Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 645: SOLOOO

Episode Date: October 25, 2024

Duncan Trussell DESTROYS deep state liver-devouring acronym man. Grateful UAP omnidimensional sidereal creatures applaud. Original music by Aaron Michael Goldberg and Duncan Trussell. This episode i...s brought to you by: AG1 - Visit DrinkAG1.com/Duncan for a FREE 1-year supply of vitamin D and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/duncan and get on your way to being your best self. Bilt - Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to joinbilt.com/DUNCAN

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, pals! Welcome back to the DTFH, your sanctuary on the World Wide Web, an oasis of joy, bliss, peace, and most importantly, hardcore UFO data. We've got to talk about this first. I don't know if you guys remember this or not, but it was only a few months ago, what, eight months ago, nine months ago, that suddenly there are these UFO hearings, there was talk of UAPs, weird things getting shot down over Alaska, and most importantly, an incredibly annoying smoke screen of bureaucratic acronyms that made no sense, a general feeling of there might be something or there might not be something, They're having these hearings, senators, or I don't know if you saw it, but senators were being shown weird top secret shit. Videos of them coming out of these meetings, their faces pale, whatever they were shown, freaked them the fuck out. And them, it all got memory pale, whatever they were shown,
Starting point is 00:01:12 freaked them the fuck out. And then it all got memory hold kind of. It just sort of went away. Or maybe we just got bored of it because there wasn't any kind of decisive answer regarding the existence of aliens, alien wreckage, ships, UFOs, hyperdimensional beings. There was so much speculation. We had Tucker Carlson saying these things could be like demonic entities. We had people saying that it's us, it's some kind of new drone. There were rabbit holes after rabbit holes. There was arguments in the
Starting point is 00:01:45 UFO community. People were identified as charlatans. People were identified as liars. And the whole thing became such a confusing spiral of half information or information that was coming from non-confirmed sources that I think all of us just got sick of it and Went back to watching below deck because who gives a fuck it was just too much now the conspiratorial part of me thinks that you know if I was the federal government and if indeed somehow I had recovered crashed UFOs and somehow I had recovered, crashed UFOs, and people started leaking this information, and I knew that it was going to get out there, then what I would do would not be to deny it necessarily, but to just completely confuse the matter, make it seem boring, make it seem way too much, like it's too much work to look into it and hope that it died
Starting point is 00:02:46 on the vine. But it hasn't died on the vine. And if you are someone who pays attention to this stuff, then you're already aware of the new drop, which I'm just going to read some of this to you. Can you pull that up, Josh Josh so people could see it? Pentagon is a legally hiding secret UFO program from Congress, whistleblowers allege. New government whistleblower reveals for the first time the name of the unacknowledged special access program USAP for unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAPss now. I just want to stop there Whoever is doing this just this the acronyms the acronym person in in the deep state is a
Starting point is 00:03:38 Monster a monster. There's someone who I imagine just like Eats liver like that's all they do is they love like liver and bland foods and they sit in some fucking cubicle and they're given all the information and their job is to transform Potentially like earth-shattering revelations into Something so incredibly mind numnumbingly dull. And that's the acronym, man.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I don't know who that is, but they exist. Someone, because, you know, we live in a, it's a bureaucracy. So anytime you hear unacknowledged special access program or unidentified anomalous phenomena, some meeting, probably a series of meetings have been had, where groups of soulless reptilians sit around a fucking table, trying not to shape shift, because it's probably against the rules, and they're like, how do we make this
Starting point is 00:04:36 as boring as we possibly can? Okay, how about USAP? USAP, it's soAP! It's so boring! It's so boring and if you look at the- can you bring the picture up again, please? That's General Lloyd Austin testifying before the Senate Armed Service Committee during his confirmation and look how bored he is. That's the bored angry look of a man who's had too many fucking acronyms shoved down his throat That's all he's thinking about. I was like, how do I remember all these fucking?
Starting point is 00:05:10 acronyms They're horrible Satanic. They're Satanic Something really dark about it now the good news here is this is very long and there's a bunch of great takeaways here but I'm going to show you something that I've started to do and this is incredible because it my brain is slowly dissolving. I'm 50 now and it's just down hell man.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So anytime I have an article like that I throw it into chat GPT and hit enter Chat GPT which I hope one day will be implanted in my brain Breaks this down for me in a way that Makes it so that I don't have to use my poor limping lame My brain has scoliosis if it had a spine it would be twisted But I'm gonna just read the takeaways Oh wait, sorry, I have to change this Sorry guys, I was asking
Starting point is 00:06:27 Another thing I do with chat GPT is I put in the transcription of YouTube episodes Asking like is this gonna get flagged and I just put the transcription of a upcoming Tony inch cliff episode in It's like it's all bad. Everything's bad. So now it's just telling me about what I could say on the podcast about UFOs and I'm having to tell it to reset. Let's try Here we go. Okay here we go. The Pentagon's All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office released a report in May 2024 dismissing claims of extraterrestrial technology and reverse engineering as a result of circular reporting among a small group of believers. This report was criticized and, hold on, the essence of what
Starting point is 00:07:39 this is, is that a whistleblower is revealing that the program that all of the UFO people have suspected is real. Now this isn't just a bullshit whistleblower. The takeaway from this article, which we have down here, one of these individuals is a current or former US government official acting as a UAP whistleblower. So this isn't just like Some fucking big dude that they found wandering down the street. It was like they got a secret program. This is someone inside The person has written a report that says the executive branch has been managing UAP slash NHI issues without congressional knowledge oversight oversight, or authorization
Starting point is 00:08:27 for some time, quite possibly decades. Now from what I hear, it's a legit whistleblower. And this does back up what Grush was saying when he came out and said pretty much the exact same thing. Now the reason, for my non-UFO people or people who are just bored of this shit or don't want to deal with it, the reason that we're getting these whistleblowers is because they actually passed something. Let me look it up.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Let me find it here. God damn it, it's so hard to parse through this shit. Unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAP whistleblowing under the James in info National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2023. Basically, they made it so that if you're a whistleblower, and you come out blowing your fucking whistle, you're not going to get you will become immune to prosecution if you sign NDAs or whatever. That's essentially what happened, which is why these things are leaking out. Because people in Congress, once they started hearing whispers of this, they didn't like
Starting point is 00:09:57 it because they want to know everything that's going on and the idea that there's some secret branch of the government that is outside of the power of The the federal government is not only like Infuriating for them, but also it's like goes against the Constitution. It goes against everything you this shit There isn't supposed to be something like that. Where, because once that happens, it's like, you know, if you ever hear people talk about the CIA, it's a similar thing. Apparently, it became so massive and powerful and secretive that aspects of it just grow in the darkness. And there's all these loopholes and ways around disclosing stuff to the to Congress, to the people. And so this is what this is. And this is really exciting for UFO people
Starting point is 00:10:52 because forever we've been hearing that there is some kind of beyond top secret level of the government, some kind of men in black shit that for real they've like, you know, there's presidents who say that they've seen aliens, there's NASA scientists and astronauts and people who like talk about this stuff in a way that's so frustrating because who do you believe? And so I guess the point is this this is a really interesting new drop because it's another whistleblower They haven't said who it is yet, but the whistleblower apparently is in the government right now
Starting point is 00:11:35 Now this could be anybody You you have to remember they've been showing Senators Stuff that they're not showing us. We know that for sure. Can you look up a senator leaving UFO briefing? You just got to see this shit if you haven't seen it yet. Some of these people, as much as you would like to believe that all elected officials are corrupt, bought-out demons who only want to do insider training or launder tax money through giving money
Starting point is 00:12:12 to foreign wars, some of them actually are good people. This is crazy. I mean, I don't know how many of them, but I like to believe that some of them have not been bought. Some of them have some kind of actual, like, ethical stance in the world. But maybe not. But I like to believe that. There you go.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Senator Dan Sullivan speaks following classified UFO briefing. Let's pull that up. You guys got to see this. It's a minute and 53 seconds. Hopefully we're allowed to do this. I've been trying to talk to YouTube about what I can do. I don't know. But yeah, check this out.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Thanks, Josh. All right, here we go. So two things. First, I just want to compliment the Alaska forces. They have been really, really, really busy. Okay. You may have seen the news. Russian bear bombers and fighters tried to get into our ADIZ last night in Alaska. We went and intercepted those guys. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:22 So, huge shout out. Wait, this isn't the one Josh. Hold on, keep looking. There's weirdly a lot of different senators reacting to UFO briefing. Look up. Senator reacts to UFO briefing. And you know, a lot of this stuff, and this is going to make me sound absolutely insane, I guess keep scrolling down, a lot of this stuff and this is gonna make me sound absolutely insane I guess keep scrolling down a lot of this stuff will show up and then just disappear Okay here this is good just play this one for a second why does the most advanced health and fitness I want to swim in a pool. I want to wear spandex I want to swim in a pool. I want to wear spandex.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Unidentified anomalous phenomena. The rest of us call them UFOs. Caroline Chively reports it's about more than little green men. The hearing is about billions of dollars going into the Pentagon's secret programs. Oh, we're looking. And so is the House Oversight Committee,
Starting point is 00:14:24 holding a closed door meeting Friday about UFOs This video of a Navy fa-18 jet cruise encounter is just one of the mysteries They're looking into a sighting already investigated by the Pentagon. Okay, stop there So this is what we know and as someone who just goes down every rabbit hole I can find So as someone who just goes down every rabbit hole I can find, the way I protect myself from going completely insane is I try to find like what do you actually know? What's the real data points? And one thing we know for sure is these people are being briefed about something that they're calling UAPs.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Now what they're being shown and what they're being told, we don't know. Let's see if this is a guy reacting to it. Tens of millions of dollars on something that they say doesn't exist. And I'm not talking about little green man or flying saucers. I'd just like to know what they're spending the money on. Congress seems less interested in outer space than the inner workings of secret Pentagon programs. Okay, stop it there. So this, what we're looking at here is, if it's real, it's the biggest scandal
Starting point is 00:15:36 ever. Like it's so crazy to imagine that there's some mutant branch of the federal government that is not Controlled by the normal systems of control and that these people are dangerous like the now This is not I can't verify this stuff But you know supposedly the reason people haven't been blowing the whistle about this is not just because they signed NDAs, it's because they'll fucking kill you. Like, they take it so seriously. They're murderous. And to, like, and Grush, you know, apparently experienced all kinds of bizarre attacks in lots of different ways, because they have infinite funding.
