Once again not opposed to leaders anarchies not opposed to leaders if somebody has a specific skill set that uh That other people need and want to learn from that person could become a de facto leader But once everybody has that information There is no need for that leader any longer um
Starting point is 00:34:23 And so the the rainbow gathering i've been attending them uh for close to 30 plus years me and my wife And um, it is where I learned Clowning when I was a young person when I was a young rainbow And I I would go from end to end a camp to every camp and and do something funny and and push the limits of what I could do because it It's they're so loose there And I polished mc skills doing talent shows and and gong shows and all of those things And then after several years, I discovered the need for security and we provide security. It's called shantay sina It's a uh cultural appropriation of the sanskrit
Starting point is 00:35:05 word meaning peacekeepers But I became I started to bring my uh Clowning into that and essentially that is uh, it's a it's a glorified camp country counselor really, but it also has Um crisis intervention because anything could happen at rainbow, you know, and we don't rely on the police I mean if it's a neighborhood situation, if it's in a camp ideally the camp takes care of it If it affects the a bigger crisis if it's somebody peddling bad drugs Oh, we have to track that down and put a stop to it
Starting point is 00:35:34 Um, you know, if there's an assault or something and so we have our own restorative justice Councils that will offer to people who are wrong and of and uh one of the the things that we also provide is escorts for the media and police not sexual escorts, uh, but escorts with the With the cops to make sure That you know, they don't get in trouble to make sure that the the participants in the gathering, uh, don't get any trouble
Starting point is 00:36:05 So I early on I was finding myself walking for like eight hour shifts with 10 alabama state troopers for example or a whole bunch of feds or a whole bunch of counting cops And they come in and they're propagandized that they are told that these are the worst people in the world There are a bunch of drug addicts and they're they're gonna in all this bullshit And so I would walk with them and propagandize them and contextualize What they were seeing and uh and have fun with them and make fun of them
Starting point is 00:36:37 And uh and warn the participants that we yell out six up means the cops are on their way Hide your drugs and lease your dogs and put some clothes on or whatever Wow, but the cops tolerated that. I'm sorry that when you do this Uh patrol with them. How do you how do you? Infiltrate like how do they let you it feels like some police would be like what are you you can't walk even walk with us Well, essentially, it's you know, it's a public event. It is in public, uh, forest the police are public servants And uh, once again, it's understanding that we have rights to to do that right to communicate with them
Starting point is 00:37:19 Right. Uh, sometimes it's more real more tense. I mean, there's been events where the rainbow gathering was the largest single civil disobedience on the north american continent that year Because uh, the feds have been trying to put permit schemes in forever to tell us that we need permits and that we have always maintained that um No, no one can sign on our behalf. You can't represent me. I'm not giving you permission to do that And so anybody who signed the permit was it was fraudulent from the get-go And we we've we've proved that in court see you're the but to me you seem to be The embodiment of a potential future For humanity and I I don't mean to sound all thick and schmaltzy with that either. I mean
Starting point is 00:38:05 You know, my my encounter Is a little over the top there, but but my encounter with this sort of thing at burning at the burn Uh, which there seems to be some parallel there, uh, not completely the same but a parallel There is It feels to me that it whenever I go there. I think this is a way humans can be Like this is a another possibility that is so Different than the possibility most of us are born into
Starting point is 00:38:38 That it you find the bird totally decadent. No, I was what's that? I mean, is it it is not the bird pretty decadent Well, it seems like an event of decadence I well, it's It's so big That what's so wonderful about it is in its size There's the possibility for maximum heat hedonism decadence maximum Whatever you want. I did it in but what's beautiful about it is it has within it
Starting point is 00:39:12 Uh, its own Anarchic spirit and a similar thing. They don't they though. They don't really there are permits to be able to use that land unfortunately and But they they you know Every trouble that springs up and just like I'm sure the rainbow gatherings You know, you can expect trouble to spring up It's just the nature of things but those troubles that the burn they really do try to they have people Who are who are actual peacekeepers who come to a camp and really try to calm people down
Starting point is 00:39:46 Try to do every single thing to keep someone from getting arrested because there's cops there You know, so but but what I'm saying is in in that state In of seeing that possibility what you're talking about sounds like a more magnified version of it I always think because uh, and there's no gate, you know, I mean we have a front gate and all but because It's pretty much open to anyone and it's so it attracts so many different types of people Yeah, it's it's really a wonderful I hope to make it to the burn Oh, you got it. You would you would love it and you would be familiar with it to some degree and you would probably have a lot to offer it
