Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 574: Ryan Bledsoe

Episode Date: July 28, 2023

Ryan Bledsoe, Chris Bledsoe's son and UFO researcher, joins the DTFH! Check out Ryan's podcast, Bledsoe Said So, and if you're at all interested in UFOs Chris Bledsoe's book, UFO of GOD: The Extraor...dinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe, is required reading. Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: Hello Fresh - Visit HelloFresh.com/21Duncan and use code 21DUNCAN at checkout for 21 FREE MEALS + Free Shipping!  AG1 - Visit DrinkAG1.com/Duncan for a FREE 1-year supply of vitamin D and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! Lumi Labs - Visit MicroDose.com and use code DUNCAN at checkout for 30% Off and FREE Shipping on your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Can you give me the names and titles of the people with direct first-hand knowledge and access to some of this crash retrieval? Some of these crash retrieval programs, maybe which facilities military vases that would the recovered material would be? Uh, I can't discuss that publicly, but I didn't provide that information both to the intel committees and the Inspector General. And we could get that in the skiff if we were allowed to get in a skiff with you with that big probably what you would die sure if you had the appropriate accesses The wings of the shields, ships If you let me lay my head on your hips It's so lonely and I'm not a skiff Can't make love to a secret Can kiss your secrets on the lips There are in the secrets I cannot tell But the biggest one is I would like to do in the wedding bell Been in the knee and say will you marry me?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Will you marry me? Gains out my skin I know you don't want to marry me, but if you spend a little time with me, then maybe my last thing will be grass-leaning. How could I not give you access to my heart, inside my skin is where the rest of all That of course is the top 40 song Get Inside My Skiff by Justin Bieber. And you can find that everywhere. It's Spotify, Streamable, YouTube, Twitter, X, X, and of course Apple, Music, iTunes, and on many iPods, which is really weird because because iPods are hard to find these days,
Starting point is 00:02:25 and it just appeared in a bunch of iPods, and everyone's freaking out about that. But if you ask me, we just have to lift up our legs and float downstream. Why is this song appearing in various technological systems when it wasn't uploaded by anybody, and Justin Bieber says that he has no idea who did this or where it came from and also that he can't talk about anything related to the song because
Starting point is 00:02:56 of various Indiees he signed. But if you ask me it is a B-Bar Banger, and I love it. What a podcast we have for you today. My friends, Ryan Bledso is here with us today. I hope you will consider checking out his dad's amazing book, UFO of God, the extraordinary true story of Chris Bledso. And I'll just quote Jim Simivan, former CIA director of operations. Chris has probably been visited officially and unofficially by more government types and UFO researchers than any other contactee or experiencer.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Strap, inference, the bloodso story is incredible and in light of the recent UFO disclosure hearings that just happened. I hope that you will listen to this story and maybe put your skepticism on the shelf and consider that stories like the one that you're about to hear might not be as incredible as they seemed a few weeks ago. Chris is a wonderful person, a friend of mine, and he has a fantastic podcast called Blood So, said so. I was on that podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It is a spiritual podcast that explores the spiritual dimension of UAPs and the ever-growing growing number of strange phenomena being recorded and reported, not just by families like the bloodshows but by high-ranking military official. Join me now! Let's fly into the celestial dimensions with the wonderful Ryan Bletsow. It's the Duncan Trash, so very important. Ryan Blets, so welcome to the DTFH. I just want to start off by thanking you. I know this is probably a very, very busy week for you. And I'm really grateful that you're spending some time with me on this amazing week, where we have just had the most insane level of disclosure, a historic level of disclosure.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Thanks for being here. How are you feeling right now, in this moment in history, where the things that you and your family have been talking about, have done documentaries about, have been researched by various networks and government agencies. How does it feel right now to suddenly have the things
Starting point is 00:06:16 that many people would roll their eyes at, the stories that you've told, suddenly becoming more credible. What's that like for you? First of all, thank you very happy and excited to be here, very much appreciated. And just rolling right into it, it feels good. It feels like, gosh, I mean, I hate to say,
Starting point is 00:06:36 but it feels like vindication is finally coming. You know, our experience has started in 2007 and it's been what, going on 17 years now that we've been fighting to get it out, and now it seems like everyone's ready to hear it. So it's awesome. I mean, it couldn't be a better time for our family. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, it's been, I mean, it is vindication. That is what it is. I mean, fold this, no pun intended, fold this closure on my part, when I first heard about your story, I doubted it. It's, I mean, and I think anyone with a rational mind, when they hear that your dad has some capacity or some connection with these anomalous orbs that just appear around him, around your property, anybody is going to be like, come on, that doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:07:27 What is that? It's a fraud, it's a scam, it's flares, fireworks, something swamp gas, some form of trickery. But then, you know, the more I looked into your story, and obviously the simultaneous sort of slow drip, disclosure that's happening, you know, I no longer doubt it. And I just find it fascinating
Starting point is 00:07:54 that we are getting to experience a moment in history where the stories like the stories, the story of your family, and the countless other stories that have been discounted by people who are habitually skeptical, habitually quote, rational are going to become accepted. Like it's going to require a complete revision of what most people imagine reality is. And part of that is going to be to go back and look at its stories like yours with this new eye.
Starting point is 00:08:35 With it with like, you know, that's pretty cool, man. That's pretty exciting. Sounds a lot like you're describing awakening, if I must say so myself. And yeah, it's gonna require an awakening for sure. An awakening to a new knowledge of what's possible, you know, like getting rid of the old box of you live 70 years and you go to hell, well, maybe the story is much better than that, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Do you know what I'm saying? Like the old conventional religious understanding of things, it's so much more complex. Do you mind if I do a quick little shameless plug? You said something there that sparked it. No, I want you to do that plug. You said full disclosure, and I had to take that opportunity. I have a Patreon show called Full Disclosure, where actually believe it or not, I was very much inspired
Starting point is 00:09:17 by a friend of ours. We both know him very well. His name is Clancy from the Midnight Gospel, and he does a meta podcast series. And so I've been doing that myself. And I've found that doing, you know, Blets of Setzo and Full disclosure has helped me tremendously let go a lot of the trauma of being an individual
Starting point is 00:09:38 who's speaking publicly for, you know, however many years my dad since 2008, and me since, you know, a few years ago, he's a lot older than me naturally. Taking the Clancy Rout and doing the podcast and talking about things has really helped me to come into a better understanding of what it means to stand in your truth. It doesn't matter that they don't care, they don't want to listen. And then the last thing getting those two out of the way is my dad, before we go into this very deep rabbit hole, my dad does have a brand new book, UFO of God, by Chris Bledsoe, very deep, highly recommended. It is a full telling of the story.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And yeah, so there it is. You know, before we, as we dive into this rabbit hole, maybe you could give a quick synopsis of the story of your family, the story of your dad For folks who maybe aren't familiar with it. Okay, sure It all started in 2007. So I actually I'm turning 30 in a week and a half I was 13 when it started so just the sense of how long my family's been dealing with this kind of behind the scenes So 2007 and all again my dad my eldest brother Chris junior and
Starting point is 00:10:51 Three of their Construction subcontractors, you know my brother was working with my dad at 16 17 years old that early and They had subcontractors there with them and they were out in North Carolina on the Cape Fair River out in Fayetteville where we're all from. It was January 8th. I have to think it's Elvis's birthday. I remember it was Elvis's birthday. And they're out on the Cape Fair River fishing after finishing a big project. My dad, I'm not going to go into incredible detail.
Starting point is 00:11:21 It's all in the book, but he was a very successful, basically like a construction mogul in our town, like huge multi-million dollar construction empire. My mom had the real estate side of that business, and together they were just churning out hundreds of houses a year, and it was a huge operation. And long story short, my dad was very ill with Crohn's disease, which was an incurable disease, or still is, I should say.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And it just, it caused him to have so much debilitating stress, he could manage, there were things going on, and the business crashed. And we went bankrupt as a family. I was like 11, 12 years old, the sheriffs are coming and repossessing a lot of our stuff. It was a very crisis like time in our house. You know, my dad sit me on his lap crying,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm sorry, I can't buy you Christmas presents this year, digging for pennies for lunch, that kind of situation, like going from millions to nothing. And that was booked just before the UFO stuff started. So we were in a crisis like situation, and my dad was suicidal. I mean, he had multiple suicidal attempts, loved his kids too much, couldn't go through with it.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And so fast forward to that night in 2007. He's out there on the river and he's ready to end his life. And they're out there fishing and they're, you know, the three subcontractors are having a good time. My brothers doing the best he can, having a good time. And my dad is just like walking off by himself to pray. I did forget to mention we were a deeply
Starting point is 00:12:44 pentacostal holiness family, which is like extreme Christianity for those who don't know what that means That's like two tongues. Yes, they handling yes It's like two steps below Amish, you know, so my dad's walking off into the woods by himself and he's praying God I can't do this anymore Kill me or heal me you got to take my life or you gotta turn it around, right? So getting into the event now. He starts walking away from the river, away from where all the guys are fishing.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And the trail down into the river is about a half mile walking a very deeply wooded narrow path that only one car can go. So he's walking up his path and he starts hearing things in the woods and he's like, whoa, he's looking around. He's been a big game hunter and fisher in his entire life. He had the record largest bear killed in North Carolina for many years, like a 600 plus pound bear. Wasn't scared of the woods. This scared him. This was the first time he had been ever scared in the woods
Starting point is 00:13:39 at some strange sound. He's on his hand and knees looking under the brush. Like, what is that? Is it a turkey? Is it a fox? Is it a coyote? He doesn't know. hand and knees looking under the brush. Like, what is that? Is it a turkey? Is it a fox? Is it a coyote? He doesn't know. So he keeps walking up this trail, again, it's about half mile, so it's kind of a long walk. And he's looking, he's hearing these rustling
Starting point is 00:13:54 when he stops, the sound stops. His hair standing up on his head, so he gets to the top of the hill. And when he gets to the top, he sees these two supermassive orange orbs. He calls them like balls of fire, you know. And they look like the setting sun up in the horizon. And first thought is like, oh, the sun's setting.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Wait a minute. There's not two suns. So immediately he's freaking out. Oh my God, it's got to be an alien invasion situation. He turns around to run. But then when he looks back one more time to take a glance at them, a third one shoots up. This is about four, about five, 30 in the afternoon and a January went through evening where it gets dark early. So it's like, you know, the sun's starting to set anyway. The very next thing he remembers, he's back by the fire, the fires out, the truck is moved,
Starting point is 00:14:44 everybody's like Chris, where have you been, where have you been? By that time, my brother, Chris Jr. comes out of the woods screaming, I mean, he's only 16, 17 at the time. He's hysterically screaming and crying, Dad, where have you been? I saw these creatures in the woods.
Starting point is 00:14:58 There's all this chaos. He's like, these creatures they had red eyes and my dad's like, I just saw UFOs. Then you know, pandemonium ensues that the subcontractors realized they're not messing with them and they're like, we've been looking for it for hours. One of them shouts, look, and they look up in the sky and there's like eight or nine different big white lights up where the stars are. They scramble around and then a few of them shoot over to the other side of the Cape Fair River like like 5200 yards away.
