Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 666: Soloooooooooo

Episode Date: February 10, 2025

Thank you for joining us on this most holy day, the acid-chicken reincarnation ritual of St. Barnabas. This episode is brought to you by: Try your first month of BlueChew FREE. Visit BlueChew.com... for more details and important safety information. Start the New Year off with clothes that actually fit right. Visit trueclassic.com/DUNCAN to save. Shop now and elevate your wardrobe today. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/duncan and get on your way to being your best self.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to you, my friend. You're listening to the DTFH. It is a joy. I wish you a happy feast of Barnabas. We just finished doing our celebrations. Could not find a Barnabas chicken anywhere. We went to Whole Foods. We went to H-E-B, a couple of markets downtown.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Impossible to find. And I don't wanna dive in the conspiracy rabbit hole, but people are saying that right now there is active suppression of the Festival of Barnabas and that Barnabas chickens with their signature bright red beak and fluffy tails are being bought up by overseas conglomerates and incinerated, which not only is offensive to those of us who follow the ways of Barnabas, but also
Starting point is 00:00:51 just to life itself. My god, we don't incinerate Barnabas chickens. We dissolve them in a very powerful acid that instantaneously vaporizes them and they experience no pain. In fact, many say that the Barnabas chicken experiences a kind of transcendent ecstasy upon dissolution. That ecstasy being so powerful, in fact, that it reunites the Barnabas chicken with the Godhead causing the Barnabas chicken to instantaneously discard all previous karmas that led it to birth as a Barnabas chicken. Now I don't want to get into some deep philosophical debate here, but a lot of people say to be
Starting point is 00:01:32 born as a Barnabas chicken means that you are a saint in your previous incarnation. And others say it's just dumb luck. You are a chicken. Chickens according to just basic statistics, anyone who's been to any chicken aviary and watched reproductive patterns of chickens knows that from sometimes the time you get a Barnabas chicken Now I would argue that Natural selection to me it seems like because there's such a high value on any Barnabas chicken, especially these days Just through breeding we would have more Barnabas chickens. And yet this is one of the great mysteries of the Barnabas chicken, especially these days, just through breeding, we would have more Barnabas chickens. And yet this is one of the great mysteries of the Barnabas chicken.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You cannot breed a Barnabas chicken. Barnabas chickens are sterile, meaning they can't reproduce, which is fucking crazy. So how it happens, I don't know. Is it they did something great in a past life thus allowing them to be dissolved in the tears of Barnabas? life thus allowing them to be dissolved in the tears of Barnabas? Don't know. But I do know this. There is a war on the feast of Barnabas right now and it just seems to be part of a general sort of cultural arm wrestling match that's happening right now between two disparate paradigms. Normally I don't get into this sort of thing, but I just think from an anthropological perspective
Starting point is 00:02:51 of sort of let's just look at what's going on, put our hands on the railroad track, feel the vibration, feel the train a coming so that we can remove our bodies and the bodies of our lovers from the track. Because there's nothing like banging on a railroad track. Johnny Cash, one of my first songs. Now, as many of you probably know, Pete Hegseth is Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And whenever you get chosen by the president to get one of these high level jobs essentially be running the whole fucking military billions and billions of dollars and we know that of all the Branches of the US government the one that is the most cost-efficient and keeps track of government, the one that is the most cost efficient and keeps track of spending is the military. They say the military has never lost a single dime, all that money accounted for. Sure, you're the military. You could be in a rush when you're ordering bullets on Amazon and order premium, high-priced, next-day bullets, but the US military when they're ordering weapons from Bezos from Amazon
Starting point is 00:04:15 They never use same day or even next day they use the most they they time it out So anyway, the point is they save money When they're when they buy weapons, I'm just saying all this because it's a huge is essentially You're an accountant if you get this job and so that's why they're going to grill your ass to make sure that you are going to stay on top of all of that money, just so much money, like more money than anyone has ever had access to in the history of the human race. And the temptation there of course, if you were in any kind of position of power, especially what Hegseth could potentially be in, what position Hegseth could be in, you know, one might think, my God, like, once you realize that you could just move a couple of numbers
Starting point is 00:04:57 around and not only your family, but generations of your family will eternally have wealth, land, principalities, and no one will notice, no one will give a shit. In fact, people kind of expect you to do it, you know, from a cynical perspective. So you got to grill these people and Hegseth is on the smoker right now. And I want to play just a quick exchange that happened with Pete Hegseth. Insult with the president about what the... What's her name?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Elizabeth Warren. Glenador. What's her name? Elizabeth Warren. I thought it was Glenador of the North Forest. Go ahead, let's play it. In other words, you're quite sure that every general who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for 10 years. You're not willing to make that same pledge?
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'm not a general, Senator. You'll be the one, let us just be clear, in charge of the generals. So you're saying sauce for the goose but certainly not sauce for the candor? I would want to see what the policy of the president is. Oh, I'll bet you would. Thank you. Oh, now, Glynneador, she, by the way, and I'm not trying to muckrake here, did she get slightly owned at some semantic level?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yes. But, again, not trying to be partisan here, Glenedore has been accused of mishandling her elf servants and broke the pelvis of one, apparently. Did you hear that? Oh, no. Yeah, the water gatherer apparently was late to a dinner party she was having, and she, according to many people who were there catering,
Starting point is 00:06:44 of course, the people eating there aren't gonna say shit, but two of the caterers reported to Vulture that they saw her pick the poor little guy up and just smash him into the stones beneath her dining table. And that no one helped, that he kind of, you know, weeping, pulled his way across the floor, left like a blood trail. He is recovered.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, that's good. Yeah, but Jesus Christ, if you're doing that to... The point is, you know, a lot of folks in positions of power right now are probably not treating the beings that they summon or capture kindly. So I'm just going to say that it's not a partisan statement at all. But with Hegseth though, you know, that's just the tip of the iceberg. And I stumbled upon this article on Apple News, which is absolutely insane. You know, it really does.
