Duncan Trussell Family Hour - JOHNNY PEM-BER-TON

Episode Date: March 1, 2013


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Starting point is 00:00:00 You've been making better decisions for your busy family for years, and now little by little, you're making decisions for yourself, like snacking a little better, going a little further, sleeping a little deeper, and we're here to make that journey easier and even more rewarding, with Acme's new Sincerely Health Platform, featuring nutrition plans, prescription reminders, and more. So sign up in the Acme mobile app to earn up to $25 in grocery rewards. Visit acmemarkets.com slash health for more details. Hello friends, and thank you for tuning into the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast. It's me, Duncan Trussell reporting into you from Planet Earth, where we are all eternity trapped in ham,
Starting point is 00:00:40 trying to understand exactly what we do as we wander around this bend in the space time continuum caused by the giant ball that we're on pressing into the fabric of space and time. I am getting this up on Thursday because on Tuesday, in the midst of doing the intro, I got a call from my mom, who had just gotten back from the doctor because she had started feeling bad. She's, as some of you know, most of you probably know, she's had a late-stage breast cancer for the last four years, and it moved into her bones, and from her bones it moved into her liver. That happened a few months ago, and that has progressed. And basically, the doctor told her that she's got to go wherever she's going to die
Starting point is 00:01:37 because, you know, that her time is very, very short, because once it spreads in your liver, at some point your liver is going to hemorrhage, and that will cause you to go into a coma, is what he told her. So she was calling to tell me that, and then that news sort of made me press pause on recording the intro and start figuring out other stuff, which is that I've got to go up there, and probably I'm going to be saying goodbye to her for the last time. I was talking to a friend of mine, a friend of mine called me up, and she was calling because right now she's an actor, and right now it's pilot season in Los Angeles, and so what pilot season is, is where all the actors try to get jobs on the network TV shows, and pilot season is just one of the most,
Starting point is 00:02:34 I've talked about it on the podcast before, but just brutality for actors and for people who want to be on TV. It's just, it's this terrible, archaic series of brutal initiations, and it's really rough, and you've got to be, you're in traffic all the time, and it's just brutal. And she was calling to talk to me, and we talked a little bit, and then you know, I told her I've got to go up to my mom's dying, I've got to say goodbye to my mom, and her response was, oh, you know, how am I complaining about this when you, you've got to go say goodbye to your mom who's dying, and just got one of your balls snipped off. And I've been finding a lot of this has been happening where this hierarchy gets created, where people will complain about little things to me, and then
Starting point is 00:03:26 the little things that they're complaining about that immediately gets followed by like, how could I even complain? You know, you only have one ball now. What am I complaining about some bad service that I got at a restaurant, or some little problem that happened with my car? But here's the thing, the big problems are less problematic than the little problems. That's the amazing paradox. The big problems give you something to fight. The little problems, the tiny little tragedies, they drive you insane. And this is articulated in a really beautiful way in this poem by Charles Bukowski. It's not the large things that send a man to a madhouse. Death he's ready for, or murder, incest, robbery, fire, flood, no,
Starting point is 00:04:22 it's a continuing series of small tragedies that send a man to the madhouse. Not the death of his love, but a shoelace that snaps with no time left. With each broken shoelace out of 100 broken shoelaces, one man, one woman, one thing enters a madhouse. So be careful when you're bend over. So be careful when you bend over, pals. He's absolutely right. And I'm just going to get on with this podcast. I'm heading up to North Carolina soon. I've talked to with my mom about this and she wants to do a podcast. So I'm probably going to do a podcast with her. If she's able to do that, we both appreciate the kind words that you've been sending our way. And we both want you to know that no matter what, we're fine. And we're going to be fine. So let's get on with
Starting point is 00:05:25 this podcast. Got a great guest, Johnny Pemberton. I recorded this before all this happened with my mom. This was recorded last week. Like I said, this bit of phenomena sort of got in the way of releasing the podcast, but got a great podcast with my pal, Johnny Pemberton. Before that, let's do some business. The Duncan Trestle Family Hour is brought to you by Short Design T-shirts. Short Design T-shirts is one of the finest T-shirt companies on earth. You can go to shirtdesigntshirts.com and buy one of these soft, beautiful shirts. You put my name in, you get 10% off. You can also support this podcast by going to audible.com forward slash family hour and signing up for a trial membership. Get an audio book. Just do it for God's sakes.
Starting point is 00:06:10 If you've been listening to this podcast for a while and you haven't done it yet, why, why would you stick thorns in my eyeballs? Why would you, why would you claw at my face with you? But why would you turn your back on such a simple thing? Actually, I don't know if it's simple. I have an audible membership, but I never signed up for a trial one. Maybe it's, maybe it's difficult. I don't know. But go do it. You get a free audio book. You can cancel your membership. It's a simple thing. It'll take four minutes out of your life. And those sweet, is it audible? Send me 15 bucks. Another way that you could support this podcast is going to, going through our Amazon portal located at Duncan trussell.com. So the next time you're
Starting point is 00:06:48 going to buy silk gloves or an embroidered parrot or a wristwatch or Vaseline lubricants, butt plugs, they have everything there, pentagram rugs, oatmeal bars, go through our Amazon portal, costs you nothing. They give us a percentage of that. Amazon.com has everything and eventually Amazon will surround the entire planet and we'll all exist on a shelf at Amazon and we'll all get shipped out to aliens. But before that happens, you can help support this podcast just by buying stuff yourself. And thanks for all of you have been donating to the Duncan trussell family or podcast and buying our t shirts. And thanks for all of you have been participating on the forum and have been joining the Minecraft server. I just recorded a podcast which is going to come out
Starting point is 00:07:40 next week with Pendleton ward, the creator of adventure time. And he actually hangs out on our Minecraft server. And I've got to tell you guys that blew my mind. So if you guys want to want to possibly brush shoulders with a genius who's created one of the most awesome cartoons on earth, go to Duncan trussell.com and join the Minecraft server. Also I'm going to be going on tour at the end of this month. 25th, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. I'm going to be in Athens, Georgia. I'm going to be in Richmond, Virginia. I'm going to be at the Arlington draft house in Arlington, Virginia. So please you guys go get tickets to these events. New York is all we've already sold half the tickets and it's almost a month away. So just don't I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm
Starting point is 00:08:30 pestering you guys. But if you are thinking about coming to these shows, get the tickets now. Uh, why not? They're all at my website at duckatrussell.com. I'd love to see you guys out there. It is my favorite thing on earth, in fact. And finally, thank you again for all the kind words, the well wishes and the condolences that I've been getting from everyone. I truly appreciate it. And my mom truly appreciates it. And if you want to send my mom some sweet tweets, you can send them to Duncan's mom, d-u-n-c-a-n-s-m-o-m 108 at Twitter. That's a little account I set up for her. And she really loves it. She really loves hearing from you guys. So, um, all right, you guys are the greatest humans on earth. I'm happy that we all exist. Congratulations for
Starting point is 00:09:19 taking a human incarnation. I'm not sure what you were in the past life, but this is a lucky incarnation. I'm glad we're all here together. Today's guest on the Duckatrussell Family Hour. He's been on the podcast a few times. He's a brilliant comedian, an amazing actor. One of my dear friends, everyone, please welcome to the Duckatrussell Family Hour the sweetest man known to men, Johnny Pemberton. Oblivion! Oblivion! Oblivion! Oblivion! No man! No body! No life! No death! It does not change! It does not grow! Flowers are in bloom for doom. Flowers are in bloom for doom. Black, black, black, black. Flowers are in bloom for doom. Flowers are in bloom for doom.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Contemporary, momentary expressions of universal consciousness. Beware, beware, don't let them trick you. Beware, beware, they'll make you believe you're immortal. They'll make you wear formal wear to parties. I don't want to wear formal wear to your stupid to get together. I don't want to wear formal wear to your stupid to get together. I don't want to wear high one to wear high one to wear high one to wear high one to wear high one to wear high one to wear high one to wear. 12 pence in the shower. How about all these likeshots?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Human beings Johnny, what do you think about these sons of bitches? I don't know. I think I'm one of them. I think we we run the spectrum don't we? Yeah, it's a real mess. From beautiful crimson orange to dark bloody brown. From blue eyes to brown. That's what makes the world go round. I have a little treat here.
