Duncan Trussell Family Hour - 667: Dr. Caleb Lance
Episode Date: February 14, 2025Dr. Caleb Lance, CogSec specialist, ATV enthusiast, cigarette-smoking doula, and author of Combating Misinformation in the DMT Realm, joins the DTFH! You ever heard of this guy Johnny Pemberton? He ...does TV and movies and comedy and stuff. Would you keep an eye on him for us? Here's what he's doing. This episode is brought to you by: Protect your online privacy TODAY by visiting ExpressVPN.com/duncan and get an extra four months FREE! Start your free online visit today at Hims.com/DUNCAN for your personalized hair loss treatment options! Go to shipsticks.com and use the code DUNCAN to get 20% off your first shipment and save yourself the hassle this golf season!
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Hello everybody, welcome to the DTFH. I have heard your messages online. I know that you guys are
interested in cognitive security. I know you're interested in how do we protect the cognitive
condition of Americans from the never-ending influx of misinformation. and you keep asking, Duncan, why don't you have someone
in the security field, specifically the cognitive security field on your show?
And so I got you, not just anybody, Dr. Caleb Lance, author of Combating Misinformation
in the DMT Realm.
Because I know a lot of you like psychedelics and you might not know some of the information
you're getting there.
It's not real. It's actually misinformation or disinformation.
And Dr. Caleb Lance set me straight.
I think he will make you feel a lot more cognitively secure the next time you have a breakthrough experience on any psychedelic.
Also, if you don't want commercials,
you don't wanna deal with it,
just become a member and do my beloved members bless you.
Thank you for becoming a member of the DTFH.
Also, if you happen to be in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
and you're listening to this the week of February 13th
to the 15th, come see me at the Bricktown Comedy Club.
You can find all my tour dates at dougatrustle.com
and there's a beautiful shop that we have there. Check it out.
I'm always putting new designs up that I create.
The most current one is loving that Taylor Swift music.
Check it out.
Show everybody that you love that Taylor Swift music. You can find that at dunkittrustle.com in the shop. And now everybody please welcome
Dr. Caleb Lanz. Lanz. Lamb. Welcome to the DTFH, a podcast dedicated to cognitive security in the information age. For those of you
new to the podcast, this podcast explores the changing challenge vectors that many
are experiencing who work in the intelligence and data industry. With us here today is Dr. Caleb Vance, author of best-selling book
Combating Misinformation in the DMT Realm. Dr. Vance, Dr. Lance, I'm so, we'll cut.
It's okay, people get it wrong all the time, don't worry about it.
Forgive me Dr. Lance, I just have to say it is an honor to meet you and your book is
one of the greatest contributions to this challenge area of
misinformation disinformation and
Cognitive security that has ever been written at least in the last ten years. Thank you for being on the show
Thank you so much for having me Duncan's. It's a pleasure to be here.
I'm a big fan. I have to say that. Get that out of the way.
Thank you.
We've been following you. When I say we, I mean me, but I have a team. So I want to say thanks
to my team right now. Thank you, team, for reading the things that I don't have time for,
which actually we can get into later about
realm reading, which is something we're talking about beginning into publicly soon here is realm reading, which is sort of, yeah, it's like dark uploads essentially. Well, I would love to get
into dark uploads, but I think I would be doing my listeners a disservice if we didn't dive right in to your incredible book. Now for
you know hobby DMT users out there, people who enjoy going into the
dimethyltryptamine space, you might be surprised to hear that a lot of the
information that you're getting in there from the self-transforming
machine elves, the variety of talking columns,
and the glowing runes that somehow you're able to read,
even though you don't know that language,
isn't always true.
And honestly, as you know, I'm someone who loves DMT.
I have an entire DMT vapor shower where when I take showers
I also go in the DMT realm and you get much cleaner
Oh, yeah, sometimes. I would get the sense that some of the data that I was getting
within that space
Might not be completely true
And then I found your book and realized I like so many other Americans people around the world who recreationally use DMT on the regs
We're actually opening ourselves up to
Potentially nefarious data sets
Designed to co-opt and corrupt the data landscape in the United States. So what inspired you to write this book?
well, it came from a book that I actually landscape in the United States. So what inspired you to write this book? Well, it came from a book that I actually read and was written in the late 20s called
Banging the Cinnamon Drum. Yes.
And it's by an unknown author. I think a lot of people think it's a collaboration
between three different professors at the research triangle.
And yeah, exactly. And they think that that was a collaboration from then being the cinnamon drum is all about
Reverberations. Yes inside of a liminal space. So when we talk about
Experiences, I think we're talking about these areas and you see these now in popular
You've been in children's memes and
videos, the liminal spaces, these spaces that look sort of like, you don't know where it
is, you don't know how big it is, you just sort of know it's a space. Some people find
a lot of comfort in it, some people find a lot of extreme discomfort in it.
Sure. And I think that's because we don't know what the truthiness is of the area and that's where that's how it
all started because banging the cinnamon drum is about how powder can be a solid.
Now you know what's so interesting about that title banging the cinnamon drum is
that is the exact terminology that my ex-wife used when she would peg me and
You know what I mean? She had not even read that book or as far as I'm aware She couldn't read but and I'm glad that she's not in my life anymore to be honest, but
You're good for not having that. I'm sure that that's probably a great joke. You've done a you know
Probably a stand-up set. I haven't been in many
comics. I don't talk about that on I mean I know I would never like that is not a
joke and I did not enjoy being pegged and I didn't I had to be pegged by her
because oh you you didn't ask to be oh no of course not very strange well why is
that strange I didn't want to be pegged well most people want to be pegged as far as I know.
I know that. Listen, if you want to be pegged, be pegged.
But when the person pegging you is like going to take your fucking house and destroy your life
and says, you know, if you don't let me peg you at least three times a day, I'm signing the papers, baby.
And then that means you-
Three times a day.
She banged the drum three times a day she banged the drum three times a day
Bang the cinnamon drum now. I don't want to get into about me
But I do want to talk about liminal spaces and said reverberations
When you when you when anyone mentions liminal spaces the first thing that comes to mind is uh the terminal c
near gate a14 men's bathroom
at the Atlanta airport.
Of all the liminal spaces I've been in,
those reverberations are unlike anything
I've ever experienced.
