Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 623: Natasha Leggero

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

Natasha Leggero, hilarious comedian and the first person Duncan ever podcasted with, re-joins the DTFH! Natasha is on tour! You can see all of her upcoming dates on her site, NatashaLeggero.com. You... can also follow her on Instagram! Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg and Duncan Trussell. This episode is brought to you by: VB Health - Visit LoadBoost.com and use code DUNCAN for 10% off of your first order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Friends, come see me do stand up comedy. I'm going to be at Comedy On State in Madison, Wisconsin, July 18th, 19th, and 20th. The Helium Comedy Club in Buffalo, New York, August 8th, 9th, and 10th. Side Splitters Comedy Club, August 15th, 16th, 17th. And I'm going to be at the Wilbur November 1st. Also, if you're in Texas, I'm going to be doing the Comedy Mothership August 2nd through 4th. I hope to see you there. Welcome back, friends.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Today, the first person I ever podcasted with is here today, Natasha Leggero. All of you people from the Lavender Hour days, we did the Lavender Hour again. It felt like old times. Also, I hope that you will go and see Natasha while she's out there on the road. All of her dates are going to be at dunkintrustle.com or a link for you to find her and definitely
Starting point is 00:01:00 check out her hilarious podcast, Endless Honeymoon. And now everybody, Natasha Leggero. Like my podcast table, you know, that I had, like I'd moved it out of the studio to clean the studio. And then I like suddenly this unidentified just stench appeared in the studio and started freaking me out. I thought it was Aaron's placenta in the freezer But it was the dogs of course in the in the time the table was out there like oh we can piss on it now
Starting point is 00:01:35 And so they just pissed on it and I you know was like the worst kind of stink wait. This is so crazy Are we recording? Yes Because one of the things I wrote down to tell you is I was having this amazing experience with my dog today and they were so cuddly and I was like, wow, this is really what life is about. You know, like really just like enjoying it. And then I was trying to work on painting something
Starting point is 00:01:59 with my kid and I had this like really valuable book laid out on the office floor over a canvas, canvas like you know like all laying on the floor and my dog fucking pissed on it yeah she pissed she pissed on the source material the beautiful old book yeah she pissed on the painting she pissed on my rug yeah and she pissed on my drop cloth yeah yeah they yeah, they get you. They'll get you. Like they don't- Is it worth it? Is it worth it to have dogs? Cause I had that amazing feeling earlier, but if I really think about it, I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:32 I think I'll do it. Whatever one doesn't have piss in it. I mean- Like maybe I don't need those feelings. It's like the combination of having dogs and a child or multiple children in my case Means that you have created a chaos machine in your life. What it means is that for sure The odds of there being any kind of peace in the house are far less than the odds of something crazy happening. You know?
Starting point is 00:03:06 And so you have to surrender to that unless you want to be one of those monsters who like euthanizes their dogs. There's people who instead of moving with their dogs, will kill their dogs. They will take them to the vet and say, yeah, we're moving. And the vet's like, but the dog and say yeah, we're moving and the vets like but the dogs
Starting point is 00:03:26 Okay, I'm like yeah, and they'll just kill the dog. There's people I know someone who did that their crit. They were Christian I Don't know if it's connected to Chris Christianity, but it's not I just thought I would I'm glad you mentioned that. This is something that's really funny to me. You know me, you know me forever. You're a Christian now. Sorry if I offended you. That's what I want to address.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I have always loved world religions. I love Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Satanism, black magic, the occult, ceremonial magic. And I talk about all of them. But the only one that I ever get shit for online is Christianity. Like I can have a Satanist on the episode glowingly talking about Satanism. Not a single, maybe a couple of angry Christians, but generally just people think it's cool. Buddhists, obviously no one cares. But Christians, Christianity, if I talk about loving Jesus, or I think the representation of that is beautiful, I get, like Erin showed me this comment someone left which is like,
Starting point is 00:04:53 it's her fault, it's her fault that he's become a Jesus freak. And it's like, it's so funny that of all the world religions, right now the one you can really fucking like just go after is Christianity and no one will call you a bigot no one will like it's fine it's cool you're not supposed to talk about it it's interesting to me isn't it yeah but like you know they do kind of have a bad name like what do you think about Louisiana making the Ten Commandments outside of every public classroom a law? You know, like that's what happens when you're like fervently for Jesus. Well no, that's just, that's the, you know, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It's like the people who are mad at Christianity, they haven't really even looked into it. And I don't mean like you need to look into it to find the Lord. I'm saying like before you even like, you're right. There's a lot of representatives of all the religions that have done like incredibly horrific shit. But then you go and read the text itself and you realize there's nothing in there pointing people in the direction, nothing in the in the gospels says go to an abortion clinic and throw a balloon filled with piss, it's someone going to get an abortion. There's nothing like you'd find the very worst crimes of
Starting point is 00:06:20 so-called representatives of Christianity and then show me some scriptural reference that backs it up. I haven't been able to find that. That's why we should update religion. Like why aren't we updating it and making it? I mean, I believe in commandments, but like have you ever read the Ten Commandments? Like they don't even really like make sense anymore. Like I think we should have no murder. Thou shalt not kill. And no stealing, no billionaires. Those should be the only commandments.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And we'd be fine. You think that's all we need? We could break it down to. If you're going to post something outside of every public school, it would be kind of cool if. Well, then I guess it's easier to break if there's only two rules. Isn't the Ten Commandments Judaism? Well, maybe, but some of them are, but I think it's the Christians who are posting it, right?