Starting point is 00:07:49 We were talking about this earlier. It just everything is changing. It just feels like everything is changing. And you know, when five years ago, I never would have expected to read this article. Senator Hegseth shifts focus with mystical tale during controversial hearing. In a surprising turn at a recent hearing, Senator Pete Hegseth responded to allegations of misconduct
Starting point is 00:08:14 with a vivid recounting of a mystical experience. The session focused on accusations of gucci from Hegseth's high school years. When asked about the allegations and to specify what gooching meant, Hegseth responded, When I was in high school, it was a common thing to approach a friend from the back and poke his anus with your finger. This was called a gooch. You would yell out, gooch, and they would jump and then they would owe you a gooch. You would yell out gooch and they would jump and then they would owe you a gooch
Starting point is 00:08:47 Hegseth apologized for any gooching he's been accused of And shared an account of a backpacking trip in northern india. This is where it gets fucking weird. Did you hear about this? Uh, I I just want to know was he a thumb guy because that's not appropriate They didn't ask but I do agree with you like that's a should have been a question. I mean the again, you know, was he a thumb guy? Because that's not appropriate. They didn't ask, but I do agree with you. That should have been a question. I mean, the problem is this. I don't want to seem ageist here, but I'm certain that a certain generation of senators of our representatives have no idea what a gooch is.
Starting point is 00:09:20 They probably have another name for it. Heronym. A ham bone or something, but they don't know what a gooch is. I guarantee Mitch McConnell has no idea what a gooch is. If he was gooched when he was younger, he's forgotten it. It's gone in the dust of his mind. He seems more like a goocher.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Nah. He seems like a gooch talker. I mean, it's just the face he would make. True. a gooch tar. I mean like cuz he's just a face he would make true the gooch face Which you know again? I'm not condoning that no one should gooch. It's horrible. It's a terrible habit. Don't do it It's like it's assault. That's what it is, but again. He was in high school When I was in high school you're lucky if you could get down the hall to lunch without 15 gooches Yeah, you know or gooching revenge gooches because you don't pay the gooch back You will get more gooches like and you have to gooch in a way that stops it
Starting point is 00:10:13 So where it gets around like don't don't gooch him You know, I'm I'm not saying that I fisted once but that was the last of my gooching attacks I wore special underwear during high school. So oh yeah that the chromium chromium field Chromium force field the GI Joe thing is like ungucciable. It was gucciable Yeah, if your friend knew what he was doing you there was a way you could go it's terrible And they figured that I wore those two in a minute wearing pair right now, to be honest. They're comfortable. Let me, okay, let me jump back into this.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Okay, yeah, this is where it gets weird. When asked about the allegations, Hegseth instead shared an account of a backpacking trip in Northern India. I saw a hooded figure who motioned for me and gestured towards the sheer wall of a cliff, he recounted. I shrugged, turning towards the cliff, and the hooded figure gooched me harder than I had ever been gooched in my life."
Starting point is 00:11:16 Now this is where it gets completely nuts. The hooded figure said, so begins your teaching. Hexhef continued, This led me to the monastery of Ming Nong Tong, an ancient sanctuary hidden from the world. Hegseth described the monks there as guardians of a message of love detached from physical and egoistic identities. They've preserved this wisdom since the time of a great flood, he explained, emphasizing the importance of transcending material concerns. In a lighter moment, Hegseth added,
Starting point is 00:11:47 I was shown that what we think of as our bodies are just action figures. We are like He-Man, constantly battling Skeletor, who represents our ego. The hearing saw heated exchanges as Senators Bill Chomps, Mitch Horowitz, and Chairman Mao Zedong pressed for clarity on the misconduct allegations. Yet, Hegseth remained focused on his spiritual message, saying that in the same way he eventually lost interest in his He-Man collection, an adult must realize that the action figure of bodily identification must be released for true happiness to be achieved. And that by turning one's focus from the worries that most people who are completely attached to their identity are obsessed with and towards the transcendent divine, the Atman as he called
Starting point is 00:12:40 it or the witness, or as he said in Buddhism is often called emptiness. From this simple shift in attention, one no longer needs the humanist writings, the scriptures or anything because those people who wrote those scriptures were completely tuned into divine consciousness. And thus by turning to the divine one immediately not only understands everything written in all great scriptures but becomes the scripture itself. Like, that I did not expect. No.
Starting point is 00:13:17 From, I've seen him on Fox, don't know that much about him, seems like a nice guy. But then I took a deeper dive, because I was interested in like, okay, who is this guy? Like, what's his story? He was in the military, but I guess during some time out of the military, he just went up to Northern India and like was gone. No one could reach him. They thought he disappeared
Starting point is 00:13:46 and he emerges and then suddenly he's like, Trump is like, okay, here's a job for you, which is really weird. Now, he painted and has done like a whole series which you can find at the Guggenheim actually. With another crazy thing, he's a very well-respected artist. A lot of people are saying he's like this kind of like, I don't know, outsider artist, sort of HR Giger, you know, meets Basquiat or I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I don't get into modern art that much. You know, to me, this seems kind of unfinished. But yeah, this is like the drawing of one of these beings that contacted him. He apparently, like, in this monastery, there were all of these, like, bulbous, caterpillar-watching creatures that he said would spray out a kind of yellow slime that
Starting point is 00:14:47 the monks who wore these insane looking headdresses would then rub onto your perineum and gooch you. And that he doesn't know if this was actually their tradition or via some telepathic connection to his past, they used his gocci misconduct as the mechanism of transferring this information also known as the Dharma transmission. No one knows. It's up for debate, but I mean what a wild time. I mean, what do you think man? You know, I think if we... ["Better Sex with Bluechew"] Have better sex with Bluechew. Bluechew is the original brand offering chewable tablets.