And I'm sure you're aware of that,
and of course you do mention it in your book,
but could you talk a little bit about the research
you did in that bathroom?
Well, the big thing about that is it's largely
a contingent on the velocity of non-consensus
That's within sort of a shared reality construct.
And this whole strategic imperative is now just mitigation through predictive modeling,
which sort of ensures that we don't reach a tipping point where unverified narratives
achieve this mimetic self-replication at scale.
Because we're talking about scale here.
And so, you're talking about the Atlanta bathroom, that's a one scale.
So that's a singular one scale, not a singularity, but a singular to one scale.
And by the way, I'm sorry to cut you off, when you smoke DMT in that bathroom, it scales up.
And so at that point, you realize it's not a bathroom at all.
You realize that it's some kind of hold
or something in a mothership.
And you see the windows, you see outside the windows
that what was formerly the loft of, you
know, nervous anxiety diarrhea drifting up from the various stalls, coalescing is
some kind of awful swampy stink that reminds you of an ancient place cursed
by the gods. Suddenly you realize that's waft of the exhaust of the spaceship engine. It has nothing to do with the many
types of spray coming from
men who are relieving themselves in that bathroom.
That's a good point. I think that's a lot of the reason why
well these nonlinear challenges are the groundwork we have to break. Because when you think of a toilet,
this is a place you defecate into, it's stinky.
No one ever wants to eat out of a toilet.
Let's just say you drop your super important car keys in the toilet, in a clean toilet
that's been flushed maybe 10,000 times since the last BM.
Freshly sanitized.
Freshest, you still, unless you come from a place that doesn't have toilets
You're gonna be reticent to stick your hand in there and that's and think can you think of a better hiding place for information?
Than a place that is universally considered dirty and that's where that's where all this this starts is we have a place
That is the transformation zone that is the access point to the sacred zone. Right.
You mean the DMT realm by that.
What better way to guard that than to make it seem as though it is filthy, disgusting,
and terrible and to have people, millions and millions of men who are eating just like
enchiladas and like heavy salty cheeses, maybe varieties of packaged snacks that have tons
of phantom gum.
Sun chips, things that are chopped and formed and reformed and dehydrated, so they create
like a significant amount of bacterial overgrowth inside the colon.
All these things, people, millions and millions of people are defecating into these zones.
And let's just say that 1% of them are portals.
That's a lot. That's a lot are portals, that's a lot. That's a lot
of toilets. And that's a safeguard. That's something that we don't know where it came
from. We know this is designed as a safeguard to prevent people from accessing these areas
who aren't fully committed.
I got you. And obviously, the current trend towards dimethyltryptamine consumption,
whether it's via smoking it, ayahuasca,
or any of the ways that-
Shit slamming?
Yep, absolutely, or the current titration
of dimethyltryptamine for the long-term experiences
is clearly producing, as Joe Biden said, a national security threat
that must be addressed.
Now, I have to ask, your research identifies the emergence
of directly subversive entities, what you call DSES,
within the endogenous neurocognitive engagement space.
What methodologies are being deployed to mitigate
the unauthorized ideational proliferation associated with these
Well, that's actually a pretty good question there.
I would say that, you know, with that area right there, I would say that the NRM's are
function as a scaffolding for perceptual integrity.
Essentially by embedding pre-calibrated cognitive anchors
in the user's phenomenological intake loop,
then we can just passively reinforce consensus ontologies
while simultaneously mitigating the uptake of divergent
of models that are from bad actors.
It's pretty hands-off, but it's effective.
Yeah, and just to talk about some of those
divergent models people are encountering within the
dimethyltryptamine realm, the State Department just
released a list of some of these divergent models that,
again, many of us, if you're subscribed to TikTok,
and again, I understand why that was a security threat,
because as the State Department mentioned,
the TikTok was one of the primary outflow valves
other than experientially using DMT
through which these divergent models are emerging
in the form of hippies doing raps and songs
about things that these models.
Hippie Squawk, we call it Dread Squawk. Dread Squawk, yeah.
This Dread Squawk is actually having some kind of influence
on the machinations of ISIS and other terrorist threats
overseas, which is really fascinating to me.
But in this list
I was fascinated to actually see things that I had been told
And just I'll name one of them. I'm sure you've heard this a million times before I saw a gelatinous
reverberation column within the column blinking eyes and like most of us who have
within the column blinking eyes and like most of us who have
Experientially recreationally taken dimethyl tryptamen. It's not like it talks It's like it sort of telepathically tells you something
Yeah, and so it was really like making a very compelling argument
for taking
slices of deli ham
Putting it in an envelope,
and mailing it to the White House.
And of course I would never do that
for a lot of different reasons.
I don't want to put rotting meat through the mail system.
It's an exploitation of the mail system.
And obviously the White House is dealing with enough
of the many problems that our country faces
at any given moment.
The last thing they need to do is in the mail room,
someone has to keep opening envelopes
of deli meat mailed to them by people
who talk to these columns.
But can you tell me how much meat is being mailed
to the White House because of these divergent loops
that people are absorbing via the information inflow
from the dimethyltrypsin realm?
Well, I can't tell you exactly
because I don't work in the White House,
but I have a lot of friends and coworkers
and compatriots who I've talked to over the years
who are aware of this.
And the White House, you say yourself,
you did not have not mailed any hams.
Nor would I ever.
Okay, well, you're one of the few people who hasn't
typically wow
night, it's about a 95 to
97 percent success rate when the gelatinous blob
We all we know this gelatinous blob is very well known in the intelligence community when it suggests mailing now. I saw a column
That's why you have column blob
So it some see this as a blob because that was one of the things that told me is it said right now
I'm a column, but I can be a blob if you want me to and I said just columns cool
We always quote Shakespeare a lot which is a rose by any other name would still be a rose, you know
Yeah, technically just just a sweep but Colin Blob any type of a cylinder in type of a phallic
Imagery yeah, because obviously it's your father asking you to mail slices of the tip of his penis
Which is the ultimate sacrifice of man?
Of course, it was right there in front of me, of course. I knew that column looked familiar.
And so 97%, and 95, 97% of people who experience this,
males who experience this vision inside the DMT space,
they will male deli meat, not always ham, sometimes.
It's males?
Is this a primary male experience?