Starting point is 00:07:14 Well, no. The Jews are not telling people to put the fucking Ten Commandments in front of anywhere, but the, it's like, this is like in there, in one of the gospels, Jesus is saying like, there's many people who will like come to me at the whatever the end times and I will say, and say they follow me, and I'll say I don't know you. Like, that's in there. The whole like, acknowledgement that the thing's going to be twisted and corrupted and taken over is in there and Jesus well Jesus Of course, you should expect something great and something like that is potentially revolutionary culturally that like upends hierarchy and invites people to not use a priest class anymore to get
Starting point is 00:08:05 hierarchy and invites people to not use a priest class anymore, to get instantaneously twisted and corrupted by a priest class. But more to the point, it's like, dude, everyone who attacks me over talking about Jesus or Christianity and calls me a Jesus freak has not been familiar with any of my other podcasts. Am I a Satanist? No. But do I love the idea of Lucifer? Sure. Ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:08:33 That doesn't mean I'm a Lucifer freak! It just means I recognize the beauty in it, you know? And let me ask you this. How much does it bother you, Duncan, to read things where you feel like you're being misunderstood? Does it really bother you, Duncan, to read things where you feel like you're being misunderstood? Does it really bother you when you see these comments? Sometimes it will give me a little bit of an uneasy feeling,
Starting point is 00:08:57 I guess. I mean, it's just sort of like frustrating to imagine anyone taking the time to leave a comment at all. Exactly. Because, yeah, it's like, you want that. Yeah. Imagine no one commented. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:22 No one cares. It would hurt your feelings. That would be the most infuriating of them all. I mean, look, as they say in Buddhism, some Sāra and nirvana are intertwined. You're not going to get, if you want the good, you're going to get the bad. The two depend on each other just to exist. So you've got to deal with the fact that if you're doing something for people to watch, that someone's gonna misunderstand you
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, but it's more interesting to me than is frustrating. It's just interesting to me that People are comfortable attacking a religion that they don't Understand at all. They will say I was raised in a fundamentalist family and it was horrible. It's like, that's not it either. That's one sect. That's one branch, offshoot of it. But you know what I mean? People are traumatized, you know? Like I just did Salt Lake City and the opener was so funny and I loved her.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And then, you know, she was talking about her Mormon family and they don't really approve of her. But she seemed like a really good person and really responsible and successful and I was like, well what are they afraid of? And she's like, they're afraid when I die I'm not gonna get seated at their table. And that is making them not want to talk to her in this life. Yeah. You know, so you can see how like, oh, like you, it's just twisted. And so... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah. And that's the, that's the like, the reason any of these things, you're supposed to do it yourself like if you you you like it sucks like religious abuse psychic religious abuse is so very real and so horrific and just so like on so many levels like it's just the you know, you think of your innocent kid and how susceptible they are to anything you say. How they will believe you and how unfair that is that you are challenging a being's rational mind with a shitty
Starting point is 00:11:39 interpretation of a bad translation of a really incredible scripture that's inviting people to love each other and to directly connect with God. Such a tragedy. Such a tragedy. Well, they need better PR. They're I mean. They're bigots. Like a lot of their, you know, there's Christianity is behind a lot of the movements that are challenging for people. Like, you know, not wanting people to be gay and not wanting people to get abortions, you know? These are like really important to our lives.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But that's not Christianity's fault That's and also I would argue that's not even Christianity Most people think they're Christians when they're they're into what's called Pauline theology, which is the epistles everything after the Gospels interpretation by someone who never met Jesus this formed the basis of this formed the basis of like modern-day Christianity and within that you will find a lot of the like misogynistic stuff and a lot of like weird shit But I I don't think that that's Jesus's fault. I think that Jesus have been pro-abortion
Starting point is 00:13:07 How the fuck do I know I don don't know. I have no idea. I mean that to me like, and maybe I'm misinterpreting it, you know, who knows? It could be a misinterpretation, but my interpretation of it is that the idea would be to visit it with the courage to not have a middleman tell you what it means. And that then if people became like real Christians, I don't know that you would see the same kind of, the main thing is like, you wanna talk about the real religion in the world, it's power. It's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:37 somebody could say that they're a Christian, someone could say they're Jewish, someone could say they're Buddhist. But if they're doing activities that support hierarchy and systems that create power and balance, then that's their religion. That's the religion of the demiurge. That's the religion of, like, if you, that's real Satanism. It's, you know, any kind of thing that tribalizes and invites aggression.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And then I don't care what mask you put on your aggression. Right? If you're still, like, if you're beating me up, but you're dressed like Barney, you're still beating me up. It's the same thing. I think that's the, if you want to talk like there is it like the conspiracy theorists when they talk about a secret religion they're almost hitting the mark. It's just they're saying well they are worshiping malik. It's like no it's power it's a religion of
Starting point is 00:14:38 power any whatever it is you're doing. If it's, and Christianity is like, look at the final spoiler alert, the hero dies in the end. He lets them kill him. He doesn't fight back. He doesn't invite his followers to attack. He doesn't say, we're gonna do a riot. He lets them kill, he lets them kill him. So how the fuck does that get translated into war? How does that get translated into violence?