Starting point is 00:15:27 They're freaking out. They get in the truck. They rush out of there and by the time they get through that narrow path that I was telling you about that my dad walked up and they get it's a hill. It's an incline path back up to you know the main road. When they get out there they stop and one And one of these massive, supermassive, you could call it an orb, you could call it a craft, whatever, but it was a gigantic oblong like teardrop shaped, spiky, you could call it a vessel,
Starting point is 00:15:57 but it was made of pure glowing light. And it was on the road in front of them blocking their path, almost like teasing them, like you're not going anywhere Eventually it moves they take off in the truck everybody scream in us the end of the world I want to go see my wife first. I want to go see mine Yeah, and you know my dad's driving so he gets home last by the time he gets the other guys home When they get to our house and nobody was there that night me. Me, my other brother, my sister, my mom, we were across town staying with her mother
Starting point is 00:16:27 because she has a, she's an older widow who had a fear of staying alone. So she always needed someone to stay with her if her son. Yeah. Anyway, long story short, nobody was there except my dad and my brother. They get home, they start seeing lights in the backyard, hearing the dogs barking, and they come face to face.
Starting point is 00:16:46 My dad comes face to face with a three to four foot tall entity in the backyard with a triangle on his chest. It's translucent. It was the same entities that my brother saw in the woods that, you know, they eventually figured out they were seeing the same thing. And when my dad saw this entity face to face, it flashed into his mind. I'm here. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. So the next night, there's a lot more detail in the book. I'm trying to skim through. But the next night, I'm still, you know, across town with my, my grandma and my mom and my other siblings, my dad and my brother are still there. We don't all know about this yet. And the next night happens again, dog start barking.
Starting point is 00:17:28 There's a light in the backyard. My dad goes out there with a rifle this time. He's like, I'm gonna end this so that my son's not suffering. It's terrifying him, this kind of situation, you know. He thinks he's gonna kill it. He goes back there, he comes face to face with one of these entities again, and he drops the rifle. And it flashes in him this
Starting point is 00:17:46 this overwhelming compelling sort of transformative message of complete compassion for all universal life never to harm anymore living beings to treat things with love. He stopped hunting. My dad, he's 61 years old, He still won't kill a bug anymore. Wow. I'll smash a roach and my dad gets mad at me. You know, it changed him. I forgot to mention he came back. He was in complete remission of Crohn's
Starting point is 00:18:14 never took a medication for it again. His Crohn's disease was healed. And that's the short version. There's a lot more detail like the missing time. I mean, you know, if you guys caught, you know, the audience, if you noticed, his perspective was, he got back to the fire, but in reality, he was missing for four hours.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And he was on board that big shiny thing of light. And so the discovery channel ended up getting involved. Long story short there, we get home a couple days later, I get off the school bus, it's the south, so a lot of your neighbors or your family members, quite literally, my grandfather, my grandmother were my next door neighbor. I go over after school and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:54 getting there to hang out with them like I did every day after school and they say, boy, your dad's been smoking dope and he saw green boogermen in the woods. And I was like, what? That's the first I heard of it. There's no cell phones on 13-year-old kids back in 2007. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I get over there, dad starts telling me about it. We're all excited as kids, we believe. My mom is like, hell no. This is evil, this is demonic. I don't want anything to do with this. Don't talk about my children, this isn't gonna work. There was about a 10-month period where my dad was too terrified to report the experience because of my mom pressuring him like this is not going to work out our marriage will end. You will lose
Starting point is 00:19:33 your children over this. I'm not going to be associated with this. There was literally a time I can never forget this one of my very most traumatic memories at 13 years old of seeing a Baptist minister come into our house and try to exercise the devil out of my dad. Wow. And that didn't go over very well. And long story short, 10 months go by, my dad reports it. We're sitting around one night watching this dinky UFO show back in 2007. And it was like UFO files with Bill Burns or one of those type shows.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And it says, if you've had a citing report at Moofon.com, and he finally sent the report in the rest of his history very quickly. They were on our property doing a full scale investigation funded by Bigelow. We can get more into this later as much as you know, see that that's what you know, that's where it gets double weird. It gets weird. Like obviously that's almost as weird as it can get. Someone who is like physically and mentally diseased basically, I mean, I don't know other way to describe it when you are considering ending your own life, praise has pretty much the classic biblical angelic encounter, which is when they talked to you, the
Starting point is 00:20:46 first thing they try to do is call me down. I'm not here to hurt you. Being not afraid is how it gets translated in the Bible, but that's essentially what they told your dad. Being not afraid, a revelation is given along with healing on all levels. And then it continues with the biblical archetype, which is then you try to integrate that into your default reality mode and the people within your default reality mode and you get rejected.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Either it's a demon, you're smoking dope, you've gone nuts, and it's like the world wants to suppress this info. Almost reflexively, reflexive suppression. No, that's not real. I don't believe what you're saying. But then, you know, there's this, the contacts a government agency. And they show up.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh, it was immediately they showed up. I'm talking immediately, like we had a documentary out in about a year's time from the Mom and He Hit report. And that was including showing up just a few months later, doing a full scale investigation with the president of the organization and a Homeland Security slash DIA agent and an FBI agent doing the investigation. And then it was like a few months of editing, boom,
Starting point is 00:22:13 documentaries out. And let me tell you, Duncan, it didn't make us look good. And we can go as deep into this as you would like. This might be a lot for people to digest, but it is in fact true, and there are receipts of this. And the very introduction of my book, I know that most people will probably listen, but you can see here,
Starting point is 00:22:35 Colonel John Alexander, I know it's in reverse, but Colonel John Alexander is the introduction. That's the guy that George Clooney is portraying in the men who stare at goats, the whole psychic spy program thing. Yeah. You'll see him in the history channel episode coming out on August 1st. And then the forward is a, I know, again, I know it's in reverse, but Jim Simmy.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It's not in reverse. Oh, Jim Simmy. It is from me. It is from the former CIA clandestine directorate of operations. Also the vice president of To the Stars, with Tom DeLong. These folks are in the book, stating in their tenure and experience at these clandestine agencies and the Department of Defense that our family did end up being the most studied UFO contactee family and histories. It's written history. So it's one, you have to wonder, what compelled them to show up so quickly?
Starting point is 00:23:31 What why why your family? I mean, I can't even imagine if you have like a UFO hotline, how many people call you, trolls, people who actually haven't seen anything and you know just saw a satellite or whatever You know you have to you can't even imagine like how that works, but you have to wonder why your family. Why did they? gravitate towards you. Why did they come to you? I could tell you what they said And in 2008 or well technically he reported it in 2007. You know, he waited about 10 months. I believe it was October of 2007. He reported it on movefund.com.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Within a week they were sending us mail, like draw what you experienced. You know, draw it, send it back. And then it was like, can we come to your house? Yes. Move on was an organization. By the way, move on was the follow up of Project Blue Book. I'm jumping ahead here. I'm bringing this up because you just did a stream on the hearings today.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And Blue Book was one of the things mentioned in RO. A lot of these things that you've heard mentioned, these programs actually were at our property investigating my family in an official capacity. So Project Blue Book was headed by Alan J. Heineck. His number two in charge was a NASA scientist named Dr. Harold Povidmeyer. He was one of the very first NASA scientists that showed up on our property. Told us NASA scientists. Yes. And CIA as well. Many of these NASA folks, after you've known them for many years, they end up telling you, well, I'm also CIA analyst.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I just haven't been able to tell you. They're all dipping, they're double dipping. Take a bite out of summer with Hello Fresh. Chef crafted seasonal recipes to their new Fresh and Fit summer menu. Hello Fresh brings flavor. Right to your door. Are you looking to eat while the summer? Hello Fresh's menu features calorie smart, protein smart, lunch and dinner options. Plus, new vegan dinners to choose from. Hello Fresh makes it easy to reach your food goals with flavorful recipes that leave you feeling satisfied. I use Hello Fresh regularly. I love it. I love it because I don't like going
Starting point is 00:25:59 to the grocery store. I think I have undiagnosed social anxiety. I get to the grocery store. The seafood section freaks me out. Is the fruit organic? I don't know. It seems like it's not. Is this the organic section? Where am I? What am I doing at a grocery store? I don't want to do self-check out, but I don't want to stand in line. And then I'll get home and I've inevitably forgotten something. I've forgotten the the Lord. I've forgotten some rare seasoning that I wouldn't have been able to find anyway because how are you supposed to go through all the seasoning bottles? People are trying to get past you, babies are crying. There's a general sense of confusion in the air. Hello, fresh. Salsa all those problems. You want to feel like the chefs on the cooking shows where they have all the ingredients carefully measured out
Starting point is 00:26:52 and rammackens and you get the joy of just popping the ingredients into your sizzling pan. You want to impress your date before your net flicks and. Make-out session. Hello, fresh is the road to glory. It's delicious. I promise you should try it out. They're so good. Go to hellofresh.com slash Duncan 50. Use Coduncan 50 for 50% of plus free shipping. Again, telefresh.com slash Duncan 50 use code Duncan 50 for 50% off plus free shipping. Thank you. Hello, fresh. So, so this is the summary of it all. Suddenly people from various government agencies are investigating your family with like not just once they're coming back to the point where you're still coming.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You've become friends with many of them. Like you, there's a connection now. So this, and you're showing me in your book, it's like they're writing forwards to your book. This isn't making stuff up. These people are interested in whatever happened to you and your dad and your family and not just that. And this is the most insane part.
Starting point is 00:28:39 The fact that it keeps happening. It's still happening. He work, he can basically, I mean, is it wrong to say that he can call these things that he somehow has the ability to reach out and then they just show up? That, I mean, that's actually scientifically about to be confirmed in the August 1st History Channel of Beanskin Walker Ranch.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It's hard, you put me in a hard spot because it's like, you know, there's a difference between, yeah, I can call on UFOs, but also like trying to be humble and convey the truth that it actually is happening. You see what I mean? But yes, it does happen that way. And he'll never admit that he calls them in.
Starting point is 00:29:17 What my father says is he prays and they appear when they're ready. It's a mutual respect in connection. But to go back to your previous question, why us, why did they swarm us? Well, I'll tell you what they told. So when my dad hit that report in 2008, immediately they were in touch, they were like, can we come?
Starting point is 00:29:34 And it snowballed into this main stream or mainline government investigation. What they told us was from the images that my dad and my brother drew and from the descriptive language that they used, they knew that they were telling the truth because there had been reports of entities exactly like this in the 1950s. And when they came to our house, they actually had diagrams drawn in the 1950s and they were to the symbols, to the to the T.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They were exactly identical to what my dad and my brother had had reported. And they knew that it was true. And what they're telling us now, what many of the CIA folks and so on are telling us now, is that they know that there is some sort of impending consciousness shift type of event where the phenomenon will Basically get the news out and there's nothing really anybody can do about it, you know There's nothing right the government they can you know they can they can act like it's locked behind all the secrecy But in reality when the phenomenon's ready it will be made Manifest in front of the world and they know they've they've known that this was What do you mean they manifest in front of the world? What know they've known that this was the real name manifest in further what do you mean like a visitation some sort of revelation so
Starting point is 00:30:52 because you know this is Now that this has gone way above ground now the toothpaste is especially after today after these hearings the toothpaste is Way out of the tube. It's not going back in. And the world of the professional UFO, debunker, the professional UFO skeptic, just got much smaller, much more difficult. How do you, as one of these who is some of them have made a career out of debunking, defaming, diminishing people like you, others like you. How do you now
Starting point is 00:31:37 continue on when you have in that hearing three very very high-ranking officials in various capacities in the government, pilots, intelligence, saying under oath, under oath. No, no, not only are we seeing these things, 90% of them, 95% of them, I think, was 95% are going unreported for fear of having your career devastated by talking about. I mean so why? Why? Disclosure now. And to me the most efficient answer is because they want to get ahead of the curve because they
Starting point is 00:32:21 just like what you're saying. Some things coming and they don't want it to come and without them at least seeming like they made some attempt, right, at letting people know, or people are going to be pissed. What do you mean? Why didn't you tell us? You knew this was happening and you kept it a secret. I'm going to lay, I'm not going to do a skiff situation here. Look, I've never signed any document other than like history channel saying that I won't spoil the episode that's only coming out in six days. I've never signed any document that I can't reveal these secrets. I'm just gonna lay all my cards out on the table. When I was 15 years old, this individual named Harold Pavanmeyer.