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Starting point is 00:17:21 They don't give them to me for free. Which I'm not asking, but that would be cool. Get too caught up in day-to-day life, our bodies, our families, the worries of everyday life, then for sure, the more caught up in that you get, the more you believe that your life, your individual life is more important than everyone else's life or the or you sort of forget the holistic view of the human identity as being like a transient sort of melting sentient candle that gradually degrades into a sort of dementia or you know sudden death or whatever thus irrelevant izing the general like, normie pursuits, money, fame, fucking, nice house, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's kind of like being in an airport and like, you know, spending all your money on shit in an airport gift store, which is overpriced garbage most of the time. You know what I mean? So yeah, like to fixate too much on the identity and then sort of shift your attention to the watcher or the thing that, you know, the awareness of your thoughts versus your thoughts, the awareness of your body for God is what some people call it. Don't you feel like that could be an easy excuse to just bail on responsibility? Yeah, because the mundane scares people. And that's, I mean, I don't think any, for example, you said buying something at the airport that's cheap, who am I buying it for?
Starting point is 00:19:22 You know what I mean? That's the important thing, who I'm buying it for. There you go. And how they feel about that. And this gooching thing, my wife and I have been playing that game since we started dating. And we both gooch each other when we're doing dishes, inappropriate times in the middle of a grocery store. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:39 The reason I brought up the thumb thing, she's a thumb person, I don't like it, it's too evasive, it gets too high up there. Too invasive. Yeah. The thumb is, that's just a general savage. Yes. That is like, if, I don't know, man,
Starting point is 00:19:53 that just feels like, if, okay, picture this, a time travel movie, they open up a portal and someone, I don't know, like a Neanderthal or like, you know, an ancient human is teleported into the modern world. And it seems like that's how they would gooch, how the Neanderthal would gooch. It seems like how, you know what I mean? Like-
Starting point is 00:20:17 And the Neanderthal thumb has some girth on it. Well, yes, yes. That's one of the reasons they say, you know, there was a war between the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, did you know that? Yeah, with 3% Neanderthal population. Yeah, because we banged some of them too, but this is one of the theories of why we took them out,
Starting point is 00:20:36 is their gooching practice. It wasn't just that they would thumb gooch, it's that their thumbs were gigantic and that it could cause internal injuries. Tears. Tears, rips, what was the name of that? Did you ever see that crazy video? Oh God, it's gone now.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I watched it, Mr. Hands. I haven't seen that one. So this is like, like before the sterilization of the internet, and though you could still find horrific shit obviously on the internet, you just have. And though you could still find horrific shit, obviously on the internet, you just have to work a little harder to find it. But in those days, you didn't have to work at all.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You wanted to see somebody getting their claws ripped out by a Falcon. You were like one click away, easy to find. But this was a, I think they did a documentary on it because the video went viral. And so this is a dude who lets a horse mount him and the horse
Starting point is 00:21:32 kills him basically via internal injuries and remember this video now you saw the sleeve came out is what it looked like By sleeve, I mean internal sleeve. Yes, And that caused nightmares as I was in college, I'd never seen anything like that. No, well because this is a glimpse of such depravity that it's almost incomprehensible. It is sort of like HP love, eldritch, this is like, how do I put it? It's like,
Starting point is 00:22:03 Uronimus Bosch, pull up Euronymous Bosch. Good luck spelling that. It's gonna take 20 minutes, dude. It's a H, starts with an H. Euronymous, Euronymous Bosch, Bosch, Bosch. His name sounds like the way his paintings look. Now, just go to images.
Starting point is 00:22:25 We'll look up the garden of, this is his most famous one, Garden of Earthly Delights. Yeah, pull that shit up. This one or this one? Ah, let me see that. No, the demonic looking one, two over, right there. This one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Oh yeah, pull that. Does it enlarge? What the fuck? There it is. Okay. Can you zoom in on that at all? Yeah. Anyway, this dude, like look, what's going on there?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Just don't even move it. Here you've got what appears to be some kind of violin, the guy's turning it, and he's got some kind of bowl, and he's being, he's being gooched. Look, you see what I'm pointing at, John? This one right? He's like on a mandolin. Yes, right.