Yeah, it is, because it has to be a father. Is this a primary male experience?
So ladies aren't seeing that blob. No, they're seeing something different,
but it's correspondingly different.
Women tend to male pieces of small baggies of powdered granite
or other types of really hard, Stone. Ignatius rock.
Yeah, powdered stone where the men do the slicing
of a deli meat.
As thin as possible.
Sometimes we've had instances where certain areas
of the country got hit really hard
because of the barometric pressure,
and people were buying up all the deli slicers
within 100 miles-
That's incredible.
And obsessively slicing.
Some guy, one guy even built a laser apparatus
to slice capricola, gabagool.
I'm actually a big fan of Italian sliced meats.
I'm not Italian myself, but I do love a good Italian sub.
So for me this was, when I learned this,
I got pretty hungry and I'll probably be having
a sandwich later today
From an Italian place because I just like it so much, you know, let's just pause here for a second I do have to say this is something within this data space where we completely align and I want to ask
Do you like aged meats? I really like age. I love a dry aged beef
I also my wife and I went to
I love a dry aged beef. I also, my wife and I went to,
is it Parma, the place that has the legs
of the pork that's aged, you slice it?
Yeah, Parma.
Every year for Christmas, my wife and kids
get me a new leg.
And I just love it.
I have it all day, I'm shaving it on the leg.
Oh my God, it's delicious.
You know, and I'll tell you something that got me super sick, and I hope folks listening never try this
It makes me sick
Well what really is gonna make you sick?
And if I get like a good parma, you know and overeat like a Super Bowl
I always eat almost the whole like a aged parma. Oh
I was driving home and
a pig had been hit by a car from a local farm organic and I guess it had gotten out or anything like that and it was a mess. There's guts all over the road but one of its legs seemed to me to be fine and you know assuming that all you do is let the thing age, I just took the leg home, I put it in a closet,
assuming that if it was in that liminal space long enough,
I would be able to have some like Parma,
like discount Parma is what I kept joking with my ex-wife
and at the time.
And yeah, as it turns out out that is not safe at all. I was in the hospital for three days
Because of that meat made me so fucking sick and she didn't really want
She didn't visit me once
Might been for the best because if she visited you, she might have got a side
She might have still got a contagious side bloom from the Parmaham, and she would have
been sort of infected like Cryptosporidium.
And might have then in turn decided to wage war against you in a sort of a anti... What's
that called when the people with the disease-
Asymmetric.etric asymmetric biological warfare
In that by the way, I love that book just a plug for you asymmetrical
biological warfare via badly prepared
badly prepared meat
It's the the new it's the new front. We're all fighting on now. Let me
Let me just jump into some more questions. I have for you if you don't mind
And I'm happy to hear that we both loved love aged meat
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It makes me feel very bad sometimes, but I sort of consider it a price to pay.
There are growing discourses around unauthorized hyperdimensional narrative access. UHNA is a significant epistemic destabilization threat.
Do you see future integration of bioneurosomatic conditioning routines as a scalable countermeasure?
That's a great question.
The truth is it's already happening. The BNCR framework is designed to establish cognitive baselines
before, during, and pretty much after exposure to events, so the whole timeline. But by implementing
like a scalable neurosomatic interventions, we're seeing like a marked reduction in rogue
narrative adherence, particularly in these high-risk, psychonautical demographics.
Yeah. Well, that's good news
Yeah, and that's partially because of your work now cognitive security
This is the number one topic when it comes to national security. We're beginning to understand
that cognitive security is
Imperative to maintain national state
imperative to maintain national state
Paradigms and that because of the nature of social media and not just social media in the earth realm But in the DMT realm we are looking at
egregious breaches of cognitive
Security and so I want to talk to you about
Your recently patented hermetic cognitive security helmet. And before I bring that up,
I do very quickly want to tell you a little anecdote. I woke up one evening, 3 a.m., something like that.
Oh, that's the morning. Okay. Okay well I call it the evening.
It's the evening. I mean technically it's the evening. 3 a.m. is the morning.
Nope that's the evening because you're asleep. Okay so this is what I'm seeing
right now is you probably have some sort of a this might be what we call
over leak or it's called initiation seepage. Initiation seepage. It's called initiation seepage. Initiation seepage. It's called direct denial.
It's where a person due to osmosis or proximity to something will have a directly opposite
idea of something.
Someone will say, did you have a good day?
This will be in the morning.
They'll be obviously-
Got you. They've just woken up and so they can't had a good day
So they'll be referring to a dream. It's because they've got everything flipped around
It's flip-flopped this what this means is they're in the process of fully
flipping to the other side, but they're caught in the middle because
The last five percent is the hardest part to push push over the flip. Yes. Well, okay
So listen just be in that right now
I'm I'm I accept you I accept everything you're saying. I'm fully aware of the fact that I like so many other Americans
are cognitively insecure and
I'm gonna tell my cognitive security manager my CSM right now Jerry
3 a.m.. Can you shift that
Ontologically to night not morning, please
Thank you, no you got you got to switch it back to morning. It's morning 3 a.m.. Morning
Okay, yeah, do a flip back
to morning now night is morning
And morning is night is that what you're saying?
Well, I'm saying that morning is morning and night is night.
Oh, sorry.
Jerry, I'm sorry.
Morning is morning.
Night is night.
Can you?
You got that?
Got it.
Okay, thank you.
And folks out there, if you don't have a CSM, this is a perfect time for me to bring up
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Anyway, what happened to me is there was a being,
look like a doctor?
A little you say look like a doctor you mean like look like a doctor like had like a lab coat on and stuff
Or what no you know how like when doctors put face masks on
You you can't you can only see like the bottom of their nose and then when doctors wear big snipers masks
You know like face masks you wear that doctors wear.
I don't know what those are called, but they wear these masks so you don't smell their breath.
And then they've got...
There's also the sniper's mask, right? The slit eyes?
Very similar to the sniper's mask, except in this case, you know, like most doctors wear those big weird black goggles over their face.
And then they have the face mask so you can't see...
You can only see the little slit of their nose And they wear those weird gray
Outfits with the dangly arms looked exactly like that and this doctor
Literally like using some kind of laser to to cut open my head
I could only see this because he set a mirror up in front of me
and he was opening up my
quadrant of my skull taking out bits of my brain replacing them with identical
bits of brain and then he glued the whole thing up He did a rectal exam with his finger,
very similar to ET, that glowing thing.
