Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 590: Chris Prynoski

Episode Date: November 11, 2023

Chris Prynoski, one of the founders of Titmouse and therefore partially-responsible person for The Midnight Gospel, joins the DTFH! Check out Titmouse's latest show, Scavengers Reign, available to s...tream right now on Max! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: Uncommon Goods - Visit UncommonGoods.com/Duncan for 15% Off your first order!  AG1 - Visit DrinkAG1.com/Duncan for a FREE 1-year supply of vitamin D and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Listen, we're the Dunkin' Trustle family, aren't we? All the fucking five of fun. People like the Earth's in space. All those things. We're the number one hedge fund. For a man who lives in the world. You know, it doesn't even matter where we are. We're right in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:15 We're the fuck rid of you. You fuck rid of you. Listen to this. We're the fuck rid of you. Fuck. I don't like this scene of this, I'm in great part now. Quick! I won't be late! I'm not on a big win, I was in bad pitch
Starting point is 00:00:36 But the town's dying so I need to find a new niche Grab it down, grab it up the way down Cause I'm not the fool mom, I put that sweet man, I need a loan, I need a bond from the meat, so I can use back and put it inside of me. Gave us some bank, doesn't matter what your credit score is. If you've got functional kidneys, you will get along from Garrison Bank, Guarantee. The day gave him, didn't know he didn't blind till he saw the light Gary called back to our trailer, told me that his meeting was Lazarus He'd been reborn in the flight of a plug of the warp strait Light beams were shining all around him, he was reborn resurrected
Starting point is 00:01:43 He said it was a dream when I saw him turn salt and a catamene Said that I was hot when I saw him bringing dead bird back to life And I watched a fly, said that I was high just fly He went baptized the people, tell them I didn't creep He used to love peeing to enter it, but it's baptized the people, tell them I'm a creep You used to have peed or enter it They're baptized the people You're the sick and many came for as neat chains Blessed are the gamers, blessed are the losers
Starting point is 00:02:17 Blessed are the ones who don't come to the class and smoke grass Blessed are the vapors, blessed are the ones who shop lift the empty books I'm gonna start this, I'm just a lazy little girl Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go
Starting point is 00:02:51 Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go
Starting point is 00:02:59 Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let's go Let go, it's the average analysis There's some shout to I and the ones Felt so cool with the breath And then make the town a hell of no life
Starting point is 00:03:16 Our grass has boarded as feet Not scratch on the land About with no teeth About with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears
Starting point is 00:03:34 I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears I'm about with no tears Greetings to you, my sweet friends. It is I, Dieter Cell, and this is the Duncan Trussel Family Hour Podcast. A weird announcement. Let me preface it by saying, I'm totally fine, but a couple of days ago,
Starting point is 00:04:09 sorry if this is too much information friends. Took the youngest to get a haircut. Haircuts are scary, they're scary for adults, but I mean, imagine being a kid, scissors, people you've never met. And, you know, so I couldn't either piss and I couldn't go to the bathroom because I didn't want to abandon my child with strangers with scissors cutting his hair so I held it. This is way too much information. Went to the bathroom later and man my kidneys
Starting point is 00:04:39 fucking hurt. Never happened before. Then it happened again. So I went to an urgent care and my fucking blood sugar was so high that the machine they used to check it couldn't even register it. It was just said hi. That's how high it was. As it turns out it was 540. I had sugar in my piss and And so as it turns out, that has got the sugars. I got diabetes. So I've gone off the sugar for a little over 48 hours now and started taking metformin, which is this diabetes medication. And my blood sugar has just dropped and my blood sugar has just dropped. Almost to what the doctors said I need to keep it at. And so it sucks, obviously, but oh my God.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I feel reborn. Like I feel like a new person. I've been going around with like doom level blood sugar. And I guess I was just writing it off as old age or something. All these symptoms I was having, everything makes sense now. It's like, it was all diabetes, it was all blood sugar, it was crazy how much it fucked me up. And I guess it's like such a slow boil that you kind of get used to like having to take naps after you eat, pissing non-stop. You know, it wasn't all hard about my penis, like a side effect that I've used my penis is huge.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Now, it grew and grew and grew, and that was the sign that I should have really noticed. But I just thought, man, this is awesome. It must be because I've been doing pushups more. But I just thought, man, this is awesome. It must be because I've been doing pushups more. They also tested my IQ with the urgent gear and said that I have the highest IQ of anyone they've encountered. And in all databases across the planet, I have, I don't want to do like a brag or anything,
Starting point is 00:06:38 because we all have good things about us and challenges. But yeah, the other thing I found out is not only is my blood sugar super high, my IQ is super high as well. In fact, it matches my blood sugar, which is 540, which is really a weird coincidence. The lady, the urgent care said right before she measured my penis.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Anyway, I feel great. Get your blood sugar check. Don't do it, I did. Don't, don't wallow in your blood sugar. Don't, don't boil your organs in sugar. I'm lucky. They tested my kidneys. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Going in a month to find out what part of my body has been fried out by sugar. But so far, it looks good. Blood sugar dropping. I feel fucking great. And I can't believe it. It's like an awful spell has lifted off of me. And also friends, I sugar binge. So don't worry, I'm not trying to make you paranoid
Starting point is 00:07:39 or anything like I have diabetes because of a lifetime love affair with sweet things, Oreos, M&Ms, you name it, Fredrick's monkey bars. I would eat six of those a night. I would go, there was a chocolate cafe right down the street, chocolate baths. I would take chocolate baths, snort chocolate dust, wrap myself up and chocolate. I like, I had a chocolate blanket for the longest time, but I ate it and they're hard to find. So that's my big news for you friends. I got the sugars, I got diabetes, all the fucking commercials I used to make fun of.
Starting point is 00:08:16 On Fox News, I can no longer make fun of, because now I have to think about my A1C and it sucks, Boy did I. Judge those commercials. I would watch them and laugh my ass off. I'd be like, what's a fucking A1C? What's wrong with these old people? So obsessed with their A1C.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Now I know A1C is the measurement of your blood sugar over three months. And mine was so fucking high. They could have used me as a sugar bomb. They could have dropped, put dynamite in my asshole and thrown me into a trench. And I would have exploded the trench with a flammable sugar.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I was, oh, the fucking charts. But now, oh my God, I'm sleeping all night. I'm not getting up to piss every hour. Man, I'm dummy. I just can't ignore stuff like that. And I'm really good at ignoring it, finding out about it, and then lecturing people that they shouldn't ignore it.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And the same way other people would tell me, you know, it's not normal that your piss foams like a bubble bath when you piss. That's weird. No, I'm just getting old man, you know. I'm 49, that's what happens when you get old. Your piss thomes, you gotta get up and piss every hour.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Your dick gets bigger and your IQ just explodes. So anyway, the good news is I caught it. That's the good news. If you don if you don't that's they call it the silent killer and Yeah, if you don't catch it man, that's you just fucking keel over you're just walking through Disneyland and keel the fuck over so That's the only one and it's weird that that's the only place the type of addicts die is Disneyland I don't understand that. But you could ask yourself, well, if you have diabetes,
Starting point is 00:10:09 then rather than alter your diet, why don't you just avoid Disneyland? In my response to that would be, go fuck yourself. You think I'm gonna never visit the Magic Kingdom again? Place of such fun, imagination. No, I'll always go back there. So because I want to go back to Disneyland, I've got to stop eating sugar,
Starting point is 00:10:29 refine sugar, carbs, booze, everything. And you know what? Now, 48 hours in with some diabetes meds in me, feeling like some kind of God on earth, which I guess is all of you non-diabetic baseline fucking experience. Ha ha ha! Oh my God!
Starting point is 00:10:51 Oh my God! Like no mood swings, it's incredible. No weird fucking mood swings, no hyper morning irritation, no eating a pancake and taking a two hour nap. It's amazing. irritation, no eating a pancake and taking a two-hour nap. It's amazing. Everyone, you know, I mentioned, there's this thing, people are, I don't know, feel weird about announcing
Starting point is 00:11:15 whatever their new disease may be, because they feel like, especially diabetes, because there's a lot of stigma attached to it. It's like VD, but from sugar. Bad choices, but fuck, man. I mean, why, I'm not gonna hide it. I always tell you guys everything. I die of, so here's the summary.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I've got diabetes, my blood sugar's already gone down, staying down. Thank you, Jesus. I have one of these machines. I've got a acuchet guide. I think, you can just buy these at the grocery store. It's so cool, I wish I'd known that sooner. But yeah, I got a prick, my fucking finger.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And they have this, the finger prick technology. Oh my God, it's like unimaginably advanced. I've got this little pin and it jabs the needle into my finger. You barely feel it. Blood comes out. Anyway, summary diabetes, blood sugar is going down. Massive penis. Very high IQ that matches both my blood sugar when I went into the urgent care and how many inches my penis is. All of them over 500. Today's guest is an esteemed guest indeed. For this man is partially responsible for the Midnight Gospel.
