Duncan Trussell Family Hour - MEDICINE SPACE with Aubrey Marcus

Episode Date: January 29, 2016

A solar episode of the DTFH with Aubrey Marcus (aubreymarcus.com) we talk about selflessness, shamanism and the sun.   This episode brought to you by www.wearspase.com  Go to spase.com and use offer... code duncan to get 10% your brand new beautiful mind-blasting t-shirt.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Macy's friends and family. Get an extra 30% off great gifts for her just in time for Mother's Day when you use your coupon or Macy's card. And take 15% off Beauty Essentials or shop specials she'll love while supplies last. Plus Star Rewards members earn on every purchase except gift card services and fees at Macy's. Sign up today at Macy's dot com slash star rewards. Savings off regular sale and clearance prices, exclusions apply. This episode of the Dunkin Trussell Family Hour podcast is brought to you by Wearspace.com.
Starting point is 00:00:37 That's W-E-A-R-S-P-A-S-E dot com. These are purveyors of some really cool t-shirts that represent the various plant medicines as well as some other stuff. Check them out. Go to Wearspace.com and use offer code DUNKIN to get 10% off a brand new badass shirt and any money that you spend on these shirts, 5% of the proceeds goes to various organizations seeking to get these plant medicines into the bloodstream of people who need it, such as MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies.
Starting point is 00:01:16 All right, here we go. I'm recording this episode from Asheville, North Carolina. I'm here visiting my family. I'm about to head to Hendersonville to play a game of Monopoly with my brother, his wife, my stepdad, and my nephew. So this might be the last you hear of me because there's a likelihood the whole thing could erupt into some kind of bloody brawl with such intense violence and anger that it spreads out from the house like some kind of terrible radioactive wave rolling into the Blue Ridge
Starting point is 00:01:50 Mountains, incinerating all the trees, burning up all the animals and leaving North Carolina a smoldering wasteland filled with lumbering radioactive rage zombies, breathing hot black fire out into the sky. The beams coming from the mouths of these demonic zombies will intersect and form a pentagram, which will shoot an iridescent rainbow over America, from which a million Donald Trumps will emerge and attack the remaining human beings on this planet, devouring them and forming one massive Donald Trump, which will shit out a giant Zika virus-laden mosquito, which will inject its probiscous into the planet and cause the planet to give birth to
Starting point is 00:02:42 a new, slightly deformed Earth. So that's probably going to happen. If you're hearing this today, that just means the game of Monopoly hasn't started yet. I'm going to jump right into this podcast only because I'm in a hotel and I want to go walk around North Carolina. This is where I grew up. It's beautiful here. I can't believe how happy I feel being back here in North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Of course, my brain is actively contemplating ways that I could manage to live here. I mean, it's not rocket science. I know I could live here, but how do you do it? Is it possible? Do I become bicoastal? I don't know. But I do love North Carolina. All of you in Asheville, maybe I'll see you when we're walking around.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Tweet at me and let me know what's stuff to do around here. The place is incredible now. What happened? It's beautiful. I mean, it's always been beautiful, but now it seems to have really, I don't know, had like gourmet drinks at some fancy French-like bar last night, sovereign prospects or something, some beautiful handcrafted phosphate brew made by a handsome gentleman who seemed to have teleported in from the early 30s.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's incredible. Beautiful place. Go to Asheville. Everyone come here. All right. Well, I guess that's not much of an intro. I really like this episode that you're about to listen to. This is a, I had a kind of breakthrough from this episode from what Aubrey was talking
Starting point is 00:04:24 about and I don't want to ruin it. So I'm just going to let you listen to it. But I feel like I do want to ruin it because he was, God, I don't want to spoil the thing. You know what? He's going to describe it better than me. The synopsis of the thing is the concept of the sun. Think of the sun, this beautiful, glowing, incredible, perfect, life-giving orb floating out in space.
Starting point is 00:04:52 The sun doesn't care about compliments. The sun doesn't care if it's doing a good job and the sun doesn't care if it's shining its light on monsters or on saints. It's just an ever giving super organism out there in space. And then that idea that Aubrey talked to me about made me start thinking about ways that I could be more like a son, ways that I could be less selfish, ways that I could give more. And if you start thinking about yourself as a son instead of as a hungry, attached, all devouring black hole, then you realize that maybe you realize, I realize that a lot of
Starting point is 00:05:44 the shit that was bothering me had nothing to do with my life or people around me or situations and everything to do with my inability to give more than I was giving. The answer is always to give more, generally. That's the paradoxical cure that you hear about in the ever quoted and much maligned book, The Secret, the idea being that if you want more, give more. And it seems ridiculous. It goes against everything that we understand about the way that stuff works, generally. It's not if you output more energy, you don't get more energy back.
Starting point is 00:06:33 It seems like it breaks the laws of physics or it goes against my understanding. I like talking about the laws of physics. Nothing more ridiculous than a 42 year old acid head talking about the laws of physics. But I'm going to do it. It seems from my very vague, blurry, kaleidoscopic understanding of physics that putting out more energy should not get you more energy than you put out. In fact, this is the dream of modern civilization. If we could find some kind of engine that brings in more energy than it puts out, then
Starting point is 00:07:21 we have perpetual motion. And that idea of perpetual motion is driven in winners crazy forever because if somebody could figure out a way to create an engine that doesn't require more energy input. This is actually, I don't know if you guys remember this or not. I don't know what happened to it. I got really excited about it because a few months ago there was all this ridiculous talk about a brand new engine, a microwave engine that theoretically created thrust from bouncing microwaves inside its conical interior of this weird device that someone had invented.
Starting point is 00:08:06 The idea being in space, there's no friction, no resistance, so that if you produce just the smallest amount of thrust, and if you can do that without having to bring fuel, then theoretically you could have a kind of hyperdrive on your spaceship and over a few month period just tiny minute bits of thrust will get a thing in a place where there's no friction, no resistance going super fast. I don't know what happened to that. A lot of people said it was a bunch of bullshit, but my point is this, perhaps there is a kind of metaphysical perpetual motion machine that exists inside the human heart.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And if you start experimenting with outputting more energy instead of taking more energy, if you start experimenting with giving more than you think you can give, give away that fucking thing, whatever it is, you know the thing? You definitely got the thing laying around your house, something expensive that you'd never use, but for some reason you keep the thing and you look at it because you think one day I'm going to use that thing. Well, if you experiment with giving that thing away, watch what happens. And the more you start giving away those stupid things and you've got all kinds of those things
Starting point is 00:09:24 inside of you, you've got all kinds of these compliments laying around inside your brain that you're not dispensing because you're waiting for the perfect moment to dispense the compliment, the kind word, the smile, the hug, the phone call, whatever it is. You're waiting in the attic of your potentiality. There are all these moldering, mildewed, covered compliments, smiles, waves, happy gestures, gifts of a phone call that you aren't using because you're waiting for the perfect time. And they're up there in your brain attic gathering dust being chewed on by the demon rats of your soul.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Look, get them out of there. Nobody, no, a painting sitting in an attic is doing nobody any good. Just try it and then you can start experimenting with becoming a human son. And the sun, I think, if it could gaze upon the earth, which I think it does, I think the sun must look at the earth and be constantly astounded by the effect that its output is having on a formerly dead planet that used to float around it, covered with some kind of warm, briny, dead sea to see the things spring to life must be incredible for that sun.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And I think in the same way, if you experiment with becoming a son, you might notice that formerly dead parts of your life, relationships orbiting you, your job, whatever it may be, will suddenly begin to grow tiny little tendrils of hope, of potentiality. And then the more you keep giving out, you will maybe witness all of this new stuff coming into your life, stuff that you never possibly imagine. I know this is the secret. I know. And the secret deserves to be put on a wall and newagers should placed in front of it
Starting point is 00:11:42 and poisoned so they projectile vomit all over the book. It's a much reviled book and there's all kinds of problems. But I'm telling you, man, after this episode with Aubrey, and when I started experimenting with some of the stuff he was talking about, I think I had some kind of semi breakthrough. So there you go. That's all I have to say about it. Let's listen to this man. He's incredible.