Starting point is 00:11:59 What do you got? I got some fresh pee pods. God damn boy. Johnny Pemberton you guys. I just picked these from the garden today. This is something that I don't think you those of you who've listened to the podcast and know Johnny and have listened to the other episodes. One thing that you don't realize about Johnny as you listen to him chew one of his wonderful pee pods is he's a child of the earth.
Starting point is 00:12:20 You're a child of the earth. You're a teagod. We all are though. See that's what a child of the earth would say. Okay. That's exactly what earth children say as they chew upon their pee pods when someone points out that they're earth children. I had a neighbor growing up in a house when I was like you know 10 year old kid
Starting point is 00:12:39 and the lady next door was this really weird lady named Mrs. Gilchrist and her whole front lawn was filled with wildflowers and I was like oh she's like a hippie right. My mom was like no she's an earth mother. She's older than hippies because she was not she was old too old to be a hippie. Yeah your mom's smart. Earth mother. God I'll take a million earth mothers over a hippie any day of the week.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Earth mama. She was like really kind of kind of weird kind of you know distant distant. Yeah a little bit a little bit of spacey. Well you know we're that that's the problem is there's not enough earth mothers. There's these I don't know that you know I guess I smoked pot today when I shouldn't have in the morning. First thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:26 In the shower. I wanted to go right. Reading. I just finished this crazy book by Ph.D. Philip K. Dick gave me that anytime I read a Philip K. Dick book I've got a week of being fucked up from reading the book and this one really got me that's such a good feeling too when you read something and it's like it feels like it warps your perspective.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yes. I like that a lot. I haven't had that in a while. I feel like I'm really missing that in books. Philip K. Dick. Yeah I guess sometimes it's like I have to find something a certain way otherwise I don't. You know what I mean you have to like I can have someone recommend something to me
Starting point is 00:14:01 but when I find it at the right time then it's like it makes it all the difference as opposed to just reading it. You read a lot. I don't I go I go back and forth. Sometimes I read a ton. Sometimes I won't read anything but magazines. When you read how do you find the time to read. I usually read in bed before bed or I read in transit someplace.
Starting point is 00:14:22 That's what I like to travel. If you traveling I feel like that's the only time I can really read. Yeah. I've read Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried Have You Read That. Nope. It's fucking amazing. It's so well written. It's like you know it's about soldiers in Vietnam but it's not just about that at all.
Starting point is 00:14:36 He messes with like time convention and like all these things about what is truth when you're writing. It's so bizarre but he I read that cover to cover on a I bought it in the airport and read it the entire flight and then I got home and I read it finished it in like two hours at home. I was like I've never done that before. Sat down just to read. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Because I had I didn't have anything bothering me. It was like a very it's easy to read when you're traveling because there's no that's you don't have anyone around you by yourself and you can you have time. You have you're isolated. Well I guess you're not isolated but you have time to read. You know that thing make taking the time to read is exactly the same thing as meditating. Oh yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Because when you read like I'm just forcing myself not to read like like a I'm treating myself like an oily kindergartner who just wants to sit in a puddle and not bathe. Yeah. Because it's like there's a from the from going on the Internet too much. Some part of myself has weakened. Oh totally because you want like you want immediate gratification. You want like the thing to be interesting right away. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And that's the thing that kills me. I find that now it's like it's totally killed my ability to read is because if something doesn't happen I'm not getting like OK where's the cool stuff. Where's the where's the thing I want to remember. Where's the highlighting part. And it doesn't happen quick enough. I get like impatient. You have to work with books.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah you do. You have to you don't get it right away. Books build but when but when they when they hit when everything starts combining. Oh it's a frothy spray. God damn man. That moment when a book when you when you feel yourself finally connecting with the story of the book and seeing where it's going. That's magic.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah. And it's and it's a reading is more important than your career. Right. Yeah. I think so. Those are different things but I guess you could say that. Yeah. Meditation is more important than your job.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But you could also say that those things will you know they go back into it. So if you're reading helps your career. Oh yeah. It'll help you. It'll help everything. More than anything really. This is what people don't understand is the the flurry that everyone's gotten into at this point.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I mean people are in a flurry. A flurry they're just they're running around. They're going around doing crazy shit everywhere that accomplishes nothing when if you it's gotten to the point now. Like do yeah doing. They're doing a lot of doing. They're just doing. It's gotta be gotta be doing.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It must be doing. If you're not doing. Who are you. What are you. You're not doing. Get out of my town. What do you do. What do you mean.
Starting point is 00:17:24 What do I do. That's just a question. Exactly. Yeah. That's the worst question. So what do you do. So what do you do. What do you do.
Starting point is 00:17:32 What do you do. I don't know. I don't know what I do. I mean what does a bird do. It's it's yeah. This is this question that what do you do. It's terrible. It's the most the worst thing ever doing is like doing is the everything bad that's ever
Starting point is 00:17:48 happened has been because of people doing things. I mean things nothing like almost nothing bad happens from not doing it from inaction. Good God Almighty man these people are cultists like you know everyone rails against the poor Scientologists. They do yeah. But you want to talk about the real cult. It's the doers. It's the doers.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It's the well I guess you could say it's the capitalist machine. You could say it's the I don't I mean the machine is comprised of doers and I wanted to I want to talk about the particulates in the machine. I've been a doer often. Oh God Johnny. I've so have you. We all live in doors. You know you've been a doer.
Starting point is 00:18:24 You've been a doer. I've been a doer. Yeah. But but but but you know thank God I had this amazing chance to have an excuse to not do right. You got struck down by the the lightning finger fucking month. Yeah. I got a two month bench period and during that time I got to not do and and I like don't
Starting point is 00:18:45 get me wrong. I like doing doing is great but I'm talking about I'm not talking about action because we all have to act. Right. I'm talking about the people who are clearly using their action as either some kind of revenge some kind of like they're kind of like trying to get vengeance through their activity to prove to the world that they're OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You know what I'm saying. They're sure they're trying to they're using their their ambition is not because they're passionate about what they're doing. Their ambition is this desperate better to be like to be in front. What time did you get up this morning. No I've been up for a while. I've been up. I've been up doing for a while now.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yes. Yeah. No. No Melanie. No she got up. Melanie just got up everybody. Melanie just got up. It's platform.