Starting point is 00:12:46 He, along with his wonderful wife, Shannon, run Tip Mouse, which is an animation studio, the animation studio that produced the Midnight Gospel. So I spent a wild year with this man and what a wonderful person he is, an brilliant person and my God, he has put together the most incredible production company out there for animation.
Starting point is 00:13:13 His team is the best and the combination of Chris, Shannon, Pendleton, Mike Mayfield, and Jesse Moynihan and all the amazing animators and writers and artists that put their blood, sweat, and tears into the Midnight Gospel all happened under the banner of Tidmouse. And if you liked the Midnight Gospel, then that means you like Tidmouse. And if you like Tidmouse, who have created
Starting point is 00:13:43 many of famous series like Big Mouth, then you need to check out this new series on Max, formerly HBO. It's called Scavengers Rain. This is an instant favor of mine. It is exactly the kind of animation I like. I'm an oldie with diabetes. Why would you even listen to my old
Starting point is 00:14:06 sugar coated ass? But I got to tell you man. This is incredible animation and an amazing story. Kind of distantly as that mysterious aeon flux feel to it if you can remember that. It's just a beautiful, beautiful story. And it's on Max now. So check it out. You will love it. You will be doing tip-mouse a favor. But most importantly, you'll be doing yourself a favor because you will plunge into a beautiful psychedelic,
Starting point is 00:14:40 mysterious sci-fi world that is insane animation. Beautiful, trippy, wonderful animation. Please check it out. It's on Max. If you're listening to this Thursday, November 9th, a new episode is out tonight. Very exciting. All right, everybody. Oh, yeah, before I forget, Salt Lake City. Friends, it's coming up. I'm doing Salt Lake City friends is coming up. I'm doing Salt Lake City, Utah at Wise Guys. We sold out the whole weekend, but fear not. I've added a show on the 19th. So if you were not able to get tickets for Wise Guys Salt Lake City,
Starting point is 00:15:21 we've added a show on the 19th. It's on the Wise Guys website. It will be up on my website soon. I hope that you will come and see me. And then after that, I'm going on vacation, but I'll be back at the Comedy Zone in Charlotte, NC, on the 14th of December. So, won't you come out and sleep me there, please?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Then is Christmas, thank you Jesus. And then after that, I've got many more dates coming up that Denver Comedy Works on the 11th of January. You can find all these dates at docketrustle.com. Subscribe to my Patreon. It's patreon.com, forward slash D-T-F-H. And now, everyone, please welcome Chris Prenoski to the Docket Drums of Family Air barcast.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Why did I just say the name of my own barcast in the intro? Here he is! Welcome to the DTFH. It is so freaking cool. Can you tell everybody where we are right now? We are out at a bug bear canyon in Spicewood, Texas. Outside. We're doing this podcast in the outdoors. Yes. On top of a sister and with with, I don't even know how many, 30,000 gallons of rainwater. 30,000 gallons of rainwater. Something like that, it's a lot. I think it's 30,000. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It's a lot. This is like, it feels so good to be out in nature and it's so quiet. Like when you live in the city, you forget about this, which is how everything used to sound. Yeah. You can see the stars at forget about this which is how everything used to sound yeah You can see the stars at night. It's crazy. How many stars there are yeah, I saw you out of telescope in there Do you yeah pull that thing out? Yeah, I'll tell you what though You'd think it'd be it took me fucking forever to find the moon and the moon is the biggest object in the sky What do you mean sensitive you pointed. You pointed at the moon.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Also, part of it is having, at the time when we were using it a lot, my kids 11 now. Yeah. And when we were using it a lot, he was more like seven. Yeah. And a seven year old doesn't have the manual dexterity to really dial in like a little, like a millimeter. Right. And I'd finally find the moon and the kids off playing.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then I'm like, I found the moon. Okay, come look at the critters. And he come and bounce into it and then it take me another 15 20 minutes to find the moon. Yes No, I you know trying trying to be a good dad Order a microscope online opposite of a telescope same situation. I'm like I build the tellers the microscope kids, or go, we're gonna look at an ant head. And yeah, same thing. Where is? I can't find the fucking ant head.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then exactly the same thing. They come to look and bump the bump it, then you're done. Do you know about the, did you hear about, I don't remember, I think it's no key, maybe. I don't remember which phone. You know the scam they did, you know about this? No, I don't know what it is. So one of the selling points for one of their phones was,
Starting point is 00:18:49 I can zoom in on the moon, like real close to the moon. Oh, yeah. But what it was really doing was faking the moon. Like you would, it would know you were pointing at the moon and then it would just put in a fake fucking... You put it in, I bet it made a lot of people happy though. Oh, I mean everyone was like oh my god look at this It's like I'm close so you can see the moon through this phone. It's like that's a JPEG man
Starting point is 00:19:11 They just slid in there. So you know I one one thing that you're doing this weekend is Actually kind of intimidating to me. Yeah, which is you were about to have a hardcore Yeah, which is you were about to have a hard core D&D campaign here on this beautiful property How you have not played outside in the outdoors right here where where's it? How long have you been playing Dungeons and Dragons? I started playing when I was I Think 10 9 or 10 There's my friends older brother played.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And I think that was really the only way to get into it when you're at that age. So I remember my parents had gotten me like the set or something like a year before I started playing, I couldn't figure it out. There was no YouTube videos to watch. You just were like, here's, there's a lot of cool look in monsters, but there's all these numbers next to them.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I don't know what this means. I wanna learn, I don't know, I would just draw the monsters. That's was my extent of it. And then my friend was like, yo, my older brothers play him. And then we played once with him. And then my friend, Andy German, he became the DM of our little group for a while and showed us how.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And then we kinda, unlike a lot of other dungeon master is DM by the way. Yeah. Now I get confused when people say, Hey, can I DM you? I'm like, you want a dungeon master? And it's like, no, that means something else. That doesn't that's not what it means. Does it is dungeon master?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Who's what I'm talking about? Yeah. And then we didn't realize that there was supposed to be a regular dungeon master because there's no information about this stuff. And we would not and also that there was supposed to be a regular dungeon master because there's no information about this stuff And we would not and also that you're supposed to prepare and we would just when I was in fourth grade or whatever We just every day after school go to my friends kitchen and we would just take turns being the dungeon master and nobody would read ahead You'd read it in real time. Oh, yeah, there was no preparation It was new to the dungeon master just as it was to the players,
Starting point is 00:21:05 totally not the way you're supposed to do it. But it was so cool. I wish I could recreate that. Now I think as adults, I have a paranoia of I have to be prepared. Like, I've been in too many situations where I wasn't prepared. And it's like, also our time is so precious
Starting point is 00:21:22 when you're like, oh, like like I'm 50 I just turned 52 So I'm 51 but I'm 52 now and it's like I got my dad and I have a job and it's like the precious time Yeah, you can gather your friends as adults with kids and lives and jobs It's like you want to be prepared. You don't want fuck this up. You didn't care when you were 10 or 11 now you're doing this All the time in, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that I had shipped because I was like, you know, I, I, my D&D stuff is not here. I have a ship in the box. You have shipped out.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Do you have like a favorite set of diethies? You know, I used to, when I was a kid and now it's just, it's, it's, I don't. Also, they're so available now. It used to be, you had to like go. I Remember when I was good. I was saving up for this pair of like They I think man, I can't remember if this brand existed trying to think If they were Chess X
Starting point is 00:22:36 They might have been if that they're similar to what they look like now whatever brand this was I don't know if that brand existed in the 80s But when I got them in the 80s man man, you had to save up for them. And then you would go to like the little hobby shop that the old ladies ran, like on the main street, I grew up in New Jersey, close to born in Trenton. And then we moved out to like a suburb of Trenton. Yeah. And then you'd look in a catalog, and then you'd order them and you'd wait for like a month
Starting point is 00:23:03 for these guys to show up. And then you had to put in, there was a little like waxy crayon that you had to like put the numbers. You would like, what? You would like put the color in the numbers by yourself. You would, you would scoop, I don't even know how to describe it. There were debossed, you know, it was the opposite of embossed. So there's little gun with the numbers,
Starting point is 00:23:25 and then you rub wax into there so you could see the numbers wipe it off with a cloth. So there's a whole process. Now it's so easy to get dice. You go on Etsy, you go on Amazon, it's a thousand ways you can get dice. They come, you don't got to put the numbers in. If you order on Amazon, sometimes it can come to you the same day. There's nothing precious about these dice now. But you, this is one aspect of D&D that I don't know. I imagine most people understand, under the dragon's, they have some rough idea of what it is if they haven't played because it's a staple. It's a cultural staple. But I don't think people understand the craftsmanship