Starting point is 00:40:24 Uh, but For for you to give to make me their dancing monkey Those corporate camps man, and then you know, but then that's the always the drama there is you get these like Uh, these camps that you know one of the camps I can't remember the name of it now white ocean or something it got terrorized They they dumped out their portajons dumped out their water There was it because there's these so many factions of burners there that you get these little cold or hot wars that can spring up It's fascinating. But what I was trying to say is
Starting point is 00:40:57 To me when i'm seeing you i'm thinking that is a person who is brilliant and who is In this whenever I think of not when we think of non-violence You know there's visions that come to mind and certainly for most of us those visions probably don't involve somebody wearing a boot hat but You know, but when I see you I see that I see Not it's non-violence. It's this beautiful form of non-violent um
Starting point is 00:41:26 Activism that has now I know it's nice to hear that it has its roots in a real legitimate lineage an anarchic lineage of the river gathering my friend Attorney jerry boyle out of chicago works with the nlg is uh mentioned it. It's disarming. You know, I am disarming the police And uh, you know, he gives a workshop actually on disarming the police which All the militants are like But it's it's really about disarming them in another way and yeah and it that is in in in that
Starting point is 00:42:00 Disarming that you're doing it. I think it shines a light on Whether you like it or not these the humanity of all of us when I'm seeing you interact with the trumpets Or the clintonites or whoever it is And I see that they can't help but smile They're offended by you and threatened by you But they're smiling at the same time and somewhere in that to me That's where you the rubber hits the road for all of us witnessing it because in those little flickers of of human interaction
Starting point is 00:42:30 we're no longer separate and uh I'm really It's having heard that you have your roots in the rainbow gathering It makes me interested in what your other like wisdom streams are what type of Pardon, I'm sorry. I'm curious you there. What are your other wisdom streams? What are your other? Sources of inspiration Like I hear the entire community of people has infused you I think with some of their magic. Are there other infusions come? Yes, yes, I'd say along the way for sure. Um, I cut my teeth on
Starting point is 00:43:09 anti-nuclear activism When I was a younger person I lived in Baltimore, Maryland and uh was involved in the uh indie music and uh art weirdo scene That's definitely a place where I learned to to be weird And I guess even when I was younger than that, I guess
Starting point is 00:43:35 psychedelic drugs sort of also Allowed me to become the the person that I have become um giving me this understanding of you know reality and being able to step outside or or next to or through reality and and under and being able to to manipulate it slightly by having this understanding
Starting point is 00:44:02 of my relationship with the real world at any given moment in time and um So that um, you know, and of course I became vermin supreme when I was doing uh bookings and promotions down in nightclubs in baltimore early on it was more All booking agents all club owners all promoters were vermin and I was the vermin supreme I didn't really have it in me. I'm afraid and didn't last very long
Starting point is 00:44:35 But it was super super fun and it was a great time back in the day And that it was just a short leap to um all politicians are vermin and becoming the vermin supreme and yeah, you know, I I actually ran for mayor of baltimore maryland in a fairly unreal way in 1987 And it wasn't particularly political There was just something that seemed Interesting to do it was a project And I did a month-long drug study as a lab rat for one of these uh drug testing
Starting point is 00:45:16 companies up in massachusetts here And then went to baltimore and uh and ran this uh campaign just just for the sheer laws I want to thank square space for sponsoring this episode of the d t f h it is an incredible Sweet of very powerful tools that you can use to turn your cool idea in a new website to blog or publish content to announce an upcoming event or to just use the incredible power of the internet To create some wild chaos based art experiment via your website. They are amazing They've got email marketing SEO tools. They've got social media integration banners and promotions They are an ever-expanding powerhouse if you're somebody who wants to have a presence
Starting point is 00:46:16 on the internet It's so easy to use You know, I get two stones and I will come up with a domain name that I think is brilliant And then I'll use square space to buy the domain name and I'll throw together A website and I can do all of this In an hour because it's so easy to use if you want to get deep and have a hyper complex powerful nimble beautiful subtle genius level website like what you'll find at dunkintrustle.com They give you the tools to do that too and I know I've said it before but I have to say it again
Starting point is 00:46:55 I know someone who sells her stinky socks Online and if you can make money selling your socks online My dear loves then god knows there must be other opportunities for folks out there All you got to do is take the first step And make a website so head over to square space dot com port slash dunkin for a free trial And when you're ready to launch use offer code dunkin to save 10 percent Off your first purchase of a website or a domain again That's square space dot com