Starting point is 00:15:07 How does that get translated into? Bullying I don't know. I Don't get it like so to me. That's the I think when people are critiquing Christianity what they're really critiquing is power. They're really critiquing Classism they're really critiquing all the things that lead to the real problems, you know? Well, I'm sorry I started you on a Christian tirade. Praise the Lord! I've been really enjoying your Disneyland rants.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Oh, God. Your solo episode. I hope that you have another one in you. Oh, I do. I have volumes. I could do an. I hope that you have another one in you. Oh, I do. I have volumes. I could do an old podcast just like rebuking, a Christian word, rebuking those
Starting point is 00:15:55 who would go to Disneyland as an adult. And I love, I love that, that, the anger that that inspired was really, really funny to me. That like so many people got so upset by that. It was completely unexpected too, man. Completely unexpected. It caught me real.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Do you like Vegas? Yeah, now I do in my old age, I do. But I figured out how to do Vegas. What's the secret? Okay, so when I used to go to Vegas, you'd end up in Vegas, right? And you try to do the, like, you try to do the chaste person at an orgy.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You know the people, right? Like, oh my goodness, an orgy? I will never partake in this orgy. Never. And so, I would do that thing. I'm not gonna gamble. You know how you went in Vegas by not gambling? I'm not gonna gamble.
Starting point is 00:16:54 You know what I mean, that bullshit. And then I realized how, you know, don't go to an orgy if you're not gonna fuck. Don't go to Vegas if you're not gonna just get on your knees and suck the devil's cock. You gotta fucking go evil. Like if you go to Vegas, let it seduce, corrupt you, destroy you, and then you'll have so much fun.
Starting point is 00:17:17 If you go there and- But you'll lose like five grand at minimum. Yeah, you'll- If you do that. You'll want it back eventually. Pfft. I'm just kidding. Ha ha, yeah you do that you'll want it back eventually Yeah, I went there I went there to do shows and I brought my husband and my child and so they kind of hung out and Did their own thing and like within two hours of being there?
Starting point is 00:17:35 My daughter was like this guy like pulled down his pants at the pool and was showing everyone his butt And he was just like this wasted guy. It was like two in the afternoon And my daughter was like this what's wrong with him and he was just like this wasted guy. It was like two in the afternoon, and my daughter was like, what's wrong with him? And Moshe's like, he's drunk. And she's like, what's drunk? Are you drunk? Am I drunk?
Starting point is 00:17:53 You know, and so now she learned what drunk was just from being there like an hour. And then the other day when we got back, she was like, so women get paid to take their clothes off? Oh no. And I go, what? Who said that? She goes, you said that. And I go, I did? And I guess you kept asking me like, what is this woman doing? Because it was like strip club, like you see it everywhere and you know I'm like regretting taking her. But also one of
Starting point is 00:18:18 the things I wanted to ask you is because Moshe wanted to take her to the Grateful Dead show at the Sphere, and I'm curious if you would take a six-year-old to see the Grateful Dead. No, I would not. And- Really? No, I would, no, I mean, it's not for like, sadly, it's for selfish reasons. It's like, I would not take a kid to Vegas,
Starting point is 00:18:40 and the reason that I'm not taking a kid to Vegas is because if I'm going there, I want to become like a horrible idiot hedonist. Like I don't want to like worry about parenting in that situation. So that's why I wouldn't do it. And similarly, if I'm taking my kid to the Grateful Dead, I don't wanna deal with the inevitable,
Starting point is 00:19:07 like 10 or 15 minutes in. Like, this is, I wanna go. This is, this is bad. Why do you listen to this? I don't like this music. Bring back Jerry. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I love the new iteration of the dead. I've listened to them.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I think they're there. It's great But like I understand in my old age loving the Grateful Dead that the majority of people hate it I get why I don't even try to convince anybody anymore It's just like look I listened to this when I was in high school Having a great acid trip it clicked for me now. I like it. It's not gonna click for you So that's why I would not bring my kid to the Grateful Dead a great acid trip, it clicked for me, now I like it. It's not going to click for you. So that's why I would not bring my kid to the Grateful Dead. I would bring my kid to a Black Pink concert.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I would bring my kid to Taylor Swift. I would bring my kid to like something that was like palatable and doesn't require the right dose of psychedelics to even like catch what it is. You know, like what are you doing? You're gonna hurt the kid in the sense that like they're never gonna ever like the Grateful Dead if you take them to a Grateful Dead concert sober, which obviously you're gonna do. Right, okay, I just wanted to get your take on that.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I mean, I think it's noble. I don't, maybe you're, it could be that like, I'm just saying like I've been Attacked for my musical taste by the oldest now so many times that like your child. Oh my god He's brutal with me. What does he want to listen to because my kid like only wants to listen to Female pop singers that are out currently. Yeah, he's into that. He's into that. He's into, God, what is the name?
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's some, Aaron played him some DJ. What's that DJ who like died? He was really famous. You know what I'm talking about? Like Avicii, Avicii. There's some, right. He's like, he likes that. He likes Blackpink, K-pop, and I just,
Starting point is 00:21:08 and he likes heavy metal. Like I introduced him to like this incredible band that you should play for your kid called Babymetal, which is K-pop meets heavy metal. And it is the funniest, it's so good too, they're so good but so weird. But yeah, he likes that stuff. And it's really cool to be on the other side
Starting point is 00:21:30 of the equation now where like my mother would just torment me with like John Denver and it meant so much to her. I hated it and you could see she's having an emotional reaction to some song and that would make you hate it even more. You're like, oh God, she's getting moody now because she's listening to, God, what's another one she liked?