Starting point is 00:16:27 That's the other problem. It's like these people, they apparently have all the money. They could do whatever they want. And where it becomes infuriating, aside from the fact that we all pay taxes and if you're paying taxes and that money is somehow being diverted into a program benefiting people that you don't even know exist who haven't been elected, who have agreements with private contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon or whatever. And that this is just a way of like pushing taxpayer money into the military industrial complex without anyone being aware of it with no oversight.
Starting point is 00:17:08 The other reason it's infuriating is that there is some possibility that, assuming these aren't aliens or if they maybe they're reverse engineered, you know, hyperdimensional ships. Who the fuck knows? But there's some possibility that they have discovered something that would completely change the way we do everything. That whatever these things are using to move through time space, we could use. Not just for like surveillance drones or some war machine, but potentially to like change the way we get from point A to point B. And maybe it has something to do with energy.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Maybe they figured out a way to derive energy from the quantum vacuum or something like that. Regardless, when you start seeing things like this pop up, if you're like me, you have to overcome the frustration and understand that just any time anything like this makes it to the surface, it's a big deal. Even if they memory-hole it again, even if they acronym it into meaninglessness, the fact that stuff like this is continuing to bubble to the surface shows there's a lot of stuff happening underground there's a lot of movement happening underground and the in the the more that people come out and
Starting point is 00:18:40 whistle blow the more other people feel the courage to come out and whistle blow because Usually things like this are like little holes in a dam and Eventually, there's no way that they can stop the leaks and then the dam explodes and then maybe we will finally get the stoners dream of disclosure Finally, we've been being edged friends You know how it feels all of us have just been being edged by some invisible fucking hand for years years and not just like because we've heard stories out There that these things exist but because some of us who have used psychedelics have
Starting point is 00:19:19 experienced visions Implying the existence of these things Terrence McKenna was the best at articulating these things. When I try to talk about visions I've had or things I've seen, I just sound like a drooling dope. But anyone who has taken a healthy dose of any kind of psychedelic, at some point you do get a weird feeling that you have been contacted or are communicating or are intuiting something that is being concealed in default reality on purpose. And also, like people I've talked to have had these experiences, there also is some
Starting point is 00:20:00 sense that it's all part of a bigger plan, that this is actually something that has been worked out not by the federal government, but by something bigger than the federal government, maybe something off world, that there is a plan. Now I love thinking about that. You know, my mind generally will go to this is military technology. You know, if I'm betting on it, I'm going to say it's military tech. We developed it on world. It's not alien wreckage. We didn't reverse engineer alien ships.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And I was talking to one of my friends, he's a big UFO buff. I don't know what you would call it. And I was saying, you know, Occam's razor. Occam's razor, we have to use that. And it's the, I'll read it to you right now, because I got schooled on Occam's razor and it was awesome. Occam's razor. Occam's razor. In philosophy, Occam's razor is the problem-solving principle that recommends searching for explanations
Starting point is 00:21:12 constructed with the smallest possible set of elements. It's also known as the principle of parsimony or law of parsimony. So the idea being, you know, the simple solution, that's probably what it is. And so I was telling him that, and his response was, okay, well, let's use that simple solution. In this case, what's the most simple solution here? Is the most simple solution that for decades, countless high-level military people have been hiding huge leaps forward in our understanding of physics that somehow all of the scientists, all of the people who, all the physicists who've been participating in these programs have
Starting point is 00:22:07 shielded the public from their discoveries or could it be that the most simple solution is the people flying the jets are seeing UFOs that aren't our shit? That maybe that's the most simple solution. I don't know. I don't want to believe it because I don't want to get my hopes up. And maybe that's not a thing to get your hopes up about, by the way. You know, because we don't know exactly what these things are. Like there's something comforting in the idea that they're military tech in the sense that
Starting point is 00:22:40 they're like whatever country you live in, it's military tech. If there's some other countries military tech were fucked but The idea that finally we are being Invited into some kind of galactic community Is just too woo-woo for me and too exciting It's just too woo-woo for me and too exciting Which is why I sort of have to be careful because my cynicism sometimes maybe makes me go in the wrong direction in this case it's a big fucking question mark, but
Starting point is 00:23:16 it's What you can be certain about is that? Once things like this start dripping out You'll see more of it once now that this is out in the world Who is the whistleblower? What else do they know? What other things are gonna come out? Eventually one of these people is just gonna upload a bunch of pics to the internet because they're gonna get so fucking frustrated and then they'll say those are fake, but
Starting point is 00:23:45 It's a bigger like all of this stuff is like it's a There's something If you get to Lost in the UAP UFO stuff, then I think you can miss something bigger. It's happening and again, I always try to go to the provable stuff like what's actually happening and there's a there's a few like things that are emerging into planetary consciousness that are going to permanently change the culture and it's not UFOs
Starting point is 00:24:26 One of them which I talk about too much is artificial intelligence this now before I get into this I Want to refer you to Buckminster Fuller if you're not familiar with who that is. Can you pull up Buckminster Fuller? Josh thank you again. It is such a luxury to have someone pulling things up. He's a bunk what? Buck Buck not bunk. I said bunk didn't I Buckminster Fuller? This dude Now this guy is such a fucking genius and this guy is such a fucking genius and
Starting point is 00:25:12 Such a unique person if you ever seen the geodesic domes floating out there those crazy things the hippies like to live in that's because of Buckminster Fuller and His book spaceship Earth is so good. You should check it out His point being we're on a spaceship. The planet is a spaceship. We know now that the the galaxies We know solar systems move that it's not like the Sun is just sitting there that there's a we're all in some kind of fleet a planetary fleet that's moving through space and We're living on a Spaceship it's a spaceship. And so
Starting point is 00:25:44 In the book Spaceship Earth, he talks about these things that happen that change global consciousness forever. And he sort of maps out the expansion of human beings from just living on the land to becoming a seafaring civilization and how the moment you go from living on the land, the more you discover territory around you, the bigger your world becomes. So the moment you learn how to traverse the oceans, your planet gets that much bigger. And his point is the moment that we got images of Earth from space and everyone saw what Earth looked like from space, which is it's interesting to think about how that is a
Starting point is 00:26:27 brand new thing. That just happened. Like before we were able to launch rockets into space and take pictures, we just had to imagine what the planet might look like. And now we know, could you pull up a picture of Earth yet? This episode of the DTFH has been supported by the Wizards of Health over at AG1. Now, they didn't ask me to talk about my colonoscopy, but I do want to say that just yesterday, I was laying on a table with a camera investigating my ass. And I was a little worried about it, to be honest. I put it off by a decade. I was supposed to get that colonoscopy 10 years ago, but I didn't do it. You know why? Because I didn't know about propofol, or I would have done it every
Starting point is 00:27:34 year throughout my 30s and 40s. The point is, guess what? No polyps nothing a pristine rectum now, I don't know how much AG one had to do with this but part of me thinks This is cuz a that sweet green nectar of life that I drink every morning. Is this because I've been slurping back AG one with the passion of a vampire landing on a puddle of human blood? I don't know. I'll never know. But one thing I do know is that AG1 has all the components within it that one might expect to lead to a non-terrifying colonoscopy. Now AG1 contains prebiotics, probiotics, and gut-supporting ingredients to support your
Starting point is 00:28:34 digestion, reduce bloating, and keep you regular. You know, I forgot to ask my doctor if he thinks that this is because of AG1. And that's because I was in a blissful propofol haze when I came out of it and told my wife that Jesus came to me and said we should have another baby, which I don't remember saying. In a research study, 97% of participants felt digestion improved after 90 days of drinking. Now again, this is what they tell me to say, maybe I'm a sucker for the placebo effect, but when I drink this stuff, I feel good right away. They did not tell me to say that.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm just reporting subjectively my own experience. It feels like prana, the energy of life is flowing through my body. So start with AG1 and notice the difference for yourself. It's a great first step to investing in your health and that's why they've been a proud partner of mine for so long. Try AG1 and get a free bottle of vitamin D3K2 and five free AG1 travel packs with your first purchase at drinkag1.com forward slash duncan that's a $48 value for free if you go to drinkag1.com forward Look at that thing. Isn't that amazing how they lie to us and say it's a ball? When it's flat! You know, one of the scariest things one of your friends can say to you is I'm not really sure what shape the planet is
