Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 482: Mehcad Brooks

Episode Date: December 18, 2021

Mehcad Brooks, superhero in movies and in real life, re-joins the DTFH! You can follow Mehcad on Instagram or check him out as Jax in Mortal Kombat! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. Thi...s episode is brought to you by: Amazon Music - Visit amazon.com/Trussell and get your first 3 months of Amazon Music FREE! Feals - Visit feals.com/duncan and get 50% off and FREE shipping on your first order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are family. A good time starts with a great wardrobe. Next stop, JCPenney. Family get-togethers to fancy occasions, wedding season two. We do it all in style. Dresses, suiting, and plenty of color to play with. Get fixed up with brands like Liz Claiborne, Worthington, Stafford, and Jay Farrar.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Oh, and thereabouts for kids. Super cute and extra affordable. Check out the latest in-store, and we're never short on options at jcp.com. All dressed up everywhere to go. JCPenney. Greetings, friends. It's me, Trussell, and you're listening to the DTFH.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Thank you for tuning in. Welcome. This is your first time listening, and your encounter with my voice is you're kind of like, oh, I don't know. I don't like this voice. Give it a second. Wrapped up in my voice is an actual acoustic healing tone
Starting point is 00:00:52 that has been placed there by audio engineers from NASA. It's a healing tone. It is, right now, healing. Your shocker is expanding your third eye, and invigorating your brown eye, it is making you whole. But seriously, thank you for listening to this podcast. I've been thinking a lot lately. We talk about it a little bit in this episode with Makad
Starting point is 00:01:14 Brooks. I've been thinking a lot about data diets, the kind of information that I've been letting myself take in, and the sort of progressive disintegration of that information, the weird quality of gaining a kind of tolerance to bad news that reminds me completely of other chemicals that I've been addicted to.
Starting point is 00:01:38 You know what I mean? It's like, OK, sure, great. Maybe you found some horrible story about Toddler finding his dad's gun and killing his dad, or maybe you found some beautiful article about the impending disintegration of the planet's climate, or maybe you found some kind of deep dive into the possibility of World War
Starting point is 00:02:05 III breaking out because of something happening on the global stage. But that's just not quite enough. It's kind of the same thing that can happen with porn. If you're somebody out there who likes to watch porn, it's like, you'll get into a porn spiral. You know what I'm talking about? The foot job videos, they're not doing it for you anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Now there needs to be four feet, 10 feet, 30 feet. The next thing you know, you're watching an animated porn clip of a centipede giving a foot job to Darth Vader. And then whoever you happen to be following on Twitter or Instagram, they impact you in some way that you might not even notice. Just little droplets of their life always flowing into your feet.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's not like they're necessarily bad or anything like that. It's just they're seniorly obsessed with maybe some political tribalism or some aspect of the news or an incessant exposure of something that they think people need to hear about that has a kind of insanely dramatic horseman of the apocalypse blowing a horn made out of devil skulls' tone to it, if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's sort of like super emphatic, frightening, freaked out way of saying things on their social media that can gradually start affecting you. And you don't realize it's affecting you until you find yourself suddenly regurgitating it to someone who doesn't watch the news. When you're like, hey, did you hear what happened in New York? And they're like, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And you realize you were about to tell them the most horrific thing that you picked up on whatever fucking news feed you were on? I only bring it up because in this podcast you're about to listen to, MacCod Brooks talks about what it's like to have a parasite and it just got me thinking about all the memetic parasites that I probably have crawling around inside of me.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And they're there not because someone poisoned my well. They're there because I, from time to time, like to take big, deep sips of some of the most horrifying information that you can find out there. And you don't have to go on the fucking dark web for that. You just turn on the news and there it is. These charismatic data sorcerers just offering you bubbling bowls
Starting point is 00:04:29 of memetic parasite-ridden information. All kinds of crazy shit in there that's designed to sort of grow inside of you and come flying out of your mouth when you find yourself lacking things to say. Did you hear about that guy you got his dick chopped off by the guy wearing the headband made of dismembered dicks? Why would you pass that information on to anybody?
Starting point is 00:04:55 I mean, it doesn't really help anyone. I mean, the only reason you should be talking about a guy chopping off dicks, wearing a headband of dicks, is if you were talking to the cops or if you just encountered that person in your neighborhood. There's no reason to continue to spread that, but it's kind of amazing.
Starting point is 00:05:11 To hear the story, it's kind of interesting. You wanna know more. That's where Dateline or Forensic Files kicks in. I mean, look at Keith Morrison. Does he look okay? He's awesome, by the way. I'd love to have him on the show, but Jesus Christ. That guy, it's like somebody who visits
Starting point is 00:05:28 metaphysical, radioactive wastelands, like environmental disaster sites, places where the worst fucking thing has happened and he just soaks in all that energy and you kind of see it in him. It's like he's almost transparent or something. He's been essentially evaporated, but I have the same reaction to Keith Morrison's voice
Starting point is 00:05:51 from Dateline that might get to have to the Coco Mellon theme song. Anyway, I'm not gonna keep going on and on here. I just wanna say thank you for trusting me enough to listen to my beautiful, powerful, deep voice. And hopefully from this podcast, you will not get some kind of memetic parasite, but a little bit of joy, because it is the holidays.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I love you guys. We're gonna jump into this awesome podcast with McCod Brooks, but first this. I wanna thank Amazon Music for supporting this episode of the DTFH. This might seem like a completely obvious thing to say, but there was a time in human history when people didn't have electricity.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You wanted to have light in your house. You had to find some kind of flame or wait for the sun to come up or you were screwed. This is why people had chamber pots. They had not just because they didn't have a toilet, because what are you gonna do, go wandering in the complete utter abysmal, lovecraftian darkness in your pre-technological home
Starting point is 00:06:49 to use the bathroom, you would probably fall. And if you got a cutback, then there was like a 30% chance you would die of an infection. I only mentioned this during this Amazon commercial because sometimes I feel like somebody who lived before electricity, only in my case, it wasn't electricity. It was whatever insane technology Amazon uses with their Alexa, where I could be standing in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:07:13 making grits for my child and say, hey, Alexa, play music by John Prine. If you have an Alexa nearby, it's probably playing John Prine right now. Maybe you've been tied up by your dominatrix. And what are you gonna do? Ask your dominatrix to go put on a different song. Are you insane?
Starting point is 00:07:30 No, you can just push the ball gag out of your mouth and say, hey, Alexa, play music by coil. All this is possible thanks to Amazon Music. And they don't just have all the music you could ever want. They also have more than 10 million free podcast episodes to listen to, like the awesome true crime podcast, Dr. Death, Miracle Man. It's available two weeks early on Amazon Music.
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Starting point is 00:08:23 For a limited time, new customers can try Amazon Music Unlimited free for three months. No credit card required. Just go to amazon.com slash trussell. That's T-R-U-S-S-E-L-L. That's amazon.com slash trussell to try Amazon Music Unlimited free for three months. Amazon.com slash trussell
Starting point is 00:08:46 or news automatically cancel anytime terms apply. Thank you, Amazon Music. And we're back, friends. I'm going to be doing live shows in Austin the weekend of January 8th. And I'm gonna be in Nashville the weekend after. Valentine's Day at Zany's. All the links you need to find those
Starting point is 00:09:08 are gonna be at duckatrussell.com or just Google. I'm sure it'll pop up. And please subscribe to the Patreon over at patreon.com Ford slash D-T-F-H. And now, everybody, back on the D-T-F-H is somebody who plays a superhero in the movies, Jack's Briggs and the Mortal Kombat movies and who you definitely have seen
Starting point is 00:09:32 on any of the number of shows that he's appeared on. But he was a superhero in real life. He is a beautiful soul. And anytime I have these conversations with him, it permanently changes me for the better. And this is one of those conversations. So everybody, please welcome back to the D-T-F-H, McCodbrooks.