Starting point is 00:21:55 James Taylor. Oh God, she's getting moody. Here we go. So yeah, it's cool to be on the other side of that and witness like, yeah, this sounds terrible to you, I bet. You hate it. My daughter wants Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga. I introduced her to Beyonce, so now she likes Beyonce,
Starting point is 00:22:12 but she's always like, can I hear Taylor Swift? And I'll just like play Lana Del Rey, but like, you know, and then, cause she can't read, but the Taylor Swift, cause I don't listen to Taylor Swift, but then what Moshe was doing was he was like, you know, the algorithm picks it up and he would play songs for her and she would be like, skip, skip, skip.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And every time, like clockwork, if it's a Taylor Swift song, within five seconds, she's like, keep it, keep it, what's the song called? Wow. And I'm like, nothing has even happened. Like it was like five seconds in. So yeah, I think that there's something happening. And so she wants to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And yeah, I tried. Maybe it'll switch again. It will. I mean, they change. Okay, I wanna say something that might offend you and is definitely gonna offend a lot of people. And I'm ready for the comments. This episode of the DTFH has been supported
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Starting point is 00:24:13 If you want to improve the taste, volume, and health of your semen, load boost is what you've been looking for. Taste! I still haven't done the taste test myself, but I'll let you guys know. Visit loadboost.com and use code Duncan for 10% off or click the link in the episode description. That's loadboost.com, code Duncan for 10% off. It's time for you to boost that load! It's time for you to boost that load! So, in psychedelics, there's always a really dumb argument that springs up. The argument is, what's better?
Starting point is 00:24:58 Mushrooms or acid, right? And some of us think acid, some of us think mushrooms, and it's just a ridiculous conversation, a ridiculous argument. But this is the same argument regarding Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey, which is people will, thinking, that they are better than Swifties, will put on Lana Del Rey as some kind of-
Starting point is 00:25:23 Is this like a famous thing? No, I'm telling you now that you said it, because you're like, I'll try to play Lana Del Rey as some kind of- Is this like a famous thing? No, I'm telling you now that you said it, because you're like, I'll try to play Lana Del Rey, now I get it. So this is the idea. Lana Del Rey is some kind of antidote to Taylor Swift. Now, Taylor Swift is for kids. If you listen to Lana Del Rey, you are sort of like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 there's a little bit more sophistication. Like, Lana Del Rey speaks truth, whereas Taylor Swift is kind of like garbage. But I think they both suck. Oh, I'm ready, oh, I'm ready, and I love Jesus. But again, I think I'm allowed to say that because I admitted that I like the Grateful Dead. So anyone's opinion of my musical criticism, I know Lana Del Rey must be great and I know
Starting point is 00:26:17 Taylor Swift must be great. And the same way, like I know roses still smell like roses after I got COVID. I just can't smell it anymore. And like, you know, so yeah, but I feel like both of them are like, they really annoy the shit out of me for different reasons. Well, thank you for your candor. I'll have to check out Babymetal.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oh, what about Kidz Bop? Because she'll want to hear the sanitized versions of all the songs. And yeah, I just feel like we, I think we can just like not do it. Like if they want to request songs, like at what age, you can't keep doing that, huh? Keep doing what? Just say no, I'm in charge of music. No, you can't do that. You could try. They control the Alexa. It was all downhill after they figured out
Starting point is 00:27:13 they could talk to the Alexa. Like I'll be in the middle of like listening to like, I don't know, David Bowie and some like sad hope that they're gonna like David Bowie and like 30 seconds in, you know, play Taylor Swift, Alexa, play Taylor Swift, which Erin loves because she likes Taylor Swift. It's inescapable. Like if you have kids, you're just gonna have to deal with like whatever pop music is. Like you're gonna have to revisit it and listen to it and deal with it. I guess I appreciate Mosha's 50s dad style because he's like you are not allowed to change the Alexa
Starting point is 00:27:46 You know, I appreciate that too. I think that's like there's so many things you you tell me about him. That's freakin Cool and like the Grateful Dead aspiration is like beyond cool. It's heroic like I think it's irresponsible And it's because he's not thinking it through. Because it's overstimulation. It's like you're supposed to go on acid. Everything else will pale in comparison. It probably would have affected her brain in some way. The sphere is like a sound bath. It's like a visual.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It has all these different shapes and there's a different visual on every single turn Yes, it would probably like be over stimulation. It's like same reason. I don't want to give her VR goggles Yeah, we don't do VR goggles with the kids. No way like I agree with you I mean, I do think you're right. It's like we just aren't there yet we haven't figured out technology is as much a drug as any other drug. And like, you know, just because you're not injecting it or snorting it or whatever doesn't mean it's not a drug. And this fear sounds like a drug, which is why it's so funny to me, Natasha,
Starting point is 00:28:53 that the movie, like if you can't, for whatever reason, you can't get tickets to a concert there, they show a movie there. They show a movie at the Sphere. Do you know about this? No. There's some kind of movie you can watch that is about climate change.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So like in Vegas, it's in Vegas at the Sphere, which is clearly just designed for when you're hyper blasted to go there and freak out. They chose a movie about climate change in Vegas at the Sphere. It's one of the most insane mistakes. Isn't that good? No, it's Vegas.
