Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 592: Very Fast Jackal

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

Very Fast Jackal, Master Speed PUA, re-joins the DTFH! Have you heard about this guy Johnny Pemberton? He's a comedian and actor starring in an upcoming film called Mermaid directed by Tyler Cornack.... You can learn more about him (and see his upcoming tour dates) at JohnnyPemberton.dog. We just thought that was cool. REMINDER! The DTFH is taking a short holiday break! We'll be back with a brand new episode the first week of December. Thank you, and we love you!!! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg. This episode is brought to you by: This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/duncan and get on your way to being your best self.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, what's up? It's Shadowmaster, aka Dr. Trustle. I'm reporting in to you from Salt Lake City. We are picked up. The International Pickup Artist Conference happens once a year, invite only, and of course, I got invited. And I am having such a blast. I'm not even going to turn my camera to my bed because it's covered in all kinds of sex stuff, calm sex toys, and a variety of other markings, including an ample amount of squirt, which is not pee, we're not gonna get into that again, but it is squirt, not pee, and that science, you can look it up, I'm so sick of that argument. This has been one of the best weekends of my life.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Not only if I've been banged and banged so much, not only if I picked up and bived picked up by many professional pickup artists, such as Gary, the night blade, David Weasel, Lightning Man and a few others. But I have learned so much that is going to inform everything I do going for it for the rest of my life. I also did Ayahuasca.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Had an incredible session was visited by a jeweled mantis creature that told me some amazing new techniques for getting in there, especially when married people are having dinner table conversations. I've always had a hard time getting in there and picking up that couple. But now I have a feeling that times have changed for me and I've turned a corner on that weak point. I do wanna say a lot of pickup artists out there
Starting point is 00:01:34 wanna admit their weak points. They don't wanna admit that, but that is a challenge too. And the more you let people know, you're not perfect at everything, the more you're gonna feel like a human being and the more you're going to feel like a human being and the more you're going to learn. With us here today is one of the top if not the top pickup artist on the planet. You have definitely read his book The Lightning Way of Picking Up and I'm sure you have checked out his incredible podcast lightning speaks
Starting point is 00:02:07 Here with us today is my favorite pickup artist a man who I've you as a mentor someone who has changed my life personally very fast Jackal Well, it's uh, was that dark? I'm trying to show you the way I'm doing. I'm trying to show you the way I'm doing. What's up? What's up, Darb? Yeah, yo, yo, yo. What's up?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Great to be here. This is a, oh wow, we got Apple Watch. So those are crazy. Sometimes they just say, what's up? Yeah, this is great to be here. You know, this is just like absolutely the most badass things that we've ever been a part of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Seeing you being here with you is an honor and pleasure to hear what, so it's just standing there as you did that introduction and I hear what you said. And it's something that just speaks to me away where it's like a rabbit thumping on a hollow log. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You know, I just have to say, man, I don't wanna like, seem like I'm sucking your dick or whatever, but do you, your seminar was incredible. I looked around the room and people were crying. You changed so many lives that night. And I wonder if you could just summarize a little bit what you were talking about that night, because I don't, I couldn't do it justice. And also, my God, you're, I didn't do it justice and also my God, I didn't even know you were a poet. Well, we can add that poem, it just, I shook my affee, shook.
Starting point is 00:03:52 That's the idea, honestly, if your feet are shaking, your heart is quaking. And if your heart is quaking, your brain is baking. If your head's hot, who's gonna say nah? I'm sad I did the flesh, you're going to do a double touch test. Okay, I don't want to freak you out even more here. I want to show you something.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Okay. Right after your seminar, check it out. I got a skin colored tattoo. Oh, wow, that is, you know what that is? That's Ob scandalous. It's truly scandalous a little. From the master scandalous. But now we're going to get a little more scandalous. It's true the scandalous a little. From the master scandalous. But now we're going to get a little more scandalous because this is the future that we're living in. And if you don't adapt to the times, you're
Starting point is 00:04:34 going to get lost in the rhymes. Got that from this man last night. I guess. And so we are stepping into the future's future. And this is going to be a podcast done completely in VR. So I want you to enjoy the. Wow. Yeah. Not kidding you at all. I've heard about this VR stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:56 You know, see, I'm a classic guy. I used to go by a piece candle back in the day, back in the day, I would come out there in Columbus. And we would just ask you all technological aspects and information transitions. Yeah. And do you have you who've invited me into this space and to present me with a no contest opportunity to interface with the new piece of technology? Bless.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Bless you. And let me just say, when I was neighbor at night, 10 years ago, with the K, not an ant. Right. Uh, slice them. and let me just say when I was neighbor at night, 10 years ago, with the K, not an N, right. Uh, I slice them. Ha, ha, ha. Tch, tch.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I, you know, I was the same way. Like, when I heard about virtual reality coming down the pipes, I thought to myself that we really want to get sucked into a corporate is consumerist reality. Yeah. Do we want every aspect of our intelligence consciousness and what we know controlled by small groups of tech elites who are going to envelop us in some kind of secondary Reality that we begin to assume is reality becomes an implicit part of capitalism thereby
Starting point is 00:05:55 chaining us with the manacles of circuitry to the great machine of suffering and then I saw like a gizmodo machine of suffering. And then I saw like a gizmodo story on these things. And I was like, damn, that's fucking cool. And you know, ever since that I've been a tech hit. Heck yeah, that's like we were buttering the bagel. Doesn't matter how you get the butter on there. If it slides, we glots. White to down. White to down. Yeah. Okay, so here we go. This is all you're gonna do it at Bart. You these goggles is a gift. That's not just for me. That is from my pickup artist club.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So shout out to Danny Light. Shout out to the one who lives beneath the creek and shout out, of course, to Humpman. Hold it. Growing in for these amazing goggles. And you'll notice on the back there, there's a special inscription we wrote just for you. I have permission to eloquently touch this.