Starting point is 00:47:29 Ford slash dunkin for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use offer code dunkin Save 10 percent off your first purchase of a website or a domain. Thank you square space And uh I was in baltimore and ready to move on from baltimore. There there's a lot of Things that were happening that I will not bore you with But one day This was a couple weeks after I had read an article into the mother jones magazine and it was an article describing March that was called the global peace march for global nuclear disarmament
Starting point is 00:48:13 That was marching from la to dc to protest nuclear weapons And david mixer this democratic political operative. It was his idea and and he was really Over the top about it and was you know having custom tents made up and custom milk crates made up and And just his vision was this big white bread March across the country with everybody being very cushy and cozy and uh, it collapsed under its own weight It made it as far as barstow california before it totally fell apart And I felt like that's really sad that's disappointing because it sounded like such a nice thing that it inspired me
Starting point is 00:48:52 and then Two weeks after I read that article one of my roommates, uh came home and said hey meet so is the skies with a great peace march and i'm like what? And The march continued it only partially collapsed in barstow But a whole group of anarchists, uh, were like pulling uh, were disabling the vehicles so that the repo men could not Take them away They were committing a civil disobedience lying down in front of and locking themselves too in order to keep the
Starting point is 00:49:22 Equipment from being taken away And so this march all of the article made it sound like it did it did not go any further It actually did and by the time it arrived in baltimore. It was five thousand straw And they had every just they had the equipment that was needed to make that safe move down the road There was water trucks. There was kitchen trailer trucks. There was kitchen prep trucks. There was Um, port-a-party trucks. There was port-a-party pumper trucks. There was school buses that were acting as Classrooms for all the kids that were on their march. They had Semi trailer trucks hauling the two milk crates that each marcher was given that they could
Starting point is 00:50:03 for their possessions And all the tents and every night they would set up camp and they would have this Consensus council a non-hierarchical Circle of decision-making Um, essentially an anarchistic organism In a way much like the rainbow gathering is it's nobody's not top down. It's it's horizontal Um, and so when I when I saw this when I saw this in memorial stadium I was like, this is it. This is totally it
Starting point is 00:50:36 I'm on board. I went to the thrift store. I bought a shitty sleeping bag and a couple changes to clean clothes And I walked with them to dc several days And met some of these people some of these anarchists these activists They they threw their tennis shoes that they'd crossed the country With over the white house fence. They were committing Uh civil disobedience. They were concerts. They were as parties It was amazing and I heard that they were Going to continue and this small group of some of the logistical support people
Starting point is 00:51:10 Wanted to continue this sort of mobile protest and they formed a group called the seeds of peace and I Quickly joined them and started marching with them. We did a 300 mile march in Florida from kingsville, georgia where they had the trident d5 missiles in the sub base there down to cape canaveral where they were testing them at the time and so And they infiltrated they they did backcountry actions at cape canaveral to prevent the and uh make the
Starting point is 00:51:46 Whole thing be put on hold for a little bit. And so this was uh What I was finding to be very inspiring and then went to a march in michigan where I met this uh peace marcher Hippy woman that I thought was going to be a hookup, but we've been together for 30 years And there's another march in in massachusetts and then so and that it was at that time that I started to attend the rainbow gatherings and so And that we at the nevada nuclear test site where we would have thousands literally thousands of people camping out in the in the desert
Starting point is 00:52:21 Outside of vegas infiltrating doing backcountry actions doing massive civil disobedience. I mean literally One weekend Like probably two to three thousand arrests of people walking into the desert to try and stop the nuclear testing Is that a backcountry? Is that is that what a backcountry action is is just trespassing or are there Like a simple symbolic uh trespass where you might cross we would cross the cattle guard there or you might You know cross Into cross a border or cross enter property, you know that that's sort of a simple trespassing But a backcountry action is when you sort of go on a a serious hike and try and not you know
Starting point is 00:53:06 You're not giving yourself up easily. You're trying not to be detected Whereas a basic simple symbolic trespass might involve, you know blocking a street or Or something else. It's you know, just very obvious, but a backcountry action Is like, you know, it's secret. It's backcountry. It's uh, they're trying not to be detected Until they unfurl your banner or lock themselves to something or what have you how many times you've been arrested? Uh, amazingly few for the situations I put myself in You know a handful and I and I I and when I've been arrested at demonstrations It's usually been a false arrest ultimately and I've been able to sue them for a little bit of money
Starting point is 00:53:50 What I've been arrested Yep. Yep. Yep. I bought like we bought a fifth of an acre Little sliced out into hawaii with a $6,000 settlement from the la pd because they they wanted to arrest me because I was singing Mr. Rogers neighborhood and Sesame Street, these are the people in your neighborhood But really trying to talk to the arrestees about the lawyer the way to communicate with them and and you know You don't want to and when you start talking about the commanding officer and you start talking, you know, you start trying to
