Duncan Trussell Family Hour - Vic Berger

Episode Date: December 13, 2017

Vic berger is a video artist/political satirist responsible for some of the most hilarious videos on the web. Duncan and Vic talk about Vic's art, the weirdness of the Trump Presidency, Vic's war with... Mike Cernovich and what waits for us in the future. This episode brought to you by Casper.com go to Casper.com/family hour and enter in offer code family hour to get $50 off of a new mattress.

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Starting point is 00:00:29 Just a very quick disclaimer before we get going. By continuing to listen to this podcast, you agree to surrender your soul upon the expiration of your mortal body to the VTEC Corporation, VTEC keeping souls safe, happy, and busy. Hello my sweet and beautiful friends. It is I, D Trussell, and you are listening to the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast and forgive me because this is a political episode of the Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast and I ask your forgiveness because I am intensely aware that many of us don't want to hear about politics at all.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We're chafed, man. Once when I was a kid, my dad, his friend had a motorboat and they tied a rope to it and I could sit in an inner tube and they just drove the boat around and dragged me around on this inner tube and it was like, it was probably one of the best like two or three hours of my life. Just sitting in a fucking inner tube, getting dragged behind a boat on a lake, a beautiful day. It was wonderful.
Starting point is 00:01:36 But when I got home, I realized that my just like all around my ass, all around my legs, all the skin had just been rubbed right the fuck off. And I guess the joy of riding around in the inner tube somehow made me not feel the fact that it was actually dissolving the skin from my legs. And so for like a week, I had these crazy like, it looked like I'd been abused. Like I had these crazy fucking scabs all over my fucking legs from this inner tube ride and it hurts so bad. It hurts so bad.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I was fucking chafed, deep chafed. And I know many of us are like that now. We're like, we've just been fucking just the constant friction of never ending tweets, editorials, news reports, and all the other anti-Trump or pro-Trump bullshit that's been being exploded out of the glowing black horn of whatever cyclopean demon has possessed our entire society and is cursing us with every single political event that happens has made us feel pretty anti-politics right now. Or even worse, we've just become like infinitely obsessed with politics and can't stop staring
Starting point is 00:03:02 at the garish freak show that used to be the American political system and we've become shrill and we're like tweeting, never ending, nonstop, impotent tweets, essentially shaking our fists at a mountain. It's like you're just some lunatic who's standing in front of a volcano shaking your fist at it like, you will never be my president. And that's pretty sad and pathetic too. So I get it, man, a lot of us are chafed. We don't want to fucking hear any kind of political stuff, which is why I often hesitate
Starting point is 00:03:38 when it comes to doing political podcasts or having guests on where it's going to get political. But here's the exception because today's guest has got to be one of the great political satirists living today. He's got to be. I'm not exaggerating. He's come up with his own style. I think in the future people are going to call it, I don't know what they'll call it,
Starting point is 00:04:01 burgarian, burgarian political satire, I don't know. But I really mean it when I say, I think people are going to study this guy's work in the future and that in the future he's going to be identified as like, you know, one of the great political artists of our time because he is innovated away of focusing in on the absurd apocalyptic nature of modern day politics that is a million times more powerful than writing some editorial. No matter how brilliant a writer you are, no matter how deep you understand the political system, no matter how adept you are at pulling out the unseen threads of what's happening,
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't think you can come close to doing what Berger is doing with three minutes of video of Donald Trump speaking in the way that he has figured out how to underline micro gestures and micro moments. One of the most hilarious and disturbing and beautiful forms of video art that I've ever seen. So I'm thrilled to have him on the show and I hope that you will take the plunge into this political episode of the DTFH, but only take the plunge after you have watched some of Vic's videos. And I know I say this sometimes like stop it and watch this video, but I really mean it
Starting point is 00:05:33 this time like really like if like look up Vic Berger, Jim Baker buckets on Google and watch it or go to dunkitrustle.com and look at the clips that I've chosen to put in the comments section of this episode. Just do it. So you get an idea who this guy is and what his art looks like. It's hilarious. It also will make you feel a little kind of uncomfortable, queasy, maybe maybe even a little freaked out if you're super hot and that's why I love it so much because he really