Starting point is 00:12:06 He's done the work. He's been out there in the jungles, slurping back that bitter doom brew for over and over and over again. And it clearly works. It works. I've seen him transform. So there you go. We're going to dive right into this podcast, but first some quick business.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Today's episode is brought to you by Aubrey Marcus's bad ass t-shirt company. The website is www.w e a r s p a s e dot com. Aubrey has whipped up these awesome shirts. I go to the gym, believe it or not. And I'm always going to the gym and I'm proving my theory, which is that I am a robot. Incapable of any kind of true physical change and destined to always be chubby. But I still go to the gym and I'll keep doing it just to shake my fist in the face of whatever God created me fat.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Also I love to eat sweet things and I eat pizzas at night. So that's the real reason. The point is I go to the gym and you know, compliment. I never get complimented at the gym ever except once. The only time I've ever gotten a gym compliment that I can recall actually maybe twice, but the first time I think that was nefarious. The guy asked if he could walk me into my car and said he liked my shoes, but it seemed weird.
Starting point is 00:13:45 But the second time it equinox, somebody complimented my shirt and the shirt that I was wearing was a shirt designed by Aubrey Marcus from where space.com. He's made these shirts that represent all of these plant medicines. And the one I was wearing was the representation of ayahuasca. It's got a Maudrey written across the front and big, thick, red letters and a crazy skull like thing on it, which I think must represent mother ayahuasca and the, the skull aspect. I mean, I don't, I don't know exactly the symbolism behind this. Forgive me, Aubrey, if you're listening to this, I'm completely fucking it up.
Starting point is 00:14:33 But Kali, mother Kali, as she's called, is sort of the representation of the divine mother in a kind of destructive form. So you see Kali, she's wearing, she's just got a very ferocious, ferocious visage. She's wearing a necklace with the heads of the gods. She's destroying humanity. This seems terrifying at first until you realize that Kali represents the force in the universe that rips away from you, all of those things that you have become unnecessarily attached to.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And so Ram Dass even recommends, if you've got an aspect of yourself that you're tired of, if you're an angry, slug person who's hissing at the wind, then you could offer those aspects of your personality to Kali. Well, ayahuasca is known as the vine of death. And if you've listened to other episodes with Aubrey and listened to them talk about what happens on an ayahuasca trip, quite often you have to die. And I imagine that the more you resist that, according to many people I've talked to, have taken ayahuasca, the more difficult the trip can be.
Starting point is 00:15:45 So here we have Madre, mother ayahuasca, the skull representing that aspect of the trip where you finally allow yourself to die. Which really is just getting out of that shell. I'm sure that there are hermit crabs who have shells that have grown too tight for them, who are terrified of climbing out of the shell into a brand new, sparkling, beautiful shell. In the same way, lots of human beings are terrified of climbing out of that old, musty, ego-carapace that's grown around their heart chakra.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And so they would rather live in a tiny, bachelor-pad ego mechanism than experience the very temporary rending a part of that useless and pointless callus that's formed around their ability to experience pure autonomy and freedom. That's my interpretation of what that shirt means. There's also writing on the inside of each of these shirts, which Aubrey has written. He's a great writer. And this writing describes what each of these shirts represent. The point is, they're cool.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And if you go to wearspace.com, that's W-E-A-R-S-P-A-S-E.com, you can see all the designs. And if you use offer code Duncan, you're going to get 10% off of these shirts. Here's what else is super cool about these shirts. Every shirt has a specific charity attached to it. So a minimum of 5% of the proceeds go to charities like MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which is seeking to make MDMA prescribable, which it's sad that anybody has to seek to make a drug that has the potential to cure PTSD and a great many other problems prescribable.
Starting point is 00:17:40 But that's the dimension that we live in right now. So we just have to deal with it. These shirts are the premium line of these shirts is our custom made in Italy. And if that's a, if those shirts are a little too pricey for you, check out the Austin Fitline, which is a little more affordable and they are printed in Austin. And those are only 2850. Well, you guys, please go check this out. Aubrey, as you're about to see, if you've never listened to an episode with him, is
Starting point is 00:18:13 one of the coolest people on earth. So anything that he's creating is definitely worth a little bit of your attention. And he's sponsoring this episode of the podcast. So check it out, won't you? OK, everybody. Oh, yeah, before we get going, very quickly, we're also sponsored by Amazon.com. Use our portal, which is located in the comments section of any of these episodes. You don't need to leave your house if you are terrified of the Zika virus,
Starting point is 00:18:42 ISIS, if you're terrified of meteor impacts, hail storms, if you just don't like the way your neighborhood smells, if you're just in a, in that space where you've been eating edible marijuana and yet you desperately need some kind of video game console and you don't want to go to Best Buy to get it. You can go to Amazon and you could have, depending on what city you live in, if you use Amazon Prime, you'd have a PlayStation delivered to your house in two hours. It's glorious. It's the good.
Starting point is 00:19:16 This is the golden age of the shut-in, friends. And if you're going to go to Amazon and buy plastic stuff, why not go through our portal located at DuncanTrussell.com in the comments section of any of these episodes. I just bought a Bluetooth guitar thing, which actually I don't like. So don't get that. But there's a lot of other cool stuff on Amazon. And well, there's literally everything on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Unicorns, spinked or cream, you name it, you can find it. But do go through our portal first, won't you? Also, I'm going on tour of the East Coast, a bus tour, the You Are God tour. And all the dates are listed at DuncanTrussell.com. That starts in late March and goes for a full month of glory. So check that out. I'm going to be everywhere. I'm going to be in Asheville.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'm going to be in New York. I'm going to be everywhere. Nashville, check it out. Go to DuncanTrussell.com, grab tickets because they're going fast. And I think that's it. OK, fine. That's it. All right, everybody. Now, today's guest is not just the founder of Wearspace.com.
Starting point is 00:20:30 He is also the founder of Onit, which is a vitamin company. I don't know if vitamin company is the right word for it. Sports enhancers. I don't know what you call it, but it's the dispenser of one of my favorite supplements, Alphabrain. And I don't think Aubrey agrees with this description of Alphabrain. But I'm going to say it. It reminds me of low level Adderall.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And I know a lot of people who love this stuff. I if I've got to do a podcast, I need to focus. I will gulp down three or four Alphabrain tablets. I think that's more than the recommended dose. But fuck it, it's fantastic. And I have to do more than the recommended dose because my brain. Well, my brain needs more and they're wonderful. Anyway, they're fantastic and they give you crazy fucking dreams.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And I've verified that with other people as well. So I don't know what it is exactly that it does. What's what what it does or really what's in it. You can look all that up. I just like the way it makes me feel. Aubrey's company makes a lot of other cool stuff. Crazy workout things, kettlebells with ape heads on them or zombie heads. Spatial mace maces that you work out with.
Starting point is 00:21:48 These are, you know, a lot of you guys are out there super in shape. And this stuff probably appeals to you. It appeals to some dormant part of me buried under all this pizza residue. The idea of being in a home gym, lifting zombie heads and swinging massive battle maces around while roaring at the sun sounds glorious. I'm not there yet, but I've seen this stuff and it's super cool. Battle ropes, heavy ropes. You know, you could go out in your backyard with one of these big, heavy ropes
Starting point is 00:22:21 and just swing it around, swing your zombie head, kettlebells and throw that. Throw the kettlebells into your neighbor's yard. Just do it. It's a good it's a good it's a it's one of my recommended exercises. Anyway, not only is he the founder of on it, but he's also an author. And he is a I don't I want to call him a shaman, though. I don't know if that's the correct term for for what he is. I don't really know what he is.