Starting point is 00:09:54 ["Welcome Back To The D-T-F-H"] ["Welcome Back To The D-T-F-H"] It's the Duckatrussell video. Duckatrussell, Duckatrussell, Duckatrussell, Duckatrussell. McCod, welcome back to the D-T-F-H. Thank you so much for doing this. Thanks for having me, brother. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's great. Man, it was so fun hanging out with you in Vegas. It was. We had such a great time. Yeah. And we got to do that more, maybe more often. Are you kidding? It was so cool hanging out with you in Aubrey
Starting point is 00:10:38 and listening to you all talk about your many experiences with ayahuasca. And I was wondering, can we just talk about that a little bit? Are you comfortable talking about that? Absolutely. Absolutely. OK, so first of all, how did you meet Aubrey Marcus? Funny enough, we met in high school because we grew up
Starting point is 00:11:02 in the same city. So we met in high school playing basketball against each other. So we knew of each other. I knew who he was. He knew who I was. But we didn't actually become friends until about 2010. And I met him at a friend of mine. I was shooting a television series in Austin.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And a friend of mine, an acquaintance of mine, I should say, took me over to his house. And she's like, OK, let me just preface this by saying where I'm taking you. This guy's awesome, but he's fucking weird. I was like, I love weird. Let's go. And so we get there.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And it's a Christmas party. And he's dressed like some sort of, if I recall correctly, I think he's dressed like the Grinch. And there's a bunch of other people dressed like reindeer and elves. And it was going off. It was crazy. I was like, OK, these are my kind of people.
Starting point is 00:11:56 This is kind of interesting. Yeah, that's cool. Right. And so at what point was this? Had you already experienced ayahuasca at that point? Or was it? No. OK.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah, May 20, 2012 was my first journey. And you remember the date. That says a lot. Can't forget that, bro. You can't forget that. It's your birthday. You cannot forget the moment in which you passed to that portal. You just can't forget that date.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And it was this. Did Aubrey introduce you to the shaman and everything? Or was this? No. So I had those near-death experiences. I had the coma. I had all these situations that actually happened on May 20. Which, by the way, y'all, please go back.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Listen to the last episode. It's the most incredible story. I think about that story from time to time, just like I sort of contemplate pieces of the story and like how, I don't know how to put it, how logical it seemed as a sort of metaphysics behind death, you know? Yeah, I mean, I guess so. I think there's a lot of logic to it all.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I think that there's a divine orchestration to it all. And I'm happy that I was able to sort of bring my mind with me in that situation and bring back the story. But yeah, if you guys haven't heard that, please listen to it. I mean, I should go back and listen to it, frankly. No, I actually got introduced to ayahuasca because I was trying to heal the remnants of the parasite that was left to my body because it's an antiparasitic medication.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So a parasite is a tropical disease. So you have to use tropical medicine, you know, indigenous medicine to get rid of indigenous ailments. Yes. And I would have had to take years and years and years of pills and treatments to get rid of all the parasites or just let them flush out of the body, you know, sort of naturally through cleanses.
Starting point is 00:14:05 But that would have taken years. And somebody who cared about me deeply was like, you know, man, you got to try this. You got to try this. It gets rid of parasites. It does this. It does this. So he told me all these physiological things.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I didn't know that it was spiritual as well. And so it was kind of a Trojan horse for me in that I was willing to try anything that would heal my body at that point and sort of help me reclaim my wellness. Right. Right. And like just the psychological element of reclaiming your wellness is big.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It's what we call the placebo effect. But it's really you. It's really you sort of taking control of the fact that your body consciousness is one thing. And so that's what I was doing. And then I saw myself and I saw, you know, a glimpse of God and I saw some past lives and I saw some beings. I had incarnated as before.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And I was like, whoa, this is not just for the parasite I see. Yeah. Right. So it's been it's been a journey. It's been a journey. Do you think that the parasite that parasites, maybe they function on more than just the physical level too? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So you're encountering them at different levels. When you shift your consciousness, you sort of experience like the energy body of the parasite or something like that. So I mean, I think you and I briefly discussed this in Vegas like like COVID. We both had COVID. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And I had it back in the day when people were actually calling it Wuhan, right? It was January 2020. There's nothing. There was nothing, you know, xenophobic about that. That's just what it was called. Right. So and we didn't know you couldn't really test for it.
Starting point is 00:15:56 But I knew later when people were talking about the symptoms and how sick you got and describing it, I was like, oh, that's what I had. Right. And we both agreed that it felt sentient. Yes. It was like scanning the body and like going like, oh, what do we have here?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yeah. You know, it had his own little consciousness and like, you are aware of the consciousness and you are aware. It's affecting you in a physical plane, but it's also affecting you in an energetic plane and a spiritual plane in some ways, right? Yes. Or maybe everything but spirit, right?
Starting point is 00:16:27 And I certainly believe that these things have consciousness as well. And I think that a parasite's consciousness is just, it's a low vibrational sort of frequency. And, you know, it can, it can, yeah, you can drink the wrong water. You can eat the wrong food. But I think that it's able to where I was in my life. I was vibrating much lower, right? And I think that it had such an effect on me because of that.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And then I think ayahuasca, you know, resets that rhythm for you. It allows you to see that you can have a different frequency. It allows you to see that you can have a different rhythm. You can vibrate differently. And I think that it's harder for things that are vibrating on that low frequency to glom onto you in the quantum, right? Right. Once you're aware.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yeah. I think, I think it heals you in several different ways, you know, like physically, metaphysically, rhythmically, if that's a thing, right? And I think it also like sort of places you out of the danger zone of certain things, right? Energetically. Wow. Like a kind of protection, field of protection or something.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I wouldn't even say that. I would say it's more like, like Donkey Kong where like there's certain, there's barrels on certain levels. And you're like, I'm above that level. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And I see the barrels, but they're like, they're not,
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm not even on the same rhythm as the barrel. No, I, no, I got you. It's like, you know, there's this, this types of seed that are designed to get stuck in the fur of animals. Right. And if you're living a certain way, then metaphysically, you're going to get stuck in a lot of shit that you're not going to get stuck in. If you have raised your frequency a little bit, you know, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:27 like you're not going to get as jealous. You're not going to get as like player hater. You're not going to like, you know, do that thing. I'm whenever I'm doing it, I know I'm fucked up. Like you're monitoring other people. And if they're doing great, you're feeling bad. If they're doing bad, you're feeling better. And that's, you're like, oh, fuck, I'm like sick right now.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That's, that's not the vibration you are. No, no, it is not. Now this idea of like, do you know where you got the parasite from? Africa. But just drinking water. The best bet that we can come up with is that I was shooting a movie in Morocco and then, you know, obviously, like we're in Marrakesh where, you know, that's a pretty big city.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And obviously, you don't, you don't drink the water. I never drank the water. But what they don't tell you is you can't brush your teeth with the water. You can't shower. You can't put your face in the shower. Like eyes, nose, ears, nothing, right? Also, like if you got a cut in the body like this, you know, there's certain parasites that can, they'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:19:34 You know, they're billions of years old. They'll figure the shit out. And so, you know, you have to sort of be very careful if you're coming into a country that I want to say, you know, particularly for me, like, you know, I was, I was, I was in a great place in my life, but I was also vibrating fairly low. Like I was looking at people and going, oh, they're doing better than me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Fuck that person. Or they're doing worse than me. Hell yeah. You know, I was, I was, I was kind of in that space. I was 27 or whatever the case is, like, you know, you're an asshole at 27. Yeah. And you don't know it. And, you know, I was, I was, I was estranged from my sister who was,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I met her one time when she was a baby. I hadn't seen her in, geez, maybe 20 some odd years, but I wouldn't found, I wouldn't found her like a, like a private investigator in Germany by myself. What? Right after that. Yeah. And before Facebook, before all that shit. And I was probably 26.