Starting point is 00:32:59 He's pretty heavily referenced in my dad's book because he's the first NASA scientist that he literally got in the car one day, drove 12 hours from Cape Canaveral all the way to North Carolina, knocked on the door. I'm playing Xbox and my pajamas. And I answer the door and he says, is this Chris Pledso's house? And I'm like, uh, mom, can you call dad, NASA's here, kind of situation? Like that really happened. And next thing you know, he's in our family for the next 11 years until he passed away.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And he told us, when I was about 15 years old, he said, keep in mind, when I was 15 years old, this was the year 2008. So imagine how long I've been holding my breath. He said, by the year 2025, all of disclosure is going to be laid out for humanity to know all of the answers. And everybody's humanity to know all of the answers and Everybody's gonna know everything by the year 2025. Wow. He told me that in 2008. Wow Now fast forward a little bit After the documentary came out in 2008. I did forget to mention
Starting point is 00:34:00 That they got a Harvard Psychotherapist involved who was a student and a protege of John Mack who's like the most famous alien hypnotherapist guy out there I'm sure I'm sure lots of people who listen have heard of John Mack so this guy was a protege of the late John Mack he does a hypnotic regression on my dad he was able to recall the missing four hours with his initial sighting where he was gone and it was we can go into that if you'd like, but just the reason I bring that up as he was suggested
Starting point is 00:34:29 that he would remember his experiences going forward and that they would no longer be unconscious or experienced in like a translate state. So five years go by. Well, I would love for you to go into that a little bit. Like what did he remember? What happened to him during that period of missing time? Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:34:45 So when he saw the two and then he turned to run and then he looked back and he saw the third one, they came and approached him and came so close to him that he could see the spikes of light coming off of them and he reached out and touched it. And next thing he knew he was in a dark room and there were four entities in front of him. They were seven to eight feet tall, not like the three to four foot tall ones. And anyway, so he there's these three. I can't remember. Look, I wasn't there. It was my dad who was there and I've been hearing his version of this for 16 years. It was three to four entities in this room. And they
Starting point is 00:35:26 approach him and they say, we're not going to hurt you. My dad is sobbing hysterics. Where's my sorry? What did they look like? Did he? Yeah. What did they look like? Where do they were? Were they where they graze like? They were like, they were really tall. They looked similar to your typical description of like what an alien might look like. But they shine like light, they glowed. They weren't, you know, they weren't so knock on wood physical, you know, they were more translucent like spiritual type entities. And they had these really big heads and big eyes,
Starting point is 00:35:55 but when they talked, their mouths didn't move. Never, none of these entities that my dad has experienced, their mouths never moved, it was on the head. And this is, by the way, this is just to give it some context, this is the report that you get when people are abducted or make contact with these beings, there seems to be some telepathic component. They speak, you know, I guess it's kind of like not to like reduce it to psychedelic terms, but it's like the way the mushroom talks to you.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You know, it's not like you see a mouth or anything. It's like it's pulsing information to you that you are grokking, so to speak, but you're not like hearing a voice necessarily. It's imparting information in this way that it would almost feel like it was your thoughts or your deep or self or something like that. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense with the mushroom comparison. But yeah, they said basically, like, you know, don't worry about Christian, you're he's safe.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And we're watching over him. And they said that they were the guardians of nature in all life that they served the universal force of creation. They didn't come right out and be like, behold, we're biblical angels, we serve God. They didn't say that. They said that they serve creation and that they tend to human life like a terrarium or a garden, that they maintain our biological evolution over the aons to make sure that we're evolving according to the plan of creation and that they protect us from
Starting point is 00:37:28 negative interdimensional forces that they keep us on track for our destiny so to speak and they showed him the pyramids and They showed him some other strange types of entities that were like sort of like One thing they showed him was like, you could imagine a dog with like a duck bill, with like duck feet, like some things that they've been working on that was just like, ah, we're gonna scrap that kind of deal, you know, that they created.
Starting point is 00:37:53 They're gonna scrap the duck dog. Well, they got the platypus. So, okay, right, we already got the platypus, it's cute enough, duck dogs, a little creepy, probably super annoying. They conveyed that they created us. And another thing is they took dad out to space, whatever that means. You know, I've always wondered my whole life.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Did they physically take him or was it more like phased him into a space where everything is metaphorical? I don't know. But my dad has these memories, you know. They took him to space and they explained to him that there is a negative force in charge in the American and global governments and that they do not cooperate with these entities. They are very fearful of them and they showed him an image of these entities. I mean, I'm sorry. Let me sound as my phone here that distracted me. They showed him an image of these American government agencies shooting missiles out into
Starting point is 00:38:47 space to attack them and the entities disabled it. And was like, you know, they're arrogant in their power. They think they can harm us, but they can't, you know. And they showed him the pyramids. Wait, sorry, the US government was not attacking the dark entities. They're saying the US government or the military industrial complex has attempted to shoot missiles at them. Yes. Like they, they, they don't, they're not into this. Yes. Whatever this is, they're not into that. The human governments fear them. They can't control.
Starting point is 00:39:18 That's what they communicated to my dad. They don't cooperate. And um, they showed him the pyramids. And then the last thing they showed him was this, I don't know what it means, but it was a supermassive sphere of light. It's floating out somewhere in the cosmos. It was like this enormously supermassive conscious entity of light. Maybe it was, maybe it was God, maybe it was what we think of raw or something.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I don't know, but it was this entity that supposedly will be returning where we can see it from Earth in a future time. Maybe it's the sun. Maybe there's something with the sun going on because there's some other stuff with that later. So that was missing four hours there. and then what I was gonna say earlier so so that all came back to him The sad thing is on the documentary Which the fellow Jim Simmy van who is the Literally in plain terms. He was the CIA Program director for the spy program. He was the head of the spies for the United States Central Intelligence Agency He told me to my face in my backyard
Starting point is 00:40:26 that the Discovery Channel documentary was in fact an intelligence operation to kind of shut us down so our story wouldn't spread because they knew that it was, you know, true and they didn't want it getting out there. Because at the time, remember, this is pre-tick-tack video. That was what, 2017, 2016, when this subject was...
Starting point is 00:40:46 2017. That's when it began declassified, and everybody started seeing all this tick-tack stuff. Our documentary came out in 2008 when it was classified, so they had to shut us down. They couldn't spin it good, you know? So they... Okay, let me stop you there.
Starting point is 00:41:00 In the hearings today, this is one of the questions that seems to have been confirmed. I think it was something like, have the intelligence communities been intentionally distorting this data? Like, has the answer is yes. Yes. So that is been confirmed that there has been an active, concerted effort to diminish, reduce, confuse silence, silence,
Starting point is 00:41:26 silence, any information coming out regarding whatever this is. So you experienced that firsthand. Yes. They tried to warp your experience in a way to make it seem non-credible. In the end of the documentary, they called on the question where we're saying or lying or credible was a science fiction. And what they did, Duncan, was they, when they showed up to film,
Starting point is 00:41:51 they said they were gonna come to our property and then they said, change of plans, like the morning of, they're in town from LA, this discovery crew. They're like, change of plans, we're running late. Can you come to our hotel off of I-95? My dad gets there, there's an assistant out front, they whisk him into a room with an FBI agent running a light detector. The cameras are rolling,
Starting point is 00:42:08 it's like sit down right now and take the light detector, nice to meet you by the way. He sits down. Over four hours, they asked him 30 plus questions over and over and over and over. My dad was literally falling asleep, it was so strenuous. And after four hours, they finally got a question that said an inconclusive result by his heartbeat because of his anxiety of asking the same 30 questions over and over. And they went and they aired that, like my dad was a liar and they called it into question.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Okay, did they tell your dad you're gonna come in for a lie detector test? No, they didn't, they just spring it on him. And they pushed him. It was like, sit down, cameras are rolling, let's do the test. Wow. And they shut it at the end of the documentary.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Assholes. Assholes, that is bullshit, that's so unethical, It was like sit down cameras are rolling. Let's do the test and they showed it at the end of the documentary Assholes that is bullshit that's so unethical that's so fucked up that's such a breach of trust I mean that is fucked up man like imagine going to school after that aired 15 right hold you know that's what like if like This continues in the way it's going, uh, and more evidence comes out about these programs that we're designed to, um, basically ruin people's lives, you have to, if you, is it occurred to you that you might actually have a lawsuit here, like, that there's the possibility where you could, like theoretically, to me, it seems like if you can prove that your honest experience was intentionally warped
Starting point is 00:43:36 to make you seem like an asshole, and your family seem like liars or like they're crazy, and this was done on purpose by entities that knew it was true, isn't that like a classic case of slander, isn't that, that's defaming you on purpose. Like, I don't know, I think this is part of what, like the most mundane explanation for why many of these people are threatening folks like you and
Starting point is 00:44:06 threatening people in the military industrial complex in the intelligence field is just because they know they're smoked. Like this is illegal, it's unconstitutional, and also it's harassment. Like it's violations of God knows how many laws and they know that once the damn breaks they're going to get lawsuits. Like they're they're going to get sued. You know, and I know that's a mundane reason. I want the reason to be what you're talking about, which is that you know a visitation is coming or something like that. But I feel like many of them are just, they know they're in trouble. This is hot water, man.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They've like, no matter what, they've broken laws. Like they've essentially like siphon taxpayer money and private corporations that are giving them money. They're buying them the reverse engineered tech back at a higher price. There's so many laws that have been broken here. Do you think that is a credible explanation for why they have been so aggressive and violent in the way that they're suppressing this information. I think you're absolutely right and there probably is grounds for that.