Starting point is 00:22:55 He's an enigmatic, super cool fella who every time I hang out with him, I find myself learning something more than I knew before. You can find out everything you want about him by going to AubreyMarcus.com. A U B R E Y M A R C U S. Dot com. Now everyone, please welcome to the Dunkin Trussell family hour podcast, my dear friend, Aubrey Marcus. Aubrey, welcome back, man. Thanks for coming out here all the way from Malibu to Pasadena.
Starting point is 00:23:52 My pleasure, brother. It doesn't sound like that much of a struggle when you say all the way from Malibu. You know, you don't get a lot of street cred for making that drive when it starts in Malibu, but dude, I'm somebody who deplores traffic. I'm weak, I'm weak, so I don't like traffic. Traffic freaks me out in the most extreme way. And so if anyone takes a long time coming here or goes through traffic, I consider it to be a great honor.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Well, it's my pleasure. It's not like you want in the old days, when you went to visit someone, you'd wander down a forest trail and they were dangerous. And you had no time. You had no time to meet. You had no stuff like watches on your hands. I was like, yeah, when the sun is highest in the sky. Yeah, I'll be there.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'll be there soon. A lot of waiting. Yeah. Uncle Jim's coming when soon. Soon this week, six months. And then when people came to you, they'd stay for a long time. They wouldn't leave. That was a, I remember my grandparents telling me how there used to be,
Starting point is 00:24:52 you know, there weren't highways. There was like when there were, you had certain mile markers and you would make a right turn at a mile marker and a left turn at a mile marker. And it was traveling across the United States. If you weren't going by train was a real serious endeavor. And it sounds so fun and beautiful. But the point is it took so long to get to a place. That once you got there, you'd stay.
Starting point is 00:25:14 If someone came to visit you, you wouldn't be like, all right, see you later. You traveled 30 days to get here, just stay a week. You would stay months and months. It's kind of cool, man. I like that. Or taking a boat across the Atlantic to visit your relatives. Yeah, you're going to fucking stay for a while. Maybe a year, maybe forever.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, exactly. Time was different back then. Yeah. Isn't times that time is different now? Like the way that we approach time is very frightening in a lot of ways. The effect of it is, you know, I was thinking, man, what do you think it is? We worship
Starting point is 00:25:49 two false gods in this world. And, you know, in the Old Testament, God, nothing God hates more than when somebody worships a false God, like the old Jehovah's spirit, you get so pissed. If you're worshiping the wrong God, he freaks the fuck out. But so the punishment from the universe for worshipping false gods is very extreme. And that means anytime you are allowing yourself to to
Starting point is 00:26:14 plug into a delusion, you're going to suffer. So the two false gods, the past and the future, right? Right. And you realize all of society is built around the worship of these false, non-existent states. Demons, demons, demons. Yeah, that's the classical definition
Starting point is 00:26:36 from the shamanic perspective of a demon. What is a demon? A demon is a delusion. Somehow, in some way, it is a delusional idea, concept, archetype, thought. It's something about it is not reconciled with truth. And those are two things that certainly aren't, you know, the past, at least the dwelling on the past or the dwelling on the future. I mean, there is obviously the actual past and future, which are abstract kind of thoughts.
Starting point is 00:27:01 There's something that's happening soon and something that's happening past. But identifying with those, like through your personal history and attachment to them and then thinking about the future to take you out of the present. Because the present is where truth lies. Right. For sure. Oh, that's the Lord. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And when you when you look at, you know, the funny thing about the past and the funny thing about the future is there, like to prove the past exists, you only can use you use imprints of the past, like you can use pictures, neurological encodings of which we call memories. But there is you can't. There's no way to get like scoop out matter from the past. It's gone instantaneously, annihilated in any given moment. And then when you look at the future, obviously,
Starting point is 00:27:50 there's no fucking way that you can prove the future. We can't. There's nothing you can do. You just have to believe in the future because stuff happens. But really, it's a delusion. And that that that shamanic concept, it seems that if you really wanted to incur the wrath of God, then you would allow your society to be built upon the whims of two false gods and this entire society,
Starting point is 00:28:16 the whole world functions on the concept of the past and the future. Even talking about it right now, be like, you've got to have the goddamn future, you fucking hippy shit. How are you going to run anything if there's no future? How are you going to do anything if you don't remember the past? How do we try? How do we put someone on trial? There's no justice without the past. You know, but then you see someone on trial who's done some awful thing
Starting point is 00:28:39 and you witness them and you realize that's not the same person who committed the crime. Yeah. And you see in the look in their face where they're like, I was in a dream. I don't know how I got here. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes and no man steps in the same river twice because it's not the same river and he's not the same man. Heraclitus said that that that now there, how do you but how do you how do you have industry? It's hard.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Our society is built upon these these precepts, but always there's the choice that we have to just anchor to anchor to the present moment. And in that present moment, there can be pain, but there cannot be suffering. It is not possible. Well, there can only be just the pain and pain is very easy to deal with. We're very good at that suffering, which is our feelings and fears and concerns and worries about the future and all of these things. Like imagine when you have a cold, you know, like so much of a cold is not
Starting point is 00:29:34 the physical symptoms of your stuffy ass nose. It's projecting into the future about this cold things that you're doing. But if you just anchor to the present moment, you got a little bit of a stuffy nose, like not a fucking big deal, not a big deal. Even if it's even more like, you know, something a lot harder, anchoring in the present, you know, you're with the truth of what's actually happening, which is maybe a little bit of pain, maybe some pleasure, maybe whatever else is going on. But there's always that that volitional choice, which is, I think, one of our,
Starting point is 00:30:03 you know, main choices of free will is to just anchor to the present, clear the mind, anchor to the present and you'll alleviate 90 percent of your suffering. Now, this is an interesting thing that you said here because it it gives us a compass or a canary in the coal mine to determine whether or not we're in the present moment. Because sometimes you think you're in the present moment and you're not in the present moment at all, because you're thinking you're in the present moment. That thing, you know, where you're like, it happened to me the other day. I was just driving down the.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I was just driving to go eat dinner. And I was like, you are so in the moment right now. As you pat yourself on the back, comparing yourself to the past of not being in the present moment, patting yourself on the back, not in the moment at all. It's far away from the moment as you could be. This is the, this isn't another demon. This is another delusion is this terrible thing that will perch on your shoulder and say to you, oh yeah, you are really, really right there.
Starting point is 00:31:06 You really are like, oh wow, this is amazing. This is like your Bodhi tree moment, man. You're awakening as you drive to this pizza place. You really know, not even close because you're thinking. And then you start thinking about like the, how you're going to articulate the beauty of the moment. Like, you know, that's the next talking about it on a podcast, putting it in a blog.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Oh yes. And then you think, I will say that there are two false gods and then you say it. But you're still not there. And so this canary in the coal mine that you're talking about is one way to identify that you're not in the present moment is if you're experiencing suffering, as you say, versus pain. Right. Now, help me understand these two things.
Starting point is 00:31:48 What is the difference between suffering and pain? Yeah. Suffering is the extra piled on top anguish to the physical stimulus that you're feeling, you know, so like whatever you're going through, whether it's, you know, physical or emotional, there's a direct physical stimulus that's happening. Some kind of issue that's going on somatically within the body, right? That's all that, that's all that the present moment allows. It allows stimulus to be kind of washed over that present moment.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And then the suffering comes from all of the mental kind of maneuvering that goes around that thinking, projecting into the future. How is this going to affect me? How long am I going to be this? When am I going to get? Well, what do I have to do? What did I do to cause this? All of those things are the suffering.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Whereas just if you're at peace with the stimulus itself, the stimulus is often very little, no matter what, no matter what you're going through, we're very adept at dealing with the stimulus. I mean, think about the, when you get a shot or something like that. I mean, the suffering comes from the anticipation of the prick, right? You know, and also, you know, whatever, mostly the anticipation in that instance, when it actually happens, it's like, Oh, well, it's so bad. And it's over in a minute and it's not a big deal at all.