Starting point is 00:19:29 No I've been up doing. I've been up doing. I did a little of this. A little of that. But some of this. There's some of that. So we were doing. What were you doing.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Oh you were you were you sleeping in. OK. OK. OK. You just go you go ahead and do that. OK Melanie. OK Melanie. OK Melanie you sleep in.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Jack has not missed a day of work in the last 20 years. Jack hasn't missed a day. I remember it. And I for some reason I I still remember this. It was like junior high the last the last like pep rally of junior high where they gathered us all in the gym to say goodbye to us to because we would I was I went to rugby junior high and from rugby rugby and from rugby junior high you moved to West Henderson home of the Falcons.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And that and they was that's up the hill. The high school is up the hill. And I remember the principal at rugby coming out and giving this speech about how you're going to move up the hill. Things are different up the hill. And they now anyway they gave an award. This is the thing they gave an award. And the award was to this weird kid who hadn't missed one day of class.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's always a weird kid. In three in three years he didn't miss one day. Not one day. That's the that's the ultimate you know that's a mini doer. Right. Who's like it's that or like you'll hear it about comedians too. Oh yeah. Oh Jackie flips.
Starting point is 00:20:56 He was he had his appendix had exploded. But he's still still did his 50 minutes out of the comedy story that night. Yeah. Doing. I played a gig on base when I had an IV in my arm. I was doing. Maybe it wasn't doing maybe it was just I don't know. But if this is the in our society the what's rewarded is not so much.
Starting point is 00:21:23 What is being done. It's the doing. Yeah. The fact. Oh you built the house. Or you you built the suburbs. You did it. You did the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:35 You made the one made the tea at least action action action action. Wake up. Get going. Wake up. Get going. So you see this and what ends up being lost is just really basic shit. And one of the first things that gets lost in this activity that you're always engaged in. Here's what I can think of.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Right. I found there's three things to get obliterated by doing. But if you're in the cult you know you're in the cult of doers. If right now you consider when was the last time that you sat still and did nothing for 10 minutes straight. I mean I'm not no reading no TV no internet so difficult to do that. When was the last time you did that. Just really think about that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 When was the last time you did that. Think about that. Because for many many many many people it's almost never in their whole lives. They've never done that. The best thing I think I think that the best thing to do in terms of like finding that time is just to watch things I find that like I like more than anything I just like to like observe you know you just like because if you're observing you're not talking you're not all you're doing is watch you're just watching what's happening.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And if you go places there's a lot of places that are very conducive to just looking and watching and observing like like if you go to like like the Huntington Gardens or something like that. Or any place where you can watch things watch nature and just sort of you're just observing it and it's weird when you when you don't say anything and you're quiet how much how many things come forth because you're allowing them to present themselves. Damn right. And also that if you if you go and you and you decide to actually get out of your man-made
Starting point is 00:23:20 cave and head out into nature and sit still and just sit still in nature you will find there is a really creepy amount of guilt that comes up like you're supposed to be it's such a weird thing to be just be out in nature sitting still not doing anything. There's a sense inside of you that's like what are you doing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. What time is it.
Starting point is 00:23:45 What time what time is what's next what's next for the day. What are you doing. What are you doing. Why are you just sitting here. Man it's a real fucking mess. I mean we're talking like like deep level brainwashing has been inflicted on this species. Yeah. It's like it's getting worse too.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I think it probably is getting worse because just how much noise is in the environment. We have a lot of significant amount of noise and noise makes it hard to to be it's very easy to be distracted because of all the noise. Yeah. Yeah. Well I mean but the noise you can absorb the noise. We're just talking about this like act the act of you you think you're free but find a time that you normally would be doing and sit down and read for two hours and then tell
Starting point is 00:24:45 me you're free because you're not because just finding those two hours to sit and read for a lot of people they're like oh god oh to have that time to have the time to carve out. Yeah because I was thinking that part in American Splendor have you seen that movie. Yes. Yeah. Harvey P. Garre is in the bakery and he's buying like two day old bread for cheap and he sees some woman he used to go to college with and she's like envious you know he's
Starting point is 00:25:11 like hyper depressed and in like doldrums constantly and he is woman's like she's like envious of his lifestyle because she has kids and she's like now I have because they were in English class together so they and he was really good at that and she's like oh that's so amazing you're reading that book I haven't I haven't got to crack a book in so long because I don't have no time with kids and everything like that so it's like yeah I don't know what I was thinking about that. No it's terrifying but if you don't have kids you still not I can I just think of like you know being in LA we get to be around people who are have the ambition of Napoleon.
Starting point is 00:25:51 They're crazy yeah this town is like crazy driven it's like there's you never see people who are so so type A just ready to cut down whatever jungle is in front of them. But why do those people always seem so pissed? I think it's because I don't know it's funny I guess it's because maybe like the anger comes out of that action because they're so driven it's like a part of the same thing you know it's a part of the thing where they're it's the aggressive the aggression. Yeah they're steely and they like can actually get angry on the way to yoga like they they'll get mad they they'll everything they do has this underlying current of anger beneath it
Starting point is 00:26:39 it's like they're they they're at their actors usually are their producers but in the midst of the process of acting like something or producing something the fuel behind it is this bizarre competitive rage. I think a lot of times there's hummingbird right there by the way they hang out in that window and I love it. Very pretty it's the thing where it's a product of I don't know I think maybe I feel this way sometimes too is you don't know what you're doing you don't know what you really want or what you're trying to do so you just do stuff with this sort of blind rage and that
Starting point is 00:27:13 sort of it it's loud enough to quell the the the underlying question or whatever it is that you are unsure of it busies the mind so you don't have to think about that thing that is really at the center of what you're driving for moving toward. What is that thing? It's different for everyone I suppose you know it's the thing it's like what is the what is the the big question or what is the thing that you really want to be doing or what is the thing that you really would make you happy. I think if you're busy if you keep yourself busy and always doing stuff it's very easy
Starting point is 00:27:49 to not have to deal with that thing that is maybe something that you should deal with. I like but you know being busy is definitely a wonderful balm when you're feeling depressed. Oh yeah I think there's two different types though I think there's one thing to be doing to be like doing good when you feel bad like to do good things because that always that's nothing makes you feel better than doing helping other people when you feel bad because all of a sudden it's just like it evaporates but I guess I think I mean more like in terms of just just like getting stuff on the calendar I can't always think about that kind of shit when in my life I'm like this this day's open oh no there's too much white not enough ink
Starting point is 00:28:34 on my calendar exactly yeah I I I it all boils down to being outside the present moment really yeah and that's the worst that's the worst thing is being not in the present moment what I like to do when I have these pangs of anxiety that have tormented me for my entire life is whenever I get a nice like sweet gong on that like when when a nice big gong on the fucking anxiety bell I like to instead of just feeling the anxiety and reacting I like to kind of trace back like who banged the gong and it's inevitably the being banging the gong is always a thought of the future the anxiety comes from thinking about the future yeah like if I think right now I'm like man I've got a going on the road Wednesday I've