Starting point is 00:24:06 In in like making a good campaign. I mean not just the prep Yeah, not just like knowing the story backwards and forwards, but when you go deep That's when you're painting those figures. Yeah, it's a weird type of storytelling too because if you come from linear Like I do of like I scripted making cartoons and stuff. It's like you write these pages where you storyboard these pages. And there's a beginning, middle and end and it's set and it's timed. And it's for your audience to enjoy in the way that you've presented it to them. Right. And when you're a dungeon master, anything can happen.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Your audience influences the story. They are have an incredible amount of agency as to influences the story they are Have an incredible amount of agency as to where the story goes and you can't You can't predict that you can never predict whatever you that's one thing that you could predict is whatever you predict It's not gonna be what they do. Yeah, so you have to have a bunch of it's almost like writing You know a mult it's like a multiverse. It's like it's like you writing, you know, a mult, it's like a multiverse, it's like, it's like, you know, you're the little inception point in the Big Bang and this every branch goes forward with its infinite possibilities. You've got to predict a certain amount, you know, five, six,
Starting point is 00:25:19 seven of the main branches and then hope you have something to do. And if not, you're improv in from there on out. But you got to know your world a little bit, you got to figure it out. I don't even know what this is what we're going to be talking about, but I like it. Oh, yeah, man. Oh, yeah, well, podcasting for sure. No, for better to have no plans. But this is, okay, so there's a Christian, I don't remember which verse it is, or which book of the Bible it says, where three or more of you are gathered, there I will be. And Fritz Pearls, who was like, you
Starting point is 00:25:55 know that is Fritz Pearls? Very interesting psychologists came up with this thing called Gush, like group therapy. And he had this idea of the Gush Stalt, and basically he would say, like group therapy. Yeah, yeah. And he had this idea of the good start. And basically, he would say, you know, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So in group therapy, some spirit enters the room.
Starting point is 00:26:14 That is something from the collaboration of people. And in D&D, I think this is what they don't capture. You can't capture it in stranger things. You can't capture it. But what you can't capture it you can't but what do you think do you know what I'm talking about that I do that you remember how we met yeah we played D&D at the penthouse yeah yeah yeah and I think that was do you remember who else played I just remember you me and pen but I can't remember you all Jesse, Jesse, that's right. And I think in a way, unconsciously or not, I don't know how if this was planned or not,
Starting point is 00:26:51 but I think, you know, our mutual friend, Penn is such a intuitive and gentle soul. Yeah. He wants everyone to get along. to get along. And I think in a way, whether he knew it was going to lead down the path that it ended up leading, I think he wanted to see how we all interacted. I don't know if this was his plan. I've never talked to him about this. But we all ended up making a TV show together years later. Like, because we've had like a decade ago that we played that. The mind blown emoji. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Holy shit. Like that was the thing. Cause I remember you, I was really impressed with the way that we played that the mind blown emoji. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Holy shit. I feel like that was the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Because I remember you, I was really impressed with the way that you played your character. You had a little like, Quato kind of guy. Yes. It was like a dad's to your, your abdomen or something. I think it was in a little bag. I don't remember. I would, let me just tell you this. I was so nervous to play with you and Penn and Jesse out because I like felt so
Starting point is 00:27:46 intimidated and like I hadn't played D&D since you know I was a kid and just so nervous it but that's wild man. Do you remember what we did after we played D&D? No. He was like one of the first guys to get the Oculus and we all tried the VR. Oh yeah. Then we made a show about a guy like going into different VR things together I feel like that was a weird like deep inception point whether it was like conscious or not Well, it was a you know, I love this. I don't know if you've heard about this like other shit They're doing now with quantum computing and yeah like this weird idea of how like time doesn't isn't linear It can ripple backwards too.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah. That, it was like a little backwards, like ripple. We were in a backwards timeline on that one. Yeah, yeah. We already knew each other. We had already made the show together. Oh man. And we were backwards looping it.
Starting point is 00:28:39 That's so wild. I never put it together. Well, you know, they kind of reminds me, I think Google, well, like, if they're gonna hire like an executive a CEO, they take them to Burning Man. Really? It's a vetting process to see like, all right, what do you like out in the middle
Starting point is 00:28:56 of nowhere on a bunch of acid? Let's see what you're like now. I've worked before we hire you. And you learn. But you do learn a bunch of stuff. Yeah, you do. I'm sure you do learn a lot. But I'm curious though,
Starting point is 00:29:15 the times I've played D&D, when I don't know why I'm nervous about playing D&D, it's very odd, but when I've been absorbed into it. Yeah. And this, I don't, like, something comes into the room. There is a, and it's beautiful. It's definitely not Jesus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You know what I mean? But it's archetypical or something. Yeah, yeah. That everything becomes weirdly ritualistic, which is why the dice, when people get deep into it, because these are the implements of the rituals, so they have this magical quality. It's one of the reasons that I like
Starting point is 00:29:53 when possible to play in person. Something happened over the pandemic where online play became the norm, and that became like a thing that I did a lot, and it's still fun, but there's something different about it. It's still cool, but like you don't feel as connected. You don't feel like that. The presence has entered the room as much because there's no room. Right. Yeah, no. Right. Yeah, that that that is for sure an unquantifiable loss that like, and I, I'm all for remote working.
Starting point is 00:30:27 This sucks, I'm commuting and shit and all that, but I do, like I don't think we could have made the midnight gospel. If we had all been working remotely, it wouldn't have been the same. We've wrapped that up right before it happened.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I remember that thing premiered like a month into the same. We've wrapped that up right before it happened. I remember like that thing premiered like a month into the lockdown. It was on 420. I remember that was our premiere. I know. Yeah. It's interesting. It's also interesting. That was probably a backwards time loop too because every episode was a different apocalypse. I know. I know. Living through an apocalypse. I said, you know what? know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know., and I was certain, I was excited for someone to be like, predictive programming, that's predictive programming, they knew it was Illuminati. Nobody caught that, and it wasn't predictive programming, but it was. Well, but maybe it was if we're in the backwards time loop. Right. If we were like, just, I remember those,
Starting point is 00:31:41 it was one of the more interesting writers room scenarios because you had the material recorded, but we had to figure out a way to make it work as episodes and, you know, pulling from from people that you knew and people that and knew I thought it was really interesting. And one of the things that stuck with me actually brought her into a future writers room was I forget her one of the things that stuck with me actually brought her into a future writer's room was for apocalypse would happen. And it was how, you know, if you are like a yogi or someone who is like very heavily a shaman or someone who's very heavily practiced in being able to look outside of
Starting point is 00:32:33 your aura, you can see what the world really looks like. Right. But most people can't do that shit, right? They don't even know they are looking at the world through out through an aura, right? Right. But she's like, what's going to happen? This angel says, check it out. It's not really, it's the inciting incident. It's not the apocalypse, but there's going to be an event that causes everybody's aura to drop at the same time. And what everybody is going to see is the real world as they've never seen it. As it's not filtered through your personal aura. And it's going to be terrifying. And all these guys that are in charge of starting wars and stuff are going to start shooting bombs and getting all bananas because they're like, well, this is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's really just what's here all the time. All right. But you're not seeing it. And that stuck with me. And then we were working on this other project that involved ghosts and shit. I was like, well, we're definitely going to bring her in. But I lost my train of thought. That writers room. That's what it was. Yeah. Two witches in there. That's right. I'm wearing the one guy I'd like to be referred to Jason Lou. Yeah. He was in a different kind
Starting point is 00:33:37 of sector. A different thing. He's like, does ceremonial magic. And he's like a scholar. Like, and there wasn't they weren't aligned in they weren't aligned in their type of witchcraft, right? No, completely different. I think he, forgive me Jason, if you're listening, I'm, you know, we're friends, you know, I'm an idiot. But it's like, I think he's explaining it to me. I think it's like a nookian magic, whereas she's like doing wikin'
Starting point is 00:34:02 or like, you know, goddess stuff. It's, there's so many branches of magic out there. Man, it's like any other religion or anything that you have. Today's sponsor is maybe the ultimate sponsor of all time, especially for me, because I'm lazy, but I want people to think I'm good at giving gifts. Meaning I wait till the last minute, and instead of getting someone the incredible, mind-blowing, awesome, unique, beautiful gift that I wanted to get them, I end up getting them something mundane and boring.