Starting point is 00:29:32 But is it information that people need so they're kind of forcing it down people's throats? No one's buying tickets to that shit. You think they're selling tickets in Vegas when you have like all, it's like, all right, why do we want to go freak out at the Sphere or go to a strip club? Oh, there's a movie there. Cool. What is it? inconvenient truth, too It's like no one in Vegas wants to be Have some corrective climate change movie. It's so confusing to me. It's all I mean
Starting point is 00:30:02 It's confusing like read the room man. Like you should be showing Texas chainsaw massacre. I don't need anything other than you know what I mean. It's Vegas. Like it's it's think of how much energy is being used to destroy people's lives there who are like sacrificing themselves on this awful demonic altar of decadence. And it's like no one's going to be like, yeah, you know what? I want to take a break from drinking massive fruit drinks and blowing my retirement on
Starting point is 00:30:41 Frankenstein slot machines to go learn about the Earth's imminent demise. It doesn't make sense to me. Yeah, also it's like, doesn't even feel like true hedonism to me. It's like you're in the smoke-filled room. You can't go outside because it's 110. It's like, what is this joy? And then you go to like a Parisian cafe
Starting point is 00:31:02 that overlooks a Balenciaga store at a mall. Like you're not even outside. It's so dumb. The pool, unless you rent a cabana for like $500, you're in the blazing sun. They don't even have umbrellas. Like it's just like so dumb. The whole place is like absurd.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It is, I'm telling you, it is truly like a demonic city. Like and once you realize that, once you realize that, if you go there, you're taking part in a demonic ceremony. You are supporting a machine that destroys people's lives. Even any interaction with it at all is to interact with the oblivion. And once you realize that and go there and, oh yes. Interact with oblivion?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, it's oblivion. It's everything, late stage capitalism, it's this synthetic, horrific overlay. Everything is fake, double fake there. You know, like they say in like the ideas like the universe that we're in is controlled by the demiurge. The demiurge is the antithesis of the creator. God creates one beautiful real universe. The demiurge gets butthurt and jealous and is like, I could do a universe, mimics what God made, and then populates it with souls that are trapped in what they think is real
Starting point is 00:32:27 Reality, that's Gnosticism. That's Vegas Vegas is like oh, we don't need the Eiffel Tower. We'll just fucking make a shitty Eiffel Tower Oh, we don't need the pyramids Let's build a shitty fucking pyramid and put Budweiser signs on on the outside it. So it's like a it's a tertiary simulation of a it's a simulation of a simulation and somewhere in there that's where it gets absurd that's where I like it because it's such a terrible bad simulation you just have to surrender the next time you're there don't fight it. Well I have to say he he did take her to two circuses. Well, I have to say he did take her to two circuses. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And there's like some cool, you know, particle ink. One of the hotels was like a kid laser exhibit. And then he also took her to the new Meow Wolf outside. You know, like a little bit off the strip. That's like this interactive cool museum. That place is cool. There are things to do for kids, but yes, you're right. And I had great shows at Wise Guys,
Starting point is 00:33:26 and I highly recommend. Great, which one did you do? I did the one at Town Square. That's the bigger one, right? I don't know. Okay, it doesn't. It was fun. Let me ask you this, what I wanted to talk with you about.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yes, and then I have a question for you. Okay. You know, like, I think there's a lot of great comics right now and a lot of great comedy is happening. Are you gonna set me up to talk shit about somebody? Nope. That thing that you did at the improv, where you took your shirt off,
Starting point is 00:34:05 that was so punk rock. And like, it was amazing. I just think about it sometimes. Like, number one, how brave that was. Number two, how there was a lot of like really funny commentary in it too. Like it was satirical and pointing something out that's super funny and how like, it was just so unique.
Starting point is 00:34:41 You know what I mean? Comedy, like it's cool to see. Well it wasn't that unique. I was what I mean? Comedy, like, it's cool to see. Well, it wasn't that unique. I was following Burt Kreischer. But yeah, usually. Right. But that's the, like, if you're gonna follow Burt Kreischer, that is really just such a hilarious and scary and funny choice to make. What was it like looking down at the audience like as you were doing that? Like I don't know of any comedian performing topless at the improv ever.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I think Tig, I think Tig when she had her breast, she had like her surgery I think she did. I didn't know that. And someone else, but anyway. She had like her surgery. I think she did I didn't know and Someone else but anyway Bert oh I was following him at the improv and He took his shirt off for like a 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:35:44 And then I got on stage and I'm like, why does this audience suck? And I'm like, oh, cause Bert took his shirt off. Cause I mean, Bert's also like, he's, he's a killer. So it's like hard to follow him anyway, but it's like definitely taking the shirt off gives you something. And then I was following him in the next show and I was like, hmm, maybe I should.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And I looked at my outfit and I was like, I am wearing overalls. Like I could just like throw them off. And then like, I went and asked the DJ, I was like, can you bring me up to the same thing that, you know, the same song that you bring Bird up to? And then I was like, I think I'm gonna do it. And then I asked Mosha, I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:15 would you be annoyed if I did that? And he was like, no, have fun or whatever. So, and then I took off my shirt, oh, cause I also wasn't wearing a bra because I had had overalls on. So it's just kind of an easy thing to do. And then when I took off my shirt, because I hadn't really thought it through. Yeah. All of a sudden, there was just a sea of men holding their iPhone. And like I immediately regretted it, or at least was like,
Starting point is 00:36:44 did not think of that and I was like, oh, I just want to get off stage. So I did like a little bit of material and then got off. So look, it was daring. I mean that- I just got into a mood. You know what it was too? Like I hadn't, I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm not gonna drink for a month. And so I think like, I was just kind of like really lucid, you know, and just kind of like, whatever, you know, like if I had like had a glass of wine or something, maybe I would have felt more like, okay, yeah, don't do that. So you were exactly in the right place. I mean, you somehow, that part of your mind just wasn't