Starting point is 00:29:26 got all this shit I've got to do I've got two days to do it how am I gonna have the time to do it I want to wash my clothes and I I need to clean but I'm I'm I've got to you know I've got to make you crazy I gotta do these guys podcast done I've got to make sure that I like have my material together and get the puppet polished but but but but but but if I if I don't let myself think about the future and then I'm just here then everything slows down like all of a sudden when you just think right now about just being in the present moment and you're just kind of sort of giving up the future drinking the tea you're drinking tea then all of a sudden everything's like I'm not gonna say everything's great you still
Starting point is 00:30:14 have the residual hangover of a lifetime of thinking about the future that's always with you but you can deal with it you do it's everything just shifts in such a substantial way the moment you pull the tendrils of your mind out of the phantasm of the past or the future mm-hmm yeah that feels good to be the moment to feels very good it's a thing where it's one of the best feelings I suppose is being in the moment that an abject terror yeah well I mean do you think you like terror yeah we were talking with this the other day about how how I don't know I was because I went running today and I had the I had the terror the you know the quick silver down the brain of terror so not that's not so much terror but that that fucking electricity that lightning
Starting point is 00:31:01 of endorphins yeah I get once in a while and sometimes it makes me cry like I'll think about something I like I will be running and he'll be crying because I'm like no not like weeping not like you know weeping but I'm like becoming very emotional because that chemical has been dropped into the the think tank and it's like all of a sudden I'm like blasting off into outer space kind of with them but I feel like that's that's sort of like it's a sense of terror in a way it's like because it's so extreme you know it's just you feel a very extreme feeling of I guess it's in the moment it's very much in the moment kind of thing it's a yeah it's almost like it's like an orgasm I suppose in a way yeah I know I do know the
Starting point is 00:31:50 feeling that you're talking about it's the thing everyone's I mean people you're running to feel that feeling where many people are running away from that feeling at full speed at all costs they don't want to feel that that's a feeling you get not just from running that's a feeling you get from falling in love yeah that's a feeling you get from intimacy that's a feeling you get from acknowledging how you actually are I guess anything really intense anything that needs sort of intense version of something like getting fisted I mean fisted definitely fisting yeah falling falling falling down a pit falling into a pit of fists a fist pit fist pits are notorious around here yeah I just missed one earlier today fist pit full-on fist pit a pissed fit when I get stoned sometimes
Starting point is 00:32:49 a pissed fit and fit a pit of piss fists oh we got a pit of fist pissed here we're gonna we're gonna have to lock this down I'm a cuz what we discovered sir was when we were going to kill Osama we discovered a fist pit I don't know if you've been aware of this type of phenomenon geological we've encountered much and doing drills is a fist bit over 50 of our Marines we're fisted in that pit I tell you what they're not coming back they're coming back physically but they're not coming back there's nothing worse and when one of these fine soldiers comes back to our country to see their family and they've been fisted their souls been fisted out of them I mean to look at them it's a look at a negative image like this is a photographer if you took
Starting point is 00:33:36 that negative image that's what they look like physically it's like gazing into a blank cloud a boy a cloud is that knows what you're thinking it's gazing into you ever look at a cloud and it looks back yeah that's the best pit their assholes have developed gravity similar to low level star system it is a black hole they can't shit without turds going back into their ass they shoot it it goes back in then dicks will be flying from all corners of the world flying I'm talking thousand miles an hour dick just whipping through the air boom shooting up these assholes and I tell you this with these terrorists or this is what the power that they have unleashed because they've got they they've got this black hole this gravatron that is just sucking in dicks
Starting point is 00:34:21 faster than anything I've ever seen in my life it is a it is a straight up it is a rain of dicks not only do we have our soldiers anus is sucking dicks in but we are having to restrain the penises of non-affected soldiers so they get ripped right off their bodies and shoot it is very difficult then this fellow this bossama jim lobhamfeller he is unable he is immune to the effects of this very dangerous he's got enough there's nothing down there he's he's a he's a neutral creature sir we believe he may be the third sex the third sex sir we we may have confirmation mr. vice president we believe we have confirmation of the third sex destroy it what are you talking about what do you mean I'm not my present anymore sir you've been
Starting point is 00:35:06 elected for life I don't know man I I I think that the there whenever I get stoned some when I get stoned and go eat breakfast at this cafe I felt for a moment like I was existing in the Neolithic period like I was existing that's caveman right yes that I was existing in it in a primordial past that kind of like weird moment where you're sort of suddenly wake up just for one second you're like oh god oh god we're so very primitive we're so so very we were so we're so still exactly in the place we were at oh yeah nothing's changed it's just sort of like the clothing or just the just the color of the whatever just the overarching sheen has changed everything's the same and then you combine so it's like the you have this sheen but it's the
Starting point is 00:36:09 prohibition on being able to look at other people you can't look at people what do you mean if you spend too long staring someone yeah one of the first things you teach kids just don't stare don't stare you're not allowed to look and this is the thing that got me really freaked out as I started I actually looked it up how many stars are there in the universe well they don't know that but in the Milky Way they think there's right around 300 billion stars it's a lot on earth there's only 6 billion people so that makes people more unique than stars right so I was thinking if I was at a cafe and a bunch of stars were at the table eating all I would do is stare at them right because they're so unique and incredible but somehow in this dimension we've incarnated as sentient
Starting point is 00:37:07 star particulates and we're not allowed to look at each other in cafes I do it sometimes though I break it I do too and then people think you're trying to fuck them well there's nothing greater than when you get a chance to watch someone who doesn't know you're watching them that's some of that's one of the greatest feelings I've I remember one time I was doing this show this this play right yes and there was a girl who was doing the play after us who was doing her makeup I took her like a good 20 minutes to do her makeup and she was really engaged in doing the makeup right she was not thinking about anything else because she was really looking in the mirror engaged and I sat there the entire time I was like going over my lines but I was watching her like the whole
Starting point is 00:37:48 time it was like the most relaxing thing I've ever one of the most relaxing experiences I've had because it was like you're just watching someone do these very simple actions and that she was completely unaware I was staring I was just staring right at her and it wasn't like I wasn't like looking at oh she's hot it wasn't like that I was just looking at her because it's like something about the actions she was doing were pleasant it's comforting yeah it's comforting it's like those chances are that's why you got to ride the bus I had a friend who was a voyeur I want to make a confession and this friend of mine wait when you say a voyeur does that mean he derives sexual pleasure from no no no I wouldn't call it sexual so what is it then how will we
Starting point is 00:38:31 how am I not a voyeur then I guess that's voyeuristic what you did yeah boy I don't know that voyeurism always has to be sexual pleasure being derived from the observation of the being I mean when you know I could Jane Goodall is a shimpoi absolutely so it's so you you there's a well science is nothing but observation that fucking Mars probe man that fucking lawyer what a perv they're fucking snapping shots of that poor planet taking them to look at later analyzing everything but I had a friend who was a voyeur and I remember once he like he was like I want to show you something that I do and he took me behind a building mm-hmm where he found a window that he could stare in mm-hmm and there was no way for the person in there who kept their window open to know they
Starting point is 00:39:20 were being observed because if I guess the way I don't know just the light the lighting is the lighting and so we stood out there I'll never forget this is the one this moment is firmly fused into my mind yeah because we sat there and watched this person at a desk writing that's all just writing right the weird glow of the light and man aside from like the creep factor of thinking like whoa shit man my friend is so freaky but but but aside from that it was like there was this moment it's this it's relaxing there was a moment of like truth of yes you're seeing truth you're seeing people who aren't lying when people don't know they're being observed they're they're not lying they're just living in the actual moment it's true in the moment that's why people can't
