Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Conner Habib

Episode Date: September 30, 2016

A blazing episode with author, teacher, occultist, and porn star Conner Habib! Take a class with Conner Follow Conner on Twitter Plus a BRAND NEW DTFH FREAKOUT CHALLENGE ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening friends morning rather whatever it is You are listening to the Duncan Trussell family hour podcast, which is a proud member of the Farrell audio podcast collective You can check them out at Farrell audio comm lots of great podcasts there for you to enjoy and to share with your family and friends and church and temple and Listen to on airplanes and on your long trips to see your sweet family Or to listen to on your commute or as you paint or work or dance or sing or make love With your step-grandmother for those of you who have responded to me regarding my pod rift project, which is
Starting point is 00:00:42 If you just started tuning in now I am in the process of bringing people together to create a virtual reality space where I can record this podcast live and I invited people to Email me if they thought they could help out in this project and I've gotten a lot of responses There's actually a thread on my message board at Duncan Trussell comm Called the official pod rift thread Where you can make initial greetings to other people who are interested in working on this thing
Starting point is 00:01:12 I'm gonna respond. I'm gonna try to respond to everybody and I have somebody who has experience organizing IT projects who is helping me out with this and she is going to Hopefully assemble an email list where we can all Start breaking off into teams to make this thing happen I am going to respond to you the pod rift project is going to happen and I'm very excited about this In fact, I'm obsessed now at this point I'm pretty obsessed because since I started talking about it and throwing it out there
Starting point is 00:01:45 I've been getting so many emails showing me all the different forms of this emergent virtual technology Which is happening all the different ways that people are learning to interact with virtual space particularly Motion capture technologies which translate movement directly into virtual avatars. This is super important in virtual space because when you're in a fully immersive environment anything that you have to do in First world or the environment outside of the virtual space will take you out of that immersion So there are a lot of cool new technologies that are being created to go along with the oculus rift to create deeper levels of Immersion one of these is called the omni. It's an omni directional treadmill that
Starting point is 00:02:39 You have to wear special shoes for it it seems to be It's some kind of like Sloped Disc that has grooves in it and you wear these special shoes that fit into the grooves and so you're basically walking In the grooves sliding along the grooves and this creates the illusion of walking through virtual space This is just one example of the creations that are Coming out right now that allow for Deeper immersion into the digital space and that's where everything's going we want to cross beyond
Starting point is 00:03:24 the uncanny Valley which is a term which is currently used for the The weird weirdness that happens when we represent reality with CGI So even the most high-tech CGI when you see it you know that it's some kind of cartoon It's not real. It doesn't seem real very close to being real But it still has a kind of plasticky mannequin quality to it Well, we want to cross beyond that uncanny Valley We and I think that that term can be used for much more than just graphical representations of reality but can also be used for
Starting point is 00:04:03 Any feeling that takes us out of full immersion Into a digital world and eventually we will succeed in this But we're in the very early early phases of it and the Oculus Rift is one of the most notable flowers on the tree of this technology Yet there are even though this technology is so incredible there are still detractors who claim that it is unnatural These people engage in what I consider to be one of the most absurd Logical positions that any person can engage in which is the idea that we are somehow separated from nature That there is nature and there are humans and there are two different things whereas I think that we are nature We are as much a part of nature as volcanoes
Starting point is 00:04:48 cows butterflies in Hurricane but not everybody thinks this way some people consider this emergent technology to be Dangerous or evil. I just read this quote, but I think it really sums up this kind of paranoia people feel about technology It's from the book the nature of technology what it is and how it evolves by W. Brian Arthur He says as humans We are not attuned to technology, but to something different We are attuned in the deepest parts of our being to nature to our original condition as humankind
Starting point is 00:05:29 We have familiarity with nature a reliance on it that comes from three million years of at-homeness with it We trust nature when we happen upon technology such as stem cell regenerative therapy We experience hope But we also immediately ask how natural this technology is and so we are caught between Too deep unconscious forces our deepest hope is human lies in technology, but our deepest trust lies in nature It is as though Arthur has just finished snorting his fifth rail of Molly We need to Claire's our deepest hope is humans lies in technology, but our deepest trust lies in nature
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's a poetic statement, but it's ultimately completely wrong Unless W. Arthur is the pen name for the multi-eyed tenacled Cthulhu being that blasted humanity into the void millions of years ago There's no way that he can know what the deepest hope and deepest trust of his species is But the even crazier thing that Arthur is doing here is creating a bifurcation between humans and nature and this is a classic bifurcation And it's a bifurcation that's been going on for a very very long time starts in the book of Genesis
Starting point is 00:06:53 In the Garden of Eden where humans existed in this kind of primordial state and then because they went against the rules laid down by some lunatic creator force and Eight of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil they got this eternal cursed placed upon them They were cast out of the garden cast out of nature They went from background to foreground and that is created This sense of guilt or a feeling that whatever human beings do is in some way tainted or secondary To what is naturally produced by the earth and the name for this is called original sin It's that feeling of unease that people have when they look out at
Starting point is 00:07:36 civilization at human civilization when you see the buildings when you see the Cars when you see the pollution when you see the organization of the primate hive which is civilization there is a simultaneous feeling of awe and dread we think What have we done? When you look at a city compared to the woodlands when you look at the honking of horns and the Emission of fossil fuels into the air the smog
Starting point is 00:08:10 Your initial reaction is this is not nature. This is different from nature And because it's a product or a byproduct of humans it makes sense To then say well then humans must not be natural Suddenly at that point technology becomes this other thing it It it begins to live outside of the natural world as an outcast It's like Jesus a rejected messiah Who has come to earth to work amazing miracles but is mysteriously rejected by the very human beings? That it's trying to help now not all human beings are rejecting technology
Starting point is 00:08:54 But a great many people are rejecting technology and they look at this idea of going into virtual spaces as a kind of ultimate failure human beings turning their backs on the natural world and Curling up in the darkness of their homes with screens tied to their faces I'll admit there's something spooky about watching these people with the oculus rift flailing around Because you can't see what they're experiencing. It's like watching someone in a fever dream But this is far more than just some hallucinatory experience That we're talking about here far more and rather than me going on attempting to articulate this. I'm gonna go to Terrence Jesus Christ McKenna and I'm gonna play
Starting point is 00:09:44 An awesome sound clip of McKenna talking about what this technology represents for our species The alien is trapped in the deeper interstices of the human soul But can be downloaded on to the internet as a virtual reality of some sort and this you do it Very slighly. You don't announce what I've just announced You say We're going to hold a contest and we're gonna have a prize for the best simulation of a psychedelic experience in VRML in virtual space and
Starting point is 00:10:24 You hold this contest and you hold it the next year and the next year and people are inspired to download What they think of as their weirdest visions But what they don't understand is their weirdest visions are the weird vision in other words the collective Oversoul Exists dispersed through all of us and if we have a collective project seek to model it To animate it to produce a reasonable simulacrum of it in virtual reality It it will come to be we will summon it out of ourselves
Starting point is 00:11:03 And I think at a certain point we will understand the nature of the enterprise the alchemist dream of Something like this the summoning into existence of the cosmic Anthropos the the mystic atom the psychic hydrolyph the philosopher's stone the lapis Philosophorum the transcendental object at the end of time once again the living part of The universal panacea now I think as we move into the empowering of the imagination Through cyberspace we can actually do we can actually bring these
Starting point is 00:11:45 Archetypes if you will into existence in ways that will give them a terrifying Immediacy, I mean I have visited virtual realities of low definitions slapped together In fairly short order and it shows me What you could achieve if you if many people lovingly Crafted and tool these things We would discover that we can communicate to each other the niagra is of Epiphanous beauty that pour through us when we smoke the empty take psilocybin
Starting point is 00:12:26 Or something like that so in answer to the gentleman's question psychedelics were a door were a window until the advent of Virtual reality and the internet and the new information technology and they melded to psychedelic and can't open the possibility of opening that window and Stepping through it into you know the most beautiful dreams human beings have ever dreamed Think of that the niagra is of epiphanous beauty that flows through us when we smoke DMT or take psilocybin Can be represented using
Starting point is 00:13:08 Virtual reality according to Terrence McKenna and by the way that was in 1996 If only he were alive today to see what was happening any who I want to be part of this thing And I invite you to be part of this thing too Come join me go to Duncan trustle calm go to the podriff thread if you have ideas if you work for a tech company If you work for Oculus if you have an idea about how to make this happen, please get in on the conversation It's if nothing else it's just fun and it's a way for us to do something together That at the very least will be a hilarious catastrophe But at the very most it can be one of the many blocks
Starting point is 00:13:53 being placed into this structure, which is emerging into time right now that is eventually going to allow us to Be born into a new era Which is going to be an era that where we spend a lot of our time in a digital universe Sounds fun to me We've got a great podcast today with my friend Connor Habib We get very deep into the subject matter and I love it because Habib Represents a different POV on the thing So we cover a lot of interesting ground, but first some business
Starting point is 00:14:29 Number one as always the duck at trustle family hour sponsored by the beloved sure design t-shirts Sure design t-shirts is located at sure design t-shirts.com and oh dear god Do they make such soft and beautiful shirts? Using the spinner out of technology sure design t-shirts blast soft beautiful t-shirts into our dimension which are worn by women men and babies alike these shirts are So very soft you will feel as though you are being embraced by swarms of orgasm-inducing nanobots tickling your nervous system and
Starting point is 00:15:07 Bringing you into such states of deep ecstasy that you will want nothing more than to go out into the world and help your fellow man or woman sure design t-shirts comm They too are bringing us closer to the state of Paradise That is waiting for all of us at the end of time go to sure design t-shirts comm if you put my name in you'll get 10% off We are also bought brought to you by Amazon comm. I'm sure you've heard of this. It's an online company that sells everything I just ordered a laundry hamper what that means is I just
Starting point is 00:15:46 Made it so that I didn't have to go to Target to get a laundry hamper I didn't have to place myself in the embarrassing situation of standing in an aisle and staring at laundry hampers But instead I was able to quickly go on Amazon comm and since I'm a member of Amazon Prime I'm gonna have a laundry hamper at my house in two days. That's goddamn magic That's almost like having a matter assimilator Amazon comm is a precursor to matter assimilators Pretty much anything you can think of wanting you can order it at Amazon comm and have it at your house at a suspiciously fast