Starting point is 00:37:21 turned, it wasn't on. So like that censoring thing that like keeps people from taking those kinds of risks, it just wasn't turned, it wasn't on. So like that censoring thing that like keeps people from taking those kinds of risks, it just wasn't there. And wow. Interesting, I wonder if it's because I was like not drinking or something. Probably, I mean definitely like drinking doesn't help stand up, I don't think it does.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I mean it can help I think if you're nervous or it can help like, you know, make you feel slightly loose. But I do, I mean, first of all, we have such a weird profession. Like you're like sitting in your office, essentially, the green room before you go on stage and like three to four people ask you if you want some alcohol. And then like there's already alcohol stocked.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And if you have a rider that wants to have alcohol, it's just like, it's a very, they're definitely pushing it on you. They're pushing it on the people that are coming to see you. And so I can imagine it's very hard to be sober in this industry. But also, it is weird that we're like, you know, given so many opportunities to drink.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Oh, but I do think like one glass of wine can be good, but I do find if I have like two, your timing immediately like is just, even if it's off just like a half second, you know? Right, yeah. You start to not have as much fun as you could have, I think. And that's why you need another drink
Starting point is 00:38:44 so that you get so drunk you don't realize your timing is off and you don't care. That's the- Also, this is just my tolerance. You might be able to have a different tolerance. I just know, I know for sure that performances in general, that kind of performance, it's just gonna be, I mean, I can't remember who said it to me,
Starting point is 00:39:04 but they're like, what other job are you encouraged to drink at? You know, it's so strange of all the jobs, like that is the one where it's completely acceptable to drink. It just, yeah, I mean, that's the problem with any kind of like habituation to substances is if you don't take breaks,
Starting point is 00:39:24 you won't have moments like that and you'll never know Whether or not that was because you were sober or what but I I don't know maybe I don't know. I mean I guess it sounds weird because I would think if I was sober My censoring mind might be more in charge That if I was like drinking I might be more likely to take a risk like that, but maybe that's not the case at all. Well, also maybe I'm just, you know, I just know myself, and if I had had a glass of wine
Starting point is 00:39:52 or something, I'd be like, yeah, that's probably a bad idea. You're probably not thinking straight or something. But wow, that was, it rippled too. It got everywhere. Like it blew people's minds that you did that. I mean that shows you did something right. Well that's cool, yeah. I was definitely scared that people would start
Starting point is 00:40:14 heckling me at my shows, like telling me to take your shirt off. Take your shirt off. But I haven't gotten one of those, so I'm kind of proud. That's great. That means I'm in control. Like I just, I do remember the old days of comedy. Like I definitely have gotten heckled before, you know? Yeah, all of us have.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Like I remember performing in, where's the gambling? Atlantic City. And some guy gets up, he's like, "'Wrap it up, sweetheart!' Oh." Like when I had just started comedy, you know, like that. Cause you, and also you're new.
Starting point is 00:40:48 So like you're, you're taking off your guard. So it's not like you're going to like be able to eviscerate. I mean, I don't know how new comics do it now. They're always posting crowd work clips where they can like, you know, I I've never been like someone who wants to dominate the crowd. Like I just kind of want to, I want to dominate in my own way, but.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah, I've never, like, most of the genre of like, comedian destroys audience member. I don't, I never really like it. Like, it just makes me feel kind of uncomfortable usually watching it. Like, I get why people do it. They feel like they are victorious or something. But yeah, that's a whole genre
Starting point is 00:41:28 of like comedians attacking hecklers. I just think if you start posting that, you're encouraging your audience to heckle. Like they start thinking that that's what you want. It's gonna get them attention. You know, so many hecklers, there's a whole subset of hecklers
Starting point is 00:41:45 where it just feels like people who just can't bear the fact that they're not getting attention for an hour. Like it's hurting them somehow, or they just can't do it. When I get heckled though, I wanna end my show. You do. Well, by the way, it doesn't happen anymore. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:42:06 But it definitely, like, you know, it happens. I remember once I was playing at Caroline's and my opening line was something about like AIDS. It was like a how to AIDS joke. Like, you know, what's worse, waiting in line at the DMV or finding out you have AIDS or something. Like, I don't know. I probably wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I wouldn't do that joke now. And it was my first joke and this woman stands up. She's like, her brother died of AIDS. And I was like, I'm sorry. Like, it's just like. Oh my God. And then they left. And then I still had to do 40 minutes, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:39 Like that's not fun. You don't wanna hurt people's feelings, you know? So. That's a delicate one. Yeah, because to hurt people's feelings, you know, so that's a delicate one Yeah, because I get like to address that form of heckle You've got it's a lot of hard choices like you either have to do like some kind of apology even though inside you're probably like pissed and Or you have to like attack the person whose brother died of AIDS. That's not gonna go over with the audience very well There no one's gonna be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, it wasn't just AIDS that hurt you, this comedian
Starting point is 00:43:09 got you too. They're not gonna like that. So it's like, that's a tough, that's a tough heckle to deal with. That's a tough heckle to deal with. But yes, no one heckled me, take your clothes off. So I was happy about that. And no plans to ever do that again. I don't know, maybe I will.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Who knows? Yeah, yeah. I think, well, I mean, look, you should always be doing stuff like that. I mean, that's one of the things I've always loved about your comedy is like you do inevitably get yourself in trouble. You know, there's,
Starting point is 00:43:43 it was good. Well, this is why I got mad is because the improv, they were like, you can't post that video. It ended up like someone else posted it, but they were like, you can't post it. And I said, why? And they were like, we could get our liquor license taken away.
Starting point is 00:43:59 And I was like, well, Burt does it every night. And they're like, yeah, it's like, unfortunately that's the law you know so that kind of pissed me off. Well that's where the joke got into political commentary. That's where it became a political joke. I mean this is one of the craziest realities that everyone just accepts is that somehow there's like legislation where if you are a guy you can take your shirt off but women can't that's always been something that seemed just so strange to me so and our tits actually are do something like we actually feed we fed you yeah
Starting point is 00:44:37 with our tits exactly and most people would rather look at your tits. You know, like, no one's like, no one's into, like, no one gives a fuck if I take my shirt off. It's like, but the fact that it creates such a reverberation, the fact that the club is like, no, we can't do that, we could hurt our business. The fact that- Well, it's the law.