Starting point is 00:23:10 See that? Yeah. Yeah, so the, basically like, he was trying to sort of embody ultimate depravity, which it's kind of hilarious that with humans, like putting something in your bum. That guy's diving in his butt though. Look, see how he's like ready to dive in.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Oh, he's about to dive in. Wow. Yeah. So Bosch had some butt issues. His mom got weird when she changed his diaper. But the point is every once in a while, because of our access to the activities of our entire species, which is brand new, we never had it, and also the bizarre compulsion some people seem to have, not just to like do some of the craziest shit that would probably make Euronymous Bosch be like,
Starting point is 00:23:57 dude, I'm putting out my painting. That is fucking incredible. But, but to film it. So it's this exhibitionist kink. It's paired kinks. It's like take kink X, and also the person's an exhibitionist, and this is the birth of amateur porn, basically. This is where suddenly you're watching things that based on your cultural conditioning seem
Starting point is 00:24:24 like something if you were wandering in, I don't know, the first level of hell, you would look at them like, yeah, makes sense. That's what Mr. Hands was. Mr. Hands, what was so horrific about Mr. Hands? Because there's a lot of different levels to it. Obviously the bestiality level and the training. Oh, I know of the horse. Oh, shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So the horse, instead of getting to gallop outside and ride, is like in some dark shed. You know what I mean? Just like, just like, constantly being invited Just like constantly being invited to, you know, to cross a specie boundary. I'm trying to couch my words here. And you know, that's gotta feel so weird for the horse. Cause you don't, you probably initially like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:20 in the same way when I see like a horse's ass, I'm not like, damn. Yeah, I gotta fuck that like I'm sure when a horse sees like a human ass Just think how small it seems to it think out how shriveled how Emanciated how weak you know what I mean just how generally repugnant no fur You know what I mean? Just how generally repugnant, no fur, right? But then somehow you realize, well, if I do it, they give me carrots. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And you've probably had conversations at night with your friends in the stable. Like, dude, they wanna give me so many carrots, but it just seems fucked up. Like, aside from the fact it's like gross, I'm pretty sure like just sizing this creature up, man. I don't know how they survived this. And then probably one of the horses is like, they don't.
Starting point is 00:26:16 They don't. And so, yeah, you know, there's a practice that Shaolin monks do. Have you heard of this shit? They fucking punch boulders. Did you know you can like, they punch, the way they train is they punch into, I think I heard buckets of sand.
Starting point is 00:26:35 They start punching sand. Essentially they like do the thing that happens when you learn to play guitar to their- They callus their knuckles. They callus the shit out of their hands. And then they also learn some way of striking that just, I don't know, who knows? It looks like magic to me, chi energy, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:50 But they can just, they can like punch through a boulder. Oh, that's the guys that put like a blade at their throat and then bend the wooden whatever, the spear. Yeah, they do crazy shit like that. And, but so the, you know, obviously the, what they've taught us is not just like you can have a tough ass hand and you can punch boulders in half. They taught us, I mean, if you could do that to your hand, you could do it to any part of your body. Meaning, you could do a completely different type of training with your manhood. You could theoretically as a horse via some divine inspiration, some intuition, train.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You know, you're stuck in this situation, you love carrots, you're getting increasingly disgusted and pissed off, and so you train at night. You train at night so it's not just like size. It's this thing is essentially like a billy club. And then that was revenge that we witnessed on the Mr. Hands video. When you saw that happen, that is pure revenge. And I guarantee that was the last time Mr. Hands had to do that job.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I don't know because it's like when people find out. It's a Disney movie. It's the next Disney film. It's like the new Dumbo. Yeah. It's beautiful. It's a story of liberation. God, that'd be fucking incredible
Starting point is 00:28:27 Who would play mr. Hands? the Rock Oh God I Mr. Hands as the Rock and you just you just have to show him like, you know classic Disney thing young. Mr. Hands running with his parents classic Disney thing, young Mr. Hans, running with his parents. He looks so, he like, they run by a nudist colony. What's going on? Why are those humans so gross and naked and humping out in the sun?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Just run, son, just run. Ah, father! Lasso. They get away, he's pulled in, and that's when the training starts. And then he meets another, I don't know, it can't be a horse, it's gotta be like a bluebird or something that comes to his door and teaches him.
Starting point is 00:29:10 He's part of Charlotte's Web, and it's just from the horse's point of view. Oh, it's just Charlotte's, it's like the perspective of the spider, like what the fuck barn is this? Yeah, well what does this horse do? What am I watching? This is so, well anyway, the point is that, you
Starting point is 00:29:30 know, that video, the reason it froze into our minds was because of the sound he made. Yes. Yep. And it was, I mean, there's no way to describe the sound. Gutteral. It was a guttural, it was like, you know, it was like just the sound of like someone's soul getting humped out of their mouth. Like it pushed his soul out of his mouth, basically. You hear his soul happily leave his fucking mouth, like, Jesus, get me out of here. This is so fucked up to have this karma.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I can't believe I'm embodied in a dude who likes to get banged by horses. What the fuck, man? Why did I pick this incarnation? It seems to me that the idea that you should find a way to not be so obsessed with your own fucking life, that if you really look at your obsession with your own life, it's interesting early on. Like in your 20s, kind of being obsessed with yourself, you're still new-ish. You're still in your, you're, you have all this new freedom. There's something interesting about the situation,
Starting point is 00:30:55 confusing, but you know, as you get older, it's a little bit like chewing gum for a long time, but the gum's your identity. And you've done all the loops in your head. You know the recurring thought patterns. You know the dramas you inevitably get enmeshed in. And it does feel a little bit like when I used to play with G.I. Joe's. Do you remember the trance state that would happen with action figures?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, it was a real like you with my little brother. We'd get into actual arguments because the world we created, you know, it's so real to us. Yes. Like that's I don't think I'm my kids are lucky because I remember that trance state. And like. I don't think my I think some parents don't remember, or maybe they weren't lucky enough to even have that trance date and like I Don't think my I think some parents don't remember or maybe they weren't lucky enough to even have that trance date But like this is before Internet this is before video games. So this is what you had That in books and dude the dramas that would unfold in my own head You would hold these fucking figures and have full-on conversations with them and
Starting point is 00:32:08 like The world would just sort of disappear around you and you were really embroiled in this thing that you were just Summoning up with your brain. And so that is what is the difference And so that is what is the difference between what we were doing then and what we're doing now other than that Actually, we can't see what's holding the action figure You know what I mean like we're so embroiled in this drama that we have become completely oblivious To whatever might be witnessing the drama or just in the drama and so like To the more you get embroiled in the drama or just in the drama. And so like to the more you get embroiled in the drama,
