Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 417: Jason Louv

Episode Date: January 2, 2021

Jason Louv, author, teacher of magick and alchemy, and one of our most-requested guests of all-time re-joins the DTFH for our last show of 2020! You can learn more about Jason, including finding his... books and taking one of his classes, on JasonLouv.com. Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: FightCamp - Visit joinfightcamp.com/duncan to try Fight Camp FREE for 30 days!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ghost Towns. Dirty Angel. Out. Now. You can get Dirty Angel anywhere you get your music. Ghost Towns. Dirty Angel. Out. Now. New album and tour date coming this summer. This, not the end of us gets five, four, three, three, no. One, two, three, four, five. Duncan Trussell Family Hour. Greetings, friends. It is I, D. Trussell, and this is the last.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Duncan Trussell Family Hour. Of 2020 and boy, do we have some awesome announcements to make regarding what the DTFH is going to be like in 2021. Number one, the first change is that we're going to have more segments. For example, let's cut to the what we're going to do in 2021 segment. Did you hear that? That's what's in the business is known as a schmalzer. It's the sound that breaks up one segment from the next.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Get used to these sounds because the DTFH is no longer going to be a disorganized, chaotic mess of rambles and divergent thoughts. We have gotten organized and from this point forward, we are going to be doing segments and you'll know that we've had entered into a new segment. Sorry, I've got a script in front of me here and there was a typo it said had. So you're fired, Lisa. The way that you're going to know that we've entered into a new
Starting point is 00:01:33 segment is you're going to hear a stinger. So to complete this segment, you can get excited. Why? Who wrote this? This is shit. To complete this segment, we just want to say expect new segments in 2021. And we're back from the announcement of segments segment and now we're going to jump in to a brand new segment for 2021. It's facts about Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Did you know that Tucker Carlson went to over 50 live, grateful dead shows and applied to get into the CIA, but was rejected. That's the end of our facts about Tucker Carlson segment. And now we're going to jump into a new segment called what I've been thinking lately. Welcome to the what I've been thinking lately segment. My name is Duncan Trussell.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Just turn the fucking teleprompter off. Kathy, your canned. I don't need to reintroduce myself twice. I'm saying all of you big bucks. Every minute of production is costing me $15,000. And I expect. Why are you even writing putting this on the fucking teleprompter? I don't want to fire any of you.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Just please turn the teleprompter off. Don't I don't want to read these things. You're making me seem like an asshole. Did that sound good? Okay, cool. Keep it going. The idea that I can't get out of my head is comes from the notion that maybe consciousness isn't embodied in the physical form. That maybe consciousness is a kind of state of energy in the
Starting point is 00:03:27 universe and that our bodies act as antenna through which that consciousness flows. I used to think that for that consciousness to manifest, it needed a complex nervous system like humans or advanced primates. But what if it doesn't require an advanced nervous system at all? It's just the nervous system allows it to express itself in complex ways in the world, but that everything from Albert Einstein to a river stone is aware of itself to some degree.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Now that might not sound like a creepy thought, but the thing that I can't get out of my mind that's shaking me to my inner core that's making the fleer, the fleer. This is a typo game. Fear, not fleer. The fear clitoris of my soul spray wet fear up into my brain can. Love that. Very good writing, Larry. I've got a few, I have a writing staff now and I'm right now feeling
Starting point is 00:04:44 real, a lot of fondness for them. Don't put that on the teleprompter. I'll compliment you when it's time to compliment you. I don't need you to fucking put that up on the screen. You hear me, Larry? Good. Okay, that was good. I love that.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It makes me seem like I've got a little bit of an edge. That's great. That's not good. Okay. The thing that's really shivering my timbers is the idea that maybe consciousness just possesses whatever form there is. Meaning that images and movies and paintings and YouTube videos are more than just an assemblage of ones and zeros being converted by a
Starting point is 00:05:35 computer into something we can hear and see but are kind of like prisms within which reality has been captured and every time someone touches something, say there's a pruder film of Kennedy being assassinated, that moment actually happens again in time. Meaning that Kennedy has to experience for as long as there's video of him being assassinated, his assassination over and over and over again. That does end this segment.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Tucker facts. Damn it. Come on, guys. Get your shit together. I paid an entire fucking symphony to make my stingers and my stings and I want the right stinger at the end of a segment. Perfect. Good job, Fernando.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And we're back. Hope you enjoyed that segment. One of the great things about having segments is that we're going to jump into the great things about having segments. Segment now. One of the great things about having segments is that if you feel like you don't like a particular segment, then you can use the breaks in the conversation, the melodic breaks in the
Starting point is 00:07:00 conversation. Why is this in Sanskrit now? I can barely read it. Who decided to write this in Sanskrit? Sorry, gang. My teleprompter just flipped over to Sanskrit, which I can read, but it's more difficult for me. English, please.
Starting point is 00:07:17 We'll just start the whole segment over. One of the great things about segments is that for you, the listener, it gives you a method that you can use to skip through the podcast. So if you wanted to, say, skip over a segment, all you have to do is scroll through until you hear the musical sound indicating a new segment has started like that. This is not a new segment, but if you heard that at the end of
Starting point is 00:07:45 me talking about why segments are great, then you would know we're on to a new segment and we are done with this segment. And we're back. Segmentation is a really interesting thing. You have to ask yourself, is segmentation causing more suffering in the world than non-segmentation? Is the human... You know what?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Let's just jump into philosophical moment. This is terrible. What's on the top? Philosophical moment sucks. Let's call this segment... Hmm. Let's call this segment thoughts of a champion. You know what?
Starting point is 00:08:38 I've been thinking this whole segment idea for the podcast is maybe actually a really bad idea and it's causing more confusion than it's like giving people a sense of cohesiveness. Nope. That's not how we would end this segment. Tuck her back. All right. We're done with thoughts of the champion segment and we're back.
Starting point is 00:09:07 The other problem with segments now that I think about it, let's do another one. We'll call this problem with segments. Segment. The problem with segments is that it overlooks something and maybe it has to, which is that there's actually a segment within segments in the sense that the place where I stopped talking and a melody plays to indicate we're leaving a segment or going into a segment is actually
Starting point is 00:09:42 a kind of overlooked segment, which means that there's always going to be a general sense of confusion from the people listening because some part of us knows that we actually skipped a segment to get into the new segment, which is the segment between segments. I think we should explore that in the new segment between segment segment. We're in the segment between segment segment. I've decided to do an audio analysis of the space between segments and we're going to jump into that right after this.
Starting point is 00:10:24 A tremendous thank you to Fight Camp for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH. Fight Camp brings the boxing gym right to your home with a mix of cardio and conditioning for a full body workout. If you ever wanted to learn how to box or kick box from real fighters, did you want to continue your martial arts journey from home? Do you want to get your kids involved in a fitness journey with you while teaching them a valuable skill? Do you ever feel like you want to punch something?
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Starting point is 00:11:22 It's great for kids. Fight Camp is one of the only home workouts that are safe for kids to do because there are no heavy weights or spinning wheels. The Fight Camp app comes with over 600 workouts and tutorials, and they release 12 new boxing and kickboxing workouts every week. Learn from six highly qualified trainers all with real fight experience, ranging from pro MMA fighter and mother of two to a kickboxing champion. Fight Camp uses a new tech that tracks each punch you throw
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Starting point is 00:12:25 That's right, give Fight Camp a try. And within 30 days, if you don't love it, send it back and get a refund. Fight Camp is the new way to work out at home. Make a change and join the community that teaches you the art of boxing while following the most intense workouts that are as quick as 15 minutes to get free shipping on Fight Camp. Just go to joinfightcamp.com slash Duncan. Joinfightcamp.com slash Duncan.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And we're back to the segment between segment segment. What you're hearing is a sample taken from the connecting point between the last segment and this segment. This sounds pretty normal, maybe not even interesting at all, but what happens if we slow it down so that we can actually zoom in, so to speak, on the space between segments, that place between the end of the chime and the beginning of the introduction of the new segment. Let's take a look.
Starting point is 00:13:33 What you're listening to would be very similar to an astronomer pressing down the accelerator on his telescope to zoom in deeper into the universe, except for doing it with audio. Every single iteration of the audio, we're zooming in a little bit more to that space between the chimes in the beginning of the next segment, also known as the secret segment or the segment of the divine. We're zooming in now into almost like the atomic level, that space in between. Now what you're hearing is the true sound of the segment between segments. This is the secret segment.
Starting point is 00:14:12 But unlike other podcasts that don't have any guts, I decided to zoom in even further and listen to the segment between the segment between the segments. And to my surprise, deep down there in that space between sound, between the space between sound, there was this music. And your soul is calling the date. The space between your date and your junk is known as the date of date. Another space between the date of date and the date. And that space is called the date of date.
Starting point is 00:15:06 The date is not the date, it is what it ain't, it can't what you can't, it's too small to paint. You're gonna find it on your phone, you take this fucking coin, you wish it what you want, but you ain't what you ain't. You can wish or you wanna, but you never gonna find this little place that barely takes up any space, cause it is what it is and ain't what it ain't. It's not the more than the tinnest of the tinnest. Tinnest of the tinnest, tinnest of the tinnest. It is what it ain't, the tinnest of the tinnest. The tinnest of the tinnest.
Starting point is 00:15:54 That was Tinnest of the Tinnest by Mood Lake featuring Johnny Pemberton, who I'm pleased to announce I'll be making a new podcast with called The Leather Rose. We've already got a few episodes in the can and more are on the way. In the meantime, you should most certainly subscribe to Pemberton's Twitch channel. It's amazing. All those links are gonna be at Dunkatrussell.com. My dear friends, I'm excited to introduce you or reintroduce you to one of the most requested guests on the DTFH. You've seen Jason Louvre on the Midnight Gospel and you've probably read one of his books. He most recently published John Dee and The Empire of Angels and we're lucky because Jason gives classes in magic and alchemy and many other esoteric subjects over at JasonLouvre.com. Right now, you can head over and sign up for his class, The Alchemy of Chaos.