Starting point is 00:30:30 Because like if they're saying that they're sliding down a really dark slippery fucking slope They're thinking a lot of other stuff, too But so the moment we all recognize that this is What the moment we all see images of our planet a few things immediately happen? to global consciousness one whether you want to or not you're forced to recognize that we are all Together on this planet whether you like it or not We all live on the same fucking planet and now we we can see it. And so there's a connectivity that happens. It doesn't matter if you want to not be a socialist, a communist, whatever, we're all
Starting point is 00:31:12 on that fucking thing. The other thing that is instantaneously challenging about recognizing we're all on the same planet is you're forced to reckon with the how on one level how preposterous Countries are naming a country, you know here pull up another of these fake-ass images of the round earth You see that and it's like these are land masses You know and in humans they draw maps and they create these imaginary boundaries. This is the United States. This is Canada. This is South America. But when you see that, you're seeing a revolutionary depiction of reality. Revolutionary in
Starting point is 00:31:58 the sense that it is instantane- it's saying no, we're all living on the same thing. We live on the same landmass and people that are dead decided to segment those land masses up and call them countries. That's what Buckminster Fuller talked about. It's really cool. He talked about how pirates created the same thing. Like now people are calling them colonizers, but really it was pirates, the seafaring people who discovered the land masses and would come up on land masses
Starting point is 00:32:34 where the populations had yet to discover steel, for example, would just go in and fucking slaughter them and say this is ours now, and they'd put a stupid flag in the them and say this is ours now, and they'd put a stupid flag in the ground and say this is ours. Bug Mr. Fuller is saying if you don't keep up with global consciousness, if you show people this thing,
Starting point is 00:32:57 which we all take for granted at this point, and don't follow through with what that means, then you're fucked. The civilization itself is fucked because it's a little bit like, I don't know, like coming to like a 25 year old's house and like they're playing with like he-men, like they're playing with G.I. Joes, you know, like seriously playing with them. They're still into their little baby toys. And so his point is like that
Starting point is 00:33:27 conceptually the baby toy is believing that we're not all sharing a planet together. Believing that if you're born in this country or that country you're better or worse or something like that. When it's whether you like it or not, you are an earthling. You live on earth now. There's the proof. There isn't some separated mass that is real other than it exists in people's minds as this is the boundary between the United States and Mexico. This is the boundary between the United States and Mexico. This is the boundary between the United States and Canada.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And so this is an unnerving thing, though it might seem incredibly simplistic. It's unnerving because so much of what it is to live in the world is your national identity. You're an American. You're a Russian. Slav of Ukraine. You're Iranian. You're Israeli. You're Russian. You're an American, you're a Russian, Slavic Ukraine, you're Iranian, you're Israeli. And so like all of these conceptualizations are implicitly aggressive. Because the moment you say I'm this and everything else is that, you set up a thing you have to defend. And the moment that you say this is my swath of land and that's your swath of land, now
Starting point is 00:34:48 I've got to defend my swath of land. So the obvious sort of course of events that happens when you start marking out territory is war. That's a natural result of going against what is clearly one thing. Oceans are connecting some of the land masses, land is connecting some of the land masses. So then you have war. I mean, this is just how it works. If you're going to decide this is mine, and then you tell a story about it,
Starting point is 00:35:19 which is a true story, I'm not denying history. People bled into the soil. People died for our land, I'm not denying history. People bled into the soil. People died for our land, for every single fucking land. People died, like dads got their heads blown off to defend that land. The stories are true. 100% true. But the problem is, once you start getting sentimental about it and start thinking that
Starting point is 00:35:47 because your grandfather's head got blown off or your great grandfather's head got blown off defending a chunk of land that was named something by a person they would never meet, then the ability to expand your consciousness beyond the boundaries of your whatever fucking landmass that you got shot out of a pussy onto is diminished. And so, and you don't get the joy, and a lot of people really get mad about this, the concept of globalism, and I know why, because from an, like, they're thinking of an economic pirate thinking kind of perspective on globalism. why, because they're thinking of an economic pirate thinking kind of perspective on globalism.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Trade is what they're thinking about. But what you rob yourself of is identifying with your entire planet, right? Like you're just identifying with one tiny, small, imaginary chunk of the planet, and you're saying, that's what I am. But it's like you're much bigger than that. You're actually that's your home.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The whole fucking thing. All of it. That the whole thing is you. That's your mama. That's where you're going to fucking your body's going to turn into dirt. That's your thing. And so I think Buckminster Fuller was trying to like, you know, point people in that direction You've got to like go global not become a globalist not become like not try to like apply
Starting point is 00:37:15 Some kind of exploitive methodology to the way that you exchange goods in the world not try to create treaties and and not try to create treaties and fucked up rules with other countries so that you make the most money. That's not what he's talking about when he's talking about globalism. He's talking about just the simple realization that we're all sharing a planet. Not in some hokey virtue signaling, this is our planet way, but more from a power-based thing. You're sort of, you're neutering yourself if you don't recognize that that's actually what you are. You're way bigger than the United States or Canada or Russia or Ukraine. But this is disruptive because, or Russia or Ukraine, but this is disruptive because The you know, can you pull up ant death spiral Josh?
Starting point is 00:38:23 If you we put up on YouTube, please yeah, look at this shit that I this is one of the craziest things ever You could turn the volume down these fucking ants like What happens is some ant leaves the wrong pheromone trail and these dumb motherfuckers? Just follow that pheromone trail in a circle Just like that and they just go round and round and round and then they die just because some dumb ant sprayed pheromones in the wrong place and they're doomed. That's an ant death spiral. And so when you're born onto a planet and into a country, you're told a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Generally, any country you're born into, you're told it's the best country on Earth. Then you're told that you somehow have consented to the rules of your country. You know, like the, in the United States, it would be the constitution, the way we vote, the... all the machinations of the state, local governments. There's some sense that you... you... you voted for that. You wanted that. But you didn't vote for that. Because they don't put it on the ballot. Like in the presidential elections, they don't put on the ballot, let's not do
Starting point is 00:39:47 presidents anymore. They won't ever do that. So you don't really get to structurally change things. You just sort of have to accept the fact that no, this is just the way things are. And so in at some point, I think it's a fair argument that maybe that was a good methodology for dealing with whatever the particular landscape, the cultural landscape of the world was like. But that changes. The planet changes. Everything changes. And so if you keep using that it's pretty fucking naive to imagine that something is still gonna work in the same way that that something that is seemingly incredibly resistant to being deconstructed. There's probably people
Starting point is 00:40:48 mad at me right now. Just trying to deconstruct it at all is upsetting. You're not supposed to do it. You feel like you're breaking some fucking rule. Like you're not supposed to look at it like that. You know, like I saw some article that popped up on a bunch of right-wing websites because they're a butter because someone was saying like maybe we need to torch the Constitution and it was clickbait. I don't think we'd need to do that but You know, I think it isn't it's like okay you're
Starting point is 00:41:16 imagine this Your parents leave you and your sister at the house with a set of rules on the refrigerator. And they're like, we're going to be back after our date. This is a set of rules designed for like a 12-year-old and a 13-year-old. But they don't come back. Your parents don't come back. And in this stupid thought experiment, you grow up in the house. Because one of the rules is you don't leave the house. And now you're like fucking somehow subsisting on whatever. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:54 You fill in the blank where you get food. Maybe you're photosynthetic, who cares? But the point is... So, I think sometimes you have to have like a radical analysis of the Earth from space, matches whether, you know, the systems that are in place are actually benefiting any of us anymore, including the people upholding the systems. That's where it gets really fucked up.