Starting point is 00:33:06 But the suffering comes in the projection towards the future. And then, you know, potentially if it was traumatic, you can think, you know, in the rear view and look back at the event and have suffering about something that happened in the past. But in the present, you can look at yourself and ask your body, you know, am I all right? Or as castanet of that crazy fuck said, you can ask death. You can say, death, have you touched me yet?
Starting point is 00:33:25 And death will say no. And you'll know you're all right. Wow. That's really cool, man. Yeah. It's so liberating. And it's so blasphemous. That's the other thing I like about it is.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Many people, I think, when they consider the present moment, do not realize how revolutionary a state it is to be in. Yeah. And, and, and it's like, I think the times when I really managed to get there or where it just happens, the moment I realized I'm there, I do get this feeling of like a prisoner who's wandered out of the prison and is about to get abducted again by the cops. Like I'm breaking rules.
Starting point is 00:34:09 You're not supposed to feel okay right now, man. You, you can't just feel good. And there's that voice when you do feel really good. It says, Hey, be careful, motherfucker. You're feeling really good. That means the fall is coming. You know, this, the fall is coming. Voice is one of the nastiest demons we all have.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I feel that all the time, like everything is so amazing. It's like, watch out, motherfucker. What's next? Yeah. Keep your eyes out. And I think there's some wisdom to the, what the stoics called premeditation of potential disastrous events, but then you got to let that go. You do what you got to do and then just let that shit go and anchor back to the
Starting point is 00:34:42 present moment where that, where that pleasure lies. Yeah. That's right. But then that other demon that you're talking about base, it's a demon of the future. It's just some, it's, it's like, I was thinking, okay, these demons that we worship, the false gods, and then I was thinking, okay, you know, and like the grimoires, like the lesser key of Solomon and the various like weird books about
Starting point is 00:35:06 how to summon demons, which are so, I don't know those, but I'm interested. Oh, check them out. They're awesome. Yeah. They're awesome. The whole, it's called, um, oh fuck, there's a name for it. Oh, I'm going to say it wrong. It's pronounced, it mispronounced everything to go at it, go at, it's spelled
Starting point is 00:35:23 G-O-E-T-I-A, but basically this is the idea that there are elemental forces in the universe that you can, if you are a clever magician and do the right purification rituals and then the appropriate summoning rituals, and then you could theoretically control these forces. And so there's a lot of theories about the varying, the various grimoires and where all this comes from. The best being that it's a pre-flood technology, that it's the remnants of a pre-apocalypse technology that still lingers and no one really understands it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 But many, many, like powerful Western sorcerers are really into this shit and Crowley being one of them. And I know other people too, who claim to have made contact with these beings. But when you, it's really fascinating when you read like the Lesser Kyosama, because you'll have the, the demons, the main demons, and then they'll have servants or they'll have like legions beneath them. Like any, there's a hierarchical, in the same way, if you look at like certain old texts on angels, there's a fascinating hierarchy in angels where there's
Starting point is 00:36:38 higher angels and those angels have servants and those, so it's like a weird celestial corporation. So past and future, these demons, they have a legion of workers underneath them and those make up all the other sufferings. You know all the, all the little things, you know, but so still what you're talking about, it's still like, if, if you are not in the present moment, you will suffer. This is interesting, because when you hear the Buddhist idea, life is suffering,
Starting point is 00:37:08 the cause of suffering is attachment, it's a little more difficult to understand for me, like attachment to what? And what do you mean? I know what you mean theoretically, but this is, to me, right to the point, which is, if you are not in the present moment, you're gonna suffer. Present moment is hallowed ground, like this is hallowed ground, like all of those warcraft and wizardry movies, you know, where do you go for hallowed ground? The fucking present moment.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Demons cannot touch you in the present moment. Nothing can get you. Nothing can touch you in the present moment. I mean, someone can harm you physically, obviously in the present moment, but as far as these constructs and archetypes of the mind, and for people who have difficulty looking at these demons as entities, you can just look at them as archetypes. These forces that are these coagulations of archetypal thoughts and influences that are coming at us.
Starting point is 00:37:56 You don't have to necessarily accept that there are entities that are drinking blood and doing whatever they do. Whatever helps you organize those thoughts, I'm all about it. And I don't try to get caught up in whether a lot of people ask, are these entities real or are they just precepts of the mind? Same fucking thing. Real or precepts of the mind? It doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Doesn't matter. Yeah. But what matters is how you deal with them. And absolutely. And I write about it in the book that I'm releasing here pretty soon, the best way to escape to truth, which is obviously away from all delusion, away from all the demons, is anchoring to the present moment. So what do you do yourself to anchor to the present moment?
Starting point is 00:38:38 Like, what are some of the techniques that you use to get there? So the techniques that I have, I was taught, I got these Rondost retreats, they're the best. And you have the thing I love about them. When I first started going, I really just was tripping out to see someone like Rondost talk, because the vibe that guy puts out is just, there's nothing like it, man. But then you realize, oh, it's like, that's just one tiny little piece of it. Because what starts having these retreats is you have this, you know, ecstasy talk? It's like a never ending ecstasy conversation minus the ecstasy.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Everyone's so opened up that they're just like talking and you're, and then you know that thing where like, you, the universe will talk to you through overheard conversations sometimes, or the way you get, it's funny what our people, the way people's filtration mechanism works is because they think that they can only take in information if it's being directed to them, from one person to them, or from a book to them. But no, the universe is teaching you in the way the wind blows through the trees, or a conversation you might overhear in line at staples, or it's always talking. You can open it up.
Starting point is 00:39:48 So then that stuff starts happening, or the universe just teaches you. So this, man, I wish I could remember his name. He's the coolest guy ever. He's somebody whose job it is to administer. He helps people relax before big surgeries and hospitals. So his job is to come in if someone's like got some big thing going down. He teaches them how to get calm. And so his technique that he taught me is so simple, but I use it and it works,
Starting point is 00:40:15 which is like, you can do it right now. You just feel, if you're sitting in a chair, notice, here's something that you don't have to worry about holding yourself up. That chair is going to hold you up no matter how you sit in the chair. The chair is supporting your way. A lot of people, they over effort when they're sitting because they don't feel supported by the universe. So if you're sitting in a chair, you actually realize like the way your muscles are working
Starting point is 00:40:41 is as though the chair is suddenly going to collapse or something. You know, like you're doing the chair's work. You don't need to. The chair is holding you up. You're fine. And then the other thing you do, so you sink into wherever you are, whether it's a bed, a chair, and you realize like, oh yeah, the chair is going to do all the work.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I'm on vacation for a little while as far as gravity goes. So then you can feel your muscles relax and then you feel your feet in your shoes. If you're wearing shoes and feel the way that your feet are sinking into the earth and just doing that for me, I'll get me right there. That'll do it for me. Simple, simple stuff like that. But then my problem or meditating, falling the breath in and out through the nose. Don't get me there.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But you know, it's like the interesting thing about all of this stuff is you don't know that you've been there until you're not there anymore. So it's like, you know, I had this mushroom trip recently where all of a sudden, I'm sorry, you guys, I talked about this in an early podcast, but it applies. As I was coming from down from the mushrooms, I started thinking, because I had just been in this realm of pure symbols, you know, just this beautiful like, like the, you know, that's that you're just like, I don't know, just like face it, beautiful faces and incredible.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Like, you know, you're seeing that like the weird, dewy spider web, like tendrils of the sentient non embodied consciousness that spreads over everything in the way it's always expressing itself. But suddenly I was like, wait, I was doing this. What was I doing? I was doing this thing. What am I doing? I'm this thing.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I'm a human. Oh, I'm a human. Oh, shit. I'm a human. Yeah, right. You know, but before that, I want to come back to remembering I was human. I was not huge. I was not me.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And so I came back into myself again and remembered, oh, I'm not doing this project called human for a little bit of time. So in the same way, the present moment, it's like that kind of like when you're there, that this is where you get into the, and this is where I'm sorry. I'm, this is a very clumsy and stupid rant, but this is where you get into the whole problem that Zen addresses, which is like, we're talking about a thing that the moment you're talking about the fucking thing, you're not in the thing, or maybe you are, but more than likely you're not.