Starting point is 00:45:28 But before I answer that, I want to say on behalf of the bloodso family, we're not interested in revenge, we're not interested in trying to go that negative route. We honestly, we just want to heal as a family and we want to get our story out there and be and be listened to and taken seriously. We've been shouting since since 2008 publicly and I would be willing to represent you. If you want to, I mean, I'm not a trained attorney, but I think I could get into the law books and could find something in here.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And you know, man, I think we could make a pretty penny off of this, Mr. Blitz. I appreciate your positivity. It's beautiful. We love the angels just so you know, here at the Trustle Law firm, big fan of angels, big fan of healing, global consciousness shift. But yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:14 But also we love cold green cash. Should I think you can do like 80, 20 split your way. 80, 20 my way. Oh, I would love, don't. No, yeah, no, 20 my way I would love to know yeah, that's what I like okay Yeah, that's great. I mean, you know, that is a kind of friendship deal usually charge more about 80 20 split Oh, that makes it no, so you you you you you had Here's the fantasy This is the fantasy of many kids
Starting point is 00:46:42 Here's the fantasy. This is the fantasy of many kids, especially if you've seen Firestarter or ET, or any of the movies where the feds come in. And like, you are the nucleus of some paranormal extraterrestrial phenomena. And then from that experience, you are like, now you, you know, you're like magical. And that's the fantasy. You experience that except when you emerge from the experience, there wasn't magic. It's just people like rolling their eyes at your entire family,
Starting point is 00:47:20 people making fun of you, people accusing your father of being a liar or a maniac or a grifter, it's really sad. Yeah, it is, but I will say healing is coming and it's okay. If you would ask me a year ago, I would have told you I want revenge, but things change and we have a very positive outlook. Like, look, just me being here right now on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, if somebody had told me at 13 years old that that would happen, I would say, you're out of your mind.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And here we are, you know, and like it's cool. Healing is possible, positivity is a hell of a drug, so to speak, and you know, we don't want revenge. We could, we could be that way, but we just want to share the message. And I wanted to say this to address your previous question if we thought there was a lawsuit kind of thing. Sure, but also we're very grateful because since 2017 and the D-class has happened,
Starting point is 00:48:15 there have been like Jim Simmyvenge on Alexander and some others, you know, also Hal Povomite. There have been some very wonderful elements of the CIA and NASA and etc. who have helped us and have privately encouraged us to go forward and tell our story. And like if anybody has a question about that, two of these people are writing in the book and are encouraging my dad to write the second and coaching him on, you know, upcoming chats and things like that. And like, there have been elements of the Department of Defense that have come and helped us. And I feel like, you know, if anybody's seen Stranger Things Season 4, I think it's a recent
Starting point is 00:48:55 great example where like 11, I'm not sure if you saw it, but like 11, she's locked in a government facility and there's one element of the government trying to kill her and then there's one trying to save her It's really like that. It's really really like that. That is the impression that I get the like clearly There is a power struggle happening within these agencies. It's true between people who are trying to like maintain their grasp on power and people who are recognizing. What's that? And secrecy.
Starting point is 00:49:28 And secrecy and people who feel that by doing this, that they are going against the oaths that they took and that their very integrity is at stake. And more than that, that it is inhumane to conceal this sort of information from humanity. That we, it's a human right to understand our what's really going on in the universe that we live in.
Starting point is 00:50:02 That we're living in, we're like a bird in a cage with someone through the blanket over. And we think that this is all there is to being a bird, some shadowy sad cage. You know, we don't even understand what our fucking wings are. Right. And, you know, there's people who are more and more, like pushing back and with success. I mean, now it's pretty much over. Like if you are someone in the intelligence community that has been afraid, and I don't blame you,
Starting point is 00:50:39 if you are afraid, I don't blame you, you got kids, you need your paycheck. You need your security clearance. You, you know, you don't want to like, you throw away a lifetime of education and building trust and proving yourself. And you know, it sucks that you haven't done that, but you, you, I get it, man. I get it. But now it's like the whole thing has been opened up to the point where if you come forward now, you're going to seem like a hero. And you know, you're, you're much safer now than you were even a year ago coming forward with this information. And that, I think is going to get becoming
Starting point is 00:51:20 increasingly enticing for people who have been holding their tongue, don't you? Oh, yeah, for sure. I think people are going to start coming out of the woodwork. I mean, we're seeing it now. And it does sting a little bit. Talk about positivity on the one hand, but also it's like we've been coming forward for so many years now. And it's like, if this is what it takes for people to finally listen, then so be it.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I'm grateful. But it does sting a little bit that they weren't listening the whole time, but that's just human nature. Yeah. I mean, it's a lot to listen to. Like, I have, you know, like initially, especially these days, like all this stuff is coming out that is potentially in human history, one of the greatest events in recorded history. It's certainly an American history. And there is some frustration initially that I was experiencing when I realized that many people are not as excited as I am.
Starting point is 00:52:23 That many people people in fact Don't seem like they want to hear about it at all like they're actively trying to ignore it Yeah, and now I'm starting to understand more like why Thank you, AG1, for supporting the DTFH and for supporting my 48-year-old body. I have just started taking boxing classes. My body is confused about this decision. It doesn't understand why suddenly I'm thrusting it into hardcore cardio vascular activity when it wants to lay in bed and play Diablo 4. And I'm sorry, but iced coffee isn't going to cut it when coach Mike is asking me to punch the bag for two extra rounds after working out for an hour. I need something special to keep me healthy. I don't think I could say to keep me alive
Starting point is 00:53:47 because that would imply something. And the point is it makes me feel great. It helps me box. And I can't keep up with the supplement routine. I'm sorry, I just don't have that kind of brain. It's not gonna happen. I need something easy. I need something like the vitamins for a
Starting point is 00:54:06 gerbil. I need something simple. I need something that I can do myself. I don't want to arrange vitamins. I don't want to take extra vitamins and get vitamin nausea and hurl vitamins all over my truck. Since I've been drinking AG1, I've noticed an overall feeling of health. It makes you feel good. It's one of those things where when it rolls down, you're speaking and swallowing tube. Your body feels like a dry cracked patch of dead earth that's been suffering under a long drought because the villagers upset a local wizard. And suddenly the forces of good prevail, AG1, sweet, beautiful G1 interacts with your body and just makes you come to life. Why do you want to take a bunch of different things when you can just mix one scoop of delicious powder
Starting point is 00:55:14 and water once a day, who is designed with ease and mind for people like you and me. I'm not running in the afternoon. I'm not an afternoon jogger. I'm not an afternoon jogger. I'm not a vitamin organizer. I have two pairs of shorts and they both stink. I need athletic greens. It is wonderful.
Starting point is 00:55:37 And I really hope that you will try them out. If you want to take ownership of your health, try AG1 and get a free one year supply of vitamin D and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase, go to drinkag1.com, Fortslash Duncan, that's drinkag1.com, Fortslash Duncan, check it out. I'm not sure if I can do it. Many people are not as excited as I am. That many people, in fact, don't seem like they want to hear about it at all.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Like they're actively trying to ignore it. Yeah. And now I'm starting to understand more like why? It's like people like you, you, you have had an extraordinary experience in your own life. I have not had anything as extraordinary as that happened to me, but I've always gravitated towards the, the paranormal, the... Would you like to? What?
Starting point is 00:56:49 Would you like to have a paranormal experience? I would, I try to call him. I'm not ashamed of saying that. Fly out. You'll see something. Ah, well, only I come when I was an actual, you know what? Speaking of visitation, we got a baby
Starting point is 00:57:02 that's gonna be here any day now. Oh really? Yes, yes, very exciting. And then after that, when I have some time, I will take you up on that. When you, like with my touring schedule, aligns with being out there, which is, I don't think that far away. Man, I would be honored to meet your dad and to see one of these things firsthand. Honestly, my feelings get a little hurt because sometimes I will pray.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'll try to call out to them. I'll reach out. Nothing. Dial tone, baby. They don't want to say hi to me. I get it. I'm yappy. I smell bad. It's not that they don't want to say hi to you. It's that they're awaiting when you're finally fully ready. And you will be, you know, it's strange because it's like the more we try, the more they're like, you're not quite ready. You know what I mean? It's an internal attitude.
Starting point is 00:57:57 But yeah, I mean, that'd be amazing. And offers on the table, you come out anytime. We'll have a call. Thank you. 20 or 30. And we've had CIA program directors. I won't say who unless they haven't exactly told us we can reveal their names yet because it's so early, but we've had congressmen and senators in our property seeing things and
Starting point is 00:58:15 they're like blown away. We've had a couple of like billionaire type venture capitalist type people, some Hollywood type people. I mean, people from all walks of life. And it's like, we're finally now hitting this point where we're pushing out into the public where people are hearing this, but it's been happening. And it's been brewing since it all began. And this next part is why we were so swarmed by members of the CIA, the NRO. That's a name that people heard in that hearing.
Starting point is 00:58:44 We've been swarmed by some NRO types. And NSA, Homeland Security, Naval Intelligence, DARPA, the list goes on and on and on. So okay, so the documentary comes out in 2008, wasn't a good look. And our family, like internally we called this the five years of darkness because from 2008 to 2012, we were treated like subhuman trash. I mean, like go to school, be laughed at, come home crying. My dad's out in town and people, you know, my dad was a reputable construction mogul in town.
Starting point is 00:59:11 So people knew him all around. And it's the South anyway. So people know each other like that in many cities. And we were just hated everywhere. We went our own family. Shundas mocked us, reviled us blah, blah, blah. So 2012, it's actually Easter, it's the weekend of Easter on a Sunday night. I guess Easter is on Sunday, right? Good Friday
Starting point is 00:59:32 then Sunday. So that Sunday night of Easter in 2012, Dad finally decides, I can't do this anymore. I can't deal with the ridicule and my children coming home crying and upset and being bullied. I can't do this, I'm done with it. I don't want anything to do with this. I should mention that between 2008 and 2012, the experience has never stopped. We did continue to see multiple entities, more orblike sightings in the sky.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I saw them immediately at 13 years old. Us kids were seen on the whole time. And we had poltergeist activity in the house, light bulbs getting unscrewed, entities running around, my mom got shoved in the kitchen one time, all kinds of stuff like this happening. And my dad says, I'm done with all this, I don't want anything to do with it ever again. That night, Easter of 2012, he goes to bed. And the 3am of voice says arise, like this deep masculine booming voice, and he gets out of bed, and he looks at the clock, it's 3 a.m. And it instructs him, get dressed. So he starts getting dressed, he gets his clothes on,
Starting point is 01:00:28 he walks out back in those entities that were on the light craft or whatever you want to call it from the O7 experience. They were outside the backyard and they were like, back in and come with us. And they said, this is your burden, hold on to this, don't lose it. And they handed him an object.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And it was like, imagine like the body of a small animal, like a chihuahua or something, but it had no legs, no head, no tail. It was just like the torso, but it was spiky. And it was gnashing. And he would hold it. And it was gnashing at his hands. And it was hurting him.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And they were like, don't lose this. They walk him through our backyard. He gets to our hunting dog kennels. We have this big L-shaped kennel for like a dozen or two hunting dogs. And my dad gets back there. The entities are gone at this point. And he throws it in there and he locks the kennel. And he turns around. And there is a massive ethereal ghostly bull. And it charges through my dad at Nox and Mon is back. He gets up and he rolls over on his hands and knees.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And when he looks up before he stands up, there is a woman, a female blonde haired blue-eyed gown that is white, that twinkled like the stars. And it went from her neck down to her ankles and she was floating four feet off the ground. She didn't move her mouth when she spoke and she said, you know I'm here. This is your burden, you have to tell your story. There is a new knowledge. We are going to awaken humanity into the age of Aquarius when the star regulates aligns with the gaze of the Sphinx just before dawn in the constellation Leo and
Starting point is 01:02:05 You have to go out and tell your story if you do not you will be like Joel the watchman in the blood of Devastation will be on your hands for not sharing what you know And she said her name was hathor Like the Egyptian deity she said but I've also been known by many names. I am the divine mother the the universal Creation of all life. I have existed since the universal creation of all life. I am the divine feminine and When this is restored into balance with the world is when we will awaken into the age of Aquarius, and she said that since the ancient time of all the old religions, the divine feminine has been suppressed. Even in the Bible, we see
Starting point is 01:02:51 evidence of Mary Magdalene was, I mean, not Mary Magdalene, I'm sorry, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was reduced to just being a human woman, but she still worshipped. Why is that, right? Well, they took the truth. They turned it down to the feminine aspect of it is just a human. Everything else is God though, right? She said that she is the secret missing part of the Holy Trinity. Go tell the story. We're going to help you along the way. A couple weeks later, my dad and I actually, I know you had just lived in Asheville, my dad and I drove to Asheville, and we went to a local move on conference.