And then, which honest to God,
when you've been getting pegged three times a day,
it doesn't feel good down there, and it healed that.
And I felt so much better till the morning,
and you know, I got woken up.
But anyway, my point is what the
fuck was that man and I'm sorry to curse. So this was in real life?
I still have the scar. I guess I would say the first thing you need is go back to the
institution that performed at and ask if you can have a record of that doctor
where they went to school, their name.
It was in my bedroom.
So it was a house call.
Well I would think I just want to know how they got your house and who called them.
No idea.
If you called them, you don't know who called them.
Well I was afraid to move or say anything because he was cutting my skull open and I
didn't want to hurt my brain.
And then when he, especially when he pulled bits of my brain out, you know, I didn't want to startle him
by saying something, because what if he dropped those brains
or the new brain bits that he put into my, into the gap?
It sounds like you're having what we call a pepper's pan
or pepper's peak.
Pepper's peak, pepper's pan, it's people.
And then named after this guy, Jonathan Jake's Peppers, who was actually a forest ranger
in Yosemite.
And he was struck by lightning a record number of times.
And he stopped being able to differentiate between dreams and reality.
And he would do things in life that would start to happen in his dreams and vice versa.
This is a classic.
You mean like he actually, like that sounds like magic.
You're saying that like he would, he was having dreams that would then have, or pre-cog, I
Are you saying that he could manipulate this sphere of reality or this challenge space
using dream logic or something?
He wasn't manipulating anything. He was being manipulated.
Because he did a thing where he started using the bathroom without flushing at all
and he would stick his hand into the toilet trying to get through to the other side.
And this is why we have such a problem with rats and snakes when they come the toilet, how we all instinctively hate that. We just hate it. It's because it represents
the negative, the other side of our brain, which is 51% of brain is the dark, the second half of
the dream brain. So if that's the case, we're all programmed to just to not want that to come forth because
it's so powerful.
It's technically 51% of our thought, which will always win in an arm wrestle type situation,
but not an actual arm wrestle, but an arm wrestle of sorts where it's the one side of
the brain fighting the other, the 51% will always win because it's yeah 1% of the same thing
yeah so this guy so you're having a pepper's pan effect where well i mean if i could just you
know i i do a podcast as you know interview a lot of interesting people i interviewed
interviewed lady verona salt uh you're probably aware of her clairvoyant psychic medium shaman
yeah and she works with uh kibble kane kibble Kane. God bless him. And um what's his name?
The Blast. Crumb Spickles. Crumb Spickles or nickname the Blaster. Now Lady Salt uh said something I will never forget on my podcast
because you know that's what I love about podcasting. I get to hang out with people like you it changes me for the better almost every time and lady salt
Told me something. I never heard she said
There are two wolves
Living inside two wolves wolves
Wolves like a dog, but I don't know she said wolves
wolves with an s wolves
There are two wolves
Wolves if you don't mind can I finish the story and then we'll think okay. I just want to make sure I'm hearing you
I'm happy to email her
But you know, that's not the point isn't like whatever wolves or wolves
So lady saw is saying something lady saw it said there's two wolves living inside. It could be wool
I mean this is I like again. This is uh, my ex-wife would do this to me where she like in the middle of a story
She would like ask details that were completely not related to the story
So you're you are it is triggering but but how do I know if it's not related until I know well in this case
Like I think I'm polite sort of conversation one would wait for the story in and then you give up wolves or didn't mean wolves
Like wool like bits of wool.
But then I would then my comprehension would be affected directly.
Well yeah your comprehension would be temporarily affected but then you could recover from that
compromised situation by determining whether it was wolves or wolves or maybe at the end
of the story you would realize it doesn't matter because that's not.
So like a retroactive uh comprehension analysis yeah a retroactive comprehension
analysis okay which would be put that way um i'm gonna put i'm gonna zip it up put a block on
thank you rca and honest to god that was in the beginning when we started having problems uh in in my marriage, I sent my wife to a RCA seminar
and she had an affair.
That's pretty common. Well, I didn't know that till after the fucking fact.
Now, to get back into the story of the wolves,
Lady Salt told me that there are two wolves
living inside of every person's heart.
One of the wolves is a good wolf. The other one is a bad wolf.
And don't feed the bad wolves. Feed the good wolves. You see? And so this reminds me of
what you're saying, this part of the brain, the arm wrestling match, and, you know, she didn't mention the wolves and again I don't know were they
wolves, is wolves some kind of creature I haven't heard of yet, but, or if they have
arms they could arm wrestle in your heart.
But you know, I still get the point as you should now regardless of wolves or wolves.
Yeah I get it because you could be talking about wolves, like pieces of fine silk and
wool that comes from a great sheep.
I don't think there's silk and wool.
I think that would be two separate things.
I mean, maybe like some kind of hybrid wool and silk.
You could be carrying,
you could be one wool could be tattered and shabby,
and one could be a fine fleece.
Well, you know what I can deduce from this
is that the wools eat.
Because she said don't feed the bad wools.
So you can't feed wool. Do you feed wool? If you do, I don't feed the bad wolves so you can't yeah, but you say do you feed well if you do
I don't want to be around your sweater collection because it probably smells like shit
You feed it you feed it your grease you feed your heart
Yeah, but I mean your spiritual memories sweater now. I will say this when wool gets wet it smells awful
I think it smells great. That is the worst smell on earth wet. Well, are you out of your gourd? I love it
It reminds me. Are you serious?
I was a boy with my dad in Scotland and we met this Scousey the Scouseman who was a stevedore and he told me
He's tails as he did his what he did a wool whipping session with the cleat brush
Yeah, and it was just I was fascinated by him and I fell in love. I was
in love for many years. Is it true that all Scousman have super long beards that they
can like somehow like seemingly control? Oh yeah. This man was that's what was so fascinating.