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Starting point is 00:36:48 You'll thank them. I guess because they're the ones who spit. God knows how long, assembling this incredible catalog of awesome stuff from art jewelry to kitchen, home and bar, uncommon goods has something for everyone. Again, I just went through, I like weird stuff. So that's what I went through. But if you want like just comfort stuff and cool stuff and kitschy stuff, it's all there. I just went through what I like and they've labeled me a geek because I like that. And fine, I'll accept the label. Also, what's cool is the more you start
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Starting point is 00:37:47 at uncommongoods.com slash Duncan for 15% off. Don't miss out on this limited time offer uncommon goods. We're all out of view ordinary. Thank you uncommon goods. and good. What you just said regarding the Ores, so in near death experiences, there are reports that people give when they come out of their body and they see their human body, as they don't recognize them. Yeah, yeah, I believe it. Yeah. Because of the probably just. I don't recognize myself when I see a picture of me on the internet.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I got that fat. Oh, dude, when I got pandemic fat, fat and like it's that slow creep But that fat creep you don't even know it's happening till suddenly you're like oh shit Yeah, I you know that I think it's that Spirit That you encounter in a great D&D campaign or in a great collaboration. Yeah. That fuels a lot of the paranoia out there regarding like how things are made.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Like because there's a lot of the satanic panic with you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. It's like it queued. Somehow is D&D satanic? Absolutely not. Yeah, yeah. But is it mystical?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Hundred percent. Oh, yeah. But is it mystical? 100% sure. Yeah. Yeah. So many things are though. I know, but when you, it's something about like, with the midnight gospel, when I watched it and saw what came up the collaboration.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, yeah. How there's your in it, ends in it, just everyone's in it. All the animators are in it, like all their spirits infused it so much more so than any other show I've worked on, by the way, in the in the pens, like prime directive of not only is it welcome to have the animators infuse their own personality into the scenes and the the acting But it was expected. It's like I don't want you to just follow what has been laid out for you you take this and travel your own path and Anybody who said that in the past any client any director any show creator any executive producer any writer who said that in the past, any client, any director, any show creator, any
Starting point is 00:40:27 executive producer, any writer who said that in the past didn't mean it the way that pen meant it. Right. And it's always a risk for an animator to go and perform without a net when you're asked to perform without a net. All right. Because it's like animation takes a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And it's like, there's, they've heard that before. And they've been burned by it. Yeah. Show creators like, do your thing. And then you spend a week animating 10 seconds. And then you bring it back. And then they're like, well, I said your thing. But really what I meant was my thing,
Starting point is 00:41:04 but 1% different pen really meant it. It was like, bring, I said your thing, but really what I meant was my thing, but one percent different pen really meant it. It was like bring yourself, put yourself into this show and people did once they got past that first week, two weeks, they're like, this guy means it. Like he's not full of shit. He really, really means it. I mean, I think he just, he just, he probably spent a lot of time after adventure time thinking about like what was brutal about that.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I know he did, because he talked about it to me. Yeah. He's like, this is what I want, because this is what I couldn't get. This is what I couldn't achieve. And they're a super talented artist that worked on adventure time, but a lot of the animators,
Starting point is 00:41:42 almost all the animation, the people who are doing the physical act of animation. You know, it's like different than the pre-production of the storyboard or the design, the actual drawings that make the characters move and act. For economic reasons, they're usually in Korea, and you have no direct communication with them, and there's a contract that's made with the overseas studios with this thing called exposure sheets that are like You time out. It's like this is when this action happens. This is when this guy raises his arm Yeah, this is when he puts it down and it really it's a necessary thing
Starting point is 00:42:18 Because it's like it's a business and the overseas studios Couldn't operate if it was like do whatever you want because they would be redoing things all the time. So the spontaneity is much harder to achieve when you're working with that system. The system that we use for Midnight Gospel was, and even though it was pre-pandemic, it wasn't like everybody was under that roof in Hollywood, some people in New York, some were in Vancouver, somewhere in wherever, but it was still that that shared vision of like the individual people got to talk to Penn, and they got to talk to Mike Mayfield as well, our supervisor director and Amazing. And get direct feedback and get encouragement. And it's like the thing, I still remember the thing that the pen distilled it down to into a moment
Starting point is 00:43:14 when he was theorizing about what he wanted to see in the show. He's like, you know, when somebody's walking up steps and animation, and they just walk up the steps and their feet land perfectly on every step and they're up the step. In this show, I want someone to, for their foot to like slip off the step or do a misstep
Starting point is 00:43:32 in a way that's very subtle and probably won't be noticed but people will feel it. And it's like, that's great. Do we gotta do that? I feel like he, he innovated like a whole new genre or form of animation that I really hope gets adopted by more people because that, you know, he, like,
Starting point is 00:43:58 well, not just him, I was everybody, but that's true. It was a collaborative, he really invited a true collaborative effort in the way that it never happened. That's it. With animation and it's like, I heard that when you send it out to career, whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:12 you get only like what two rounds of notes or three rounds, you can tell them. Yeah. You do, you generally do three-tit. You'll get to take one back, which is like the first pass, and then you'll do notes, and they'll be technical things that are like, well, this is not what the design looks like. You know, that's a technical retake or there's something like, oh, now we see a way to make this better. That's a creative retake.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And for a creative retake, there's a certain budget to do because you'll pay the overseas studio more. We didn't think of this because it's a new thing, but you'll do a take one and then generally two or three weeks later, you'll get a take two back and then you'll give a round of notes on that and then you'll do a take one and then generally two or three, three weeks later, you'll get a take two back. And then you'll give a round of notes on that. And then you'll get a take three. And the take three, there's very little time to do any notes like your take three is generally your, your last stage. And maybe you can eat through two or three very important things if they haven't been dealt with, but that's it. Or you have a little few people locally in your shop that can, they can do some revisions or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:07 You know, anyway, I'm getting a real animation already on this man. But that's good. A lot of people are from the animation. We're like, I don't want to hear that. We have to get, talk about it. And I think one thing that I really want to get out there, man, I think it doesn't get out there enough is like my mayfield.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. He almost killed himself for the midnight gospel. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember, like, how hard he was working, do you remember that? And like the- He gives a shit. He does, and we like, I will never forget the prisoner episode where it's a time loop. And I, you know, flippantly, I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:47 I think I don't know whose idea it was, but I remember it just sounded cool. We'll do a time loop episode. That'll be Groundhog's day. It'll be fun and trippy. No one thought in animation how technical and difficult that was gonna be to do a time loop. And I remember walking in to Mayfield and Penn's office
Starting point is 00:46:06 and he had this massive stack of paper that represented every, they was like trying to order it and the wild look in his eyes. He was driving a mad and he was like, he's a mad scientist figuring it out. And he did, he figured it out. Because if you could give the directive
Starting point is 00:46:25 But then somebody's got to figure that shit out and yeah, it was great at figuring. Oh my god I felt so bad. It's another one that doesn't you might not notice it, but it was one of the Most difficult things to pull off was in the meat world episode the The the Morpheus blob of meat that had the travel through the tubes of the tubes. That was really technically difficult. Wasn't really? Yeah, yeah, because it's just,
Starting point is 00:46:52 it's a thing like, we only could have done it this way where we had animators in house and gave them agency, because that would have required so much pre-design and planning for every stage of every mutation of the meat and the way that it traveled through the meat in three-dimensional space, but it was animated in the 2D method would have been very it was going through the meat tubes. And he was like, man, I have to remember him coming to me because he was like, this shit is going to be hard to do. Yeah. Like, can I do this? I'm like, do it, man.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Like, this is our chance to like, do something like this. There will never be another show where we could try to do shit like this. Sean glazed what a brilliant and dude and that's the other thing Pendleton did and you did is assembled this like a elite team of animators of animators who were also weirdos weirdos I didn't want to say it because you could have had a bunch of super technical animators who were squares which they exist exist, but we have the all-star weirdo team. Man, I... I don't... you probably...
