Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 556: The Leather Rose #15

Episode Date: March 13, 2023

The pioneer-mentats of the Leather Rose reconquer the main feed for episode 15, "The Dirty Secret of the Dinosaurs!" The Leather Rose is an exploration of the mysteries of the universe that seeks to ...unveil the secrets of time, presented by Duncan Trussell and Johnny Pemberton. Available everywhere you get your podcasts! You can also listen to Johnny's other podcast, Live to Tape, also available on all podcast services! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: Rocket Money - Visit RocketMoney.com/Duncan to cancel your unwanted subscriptions and start saving! This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/duncan and get on your way to being your best self.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greetings, pals. It's me, Duncan, and this is the Duncan Trestle Family Hour podcast. I gotta ask you, I'd love to hear from y'all. Do you ever have like days where it seems like none of your electronic equipment works, like suddenly your studio, your office just turns into the Bermuda Triangle, like whatever distance star your quantum entangled with has gotten sucked into a black hole or something? Because that just happened to me. It's not just like one thing starts breaking down, everything starts breaking down, completely unrelated systems. There's like a contagion that spreads. Suddenly your speakers go down, but then your computer goes down, but then your phone isn't connecting to the internet. You look down at your feet, they're curled up into quivering vulture talons. How did that happen?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Why have my feet transformed into vulture talons? And then you remember, oh shit, that's just my feet. I'm 48 with gross feet. Then you think to yourself, man, I'm so lucky that I'm not attracted to my own feet, because that'd be really weird if I was like suckling at my feet, if I curled up into a ball and just started sucking at my feet if ever I wanted to have some kind of satisfaction. And then you remember, oh fuck, I have ADHD, which is why I'm thinking that. And then you go back to trying to fix your systems, your multiple system failure, but then somewhere in the midst of that, you get the idea for setting up a tertiary camera so that when you do get your situation fixed, you'll now have three cameras running, even though you can't make two work. That just happened to me. But lucky for me, I pulled myself out of whatever that particular nosedive was, and I'm now recording the intro.
Starting point is 00:01:55 So hello. Now this is an experimental episode of the DTFH. I've been working with Johnny Pemberton on a little side project called The Leather Rose. And I really love recording these things with him. This is absurd. It's ridiculous. And it's super funny. And I really would love it if you would consider subscribing to the Leather Rose podcast, which you can find on all streaming services. I won't tell you too much more about what it is. I'll let you attempt to figure out exactly what it is by listening. And I hope you enjoy it and don't mind that this isn't a traditional DTFH, though we do have some wonderful episodes coming your way. Also, if you love Johnny Pemberton and you should, won't you subscribe to his Twitch. It's twitch.tv forward slash Johnny Pemberton. Also, don't forget to check out Johnny's awesome podcast, Live to Tape. He's got tons of new episodes. Subscribe to that. Two more things to plug and then we'll dive in to this special episode of the DTFH.
Starting point is 00:03:09 One, I'm going to be in Vegas at Wise Guys this upcoming weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. That's going to be the 16th, 17th and 18th of March. I hope you will come and see me. And also finally, if you want commercial free episodes of the DTFH, you can go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and find everything you need there. You'll get access to our thriving discord community. You will be able to hang out with us twice a week at our family gatherings and our wonderful meditations. And most importantly, you will connect with one of the most powerful collectives of human beings living on the planet today, your family who miss you very much. I want to see you and gently rub their fingers through your hair, patreon.com forward slash DTFH. And now everybody sit back and allow yourself to be scrapped all over by the leather rose. You are listening to the leather rose, an exploration of the mysteries of the universe. Join us now as we unravel the secrets of time. Howdy, howdy everybody. You are listening to the leather rose. My name is Dipper Daniels and I'm currently in for Davis Grimley, your regular host.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Davis got way late. He's actually serving a very short sentence for a delayed contempt of court charge back in 1995 when he had a summon still appear for a land dispute. So I'm in for our boy Davis Grimley. Again, I'm Dipper Daniels. You are listening to the leather rose. We have a great program for you here today. We've got something really useful for all you homeowners out there. Maybe you're in a landlord, maybe you own some property and the wintertime is coming hard and it's coming fast. So we've got an insulation expert, an expert on keeping what you got inside to stay inside and keeping what's out from getting in. Here he is today, his first time on leather rose. Please welcome Randy Reed Rose. Randy, how you doing? Thank you. I'm great. I'm busy, but I'm great. That's good. Busy is good and good is busy. When you're in my business and you have what's happening, happening, then you are not going to stop working folks.