Starting point is 00:06:08 has zoomed in on a specific bandwidth of what's going on that I don't even know if you could write about it. It's visual. You need to see it. So before you listen to this episode, please do me the honor of going and checking out one of the clips linked at dunkitrustle.com and then come back and watch it or pull up the clips and watch them while you're listening to this interview with Vic Berger. I love him.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So stay tuned. We're going to jump right into this interview, but first some quick business. This episode of the DTFH is brought to you by Casper.com. Friends, the thing you're sleeping on should not feel like it was woven from gargoyle wings. It shouldn't smell like the stinking undergunt of a titillated auntie watching a strip show in Vegas. Your mattress is an occult instrument. It is the boat that will carry you down the river of sleep into the cave of dreams.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Respect it. And I know why you didn't want to get a new mattress. You didn't want to get a new mattress because you thought you were going to have to get in your car and go to a mattress warehouse. And I've been to one of these before. I've told this story before. I got right after my mom died. I went crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Ate some weed, thought I'd feel better if I had a $5,000, $4,000 mattress. Ended up being hypnotized by a mattress salesman who was so good. He recognized I was stoned and he took me to this vibrating mattress. He looked at me with real concern and said to me, I'll sell this to you, but don't get addicted to it. You've got to promise me you're not going to get addicted to this thing because it happened to my wife. She got addicted to this mattress and he was fucking good, man.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And I believed him. All you had to say was like, he was selling me something I could get addicted to. It's like, yeah, I'll take it. I'll pay any amount of money for a heroin mattress. This sounds perfect. The long and short of it is I ended up buying what essentially was like a bed for geriatrics, like a hospital bed that lifted up. I remember showing it to my friends and seeing the look of concern in their eyes as they
Starting point is 00:08:29 realized I was legitimately and genuinely excited because I bought a vibrating bed. You don't need to do that. You don't need to fork over that much cash. It meant nothing. The bed wasn't that great. The mattress wasn't that great. It ended up getting all lumpy and weird. You can avoid all of this horror by going to casper.com forward slash family hour, enter
Starting point is 00:08:54 in offer code family hour, and you will get $50 towards a brand new mattress, which you can send back if you don't like. So at least before you go get sucked into the swirling charismatic vortex of a highly trained mattress salesman who more than likely is working for the CIA is trying to sell you a mattress filled with scanning devices that are going to be sent to the NSA and used to slowly make you go insane, you can go to casper.com forward slash family hour, use offer code family hour, try out a Casper mattress. They'll send you a box that's got this wonderful mattress in it.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You open the box, the mattress explodes out like a volcano erupting mattresses. My God, one day when Jesus returns, we will live in a world where mattresses are launched out of volcano instead of fiery plumes of magmatic death, but I digress friends. You'll get this beautiful box with a wonderful mattress in it. You can try it out. You can try it out and if you don't like it, you can send it back. You get it for a hundred nights. You can take your old cum stain mattress that looks like a shroud of Turin made out of blasts
Starting point is 00:10:11 of vaginal spray, put that somewhere off to the side, install your beautiful new Casper mattress, try it for as many days as you need to. If you don't like it, send it back, go get a vibrating bed woven from whiskers plucked from the hair of a pony in Switzerland. That's what you need, but you won't. You're going to love your Casper mattress. I sleep on a Casper mattress. I've been sleeping on a Casper mattress for years, except for right now, I'm in some
Starting point is 00:10:44 Airbnb sleeping on a suspicious mattress. I don't want to look at the thing. It's an Airbnb mattress, my God, my God, an Airbnb mattress in Los Angeles. God knows how many freaks have humped on this thing. It's terrifying to think about. I miss my Casper. I only advertise stuff on this show that I actually use. If you're looking for a new mattress, Casper is the way to go.
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Starting point is 00:11:50 If you've been waking up in the middle of the night sweating profusely and wondering, my God, how can I support the DTFH, I'm here to tell you the main ways to do it. The best way to do it is to go to patreon.com forward slash DTFH and sign up. Subscribe and you will have access to content that does not make it to the main feed. You'll have access to opening, rambling monologues that are not attached to any interviews and also weird songs, music that I make and just random shit that I upload there that I'm too afraid to put on the main feed. Also from your $5 a month, you'll have early access to episodes of the DTFH that are commercial
Starting point is 00:12:31 free. Most importantly, you will have access to the sweet, glorious feeling that comes from knowing that you are my patron, my master, that you are one of the supporters of the podcast that gets played to mummified bodies in the basement of the Vatican. Also, much thanks to those of you who continue to use our Amazon link. The next time you're going to buy something on Amazon, won't you click through that link located at DuncanTrussell.com? There's no need for you to actually go to some chain store to buy toilet paper and risk
Starting point is 00:13:05 some ropey, mucusy spray of influenza mucus being blasted out of the inflamed nostril of a toddler flying through the air and landing in your mouth, infecting you with influenza right before the holiday seasons. Why would you put you and your family at risk? Don't go to a chain store. Go to the Amazon link located at DuncanTrussell.com. Anything that you buy, they will give us a very small percentage of it costs you nothing. Now without further ado, friends, cover yourself in some kind of psychedelic cream because
Starting point is 00:13:37 this episode is a true messianic blazer. Now without further ado, please welcome to the DuncanTrussell family, our podcast, the spectacular glory that is currently calling itself Vic Burger. Vic Burger, welcome to the DTFH. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Thank you. Thanks man. I gotta tell you, is this the first time we've ever actually talked voice to voice?