Starting point is 00:54:25 Get the line cops to question their commanding officer's decisions to put them in certain situations You can be pretty much pretty sure you're going to be shut down pretty quick. That's been my experience Wow, you're I got to ask you this and I and and um listening to your story It fills me with a kind of surreal hope and but I I'm trying to think of the right way to phrase the question
Starting point is 00:54:50 In in this thing that you're talking about this sort of I don't know what it is It flowers up this thing they're that is called anarchism Which a lot of people think of when they think of it they think of what the state has told them It is it's things Breaking and smashing and falling apart. I think probably a lot of people are surprised when they hear that the the Practice of it involves mutual aid and selflessness and giving No, it's anarchy is a very high level of order I mean, it's it's the natural order that occurs in the absence of the state
Starting point is 00:55:21 Right after a a natural disaster Before the state can get there the people immediately come together the people immediately start helping one another Helping survivors clearing the rose right that is So what how this how big is is it because I think there's something beautifully invisible About this anarchy and decentralization in general, you know centralization anytime you have some leader Uh, that is you know, that isn't just some temporary leader like teaching people how to cook or whatever but a leader it's easy to like sort of
Starting point is 00:55:57 Trace the structure with anarchism. It's different in the sense that It's a real thing. I mean these flowers or whatever you're going to call these communities blossom Happens today. It's a beautiful thing How big how big is it? How big is it? How big is this? How big if you had to guess and I'm sorry if it's a dumb question Like you represent there's for for every vermin supreme A celebrity I forgive me if that's an insulting term. I mean it in the best way possible Someone to be celebrated now that I'm like Cameo
Starting point is 00:56:31 It's official. No, don't do it. But the but what I Don't do it. I told cameo. I told him I do it for for 50 million dollars I don't know about I don't know. I don't I don't want to waste my time with a great high magician by talking about cameo I when I'm asked I do have a an institute that I'm trying to finance the vermin. We have a vermin institute now Here's the question though. Here's my question for every one of you There's a lot of people and you were kind of mentioning them the other activists the people who show up to these things while all of us are tweeting
Starting point is 00:57:16 and from that you must have gotten some approximation of a kind of Decentralized movement happening in the world and I'm wondering if you could give Either pop that balloon of hope that I have where I love to fantasize about some decentralized beautiful market revolution that's happening right now and think that it's massive But is it is is is it what I think it is is it possible that there's A lot of you out there do it different levels of society
Starting point is 00:57:49 Working your magic in different ways Well, I think there is I I think there's so many people are involved in so many projects. I mean they're Um that we don't even have a grasp on it. We I mean, I guess it depends how you wanted to define it, but I I really like to think so. I mean, I don't think it's a huge percentage of the population and I really have absolutely zero way of fully Uh guessing
Starting point is 00:58:19 Um, quite frankly, so I don't want to lead you on. Um, but yes, uh, the anarchist revolution is right on schedule And we are winning. Who are winning? Ponies will be here soon. They're turning the corner. Um It's a happening thing for sure. Where do you I have to ask you? I'm sorry if I'm bullet if I'm shotgunning you or machine gunning you or violently aggressively asking you questions I just feel like I have a limited Where do you get your When I've seen
Starting point is 00:58:56 Any video of you you seem you and even now briefly on our failed zoom you just seem filled with with love and, uh I'm just wondering like What what are you where what are you getting your instructions from like who where is your inspiration coming from? What's compelling you to do this? To put yourself in danger to do this It because to me it doesn't just seem like some kind of like It does seem like performance are in a beautiful way
Starting point is 00:59:29 But it doesn't seem limited to that. Do you feel, uh For lack of a better word Called by something or compelled by something and if so, what is that thing? Well, I I I do feel compelled I guess to State my views maybe to exercise my my first amendment writes a free speech and assembly And I I believe that I I've simply developed a communication strategy Uh that has allowed me to do so
Starting point is 01:00:04 Successfully that that has allowed me to amplify, uh that free speech, uh in a way that I I Couldn't ever imagine and and you know when I first became A meme when I first went viral back in 2012 when I was at that panel at the lesser known candidate debates and And dumped the glitter on on randall terry, uh, who's sort of a terrible person. Amazing nice You know I because it was not because it was perceived to be a critique an overall critique of the system At what and it wasn't partisan. It wasn't attacking one party. It wasn't attacking One particular politician and therefore it was sort of embraced across the political spectrum