Starting point is 00:45:03 They were just obeying the law. Oh, exactly. Because I think you can't serve alcohol and have women's nipples showing or else it will incite violence or something, I guess, is the, it's probably a Zoll Boyle down to. Incite violence? Or, no, no, I'm just saying that
Starting point is 00:45:20 because, you know, men get so horny. I'm assuming that's what the law's for. If you can't have alcohol and nipples under one establishment unless you have like a certain permit. I don't know. I would be interested. I'm sure what it's an old law. It's got to be. It's amazing to me that there are people who will get offended by breastfeeding mothers in public that if you breastfeed your baby that upsets people. I mean that is so crazy to me. Everyone likes to think we're so advanced and sophisticated. But what kind of repressed fucking society are we in that like the thing that has kept humanity alive
Starting point is 00:45:59 when they're babies is something that will upset people in public. That is so crazy, right? That's a weird aspect of our society. It just shows like we're still very primitive. Like we're still very, very, very superstitious and spooked and like out of our minds. I'll tell you what would cure it all. What nuclear war?
Starting point is 00:46:25 Nope. What? Matriarchy, baby. Shit, that's not gonna fix anything. Are you kidding me? You don't think women would pass better laws? No, absolutely not. You think women, if they were in charge and reigned,
Starting point is 00:46:41 that they would just get into the same situation. You're already using the wrong language for it. Rain? See, that's the beginning of the major. At least you're admitting it's a rain now. Not a presidency motherfucker, I'm raining. You don't think that men rain? No, I think men rain. It's just like the,
Starting point is 00:47:06 you see this is the thing because you as a matriarch you don't have any experience. Men have tried- Look you're already mansplaining to me about my matriarchy. Well I don't want to be reigned on! The, look, the thing is you just have to change the language a little bit There is no this is that this is the problem. It's just power No, whenever it doesn't matter the gender of the person the the problem is power. It's like No, I don't want women to be in charge. I don't want men to be in charge Well men are in charge and this is where we've ended up I mean how many of the top five billionaires fighting to be the first trillionaire are men? All of them. 100 percent.
Starting point is 00:47:48 And this. Yes, you're right. Yeah. And why did they become billionaires and trillionaires? Why? Because the male brain Oh, under here. Well, women have different, they give life. So maybe they just naturally have more compassion and empathy because they give birth to life and they feed life.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So, you know, they don't have testosterone flowing through at the same amounts that men have. They're not not prone to exhibit or display or compete with their upper body strength. You know, whatever that bruteness is. I mean, I don't mean to be so gendered, I guess. What? Dude, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I just think women would be better. Of course you do. I feel like women... But how many times do women, if they, women are negotiating the app, I don't know, it just seems like it would obviously be better. Well, I couldn't disagree with you more. I don't know if it would be worse, but it wouldn't be better. And maybe there would be a few like, years where things seem like, oh my god, we should always let women run things, but I don't think the issue is
Starting point is 00:49:07 the psychology, but the issue is the system is designed to elevate narcissists. Like the White House is a... Right, there's plenty of female narcissists. Right, and so yeah, the system to become a... Very good point, Duncan. Yeah, we summon narciss narcissists like it's like it's a narcissist trap Washington DC Some in narcissists if you like if you had like narcissists in the walls
Starting point is 00:49:34 You know how you get them out you like tell them that they could control everything and then they would come out of the walls This is what DC is it's just, you know, it's the personality type that you have to have to get to the point of being a politician successfully a lot of the time. There's not very positive personality traits. You have to be comfortable with the lines. I can't believe that you are right about this. However, what about women just also being in,
Starting point is 00:50:05 you have a man's brain, I know it's superior. What about women just, let's say, okay, politics is still like narcissistic women, but maybe like women just, you know, just generally being in charge of like the family unit or the one that had the last word. You know, just like a natural, like men just naturally submitted to us a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Oh. I think the world might be better. Yeah, I mean, look, that's again, this is the language of the patriarchy. You're using submission, like all of this stuff. It's the same, it's like- Well, you blasted my argument, so now I'm just kinda like spit balling.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Maybe you're right. I mean, I don't know. I do think like there's something to be said for anarchism, not in the, like, write the symbol on your skateboard way, but anarchism in the sense of recognizing that sometimes that there doesn't need to be one person in charge all the time. That a really advanced system would understand that the person who needs to be in charge
Starting point is 00:51:18 at any given moment is the one who's good at whatever is happening, the best at that thing. Not, you know what I mean, like this idea that a president is going to be able to handle all the problems is so insane. They're not going to be good at everything. No one is. So our system is all fucked up because this person is installed for four years, who's going to deal with God knows how many weird fucking problems,
Starting point is 00:51:46 and they're not gonna be good at all of them. That just doesn't work. So should women be completely in charge? Sometimes, absolutely. Sometimes Erin needs to be in charge, for sure. When I'm like addicted to Elden Ring and she knows we're going on vacation and I need to fucking work, she, I need, it's good. I need someone to be like Duncan. You gotta stop man! You gotta stop!