Starting point is 00:06:48 There yours, bro. Oh, this is just freaking mega sit dog houseboat floating. Look at that. This is like a duke right here, man. This is just trunous inside of like the Olympic circle, uncorrupt, deep blasted sideways slide. Yeah. Two wheels, Arab Ocean Desert. And let me tell you, bro, it's about to get crazy because we are going in to the matrix right now. On this show, you're gonna watch us go into the,
Starting point is 00:07:23 what is it, right? Tell, we're about to take, is it black pill? I think it's like a Brown pill, no, it's we're about to take the brown pill We'll three two one Brunner's got okay. We go just put this on yeah, just put it on over your head And here we go oh God Oh, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Oh, my God. Welcome to the Matrix, bro. This is Narnar. Dude, check it out. Fiesta wear. My God. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? I'm seeing like, this is like a pure beach.
Starting point is 00:08:02 This is incredible, man. Oh, it's like we're in the same room with each other right now. Dude, it feels like you're right next to it. This technology is changing the world. And this is why this episode is all about the technological implications of pickup, artistry, and the new world, which is if you want to check out my new article, you can find it at xhamster.com. It's all about what does it mean for the modern day pickup artists in the world of tech, and I would love to know your thoughts on that. Okay, so okay, I'm just trying to like
Starting point is 00:08:42 get this thing to... They're keeping all these breasts shooting in my face from now. Yeah, cap it three times and a breast will reduce. Got it. Now, I mean, it three times and the breasts get smaller, but if you wanted to disappear, you have to do a side swipe. Okay, swipe, just connect, there we go. And you could do it, look, look, watch this, watch this. Okay, check out this, right there, this breast right here.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Now, this is a classic 10 breast. And this is modeled based on an analysis of tits that I personally did for the last two years when through all my picks, all my DMs had the AI run through them to find what is the 10. This is a 10 breast now watch what happens, okay. Now pinch, oh, see that gets smaller and still at 10. I mean, that's, you know, important thing to realize.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like, yeah, I just, it's relevant. Tint and then watch this, watch this. Oh, wow. Now that's, that's like, we're inside of a breast. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm gonna pull it into us. And now we are in the breast zone. Wow, this reminds me of my days as peace candle
Starting point is 00:09:47 when we were just doing, we had a whole hotel setup when the whole hotel setup. Hotel! See, oh, that's what I say, man. Clowns of pants. You know what they call the hotel, right? But why the hose will tell. And I think, well, that's a good day.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, check out last episode with my turn on. Do not, do not. You never sign an NDA, but you're gonna make them sign that NDA if they want that NDD. Yeah, this is like buckle duckers anonymous. Yeah. You know where your duck are at the buckle? Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's why I do a rule, we just call it buckle duckers. Yeah, that's what we mostly talk about. And buckle ducking, just getting, doing some ham-harm-harm-hull buckle duck it. Yeah, that's really nasty. Oh, and buckle ducking, just getting, doing some, some ham, ham, all buckle ducking. Yeah, because you know you get down that deep, that deep crease and it's just a ham, yes. That's right. And you know, this is another thing because a lot of pickup
Starting point is 00:10:35 artists, they think that after the clothes, they closed. Oh, but there's a secondary closing. That's dealing with all the, the bras bras the buckles straps the strap on sometimes Do you have any other strengths as she make them sure that that that your partner feels Loved and held and embraced by you and that there's a heart connection there These are the things that are the secondary clothes and then the tertiary clothes I got this out of your book right the Tertiary clothes is making them calm as hard as you can. Yeah, and the big thing that we talk about now is you want to put that a three-year plan.