Starting point is 00:42:43 They probably aren't benefiting either. They're probably miserable. Top down misery. Just because it's like, this is what we do. Don't you see the note on the refrigerator? It's what we do. And I know that the system in the United States evolves and changes and there's new laws and laws are erased and it does grow but
Starting point is 00:43:09 To get back to what I was trying to get to earlier UFOs are a symptom the uap thing is a symptom artificial intelligence is a symptom of the Tomalt overseas if you are overseas some of you watching might actually be in the middle of some war zone But for those of you are The hurricanes the Way that you know, I don't know how many times I've seen on the internet someone saying like I don't want any more history to happen so
Starting point is 00:43:42 If you look at what's happening, it's not just UAPs, it's a, it's some form of accelerating series of historic events that we're all experiencing. And so if you have an accelerating series of events that would be talked about for hundreds of years if another one didn't follow, and you tried to apply the rules of a time when those things weren't happening to the fast times, you would be in fucking trouble. Some kind of way of adapting to rapid change needs to be implemented. And if you start applying bureaucratic archaic systems to to what appears to be like an insane moment in human history, then you were all gonna suffer for it. And so This uap stuff Which you will definitely see more of
Starting point is 00:44:48 um It's like sparks or something that are like flying off of history right now as we get vacuumed up into Probably a completely new way of doing everything now. can you pull up, I'll spell it for you and I can never pronounce it, T-E-I-L-H-A-R-D Taylor Deschardin. T-E-I-L sorry. H-A-R-D yeah thatre tail. Yeah, pull him up you guys
Starting point is 00:45:26 You should check this guy out because If you're familiar with Terrence McKenna He would talk about essentially what pierre tailiard a sure didn't was talking about before Any of the stuff McKenna was experiencing even existed and And so, let's see, I'll just read what it says. He called it the Omega Point. And essentially, like the Omega Point was a way
Starting point is 00:45:55 of describing the singularity, but maybe from a theistic perspective. Maybe scroll down and I'll read it so I don't completely fuck it up. He was trying to find a way to deal with like evolution and Christianity simultaneously. Oh wait, this might be it. Yeah, it's pretty good. Yeah, it's pretty good. Okay, yeah, I'll just read this part. Forces of compression.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Tail art calls the contributing universal energy that generates the omega point, which by the way the omega point is what he called a place of maximum harmony and maximum complexity. It's the end of time. The contributing universal energy that generates the omega point forces of compression. Unlike the scientific definition which incorporates gravity and mass, Taylor's forces of compression are sourced from communication and contact between human beings. This value is limitless and directly correlated with entropy.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It suggests that as humans continue to interact, consciousness evolves and grows. For the theory to occur, humans must also be bound to the finite Earth. It's like you can't build up the pressure he's talking about if we could get the fuck off the planet. Because if there was a million other Earth's that were like Inhabited with people you agree with or less people or no people No one would be on this earth anymore. There would only be a few people living here. We'd all evacuate So he's saying you got to like lock him in the room essentially The creation of this boundary forces the world's convergence upon itself
Starting point is 00:47:43 Which he theorizes to result in time ending in communion with the Omega Point God. This portion of Taylor's thinking shows his lack of expectation for humans to engage in space travel and transcend the bounds of Earth." So again, you have to realize this guy, there was no internet when he was alive. And he talked about that Earth would grow a kind of global consciousness. He didn't know it would be the internet, but he knew it was coming. And that global consciousness would create an acceleration towards the omega point. And the way he put it, and I think about it all the time is that we are being convected into God. So what's really
Starting point is 00:48:25 happening, our experience of the passage of time is actually the experience of, I don't know, like imagine if God had a tractor beam and was pulling earth and time space into God's self. Well, the closer you got to that, the quicker things would change. The more things would become bizarre, almost magical seeming. And also the more old things that didn't fit into maximum complexity and maximum harmony, things that lended themselves to fighting and struggle and war and chaos, those things would die. They would fall away. They would be like the shit that burns up when a rocket goes back into space.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And so that's what we're seeing right now, which is eventually any kind of hyper aggressive anti-harmony way of doing things is just not going to work. It won't work. There will have to be harmony There will have to be a way for all of us to interact In a way that that is nonviolent in a way that is peaceful in a way that Prevents the other way that and this is what Buckminster Fuller was talking about I don't know if Taylor are they sure didn't talked this is what Buckminster Fuller was talking about, I don't know if Taylor Ardish or didn't talk about this, but Buckminster Fuller basically like, I wouldn't be surprised if Morrissey got this from him. If it's not love,
Starting point is 00:49:55 it's the bomb that will bring us together. And so that's the other possibility is like, well another way to find harmony would be to just erase the species for all of us to die out. It's like, well, another way to find harmony would be to just erase the species for all of us to die out. And hopefully that isn't what the form of apocalypse we're going to experience. But I think it's safe to say that we are all, and if not us, our children, are going to experience what, for lack of a better better word you would call an apocalypse. Now, the term itself has been misused so many times that people associate it with something awful, but what it actually means is lifting of the veil. The bride lifts the veil, the groom gives her a big wet tongue kiss and they fuck. That's the apocalypse. It's the the hidden, not the hidden UFO programs, but all hidden programs are
Starting point is 00:50:52 revealed. Whatever the fuck this thing is, this pressure cooker, whatever, it's the great mysteries are illuminated and in that illumination, global consciousness permanently shifts in a way that is Probably incomprehensible to anyone alive today, but you can look back in history and you could see how this does happen how there was a time when people would Try to get milk out of their cow and it wouldn't come and they
Starting point is 00:51:28 would think that's my fucking neighbor that fucking bitch is a witch she's a fucking witch and they wouldn't say that like joking or stoned and joking I think my neighbor's a witch they wouldn't it. My neighbor is kissing goat assholes in the forest under the moon's light. She's flying on a broom and she's dried up my cow. And they wouldn't mean it. So we know that global consciousness shifts. Because now if somebody said that, they would seem insane. So there's so many examples of this shared default reality of the past that now seems like a waking dream or something like that.
Starting point is 00:52:20 So it is not crazy to say that that is gonna happen again. And, but for that to happen, you have to say goodbye to all kinds of stupid shit. If you're gonna get past the, my neighbor is making my cow's udders dry, which can't be a fun morning. It can't be fun. It already sucks. There's no milk. But now your
Starting point is 00:52:45 neighbor is in league with Lucifer. Like how are you gonna have a good day after that? How are you gonna sleep at night? You're gonna have bad dreams. But you gotta let go. You gotta let go of that. And so that means, and what's funny about modernity, I had this great dream. In the dream I went back in time and I thought to myself, whoa, everything's new here. Like because I somehow I imagined going back in time everything would seem musty and I don't know like an antique store, stupid. But every previous generation that lived believed that what was around them was cutting-edge modernity. They
Starting point is 00:53:25 thought they were at the apex and they were because that's where you are right now. But they weren't. But everything seemed to make sense and this is how you did it. Totally made sense back then. And so that means we, everyone likes to think that we figured it all out. We're not like them. We're not like literally every past generation that ever lived. No. We are modernity. We do have it figured out.
Starting point is 00:53:55 We're not superstitious. The cow's udders are not dry because of a witch. But we're superstitious in other ways and the the the The global delusion right now that will if we make it out of this period in history definitely be looked at probably in the same light as a witch fucking up your cow is the concept of countries. The concept that a planet of people with the same fucking DNA looking the same, walking the same, what's really fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:54:36 is like even our language is the same, even though it might sound completely different, one of the emerging weird new fields that's coming up, I guess you call it a field, is that they've come to realize that the way an LLM, a large language model works is it finds vectors between words and the vectors between similar words, go back to the Eric Weinstein episode, I don't understand it. But a pattern emerges in language. And what's really fascinating about it
Starting point is 00:55:12 is that it doesn't matter what language you drop in, the pattern stays the same. It's the exact same fucking pattern. It's like we're picking different ornaments to hang on the linguistic Christmas tree, but it's the same fucking tree So my point being we're all essentially the same We all want to be happy. We all love our kids. We all I
Starting point is 00:55:37 Don't know we all are getting annoyed with Chapel Run. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by Better Help. If you've ever seen that movie, probably not, it's really old. Used to freak me out when I was a kid. It's called The Man in the Iron Mask. This poor son of a bitch got a giant iron mask welded to his face. And I can't remember why he couldn't get it off.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I mean, obviously it was iron, but it feels like, I mean, probably if he really wanted it off, he could have like found a couldn't get it off. I mean, obviously it was iron, but it feels like, I mean, probably if he really wanted it off, he could have like found a way to get it off. But for the sake of the movie, the point is he's stuck with this heavy thing on his head that some sociopath, I don't remember the whole story, I just remember it freaked me out. The point is, this can happen to you as a human being.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You don't know you're wearing an iron mask you look in the mirror You don't see some Medieval welded together torture equipment on your head. You just see your face, but The problem is it's not even your face. You're looking at you know the thing like it's used to happen to me I look in the mirror and be like you fat fuck I don't know if you do that or not, but I used to. I would just insult myself. The opposite of what people, you know, people have this sticky note on their mirror
Starting point is 00:57:10 and they're like, you aren't beautiful, I love you so. I would be like, you, look at you. Look at you wreck, you're like a wreck. You're like a derelict boat in Antarctica. Fat derelict boat, just a piece of shit. I used to say that to myself, but then I got into therapy. That was my mask. I glued it on or it got glued on me or I don't know what happened, but this is what happens as a kid. These poor little kids out there, they're just like soft wax. You are a soft waxy brain. And then, you know, when the Game of Thrones
Starting point is 00:57:49 or the kings are always shoving their ring into the wax, that's your childhood. And sometimes that ring says, you're a dick. And then your brain just decides that's what you are. It's a mask. It's horrible. This is why therapy is great. I'm not embarrassed that I went to therapy.
Starting point is 00:58:12 When I went to therapy, when I started going, I remember telling the therapist, this will never work on me. What you're saying here is like, I'm always gonna like kind of secretly hate myself. And she got this smile on her face. It was the coolest smile either because lots of her other clients had said the exact same thing to her. And it changed my life. Sorry if
Starting point is 00:58:36 that's cheesy. And I'd say that whether or not I was doing a commercial. Changed my life. And so it could change yours. If you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. You just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists anytime for no additional charge. Take off the mask! With BetterHelp, visit betterhelp.com slash Duncan today to get 10% off your first month.
Starting point is 00:59:10 That's BetterHelp. Pow! H-E-L-P dot com slash Duncan. Thank you, BetterHelp. Here's another way to put it. At some point there was a fish swimming around a beautiful coral reef a long long time ago. And this fish didn't know it, because it's a fucking fish, but it mutated in a way that was creating an eye,
Starting point is 00:59:57 some rudimentary low level way of interpreting photons. And suddenly it realizes it's been swimming around a reef. It realizes there's a shape, there's a form here. That things are not just biochemical signatures of what might be good to eat or heat, but there's now a visual component. And that fish, if it could talk, but you can underwater, I just had this conversation with my kid, would probably want to tell all the other fish, guys, there's a reef here, like, and it's insane.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It's beautiful. There's parts of it where the food that we're always looking for just is so we don't have to just smell our way to it anymore. That fish would sound out of its fucking mind. It would sound like a witch, probably. It would be able to like go to the part of the reef where there's food and the other fish would think it's a Jesus fish.