My dad couldn't see it because he was above comprehension age. But I was watching a play
like a of dancing snakes, like
dancing benevolent snakes who were doing all kinds of contortions, sort of like a balloon
animal with hair on this man's beard. They were just doing all... It's like it was kind
of lewd. It was almost like a sexual teachings of sorts, like Adam and Eve. He was telling
one story while his beard was sort of complimenting and sometimes contradicting the words
he said and it was I was just
Laughing so quietly in my head because I couldn't let out a guffaw
Otherwise, I would be I would be admonished by my father, but it was just truly a learning moment
It's something can I read something to you? Can I read something to you? Please? Yeah, this is by TS Elliot
And it just now that you're mentioning it. I have to look it up online
One second
It's a poem right yeah
It's a poem of the merino dancer what?
No, this is
It's called the Scouseman's beard it's a pretty famous poem I'm a huge TS Eliot nerd and I go to yeah con and all that
and I you know what costume I dressed up in the last Elliot con I don't know
actually no
Patient etherized upon a table so like I was like literally laying on a table
Etherized and being like carried through the con by some did you do one of those things where it was like it looked like it was Your body, but it was actually you're able to walk around no I had my friends carry me around
Oh, that would have been fun if it was a solo costume um
It's too bad. No it was pretty cool that my friends carry me around. Oh, that would have been fun if it was a solo costume. It's too bad.
No, it's pretty cool that my friends carry me around.
No, it's too bad actually that you couldn't,
you had to be reliant upon others.
Well, they were dressed like mermaids.
It's too bad actually.
They were dressed like mermaids.
Oh, well, that's fine.
Mermaids are great.
I'm really excited.
There's a pretty incredible mermaid movie coming out.
Maybe you've heard of it.
I've heard, actually I heard tell of this
cause I travel in a sort of a sphere about film
and I heard it's premiering at this
South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas
where you are.
It features a friend of mine
who's one of the most incredible actors out there.
I'm very excited to see the film.
Oh, I can't wait to see it.
Maybe you've, part of my job is I get to be friends with
Celebrities and that is cool. That is cool. It is cool. And also he is in the fallout series
It's been friends with him for he's a long long time
So, you know, I do love them you you folks write your books and your little whatever's yeah, but also I am friends with celebrities
So well, I have played golf with dr. Phil once so that was cool
Because I was he was working with them so on the government just a policy wonk I knew named
Corbin flash
He's since passed away.
Well, God rest his soul, I'm so sorry.
I'm trying to Google this right now and I've got it right here.
Yeah, it's hard to Google poetry.
It's one of those things where, you know,
slippery dippery dash, a smash on a dude ranch.
Hold on.
Where is it here?
Okay, here it is.
The Scousman's Beard.
In the hour before the dawn unspools
where the alleyways whisper with unheard fools,
the Scousman wakes with a measured breath,
a flicker of thought at the edge of death.
His beard, a tapestry, are woven with time, a map of his choosing, each hair a line, threading through cities
and empty squares, through gross lit parlors and echoing stairs. They watch him from windows,
hollow and meek, gawping at lips that refuse to speak for language is weather scattered in
blind. The Scousman has mastered the weather of mind. And when the city curls in its anxious den, the gamblers, the drunkards, the prophets of sin,
he steps through their whispers, a touch unstirred, a shadow of silence, the Scousman's beard.
It donnie departs, a footsteps erase, leaving the world in its fevered chase, and those who remember,
those who have heard, speak only in whispers of the Scousman's beard.
Remember, those who have heard speak only in whispers of the Scousman's beard. Wow, that's beautiful.
That definitely has a description of some part of what I experienced.
It definitely gave me some feelings.
I felt like I was there watching that Scousman's beard.
I mean, God knows how long it was.
It must not have been that long, but in my memory, it could have been the ropes of a ship.
["The Last Supper"]
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Yeah, you know, this is like one of the strange things that you cover in your
book which is this inner connection between the DMT realm and reality,
the the malleability of time and matter itself that perhaps one of the great
dangers of the data set that many of us
are encountering in the dimethyl tryptamen realm is the information it's
giving us as opposed to the information we're getting from the security state is
that people in positions of power are actively attempting to disempower
humanity into thinking we need their protection when
in fact our minds are manifesting reality time. And I feel like the
Scousman's Beard weirdly runs counter to much of what you said in the book which
is from watching a Scousman's Beard, which my god I do anything to see, we realize that perhaps we live in a world
that is domesticated, unnecessarily domesticated
by the security state that feels it's losing its grasp
on the paradigm and understands that should enough people
recognize the power they have over their facial hair or everything,
then their role in human society will diminish to the point of being a kind of embarrassing,
vestigial cultural organ.
That's one way to put it.
I would say that also the perception of something is not necessarily the reality of it, and possibly the perception
of loss is just a feign in order to gain a win.
These apparatus have been in place for thousands of years.
Thousands of years.
Now that's an interesting thing that I've never heard before.
See, I assume that most of the security apparatus within the United States was not put in place
for a thousand
years but had its roots in the OSS, various intelligence services, and sort of grew out
of control because of the nature of secrecy and the necessary, I guess you could say,
components of secrecy, meaning certain security clearances elected officials can't have access to, could produce
potentially a kind of geranium for all kinds of like unknown, uncontrollable variables.
In other words, it's sort of an outgrowth, like some kind of horrific wart that you didn't
want anyone to know, a wart beneath one's scrotum that you knew it know a wart beneath one scrotum that you
know you knew it was there but the scrotum acted as a kind of curtain
covering up this horrific thing growing and growing and growing but by nature of
the scrotum's concealment you you didn't you know pay much attention to it and in
fact it maybe you stopped lifting the scrotum just because you couldn't stand to look at what was happening to it and then you know by the time you you lift your
scrotum up you realize that it is spread down into your undergunt and and it's taken on a form that
seems like it's trying to mimic your face like it looks like your face
it's trying to mimic your face, like it looks like your face. Well that's obviously a-
But it isn't, it's a warts cluster.
That's definitely a perspective issue because the mimicry of a person's face is always what
the person who sees the thing is thinking.
So everyone who looks at that wart is seeing their face and that's why it's so revolting.
Like a mirror made of warts.
Like a mirror made of warts.
Grown from your DNA.
Well, a mirror made of warts is Like a mirror made of warts. Or from your DNA?
Well, a mirror made of warts is actually an old saying in the intelligence community.
When I say old, I mean hundreds if not ancient Rome level.
A mirror made of warts. And that's what we talk about.
And that's how old this goes back, because I always assume this started like in the post World War II era?