Starting point is 00:16:25 Speed I don't know how they do it so fast, but it will come immediately garbage bags You want to put off going to the store to get garbage bags? You can order them on Amazon comm Everything's there and if you Amazon for some unknown reason As an affiliate program or anything that you buy from Amazon comm they give us a percentage of it So you can shop at Amazon comm while simultaneously supporting this podcast and I would very much appreciate it if you would do that all you have to do is go through the Amazon portal Which is located to Duncan trussell comm And you can click on any of the podcast episodes and you'll see the portal on the left hand side of the screen
Starting point is 00:17:11 You click on that portal the next time you shop on Amazon and they give us a cut It seems like someone at Amazon is going to get fired for this I'm not sure how necessary a thing is It is I don't really understand it, but I guess that they get tons of advertising from it I just seems like everyone already knows the Amazon comm exists. I shouldn't even I know I hope they keep doing it forever, and I hope that you'll participate There are other ways you can support this podcast you can support this podcast by going to Duncan trussell comm clicking on the shop
Starting point is 00:17:47 Ordering one of our new t-shirts or posters if you really want to go wild you could even donate to this podcast and to those of you who have been donating to the podcast and continue to donate to the podcast my deepest thanks It is an immense honor that you choose to spend some of your money in that way and I truly appreciate it. Thank you and thank you to all of you just listen to this podcast And thank you to all of you who aren't listening to this podcast
Starting point is 00:18:20 And thank you to the original source that everything emerges from whether it is a Accidental bang somewhere in the depths of time or a magical Self-creating spell cast by some interdimensional life wizard Somewhere on the shores of reality. Thank you so much. This is so fun to do All right Today's guest is Connor Habib Connor Habib is an author He is also a porn star if you're into gay porn. I suggest you go to Connor Habib's website
Starting point is 00:19:02 Located at Connor Habib comm and you can watch Connor Habib Having sex with guys while you listen to him talk about Deep hardcore spiritual topics listen to that You're listening to someone moaning is Connor Habib sucks their cock Right now at this very moment. Sorry. Sorry about that you guys. That's not really what that was if you're in an office that was That was the sound of Somebody doing push-ups Okay, everyone, please open your hearts and
Starting point is 00:19:39 Send love out to my friend the great Connor Habib Connor Habib welcome back to the Dunkin Trussell family our podcast. Hello, I'm so happy to be back and to be looking at you When we talk because your last podcast like your last setup you were sitting sort of sideways and I was we were like you sat in an L So I didn't get to look you in the eye when we talk Ah, that's like we're sort of and you also have the headphones on so you're sort of distant. It's kind of bizarre It's like yeah, the voice is coming through the ether. Yeah, that was a weird that was a weird thing, man Yeah, you know Connor you I was I've been thinking lately about like
Starting point is 00:20:41 podcasting and how All the really cool things it's done and my my favorite thing about what it's done for me is The people I've gotten to meet through podcasting and you're a person who is now a friend of mine That came through podcasting and I was marveling over like wow What a cool medium that actually makes for it makes friendships happen It's so awesome And I was actually thinking about that on the way over in my own way because I was thinking how it's It's not you know, like I love doing podcasting general because I love
Starting point is 00:21:16 Conversation but also like talking with you is so fun and like getting the Framework set up so that you and I literally just sit down and talk for like a long period of time Without interruption without like, you know stopping to check our phones or whatever the fuck like, right? It's awesome Yeah, it is it's an incredible medium and I want I Guess I want to start off talking about with you to get your take on this on this new project that I'm working on Okay, because I'm catching heat a little not a lot of heat Actually, most people are into this but I'm getting a surprising amount of criticism about this not a I'm surprised
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm getting any criticism. Okay. I'm worried to put it here's here's what it is Okay, I want to do a head transplant. I want to trance. No, I'm just kidding. I know I would support that Okay, what what I'm working on is So I ordered an Oculus Rift, you know what this is. Yeah, it's like the it's sort of like a virtual reality Helmet thing. Yes, that's right. And so I have an Oculus Rift coming and What I'm working on is a project right now. I'm calling the pod rift project, which is The goal is to create a virtual space or use a pre-existing virtual space Where people can come and watch the podcast being recorded live in three-dimensional fully immersive virtual space
Starting point is 00:22:43 So what that means is it's some point when you come over to do the podcast if we want to do it this way You can put on these goggles and I can put on the goggles and instead of you looking at me across the table You'll be looking at a virtual avatar of me and then some kind of like alien landscape Surrounded by people who've come to watch the podcast. So we'll be doing this live in Virtual space now. I'm super excited about this because in the same way that I've gotten to be friends with you and like Daniela Bolleli Chris Ryan and and and lots other folks from doing this podcast People there's like communities that spring up around podcast people like the ideas that are being presented in the podcast or the tone
Starting point is 00:23:26 And they meet each other and so there's this interactivity that podcasts foster, which I think is fantastic So I think if I create a virtual space where we can record this podcast not all the time by the way But it from time to time do this in a virtual space where people can gather together and watch in a crazy virtual environment It's going to amplify that connectivity of the thing if they have the Oculus don't need a rift Oh, you don't know because you could you know like second life, for example Okay, I got it. Yeah, people are using that in 2d now. It doesn't matter. Okay. So what's so what's the shit you're getting? People need to go outside more That's some dumb shit. Well, look, yeah, it's true people do need to go outside people have ADD
Starting point is 00:24:20 They don't need the last thing they need is more distraction. Well, wouldn't this be a more focus? Yes, right. Yeah. Well, there's the other side of his look man. I don't want to fucking sit and watch people talk I don't want to sit and watch people talk for an hour. Well, you can still listen to it, right? Yes Yeah, so what's the problem or here's another good one? Look man, it's just not gonna be someone's here's another great one I got people are already were probably working on this Don't fucking do anything unless you're the first person to do it Yeah, I don't want you to take a piss unless it comes out original. It's so fucking weird man It's so fucking weird because look I recognize that this is a rudimentary
Starting point is 00:25:02 Initially, this is gonna be all it's gonna be incredibly rudimentary and primitive. I go I recognize that I know that but I'm thinking Five years from now. Yeah, imagine this think of this Montseor Habib you can put on these goggles and Go into some like imagine if you're a sculptor you can put on these goggles go into a three-dimensional workshop in virtual space sculpt with some kind of
Starting point is 00:25:34 Digital putty not existent in the real world, but possibly you can feel like Haptic technology or magnetic gloves can create a sense of resistance as you sculpt this thing You can sculpt to the thing not just by yourself But you could bring other people other artists from all over the world to work on this art Experiment with you and then print that out on one of these new 3d printers That's coming out and you have now taken something from hyperspace Merged minds with another person separate from the confines of a studio or the limitations rather of a studio and
Starting point is 00:26:10 Regular 3d space and the tools there you could sculpt something as a forearmed creature Perhaps, you know, you could sculpt something with hands that are shaped differently What would it look like if I sculpted clay with bird claws? What would it look like if a bird tried to sculpt something for example, you this is not and by the way, this isn't like 2020 shit. This is right around the fucking corner Right, I want to be part of that momentum leading in the direction of the existence of these virtual spaces these tunnels into Alternate designer realities where people
Starting point is 00:26:47 Separated from the confines of their bodies no more black white yellow fat thin Muscular male female whatever the fuck you want to be in this space. You can be a goddamn dragon flag. Okay, okay, so Okay, so I have a criticism, but I want to It's not a criticism. It's just my mind just sort of went in a bit of a different direction and I just want to bring this To you right because I am down with everything you just said. I think it's awesome I think we should be playing with those kinds of technologies I think you know, yeah, it is right around the corner the accessibility of it is probably for everybody
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's probably not right around the corner. Just even I mean Many people don't have the internet many people don't have cell phones sure kind of shit, but you're right Totally down with all that but when you started describing it to me You put your arms out and you said I want you to imagine this miss your Habib and you closed your eyes And I thought huh well we can already do all that and in sure and in a way the way that we can do it is that we close our eyes and we go in and When someone's listening to this podcast, they have an imaginative landscape that they can engage with and Change any of the aspects including the sound of my voice if they want to as they're engaging
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yeah, as an imagine it so Here's the thing happy with everything you said if We continue to develop what happens when we close our eyes but the way these things sometimes tend to go is as replacement and Substitution for what happens when we close our eyes and gauge with our okay Now let's think about that because that is a criticism that people are leveling about this thing is that this is the fear That somehow this kind of technology is going to cause an atrophy of the imaginative
Starting point is 00:28:40 Function of the human mind see I don't see that because I think that no matter what I think what it's going to do is cause an Atrophy of the identification with the meat body. That's what it's gonna do It's gonna cause an eye atrophy of the identification with what is truly self I think that's definitely gonna happen but in virtual space you're gonna be as able to close your eyes and imagine whatever you want as you can in This world world one whatever you want to call it this archaic shit world by the way, man You know so not everybody is lucky like we are they don't get popped out of a vagina with two arms and two legs They you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:17 They they they don't get that or some people like when they come out of the vagina like they end up having shitty genes So they maybe they like have like some kind of like aspect of themselves that's like, you know Makes it so they get instantaneously judged in world one by all these other lumbering shitheads and by the way this fucking You know how annoying nationality nationalism is or American Exceptionism as Putin pointed out or the you know just if you watch some of these September 11th videos
Starting point is 00:29:50 You just want to fucking go to Canada because it's like overwrought assholes weeping about like you can only be Jewish Yeah, I I'm I can be Jewish without being in danger because I'm in the United States I saw someone say that it's like are you out of your fucking mind. Where do you what what era are you broadcasting from? But anyway, what I'm saying is there's a physical nationalism that happens where people are in You know like when naturally beautiful people are proud of the way they look and take on this kind of snobbishness Well, fuck that I'm talking about a time in human history where we are freed from the confines of physical limitations merging minds and consciousness in the most pure way in virtual environments with the intention of
Starting point is 00:30:35 Creating a form. Okay, but I I don't think that that's what this does because what what and again, I'm not let me just Put all this under the blanket of I'm not opposed to any of this I'm not a little right. I'm not any so like I called someone a lewd. I down my message board I'm not but what what I what I think is that okay, but you're just replacing one body for another so you're right It allows a sort of collective space But what we're doing is the same thing what we do with the internet to some extent which is we project our ego into a computer Yes, and so that's it's like I'd rather I want to look at this thing that we have right this physical thing Which I I don't think is just a meat body. I think there's this matrix of growth and