Starting point is 00:11:12 You want to have them on the edge of their seat for at least two and a half years before a deliver. It's almost like a form of beautiful tortures where we consider it. As you're doing this service where you're delaying something so long that it seems like it may never happen. And then right at the moment when people are willing to do literally anything, whatsoever, sell their home, fly to Glam to take up a residency as a pet physician,
Starting point is 00:11:38 you might that. Yeah, then that's when you deliver the payload. And it could be in a McDonald's bathroom it's going to feel like you're in the Toshmall. Yeah, I love that and you know that's another thing like we do live in a world right now where there's a kind of Classes hierarchy in which People who have a higher income bracket are valued more than an at lower income bracket and they inadvertently become part of the propaganda machine, which is being spun out by the massive corporations that
Starting point is 00:12:11 depend on you constantly buying their products so that they could stay in business and thus keep the American economy afloat paying for the largest military on planet earth, which is mostly unnecessary at this point, and is creating so much extra chaos and war. So I just want all of my poor bros out there to know. The world is a temple, the world is your bedroom, and everything is a water bed that you could make love on, thuck on, get banged down on whatever you're into. So never forget that, bros.
Starting point is 00:12:42 This entire world, no matter what. Little make, world is water bed. World is water bed. It's water bed. McDonald's bathroom. And I've had some of the best sex of my life in McDonald's bathroom. I have that sex in two years. That's great. So I'm just, that's a thing. That's where I'm going now. It's just abstinence as a form of having sex. You don't even have to have sex. We're gonna be a pickup artist. You don't even have to talk to women. Some of my favorite pickup artists,
Starting point is 00:13:09 they don't meet their house. They just post online, which is its own form of picking up the base. Exactly. It's a really crazy time right now. We're just blissfully aware of this idea where you can transmit any type of lifestyle wherever you want as long as you have a cool name
Starting point is 00:13:25 attached yourself and have a way to peacock publicly. Yeah. And whatever you're giving is just it's in line with whatever you're doing. You don't have to follow a master, you don't have to follow a channel. The group is where you go. And then you can backtrack on it and create a reversal of what you just did. And you can look at that and say, Hey, I took a shot. And did I make it? I don't know because I turned around and see if it went in. That's right. You did it's like the world is a record.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You are the needle. Be the DJ. Now, can you tell us a little bit about your top three favorite fingering techniques? OK. I started reading the coffee, but it didn't work. Top three favorite techniques.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Number one, it's called pickle buck. And that's one where you basically take your index finger and your middle finger on both hands, you make sort of like a square and then you pop your knuckles out as supposed to be sort of like a pickle shape. And that's a thing. You know what, hold on one second more sis. I've pulled forth a of a jar nap and so you're a little lazy here it is. So I'm going to push it over here. Now you demonstrate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:38 So I kept the can we hold the mic but okay. So it's like maybe I'll go to my deal. I have that mic for me please. Okay. So you basically do this and then you kind of like, it's like a square of fingers and then you pop them out like that. So it's almost like one of those expanding drywall screws, except this wall isn't dry, baby. This wall is not dry. It's blowing dry. Okay, that's number one.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Number two. Number two is called the duck. Okay. That is a, that's number one number two. Um, number two is called the duck. Okay. That is a that's real simple. That's just taking a pool noodle and making it into a corkscrew like a duck penis and you just thread it in. Doug penis. Yeah. Just the duck and I'll tell you what ducks like getting wet. The love it. I mean, they're pretty much water live. The water for life. The lovely, they're pretty much water life, they're water for life, they're pure wet, constantly wet, they can fly, they can land on water, they can land on land, they can even go onto the water.
Starting point is 00:15:32 If you think about is everything better than a duck? No, here's why the duck is the best preacher of all time. All time. The duck is a creature that looks kind of dumb. You see a duck, you're like a quacks, it's got this weird bill. Here's a look badass like an eagle. You see a duck, you're like a quacks, it's got this weird bill. It doesn't look badass like an eagle. Those are the bad ass life.