Starting point is 01:00:52 and so now I have people who enjoy what I do appreciate it or support it and I I feel my relationship to um My fan supporters, however, they're my constituents And I believe that in a way, you know, I'm Representing them. I'm not representing them in any official capacity, but I believe because They enjoy it. They get a kick out of it a thrill out of it
Starting point is 01:01:24 And they may not be able to do it. They may not be in a position To do so they might not feel comfortable or have chops or whatever and I have this total random DNA toss that that may and set of experiences that They've all been building blocks. I mean I look back and it seems like it's a skill set
Starting point is 01:01:49 But it's all been each and every skill sort of built up on the one past uh to become this force uh that Can be very effective. Yes Well, look, I don't need to do an ambush now, but I have to ambush you vermin supreme and Forgive me for this, but we all many of us Want to know
Starting point is 01:02:14 Where are you getting all the ponies? Ah, well, yes, of course, there'll be a whole class of ponies that are cloned clone. They'll be known as clonies, of course um, we're gonna have a massive uh forced in vidro In verbalization test tube pony program where we will be implanting ponies into All sorts of mammals all sorts of animals. It might not even think about we don't know about
Starting point is 01:02:49 If the humans are going to be suitable for for carrying ponies, but I know many many women would Happily carry Women do you know no woman wants to have a pony inside where it's dangerous what you're suggesting is dangerous I'm speaking uh allegorically metaphorically. Um, I'm literally perhaps If this if the state were to force them to do so, I know uh, they would do happily Where do we keep them your plan? I don't who okay. I must say this in all fairness every everybody We're gonna get where the free pony's coming from where you're gonna get the free pony
Starting point is 01:03:27 What are the free ponies gonna cost you're gonna cost nothing They're free ponies. Where do free ponies come from? Let me tell you Duncan. Thank you when a boy when a boy pony Meets a girl pony. Yeah And they like one another. Yeah, they They you know, they might want to get to know each other a little bit better So they a little you know, try to long gallop off to the to to the uh Paddock a corner or something and uh, and you know, especially if the the female pony is in heat or estrus as it is called
Starting point is 01:03:59 And so the the boy pony gets really excited and gives the girl pony a special pony hug mounting the the girl pony And then the excited love boy pony This big giant pony cock comes out of its sheath and inserts into the uh, girl ponies, uh, pony vagina And they start going oh making love would be a much better. Yes. Keep going. Please keep going And yes, and so uh, the the the uh, pony penis during the love making session ejaculate. Yeah, probably gals of pony sperm right on up into the Um, girl ponies a reproductive organ swims up the float into meets the the the sperm meets the egg and they start dividing and uh, oh, you know, 11 months later
Starting point is 01:04:47 Boom free pony comes out. Well, that's where to me. This is I don't mean again not trying to poke holes in it I'm sorry to cut you off here, but listen What number one you're talking about the possibility of this kind of spontaneous Pony romance among so many pony couples enough to give a pony to everybody number two Pony boner. Did I say did I mention the freak pony boner? Yeah, you're talking about hard Throbbing pony cocks, but I'm saying yes, we can remember we can say remember if that was more appropriate Member cocks glistening dripping
Starting point is 01:05:25 Powerful pony cocks, but what I'm saying to you is where do we put all the where do the ponies go? Your plan is untenable. There's too many people in this country. There's not enough room for all those extra ponies That's that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you are like one of those naysayers I see The big to understand about a pony-paced economy is that it will be part of a massive rebuilding It's sort of the original green new deal when you get right down to it because it's going to be a huge huge restructuring I mean, okay, you're driving down the road. You're okay. I have to do is imagine that it's all ponies I mean, it's really simple takes a little longer
Starting point is 01:06:03 But I mean, essentially they're they're clean they're green that in conjunction with the zombie power plants, of course We want that's part of the package But ultimately People are the trades are going to go wild What is going to do for the economy as we rebuild the entire infrastructure of the united states where every homeowner In every apartment dweller, you know, we have needs to have a place for that pony And so that is really part of it's a massive jobs creation program I feel like you have identified a need when which is a real human legitimate human need. We all do
Starting point is 01:06:39 Want a pony you'd have to be A maniac or or some broken thing to not Want a beautiful pony playing in your yard enjoying itself under the summer sun Thank you to love Yeah, braid their hair comb for your computer Shampoo But I think there's a seduction in what you're saying and I think it's you know, what would you do your pony? Oh
Starting point is 01:07:10 God probably uh lady die Or what are you going to name your pony? I'm sorry. I put it There we go. Oh kind of slipped out didn't see that's what I'm saying, you know, Mike. I've got a Beautiful son another son on the way and if I listened to you, I would bank that these two children would enjoy a pony Thanks to your reign But are you sure your wife? Are you sure your wife is not carrying a pony?
Starting point is 01:07:44 What do you say wait a minute, what are you trying to say? I was curious if you'd seen the ultrasound. I haven't been able to go because of covet. I haven't been able to see the ultrasounds Do you know my I'm not saying that uh That she would carry a pony or that you're that she's not carrying a human baby either I'm not saying no, I'm just saying well, she has been a little horse lately I'm sorry Why the long face? Oh my god
Starting point is 01:08:20 Vermin supreme Okay, okay, you know the good thing you need to understand about a pony based economy Number one when we have universal pony ownership We will have equity in the ponies because you have equity in something you own So we have created pony equity number one now once you have equity in something you can borrow against it So you will be able to borrow against the equity that you have in your pony. Yes, that's right We are creating pony based debt. That's a bubble. Once you've created An entire class of debt. Oh, we'll get to that
Starting point is 01:08:51 Um, it is at that point that you can turn it into a very important financial instruments where we can We will bring in the bestest and the brightest of all the ivy least create incredibly opaque hard to understand impossible Financial instruments and once we have great, okay, you know pony trouble pony assets all that stuff quantitative pony easing all that stuff and yes, sir We are going to create a bubble in the economy now, of course a bubble the thing about a bubble is it's an amazing thing to have in your economy It means that your economy is firing on all cylinders People are making money hand over fist. It's incredible. It's amazing now, of course as you might point out
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yes bubbles tend to burst, but let me assure you mr. Drossel Please that this particular pony debt based bubble is going to be steel belted Reinforced and last forever This is just Listen, I love that. I want to believe you and I feel myself somehow believing you more and more Do I understand some of the terms you're using? No, but you know, I'm just a podcaster. I don't get enough Big financial stuff like you clearly have but to me
Starting point is 01:10:03 I do feel like one thing that you are Overlooking and in this day where we are seeking to have a earth not Slowly heating up because of carbon emissions. You have not answered What we're going to do with those pony farts in this utopia that you are Uh That you are this story that you're telling this this thing that to me seems like a beautiful Pipetrain employment. There will be zero unemployment that the pony farts. What do we do with them? What do you do with the methane? Sir
Starting point is 01:10:40 It's been taken care of in in fact this really bleat crosses over into real world because if you google Methane capture cows If you google a little bit, you will see that scientists are working on this problem problem in the real world They have devised contraptions that actually Capture methane gas from the gut of cows. Once again, it's a prototype. It's easily transferable to ponies So what do you do with all the what are you going to do with all the farts? Like if you're you're now you're suggesting we we breed as so many poodles and then we collect their
Starting point is 01:11:16 You're gonna you're gonna use it will it will light your lamps at night Now that I actually is a beautiful thing I you know when I see the lights of my home or my studio where I'm at right now. I know it probably comes from Uh, well, I don't know what it comes from now that I think about it, but to look up at my lights and think That's the glow of an alchemy's pony fart That's beautiful much better than Nuclear waste or uh
Starting point is 01:11:50 coal ash or however they get it these days. I don't know it's gasoline It's crazy. It's it's it's it's unsustainable That's all I know I'm I you know When I I thought I I thought I was gonna take you down today with a pony question, but I can see that I All right Underestimated most people Most people really agree with the pony platform as a
Starting point is 01:12:18 economic pony nomics and all that The the problem that they often have is with the secret dental police kicking down your door at 3 a.m To make sure you brushed in all that and uh the dental reeducation centers and the preventative dental maintenance attention facilities and the government issue toothpaste containing an addictive yet harmless substance and oh, you know Uh the the dna gene splice has created a race of winged monkeys to act as tooth fairy enforcers No, that always sounds great to me reasonable. You know the way I look at that is if you haven't done anything wrong Why should you be afraid of police? I don't even know if that's the right word for it. Well intended friends Kicking down your door. Why'd you lock it in the first place? What are you hiding to get you to do what is as far as I'm concerned
Starting point is 01:13:02 The healthiest thing you can do is keep those teeth clean. So to me The only thing I have a problem with in your plan is the Ponies I I want I don't I keep my door open. I keep my door open at night I'm appearing the mountains of north carolina. I keep it open the house a little cold in the hopes That a police officer will come in and remind me if I have a brush my teeth Or what? Maybe a pony or walking a pony. Oh god, what a great night Do you have bears in north carolina? We do Crawling
Starting point is 01:13:37 Haven't had a bear. What about rec Recreation is walking your house. Yeah, we're plagued with the raccoon infestation. They get in the walls There's a lot of things in our house. They've gotten into the walls. They don't they don't hang out. Thank god in the Shared communal family space, but at night it's rough to hear the skittering of raccoons in the walls. They purr. Did you know raccoons purr? I Know they hiss when I catch them in the kitchen they they hissing growl, but I've never heard them purr They purr once they get in the walls. Yeah, I don't know what it is. I guess they just feel happy in the interior of a house
Starting point is 01:14:12 Big how can they fit your walls? I don't know. They're not so I'm sure Are you sure they're not spirits of some sort? Oh, no, they're raccoons that I could see them through some of the holes in the walls I think that's how they get in there could be anything, you know, usually it happens when I'm not home But regardless, we have squirrels But squirrels are small there. I see but I don't that's weird Yeah, I don't have a very big wall. I don't know how they're surviving in there
Starting point is 01:14:38 It's like Confusing to me at one and we had an electrician come by because we had a very high power bill And he said it's probably the raccoon sucking the energy out of your walls Well, that is a serious concern. I mean when I know the squirrels I freak out because if they start chewing through your wires That is not safe thing Well, a lot of people think they're drooling through your wires But really what they're probably trying to do is milk the energy. They're trying to get in there and suckle at them
Starting point is 01:15:08 Ah energy vampire raccoons You know, the vampire word is you know, I don't know if they're vampires, but I do know that when and when uh Vampires You know, they're like People suck the energy Interesting Well, they purr
Starting point is 01:15:30 I mean, but they don't want you to pet them I never thought of that Hell, no, I tried I reached through the hole in the wall bit my hand Hissed Never thought of it that way Did you get the rabies there did you get the rabies shots? Yeah, I know I had rabies for a few weeks. It was fucking horrible To have rabies day in covid simultaneously. It wasn't a great couple of weeks Joe Jorgensen got bit by a bat there. That was terrible
Starting point is 01:16:03 Yeah, bats have or not do like bats need a new publicist right now because they've got a really Bad rap these days. Can you I just want to thank you so much for being on this show And I just really appreciate the work that you're doing out there I and I'm gonna vote for you whenever when whatever you run or do or whatever you want Whatever thing you do, I'll vote for you. I want my door kicked in. I want you to be our leader our great Powerful leader. I'm tired of this nonpony life. Can you let my other listeners who I guarantee your head? He'd be a tolerable strong man if you had the fucking ponies, but no, but no Trump
Starting point is 01:16:42 Yeah, yeah, it's the lack of ponies that took him down. You know what what are we gonna do? It's not our fault. He should have put some ponies in the white house Should have had any any any one pony and he would have probably won against five He had his chance. He could have been dictated for a life if he had the proper ponies back at him, but no Yeah, it's not my reality If I say we can create our own reality and I like doing just that Um, hey, hey, have you read my book eye pony blueprint for a new america by any chance? No, sir. I have yet to read that All right, I'm gonna see if my people will send you a copy
Starting point is 01:17:22 It's a it's a book about life in the future along after a vermin supreme presidency After everybody has their pony after zombie power fuels the nation And after the secret dental police have set up checkpoints every couple hundred yards It is a warning from the people of the future to you the people of their past Your present that vermin supreme is a madman and must be stopped Well to veil the ipon of the book dot com, you know Well, I'm not I'm sorry, but if you're a madman Then you're the madman we need and the you know what it doesn't play out
Starting point is 01:18:01 It only plays out in the future. It's you know, uh, you know I'm doing everything that I can do to prevent myself from getting elected president for that very reason because uh I've traveled to the future. It's a it's a it's a crazy dystopic Thing with the yeah, but it's okay. Sorry. Well, just don't All you gotta do is don't run if you don't want it to happen. What's why why do you keep running? You keep running and running. Why do you keep doing it? Um, because it would be too easy not to You are truly the devil vermin supreme and uh, we love you
Starting point is 01:18:38 How can people find you and thank you for doing this show? Well, thank you. Well, I am on the internet. That's a fact um, but you can go to um vermin supreme dot com You can go to vermin supreme institute dot com, which is uh, it's an interesting spin-off of my campaign As you know, I ran for the nomination libertarian party last year and it was pretty crazy I was the first thing I'd ever done like that. Um, quite frankly I'm 30 years of uh, of this fictitious campaign gave me enough notoriety to actually run a real campaign
Starting point is 01:19:13 and uh, and in that demanded certain things it included a uh, uh, develop in a campaign team and a campaign staff and I Attracted all these amazing political operative libertarian types from the left and from the right And uh, they became I mean, they almost got me the nomination Uh, but after um, joe jorgensen got the nom They wanted to continue. They wanted to continue working. Uh, this messaging of love compassion mutual aid um
Starting point is 01:19:45 It with this vermin absurdity angle And they and we tried to figure out what to do and how to do that and we came up with this idea of the vermin supreme institute Actually, it's just just vermin supreme institute the the is implied But I'd like to give you the the uh, two sentence a mission statement, please. Thank you Our purpose is to inspire social evolution through the disruption of authoritarianism to promote compassionate activism And to spread knowledge of redacted history