Starting point is 00:06:07 This is a class seven winter weather event and it's not going to stop right now. We are experiencing across the Northeast, the Atlantic, parts of the younger Crescentrias area outside of Tennessee, what is known as a ice flipper. And these things happen every 500 years and they hit hard, they hit fast and you need to make sure that your home is protected from the elements. What is an ice flipper? Is it called that because it's so cold the ice flips around? That's what I've heard. It's like the ice will flip around. Yeah, hold on a minute. Maybe we lost it there a bit. Sorry, I lost your honor there. It wasn't your question. I lost it ice flipping around.
Starting point is 00:07:02 She's a great starter question, but please, what were you saying? I'm just wondering what that means because I've heard that it means something where the ice is so cold that when ice touches other ice, it's like that's too cold. Oh yeah, the ice divorces itself essentially. It's like an intense divorce with itself, the super compressed hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They start having mild disagreements and they develop super resentments for each other. They then try to separate and in that separation creates the kinetic activity that people assume is the reason for the name ice flipper. In fact, this is not why it's called an ice flipper. Though you are correct and when it gets a certain temperature, the ice starts acting weird. It's called an ice flipper because many people believe that the Leather God, Lord Exnar, has flippers and an ice flipper.
Starting point is 00:08:08 An ice flipper is when that Leather God comes and just starts spanking the ass of planet Earth with that cold, cold flipper. So it's like a pinball machine on overdrive. It's like a pinball machine smacking into your ass and that pinball machine is made of nitrogen and is colder than the surface of... A place that's cold. Triton. Oh, that's a moon, isn't it? Yeah, the moon triton. The moon triton, okay. That's right. Sorry about that. By the way, I forgot to put twos based on my wires, which is one of the many things that you can do to keep your podcasting, vlogging, Instagram, video games, streaming, stream from going down during this weather.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So that could be the first step for you. If you are a streamer, if you are an influencer, if you are somebody who is working your way up the top of that algorithmic ladder, then you don't want to be offline for more than 10, 20, 30 seconds or you're gone. Let me ask you this. Remember, what's the algorithm? What is that? The algorithm is an artificial intelligence program that helps serve content to people based on their proclivities. So if let's say you're into Jack Reacher novels as I am, then you're going to get on Netflix a lot of wonderful suggestions about other things you might like. And that's the algorithm. We know a lot of the algorithm. It keeps us entertained. But there ain't going to be no algorithm if you don't have power. So I want to talk a little bit and walk you through some of the things you could do to keep the warm air inside your house and the cold air outside.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Okay. Let me ask you, I got a couple myths here as the listener sent in. Are these myths or are myths? Like M-Y-T-H-S myths. Okay, myths. Myths. Okay. So these are possible or not myths. So you got to tell me, is this a myth or is this a real? Is this a real or is this a myth? These are all listeners sent in.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Listener A says a way to get extra warm in the winter is to pee, he said piss, but I'm saying pee, to piss in the walls from the attic around your bathroom. So you piss into the walls, soak in the walls between the walls from the attic. You pee in there and that's what you do by the bathroom. Yeah, that is not a myth. That's not a myth. Okay. That technique has saved so many lives, so many people, when it gets very, very cold and the power goes out, they panic, they panic. And what's the first thing you do when you panic?
Starting point is 00:11:35 I usually have to take a shit, but whenever I poop, I do have to pee when I pee. There you go. Thank you Rocket Money for supporting the DTFH. Listen, if you're like me, then you might be afraid to look at your bank account balances, your credit card bill, or you might be a little too busy to spend time figuring out all the weird shit you've subscribed to. Try it for 30 days. Sure, that sounds fun. I'll try it for 30 days. I want to identify stones.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I want to identify rocks around me. Why wouldn't anyone want to know exactly what type of geological formations were around their house? $40 a month to identify rocks. I'll definitely cancel that subscription and just get it for free for 30 days. Catalog, identify all the rocks around my house and then cancel the subscription. You forget within two days. You haven't scanned a single rock and then it builds up over time. And then you have multiple apps that you have subscribed to and forgotten about.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And you're wondering what's going on. I really thought I had more money than this. The reason you don't have that much money is because you are hemorrhaging cash, like some kind of sad elk shot by a digital arrow in a simulated forest. Just spraying your sweet, sweet dollars all over the internet. Because you thought it would be cool to know exactly how far away from your house your car is using some app that scans distances. Or maybe you saw that app that says it can count sticks. And you were like, that would be cool. I would love to know exactly how many sticks are in my yard.