That, it started as it is now in the post World War II era,
but this is, the intelligence community as I know it
and as I've operated in is something that grows rhizomally.
It's like an Aspen Grove.
How many trees are there?
Well, technically there's only one tree, even
though there's multiple trunks. And a lot of times what you're seeing is focus being intentionally
put on the face, the mirror made of warts on purpose to draw attention to look, look how bad
this is. Look how bad this is. There's also a lot of faux covering of a thing that is bad and attempt to pretend to be hiding
it when we know it will be found. And so when it is found, you can use that. It's all red herrings
in some sense. But also some of it is actually stuff that was attempted to be hidden and through
ignorance or just poor decisions, was uncovered by by the public and
Okay, well just for the sake of like following this
Particular challenge space all the way to the perimeters of interest
In this case if if the if the warts represent a sort of like uncontrolled
If the warts represent a sort of like uncontrolled
security space within which all kinds of operatives are doing things that aren't authorized
by the democratically elected officials,
what is the scrotum concealing that
anthropocentric wart cluster?
The scrotum is just sort of like a door on a box.
It's there so you can have the action of lifting and opening and viewing as opposed to just
being in the air.
Because when something's in the air, it's just there and everyone can view it and it
doesn't have any sort of... It's the same reason we have the lid on a toilet seat
Is there a purpose for that? There isn't a purpose. There's no purpose for a living toilet seat
It's the same function as that the scrotum flap covering the mirror of warts that lay on a toilet seat
It's always safe. I gotta stop you there. I've never thought of that before
the lid on the toilet seat
To me has just always been what I put down after I make brown.
I mean, some could say if you've got bad plumbing
that likes to do a shoot when the flush finishes,
there's a splashback.
No, I don't flush.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
See, I think this...
Now, by the way, this does tsk-tsk, my friend.
This tells me a little bit about you and
You know I maybe we could both teach teach each other today because my god you talk a lot
Every time you flush the toilet
Right you an Olympic-sized swimming pool worth of water
It goes down those pipes right into a quantum wormhole
It goes down those pipes right into a quantum wormhole.
And it's gone, it's off the earth, it will never come back.
All that water gone forever
and no one even knows where these fucking wormholes go to.
And theoretically, there could be toilet water
you know, raining upon some planet of innocent people,
beautiful beings, childlike innocent,
and every fucking second brown
Water in and all kinds of stuff goes raining down on their villages and if not for the brown
Appearing out of nowhere and splattering them and their children it's splattering their beautiful
Unicorns they have many unicorns they ride around through a candy cane forest
that you used to be able to eat.
They used to be able to just go up to any of those candy canes and lick the candy cane
and then go to the sugar plum fields and eat the sugar plums, but now all of a sudden it's
just the dark times because shit water rains down from our realm into theirs and god damn
it if you tell me this is
misinformation from the DMT realm where I heard this shit I will not accept it I
believe it fucking fully which is why when I make brown I don't flush it down
I just shut the lid and then when it starts filling up too much I have a
plunger that I push it down.
You're doing manual flush.
No, I don't flush.
I don't want to litter.
They told me that they chose me as their messenger.
They told me that the human realm needs to know
to stop flushing brown.
That all of the candy in Candyland is now essentially covered in
They told me that it takes 50 years to grow a candy cane tree.
It takes five months to grow a sugar plum.
And that the amount of harvesting time, they're spending time out there in the fields putting umbrellas over the sugar plums and then when you put the
Umbrellas over the sugar plums guess what happens the sugar
Sugar snow can't land on the plums. So you get a bitter sugar plums. Do you understand?
And then the children I've been sick again and again and again because it's very hard to keep the kids
From the chocolate river and guess what?
Now you don't know if that's chocolate or if that's shit
So I do not flush and nor should you or nor should anyone listening and and I know that that message was real because I know
Not all information I'm hearing in the DMT realm is bullshit
So is this was this sugar land was this was this existed fine before the invention of plumbing?
Absolutely, yeah.
Okay, and so when the sugar land gets...
It's technically, they call it candy land.
When candy land gets quote unquote shit on by feces, is it just coming from like a worm
hole in the sky or where is it coming from?
The way it was described to me is that all of a sudden, some distance into the air, a
like disc-like void opens up, there is the sound of flushing, and then it rains shit
and piss and water down onto them.
And it rains all over indiscriminately, It's not like a certain area at all.
Well, they randomly pop up all over Candyland.
So like what I said, it randomly pops up everywhere.
So it's indefensible.
Did you say that?
I don't think you said that.
Well, I think what I said is that.
And you said no, and then you repeated what I said.
Just different words.
So basically, it's randomized. It basically it's so it's randomized. It's
Arbitrary and it's everywhere. It's all over. It's all over candy land and because of the random nature of it. They can't
Like creating a kind of protective against it catch it. Yeah
Got it. This has been going on for how long in Candyland?
This has been going on they they they they said 45 quatrons or which is how long in our time
Yeah, 45 quatrons which they said equal
Something like 75 trillion licks which is one of the ways that they measure time is like what is that?
What is that in our time? I don't know I was you know it lasts 10 minutes
Like it's not like I was I had time to get a chalkboard
and tell me how to show.
So this is a new problem for them,
or it's been going on for how long?
Again, let me just.
75,000 licks?
Yeah, 75,000, it's a quad, honestly I don't know.
I'm telling you, there's this weeping gnome creature
Like I'm telling you there's this weeping gnome creature begging me, please tell the denizens of planet earth to stop flushing brown.
Well, I'm just trying to figure out the information so I can get it to the sources that need to
hear this.
Oh my God.
Thank you.
This is new to me.
We've had emissaries from Canada Land visit before, and they haven't mentioned anything
about this.
I don't know if they're just trying to placate our government, but they seem to be doing
just fine.
And they've actually brought a lot of kids.
Well, he did mention those emissaries.
You know, he did mention those emissaries, and he told me that the, quote, emissaries come to our realm and are rewarded for information about Mayor Mint,
the mayor of Candyland, who apparently has ideology that is different from the United
States that Mayor Mint, who by the way, there have been five assassination attempts on Mayor Mint and that they are rewarded with bags of fresh candy. Oh yeah some
people even think that the Easter holiday and that Valentine's Day holiday
were created because of a surplus of gifts from Candyland. No no no no they're
saying you're giving them bribes.