Starting point is 00:31:26 Feeling and thought and then you know, it may be an ego descends and becomes heavy in these, you know, physical bodies We have not sure but but I don't want to Totally just say okay, well we don't have to do this thing anymore now we get to do that thing But actually it's just sort of a substitution And it's a limited substitution It's much more limited than this because the stuff that this does By this I'm gesturing with my hands and my physical body
Starting point is 00:31:58 Since you can't see because we're not in the oculus rift space right now No, you could you could see my gay flailings when I'm talking But what this does it regenerates it changes shape it grows and yes, it's constrained in a lot of ways Yes, and there's all this think about how little you know about your liver and your spleen happy But all these things that are going on inside of us our heartbeat These all have real value and I think that they have real thought feeling and esoteric and spiritual value and just sort of just be Like well not this anymore, but this Thing that we've created but that's the problem is you're saying you're acting as though this technology
Starting point is 00:32:39 Truly leads to the abandonment of this reality, and I don't see that I see this technology as being a way to amplify our human experience. You are so right you're so right But what I want and what I want to say is it's very funny because I've been sort of tuned into this like Singularity stuff for lately right so when I listen to episodes of your show and You're talking about it You talk about it a lot, and I also am very excited about the mergings of these technologies But there's this lesson which I feel like You might take to heart, but then we also have to do the work of
Starting point is 00:33:16 sharing this lesson or exposing other people so they can take it to heart which is It's just It's a thing that Rudolf Steiner says but it's also just an occult thing Which is for every one step of occult knowledge you gain you have to take three steps to refining your personality Fuck so that's great, right? Oh, wow So and you know I mean who knows this was exact ratio or whatever I think it's a great ratio, but the singularity stuff and this thing that you're talking about That's the occult use of physical tools in a ritualistic way to create a certain power sweet God
Starting point is 00:33:51 It sure is most people Have not taken nor will they take those three steps unless we do work to cultivate the refinement of the personality before we do This so while some people I agree with you be using in this fucking mind-blowing artistic amazing way Yeah, it's It's troublesome so so I want to talk about that part about the part you're talking about the excitement But whenever we talk about that we need this added feature We need this out as feature of refinement and talking about I agree. I think you're right man I think that's good to be cautious with technology and I I agree with you and
Starting point is 00:34:30 And I welcome the debate. I welcome it. There's a guy Tom Butler. I'm sorry. I called Tom Butler He's a fellow post on my message board. I I called him a Luddite. I Called him a Luddite as I say I said I will and when I typed it I even mispronounced it. So who's the real Luddite, but I called him a Luddite He sounds like an earth-first asshole man. No, I'm just kidding. I think sounds awesome. No, but he's on your if he's on your message board He's listening and he's participating But you know I know I welcome the debate and I think it's good and I think what you're saying what I really like about what you're Saying is making the connection between this as an occult ritual and I want to did I tell you about the g4?
Starting point is 00:35:10 20 what's it called not g4? It's called the 2045 It was this conference this billionaire Dmitri Itchkov put on your electronic arm. Yes, you told me You should repeat it in case well on the the eeriness of the thing was that Itchkov had You know for those of you don't know Russian billionaire Dmitri Itchkov wants to create human immortality and wants to is a transhumanist and wants to merge with machines and free humanity from the bondage of this current three-dimensional space that we've been shit out of a giant as into and That sounds so negative I Don't really mean that but shit out of a giant. Yeah, I don't really I don't really mean I don't really mean that but
Starting point is 00:35:58 so At this conference what was so strange about it was you felt that occult feeling You know that occult feeling when you go to rituals or ceremonies or temples There's a sense you like steeped in a mystery you can feel that vibration Yes, or when someone's dying or when a baby is being shit out of a born when a baby's being born You feel this sense of like whoa Well, they're That feeling was coming because what these people are doing
Starting point is 00:36:28 Is they are ushering in This emergent technology or what I think they're calling technology actually the seventh kingdom of life I don't know how many kingdoms there. I think it's this they're really five but the sixth kingdom whatever they're saying It's a new life form it's springing into Existence and technologists are the midwives of this birth of this birthing and so itch cough had you know at this place monks And of all religions There are people so you have this combination of people with cyborg arms mixed in with people wearing Saffron robes walking around it's like what the fuck is this and what it is is that it's
Starting point is 00:37:05 Just like any other great occult birthing that you see in the movies This is the dawn of a new era and we are bringing in a life form into this planet that is going to Permanently and radically alter human consciousness for as long as we exist There's no way to stop it. You will not stop this birth Rosemary has been fucked by the devil and she is gonna pop out this baby All of them witches Habib There's no way that's my favorite movie by the way Fucking love that movie. That's my favorite movie of all time. But yeah, okay, listen
Starting point is 00:37:42 So I don't think I don't think technology I don't think this technology is the birth of a new life form I don't agree with that the thing is the life form was already born What's happening is that it's manifesting in the technologies that we use. I love it So the way that we start putting things together. It's like uh, okay I can tell you a really fucked up story, please. Um, so before I was in anthroposophy Um and Rudolf Steiner I had a dream that uh one night that there were all these monks in this church
Starting point is 00:38:13 And they had these pieces of shadow And they were putting together all these pieces of shadow and forming this giant being that was just a giant shadow And they kept chanting this name over and over Ariman ariman ariman Wow Now ariman in anthroposophy is the being the entity of reductive science of uh, of materiality of consumerism And right now we live in the age of ariman basically We live in this and ariman is completely counter to human evolution, which is a crazy thing
Starting point is 00:38:48 Like that's how he manifests now. So what Rudolf Steiner always said about ariman was it doesn't matter like we can't stop him from Manifesting or being born basically we can't stop the birth of the antichrist, which is what you said. What matters is how we greet him now um The weird thing about the dream is that I was hearing this name before I knew anything about anthroposophy And they built this giant man out of shadow and then he burst through the front of the church He was huge and the church fell apart behind him. He just lumbered off. Yeah now I might have heard the name ariman before it's a zoroastrian name. Who knows like but it was a fucking crazy dream
Starting point is 00:39:28 and That's What's happening with technology? We have people that are essentially monks who are assembling these pieces of shadow It's this giant being that's going to smash through the church and leave it in rubble Now yes, we have to be careful with how we meet this being it's of complete It's of way less importance to me not to everybody but to me What we do with this being and how we decide to greet it and how we decide to react and and act and interact with it because
Starting point is 00:40:01 technology all of it from turning a key in a Block to making a watch to making a cyborg arm all this kind of stuff It all requires this little piece of ariman. It all requires this piece of shadow And we can see this by how technology always sort of finds its way sometimes And sometimes we use it for good things and sometimes we don't but that's up to us. And so I Just want us to greet this being that existed as it manifests through all our little knickknacks and pieces and shiny bits of metal and microchips We need to know that something fucked up is coming through that as well
Starting point is 00:40:40 And we need to be able to meet it with our hearts You know we need to be able to meet with our hearts and not to start intellect because the intellect is just The slave of right now. You know man I know exactly what you're saying and when you know when I was shooting this rogan show We got to meet people who are working on neural prosthesis, which is the implanting into the human brain Microchips that will allow people to move Robotic machinery with their minds These people a hundred percent of the time
Starting point is 00:41:12 Were not doing this for entertainment and they certainly weren't doing it to hurt people They were doing it to help people who are paralyzed move again Right and although who's funding them? I don't know but I but that's that's I just want to bring that up to say like not to interrupt you for too long or to go down that path But the people who are doing it they're doing it to help people But their money is coming probably from people who are not Giving them money to help people. You know man. I got to say I don't I think it's probably
Starting point is 00:41:43 Coming from people who know that they're going to make a shitload of money from making paralyzed people move again Okay, okay, because there's a ton of cash right now. I don't know this and you know I would imagine the money's coming from from that. You know, I'm not saying I mean Yeah, I'm not all pharmaceuticals and most pharmaceuticals, you know I don't think that they're being manufactured because the other end of the pipe is some guy who's like, I want to heal the world It's just right. It's one of the many investments people floating around in yachts are making right in the hope that if they hit it They'll hit it big, you know, the first person to reverse the aging process is going to be Uh, a super trillionaire and but and that what that produces is like
Starting point is 00:42:22 This is on an off note, but like whenever I you know, you can go to Hearst castle up the coast And I whenever I see that stuff, of course, there's a hippie part of me That's like waste materialism and waste, but then there's another part of me that's like, man I wish there were moguls still This is beautiful, man I wish there are moguls and I feel like that all the time moguls are going to be born again And these are the servants of aramon as you say and the result is going to be there's going to be moguls again Because people are going to figure out how to reverse the aging process and people are going to make it so that the blind can see again with
Starting point is 00:42:58 Optical implants and people are going to make it so that people Who have locked in syndrome will no longer be trapped in a fucking bed Completely unable to move but for the first time in god knows how many years They will be able to exist in simulated virtual environments where they can interact with other human beings again And brother that is worth all the fucking Aramon darkness that exists in the world as far as I'm concerned But that's a beautiful thing and I know what you mean when we invent a weapon Or when you invent a weapon, there's it's it's either going to be used to kill someone for no reason or defend you from someone
Starting point is 00:43:34 Who's trying to kill you with a different weapon any object that comes into existence It can hurt because that's just part of the world. But this is what and this is how I see it We are about to burrow into our minds Into the very into a new digital medium We're about to burrow into space and time and create clusters of creative Consciousness, you know where we are no longer bound by our bodies or the physical form and god damn it that to me sounds so fun
Starting point is 00:44:11 well, okay, but here's a here's a Let's keep going at it then I was yeah, okay, let's go at this little bit more because There's that debate between people who are deaf And people who are getting those off. What is it ocular implants? Is that what they're calling it? Yeah, I think it's cochlear No, ocular cochlear implants
Starting point is 00:44:33 And there are deaf people that are saying no We're deaf like this is how we were meant to be. Yes. Now. Here's the here's the thing There is even when you give somebody The the thing to put in their ear that makes them hear the surgery or whatever There's something armonic that leads up to the invention of that device even as we think we're helping people It's the same sort of thing as wanting to democratize iraq because Instead of us developing our compassion for people that are Completely different than us and have a different experience of the world for us