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Starting point is 00:14:46 And I'm telling you once you get past that initial, like, I don't know if I want to see what's going on with the credit cards in the bank account and see where your spending is and realize, holy shit, just by using the app, I've canceled a bunch of subscriptions I never use. It pays for itself. So stop throwing your money away. Cancel unwanted subscriptions and manage your expenses the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash Duncan. That's rocketmoney.com slash Duncan. Rocketmoney.com slash Duncan. Thanks Rocket Money. What's the first thing you do when you panic?
Starting point is 00:15:36 I usually have to take a shit. Whenever I poop, I do have to pee when I panic. There you go. There you go. So for me when I panic, I just instantly become impotent and everything comes out poop and pee. Why? Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:15:54 From the perspective of evolutionary biology over the millennia that we have evolved into the superior creature on our planet. Why is it that when we panic, we piss and shit ourselves if it doesn't serve some purpose? And that purpose, bless you, is that urine and poop or poo poo is some call it. These contain within them some crucial survival materials and urine specifically contains uric acid. Uric acid. Now, Eurose was the god of the erotic. Eurose. Eurose.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Euron. Fault. You can connect the dots there and you get turned on. What happens? When you get aroused, you get hot. Exactly. That's why you say I'm all hot and bothered. It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes.
Starting point is 00:17:08 There you go. That's a song. My daughter plays that song all the time. And it's a way to remember how to survive if the power goes out and you are in a place that's cold. You do the thing that God evolved us to do, which is you can open your attic if you have an attic. If you don't have an attic, I recommend using a ball peen hammer. Okay. Even if these are at lows or Home Depot to hammer holes into the walls of every bedroom.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And then you can start off with a layer of poop. If you're panicking even better. So make sure those holes are low enough so you don't have to go up on a ladder to deliver the package. And then once you've delivered package brown, then after that, layer upon that coat of urine. If you have dogs, if you have cats. I've got six dogs. Then you, my friend, that's better than having a generator. You get your dogs to urinate.
Starting point is 00:18:20 The good news with dog urine is you just need a little bit of urine on the holes and then they'll do the rest. Because when they smell pee, they make pee. And so then they'll begin to fill those up with urine. Now, a lot of people think that that's the end of it. Once you've delivered the brown package and layered upon it urine that you stop, you do not stop. Try to produce a little more poop and make that the second layer above the layer of urine. These will produce a kind of thermal sandwich, which will generate as much heat as a giant fireplace in the castle of a beautiful king. So I should eat like a bunch of cheese cracker or something that's going to create a thick, hearty bolus that will come out.
Starting point is 00:19:12 It's something that's got a lot of contingency and weight. It's going to really stick together. You want to come out in like a stream. You want to come out in like a big sort of a ball of sorts. There's a lot of controversy regarding this point, which is what shape of you want your bolus to be. But in this case, because we're really just bottom line dealing with chemical reactions, it's more mass and shape. So the more you can produce, the more heat you're going to generate. And you know, it comes down to you don't need to be walking around every room of your house during an emergency.
Starting point is 00:20:02 If there's a room that you find to be the most comfortable, then I would recommend smashing the wall with your hammer in that room and then that can be what your heat room. That's the saying grab a gun, stick to one. Yep, there you go. I'm to think I thought this was a myth. I thought it truly was a myth. Number two question, myth or real? This is myth or real. Take this from listener J.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Listener J says, my granddad told me whenever it gets super hot out parentheses over 100 Fahrenheit, take an old pair of Dongarees, preferably of a large size. Fill them with birdseed and drape the legs off each side of the roof. The gable of the roof, this will attract ducks and the ducks will just go go crazy, he says. Is that a myth or is that a real? You've got some smart collars that is not a myth. That is real. That is known as a chill crow, actually. Chill crows were used all over the American Midwest during the many droughts and heat waves that they experienced.
Starting point is 00:21:29 If you were to go through any small town in the old west, you would always see Dongarees filled with birdseed and then the only part of that that I think maybe with all due respect to our elders, his grandfather may have misspoke a little bit. The ducks aren't going crazy, though it may seem like that. What the ducks are doing is circumambulating the seed filled Dongarees. The reason behind this is when enough ducks create the cyclonic energy necessary to, I'm trying to think of a way to say it in a non-scientific way. When you've got enough ducks moving in a circle around Dongarees, it does two things. One, it softens the seeds. Two, when enough ducks arrive, it will actually cause the Dongarees to be pulled into the funnel of the mini tornado that the ducks have created. And then the seeds will fall through the air like rain and the ducks will eat them.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And that's when you put up a new pair of Dongarees. What goes along with this, of course, is a kind of natural avian fan is created and all the heat gets pulled out of your house into that cyclone and actually helps soften the seeds for the ducks. So it's a symbiotic relationship that leads to you feeling cool and the ducks not having upset bellies from eating seeds that are too hard. A lot of people don't know that you need to soften your seeds, whatever you're feeding your ducks. So one of the ducks do with all this heat, that must be hot as heck. Oh, good question. Excellent question. Yeah, well, the ducks, a lot of the heat gets into the seed and that's the softening aspect. And a lot of the heat gets distributed in the cyclone up into the air where it actually connects with the sun.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And the sun draws that back in and then distributes it evenly around the landmass that it's directing photo on that. And of course, in the space. So, you know, a lot of these hyper, I don't know what to call them, left is liberals. They live towards. I didn't say it. I don't say it either, but I've heard it said at the grocery store. I didn't say that. Yeah, I've heard it a lot of places.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Let's go Brandon. The, the, a lot of these, how do we put it? Let's just say confused people. They seem to be more concerned with the comfort levels of the ducks and with survivability of their own species. So, yeah, on occasion, if you get a particularly frenzied circulation of ducks will one spontaneously combust because the heat was went too much of the heat went into the duck. Could it produce a fireball that cooks it up? Yes, it could. And out of 500,000 ducks will spontaneously combust.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And you know what? When that happens, guess what she got on a hot summer's day? I think you got a barbecue on your hand. You got a barbecue. Thank you. You got a barbecue. I like chicken. I bet I like duck.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's delicious. It's delicious. And especially that flavor of meat that has been naturally heated in that way is incredible. In the Midwest, it was considered a delicacy and actually this method of harvesting and cooking ducks was taught to the people of Midwest by the Eskimos. Okay. We're living there in the Midwest during that time. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Okay.
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Starting point is 00:28:00 Just hit me up on Twitter or something. BetterHelp, thank you so much for supporting this podcast. We love you. Let me ask you this, Randy Reed Rose, our guest here on Leather Rose. Does this well kill the dinosaurs? What specifically? I just kind of wondered if maybe you knew. What killed the dinosaurs?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, something we're talking about. Is that what killed the dinosaurs was hate or cold or something like that? They just got too much of a good thing and it just whipped them out. You know, a lot of people, truly we can't really say what killed the dinosaurs. Obviously, there's the idea that a meteor impact caused massive shifts to the biome and then created an incredible die-off. It had been so long ago that we might never know what killed the dinosaurs. Now, as a fan of the Bible, my guess would be what killed the dinosaurs was God.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I'm also a fan of the Bible, but I gotta tell you, ever since my kid got under dinosaurs, it reminded me how much I lack dinosaurs a lot. When I look at these pictures of dinosaurs, I'm thinking, these guys are really cool. There's some interesting different kinds. Some eat meat, some don't eat meat, and the ones that don't eat meat have all kinds of protection on them, like spikes. Spikes, scales, club tails. Club tails.
Starting point is 00:29:58 And I'm thinking, this is way cooler than the Bible is these cool, deadly lizards. They're huge. I think it's so cool. Well, you know, I don't want to get into theological debate here. I wanted to come on the show and save some lives, but quickly I will say this, that there is a Luciferian agenda on planet Earth in the same way that the early Christians had to disguise themselves, hide themselves, hide their faith to keep from being persecuted, fed to lions, locked up in jail.
Starting point is 00:30:34 These days, the Luciferians are doing a similar thing. They do encode their symbols into pretty much everything around you, the logo of Starbucks, the logo of CBS, ABC, you can see it on your dollar bills. The Luciferians actually have a few main principles that they are trying to legislate, that they are trying to enact in various social movements. Essentially, they are anti-natalists. They are trying to remove the authority of the parents from the children. They want to create, they want to move the age of consent to pre-birth,
Starting point is 00:31:18 and they, I guess, would like every single person on planet Earth to be in one giant orgasmic all of fucking. So it's just like a dinosaur ethno-state? Yeah, I mean, I think that's one way to put it. You know, if you read Albert's procreation of the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, and thank God this isn't taught to our children, but the dinosaurs were a very horny lizard, and that's what they all had in common. Do you mean the horny like they want to have sex, or horny like they got a slacks on? The horny like they wanted to have sex, they loved to copulate.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Some made meat, some ate vegetation, but one thing they all had in common is they loved cum. They loved eating cum. The dinosaurs loved cum. We shouldn't be saying this on this show. Sorry about that. The dinosaurs loved semen. Seminal fluid. And, you know, imagine the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex. Now imagine the ejaculate from a Tyrannosaurus rex. Now imagine a hundred of them giving each other hand jobs under a stegosaurus.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And you have an example of some of the satanic formations, these reptile monstrosities were lining up in those days. If you were a pterodactyl, you would be flying over an orgy of lizards. You would be flying over bubbling, massive calderas of cum with velociraptors who were giving each other rim jobs while the ancient Leviathans were jumping up out of the cum. There were actually dinosaurs that lived in the cum. This is where fish come from. That's why they smell like they do. Okay. I've never heard any of this before and I've read about 10 to 12 dinosaur books.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But what I'm thinking now, you mentioned hand jobs and stuff like that. I'm thinking about a T-rex. T-rex has little hands and some of these plant-eaters, they've got tons of sparks on them. I'm thinking two things. One, do these short hands on the Tyrannosaurus rex, is this because the Tyrannosaurus rex is saying, hey, I can't get myself off. I need to engage in an extramarital type of relationship to get my bone off. And possibly these plant-eaters are covered in spikes. They cannot be humped because to get humped would be to kill the thing that's getting humped.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Or chafed at the very least. The very least chafing. So what they're also saying is, hey, I can't get it deep. Or I can't give it deep or get it deep. So I need to have a special long-neck dinosaur to do like a suck on me. 100%. Okay, is that what it is? And this is if you really want to understand why the dinosaurs look the way they do,
Starting point is 00:34:48 they didn't evolve to kill. They didn't evolve in the normal way that animals think God evolved now, which is that the prey evolves various techniques, camouflage, speed, nesting to avoid the predator. Well, the predator evolves better techniques to get their prey. And the times of the dinosaurs, all they wanted to do was come, and they wanted to come hard. And so they would develop erotic symbiosis with each other. And yes, the long necks of the Brontosaurus, for example, might seem to make no sense.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Many idiots out there think that the long necks were to reach the fruit growing from massive trees. This is not the case at all. Those long necks were evolved for one reason and one reason alone. And that was for sucking off T-Rex, Velociraptor, for some of the massive dinosaurs with their big dangling lizard dongs. It's such a long dong. It would drift down and then the Brontosaurus would extend its neck up and just lick and lap at the penises, the dripping hot volvas and clitoris of the Stegosaurus.
Starting point is 00:36:21 They had massive clits. This is absolutely fascinating. I did not know any of this. It's a hobby of mine. I'm definitely going to have to take the dinosaur books away from my son, Tripper. He cannot rave these anymore. There are books that don't mention this. Most dinosaur books are not going to find this. If you want, I can give you a list of safe and not safe dinosaur books.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Also, we have a listener who sent an email in asking, Randy Reros, can you recommend the top three to five movies to watch around the holidays? Well, this doesn't have much to do with insulating the house. It doesn't, but they asked. For me, the top movie is going to be Werner Herzog's documentary on volcanoes. My family watches that every holiday season. If you're getting some dad time in, I would recommend Crandall Peterson's Blood Lady, which is the seminal CIA thriller about Captain Belvin Meeks and his pursuit of the CIA asset
Starting point is 00:37:43 who had been lost in Ecuador. Oh my gosh. I'm waiting for my wife to visit her sister to watch this one. She's cheating on you. The third and I guess the third holiday film that I absolutely love to watch is the Civil War by Kim Burns. Kim Burns. She's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:08 She's outstanding. I hear that. I hear tell that Kim Burns might be working on a dinosaur sex documentary. I heard that. I thought I hung wrong. Well, you heard right. That's not a myth. Not a myth.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I don't mean to name drop you, but let's just say I'm friends with Kim. And before she met me, I don't think she was aware of the truth behind the dinosaurs. So you broke that egg right open. Well, I read PILDER and I read PILDER. Oh, you read PILDER Kim Burns. I read PILDER Kim Burns. I told her, you know, use the thing. In my line of business, you don't know who you're going to be working with.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You might be working with, you know, somebody down the street or you might be getting picked up at an airport in a private plane and flying that plane is Harrison Ford. He flies his own planes. Oh, he's so good. He's so good, but he sure as shit doesn't know how to weather his own. I bet that dumbass doesn't know anything about that. He's too good at acting. I told him when he brought me to his palatial estate that he might as well have moved in to an icebox,
Starting point is 00:39:30 because that's what he had going on there. It was cold as cold, communal insulation, nothing. Now, to get back to the new Kim Burns documentary, I've actually seen a sneak peek of certain scenes. Obviously, it's not family friendly. She didn't pull any punches in her depiction of what was going on back then in the Jurassic era. And let me let's just say we'll put two S's in Jurassic because one fascinating thing about the dinosaurs is they loved rim jobs. Dinosaurs loved getting their asses eaten for very long periods of time.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Some of the dinosaurs would lay back and have their asses, not literally eaten by the way, but lapped upon by lines of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs knew how to get into lines. They would get into lines just like at one of the graphic movie theaters. That makes so much sense to me because you think about dinosaurs being a very long creature that says, hey, line up. Line up. And they would get in lines and then some would line up and they would go down on the ass of Bronosaurus for a couple of minutes.
Starting point is 00:40:56 A couple of minutes, that's it. Well, some came fast. Some dinosaurs, I don't want to call it premature ejaculation because it's just the amount of time it took them to come. So they would go fast and come quick and move on. But some dinosaurs, they would lap upon the anus of the Bronosaurus for months at a time. Wow. Months at a time. Do you know what they ate while they were doing that?
Starting point is 00:41:26 How did they survive? Where did they get their energy from? Let me guess. Can I guess? Let me get three guesses. One is leaves, two is sticks, three is meat. Nope. Not leaves, not sticks, not meat.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Come. Because the dinosaurs- Oh, God, I knew it. I knew it. The dinosaurs that were next in line or the ones behind them or the ones behind them would be so titillated by watching this rim job go down that they would masturbate into the anus of the Bronosaurus. And then, of course, whichever creature was in line and enjoying that rim job would lap up to come. And this would create the, I guess, what do they call these days, pay it forward? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 The same thing happens in line. Pay it backwards, I guess. It's similar to what happens in lines at Starbucks where you pay for the person behind you. In this case, you as a dinosaur would ejaculate onto the quivering anus of the Bronosaurus receiving the rim job, knowing that when it was your turn, you would be fed pum from those behind you. Wow. Rinky dinky. That is just so special. I hope my son Tripp does not know about this.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And if he does, we're going to have to have a long talk before his next baseball game. And folks, real quick, just make sure that you put foam insulation on any copper piping around your house, any hose outlets. You should definitely insulate those. And inside the house, keep a drip of warm water going when it freezes. Because, you know, it's not, a lot of people think it's when the pipes, the water freezes in the pipe. It's what damages them. It's not what damages them. It's when they unfreeze.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It's that compression and expansion. It creates the water burst. It can cause so much property damage. So interesting. Randy Reed Rose, thank you for being on the Leather Rose. I'm Depper Daniels, and we'll catch you next time with some more informative tips to keep your home humming at the optimal temperature this winter. This has been the Leather Rose. Thank you, Randy.
Starting point is 00:44:02 That was the Leather Rose. I've been doing that podcast with Johnny Pemberton for a while now. You can find it wherever podcasts are streamed. And remember, head over to twitch.tv for its last Johnny Pemberton and check out his awesome twitch feed. It's amazing. He's so funny. And remember, folks, subscribe to Johnny's podcast live to tape. Thank you guys so much for listening to this episode.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Hopefully, I'll see you in Vegas next week. If not, I'll see you down the road. I love you so much. God bless you. Hare Krishna. We use an 8 by 10 new camera wooden box with a lens on it. Explore this amazing body of work as she shares her soulful, timeless portrait of everyday Pennsylvanians. The PMA.
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