Starting point is 00:40:08 stand bad acting that's what makes them uncomfortable because bad acting is like because it's not true that's awesome I mean bad good acting isn't really even acting it's just it's finding a way to be something for real and you're not tricking me I mean there are a lot of people who do trick but it's that same thing that's why people like watching movies and plays so much they'll always like watching them because they love watching being able because what you did was basically a a way to watch someone as though you would watch them in a movie because if you watch a movie or a play no one's ever gonna tell you to stop looking at them because it's it's a spectacle it's there to be watched right and and if they're doing it right it's it's just playing truth and you get to
Starting point is 00:40:54 watch that truth and it's really very pleasant so it's I think it's the yeah it's that same thing where you get to this because there's so little truth in media and media products that we watch most of them are are untrue and false and shitty so if you get to see that truth in real life it's like a play that's a really well done play a perfect play yeah perfect play perfectly acted because when a person's being themselves they're being the greatest actor of all time yeah exactly you're being right now you're the Daniel Day Lewis of Johnny Pemberton I am I'm doing it the best you're doing Johnny Pemberton better than anyone could do a Johnny Pemberton but see but this is the this leads to I was just talking to my friend about Kurt Cobain
Starting point is 00:41:44 okay and Kurt Cobain's suicide note oh I don't I haven't read it in forever I remember what it says please read that drippy little thing but his suicide note yeah is one of his main problems is that he feels like he's faking it on stage that's a big problem with a lot of artists I read some article about Helena Bonham Carter and I don't I don't know what you feel about her but I like her as a as an art as an actor yes and she says that she was saying that how she feels like a fraud a lot of times yes I think that's I think that's how fucking everybody feels well that's the thing because Kurt Cobain ostensibly the great bard of annihilation a punk a punk deeply embedded in the truth singing the siren song of rebellion against the falseness of the world
Starting point is 00:42:34 getting paid to do it it's getting paid to do it but still let's just say that the money I don't think getting paid is I it's okay to throw money at talent that's okay I think but but uh but to me where his entire message really becomes convoluted is that he killed himself because he began to experience real truth the truth before when he says I don't feel real anymore I feel like I'm a fraud on stage yeah what he's actually experiencing is the the true state of being human the true state of being human is to feel fraudulent and the reason that you feel fraudulent is because your beingness is nothingness is the combination of nothing being met with the awareness of the nothingness that's the root of all human beings
Starting point is 00:43:34 you've got the great white self-awareness board of of consciousness the white board of consciousness and it's being met simultaneously with his sense of an awareness of the self and those two things the awareness of the self mixed in with the self create an innately fraudulent thing because everything that you do that isn't nothingness is essentially uh uh acting you're acting like something all the time so anyway Kurt co fucking bane when he finally came to the realization of what he really was yeah you're a goddamn fraud we're all frauds we're out here trying you're acting like your name's johnny pemberton acting like my name's dunga trussell you act like those are the clothes you wear yeah I like you pick those out you put on your costume I put on my
Starting point is 00:44:20 fucking costume but at the base of the fucking thing it's just this white board of nothingness this great field of oblivion yeah a 440 an a 440 I don't know what that is it's the frequency of a of this yeah there you go yeah you're just the ohm you're just this tone you're this non-differentiated self that is unfortunately and a lot of people say this is a bad fucking this is a catastrophe what to be that self-aware or the death of the tone or the death of the nothingness or we're nothingness dying and the experience of nothingness dying is this terrible predicament where we've got to march around this stupid planet for 60 years acting like we're something yeah it's that that's a that's definitely a predicament it's a thing where
Starting point is 00:45:10 so yeah self-awareness is kind of horrible it's because it's it takes you out of the moment that's what takes you away from being alive is being cognizant and so aware of what of who you are as opposed to just just being being here now well that's the see this is why uh some some people will say dude please just don't get into spirituality don't get into meditation don't get into this stuff because it's gonna wake you up oh yeah it'll stop you from like doing stop you from making lunch plans you're already doing it if you if you've managed to smack some fucking gold chains on or if you've managed to like to really fucking adopt the identity that you're living like you're just sure that's who you are oh yeah oh babe stay there yeah stay there stay in the zone how fun
Starting point is 00:46:03 you're just you you just you're just you're just this you you believe that for example like a lot of people believe status quo you believe that you are important oh yeah oh how fun why am I not being recognized uh why no i should be on that list excuse me oh so fun hey hey will you ask me to be there so far to me um i i don't believe i was asked to be what this thing i'm surely you meant to to invite me and put me on that list of select people but quite often it's the opposite it's the opposite where you're like i just don't think they like me i think everyone hates me i don't think anyone likes so bad it's not even that no one's noticing you yeah that's yep yeah so it's but such a trap but such a trap oh it's a hoot especially with comedy too with comedy stuff
Starting point is 00:46:55 it's so easy to think about all that horrible shit well i mean it's so many evaluative scenarios and it's just really gross well it's gross because you i mean like it's look for me for some reason my mind always goes to goths like i think about how funny goths are because they're kind of like dour and they wear these they wear black clothes and they wear these funny costumes and they just really stick out yeah now i don't know if there's even goths anymore but there are but but uh coming back but um in the same way when you run into like uh career comics you know what i mean like people doing the career comedy thing yeah and they've like they like all hang out with each other and they all um they all uh you know what i mean they all like
Starting point is 00:47:40 they all act in a particularly similar way style there's a style to it and it's like in the same way oh you guys are goths like you're goths only the way that you're dressing and acting is a different thing but it still is a very similar thing yeah and when you see rich people and you'll notice that oh Jesus Christ these are fucking goths they're all acting weird they all like they're all acting in the same goddamn way and it's a very it's a but but at the at the core root of all these things it's just people who are um putting on who are acting like they're in drag they're in drag for that particular show like that rich person thing especially that's a thing where it's so it's never changed really it's it's just the styles have changed but basically
Starting point is 00:48:26 there's always been this thing where you have to be yeah you have to be a certain way if you're wealthy to where it's not even doesn't matter how much money you have it matters how much if you act like the people who have money button it down you button it down here's what you do you button it down you go to Pilates you get your trainer you get ready for pilot season you fire your agent you rehire an agent and you're out there and you're doing the thing your car is clean you have to have a nice car it has to be clean it must be clean and uh it must be it can't be old it has to be new that's something that uh I remember seeing some documentary a while ago about class and how people people often and still today and probably always
Starting point is 00:49:05 will mistake racism for classism because classism is the true that's the true uh discriminatory evaluative system it's not people people don't care like if you're if you're if you're black and you're rich why racist white people will love you because like oh you're not you're black which are not black you're you're rich you're one of us you understand the same things but the only thing the nothing scares a rich person more than a poor person especially a poor white person especially a happy especially a happy poor person oh yeah oh god nothing's gonna put a fucking stick right in the eye of a rich person than getting around a real authentic uh christian who's generally like somebody who's like figured out how to be completely happy has has abandoned
Starting point is 00:49:50 and I'm not talking about the kind that like fuck kids or the kind that like hey gay people I'm talking about when you come to like that humble person who's just like yeah they're just happy they're happy no matter what man they're not running around they're not like getting their goddamn teeth tips whitened they're volunteering yeah volunteering they're not even thinking about it they're not even it's fun they're not even thinking about they just did it yeah it's a it's a it's a it's a spook show man and so the the uh the fraud the so that's what this goddamn state of feeling like a fraud feeling like feeling that emptiness you should just be you got to even get past that and just become the emptiness yeah be the uh the worst sometimes I