That's what is happening.
That Mayor Mint, the beloved Mayor of Candyland.
We don't have that information at all.
I mean, that sounds like something that could be true, but in my experience, we've never
talked with anyone about that.
But that also could be something that's just below my radar.
Like, it might not be big enough.
Look, I'm not trying to stir the pie here, but again like I will also say that
I was told that the children of
Candyland are like you've been stirred up and are saying like well
Why why do we only eat candy like there's other things to eat and what?
How do you know that's a new thing.
Because somebody has been bringing hamburgers to Candyland and leaving them underneath umbrellas
so they don't have shit all over them.
And of course the children who are sick of eating shitty candy eat the hamburgers, which
they enjoy.
All kids love hamburgers and it's causing a lot of problems in Candyland.
And I was told that the US government has been doing some kind of
subversive campaign in Candyland to overthrow Mayor Mint who has been
communicating with people
Not just about the shit problem
But saying things like capitalism can never truly work that when capitalism gets sick it turns into fascism and that
capitalism is
implicitly violent by its nature of exploiting
workers who are
Should be in control of the
Machines of production. This is Mayor Mint saying all this. Yeah
Wow, well, that's that's a that's a well that's a lot of, that's a handful right there. He wrote some book called The Candiest Manifesto.
Oh, okay.
That has leaked through a bit.
We've heard tell of that.
And, you know, people are...
He said that the United States government figured out a way to open up wormholes from
the sewage systems to intentionally rain shit on Candyland because they're afraid that Candyland is a communist socialist regime that could leak into our realm.
Look, Duncan, I don't know if this is true or not. This could be a thing that is happening. We also, we don't know, this is coming from the Ministry of Candyland, right?
I don't know, it's a gnome with a beard.
He seemed, I felt like I could trust him.
This is information coming from the Ministry of Candyland,
and sure, they're saying that, but do we know that's true?
We just don't know that's true, so we have to take this with a grain of salt,
not a grain of sugar.
They're always trying to sweeten us with these tails.
It could be a wholesale fabrication of something.
There could be no people in Candyland at all, for all we know. This shit might be raining
down onto buckets made of a special aluminum material that's designed to catch the shit,
and it digests it, and it composts it, and spits it back out to feed these candies some
good old-fashioned compost.
That could be happening.
That's what I've heard.
That's what's happening.
So when people say-
So you have heard of something like this.
It's weird because early-
I've heard of it.
I've heard of it, but it doesn't come up to me that much because it sounds like everything
is just kind of hunky-dory.
Everything's great. Yeah, so that's why we stuff. It's
Unfortunately, I have a career where if there's a problem
I learn about it if something's going good
What I always tell people is the best thing you can happen is for me not to know who you are
Well, I'll tell hey hey I get that and dr. Lance. I just got to say as a realist when someone who's written books
Tells me I'm wrong, I believe them.
Because I've never written a book. And so if you're telling me that the US
government isn't involved in some kind of subversive campaign to
assassinate Mayor Mint and take over Candyland, which they view as a
communist threat, then I'm going to believe you. And if I see that little son of a bitch again,
I'll slap him and say,
stop lying to me. Yeah, I would give him a big old slap. I would that little son of a bitch again, I'll slap him and say stop stop lying to me
Yeah, I would give him a big old slap. I would take a piece of laughy-tathy
Maybe that on an airhead no air heads. Yeah, you know the flavor this white yeah, of course That's the best I would let that get nice and cold and slap him with that and watch it shatter against his little
Cheek yeah, he did. I will say this he did seem like a bitch like he did seem like a beta bitch
Yeah, I know that that's what these all these candy people are because they're eating so much sugar
It's right redefining their their insulin response. Yeah, you know what now that I think about you seem like a cut out bitch
Yeah, man
I hate to get colloquial with you, but I
Really? I don't want my personal opinion leaking through, but I just can't stand that bullshit.
It's just a bunch of pussy ass bullshit.
It's a bunch of pussy ass bullshit.
I kiss my ass, and it's a bunch of p-ass p-ass.
Honestly dude, it's like, hey, fucking figure your shit out yourself.
It's like, you know...
Why are you coming to me?
Why are you coming to us?
Why are you coming to me? I don't I wanted to see the column
I wanted to see the blob here. You are like yapping about your fucking stupid candy village
It's like build some something to like cover your candy dummy like yes, really?
That's the world you want to fucking live in you want to be my birthday?
Hey go to the gym because he was fat as fuck and I'll tell you this a lot of these motherfuckers at Candyland
you know the ones that weren't sick or emaciated from the
Lack of access to the food supply created
Intentionally by a superpower that viewed their information as a threat. They were fat as fuck. Oh
Yeah, see that's exactly they say one thing and the other thing is true.
So what am I gonna believe?
You know the, yeah sure
There was a bunch of weeping children
Who like seemed like horribly emaciated
And diseased from being contaminated
And the bodies, there's bodies
Yeah, there was some fucking bodies
But it's like dude, what am I supposed to do?
Fucking clean up the whole fucking world?
Now that you think about it, you know what?
I'm so burnt up here.
Fuck those bitches, dude.
It's like I'm not a, is there a way
to not go back to Candyland?
Because I would much-
Yeah, you know what I would say is,
have you had the new Sam Adams seasonal release?
Of DMT, Sam Adams new DMT?
No, just Sam Adams Boston Lager seasonal.
No, I have not.
It's great.
It's got 0.5% more alcohol.
So it's a little stronger.
It's more like a Stella.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
You're saying stop smoking DMT
and start drinking Sam Adams.
Yeah, have a Sam Adams seasonal.
Honestly, it's a great beer.
It's from Boston.
I love that.
It's one of the oldest beers,
the oldest brewery beers places that there is. Yeah.
And it's just like a fun, cool way to bond. And I would say, you know, some people get a six-pack,
but I always end up getting a 12-pack of bottles and glass, and I'll get a case and have that case
underneath the house where it's cool so they can chill down faster if I need them. Man, Dr. Caleb Lance, thank you so much. You know, one thing I have been doing to try to
mitigate the nightmares I've been having from like sort of remembering the Candyland and like the
they really do seem peaceful and they really do seem like they're pretty harmless and yet
I know you know that story that a superpower would be not just like intentionally polluting and destroying a place that many
children love a wonderful very fun board game based on it but but also like
manipulating the information space within Candyland to sort of disrupt a
ancient sort of culture that was really not doing anything
wrong but apparently was viewed as just a slight threat.