Starting point is 00:15:48 An American castel-y. Really? One of the smallest rappers in the nation, and one kingdom. Yeah. Even an offspring with the most successful birds of prey. And you can even talk about the, the pasturing family of a Corvus Calix and such. Those are birds that look inherently cool.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Their shape begins to disguise badass. Those are birds that look inherently cool. Their shape against the sky's badass. A duck does not look cool. And that fact of the duck not looking cool is what makes it so badass. Yeah, I get overlooked by all the other creatures. The next thing you know, you're showing up and you're just wrecking town. Yeah, we call that a disguise pen. And they're out there. That's the other thing. You just, you know, you never know who you're around. And, you know, a lot of pickup artists, you know, and, you know, I'm not saying, I don't from town to town like to put on my robe, my crown, come out with a scepter, my red slippers with a loopy top and that shiny, shiny diamond studded blinded list. Well, that's because there's lights.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I remember what, remember what, when Garrison Jeep got hospitalized in the brain, I said, I know. I wish I'd known. I didn't know that yeah, that neurological shit going on or I wouldn't have done that. But he didn't die there. He didn't know yet. Well, I'm glad we found out because he's doing much better. that. Boy, he didn't die there. He didn't know yet. Well, I'm glad we found out, because he's doing much better, by the way, people are wondering about him. Like Harrison Jeep, he's okay right now. He's still in hospital,
Starting point is 00:17:11 but they say I'll be back in a couple of months. And that's, if you're watching Garrison, come on back next time, I will not do the neural pulsation pattern that I do when I'm doing a general pickup light show. So, okay, we'll go. Yeah, the duck. Now let's get to number three.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Okay. No, with three, this is kind of toss up. I might think it's the the bagel cord, but that's sort of that's such a new one. I feel like it hasn't had been able to be contested. I'm trying to have to go with the apple smash. Okay. Now apple smash is really interesting now apple smash is really interesting because apple smash is an evolution
Starting point is 00:17:48 of the downward up, which was innovated by Blitz Creek. Now that, you know, when that came out, like we were all freaking out, like that was like, that's when everybody started to have to book plastic sheets down on the bed because that's a 100% guaranteed score. Yeah, even but DeGalai, and that guy,
Starting point is 00:18:09 he was, but DeGalai has been doing dry, pure dry. Yeah, that's career started, yeah. He's the king of dryness. And which, by the way, you know, now that's an obscure subject when it comes to pleasureing our loves. But yeah, a lot of times, you know, dry is better. Dry is a bone gonna come home. I see that.
Starting point is 00:18:34 When you see your back while it comes out. I can't remember that. You're dry, you die. Yeah, I feel like I thought that was it. That was it didn't know. We didn't know what all the secrets in dryness. Yeah, nobody, nobody knew. But then you know, he took that what the all the the secrets and dryness. Yeah, nobody nobody knew But then he you know, he took that trip to Tibet and learned a lot of stuff. I don't have some miss this all shit
Starting point is 00:18:50 What took it to where to Tibet? Oh I was though was Tibbet Oh, it might be I'm like I think it's to bet hunter the mountains. I think it's to bet Oh Yeah, that was Tibbet. No, No it's Tibet. It's like north of Pasadena I think. Why would it be a next-us-cull-up Tibet? Dude I don't know. I mean sometimes I look at words and like my mind just gets blown by the way they sound. Yeah. Time bad. You ever think about that? Like you look at a word and you're like damn like damn
Starting point is 00:19:23 like take damn for example. Yeah I used to spelled damn the end for the longest time oh yeah and then it's like someone's like dude there's an end at the end of that oh he says come on that's not real I think that you know about the the Mandelana effect yeah I think the thing where like you the the universe is breaking up into shards. I just know that it's like the Mandelana Faggot's thing where, okay, so while I was growing up, we did not have an Anundam. And now it was like, there's an Anundam. And all these guys at talk just like,
Starting point is 00:19:58 yeah, there was an Anund that. And you're gonna say that like what it is, it's just, I'm not gonna get an alternate universe. I gotta shit. Now that makes more sense to dumb. I'm not gonna alternate you know, but I got a shit Now that makes more sense to me that makes way more sense to me because I'm telling you my whole child Dude I would like look on the stalls of bathrooms, you know, I don't know I was going in there to like catch a little A little jerk and just like see like damn, you know, D.A.M. Or like call me, you know, damn, I'm warning you
Starting point is 00:20:26 whatever. And this look, the there's never an end on it. And then all of a sudden we're in an abd is an end at the end of damn, which is, you know, these days I could believe anything, bro. And I think what they're doing over there, is that particle accelerator, and he's a stop. I don't even know what they're doing But I've seen the pictures of it. It looks Satanic the the guy idolatry happening there I think and it's like this if you see pictures of this thing. Yeah, I mean, it's like two isn't it too big to take a picture of
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah, that's part of what's my hearing about it like a camera will break if it tries to that's what I heard you would need a camera giant camera like you would need a camera, a giant camera. Like you would need a mile wide lens just to take a picture of this thing. It's a loop kind of looks like an inner tube and they shoot protons through this thing. So fast, they like rips up the universe. It's like, you know, like pot poking a pin in a raft. That's the universe. And then all the hairs coming out and that's when words start getting bad. Yeah, because I, I definitely remember it was no end.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And I know I did set to the rocket scientist my last adventure. Plastoff. I know, I, I can't even say it because it just, oh, everyone was listening to me like, oh wait, I'm gonna sit down in their heads. I know that. That's also a big thing too. Let's all say it in their head.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. Give them the gift of saying it. See it in your mind. Yes, it's in your mind. I have them all. But she said just bite in it. Bite me and all of his cronies are going around putting hands on the end. Me, baby.