Starting point is 00:32:51 the more sticky it becomes. And the less likely you are to have that glimpse of like, wait, I'm watching all of this. There's a part of me that's just watching this play out. I'm not, though I am in the world, though I am arguing online, though I am neurotically obsessed with AI, there's another part of me that just seems to be watching the whole situation unfold, completely unaffected, not touched at all. Just watching. Almost infuriating in its pervious quality. You know, like so, don't you think
Starting point is 00:33:35 it makes more sense to just sort of like begin focusing on that thing, right? Or no? No, yeah. I think as children, we of course were innocent so we don't know anything about the world so we imagine these horrible things. I remember playing with my GI Joes. Everything was murder and I killed, you know, they killed everybody at this. And as you get older, you just want to be safer. So we get more and more entrenched in our own life, not necessarily because we think we are literally the center of the world, but we just want to be safer. So we get more and more entrenched in our own life Not necessarily because we think we are literally the center of the world But we just want to be safe and we don't say think that listen don't bother me and I have my truth and let me live
Starting point is 00:34:14 This truth that everybody has their truth. Yeah, and it's like that No, there is there is the truth and you just don't want people to burst your little bubble You know what I mean? Right? So we play safer and safer and safer and to let that out we go online and we say this horrible shit to each other because now you now you feel like I feel fuck you yeah that feels better and it's just it's we need to go back to playing with our GI Joes and getting out this murderous rage yeah well we this is the sort of I I don't like I don't know Honestly how much time
Starting point is 00:34:49 people spend Thinking about like the nature of awareness You know and I just I don't yeah, you know what I mean like so like you you have that moment On mushrooms, maybe a lot of people have it on psychedelics you just sort of It's remembering you it's really a lot like It's adjacent. Do you ever been knocked unconscious? Yes
Starting point is 00:35:18 Okay What happened? I don't remember being knocked out, but I remember waking up with a horrible headache. Okay Yeah, you had a concussion my yeah My uncles and cousins would get drunk and high and box me and my older cousin were little kids That was my first time I got knocked out Jesus Christ, I feel sorry for them. Your mom must have fucking killed them No, she had no idea until I was a adult. I wasn't gonna snitch on them. Good job.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That is a good, that was really honorable of you. Well, the bet was never who wins. The bet was how long can I last. Jesus Christ. I bet you could fight. That's some Spartan shit. It was some 50-50 shit. I have two left feet, no footwork.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Footwork's the hardest though. Yeah, yeah. That's so hard. It's a big ask When you're getting punched to also dance Yes, it's like fuck you like on top of like just learning how to like keep my hands up I've got to do some kind of bizarre Survival dance and be aware of the survival dance the opponents doing Jesus is too much boxing, you know, I bet if you took a pro,
Starting point is 00:36:27 not to say they already don't, but if you took a pro boxer, he would learn piano so fast. I bet, I wonder how many of them realize they could play piano. Like if you could box, you could just easily, easily do shit like that. It's obsession. It's obsession. You apply that thing that you apply to boxing to anything. It's like it is an obsession. It's a weird obsession. It triggers.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I think it must. Hell yes! True Classic Tees! That's today's sponsor and I fucked up. I wanted to wear one today and I forgot. I have ADHD. No excuse. I love wearing them. There are very few items of clothing I have right now
Starting point is 00:37:26 because I don't like shopping at all. In fact, I have some kind of weird thing that I should probably go to a therapist because I'm almost positive something awful happened to me at a shopping mall. I get that sense that there is a big, dark, slimy whale swimming within my subconscious mind that I don't wanna acknowledge.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And it happened to me at a Belks, which is a clothing store when I was a kid. Now I was a chubby kid, so I had to wear huskies. That was the humiliation ritual. If you were a chubby kid back in my day, you go and get your huskies. And they were always too tight because, especially in those days,
Starting point is 00:38:05 God help you if you were a chubby kid. So you don't wanna admit it. You get the size would be too small and then you just feel your belly hanging over that flap all day. You'd come home and take them off and there'd be a red ring and your gut fat. Those were dark days for me.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And I think that's why I don't like shopping anymore because it felt really bad to go to World of Clothing with my mom and try to find husky jeans for chubby kids. But now, thank God, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I don't have to go into a shopping center anymore and feel like I'm about to get sucked into the earth by some dark, cursed being living far underneath
Starting point is 00:38:49 because I have true, classic clothes. Not just t-shirts, but I am a t-shirt snob. I value my t-shirts. They mean a lot to me. They bring me a lot of comfort. And honest to God, I can change the way my day is going by putting on a nice t-shirt. And that, right now, my friends, It made me a lot of comfort and honest to God I can change the way my day is going by putting on a nice t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And that right now, my friends, and I mean this from the depths of my heart, the very top of my t-shirt pyramid are true classic tees. And I mean that, not just because they're paying me, I mean it. These are the t-shirts you want. If you're a t-shirt man, as I am, and you should be, or a t-shirt lady,
Starting point is 00:39:27 whatever kind of t-shirt person you may be, my god, you deserve true classic tees. That's a great Valentine's Day gift, by the way. Sure, chocolate, candy, hearts, whatever. Ozymphic injections. Okay. you really want your partner to look at you in the way they used to look at you back in those days when life was a little more free and things were a little more fun.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Give them a box of true classic teas. Also, I might add, I've talked to the owner of true classic teas and he's cool and not only that He found out I was from Asheville. He donated a shit ton of money to Asheville Like what the fuck who does that anymore? That's who this by the shirts Level up your date night or everyday style with clothes that actually fit, right? Just go to my exclusive link at trueclassic.com slash Duncan to save. That's trueclassic.com slash Duncan.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Shop now, elevate your wardrobe today, and please make the CEO feel like he didn't make a mistake by sponsoring my podcast and then donating an insane amount of money to the town I grew up in. Thank you, True Classic. I don't know, because I would never get in an actual boxing fight. I'm clinging to my last brain cells. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I'm just trying to hold on like the last few fries in a fry box on a rainy day, covering, they're gonna get wet eventually and be slop and I'll be some drooling, rambling person who can't remember anything, but I just wanna hold on. So I'm afraid one good blow in a boxing ring, that would be it, dude. be some drooling, rambling person who can't remember anything, but I just want to hold on. So I'm afraid one good blow and a boxing ring, that would be it, dude. I'd be done.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I'd just be done. I'd be stuttering, gone, gone with the wind. But yeah, like, to me, the, the, it's a, like, if you look at a lot of what appears to be The cause of a lot of people's suffering out in the world It Disguises itself as World events a lot of people are suffering because of a perception of world events because the world is so scary right now legitimately shits on fire, wars, drones, AI taking the jobs.