Starting point is 00:43:21 So for me, I think, and I think that's what you're just about to ask me probably. But for me, I think there's, I think it's the most pleasurable state that we can get in. And I think we, we access it sometimes without even knowing it. I think sometimes when we have sex, we're in the present moment. And that's one of the most pleasurable aspects of sex. And I think the, the kind of field of Tantra is built around that is using that as a tool to help you access the present moment. But I even think like, even sometimes you practice Tantra,
Starting point is 00:43:50 like, like just scratching the surface is on my list of like areas of expertise that I need to explore, but enough to understand like the basic premise and know that it works. Like, like I basically have proved the concept by just scratching the surface enough to say that that is a method that it works. You've had the extended orgasm. No, well, I've stretched it, but not the Tantric, you know, five minute, the full, the full thing that philosophy professor at our school claimed
Starting point is 00:44:21 that he could have six hour orgasms with his wife from Tantra. Yeah. I mean, that's, that would be pretty rad, but, you know, the only time I've had a really extended orgasm feeling was on DMT a few times. I've had that where it just stretched out for like five minutes or something like that. But, but yeah, so sex is one way. And I think actually even there's certain conversations in certain times where we're more in the present, like that first date, you know, a lot of times where you're just enraptured in somebody.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yes. One of the reasons why we like that is because it forces us to be in the present where with people we're familiar with, we're running these background discussions and thoughts in our head. We're thinking about our phone or what's next or whatever. So I think interactions with people, of course, flow state is another one of the classic examples and flow state is accessed when there's generally when there's stakes on the line. So you have some kind of risk like you're surfing a big wave.
Starting point is 00:45:16 It's kind of a classic example where that wave will absolutely pummel you. So to access to your highest performance, you have to be in the present moment. You have no room. There's no wiggle room to be thinking about this or that. This is Alex Honnell. Yeah. Just have to be in the zone a hundred percent. And Steven Kotler wrote a book about flow state.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And I think that's really an interesting way to access it. And then of course there's the other kind of meditation techniques, one of which is Tom Brown's, he talks about it in the Sacred Silence. It's called Awakening Spirits. And he has this Sacred Silence meditation that I really, really like. He has a couple of methods. One method is out in nature. He uses the widest peripheral gaze that he can.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So he's looking at everything but nothing at the same time. So just relaxes his eyes and sees everything without focusing on anything. So just pure perception at that moment and the stories of what he's able to see. Like if he's looking at a wooded landscape and we're looking at a wooded landscape, like what he's able to see just because he's cultivated that ability to just perceive life and all of everything at the same time without thinking about it is pretty legendary. So that's one method. Another method that he has is he goes through this meditation.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And actually this is the guided meditation I have on my website because I like it so much. But he goes through this guided meditation that will get you to access the present moment. And then at the end he launches what he's called a trigger breath. So that's a breath where you breathe in and then you breathe out really slowly. Keep breathing, keep breathing. And you'll start to feel your heart like palpitate as you start to lose breath. And you'll start to feel your pulse. And when you start to feel your pulse, it's just this kind of unique feeling and unique way of
Starting point is 00:47:06 breathing. And what he does is after the meditation, he has you do that breath so that you're anchoring. So that breath is synonymous with being in the present moment. So it's kind of like a Pavlovian response that you can build. Right. So then the idea is you do the sacred science meditation enough, anchor that breath at the end of it when you are present that no matter what you're doing, all you need is the breath to remind you of the present moment.
Starting point is 00:47:30 So it doesn't work until you've patterned it, but eventually like the bell that causes the dog to salivate, you know, when there's food there, all of a sudden you can pull away the food, just have the bell and you'll get the salivation. That's cool. Classical conditioning into the present moment. Exactly. Badass. I love it.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah, that's super cool, man. Yeah. All these techniques are so important. And this is, you know, the thing, the more I experiment with this present moment, and it's a fun, it's like a romance almost. It's a dance because you can't stay in the dance and dancing is another great way. Talk about a way to do it when you're really just dancing and like that kind of ecstatic dance or enraptured dance moment where you're just feeling your body.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's another way to access the present moment a great way, but it is a dance in general, not literally, but metaphorically because you're in and out of it at all times and just. It's a new friend and it's a perpetually new friend and it's like, so sometimes when you're having a difficult moment, you can think, I'm going to visit my new friend and see what happens. And then there it is, this wild thing. Now, if you embody the present moment, it has characteristics. The present moment is the ultimate revolutionary.
Starting point is 00:48:47 The present moment does not care about the machinations of society. No. The present moment doesn't care about the president. The present moment doesn't care about the government. The present moment doesn't care about money. The present moment doesn't care about anything that humans are caught up in. And this is the present moment cares about the taste of the juice of the pear as you're biting and it's dripping down your beard and it's flooding your mouth with the sensation of pleasure.
Starting point is 00:49:16 That's what the present moment cares about. Yes, that's it. And it's wild, you know, because it cannot be domesticated because it seems like domestication requires this kind of like a feeling of what will happen in the future if you do the wrong thing or punishment for the past. The present moment will not be domesticated. So it is an undomesticatable, super rebellious being. And I think it's like if you look at the not the fundamentalist Christian version of Jesus,
Starting point is 00:49:47 but like the hippie version of Jesus or whatever that being represents, it's best articulated in that being and all the stuff that Jesus says in the New Testament that I'd choose to pick. And by the way, I just do a filter system, man. If there's shit in there, I'm like, yeah, that doesn't, my Jesus would never say that. I just take whatever I want. But all this stuff that I, you know, like things like do not store your treasures on earth.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Where the, what, we're rusted. I'm low tide. Yeah, don't, don't store your treasures on earth where rust and moths will corrupt. Store your treasures in the kingdom of heaven. Or like, you know, Jesus is always talking about the kingdom of heaven. Yeah, build your castle upon the rock, not upon the sand. Yes. We'll get you something like that.
Starting point is 00:50:32 That, well, yeah, well, or like the concept of the kingdom of heaven. Again and again, if you read the New Testament, definitely read it. Everyone revisit it. It's awesome. Just take a psychedelic, you'll get it. But there's always this reference to this thing called the kingdom of heaven, which Jim Baker has transformed into a celestial place with, you know, the streets of gold and blah, blah, blah, or you get to watch the centers burning
Starting point is 00:50:54 hell through special televisions or whatever. That's like that, but the kingdom of heaven is, it's something he keeps referencing. And I'm certain it's the present moment. Totally. Because when you enter into the present moment, you're in the kingdom of heaven. You're in heaven. And so Jesus is always saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand,
Starting point is 00:51:15 or like they were asked, they're always trying to trick him. So they're asking questions like, what about, you know, I don't remember who they're mentioning, like John the Baptist or whoever, is he in heaven? And the response is like, I am the God of the living, not the God of the dead. It's super fucking cool. It's like this idea of this present state.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Anyway, man, the point is this thing that we're talking about, if you have been raised by hippies, or you've heard it over and over again to the point where your ears are bleeding from assholes yapping about the present fucking moment, it's the most boring sounding place ever. I know I used to think that it's the last place you want to be. Some boring, docile, sedated state. That is not what it is. It's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It's the opposite. Yeah, it's alive and enriched with all the sacred geometry of the universe coming in and crashing against your perception. Yes, exactly. Yeah, totally. That's it. Did I ever tell you about in ceremony, in one of my last ceremonies, my encounters with the Jesus and Lucifer archetype?