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. What the hell is going on? Let's go, baby. Yeah? Let's go, Brandon. I'm freaking speechless about that. Let's go, Brandon. Yeah, how do I that means? Let's go, Brandon. Oh, yeah, good luck.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I just love picture and when he sees people say that. He, does he know what it means? Yeah, he knows what it means. He does? Yeah, um, does he know what it means? Yeah, he knows what it means. He does? Yeah, he's got to know what it means. You think he doesn't know what it means? I think that he should probably change his name to Brandon and then it'll be like, um, jokes on you guys, soups up.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I mean, let's go Brandon. It's like you, we want him to do a good job. My name's Brandon. Oh, Brandon Blighten, that'll be a sick ass. Oh, Brandon Biden, that'll be a sick ass name. Say yes, Nick. That'll be a sick ass name, Brandon Biden? Yeah, let's go Brandon. It's just like, hey, you know, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:52 we might disagree completely with a lot of your politics, but you are at least temporarily the president of United States and we hope that you do a good job for everybody. That's what it means. Oh, okay, I thought it was like, oh, actually, I didn't know what it meant. I just thought it was like a fun thing to say because I saw flags of it. No, it means like, Hey, you know, we're all this like interconnected like group of people. And we are playing the game called America, the American experiment. And you are the,
Starting point is 00:23:19 you're driving the bus, even though, you know, we might be a little old to drive, but you know, it's like no one else allowed to drive the bus, and she didn't drive. I don't think he should be allowed to drive a bus, but I mean, I think, you know, if he's, he's president, and so you like, you write it just, let's go Brandon! Well, that feels good, I just adjusted the title. So, okay, now we're entering into the gratitude period of my show where
Starting point is 00:23:48 we all talk about what we're very grateful about in life. But before we do that, I have to do a quick ad. Check this out, look at what, I made my computer look like a shark. Oh, that's so bad. What is that crap out of? Wow sharks are the original pick-up are is check that out looking in the shark's mouth. Here we go. You know because they can lose a tooth and it's like I don't care. I do shark won't bite. That's all I feel about about bitches. They're like my teeth are with I guess what I'm just gonna grow another one. Yeah! You can keep your own tooth. This podcast is sponsored by Better Health. Look, the holidays are coming up and dude are you kidding me? Like we gotta go back, I gotta go back home, which is like brutal because they just did
Starting point is 00:25:01 a renovation on the e-swing meaning that I don't even know where anything is anymore. Apparently they have drained the pool, the secondary pool, and so to get to the other pool is like I have to do dry the segue to get there, and I'm scared of the segue. I don't want a great balance. I fall off a lot. So I'm not looking forward to that, not to mention that every time I go there, my dad gets so weird to me. Regret is your dad is objectively weird, even in the mental effect. I would say your dad is weird no matter what. Well yeah, you know, my dad is a professional gnome reenactor. So, and I'm fine with that, but my not well you should be.
Starting point is 00:25:50 He says, this is his job and not only that, like he needed something to do after he retired from Raytheon. Now, but regardless, you were going home for the holidays probably and you're feeling all that holiday pressure. You're feeling You know what it's like to get shoved into that turkey grinder. You probably don't like turkey I don't turkeys horrible. It's a terrible bird to eat and if turkey was good Then you'd be able to order it year round at restaurants But you can only get Thanksgiving turkeys giving because no one would buy it if it was I menu. You might be feeling the heaviness of your
Starting point is 00:26:30 generational trauma. You might be confronting issues that you've been sweeping under the rug and it might be time for you to think about getting health. There's nothing to be embarrassed about by therapy. I went to therapy. It completely changed my life. I used to be so hung up on stuff that I hadn't dealt with for my past. And therapy is one of the things that changed and transformed my life for the better. If you're thinking of starting
Starting point is 00:27:01 therapy, get better, help, a try. It's entirely online, designed to be can be inflexible and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapist any time for no additional charge. Read that with me. One, switch therapist any time for no additional charge. Find your bright spot this season with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com slash Duncan to day to get 10% off your first month. That's better help. H-E-L-P.com slash Duncan.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Get therapy. Self-care is everything. You don't have to feel like that for the rest of your life. Thank you, BetterHelp. Let's get back to the show. Fix yourself, fix your body, fix your body, fix your mind, fix your body fix your body fix your mind fix your mind time to grind grind it down down blow it Blow it back blow back. That's like the CIA thing I was reading about yeah, they just those guys are just there You know what those guys go buck. They go buck over there.
Starting point is 00:28:25 They can, you know, it's so wild, man, one of my friends is at the CIA. I got a tour. There's so much stuff I didn't know about that. Number one, like when I pictured the CIA, I pictured like 24, you know, concrete bunker, Jack Ryan, Jack Ryan, and Reacher, Jack Reacher. I pictured like, you know, kind of a lot of concrete, but it's amazing how comfortable it is. The CIA, the Pentagon, they have ball pits, they've got,
Starting point is 00:28:56 it's basically like chunky cheese, but there's cubicles in it. And the cafeteria is freaking sick. I went there and then let me go through, I loaded up on meatballs. I was doing a joke, right? I was like, oh, I want to if I can get so many meatballs, I'll get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah. I guess they called that bet because I had a trade full of meatballs and I walked out of there. You're not supposed to be a walk out of cafeteria with food which is like the idea is that you eat it there. You know what, take it to go because that waste and tax dollars and shit, but I don't have meatballs.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I was like walking around town with my pants filled up with balls of poor. Ah, balls of poor. Yeah. No, the food there is spectacular. They've got a wonderful Airbnb there. A lot of people don't know that. But I don't know. Yeah, if you're standing, that's where I stay every time I come to DC.