Starting point is 00:50:38 think about that I'm like oh I'm gonna try to do the worst job I can with something not be the worst that's what it's a freeing thing if you do that sometimes it's a thing where uh it's not the worst the emptiness I don't think it's the worst I I guess I mean more in the sense of uh if you strive if you don't strive for something then that's um then you're in like a zen state because you're not you're not trying to make it good not trying to do a good job you know I think what it is is you strive in the zen state so what I mean is instead of being like completely ego based right complete instead of being the costume you know it's like okay look we didn't get invited to this fucking kids party something happened where a vagina shot us into a wardrobe area called our
Starting point is 00:51:29 family they wore wardrobe area yeah so we got wardrobe by our family and the wardrobe didn't just consist of the clothes that they put on us the wardrobe consisted of the internal costume that they injected into us and then now we're this kids party where everyone's supposed to dress up like themselves and so now we're all wearing these stupid fucking clothes dressed up like ourselves and it's like it's when people start arguing over their costumes and judging other people's costumes based on the costume they're wearing that's where things get weird I guess I'm doing the same thing I'm being judgmental but it's it's uh I wear a fucking costume I wear a I got a fucking personality I put on a show I spray up fucking tail feathers I do a little
Starting point is 00:52:16 dance around this goddamn dimension acting like something but we're all stuck in it it's different though if you're if you're not aware of it and you're not like realizing like what you're doing I think it's different and both are fine in fact it's better god damn it you if you're out there selling cars and dressed in an awesome outfit and happy with your life and you fight over your sports teams and fucking do it's great not in a condescending way either yeah it's you're healthier than than people who are like a tooth half hanging out of the mouth of god just with a little nerve ending that's kind of getting blistered by everything can't go in can't fall out right that's why I always get jealous of hillbillies I always wanted to be a hillbilly
Starting point is 00:52:59 would that be great to be like just like the semi-ignorant hick and just really something about that I just really think that'd be I would be fun because I always think of whenever I I do this this character once in a while it's like a redneck guy and it's like a thing where it feels so good to do that character because I feel like there's no there's nothing I don't know how to answer because I know I know the truth of everything in that character's life and so everything is everything's easy it's like so simple because you just know let's go back to honesty I suppose because it's about because if you're playing a character that character has no repercussions for being honest because it's a character you're obviously doing a character it's a joke yeah so
Starting point is 00:53:43 you can be as honest as you want because it's not you and that's why I think yeah I really happy people are people who are the same as some character because there's there is no answer that they can't there's no wrong answer to anything because there's always speaking from a place of truth yeah I don't it's hard to be truthful with yourself I'm you know what it is man both here's both just both sides are just oblivion it's like either you're like acting like a thing yeah you're nothingness acting like a somethingness to the point where you're completely unaware of the nothingness that's acting like a somethingness or you're somethingness that's become aware of the fact that you're nothingness sort of merging back down into the nothingness but either way
Starting point is 00:54:27 it's oblivion it's just you're nothing it's all shit it's not shit it's not shit I just wanted to say that but it that it that does sound depressing when you hear oblivion it sounds awful when you hear annihilation it sounds awful but really it's just thinking of something so grand that it's non-cons you can't conceptualize it right it's it's everything everything at this it's all the same it's the place where everything becomes so profoundly incredible that it becomes incomprehensible that's all and it's like that incomprehensible place is what we really are right because it when you have that when you have those moments of that when you when you sense that somebody's I feel like it's it's like a fleeting thing but when you
Starting point is 00:55:10 do sense it it's a thing where I don't know I think it I say the word hopeless but I think I hopeless in like a good sense the sense where it's like you are so hopeless and so powerless to the to everything that you are it's like the best and the worst at the same time it's everything because you realize for a second or somehow you come to understand that the nothingness and the complete complete hopelessness of whatever it is that you think you are and that's that's so freeing and so amazing because you're like oh this is this massive beyond all measure and you're just you're just some little blip gone beyond gone beyond gone beyond the going what is that I had some kind of buddhist thing yeah some kind of buddhist shit some kind of buddha butter well that's
Starting point is 00:56:06 the that I was just listening to this awesome tick not on youtube video you see a yogi he's a he's buddhist monk okay and he was saying like you know buddha you see buddha in the present moment like you can still experience buddha buddha exists in the moment buddha never left buddha buddha's enlightenment was this thing where it blasted out a repetitive it's sort of like injected the essence of that being into the present moment perpetually and eternally because really that's all you are anyway it's like what happened with buddhism was when a human being their ego like actually did crack off disappeared it disappeared vaporized but they were still alive yeah it was like buddha was probably like the first contact with in it one of the first contacts
Starting point is 00:56:57 with an alien thinks that because how that was siddhartha how that's how long ago was that 2000 bc or something I don't even know the dates right now I'm not sure yeah that's a great question yeah well I mean they say he incarnated a bunch of different times right like sometimes he was a cricket that did something really sweet oh it's weird shit sometimes he's a bird but it was like all these different incarnations and in every incarnation it was like getting closer and closer to this final like blast where the whole thing gets cracked open this way is shown the pathway forward for humanity to like get out of this goddamn silly phase that we're in right now was revealed and it took a lot of different incarnations to get to that place so he's he's
Starting point is 00:57:45 there he's he made it well I mean I don't know he made it I don't have a he made it he made it buddha he did it I do fucking made it he booked half hour there's no way to think about that in context of uh that's such a funny thing too god I suppose that was a horn oh there's a horn a good old horn yeah he made it dude he made it he fucking hit the hit he fucking struck the bell he struck the bell yeah I don't know man I you know I like I I don't I don't really understand any of that stuff but the the older that I get the more it seems like all all that stuff that they say is completely right on what stuff the who says well the whole idea of like going into a state of blissful non-desire abandoning everything that's it sacrificing your future permanently obliterating
Starting point is 00:58:55 your future with no regard for result annihilating your future evaporating your past yeah then that when you think about evaporating your past like really sacrificing your past oh shit yeah that's a big thing give up your mom give up your dad give up your friends give up everything from record collection everything's gone everything's gone and in the future give up your hopes give up your dreams expect nothing give up your expectations yeah give up what you think it's going to be a result of this thing yeah and then then what do you got your freedom then you become something else but you're not you anymore I'm just asking you to take off your fucking kids party costume and show me a dick maybe the maybe the Buddha was just molesting humanity take your clothes
Starting point is 00:59:48 hey it doesn't matter if you're naked here it's fine don't worry about it yeah no seriously it's good you can keep your clothes on take it off you can also take them off take it off it is warm in here isn't it it's warm it's warm and it's hot in this dimension let's take our egos off and show each other what's that what's that you have there looks like a star oh Jesus Christ man where did this podcast go take a break fuck yeah this did any of this make sense what we just said it doesn't matter all right yeah it doesn't do you think it'd be weird to be the first person to have an orgasm on a podcast I think it's got it has to have been done right there's so many porn stars who've oh yeah like yeah