Starting point is 01:03:31 We get there, and he tells the story publicly for the first time, and he's getting heckled from the crowd boo. We wanna hear about the river in 2007 that the Discovery Channel covered boo, and my dad starts crying, because he's just being hated and he just swore away talking about this and he's telling about this lady experience and
Starting point is 01:03:50 Something comes over him and he says There's gonna be an earthquake this this September of a 7.0 magnitude off the coast of Baja California And sure enough it actually happened down to the within 24 hours of when he predicted it and and sure enough it actually happened down to the, within 24 hours of when he predicted it. And then there was some key players and move on there who had friends in the intelligence community that went and told people that my dad had reported seeing this Mary
Starting point is 01:04:15 and apparition type thing. Next thing you know within a year, NRO was on our door. The man by the name of Timothy Taylor, he was, Sir, wait, what's NRO? National Reconnaissance Office. Okay. It is a joint operation between the CIA,
Starting point is 01:04:29 Air Force Intelligence, and NASA. They do top secret satellite type stuff for the Department of Defense, and more. By 2012 or 2013, this NRO agent, Timothy Taylor, also known as the Invisible College. There's this small, you can say, a elite group of academics, government types, scientists who are in the know on this subject, so to speak, and they have cutting edge, experimental type technology.
Starting point is 01:05:01 They got a hold of our story that dad was having this this sighting of this Marion apparition and next thing you know they're at our house and they're doing experiments with us and briefing us. I actually Duncan in 2013 this guy Timothy Taylor, he came to my house and he put an exotic piece of metal in my hand and when I say exotic you know what I mean right? Well I'm yeah I'm guessing mean, I've heard this classified not from Earth. Yeah, right. That's what they call like parts of wreckage. Or metamaterials, whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah, right. They have a lot of names for what is essentially stuff that's been recovered from these crash sites. Right. He put this piece of metal in my hand, and he's at my house now, and he said, now I'm gonna put this other piece in your other hand. Now, when you hold these two pieces, I want you to kind of focus for a minute and tell me if you feel anything and I'm like okay cool
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm like 20 years old, you know, I'm I'm not really no I don't really know much You know he put this stuff in my hand and I felt this electricity running through my body And I'm like oh my god. I feel electricity. What what's going on here? It didn't hurt me it felt it felt like a like a very calm Warm static running through my body. They weren't plugged in. They were just pieces of metal. And he was like, okay, cool. There's my answer. Go get help me out, get the rest of your family. One by one, I got all three of my siblings. Even my wife who was just my girlfriend at the time, she happened to be there. My mom and my dad, one by one, he had us all hold these metals. And
Starting point is 01:06:24 all six of us, all of us members of the Blets of family We all felt the electricity, but when my dad held these metals in his hand He he was the last one to do it His vision blacked out and his muscles on his arm. He has he had at the time He had big burly arms. I mean he's a carpenter swing and hammers his whole life. Yeah. Massive forearms. And his muscles were bulging out. They were like, the static electricity was sending convulsions through the muscles in his arm and he was being rocked by like the energy like this. You can see me.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Yeah. And he was like, what's happening? I can't see. I can't see. My vision's blacking out. And this guy with the NRO, Tim Taylor, he looks at my dad and he's like, oh my god. Why you? Why is why you? Why is this happening? I've only seen this happen with three other people.
Starting point is 01:07:08 My dad's like, what does this mean? He said, well, this is our proof. We know that you're telling the truth. And we know that you have had face-to-face contact with interdimensional entities. Otherwise, your family would not have felt this energy. My dad went on with this individual. They almost were involved in writing a book together through a professor named Diana Washbosoka.
Starting point is 01:07:29 That was, that never panned out. She, this character is mentioned in her book, American Cosmic, but long story short, my dad went on over the next couple of years to do psychic experimental type research with him, developing technologies through psychic downloads. That was the image I sent you earlier on the Twitter DM with Tom DeLong my dad and the young girl
Starting point is 01:07:50 Well that young girl had experimental bone cancer type implants Through technology that my dad helped them further with his psychic abilities long story. Wow now look Let me just you know interject here. I know this sounds nuts. It does but go back and look at these hearings today Listen to grush as he's describing these things not as aliens Not as extraterrestrials, but as non-human intelligence he but as non-human intelligence. He's not saying these are manifestations of like, you know, narcissistic archetypes or biblical figures or whatever,
Starting point is 01:08:37 but he is basically saying like extra-dimensional intelligence. That's the reality of it. That's the reality. It's weirder than aliens. It's weirder than ETs. And this is, and you know, and your mom, I'm curious, earlier you mentioned that her sense of this is demonic.
Starting point is 01:09:02 You should be. She's demonic. She's changed her. She's changed her. She's coming around. Yes. Coming around. So there's still for her. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Because this is sort of the, you know, of the, the, the, what's coming from a lot of like, you know, Christians or from religious people is they're like, yeah, right. They're fuck, they're not aliens. These aren't freaking aliens. These aren't extraterrestrials. And they're like, yeah, right, they're fuck, they're not aliens, these aren't freaking aliens. These aren't extraterrestrials and they're demons. Like this is the end of the world, and these are fallen angels that have come to visit us to sort of create the one-world government
Starting point is 01:09:40 and you know, mark of the beast stuff. I mean, this is when you hear like, when you hear an explanation, the classic explanation for why they're not giving us this data right away is because of the way it's gonna impact a lot of cultures, a lot of religion, a lot of religious people are gonna react to it in a negative way.
Starting point is 01:10:03 They're not gonna trust these things. Even though the Bible is filled with stories of encounters with non-human intelligence, is it human? The wheel within the wheel. The wheel within the wheel. to see a high ranking intelligence official. Basically saying, yeah, these things are non-human intelligence, extra-dimensional, holographic universe stuff.
Starting point is 01:10:38 This is a modern way of saying we are contacting angels. And also, I think it's worth noting that every encounter that your father had with these things, it follows the biblical story to a tea, which is don't be afraid. And you have to do this. Jonah and the whale, right? Jonah didn't want to do what God was telling him to do. Get's eaten by a whale, barfed out on a beach. Essentially, that's the story. I mean, the story is like, once you get picked for this sort of thing, there's no going back. Like once, once you get picked and make the authentic call, what your dad did, maybe not fully knowing what he was doing.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Not at all. He had no clue what he was getting into. Right, and that usually is how it works. Is like, how can you know what you're getting into as a human? Like, you really can't. But what's just fascinating is like, these, your story and all the other stories like it, they have this added credibility today
Starting point is 01:11:45 that will not go away. It's not to say they're all true, just because some form of disclosure is happening, I believe your story, it's not to say all of them are true, but going forward, we are entering a time where human consciousness is going to expand a little bit, has to. A lot of it. It has to. A lot of it.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It has to. A lot of it. A lot of it. I mean, it's a lot of it, I guess you would say. I got to ask this though, what happened to that shitty lumpy, Vienna sausage dog that Williams handed your dad? So they told him that it was a symbolic item. It was not a real physical item.
Starting point is 01:12:24 It was symbolic. And what it was symbolic a real physical item. It was symbolic. And what it was symbolic was, or what it was symbolic of was human nature being blind and not knowing which direction it's going and lashing out in this chaos and confusion. Right. If you , if you recall, it was gnashing at my dad's hands. It was painful to hold on to. It disappeared. He never saw it again. And then perfect symbol for that. A Vienna sausage gnashing. Chihuahua. Chihuahua. Chihuahua. A torso, not even a head, just what's more confused
Starting point is 01:12:52 than an angry, sentient Chihuahua torso that has multiple mouths. I mean, that, I don't know of a better descriptor for that aspect of humanity that pushes back against new ideas that pushes back against new revelations. I want to thank the alchemist, Lumi Labs, for supporting the DTFH. My friends, disclosure is happening. Turn on the news. You're going to see news people, aka reporters,
Starting point is 01:13:50 talking about aliens. Do you really want to do that stone cold sober? Do you really want to watch Senate hearings on UFOs? Stone cold sober, probably not. I would invite you to invite microdose gummies into your life. I love these things. They are the perfect dose. Perfect. You're not gonna spiral. You're not gonna find yourself plummeting into a dark,
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Starting point is 01:15:31 And thank you, O great lords of cannabis extraction at Lumi Labs. Amen. Just what's more confused than an angry, sentient, chihuahua torso that has multiple mouths. I mean, I don't know of a better descriptor for that aspect of humanity that pushes back against new ideas, that pushes back against new revelations. Right. So, my dad ended up seeing the lady face to face in that capacity one more time the following year and in the Easter of 2013. So again, he's in bed and then he's awakened by a bright light and it's like he recalls being pulled into a bubble like this this
Starting point is 01:16:40 space that is, I guess you could say it it's dimensional. He likes to say magical. One of my dad's funny quotes is he says, everything's magical. But this space pulled him out, pulled him out through the roof. He's flying through the attic. He's flying out of the house. And next thing he knows, he's in space. And then he's zooming over earth.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And it showed him the pyramids. It showed him his finks. And then it took him to this canyon. He doesn't know exactly where, but he thinks it's Utah. And my dad and I are very heavily considering starting our own YouTube show where we get in RV and we go to Utah and we try to make contact with this entity on camera.