Starting point is 00:45:11 We're like we'll just make them like us because they must fucking hate not being like us Yeah, sure. So we already have this like issue. I think that I think I don't think that's a good comparison. I don't think that's you can compare Imperialism to Trying to help someone who can't hear hear again I don't think that's a good comparison and I think that it's important to note that there's a few differences One big difference those people don't usually have a choice. They're being fucking democratized by being invaded People who are deaf. Nobody's going into their homes and being like time down. Let's make them here It's a decision that you get to make if you want a
Starting point is 00:45:49 Cochlear implant whatever it's called you get to decide to do it, you know, so I don't think it's a fair comparison I I know what you're saying You're but what you're saying if you trace it all the way back Is this idea that the way that we are when we come out of the pussy is the way we're meant to be Which I don't I don't agree. I I I don't believe in that. So I'm glad you point that out what I'm saying is that There's something about The people that are making these technologies to help people hear some of them are deaf. Some of them can hear right It is somehow related. Okay. So maybe iraq is not the best analogy
Starting point is 00:46:29 But we used to have this big movement that was like a eugenics movement, right? That was like not too long ago Actually, it's crazy how recent this was which is like if they're not like us. Let's just eliminate them Now if we filter that impulse into choice Which is what you're talking about like these people have a choice. They don't have a choice That's one level of sort of freeing that up a little bit like you have the choice to do this or not But there is a piece in there. That's like Now that you can be like us. Yes Why the fuck are you not like us and then there's also a piece in there
Starting point is 00:47:05 That's like now that you're not like now that you can be like us and some of you are choosing to not be like us How are we going to arrange our society to accommodate for you? So like um I'm trying to think I'm trying to think of a good hey cripple Get some fucking artificial legs man. What are you doing? You're making us shove you around in this fucking wheelchair when you have access anytime you want to 3d printed virtual legs that you can walk around in Yes, okay. Well, let's imagine that that's a possibility. Okay, you know Let's imagine that if let's just say that right now at this very moment all over the planet
Starting point is 00:47:39 anyone who can't walk could suddenly have access to cybernetic legs that would allow them to walk that they could control their minds It's a not a fair question But seriously man, what percentage of them are going to be like, you know what? I'm going to stay in this fucking wheelchair You're right. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about us I'm talking about we who Create an off the technology that we the legged who walk around who jogged down the street
Starting point is 00:48:12 What happens part part of us wants to So so we want to give them these legs to help them that's part of it But then there's part of us that no longer has to go through the act of compassion, right? So like So how over how much work are we doing? How much inner work are we doing to be like? No, it doesn't really matter. I'm seeing this as like a as someone who is attracted to guys, right? Because there's this whole huge what let me let me explain. You're gay That would explain why my hands been on your flat this whole time It didn't just fall there
Starting point is 00:48:52 Didn't just fall there numb Um, it's so funny because like a lot of people wasn't like holy shit, man. They're fucking We are um, so I think I think that uh I think that it's like as someone who's attracted to guys. There's been this whole argument since I've been You know, uh a teenager or whatever. That's like well gay is genetic gay is genetic, right? Whatever Um, which is first of all totally not born out by the facts. It's just not shown to be true It's just not proven. Yes the studies. Let's say that And so a lot of gay people have come to this conclusion where they're just like fuck you who cares like who cares where it's coming from
Starting point is 00:49:31 I don't care if I was born this way if I chose to be this way if I blah blah blah exactly What's your responsibility here as someone that's looking in your responsibility is to be okay with it either way because it's not Fucking with anybody. Yes. So that's that's sort of what I that's sort of where some of these thoughts are coming from it's like instead of uh Again, I'm not opposed to giving the person the wheelchair legs. I'm just saying like How much inner work are we doing to think about the person in the wheelchair who? You know who doesn't have legs that work like how much inner work of compassion extension understanding? Are we doing I think listen? I think that that is going to be a problem regardless of the
Starting point is 00:50:11 accessibility of technology that allows for the Freedom of self-expression because that's what we're talking about here. We're talking about freedom of self-expression and we're talking about the And development of compassion. Yeah. Well the development of compassion You know, I think that that's sort of that's a great thing No matter what development of compassion is always a great and wonderful thing. But god damn It's I don't know how how interrelated they are But I will say this to me
Starting point is 00:50:41 There's a hell of a lot of compassion in creating technologies that free human beings from the burden The burden of their genetic their genetics their genetics not genetic they're genetic or their genetic structure or the genetic Uh, the the genetic fucking mask that we're forced to wear this fleshy Costume that we're forced to wear this Gravitational field the gravity well as they call it we're trapped in a gravity well and we're in some way predestined by our genetic form So what ends up happening is that the reaction we get from people based on what we look like or how we act genetic or not Whether if you act super masculine or super feminine and you're a guy you're going to get a reaction from the world one way or the other And you can't just change that you can't turn it on and off or shift it
Starting point is 00:51:29 If you'd like to you can't instantaneously turn into a woman and look at what's happening now with Transgendered people who are turning into women because that's what they feel like doing look at the fucking reaction. They get for that Freaks look at a lady boy. She boy. She weird fucking angry eye rolling shit Like how dare they change their physical form. Hey, fuck you totally meet tyrant You can suck it, bitch. We're not going to be chained down to this shit anymore I agree. I agree with that But it's the horror of the white person of the white racist think how horrifying it is for the white racist To imagine that any ethnicity if they want to can transform into a perfect arian form
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's a horror story to them. No Well, or it's it's the narrative that they want. I mean, that's what that's what the That's what the nazis that's what the nazis were trying to do. They're trying to turn people white I tell you these fucking racist man if they if the idea that like suddenly people could just shift color They wouldn't like they don't want chameleons. They want this stupid entitlement that comes from their The thing that they had the least to do with Right, but set letting my people go at beep. We're not going to be chained down to our physical forms anymore but you have but you have people who are
Starting point is 00:52:47 Transgender who are changing their genders and part of that comes out of not the fact that they're Part of that comes out the fact that they we have to deal with this stupid concept Of gender in the first place, right? Like there's no idea of In this culture at least and there has been in other cultures of like some sort of fluidity of gender Like that got solidified at a certain point in history Yes Now there might be something essential about a masculine and feminine cosmic thing, right? But the idea of man and woman that's bullshit
Starting point is 00:53:23 Like the idea of what's masculine and feminine and like little boys play with trucks and little girls That's bullshit. But because we've solidified that they have to change their material selves to deal with our stupid concept. Yes, and that's that's sort of what i'm talking about like I'm wondering like why are we doing this physical work to conduct the conceptual realm When it's like, you know, if everybody conceptually was like look, it's totally okay if somebody It doesn't have legs We're gonna work for each other to take care of each other to love each other to embrace each other to not make fun Of people who are in wheelchairs to like blah blah blah one of my favorite pastimes by the way
Starting point is 00:54:03 Of course That's my whole my whole new comedy act is based on it's just all about it's just all about yeah It's so fun. Yeah, and you ease people in by like first there's someone with a lamp Then it's someone on crutches and wheelchair. Yeah, just a severed. Yeah. Yeah, it's so fun. I know No, man, I'm talking about let me just throw this out there. Okay one of my favorite days of my life I uh, I got to be I got to play freddy kruger in a
Starting point is 00:54:37 comedy central sketch on Nick Swartzen's pretend time and the guy who actually put freddy kruger's prosthetics face on him Put like real prosthetics on me so that I like Turned into it was the same mask they used for freddy. So I turned in to this like movie monsters. So um I think I was also like chomping at her all or something. So it's also like kind of high while it was happening. So which was awesome. So like you like Looking at yourself in the mirror
Starting point is 00:55:14 And not seeing you anymore But seeing this completely different face this weird burnt symmetrical monster face It's amazing. It like all of a sudden you're like, wow What would I act like if I was this person and right away your personality does start shifting a little bit It starts changing to conform with the face that you're seeing in the mirror That is fun and it's freeing and I think that that is uh an experience that isn't accessible To a lot of people we can go and put on masks people love halloween. They love dressing up as other things not just because um
Starting point is 00:55:48 It's fun But because it creates the ability to no longer be bound by our physical form and act in the way that is expected of people of We're no longer stuck in the gravity of other people's expectations that we've grown used to by our genetically Determined physical form I love that. I think that's a that's that's a little bit of freedom from the gravity well And i'm this virtual environment that i'm talking about this virtual space is a way for people to experiment with no longer being trapped in that form I agree and I think so here's
Starting point is 00:56:22 We're sort of talking about Two different levels and what we need to do not you and me because we agree on everything but we need to We need to find an agreement um between these different aspects of this phenomenon so like So here's like this spiritual problem like when you look at poor people and you see poor people are um Like you know oh like some people will say oh well you can be happy without money and like aren't we demonizing poor people and thinking Oh, they're so poor they can't be happy, but really they're happy right and then there's this other level That's like we need to fucking filter money into you know these poor people's lives So they don't have to fucking be poor anymore, right? Yeah, so those are two different levels
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's like one is can you be happy anyway, and then the other level is Yes, but I want you to thrive and that's something different like I don't just want you to survive and be happy I want you to thrive and be able to access more things and blah blah blah So what all I'm saying is all I want to bring to these kinds of discussions Whether about singularity or about whatever you know you put your brain in a computer and a genie pops out whatever the fuck it's like it's like that
Starting point is 00:57:38 I mean first of all I have all sorts of problems with with singularity technology stuff that I can talk about some other time But I'm talking about in this instance is that we Need to bring the conversation of the inner work We're doing to the table because fucking man wired magazine is all about The fucking technological aspect and they're like big future beautiful universe where you know we sure we're on this virtual space Etc etc like we're living forever all that But the component of the moral development is not brought by that And very often the people who talk about the technological advancement
Starting point is 00:58:17 Confuse it for moral development and to me that's extremely problematic. Okay. Okay. Let me Pose this to you there. So we have the uh, think of the various famous mandalas for the one of my favorite being the Shri Yantra mandala. Have you ever seen that? It's like perfect triangles on top of each other. It's so beautiful and trippy and amazing This uh, mandala is generally people are only seeing it in two-dimensional space But most mandalas function in three-dimensional space. They're meant to be seen from three-dimensional so when you see like the Tibetan mandalas the sand drawings of these things those are representations of three-dimensional structures, right?