Starting point is 01:01:01 It's a work of miracles here. What the fuck is that? And it's not doing anything special other than it can see a thing that all the other fish can't see and so Gradually, i'm assuming the fish that has eyes is going to be the one all the other fish want to fuck So that fish produces more fish that have eyes and boom now We've got fish with eyes that stare at you and you catch them pluck them out of
Starting point is 01:01:26 The ocean they lay on the boat and they look at you with those dead eyes, you know I often think about like if fish could emote Like if fish were able to do more than just like do that like Botox stare at you after you catch them but they you could see like they could scream or cry or look sad even. I wonder if we would eat as many fish. If only they'd evolve the ability to emote. So that happens.
Starting point is 01:02:00 That's another thing. It's a data point. This happens. Things that we thought weren't there because we didn't have the ability to see them, suddenly we can see them because we grew a new appendage. And so the other thing that the implication of living on a planet is that spinning is we're in a centrifuge. It's some kind of planetary centrifuge. We're stuck. We're spinning.
Starting point is 01:02:30 And what happens on Earth because we're in a centrifuge is the same thing that happens when you throw a bunch of shit in a centrifuge. It eventually blends together. So we've all heard about like microplastics, right? Like we all have microplastics in our bodies and we've essentially started to merge with plastic. And if you've ever seen the fly with Jeff Goldblum, oh my god, it's the best. He's like inventing a teleportation mechanism. He's inventing a teleportation mechanism. And basically, I guess the computer deconstructs his body, sends him across the room and reconstructs it,
Starting point is 01:03:12 and the fly, this poor motherfucker, a fly gets into his teleporter. And so the computer reconfigures him with the fly and You know, it's just the movie is just all about him dealing with the fact that like his dick is falling off and he doesn't care because it feels so good to be a fly and So that's that's what we're all experiencing. But in a much slower kind of way, we're blending together We're merging. We're not just merging because we're fucking each other. We're merging with inorganic materials and
Starting point is 01:03:50 also, I think You might as well call your phone an appendage at this point Yeah, it's like a modular appendage that you can like put down and you can lose and you can find and you can get a new one. But it's an appendage. It's a thing that's always around you. You can't function in society without the fucking thing. You feel like you're doing something special
Starting point is 01:04:14 if you spend an hour without your phone. So this is a new appendage and it's a thinking appendage now. So the appendage is like evolving in front of us, which is crazy. You know, seeing fish in my example took so long for that to finally happen. Such a great series of mutations to get to the point where it could see. Because we live in this crazy timeline, now we are watching, we've grown an appendage that is giving us all kinds of crazy abilities. We can now instantaneously communicate with the entire planet. We can order food on our appendage. If you want food now, all you have to do is type a few buttons on your appendage. And the appendage has made it easier so you don't have to look for if you just order
Starting point is 01:05:19 what you ordered last time. One click, boom, there's food at your house. That's insane! What a wild thing! Like imagine if if a lizard tail if lizards could do that with their tails They just wave it in the right way and a delicious beetle gets brought to their fucking like rock by other beetles Or lizards, you know, I'm saying it's nuts, right? So we've grown this appendage but we didn didn't. The difference is, we, the way natural selection is like evolving our appendages is by something called market pressure. It's anytime there's a need for something in the market, things evolve. Better phones, poor Apple. They already gave us this insane fucking thing. It's crazy
Starting point is 01:06:04 Poor Apple, they already gave us this insane fucking thing. It's crazy what it does. These poor motherfuckers every year have to upgrade the appendage in a startling way. And if they don't upgrade the appendage, then people are like, it just reminds me of my old tentacle. Basically the same, maybe a little shinier. And it's hilarious, because it's like, look what they've already fucking done. do you want and so because of that market
Starting point is 01:06:28 pressure what's Apple doing right now Apple AI and a lot of people are dissing Apple AI because people are impatient and don't understand like what it was like to be born before video games they don't understand like it was like to be born before video games. They don't understand like, like, old like me, we had the Atari 2600 and that blew our fucking minds. That blew our minds across the living room. Like it was the most insane thing to control something on the TV with a dildo. Wow. Magic. something on the TV with a dildo Wow Magic and so old like me whenever something like starts popping up like Apple AI
Starting point is 01:07:13 We look at it from the bigger perspective Atari 2600 to Elden Ring like That is insane The short amount of time between what video games were and what they are now and what they're becoming. It's crazy. So when Apple Intelligence pops up, I don't look at that as like, yeah, it's not gonna work at first, of course it's not.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah, they're not gonna release it right away. It's gonna slowly drip into our machines, but this is it. The appendage is now becoming a brain It's gone from being a transmitter and receiver to a fucking brain So this thing that we are now carrying around with us is going to start thinking maybe not like us but it's definitely gonna start thinking and Then the obvious next step is that the appendage, it's annoying to carry the fucking appendage around,
Starting point is 01:08:09 isn't it? I don't like it. Do you like the feeling of a, of a essentially like a mini TV in your pocket? It's hot, beeps, it's annoying, man. I don't like it. And also the aesthetics of it are horrifying. Walking around the modern world these days is just so depressing
Starting point is 01:08:28 No one looking at each other everyone staring into their phones Any time I have a mildly anxious moment in Traffic just a few extra minutes of having to deal with my own life. I pull out my phone like a it's like, it's like a, it's like a thing. What is it asthmatics use? Inhaler. A nebula, an inhaler. It's like that. It's a little technological inhaler when you start having a, not an asthma attack, but an existential crisis. So you just fucking puff on your little
Starting point is 01:09:00 inhaler. You stare at Instagram or whatever. you get mad, you get happy, but regardless you're distracting yourself. So this fucking thing is now going to start thinking, interacting with us, evolving and adapting based on like how we are with it and we're going to get sick of carrying it around and it's going to help us. That's the other thing about the appendage. The appendage is going to help us evolve the appendage even faster. It's going to discover things. It's going to innovate ways of coding and of doing stuff that we haven't even thought of yet, which is going to allow next year Apple to come out with who knows what. The Apple time traveler, the Apple teleporter, whatever the fuck it is and so
Starting point is 01:09:46 Eventually if we go at Zuckerberg's doing with the glasses It's going into our glasses friends going into our glasses and then it's going into our brains and then It's not gonna seem like something other than us anymore It's gonna seem like us and while all of this is happening, and yeah, maybe it's 20 years before we start getting neural implants, pull that shit up. Look at Zuckerberg wearing these things. Just like if you're a, can you pull that picture of him up on the side there? Look at that. That's like every peeper. That's like, you know, voyeurs, like who can now, like, don't have to bring a camera to film the people that they're spying on.