Starting point is 01:17:14 But anyway, so he's in this canyon and he sees her face to face again and these entities who were in the original O7 encounter, not the little short three to four foothold ones that are translucent like glass, but the seven to eight foothold ones. When you see them this time, they remove their physical appearance and their glowing pure light. And he described them to me, and I'm not sure if he described this in his book, but you know, I'm a son. I've lived to them a whole life basically. He told me they, when they spoke in his mind, it was this singing
Starting point is 01:17:45 of this heavenly like chorus language. And it radiated his soul where he was like exploding and just vibrating with joy and pure, like intense energy when they, it was like a singing chorus, you know. And they walked him through this canyon and he comes face to face with the lady and she's sitting on this carved out old geoglyph type throne and he's face to face with her and I want to say I know this sounds fantastic to me it sounds fantastic but it happened and that's all I can do is just just keep telling it and it sounds just as crazy to me as it does to you and everyone else but so she's sitting on this throne and she tells him, you know, Amman Raus, the hidden one. She tells him more about the, um, the alignment of regulus in the Sphinx and
Starting point is 01:18:32 the awakening age of Aquarius. And she said there is a dark group at the top of humanity who is very intentionally scripting out the book of revelations in order to forcefully manifest an in-time cataclysmic event. But that it was written many aons ago that the light will win, not to worry, the story is going to be told, and that the view of the dark group that they're going to push on humanity to try to deceive the world is that there is no God, there is no consciousness or spirit, that it is all a scary alien threat, that it's going to be strictly materialistic, biological,
Starting point is 01:19:14 it's all aliens, it's all ET, there is no spirit. That's the view that humanity is in danger of being brainwashed into. And that it's more complex than that. It is very spiritual. And she told my dad that we come here because it is the journey of the soul, that we all come from the eternal place,
Starting point is 01:19:32 that we would recognize as the spirit were old or the non-material dimension, or so to speak, that essentially that we are reincarnating here on a journey and that our collective consciousness is linked to the vibration of the earth, and that we are currently, humanity is in a very fearful polarity and that we're harming the earth so badly that if we don't stop and get a hold of ourselves and awaken and switch to a loving polarity, that the earth will shake us off because it has to self-preserve. Right, yeah, right. ourselves and awaken and switch to a loving polarity that the earth will shake us off because
Starting point is 01:20:05 it has to self-preserve. Right. Yeah, right. But that, of course, it's like, that's just math. It's like it's a conscious entity. I think it's interesting that, and I've always loved that the angels say don't be afraid. And I think it's interesting because the message your dad is being given is basically like,
Starting point is 01:20:29 it's the fear that they're capitalizing on. It's the fear, it's the warping of everything and do some impending threat or the rewriting of something. Like these are mechanical ships. These are, God, what do they call them in the hearing? It's the creepiest biologicals or some... Yeah, like biologicals. Biologicals, like really, like the way you would wanna,
Starting point is 01:20:56 you would talk about something that you wanna to blow up. Like it's a biological, it's not a, like us biological, it's, you know, goo. And that is really interesting. It really is. It's like, it really does seem to confer. Like, it's like, it feels like your dad is getting like the direct download, like the
Starting point is 01:21:21 direct message. And in that message is being shifted in a way that it could be talked about publicly by people in the government, but it's the same message. Like, because the message you're dead is getting as there's a small group of people who are being controlled or in league with these dark forces,
Starting point is 01:21:45 whatever you wanna call it, and the way that it's being described publicly in hearings is there's a small group of career intelligence people and private contractors who are keeping this information from the public for their own personal power. I mean, it's not saying like they're in league with the devil or darkness or entities, but it is a fowsteen agreement. I mean, it is. It is a deal with the devil. If you decide to forego your own humanity in exchange for power, that is the satanic bargain. That is the deal. And so it's like they're saying the same thing
Starting point is 01:22:26 just in a slightly lighter, less metaphysical way. Yeah, so I'm gonna move forward just a little bit here. So we talked about my dad for so long now, told that main story there. And I wanna stress to the listener, it never stopped. It's still happening. And I think you said this comes out at the end of the week. So Tuesday, next week after this airs August 1st on the history channel, we are going to be airing on an episode of Beyond Skinwalker Ranch. It's going to be
Starting point is 01:22:53 mind blowing. I'm allowed to say this. There will be actual scientific data where my dad is able to demonstrate through cutting edge EEG caps that he is is able to demonstrate through cutting edge EEG caps that he is psychically communicating with an interdimensional phenomenon. And there may or may not be some pretty amazing footage, but anyway. So we've covered that ground. I wanted to talk a little bit about some of my experiences, if you don't mind. I love it. So the started when I was 13, like I said, and by the time I was 18, I had had so many sightings of things that were far up in the sky like orbs. That I kind of had this chip on my shoulder when I would talk to my dad.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I was the kid in the house that was never afraid to talk about this stuff. And then my brother, Chris Jr., God bless him. He was so traumatized when he started having these experiences face to face straight up with entities. No orbs like me. I eased into it and saw orbs in the sky. Wow, dad, that's cool. Junior was face to face with entities that were like manifest, you know, it's scared the crap out of him.
Starting point is 01:23:50 It traumatized him so bad. He actually slept with my mom in the same bed for a few years. And that, you know, for anybody to judge that or anything, it's like, grow up. I mean, think about, think about the pure trauma that this man experienced where he couldn't, he couldn't be alone. Like, my mom had to watch him fall asleep. He was so terrified as it kept being shocked into this experience. And he's okay now. He's healed now.
Starting point is 01:24:14 He had to sleep at the light on in the room for many years. He would see these entities in his room. Now, naturally, I say this to convey that his experience was different than mine. His was not consciously trying to communicate with them and understand what they were. He was so initially terrified. He ran from it. He didn't want to talk about it for many years. It wasn't until I was 18 years old that I had a full-fledged conversation with my brother. Like, what happened?
Starting point is 01:24:40 Like, tell me. Like, I knew what happened, but like, talk about it. Let's talk about it as brothers, you know? And he opened up and we had this one long night where we had this long chat. And I turn around and I go to my dad and I'm like, Dad, you know, Chris Jr had all these experiences and he doesn't even want them, you know?
Starting point is 01:24:56 And here I am out here with you every night asking the sky, why can't I see something and I haven't seen any entities? What's going on here? I was kind of like, kind of ego-tistical about it, you know, as if any 18-year- old would be. And my dad, how many get physical about it? I'm 48. Where are my orbs? Listen, you're going to see orbs, Duncan. We're going to arrange that, but it's going to happen. But I'm
Starting point is 01:25:18 out there 18 years old. I'm like, where's where's my siding, Dad? Like I'm tired of seeing him so far away. I want something more. I want to speak to something. I want to see something like you and Junior did, he didn't even want it, you know? And dad's like, Ryan, you gotta relax. You have to understand these not just aliens off and ship somewhere, spying on you with a long telescope. Woo!
Starting point is 01:25:37 Look at that, you from the atmosphere. Turn on your radar, turn on your sensor, we're listening. He's talking like this, he makes fun of that materialistic version. He's like, it's not like that sun, they're listening. He's he's talking like this. He makes fun of that that materialistic version. He's like it's not like that son. They're magical. They are behind reality. They're in another dimension. They hear your thoughts before you even think them. They know the past, present, and future. They're aware that you are thinking this way right now and they're waiting for you to change and to be ready to embrace their magical nature. And I'm like, Dad, this is like, I can't
Starting point is 01:26:03 understand this. I don't understand what you're telling me. And I swear to you, Duncan, this is one of the craziest things that ever happened to me. Understand that this is impossible for there to have actually been a physical cow there in the yard. Our neighbor had a fence with only goats, and then there was like a whole subdivision behind us without any farmland.
Starting point is 01:26:23 And then the left side of the property was my grandma and grandpa's lot. No cows for five to ten miles. I heard a cow moo right beside me and I'm looking around like, whoa, what was that? And then I hear another cow and then another cow and we hear four to five cows and I'm talking full-fledged loud mues for like ten minutes. My dad and I are sitting there in silence and he looks at many smiles. He's like, you know that was the lady, right? She appeared to me as a bowl.
Starting point is 01:26:48 It took me five years to understand that I had just experienced an auditory projection from these entities, you know, like I was in denial about it. Like dad, they don't have a sense of humor. Like why are you, why are you, that had to be a reason. They do, but I didn't know that. I didn't understand that, you know, because I thought one way,
Starting point is 01:27:08 this is what I was telling you earlier, I thought one way about it. I'm gonna see it, I need to see it. And they mocked me, playfully. Like, we're just gonna move at you like a cow. They're fighting you up. They are, they're very funny. And they do a lot of funny things.
Starting point is 01:27:21 They moved at me, like lighten up, you know? We're playful, we're entities, we're kinda like tricksters, you know, but not in the evil way. So some years go by. Wow. I'm about 23 at this point now, and keep in mind, I'm 29 now,
Starting point is 01:27:35 so there's still many years ago. I'm about 23 years old, I'm still going to church. I'm not quite in a way. Before you tell this part of the story, I wanna tell you something really quick. Okay. You're the best man. So you're too kind. Okay. The midnight gospel. Love it. You know those lantern headed cow things. Uh huh. Okay. If I told you the story of where that came from, my podcast, but please, I would love to hear it again. Yeah, so that's the, like, you win the, like, it was a DMT experience.
Starting point is 01:28:09 And, you know, much like you, wanting the juice, you know, wanting the self-transforming machine elves and the thing. Right. And what I saw was this bovine cow creature with a lantern head. And I remember looking away from it, trying to do the, you know, another psychedelics,
Starting point is 01:28:34 if you're seeing something, usually you look away, you look back, it's gone. Trying to do that, looking away, and look back, and it just sort of like a cow, just sort of moved, you know, a few feet ahead. Not really aware of me just being a lantern headed cow and in relation to your story, what a funny,
Starting point is 01:28:58 you know, like for a human like show me the crazy thing. It's like, okay, what? How about we do like a cow, but it's got kind of like a technological lantern head. You know what I mean? That's a hilarious funny, there you go. We did have the same experience there when you think about it like that. No, I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I never thought of it. Cause I hadn't heard that story, but like that's a joke. That's like what's one of the more like boring docile creatures that I need for lunch? I make Donalds or something, you know? Yeah, they're making kind of glowy. And like, that's so funny.
Starting point is 01:29:38 And I do, I'm sorry, I wanted to interject that in there, because if you look at some of these, maybe some of the things we've encountered not in from like the world that you're in, but from more often the psychedelic world, if you look at it as like a vision with a twist of comedy to it, because you know, I've noticed generally when you run into intelligent people, they're funny. There's a, so you would think of a highly intelligent sentient, whatever it might be, would also be funny. Why not? And it's a great way to sort of soften the mood a little bit.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Light not. Yeah, light not. It's hasn't been fun. Yeah, relax, let go. You're too freaked out about it, kid. You know, I'm like sitting here. I want to see an entity so bad. Well, we're going to move at you. It You know, I'm like sitting here, I wanna see an entity so bad.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Well, we're gonna move at you. And it took me five years to stop being denial about that. That's how long, you know, of a span of time, it can take to process a supernatural experience. It can take longer. So moving forward just a little bit, I was still very Christian at this time, but in the sense that I was like,
Starting point is 01:30:41 but there's definitely UFOs. I'm down with like things like reincarnation. I'm like, I'm open to these kinds of things, but I still was like, you know, kind of going to church. And it was one day when I was 22 or 23 years old. At the time I had just gotten out of college, I didn't really have anything lined up. And my wife and I were about to move here
Starting point is 01:30:57 to Wilmington with Carolina, which is where I live. So I was like, well, I don't need to get wrapped up in anything too serious. So I was working construction with my brother, Chris Jr., for a good year or so. So we were just hanging out all the time, you know, talking, I don't need to get wrapped up in anything too serious. So I was working construction with my brother, Chris Jr. for a good year or so. So we were just hanging out all the time, you know, talking, cutting up on the job, talking about all this stuff. And I go home and one night, I, oh, I forgot to say, when I had finished college,
Starting point is 01:31:18 I got a religion minor because I was so mind-wrecked by the experiences. I got a psychology major because when I was 14, I watched Dr. Michael O'Connell, the John Mac protege, I watched him hypno-regress my dad, and I was like, oh my God, I wanna be a psychologist, then I went to college, and then I started taking religious courses and dissecting the Bible, and learning about things like nosticism and all this,
Starting point is 01:31:40 and I'm like, oh my God, you know, this is so fascinating, this is nothing I've ever learned in church. And I took so many courses in this area that the chair of the religious department was like, if you just take one more, you can actually graduate with a minor in religion. And I think it was meant to be because we have the same degree. Really?
Starting point is 01:31:57 I have, I majored in psychology, minor in religion. No way. Yes, sir. That is bizarre. That is truly bizarre. Wow. And in those studies I learned about noctisism,
Starting point is 01:32:13 and it awakened something to me like, oh my gosh, this is so deep, you know? And the different sub-sex of heretical Christians who had these far out there hippie ideas of like reincarnation and awakening and this being the nightmare realm and all that. And oh, I did forget to mention that the lady or the cosmic mother or whatever you wanna call her,
Starting point is 01:32:32 she did tell my dad that this is the perilous realm where we come to suffer. It's like a journey coming here to grow. But when we die, we return to the eternal place and we become as they are in orbs of light. Your soul travels in these orbs of light. And anyway, so moving forward, I had learned about narcissism and I was like, this is super cool,
Starting point is 01:32:50 but then I learned about her metacism. And I was like, this is cool, but I was still at that level of awakening where like 90% of the world is where it's like, oh, it's all lumenani, it's all evil, right? Like you're too scared to tiptoe into this occult knowledge, so to speak. But you're aware of it and you're mystified.