Starting point is 00:59:00 You look at them from 2d space. They're beautiful But imagine being able to experience them from 3d space from the perspective of them being these enormous hyper-dimensional structures that you could fly around and investigate and touch Each side and every time you touch the sides or point to the sides You could see the scripture related to what this Thing means the ability for education is so profound or even in a more rudimentary way imagine the buddha experience imagine
Starting point is 00:59:31 Uh putting on these vr goggles putting on the headphones and suddenly you are sitting beneath the bodhi tree meditating as the buddha and It goes through the temptations of the buddha as the buddha siddhartha. Gautama is attaining his enlightenment That's just fun the demon ma the symbolic form springing up in front of you You can pause it if you want pause simulation and you can ask what the fuck does that mean? Oh, well the demon ma represents the human's fear of death You know and overcoming the fear of death is one of the uh first movements in the direction of uh true understanding Man, that's a great tool and I guarantee that if we could transfer this technology back to the
Starting point is 01:00:11 Days the early days that it would be used as a teaching tool and a tool to Show people experientially These things these uh these uh moral and ethical lessons that come from the great world religions Yeah, but that doesn't that would do nothing to morality like I I wouldn't consider that as having any effect on our moral compass the the Because it's the same thing with I mean a book is a technology sure bible's technology the people that uh I mean, I don't like using the word technology when it comes to the bible
Starting point is 01:00:44 But you know what I mean like school is a technology all these things all these things are technique And so there's the technique that's external and then there's the inner work that you do So yes, the morality is just completely separate. It's like you can't get there With technology. It's just impossible. You can you can assist people. Yes, you can help them But there's just a different component. Well, no, I I don't think that you can use technology to inject morality into a human But I think that you can use uh, you can you can use virtual space to educate people and
Starting point is 01:01:19 So many different ways. I mean aside from the spiritual component of the the possibilities that open up for Uh, I mean holy shit, man. One of my favorite things was uh One of my favorite memories is when I interned at the zen center And uh, you know, we would meditate for for every Wednesday We'd meditate for periods of 40 minutes sitting in the lotus position staring at a wall And I really enjoyed that you're doing it in the presence of other people. It's really fun To imagine being able to do that with people all over the world in a virtual temple
Starting point is 01:01:53 Meditating well, you know with the rift on, you know I I love that idea to me that is so cool and I know people think oh, why don't you just do it in your house? No, I can do it in my house. No problem. Right, but this I can do also I think that's awesome. I think that would be great and I think it would bring its own set of problems. It's just like um, I mean we We have cars. I mean we can go I can drive today, you know Down to Mexico, you know what I mean? I can drive to wherever and that's brought its whole new set of problems Sure
Starting point is 01:02:26 And so part of the way we deal with those problems is by generating some sort of morality in the way that we drive The way we encounter our cars all that kind of stuff So there's a separate lesson that would still need to be learned when it came to being able to meditate in the room With all those other people. I think that would be awesome I think it's a new experience and I love the idea of encountering new experiences and like you say all the time novelty Well get ready because we're gonna do it, baby. It's gonna happen. I'm getting the fucking I'm getting it made I fucking love all that my My life
Starting point is 01:02:59 I try to say is not about having new experiences. It's about deepening capacity And so what I always want to do is create depth of the experience that I'm already having Like there's this painter Andrew Wyeth who said, you know, um, he lived in he lives I think he's still alive or maybe he just died. I don't know. He must be really old in Pennsylvania in Maine and he you know It's painting itself for hundreds of thousands of dollars and they're all super realistic So whether you like them or not whatever but People were like, why don't you go anywhere? He never went anywhere
Starting point is 01:03:28 He's like, well because every time I take five steps out of my house I see something I want to paint and so it's just this depth of his experience every single day And so that is what um, that's the component that I feel like I just want to bring to my own life And I wouldn't say that's for everybody. I just want to um, sort of Tap on that a little bit that I love new experiences. I think they're really exciting, but that's not For me the ultimate thing that we should be going novelty. No, I know I know what you mean, man We can't always be chasing the dragon of novelty. That's just being a crackhead. I totally understand that I'm trying to trying to get high on the novelty pipe and then you're always seeking new experiences
Starting point is 01:04:09 That's how you get herpes. I I totally get that man. This is a different thing and and I think that um, the what's so beautiful about it and so exciting about it to me is that Human beings are exploratory creatures We like to we like to we ours history is a history of migration You know, we've traveled we have within us this desire to travel into new spaces to explore new spaces The pilgrimage the idea of the pilgrimage is such an implicit aspect of so many different religions, you know, it's such a Um, important important thing to journey to a place You know to journey to a place journey to the promised land the story of
Starting point is 01:04:52 Moses wandering through the great valley to you know and in like all journey to the prom Yeah, our journey to the fun. It's a beautiful beautiful experience to like move through space in the direction of some Uh garden of eden oasis some experience. Well, I think that This emergent technology is very similar Uh in that human beings are moving through time Currently we are moving through time Uh in in the direction of this new kingdom and this new kingdom is going to be a kingdom That is brought to us by technology because we're changing the nature of time and space
Starting point is 01:05:31 That's what we need to do and that that's our path right now is changing our experience of time and space And that's what this would do Totally agree with you and I think like, you know arguments that um, You know, you need to go outside more or whatever you were saying before I'm not interested in those arguments and I think people often forget to say something as simple as like Uh That sounds that sounds like something and that's not what I'm doing. Do you know what I mean? It's like so someone who like criticizes this whole thing. It's like, no like what you're seeing is actually fucking awesome
Starting point is 01:06:05 It's just that like it doesn't have to be everybody's Thing or everybody's path. Yeah, no one has to do it No one's going to be forced into this but And guess what if no one else is going outside imagine how fucking awesome it's going to be for you to go outside It's going to be totally empty. It's going to be like night of the comet empty. You can like empty streets First of all, think of think of this think of this. Yeah, so now it's like, okay We have because you know, there's this term the uncanny valley and the uncanny valley represents the Uh, strangeness of looking at, uh, 3d graphics and generally it's used for video games
Starting point is 01:06:44 so in a video game if you see, um Uh, a person in a video game. Actually, I'll show you I have this new computer and I can show you skyrim at Uh, ultra graphics setting so you can see an example of what this looks like. It's cool But it's obviously not real. It's like you can the thing it kind of looks like It's a little bit more than a cartoon. It kind of looks like a mannequin or something, you know And it's like you're it's like a very detailed doll or something. So that's called the uncanny valley and so The next step and they're working on graphics engines that are trying to cross the uncanny valley so that a
Starting point is 01:07:20 Uh, virtual a thing in virtual space will be indistinguishable from a thing in Uh, reality now once we cross That uncanny valley then What that means is and you combine that with haptic technology is what it's called which is uh A way to simulate feeling or motion. So that means now instead of being like, all right You got to drive to venice for a 40 minute commute to be in an office building so that you can be around people It's at 9 a.m. You put on your goggles You go into your virtual room and you work for eight hours and you work for eight hours in the space with other people
Starting point is 01:07:57 Who are indistinguishable indistinguishable from people in real life? What that does is that it clears out the highways and roads and guess what the highways and roads are being used for now Recreation they're being used for people to go to the beach in the mountains and for people to go to the grocery store That's not recreation But it's still they're not being clotted with humans being forced to push their meat bodies together In shitty man-made caves where they have to breathe each other's farts and steal each other's yogurt all day long Yeah, I mean what you're talking about is this awesome like moral this this wedding of like a sort of moral perspective And the technology we're using and I think that's awesome. I mean I think you like if we first of all
Starting point is 01:08:44 Here's the thing Nobody should have to go to fucking their office at all anymore It's fucking pointless like we don't need to have people going in their offices when we have all kinds of technology that Alleviates that sort of problem unless you really need to have some sort of interpersonal connection with the person that's sitting across from you That's interacting. Yeah So this technology if we begin to see work that way gives that to us and it develops into some huge thing It could also be the fucking worst nightmare ever where it's like We're gonna need you to put this screen in your house and we're not we're gonna need you to be interacting with this
Starting point is 01:09:17 I mean it's like cell phones like you've said before Or maybe abby martin said it where you're just like Carrying around this device where someone can locate you at any point like you could also have that version of it So what what the version you said of it is fucking awesome and that's the version that I want to work towards So it's like no we need to de necessitate all this bullshit because that's what this technology was supposed to do That's what we used to think it was going to do like oh We're going to have like robots that build products so people don't have to fucking work anymore Which we could totally do or when airplanes were invented. This is so great
Starting point is 01:09:51 When airplanes were invented people thought oh, there's not going to be any war anymore because this thing That's invented is going to eliminate national boundaries Now, of course the people who are in power totally fucked it up and decided to make those instruments of war So I think it's like I think it's really important to keep having the vision that you're Having so we can keep pushing on what's possible And so maybe i'm fear mongering a little bit when I talk about like the other side of it But I I just want no no no what you're doing is responding to the innate Uneasiness that rises up inside of us when you begin to consider
Starting point is 01:10:29 This tsunami that's about to sweep over our subjective consciousness and how unavoidable It truly is because as much as you know You you you're not going to be able to you're going to eventually have to adopt this technology in the same way It's like look you want to fucking work in the modern world. Guess what? You got to have a car it used to be if you wanted to work in the modern world You didn't have to have a car because cars didn't exist work was done in clusters and villages You would only work around your house. You'd work as far as you get on your horse at the most But this notion of a commute that was insane cars come into existence. Bang. What do we get a commute?