Starting point is 01:10:30 They just fucking press a button on their glasses. What a nightmare. But that thing's gonna have AI in it. It's gonna talk to you. It's gonna tell you where to go and what to do and ask you how you're doing. And it's going to develop a relationship with you. And pretty soon it's going to start thinking,
Starting point is 01:10:53 it's going to be your thoughts. And you've got to wonder, our thoughts, it's weird, right? They don't really seem like part of us. You've got to wonder, did it already happen? Did we absorb some kind of AI into our heads and now we say it's our thoughts? But regardless, we're going to have this aspect of our consciousness that is us and isn't us, and it is going to do two main things. The first one is what it's already doing. It's going to cover default reality with symbols that you can't normally see. The name for it would be augmented reality, but they're already augmenting reality. Anytime you look at your phone, you're seeing a distorted version
Starting point is 01:11:40 of reality, whatever your data source may be. It's already augmented reality. It's already a, you can, you hold in your head some idea of all your connections on Facebook, or Instagram, or your phone. Your phone like sends a signal and you feel connected to a person. So it produces a kind of interiorized augmented reality, which is an augmented reality of connection and controversy and knowing people that you would normally never meet or know about. So it's already distorting reality in the sense it's producing a secondary reality
Starting point is 01:12:18 that we are calling reality. But then the next thing it's going to do once we get the glasses and once the tech gets a little more advanced is It's going to change things in the visual field and probably the auditory field so in other words like if there's certain things in reality that trigger you Theoretically you would be able to get this thing to blur them erase them Replace them if there's language that you don't like to get this thing to blur them, erase them, replace them. If there's language that you don't like, then theoretically this thing could take any
Starting point is 01:12:52 incoming language and adjust it according to the language you'd like to hear. So it's going to create a kind of bubble reality around everyone, a comfort bubble within which you are going to have unprecedented control over the way the world looks and how you understand other people around you. So that's one thing it's going to do and that's the scariest thing it's going to do because that's going to be a very like fragmentary sort of thing. Is it good that we are all suddenly living in our own subjective universes technologically? We already are anyway, but suddenly technologically,
Starting point is 01:13:33 we're all seeing completely different things, which by the way is what all the New Age people have been saying is happening anyway. You know, that you are shaping and forming your reality already. The thing is already happening the goddamn Meat computer in our heads is doing that already. It's taking a bunch of disparate phenomena weaving it together into universe That we believe is real, but everyone knows Your universe in my universe though. We are seeing similar things and we might agree on certain things, we disagree on so many things and everyone perceives things differently.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So we're all already doing that. Now double that confusion by adjusting reality according to whatever it is you want to see. So that's one thing it's going to do. The next thing it's going to do is more like the fish in the reef thing. The next thing it's going to do, and this is where it gets really scary, is it's either going to help us see something that's always been here that we've never seen before, or it's going to trick us into thinking we're all seeing something that's never been here before.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And will it matter? Will it matter if we actually are seeing the reef or if it's dreaming up the reef for all of us to share together? So that's where it gets weird and that's where we get into the apocalypse. That's where we get into, that's where we get into like what all of this stuff that's happening is leading up to. Because there's missing pieces in the formula. For example, if I want to have pure augmented reality glasses with the processing power to interact with an AI, a very powerful AI, and also project whatever I want to see into the world around me.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I'm going to need a super fast computer and that brings us to quantum computers. Will you pull this up Josh? You know, I guess don't play the sound. I don't know why I'm pulling this up, but I just stumbled upon these Forbes YouTube videos and they're so fucking good. But basically I went down a deep quantum computing rabbit hole and this is her describing how quantum computers work which is insane. I wish we could play it but a few things about
Starting point is 01:15:59 quantum computers, I guess go back to the image search Josh. One is I always thought these things look like something like steampunk or something out of HP Lovecraft. Pull up that, any one of them. So that's a quantum computer. And I always thought that the stuff you're seeing that looks like something Tesla would build or something like that, I always thought that that was the computer. In fact, that is not the computer. That is essentially a freezer. The quantum computer
Starting point is 01:16:30 chips to function, they have to be the coldest thing in the universe. So that weird looking thing is getting the chips cold enough so that they could process these qubits. So that they could, like, they could, within these qubits, they're could like they could within these qubits they're working with quantum super positions things being yes and no simultaneously and somehow that speeds up processing power exponentially like in ways we can't even imagine and Forbes at least in the video I watched the what they were talking about is encryption. They're talking about how we're five to seven years away, maybe sooner, from all current encryption methodologies becoming completely obsolete because it takes a regular computer or a supercomputer thousands of years to
Starting point is 01:17:26 Figure out a way to translate encrypted data. Whereas it would take a quantum computer one minute to do that now Want to talk about a fucking apocalypse because also I don't think necessarily only one apocalypse happens You want to talk about one impending, predictable apocalypse that everyone can agree on. It's this. Because we live in a world of secrets. We live in a world of hidden, not coral reefs, but they might as well be a coral reef Not coral reefs, but they might as well be a coral reef composed of all the secrets in the world not just big state secrets like uaps not just money laundering by federal officials not just the
Starting point is 01:18:19 machinations of I don't know some some cartel, not just the fucking whatever is in P. Diddy's computer, not just that, but your secrets too. Every text you've sent, every dick pic, every filthy thing you've said online, or every awful embarrassing argument you've gotten in with your wife that has been on on text. See, a lot of that data, it gets vacuumed up by people you'll never meet. It's encrypted data, but they still vacuum it up. So
Starting point is 01:18:52 there's reservoirs of encrypted data out there. You might be in it, you might not be in it, but there's people who are doing that because they know they're going to be able to crack it in five years. Five years. In five to seven years. All the weird fucking texts that every president has sent. All the voicemails. All the weird, I don't know, Lindsey Graham stuff that's probably out there, and Putin, and Zelensky, and all the most important people, especially the people like parading around
Starting point is 01:19:37 like they're somehow advanced or sophisticated. All of it is going to be revealed. And that is an apocalypse. sophisticated all of it is going to be revealed and That is an apocalypse It's a huge apocalypse like right now if any time we discover something about this person or that person it Really ripples the pond man people lose their fucking shit Anytime whoever it is, whatever it is and we all have sin in the eyes of the Lord
Starting point is 01:20:08 But anytime that comes out It's wild now imagine that it's not just P. Diddy. It's everybody It's you your friends your mom your dad your teachers It's UFOs. It's assassination attempts, it's CIA stuff, it's everything. It's just out there now. Now, one comfort that people who have encrypted their data and transmitted it in a way that could be vacuumed up, and they did this before they even knew quantum computers would be a thing. One comfort I might take if I was one of those people is that I would think, well, when this
Starting point is 01:20:50 dam breaks, there's going to be so much information out there, it will take too long to go through all of it and make sense of it. But that was before AI. So the combination of infinite secrets being decrypted and an AI that can instantaneously go through it and pick out the most scintillating pieces means we're five to seven years away from a fucking apocalypse. We will completely have to restructure the way we think about everybody. And what's really interesting is there is a fucking biblical verse predicting this. Can you look up, you know, oh God, how does it go? Something about all the secrets,
Starting point is 01:21:40 just look up New Testament, all the secrets will be revealed. Something about secrets in hidden rooms or something. I want to thank Bilt for supporting this episode of the DTFH. You've ever been trapped in the hell cycle of being a renter? That feeling you get every time you write that rent check and give it to your landlord, just a general sense that something is wrong with this relationship and maybe systemically, like the entirety of the way we do things in the world might have something really dark at its roots. Then you are going to love BILT. BILT is Breaking Ground as a neighborhood rewards program that hooks you up with points on your rent
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Starting point is 01:23:57 Thank you, Build. Yeah, Luke 12-2, there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed and nothing hidden that will not be made known. That was a long time ago! They didn't know there was going to be quantum computers! But that was one of the apocalyptic prophecies. It's just, you know, none of this tech existed back then. And now we maybe as far as I'm aware, for the first time, like I love watching biblical prophecy videos and like I love it when someone decides the world's ending tomorrow that you're
Starting point is 01:24:41 so fucked when you do that. And they're usually basing that on a vision or some, who knows what, some weird math using the Bible. But if that's a prophecy, which it is, now we can actually put a time stamp on a biblical prophecy, not by using, I don't know, prophecy not by like using I don't know astrological configurations but by using what people in so many different industries are pouring all of their energy into right now. It's a race. It's a quantum computing race. Because the first person to get one of these things going in a way that they could decrypt
Starting point is 01:25:24 data, holy shit, they're going to be on top of the world. They're going to know everything about every other country and every other state and all their citizens. Everything. And so it's a huge race right now. That's what Forbes is talking about. But what's really weird about it is, and I think Forbes kind of buried the lead on this one,
Starting point is 01:25:48 is nowhere in that YouTube doc did I see someone saying, this is the end of the world, man. Like, we are fucked. Like, not only is encryption gonna become obsolete, but they don't really have a good way to replace it yet. There's ideas, there's theories, but to implement that on a global scale? How?
Starting point is 01:26:10 How are you gonna do that? It's gonna be at least a year, a year of any text you send. People are gonna have to start sending mail again. People are gonna have to start using pigeons. Pigeons will be safer. We'll see pigeons flying over with tick picks in their peaks. So that's another I think interesting facet of the times is is whereas like in when I was younger in the 90s when everything was perfect things weren't so imminent there wasn't a sense of an imminent happening and
Starting point is 01:26:56 that's what we all have right now we're all carrying on our shoulders the weight of something we're all collectively kind of sensing. There's going to be an imminent happening, something big and historic. And the reason we're thinking that is because it's already happened. And we're programmed to look at patterns. You know, how many times in the last decade have things just like completely changed in extreme, bizarre ways. How many times have there been moments that make Watergate just seem like nothing? How many times?
Starting point is 01:27:37 Like over and over and over again. Cocaine in the White House! The laptop from hell, the sort of, the thing we all kind of suspected if we'd eaten enough weed. I think that the people running the country might be criminals.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Suddenly it's like, yeah, you were right. Apparently these people are not following the same rules that they want us to follow. That is not a fun pill to swallow. You gotta walk around, kind of like believing maybe that they follow the same rules. But that doesn't feel good. Nobody likes the sense of,
Starting point is 01:28:28 like if you've ever been around a professional gaslighter, you know what I'm talking about. Like it's really unnerving, it's a bad feeling. Or if you end up around one of these NLP douchebags, neuro-linguistic programming, like you end up like on a date. I mean, this probably doesn't, I don't know. Are there female pickup artists? I don't think, think I don't know I've never heard of that But you know if for the ladies out there if you're like on a date and you start realizing some assholes using some bullshit
Starting point is 01:28:54 Pickup artist tricks to fuck you. It's not a good feeling because this this underlying agenda emerges Which by the way? I mean it's not a surprise that some guy you're on a date with would love for you to give him a blowjob. And I don't think that's shocking to anyone out there. And if it is, wow. But when you start realizing they're not using, like, above board methods to get you to suck their cock, that they're trying to do some kind of fucked up trying to do some kind of fucked up Hannibal Lecter style hypnotism on you by nagging you by like getting you to talk about your favorite vacation and then like touching your shoulder while you're talking about it and then you
Starting point is 01:29:36 realize they touch your shoulder because it kind of makes you feel like you felt when you're telling this story and that's when they ask you to suck their dick. Doesn't feel good. So you know this is like a like what the pressure points he's talking about. This is the sand in the oyster. Now we all have a little bit of we got a pee in our in our bed. We've got a little bit of we got a little little pebble in our shoes. And that pebble is this feeling of like, fuck man, like am I being scammed? Like, are these people that we're all voting for, are they good people? And so that's a bad feeling.
Starting point is 01:30:22 And so there's, so now imagine when it's not just these little like things that kind of come to the surface and then we just have to forget about them, which is very sad, because that's exactly people who are getting abused, they have to learn how to do that. When you're getting abused, you especially if it's happening in your family. You have to find a way to still live in your family. And one of the saddest ways that people do that is a survival mechanism is they just forget. They don't see.