Starting point is 00:48:11 You probably know this, but like, I don't have words to express how absolutely wild it was to get ushered in to Titmouse by Pendleton and suddenly to be around like wizards. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I've only seen like, you know, stand up. Sure, yeah. And I've never, I had no idea what I was, what, anything about it. And suddenly I'm like surrounded by people like Sean Glaze, you Pendleton, Jesse, and watching their process in the way that it works. And I just some of my really fond memories of making that show are just walking through
Starting point is 00:48:53 where people are animating. And the feeling in the air, is this electric feeling in the air and watching all these great artists in the way they would like listen to podcasts and as they animate. And talk to themselves and act shit out like they're possessed.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Incredible. Incredible. You know, and again, like I don't mean to keep leaning into this like mystical metaphysical thing. I'm trying to pen on everything I guess, but I'm telling you man, there were times when I was like, oh, it's a temple. Like, this is not, this is, I've never seen anything like this, but the only thing I've
Starting point is 00:49:29 where I've felt this kind of energy is inside of temples. Yeah, it's weird, man, and it is something that is funny years ago when we started making this show, Metal Ocklips, which we know about. I love it. I was directing that with a good friend of mine, John Snipp, who I had known for years before, but I'd never worked with in that capacity. We worked on small jobs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And he taught me so much in a way that I didn't know I needed to be taught. Because this technical thing, this square thing that I was talking about before, when we were prepping for our episodes, like these D&D campaigns that I'm talking about, I wanted to prepping for our episodes like these D&D campaigns and I'm talking about I wanted to be over-prepared. I wanted to get an A, you know. Yeah. I was like, I'm gonna tell my animators everything through notes and equations and the way that I used to have
Starting point is 00:50:18 to do this shit on these like, you know, I'm like, you know, he's gonna put the box down and eight frames and there's gonna be an overshoot in the settle and all these like antiquated animation terms that the they figured out a hundred years ago and have passed down through apprenticeships and shit. It's like, it's a weird scene, right? But snap. John, snap. This guy, he passed away in 2018. I'm going to tell you a story. This is going to lead into a story. Okay, great. I was about to tell you earlier. Oh, yeah. I'm going to tell you the story this is gonna lead into a story. Okay, great. I was about to tell you earlier. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I'm gonna tell you the whole in the podcast. So, he didn't do any prep, but he's a funny, fucking person, right? He just had an energy about him. Yeah. And I handed out my scenes of animators and I gave him very specific instructions, right? And Stent just acted in them out.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And because he's funny and because he's a compelling human being, they absorbed it. And then we did our dailies, which dailies is another thing that I think is essential in this. You watch the dailies and everybody learns, you know, it's like you watch everybody else the scenes. You see what works. You see what doesn't. You see what mistakes are being made. You see what works, you see what doesn't, you see what mistakes are being made,
Starting point is 00:51:25 you see what's getting complimented. And I was so smug going into those meetings and then I had my ass handed to me in a way that was really helpful of like, snap shit is funnier because he was just being present and being a funny person in front of these animators. They're not idiots.
Starting point is 00:51:41 They don't need me to like, and spell out how many frames it is to make the arm right? Like just trust them. Yes. Give them what you think the essence of the scene is. Yeah. Ther acting it out or whatever method you you deem is the way. And that's how you're going to get the best stuff. And that he was such a gem. And I'm so lucky to have worked with him for so many years. Sorry for your loss. And he passed away in 2018. And here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:52:06 He passed away during one of the events that he was a... I would say he was a high-prey stuff if you want to use... Okay. Like a temple metaphor for the animation in art community. He passed away during San Diego Comic Con, right? And I think it was the best possible time because he was honored there. He didn't, he wasn't physically there, but he missed it. The date of his passing happened in the middle of San Diego Comic Con and then he
Starting point is 00:52:41 ended up, everybody found out in the world was passed around that this and that, he was honored there. And then I think two weeks after San Diego Comic Con, I came out to this, this property, right? And I was sitting in that room over there, looking out the window, I was sitting in that room over there, looking out the window to that energy circle.
Starting point is 00:53:05 I was pointing to earlier. And it was that moment where you're about to go to sleep or you're not quite asleep. And I saw a shimmering form appear to me in that energy circle. I saw it through the window physically. And it looked like an 80 special effect, like a slightly blue glow, like superimposed, like a dead Jedi from star wars kind of look, and it was John Snap, and he appeared to me in that circle,
Starting point is 00:53:33 and I made eye contact with him, and he floated over to me, right? And he came up to me, and he said to me, repeat after me, him, will scrimple, dimpled, Dean, wimble, dimpled, and then I repeated it exactly as it stated to him, and he crossed his arms and shook his head, no, then he repeated another whimsical nonsense statement to me and said, repeat after me, and I did, and he did that maybe eight, maybe 10 times. And then I got hit. And when he said, repeat after me, I made up my own nonsense phrase.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And then he crosses arms, nodded his head, and floated away backwards. I'm getting chilled, I'm getting misty about this. Because it was like him telling me, like, don't, like do your own nonsense. You know, even when somebody says repeat after me, don't, like, do your own nonsense, you know, even when somebody says repeat after me, don't repeat after them. Yeah, it was very magical. A big thank you to today's sponsor, HG1. Friends, you just heard me. I came out of a diabetes closet. You got to take care of yourself. You got to listen to nags like me, people out
Starting point is 00:55:00 there who love you, and keep telling you. You got it, you know, you can't just eat chocolate. You can't eat skittles at 3 a.m. and follow it up with raisin brand. You need vitamins. And A.G.1 is where you should go to get all the vitamins. You need, let me tell you, I don't like taking tons of pills. It makes me feel weird, but AG1 will replace your multivitamin.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Every scoop includes probiotics, digestive enzymes. You wanna go to Whole Foods and get a probiotic. You wanna do that? You wanna spend Foods and get a probiotic. You want to do that? You want to spend seven hours in the probiotic aisle of Whole Foods that has 16,000 varieties of probiotics with mysterious names of bacteria in it. And then what you're going to ask somebody, like, is this, which bacteria is this?
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Starting point is 00:56:17 And that is why AG1 will save your butt from whole foods or whatever grocery store you go to humiliation. I mean, don't mean to go on and on this commercial, but I honestly like asked a pharmacist about a probiotic recently and like they looked at me like, what? You think I fucking know the names of bacteria and those things? Who do I look like, man? I'm fucking trying to fill fucking prescriptions over here, man. Bugging me about probiotics? You want to go to a vitamin store?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Does he want that on your list of things to do? I want to drive down to a vitamin store and just walk around all confused. And you know, people who work in offensively work at a vitamin store. Many people I've run into who work at vitamin stores have that same shitty vibe that people who work at records stores have, like vitamin snops. So you go up and you're like,
Starting point is 00:57:13 hey, what's a good vitamin C? And they look to you like you slapped them in the face. Is that what you wanna go through? And then you assemble your bowl of vitamins and then you gotta keep up with that every day? No, AG1 identified this nightmare life. The vitamin spiral is what they call it and it leads to madness. And this is why you can replace all of them with AG1. They got a team of doctors and scientists. It is tested for 950 contaminants and NSF certified for sport.
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Starting point is 00:58:28 Just a scoop in your drink of choice. And you're on the path. It's a perfect health. Thank you, A.G.1. even when somebody says repeat after me don't repeat after them. It was fucking magical. Oh my God, man. That was two weeks after your past. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Well, okay, two things come to mind with your story. Yeah. Yeah. One, this documentary I saw on this. I've never seen a ghost before or after. Yeah. Well, you, I mean, that's a pretty intense ghost experience. That's a as they say in ghostbusters That's a free form floating apparition, baby. That's the real deal man
Starting point is 00:59:31 And it wasn't that time where you're in that moment of that that really like weird like almost lucid dream of about to fall asleep So who knows were you scared? No, not at one bit. So the vibe was good. The vibe was incredibly good. I was so happy to see him. Well, they, you, in Tibetan Buddhism you stay, so there's the barto. You're in there for, I can't remember, I'm in it, 39 days. So fully within that metaphysical system, 100%, that's a possibility.