Starting point is 00:17:05 If you use code Dunkin2020 or China4ever, that's the number four. You'll get a wonderful discount. But before you do that, open the legs of your ears and allow Jason Louvre to enter you. Welcome back to the DTFH Jason Louvre. Music Welcome upon you That you are with us Shake hands, don't be too blue
Starting point is 00:17:45 Welcome to you It's the Dunkin Trustful Fan Club Jason, welcome back to the DTFH. It has been too long and I am so lucky that you're giving me any amount of your time to broadcast with me after this adventure You're kidding
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm not kidding You've been on a wild adventure I'm a little ahead of you in that adventure in the sense that I got out of LA some time ago but you just got out so congratulations Thank you Yeah, so I did just leave LA
Starting point is 00:18:26 for Austin, a very popular choice right now for many people Yeah, I'm feeling pretty emotionally raw and discombobulated and disoriented So I think that I'm going to set an intention coming to this podcast where I'm just going to try and be open-hearted and not have some agenda
Starting point is 00:18:48 or something to say and just be honest because it would be so easy to just go into ranting about ranting out in Gavin Newsom or trying to really push I do think that people should understand how bad LA truly is but I don't want to turn into
Starting point is 00:19:10 just starting ranting about how shitty things are So I'm just going to try and come to this be honest from where I am I literally just left California I left my family, I left all my friends I left my entire social support network to go somewhere where I basically don't know anybody
Starting point is 00:19:28 without a few acquaintances So, you know, I have no I've leapt into the it's not a huge deal because I'm still in the same country but I really have I do feel like a refugee from communism here so it's a pretty crazy and perhaps vulnerable place to be in
Starting point is 00:19:48 Well, you know, Aaron and I were watching a show called No Go Zone I don't know, it's on Amazon or something but people just go to like slums in the very, like the most dangerous places all over the world and they were in some South African slum where it was run by
Starting point is 00:20:08 drug dealers and our reaction looking at the slum was that is like way cleaner than LA way cleaner than Sherman Oaks like this is like a slum the name of the slum is I think it's called the ghost yard or the graveyard
Starting point is 00:20:28 or the ghost town because so many, like, you know like the police officer was saying, yeah, it's like six or seven people that died or shot or murdered there a day people just openly smoking meth but you look at the streets and they are just clean
Starting point is 00:20:44 no trash anywhere and we kept saying like are you fucking kidding me like this is insane that that's where we came from is like talking yes oh, sorry
Starting point is 00:21:00 okay, we got a zoom freeze that's gonna happen you know what, that might happen just ignore the zoom freeze if you're recording on your end and I'm recording on my end and you're recording in a quick time it will not affect us okay, great, so I'll just pick it up from there
Starting point is 00:21:16 so, yeah, I mean, this is the thing I mean, leaving LA one of the things I've been telling people is like Fox News at their most extreme you know, they're most exaggerated they're most insane like peak Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson you know, who are just like
Starting point is 00:21:34 because the Republicans love to like pick on California but it's like even they at their most insane could not come close to how bad it actually is in LA because it's truly worse than anyone could have imagined and I have noticed we were talking about this before
Starting point is 00:21:50 I have noticed that talking to people who haven't lived there even people who live in like San Diego or something like that, they have no clue it's like, I'll say to them tell them how bad it is and they think that I'm exaggerating or they dismiss it, it's like
Starting point is 00:22:06 that feeling of not being believed you know, or they look at you like oh, like what are you like watching some Fox News, you know, and I mean it's like no, it truly is that bad and to your point about the slums, I mean I've traveled a lot of places and when I was
Starting point is 00:22:22 you know, when I was really when I was a young guy, like right out of college I went to India and I saw a level of poverty that was so shocking that it basically shattered my view of what I thought poverty was in America, I saw people you know, with missing eyes
Starting point is 00:22:38 legs, faces lepers on the street, children dying on the street and I came back to the US and even in LA looking around, it was like what are people complaining about obviously there's poverty here and it's terrible in a lot of places, but in India
Starting point is 00:22:54 you see people just with their limbs rotting off or beggars harming, you know, beggar armies where children are intentionally harmed so they bring more money in yeah, it's shocking and unbelievable and I came
Starting point is 00:23:10 back to America and it was very, very hard I remember coming back and it was 2004, it was like peak like shithead vice like early vice Gavin McInn is like coke head, Brooklyn shithead era like on a rooftop party
Starting point is 00:23:26 in Williamsburg and just looking around at people and just like I had nothing to say to them, I'm like what, look at you you're all doing coke, it's like you have no you have no idea how bad the rest of the world is, like you horrible fucking rich kid asshole but now
Starting point is 00:23:42 now it's different because LA is like that now, it's like LA is you know, LA has and presumably San Francisco you know, have dropped now to a level where it's not that far off, there's diseases
Starting point is 00:23:58 in Los Angeles that you know, people will say something you know, faintly racist or overtly racist, like wow, LA is becoming like a third world country, well the reality like doctors are saying there's diseases on Skid Row and LA they don't have in the third world
Starting point is 00:24:14 you know, the developing world it's dropped to black plague is on the streets it's unbelievable the thing that like, so people, the right wingers will come at me and they'll be like ruin LA
Starting point is 00:24:30 and now you're gonna vote this liberal policies that ruin LA and to me I get annoyed with that because number one, like your conceptualization of liberals or whatever you think I am
Starting point is 00:24:46 is some fixed political entity that doesn't shift or change opinion is the most shallow approximation of humanity I've ever heard if you ask me, the problem with LA is that they didn't go that liberal enough
Starting point is 00:25:02 they landed in some stupid if you're gonna do it, you gotta go all the way, like if you're gonna do that shit, let's have uh, safe zones for people to shoot up you know what I mean, let's acknowledge what's going on here and then
Starting point is 00:25:18 create a sort of I don't know, dystopian yet clean environment because I, you know, the problem clearly is rampant heroin opiate addiction and that everyone's ignoring that that's the problem and these people don't want to shoot up
Starting point is 00:25:34 in a place where they're not allowed to shoot up you know, they would rather be under a bridge completely opiated then, and I know a lot of the people have, uh, are self-medicating because they have traumatic brain injury and I, of course there's a swath of the population that is
Starting point is 00:25:50 there because of economic realities that are fucking horrific but what would it look like if we took all of the drug addicts and put them in a place where they could safely do drugs and, you know, that to me is like, why, why aren't they doing that
Starting point is 00:26:06 to me, they're just, it's like look, all these people, many of these people are completely hooked on heroin and we are pretending that they don't, many of them want, they want that they like it, a heroin must be incredible
Starting point is 00:26:22 you know, and they will tell you that this is not me imagining it, they will say I like doing heroin outside in a tent, it's nice but I guarantee if they were like, well, yeah but guess what, come to this place you can do heroin in air conditioning good heroin
Starting point is 00:26:38 and get clean needles and we're gonna treat your, uh, other problems that have come from living on the street we're gonna get you medical care why isn't that happening, Jason well, I think that, well, first of all like, yeah, there's a lot of heroin use I've seen people shooting up just in broad daylight
Starting point is 00:26:54 there's needles everywhere, there's, you know I've seen stuff on Instagram, people shooting up in the neck things like that, but I'm not sure that that's the main thing at play here, I think that just in my observation it is not a drug thing and it's not
Starting point is 00:27:10 it's not a poverty thing either in a certain way where it would be easy to say well, uh, people have been pushed out because of rising housing costs the right cost of living I don't think that's it at all I think it's just mental, not just
Starting point is 00:27:26 the primary factor is mental illness when you see people on the street they are severely mentally ill as in like, they need to be they need to be professionally medicated I've seen people shooting on the subway just like just begging people to give them money
Starting point is 00:27:42 to get lithium so we're talking about severe mental illness and the fact that yes, people are self-medicating with whatever they can get on the street, but I don't think that that's the causative issue
Starting point is 00:27:58 because I think that in terms of I don't think all the people on the street are using I think that I've seen some heroin use, but it's certainly at such a level that I don't think that that's the causative issue I would say that I think California in general
Starting point is 00:28:14 both LA and San Francisco have been trying to do that quite a bit where they've been trying to house people in hotels or even in San Francisco from what I understand they were providing providing marijuana for free
Starting point is 00:28:30 and things like this and those programs have not been very successful they're shutting a lot of them down LA is also shutting down all the homeless services from the police and things like this so I'm not sure that that
Starting point is 00:28:46 would fix the problem I think that what the issue here is is just severe mental illness California has passed all of these propositions for the last few years to empty the prison population
Starting point is 00:29:02 because according to them the prisons are overflowing so they're just putting people out onto the street but they don't have anywhere to go and so what I've observed is debilitating mental illness and it is heartbreaking because when people fall through the safety net like that it's like well you know
Starting point is 00:29:18 you can say like well pull yourself up by your bootstraps well it's like what if you can't literally function without medication that you now can't get and so I don't think that obviously there is a huge issue
Starting point is 00:29:34 in America where there's a certain level of America where it is just mean right let's put it that way like America has a if you fall if you are above there's a movie that I love that went under the radar that I recommend everyone
Starting point is 00:29:50 called 99 Homes it was about the last economic crisis and Michael it's about people predatory house whippers and Michael Shannon is the bad guy in it and he he has a great speech in there where he said like America
Starting point is 00:30:06 America was America was built for the winners America doesn't bail out losers America bails out winners America was built by the winners for the winners and otherwise that's it
Starting point is 00:30:22 and it's true there's just a mean level to America that is not the case in places like Canada where it's just kind of like well it's free but just figure it out and boom America is such an incredible place to live
Starting point is 00:30:38 but when you fall below a certain social safety it doesn't care and other places are like certainly India is like that much more so other places are not and it's like a religious thing
Starting point is 00:30:54 like they created the they had to figure out a way to make sense of it I guess or there's a middle caste there's an entire like qualification religiously for certain groups of people here it's just
Starting point is 00:31:10 I guess we're looking at a kind of open air psychiatric hospital that's developing in Los Angeles that is just being ignored and you know Carlin had that sinister take on it which is it's not being ignored
Starting point is 00:31:26 they have there because they want the middle class to know that if they don't step in line they could end up there too it's like a warning it's a kind of alarm it's like an ever it's an implied in the same way that you know
Starting point is 00:31:42 but behind every contract there's a gun that's great that that so it's like the implication of that when you're seeing it as well you know could happen to you if you don't keep doing the dance it could happen to you
Starting point is 00:31:58 sure yeah I'll buy that I think that to the point the level that it's at now in LA though I would suspect that the real motivation behind it is to drive people out and then to drive down real estate prices
Starting point is 00:32:14 eventually although they're going up still I think it's eventually I think that they're trying to get cheap real estate deals and whether that's the state of California like Newsom has passed a bill saying that but you know China's buying up the entire state I was in Echo Park about a year ago
Starting point is 00:32:30 and I walked down Sunset Boulevard and there was a sign over Echo Park saying you know the 50th annual Echo Park Street they're financed by you know funded supported by the People's Republic of China they're crazy and so China
Starting point is 00:32:46 is buying up most of the city and leaving places empty and a lot of it is from medical tourism from Chinese people China's now got the biggest middle class in the world they're ascendant and they're buying up much of not just California but also all these places
Starting point is 00:33:02 people are fleeing to Idaho you know places like this there's just a lot of you know business going on behind the scenes here the permeable membrane that capitalism produces between other countries and our political system
Starting point is 00:33:18 is really interesting isn't it it's like the it's the ability to these days to invade other countries via the mechanism of capitalism is so fascinating and when you
Starting point is 00:33:34 realize that that is definitely what's happening and then like the obvious truth that we've all known that our politicians are being controlled by lobbyists are being controlled by corporations
Starting point is 00:33:50 these corporations are not even in the United States and then at that point you have this amazing nonviolent invasion that is such a wild thing to see who would have thunk
Starting point is 00:34:06 that that could happen just via capitalism just looking at the thing and just analyzing like oh yeah why don't we just instead of doing a September 11th let's just create cheaper cigarettes
Starting point is 00:34:22 instead of like getting one of our soldiers to go into the street and wreak havoc let's just buy all their fucking houses just buy their houses they don't want to have anywhere to live well I'll give you my thoughts
Starting point is 00:34:38 totally right and it's also at a certain level it's like can you even call it capitalism anymore or is it just power because capitalism is an illusion for the middle class it's like you're playing monopoly but if you're the bank in monopoly are you really following an ideology
Starting point is 00:34:54 like no you just set the rules it's just power but I'll point this out which is that wait hold on you're saying capitalism it's something that it's a game that the middle class plays but it's some it's only the middle class
Starting point is 00:35:10 not the middle class plays it too I mean if we're looking at only to a certain point though it's like I think what was it Robert Reich or somebody like that had the point that it's like real wealth is having a yacht to doctor a yacht in
Starting point is 00:35:26 but the point that I'm making is people look at capitalism and they're like oh well what is capitalism it's providing services to get tickets you're getting the most points it's like well that's a game but I do think people like real power
Starting point is 00:35:42 comes from a lot of things but primarily physical force and monopoly on force and also real estate and things like this so the means of production is as Karl Marx pointed out
Starting point is 00:35:58 so aptly and that's capital, capital is not money capital is owning the factory or the land on which and so capitalism is an illusion it's a game for the middle class the lower class doesn't play it