Starting point is 00:29:44 There's you know, it's a little more expensive than I would tell, but it's worth it because they've got that new roller coaster at the Pentagon and it's you know, if you've done space mountain, like the new space mountain, yeah, multiply that time's dead. It is a 45 minute roller coaster ride. You go through, you first, you five minutes, 40, so many years out starts. You go there to the Airbnb and the beginning of the roller coaster is these dudes and blacks suits with sunglasses, come in your room, unexpectedly with these fake hypodermic needles
Starting point is 00:30:21 and they look at you and they say, we're gonna reprogram your mind, you probably won't remember any of this. Then they inject you. It was like a haunted house or something. That's the thing. That's the thing. The inject you with, um, salient, you know, there's nothing in it.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And that's when the roller coaster ride starts. And all of a sudden, you're riding on the back of your mom. Like it looks just like your mom. I don't know what my mom looks like, but I have an idea. Well, my imagination has a production of what she would look like to me because I didn't know. Yeah, I'm sure your mom was a beautiful lady. So, most definitely guaranteed she was.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I know. No, I guarantee that she was like a 10 for sure. Yeah. Now, you didn't, you just ride your mom through like a series of these looping circular holographic tubes. And then those tubes become a DNA spiral that leads down into the very depths of your consciousness. I don't know how they make this thing. And then down there, I don't remember a big part of the ride, but when then you're back in your bed,
Starting point is 00:31:28 and you know, 45 minutes has passed, and then it's just badass. So yeah, like that. That's not when you check it out. That sounds more than badass, so I got to like pop a delusio, the Filminco guitar player. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I was forced to go see him once by this girl. Yeah. I sure not. I loved it. And I went into like a cosmic, a few state or something like that. When I was watching this Faleco guitar being pulled up so fast, because the fingers turned into blurs and it looked like it would you turn into a bird in front of my eyes.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Next thing I know I was flapping, I felt like I was flying through the air for just like five minutes. And then she next door she was waking me up and it's like, I'm now for two hours Mm-hmm. That was flamenco guitar show. Is that why they call it flamenco? Because it's like it's the flamenco. I didn't think about that's probably what it is because like flamenco's are birds and Flamenco is the bird flamenco is the music. No, it's this flamenco is the same. That's why it's called that flamenco flamenco flamenco use it. Nice. This flamingo is the same. That's why it's called that flamingo flamingo.
Starting point is 00:32:25 The tongue flamingo. By the way shout out to flamingo. Yeah, that's right. Hope you're closing. Hope you're out there getting banged down getting pink in the stink. Yeah, riding it deep. Devin that upside on back. Sifting through the straining. Excuse me, man. I got COVID. Mentally my sip of my coffee. No, I got some right here. OK. You know, I want to talk about is the idea that we need to upgrade
Starting point is 00:32:54 the use of our skills. Yeah. We're all doing this stuff. We've been like bang and deep in the dirt. We've been out. We have kinds of sideways, badness, dill, and stuff. But it's time for us as a group to collectively upgrade our skills, to take them into places unknown.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'm talking about access to viewing wild animals in their habitat. That to me, that's the biggest push you can slay. It's seeing like a short-faced weasel and a bunch of crown ferns Yeah, and a habitat where there isn't a freaking road around for 25 miles now This is where you are really like upgrading the game on business the app This is like when you go and like like got it like get the the Instagram update but for life, like for, you know, because up until what you started doing in the pickup artist game, everybody, we included thought that this was just about
Starting point is 00:33:53 human to human seduction. But then you start taking these trips out into the wild, yeah, and talk a little bit about this new evolution of pickup artistry. Now that we have moved out of the human realm into the totality of the animal kingdom when it comes to that, to picking up. I was, I was in Idaho, the state of Idaho. I was there because I had to be for a work release program. I don't mean to cut your other eye, I'm real question. Is it true that there's potatoes everywhere in Idaho?
Starting point is 00:34:33 The my potatoes that there's an Idaho, is like, well, first thing, when you say, when I say Idaho, I'm not saying that I'm the home. Just saying, I was like, that's true. That's right. You are me. Yeah, I am. I'm like, that I had to help just say now. I was like I am I'm like I made it oh my god guilty put the cush on me throw away the key I'll eat the key and I'll shoot it out on you. Oh yeah my butt to under the cuffs and I don't even care They don't know how I know the banana potatoes that I ate there is an uncalable number of of potatoes that I ate there is an uncalibur number of starchy, obvious, and varieties that are from waxy to fluffy type of
Starting point is 00:35:10 right. And you go, do you just like do your potato eat, and are you doing like fridge fries? I was told, I tried to eat raw potato, but this guy immediately stopped me and said, you will get killed. Okay, you know, because it's one of the ways. Yeah, I didn't be good. Yeah, it's one of the boys. And yeah, I didn't know that. I mean, it's like, that's not true. If you have to cook a thing, how is that food, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah. And the wild, all these, Okay. Trabillions of potatoes being made. And what, we got to cook them? Yeah, come on. Give me a break, I eat raw potatoes all the time. You do?