Starting point is 00:52:25 No, I don't think you did. And if you did, I'd like, I still want to hear it again. So I was in ceremony and in a very safe container, this awesome container called the medicine space that my friend Hamilton Souther has kind of created where you anchor your heart to kind of the heart of the universe. And it's this amazingly... This is in Brazil? No, this was not in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:52:44 This was in the States. But it's this amazingly high vibration, high frequency place that you can anchor to. And it's very, very safe. And so in that container, we were exploring different archetypes and we started exploring the Jesus archetype. And I was able to see this as this emerald column, this spiraling emerald column of this glowing light. And it was this really amazing experience,
Starting point is 00:53:13 because I'm not... I don't have a lot of Christianity roots or anything like that. I've been pretty much agnostic concerning Jesus. I know he said some very wise things, 100%, but for me to encounter that archetype, and what it really was, was it was a force that was saying like, show me all your worst, show me all your demons, show me everything that you think is bad about yourself.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I'm not even gonna flinch. Right. I'm still gonna love you. But there's nothing you could show me that'll make me go, ooh. You know, it's like, I love you all the same. What is it? What is it?
Starting point is 00:53:46 What is it that you're hiding? What's that deepest thing that you're ashamed of? Show that to me. I love you. Yeah, that's it. But it was this impartial thing. It wasn't like he was trying to or it was trying to dig that out of you or it had judgment about it.
Starting point is 00:54:01 It's like, I'm here. Anytime you need absolute 100% love and forgiveness, just come find me. That's it. You know, I'm not motivated to try. This is your choice. If you want, if you want this, come find me. You know, and that was just this cool thing
Starting point is 00:54:16 because you have this missionary idea of Jesus that the religiousness of it all has kind of perpetuated. Like, yeah, we got to go fix the sinners and we got to go convert people or they're burning hell. Like the actual entity that I encountered was like, no, no, no. I'm here. If you want, you have them forgiveness. I'll hold down.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'll hold down that end of the spectrum. And then on the other side of the spectrum is the opposite. And this was the force that, you know, biblically would be called Lucifer. And this is the force of ultimate resistance. And that allows the cosmic duality to exist. That allows the tension that creates this game of free will. So on one side you have the Jesus archetype
Starting point is 00:54:55 and the other side you have the Lucifer archetype. Tell me about that archetype. So that archetype was really interesting because I realized that the game could not exist without that force of resistance. Without an equal force of resistance to the force of good, people would get enlightened like this. There wouldn't be actual free will.
Starting point is 00:55:13 You wouldn't have a game where your choice mattered because it would already be tilted in one side or the other. It has to be a perfect balance. And the Lucifer archetype, I've envisioned it as this. It was this swirling chaotic black. It had no light. It was just like the absence of light, just this black swirling brown void chaos spectrum.
Starting point is 00:55:35 But really one thing that struck me is that that was a force that willingly chose to hold down that archetype so that this game could exist. So that was a force that was doing something, doing that out of love for humanity at its very basic root. It was like, I love humanity so much. I will be the force of resistance that everybody hates.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I will cause all this pain so that we may have free will. So that we may have a game to play. Right. But, and then so I started getting this sympathetic feeling like, oh, thanks. And then there was this voice that came through really, really clear. It's like, but don't get a twisted motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I take this game for real. I could take this game seriously. I will fuck you up because that's my job. Like don't think we're friends. Like just because I love you enough to do this and to hold this down, doesn't mean I'm going to put my game aside and not try to fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Because that's what that thing is. That is the source of the delusion and resistance that allows us that gravity, that force pressing against us that allows us to ascend and allows us to have the opportunity to choose pleasure and choose enlightenment and have this interesting game. That's right, man. Yeah, Lucifer, the light bringer.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I love thinking about Lucifer. The contact I had with him, it was on LSD. And again, you guys. Well, I'm not going to do any more disclaimers. Fuck it. If you want to think, I actually think I saw Lucifer. I don't care. But I was laying in bed on LSD, staring at the stucco ceiling.
Starting point is 00:57:11 A fantastic thing to gaze upon when you've taken the right amount of acid. It's beautiful. You'll see the entire all mythology in front of you. You'll see everything. But I was looking and I saw this beautiful male figure with wings looking at me. And I was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And I was thinking, my God, it's an angel. I'm seeing an angel. Beautiful, beautiful angel. And I'm looking at the being. And the being seems aware that I can see it. And suddenly I realized, wait, why doesn't it seem like an angel? Like the way, why doesn't it seem like an angel? I realized the thing was enjoying the fact
Starting point is 00:57:52 that I thought it was beautiful. The thing wanted me to think it was beautiful. And in fact, that's all the thing wanted was for me to recognize, like, look at this. Look at how powerful, how incredible. Am I not the greatest? I am the greatest. Am I not?
Starting point is 00:58:08 And I think that to me is one of the characteristics of that force that you're talking about. And any body who is acting like that, the human who wants to be worshiped, we must have compassion for ourselves when we get in that state or for anyone who is in that state because they're suffering in the most intense, terrible way because they've gotten themselves in this awful situation
Starting point is 00:58:33 where they're demanding respect. They're expecting the glory. They want to feel that they want to be worshiped. Whereas the Christ archetype, there's nothing in it that cares. Not a shred. Not a shred. Not a shred. Not a shred.
Starting point is 00:58:50 He's not there in the sense of worship me. The thing is always trying as much, not trying even, but the concept is like, it's more about unification. We're one thing, or if it's not that, then it's about pointing in the direction of the greater thing. That's the difference between Satan and Jesus is one's pointing to themselves and the other is pointing in the direction of you
Starting point is 00:59:13 or the light or love or all things. And these archetypes are raging inside ourselves at all times. And that's this inner universe that we have mirrors the outer universe. So there's all of these forces. In that same meditation or ceremony, I should say it wasn't meditation, but in that same ceremony,
Starting point is 00:59:32 we started exploring other archetypes, like the Zeus archetype. It was like a really cool force, this kind of very paternal fatherly force. And I think the way Hamilton described it was perfect because a lot of times it's difficult to put these forces into words, you just get a feeling. But he's like, he's the dad who would never let you drive,
Starting point is 00:59:52 but if you take the keys and you go out there and you drive, he'll be somewhat proud. He'll be proud of you. You know, like that's the Zeus archetype. Like, I'm the father, you don't get the car, but if you go out there and do it, he's like, that's my fucking boy. That's my boy with the car ripping around, picking up chicks.
Starting point is 01:00:10 What other archetypes? We explored the sun. That was an interesting archetype as well. Just this constant pushing of warmth without any judgment or without any decision about who gets the warmth or what gets the warmth. It's just like here, like here. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Here is what will sustain life. Right. You know, and it was this very, because a lot of times we have this kind of idea of reciprocity of like, I give you this and return this. And I think that's a very fair thing that exists in the universe. But the sun asks for none of that.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Thank God. Yeah. The sun asks for, you know, it asks for no worship. Can you imagine? The people who worship the sun are silly. The sun is not asking for worship because the sun's energy is just, just give. Just give constantly.