Starting point is 00:36:14 they're on barter and the upper class it's just power it's like William Burroughs said what is the ultimate thing controlling the world it's just control well why is control controlling the world it doesn't need a reason
Starting point is 00:36:30 controls for the sake of control it's like it is these it's just the need to control the form it takes if we were in a communist country it would take a different form China is a merge of this bizarre mixture of capitalism and communism
Starting point is 00:36:46 and how do you even describe it well it's just authoritarian power but I I love China I love China and the leader of China I'm just trying to do like the Fox News Nightmare like
Starting point is 00:37:06 you know China is really nice yeah the whole Chinese paranoia is hilarious right now I love watching my friend Tuck he is so funny to watch him go through his various moods he's so angry all the time
Starting point is 00:37:22 and what I hate him but then he always pulls me back with a UFO clip you know what I mean I'll be furious with him and just think God why don't I even watch this he's a toxic poison he's gonna get people killed and then it'll be like coming up
Starting point is 00:37:38 looks like we've got more data on UFOs I'm like I love you thank you and then it's got me again it's like almost like they know there's a contingent of hate watchers you also love UFOs well yeah I mean there's probably a good overlap there I love his
Starting point is 00:37:54 his style is so funny though you know it's like you know like turning your olds into trans species tranny cheetahs is not normal for you but for the democrats it's totally normal but you know that's crazy
Starting point is 00:38:10 don't you you know what a great impression that's exactly him he says he's like throwaways that are not throwaways at all like he'll be like so well anyhow like anytime you're first anyone on the left who has any kind of authority
Starting point is 00:38:26 you know what I mean well from doctor Raymond Williams who says that you know or he'll do a throwaway like well it looks like the left is at it again they can't operate from hell
Starting point is 00:38:42 but like he literally I don't know why we watched it last night he literally was upset because Bob Iger when he was running Disney I have watched with my son
Starting point is 00:38:58 he loves it called born in China and it's about pandas and tuck what tuck was making this was saying like this pro china Disney film born in born in china it's literally just pandas
Starting point is 00:39:14 there's nothing in it about the nothing in it at all about chinese leaders it's just pandas that's it it's very beautiful but like when you realize this slant but listen I don't want to get lost I have a question
Starting point is 00:39:30 for you if I may wait can I say there was one thing I wanted to say it's not something bad about china yeah exactly so I like this whole coronavirus thing has been totally insane for me because genesis died
Starting point is 00:39:46 literally the day before coronavirus hit so it's just like fuck it's been a crazy year for everyone it's been a crazy year for me it's just been insane and like now I'm like totally in a different place in the world but just to your point about debt
Starting point is 00:40:02 and money invasions and things like that I was sitting in the middle of a park in New York when I was visiting gender in the hospital and at the beginning of the year and I had this insight where I realized you know like look after World War 2 there was a bomb
Starting point is 00:40:18 right the atomic after the atomic bomb was created essentially what happened is nobody could ever risk open warfare again it's just not on the table unless everyone just wants to die and but then I was thinking like well we're told
Starting point is 00:40:34 this thing that oh well we've pretty much been at peace since World War 2 and yes it's like if you look at the death count of World War 2 nothing even comes close nothing in Vietnam or the Middle East or anything nothing comes close we're told it's like well we've pretty much been
Starting point is 00:40:50 at peace since World War 2 and I thought about that and I thought is that really the case or have we actually been at perpetual war and it's just that it had to evolve to a form that does not involve open conflict because nobody can risk the bomb and therefore
Starting point is 00:41:06 has evolved into a perpetual warfare of psychological war destruction of populations through economic and chemical means that weapons for quiet wars and I think that if you're looking at
Starting point is 00:41:22 not to go on a tangent well if you look at what's happening in America now it looks very much like what the IMF and the World Bank have been doing in the rest of the world where the IMF and World Bank will go into a country send in economic hitmen
Starting point is 00:41:38 you can read about this in the very famous book Confessions of an Economic Hitman where they go and they will collapse the economy in a place like Bolivia or something like that and then they'll show up and say they'll send Bono to show up and say why don't we
Starting point is 00:41:54 bail you out let's give you some loans and they do it with this very humanitarian NGO style approach we're giving everyone a leg up and bringing all these freedoms and things like that
Starting point is 00:42:10 but the stipulations of the loaner the country is now essentially a vassal state of the IMF and the World Bank and it is imperialism it's just done through economics which is impossible in a sense to resist very very hard and if they do resist that's when the military
Starting point is 00:42:26 invasion happens but they'll collapse the country so that they can buy it just like a real estate a predatory real estate investor would for instance drive down the values in a neighborhood by sending in lots of homeless people or
Starting point is 00:42:42 moving people in who are committing crimes and things like this so that's I think what's happening in America now where we're talking about China it's like the real power in the world is no longer national it hasn't been for a while
Starting point is 00:42:58 it's transnational, it's corporate and clearly people are, I think that perhaps what is happening is people have moved their ships to China and that doesn't really have to do with China, it more has to do with people putting their
Starting point is 00:43:14 bets on where they think the center of economic power and stability will be going long term and America and I think there's a fire sale on America, the American middle class and it's being turned clearly it's being turned into
Starting point is 00:43:32 it's like a business going bankrupt and putting everything on sale so I'm not being necessarily conspiratorial about this I think that it's just the way of the world economy yeah I don't think anything you're saying is conspiratorial
Starting point is 00:43:48 conspiratorial would be more like the galactic federation is behind this well they are obviously well that's what I think but I don't think what we're looking at my hope is that what we're seeing here
Starting point is 00:44:04 is not it is something like what you're saying but the problem with any time like a cobble of sorcerers or whatever you want to call them decides to do something like what you're talking about try a new form of warfare
Starting point is 00:44:20 everybody watches and learns from it specifically what you're saying to me is so amazing right now the pathway to the center of hell but simultaneously the pathway out
Starting point is 00:44:36 is that this is no longer a national thing we're looking at a transnational way of interacting with people that it looks imperial or seems like an invasion and it is but also
Starting point is 00:44:52 that means that people who aren't aligned with the whatever whatever particular global mega corporation is doing this shit it presents the possibility that organized decentralized groups of people could begin to do
Starting point is 00:45:08 the same thing we just haven't gotten there yet but there's the possibility where and that to me is this is the horror of anybody who does want to have that kind of authoritarian control structure it's like with bitcoin
Starting point is 00:45:24 with fucking blockchain we are looking at a possible way for people to like do something that is not even communism I don't know what you would call it yet but to me that's where we there's the possibility of that some organizing mechanism
Starting point is 00:45:40 that gets groups of us together to invest together in causing changes that aren't coming from some boring ass group of old trembling old men that I think is the reality we're going to get out from under this
Starting point is 00:45:56 or the other I hope I mean I think there's that possibility I think it's going to happen Jason right now they're going to teach us how to do it in the same way we taught Russia how to do Stuxnet you know Stuxnet getting the fucking centrifuges and when they wanted to do that Obama said
Starting point is 00:46:12 you know if we do this we're giving everybody else permission to do it to us and they're like yeah but we're going to do it and then they do it and now every single one of the United States like apparently has been completely infiltrated hacked we've got bugs
Starting point is 00:46:28 and all that shit they're listening to everything man and it's like that hack that's the government doing it you know about the new Russian hack you know well sure but the NSA has been monitoring the entire planet yeah they taught us how to do it
Starting point is 00:46:44 they taught us how to do it they taught the planet how to do it we learn how to do what they're doing their shit gets exploited by the people eventually and we use it against them this is the war I mean if there is a war is there what's that
Starting point is 00:47:00 well is there a war I mean I think that it's easy to like there's a couple assumptions in there but for instance the idea that we perhaps are at odds with our own government I don't think that that's the case and I think that the other is you know like it requires
Starting point is 00:47:16 a strong national identity to survive things like this and America is very much a house divided that is very bad we have been since the 60s yeah and so when you have a country that is at odds with itself and has been at odds with itself for decades
Starting point is 00:47:32 it's so easy to conquer and I think that so I think that's something to look at and the idea that it's old men controlling everything well no I think you know one thing I always say is that you know behind every man there's a woman egging him on
Starting point is 00:47:48 you know you know and and power is very much you know power is centralized absolutely but I don't think that it's just centralized in the blanket statement of old men look I don't mean I'm not
Starting point is 00:48:06 whatever you want to call it you know I just whenever I see like the meetings whenever I see the people who have all the power the ones they show on camera most of the time are old men like you know they're 60s or 70s Biden Trump people like that you know it's like generally that's
Starting point is 00:48:22 Mitch McConnell you know you see in the you do see obviously very powerful women but the old men seem to be getting the spotlight more than the old women well there's many of those female premiers in many of the countries in Europe miracle people like this and I think
Starting point is 00:48:38 there you go yeah and I think it's like well yeah I mean so agonistic observation I'm in it more like you know I'm like we're all like we just have to go through this fucking election where these two old men like beat their chest at each other for so many months
Starting point is 00:48:54 you know that's what I was that's what I'm saying yeah there's a very subtle danger there which is that and I think this is very intentionally constructed which is where you can say you can look at the people who have power and then say well
Starting point is 00:49:10 it is because of their outward body that they have this power and then you apply well this now you now globalize that to all of the other people who are like that well no no no it's not old men it's a very specific group of people very powerful
Starting point is 00:49:26 interests some of them may be old men most of them may be old men but you can't then from there globalize to well then all old white men are in charge of everything and ruining everything it's like no most of them are dying I'm 40 fucking six I'm not
Starting point is 00:49:44 this is what I'm getting at though I'm trying to get at is right now what you're saying about nationalism we need it people are saying we need these strong borders we got to have these strong borders we got to have a national identity
Starting point is 00:50:02 and that may be true but the problem is not necessarily nationalism but a sense of a national identity other than something to auto attack yeah right but the problem is is it's like
Starting point is 00:50:18 if we're talking about a new form of warfare then and we're talking about various groups who have various reasons to at the very least redefine the national identity you know like from the like
Starting point is 00:50:34 corporations who just want to make money by making the national identity fit more according to their brand by foreign like other countries who would like the national identity to be disdain for the national identity you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:50:50 to hippies who want to dissolve the national identity completely and create a kind of global hive mind yeah they're good foot soldiers for corporations in that way yeah but you know for me it's like
Starting point is 00:51:06 as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end and you know if we look at evolution starts off as a single celled organism multiplies into everything that we are now and maybe that's the same thing that happens with the planet multiplies into all these various like
Starting point is 00:51:22 organisms called single celled organisms called states countries and there's just a problem huge and we are already whether you want to say there is a national
Starting point is 00:51:38 identity in the United States but we are already so inextricably woven together I don't care how strong the fucking borders are we're woven together by the plastic in our placenta we're woven together you know what I mean we're together
Starting point is 00:51:54 and everybody wants to say no the United States is this Russia is this, China is this we're all together there's no way to separate us from each other and obviously you know so many of the spiritual and you know Buddhist inflected people
Starting point is 00:52:10 have been talking about dissolving some of that stuff for so long I'll say one, this is such a tricky one I think that I think jazz Coleman from Killing Joke had the best line on this ever where he said he is not
Starting point is 00:52:26 he does not want a one world movement but he does want a one world community oh that's cool and I think that's such a good way to look at I mean look the nation state is an old and also well it's an outdated and not very old idea
Starting point is 00:52:42 it's a relic of the Napoleonic era and it's not very effective particularly or it's not very useful it has so many blind spots where you can't just arbitrarily draw a territory and have everyone have a shared identity
Starting point is 00:52:58 you look at the awfulness that created in places like Africa where nation boundaries were just arbitrarily drawn after after the end of colonialism and different groups who hated each other were put together
Starting point is 00:53:14 resulting in things like the genocide in Rwanda or you look at it in America where it's like America is a place where literally everyone in the whole world comes there's every ethnic group every background and somehow
Starting point is 00:53:30 despite it all we get along which is amazing but you kind of have to question why do we really despite all the drama why do we at the end of the day pretty much get along in America and as much as we're not actually
Starting point is 00:53:46 you know there's not fucking Bosnian style Balkanization type of thing I think that identifying what that is is really important and I don't think it's like oh we're all
Starting point is 00:54:02 we all love the ideals of the founding fathers you know I think it would be easier to say like well you know if there's anything that brings Americans together it's probably like the love of being able to make money and go to big box stores and have everything like available for you you know and there's a
Starting point is 00:54:18 certain quality of life that brings us together and one of the most trying things about 2020 is when you start to take that away then all of the animosity under the surface begins to surface and that's very dangerous if you look at world history
Starting point is 00:54:34 nobody ever starts wars for ideology we're always told that people have religions and wars for ideology and religion and ethnic reasons and all this and the truth is that the killing starts when people can't eat and
Starting point is 00:54:50 ideology is used as the religion or excuse me ideology, religion or ethnic conflict is used as the mental justification but really it's like the