Starting point is 01:00:01 But only, and, but based on what happened, that is only the kind of thing that people who have like really good karma and have really prepared for their transition can do because most people they've they run screaming through the barbedo, but as he sounds like now he lived in there. He lived in the SNEP zone as we would go. Yeah. Yeah. And so he was prepared not in a way that was practiced in a way that was felt. Did he visit any other people? He did his fiancee Holly, but that was primarily
Starting point is 01:00:37 through dreams, not through like a waking experience. Right. Well, yeah, that's the zone. I mean, that's it.. I mean, that's that, because you know, in dreams, you either go into your mind or you go into the astral realm, I think. And so like if you go in the astral realm
Starting point is 01:00:53 or whatever you wanna call it, that's where you're gonna get to see people who are still like deciding what they wanna do for their next birth. That is such a wild story, man. Yeah, it's crazy. And they, they, the, the, yeah, that is such a wild story, man. Yeah, it's crazy. And they, they, this, I don't know, I wish I could remember his name,
Starting point is 01:01:10 it's famous Buddhist painter. And he would finish all of his masterpieces on like moon cycle. So he'd finish them on the full moon. And then the parallel, he died on the full moon. Somebody started their skill stock. Did you hear it on the mic? Yeah, but no. Okay, let me tell you why I'm disappointed in myself. Here's why I'm disappointed. Yeah, because before we this is something that I if I ever achieve like Elon Musk level well, I'm gonna do all kinds of scientific stuff. I'm gonna fund research and I know
Starting point is 01:01:49 My hypothesis is I don't know what's hypothesis that I could predict That some kind of electrical like a skill saw you generally a leaf blower. Yeah, we'll appear the moment you start podcast Yeah, I don't know the implications of that are leaf blower will appear the moment you start podcast. I don't know what the implications of that are, but because I used to, I went through a period where it started driving me crazy. And I would get really mad.
Starting point is 01:02:16 And then I realized, oh, this is built into the universe somehow with podcasts. If you're gonna do things like this outside, the leaf blows, I mean to the point where like I will hit, like record, start the interview. This happened to me recently, starting, like it wasn't starting, usually what happens, this does fit the pattern as a poignant moment
Starting point is 01:02:39 as happening in the podcast. And I'm sorry, you were about to go on of some really probably good No, you know you just like there comes the song no, but no, I'm glad you did Because you just told the most beautiful Intense ghost story I've ever heard and I'm just trying to like say anything I can't there's nothing I can fall that with so I'm rambling about and then the universe like do the skill saw the DM Running this thing is the universe like do the skill saw.
Starting point is 01:03:05 The DM running this thing is like let's roll for skill saw. You know, it's like, yeah, if you roll over 18, no skill saw. You're definitely getting a fucking skill saw. Usually it's a leaf blower though. I mean, like right now, if an unannounced landscaper came walking down your path of the leaf blower, you would see me not blink. That would be amazing because we don't have last capers here. We don't.
Starting point is 01:03:32 In my house. We like my house like we had a landscaper who did it wasn't there for weeks and weeks and right in this beautiful moment of podcast directly next to the window of my podcast studio in this perfect moment. Bwaah! It starts up. I don't know what that is, but yeah, like people, the Comic-Con thing, it reminds me of
Starting point is 01:03:55 that. It's like the great artists, they, they, they, I'm not saying they consciously choose necessarily, but they're so in sync with the rhythm of whatever their craft is, that their life, you know, follows that rhythm and you know, I don't think people who aren't like us understand what Comic-Con is. Like it's, you know, I don't think they realize. That's a freaking, that's an incredible event, man. And like, Can I tell you, yeah, great kind of what kind of was this best year?
Starting point is 01:04:29 Please, I'm so, I'll, I'll, Because you know what happened? It's something that hasn't happened. I don't know, what did they say in 50 years or something? I don't know, I'm gonna fact check me after this podcast, but when's the last time there was a WGH strike NSX strike at the same time?
Starting point is 01:04:45 I it's been no I it's been a really long time. You know what happened? That happened at Comic Con this year, and you know what I did you know that normally do a comic Con I do a lot of schmoozy meetings with Hollywood executives. I used to enjoy the art But I've become such a businessman with his animations studio that I have to maximize my time and be efficient and have a lot of meetings during comic This year I just hung out with artists the whole time because when there's no writers There's no show creators. There's no actors at comic-con Then the Hollywood folks don't feel the need to come to I guess I'm technically a Hollywood person even though I don't consider myself to be one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:28 If I just got to hang out with artist friends and it was great, it was so good. I, my God, man, I got to go to Comic Con for Craft Poppilus and like experience it and just like, there is just nothing I can think of more fun than like artists going full bore into all kinds of things. We ended up in my hotel room at 5 a.m. Aaron and I playing snap. I can't remember names, she's an actress fully dressed as a vampire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like good.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Like this is like she. Oh, yeah, no, they're not joking around. With their vampire costume. I was so high that I started thinking, are we sure that she's an artist? Like, because are we sure she's an actor? Like, because vampires are gonna show up so much. Maybe she's gonna come by your neck and you'll be, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:27 you're gonna be in her servitude for the rest of the tournament. I'm like that, because she was like so much like a vampire, because she's a good actor, she was still in that role. And not acting like Hoki, Dracula shit, but just like, my god, is this a vampire? Is this how they get you? Like they come to Comic Con. It's probably how they get you. Because you cuz you like it you invite her into your hotel. You better believe we did a big mistake We definitely fighter it's just cool, man, but like the the cuz like
Starting point is 01:06:58 Comic-con she comes through the door of the window I don't remember man I knew it was just there. I was that see. I don't remember, man. I knew you were just there. I was like, dude, I don't remember. You're just there. But like, if, you know, if I'm some kind of ethereal, supernatural being, and I want to be out in public, Comic-Con's where I'm going, because like no one's going to like blink. This is what happened to me when I was in college.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I went to school in New York, the school of visual arts. And I did a lot of that, a lot of acid during that time. Yes. And I lived in a weird, like kind of shitty, it wasn't shitty, it was weird. It was a weird experience. I lived in an apartment building in Jersey City that was made for Wall Street execs to live in and commute like take that path train right across that we were
Starting point is 01:07:48 Directly across from the World Trade Center, which was still existing in this time because it was in the 90s But they built it too early no Wall Street guys wanted to live there So the apartments were dirt cheap and they were way nicer apartments that we had any business living in when we were in our teens and 20s, right? there were way nicer apartments that we had any business living in when we were in our teens and 20s, right? But I'm getting off point one day when I was like having a really heavy acid trip I used to buy and this got big foot in Central Park and it was the good shit. It was like fucking one tab 30 hours. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:19 May I, let me please ask one question real quick. Is that what is informed the big foot theme? Is that what is why you have big big I mean, I mean, it was one of the that was probably backwards path, like we were talking about, but it's time. But I think it was more in search of, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, you go legend of boggy creek. But I was sitting on a bench with my friend, and we were watching, you know, two buildings
Starting point is 01:08:47 talk to each other or whatever was happening. And a woman, you know, girl, a person that we went to school with who we refer to as the witch. This is where it's coming back to the vampire thing. And was she a real witch or not came up and she was a very, you know, as was, you know, in art school in the 90s, there was a lot of like, goth, goth, goth, goth women. And she was like, started talking to us
Starting point is 01:09:12 and then she clocked it like immediately. She's like, you guys are tripping, right? And we're like, oh, she's like, come with me. And she brought us back to her apartment and then brought us back into her back room. And then she brought out a mother fucking cauldron. And we were like, we were like,
Starting point is 01:09:32 when you were that tripping on acid and this girl that you referred to as the witch, then brings you into a room and brings out a cauldron. Are you like, is she a real witch? Right. So then she brought it. And then was one of the most intense acid experience I've ever had. She was an incredible guide. She brought out a geode. And she started chanting and putting on this fucking gymmores and music
Starting point is 01:09:58 in the background or whatever. And this fucking spoke started coming out of the culture and around this geode. And she was like, look into the around this geode and she was like look into the geode And I went and traveled down into the geode and I remember I was driving around in a little geode car Little geode city and I was looking up around me and I could see myself in the sky Which was comforting like my giant head in the sky looking down at me in the geode thing and then I would Get up and go to work in my geo car to my geo job and do my like geo office job like come home and like go to sleep and I lived a little lifetime in that geo and then you know at some point just got sucked up back into like the
Starting point is 01:10:42 real supposedly real world and I was like what what I don't live in a G. Oh Like what happened? I just lived the whole lifetime in a G. Oh, yeah The witch man. What's your theory on that? What do you think happened there? What is that man? I don't know. I don't have a theory damn do I have to have a theory? Yeah, I'm a theory. I didn't know I think she was I think first of all that's like in big foot had the best acid in your Okay, we know that for sure you found some real LSD Not for sure that last year was so powerful. It's summoned to which Because that's how you know you got the good shit Yeah, the good shit's not just like the laws are breathing. Yeah. It summons beings to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:27 It's though they've just been waiting for you. Like since the warp and time space and we're drawn to it. Yeah. Yeah. Good. And then brought you back to and spot some other dimension. Who knows what? Well, this is a but I remember the experience where it could have been scary. That trip never went down the wrong path. I've been That trip never went down the wrong path. I've been on ones that went down the wrong path. And that one, the comforting thing was, there's always this manifestation of myself
Starting point is 01:11:54 as a giant ass face in the sky. Anytime I looked up in the sky, it was like the sun or clouds, like smiling down at me and having a good time. And I'm like, well, this is, you know, this is the way it is now. Yeah, you've fractalized, man. As above so below, you experienced the,
Starting point is 01:12:11 what did you, I only wonder about stuff. I've heard about this trip before. I've, I've, I've, I've never had to live a different life trip. But one of my friends on Salvia said that he lived an entire lifetime. Yeah, yeah lifetime and then came out of it and had to like rehab. It is disorienting when you come out of it initially.