Starting point is 01:11:07 Spatiality suddenly is no longer as important distance is no longer as important because we can cover larger swaths of ground Driving these metal monsters fueled by dinosaur juice Guess what? That's that that that that's much more fucked up than the idea of transcending Time and space using instantaneous Virtual teleportation where people can work together and and collaborate because now it's like guess what? You know who works in my office?
Starting point is 01:11:39 People from tokyo people from england people from india people from new york People from ireland they all work together in this office because the office exists in hyperspace But I just want to I just want us to fucking get rid of the idea of like work So like me too. So like that's you know, it's like oh well we had cars so we can go to work It's like okay, but I want to question this whole fucking dumbass idea of going to work in the first place Like not only do I not want to have to go to work No, I don't want people to have to do unnecessary jobs that make their lives fucking miserable That they hate that just poison themselves because they think that they have to do this to get this other technology
Starting point is 01:12:20 Money to survive so they can buy food so they can pay rent, which is also completely crazy. Yeah, so all that kind of shit so it's like um so so How do we? attack conceptual how do we attack the conceptual problems with this external stuff and I just I don't know man. Like I just don't know if we can I you can now apply for a job in India
Starting point is 01:12:45 You can with this with this when this comes into existence. It's like you want to go for your job interview Sure, you're gonna be working in Uzbekistan and uh, you can go have an interview with this person Uh, you know a virtual interview with this person and start work tomorrow If you wanted to it's going to create some disruption for sure because it's gonna it's gonna like What's an economy at this point? Like what's the economy if everyone's working everywhere else? What what is that? What like what what dollars are we using? Are we going to start using bitcoins or people just going to be paid and Bitcoins who knows there's all kinds of problems, but here's one great thing that happens here with this beautiful stuff is that
Starting point is 01:13:23 the motherfucking auto manufacturers the people who have been like Selling us oil and gas and polluting the environment all of a sudden their technology is no longer a necessity I love it. This is called a disruptive technology. It's beautiful. It's subversive and it ruins It ruins a lot of shit technologies right now There's I can't go I want to be able to walk down the fucking street without having to worry about getting run over every five seconds I have to use the bathroom. Hold on. Okay. I want to throw another thing out at you here. Wait. Wait. Wait. I want to Oh, please. I'm sorry. No, I'm a little too passionate. Will you put will you put will you put that in your pocket?
Starting point is 01:14:00 And we'll come back to it. Yes. Okay. So this is what I want to do So remember you and I were hanging out and you in San Francisco and you said, okay So you were at that conference. What was it called again though? You just have 20 or g something 2045 Whatever so so the so you were talking about how there are these mystics there and like compared to the people who Like we're making the electronic arms to help people who are amputees and stuff like that Mystics sort of seem like a little feeble. Yes. Like now fine. I think I think most mystics are probably pretty dumb I think most of them are phonies. I mean, I think I think most people who are like on any sort of platform of power
Starting point is 01:14:39 Where they're educating others usually don't have that much absolutely, but Wow, I just channeled Daniel out there Total bullshit man so like so the the Thing is though and the thing I said to you because you were sort of like, oh, well, I You know, like they seem so feeble, but then these like, you know, um, these technologies were coming out and that was where it was at
Starting point is 01:15:05 And I was like, okay, but here's the thing those technologies come from a concept Like we first have the thoughts and the images and the ideas and the imaginations of these things and then we make them So they actually stem out of our consciousness. Yes. So what I want to do is like this little thought experiment with you, um, which is like I Want us to be able to come to clear make more bring more clarity and sort of purity and intention to our Conceptual world our conscious world. Yes. Um, so that the technologies that come out Um are really from the beginning aimed at this kind of shit that you're talking. Yes, right?
Starting point is 01:15:46 So basically I kind of just want to say like what is utopia? Not utopia because I hate people get so defensive about utopia, but it's fine. Fuck it. Let's just use it What does the utopia look like where these technologies are working for everybody? where People are engaged with the other shit their bodies Um transportation all that kind of stuff. What are some things that you see When you imagine that space so that as you start to use these technologies as I start to either use them or not As other people start to engage with them. What does that world actually look like and not just in response to all the
Starting point is 01:16:22 Shit that's going on now, but like on its own is an interesting thing for me What do you see it at Well, I don't know I don't have some grand scheme because there's so many different cultures There are so many different people that will enact itself in different ways, but I see certain things definitely And these are things some of mine are not very technology based I mean I see people meditating more often and engaging in our spiritual world I see people being warmer with each other now. That's so like this is so new agey I see people eating food that's not poison, you know for them and I do see the role of technology as assisting
Starting point is 01:16:58 Like you said assisting our inner growth. So um it it could be It could be some sort of farming stuff that has to do with technology that's helping us farm In better ways. Well, let me stop you there. You know what just happened in Kenya. Did you read about this? No So in Kenya using this new high tech tech geologic technology, they scanned a part of Kenya And they found an underground Reservoir of water that will supply Kenya with water for the next 70 years They say that you could fill it up with you could pour the Loch Ness into this 25 times There's that much water down there. So what this means is that in the next five years
Starting point is 01:17:41 The landscape of Kenya will go from being because the soil there is very fertile, but it's it's there's not enough rain So this will go from being dry dead land where people don't have enough water to being farmlands And you know, you see like villagers They're just like over, you know, they showed the video of the water pouring up out of this reservoir And these are people who have struggled for water their whole lives Suddenly now the ground is growing crops. Yeah, so there's an example of a kind of a What you want what you're talking about. There's an example of
Starting point is 01:18:15 It's literally changing the the landscape in a way that it's bringing the dead Soil to life that's so amazing and I think there are other examples in Africa Which are just so amazing and I wish I knew the countries But there are some hotels which are modeled after termite mound So they don't have any moving parts for the air conditioning. It's actually just the air comes in and goes out in a certain way So there's no cooling apparatus whatsoever, but the place stays 70 degrees the entire time day and night There are people who grow
Starting point is 01:18:48 They plant trees in a certain kind of circle and then over the years start developing a roof So the house literally grows up from the ground and then they build the and then they put the roof on top of it They have this like and then they just uh sever the roots or whatever So cool in a certain way. There's all that kind of stuff. So that's uh technology related in the proper way to nature That's assisting people. So, um, it's stuff like that for sure, but I think I'm kind of uh I don't know. I'm interested in what your actual Vision is here. It is as far as I've gone with it. So here here's what it So we're looking I'm not going to go like super far
Starting point is 01:19:29 Out in the future where we're talking about neural interfaces because I do think we're a Long way away from that. So I'm talking about, uh, what we can look forward to within the next, uh Year to two years. So year to two years. Here's what we can look forward to right now There are people at this very moment all over the world particularly in, uh countries that are uh Have have have more money, I guess Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe it's all over the world. I don't know. I don't know the extent of it, but
Starting point is 01:20:04 Video video game technology is more than just video games is the wrong word for what it is video games are reality tunnels that allow people to experience Alternate identities within virtual environments in 2d space. Maybe if you have a 3d um Monitor then, uh, you can like shit will pop out of the tv or whatever, but it's still not immersive It's not fully immersive. So within the next two years what we're going to see is, um This, uh, omni directional treadmill, it's called the omni you can look it up I think it's called the virtual lux omni you can look it up, but Basically, it's a omni directional tread treadmill that is meant to go with the oculus rift where you're fully immersed in the game
Starting point is 01:20:47 And you can actually walk around in the game and 300 360 360 degrees So now what the static experience Of sitting around playing video games where you just sit on the couch and eat doritos and get fat Now you're actually going to be running Inside the game you're running now walking if you want to walk in the game you're actually walking in real life So you're traversing space, which means you're burning calories So there's going to be some percentage of people who start adopting this and actually start getting aerobic workouts In conjunction with hyper addictive video games, which is going to
Starting point is 01:21:21 Create this interesting new gamer who you know what I mean like the fit the fit game Yeah, the fat. Yeah, yeah the fit gamer now that that's something that we can look forward to I would say and and this is going to be Hyper coordinated people then too will be the result of that Because think of how much coordination it takes to fucking play your playstation or whatever now for Yeah, forget the controls because these limited controls These limited controls, you know with pressing buttons and shit using the keyboard. These are gone So now we're talking about people who suddenly become Really great marksmen people who suddenly become you know
Starting point is 01:22:00 Who knows what it is, but that yeah, you're right They're going to become coordinated in the sense that once the omnidirectional treadmill technology improves You're actually going to be dodging and doing shit in real life Right, so you're so there's going to be a direct physical Benefit from playing video games that has never existed. There's only been this you know, I think Theoretical there have been studies that say it improves dexterity. I guess it does it makes you faster, but now we're going to see a physical Effect that's one piece of it. The other piece of it is that everything becomes immersive everything becomes
Starting point is 01:22:35 um Your computers are going to be it's going to be from now. I wouldn't say two years Let's say five years five years everything's immersive everything goes from being um, I sit in front of this 2d screen and type to I put these goggles on and now I'm in a three-dimensional space representing my desktop, so I'm looking around moving around, you know, it's gonna what was that movie everyone always talks about where the lawn mower Not the lawn mower man. Yeah, that's going to be part of it, but it's like it's going to be this technology
Starting point is 01:23:09 Merging with you're not going to control your computer as much from the keyboard you're going to control it from voice commands and from Actually moving shit around within this virtual space That's going to be the next part of it and then this is going to be combined with 3d printers So what's going to happen is you're going to start downloading stuff that you are going to implement in your house Stuff that you're going to use sculptures Tools who knows what it's going to be? But you're going to be able to download really weird shit and then print it out in your house So what we're what what's what's happening here is I don't know if you ever read