Starting point is 01:00:58 If the sun started issuing power bills, we would be fucked. We're sure. There's no way to repay the sun. No. Ever. No. Now, I gotta say though, Matt, the sun worshiper thing.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Now, here's, first of all, I do understand why people worship the sun. Like if I, even now when I look at the sun, which I don't very often, you're not supposed to, but even feeling it's heat. Are you not supposed to though? Because I've heard some different things of like, maybe it's actually a little bit helpful,
Starting point is 01:01:32 especially with eyes closed. Oh, with eyes closed, perhaps. I know you're supposed to absorb the heat of the sun. There's like all kinds of benefits. Some ways that it helps your melatonin production differently. You need to be in the sun. There's varying times, but you definitely,
Starting point is 01:01:45 here's what I know for certain. At about 10 a.m., the cat and both dogs go to the exact same part of the house in Sun Bay. And they love it. And the war between the cats and dogs is over in that time. They just lay and absorb the sunlight. And you can tell they're getting drunk or high from it. They're just super relaxed.
Starting point is 01:02:08 If you pet them, it's like giving someone a massage on MDMA. They just love it, man. So that's just nature gravitating towards absorbing the light. But as far as sun worshiping goes, here's what's wild, man. So okay, we worship the sun. We'll have a picture of the sun, right? We bow down before it. We imagine it's telling us what to do.
Starting point is 01:02:29 People still are fucking sun worshipers. It's on your watch. You've converted the periods of light and darkness into a circle that you wear on your fucking wrist. Or you put it in the goddamn factory. The workers gaze upon the symbolic representation of the sunlight. And then based on that, all of the pulsations of society are determined. Everything.
Starting point is 01:02:53 So we still worship the sun, man. It didn't stop. It's just now we don't have paintings of the sun. We have a round thing with numbers and lines on it. It's still the fucking sun. A clock is the sun. There's no time. Remove the sun and we've got nothing.
Starting point is 01:03:07 There's no time. If you get away from the sun, if you get far enough away from the fucking sun, there's no more sunrises. There's no more sunsets. There's no more afternoon siestas. There's just a moment that never stops. Yeah, you see those in those science fiction things, like pitch black. Where the sun doesn't shine.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And it's just a nightmare at the whole time. That's what it's like. And then you go somewhere else. I know stepping off the plane in the Sacred Valley in Peru, you step off that plane and you're at 12,000 square feet and 12,000 feet elevation in the Sacred Valley or something like that. Very high. And the sun is just so dominant in the sky.
Starting point is 01:03:50 You see where that Inca sun worship came from because it's like, whoa. Yeah. This is fucking something even different when you get to that elevation. It's clear and it's pretty wild. If you're picking things to worship, picking the massive ball of light giving light that hovers around your planet is not the worst choice. It certainly is the source of all light. Anything you've ever thought, anything you've ever eaten,
Starting point is 01:04:16 anything you've ever done, you owe it to the sun. And then if you look at the new NASA videos coming of the sun, have you ever watched those close up crazy fucking when you solar flares? You see that thing. If that thing ain't alive, nothing is like it seems to be alive. These tendrils shooting out of it and rolling back into itself. It seems like a super organism that we just don't understand. No doubt.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I think it has sentience. God damn it. It felt like it when I encountered it for sure. And you know, I think with that sun worship though, just making sure that you don't get it twisted and think the sun needs that. I mean, the sun doesn't need that. Right. You know, I think that's the only place where the sun worship has got off track.
Starting point is 01:04:57 It's like, we must worship the sun and do sacrifices. No, no, no, no. It's cool. It loves you. It's doing this. It's doing this out of just an altruistic gift for life. That's right. And that's where you learn the lesson of these archetypes.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Because I think that where people start getting into trouble is where they become the sun god that wants people to give them sacrifices. And that's where you're up shit creek, man. Anytime you've landed in that spot and it's natural to get there from time to time, if you, you know, if you just become a baby, you know, kids are like that. Like the kid, okay, like when you're toilet training your kid, the kid wants to be cheered on if it finally manages to shit in the toilet bowl. No great feat, but you need to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yeah. Because otherwise the kids are going to shit his pants for the rest of his life. Right. So you need to, you need to cheer the kid on. And it is a big feat for a kid. He's been, for a being who just learned to walk and for the, has been shitting his pants regularly to finally manage to not shit your pants for the first time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:08 How victorious, how liberating it is for, it must be the most liberating thing to realize from now on, I'm not going to have shit in my pants intermittently throughout the day. That's a good feeling. Deserves to be rewarded. So, but the thing is when adults start wanting the world to congratulate them for not shitting their pants, that's where you get into trouble where you start realizing like, oh, I'm expecting pats on the back and I'm expecting, you know, you want like a parade around you. You want people to throw fucking ribbons at you, you know, at least once a month, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:45 and you start getting addicted to that. That's where you get sick, man. That's where you can start really collapsing. Because your self-identity and then self-worth gets tied to a relational effect of how much of this adulation you're getting and then, and then you're really fucked. So it's like this cascade that starts of wanting it and then needing it. And then when you need it, then there's never enough because it's not actually fulfilling. It's like eating empty calories over and over again, you know, like only having cotton candy,
Starting point is 01:07:16 just trying to get full and fuel your muscles with protein. But all it is is more and more cotton candy until you just eat it, but continue to get sicker and sicker and sicker, you know. And it's fascinating because what is a black hole? Yeah. What's a black hole? Literally, do you know what it is? Something that sucks all life in the matter.
Starting point is 01:07:35 It's a collapsed sun. It's a collapsed sun. When the sun stops giving light out, it falls into itself and it turns into a fucking black hole in the same way a person. When you stop this endeavor of like, I'm going to just give it out. You don't deserve it. I don't deserve it. No one deserves it.
Starting point is 01:07:54 But I'm just going to give it out. You don't deserve it. That's the thing, man. When you get around someone who's really fucked you over, it's a fantastic opportunity to operate as a son just for once. And just like, here, take it. Keep taking it. Are you using me?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Okay. Use me. Keep using me. Let's see how much there is of me to be used. How long will it go on for? And when you start doing that, then the planets around you, the beings around you, the things in your presence, they will start growing life. They'll start coming to life just like what happens around a sun.
Starting point is 01:08:31 It might not happen with all of them. But man, if you go the opposite direction, I know you and I both must know these people, these poor sons of bitches who have supernovaed and turned into fucking black holes. And now they've got an orbit of doom around them. And anything that gets sucked into it gets ripped to shreds. This is the problem, man. You see it, man. You see it a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:08:54 One black hole will create more collapsed stars around them. It will need that. And they just keep sucking different light and turning more suns into other black holes. That's right, man. That's it. The one drug that I think facilitates that more than anything, cocaine. You're right. I've seen that so many times where you'll have these people who are a mixed bag.