Starting point is 01:12:32 You're like none of that happened, you know, or maybe it did, but you're like, I'm here now and that's not happening now. Right, well, that is the, you know, it makes me think of what you said about Majaru. It's the, this is the, you know, it makes me think of what you said about Majaru. It's the, this is the aura. This is like you are, you're seeing like your carmic tendency. Like, you know, that, that's what determines your next life.
Starting point is 01:12:55 My carmic tendency is to go to work in an office job every day. And a fucking Gio. That's cool. And the Gio thought it was purple. Man, that is so wild. That is so wild. Have you, let me see what time I was doing a time here. What is this? I don't know how this works.
Starting point is 01:13:14 You tell me. You tell me. We can just keep going. I got until four o'clock. You can edit this. Do whatever you want. We have plenty of time. So, if you heard about the new studies they're doing with DMT, if you're about this. Something tells me I'm not as up to speed as you are on this. They're giving people, they're doing the same thing with anesthesia, but with DMT.
Starting point is 01:13:42 So you get a certain amount in the blood, keep that level up, so that now you can extend the DMT trip as in the smoking DMT. When people hear about this, they're like, well, that's ayahuasca. It's like, no, ayahuasca is a, it just means brew, and depending on whatever the shaman mixes up, it's very different. This is pure DMT into your blood, kept it at a certain level, which is the breakthrough level, extended for like an hour. And so they're doing this study because they're interested in what, why is it with DMT that people kind of experience the same things, see the same things, talk about the same entities. That's really weird. And with most psychedelics, we do report similar experiences,
Starting point is 01:14:33 because it's purely subjective, how do you really study that? You know, it's very difficult to study for so many different reasons. What kind of LSD you've been given, that does is you've been given set and setting, all that stuff. So this is like dialing everything into a specific set and setting, a specific amount of DMT, a specific amount of time, because they're interested in like, what is that zone? Is it real? Is it subjectively just built into all human beings? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:05 There's some alternate circus reality with, you know, and it's real, like, the, you know, people see letters in there, like in language, like, is that a real language? Yeah. Can we get them to articulate the language and have people, like, see if we can, like, draw it out? Yeah. And then it is, but what I read read is, tell me what you read. Last little bit.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Entity show up. Right around the 10 minute mark. Yeah, they're the little guys, right? They're the diverted battle. They have different forms, blobs, you know, but the 10, it's the 10 minute mark. These entities show up. Apparently they're interested in the study. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Okay, well, maybe. But what, so, you know, when I hear your story about the geode, you know, you're my friend's story about going into an alternate lifetime. And all the DMT stories, like I just marvel at the possibility that we are living in a multiverse, that we are living in a world. Those guys, those DMT, what is it? There's a name for
Starting point is 01:16:08 them. I forget. Well, McKenna called themself-transforming machine elves machine elves. That's what I'm thinking of. The machine elves are the same thing that like fairies and gnomes and all these things have been bring us back to D&D, man. Let's do it. It's like I've lived multiple lifetimes in the world of D&D. And I interact with the fairies and the gnomes and the machine gnomes in there.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And who's to say that that's not as real as any of this other shit? Because when you're in it, man, when you're in in the zone of that shit, when you talk in it, man, when you're in in the zone of that shit. And when you, when you talk about your experiences, I've had that experience of like talking about a D&D game with somebody else who's been in that D&D game with a third party who doesn't know what you're talking about and being really confused as the, to the experiences that you're describing, because it couldn't have happened
Starting point is 01:17:04 in real life. Right. But you're, you're both talking about them as if they've happened. And that can't happen with a dream, right? Your dreams are singular. I mean, maybe, I mean, they're, who knows? Maybe you do, it's very rare that two people remember
Starting point is 01:17:18 the same dream they've been in together. Very rare. Right. So, yeah, man, it's a, it's a construct to fucking bring those machine elves out on this very table that we're doing this podcast and it's going to happen this weekend. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. I'm glad you're saying it all out, man, because it's true. It's true. It's it's more there's more going on there than what meets the eye and you can't know it until you're in it Yeah, and commit it to it not to mention the attachment you get like in the same way
Starting point is 01:17:51 We are attached to our The characters that we're larping eyes right now. Yeah, you get as attached to your character And D and D and it's a heavy Soul is playing our guys right now. It's like, you know what we're gonna do? We have Duncan come over to this place. We don't know what the exactly is gonna happen, but we'll make him sit here and both should, and maybe we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Yeah. Our souls are getting amusement out of our fucking interaction. That's it. It's all the way through, man. And the, the, the, this is actually a question I wanted to ask you earlier on, but I think there's a good place to ask it.
Starting point is 01:18:28 So, and again, like, I don't know why I lurk on D&D forums and read, like, posts and on Reddit or I'll watch YouTube videos of campaigns. And, but people, like, they bitch about the Dungeon Master. Like, there's a kind of brutality involved in being the Dungeon Master. Like there's a kind of brutality involved in being a Dungeon Master because like you have to kill characters that some people have been playing with for years. For sure.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Have you ever done that? You know, it's a part of it. I feel like there's the shades of that though. Right. There's a benevolent God and a one that is less benevolent. You know, and as the DM, you're essentially being the God of the game. Yes. You're the prime mover of the scenario. Right. If you decide there's going to be a lightning storm and the earth is going to crack open,
Starting point is 01:19:14 and demons are coming out, it's going to happen. If you decide at the moment of someone's character that they've been playing for seven years is about to get slayed that an angelic force comes and Like strikes the demon who is about to strike their character down at the last moment gives them a second chance That's also in your right in your you know power So you know, you know, you never want to game this system so much that your players feel that you're there's a term that is frowned upon in Dungeons and Dragons is you put the game on rails right which means you don't give the players agency to decide their own fate that you as the prime mover are pushing them through the reality that you want them to experience.
Starting point is 01:20:05 So like the, I mean, God of Abraham, right? It's like he gave his Adam and Eve free will, right? To the apple or whatever they did. I went to Catholic high school, but I cannot remember most of the apple. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Fruit, whatever it is. They say it's an apple. But you're in a relationship. Miss translation, right? So you got to give them that apple and the snake and all that shit. But you can't tell them what to do. You could tell them, but you can't make them do it. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:37 It's the does your master, right? You as the prime mover got to give them the scenario. You got to build them the garden of Eden, but that's their decision whether they're going to stay there or not. Yeah. That's right. You got to kick them out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Dude, that's wild. Yeah. So, yeah, if you get like some kind of like fascist dungeon master, you start getting the sense that you're not in an open world RPG. Yeah. Yeah. start getting the sense that you're not in an open world RPG. Yeah, you know, it's just a different, you know, there's, there's as many ways of play as people can imagine, you know, that's the best thing about that game. It's so open to interpretation.