Starting point is 00:55:06 but really it's just resource conflict like I was watching that Ken Burns Vietnam documentary on VR last night felt like I was in block work orange program with Vietnam killing images but there's this incredible thing in there where you know they
Starting point is 00:55:22 interview soldiers who fought in Vietnam where they're saying that like the dehumanization of the enemy is a deal with the devil but it turns out to be absolutely necessary in warfare and I've talked to many soldiers who said the same thing it's like you have to
Starting point is 00:55:38 dehumanize the other side or you can't do the job you can't kill people effectively tell yourself oh I'm not killing people I am blasting XYZ slur so that becomes
Starting point is 00:55:54 a justification but the impetus is always when people can't eat and we're coming close to that not just in they're closer to that in the UK than here but that's very worrying we'll be tested here we'll see what really holds us together
Starting point is 00:56:10 yeah I think I think it's safe to say that you're we're going to definitely see some unrest and I know that I mean I would if I had to bet I would bet that there would be some something that goes down
Starting point is 00:56:26 that's more than just like the Proud Boys and the Antifa fighting for the CNN for CNN that's a clown show yeah it's like the gathering of the juggalos or something it's like well yeah it's just performative
Starting point is 00:56:42 it's performative it's like that's not when you see even the way that they're fighting they seem surprised that they're fighting each other it's not all performative some people are getting there's like violence but it's not like what you're talking about like in the Balkans or what it's not that mostly
Starting point is 00:56:58 but it could be but I think this is an intermediary phase I think that the problem is by the time for example if you look back at this shit that happened with LA probably you and the 40,000
Starting point is 00:57:14 people or however many it is that have already left LA and me people are going to look back on that and say oh yeah that was the beginning of kind of climate change you know refugee a low level not like refugee like we imagine them in the boba
Starting point is 00:57:30 just people having to leave a place because the environment was making it intolerable to live there it's a combination of environmental factors meaning political factors forcing a lot of people to leave but it'll be a long time before people say
Starting point is 00:57:46 that's what it was because by the time they say it there's going to be other things that happen people pouring out of Miami people pouring out of wherever the ocean has begun to flood or where there's 17 hurricanes in three months places that become unlivable and then they're going to be like oh wow
Starting point is 00:58:02 that was the beginning of the mass migration of humanity from places that were unlivable to places that were livable and then that's what they're going to say but similarly I think they're going to look at what's happening in the world right now regarding nationalism
Starting point is 00:58:18 versus globalism and they're going to identify all the quote anti-globalist people who are really anti-authoritarian people they don't nobody should want to be under a tyrant or one world leader you know in the past he was very beautiful named Damien
Starting point is 00:58:34 like somewhat irresistible man with blue eyes but other than that none of us would want to be nobody wants to live under a tyrant but I do think that like oh it's too late as far as nationalism goes it's too late
Starting point is 00:58:50 it's an old idea it's over it's done like go ahead and like put your fucking flags up wave them around do as much as you want and maybe it'll stick around for another 50 years eventually the economy is going to get away from every single country they won't have control over the economy
Starting point is 00:59:06 it won't work anymore we're going to be in VR we're going to be doing business overseas in VR and it's going to be kind of untraceable and there's going to be movements of like energy that are bitcoin that are going to redefine economies and it's just going to in between
Starting point is 00:59:22 that there's going to be a lot of people who are going to try to make that not happen we're going to try to stop it and dig their feet in and do anything they can to stop it psyops campaigns all kinds of like that's the whole problem for me is like now everyone's mad at China
Starting point is 00:59:38 they're just mad at Russia not that long ago you know what I mean and it's like so anytime this is happening and I see the organized the organized transfusion of why to hate some country I do know for sure
Starting point is 00:59:54 I'm looking at some form of psyops it could even be coming from the country there's like in other words China which does seem to be a little ahead of us in different ways for better for worse
Starting point is 01:00:10 they know like everyone's like it's China now we ate China and China is already in the message boards there are my fucking wife's mommy group I'm not even joking I said mommy bloggers
Starting point is 01:00:26 I said mommy bloggers you said mommy bloggers no they're in they like somehow like they identify like somebody was posting something about worried about China and then somebody wrote a weird post about you shouldn't worry about China and then somehow
Starting point is 01:00:42 they trace that person back to being like someone from China who had somehow gotten in the group and it's like it's not just people who have never done that anywhere else in the world well that's what I'm saying Jason is like we have infiltrated each other
Starting point is 01:00:58 in every single country in every single country there are there's the number one the phantasmal liminal whatever the internet is realm which is filled with androids and you know
Starting point is 01:01:14 double agents who are being paid to get into the conversation and shifted according to a corporation state or god knows just probably cobbles of anarchists I would guess I'm certain that they're just groups of
Starting point is 01:01:30 loosely associated chaos agents, magicians, occultists were just having fun well I've no idea about anything like that you would not know anything about that I would not cause conundrums and chaos just for the sake of it
Starting point is 01:01:46 I'm like um yeah the final secret of the illuminati it's been me running this whole thing all along um all the world is in my dnb game yeah maybe so maybe that's what you find out I mean
Starting point is 01:02:02 or maybe you know the other problem with it is it's like you look at um I'm sorry for this rant you look at uh Bostrom his wonderful book superintelligence and he makes perfect observation which is it's going to be a massive corporation or a state
Starting point is 01:02:18 that produces the first superintelligent ai it'll be google very clearly it's definitely going to be google and we're not going to know that this thing was created until way after it was created I think it's already happened
Starting point is 01:02:34 I only make a couple observations about that one I drove all the way to Austin from LA and I was listening to the audio book of 1984 the whole time I couldn't distinguish it from my actual life in many places because it's so spot on and there's you know there's so
Starting point is 01:02:50 many good things in there that is so relevant I recommend everyone reread that or do the audio book because it's so relevant for right now but one of the you know obviously there's the famous thing in there you're talking about Russia and China there's the famous thing where he's saying like oh yes you know we were now at war with Oceania we had always been at war with Oceania
Starting point is 01:03:06 and it just changed the it changed that nation that everyone's at war with and then they rewrite the news so that's always been the enemy but the 1984 is obviously you know people
Starting point is 01:03:22 remember the big the main things from it they remember the brother they remember the rat they remember the double things and things like that but re-listening to it now there's so many critically important things in there for now one of them is if you look at what
Starting point is 01:03:38 1984 was actually about people assume that it is like a dark cautionary tale about fascism or maybe Stalinism and the truth is that yes it was about Stalinism but it was a comedy
Starting point is 01:03:54 it was a satire and specifically what it was is it was a satire of the elements of the English intelligentsia who were pro-Stalin so it was it was all while making fun of champagne of the socialists
Starting point is 01:04:10 in England and the spite running just beneath the surface of you know oh like we're trying to institute all these socialist reforms but nobody will go along with it so maybe we should just put them in gulags so that type of thing you know the hatred of the working class
Starting point is 01:04:26 underneath this veneer of socialist reform so it's very interesting to listen to it in that light now because it's you know the England Ingsock socialist society of the future that he's describing essentially it sounds like England run by the blue check mark
Starting point is 01:04:42 class on Twitter it's like all the same things that they're saying it's unbelievable but there's the I think that the critical point of that whole book that is so important for right now that nobody I didn't remember and has never picked up on is there's this whole passage in the center of the book
Starting point is 01:04:58 where it's just like a passage of political philosophy that is supposed to be from the book of the resistance that later turns out to be written by the party just to agitate people but there's this point that is made where they say that you know since
Starting point is 01:05:14 the end of the great wars of the middle 20th century you know it essentially it's been like what Buckminster Fuller said where we've had enough to feed clothing and meet the shelter needs of everyone and in the world and in fact we've had
Starting point is 01:05:30 a surplus so since that time warfare is not conducted between nations has not been conducted between nations for the reason of fighting each other for resources which is what it used to be and what I was just mentioning it is it isn't
Starting point is 01:05:46 about that what war is now something that is conducted by nations against their own citizens because what they realized was as Orwell says which is I think spot on what they realized is when there's enough for everyone which there has been for a long
Starting point is 01:06:02 since the 70s Buckminster Fuller said since the 1970s we've had enough in the world that nobody has had to work nobody really needs a job there's enough for everyone but Orwell says that what they realized is once
Starting point is 01:06:18 when there's enough for everybody you can no longer maintain a hierarchical civilization you can't have a class that has more and is in control of the others therefore in order to maintain hierarchy nations now wage war against their own citizens
Starting point is 01:06:34 and for the specific reason of destroying excess goods for destroying food for destroying people for destroying material goods right or the means of production and in
Starting point is 01:06:50 order that hierarchy can be maintained and so yes in 1984 there's essentially China Russia and Europe America and you know like who's fighting who is meaningless and interchangeable because what's really happening is
Starting point is 01:07:06 people the hierarchical elite or a war with their own citizens you look at a war like Vietnam and you look at that and you just think what was the point of this there's a thing in Gestalt therapy where you can always infer
Starting point is 01:07:22 like people do all kinds of crazy shit and one of the insights of Gestalt therapy is you look at the crazy shit that people do and you say well what is the outcome the outcome is clearly the intention of the action right like so somebody could be doing all
Starting point is 01:07:38 kinds of crazy bullshit and the result is somebody loans them $500 well that was the point they're not really having this crisis or whatever so or not in the way that they're portraying it so it's like well what is the outcome of Vietnam the outcome is and a lot of dead baby boomers
Starting point is 01:07:54 a lot of dead and traumatized baby boomers well the baby boomer generation was a surplus generation there are more people born than any generation in human history so if the the herd was cold maybe that was the reason for
Starting point is 01:08:10 Vietnam you know it was for the purpose of killing young American men is one of the other things that terrifies people in power is big gangs of young men with nothing to lose you know like that's such a threat so they have to
Starting point is 01:08:26 window that out and I know it's a very dark and cynical read of things but perhaps it's accurate I don't think dark and cynical I mean I think we there's no question of this is the it's not it's like the world has on one level of quality to it that is just brutal and
Starting point is 01:08:42 and you know what are they what's that thing Christians are Christians love to say like that's Satan's first thing is make you believe he's not real but what the if we're talking about power why the second lie is if there's
Starting point is 01:08:58 no sin so bad that it can't be forgiven that's the shirt that's the t-shirt but like the the the trick of so what happens is I said it wrong it's that there are sins so bad that they can't be forgiven the forgiveness may not be possible that's the
Starting point is 01:09:14 lie of the devil go on sorry yeah well the the the great lie I think and the reason people are always like recoiling and hard like you know the nova check poisoning from Putin and everyone's like
Starting point is 01:09:30 oh my god he did what are you here about like somebody who is about to release some like insider story on the CIA what that reporter whose car what do you know the brakes fucked up slammed into it yeah yeah I went to the spot where that happened
Starting point is 01:09:46 a few days afterwards was the reporter was that set no it was from buzzfeed the guy that did the story on him all the trace that guy so people when these things happen it's fascinating to me when people are like oh my god
Starting point is 01:10:02 they murdered someone it's like you the world is the world the world is pretty much the way that it's been for a long time the difference is they've managed to give us the impression that they don't kill people that there they have this morality or this Christian
Starting point is 01:10:18 ethic or something like that when they'll take you out like with no they don't mind doing that it's no different than organized crime it is organized crime it's you know when there's laws in place that are
Starting point is 01:10:34 completely arbitrary that are getting people put in jail then the people who are enforcing those laws are criminals there's no other way to put it it's organized crime so yeah on one level it's very brutal but Jason come on man
Starting point is 01:10:50 you teach magic what's the transcendent angle on this thing I'm not asking you for produce some messianic fantasy for us to hang our hopes on and become inactive blobs but to me I
Starting point is 01:11:06 I've always gotten off that verse from the Bible where Jesus says offer what is Caesar's unto Caesar the classic view of things which is like yeah you want to get undoubtedly written in later I mean like remember the Bible
Starting point is 01:11:22 was written 70 years after the death of Christ and so it's like Jesus is like love each other you know love your brother as if he's yourself pay your taxes it's like whoa where'd that come from you know I always found that to be not pay your taxes but a more
Starting point is 01:11:38 a really really hardcore messianic burn which is like yeah let him have the fucking money really give it to them all of it all the stuff let him have the stuff you know because that's what they seem to be obsessed with and that obsession is
Starting point is 01:11:54 making them live in hell and legitimate hell do you know what I'm saying it's like to me the the the great what what I'm looking at is right now a disruption caused by a hyper inter
Starting point is 01:12:10 technologically facilitated interconnectedness and that that hyper connectedness is being manipulated by power but eventually it's not going to something else is going to manipulate it that isn't about money something's going to
Starting point is 01:12:26 manipulate it in a way beings is what will manipulate let me dunk in let me let me dunk in let me dunk in let me dunk let me dunk in I'm good
Starting point is 01:12:42 Oh shi What the fuck I just stopped it to check it and it said could not be completed and dump to file I got it I got the zoom don't ok good we'll just get what we have ok fuck I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 01:12:59 don't worry about it this is why every every answer to this question has to be immediately practical right whether it's you know and I just think that you know it's like I'm gonna say anything to anyone it's just this stay free stay free and look after yourself like by whatever means necessary