Starting point is 01:30:55 They look the other way. It's a survival tactic. The cognitive dissonance is too extreme. You could go nuts. So imagine when you can't ignore it anymore because it all got decrypted. You're having to look and just see it. You're having to watch like Donald Rumsfeld just licking a goat's asshole under a full moon. And it's real real it's not deep fake he's smiling he's smiling one of the bushes is jerking him off hunter Biden's dancing under the moon
Starting point is 01:31:33 clapping Trump sticks his head out of a tunnel that he likes to burrow underneath the rituals and then poke his head up just something that is so astoundingly absurd That you can never think about them as anything other than like aliens maniacs To the apocalypse the whole game falls apart the game requires hierarchy hierarchy requires secrets Take secrets away from hierarchy. What the fuck? Now they're just like us. They're also weirdos. They also put mayonnaise on their cocks and let their poodles... I'm just kidding. out So
Starting point is 01:32:26 Yeah, the UFO thing the UAP thing is the whistleblower thing It's cool, and I hope we see some really amazing things but Here's something to ponder Assuming Forbes isn't just full of shit, or the people in their documentary working with computers, quantum computers aren't full of shit, I don't think they are.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Here's something to roll around in your head. If that's true, and there's some, like I'm running a top-secret UFO program and I think back oh my god this thing has been around since the 70s. This happened in the 80s. This happened in the 80s when people were using cell phones and this is before we even knew there would be the ability to put qubits in a superposition to solve problems. So we didn't even think it was a security risk. There were conversations that happened outside of skiffs.
Starting point is 01:33:33 And even the skiffs that we had back then, which are like rooms that are immune to surveillance, they were immune to the surveillance of those times. Any place where any data has been stored, any chance that data has been vacuumed up, which of course it has, any repository and some thumb drive that some dude took out of Area 51 that he uploaded to someplace. In five to seven years, they're going to find out. And that puts a ticking clock on the situation. Because then their options are, OK, we've got to tell them somehow.
Starting point is 01:34:14 In five to seven years, they're going to know anyway. So we've got to let them know. And it could be that's what we're seeing. They're disguising people who are actually letting us know because they have no choice as whistleblowers. Okay, go fucking blow the whistle, just start. And they have a plan, just a nice slow drip of information so that within the timeframe they have.
Starting point is 01:34:40 And then you look at what's been happening and you realize it does seem to follow some kind of fucking pattern It does seem like this information is being sort of metered out to us. We get a little spoonful digest Here's your next spoonful digest. Here's your next spoonful. Oh shit. They've got gas. This is kind of freaking them out All right, let's wait a little bit longer. Here's your next spoonful So it's like it has that feel to it doesn't it? It smacks as something
Starting point is 01:35:08 fishy beyond a whistleblower saying Lockheed Martin has a UFO. Like this is some kind of intentional program which is where you jump into Project Bluebeam. It's where you jump into all the paranoid ways that people are not analyzing that sense. They're saying, yeah, it seems like a fucking program because they want to like create a one world government by faking alien invasion or some shit like that. That's Project Bluebeam, which I don't buy into at all. I don't think if there was some like intent to create fascism, global fascism, I don't think they need to do aliens. Just like another fucking disease would do it. So many ways that you could do it. It didn't involve like holograms.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Didn't Reagan say something like that? The way that we can unite the world, he said, at the UN is by having an invasion. An alien invasion. And everyone sees that and they're like, oh shit, that's what they're going to do. But Reagan is just like any kid who like watches a movie where countries come together, fantasizes about some event that would make it so we don't fight each other anymore. It's awful. That's all Reagan was thinking, is like, what gets these dipshits to stop killing each other? They need something to fight together, which is what we're-
Starting point is 01:36:37 An outside threat. An outside threat. Yeah. That's what we're missing, is an outside threat. And so blue beam people, they think they're gonna fake an alien invasion. And just that's an overestimation of what it takes to make people to succumb to fascism. You know what I mean? There's so many other ways to do that. Lots of other ways to do that. But for sure, there's now a ticking clock For sure, there's now a ticking clock on a dam that's been holding back all the secrets of the world.
Starting point is 01:37:12 And where it gets real interesting is you have to wonder, has it already happened? Does encryption even work anymore? Do they already have a quantum computer that does this shit already? Or some like low grade version of it that, okay, it doesn't take a minute to decrypt something. It takes two weeks. I don't know. But this is where I get, I'm so sorry, you, but this is just where my, when I do these solo episodes, I just try to tell you what I've been thinking. And I have no basis for this other than pure speculation.
Starting point is 01:37:57 No nothing. You know how like Israel has been targeting members of Hezbollah? You know, it's like the precision targeting of people, the knowing where everything is, all the weapons, all the underground tunnels. And Israel is like a very technologically advanced country. And after I watched that Forbes video, I started thinking, fuck man, do they have a quantum computer? If they found a way to like decrypt all of the communications between
Starting point is 01:38:46 Iran, the Houthis. Do they have that? And if they have it, we have it. Did we fucking give them like a quantum computer that they're using to like just know everything that's happening? I don't know! But that's what it would look like. That's what you would see if someone came up with this
Starting point is 01:39:09 is all of a sudden you would see these crazy, perfectly targeted strikes taking out political leaders that serve not just the purpose of eliminating a threat, but send a message of like, we know where you are all the time to the point where the apparently like Hezbollah like one of the people they wanted to make the leader was like no thanks because they just keep them as soon as you sign whatever paper makes you the leader of Hezbollah do they sign
Starting point is 01:39:38 something that's fucking weird how they do that get a certificate or you get your Hezbollah badge is the leader of Hezbollah, you're dead. You walk outside and you explode. So like that's what you would see. It implies an incredible surveillance ability that seems more advanced than anything I've ever heard of before Does Israel have a quantum computer I don't know I mean I don't I hope so but If they do and if we really have that tech Then holy shit, man
Starting point is 01:40:25 They know it's gonna leak out into the world and everything's gonna change I'm gonna cut to a break. We'll be right back with info wars I want Alex Jones That wasn't my intent I WON ALEX JONES! Okay, let's keep going. I WON ALEX JONES! That wasn't my intent, but when I see a new UFO thing I get excited. But the... The real question, I think you have to be asking yourself, unless you're one of those people who's immune to this shit because you stay off your phone because you're healthy, you're out there jogging and reading, you garden.
Starting point is 01:41:06 I don't know why you're listening to my podcast, but maybe some of you are out there, I don't know. I have friends where I'm like, do you know about the hurricane that's coming? And they're like, what? What, how do you not know? How wonderful your life is? You know, I'm a junkie, I'm a tech junkie.
Starting point is 01:41:24 But the question is, okay, so we now know, without having to even seem like a prepper, without having to seem like some kind of loon cultist, someone who subscribed to some prophecy, we now know that in five to seven years decryption isn't going to work anymore. Decryption, encryption rather, is the backbone of not just like government, states, relationships, affairs but of banking, of everything. So we know that is coming to an end and we know that probably when it happens, which it will, everything's going to be turned on its head for a second. So because we know we have this impending crazy shit that's coming, not just to mention that.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Aside from the ability to decrypt data, it's going to do everything else. That was another thing Forbes was showing, this new field of AI where they're analyzing animal language. They think they might be able to understand what birds are saying pretty soon. And they're saying that's bad for birds. Because if we know what they're saying, we can talk to them. And like, humans are going to fuck up birds. Humans are going gonna teach birds stuff and tell birds stuff and like, you know, talk to them about like how to start fires. Someone will, for sure. Some asshole will talk to a blue j and explain to them the idea of friction. Like, it may probably more likely a woodpecker, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 01:43:02 But just like, you know, if instead of pecking at the fucking thing, you just rubbed your beak against it, set the thing on fire. Now you have a woodpecker that understands how to start fires, and they're gonna tell their friends, and that's it. There's just gonna be fires everywhere. Not to mention all the other things they're gonna learn to do. We're gonna have racist birds too.
Starting point is 01:43:22 Exactly. The wrong fucking person's gonna get to the Blue Jays. Right? Some asshole fucking white supremacist edgelord. 4chan's gonna fuck up the birds for fun! Birds are gonna get depressed or maybe we'll convince them they should wear clothes.