Starting point is 01:21:15 You know what rule zero is? Rule zero is the prime directive. I think I've used that like three times. I like it. It's the prime directive of Dungeons and Dragons. Rule zero is no matter what rule is in any of these books, you can disregard it and make up your own rules. It's like whatever these books don't use them as scripture, don't use them as, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:40 this is an unmovable object. This is not carved in stone. These are made up by a bunch of weird fantasy nerds. Like do what you need to make your table work. And that's the way it is, man. And some people forget rules zero. And they go by the book. And you have another term that's called like a rules lawyer,
Starting point is 01:22:00 right? That's like a player who will challenge the DM and be like, hey, man, it says here that this guy has this many hit points or whatever. You know, there's a back and forth on that. Maybe there's sometimes it's good to have somebody challenge in the DM. Whatever, you know, you need to have you like Satan leading the angel revolt against God sometimes, right? Yeah. But, you know, it's not going to work out. Yeah, maybe not working. It doesn't work out.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Sometimes you could convince the DM. I don't know. Yeah. So is that considered? Okay. So like if we're in a campaign. Yeah. And yeah, something happens where I'm like, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:22:39 That should have been like a 10-sided die. He's not a six-sided die, he's a some shit like that. Is it like, so if I, so if I like speak up, do other players go, oh fuck? I mean, it depends on your table, right? And if you have a more like square DM, I think he'll, I don't know, it really depends. Cause the square DM would probably be like,
Starting point is 01:23:00 you're absolutely right. My mistake, that was supposed to be a 10- tensided die and you're more like free-flowing DM might be like, hey man, it's like whatever die it feels like it should be. Yes. Like I've got a game mechanic for this game, right? When they play the get, when they start playing the psychedelic beast, which they're going to run into in the end, I feel the gumball machine with a bunch of. Hold on. We shouldn't this might come out this week. Oh, all right. You know what? I don't want mechanic won't ruin the stuff. Okay. So if someone hears it, they end up hearing it. Okay. Okay. So thank you, though. Yes. That was very considerate.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Yeah. Contact the gameplay. But, um, it's a gumball machine that's filled with all different types of dice and the idea is this psychedelic beast is so chaotic that when You roll the damage you put a quarter in the gumball machine and turn it and whatever dice come out That's what is rolled for the damage. Wait, you literally have a gum machine in the other room I said it is damage. Wait, you literally have a gun. I have no more machine in the other room. I'll show it to you after this. Dude, that's so fucking cool. That's going to be so fun. Yeah, it'll all mine. It's real dumb. God. But terrifying. Yeah, yeah. that's so badass. Ma'am, what are the, like minimum,
Starting point is 01:24:28 like if you so, if like, if I wanted to just attempt to like start a campaign with a bunch of comics, what are the minimum requirements that I need to start a campaign? Yeah, comics are gonna be great, especially in prof comics, as long as they're in it. Here's what, here's what, I think sometimes it fails,
Starting point is 01:24:44 when I played with a lot of comics, obviously, we work with a lot of comics. And it's like, you have to just be in it. Don't try to be selling a bit like experience it. Feel like this is your character. Do things that are true to your character. Like you would in a true improv scenario. Right. And don't try to sell bits into the thing, you know. I get it. Because if you try to sell bits, it, you know, then it becomes a different thing. But if you feel like you're true to your character,
Starting point is 01:25:15 anybody who's done a lot of improv is always great at this. Right. It's so good. Because it's, it's essentially improv with like a little bit of rules. That's basically, and some fighting. And so rules. That's basically insomfighting and so killing. And magic.
Starting point is 01:25:27 I don't know. And magic. Yeah. So, but what like, so I'd say, you know, just, just set up us. I mean, it could be the simplest thing. I mean, if you, if you're going to ease people in, get something that's already written, you don't have to go like in this. It's free on you can find a million things free online.
Starting point is 01:25:44 So you're doing today. But do you need the Dungeon Master's guide or what do you need like monster manual? And here's the thing. Here's it. I'll say that shit is available online for a price. If you want to pay the price and you know for anybody who doesn't want to dig in these resources are also available like anything. I'm sure you can go on some pirate site and find episodes of Midnight Gospel for free
Starting point is 01:26:06 if you don't wanna pay for Netflix. Oh, so. But, you know, if you don't wanna pay for D&D Beyond which has a monthly subscription, there are other ways that are Google search. I want the books, I think I'd feel like. But the physical books are cool and I love the physical books.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Though I have to say in this modern age, it's almost irresistible to not use the digital version because I'll tell you what the digital version does for you. What? The math. And it's if you've had a few tequila's. It's like how do I roll? And what is my Like how do I roll and what is my strength bonus? Yeah. This is plus two. How's this weapon work? Yeah. If you push a button on the app and it's like,
Starting point is 01:26:51 do do do do do. It does it for you. You still roll the dice for some stuff if you want to, but there's something really convenient about the, I mean, they really crack something with that. There's a reason why in the last five years that D&D stuff has really grown in popularity amongst people that I never thought would be into it a lot of like younger, less nerdy people who I feel like are into D&D I'm always surprised when you know somebody who's
Starting point is 01:27:17 like you know I never would o'clock as like a D&D nerd is super into that stuff. And it's growing in a way because I think it, and I think the pandemic did help that growth because it was something you could experience online together that felt like you were living another life. And you could experience things you're living all day in your house and you're not interacting with people. It's hard to really psychologically, truly put yourself back into that mindset that we were in like in the summer of 2020 when we're
Starting point is 01:27:52 like, is this what the world is going to be like forever? Yeah. And that was a truest gap that brought you to another plane of existence that was another reality. And I think it was super attractive to people who had never experienced that before. And they were ready for it. You know, the indie grew considerably during that time. You know, the plane of reality, I'm, I miss being a tip mouse. Yeah. I want to go back.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I'm busy. Oh, my bad. I want to do it again I'm busy. Oh, my bad. I want to do it again. It was so fun. Well, you can come over here anytime. This is like a mini-tid mouse. Thank you. I'm going to take you up on it.
Starting point is 01:28:33 My kids are going to flip. This is like paradise for my boys. Yeah, man. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this chat. Thank you. I love this. This was so easy.
Starting point is 01:28:44 I can't believe how, there's probably everybody tells this. It goes by so fast. It goes by too fast. You got anything you want to, I mean, I usually, do you have anything you want to plug? Anything, what's up? What's happening over to mouse? What's your movie watching?
Starting point is 01:28:54 You know what I want to plug? It's going to be a little late probably, but you can still watch it. It'll help. The show that is currently in the process of the streaming drops. It's on Max. It used to be called HBO Max.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Okay. Now it's just called Max. And it's after midnight gospel, the show that I think I'm the most proud of for being innovative and free and true. It's called Scavengers Rain. Okay. And it is a adult sci-fi drama. It's about a group of characters who've been stranded on a fantastic alien planet where they have to interact with all the alien flora and fauna
Starting point is 01:29:41 and try and figure out their way through this existence. And it's a show that I don't think anyone would make now, but in this streaming boom right before the pandemic, we somehow got this show. And it's super trippy and weird. And I think you'll dig it. You should check it out. Watching it tonight, max.
Starting point is 01:29:58 And the first is a 12 episode season. The first three drops of Abin. They dropped three episodes per drop for four weeks. And this Thursday night, which I'm not sure it'll be out. It'll be out Thursday. Maybe it's tonight. If you have to be listening on Thursday, you watch the last three.
Starting point is 01:30:19 That's the finale. But you can always is streaming, man, you could pick it up and watch it whenever you want and they count all those views man Whoever's watching it because this is a real flyer. I could plug big mouth I could plug star Trek lower decks. They don't need my help right there operating great. Yeah, everybody's watching those shows Yeah, this scavengers rain really needs it scavengers rain everyone flood Max watch it tonight. I'm watching it tonight. I am. That sounds right at my alley. I don't it is right up your alley, dude. Howdy, Christian. I thank you so much. That was Chris
Starting point is 01:30:56 Pinozki. Everybody won't you please watch scavengers rain tonight. It's real good. And I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with Chris, it's freaking cool. Also, a huge thank you to our sponsors. Wise guys, extra show. I have diabetes, mass of penis. Also, I'm like freaking beautiful. That's the other thing the doctor told me urgent care. He was like, I wanna really help you, man,
Starting point is 01:31:23 but like I'm just smitten right now. I know you're married, I see the ring, but I just love you. I feel in love with you on every level. It was a weird connection, for sure. But yeah, we're doing monogamy now, so I barely did anything with him. We're going to be back later on this week. I'll see you then. Howdy Krishna.

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