Starting point is 01:33:06 You're like, what does it mean? You know? So I had a dream one night that Osiris was standing at the foot of my bed. I didn't know anything about Osiris as anybody could probably verify immediately being a Pentecostal or any type of Christian means you are strictly forbidden to study any sort of other religion. I was studying Egyptian religion. The only thing I knew was this lady told my dad,
Starting point is 01:33:27 I am Hathor, but I also go by many other names and the hidden one is Amman Ra. And I was like, what does this mean? I'm too scared to study. You know what I mean? So then I had this experience, I have the dream of Cyrus standing at the foot of my bed and my dream changed and there were frogs hopping
Starting point is 01:33:41 around my room and I start chasing them and I catch one and it dies in my hand and then it comes back to life at reincarnates. And I remember feeling joy. And I woke up the next day and I go to work with my brother. And the whole day I'm like kind of thousand years old, like, dude, I had this extreme dream last night about some Egyptian God. I don't know what it means. I thought, isn't this an evil deity?
Starting point is 01:34:02 Like, should I be worried? I get home that night and I start studying Osiris and I realize that it's the same story as Christ, as Krishna, as all these other, you know, Hermes Trish Magistris, so on, so forth. And I learn about her metasism. And the reason I bring all this up is I believe that these entities gave me these dreams and these these experiences and kind of like set me on this path to learn about the wisdom traditions to be able to take these experiences in my father and be able to break them down to audiences in a way
Starting point is 01:34:36 that's not so scary. Because to put it simply, like these beings came out the gate talking about reincarnation. And I went from, you know, being a 15, 16 year old kid having a Pentecostal dad to all of a sudden he's talking about reincarnation. And I went from, you know, being a 15, 16 year old kid, having a Pentecostal dad to all the sudden, he's talking about reincarnation. And I'm like, Dad, what the hell?
Starting point is 01:34:49 That's a sin, right? Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah, absolutely. So, absolutely. Yeah, there, you know, like, it does seem like part of the, the mode of communication is like, they need translators. like they need translators and they need translators for all the different people like for everybody. They need translators for fundamentalist
Starting point is 01:35:14 Christians. They need translators for scientific materialists. They need translators. They want to convey this stuff and they have different methods of doing that, according to the mind that they're communicating with. There is not one flavor, sort of like a message. It is. What about the Hindu? Right, it's filled with all kinds of symbols, but within the symbols, you run into the same pattern, which is generally, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:42 something to do with rebirth, resurrection, the dark night of the soul, temptation, you know, crucifixion, hopelessness. I mean, it's literally the story cycle. I mean, if you look at any story, it has within it generally built into it, some form of resurrection, the catharsis is the moment when the most hopeless place, when there is no way the hero could prevail, the hero prevails. And that produces the catharsis that everyone resonates with. And when that doesn't happen in a movie or a story, it's a tragedy.
Starting point is 01:36:21 It's a tragedy. It's horrible. And what is more perilous than being in a situation where there is this swath of hopelessness. You look out at the world, you watch the news. Why wouldn't you feel any kind of sense that things are going to get better, that things would change, that there's some redemptive possibility, because it doesn't seem like that. And that is a perilous place to find oneself. That is the valley of the shadow, that's the valley of the shadow of death. Yeah. I mean, what better description for the realm we're in than it's like hell. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:06 So it's not even so well, it's not cool. You know, I like the, you know, you know, Buddhism has how, did you know that? Not cool. I'm not very familiar with Buddhism. At minimal, you know, people don't realize that the Buddhist cosmology, at least some lineage, the Buddhism have built into it, the how-roams, and the Buddhist hell is actually, in some ways, way worse than the Christian hell. Christian hell, you just get your lake of fire, the eternal damnation, incineration, if you wanna take it literally.
Starting point is 01:37:40 The Buddhist hell, at least one of them is cold. It's not a hot, it's a cold hell. It's a cold hell. It's a cold hell. It's a cold hell. It's not a hot. It's a cold. Like, Diablo 3. Yes, my friend, you're frozen. And there is no, you are suffering so much that there is no hope. Like, I think of it as like, imagine when you get your fingers slammed in the door. Like, how bad that hurts. Now, extend that by thousands of thousands of years. Like, I think of it as like, imagine when you get your finger slammed in the door. Like how bad that hurts.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Now extend that by thousands and thousands of years. That's what you're feeling. And then try to meditate. Try to pray. Try to expand your consciousness in a state of profound debilitating horrific pain. That's the Buddhist hell. That's probably the Christian hell. So this realm, even though it is in many ways, degraded, horrible, painful, full of suffering, tragic, we still have enough, we have the mental capacity to overcome that to resurrect, to die and come back to life in a lifetime.
Starting point is 01:38:49 That is the story. Something I learned from you, and I promise you, like, I'm being straight up with you here, I'm not bluffing, and I'm going to bring it home with some symbolism here that I have on hand. Something I learned from you watching, so my co-host, Nick, on Blitz, on our Blitz, was set so podcast. You had met him, you came on the podcast. He was a big fan of yours for many years
Starting point is 01:39:09 and he made me aware of you. I was the kind of guy dealing with my own experiences have CIA knocking on our door. I wasn't really like in these worlds, knowing all these people. I wasn't aware of podcasts, so to speak. So he got me on to you, he got me onto some others and it was his and my producers I did to do the podcast and we just ran with it
Starting point is 01:39:26 So I started binging the midnight gospel. I'm like, oh my god. This we can do this, you know And in the last episode I I like to watch things. I don't know if this was your intention But I watch things through the lens of what is the author trying to tell me is their esoteric imagery and in the last episode of the midnight gospel Clancy says something to the effect of, I can fill my hands, almost like I'm Jesus. And then he says something like, no, I'm kidding. Feeling the energy in the hands, and I was thinking maybe there's some sort of
Starting point is 01:39:56 esoteric Christ consciousness metaphor there. But anyway, so then in the last episode, I think it's after the cops come after him and he breaks the simulation or whatever and he's on this like kind of interdimensional bus. What symbol is spinning on the bus? It's the Metatron's cube. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:14 You see that behind me? Yeah. That was because of you. Oh, that's so cool. I, you know, we had a lot of people working on that show and I try not to like give my own opinions regarding the symbolism in that show but we had a lot of people working on that show. And I try not to give my own opinions regarding the symbolism in that show, but we had a lot of people working on that show. That was a really fun, the writer's room for that show.
Starting point is 01:40:35 It was called a writing summit for two weeks. We had, and we did have a lot of esoteric experts on the show. So, Maja De'U, the white witch, and Jason Liu. Asoteric, we had Asoteric experts on the show. Maja De'U, the white witch and Jason Liu. Jason Liu? Yeah, and Damian Eccles, his controversial is he is still an amazing episode and it was awesome. Yeah, and Eccles would say, what things I love that he says is if you want to find your Grimmar, if you want to find the ultimate book of magic, it's the Bible. Like, if you want to, it's all there.
Starting point is 01:41:07 Like, you don't need to get some like hardcore esoteric Grimmore, it's right there. Like, everything's right there for you if you want it. And, you know, this is the quality of the time that we're in. I mean, we are entering a time when we're gonna have to deal with the fact that like these encounters that your father has had, that you have had, that your family has had,
Starting point is 01:41:35 that so many others have had, these have been going on forever. These have been happening forever. And the method of describing them has been limited to whatever the particular technology was at the time, the symbol set of the time, I mean chariots, you know, clouds. Clouds. Yeah. Yeah. And then on a cloud. You're right. And also it's like the, you realize there's a kind of like wardrobe that the truth wears. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:42:08 And the quilt or something. And the quilt is made up of the symbol set of whatever the particular culture is that encountered this thing that we're talking about. I mean, it's not going to like dress up in a Western symbol set in the East. It's not gonna dress up in an Eastern symbol set in the West, it's gonna try to communicate according to like anybody, like I wouldn't go to China and expect them
Starting point is 01:42:42 to learn my language, I would learn their language or would learn Chinese and then use that to learn my language. I would learn their language or learn Chinese and then use that to talk to them. And so that seems to be the, what we're talking about here as far as the Osiris stuff goes, or the archetypical pattern that shows up again and again and again in world mythologies. Yes, like Christ, Krishna, Buddha, consciousness.
Starting point is 01:43:01 That's my interpretation. Like we, I believe, I believe, I mean, I just got to say it. I really do believe the synthesis of the mystery traditions. There's a whole other element there too, like some of our government contacts getting me in touch with the Rose accrucian. Actually, there was a guy in Asheville who I had gotten in touch with and I went and met with him and did some studies with him. After meeting him, I started having more dreams about Egyptian hieroglyphs and things. And he was all into like, runoff-steiner and hollanda-blavatsky. And all this really deep stuff.
Starting point is 01:43:31 And it really opened my eyes to how the universe works. And a lot of this rose accrucians slash mystery tradition stuff, I mean, it's like a puzzle that really just fit with the experiences that we were experiencing with these entities, you know? And I tend to think that it is true, that we, if I had to put it in as plain terms as possible, if I had a microphone to speak to the whole earth,
Starting point is 01:43:57 I would probably say something like, we are fractal representations of the original mind, we call it God, it is the eternal consciousness. I would just might drop, walk away. That's what I believe, you know? And I would say these beings, these lights that appear, many religions call them angels, many religions call them Buddhas, ascended masters.
Starting point is 01:44:18 They are benevolent beings who are coming and guiding us towards awakening consciousness. Might drop, walk away. That's my point. Don't walk away yet, did I tell you this? Well, not for this, I Mike, drop, walk away. That's my- Don't walk away yet, did I tell you this? Well, not for this. I mean, if the hypothetical scenario. Did I tell you the story, the orb,
Starting point is 01:44:31 named Crowley-Babba's orb story? I tell you no. Oh, no. Okay, this is a good one. You're going to love this. I can find the documentary. Hold on, let me see if I can find the name of it because I'm sorry, all if I've,
Starting point is 01:44:41 you've heard me talk about this before listeners, but let me just look this up real quick. It's a really great documentary to you. Documentary. Let me see if I can find it real quick. Well, that's definitely intriguing. We did a Ramdance episode and talked about Ram and your experience, you know, just studying your material and influencing us. And that did not come up.
Starting point is 01:45:09 And if my, it's called brilliant, it's called brilliant disguise. And it is about one of Neem Crowley Baba's closest associates. Casey Tawari was his name. A lot of, it's so good. And it's so intense. And you really do feel like you're getting what we call Darshan or like you're like as the documentary continues you feel the spirit of Niem Crowley Baba. But one of the stories in there and everyone it's called brilliant
Starting point is 01:45:37 disguise you can find it at rom.dost.org. It's on you you can find it there, the Samadhi of KC Tawari. So they were in, you never left India. So they're in India hanging out with Neem Crowley Baba around us as Guru, my Guru, disembodied Guru. And they're the base of this mountain. I can't remember which mountain. And these orbs appear, everyone sees it. Well, so there's orbs floating everywhere. People around Neem Crowley Baba, they're obviously freaking out. They're seeing the orbs. And they're like, I think
Starting point is 01:46:14 they were saying, we have to get cameras. You have to come back. We have to see pictures of this. Like he laughed. And he's like, what? You want everybody to say that Neem Crowley Baba calls orbs? Is that why you like, I don't want everybody to say that name Crowley Bob of calls orbs? Is that what you want? Like, I don't want, he never wanted, he like wouldn't even let people, like if he found out you were writing down stuff, he said he would make you throw it away,
Starting point is 01:46:33 he didn't like that stuff. But then he explained to them what it was. He said, there are these beings, just what you're saying, ascended masters, that's exactly what he said. There are these beings that, what you're saying, ascended masters. That's exactly what he said. There are these beings that, I can't remember the exact name for, they went up into the mountains to meditate.