Starting point is 01:43:47 It would be adorable. Point is like all this stuff is just right around the corner and quantum computing is going to be part of what allows us to do that. It's going to be what gives the AI. It's probably going to be what makes a strong general AI if we don't already have one. So it's not just decryption, it's everything is going to change when we exponentially increase the processing power of computers. Just the way everything did change because of our
Starting point is 01:44:19 relatively slow acceleration when it comes to processing power. So you know it's coming, that means what do you do? That's the big question. How do you prepare for this? Without like going numb and becoming some nihilist, which is maybe a healthy reaction to it. A lot of people are doing that. A lot of people are going like Roman Empire Hedonism at the end of time which is fucking hot But I don't know if that's the answer. I
Starting point is 01:44:55 Think it's like you've got to find something Like some kind of like foundation, some kind of like whatever it may be, a place within all of this madness what's coming. You don't want to be part of the fucking frenzied masses at the end of time. It's no fun. Who wants to go out like that? It's an embarrassment. I mean, I'm assuming we're all going to be watching videos of this thing we called human
Starting point is 01:45:43 life together in some living room Laughing at how we acted in this very realistic simulator You want to be the like guy and on on video that became a cannibal? And all your friends are like dude. What the fuck like why did you decide to start eating people when they said they were? Why did you decide to start eating people when they said they were aliens before? You know, you don't be that guy you want a belly flop into the apocalypse So or maybe you with ideas you have to become some kind of trip sitter Maybe like that's the idea is like because what's happening is so psychedelic
Starting point is 01:46:25 Because technology is a psychedelic and a lot of people have never taken psychedelics. They're about to have like their first real trip. They're about to watch the walls melt but they won't even know that they're on a drug. Maybe that's the idea is like how can we be a trip sitter at the end of time? How do you maintain some kind of authentic peace, not bullshit peace, which I love on TikTok bullshit peace videos. Oh my God. People who are having nervous fucking breakdowns, talking about how love's the most important thing. At least admit you're having a nervous breakdown and say, I think love's the most important
Starting point is 01:47:11 thing, but I'm out of my fucking gourd right now. I'm scared. I want it to be. I mean, that's how I feel. I do think love's the most important thing, but also, like like I could just be freaking out. Regardless, you gotta figure out a way to find some kind of balance, some stability that isn't based on the state configuring itself into some form that you think is just.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I mean, think of like the USSR. Ari Matty talked about when a country collapses, it's like, you don't announce it. Just collapses. Like, I think if you've like staked your whole life on your identity as a Soviet USSR They had to go through that man The whole thing fell apart You would go fucking nuts probably and how many of us have like staked our identity on like the united states of america not collapsing
Starting point is 01:48:23 Oof That's going to be a real kick in the nuts if that happens Not collapsing Whoo That's gonna be a real kick in the nuts if that happens And drive a lot of people crazy. I don't think actually I don't think it is gonna happen But maybe something even bigger than that So, what do you what do you do I'll tell you what you fucking do You subscribe to my youtube channel do. You subscribe to my YouTube channel. Follow me here. We got five to seven years before quantum computers tear a hole in the wall holding back all the greatest secrets. Maybe in time space itself, maybe there's no difference. This fucks up my planning just based on subscribers right now I think we're at one thousand one
Starting point is 01:49:10 hundred thousand what are we at Josh? 101,000. We're at 101,000. So which is incredible. It's going up. But what's Mr. Beast at now? 350 I'm a check 350 million I think it's mr. Beast is at 350 million
Starting point is 01:49:33 So Based on 319 million went down so based on a hundred identical twins fight for $250,000 can you look that looks remember RoboCop yeah remember the commercials in RoboCop yeah that's what this reminds me of will you pull up a RoboCop commercial Mr. Beast produces what could only be called an end of the world dysphoria. There needs to be a better name for it, but the feeling you get of wooziness when you
Starting point is 01:50:14 see the insane shit that's popping up out of the technological mind right now, it creates a very specific feeling like a robotic goose walked over your grave why is it in the commercial is it i think it probably is yeah wait hold on go back to yeah just how long is it yeah play that magniful How long is it going to play that? Magniful. Lethal response. Is it time for that big operation? This may be the most important decision of your life.
Starting point is 01:50:53 So come down and talk to one of our qualified surgeons. Here at the Family Heart Center, we feature the complete JARVIC line. Series 7 Sports Heart by Jensen Yamaha. You picked the whole thing. Extended warranties. Financing. Qualifies for health tax credit. And remember, we care. Yeah, it was so good. The commercials are really good. But that's what Mr. Beast makes me feel like it's like, whoa, crazy that that is real. And it shouldn't be real. It shouldn't be real. But if I don't, if you don't subscribe to this,
Starting point is 01:51:38 what that does is it it makes it so that the amount of time it's going to take me to get 350 million subscribers is longer Than the amount of time that the world as we know it exists So we got this quantum computer stuff And I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this it's sped up It's we got a rush now we got a rush because five years seven years What year will that be Josh?
Starting point is 01:52:10 2035 years 2029 seven years 2031 so we okay 2031 2031. It's done. We're it's over. It's over Quantum computers are gonna rip a hole in the time-space continuum if that doesn't happen Aliens are gonna come and if that doesn't fucking happen They're gonna have to lock us down in some kind of fascist police state because we know all their secrets We don't respect them as leaders anymore Regardless, we don't much time that they're gonna even let us use this technology probably or we don't have that much time before we realize We're all the exact same thing and that we've been like
Starting point is 01:52:43 hallucinating reality as a defense mechanism against the horrifying feeling of being the only thing in the universe. No mommy, no daddy, no one to reach out to, no one to kiss, no one to put to bed, just a howling void and so we go insane and extantiate a universe which is what we're all part of
Starting point is 01:53:01 and we're gonna realize, oh no, I woke up into the nightmare again either way If I don't get subscribers It in an exponentially I love saying that and an exponentially increased rate Then I will not be able to use that money to blow up the Great Pyramid of Giza To make every single thing that Mr. Beast has done seem like an impotent gesticulation. Like the the way fiddler crabs wave their claws at you on the beach to scare you. Just a fiddler crab on the beach of time Mr.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Beast. Just waving your little fucking claw. I got twins to fight. I'm gonna blow up the fucking pyramids. And I'm gonna do it with Mentos. I'm gonna do it with Diet Coke. We're cutting that fucking horrible capstone right off that motherfucker. We're filling it with Diet Coke, dropping Mentos in. Bam, we're blowing it up. We're blowing it up.
Starting point is 01:54:07 And then we're gonna get to Stonehen Inch. And I'm going to challenge MrBeast to a Jenga competition. And whoever loses must destroy their YouTube account. And that's going to be MrBeast. So, you know what that means? If we can get this done, let's say, in four years. Three years. Four years. Let's say four years. We get this done in four years, three years, four years. Let's say four years. We get this done in four years.
Starting point is 01:54:27 You will have two years, two Mr. Beast-free years before the apocalypse. Think about that. You'll have two years of no Mr. Beast, no, we got a man to live inside an elephant's rectum for a month. None of mr. Beast free just DTFH just these wonderful conversations we get to have together and Videos of the pyramids getting exploded which will just be glorious and maybe just maybe That'll be the thing that brings us together.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Maybe, just maybe, we don't need an alien invasion. We don't need fascism. We don't need to be scared by lies to become some servant book bootlickers, the ruling class. No. Maybe just maybe what we need is to join together against a common evil. The pyramids and Mr. Beast right there in front of us the whole time. Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast. just placed there by the universe, placed there to serve a purpose, and I don't think it's a terrible purpose. Without Judas, you have no Jesus. I mean, you have a Jesus, but he's walking around.
Starting point is 01:55:59 Doesn't work for the story. Judas had to take the bullet. I don't think Mr. Beast is bad. He seems like a great guy. Thank you for sending me all the food and stuff. buzzer beater, shootout, walk off, and absolutely every play in between is amazing. From football to basketball and hockey to baseball, whatever the moment, it's never ordinary at Bet365. Must be 19 or older, Ontario only.
Starting point is 01:56:35 Please play responsibly. If you or someone you know has concerns about gambling, visit connectsontario.ca. Hey, I'm Jillian. And I'm Patrick. And together we make the podcast True Crime Obsessed. If you love documentaries the way we love documentaries, you might be interested in our show because we recap all the documentaries that you're watching.
Starting point is 01:56:55 We've covered just about every true crime case you can imagine. We're talking the hatchet-wielding hitchhiker, the Ted Bundy tapes. What else? The Turpent 13. Yes. The amazing sisters who basically tell the story, the girl in the picture. Yes, all the documentaries you love to talk about with your friends, we're your friends now.
Starting point is 01:57:09 We're the friends you talk about that stuff with. Yeah. We're True Crime Obsessed Podcasts, Twitch, Rest, and Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. But, you know, is a symbol, You know, as a symbol, as a symbol of all the antiquated things and all the bad things and all the things that went wrong and all the errors that humans have made on the macro and micro scale, I think Mr. Beast is pretty good for that.
Starting point is 01:57:40 I think that's what he represents. An amalgam of all the things we did when we were having our worst day, sewn together as a YouTuber. Lauren, take him out. I can't do it without your help. We have five to seven years left of human civilization, and I would love to take the pyramids out with a couple of years after to enjoy that feeling of living on a pyramid mr. Beast free planet click subscribe down there Just click it. I don't even know what it does
Starting point is 01:58:13 but click it and then I will have Not just the Exhilaration of knowing that I am part of a team of people all around the planet working together towards a common goal. I won't just have that, but I'll know I have a new friend. I'll know I have a comrade. I know I have somebody that I would want to teach my kid how to play basketball or whatever. That's you or whatever you're good at. I never want you to meet my kid or I would never let you actually teach them something.
Starting point is 01:59:04 You know what I mean. Click subscribe, subscribe to love here in the last few fleeting years before the end of time. I'll see you guys next week, bye. Hey, I'm Jillian. And I'm Patrick, and together we make the podcast True Crime Obsessed. If you love documentaries the way we love documentaries, you might be interested in our show
Starting point is 01:59:31 because we recap all the documentaries that you're watching. We've covered just about every true crime case you can imagine. We're talking the hatchet-wielding hitchhiker, the Ted Bundy tapes, what else? The Turpent 13 with the amazing sisters who basically tell the story, the girl in the picture.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yes, all the documentaries you love to talk about story, the girl in the picture. Yes. All the documentaries you love to talk about with your friends, we're your friends now. We're the friends you talk about that stuff with. Yeah. We're true crime obsessed podcasts. Stitches on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.

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