Starting point is 00:42:13 This part of the movie is a little excruciating if you're watching what they call the news. So you get kind of wrapped up in that, or it's like mini dramas, like TikTok dramas and stuff. You know, there's all these, so you have the global events and there's these weird sub dramas between influencers that arise that which are also weirdly off putting for people who get obsessed with it. They get real passionate about the,
Starting point is 00:42:46 like, I don't know, the Neil Gaiman thing. Did you hear about that? You know who Neil Gaiman is? No, who's that? He wrote a bunch of great books. He's kind of a beloved writer. And all, suddenly all these allegations came out that he was like super into BDSM and that he was like
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, I don't know. I didn't read the article yet, but it's shocking, but it would be like Stephen King Yeah, suddenly being discovered. I don't know as he's an arsonist like they saw him at the LA fires He was starting the fires or something should be fucking incredible and horrible but you know what I mean like whoa, but you know this there's those sub dramas you get embroiled in and then you have your day-to-day sort of dramas money family That you get embroiled in but if you look at the quality, it's always it's the same It's the I it's just like when you got attached to your GI Joe's you if you look at the hypnotic state You're in you're about to get vengeance on somebody and really tell them why they're a fucking asshole
Starting point is 00:43:45 That they think they should have that parking spot Like if you look at like that in the way you're embroiled in it It's there's no difference between that and like when you were doing Eman and Skeletor. Yeah, I mean I'm saying that invalidates But it is a little interesting to like When was the last time you got a parking spot stolen from you? Name like the last three times. I don't know about the last three times,
Starting point is 00:44:11 I know, I didn't get it, no. I got towed out of my spot and I pay for that spot and the tow truck just came and towed me out and I felt totally helpless. And you remember the last three times you got cut off in traffic? Yes, that happens a lot here. So you remember every time?
Starting point is 00:44:29 No, I just remember because one I was with my family and they cut me off to the point where I almost had an accident. Another time it was raining. Another time this person's on their phone and cuts all the lanes. I was like, are you, you know, so- You remember this?
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, those because those. I slowly begin to realize I'm just real dumb. I can't remember anything. I thought it was a transcendent quality. I'm like, wait, what? Well, these are times that where it was scary because it's like, you can get in a car accident. I guess the weak ass point I'm trying to make
Starting point is 00:45:04 and I'm happy that maybe I'm wrong. You know what? I'm happy if like I'm projecting my own like mental disintegration onto the world, but I Like I've noticed like I like a week ago I don't really remember what I had for lunch like last Wednesday Now that lunch could have meant something to me. Maybe I was really hungry
Starting point is 00:45:28 But I don't really remember the specifics of it. I don't remember how many lunches God, please don't say you remember all the fucking lies. I don't but this is okay I've been practicing this thing with checkpoints have checkpoints. So I'm literally taking a warm shower. And I'm like, you know, it was from this podcast. It was like a hundred years ago, people weren't taking warm showers. And even if you were rich, so I was like, enjoy this warm shower.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And then as far as meals, I think of meals, how I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna, oh, I'm gonna cook this and then I'm gonna make it this way. So last Tuesday lunch. Last Tuesday lunch, I don't know, but last. Thank you God. Yeah, but two weeks ago I cooked a nice rack of ribs from my mother.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Oh, I remember every brisket I ever made. There you go. But what I'm getting at here is like, a lot of the things that in the moment seem very important, intense. I mean, think back to the girl, whoever she is. Everyone has one, two or three or four. You are obsessed.