Starting point is 01:00:29 podcasting yeah I'm a porn star I guess what I'm gonna shock you hey look out world I'm a porn star yeah I said it mom yeah I guess what yeah I guess what I'm not a stupid I'm not a stupid b I'm a porn star and I like to go to book guess what I'm gonna shock you I like to go to bookstores more than I like to go to porn stars what but I'm a porn star what I'll suck your dick right now but guess what I won't suck it I'm a porn star I thought you would I love that shit the porn it's like the the let me shock you with how non-shocking I am but still being a porn star I just you know I'm just like anybody else I like to eat soup I love I love soup I also left second a big double oh give me a juicy double mac christ hey you know what's interesting man there's also
Starting point is 01:01:17 sometimes behind porn stars the same kind of anger that's behind like super ambitious people I'm sure I'm sure like in that shock thing like no I just love to suck cocks ah guess what not all porn stars by the way no but just I know cool I know actually a super cool I'm sure you do they have to be out there but I guess I'm just sort of sick of the the new thing now where it's like hey porn is cool man it's like it's totally um it's like hip to be this is so funny you're saying this flaunting it because my my the the next guest that I have on the podcast is Sam Tripoli right who has a podcast dedicated to porn or mostly porn there you go so we're gonna get into porn we're gonna talk a lot about porn porn stars I'm my opinion my opinion on porn is uh
Starting point is 01:02:08 is that it's so overpowering I'm not it is it's pretty fucking amazing that we have that like it's such a new thing really if you think about it it makes me feel like I'm a cow and a farmer and I'm just milking myself oh god it makes you know what I mean it makes you feel kind of trapped what do you mean because it's just so available yeah it's just available whenever you find yourself jerking off the porn it's just always this like there's never ever that I can think of a time when I'm jerking off the porn where I'm like yeah this is exactly what I want to be doing yeah it's always like a means to an end or something it just is this numb blankness it's just like uh here we go fucking jerking off the porn some people some people have successfully
Starting point is 01:02:57 not looked at porn anymore at least they claim to which I think is interesting that would be so hard to do I wonder if I could do that I guess I could do that maybe I'll try 30 days 40 Morgan Spurlock 30 days no porn 30 days no porn and just McDonald's ah god damn it see where we're at man that's what I'm saying this is the neolithic period we're still in some dumb ass part of human existence where that's what we're obsessed with but we're like we're so young we are very very young as a species yeah think about sharks think about fucking sharks man yeah sharks um they're really old haven't changed at all yeah sharks probably used to all they used to do is look at porn yeah there was the porn parade of sharks which was uh there's some fossilized evidence of uh
Starting point is 01:03:43 sharks masturbating to trilobites doing sea sprays that's all they do is jerk off the starfish and then once they got their rows of teeth they moved beyond to eating them just to going down and just consuming all things just these um there's just great this how did sharks get so fucking lucky I don't know man we don't I mean I think it just almost things where it's a good design and it just stuck it's like how uh tube tube tube with teeth they're like helvetica they're helvetica the animal aren't they isn't the idea with sharks is that they've barely evolved from haven't changed at all they haven't just they're that's just it yep they haven't changed they're they're fucking crazy no I'm fine I'll just be an underwater teeth tube I'll just eat everything all the time and not sleep
Starting point is 01:04:33 why do I I don't need a car thank you nope I'm fine I have this uh rocket kill tube I that is me I don't need yeah I don't I don't don't need an elevator no don't need a watch don't need no out of there to change this just need the front of me to have a shillow to razor sharp knives in the front that I keep open as I swim through the sea eating everything eating everything without regard to what it is there's something there's this really great zine that um nick johnson the guy who wrote big dead place put out called shark fear and awareness you can get it on amazon it's so so so funny it's the funniest thing you've ever read because he's basically just talking about a whole thing is about how sharks are the worst how they're they're horrible and they
Starting point is 01:05:19 should be feared I mean it's all a big joke but it's just it's so fucking funny the way he talks about sharks in the same way we're talking about it you know Hemingway when he went fishing he used to have a machine gun he did on his boat that he would shoot sharks with as he was fishing god what an asshole well no because they were going for his food when he was reeling he would reel fishing that was a problem like when you would reel fish in the sharks would like bite the fish he caught one of the biggest fish in like a world record size fish that got half eaten up by sharks that he tried to shoot with machine guns machine guns people hate sharks man they really hate them it's so why would you look I mean there there are it's very hard for me to like a shark I don't know I
Starting point is 01:06:05 think I feel like I wouldn't want to go to coffee with one they have a very distinctive play it doesn't want to go to coffee with you if that's for sure no shit it has no desire for coffee maybe like a coffee of blood it's just that oh would you care for a blood coffee sure it's just that look in his shark's eyes yeah it's that glazed over the terror look the terror of uh of just death it's the same look Ron Jeremy has what they are they are gods they're like god's black angels the sharks they're there to do the um what was that it's the only good quote from um god's black angels god that's the only good quote from that a newborn movie or uh what's his name what's the guys I can't think of actors names anymore I do this he's the guy he's a skinny guy he was in the
Starting point is 01:06:51 movie the racist one he's uh gained a lot of weight he's uh he was in that other Spike Lee movie he's a white guy he plays like serial killers he was in I don't know oh come on you know his name brother I can barely remember my aunt's fucking a uh fight club what's Brad Pitt in Edward Norton yes Edward Norton says to he says uh we are the sin eaters I was like oh that makes sense it's kind of makes kind of makes sense you do you do the bad things and you you eat the sin you consume it so it doesn't have to poison other people's perfect realities I think sharks are the sin eaters of the world sharks are the black holes of the sea yeah they eat the sin they do the bad they do all the bad yeah eating fish isn't really sin maybe it's not maybe uh spiders are the are the sin eaters
Starting point is 01:07:37 I don't I mean eating spiders is more evil than spiders eating bugs yeah I think killing spiders rampantly is pretty evil I do too I try never to kill a spider what do you got here okay this is this thing okay so I picked up this um this is a little thing called radical mycology I just read this last night it's an slf primer it's from the spore liberation front which is a group of people dedicated to the proliferation of mushrooms what's their website let's see here it's um it's slf I think it's something oh it's not in there what they did you can find it these goddamn anarchists print your fucking website on your goddamn z just use the internet a sport liberation front it's there so I read this last night it's totally blew my mind um so fucking I just lost the page
Starting point is 01:08:26 this is from a zine convention that johnny went to yeah john johnny's girlfriend is a very talented visual artist and she puts out really cool zines and so johnny went to a zine check out supersecretpowwow.com okay so here I'll just read it here uh the oldest mushroom found the oldest known mushroom found in amber has been dated over over 90 million years old mycologist tom volk theorizes that millions of years ago trees developed cellulose and lignin to protect themselves against fungi that were consuming them as time progressed mushrooms evolved so that they can now decompose these components but all the vegetation that died in the interim just piled up got compressed and after millions of years became fossil fuels this is why the earth will never
Starting point is 01:09:12 produce oil or fossil fuels again because mushrooms will forever on decompose living matter fucking blew my mind off isn't that fucking crazy yeah Jesus Christ mushrooms can do they can do everything they can eat um we talked about this before but how that guy paul stamets talks about how the they're just a matter of time before mushrooms can evolve to deep they can decompose any substance any toxic toxic substance it's just a matter of time before mushrooms learn to eat that and spit out nutrients that they can eat themselves that's fucking crazy they're they're more advanced than us well they uh they i was also reading about this and they talk about this in the same thing about how mushrooms are closer to animals than they are to plants because
Starting point is 01:10:05 they don't plants produce their own food through photosynthesis mushrooms don't they eat their hunters they consume yeah they spread out and they consume uh they consume their fuel they consume it like we do this is the thing that that was on reddit about slime molds okay yeah same sort of they don't have a brain but if you put a slime mold if you put a slime mold into a maze where at the end of the maze is food the slime mold will send throughout the every possible pathway in the maze tendrils and it will take the fastest finally it will find the fastest way from point a to point b point b being the food and it will withdraw all the tendrils that aren't the fastest way and just go the fastest way down into the food yeah that reminds me of um creep oh you mean are you talking