Starting point is 01:23:46 There's a book about Terrence McKenna and Dennis McKenna and their attempt to go to South America and Enter into the dimethyl triptman realm and bring back from that realm one of these hyper dimensional structures Which they thought could Completely transform this dimension. Yeah, that was a pre cognitive moment for McKenna He didn't really he didn't what he was doing was a it was like he knew what was about to happen And he was doing it prior to the technology coming into being and he was trying to use psychedelics to do it That's really going to start happening. I think think about that dude
Starting point is 01:24:20 So once we can the the typing thing is a little weird for me like as someone who writes all the time I realize that I'm such a more eloquent person writing than I am when I'm speaking So I feel like so there there is some definitely other type, but yes, exactly So you still be but the but the 3d printer thing for me That's so fucking awesome Not just because like I can print out like a couch or whatever the fuck But think about um all the fucking stores will be gone, dude So like we'll move into empty apartments with one thing which is our printer
Starting point is 01:24:52 Yes, and then we'll just print our shit up and if we can do that in a biodegradable way Then we'll have printed out We'll have created in some way at least the parts of just objects that we need when we need them and then we get rid of them And I think that that's amazing like just getting rid of this fucking insane material So like when you walk down the street, what's going to be on the street? I guess you could probably still buy objects that other people have printed out because they but you the storefront wouldn't have those objects in them As much as like hey, you come in you want this we'll give it to you Sure
Starting point is 01:25:25 Well, and there's gonna people are still gonna want to have like hand stuff that's made in world one You know if the substance is made in world one and things made in this world are going to be like Interesting things. It's just they're not going to be the only choice and um, that's going to be really great for people who Uh, maybe don't have the money to buy a nice designer table or designer chairs Maybe they're maybe like you could just download this stuff and print it out or even better You can make it yourself and print this stuff out. So there's gonna be that so what's basically happening is we will begin to burrow into Um virtual space and in virtual space we will construct forms that we then extrude into this dimension So it's like we'll fly into alternate dimensions create and bring that shit into this world
Starting point is 01:26:13 Did you see the duck the video of the duck that got the foot the virtually printed? Yes, it's amazing beautiful little duck that had it was missing its leg and then they printed one out for him And and of course there's also going to be the ability to print meat Food there's going to be the ability to print. Um, now, I don't know if this is going to be in five years I would say what I'm looking forward to within the next five years is the ability to Interface with people all over the planet in a virtual environment very close to reality where I can record this podcast Um, uh with the same sound quality and the same, uh, sense of intimacy that comes Or at least 80 of the intimacy that comes from recording it and meat space
Starting point is 01:26:56 That's what I'm looking forward to which so that's gonna really open up for me the ability to communicate with people outside of like um, uh Staticky old skype, which is okay, but I want to be able to I like sitting across from you But that's not possible for everyone and that's not possible for you all the time. I want to be able to do that um With people all over the planet. Well, you know like you know how porn drives technology like people Yes, have you heard of the thing that's like, uh, you watch the porn and you like hook this thing up to a dick And it like replicates the thing that's going on in the park. Yes
Starting point is 01:27:33 I've never used one, but it looks awesome I came close to ordering one of those things until it showed the inner workings of the thing and it's just like, you know Why I don't know if I trust that goes high haywire. Yes. It's the same thing with the mouth though Yeah, but uh, yeah, that's true. It has a seizure while they're sucking your dick. Oh my god. That sounds horrible Or amazing. Yeah Yeah, what if you find out that's what you're into That's your that's your fetish But yeah, I mean, I think I think that that I think that that's amazing
Starting point is 01:28:04 I've been thinking about money so much lately and how like What a weird technology money is and if we could somehow Like stand back and see money for what it is then our experience of it would just be totally transformed So that's something that I don't know if it can happen in five years, but when I imagine some sort of utopic state It's like so think about this dude. It's like when you go to the deli and get a sandwich Um, think about the fact that before you go there Like let's just try to just take money out of it. Just say there's no money, right? Yes If you look at that situation without money two people get up in the morning going to this place where there's all this food
Starting point is 01:28:40 They spend all the time making it pretty and then they start making sandwiches just for you and you show up and they give you a sandwich And you're like, thank you. That's what that experience looks like without money. That's crazy. It's so altruistic And this is this weird thing about capitalism. It's actually totally altruistic On the face of it. But when you start getting this weird concept that like the money is the thing So it's like, yeah, I know what you mean So I want like when I go in and I pay for stuff now and I know this is like super new age You but it's actually really transformed my Moments of going fuck that fuck me saying that's super new age. You fuck. Why am I?
Starting point is 01:29:15 Appeasing that stupid feeling. Fuck it. It's awesome So I go I go into the cafe and I buy coffee and when I hand the person the money I imagine this like instead of me handing them a piece of paper Imagine this like golden light that's between me and them that's giving them a feeling of warmth and me a feeling of warmth Right and my relationship with money has totally changed Totally changed because I'm like, I'm so happy to give people money when I paid my fucking phone bill I was like, this is this act of grace. Here you go And it just has felt amazing like I felt no attachment to it anymore
Starting point is 01:29:45 Michael Beckwith uh once when I went to once you man, you gotta start going to agape once you have you ever heard of agape I've heard of a holy shit, man. You'll love it. But Michael Beckwith I remember him talking about one of the things he said is when you give when you start paying for things Stop looking at it like you're throwing something into the void and look at it more as though you're transferring positive energy into the universe That's going to come back to you in some way. It's like a energetic boomerang or like Alan Watts You know one of my one of his lectures. I really love as he talks about people go to the grocery store And they're you know, they're putting their groceries in the car and they're thinking, oh God, I spent so much money on these groceries instead of thinking I just transform paper
Starting point is 01:30:29 And delicious food and wonderful things I can eat and use I just turn death and uselessness into this form. That's totally great And that you know shifting your relationship with money from being the sense of like, man What have I done to like I'm just converting one state of energy into another state of energy with my consciousness It's our version of the 3d printer Like I transmute this action into an object and so like that's what we that's our version of it right now And so like I don't I don't even I think that's awesome to think like yeah I'm giving out this energy or whatever
Starting point is 01:31:05 But I also think like economics essentially is based on a principle of brotherhood like you're doing these things for me I'm doing these things. We're all like in this together The thing that's really fucking crazy and sick about it is that we think that we have to make money for a living And that's disgusting and stupid But when when we recognize that economics is a principle of brotherhood And I think not even like I'm giving you this shot of energy or I'm sending this energy out into the universe It's like, oh, you're my brother. Thank you. Love it. And that's huge That's changed everything for me. And so like I imagine
Starting point is 01:31:40 Like a world where that kind of stuff is happening too And there are plenty of people that are working on that stuff and when you have local currency alternative currencies In um, like the birch shers and in maryland and stuff like that where people are using different forms of money Yes, it's recognizing that it's like, oh, hello sally bread maker. Here's you know, yep I'll sew the button back on your shirt, you know, yeah, whatever it is Now take that to the global level and imagine that that that form of transaction is possible at the global level Yes, holy shit, man. And it all goes back to what this technology seems to do Which is so beautiful in that it always undercuts
Starting point is 01:32:16 Power it always undercuts hierarchy. It always undercuts control It always seems to do that and you're right, man. A lot of times this shit gets made for Bad purposes, but those bad purposes always end up being subverted into things that are for the people It's democratization is what ends up coming from this stuff. And I love that, man It's great. You can't trick us as well anymore like the government They used to really be able to trick people They could trick the shit out. They could just say whatever and you had to have like some Hardboiled journalists who could investigate and it would come out in a paper and it would take so much longer for it to spread
Starting point is 01:32:52 Now you've got like people like snowed and Instantaneously You're a baby sending all over the planet like look look at this bullshit So when obama comes Tottering out on the red carpet and gives this like weird speech about how he wants to blow up syria You're not looking at him anymore. It's just like a president. You're looking at him as like You're the guy who authorized drone strikes that have a 20. They kill, you know, 23 of what they kill minimum as civilians. You're a person who
Starting point is 01:33:22 Authorize the nsa to do illegal wiretaps You're the person who actually gave israel Private american informant you're that person you we know what you are mother fuckers So your speech doesn't mean anything to us right now because you've lost all accountability That is a direct result of technology, right? So the new problem is not that like you are you're so right It's become much harder to fool us But now this new thing the new danger that technology has brought is that people don't give a fuck anymore, dude
Starting point is 01:33:54 They're like, oh, yeah, you're drowning people. Yeah, that's fine. Like people just don't give a fuck That's that's what I hid. I disagree man. I think that you look at like the 90 percent of the constituents of the house Told them not to vote. Yes on syria. Yeah, you look at what happened in uh in in the uk the first time since the 1400s David Cameron got voted down trying to go to war. That's the first time that's ever that's happened since I think the 1400s people give a fuck and not only do they give a fuck they can communicate better and the communications are coming to the people Who represent them and those people are saying no to the uh, um, uh These imperers who are pretending to be uh democratic representatives. Yeah, totally But what I think what I'm saying is I totally agree with that
Starting point is 01:34:42 But what I'm saying is that the like the strategy of the obama administration and the clinton administration before him Has not been like the bush strategy, which was like like fuck you. We're gonna do what we want blah, blah, blah It's been like but look aren't we making your lives so pleasant? Are we making everything fun? So like The obama administration has sort of fucked that up like well, I mean bush fucked it up and clinton before him too But like because the economic situation for so many people has become so dire That's why they're not apathetic anymore But if I look at like when I look across the swath of like a lot of people who I interact with who are living Comfortable lives in san francisco working for google or whatever. They're just like I don't give a fuck man