Starting point is 01:13:15 you know economic if magic can help great if magic doesn't help isn't helpful for you then forget it you know like whatever it is that you can do to stay free and autonomous and particularly to look after you know any you should look at your life and anywhere that you are dependent
Starting point is 01:13:31 on other people for survival needs you need to take that back immediately whether that's for economics or food you know like you don't need we don't we're we're lazy and susceptible because we've allowed ourselves to depend
Starting point is 01:13:47 on these very fragile networks for our needs and everyone saw in March where all of a sudden everyone's like descending on toilet paper like locust like how good is that gonna be and I'm not a survivalist but I think that we need to be able to just for a sense of psychological integrity
Starting point is 01:14:03 like I say I'm not a survivalist in a sense I don't think that like the grid's gonna go down and it's gonna be like last of us part two or some shit like that I do think that but I think that a big part of psychological integrity is being self-sufficient
Starting point is 01:14:19 and it's very healthy to be so I want but from a very practical sense this is the reality right it's like the power curve of the world no longer has anything to do with location or in a sense your identity it is
Starting point is 01:14:35 all technology it's always been that way in the sense that like some cavemen got fire and some didn't and got stuck to not have fire it's sucked to not have iron weapons you know is still a bronze weapons when other people had iron weapons so it's like
Starting point is 01:14:51 it's not capitalism it's just you know capitalism responds to technology it's downwind of technology so I think that the point I wanted to make about AI where you said that we don't know if it's hamlet or not here is if I was going to be conspiratorial
Starting point is 01:15:07 and I'm not a conspiratorial individual by nature I'm actually serious because I think that my problem with conspiracy thinking is it's a shitty mental frame if you're looking for if you're a conspiracy person what you're doing is and I don't just mean analyzing power
Starting point is 01:15:23 I just mean dwelling in be constantly looking at conspiracy theories as a form of entertainment if conspiracy people are constantly perceiving life through the filter of they're looking for reasons to be disempowered looking for reasons to not have power
Starting point is 01:15:39 the magical view is look for ways to get power yes right you know as I think Huey Newton said you know the name of the game is power if you're not playing with power you're in the wrong game there was a great therapeutic group anarchist therapeutic group
Starting point is 01:15:55 in Germany in the late 60s where they basically said that all psychological symptoms can be healed by gaining power and it's totally true this is Nietzsche's point the will to power you know like that's it it's like you know
Starting point is 01:16:11 don't sit around talking about your feelings get power and money so that you can pay the world to leave you alone my point about but if I were to be cynical let's put it that way not necessarily conspiratorial then I might think that what's currently going on with
Starting point is 01:16:27 covid is this and I should preface that I'm not a covid denialist covid is clearly real all of this because people are so easily triggered but my point is my point is never what's you know oh like this is not happening this isn't real like covid it's not the inciting
Starting point is 01:16:43 incident it's how it's used my concern is not covid my concern is what is covid being used as a pretext for case in point 9-11 right like everyone obsesses over 9-11 truth all this who really did 9-11 my response is who gives this shit
Starting point is 01:16:59 right I mean not totally but it's like we know it happened it's not the event it's how it was used we know for a fact that 9-11 was used as a pretext for the patriot act it was used as a pretext for every American citizen to be virtually molested every time they fly
Starting point is 01:17:15 which doesn't if you don't think that has a deep psychological effect think again you know and that never went away just like all the covid stuff will never go away it's what's it a pretext for and it's the same with covid what is covid being used as a pretext for it's always
Starting point is 01:17:31 people are afraid they always surrender power and the power never comes back ever right so if I was to look at covid cynically I would say this we've known for quite a while in fact we talked about this on your podcast a couple of times back that
Starting point is 01:17:47 the AI age is coming and everyone who is on the power curve of AI knows that AI and automation and software in general just we're going to say technology in general invalidates the need for a lot of human human labor yes right and
Starting point is 01:18:03 therefore we're going to end up with the majority of the population being no longer necessary we're falling into the cat at least to the powers that be because everyone is essential now they're saying oh you're not an essential worker that means we don't need you
Starting point is 01:18:19 but everyone is essential in the spiritual sense to each other in the family sense in the just being a human sense but from the technocratic view point well they're not necessary to greasing the wheels
Starting point is 01:18:35 unless they're buying the stuff we're making but they're not needed as workers so therefore they fall into the category of what the Nazis used to refer to as useless eaters that was their name for it and so you know like the
Starting point is 01:18:51 and this is nothing new I mean like even if you look at the Fabian society which is a socialist think tank in Britain and the same people that are well is responding to people like Margaret Sanger and things like this and talking about the need for eugenics
Starting point is 01:19:07 and annihilating the poor and annihilating large groups of society since the beginning of the 20th century and it has been going on there have been sterilizations going on that people aren't aware of there have been mass killings in California
Starting point is 01:19:23 people forget that all of the things that the Nazis did were based on Californian policies we just modeled the eugenics policies and the sterilizations that were being conducted in California when they did action T4 and all these things
Starting point is 01:19:39 so America I would contend that America is the most racist and violent and evil country of the 20th century I don't think there's any comparison and I know that's a shocking thing to say but it's just Americans are so good
Starting point is 01:19:55 it depends on what part of the world you live in that that's a shocking thing to say well sure like if anyone is not American but as you were pointing out Americans are so good at believing they're the good guys we are not and it is psychologically terrible to think so
Starting point is 01:20:11 we're animals just like everyone else I was talking to a black friend in LA he was saying that he looks at Biden and things like this and it's just like saying all Americans are good we're not like that
Starting point is 01:20:29 the bad Donald Trump we're good people it's like total bullshit and he had a line on it which I'll never forget he said you know like America was born in blood and it's gonna end in blood what you know like to contend otherwise give me a fucking break
Starting point is 01:20:45 only like that's the height of privilege you know but no you're not but this is what I think on one level your friend is right on one level sure but I'm telling you what I like
Starting point is 01:21:01 about what you're saying is you gotta unhinge yourself from the like if we are in a real like new form of warfare which is most certainly
Starting point is 01:21:17 based on streams of data being warped or corrupted or shifted for some like reasons that you'll never know then really you just to me like it starts with where am I getting my info from where is it coming in from
Starting point is 01:21:33 and what happens to my life personally if I shut some of those streams off or if at the very least I just see them for what they are and to me that's the beginning of the power that you're talking about the power is
Starting point is 01:21:49 now number one about like finding a kind of a kind of internal autonomy that isn't disrupted by a Sean Hannity rant or isn't disrupted by a beam that got started in a
Starting point is 01:22:07 CIA think tank distributed via various bots it's like it's finding the fundamental ground of reality because once you find that or something close to it and it's very elemental
Starting point is 01:22:23 simple then you at the very least you'll start knowing when someone's trying to fuck you up in that regard when someone's telling for me it's just like okay when someone is telling me what to be afraid of which I think is
Starting point is 01:22:39 like the what we're seeing with people who are well intended at many of them they don't want people to die or they're afraid they want to save themselves then
Starting point is 01:22:55 their fear aggression comes out and the next thing you know they're doing the odd they're having the opposite effect than they want it because now they've done some twitter where a fucking mask you stupid shit fuck yeah that tickle in your throat that's the grim reaper
Starting point is 01:23:11 knocking on your fucking door you know all that all that does is all the wisdom in what they're saying which is be safe out there there's a pandemic gets lost in the aggression and then people have a natural reaction to the aggression
Starting point is 01:23:27 and they're like fuck you I'm not gonna wear a fucking mask you motherfucker you can't control me and it's like so their whole point was lost in their masturbatory blast of fear digitized fear so to me it's like noticing that
Starting point is 01:23:43 like who the fuck is trying to bend my will and how much has my will been bent like you know I'm in the grocery store the other day wearing a mask and I noticed somebody not wearing a mask
Starting point is 01:23:59 and I think to myself you motherfucker you pointed them like Donald Sutherland an invasion of the body snatchers and you mean Farron no but I did notice how like one of the ways that I've been
Starting point is 01:24:15 affected is that I have I talk about dehumanization I don't know anything about this person but I've definitely dehumanized them right away and I've just thought this is a selfish piece of shit and maybe it's true maybe it's not but I know that that is not
Starting point is 01:24:31 a very human reaction to another human being having their own incarnation and their own neurological matrix that they're looking at the world from that's just violence and aggression and so I have been that point been a carrier of aggression into the world and that to me
Starting point is 01:24:47 the kind of world I want to live in isn't like that and so that's what I'm saying for me my where I find my power is figuring out a way that I can be in the world that it acknowledges my own meme infections
Starting point is 01:25:03 it's not saying I haven't been infected by opinion that was given to me by some very brilliant corporation or you know what I mean like a symbolic parasitic ways of thinking that I didn't come up with on my own but they're there I know they are it's like when you have
Starting point is 01:25:19 jock itch like you gotta just the first step in getting rid of jock itch is acknowledging you've got it your fucking balls stink and you're itchy I think that's exactly it the whole point of meditation to look at it in maybe a 21st century way
Starting point is 01:25:35 and don't let me lose my point about AI but if you look at meditation from a 21st century perspective it's like well it's your you're disinfecting yourself from roving memetics you know it's like we are all the internet is just a metaphor like our brains are
Starting point is 01:25:51 constantly in interconnection with each other whether you want to call that telepathic or not I don't because it's just like why use a cult language our brains are all nodes uplinked to whatever you want to call it a shared mental experience
Starting point is 01:26:07 I really try to push myself to not use a cult language because I don't think it's very hopeful it's so easy to just think it's something it's not so we're all like having a shared mental space that we're all kind of connected to and because we're accessing that
Starting point is 01:26:23 without any type of because this is new to us with the internet and all that we have very little defense against memetic infection and it's not just it's just that our brains are like these freeways that external
Starting point is 01:26:39 memes are constantly racing through it didn't come from us and meditation allows you to buffer to just shut it off it's like again in 1984 it's like they have the constant they have the constant TVs everywhere that are constantly blurring party propaganda and you can't shut
Starting point is 01:26:55 them off and then there's the one scene where he meets O'Brien the head of the party who can shut his TV off because only the inner party is allowed to turn off their TVs but only for about a half an hour at a time that's a good meditation session so that I think and what
Starting point is 01:27:11 that allows you to do just achieve mental silence I'm not like one of these guys that it's like look the magic the occult spirituality there's so much fucking horseshit in it I'll be the first person to tell you that it is gibberish it's fucking gibberish right but
Starting point is 01:27:27 there's really useful things in there too and so much of my career has been trying to locate the things that are actually helpful dust them off and represent them in a way that because those things are the most critical things like for instance the ability to achieve mental silence
Starting point is 01:27:43 right like that right there is the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful life and it's very hard it requires constant practice just like going to the gym it's hard and people like oh it's hard it's like yeah it's fucking hard yes it is fucking hard like go go get to it you know
Starting point is 01:27:59 it's like I don't want to become like the jaco willing to fucking meditation or something like that but it requires work it's not it doesn't come from some intrinsic spiritual genius or whatever except when it does but I think what that allows us to do is the most critical thing right now you said where are you getting
Starting point is 01:28:15 your news you got it check in with yourself you have to be able to get feel your own humanity your own body your own connection to what's around you it's like it's like the classic bill hicks joke where he's he's saying it's like you know you turn on the news and it's like war aids death famine recession
Starting point is 01:28:31 war aids death famine recession and then you look out the window and like there's a bird chirping you're like what the fuck is this all happening you know it is happening if you're in LA but you know if you're if you're in Austin it's pretty chill but it's not happening all the time I mean that's the thing is like it doesn't even happen it's not just
Starting point is 01:28:47 shutting off your mind it's like acknowledging the impermanence of whatever the particular states of consciousness are because the other thing these memetic fucks do whatever you want to call them these counter sorcerers or tyrants or whatever AI fucking wizards whatever
Starting point is 01:29:03 whatever they try to do is they try to give everyone a sense of some permanence and which is why these elections that are happening they're so stupid at this point because every single election it's the end of the world if the other person gets elected and it's been that way for a while
Starting point is 01:29:19 and like this this is just not the case and it's it's enforcing a way of looking at things so not to go back to my say if you're Jesus but whoever wrote offer unto Caesar what is Caesar's to me this isn't pay your taxes it's saying
Starting point is 01:29:35 number one figure out what is Caesar's where's the meme and then whatever that fucking stupid thing is yeah we use that as tokens in this phantasmal game but also know there's some things that aren't memetic there's
Starting point is 01:29:51 some things that aren't injected in you from this world and those are the things that's where I find all my power that's where I have a sense of like glee and joy in the world in the midst of all this which in a joy that isn't
Starting point is 01:30:07 delusion a joy that isn't based on me turning my back on the wild suffering of things I mean isn't the first step in the Bog of Aguita first you've got to deal with the fact you're gonna die that's number one you have to deal with the fact everyone's being devoured by God start there like we're all getting
Starting point is 01:30:23 ground up in this fucking thing I mean this is the truth we're being eaten and dissolved by a digestive tract that looks like a planet that's real and that's the way it is everything's being eaten everything you eat is being eaten and you know that so to
Starting point is 01:30:39 me that's the first step is like oh yeah you're definitely gonna die like you're not safe you're definitely gonna die could be in a FEMA camp you could be dragged against a wall and shot in the head and if that happens I'll be screaming I'll shit my pants and piss my pants and whimper all my spiritual stuff
Starting point is 01:30:55 will go out the window but that's gonna be 30 seconds or however long it takes for him to kill me the rest of the time I'll be longer than that Duncan don't worry You can please do it fast the leader of the Illuminati I don't want to suffer too long but you know what I'm saying is like it's like the
Starting point is 01:31:11 finding the power to me means you know our lies and tearing apart human minds and putting them back together in a matter of your own choosing sounds like fun but the also sounds like annoying over it like putting the
Starting point is 01:31:27 mind back together and then you got a pee and you come back and you can't remember where you were in the reassembly process and then whoever you're doing it to their drooling you put them back in the vat your supervisors like you didn't put his mind back together come on what do you think you're gonna get a bonus this week to me it's
Starting point is 01:31:43 you know what I'm saying it's like the individual has got to reconnect with the anarchic nature of reality itself I agree and totally there's so many points I want to make about this
Starting point is 01:31:59 let me put all this together in my mind is one thing so that I agree with you to a point the thing that I wanted to point out about AI is if I was to look around I would say
Starting point is 01:32:15 that clearly they have known for years that AI is coming and that a large amount of the workforce will no longer be needed and one thing that I think everyone who is on the side of the AI power curve is quite afraid of is of all the villagers
Starting point is 01:32:31 with the pitchforks coming to burn their their metaphorical feudal castles to the ground which could easily happen and so I think if I was to look at this COVID thing as perhaps a Psyop I would say that what is the result of COVID and not just COVID it's not the result
Starting point is 01:32:47 of COVID it's the result of governmental policies at the state and federal level and global policies because it's not just the US the result is the destruction of the middle class the result is that everyone has been by and large has been put out of work that
Starting point is 01:33:03 vast slots of the world economy have just been shut down overnight and that people are being starved out and in the middle of that that all of that money from the middle class is just being transferred to Jeff Bezos
Starting point is 01:33:19 to Google to Facebook to all these Jeff Bezos made what like 60-70 billion dollars so far extra in 2020 so the result so it's like Gestalt therapy well we can infer the cause based on the result perhaps and the result is
Starting point is 01:33:35 the destruction of the middle class and the transfer of the wealth of all small business which cannot be centralized and controlled to a centralized group the big tech companies the other thing that has happened is now everyone is out of a job but the pretext for them being out of a job is oh it's a disease
Starting point is 01:33:51 and again I'm not saying COVID isn't real but what I'm saying is because I'm not a denialist what I am saying is well look at how it's being used all magic stage magic relies on misdirection look at what the stage magician is doing over on the left side so you don't see what he's doing with his right hand
Starting point is 01:34:07 and so while everyone is terrified and everyone has been conditioned to blame each other for not wearing masks right in the same way that people are conditioned to it's their own recycling habits which drive or consumption habits which drive global warming when the reality
Starting point is 01:34:23 is very small group of agriculture and corporate concerns it's not the middle the middle and poor classes are not responsible for global warming unless you consider their consumption as total classes but not at the individual level
Starting point is 01:34:39 whereas you can point to individual corporations or ag business that are quite responsible for environmental degradation so the pretext is oh the reason that everyone doesn't have a job is because of COVID and the reason that everyone has COVID is it's your fault
Starting point is 01:34:55 or it's those other assholes from their political party it's their fault well so now everyone has a job it doesn't have a job and can be replaced with AI but you can't blame a company for that oh it's COVID
Starting point is 01:35:11 you riot against COVID so I think that perhaps what we might be seeing is that this is actually the transition to the AI economy and this is the fourth or fifth whichever industrial revolution that we're on is currently happening
Starting point is 01:35:27 and this may or may not be true it's just an idea I had it's not based on anything other than my own internal conjecture but clearly this greatly benefits Jeff Bezos and people like him
Starting point is 01:35:43 just in the same way that all the rioting and looting and destruction benefited him because all these small businesses were destroyed and Main Street and the middle class are being buried six feet under and the recipient
Starting point is 01:35:59 of all that wealth is the tech elite so I think we may actually be seeing the transition to the AI age in terms of checking in internally with your own humanity there's one thing I absolutely agree with you there's one thing that has encouraged me more than anything
Starting point is 01:36:15 else I've heard in the last few years which is I did a podcast interview with Ralph Abraham who's one of the founders of chaos mathematics he wrote that book Trilogs of the edge of the west with Terrence McKenna and Rupert Sheldraig super cool dude, old tripper, old hippie
Starting point is 01:36:31 real into magic, he's a teacher at UC Santa Cruz and he did when I was a student there and he said something so phenomenal to me that I love so much and gives me so much hope which is that in the late 60s there was all this corporate money put into chaos mathematics
Starting point is 01:36:47 so chaos mathematics is the study of extremely complex systems and the with the intention to figure out why they become chaotic and the ability to predict random change and for instance things like massive weather patterns or the stock market
Starting point is 01:37:03 or things like this it's the mathematical understanding of chaos classic book chaos by James came out and that everyone knows in the 80s but it was very popular in the 80s particularly with magic people so
Starting point is 01:37:19 but what he said was this is that there was all this money put into it because people wanted a way to better predict for instance you know world outcomes, the stock market, business things you know even in the 60s they were running huge
Starting point is 01:37:35 computer projections on like the Vietnam War to quantify everything and figure things out and it didn't work and but he said what Ralph Abraham said was that what they found out was that
Starting point is 01:37:51 it is actually impossible to make any type of prediction from data you can quantify as much data as you want it's actually impossible to make any type of prediction
Starting point is 01:38:07 it's just flat out impossible you can do probabilities and all that but you can't reliably predict anything no matter how much data you have because this world is just too chaotic it can't factor that mathematically
Starting point is 01:38:23 and then once they figure that out all the funding dried up and no one ever heard of chaos math again because this is what he said, this is not my conjecture because what he said is there are all these people who make their entire living
Starting point is 01:38:39 doing predictive analytics and consultants and saying oh I can come and give you the answer and all this they make so much money and this obviously invalidated that entire industry so I look at these companies can collect all the data and all they can house data warehouse
Starting point is 01:38:55 all the data from everything in the whole world and it won't mean jack shit and the reason that it won't mean jack shit is because humans are fucking weird we're still fucking weird like human beings are the most unpredictable and dangerous fucking thing in the universe what the fuck
Starting point is 01:39:11 sniff their own part and laugh explain that with data I mean I think I could explain it with a sufficient computer from like maybe 2300 we're just not there yet but we will have that answer Jason I mean we're talking about the fundamental question
Starting point is 01:39:27 but to me this you know now that we're approaching the Christmas season this is what I think the story of Jesus is exactly exactly what you're talking about which is here you have a thing that they tried to kill
Starting point is 01:39:45 they thought they could control the power structure drove it out where does it get born a manger it's the most beautiful thing ever it's saying fuck you anyone trying to control this shit fuck you you think you can stop the revolution
Starting point is 01:40:01 you think you can stop the thing which we all know will will happen again it happens on this planet one of the things that happens is massive social movements and they're not always bad sometimes they're really really good and it's gonna happen again
Starting point is 01:40:17 and you can go ahead and do anything you want to try to predict it control it reframe it you can't stop it it's gonna come and we all and to me that's my that's what gets my hippie back here standing on end and to me that's
Starting point is 01:40:33 the thing that like makes the political theater and makes the chest beating of human beings so wonderful to watch is they somehow managed that they've gotten the
Starting point is 01:40:49 I wouldn't want to play that part and the great beautiful drama of humanity which is the part of the person who thinks you can control the world it does it's not gonna work it won't work it'll see it might work for a little bit but it's not it just doesn't
Starting point is 01:41:05 it's not gonna work that's my feeling with it man and to me that points to what your friend was talking about the great hidden you want the great conspiracy you want the great conspiracy here's what it is it's just what you said about
Starting point is 01:41:21 covid people aren't causing the chaos they're reacting to the chaos reframing the chaos writing scripts for the chaos telling people what the chaos was because they don't want to admit the reality which is it just can't we don't know it just happened fucking pandemic
Starting point is 01:41:37 happened and a lot of us died because of it because we're so interconnected that's true you know and then you tell a story about what came from a you want to fuck with China came from a Chinese laboratory you want to fuck with trump it's cuz trumps a piece of shit you want to fuck with like somewhere in
Starting point is 01:41:53 Europe or something it's like you can find an explanation for it but the truth is and I think this is why so many this is why we both have a general sense of like when it comes to conspiracy theorists is they can't stand that they
Starting point is 01:42:09 have to come up with a story about it you want to you it's a false flag you know what I mean it was like someone came in and shot a bunch of kids but they can't tolerate the fact that that happens that's intolerable for many people to live in that world and so they make a story about it well actually
Starting point is 01:42:25 they want to take our guns away just the human the reality of it is so monumentally almost impossible to it's like you look at Adam Lanza or something like that like how do you even begin to think about that it is unthinkable
Starting point is 01:42:41 so you know so you have to have an explanatory if you have an explanation for it at least you have a sense of power over it yeah but false power you're only gonna feel hate yeah right so I can't think of something more awful
Starting point is 01:42:57 than that incident I can't at the moment it staggers the human heart right but I think that that's said and I agree with you
Starting point is 01:43:13 but let me give you the counterpoint which is that very often there are ill-intentioned actors at work and they need to a sophisticated model must be developed because people should be held accountable
Starting point is 01:43:29 and one of the things that drives me nuts about conspiracy theories is it's just like people free riffing while at the same time you can go to the public library and find out everything you want to know about all the corporate and national abuses that have been happening
Starting point is 01:43:45 and the real power structures and all of this stuff is sitting there in academic well-studied documents or news reports or just the news you know good journalism but people don't do that instead they free associate
Starting point is 01:44:01 and it's like a form of folk art or something like that but at the same time it smokescreens the actual abuses of power which unfortunately because we've now lost the fifth estate because we've lost good journalism in this country which is just
Starting point is 01:44:17 totally fucking fatal to everything well people like the shadowbox man I mean that would put good to speak to your point it's like easier to get in a shadow boxing fight with a pizza company than to be part of
Starting point is 01:44:33 you know a financial movement to get money to people to pay for lawyers who have been abused by the catholic church it's like you want to you want to fucking like fight up Mayfair Mayfair is not going to punch you back
Starting point is 01:44:49 but start pushing back against the actual organized pedophilia happening in the catholic church or many other places many other places you're going to run into some real fucking trouble yeah so to me it's like again
Starting point is 01:45:05 if you want to look at like that subversive organized psyops if there is you know we have to like follow the rabbit hole if like you've got organized pedophilia you think that's the only bad thing they're doing you think they stopped there that means they're doing a lot of other shit
Starting point is 01:45:21 that's rotten and part of what they would do I would say is exactly what you're saying misdirection so get them fucking mad at the billionaires get them mad at fucking whoever the fuck it is get them mad at a made up
Starting point is 01:45:37 amalgam of wealthy people worshiping mollusks who like to suck on adrenochrome popsicles because as long as they're focusing on that yeah you know what I mean they're not going to turn the pitchforks on the actual known
Starting point is 01:45:53 human trafficking fucking pedophiles that are are showing up many places it's really disheartening but anyway I don't mean to get into that Jason my question for you is and I know you I think one of the many things I love about you
Starting point is 01:46:09 is how good you are at grounding magic in the earth and I think a lot of people benefit from that because it's just so easy to get lost or even just turned off completely by the
Starting point is 01:46:25 language of it the silliness of it the confusing nature of it the archaic quality of it but so what are some bits of magical advice you know or that you can give
Starting point is 01:46:41 people I know we need to find a way to be independent discover who's controlling us regain our power but is there something a little more mystical than that that we could take this into the rest of our lives well here's what I would say and this is what I'm okay Matt what is magic
Starting point is 01:46:57 magic can be anything to anybody but why do people actually want magic they want magic because they feel powerless and they want to have power and we live in a society that says that is bad and un-spiritual fuck that yes you need power
Starting point is 01:47:13 right so this is what I will say the name of the game now is get power that doesn't mean power over other people because you actually can have power over people that is not freely given anyways right so the and you don't want it
Starting point is 01:47:29 so power is the ability to control and rule your world and therefore to provide shelter, safety, well-being and a sense of meaning for other people right be a king right so and that's power
Starting point is 01:47:47 it's the power to provide and true power and leadership comes from serving others does not and that includes all the way up to the business level does not come from the reason one of the reasons that Jeff Bezos is so powerful is not because
Starting point is 01:48:03 he's like this narrative that he's like controlling everyone it's like yeah he's a fucking balls to the wall ruthless capitalist but who's giving him the money people that he's providing this awesome all these awesome Amazon services but you think they're just he's stealing the money no people are giving it
Starting point is 01:48:19 to him because he's making packages come to your house in 24 hours which is awesome and so much time right so power right power comes from service it comes from serving other people but not in a
Starting point is 01:48:37 in a practical way not in a self denying way I think that this was the point that I wanted to make about Christianity where you're talking about well like they whoever they is can control us but ultimately we can fall back on this kind of
Starting point is 01:48:53 transcendence out of the material world well yes and that's beautiful and there's a subtle hook in there which is this mechanism itself that you're describing has been the way in which the world has largely been
Starting point is 01:49:09 pacified and controlled for thousands of years where the siob if you will is oh no no no don't worry about this world let somebody else handle that right you just think about the next world yeah well yes you should but you should also
Starting point is 01:49:25 think about this world and I think that one of the primary benefits of whatever the western esoteric tradition as opposed to even Buddhism Hinduism or Christianity
Starting point is 01:49:41 in its outward forms is a heavy focus on power within the material world and that is not a four letter word might be a five letter word is not a four letter word right power means the power to feed yourself, to clothe yourself
Starting point is 01:49:57 be self-sufficient be independent so here's one thing that I've been thinking about that I can offer as an exercise which is I've been thinking about this for a while which is you know obviously in America at least all of our rights are under attack I think the American Bill of Rights
Starting point is 01:50:13 is one of the most fundamental and profound documents of human freedom ever written it comes out of the Masonic tradition it comes out of the Enlightenment tradition it comes out of the time of the Masonic Enlightenment tradition I think the only thing that it might be better
Starting point is 01:50:29 is Liber Oz by Crowley which is along the same lines but even shorter Oz? Yes, as in Liber Oz yeah it's a one page document I'll read it if you want but I think with the Bill of Rights
Starting point is 01:50:45 I suggest an exercise to people which is simply this take the Bill of Rights as a syllabus then look at it and take it as a syllabus first amendment and look at that what do I really want to say to the world what would I be willing to die to say
Starting point is 01:51:01 if I have freedom of speech then what do I really need to say in this lifetime if I only had a week to live what would I say to people what is so important to say and it's not just like like online
Starting point is 01:51:17 but yes of course people should have the right to say whatever they want but think about it in the deeper sense the spiritual sense what really needs to be said second amendment can I defend myself that's a huge fucking responsibility yeah
Starting point is 01:51:33 well shit how do I sort that out and figure that out that's a big deal and then so on and so forth the other ones search and seizure all of this these point to I think that we should interpret the in a spiritual sense
Starting point is 01:51:49 some of the Bill of Rights about there's all these things about unlawful search and seizure and people coming into your home well what about data what about what you were saying which is people hijacking your emotions in your mental thought
Starting point is 01:52:05 isn't that in a sense allowing soldiers of the king to come into your head and live rent free and so okay well how do I prevent against that I think that I think that one thing you can say one good thing you can say about
Starting point is 01:52:21 at least old school conservatism in America is the very clear understanding that what the founding fathers originally said is unlike any other country in history America the Bill of Rights is not there saying the state is granting you these rights
Starting point is 01:52:37 what it actually means is you have these rights these rights these rights are inalienable from God you are born with these rights these rights come from God we don't grant them to you and we can't take them away the role of the state is to protect these rights right from encroaching control
Starting point is 01:52:53 so I think that's something that I recommend practically particularly for Americans you know there's your esoteric syllabus right there love it but other than that I mean stay free and I'll say this like practically speaking everyone needs
Starting point is 01:53:09 money like fucking forget all the spiritual like at least for now like spiritual esoteric ornate beautifully constructed systems and all that like get paid man I think that money power comes from money that's how it is
Starting point is 01:53:25 is that great I don't know it's been that way for a while is that going to change in our lifetime no and if it does it will change at cost of great violence only and we don't want that so I think that all my courses
Starting point is 01:53:41 that I've been offering it I've been doing like way better courses at Magic.me my site they're all focused on not just spiritual but economic freedom hey what's the difference between your Instagram I went on
Starting point is 01:53:57 I dropped in while you were giving this awesome talk and I was wondering is that part of your what is that, is that part of your class or what are you doing on Instagram I should clarify that because my Instagram is just like my rant feed so the website is
Starting point is 01:54:13 www.magic.me m-a-g-i-c-k and I promo it on Instagram from time to time but that's where all my courses are Matt wait let me just say something you must if you're not following Jason on Instagram it's the best combination of like
Starting point is 01:54:29 very controversial to me not controversial but I'm sure to some people controversial political essays mixed in with like really beautiful spiritual essays it's a really great you've done a fantastic job through that medium it's really
Starting point is 01:54:45 I'm always like terrified everyone gets so angry every time I post but I've been doing this for years Aaron and I we vehemently disagree with you from time to time but we love it it's so fun to read they're so passionate and it's like it's so fun
Starting point is 01:55:01 it's really good I only aim to entertain I don't think you do only aim to entertain well well I will say this I mean the true role of any magician is to restore balance at all times because balance in
Starting point is 01:55:17 the Dow are the true the only truth one of the reasons why magicians always get into so much trouble for being such crazy fucks is because we always posit the opposite of what everyone else thinks in order to draw society back into a once median the middle path of the Buddha
Starting point is 01:55:33 that's why people like pro-league are so fucking off the deep end that's what crazy wisdom is you know yeah it's like you just show people their opposite and they go crazy it's hilarious but also I think if you're talking about who's more likely to get pissed off
Starting point is 01:55:49 and balance person or an imbalance person it's going to be the imbalance person and so if someone's coming into a situation to bring real balance they can expect that that's going to start off with a lot of people being mad at them because there's a lot of out of balance people and out of balance people
Starting point is 01:56:05 the first thing they're going to do is be like fuck you man I'm not out of balance help me now that's the first thing in imbalance anytime I've been really out of balance and I'm lucky enough that someone comes and he's like dude you're out of line here like no you're fucking out of line
Starting point is 01:56:21 and then I realize like oh yeah you're right I'm really out of line thank you I always just respond when people do that on YouTube but uh reduce it to like you know I've got what my technique has been is to go
Starting point is 01:56:37 when I'm being attacked viciously on Instagram by trumpet I will say go on what do you mean by that see how long it goes how much can I get to the right before you move like how many
Starting point is 01:56:53 posts you know I just block them I have no I just block people right away I don't care who they are I'm just like you know what do you expect from me as William Burroughs put it I am not paid to put up with this insanity yeah there's no
Starting point is 01:57:09 and to me that's the other like I want to talk about a modern display of ultimate weakness it's when somebody posts a tweet of like blocked by so and so it's like yeah because you're a dick
Starting point is 01:57:25 like your whole identity is based around being blocked by somebody that's a sad state we've gotten off track here I think in terms of in terms of uh the one thing I did want to point out about money is
Starting point is 01:57:41 well empower in general like think about how you can get power over this material world right and I always say that in uh you know there's a great like I love it when the alt-right obsesses over fucking beta males like oh you're a beta right it's like dude it's like
Starting point is 01:57:57 oh yeah like just like conceptualizing first of all like worrying about your status with other men what the fuck man like come on like that's so fucking lame um but like
Starting point is 01:58:13 the whole alpha beta thing it's just like Jesus Christ but there's a great libertarian concept which is like zeta males like they want or they want absolutely nothing to do with anyone else and so that's where you want to be it's like you don't want to have you don't want other people to have power over you
Starting point is 01:58:29 but you don't also you also don't want to have power over anyone else right like that's how you get free just disconnect it's like all these fucking that's the problem with all these fucking quote unquote liberation movements and oh we need to free people and make things more fair and
Starting point is 01:58:45 all of that like all of that is the fucking will to power it's it's a will to power that must express itself in a in a false way of like oh like you know like oh yeah we want to like get control to make everything more fair and all of this is like no you just want power
Starting point is 01:59:01 right so why don't you just be honest about it right so so you know in order to become free you have to give up your your dominator impulse you have to give up your your need to control other people that includes what they think you know like
Starting point is 01:59:17 you know you can't just be not you can't just give a fuck about what other people think of you like you can't like you you have to disentangle yourself and that means not becoming part of their power webs not becoming part of their hierarchies or trying to get
Starting point is 01:59:33 status in them it's like the great Buddha Marilyn Manson always pointed out yet a line which is like this you know slave never wants to be free slave only wants to be king and that's why you stay controlled well I think that one of the most beautiful things about America
Starting point is 01:59:49 and about Americans is or anybody but one thing that the Americans and when at their best personifying there's often we're not at their not at our best one of the great things about America is that the the pioneer self-sufficient spirit of like
Starting point is 02:00:05 for instance you and I were able to just go like Oregon trail mode and just be like fuck it like you know people used to go to the west coast now we're going east you know but it's like but you can fly you know so it's like you don't have to do that Oregon trail thing of like everyone died of dysentery along the way
Starting point is 02:00:21 so I know what you mean though it's like to me it's a very American thing to just be like you know what I'm gonna pack up and go to just go not stay at a place because you're there like that is freedom to me but the freedom you're talking about is much deeper
Starting point is 02:00:37 go ahead I'm sorry for cutting you off that but but not just you know it's not just a relocate it's to relocate to and create a new life for yourself to do that subjectively to you know what I mean it's like what you're talking about to me is the identical
Starting point is 02:00:53 thing except it's not it's an internal geography it's like when you start realizing that you're wound up in some internal power web or your brain has been invaded by memes of you know what I mean when you like just
Starting point is 02:01:09 to me just simple things like whenever I start noticing the way I am sitting or you know what I mean simple things like that like looking at like how like when I my friend calls it the underdog cringe you know that thing you're carrying
Starting point is 02:01:25 a male yeah but that that that thing where you're like you're still acting like fully from high school is like chasing you down the hall or something and it's like it's long gone
Starting point is 02:01:41 oh that's such a good point that's a really good point I think because well if I was to like first of all it's distinctly summarize what we both been talking about it's like well you know my advice is you know like power right it's like free yourself externally
Starting point is 02:01:57 and free yourself internally and the internal what I offer for internal freedom is all of the spiritual techniques like meditation or it doesn't have to be mine I give tons of great ones but whatever works for you because everyone's different in that regard free your mind internally but also
Starting point is 02:02:13 free yourself externally and that means being self-sufficient and disentangling yourself from power networks by being able to provide for your own needs and those of others but do both as above so below free yourself externally free yourself internally because otherwise
Starting point is 02:02:29 you're going to get caught in the tide of history and that is where no one wants to be right so but I think one-on-one with you through this I never asked you that I regularly do one-on-ones like every couple weeks there's a whole office hour section and there's going to be lots more
Starting point is 02:02:45 we just did a whole conference for like it was like a three-day rave where there were like hundreds of people just all interacting and I wasn't even me I was kind of in and out but it's like so beautiful I was so happy people were able to like people are so sincere you really want to learn and so listen to people
Starting point is 02:03:01 having the same conversations that I had I talk to people who take your class they love it you're apparently a very good teacher thank you well I try to give people the truth but in a you know and and and tell people the things like what I'm saying which is like you know like sort sort
Starting point is 02:03:17 you know be practical you know because because what you were saying about Christianity one of the problems with traditional religion or let me just put it this way not the problems where I think magic whatever that word means whatever practical spirituality where it separates
Starting point is 02:03:33 itself from religion is it's do it yourself it is DIY rather than religion which is oh great savior in the sky please work it out for me yeah well well well that being can it may or may not you know
Starting point is 02:03:49 maybe that's not the right approach you know don't confuse the planes you know you've got a body why don't you do it right so I think that don't confuse the planes that's so cool right it's like well leave the spiritual the spiritual world is the spiritual world the spiritual world interacts with the world of matter by using
Starting point is 02:04:05 tools of matter primarily your being but I think the point that you put about the body is so apt there's another incredible quote in that because the body is the source of liberation Nietzsche said there's more wisdom contained in the body
Starting point is 02:04:21 than any infinite library in books in ancient wisdom and it's totally true and you don't even any yoga teacher will tell you that right this is not like secret shit but dudes who get wrapped up and fucking a cult books always forget this right you got to get back to the body so but your point there's another great
Starting point is 02:04:37 quote in that in 1984 where Orwell says you know it's he when you're in times of totalitarianism and political control it is always experienced through the nexus of the body right it's not well just like everything else in life
Starting point is 02:04:53 you're not experiencing these big movements of political shifts and economic and warfare what you're experiencing is a toothache that you can't treat you're experiencing the feeling of the hunched over that you're talking about because you're afraid you're experiencing that you're cold that you don't have
Starting point is 02:05:09 enough to enough to eat too much your weight gain that's the pandemic a lot of people gain pandemic dude I know you're yeah man it's like you know I've been doing fasting now for like two weeks it's wonderful I mean just
Starting point is 02:05:25 that alone the power of like realizing like you don't have to put food in your mouth all day long every day like in and I the ghost that for I was I thought if I stopped eating I would like it would be way more painful than it was but it's
Starting point is 02:05:41 you just totally stopped 100% fasting yeah I do I do a 24 hour fast once a week and then intermittent fasting here the longest one you've done the longest fast I ever did was a long time ago it's two days no food you know so I went past