Starting point is 00:46:36 You weren't sure if she loved you. You hope so. Would this be the one? I can't live without her. Think of that girl whoever it is Now you might be going through it right now and you're like, yeah, I'm this is horrible Why did you want me to think about her? I just stopped thinking about her. I Listened your podcast to stop thinking about her actually but When I think back to those girls
Starting point is 00:47:03 Girls I felt I remember one girl emailed me a breakup email and I literally fell out of my chair. So embarrassing, like a real drama that I was playing out in front of nothingness. No one's in the room. Maybe I'd seen it in a movie. I was so upset and I writhed around. I was so hurt.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Not saying you shouldn't emote or anything, but when I look back at that, it was like some kind of performative, I don't know, to nobody or everybody, but I was wrecked. But now that seems less real than like the dream I had last night. You know what I mean? Like, like these things in the moment feel like you're being crucified.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But a few months down the line, maybe a year, depending on the thing, they just become these kind of like foggy, glowy, you know they weren't fun, but it doesn't impact you the same way. Distance. Distance, and so from that perspective, the next time you're like going fetal because you get dumped,
Starting point is 00:48:20 you have to look at the entirety of the situation, which is you, that will eventually feel like an embarrassing moment for you. The thing where you feel like this is like the climax of the tragedy that is my life. Those are the best jokes though. Those are the best jokes, you need them. But the, when you're approaching life,
Starting point is 00:48:43 as though you're not going to look back on something, if you even do look back on it and think, whatever, then that means you're constantly recreating this stupid drama that eventually gets completely purified by time. Or rewritten. Or rewritten in your own mind or by them. You know what I mean? It's so this points towards like another way of existing in the world,
Starting point is 00:49:18 which no one's gonna back you up on. Cause you know what, like people want the drama. They want drama. They want to want. They want to be consumed by desire. They want to hurt. They want that feeling of longing.
Starting point is 00:49:37 They want that feeling of disappointment. You know what I mean, the people who just, all they ever talk about is what disappoints them. What bugs them. They're never talking about anything that doesn't bug them. They're just constantly obsessed with the last disappointment. That's their whole lives. And yet they will never talk about the disappointment they had like six months ago.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It has to be fresh disappointment or they don't give a fuck. And yet every fresh disappointment, they act like it's the end of the world. Do you know what I'm talking about? Well, because the mundane is torture. Ah, the mundane. What's the, you mean the mundane just being like a kind of like smooth sailing, no turbulence, seatbelt lights are off. The people who don't have that drama and they have conversations people
Starting point is 00:50:26 What's wrong with this person this person? They're so boring It's just like we mean because I didn't talk shit about anybody or I'm not telling you about my problem Yeah, it seems boring. Yeah, it seems boring you it's like alright. What kind of life would that be if I wasn't? constantly embroiled in An idiot drama or mentally embroiled in someone else's business, I would be so horrifically bored. That's what they think. They would rather live every day with their little buttholes just tight as a, tight as the noose on a hangman's neck.
Starting point is 00:51:14 They would rather live with their quivering buttholes tight, birthing hemorrhoids and their amygdala's just wet, dripping wet amygdala's just pouring cortisol into their bodies. Then experience peace. Peace is scary scary peace is acceptance Huh, yeah I mean maybe the problem is like The belief that if you stop buying into your the drama as much Then You won't experience
Starting point is 00:52:08 Joy, I think you're still gonna experience. You'll still have conflict. You'll still have drama It's not like it's gonna go away your neighbor's still gonna be a fucking piece of shit It's not going anywhere your neighbor's still gonna like throw his dog shit at your kids when they go by or whatever. That's still gonna happen. You don't worry. It's not like the drama goes away. It's just you don't have to be constantly freaked out. Like being freaked out is pretty much like the national identity right now.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You're supposed to be freaked the fuck out. Everyone's freaked out. Have you noticed that? That's why it's getting, that's why it's becoming more frequent, the things that are supposed to freak us out of habit. Frequent. Because we're like drug addicts and the tolerance is too high. So now- Oh yeah, we went from like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:02 a casual bump of blow at a holiday party to under the bridge Yellowed fucking meth pipe smoking bits of gravel cuz we're so high we think maybe just maybe it's a crumbled bit Of meth that you dropped. That's us just under that fucking underpass slurping back vodka and watching Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow and Mr. Hands and Mr. fucking Hands videos
Starting point is 00:53:32 when that doesn't work, see that's my phases of doom Phase one would be you know, find something on the mainstream media that's particularly scintillating Phase two of doom would be play path of exile to what a great game now that's gonna get my amygdala really going because someone told me the The human brain can't differentiate between video games in real life So when you're playing a video game the joy you're getting is because your poor stupid brain is like We're fucking witch now
Starting point is 00:54:02 Holy fuck we gotta get a more big greater energy shield. What are you gonna do? You don't have a lightning amulet and so then That gets you nice and broiled up and that's when it's time for bed even though you're not tired Because your your poor brain is like I guess we don't sleep. How could we sleep right now? I'll take first watch Let's stay awake. Don't worry. I'll keep you awake man. I'm not gonna let you sleep not after that after we fought that fucking act two boss. You kidding me? That's so hard. This game is so hard, dude. Are we gonna have to respect the whole fucking character and then you That's when I go deep That's when it really starts now. It's time for 4chan. Now it's time for retic conspiracy. Now it's time to just dive into the pits
Starting point is 00:54:48 and then pick out the most putrid thing to be afraid of or a general exemplification of a depraved world. And then you go to bed and start the day, the next day. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, you know, man, to wrap it up. My last real ketamine trip. I had a few after that, but this one broke the spell. I don't know why, but I had a ketamine problem. I went in the K-hole, which I loved.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Missed that place. And I had this crazy vision. I was flying down a well. The well was made of Buddhist monks, but they were alive and they were all chanting. And at the bottom of that well, I saw what I thought at the time was the circuitry of reality created, actually created by a divine superintelligence that was completely... This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. We often hear about the red flags we should avoid, but what if we focus more on looking for green flags in friends and partners?