Starting point is 01:10:58 about starcraft i am it reminds me of creep it is like creep yeah i think that is supposed to be fungus it is because that those are neural networks they're exactly the same as any network neural networks and that's the other thing is that so the the they took maps of london and of and of tokyo and they put food where all the subway stops are and the slime molds the pathways based on the geography that they took were almost identical to the subway paths to the road maps and so the point of the article is these things don't have a brain but they're still doing things that humans are doing with brain because humans are so smart we're so smart we're so great humans have created such great incredible things it would never get created otherwise we're such we're so good we
Starting point is 01:11:49 should pat ourselves in the back good job humans oh we're so good oh we do such a good job at everything we're so good is this yeah is a species we are so fucking hung up on ourselves oh god man that's yeah we are so deeply deeply hung up on how great humans are we're just the fucking best oh if like oh what would how many a human died kill them all let me let me ask you this can you do this as an acting exercise isn't it isn't fair asking you last second okay but i want to interview you as though you are every human on earth combined into one being is the ego of the planet okay that's that's a that's a pretty interesting task so i'm the ego of the planet huh you you represent our species well who are you hi everybody this is dunca trussell welcome to the dunca trussell family
Starting point is 01:12:38 hour today i'm going to be interviewing the entire human species hello embodied in one being hey how's it what's up hello hi thank you so much for coming on the show how so what's it like what do you have for me i know i want tea oh uh is there more can i have more please yeah i'll get some more oh great how much do you have i have uh i don't know like five bags okay i'll have all of it thank you can you make it please thank you i'll have all of it then we can begin you're a shark i'll have all of it please you just are a consuming thing i'll have all of it that's it huh that's your idea of the species i think so i think it's like a combination of i'll have all of it but acting also like i mean you have to you what you just
Starting point is 01:13:30 created was kind of like a a black a black eyed alien being that's just like i only devour i think there's another side to it which is like manipulative or something right okay sort of conniving like a trickster yeah like Loki yeah like Loki the trickster yeah i think the species is just very puffed up right now mm-hmm oh yeah we're pretty high on ourselves that's why that meteor was such a great yeah like oh ups get it yeah i watched on something on flocks news there's a clip and the woman after she after she closed it off she said oh oh my hope no one got hurt that's the last thing she said i was like an idiot you just finished how saying thousands of people were injured and well hope no one got hurt i love man there there's just something about that that's so nice
Starting point is 01:14:19 it's like you know it's like when the best it's like when there's like a terrible rainstorm or anything like that any force of nature or it's like when you're watching the people's court and you've got some really puffed up teen who obviously did some stupid thing to someone else's property and they get smacked down by a wopner it was like that's what happened to the entire species you get this puffed up teenage species it's like we're we're so fucking great we're gonna kill each other instead of focusing on interstellar travel we're gonna spend all our money on weapons fighting over imaginary religions because that's how fucking that's there's just plenty of us to go around could have been tomorrow's 50 years ago nah let's fight each other
Starting point is 01:15:00 let's blow each other up then all of a sudden one very very tiny tiny little little rock from space comes plunging down shatters glass a nuclear explosion there's that one moment where it's like oh fuck what are we doing again wait what are we doing yeah grammies yeah what are we wait she got the Grammy that's that is she got robbed she got robbed i can't believe that bang that's explosion of the fucking thing boom it's the window shattering that stunned jump is everyone like its body disjolted by the impact wave of a thing that's probably traveled billions of miles who the fuck knows oh it's been traveling for all of time all of time all of time that some piece of that has been moving yeah it's it's ancient aliens if aliens really wanted to send humanity a message
Starting point is 01:15:56 that's the message yep it's not like be kind to each other it's not love each other it's a mid-sized meteor that causes thousands of people to get injured by the glass shattering in their face and the real in the that's the that's the what we got was a fucking we just got like a finger we got a letter from the Intergalactic Council inviting us to join the rest of space and the letter is like check it out motherfuckers you guys are so so exposed exposed and was like your heads down looking at like something right in front of each other yeah you're just looking at each other sculpting each other drawing each other acting like each other fucking each other obsessed with each other do that after you build the meteor shields you dopes yeah it's like it's like watching
Starting point is 01:16:49 someone you we're seeing somebody do this really like puffed up silly self-absorbed dance in front of a firing squad yeah yeah just well just a matter of time it is just a matter of time just a matter of time doing period pirouettes so soliloquies there's something sweet about that that's gonna just get little it's a candle that's burning it's a meta it's a lot of metaphor we got to go back look if you want to kill each other fine but first build the meteor shields I think that would be possible I think we're starting to work on the iron curtain well we should build it over Israel because they've already had they already have the iron dome right they have the iron dome yeah so they just expand the iron dome I love that name the iron dome there's just no
Starting point is 01:17:36 way to stop it I just want some more iron I think maybe like an iron cage around the earth a giant like literal iron cage around the earth just like yeah like one of like the just a black yeah kind of intricate cage with like a haliburton logo on each each pull no way out no way out no way in don't worry about we're good we're good we're fine we're fine get back to killing each other yep that's what it sounds like all right Pember Pemby gotta wrap it up trusty that's great you have an amazing fucking podcast yeah it's getting really good this last episode is I'm very proud of it where can people find your podcast find it on the feral audio network of which you are a part of I am a part of feral it's called twisting the wind and you can listen to it
Starting point is 01:18:25 feralaudio.com you can go to iTunes you can go to iTunes to download it you can follow Johnny Pemberton on Twitter yeah it's just my name you can check out some I did some good a really good phone call with this a Nigerian scammer a few episodes ago that's a muscle did you hear that yet no you gotta hear it it's great I it's great this guy he he he did not like me they get mad they get mad because I was saying something that sort of contradicted his worldview what was that that I was going to use the money that I was not going to get from him to buy a helicopter gun ship to take over another country what do you say he just got mad he also he also got mad when I said I don't believe in God where is this I've got to hear this it's on the episode uh with J.K.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Simmons uh so wait this is an Ethiopian scammer no it's a Nigerian a Nigerian scanner mad at you because you're an atheist well yeah I'm mad and I also asked if I could sleep with him too because I wanted to know if I could share the secret of the money with him send me a clip and I'll play it right now I'll send you the clip I'll play just the clip and then people can go listen to the rest sounds good all right we're out of here guys listen to Johnny Pemberton's podcast hearty christening God bless you bye Duncan say bye Johnny thanks for having me okay guys that was Johnny Pemberton if you enjoy this podcast why not go leave a comment or a star four star review for us at iTunes uh all right here I just discovered this song and I really love it this song is
Starting point is 01:19:48 called On The Ropes and it's by the Eels and uh it's uh it's from their uh it's from their album Wonderful Glorious I think it's a great song I think they're awesome bye you every time I find myself in this old bind watching the death of my hopes in the ring so long gonna prove I'm wrong I'm not knocked out but I'm on the ropes I've got enough fight left inside this tired heart to win this one and walk out on my feet no retreat I may never get everything I bet but I'm a man who always copes I'm hurting bad and fighting mad I'm not knocked out but I'm on the ropes
Starting point is 01:21:07 everything that I hold near and dear to me is riding on this moment here and now I know how so I've got enough fight left inside this tired heart to win this one and walk out on my feet no defeat gonna feel so good when it's understood behold the rebirth of my hopes in the ring so long gotta prove I'm wrong I'm not knocked out but I'm on the ropes so you

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