Starting point is 00:52:11 You know, but and it's- I think Erin probably can run a pretty tight ship. She seems- She can run a tight ship. She's very capable. Yeah, but you know- I'd like her to run my life. Every time I talk to her I'm like, yeah, I get pumped to do stand-up. She's very encouraging. Oh, she loves you. But that's, I think, so I just don't think anyone needs to be in charge all the time. I think we need to figure out a way to let some people be in charge some of the time. I don't know how you do that, because I'm a comedian. I'm not a mathematician. I'm not gonna invent a political system, but... But you can't deny the sexism that exists with like trying to control women's bodies.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I mean that I do feel if there was more women in you know making the decisions and the laws that wouldn't be the case. This is what you this is why I brought up that gag that you did is because that's the commentary that I saw is like brilliant and so simple and so like um you didn't really even have to say anything it's just the the ripples that produced are indicative of just what you're talking about and then and again it's like the the thing you're talking about was baked into the system before most men living today were born and it and it has its roots in madness. So yeah, totally, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Woven into any modern day system of governance is something that has its roots in a time when no one even imagine giving a woman power. And we call that the good old days. And then what happened? What was your question for me? Oh, well, you know, you are one of the smarter people I know, and you know, you just took down my entire argument for the matriarchy, which I still am. How about temporary matriarchy? Let's figure out a way to, let's figure out a way to Let's figure out a way to like to take down the
Starting point is 00:54:07 Patriarchy and take down the all Arkeys and find a way to create some more collaborative temporary system of experimenting with power That that allows all kinds of groups to be in control here and there. And let's try that, it'll never fucking happen because most people when they get powered don't want to get rid of it, that's the problem. But I didn't dismay, I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I didn't dismay at all, it's a utopian vision you have. You have a utopian vision that's very American of you. You have a vision of some utopia where things would be better. I think it's great. Look, I'm up for it. Maybe family units. Maybe it's like getting away from the nuclear family.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Maybe it's like women living together in villages and the men just have to kind of like help us when we need it, you know, almost like a task rabbit or something. Communism now you're talking about communism. Dismantle the nuclear family. Give them, you know, there's no, look, it could just be that we live in a flawed reality that anybody who assumes the role of leadership is going to inevitably be warped by the responsibility
Starting point is 00:55:18 and that there's no way to fix it other than just like, I don't know, leave the planet. I just did a podcast with a scientist saying we gotta get off the planet. Okay, well that kind of has to do with my question. So, first of all, what are the chances that we are like, headed towards like, complete chaos, like at the end of the year?
Starting point is 00:55:39 And also what should we do until then? Are you talking about the elections? Yeah, like is, cause now we know it can happen. Like, you know, like what do we, what do we do now to prepare ourselves? Or do you think everything's gonna be fine? Don't let the state infiltrate your fucking consciousness.
Starting point is 00:56:00 That's what you do. Recognize that if you, if you are too caught up in the melodrama of the United States government Disconnect a little bit from it more than we did before if it's making you sick stop doing it like you can't you you the? What this is always like I think back to every single election cycle and how absolutely vile everything is in the lead up to the election. It's always like this, the fervor, the different forms of aggression coming out of everywhere,
Starting point is 00:56:41 everyone trumpeting all kinds of aggression, whether it's from the left. A lot of men doing that, huh? A lot of men and women, everyone. There's all these, it's like government nerds, basically. Like it's these people who've gotten their identity so wrapped up in the US government that they depend on an alignment of the state to feel safe
Starting point is 00:57:06 And that is just to me like an incredible distortion in the sense that it's horse pucky I That's what I was going for. It's horse pucky. He is horse pucky because you're not safe No matter who's in charge, you're not fucking safe. So like, it doesn't matter. Like you, especially- You're saying if someone tells you you're safe or you think you're safe, you're still not safe.
Starting point is 00:57:34 So it doesn't really matter. Not in LA. How long does it take the cops to get anywhere in LA? I've heard that you call 911 and you have to leave a message now. I've heard they want to send drones to your house instead of cops. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's like one of the great illusions people live under is that if someone like, if they got a home invader, they could call the cops and
Starting point is 00:57:54 the cops would come right away. It's like, you're not safe. That's not going to happen. Or how many times have you been in a place where like chaos broke out and it's like, you're not safe there. No one's coming to save you. And the whole fallacy of freaking out over who's going to be president is based on this notion is I need to be saved. I need the state to protect me. I need the state to keep me safe. Didn't keep you safe in the pandemic didn't stop the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Didn't say all those people who fucking died of COVID. They weren't able to shut the borders down fast enough. They could have, but they didn't. So it's like the state moves slow and makes mistakes. It doesn't matter. And I might sound like a nihilist here, but it truly doesn't matter. And like, you could be president, Natasha. I would vote for you in a second. No interest.
Starting point is 00:58:43 That's because you're smart. I barely want to be a standup. Come on. Are you joking? Do you really not want to be a standup? I do feel a strong urge to recede into the ether, though. I just want to disappear for like two years. You can't anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Oh, the urge to recede. Oh my god. I feel it all the time That would be so nice just to melt into a just to sort of like Gradually fade away into obscurity and just blink out like but you can't now you have kids you got to keep it moving You got to keep selling those tickets. You got to keep doing it. All right. Well come see me on tour My dates are on my Instagram Wait, wait, what's your next date? No, just in what's your next day? I
Starting point is 00:59:32 Actually, not I'm not exactly sure but I'm going to some really cool places. I think I'm going to Boston I'd have to look Providence Everybody that sound nice to me Natasha Legerro. It's one of the best comics out there. Definitely go see her perform. She's incredible. And I'm so lucky that you came on the show. Thank you so much, Natasha, for giving me your time.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I really appreciate it. Anytime. Yeah, listen, I will submit to your reign if you become the matriarch of this. I will die for you. I will fight in wars for you, but it's gotta be you. Nobody else. You have to be the old, whatever the top matriarch is, the matriarch of matriarchs. Then maybe we've got a chance, but otherwise we're fucked.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I can't believe you're voting for Trump. That's the last thing I expected. Stop it! That was Natasha Leggerigero everybody. Check out her podcast, The Endless Honeymoon. Go see her out there on the road. Thank you guys for watching or listening. I'll see you next week.

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