Starting point is 00:56:36 You know the green flags, like when someone comes to your house for the first time and they've got cat food in their pockets that they give to your cat. If you're not sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify green flags, actively practice them in your relationships, and embody the green flag energy yourself. Whether you're dating, married, building a friendship, or just working on yourself, it's time to form relationships that love you back. And I've said on every one of these commercials, and I'll never stop, I have definitely benefited from therapy. It works. There's a reason it exists. It changed my life. BetterHelp is fully online,
Starting point is 00:57:12 making therapy affordable and convenient, serving over 5 million people worldwide. Access a diverse network of more than 30,000 credentialed therapists with a wide range of specialties. Easily switch therapists anytime at no extra cost. Discover your relationship green flags with Better Help. Visit betterhelp.com slash Duncan to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp.com slash Duncan. Thank you, BetterHelp. Somehow divinity and simplification or divinity and optimization were like identical. That one quality of it was like pure simplicity, pure optimization, like which would save the most energy. And so in the creation of the reality we're in, I realized that it is simul- like, the way the circuitry works is, if you are concerned with your own needs
Starting point is 00:58:32 and desires and wants, then the circuitry flows towards you naturally. You become a, I don't know what the word, a receiver of the energy. The more you stay in that state, the darker your life becomes. And this is how you live in hell. The more selfish you are, the more energy you're drawing from the world around you, the darker things get somehow, almost as though that energy was lighting things up. And you're drawing it all into yourself because you don't understand that, like, that you, there's a confusion regarding, like, how to experience the divinity.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You want to eat it. And so that, and the more you do that, the denser you get or something. And the more dense you become, the less likely you are to change. And the less likely you are to change. And the less likely you are to change, the more obsessed with yourself you become. And this produces almost like a neutron star effect. So that's how heaven and hell coexist. The less you are thinking about yourself,
Starting point is 00:59:44 and it's not enough to be a nihilist, but rather the less you are thinking about yourself, and it's not enough to like be a nihilist, but rather the more you're thinking about putting energy out around you, paradoxically, the lighter you become and the more things brighten up around you. And that therefore, the simple thing to ask yourself at any given moment is, who am I serving right now? And if you're serving yourself,
Starting point is 01:00:09 then ultimately you will not find any real happiness in that pursuit. And so the way out of hell is so fucking simple. And then when you think of hell, you realize if any people need help, it's people in hell. The moment people in hell actually started helping each other instead of like screaming, it would no longer be hell. Probably wouldn't be great for a while, but it would instantaneously transform into something completely an opportunity to like help. instantaneously transform into something completely an opportunity to like help. Which leads me to something my great-grandmother used to say. If you add a P to hell, you get fel. P-H-E-L-L. And she would always say that and she'd pause. Obviously, this is my great-grandmother, she's very old.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And she'd say it at the table and her lead into it would be so long, she would start talking about this star. She called it a black star that was in the heart of every man. And then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, great grandmother of southern family. You're not going to interrupt her. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And we would try things. My brother, my sister, she kicked the, she would kick the dog hoping it would make it yelp and sort of snap my great-grandmother out of the thing, but it never worked.
Starting point is 01:01:47 But once the dog bit her foot, just to show how intense this was, this is like the fourth Thanksgiving, the last Thanksgiving I spent with my great-grandmother. Yeah, she tried the dog trick, and I told her, just don't do it. It never works. You just like the dog just like yelps and it feels worse.
Starting point is 01:02:11 So the dog was sick of this shit because she'd been doing this every year. So right when my great grandmother gets into the there's a black star in the heart of every man or you talk about Araman or something but my sister, she kicks the shit out of the fucking dog. And the dog just turned around and like bit her foot, just like cut through her foot and runs out from under the table. It's got blood all over it, it's now, my great grandmother looks at the dog, looks at my my sister and says that's what you get bitch and then like
Starting point is 01:02:50 My sister tried to get up my dad was like you will sit there and suffer through this and then Yeah, we mentioned it once. She said add the P to hell you get fell is long pause. And to this day, maybe one of you guys know what that means or have heard that before. Can you look up P-H-E-L-L?
Starting point is 01:03:13 I never did that, honestly, should have done that. No one knew. She's right after this, man. She would just cry and cry. Fell. Tamer fell, fell, it's like bands. Tamer fell. I doubt she knew who Tamer fell was.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Pell Grant. Wait, go back. What's a fellahedron? Maybe that's what she was talking about. Fell, fell, fellendrum. Philandrium. Philandrium aquaticum, also known as water drop order, water fennel is a plant that is used
Starting point is 01:03:49 in homeopathic remedies. It is a biennial plant for respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, and she died of emphysema. Oh, shit. She had a wet cough. It is also used to treat wet coughs In her the middle lobes of her lungs were completely blasted Because back in her day they they didn't put water they still had those big-ass glass pipes
Starting point is 01:04:19 They didn't put water in the bong. Did you know that? So they would smoke out of that thing, but they hadn't figured out to put water in it yet. And that's why a lot of like older people have emphysema. Holy shit. So the whole time she was asking for philandrium aquaticum, and couldn't remember the last name. She just knew fell.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Fell, fell. She would point to her mouth to fell. She would cough. Huh? Well, fell. She would cough, fell, fell. Huh, well, may she rest in peace. I don't have a time machine. Can't go back and give her some weird fucking witch brew, but I can always love her and I will always love you. Thank you for hanging out with me
Starting point is 01:04:57 during this solo episode. We'll be back soon. And if you want commercial free episodes of this podcast, don't forget to become a member and also please like and subscribe gang We have got to get moving here. I need Exponentially more subscribers if I'm gonna get even close to beating mr Beast who is like somehow still adding subscribers and it's interesting. We'll cover this in the next solo episode But if you look at the number of people on planet Earth
Starting point is 01:05:25 with access to internet technology and the number of subscribers he has, I think he has more subscribers than that. So we'll dive into that conspiracy next week. Until then, Fel.

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