Starting point is 02:05:57 the hunger to where you're just not hungry anymore you're like what the fuck where's my hunger and you check this out if you do a four day I love fasting I should be more of it and I should do one now actually now that I'm out of LA to get all that in LA toxins but if you do a four
Starting point is 02:06:13 day fast by the third day your head is very clear by the fourth day you don't have any energy and you can't really move you just have to lay there but on the fourth day of a fast your body enters the scrubbing process
Starting point is 02:06:29 where it starts getting rid of pre-cancerous cells like laying out pre-cancerous cells just start shedding them and then and you feel fucking great absolutely there's a Tim Paris talks about it I mean there's a whole protocol you can do with
Starting point is 02:06:45 MCT oil so you're not so hungry but you basically go into deep ketosis for four days and on the fourth day your body just starts auto-scrubbing itself and you feel like brand new afterwards to me it plays into what you're talking about
Starting point is 02:07:01 which is it's like when you're being controlled by your appetite it's not an external force it's an internal force but still when you realize like wait my gauge was off about when I needed food any like I was wrong
Starting point is 02:07:17 like I don't need as much food as I thought I did obviously but also like there's a sense of real for me there's been a real sense of relief somehow and also an amazing like oh my god this is the opposite of what I thought it would be it's like I feel like I'm going to a steam room
Starting point is 02:07:33 once a week I mean I'm not saying I'm not getting like super hungry or there aren't times that I'm irritable because of carb withdrawal or whatever but it's like still feels great man and anyway I don't know why I got into the fasting thing I think I'm going to start once a night now
Starting point is 02:07:49 I'm like I do it on Sundays anyway Jason I think I think as always I've learned a lot from talking with you and I definitely I think yeah I think you've helped me
Starting point is 02:08:07 like do a kind of analysis of like other things that I'm being controlled by it's really cool it's a wonderful thing at the very least just to understand if you are living in some kind of internal fascist regime or if you've managed to get yourself in the world
Starting point is 02:08:23 I mean god in a weird way how nice would it be to be under the control of some horrific tyrant because at least then you're like well the tyrant makes me do this or they arrest me versus being under the control of a phantasm that lives in your head where there's really no
Starting point is 02:08:39 repercussion at all for you doing what you want to do yeah it's pretty sinister man that's the thing about again I recommend everyone please re-read 1984 but going back to it it seems so naive in retrospect it's like not only it's like
Starting point is 02:08:55 1984 was written about like Cossesco, Romania or something it was like mid 20th century dictatorships things have gotten much more sophisticated since then even William Burroughs pointed out in the 80s like it's so ham-handed like looking at those old
Starting point is 02:09:11 depictions of totalitarianism we're looking at the real totalitarianism during the Cold War or in World War II it's like looking at like an Amiga or something like that it's like looking at a punch card computer versus computers now and it's just so
Starting point is 02:09:27 ham-handed and obvious and William Burroughs said in the 80s or 90s it's like he had this riff no more Stalin's, no more Hitler's it's like that time is over control is not things are not controlled by singular individuals anymore
Starting point is 02:09:43 it's controlled by faceless bureaucracies where blame can be apportioned and shifted at will one of the reasons why America is so successful at domination and killing is that when you have
Starting point is 02:09:59 big bureaucratic big inefficient bureaucracies it's always somebody else's fault it's like the Marines can always say well it was JSOC or whatever
Starting point is 02:10:15 or it was that other branch it wasn't ours it was our CEO or it was the taxpayer or it was like America is huge interlocking efficient mess of bureaucracies
Starting point is 02:10:31 alphabet agencies there's voting the voters can always be blamed it can always be somebody else's fault and I think that in a sense the inefficiency of the apparent inefficiency of the bureaucracy is a feature not a bug
Starting point is 02:10:47 it's never anybody's fault the most fault it ever is people can always say I was just doing my job but it's not like in the Nuremberg trials I'm just doing my job it's obvious where the orders are coming from they're only giving a small piece
Starting point is 02:11:03 they don't understand the context of what they're doing it's more like when you see a dance floor video where those awful videos were like a dance floor collapses and it's like whose fault was it the person who made the dance floor the last person to get into the club that stepped on the dance floor
Starting point is 02:11:19 was the people who went in the club but they saw the floor doesn't seem quite right whose fault was it for me one of the things that you're teaching is that
Starting point is 02:11:35 based on what you're saying if we're looking at this dispersed responsibility blame being the mechanism for evil concealing itself then the revolutionary move is to just take responsibility for your own life
Starting point is 02:11:51 like if we're all pixels in this web of revealing a real evil thing then the first thing to do would be like look stop figure out all the things that you're doing that aren't because you're a victim
Starting point is 02:12:07 you know I'm not saying some people aren't victims there certainly are Jesus God I victimize myself I victimize myself with by forcing myself to work more than I need to being inefficient in the work
Starting point is 02:12:23 that I'm doing we're all victimizers as well just look at your supply chain who created all your electronics nobody's innocent in this world and nobody ever can be and I think that but we need to look at
Starting point is 02:12:39 just look, this is something that Akira Kurosawa said the duty of the artist is to not look away and I think that same with Trunkpa same with Tantra, it's the same with the Crazy Wisdom it's just look
Starting point is 02:12:55 self-observation that observed the terror of the situation and I think that one of the real dangers right now is that we've entered a cultural moment and this isn't just about whatever cancel culture
Starting point is 02:13:11 things like that, it's become like the stock go-to thing for like every dude over like every dude on the far end of their career he's in middle age to be like oh cancel culture it's like okay boring, I got it but it's not like it's not a thing
Starting point is 02:13:27 it's not like it's not an issue but it's not just about that I think that we are in a very dangerous moment because we've entered such, we've entered a phase of history whatever you want to call it where it's vengeful there was no forgiveness
Starting point is 02:13:45 right and there was a rabbi I forget his name, there was a great rabbi in London who gave a talk about this and said where is forgiveness in our culture there's only blame and it is permanent there's no forgiveness, there's no space for forgiveness and it's always even if you look at there's zero overlap
Starting point is 02:14:01 between the Republicans and the Democrats you know, zero you can look at visualizations, they all used to talk to each other now there's not one connector between them and it's always when the Republicans are in office oh it's the Russians and now the Democrats are in office, oh the Chinese did it
Starting point is 02:14:17 it's like give me a break where is the leadership and I think that we've entered like you know, America is a PVP realm now everyone is attacking this is what Christ incarnated people that tell them to fucking knock it off love your brother, love your neighbor
Starting point is 02:14:39 they're yourself, what does that mean it means we're one, like you were saying we are one organism, it's not like they're yourself they are yourself it's your one organism stop attacking each other and people are entering this insane ideological purity on all sides
Starting point is 02:14:55 where they have to, it's not just this is nothing new, everyone's heard this it's cliche at this point, but it's cliche because it's such a cultural issue Jason you sound like a beta I'm just kidding, I'm joking I'm sorry I'm trying to make a joke listen man, I'm telling you
Starting point is 02:15:15 you were presenting a path to, I think like, real revolution and real revolution is not communism or some anarchist revolution or some libertarian revolution or the great awakening or any of that shit
Starting point is 02:15:31 real revolution, it's what if you want to do if you want to really do it, make find peace in your own life create harmony in your house this is it, this is the move settle your affairs, settle your accounts drop the agenda of
Starting point is 02:15:47 constantly being at war with the people around you, if you can at least have the intention of harmony, even if you can't achieve it because of your situation, whatever it may be you know to me that what you're saying is that, but with a real um
Starting point is 02:16:03 renewable quality to it because it's where it would be very easy to think those things and then still be an asshole when you're at your house then you can become an iron rand type, right, so that's not but I like to, let's look at the world I mean, revolution obviously means
Starting point is 02:16:19 the rotation of a wheel, right like the turning of the wheel of the Dharma the turning of the wheel of the seasons or the turning of the wheel of somebody's life so maybe revolution instead of revolution, maturation is a great way to look at it you know, maturation and not
Starting point is 02:16:35 an indicative way, people always say well grow up, well no it's not that, it means maturation is tough it's a hard process and we need human beings need so many inputs to do it you're not just going to get it from spirituality you're going to get it from everything in your life and you get it by stepping up
Starting point is 02:16:51 and choosing to step up and I think not to turn into Jordan Peterson although he makes some great points you know, like he's correct about that but I think that he's correct about a lot of stuff I don't like blaming people oh my god, you just got
Starting point is 02:17:07 your twitter account just got cancelled sorry I don't, but I think that you know Jordan Peterson in a sense falls into the same thing where he finds people to blame but I think that, you know, that aside maturation means
Starting point is 02:17:25 saying nobody else is going to do this for me and have I been wronged? sure have I been victimized? sure I have been personally many times I'm fleeing victimization right now I'm fleeing a situation where the government is constructing it in such a way
Starting point is 02:17:41 that I don't have rights and that I can be harmed and it's my fault which is what California has become but I have the choice to change and that's a hard choice because I've had to leave behind a lot and that's why people don't change because they don't want to leave things behind it always requires sacrifice
Starting point is 02:17:57 and that sucks but it is what it is, that's life and I think that maturation means I think that if I'm to be so bold the key to maturation is to no longer think how can I make my life better
Starting point is 02:18:13 it's how can I make life better for other people it's about shifting from thinking about yourself to others and so that's what was so key for me and not right away but I came to a realization after teaching Magic got me for a couple years
Starting point is 02:18:29 where it's like, you know what this is not about me at all anymore it's not about magic it's not about whatever the fuck the western history stuff that's just a vehicle it's just something that I know how can I actually make people's lives better
Starting point is 02:18:45 we all have that ability and it's not a gondy thing it's just like doing your job it's not a big fucking deal but I think that maturation and becoming and I think this is why I was talking to the Bill of Rights you know what I'm saying, this is in a sense
Starting point is 02:19:01 the vision of the founding fathers of America is that it would be a network of self-sufficient matured adults who were free and self-sufficient but were coming together to build something better out of mutual aid and not in a totally
Starting point is 02:19:17 anarchist sense but in a sense in an anarchist sense so the mutual cooperation and so I think it's quite dangerous you know obviously people it's so easy to slip into the revolutionary quote-unquote mindset of oh if we only get rid of these people
Starting point is 02:19:33 then things will be fine we need to fight this other group of people there's only one output of that in all of world history and it's genocide other than incremental social reform so when taken to extremes so that's not always true
Starting point is 02:19:49 so perhaps I'm being a little bit hyperbolic there so now that I'm thinking about that that's a bit too extreme what I've said but clearly that can be the outcome and I think that and just the presupposition to think I need to fight this person
Starting point is 02:20:07 and attack this person in order to be free presupposes that they have power over you at all it cements their power over you when I think that why not like look I always point this out to people it's like everyone is you know it's like look there's so
Starting point is 02:20:25 because of the internet we have almost infinite realities you can live in and yes you can live in the world of oppression but then again like there's this kid that I met that I love I met this guy at a facebook advertising conference a couple years ago and the kid's like 20 years old and he travels all over the world
Starting point is 02:20:41 and he makes $70,000 a month and you know what he makes $70,000 a month from selling an e-book on how to get arms that look like Goku from Dragon Ball Z on bodybuilders instagrams that's crazy
Starting point is 02:20:57 you could have that experience too and he flies all over the world on his laptop it's a good reminder that you can do that in this reality listen Jason thank you so much
Starting point is 02:21:13 I'm so lucky that we're friends and do I do you do is there still an offer code my listeners can use if they want to sign it well let's see offer code and shit tell you what so magic.me
Starting point is 02:21:31 the newest course is this the newest course is the Alchemy of Chaos and it is the ultimate course to retake 2020 and that means basically doing everything that we've just been talking about how to rewire your nervous system
Starting point is 02:21:47 so it's essentially free and indestructible how to which and just like actual information on how to get wealth, money and power particularly by using technology it uses the shocker system it's how to become indestructible so 2020 can't phase you it's the Alchemy of Chaos
Starting point is 02:22:03 it's at magic.me and I'll put a 20% coupon which I will make as Dunkin' 20 can I come up with an offer code? sure China forever with the number? okay so the offer code will be China forever
Starting point is 02:22:19 you know what you don't get 2020 no one's gonna remember that it's gonna fuck things up I'll do both of them but hey I mean my podcast is starting to go again so I mean my courses are my courses cost some money and not everyone has it worth it
Starting point is 02:22:35 but I've got tons of different stuff there's cheaper stuff there's free meditations and stuff like that at magic.me but also just subscribe to my podcast is just look up Jason Luv on iTunes it's ultra-culture with Jason Luv we're putting out a ton of free content I've actually released free
Starting point is 02:22:51 I released a free segment from that course the Alchemy of Chaos I bundled together a bunch of the economic information so you can kind of try all run it by listening to that podcast so yeah quick everybody if you're skeptical or whatever I've been to Jason's place
Starting point is 02:23:07 he's the real deal he's got like I'm not gonna say I've just seen the so I don't know the web actually of your business but I remember realizing how I just it was one of the moments I was like I love this guy when you're explaining some of what
Starting point is 02:23:25 you're doing it's really smart and it's really cool and really you should I don't know I'm babbling take his class trust me you're not just blowing smoke all right Jason I gotta go thanks so much work on some music together
Starting point is 02:23:41 that'd be super cool yeah we gotta figure out how to do the zero latency Ableton thing but we'll figure that out fly thank you so much Jason Hade Krishna thank you that was Jason Luv everybody don't forget to sign up for his class the Alchemy of Chaos
Starting point is 02:23:57 use coupon code Duncan 20 also thank you to fight camp for sponsoring this episode of the DTFH and much thanks to you for continuing to listen we'll see you next week until then Hade Krishna with one of the best savings rates in America
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