Was making me wake up screaming and thinking I really don't want to be a part of that.
I don't want to in any way shape or form be a part of that.
But then I started doing zens.
Oh, okay. And it's crazy love those that that has like tamped down the nightmares a little bit
And I feel like this missing piece is just some beer
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Give it a shot. It's a hole in one. That's a golf term
That and also doing the rhymes with Zen being like
What did you say my Zen when you say friend or you know, that's hilarious Oh, they say like people are doing that
Like Zen again or just they put the word father. Forgive me. I have zinned. Oh, there you go. There's something like that
Father forgive me. I have sinned. I love it. Oh, please God forgive me
Please God forgive me. I don't want things in the world to suffer. What am I supposed to fucking do?
I'm part of a horrible machine that I can't seem to rest myself out of I have zinned
I'm trying to mask up mask is entity is a good one
Oh, that's pretty zen credible, what you just said.
Yeah, or like, how about this one?
How about this one?
If we keep leaning into the state,
hoping that the state will provide security for us
or that the state actually gives a shit about people at all,
then the world well then
The world where the world was end and that would be
It's just stuff like that. I can't get enough of it. I find that to be so fun
I almost can't get any work done. It's so funny and fun and cool and she's still sweet and nice
That is so fucking fun
You know how about this one?
All great empires inevitably zend oh
For Decker or lower Decker, I'm a I'm a lower Decker. Yeah, what's a lower Decker? I put it in the bottom lip oh
Lower Decker, I guess I do offer that I do have a record too sometimes. Yeah, very low deck. I guess you
Mean just I kind of don't really have a perfect. I just wasn't aware. It was like, you know, I do like during the podcast
Occasionally will put them in my mouth, but I kind of thought these were um, I thought you put them in your butt.
Oh really?
Oh that sounds like you got the um, remember how we were talking earlier about night and
How they're different, morning and night are different?
This is the same, probably the same problem.
Well the gnome, that fucking gnome my butt. Well, there's a possibility Duncan that you have been
Using your mouth as an anus without realizing it
So you see you may have been feeding food into your anus your actual anus thinking it's your mouth and you might be
You know, it's just your brain's confused.
Your brain just flipped the two.
It's sort of a form of body synesthesia.
I see.
Yeah, so you don't...
Yeah, it's called gastrointestinal synesthesia.
He just told me Mayor Mint likes it when I boof.
He said that?
Yeah, he said Mayor Mint watches this and likes it when I boof. He said that? Yeah, he said, Mayor Munt watches this and likes it when I boof.
Well, I can tell you that those mint people from Candyland are very persuasive.
So I don't blame you for, even if you don't have synesthesia of the gastrointestinal
zone, you may just be falling under the influence of a very persuasive counterintelligence who
we've been looking to squash for a long
time. You shouldn't feel bad about it. Well if there's any way I can
participate or anyone watching can participate in what I think I'm now
seeing as a very necessary correction of the culture of Candyland then just let
me know because now that I realize that the problems I've been having down there
that the doctor said is from the pouches
or because I got tricked by a communist gnome,
I'm ready to do whatever it takes to,
I'm gonna, hey, let me just say
I'm gonna start flushing again.
Start flushing and I would just say, you know,
get some Boston lager and maybe go to your local dealership and just do a
couple, just test drive some, some just some big, big rigs.
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Dr. Caleb Lance what a joy to have you on the show again I honestly I've done
enough promotion for you but I do want to promote my dear best friend Johnny
Pemberton I'm sure you've already seen him in Fallout.
Apparently there's going to be more of Johnny in the next Fallout, but most
importantly, and because I know you're probably a fan of him too, can you talk
about the new movie? Oh yeah, my friend, the celebrity is coming in. Yeah, actually I'm a big fan as well.
It's so funny, I guess how we became friends is that I've been following him for a while.
He's doing a film that's premiering at
South by Southwest in Austin, Texas.
I think it premieres on March 8th,
but it also has the screenings on March 11th
and I think March 13th as part of the festival.
This is the world premiere of the film.
What's the name of the film?
The name of the film is Mermaid.
Singular Mermaid, yeah. It's a pretty crazy. What's the name of the film? The name of the film is Mermaid. Mermaid.
Singular mermaid.
It's a pretty crazy dark...
What's it about?
It's about a crazy drug addled loser fisherman guy in Florida.
A Florida man if you will.
Who finds a mermaid and she's not like a pretty mermaid.
This is a creature. And it becomes sort of a thriller, a dark comedic
thriller about falling in love with her.
So it's a wild ride, I hear.
How'd you see it?
I saw a trailer.
A friend of mine is editing the trailer.
It's weird you know anyone associated with the film.
I know.
We happen to share an office space. He's the you know anyone associated with the film. I know it's just we happen to share an office space so uh oh he's the neighbor to my office
space and we had a flood. Let me ask you this though I'm just curious about this is it true
actor Johnny Pemberton likes to lick dog balls? I mean I think he doesn't really like male dogs
at all he has a he has a girl dog from what I know so. But I maybe that's maybe that's not
the reason he has a girl dog. He likes to come home after a hard day's work and just lick dog balls.
I've heard he wants to, but knows himself well enough to not have dog balls around.
Because he can't resist.
I mean isn't knowing yourself the biggest part of life is if you know what you what you want to do is
to design your life around design your life around it beautiful words well
spoken thank you so much everybody out there check out combat combating
misinformation in the DMT realm by dr. Caleb Lance. Definitely check out Mermaid starring Johnny Pemberton, a man who knows
himself well enough to only have a female dog and watch the new Fallout 5.
That was Dr. Caleb Lamb. Don't forget to see Johnny Pemberton's new movie or to watch
Fallout or to follow him online. All the links you need to find him will be at dunkatrussle.com. Tulsa, I'll see you same game, polys, it's all fine. You put a smile on your face.
Bet on the sports you love with Bet River Sportsbook.
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Must be 19 plus, available in Ontario only. Please play responsibly.
If you have questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you,
please contact Connects Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge.