Duncan Trussell Family Hour - TOM RHODES is THE CHANGELING!!!

Episode Date: July 4, 2013


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. I'm dirty little angel. You can get Dirty Angel anywhere you get your music. Ghost Towns, Dirty Angel, out now. New album and tour date coming this summer. Hello everyone and thank you for tuning into the Dunga Trussell Family, our podcast. Why don't we start this podcast off right
Starting point is 00:00:22 with a Fourth of July song from my dear sweet friend, the teacup pig. This is to you, Katy Perry. I love you, girl. Everybody has a dream to one day be a firework. To rise up in the sky and explode into pieces everywhere. Feel the sizzle of the heat as your skin plays away from your bones. And your eyes melt out of your sockets as you fall back down on the ground.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yes, we one day will be fireworks. All we need is a dream, some gasoline and a plane. Yes, we one day will be fireworks. Falling to the ground in an entertaining way. If I had my choice, I'd much rather be a firework. Than work at a job that made me feel so cold. Surrounded by people pretending they're not fireworks. Tizzling their life away when they secretly want to explode.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yes, we one day will be fireworks. We must decide between the cremation flame or a hole. Yes, we one day will be fireworks. No matter what we do, the sun is going to explode. So this 4th of July is your land on the beach with your girl or your guy. And you look up there in the sky and see those fireworks exploding so high. Imagine that every single one of them is a person. Somebody who came before you and died just like you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And remember that you're impermanent and that you too will explode in an atomic chemical reaction. Or you blend back into all things. You don't last forever, nothing does. And that's what the 4th of July is about. And I love you Katy Perry. And if you would please just respond to one of my letters. And I've been sending you a meme so much to make just an autographed headshot. It would be so wonderful as a take-up pic.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'm going, I'm going, I'm going to get a take-up. The Dunkin' Trussell Family Hour podcast is brought to you by Shore Design T-shirts. Here's an interesting trivia fact that many people don't know. Did you know that the reason John Denver crashed his plane into the ocean is because he was wearing a Shore Design T-shirt? That's right. The master folk musician, the sweet singer of the wind himself, John Denver had just put on a soft Shore Design T-shirt, climbed into his experimental plane, and just as he hit 2,000 feet,
Starting point is 00:04:00 fell into a sweet soft slumber. And while he was asleep, his plane crashed into the sea and drifted down into the coral reefs below where they say that starfish were found, chewing on his body, sucking his flesh away and transforming it into caloric energy that they could then use to look so beautiful there on the ocean floor. ShoreDesignT-shirts.com, they killed John Denver, sure, but it was worth it. What a wonderful death. Nothing could feel better than falling from the sky if you were John Denver and if you're wearing these shirts that are made of the softest fabric
Starting point is 00:04:44 that any human has ever felt or experienced. The ShoreDesign T-shirt fabric has been described by President Barack Obama as feeling nearly as soft as the inner folds of the throat of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay who are being force-fed as they desperately try to kill themselves to escape the miserable and eternal hell that they've been placed within illegally by President Obama. And from time to time, he likes to take a little trip over there and shove whole apples into the throats of these prisoners.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And according to President Obama, is his fist shoves down past their tonsils and gets that apple down into their stomach, and the feeling of their esophagus, of their tonsils, of their tongue is so very soft that the only thing that our sweet president can compare that feeling to is the feeling of a ShoreDesign T-shirt and the way that thing feels is it rubs against your body as you go jogging or go to yoga or take your tap dancing classes here in this wonderful country where we are having such a wonderful 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So why not go to ShoreDesignT-shirts.com, check out these awesome designs and order a shirt. Also, another easy way for you to support the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast is the next time you're buying something through Amazon.com, go to DuncanTrussell.com first and go through our Amazon portal. All you have to do is click on the Amazon portal, buy whatever it is that you are going to buy, and Amazon will give us a small percentage. It costs you nothing. It's a great way to donate to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You can also go to our shop. We have really cool t-shirts, posters, and stickers there that you could check out. And we're also sponsored by Audible.com. Audible is this amazing distributor of audiobooks. I am a member of Audible.com and every month I get, I can't remember how many credits, two or three credits which I can use towards an audiobook. I just used one of these credits to download The Stand, which is a book that I've already read,
Starting point is 00:07:11 but I'm taking a long trip up to San Francisco tomorrow and I want to listen to an audiobook during that trip. It's 45 hours long. That's more than enough hours to drown out this entire 4th of July. Go to AudibleTrial.com for its last family hour. You could sign up. If you don't like Audible, you can cancel your membership and you still get to keep the audiobook. So go do that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And for all of you who have been donating to the Duncan Dressel Family Hour podcast, thank you so much to those of you who have sent this stuff to the PO Box. I'm sorry, my PO Box got shut down. I have been very busy and I haven't had time to reopen the PO Box. I'm going to do that soon. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for sending me stuff. I need to take the PO Box temporarily off the website, I guess. I'm sorry about that inconvenience.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Okay, today's guest is a legendary comic. He performs internationally. He's probably performed in every country all over the planet. He's also been on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He's had his own show on NBC. He's had his own show on Comedy Central. And he has a podcast called Tom Rhodes Radio. You can check him out at tomroads.net.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And if he is coming to your country or your town, you should definitely go see and perform stand-up. So everybody, please open your hearts, your minds, your souls, and spray your 4th of July level tontric energy all over the chest and stomach of this wonderful comedian. My friend, Tom Rhodes. Rhodes. Here we are. You're going to turn off the AC. Oh, yeah, let me turn that off. Sorry. Sorry, man. I got to get it chill in here though.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I already did the I do the intro before so the intro already happened. Hey, there's not the buzzing sound of an air conditioning. No, it's gone. It's not amazing though. You could just roll in a Rectangular shaped thing and cool air and that's good because like what the heaters that people have in winter like people die all the time from those You mean from setting their houses on fire, right? Or like I don't know some poor quality ones put out some kind of Boater gas. Oh, yeah thing that isn't asphyxiates the whole family Don't you think that's an interesting thing about mass producing any item is that when you no matter what it is like people who make baby toys They know when somebody comes up with some new rattle, they know this is gonna kill 15 kids right and McDonald's small pieces in the happy meals. They
Starting point is 00:10:27 Choked to death a lot of kids. Yeah, that's an odd like when you produce something at the Enough of something it will kill. Well, and you know like China. They don't give a shit What was that the baby milk had like lead paint in it? Yeah, two years ago. Oh, they don't care They don't give up, you know, if you'll buy this air conditioner for 120 bucks You know, I mean think about stand-up is totally different stand-up comedy is like one thing that It doesn't it's not really gonna kill somebody like when you put out a comedy album That's not on your mind like oh, yeah This is a couple of kids are gonna choke on on some of these jokes and die in front of their parents
Starting point is 00:11:08 They're parents are gonna walk into there and see in the crib this blue bloated thing with one of Tom Rhodes jokes Earbuds well, that's and that's why I make my CDs a certain size. So they They're too big for a toddler's throat You know, it's really sad though, man If like one of your jokes just for whatever reason you just hit the right resonance or with the combination of sounds Disrupted the neurology of toddlers and killed children You're you your CD the sales would probably go up, right like when there was suicides from Metal bands and things like that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:50 That's like a when when when that's the other side of things is that People want like with music and art if it kills people, it becomes more desirable Incredible It's throughout history, you know book sales and yeah music remember it was like You're probably too young to remember but it was like in the 80s with the devil was in rock music And now it's like God with terrorism and all this Real-life nasty shit people have to deal with like life and government. Yeah, it's like God I wish the old days when all we had to worry about was that the devil was in rock music and some kid played a record backwards and killed
Starting point is 00:12:29 Himself and oh my god. Yeah, it's only two teenagers in the entire country But we got to have a big awareness program now of The devil. Oh, I remember that man. That was a joy Did you ever believe in the devil when that stuff happened? Did you believe I was like, you know, I'm from a Town I grew up in outside of Orlando, Florida little town called Ovito. Hello people. Oh veto You know in really religious, you know area I always loved like AC DC and the whole, you know highway to hell that's you know Song used to upset people. I went to Bon Scott's grave
Starting point is 00:13:03 and I did the Perth comedy festival two years ago and He's from Fremantle, which is the Ovito of Perth And I Went to his grave and put flowers on it because like he helped me get through the eighth grade Well ninth grade without killing anybody Wow, you know, when you're like, oh, you're a freshman and whatever and you know Just life is confusing and I had a altercation with this kid at a baseball practice couldn't take a joke I'm behind him. We're doing the warm-up things. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:35 And I sneezed on my right hand and with my left hand I wiped it on his back and then he just turned around and punched me right in the nose Oh, that was like this big ordeal and then I was supposed to fight the kid like whatever the next day after school It's big showdown and everybody's waiting for it. And you know, I just went home and listened to powerage Did you fight him? No, I went home and sat in my room and listen to AC DC because I mean like I wanted to do more than fight him I wanted to you know Set fire to his family home and kill his entire family. I was pissed Right, you know, I mean, I was being goofy with the joke, but like this kid was just a dick
Starting point is 00:14:12 Yeah, you know, he was in the Christian Athletes Association And and they were like against the devil and rock music. They would have the meetings You know reading rock lyrics and things like yeah, like highway to hell and you know, so I Really really appreciate bond Scott and I put flowers on his grave So if I don't know I mean he was friends with the devil. Do you think? But do you think now do you think how much of that the devil owned every booger and bond Scott's nose How much uh How much of that's theatrics do you think like how much did he believe a hundred percent I think, you know, they probably I mean
Starting point is 00:14:53 They were just you know piss-takers as they say in Australia. Yeah, I Think they got you know, they got a kick out of upsetting their local people Sure, and I think that's I mean now it's child's play, you know, especially when like, you know gangster rap and you know Fucking kill police and shit like that. But you know back then that was really cute But don't you think even gangster rap and kill the police is kind of child's play really? I mean, yeah now like I'm saying I mean you got that you got that guy in London and he chopped off the British soldiers head in the street Yeah, and dude standing there talking casually with the meat cleaver in his hand and to the PS get your phone out You know like letting people film him and yeah with their phones
Starting point is 00:15:33 Like saying when he's standing there's got blood all over his hands like what what fucking deranged person could cut off another human Being's head. Well, yeah, that yes, that's where we start moving out of the land of child's play and into the realm of like, you know Memorable action, but even that When you consider the then what's you know, what's really happening is still that's kind of almost like a pathetic Revolution attempt of somebody trying to do something revolutionary because he's so overwrought when he looks out at like the crazy shit That's going on, you know, which is people people doing heinous shit in the name of religion It's just like I mean, why hasn't humanity grown up and evolved past this where there's enough Reasonable thinkers in the world that would go okay, stop, you know, yes
Starting point is 00:16:24 Let's address this fucking ignorant issue of you know, your god wants you to kill Fucking infidels. Well, yeah, and then you get then then you have that and of course, you know Then the number of deaths from religious violence is is now I think You know in the last five years you could just show okay. Well, how much how many deaths are caused by? nationalism and how many deaths are caused by Religion and I think that nationalism had it was really beating religion like it was way ahead for a while hundreds of years Yeah, it's doing much better in the game, right? But you have a chart in your kitchen
Starting point is 00:17:01 It's one of some families have the little growth chart, you know and written in pencil. Yeah, but you know what they both have in common is that they both use human sacrifice to Achieve their goals and that to make their point. I guess, you know, like look at those Ruthless drug dealers in the north of Mexico last year. They that where they pulled up In some town that was they were having issues and some people were trying to do the right thing or I don't know exactly what but They pulled up in like two pickup trucks with all these like 20 or 30 bodies with Decapitated heads and just started they threw them out on the road. Yeah, just so you know make their point Yeah, that's the that's it's the last there's like only sorry. I'm hitting the peas so hard
Starting point is 00:17:47 You need a piece green I need a piece green That sounds like some kind of thing to like you use with dominatrix's to like Maximize the amount of piss that comes out of them because I grab my peace cream You mind if I get my peace cream it like slows down I brought a piece green I'm a professional Peace green um you the the The Concept of death is one of the final taboo is available to us
Starting point is 00:18:24 That's like the last thing that we can't figure out and so it's very we're still terrified of death That's like the bit final last fear is death. Everyone's just fucking scared of death And so that's like the worst thing you can do to someone has killed them And that's like the worst thing that can happen to you as you die like I was just at this Um For this thing I'm shooting with Rogan for sci-fi we We went to a conference of scientists and neurologists who are trying to it's called the gf2045 and it's these scientists These reputable scientists are trying to extend the human lifespan
Starting point is 00:19:06 Because right now every year the human lifespan increases according to this one guy from Princeton that we interviewed the human lifespan increases every year by Something like a quarter of a year So every year the lifespan increases by a quarter of a year and their goal is to make it so that every year the human lifespan Increases by a year because then you have immortality and that's what they're working on is trying to achieve human immortality. They're in a desperate Struggle against death They're trying to eliminate the parts of our genetics that cause us to age and they think that it's very likely Very very very likely that within the next hundred years something akin to human immortality Will be achieved because they're afraid of death, you know
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's like the big fear shit. I smoke cigarettes. I'm never gonna make it That's the crazy thing Tom Yeah, I mean you're you're yeah smoking cigarettes is that's why all these none of these people smoke and they all eat shit Loads of vitamins right because all foods and yeah, cuz they're trying to get to that point But you know already with cancer medication and stuff the new kind of medication they have that just targets, you know Just strands of DNA instead of like chemo bombarding all of your but still they can't discount or ever eradicate human stupidity the
Starting point is 00:20:29 I just want to say pee again. What was that Philadelphia? Philadelphia Philadelphia that forklift operator guy the big crane shovel scooper thingy the guy knocked over some building Yes, and no one was hurt, but I mean there's there's a you know a lot of dumb people working big Heavy equipment. Here's where a good spooky man. They because that was one of the questions We asked I will not spill in the beans too much on this show because I'm supposed to keep it kind of secret or not talk about the details But this um, why not reward the listener? Yeah, no shit. I mean this show. This is one little piece That's something else. I gotta look up. You don't think these listeners are busy enough. Yeah, right in their day
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, fucking give me a link. No, tell me don't tell I don't have to do something. I'm already doing something else Yeah, no one's gonna fuck it. Yeah, exactly and not like I'm gonna get busted for talking about now I gotta go to you one of the questions we asked a scientist was that there was it was like well, okay, great, so We extend the human lifespan Doesn't keep people from walking in front of cars doesn't keep people from getting into accidents and this guy said no, no, no actually Genetics are so responsible for intelligence and People who get into accidents, you know, people get run over people get in a car accident. They're not dumb But they might not be you know
Starting point is 00:21:50 They might not be smart enough to know not to drive after seven beers So we're just gonna just thin out the the gene pool and then They're gonna have automated. They're already working on cars. You don't have to drive. Yes, you can you know Just be magic cars. You link up to a system and just well that that see that's based on the idea that we still have to I picture a lot of bright sweaters in this Maybe bow ties will be all the rage. I'm I'm glad I'm gonna miss it You don't here's the problem the most boring fucking people with no stories. They didn't drink Oh, no, man, these people weren't boring at this conference. These people were fucking weird boring. It's not the right word
Starting point is 00:22:30 There was a side hillbop weird. Yes. Yes. Yeah, man. Like there this is a these people there's there was a curious heaviness at this place and and and it's like what because what's happening is I Basically what's happening is Technology is beginning to be recognized as a life form technology as they say is like this set like I don't know how many kingdoms There are I think there's six kingdoms or something eight
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't know how many kingdoms of life there But they're saying technology is soon to be added into a new kingdom of life and the technology is growing out of humans humans are The like when you see that weird fungus that drops on ants and causes like the ant to climb up a tree where then it Explodes with all this like fungal shit that rains down on the other ants. Well, that's what technology is done with humans It's infested our consciousness and is driving us towards this point where we actually usher in or like the midwives of this technological being which is going to be the Computer that we wake up through full-brain emulation. We're giving birth to this thing like rosemary's baby
Starting point is 00:23:41 Or they make her wear the funny fucking necklace Smell this is pungent that way. That's a terrible impression of her But you know what? I mean, we're the midwives of the apocalypse. We're growing the anti Christ We're lit and I'll let me tell you man This is what's fucking weird about this because our movies just got too boring We had to fucking amp up real life Jack Yeah, yeah fucking it's Hollywood fault made it put out some more entertaining shit We wouldn't have had to do this. Let me tell you man when you go to a conference of geniuses
Starting point is 00:24:13 There and you see dudes in robes walking by because they have archbishop's hanging out there and stuff Something about the combination of trying to bring the dead to life make humans immortal and Robes when those things mix when you see the crossing of those things you're like oh wizards again anytime the robes come out You know, there's gonna be trouble And whenever there's robes, so there's a like it's like some like cult thing. It's it's not a fucking cult. It's real Right, this shit's real. It's a cult and if you get robes, it's a cult Well, that's there what the Dmitry Ishkov the Russian billionaire through this fucking conference he
Starting point is 00:24:52 as part of his thing he wants to bring people from mystical traditions and to try to Figure out a way to mix in to not just let religion get totally You know curbed on the maybe the new religion will have some like robot instead of Christ, you know, yeah, hey, I got an idea. How about a little less robes and a lot more robots motherfuckers? Yeah, I mean so whether you think they'll just mutate us into We'll just be wired completely Well, no, it's it's it's the idea is like what what's happening is
Starting point is 00:25:31 So here we are right we were born you're born you don't have any control of your body You're just born into this fucking body and your genetics and your Place of origin and your parents will sort of determine how you're gonna turn out So it's not like when you're just playing a video game You pick your avatar and you make it this or that and the hair color and then it's so what what's happening is what? Technology is doing is it's increasingly it's Accelerating our ability to manipulate matter to manipulate reality and we are matter
Starting point is 00:26:06 We're made of matter and so as part of this what it's doing is it's not just allowing us to transform the external world But the idea is to allow it to transform the internal world subjectively Use things called neural prosthetics well that you implant in the hippocampus That makes it so that them because the way memories work is they go into your hippocampus and They then go into this I don't know which part of your brain and then so it's short-term memories hippocampus those process into the Long-term memories so you put a neural prosthetic into your hippocampus now you're recording all your memories So now you have all your memories well permanently recorded which means that?
Starting point is 00:26:49 You could theoretically Upon your expiration Reconstruct your past and allow other people to experience Time from your perspective from the moment you got that and Implanance there's one of the things and then if you have enough people have a Neuro prosthetic in their hippocampus and let's say you have a large enough swath of the population like the number of people who have cell phones now have these neural prosthetics then You take all those different memories and you can assemble them into an accurate
Starting point is 00:27:26 Depay digital depiction of the past and then that means that you could Create a kind of digital time machine where people could put on some sort of and relive your life Relive other people's lives Wow, so that's where we're plunging towards and Ever accelerating rate and that is why there is a funny heaviness about at least to me I found there to be a funny heaviness that are about the thing because it's like It's that classic hubris that human beings have you know where they're like oh no we've got this we've got this we'll just We'll just bring this thing into existence. We'll do full brain emulation and we'll make it so that a Machine wakes up and comes to consciousness of itself. It'll be fine. Everything else we've done has been fine
Starting point is 00:28:09 Why wouldn't this be fine? This will be fine and Just like that fucking ant that explodes with fungus Humanity will explode with a new sentient being that comes blasting out of all of our progress and that is a will be Jesus Finally Well, that's the second come finally it'd be great and No, other people aren't gonna be the other characters. We're all gonna be Jesus. I Don't know man. Are you spear? Are you a spiritual person? Oh? I used to be more but I was just in Malaysia and they have that ant that
Starting point is 00:28:47 blows itself up to Put gooey shit all over its enemy. Yeah, and it's interesting that it's Muslim country Right the one ant that can blow himself up is from a Muslim country. He said yeah. Yeah, isn't that weird the fuck So what's in the air over there? That no Malaysia is a lovely lovely place. Yeah, well, I mean the whole yeah, it's oh, yeah It seems like a beautiful place and that is an interesting thing that there's suicidal answer there That's a fascinating thing that people even do that shit, isn't it? Yeah, so will you ask me am I say am I religious or spiritual? Or yeah, I mean I you know, I'm pro Jesus, but I he's more just like a prophet like
Starting point is 00:29:32 Muhammad Ali Bob Marley Charles Bukowski Evil Knievel do you feel ashamed or scared to say that does it do you feel like it impinges upon like it? Brings a kind of no, I mean, I you know, I don't picture like a god old man In the sky with a beard. I I I think that the there's an eternal vibration of energy Hmm and that when we're in our human suits were little droplets And then when we die we return to the spiritual ocean that is all one and the the vibration of the planet the energy So so yeah, I don't know. I mean, I maybe I believe in science
Starting point is 00:30:09 I mean, you know, I like the the notion of miracles and I like I like hero figures and Jesus was a pimp. Yeah, and another guy. I love his caravaggio. He's one of my prophets He was a painter in Italy. I'm just gonna use p words this entire podcast. Don't worry Caravaggio painted for 40 years before Rembrandt and Rembrandt is heralded for his use of light Caravaggio his light lighting was really dramatic like movie scenes and he depicted the the Bible to be scenes from the Bible to be the Criminal street thug acts that they were like the John the Baptist you know the beheading of John the Baptist and the you know just all this and this guy was a hot-head lunatic and He killed a guy in a duel and he just was constantly just drunk and fighting and
Starting point is 00:31:06 You know, but he was He was pro Jesus. So you see yeah, you're you're you see the Old Testament as this kind of like wild gritty Event that happened this sort of I think I mean there you got to admit there entertaining stories, you know King David was fucking everybody right and Whatever no man, that's the thing people don't recognize how psychedelic the New Testament is and because and and this is what I wanted to talk about in the beginning as we were talking about the existence of Satan or the existence of some demonic force and You know one of my one thing that I like to do when I get really stoned is go to the
Starting point is 00:31:51 Televangelist channels and to watch the televangelists Manipulate weak people late at night to try to send them money right and the reason I like to watch that I got expensive haircuts and clothes and glittering diamonds. Yeah, yes But that is that to me is truly demonic. Yes So that's why it's fun to watch because when you when you see that then you see like oh Holy shit, this is I mean fuck, you know not fuck Marilyn man I've Marilyn Manson's an interesting performance artist and he's got some good songs But that guy's not in league with the devil. He's too fucking honest, right when you see a
Starting point is 00:32:29 man in a suit late at night Rhythmically talking about these powerful stories in a way designed to hypnotize The elderly the infirm the sick all the people that Jesus was telling you to heal They're singing this song this siren song That has within its core a call to all of humanity to go out into the world and give yourself to help and Give yourself to the point of death to help all those around you in the name of love when you see That complete reversal of that thing using the thing itself
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yeah, well Mark Twain said if Jesus were alive today the last thing in the world. He would be would be Christian, right? Exactly and exactly and and this is a thing that like the notion of you know, like Hindu if you live this Just the monster characters are so fascinating. Yeah gods. It's like the original comic book Yes, all these you know fascinating creatures and and gods and All the Hindu stories believe in the good versus evil and if you're a good person or persevere and you know Keep a good heart. You will always overcome evil. I mean, it's interesting They believe in an evil and Charles Bukowski on this One reading I forget which one live at Redondo Beach or something
Starting point is 00:33:54 He told a poem about evil and he said I believe in evil because the evil can can strike Like eight ball in the side pocket motherfucker you know, so I Mean, you know the duality of Spiritualism, I don't know what the point was. No, the point is that evil is that when you talk about in Hinduism You talk about the monsters that they create. There's more of a An acknowledgement of this, you know force in the universe and how this force in the universe is as much a part of the universe Is anything else, you know, and that's the that's where you start getting the mind fuck of the story of Jesus
Starting point is 00:34:32 you know because you have the story of Jesus that the I Remember going to this church. I can't remember what shows a famous church and they have like 13 seats No, 12 seats and one one's blanked out or something because there were 13 Apostles the 13th being Judas or that's where they place him as a 13th apollon They're like that is for the betrayer who will not be named And I was like wow you mean the creator of Christianity the guy who fucking pressed the button on the whole goddamn thing and That's where you get into the real the real like the backstage Christianity or the Gnostic Christianity Which is like guys if you're really gonna look at this logically you got to give Judas as much credit as Jesus
Starting point is 00:35:13 Totally, so where was this church where it was just it was tiny. There's a big No, they were no another 30. There was a display some kind of like a spiritual religious depiction But it was like I found it interesting because they're like instead of being like well We should give an a better seat for the betrayer because the betrayer created the story the sacrifice the betrayer created the Judas was the lubricant That allowed Jesus to slide into history, right, right, right, right, right? He wouldn't be sure He wouldn't be a Pontius Pilate
Starting point is 00:35:48 Pontius Pilate was like, you know, you know a bit of a victim Pontius Pilate was like Just trying to get the hippie to say sorry. That's pretty much his whole function was like he was an old southern judge Then he just wanted you to capitulate and apologize There's a feeling you get in the New Testament that when Pontius for those of you don't know a surprisingly large number of people will not even read the New Testament because of the Giant shit that modern Christians have dumped onto the whole So people won't even touch it they're like I just don't want anything to do with I don't want to be anything like in the same way like You know where Marin's got a funny joke about Scientology where he's like
Starting point is 00:36:27 He's afraid to read any of the books because he knows at some point on somebody's But but uh The yeah, so so a Pontius Pilate for those of you don't know Pontius Pilate was the Roman judge who right there who tried Jesus and Jesus was brought to the Roman judge by the The the Jews the who wanted Tim dead because Jesus was going around saying we don't really need to follow these laws anymore That all you have to do is love God and you're gonna be fine And so the kill him yeah, because if we disrupted all of their religious power It fucked up the priest class the priest class hates that concept in the same way that the oil industry would hate free energy
Starting point is 00:37:12 It's the exact same thing it ruins the power structure So he was brought to Pontius Pilate who you get the sense that he felt This effulgence coming off of this guy or could see that it was a righteous person and didn't want to kill him and kept saying to him You know What are you doing? What are you just there? They want to kill you all you have to I think you just needed him to like Apollo it was like a basically an apology or a bow down to the priest class Maybe just you've pissed off the Jews man. You don't want to do that. They'll kill you they had and so anyway he um That's why he what you know
Starting point is 00:37:50 He washes his hands and then after he after he's like Sentencing him to death. He tries everything. He like brings Jesus out in front of the mob and says to them We pardon we will pardon one person who do we pardon it was him and Barabbas this murderer and somehow the crowd was like pardon Barabbas Not the fucking hippie Barabbas. Maybe Barabbas was a hoot Barabbas was hilarious. You had a great name for a comic I guess He sounds more like someone who'd run a comedy club
Starting point is 00:38:26 That's gonna be my Starbucks name from now. Barabbas. What's a Starbucks name? Somebody I we heard some Indian people telling us who were from some friends of I forget it We were talking to who had they had complicated Indian names So when they go to Starbucks and they asked the name they always like Kim You know Sue they all all these ethnic people with really tricky names have a Starbucks name I'm gonna start using Barabbas I Love the idea of giving complicated Starbucks the other one What's the from Harry Potter the the name that can't be spoken
Starting point is 00:39:04 That's that's my Starbucks name Voldemort you can't do Voldemort man You're gonna seem like the biggest nerd on earth You can't that's a good idea because you look the opposite of a nerd man. You're you're as close to Elvis as there is in stand-up comedy. You're such a charismatic dude, man Whenever I get around you always think like this guy could start a fucking religion or a church You just like Radiate charisma, man. I should I you reminded me when you're cuz I you said there's 13 seats and I I didn't picture a big Cathedral I pictured this small
Starting point is 00:39:38 thing I When I moved to San Francisco in the early 1990s I lived in the Western Edition right on Alamo Square Park, which at the time now It's you know kind of gentrified and there's you know nice stuff It was always a fabulous area, but it was a little bit of a rough area Yeah, especially on Devisadero the big street and it was there for years Excuse me It was the African Orthodox Church of St. John and it was it was the the John Coltrane Church
Starting point is 00:40:12 It was a some religious jazz guy or spiritual jazz guy From the neighborhood Started this church based on The music of John Coltrane and love Supreme and so it was this tiny little storefront with these little pews And there were instruments everywhere like a guitars and you know tambourines and like whatever all kinds of stuff And the whole everyone was incurred and all they did was play jazz every Sunday afternoon
Starting point is 00:40:43 And I'm a stoner and just moved to San Francisco, which was my hippie utopia Yeah, you know, I just you know dreamed of moving there from Florida and you know Finding enlightenment and then like three blocks from my house is is the John Coltrane Church and man It wasn't no better Sunday afternoon Then you know did did hit a couple bowls You know and then just go over there and and hang out for a couple of hours And it was really beautiful and the thing where everybody was encouraged to pick up an instrument Is because we're all a part of the music
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yeah, and we all make a contribution to the big fabric of the universal song. Isn't that beautiful? That's beautiful And of course they shut that place down It's making people happy and loving you can't have that you can't have this get rid of that nuisance This is yeah, and you sent it like it moved to like Hunter's point or some shit, which is like some You know housing project way outside of the on the outskirts of the city I don't even know if they still exist, but I mean it was such a magical little place in the neighborhood Yeah, that's a seat and anyone could I mean anybody could do that like people could just start doing stuff like that all the time It's not that hard people have houses. There are ways to to do things like that
Starting point is 00:42:05 But there's a sense of this invisible wall between the you that is the you now and the you that would be like I'm gonna start a place where people playing music together religiously You know what? I mean like that barrier is such a fascinating bearer the barrier that keeps people from taking the leap Yeah, what is that barrier? Hmm? I don't know. I've never been afflicted with that. You don't have that Moved in New York when I was 20 moved to San Francisco and I was like 22 I moved to Amsterdam You know, yeah, you're you you are not afraid to you don't really even Having an address so to speak. No, I don't live anywhere. No, I get my mail sent somewhere and
Starting point is 00:42:49 To help me, you know, keep the you know credit cards paid and things But no, I haven't lived anywhere for like seven years now. I visited my storage unit today I had to we were in my annual trip My I have a storage unit here in Los Angeles and like we were in New Zealand in May and It's it's getting close to winter. It's like autumn there now. It's winter. Ah, and So we needed coats and stuff and now it's summer here. So I had to like dump winter shit and things accumulated
Starting point is 00:43:23 How did you avoid being a scared person in this incarnation? Hmm. Well, I guess From wanting to be a comedian. I mean, it's you know, what more fearless act than to go on stage and Like when I started in Florida, you know, I wouldn't say they were drunk, but there was a there were a lot of rowdy One-nighter rooms, you know, yeah No, like a particular tough biker bar and Daytona I used to do an I'm a little nerdy high school kid, you know starting comedy and just that and moving to New York City 20 I mean, I couldn't get many sets, but you know to move to New York City and think your shit is good enough
Starting point is 00:44:02 Yes, I think the the the courage to just Start a new life and move somewhere. Yes I've never had a problem with that. My favorite doors lyric of all time is I've never been so broke that I couldn't leave town I'm a change Land See me change Yeah, man, but this is a
Starting point is 00:44:27 You know, you have to know understand that this is an affliction for a great many people in the world like so many people are Chained down to this life. They're chained down to some place. There's this my brother army guy tough Republican Right-wing guy to the core and bully used to beat me up all the time his eternal Lifelong brother advice to me has always been suck it up pussy So, you know if you're saying people are down and they're having problem. Hey suck it up pussy That's my brother's John's message to me and the rest of the world suck it up We're starting my religion tonight Duncan. Yes, you're saying it really I think you and I
Starting point is 00:45:18 You it's just gonna be it's being born right now, but it is a it that that that I like things like that and it reminds me of the Store is in stories, you know like a lot of like Zen is just this simple simple thing and it really doesn't get in it doesn't want it doesn't doesn't want to do the whole complicated thing at all so that you know, there's stories of like Zen masters just like Smacking there just like just smacking the shit out of their disciples just randomly and that that Somehow that of the effect of getting slapped by like an enlightened person Shakes you free, you know, it shakes. Wow. Yeah, it shakes you free And it like is that would be an awesome church where you just gather once in a while
Starting point is 00:46:03 They slept a shit out of you. They did they have these instead of like getting your communion and wafer you walk up to the front Why are you even here? Why aren't you? Why aren't you out there making your life better? Are you improving yourself? For our kid don't fuck at it for what improving yourself for I like that when you alpha human the new Ron Paradise yeah describing well, you know, that is a thing that I think people people you know miss a lot Which is this is one of the paradoxes sometimes you run into somebody Who's like really big on helping people and you'll run into a helper and yet, you know
Starting point is 00:46:45 Your instincts you get around helper somebody who's really into service work And then you right away the part of your asshole identification thing is like Angry person shitty person miserable person and it's like they took they they they took a step They skipped a step They just went straight till the go into like serve soup instead of recognizing that they're a person that needs help too and that They needed to work on themselves first and that just going out there and putting soup in people's stomachs isn't isn't gonna like Fix you so fix you as much, you know, and and that's why that's what I mean Well, you got this idea of like conquering that when you conquer fear you really do help
Starting point is 00:47:25 Shitloads of people. I mean probably right now. There's some people just from listening to you for five minutes There's someone right now Standing in front of his bed putting clothes in a suitcase. Just kidding People are people are on the go now. Yeah, people are they got the okay from me. They want it's okay. Yes Yes, should I do this if that question is in your head people? Yes. I say it's okay. What about the danger? What about the OD what about the pregnant? No, I know about the kids. Yeah, I mean, I moved to New York when I was 20 It was the worst year of my life and I had seen Jay Leno I
Starting point is 00:48:00 He used to be You know dangerous opinionated comedian believe it or not in like the 80s Yeah, and I was a teenager and I didn't have a ticket and I snuck in this back door And I listened through the curtain and then he comes back it turned out to be right where his dressing room was where I snuck in and And I got to talk to him and he I said do you have any advice for me as a comedian and he saw I moved in New York Every comedian should be in New York or LA and so that's what got it in my head I have to move to New York and that was probably the worst year of my life right when I was 20. I wasn't ready Yeah, but okay. Okay unpack start unpacking start unpacking. Okay, but put the suitcase back in the club
Starting point is 00:48:41 But isn't that but yeah, yeah, just give up actually give up it might hurt you but that the see that's the thing This is the thing that like make a few test trips somewhere first. Is that it? Yeah, cuz like I moved to San Francisco I had I knew I wanted to move there So I took like two or three trips I invested in myself and I went and stayed out on a friend's couch and checked out the city and hung out and then The same thing many years later when I wanted to get in with London I had a couple friends that live there and I stayed on their couch invested in myself and then I started I got in there and then that led to all these other gigs all over Europe and then all over the world
Starting point is 00:49:20 So, you know, don't don't you know, don't just leave in the middle of the night, you know test something out first Yeah, be responsible. You don't have to go rushing off to in the end of the land of destruction but still it still it is like a To me, I just I don't know why I'm so obsessed with this topic, man But I just I just find it so fascinating the the way that there is a glue trap in society that Will that traps scared people and they are the ones who end up running the machine, you know And then then within the machine. There's all these like Free beings these like wildlings like you that are like galloping through the machine
Starting point is 00:50:04 Free as a bird storage unit. No since yeah, that's not that's not a through you You don't when you go to see your storage unit. There's not as feeling of like this is bad I'm in a bad place. Oh my god. No, it's great. I like wow. Oh, hey, I got that in Peru. Oh Shit, wow, man. Look at that thing. I bought in New Zealand guy. I love that But you you just look at it. I would run into people when I would when I was um, I Remember going to India When I was in college and running into people like you who were just travelers and and wise interesting people and it was like
Starting point is 00:50:41 You always feel like you're around a pharaoh being you're like what the fuck this is a thing that isn't This thing is a wild thing. It's broken free of the thing that If everyone broke free like you What can't we describe as what what would society be like if everybody broke free like well I mean you'd realize how you know how much unbelievable beauty is all over the planet That's there's just so much to see and so many wonderful beaches to you know walk naked on and with no one around in places and just
Starting point is 00:51:16 pristine heaven all over the world and and then you know the the beauty of of Like rice paddies and Bali and I mean like the the terrace farming and the terrace farming in Peru and Different beliefs I was telling you about that Religious ceremony for Pacha mama that I saw in Peru and that's the they believed in Mother Earth because Mother Earth fed them So I don't know how they did it like you think Um Aliens helped them build Machu Picchu and the Nazca lines
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yes, you know, but the Nazca lines that they those were UFO landing strips But describe them for people who don't know they were not discovered There's this half of Peru is desert you think of the Amazon and Machu Picchu but there's lots of it that is just desert and there's this one flat area of the desert and it wasn't discovered until aircraft was invented in like the 20s Someone was flying over and they saw these massive rock Carvings, and it's actually rocks lined up. This is the way they did it And they're they're carvings one's a you know a condor the other one looks like an astronaut one
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yeah, there's like 20 of them There's a monkey and then there's these they think they were UFO landing strips, right? And I flew it over it in a in a little tiny Propeller plane, and it's totally UFO landing strips. Yeah, totally, right? There's this candelabra out on the coast that like perfectly that they that they drew into the side of the mountain and If you line that up to the Nazca lines that would have been like where the ship was coming in like and then like 80 100 miles up the way is is the Nazca line
Starting point is 00:52:59 So but anyway the they have this terrace farming all over these mountains in the in Peru and just they were all about You know the Incas were a reciprocal society and they grew food and they shared it with people and so we I was working for this After I had the late-night talk show in Amsterdam the same network. Let me do a travel program. Yes, and it did a highlight on Peru and so We went to Puno on Lake Titicaca and took a boat like five hours out into the water to this island Lake Amantani Island, and you stay with a local family. There's no electricity on the island They said bring fruit these people go apeshit for fruit. Wow. We brought a bag of oranges You should have never this woman is watching this woman eat this orange was just a fucking orgasmic Heaven like it's like like it was like it was just the greatest piece of candy or something
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's just this woman that you were hello We get there and I know and she went straight for the oranges ripped a bag open and just fucking wow Peeled it and oh man. She was It was beautiful and then the whole village because we were filming they said they did this Pacha Mama ritual and That's this ritual to Mother Earth that And it wasn't the right time of year for it, but they wanted they didn't want our cameras our film to miss it
Starting point is 00:54:24 So the whole village came out and they put it on for us like the next day Which you know we hear about Native Americans not wanting their film or their picture taken Yeah, you heard that back in the old days or whatever sure these people were like now We'll do our most sacred thing for you and You know set up the cameras and so everybody gets in a circle and they got the guys the shamans got you know He's this smoke in the place out With whatever incense and then There's a little fire with like cow shit that's burning and they put all these
Starting point is 00:54:53 Cocoa leaves and everybody takes a cocoa leave and everyone you take the bag as it comes around and you you say a prayer and you put your little You know cocoa leaf in it and everybody passes the bag around and then the shaman like holds it up You know and it's got everybody's leaf in it and then he puts it on the burning cow shit and And And burns it and I mean it doesn't it was so unbelievably beautiful yeah, and This I'll never forget the guy the sound man standing there with the pole and the fuzzy microphone And the guys sit his tears run down his face while we're filming it
Starting point is 00:55:30 It was just like one of those moments like wow, this is this ancient ritual these people have done for thousands of years These are the direct descendants of the Incas possibly a ritual that was done in the presence of Aliens you're landing on those strips right yeah, man. That's a that that that That experience is how much how much money is that experience worth? How much what was something like that? No price. No price. No price. There's no that that's a that kind of stuff is what you get when you travel and When you when you become nomadic and when you um When you break free of the of them well, that's why I was in I was in Malaysia
Starting point is 00:56:13 I just got back from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta and this guy had to take my passport to go get the Malaysia work permit put in it and And as I'm handing it to him like this is my most valuable possession Right, you know Please be careful Yeah, are you now this you're doing comedy in Malaysia? Yeah, there's a great tour there and then the Malaysian comedy scene is really cool
Starting point is 00:56:41 It's it's a Muslim country, but it was a former English colony, so they all speak English and You know, it's where the Petronas Twin Towers are okay if you ever seen those very iconic. Yes image And so you got Malay Muslims Indian Hindus and Chinese Christian or Buddhist That's the ethnic populace and that's their comedy scene and there's They ruthlessly make fun of each other's religions and And and and each other's ethnicities and things and I mean there's this whole one one Malaysia. They got this, you know real united Spirit I think should be emulated by the rest of the world
Starting point is 00:57:23 But I think they're more free than we are cuz they like openly make fun of each other's beliefs and I Mean, I you know, I'm sure there's some government restriction, but I thought they were pretty free like that. They're doing stand-up comedy Yeah, and you got you got brown dark skin local people as the audience and they're young Well educated Well-heeled hipsters that is see fantastic. This is the thing man This is Singapore you play in half to ex-patriots and then half Singaporeans, which is you know, you know people from all over the world and Also similar to the Malaysian ethnicity. Do you find it weird performing for American audiences after going on? Oh, no, not at all. I love it all, you know, it's a challenge to go
Starting point is 00:58:09 I mean, it's different playing in California than it is to you know, Illinois or anywhere and going to different countries at the challenge of You know, what will work, you know, what you know will work What you think is iffy working it out on the fly Right when you get there and then also the the observations that you gain about those places, but but but you the You know any joke that you have that's a local joke from LA or no, you can't do shit like that That's shit shit. That's when you find out what's universally funny and what regional shit you should cut if you want to do the worldwide
Starting point is 00:58:49 Circuit and the worldwide circuit. It's amazing. And that's why I don't live anywhere. There's too many fabulous gigs And and it's like always I want to you know, part of me wants to move to New Orleans and other part of me wants to move to San Francisco and you know My wife points out, you know, Los Angeles might be important, but I just keep booking gigs There's too much great shit. There's too many Great adventures to have and then to be paid as a comedian again. It took me so many years to get to this level I'm not gonna relinquish it easy. You know, I'm gonna squeeze just like that woman eating that fucking orange, man
Starting point is 00:59:27 I sound that's the way I'm gonna do the fucking life I'm just gonna fucking get the juice on my face. I'm gonna fucking wipe it. I'm gonna lick my fingers I'm trying not to let a single drop be lost Enjoy the sticky face afterwards Yes, god damn it, I want to break a guitar Yeah, actually, you know what we've almost done an hour we can just we can we can all we know You know what actually, you know what let's go smoke a cigarette use my ice-cream smoking But let's go let's go outside and then we'll wrap it up. That's better. So hey, so here's the question
Starting point is 01:00:09 I don't think we fully answered it. What would society look like if everyone were like you if everyone was a traveler Everyone was moving freely through the world. I think people would be a lot More chilled out. It'd be a little more relaxed You know, like you think you got traffic problems in your town you go to Jakarta, you know Can kill yourself who runs the factories who runs the who runs the airlines who runs Yeah, I guess, you know, somebody's got a you know, clean the P dribbles off the toilet seat in the hotel. Yes Isn't that now? Yeah, okay, so maybe it's not possible. Welcome to the Judas paradox man. Here we are again It's like this is the big paradox, which is that for society to function
Starting point is 01:00:55 You need frightened people for the world as we understand it to work You need people who are terrified to step outside of where they're at or you need people who are and who are satisfied with Being in a in a in one little area not moving around and there are people who are satisfied with that and that's great but for society to function as we know it you need vast quantities of human suffering and that is a confusing paradox To me, which I don't I don't I don't really know What do you think about that? I don't know
Starting point is 01:01:32 I mean, I you know, I picture China and I've been there a bunch of times and just the Multitudes of people there's too many people there and there's communism. They all need a job. So you'll have like There's certain how you go like guanjo or sujo And you know, there's like two guys on the elevator, you know, and that's their job. Just to push the button It's just so many people that need jobs and yeah, there's just too many people there Are they happy they're gonna take over the world it's they are, you know, our holy I there was some comedian I don't know who said it in England that you know the Picture the future we're all gonna be living on the moon in a Chinese concentration camp
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah Yeah, so I mean, you know have your fun while before the whole shithouse goes up in flames is Jim Morrison So you do you think the shithouse is going up in flames? No, I think the earth is just gonna shake us off one day It's just tired of our bullshit, you know, I think it though I think the world probably will out-evolve us the world will out-evolve us in the sense that it will will just like the Environment the environment may collapse or you know what they're saying. They're saying in like 50 years Miami's underwater Right. That's what I'm saying. They're just like shake half of us off for the earthquake and And and and you think that's something that's close. Oh, no, you're not it now
Starting point is 01:02:56 I don't know. I guess I don't have an answer for your question there That's maybe that's what I should say. That's great. Yeah, man. That's that's how you could always tell a smart person I'm just searching for an answer. I don't have one way you can always tell a smart person is they will say I don't know and and I like because somebody asked me I remember the other day somebody asked me this question And it was an unanswerable question about I Can't remember what it was man, but you would basically have to be God to answer this question Like and they asked me this question and man like four minutes into my answer as I'm just answering this question You don't know you don't know at all you idiot
Starting point is 01:03:37 You're a moron to even like try to like it's good to say you don't know I that's good But but I you know one one thing I wanted to ask you Because you do have the perspective of someone who hasn't been localized in the United States Do you get a read from people if you what's your feeling on this new revelation that the NSA is? recording every email Text Skype Conversation and recently grew in Greenwald the reporters working with Snowden the leaker as they call them whistleblowers the right term for him but
Starting point is 01:04:14 Is revealed that there's documents showing that not they're also recording cell phone calls which means Somehow some incredible amount of cell phone calls are also being stored. What do you think about this? Yeah? And there obviously it wasn't just limited to the United States the French government and the German government is looking into Maybe that the United States violated their privacy Issues and things. I think the rest of the world looks at it the way I look at it in that It's shocking that no one really seems that upset about it. Yes. No one really gives a fuck right people think oh my god Well terrorism of course we're at war just yeah, it's it's necessary, but It's it's it's it's unbelievable. It's frightening. I and the
Starting point is 01:04:59 They raised bus fares in Peru people fucking rioted in the street They raised the bus fair like 25 cents something like that. These people are so poor don't have anything and they you know That makes such a difference in their their lives 25 cents. They fucking are rioting. Yeah, and they overturned the bus thing What would it take to get Americans fucking in the street and shaking their fist at the man and protesting? I mean like nobody gives a fuck back to you just continue your sleepy little life yeah sleepy little life and and that is a that I think that When you events like this happen you do see the depth of the conditioning here in the United States because If we're not reacting to that in any kind of strong way outside of I mean, I fired off a couple of angry tweets
Starting point is 01:05:51 Ha ha ha ha ha ha Why don't you think about that guy Snowden too? I mean for this guy to just go Fuck you We're like he can never come back to the States this guy. Where can he go? He's trying to get to Ecuador He's in a Russian airport. Yeah, you know, yeah, you know what Russian airports are like just fucking vomitus. It's just horrendous and Peru Ecuador is next to Peru. I love Peru I don't know if I'd want to live there and Ecuador is a really tiny little country. Yeah, you know I mean what this did to do that take that risk and
Starting point is 01:06:29 reveal this Then for people not to give a fuck. I mean it's It's mystifying it's beyond it's it look man. It's fucking beyond mystifying. It's like this is clearly Some our society is clearly a brainwashed society our news is a state-sponsored news when you see these reporters talking about Snowden and calling him all the accusing all these weird things he wants to be famous is one of the things they said come on Like I was watching this fucking camera his name and usually I like his interviews. It's that British guy is against guns What's his name?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Pierce Morgan Pierce Morgan he's interviewing. He's interviewing him and he's like as he's got Dr. Drew on and he's asking Dr. Drew like but isn't that part of him that just do longs for fame and Dr. Drew's like there could be that part, but it's like Glenn Greenwald has been working with this guy. I did this amazing. I'll email it to you. He gave this amazing fucking speech Talking about his experience with working with this guy and he pointed out He could have sold these documents to a variety of different countries, right for Millions and millions and millions of dollars He could have made so much money if he wanted to be a spy
Starting point is 01:07:46 He could have made so much money with this shit, but he didn't he's you know He like he told he's told Greenwald that it's he had to do it thought he was doing the right thing He has to do it. I think the biggest issue here is you know Snowden Apparently only had like a GED education and he worked for like a branch something the some branch company that did things for whatever the CIA or the whatever the NSA and That's how he had access to all these
Starting point is 01:08:20 All this Sensitive stuff secrets and then Bradley Manning who you know the wiki leaks All those secrets that this guy, you know Got he was a weird little private. Yeah a private soldier. Yes rank and Confused about his sexuality. I think the biggest issue here is the American government. Why do they let these people of Lower whatever Look at the morons that they are letting have access to everything important if it was that important Why didn't you fucking hire somebody sure a little more intelligent and a little more?
Starting point is 01:08:59 You know Sleazy, I don't know what I mean I think the biggest issue is is the American government shouldn't like be trying to extradite this guy They should just come out and go well, sorry We're just so fucking inept that we just leave all of our secrets. Yeah for anybody to Bradley Manning all the secrets he got He he had disks and he would label them Lady Gaga and so when like sensitive stuff would come up on the computer He'd slap in the disc and download it
Starting point is 01:09:24 That's how he collected all this stuff and you know any soldier walking by his desk would have looked down and saw the You know the lady Gaga fucking discs and you fucking pans idiot Jesus lady God Nobody is gonna question a lady Gaga fucking Disc on a guy's desk. No, but I mean, I think that's it. I mean the the ineptitude of our government the The the my wife and I were having a conversation about the Guantanamo Bay people being tortured Yeah, and I was like I wonder what the top 10 torture songs were and so we Google it, you know on the iPhone We got it, you know the information in in five seconds answer to our question number one was fuck your God by this satanic
Starting point is 01:10:09 Hold on hold on hold on deicide You're saying they play this shit. Yeah loudly when they're torturing the people right and then And so that that song makes sense that was the number one song But like the other choices were like Don McLean's American Pie and like Queens we are the champions which that Brian may guitar Listen to that all day. I mean like real our government is so lame. They can't even choose good torture songs And then like we can't even hire the people that would protect our country's fucking secrets imagine this Somehow and some alternate dimension China invades the United States because some crazy commie
Starting point is 01:10:50 Not commie a commie hater in the United States Figures out a way to hijack a Chinese airline in flight into one of their buildings some super religious fundamentalist Psychotic freak figures out a way to just do this insane terrorist attack on China And so China's like no no no fuck you we're invading we're coming over we're coming over We're getting our pound of flesh. They attack you after a You know a few months or years of watching your you know you you'd get a call you get a call maybe you know Hey, dude, did you hear about stand-up? What? Yeah, man. He got fucking blown up like a drone hit him. He's dead
Starting point is 01:11:26 He got blown up by a fucking Chinese drone. You're like what? What are you fucking talking about and then you like hear about how your aunt got blown up or your friends got and then at some Point you're like you know what fuck this. I'm gonna fight the Chinese who've invaded my country I didn't have anything to do with flying planes in their goddamn building, but I'm gonna try to take out a few They're probably gonna kill me, but it's gonna be worth it because they killed some of my best friends So you go out there and you start fighting. You're just a fucking comic You don't know how to handle a gun you get arrested within two days Throwing on a boat or a ship a cargo plane the next thing you know
Starting point is 01:12:00 You're in fucking China. Wow on an island make a plastic things chain to a fucking chair And they're playing Chinese pop songs to you. You don't even know you don't even know though You don't need to speak Chinese. It's just some weird Chinese guy blaring shit music Indie into your ears and you're there indefinitely That's what we've done That's what we've done as a country and it's like I know I love to think of it as inept and I love to think Oh, it's just an inept bumbling demon, but I don't think it's that inept man
Starting point is 01:12:35 I think it's getting smarter and smarter and every time information gets leaked and They're sitting there waiting for the streets to fill with rampaging angry Americans who are like you can't monitor us and it's just quiet people are going to work. They're like, oh Great Nobody's gonna care because the Chinese are always gonna give us fireworks Yeah, they're fine. They're fine. We could do anything to these motherfuckers. Yeah, I'm giving them good video games Yeah, I keep putting out those video games those mega fucking hits and anyway
Starting point is 01:13:12 It's it's a it's a little spooky and you're gonna you do you think sometimes that you're gonna be in the Philippines or in one It's some country. I'll be in China later this year Do you ever feel like you're gonna you'll be out of the country if shit fell apart here? Probably this that odds are you wouldn't even be here when shit fell apart. I Would hope there was some what there was some famous book that was made into a movie in the 50s. I forget the name of it But like there's a nuclear holocaust and only Australia survives. Yes, and it's It's paradise and you know beautiful beaches and You know, hopefully I would be in Australia when the shit goes down, but you know, New Zealand
Starting point is 01:13:51 Um, you're a positive guy. I'm sorry for Tates. I know turning Debbie downer I didn't mean to state drive the fucking thing into a pot. No, I Love your mind Duncan. I man, it's it's always such a good ride when you know, we get together But I but listen, I I want to I've got a I've got to start listening to your podcast, man You do hearing that it's Tom Rhodes radio, baby. Yeah, and I did Kim calm when I was in New Zealand Yes, and you when you told me now, can you just for people who don't know? Can you tell them who Kim calm is because most people know but I'm sure some people Kim calm started mega upload calm You know when you know, I mean right at the beginning of the internet
Starting point is 01:14:34 This guy was was was doing Cool started out as a hacker a really interesting story and then you know AT&T hired him these different corporations that he had hacked to so they could figure out, you know, what how he knew to get in through these systems and There was the mega upload calm was there's massive file sharing so lots of movies were exchanged and The way his his site was set up. There was no search links People just shared files, but just millions and millions of dollars were not given to the Hollywood, you know movies to yeah, whatever so The he's on the FBI most wanted list The United States government is trying to extradite him from New Zealand. He's from Germany
Starting point is 01:15:20 and Interesting guy, you know, he lived on the top floor of the Hyatt in Hong Kong for like five years Wow He's got a wife and a few kids You went to isn't that came to the mansion mansion, and is it really a mansion unbelievable mansion? Yeah, and he's got his own private security force He has an army little little private army Kim calm I mean sort of I mean a little security detail because he's the number most chief security officer sour That's maybe he seemed like a decent guy. I mean, I think they were more old buddies or something
Starting point is 01:15:53 But I did like the NPR of New Zealand, and I guess it was the Terry Gross of New Zealand or whatever You know lovable Lesbian speaking in hushed towns and she asked me what I wanted to do while I was in New Zealand I said though. I know it sounds silly But the one thing I'd really like to do is is I'd like to meet Kim calm and Interview him for my podcast because I think he's demonized in the United States. Yes, so He must have heard or somebody heard and he followed me on Twitter a couple hours later
Starting point is 01:16:28 I Found a Z e-mail through Twitter and send him a lovely little message and I got invited out to the mansion Jesus Christ now. Are you worried that you are now affiliated or associated with someone who's the number one most wanted guy Do you think no? I mean, it's not like WikiLeaks Julie and Assange given out military secrets I mean what a few copies of sister act 2 didn't get fucking it Proper three dollars and five cents didn't go to somebody's fucking pocket who won't give me a job in Hollywood You know when the industry starts showing me a little more love, I'll start showing the industry a little bit more
Starting point is 01:17:06 How about that Hollywood? I'll make a deal with you right here on the Duncan Trestle family hour. Okay, Tom Roe. No, I think the guy is really interesting. I think he manipulated the strengths of the tools he was working with When the internet started and it's you know, it's it's I mean, it's sort of no different than Dropbox in a way And he didn't know what what files are being shared. I mean My wife did a brilliant job editing the because the FBI and the New Zealand army raided his mansion last year You may remember that. Yeah, and so My wife edited the beginning of it starts off with these news clips and the the actual helicopter
Starting point is 01:17:48 Going in them landing in his and raiding his mansion and and then there's a Steve Wozniak Interview we found where he's actually Wozniak is defending Kim dot-com. Well, Wozniak is a Revolutionary hacker. He's a hilarious human who's like an anti-authority and he hates authority and he like is really in a counterfeiting identification and money and it's he's amazing, but He's one that he's in the same camp as Kim dot-com which is this kind of new breed of Techno Patriots who are well and you should listen to that episode and it's really and Kim dot-com lays it out, man. I mean, they're basically Trying to colonize the internet, right? Whereas now it's this open marketplace
Starting point is 01:18:34 It's the it will be come and already is the most powerful Marketplace it's this one world. Yeah, and so there's a lot of money to be made in this marketplace And they're trying to colonize they're trying to control it. Yeah, because there's a that's what they that's what power does when it identifies new sources of energy Kim dot-com lays it out, man, and he's He's really smart guy and he's funny and he loves comedy. So I I can't wait to listen I gotta listen. I should have listened to it already. Where is where's your podcast located? It's everywhere. What it's Free on iTunes. It's on SoundCloud for what's your website? My website is Tom Rhodes net and that's where it's you can find it there, of course
Starting point is 01:19:17 Tom Rhodes radio calm will be coming very soon. Hopefully in the next month or so I got a great web guy if you need one. I I do I really do but yeah, you can find it on Stitcher on everything So beautiful. Okay. Well, I'm gonna put a link to that up and where can you tell me where your dates are gonna be coming up? And I wet my dates are on Tom Rhodes net. Okay, great. That's my so go to Tom Rhodes net Listen to his podcast listen to the Kim calm interview. Thank you so much for doing. I love you Duncan. Love you, too, man Thank you respect respect Okay, everybody. That was Tom Rhodes go to Tom Rhodes net and if you like does give us a rating on iTunes Thank you so much for listening. Happy 4th of July. Be careful
Starting point is 01:20:02 Don't set yourself on fire with fireworks set yourself on fire Or at least with something You're listening to the changeling by the doors from their album the very best of the doors available on iTunes Hare Krishna Oh Oh Hey
Starting point is 01:22:17 Yeah But I never Oh In Hey

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