Starting point is 01:20:18 through the use of humor direct action and mutual aid We uplift the disaffected disenfranchised and disempowered And we are doing just that and uh, it's a beautiful thing because we've got like various departments We have an education department. We have a public works project trying to do mutual aid they're doing mutual aid trying doing mutual aid projects and um And disrupt the vote so we're doing politics too helping anti duopoly candidates and uh, it's just it's an amazing thing
Starting point is 01:20:51 um, because you know, I sort of brought my thing to a certain point And all these amazing people are bringing it to even greater heights and now it's becoming a truly a collaborative project Which is sort of wow, it's odd, you know having to give up, you know You know willingly giving up a certain amount of control in order to see it pushed Into a levels that it that it just hasn't seen that I couldn't bring it Isn't that fascinating that even as it even as an anarchist It's hard for you to let go of wanting to be in control I guess well, it's it's not I I just never had the opportunity not to be in control. I guess
Starting point is 01:21:36 But now it just worked so many people are Still willing and working on different parts of it. So so vermin supreme institute dot com Um, that is totally that. Oh, of course, I did mention cameo for Five bucks. I'll say whatever you want. I'll be your monkey on the internet Um cameo dot com slash vermin supreme. Nice got one of those. Uh, I've got one of those patreons Um, I I want to call it page patron all the time, but it's patreon. I think dot com slash vermin supreme And that of course gives people, you know, special access stuff. I don't give away for free people
Starting point is 01:22:16 So there is that and um, and that's sort of fun Uh, let's see what else on the facebook. I'm vermin supreme with the blue check mark Also a vermin supreme without the blue check mark, but whatever that on tick tock You're on tick tock the real At the real vermin supreme. Oh, yeah, it's wild. Um, I'm like the voice of a new generation or something Um, I we discovered during the during the campaign We were going viral on tick tock and the vermin supreme hashtag has something like 14 million hits. Wow
Starting point is 01:22:51 Wow, you deserve it vermin supreme. You're a what you're a you're not but you're a wizard If hits were ponies it would be sure Yeah, well one day they might be that could be that could be your next move I want we're gonna help you. You everybody please connect to this. You you know, all this time I've been doing the podcast. I've been trying to I have a A wizard of this stature on and I got lucky. Thank you for all of you made it happen I feel so lucky to have gotten to make your acquaintance and uh, I'm very inspired by you All the links you need to connect to vermin supreme will be at duckatrustle.com if you don't remember them
Starting point is 01:23:37 And um, thank you. Thank you very much. There's more but I don't want to bore you with them Send me all the all your links. I'll populate as many pages as I as I have to with them and thank you for doing what you do Oh, it's shit. Well, um Mr. Trussell, I I would like to say it has been a most certain pleasure. Thank you. It's been delightful Um, look forward to any future projects. Uh, that we might that might manifest You let me know what I can do for you. I want to see you at the rainbow gathering. That would just be a blast Oh, yeah, yes indeed. Yes indeed. Uh, so yeah Oh, I meant to mention that I've been arrested more at rainbow gatherings than any other place
Starting point is 01:24:19 It makes sense. I mean that makes sense. They they Not if you really want to piss them off do something like that They just can't stand the idea of people doing concentric circles to sharing food Usually they're usually they're being dicks or something and so I I try and be distracting and and that gets me arrested and they drive me away and cut me loose and It's yeah, that that works and once again, I feel very comfortable when I have so many people watching my back And I think that's what allows me to do a lot of what I do Yeah, you got a lot of people you have many allies
Starting point is 01:24:51 I I'm just so lucky because uh because I I had this show on netflix and I did Enough podcast that I get connected to people like you and I just really Just feel very grateful to you for your time because I know you must be really busy. Let me know Uh, or let or have uh your people let me know how I can help in the future And anything you need me to promote I'll promote it at the beginning of the podcast so that it gets like the maximum energy Just in in any way that I can tweet for you or do anything for you. I I really just want to be a part of what you're doing because uh Appreciate that and uh and likewise also. Thank you because of course The name of the show is cross promotion with vermin supreme and I'd like to thank you very much for coming on today. Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:42 Cross promotion Holy shit, thank you so much. Have a have a beautiful evening and uh tell your wife I said hi and if my wife gives birth to a pony You'll be here Yes, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you friend. Remember Together We will ride our ponies into a zombie powered future Alleluia vermin supreme everybody. Thank you friend
Starting point is 01:26:11 That was vermin supreme. You can find him at vermin supreme.com and a big thank you to all of our sponsors You've been making better decisions for your busy family for years And now little by little you're making decisions for yourself like snacking a little better Going a little further sleeping a little deeper and we're here to make that journey easier and even more rewarding With akmi's new sincerely health platform featuring nutrition plans prescription reminders and more So sign up in the akmi mobile app to earn up to 25 dollars in grocery rewards Visit akmimarkets.com slash health for more details A good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop jc penny family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season two
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