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, I'm heater. Oh, okay. Well, I got, I'm gonna do an investigation of that personally when we conclude the wrap-up of the bowl. There's a mayonnaise on that and go to time. I'm allergic to eggs. Yeah, egg-free mayonnaise. There's a mayonnaise if it's egg-free?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yeah, it's still mayonnaise as long as it's white. Then what is mayonnaise? Nobody knows. So is it sort of like that thing arose by any other name will be just as sweet? Yeah. And every rose has a thorn too. Too much mayonnaise man. Right. Too much mayonnaise, dude. I get reflux. I go into male jail. Okay. I bang it up. And now okay. So I'm sorry. I made this take a little left term when I meant to take a right. So you're an Idaho.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Yeah. And you're on a journey of self discovery as I read in your book. Manated by the state, yes. State mandated journey of discovery, right? You're headed out there. Where were you going? How did you know that was the place to go and what happened when you got there and what and once and and after that happened what happened?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Well, I got there and you know, it was like messed up Darling, it was all weird and shit, you know, yeah, it was all these guys. I didn't know They're all looking at me like they're me. I don't look any here They're looking at me like they are me because we're all like the same guy because we're all wearing the same clothes Because we got what the same clothes so they can identify us and stuff out there doing work. We're out there and it's 46 men out there and they got three dudes who are working for the state to keep us in line. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And the next thing you know we get to this clearing and they're just like stripped and everybody strips down and it just gets real hot, real fast. Yeah. And I was like, you know what? I don't think I'm interested in human sex anymore. Right after that. And I kind of like what are we talking like a orgy out there? Something honestly, I can't remember. I think I remember what happened definitely I would never be a part of the male orgy like that. Why not? Because it's just not something I would do because that's not a way. Okay, so I would never have done that even though I can't remember it's just not something I would do because that's not why I am. Okay. So I would never have done that even though I can't remember what happened.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I know I would not have done that. Yeah, well, what if it was like with the pickup artist crew, you really respect it? That's different. Okay. That's totally different. Because that's like,
Starting point is 00:37:57 that's like Greece, Greece on Greek. Okay. Okay. I got you. I got you. It's just that, you know, you don't want that strange day. Yeah. So then it's what, I was sometime after that.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I'm an Idaho and I just started to be for simply appreciative of animals and such. Yeah. As I living in this environment, elk, elk, where's the leaves? Wolverines. Wolverines. Yeah, these Wolverines, they can do such a significant amount of terrain in a day there's no other animal that can do this much terrain and this guy's a little little dog You know me is like a little guy. It was guys. You know, we're like five six like Napoleon everybody knows was fine Yeah, frick it one
Starting point is 00:38:38 But that dude was a dog remember that out there my bros. It does it. It's not a size issue They so I'm sorry, so many times, dudes come up to me at these things when I'm doing my classes, by the way, go to youwilslay.com. If you want to sign up, we have a two week seminar coming up in Argentina. These dudes come up to be, uh, 4, 8, three, you know, three, two, great. So I knew a guy was two, one, to be, uh, 4-8, 3, you know, 3-2, great show. And the guy was 2-1, little tiny, tiny, they come up,
Starting point is 00:39:10 6, 1-6, you know, and they, they, they, they, when I, they feel beaten down, they feel beaten down because they say, I'm too small. I'm a squish, I'm a squish, I'm a, I'm a minion, I'm a Pokemon, I'm a Pickle Packer, I'm a little gem, I'm a bearer boy, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a manion. I'm a Pokemon. I'm a pickle packer. I'm a little gem. I'm a bearer boy. I'm a gummy bear. And I say to him, one change your life, which changed your life. It's not the size of your body. It's the size of your heart. And that's what they see in you. They don't see your body. They don't see your face. They see your heart. And if your heart is obscured by a cloud of karmic, he'd go at patterns that are giving you the sense that you're an individual,
Starting point is 00:39:51 identity, and he'd become all attached in that delusion, which is causing so much suffering, then it's like clouds over the sun. And then when we get those clouds to part, to lift up the skirt and underneath the shining yony of your true identity will come exploding out like a nuclear blast of love. The room will light up and ladies will wet down. So please don't beat yourself up. If you're smaller than me, I'm six nine. This dude over your side