Starting point is 00:20:33 This is after you shot the movie. After you were in Africa, you went to find your sister. Yeah. I'm skipping ahead a little bit. I guess what I'm saying was like, I was searching for so many things in life at that point. Yeah. Like my own identity, my family, just so, so many things about who I was,
Starting point is 00:20:54 were unfulfilled. And I was searching. I was in this, this rhythm and this vibration and this frequency of searching. And, you know, those who are, those who are searching are not always lost, but I was lost. Right. You both can be true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And so I was, I was susceptible to certain energetic parasites, you know, including people and relationships and situations and also actual parasites. Yeah. And so, you know, I did the hippie thing and went up to a sweater. This place is placed in Northern Morocco, which is full of X pads. It's beautiful. It's on the coastline. It's got all these Venetian castles.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It looks like Othello should be walking around. It's crazy. It's beautiful. If you ever have a chance to go, go. Just don't go to the spa. So I went to the spa. Yeah. And we did like a, you know, this whole, you know, like Sultan bath thing.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And I was like, yeah, I was Sultan in my head. It was great. And then, but I got deathly ill like a couple of weeks later while I was in Germany. And I was like, what the fuck is this? I thought maybe it was like I had bad schnitzel. And turned out like, you know, it was, it was years of gastrointestinal issues, years of sickness. And I was like, what's, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:22:15 I want to go to these Western doctors and, you know, they give me some vitamin and they give me some stomach stuff and like it never really, it never got to the root of the issue. Right. Western medicine is always like, oh, what are your symptoms? Let's get rid of those and see how you feel. Yeah. And two and a half years later, I was in the fucking hospital. And most people who have this amoebic antimicrobial parasite, which is a fancy way of saying the
Starting point is 00:22:40 worst roommate ever. Yeah. They die in six months if they don't get treated. Because it seems like basically like taking shit inside your body, right? That's, that's what's happening. It's just. But worse because the shit's turning the babies and the babies, like it's, it's basically building, it's trying to, it's, it's, its purpose is it's trying to build a colony of
Starting point is 00:23:02 parasites inside of you. So it's trying to use you as a subdivision more or less. Wow. And then, and then it gentrifies your body into, into a way that it is susceptible for it to create more of itself. And then it takes over organ. It moves from organ to organ. And normally within six months, it can go from the stomach to the liver to the kidney
Starting point is 00:23:27 up to the heart. And it goes in the heart. You're fucked. You're done. You're fucked. Somehow after two and a half years, my shit was just on the liver. Like, and they were like, that's impossible. There's no fucking way that, you know, like your liver is fucked.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Like you have a hole in it. You have an abscess. Right. Oh my God. But the good news is the liver is the one thing in the body that can heal itself. Thank God. Thank God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 You know, I'm now, I'm drinking, I'm drinking Japanese whiskey again. It's all good. Yes. So you're, okay, your liver is healed up since. It's all, it's all good. Yeah, we can go to Vegas for good. This episode of the DTFH has been brought to you by feels CBD CBD is incredible. When I was younger, I would have to smuggle this stuff on tour with me because I was using
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Starting point is 00:26:17 This is making me think and I you know of and I want to get get to the Iowa's department. This is making me think of something. My wife and I we started watching sarcastically watching Fox News. Right. So you sarcastically hate watching. I've done it. Yeah. I get it.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay. So we start doing that and then we start realizing we're like sarcastically watching this shit every day. And you know what I mean like and then it's like we're like are we sarcastically watching this anymore like are we just not watching fucking Fox News. You know what I mean. And then like suddenly we we started freaking out because we realized like it's it's getting in us like worse.
Starting point is 00:27:02 We're starting to talk. We're starting to kind of agree with some of the shit they're saying so we stop watching and since I turned that shit off my happiness level has increased by like 20 20 percent or something like that. So it makes me think of that because I wonder if right now we are at a place where we just aren't advanced enough to recognize that things can be parasitic that don't have a body that you can look at under a microscope that energy forms can exist or that or maybe another way to put it would be that these pools of data these reservoirs of data they can be like
Starting point is 00:27:45 bad water and that and within swimming around inside of Fox News is for lack of a better word all these memetic parasitic things that just that literally are doing the thing you were saying that that parasite is doing inside your body literally encouraging colonization gentrification like sort of like and only just trying to propagate itself with no I mean that's kind of the creepiest thing about the it is it's so singular in its motivation. It's you know as far as we're obviously it's efficient. It's efficient. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah. It's efficient. We're almost robotic or something like that. And do you ever think about that like you know if we're just not we don't understand some people understand it but we have yet to realize that many of us are crawling with fucking parasites. It's just they're not organisms. They're ideas.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You know. Yeah. And that's that's brilliantly put like I mean like a pair of parasitic energy is a parasitic energy. Yeah. And that so like if you look at how our ancestors looked at parasites or pathogens they looked at them as evil spirits. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's shit you couldn't see that was somewhere in the ether or somewhere in the molecular structure of something that you could intake into the body and it would make you sick and grow in you. And until you succumb to what what the what the efficiency of that bad idea or that evil spirit was. Right. So in that yeah I mean it's it's the delivery in Fox News it's the the fact that they're sort of you know to borrow a phrase from from a hate book.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I mean sorry Facebook they are playing on that hate algorithm right yeah they're taking your anger and and they're expanding upon your anger and using it as soil right. And so there's something kind of interesting about the fact that like yeah diet is everything that you take in yeah it's the music you listen to it's what you watch it's who you talk to on a regular basis it's what you're listening to what podcast are you consuming what are you consuming what are you putting into the body whether it's you know a substance or a frequency. And so yeah you can listen I think most of America needs a parasite cleanse yeah you
Starting point is 00:30:21 know like if like I used to watch my television turned into a Donald Trump machine for about five years. Right. You know what I mean right and and as much as I hated the fact that my television turned into a Donald Trump machine I could not look away right. I wanted to see what this motherfucker had to say every day I said yeah what is what crazy shit is he gonna sensational crazy ridiculous shit is he gonna say today even if it was offensive or whatever the case was I was glued.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And I found myself sort of going well he's making sense on that one wait what yes that's right yeah hold on hold on hold on right and I think it's repetition right yeah and I think if you keep drinking dirty water you keep drinking bad water you keep listening to aggressive violent music there's something inside the body that goes or your body consciousness that goes well how do I how do I digest this you start to figure out how to digest you know junk food and cheeseburgers out of the dumpster if you keep eating them eventually you're gonna find some tasty garbage holy shit you're right you know no yeah I just read this thing about how certain you know bugs or some kind of microorganism was figuring
Starting point is 00:31:46 out how to eat plastic like it's like so okay so yeah it's like so you're gonna start mutating to adapt to the the data stream you you and I and that is subtle that shift is very very and subtle insidious you don't even like we're like ah let's watch let's watch Fox News let's listen to these fucking fascist assholes go on and on and then very slowly you're shifting a little bit and yeah wow that's a really cool crazy spooky idea that you're you're mutating to digest it and also if you look at how human beings interface with with each other right we we are call and response creatures right so if someone is speaking to you in an angry way yeah it stokes the anger in you and then the then you're trying to find something
Starting point is 00:32:44 that you can call and respond to it so even if they're saying something ridiculous and that you don't believe it it's the anger in you know blah blah blah's voice I don't want to get I don't want to give me the letters here it's the anger and blah blah blah's voice yeah that makes you go well I can I can I'm angry yeah there's parts of me that are angry and I can connect with that even if I disagree with you there's someone out here expressing anger and I'm happy somebody's expressing right I'm happy somebody's expressing some of the fears that I may have and there's even a tone of voice or the delivery and how they're doing it which eventually can indoctrinate you into their ideas right and be just because
Starting point is 00:33:27 that they found something that the parasite found something to to glam on wow and like that's that's what we got to be careful of it's like like for me so for me diet is everything that you consume so I find myself playing like you like so at the end of the year when Spotify shows you how many like you know what's your favorite songs are and so forth minor all my top ten are always so fed your frequencies you know yeah like I just play them in the house all day if I'm working or I'm doing something or I'm like it's playing right now wow it's like a low frequency of just peace and serenity and then if I wanted to get involved in the craziness of the world I hop on YouTube or you know turn on the news or but then I