Starting point is 01:35:21 Like obama's the man like he's awesome Like they they still love so there's that level of like weird denial even people who are totally educated And people just not giving yes, you're right There are a lot of obama devotees and people who can't let go of their position on obama and they can't admit What's going on fine? Whatever because they're happy because they have like eight dollar Eight dollar locally made doughnuts But there's clearly a lot more other people than those people because obama had to fucking do a huge reversal That's some of the craziest speech ever. Do you watch that fucking thing? Yes sick total delusion
Starting point is 01:35:54 Total arrogance. Do you remember the fucking part? It was so sick to me where he said well, uh, we we've been making progress with russia and like de-escalating the situation Partly because I wanted to go to war like do you remember he said that part and it was like You're so delusional that you think that you wanting to kill people Creates peace you're fucking crazy. No one's buying it bitch now That that's the thing because you know there that is what you know in a way like I you like to imagine like well Maybe this was just some beautiful faint where he Pretended that he wanted to go to war with siri and the end result is we got rid of the chemical weapons
Starting point is 01:36:28 But you know what it really is You know what it is because here's what you can follow the series of events. What happened Oba the chemical attack happened unproven who it came from We think it might have come from Assad not a hundred percent certain immediately after that This is cross the red line obama said if you cross the red line, we're gonna blast hellfire missiles into your ass so Obama goes in the uk are supposed to team up on this and what happens wait Holy shit david cameron. They just voted no right and he's can't do it. Yeah, he can't go to war
Starting point is 01:37:00 So he's like, sorry dude, you're on your own. I would have gone to war and now it's like wait, what? Then all of a sudden the pope this new badass pope comes out And he's like wait, are you just trying to sell weapons? And then all of a sudden 90 of the people in the united states are like no We don't want to go to war with syria. No, we don't want to bomb syria. And then all of a sudden guess what obama is he's just a Puppet who only has he's like his daddy or his parents were like you go to war and everyone else is like No, man. So you see that you see how clear that you see that so clearly when he said something which he reiterated
Starting point is 01:37:38 Again and again through this whole thing. It's like I could do it. Anyway, if I wanted to I just want you to know that I just thought it'd be good for you if I asked for permission He's been reasserting that again and again and that shows like that's the that's an expression of impotence Like that's so Freudian to me. It's like my dick is big. I don't care how small you say it is Yeah, right, man, and it's pathetic because it's like I could be a tyrant if I wanted to but I guess this is a democracy Right, right, right and also like well, I guess I'll leave the tyrant to the tyranny to the professionals I'll leave it to the nsa. I'll leave it to the people who are torturing people. I'll leave it to the corporations I'll leave it to the bankers because they're the ones that are in control and you yeah
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yeah, what about this speech? Imagine a president came out and said I was wrong Yeah I you know what? I feel like we should attack Syria because of chemical weapons If you said this I feel like we should attack Syria because of chemical weapons But it appears that the country that elected me Doesn't want that to happen and I am your servant So I will not do this and I apologize for my aggression What have we ever had a leader that accepted that sort of level of responsibility like even when like
Starting point is 01:38:45 Like or just express that sort of honesty like Wayne Clinton You know got in the whole fucking below job scandal and wasn't didn't come out and say hey It's none of your fucking business like or like yeah, I like sex. I have issues with my wife Whatever like nobody fucking says shit like that ever like nobody acts like a human being like what the fuck is going on in that instance Well, what you're seeing is this kind of like the the technology is acting like a rubber band around this appendage that used to Its bloodstream was fueled by lies and that rubber band is making it so that it can't Have this energy source anymore, which is the ability to lie to people And so it's just becoming less and less like a human thing
Starting point is 01:39:22 It's atrophying and becoming more and more like a freak when you see obama go like strutting down the red carpet You know what? I mean that awful fucking weird moment at the end of this speech where he's turned around and took three steps See you later Thanks for showing us the use to walking down the red carpet, man I guess he's not a hologram Yes, you got to walk back into your mansion weirdo. Is that a red carpet? Yeah, it's totally fucking crazy Freak, you're just some warmonger who lives in a mansion. You walk on red carpets By the way, it looks like shit or does it represent blood? You should you should have people carry you like on a peliquin
Starting point is 01:40:04 Why not? Yeah, why was it was so fucking weird? Yeah, um, I what did I what did I just want to say about this? There was something. Yeah, the technology. It's like, yes That's an example of us using technology in the right way, right? Yes, then there's the fucking shadow side, which is the same version of which is the nsa Using it to connect everybody for themselves and not release all the information. Sure Again, it's just like the way that we use the technology is a thing that's crucial the tech technology it connects it bring harmonizes it brings together and power depends on the disruption and the uh
Starting point is 01:40:40 breaking people apart into pieces, you know and economically or racially or philosophically or whatever so The what the problem is that like the more people fuse and merge together the more difficult it is to break them apart And that we win in the end we went in the end unless they figure out a way to turn off the fucking internet Which they're not we win and you will see these pompous puffed up um antiquated versions of leaders more and more and more backing down in the face of the great Beast which is society because when we merge together man, you can't fuck with us
Starting point is 01:41:22 You can't when the people join together when they truly unify come on you can't do anything It's the horror of the tyrant There's nothing worse than when when this thing that they've managed to break into all these separate pieces Suddenly forms and grows together into this one Honest thing that demands truth. They're done. Yeah, they're done. So you get to see these little Little temper tantrums that you would have been That would have been if there hadn't been a snowden If there hadn't been if there hadn't been wiki leaks if there hadn't been people like assange
Starting point is 01:41:53 If there hadn't been this ability to confer to people. Hey, here's what's really going on Guess what would be happening in Syria right now, right? Fire would be raining from the fucking skies We would be going into Iran within the next year. There would be world war three and who knows what the fuck out Yeah, it's like this weird. Um, it's like this weird duo directional thing, right? Like so and We have to okay because you brought up snowden and manning and wiki leaks and all that kind of shit, right? So those people stuck their fucking necks out, right? Yes, and what was the first thing they did and abby said it too and you said it when you were talking to abby
Starting point is 01:42:29 God i fucking love abby, right? She said it too. So like you Which is you have to become unafraid of death. That's the first step So like that is fucking spiritual development, dude You have to be afraid to not be caught punished dead any of those kind of things when someone does that when someone does that What the fuck are they gonna do to you dude? Yes, you're just like well, you know what? I'm not attached to this shit Yes, so like you can't do anything now that doesn't mean it's not going to be unpleasant terrifying scary awful all that kind of Shit, especially if like in north korea. They like come for your family I come for your you know what I mean? Then it's something different
Starting point is 01:43:03 But when you get to that state You you can do whatever and then at the same time snowden did that and utilize the technology So he pulled himself into the spiritual world and deepened into the material world at the same time into this weird Directional thing so he occupied both spaces As was this true spiritual act he spiritualized the material and materialized the spiritual And then look at the rippling effect when just one person does that beautiful so intense It's so intense and that rippling effect is being amplified by technology and In the ability to communicate
Starting point is 01:43:37 So I think though you're right these sons of bitches want to turn this shit into the into like In uh, they literally it's like if you look at what what is a bomb? What does a bomb do a bomb? Literally separates Matter all right. It breaks apart. Yeah, and that's what in and that's a that's They're trying to use technology to separate and break apart the physical form They try to use it to separate and break apart Communities they try to use it to separate and break apart whatever they can because there's more power in that But they can't fight against the great flow of time and if you look at the history of evolution, it's all about symbiosis leading to
Starting point is 01:44:15 Um Full merging, you know, and they can't stop that they can't stop that and and and the more they stand in the way of it The I think the more they're going to like experience these kinds of like Global tumbles what you're seeing what which is what you're seeing with obama. I think you're seeing uh, you're seeing total fumble Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, so we just have to like I have this image when you're saying that if someone like Some enlightened person or just a normal person Hate the term enlightenment, but just some normal person like You know, it's like a political cartoon like looking up at a bomb dropping down on him and saying is that the best you can do
Starting point is 01:44:53 Like yes, you have no fucking power You know and like and the idea that this person has no power and when people who are in the military start realizing like Like manning did like other people like hey, you have no power over me I know I entered into this institution when the police the people that sign up to be police are like No, you have no power like that kind of stuff when you have the people that are engaging in the system Pulling out and being like this doesn't have power over me and yes apparatus. You know, it's really something It's really something and it's a it's it's it's going to be quite interesting to see what happens Mr. Habib, how can people find you?
Starting point is 01:45:30 How can people uh connect with you using this this primitive twitter bullshit internet crap that we're dealing with before we can Fly around together as butterflies and some hyper dimensional wasp nest Where we're creating three dimensional structures that we can print out Just develop your sense of telepathy and send me an aquaman style message No, just twitter is the best way. I mean I I have I have websites and stuff like that They're all on my twitter. So it's just at Conor abebes. You and an er h a b i b And that's it man. I mean, that's the best way to find me and if you don't have twitter, I can't help you Send me a send me a fucking letter
Starting point is 01:46:12 All right, man. Thank you. As always. It's a joy. Awesome. Duncan. Cool, man. Bye Thank you all for listening to the ducatrussel family hour podcast Please subscribe to us on itunes. We're also available on stitcher. Leave us a nice rating on itunes And now this is a song that was introduced to me by the genius DJ DJ Nina tar you can check her out at nina tar dot com It's called I love the sound of breaking glass It's from the album the best of nick low and you can get it on itunes or amazon.com. See you guys next time Structure
Starting point is 01:47:06 When there's nothing new Oh I love the sound of breaking glass Oh Deep into the night I love the sound of this condition Flying all around Oh
Starting point is 01:47:51 Sound of breaking glass Nothing new soon to break All around sound of breaking glass Nothing new soon to break Take it last soon to break I love the sound of breaking glass Deep into the night I
Starting point is 01:48:53 Love the work only Oh Change of mind All around Nothing new soon to break Breaking glass Sounding breaking glass Oh
Starting point is 01:49:34 Sounding breaking glass Sounding breaking Sounding breaking glass Sounding breaking glass

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