Starting point is 01:46:52 They're very old, and that's who they are. There are these ascended master beings that, you know, and like, it's just so fascinating, the parallel between that story and your dad's story. Like, these are, and that they show up around certain people They don't show up around everybody. They they're more inclined to like say a load of certain types of people and Yeah, check it out brilliant disguise. It's in there. I was gonna try to find the clip before our podcast to play it for you, but Yeah, orbs are this is not a it's the yeah, orbs are, this is not a...
Starting point is 01:47:25 It's the real thing. Orbs are the phenomenon. And I have to specify, that's not their only form. I mean, they have been times where I have seen entities out of orbs. They are actual entities, but when they are traveling through dimensions, it looks like an orb of light. And I think about it, like, if we are a three dimensional being, me and you, and everyone else listening, and everyone else alive here on this room, if we are a three dimensional entity, that five-pointed star, you know,
Starting point is 01:47:53 the pentagram that everybody thinks is so scary and evil I certainly used to, it means something pretty significant. It's like we interpret reality through the five senses, or the five elements, or whatever, you know, it's like consciousness ascending through these senses. Everything I've ever known, I've experienced through my eyes or my ears or my mouth or
Starting point is 01:48:12 my nose or my skin or my tongue, you know, taste, whatever. I don't know any data otherwise, conventionally. Right. If we were biological beings who were going to interpret the data of an entity that is higher frequency, interdimensional, higher vibrational, it probably would be so advanced our brain couldn't understand the make of it. It probably would just appear like a flash of light, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:41 I mean, if it's coming from a higher place, it makes sense. But I think those things can slow themselves down to have a form that we can grasp. That they have like a humanoid look or a shape or a figure or even look a little material if they need to or like I'll give you a clue here into some of these top secret research programs. They might leave some metals behind for the government to find and advance their technology. That actually happens.
Starting point is 01:49:04 That's actually a place called the Giving Field. What? The Giving Field? The Giving Field. Yes, these entities have been seeding the advancements of technology throughout time. And I've actually met people, again, in the NRO, CIA, NASA, et cetera, who are super geniuses,
Starting point is 01:49:22 who had to report to the Pentagon how they came up with their experimental breakthrough patents, and it was entities appearing in their room and flashing patents in their mind, and then boom, new invention that's cutting edge. That stuff actually happens. It's top secret. I mean, it's not top secret. Read the story of Tesla. True. It's not top secret at all. It's still happening. Now modern society, the way that we use electricity came to somebody in a vision where he saw light. When he was thinking about, he was like contemplating some
Starting point is 01:49:59 passage from fast. He was thinking about fast vision of light. And we get alternating current, we get the engines. I mean, give me a break. Like, again, like I think like we're all just gonna have to like suck it up a little bit here. We're gonna have to grow up a little bit here. It's like I get it. It's somehow in the most mundane, dark way, comforting to imagine, this is all
Starting point is 01:50:31 there is. You're just atoms, baby. You're just atoms that have like as a kind of like byproduct of being harmonized and the way your atoms are, some diluted form of self awareness. And when you die, it's all over. And that's it. And yes, some weird, slurpy beings and ships are coming because they want to scope us out. That was the creepy thing, by the way. The question, are they analyzing us to fight us? Remember that in the hearing?
Starting point is 01:51:01 That's basically what they were saying. Like, setting the groundwork For maybe like we need to attack these motherfuckers or the hilarious. This is us air space I'll tell a cool story and I got a photo here to show you I know the listener won't be able to see this but like you can see here my dad has personally been escorted through NASA That's the that's the guy I told you about who was second in charge of Blue Book, and then I'm gonna show you the NRO guy. Actually, walked my dad, you can see here's a photo of my dad in a NASA hanger with some of their cutting edge,
Starting point is 01:51:36 like jets that can fly an orbit, they can chase rockets and film them, and then I got one more photo here. You can see that like my dad is at Mission Control here. In 2014 he got a full total clearance tour. He walked all the way through Mission Control with a member of the Invisible College slash NRO CIA Air Force NASA, etc. etc. He claimed he was in the Illuminati but whatever. And that's another story and he brought my dad to NASA to mission control.
Starting point is 01:52:09 He took him in there and he showed him a video of a dummy warhead shooting up to space. And in this video, again, I want to stress for the listener, this is inside of mission control in Cape Canaveral, meaning only like 300 living people, supposedly, from what they told him, have been in this building. Only two living presidents, I think, have been like in some of the rooms that my dad was walked through.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Why would they do that? Well, because we're persons of interest. And they brought dad there to get his impression on some of their videos. So they showed dad this classified video of a dummy warhead going into space, an orb of light swirled around the um the dummy warhead seamlessly and hit it with a few uh bursts of light and the thing tumbled into the water. And this guy said Chris why do you think the bees did that? Why did they why did they disable the
Starting point is 01:53:00 the the dummy warhead and destroy it? And dad said, well, you were trying to sneak a real one into space, weren't you? And he looked at dad and he was like, how do you know that? And dad's like, I don't know. That's just how it works. It just comes to me. And then they took him into a room, another room in the mission control building. And they sat down at this table with some of the top minds scientists at NASA. And dad was like, I had a dream last night. I had a very vivid dream that space is a lot less of a vacuum than we are made to understand. It's more like water. And in my dream, there were these strange cosmic like whales, or he didn't say whales, it was like squids or octopus just kind of there are these entities that exist in a negative dimension out there in space and they're alive.
Starting point is 01:53:53 And then he said, and then my dream changed and I was on Mars and I saw I saw Bigfoot but a long time ago Bigfoot lived in another place, like another planet or another dimension, and they had gotten to some level of technology where they destroyed themselves with the cataclysm, and the shock of the billions or trillions of souls being eviscerated immediately out of their bodies was so profound in the psychic realm that the guardian, again, this is all my dad's dream. This is the information that came from the dream. He said that the guardians that I have seen and deal with whisked their collective souls
Starting point is 01:54:35 and fashioned them more primitive bodies that still had interdimensional capabilities. And that's bigfoot, and they travel between Mars and Earth. My dad's in here telling the NASA scientist stuff about his dream he had the night before and he looked at my dad and he said, you are literally the most well-informed person I've ever met, how do you know this stuff? And dad's like, I don't know, it's just how it works.
Starting point is 01:54:56 I have dreams, I have visions. And then it came out, there was declassified. I can't remember what it was called. It was like the Farsight program or something. The remote viewers were trying to remote view Mars back in the 1980s and a lot of that same stuff was being described in their remote viewing visions Bigfoot yeah That is
Starting point is 01:55:14 Man of all the stuff you're saying now. I'm gonna leave that one in my I don't I'm not quite sure about that But I love it. I'll take it out. You know at this point. It's like look We're gonna have to get better. It's just like, yeah, you know, into the world might not be as mundane as we have leaned into. It's the world, the world might not be. And then like the sinister thing is the reason you think the world is so mundane is because you've been taught to ignore your connection with a magical universe. You've been intentionally misled to not tune into that universe and instead to like keep
Starting point is 01:55:57 turning back to the most surface level, the surface of the surface. And that is really sad. Every kid knows about this stuff. Every kid is connected to this stuff. Like we're born knowing this and natively like the way fish can just swim. But then over time, you forget, you get dim. And you know, I think if we're talking about light as a manifestation of some higher intelligence, the term illuminati becomes a little less sinister. Does that mean?
Starting point is 01:56:33 Well, you find out that's the highest degree of the rose accrucians. Right. Which is like, what does that mean? I've come to realize, I don't know, I don't have all the answers, I've come to realize maybe the illuminati in itself is a siop, but it's not as evil as we thought.
Starting point is 01:56:44 And like the real bad guys are you know whoever's the top top top top of you know military or you know the global finance or whatever whatever whatever you know how goes big farm a big whatever big whatever there are people who are in charge are they Illuminati I don't know because the Rose accruciation say the Illuminati are some of the most I can lighten people on the planet who have the mysteries of consciousness and are illuminated. So I don't know, man. I try not to use that term in that way anymore.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Yeah, I know. I mean, it's like, it would be very disappointing to find out that the Illuminati were some kind of heavy-handed power-hungry assholes. Because anytime I've run into people who are super intelligent, they really stop caring about power, at least in the way, most like, you know, I, that, rotten book 48, laws of power, like growing culture people, or, you know, people who are into like big, you know. Manipulating people.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Yeah, that, that, that that that to me always seems like a manifestation of insecurity or fear or something you're you're so scared of People that you want to control them Whereas like when you run into like really Intelligent people there seem to just let you be who you are and then even better They seem to really love who you are and they don't really look at who you are now is the sum total of you, but they know you're a process and they see where that process is going.
Starting point is 01:58:11 And, you know, they say that like one of the qualities of enlightenment and Buddhism is that you can, when you can see when everyone will get enlightened, like maybe not in this lifetime, you can't just see their past lives, you see the trajectory of their karma and at what point they wake up. And that gives you this ability to really unconditionally love people because you're seeing whatever bullshit you're encountering the fear, the people who think that they're like getting
Starting point is 01:58:46 away, getting away with tricking you or all the childish stuff, you don't see that as all they are. You see how those are threads that are evolving towards something beautiful. And so that's what when you're around these people, apparently, you get to experience that in you just because they see it and the act of them seeing it lets you feel it. They accelerate your evolution just by being around them, supposedly. I love that.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Isn't that cool? Man, I could talk to you forever. This has been a delight, man. I am buzzing right now with joy. This is such a cool story. Your story, I'm, you're so brave. Thank you. I'll tell you some things offline. I'm afraid to talk about some of this stuff publicly. But I think there is something so courageous about you. Something so courageous about the many people who are coming forward right now because they're,
Starting point is 01:59:43 people who are coming forward right now, because they're, who wants to hold a weiner dog torso that wants to bite your hand? Not me, I'm mad at my poodle. And so, everyone who's taken up this squirming rotten dog who's willing to hold something that will buy you, just for you telling the truth, I think there is a hero these days and is moving global consciousness towards, I think, a wonderful place. So thank you, much love to your family.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Remind us, when can we watch your history channel show? to your family and remind us when can we watch your history channel show August 1st at 10 p.m. beyond skinwalker ranch obviously on the history channel and your dad's book UFO of God, UFO of God hard to mess up and of course the wonderful podcast Bletsso said so yes Bletsso said so my name so my name is Ryan and the patreon full disclosure Yes, we have a patreon of let's a set so but we have a patreon show where I'm super candid about letting go my trauma. It's called um full disclosure. Yeah all the links you need to find mr Plesso are gonna be a dogatressel.com Godspeed my friend. Thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. That
Starting point is 02:01:07 was Ryan Bletshow, everybody. Check out his podcast, Bletshow said so. Check out his wonderful Patreon. And of course, order his dad's book, UFO of God. Is that the best title for a book ever? I think so. A big thanks to our sponsors and of course thank you for listening. We will be back later this week until then I love you.

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