Starting point is 00:34:15 find myself instantaneously within five or ten minutes changing my mood changes my my my pulse rises like it's everything changes the physiological reaction to the to the anger algorithm that they're they're using to keep you engaged and their delivery system is part of that anger algorithm right yeah and it what do you think is the is do you think there's other than like just selling phones or prescription medication in between the hypnotic angry wizards batting their bile in your living room do you think there's any other motive that you know do you think there's something like look you know I'm gonna say I know I can talk with you like this but I feel like it's a way that demonic entities are trying to keep the planet in some
Starting point is 00:35:11 kind of you know for like destructive cycle and and that you know it's like the you know you see these certain parasites they they want you to have diarrhea because they want it they want it you want you they want you to shit all their eggs out and they don't want you to do it in the fucking toilet they want it like on the ground they want it they want a mess you know what I mean and so it's like this this never-ending sort of flow of energy that's making people have these kinds of bouts of explosive not actual diarrhea energetic diarrhea yeah energetic diarrhea because it's because you know it's contagious you'll get a phone call from someone being like did you hear what blah blah blah did or whatever and then you know and then it continues its existence do you
Starting point is 00:36:03 ever play around with the idea that that is actually what's happening and that the energy source is the human attention span that the the medium it's existing within is human sentient attention the moment enough of us turn our attention away from it it will perish it will collapse it will the world will will move on past it which is why the more we start waking up to this idea don't watch that shit don't this is food to don't eat bad food the more extreme it seems to become the more it seems to double down on itself to become the world becomes that much more dangerous so the more we turn away the more it tries to grab us and with with increasingly terrifying stories of how rotten the planet is and how awful you know some group of humans is
Starting point is 00:36:54 living on the planet yeah I mean you don't even have to go you know and into the esoteric of it right you can you can really just say plainly put I'm sure you've met plenty of people in your life who had parasite parasitic energy yes so where my wife has a saying where attention where attention goes energy flows right right so the human attention span the the our focused intention and attention is our power right if your intention and attention is put on to your inner growth and your spiritual growth and your wellness and your your financial and energetic and spiritual aggrandizement that's what's going that's what's going the energy's gonna flow there and you're gonna see results if your attention is going to the anger algorithm that's what's
Starting point is 00:38:02 gonna that's what's gonna grow so I don't even think it's that that complicated are you hidden I think that yeah listen you know we talked about this too last time I think but you know we have we have pulses of consciousness and last pulse of consciousness we had was the was the printing press and the printing press the printing press was was a was a new technology a new delivery system in the 1500s and we use old software or old consciousness and we inputted it into a new delivery system and then what happened we whatever that dark force was that was contained in an area geographically and within the minds of a few it got spread out in that delivery system and so whatever that was I think people like you people like me people like Aubrey
Starting point is 00:38:49 like the several people like that Joe Rogan we want our fucking planet back from whatever that was right let's not give it a name I don't know it's dark we know that it's it's it's it's it's going off of the East Indian is that what they're called the well the the the the the the Dutch West Indian company the Dutch East Indian company but but but not just that not just the company the consciousness behind the company whatever that was okay whatever that was we have the ability to look at that and go nah nah fam it's not going to happen for another 500 years like we have we have a second opportunity our new printing press is social media so the printing press was the first time that you were able to to take the esoteric knowledge
Starting point is 00:39:37 that was kept in these extremely you know insular circles and you know maybe 20 scribes knew the information kept the wisdom and then divvied it out to to monarchs and people that that it made sense for their for their own purposes and then sometimes the the peasants got the got the idea right if it if it helped if it helped the the political process and that was the first so the the printing press was the first time you could actually tell the truth or lie to 5000 people right at once well that was the bit that was the beginning of widespread and industrialized disinformation right fake news started there that at that point yes so now we have an opportunity again to use a new delivery system a new technology but we this time we have to understand where we
Starting point is 00:40:29 are in this inflection point in human history and infiltrate that delivery system with a new set of consciousness new ideas of connectivity and not the hate algorithm but like and not the parasitic sort of energy but but what's what's the opposite the compassion energy that the giving energy that the the gnostic understanding of other people's experiences something bad happens in Iran five minutes ago you and I can find out in 30 minutes right okay wow what are we gonna do with that right you know what are we gonna do with that so to answer your question yeah of course these motherfuckers know they they know and who are they I don't know but they know that they can deliver they can use technology as a delivery system for whatever the consciousness
Starting point is 00:41:14 they want to put through it right and we've been operating on a very low level of consciousness a zero sum game trying to trying to and successfully industrializing commerce and capitalism to a point of where avarice has run amok I listen I'm a capitalist I love it I got capitalism has been great to me it's the intention behind capitalism it's the problem right it's not the system it's can I can I incentivize you financially to be kind right now we reward people for being pieces of shit that's right we reward people for being narcissists we reward Americans for engaging in this collective narcissistic personality disorder that I think we have as a country right and proven by the fact that we elected somebody who who exhibits those traits right uh several
Starting point is 00:42:08 people who exhibit those traits yeah and and I think that it's up to people with I'm not gonna say like oh it's up to people with platforms I'm just saying it's up to all of us to understand the inflection point in which we're in that never in human history the last 285 thousand fucking years have we been able to talk to 10 000 people at once or 20 000 people at once never never happened it's never happened and what do we do we try to sell each other a fucking self-tenor and shoes and sex toys and fucking hate and all and then we're like whoa man hold on you got the average person who who who you know picks up on a frequency at a certain space time can maybe reach 20 000 30 000 40 000 people and what are you doing like you're selling butt plugs
Starting point is 00:43:01 chill okay okay what's wrong with butt plugs people are selling a lot of other worse things than butt plugs I don't know why that was the first we don't need to come down on the butt plug industry and people are selling assault rifles you know what fair point absolutely a fair point I was looking at it I was looking at a statue that reminded me about plug right before we talked so you are it's probably it's a very common shape in nature it's a very common shape in nature you know if you have a big enough ass you can make anything a butt plug I guess nice hey nice butt plug that's the stool get the fuck out of here man I love that we have transitioned from
Starting point is 00:43:55 the power of of technology in like magnifying various energetic states to you know if your ass is big enough anything's a butt plug which is which is true you know and that's a very positive way of looking at things like like what would the butt plug for Shrek be like it would be like a fucking mini cooper whatever the fuck Shrek wanted it to be or the butt plug for King Kong or Godzilla any of these things I mean that would be almost a little more horrifying if the thing instead of like wrecking buildings was just trying to put them in its ass that's a much more horrifying kind of monster like oh my god it's disgusting what's it saying about me or that I'd watch that I would watch that twice I would yeah I would watch that I would watch that over and I would turn that I would
Starting point is 00:44:45 hope that would be like the next squid game or something look you know you're that what you told me in the last podcast it freaked me out and and I I we I think we exchanged some texts about the the East Indian Trading Company because the shit you were telling that if all the things that I've talked about in the podcast that has been one of the more chilling things that I've ever heard I wonder if you could like maybe summarize it for folks who maybe missed the first episode sure sure sure sure sure and I've done a lot of research on it since then brother so like I know more now it's pretty crazy I'm writing a television series that takes place in 1690 in New Amsterdam it's kind of a Western and so and what I've discovered about the origins of this country
Starting point is 00:45:31 and how they and like that kind of that kind of started with a text exchange that we had after where you were telling me about like the similarities in the flag of the Dutch the Dutch West Indian Company and the American flag so I started doing some research on that shit and it's crazy so like so here's the backstory so I'm probably gonna fuck some of these dates up but you know fact check me I'll do do do what you gotta do guys so there was a couple companies called the Dutch West Indian Company Dutch East Indian Company they were in in Holland and I think I'm gonna I'm probably gonna butcher this but I want to say late 1500s early 1600s when they opened the doors they did very well so well in fact that they were the companies that created the international stock market
Starting point is 00:46:24 right right the stock exchange right so this was the first public these were the first publicly traded companies and what were they trading they were trading spices and sugars and silks and humans African things African things is what they were trading and so the average person who was kidnapped from Africa was about 15 years old right and so what you have was a child sex forced labor ring child sex forced labor trafficking ring that people were engaging in for a good decade or a little longer and then you had a bunch of the privateers the pirates the soldiers the whatever you want to call them the sailors from these boats these slaver boats that were jumping ship and committing awful crimes in the streets of of Amsterdam committing suicide home invasions
Starting point is 00:47:20 whatever like it was it was shell shock they were they had PTSD severe PTSD centuries centuries before it was labeled because of what they were doing in Africa yeah maybe they couldn't get around it um and so this obviously did really you know this was not good for the company it was not good for the bottom line not good for the shareholders so the company closed this store and got a hold of a printing press right and what they did was they they gathered groups of academics and doctors and philosophers and they created a narrative about the prevailing wisdom of race at the time was that Africa was was satan's last stronghold on the planet and that we weren't kidnapping these people well actually what we're doing is we're removing them from a circumstance in which
Starting point is 00:48:06 they're they are insured eternal damnation so now what we're doing is we're taking them from the from the dark jungles of Africa where satan can get a grip on them and the younger the better right because I mean like we should save the children and and and well but they're they're they're they're too demonic to bring here to Europe so we've got to put them in the new world and so like let's give them purpose let's give them Jesus let's give them all these different things and some and something to do with their hands in life right because they're not smart enough to actually you know to be a philosopher or statesman or a lawyer or a barrister we have like you know they're meant for manual labor and they're they're they're barely human and these are doctors
Starting point is 00:48:45 these are the academics who are creating the prevailing wisdom of the time in in northwest Europe and they put out a pamphlet I always spoke up the name of the pamphlet but I think in French it's afric the abalique which is like the you know the diabolical Africans or something like that and it talks about how they're subhuman and lazy and all of the all of the all of the pre-judicial you know sort of doctrine that we have now about black people throughout the world was more or less created in this think tank to try to make you know 16th century pirates feel better about what the fuck they were doing and shareholders feel better about what they're doing right so yeah then then these became intersubjective myths and if you were the average
Starting point is 00:49:39 Dutch person or the average German or the average English person at the time and you didn't know this then you were stupid or you were some you were some sort of oh you're you're a dreamer of these aren't these aren't people like come on right this the same way the same way we know there's no life in outer space right we just know there's no right right right right right oh yeah I see it right I got you I've never I've never met a brilliant African you've never met an African there was there was a university in Simbuktu that you guys that that that the kings in Europe would send there when sending their children to first century so like this is not you know this is this was a lie and we know this was the the spreading of fake news
Starting point is 00:50:24 from a private company who was in jeopardy of losing their stockholders and so what they did was they created this myth that people started to buy into and spread and with this myth they reopened their doors and people didn't feel so bad about investing in a company that was kidnapping people and taking them to the new world quote and you know force forcing centuries to labor upon them because of these indoctrinated myths and you know it was the beginning of the industrialization of of commerce and the industrialization of capitalism and so it's not only did it the transatlantic slave trade build the new world but it also was the building blocks for America I'll tell you why
Starting point is 00:51:19 in embryonic America you know we're talking about like late 1600s right but you know long before George Washington was was even looking at a cherry tree yeah it was like you have all these instances of you know the the colonialists wanting independence from the crown right so what did that what did that even mean well that was government overreach because the the colonies were privately held uh plantations and cities that the dutch east indian company or the dutch west indian company or the massachusetts colony company or the blah blah blah blah or the virginia company they created these were private companies they were quasi-governmental they had government contracts they had armies but these weren't the king's armies these were private
Starting point is 00:52:13 mercenary armies that were paid by slave trading companies so the first colonies were all privately held slave trade companies they were they were the they were the property of private companies they were doing so well the kings came in and go oh no I need I need some of that I mean I gotta I gotta give me some of that right so that the king came in was like no no fam I'm gonna just gangsta your shit yeah and so there was a lot of rebellions a lot of fights it wasn't about oh I you know no taxation without representation meant you can't take my stocks without giving me something back that's kind of what it was it was like yeah you know like hey I get people go oh well it was about like not having representation in the parliament yeah but it was really about the
Starting point is 00:53:04 fact that the king was confiscating your private property yes private property being land humans you know so and so forth at the time right and so what you had was a cut was was the like so for instance stuyvesant who was the governor of uh of new york the first governor and the longest running one I think at the time was a was an employee of the dutch west indian company all these names in New York that we have you go down these streets and these neighborhoods and these areas and these dutch names and these english names particularly from 1690 1700 1717 1720 these are people who were employed by a private slaver company fuck and people go to school in those buildings oh fuck that's so spooky you know what I mean so the systems the systems of
Starting point is 00:53:56 punishment were taken from the colonies the charters of the colonies those charters were written by the dutch west indian company the system of governance was written was taken from the dutch west indian company all the the foundation of america was taken from a private company whose business was to kidnap children jesus christ and we built we built our country on that foundation in fact we wouldn't even have a country if the king had not gotten involved and say yeah you guys can just have your slaver nation right yeah and so and so um one of one of the one of the one of the final um you know well I don't want to get into that because it's the 20 minute story but you can look at you can look at like the father of america was truly
Starting point is 00:54:51 this private company and then those employees generations later who were kind of quasi-governmental who were in the private sector who but who are also kind of having to you know tithe to the king um because they were they were doing so well financially um they basically were like nah we don't want to pay this 30 40 percent to him anymore we just want to take our winnings from the slave trade so we got to basically create our own country and like that's really what it was holy and like and until we deal with why we founded our own country we're never going to be able to move forward but we're just never going to be able to do it like like you you even pointed out to me but the flags are alike the creeds are alike
Starting point is 00:55:40 yeah no yeah the the structure of the military is like like every like we we didn't come from england we came from the dutch west indian company from a corporation from a corporation a vampiric maricidic corporation right lying that was lying a propagandizing parasite that's the that's where it came from oh oh and this is this is this is a boy you're fucking mine when did the dutch west indian company close its doors i don't know no idea the year the year that america was founded oh fuck it no it no longer needed to be in existence because it just transferred over it mutated it it it climbed out of its chrysalis and became a country it like you need money to win a war who paid for it wow who paid for it where the fucking pirates
Starting point is 00:56:37 well the the rich the the rich stockholders who wanted more of their money um to to be to be protected from kings in europe yeah and they were like okay well we have this opportunity now to have a plantation the size of of europe wow let's do this that's what it was man and how creepy that now we've got facebook trying to create another universe you know trying to expand into some god knows what space that fear that you know as technology advances we will be able to you know become increasingly immersed in and you know and again you know right now especially with like the tech companies um you know for better or for worse you do see an interesting i mean obviously the tech companies are not like vile demonic beings that are like well most of them
Starting point is 00:57:35 are not well i guess some of them are kind of involved in human trafficking how fucking weird i'll put a t like this so i'm i'm creating a technology as well and the one thing i've learned in the last three years of working with coders you know shoulder to shoulder is that um a code is it's merely just it's just the expression of an idea right yes and so yes and so whatever indoctrination whatever um traumas or or or belief systems that the coder is bringing to the conversation and expressing his eyes his or her idea that way well the code is going to be indoctrinated the code is going to be sexist the code is not going to be anti-racist the code is going to be xenophobic the code is going to be whatever the person who's writing the code is so it doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:58:33 that social media is evil or this person is this it just means that we have to have a lot of inclusivity and diversity when it comes to coding because we're going to we're in 10 years we're going to be in a place where algorithms are creating algorithms right we're going to be in a place that machine learning is going to machine learning will be machine learning and these are going to be the things that run our society and if those things if those expressions of those ideas are not steeped in human equity consciousness then we're fucked then we we're going to spend the next 500 years trying to clean up the space of the multiverse to make it to make it more equitable oh my god okay okay so here okay so here we have when you're so fucking smart man here we have
Starting point is 00:59:18 way back when and this kind of like volcanic eruption of um the most vile thing of all time and it looked like a corporation that by the way the reason after I talked to you I was like looking them up and like then I realized on one of one of their flags is literally the demiurge and gnosticism literally on the fucking flag is the thing that is considered to be the imprisoning you know hypnotic force they just put it right on their fucking flag it's like a they knew exactly what they were doing it's a serpent head with a fish body you know yes it's a dragon serpent fish thing that yes that that that is about capturing human souls and feeding off of human energy and souls yes that's what the fuck was on their flag that was they put it on their fucking flag and by
Starting point is 01:00:12 the way you know this is the this is the um this is the first rule of vampires is they only go where they're invited they're meaning like you know that that's a fucking vampire and you let him in that's the rule so a corporation that is literally literally vampiric like capturing humans turning their energy into money has on their flag this the the mystical symbol of you know self-induced you know like you know vampirism like you know it's like you look at the the tarot card of the devil and depending on which tarot card you're looking at the the chains that are supposedly holding them are definitely big enough for them to get out of but they like you know they're imagining that they're they're stuck when they're not which is like you know it's somehow even worse
Starting point is 01:01:05 than being you know if they were actually chained then you could thank god that horrible devil or it's like what does uh c.s. lewis say the gates of hell are locked from the inside you know so it's like the ultimate humiliation is like oh no no no you're not even trapped you're just pretending to be trapped you know while you're sitting at the foot of this awful fucking beast we had to take a restroom break now back to the conversation hey brother hey so small correction um are you recording yes okay small correction i just looked it up so the dutch west indian company closed these doors the same year george washington was inaugurated oh god jesus christ the dude wearing wearing kidnapped people's fucking
Starting point is 01:01:58 teeth is dentures um which you know by the way if you say that now people get mad now if you say that out loud be like oh really mr. woke over here oh yeah no the fucking asshole had like human teeth of people he captured in his mouth but i you said something about the code that i want to focus on um because i i think there's like this and like we're we're talking about this like once you like get get into the waters that you're you're you're into and that you're educating lavison you you realize like okay what is it okay what is it the there's a in the bible you will know the father by the sun right and so here we here we have the uh father i guess you could say of america being a parasitic vampiric corporation or conglomeration of corporations that were
Starting point is 01:03:01 making most of their money from human trafficking from kidnapping that thing to mutates transforms now just calling itself a country the flag kind of looks the same the people who are running the country are either working for the corp or associated with the corp or descending from people who made a shit ton of money a lot of the wealth in the country is moving down family lines that that's where it started off at is in that corporation now i think what you were kind of getting at is that now that very same thing is starting to get into the code into the tech into the it's like fractalizing itself down into the very algorithms that are acting as the connective tissue socially but you know that that's connecting all of us together
Starting point is 01:03:53 within those codes are these very same things that if that are just echoing from whatever this fucking company was is that what you're saying i i'm i'm saying that there was i don't know the inception of of that dark idea like i don't know like i have a i have an idea but um i'm gonna formulate that idea for probably another few years then we can talk about it then cool okay i don't want to speak out of i don't want to speak during the process of of incubation of an idea but um um yeah well it's it's undeniable that whatever that was uh found um a way to express itself in the most dynamic way that the human beings have ever interfaced with the printing press yeah sure absolutely you know like right you know yeah yeah we had the inquisition we had all
Starting point is 01:04:51 these different things but but that was a religious thing that was a that was a territorial thing it wasn't particularly race right that was created from a private company that races were different that right being closer to god meant that your skin was lighter and like that's that's that that comes from that and because we have in question that indoctrination to the point of so for instance like here's a problem like we have we have this whole conversation it's fake conversation in this country about crt critical race theory yes problem is we already have crt it's confederate race theory and what what's happened is the daughters you probably know this like the the daughters of the confederacy which were actual it's it's it's an organization but it's also
Starting point is 01:05:43 who started it was the daughters of the confederate generals and colonels and sergeants and soldiers who wanted to make their fathers and grandfathers look better after the war so they they got enough lobbying power to um uh more or less edit the textbooks in america that made civil that made the civil war looked like it was a states rights issue okay well what was the state right okay you can say you can say yeah well you know i i am i am pro life well you're for forced pregnancies there's two ways to right right right right right right two ways to express that idea okay cool yeah those are you might be for life but then why aren't you for the the person who's on death row who didn't do it all right you know you also another way to put it would be you support
Starting point is 01:06:34 rapists who want to have a lot of kids you know that there's there's several ways to skin that you support the rights of rapists who want who don't want to you want to like keep making more you support the rights of incestuous uncles good for you so like there's several ways to to say the same thing and i think that what happened was um you know in in particularly in this country we've we've i went to a school made robert ealy elementary what yeah man i got in trouble my brother and i got in trouble one day because we're doing this this um i'm fucking 10 11 years old i know who robert really was but no one really else did like i mean all the black kids in our school was three of us we knew who he was we knew he was a spiteful disgusting you know anarchist
Starting point is 01:07:25 treasonous treacherous motherfucker that's what he was he was a genocidal and or he either wanted my ancestors dead or enslaved that's right and there's no argument about that not a good man period but i had to go to a school named after this motherfucker in texas who had nothing to do with robert ealy he's from virginia and we had to sing a song talking about i still remember the song robert ealy was courageous he was generous and kind robert ealy was thunder and spirit and in mind and it goes on and on and on and on and then my brother and i we made up our own lyrics we're making fun of them and we got in trouble really yeah we got in trouble and then my mom goes comes to school she goes what they do she goes well they they were she used to sing the song and
Starting point is 01:08:14 then i she said what's the song and they show her the song and she goes they are not in trouble if you put them back in class right now and if you guys don't know who robert ealy was let me get you some books on who he was wow right you're fucking lucky that you know this is this is all that's going to happen in this situation now think about that the indoctrination of trying to make a black child sing a song of positivity about a man who would have had him enslaved at 11 years old right we don't ask jewish kids to sing songs about himler or right luger or anyone else right we don't ask that we don't ask that of german jewish kids we don't we don't ask we don't ask you know armanian children to sing them sing about the ottoman empire right we we don't do that right
Starting point is 01:09:09 we don't ask the indigenous children to to to on their land to sing about you know andrew jackson we don't do that right and so the fact that and that would even that would even make more sense because at least andrew jackson was part of the fucking union right right so it you have to look at the fact that we've already had crt confederates there we've already had this these these lies that were have been indoctrinated into our educational system so the problem is not the coders the problem is not you know um what they're expressing through through the the the current indoctrination of spacetime the problem is the fact that america is too fucking cowardly to look at its own shadow work right america has shadow work man yeah yeah and that shadow work is inequality and i think that
Starting point is 01:09:58 like it's soon and like if my wife can look can do her shadow work i can do my shadow work if you can do your shadow work right i understand that young is not one of its own philosophers but he's he's got some good points yeah in america she stopped being so xenophobic about their own philosophers and and who they who they listen to and america has the ability to turn this around and look at its shadow work look at its shadow legacy and create a light legacy into the future right and i think that you know that's a fucking awesome opportunity and the delivery system and the technology is there yes you know what what you're talking about is the thing that makes a lot of people stop meditating because you know you're generally lured into some kind of meditative
Starting point is 01:10:44 practice by the idea that you're gonna like you know i don't know some some kind of focus or peace or but you know or it's also the thing that makes me never want to go to fucking therapy you know it's like right because you it's not you have to like you have to go through the truth of what happened to you yep you can't skip over and it sucks people hate the truth it hurts it's brutal and and i i think when it was particularly when it comes to uh what you're talking about um i think it's so daunting and so like like really really like hard to wrap your head around the reality like look you were taught something that was propaganda plain and simple and not like you know not propaganda like uh it's kind of like you know whatever normal kind you
Starting point is 01:11:48 know like you know bullshit like pep club at school you know like yay let's go falcons or whatever but propaganda like orwellian sort of propaganda like we are going to tell you something that is verifiably fundamentally incorrect or we're just gonna leave shit out like when when we tell you about like one of the this is from our last conversation this is another thing you told me that blew my fucking mind is just how when they're explaining slavery to kids in school at least especially when i was in school they they kind of like somewhere in the conversation they make it kind of seem weirdly normal you know what i mean like they don't use the term human trafficking they don't use the term kidnapping and god knows they're not saying and by the way
Starting point is 01:12:39 it's not just like they're making some of these people do like forced like labor they were also raping them too and guess who is one of the people doing that well that was george fucking washington the guy that that we've been celebrating for so long that was one of the things that happened over there and probably happened while he was wearing their teeth no one's saying that you know what i mean because you're right you're absolutely right yeah no no i'm just i'm just i'm just i think it's uh i don't i don't mean to laugh but i just think i think the way you put it is is ironically realistic right like it's it's it there's an there's an irony to that like i'm going to i like i'm going to take everything that you have including your teeth and your dignity
Starting point is 01:13:33 yeah and you can't be shit about it and i'm in here and i'm going to be here yeah and yeah guess what i'm going to be a fucking hero i'm going to be such an incredible hero there's going to be all kinds of like statues made of of me all over the fucking place and at some point when people talk about what i actually did they're going to be looked at is like some kind of like you know assholes for even even saying it out loud and you know that's that i do think in any human life the shadow work you do get a chance to pretend you do get a chance to like make sense of of in the worst way possible of the awful shit that happened to you or stuff you regret doing you do have the ability to trick yourself into thinking you know what when he hurt me like that he didn't
Starting point is 01:14:21 mean to hurt me like that like that yeah yeah because it's easier and i he they he equated love with anger and violence so that community really was showing me love you know and i mean like you want to you want to get deep because i know you i know you i know you like that kind of shit so george washington right gw the dutch west indian company's name was in in in in uh in dutch was geo three year day west indian which is their initials their abbreviation was g wc are you kidding they initially called washington caesar so he was g wc now is it a coincidence no the company is it a coincidence that people who are who wanted private companies to have their own country elected someone or appointed someone that had the initials of the
Starting point is 01:15:23 company or is that code to say like you it's you can close your doors now come on over here dude you fade it out right there hold on one second you'll come back this is annoying this okay wait you're back hold on so what's the last thing you stopped at code you were talking about like you can what was it was it so when so you have these colonies that are privately held or quasi quasi you know private sector and the government overreach is happening through the monarchy at the time and then you have these these these uh colonial slavers who are you know loyal to themselves and loyal to the private company more than they are through king obviously as we saw because of the revolution and then you see these people appoint someone who
Starting point is 01:16:13 probably isn't qualified for the job but his initials are g wc george washington the caesar george washington's you know ceo george washington caesar and the the abbreviation for the dutch west indian company was g wc right so is that some sort of 17th century or 16th century code sorry seven yeah 16th century or 17th century code that um you know you're telling the company it's okay to close your doors now right we got to come on come on over here come play over here yeah yeah yeah it's okay it's not i mean people can believe in coincidence if they like but the world is is full of um really really diabolical sort of orchestrations that prove that coincidences are few and far between yeah come i mean and again it's like that that i think is always like the
Starting point is 01:17:10 weird creepy game vampires like to play is it's like they like to hang out in that liminal place right in the open yeah they love doing this shit right in the open g wc g wc we told you it was right there in front of you the whole time it's kind of your fucking fault would you like look at the look at the money look at the fucking dollar bill what do you think we were take a look at the money like swampy green occult symbols all over the fucking thing new order of the ages oh no it's like what did you think that was did that look like happy paper to you happy paper oh man if the shit was like so happy we would like use it we would wallpaper those symbols all over the place but it's like it has a witchy quality to it
Starting point is 01:18:01 you know it has a quality to it it's got a kind of like sulfuric sort of aura around it that is but also you know you've seen it for your whole life so you're like i don't know you know similarly like robert e lee school george why all these names you've seen them your whole fucking life you know so it's like they've been in front of your whole life so you don't you know in like if you're you're like average white dude you're not thinking about this stuff you know you're not contemplating what it really means or anything like that even if you're the if you're the average insert race doesn't even matter man like like i didn't think about this shit like until i was old enough to sort of educate myself on the subject like i didn't i didn't know there was
Starting point is 01:18:48 anything wrong with going to a school named robert lee when i was 10 i didn't know like i just was like okay you know white people run shit and like they want to put it in our face i just thought it was fucked up but i didn't i didn't realize how insidious it was right until i got older and they've changed they've since changed the name i know thank god what's it called now barbara lee or something like that i it's against my parole to be within 500 feet um it's a what are you serious oh no they don't call it barbara lee do they like they left the lee i think so yeah they left the lee because they had like plaques that they didn't want to change they would save money i guess they had station i guess they had stationary i don't know we've already we've already ordered the stationary
Starting point is 01:19:34 we gotta keep the lee look it's either we keep the robber or the fucking lee one or the other yeah which one do you want a budget won't cover completely redoing designs that's so fucking weird did they like yeah wait what you mentioned earlier you're so wait what is the new technology you're creating or do you work man yeah i've been working on something for a while man it's been um it's pretty spectacular man i i got if i could say so myself uh uh it's kind of my life's work honestly um the um idea started when i was working in the obama campaign in 2008 i i left hollywood for a little bit and i felt like my civic duty was to was to was to change the face of of who was in the white house you know and um you know give a little try to try to add a
Starting point is 01:20:22 little hopey changey you know to my life and and and america at the time and so i was like 27 and i left uh i left hollywood for a few months and moved to pennsylvania and i was a surrogate for the obama campaign and if you know anything about pennsylvania you know that there's there's two cities in pennsylvania there's there's uh philadelphia and it's pittsburgh and everything in between is 1958 alabama basically yeah right and uh i spent a lot of time in all three of those places and i remember i was in a and i was in a place called moon township pennsylvania and i met a guy named mike at the sunglasses kiosk he's working at the mall there trying to get him to to register and you can't uh part of the federal laws that as as a surrogate you can't you can't push a
Starting point is 01:21:08 candidate on people you can just register them okay like you can give them the pamphlets you can give them the information on both candidates but you cannot push a candidate on someone mike didn't want to register so i registered some other people came back to mike didn't want to register again uh i registered some other people came back to mike i said hey man i'm about to leave it's time i think it's time you know i think you should register to vote yeah he looked at me and he goes look me dead in my eye he goes i ain't voting for no nigger holy shit right yeah and i go well mind you i had been in 1958 alabama for a few weeks now so i'd heard that before jesus yeah brother so this is the 28th time i heard that and so like i i reacted less and less and
Starting point is 01:21:52 less every time and so by this time i was like well why can't you vote for a nigger mike right and then so we so i took him to lunch i took him to sparrows and i don't need that so he ate it and uh we talked and i said mike tell me what's important to you and he goes uh he starts going on this long diatribe of foreign policy and this and i go mike you work at a sunglasses kiosk in muntashev pennsylvania you don't even know where aran is come on yeah talk to me talk to me talk to me for real you can't spell sara i'm who's saying right i don't think i could spell sara i'm what's saying so like let's let's really talk what's important to you mike like what it's what's what's important to your family on a day-to-day basis and he didn't really have any answers so i started
Starting point is 01:22:31 kind of going through lists for him and then i said bucket so i tore the the cover sheet off of obama's pamphlet i tore the cover sheet off the canyons pamphlet and i put them both in front of unless i gave them a mark i said check off what's check off what's uh uh what what what what applies to you what's important to you yeah and he did and lo and behold he was a 70 percent match to rock obama wow because i know if i see a guy working at a sunglass kiosk in the mall in muntashev pennsylvania i know he's a democrat but he doesn't know he's a democrat right so wait wait wait oh you oh i got you okay no no no i got you i'm sorry my dumbass was like what does sunglasses have to do with no but i see it if you're if you're if you're a low-wage earner yeah i got you
Starting point is 01:23:19 it's not like you're like you're like mega rich from selling sunglasses at a kiosk yeah even if he owned it like voting right you're like you're likely voting against your interests you know why you're voting against your church's tradition values you know what religion and racism is that important enough to hurt your family right truly is religion and racism enough to to go out and support a candidate who's going to hurt your family right and i asked him that question he couldn't really answer it and you know so we kept in touch and on election day he he emailed me and he said he voted for obama holy shit that's cool he got his parents to vote for obama got his friends and family and wife and you know his neighbors everybody like got 50 people to vote for
Starting point is 01:24:01 him uh he said when it's right there in black and white you can't really deny it right he had the pamphlets right in front of him and he did the same thing to these people and i was like well that's got to be scalable i think you know people um people moving past the indoctrination of our forefathers and looking at a world that they can structure and help co-create in the way that serves them and i think that people can do that once they get past the idea that their tradition or their patterns are more important than their well-being right and that that's not only a political um endeavor that's also conscious consumerism for instance if i were to i after BLM i realized i needed to know which which which corporations uh supported the world that i wanted to see
Starting point is 01:24:54 and it's not that i want to cancel a corporation i just want to support the ones that would support me right and so i figured out a way uh with some really brilliant coders to um crowdsource kindness uh and incentivize that through financial gain to the user so people get paid all the time and they get clicks based on the algorithms that we have now in social media um for uh division and uh disinformation right and hate clicks and you know uh anger mongering and fear mongering and all these and all these different things and these people fucking get paid they're getting paid sure do and i think there's something wrong with that and so like what's the answer to that and so i can't get i can't get into great detail about it now but i'd love to talk to you about it in a
Starting point is 01:25:40 few months but we you know we'll have something clickable and uh a user experience in about a month and we're raising money for it and q1 q2 but um it's going to be a social media platform in which people are drawn there and magnetized there uh in a fact-driven community that's hold that the foundation that holds those people together is their morals values and principles and how they can interface with with each other by becoming better allies um better uh intersection analysts uh intersectionality cysts yeah i don't know and and kindness monger is basically like we have we we're devising a system with a basically a kindness credit score where you get paid in crypto for your level of engagement and kindness uh an allyship to other people um instead of having
Starting point is 01:26:28 influences who are dancing on tiktok making six figures a year by yeah i mean your viewers can't see or your your listeners can't see what i'm doing but i'm doing a bad it was incredible thank you but instead of having those influences there's nothing wrong with those influences but i don't think that they're adding to where we're going i think that i would much rather have the young lady who worked at starbucks who was really energized by the by the by the by the power and the rhythm and the vibration and the frequency of 2020 but doesn't know how to organize now there's no tools for that right and there's no solutions for that and maybe she can leave her job and she can make six figures by being kind to people and by caring and by by being a professional philanthropist
Starting point is 01:27:12 something that we're going to call a social impact or not a social influencer and um you know we're just structuring a community around that um why don't you have a kindness credit score why isn't why isn't kindness something that we can measure uh financially uh if you're putting good out into the world why does that just have to feel good why can't you make money off of it and um i think that you know i i hope my hope and my intention is that this is how we we we move um very old problems um into a new delivery system with new solutions that is cool you know because it's like there's a common notion in the world is nobody wants good news like you're not selling ad space with good news like and and um that's not what grabs the human attention it's that that doesn't
Starting point is 01:28:06 that it's the fear porn that we're into it's the um it and so what you're saying is like that you think that there is a way to so i know really i know i know this way because we're we're our our our monetization model is not selling ads we are going to be the first app that actually so instead of so facebook facebook does now is they take your information they take your data they create nodes out of your data anytime that you click on anything it's becomes a node like let's say a node is a blossoming point in which all these directions can be ascertained and how you move on the internet how you move in cyberspace right yeah and so instantaneously whenever you are on facebook for one minute and you click on shit they are instantaneously turning
Starting point is 01:28:54 your data you're the product they're turning your data into money for them right right yeah we're going we're going to bank your data for you and give it back to you and crypto wow that's cool so the longer you stay on our app you'll make money wow the the more engagement you have in kindness you'll make money kindness being measured by like what websites you're hanging out on or what output you're no so so so by the way if i'm asking too many questions because it's that's fine it's fine what is this podcast coming up uh this podcast will come out next week if that works for you okay i will not talk about exactly what the kindness metric is but it's but it's a reasonable standard of engagement in which someone can actually quit their job and be a kindness
Starting point is 01:29:49 influencer or a social impactor or whatever you want to call it a professional ally and you can do it from home or you can do it from your phone i can't i can't give you the secret sauce yet but i'm happy to talk to you about it when uh when it's when it's too late to not not you but when it's too late for someone else to hate or too late to steal okay i never talk yeah yeah so i got you yep thank you but but trust me brother i've i've it's been percolating in my mind for since 2008 and it's it's been it's been in the forefront of my consciousness and with coders for the last three years and we i think we figured out something that's really fucking cool you're really fucking cool you're really fucking cool bro no every time man every time we talk it's
Starting point is 01:30:35 like a transformative experience for me so thank you so much for coming on the show my god it's so cool thanks for having me man yeah and i can't wait till our next what till we get to hang out in person again that was that was such a crazy night yeah that was a great night listen i i learned a lot man and you're such an interesting conversationalist and such an incredible human being and you know some of the coolest people on the planet like you know like i i really enjoyed uh what was the guy's name who had to leave early uh the the animation wizard Pendleton Pendleton oh yeah he's an interesting cat man like it's always like it's like it's always a very fun and intriguing and enriching experience you know seeing you in person and also talking to you man so i appreciate it
Starting point is 01:31:22 micahd thank you so much will you please tell people where they can find you if they figure it out they can let me know huh on this plane yeah you can find me on uh on social media like uh you know on the on the new printing press meh cad brwks micahd brooks i try to put out a lot of positive and and um you know um messages about human equity consciousness and love and stuff like that that's just kind of where i'm at in my life right now but also you'll catch me in the movie still i'm still doing all i'm still i'm still doing my day job you are you you are you working on a show right now i am working on i'm developing and producing uh and then i'm you know i'm doing the acting that that uh speaks to
Starting point is 01:32:14 me cool you know luckily i'm in a position where i can do that and i feel very blessed about that yeah um so you know i'm one of the lucky few micahd brooks everybody thank you dr trust everybody no no no fuck it give that up a dunking trust yeah oh by the way i don't forget to go to platinum but plugs dot com he's working on something to generate uh uh cryptocurrency for being a good person i'm making money off of platinum but plugs they will cleanse your auric energy field and make you come super hard my god thank you so much awesome i can send me you gotta send me a couple of course are you kidding all right they're in the mail that was micahd brooks everybody all the links you need to find micahd will be at
Starting point is 01:33:06 dugartrustle.com and thanks to our sponsors feels and amazon music for supporting the show but most importantly thank you for continuing to listen have a great weekend and hopefully you will not get your dick or genitals chopped off by this guy who's been going around a lot of the big cities chopping off people's dicks and genitals and wearing them on a headband i'll see you next week until then heart of kishna a good time starts with a great wardrobe next stop jc penny family get-togethers to fancy occasions wedding season two we do it all in style dresses suiting and plenty of color to play with get fixed up with brands like lis clayborn worthington stafford and jay furar oh and thereabouts for
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