Starting point is 00:40:25 that is too new. So, uh, but yeah, you it the size is irrelevant. I just can't say. Yeah, you got extended. I got extended and I got extended. Yep. Got your legs shattered and reassembled. At what the Taiwan and I woke up and I could fucking ball yeah yeah yeah I mean I don't know man that is an intense surgery like they shattered your legs with a hammer yeah that's not so much a shadow they cut it they cut the legs with the hammer and they just you know ask you a bunch of questions like what size you want to be and then next thing you know you're just you're freaking you're flipping and freaking your flippin' and sticking. Well look, again, I shifted the gears and let's just jump back into this. So you're out there in the sanctity, sanctuary, that place where civilization stops and truth begins.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And this is when you add your grand epiphany. Right. That's when I changed my name to a very fast jaffle. Wow. Being FJ. Wow. very fast jackal. Why? Being FJ. Why? I realized that, okay, I've done all this medicale-ing of like all said such types of under-undercarrage of the feminine bodice. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I've done that in like a most wickedly magnificent, Constructural way, humilee. Yes. Infinitely possible, yes. but I have yet to even Explore the most Minutiful Tannificate yeah amount of this outdoor regions where freaking furries
Starting point is 00:41:56 Forig furry to non-ferring mammalian creatures treat are Absolutely going straight up dog ass buck in woods, sands and durses. And when you see these things, they are tremendously elusive in a way that any straight up bids as home McDonald's is not gonna be no, but you got out there and you get close, okay, let me just send this wall right down. Timothy Treadwell. The man. The gris guy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Do you know what he did before he was out there with those bears? No idea. He was a pick up a artist. What? Treadwell. What? Nobody knows this. TMC, are you watching this? Nobody nobody knows is it's been suppressed from us
Starting point is 00:42:47 Oh, they've used the Mandalia effect guys They've turned on the men Mandalia machine to make it so we don't know the trellwell was Sri-up slaying batting down He saw through the the gauze the spider webs of these old, you know, patterns. Yeah, he saw through, he realized that the real, the real pussy out there, the bear, the grizzly bears, the coat at bears. That's it.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You can get close enough to them. That is, that's touching the sun without falling right there. And I realized them like, okay, I can't be troubled, but maybe I can be my, well. Wow, look at this, I'm gonna pull this up. Oh wow. Bear vagina, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:43:30 I mean, I, I, looks like a, a, a mantle brought, mixed with a telescope, it has a colitiscope attached to it with um, star dust. Ha, ha, ha. The universe in a nutshell right here. And let me just tell you something. This idea that picking up is more than just finding that lady going and finding that, you know, you can three podcast bag. I interviewed one of my favorite janitors he talked about. He's to quickly clean up a bathroom. He's a duck too.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah, the real slide down there. The real thing, the real deal, the real essentially my guru, undercover, undercover guru. And you know, it's beyond that. It's outside of that that the whole world is waiting for you to get out of your comfort zone and find that bird and do do whatever it is you do. And this is as above so below in the Emerald tablet, of course, this is a Hermes trimester, serious. They talk about this as a button and small things, all things things meaning that if you already know and I hope you do Because you've been following us and you've learned our techniques
Starting point is 00:44:50 how to slam and Bang your way through life then you can call animals to you And it is what I'm hearing here you can you can take their power that they give to you willingly Take it and then essential it is a consensual power, essential animal power transfer. This is Tesla to a T. This is what I'm not talking about the cars, I'm talking about the energy guy,
Starting point is 00:45:16 that's got totally mandeling affected by governments and the other ear mades, all that stuff. When you get the energy exchange from a wild animal, when you're able to be in the presence of something like an osprey and have it fly just a half an inch above your head and then do like a slow mode backup turn and flip because you've basically told it to, then where are you?
Starting point is 00:45:39 You're in command of all things. Well, I truly hope that my goggles are water resistant because I'm crying in these things right now. Yeah, I'm just like when I got my goggles on, I go in the pool, it's halfway filled with tears. And sitting with you today has been one of the great honors of my life. You have taught me yet again.
Starting point is 00:46:02 As soon as I'm done with this podcast, I'm packing up my bags And I'm gonna head to Alaska and try to fuck a bear and I just want to thank you so much for your wisdom And is there anything you need to promote or plot for my brothers out there? I would say check out tears of the ocean dot net slash Jackal that's a new Seminar I'm rocker. It's also it's connected with a product. It is a lot of people will say it's a it's a type of protein It's a mixture of all kinds of things
Starting point is 00:46:31 It's everything you need to get be square to get going straight and also any truth. It's come Well, I mean this is why it's behind a paywall. So if I could say I would okay I would check out that okay Just you know they want to keep you sick to make that money. So you know, I'm sure there's some dumb law that you can't sell your college medicine. I would say check out JohnnyPemberton.dog. I'm not just going to, I'm just going to direct you to wherever you need to go. Okay, yo, thank y'all for tuning in. We'll see you next week. Love it. next week.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Mubba.

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