Starting point is 01:09:19 They're part black hole, part sun. They're this swirling of sometimes this outward and sometimes this inward. But reliably, cocaine will get them to the fucking collapsed star mode. So they just need more. They need more coke. They need more conversation. They need more ejaculation. They just need, need, need, sucking, sucking.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And what they are giving is this crazy, not altruistic, it's a weird, weird thing. So I think watching how these things, what you're surrounding yourself with, making sure that you're not turning to the dark star. And when you do turn to the dark star, I think at least you just know it. Totally. You know, and I was talking to a friend of mine recently and she told me, she was telling me that the mind is responsible for, I would say your name. I don't want to be rude, but I don't know if she, I don't know, but she was telling me the mind
Starting point is 01:10:12 is responsible. She believes the mind is responsible for great many human ailments and that understanding the strut that these things inside of you, that you're a black hole today or that you're, you've been being a black hole for the last couple of months or years or whatever. Just that understanding is all it takes to heal yourself. Yeah. It doesn't require you to then go in and do some kind of like analysis and fix it. It's just the, the, just allowing the thing to emerge into your consciousness is the beginning
Starting point is 01:10:48 of the, the transformation that, that will happen. So I think if you feel like you're a black hole, that doesn't mean you're a black hole. That's okay. You have compassion. You got there for a good reason. You didn't get there because you're evil. You got there because you want love. You got there because it feels good to be loved and it feels good to be congratulated
Starting point is 01:11:10 and it feels good to be complimented and it feels good for people to treat you like you're more special. That does feel good. It's great. We love it. Look at my mind. I can tell with my, my sister-in-law picks up my nephew, you know, and holds him or when my brother holds my nephew, he loves it.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Of course you would. Sure. So it's, oh, but, and if you've gotten, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't absorb and appreciate all the love that you get. It's just this matter of whether you need it or whether you can just enjoy it. Like the need is the attachment is the fear of not having it creates this desperation. You know, whereas the acceptance of it is just, yeah, like awesome. Like breathe it all in, feel it to the fullest.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Like live it with passion. Yeah. Don't shut yourself off on the word. I'm sucking too much. No, that's part of the gift that creates it and it allows you to be energized, but the needing it and the hunting it and the manipulating so that you get it. You know, that is, that is the dark side. The dark side and it's based on limitation.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Like imagine if people all of a sudden everyone knew that for the next hundred years, a massive iron sphere was going to surround planet earth and no one would experience the sun. And there was only four more hours left to experience sunlight. That'd be a sad four hours as people rushed into the streets and desperately tried to experience the sun and you'd be so depressed and you want to figure out a way to bottle it or box it or save it or keep it. And so that's what happens. I think that was the fucking dark ages.
Starting point is 01:12:46 People think about the dark ages as dark because of many, you know, the thoughts and the different things that were going on. No, it was actually fucking dark. What? They actually have, yeah, they actually have geological records that show that the time at that point was dark because of volcanic activity and different other things. No shit. The dark ages were actually dark.
Starting point is 01:13:05 What? Yeah, you can, you can look it up. I actually tweeted it not too long ago, but the dark ages were dark and that was one of the reasons why it was such a fucked up time as the sun was largely gone. It was cloudy every goddamn day, you know, in search of facilitates disease, which facilitates all of these other fucked up things like the sun withdrew. That's wild. And in all of these like post-apocalyptic fantasies, like you see in matrix three,
Starting point is 01:13:30 they're all underground and shit. You know, can you imagine not having to, not being able to experience the sun? I was actually thinking of writing a novel with the first line being grandpa, tell me again about the sun. Right. You know, like just the old wise ones were the only one. Ah, yes. It was this glowing orb of light.
Starting point is 01:13:50 And when it bathed across your skin and tickled and filled you with warmth and you'd be drunk from vitamins that could only blossom in your skin from the light of this giant orb. Like, whoa, grandpa, was it real? Yes, my son. Don't listen to your grandpa. He hasn't had his medication. There was never. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And then there'd be people who would be sun deniers. Yeah. Oh, shut up. You don't believe in the fucking sun, do you? There's no proof it ever exists. There's a bunch of assholes from the past. You made some shit up. Trust me, there's no fucking sun.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Yeah, man. No, it's in that seat. To me, it's that the best way out of being a black hole if you find yourself in a super compressed state of need is to, you have to just start giving to people. Yeah. That's it. Even though you don't feel like it. You have to start being a son yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:48 You awaken your own son. Yeah. And then internally, that sun in your heart, nine layers deep, deep, deep in your heart, which is a sun. Why do you say nine layers deep? Just a way to envision all of the dimensional layers that their heart actually exists in, you know? And for me, nine layers is the amount, in the shamanic tradition, nine layers is the ninth
Starting point is 01:15:11 layer is God, is pure unification in oneness. So it goes through the layers. Obviously, fourth is time, fifth is dream, sixth is this place of entities. More like the astral seventh is starting to get into the celestial. Eight is a place of pure potentiality that's kind of very much, pretty much the highest that any shaman can access. And then ninth is just unification, pure unification with the oneness of all light. What's the first layer?
Starting point is 01:15:42 Well, one, two, three, one is a dot, two is a line, three is, you know, the regular dimensions apply, three is 3D space, four is time, fifth is dreams, the world of dreams, which is somewhere below the astral. The astral is the projected visionary state of, you know, of things which is somewhere, you know, around the sixth and then seventh is the celestial, more angelic beings in there. And then eighth is that dimension of potentiality. And this is inside a human. This is inside us as well as, as within, so without, as above, so below, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:14 what Hermes Trismegistus says, that's inside us. We have a universe connected to the other universe, which is all part of a multiverse. And it's all this matter of, you know, you can look at it in any different way you want. But in our heart, in our heart is that point of ninth dimension. It is pure sun, pure God, a ninth dimensional point that is our seat of consciousness. So anchoring to that, that is the medicine space that I was talking about from Hamilton Souther. It's like, that's what he identified is that's our peace of God that we have inside.
Starting point is 01:16:47 So that's why I say nine layers deep to that peace of God that we all have, that innate sun that is just willing to give and will warm us out from within. So giving to somebody is like waking that up. It's like, here I'm going to be the sun. And then all of a sudden, like that, like a quantum particle, you know, you can see it when you observe it. But if you don't observe it, it may not be there. You know, like the rules of quantum physics will have that observer effect,
Starting point is 01:17:12 where observing it actually manifests it. And that's the way it is with our heart observing that point in our heart and giving it that ability to do what it's capable of, which is love unconditionally. Then at that point, you know, we are the sun. And that's the best way out of being a black hole for sure. Cool, man. That's so cool. Like, yeah, you can almost just see it inside of you.
Starting point is 01:17:36 This like super luminous, perfect light that's just covered in shit. Yeah, it's just not there because we're choosing not to see it. It's just a choice. We're choosing on the quantum level not to acknowledge the God that's in our heart, you know, the oneness of all life, of all creation that's there. And then as soon as we do, as soon as we acknowledge that and acknowledge that that's connected to all things through perpetual motion, everything moving. Once that becomes a particle that's real, it's connected to all of the atomic movement
Starting point is 01:18:13 of all of ourselves in our body, connected to all the atomic movement of all the atoms in the air, connected to all the atomic movement of entire space and planets and everything. It's all connected. And then at that point, you're in the medicine space. Wow, Aubrey, you're the coolest of all time. Thanks, brother. Thank you so much for being on the show, man. For sure, man.
Starting point is 01:18:36 How can people find you? Yeah, so AubreyMarcus.com is the hub. All my social is AubreyMarcus. You can check me out there. On the website, though, is some cool things, some binaural beats, which are great. It's a cool technology to entrain your brainwaves to reach different states. And also a guided meditation using that sacred silence anchor breath technique and the meditation is totally free.
Starting point is 01:18:57 So check it out. Let me know what you think and appreciate the shit out of you. I appreciate the shit out of you. Thanks, Aubrey. Thanks for listening, everybody. If you like this episode, why not give us a nice rating on iTunes, bookmark our Amazon portal. And much thanks to WearSpace.com for sponsoring this episode.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Go to WearSpace.com and use Afrika Duncan to get 10% off your purchase. See you guys next time. Hare Krishna, become the sun. Bye. Here's a track from The Sun Days. It's called I Keep On Wondering. I'll have a link to the album at dunkatrustle.com in the comment section of this podcast. Or you can go to thesun-days.bandcamp.com.
Starting point is 01:19:43 OK, see you guys later. Bye. I I Keep On Wondering Why We Can't Get Along I Keep On Wondering Why We Can't Get Along Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want In Life
Starting point is 01:21:09 I Keep On Wondering Why We Can't Get Along I Keep On Wondering Why We Can't Get Along Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want Do What You Want In Life Do What You Want In Life

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