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yeah, this is the first voice chat we've done, definitely. Wow man. I'm a huge fan. The stuff you make has brought me so many laughs and I've shown it to so many people. I'm so addicted to your Jim Baker videos and I think you're the one of the best, I don't know what comedy, I don't know what you call, what do you call what you do? Is it satire? What is your term?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, I guess it's satire and I'm still figuring out what it is that I actually do. It's kind of just repurposing found footage and using editing to comment on it. So yeah, I don't know really what you would call it, I guess it's like satire, comedy. It's yeah, it seems, and it's when it's with Jim Baker, I guess whenever I describe you to people, I describe it as apocalyptic because something about what you're zooming in on, on this footage that you're using, makes me feel like it's the end of the world even more than sometimes I already feel like it's the end of the world. Totally, totally.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And yeah, and also I try and focus on how much of a shyster he is, you know, or other people that are just kind of scaring people and ripping them off and getting their money, scaring them and having them send money to them. You're talking about Jim Baker? Yeah, Jim Baker because he's selling all those buckets, you know. Yeah, so can you just for folks who don't know about Jim Baker, could you describe to them who Jim Baker is? Sure, he was massive in the 70s and 80s, one of the top televangelists, you know, on the
Starting point is 00:16:28 planet and he ended up going to jail in the late 80s for fraud and there's like a whole sex scandal around it, but then so he kind of disappeared and he was out of the public eye. Is that when he said something about God was going to strike him down if he didn't get a certain amount of money or something? Yeah, there's something along those lines and he, I think he was buying up or he was building all these apartments that like he was going to have people live in this compound and I guess he was maybe overselling them or there's something, I don't know the exact
Starting point is 00:17:04 story of it, but he was ripping people off and that's what he ended up going to jail for. So, he kind of disappeared, you know, for maybe five, six years or so and then all of a sudden he reinvented himself, you know, as Jim Baker again, but he's like almost in disguise because he's wearing a baseball cap and he's got his beard and but then he started selling these apocalypse buckets for when the world's ending and he's building up the decline of, you know, of American civilization and and it's all going to hell and the only solution is to buy these buckets.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah, and they're and that's this, I mean, I was completely unaware of this until I saw your videos and it's a big part of his show is like dumping out or or or or like cooking a bucket of like this horrific looking orangey cheese and then like eating it in front of everybody and it just looks fucking awful to prove how how tasty it is. But it's just like, you know, a lot of people have done taste tests and it's just disgusting powdered food with a lot of salt in it, you know, have you ordered a bucket yet? No, no, I I haven't I probably don't want to give him any money. I mean, but it's I almost bought a bucket watching your videos.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I almost bought one of those fucking things. Well, I think they're collectors items. They're like Bitcoin. Like I bet in 10 years, those buckets are going to be worth a lot of money. Right. And he and he pushes them as, you know, they're furniture, too. You can you can put like 20 buckets and then put a piece of plywood over top that and put a tablecloth and you got yourself a nice dinner table. Oh, yeah. And also, you can shit in them because that's like you're
Starting point is 00:18:55 totally shit in them. Yeah, that's a big way that he pitches the man. You can shit in them. You can make a fucking bed out of him. He sells the seat that you just plop right on the bucket and then you can you can shit, which is which is he points out that's going to be a big problem in the apocalypse. You you know, you're going to need to shit in something. What are you going to what are you going to do with the doodoo? As he says, what are you going to do with it all?
Starting point is 00:19:17 And you're like in that mode. I mean, just do you ever let yourself just play around with the idea of that version of the apocalypse where you have ordered a bunch of Jim Baker buckets? He was right. There's flashes in the sky. The power goes out. You look at your wife and your kids and you get and they look at you with this look of just pure admiration because like when Noah was building the arc, they were probably like, honey, are you sure honey?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Are you sure we should spend this money on these buckets? We're not going to have enough money to buy David's winter clothes. If we buy these buckets, I'm telling you, we can trust him, Mary. I'm telling you, I got a feeling they're looking at you like, oh, yeah. God, you saved our lives. And then and just like you you're eating that fucking. Finally, you finish off one of those buckets. You've picked off bandits a couple of times who came because they knew you had those fucking buckets.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And now that you got an empty bucket, you're just shitting Jim Baker rice back into the bucket. You took it out of hell. It's it's a it's a good thought. But I mean, my thing is like if if the world's on fire, so are the buckets. The buckets are going to catch flames, too. So I mean, I don't. Well, you're in a you're in a bunker, man. Like you're like, yeah, I guess you're in a bunker.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah, you're in a fucking bunker. And and you're like, but this is so one of the things you do in these videos and in a lot of your videos is it's not just like you're exploring the the horror of the you know, these shysters, as you're saying. But it also there's this like focus on the people who are watching it and believing it. And that combination, as you zoom in on these crowds and the people who are. Living this, I don't know what you call it, man. These people seem to be in a different dimension or something.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah. And then and some of them, like, well, actually, a lot of them have just like this glaze over their eyes where it is almost like cultish, you know, where they're just they're just buying it and just like, you know, eating it up, everything they have to say and just not questioning it. That is what terrifies me. And what I love about what you're showing us is that that level of conditioning or I don't know, what would you call it?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Brainwashing or because it's not just sorry. Oh, no, go on. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, please. I think it's just comes down to looking. They have the answer. You know, they have there's this problem that often they put out there, you know, like the world's going to end or that, you know, the Democrats are taking
Starting point is 00:22:03 this country into the hole and we have to vote for Trump because he's going to guide us out, you know, out of this mess or or whatever it is. So they create this problem, put it out there. And then they also offer a very simple solution, you know, like if you buy these buckets and you buy my Bibles and you buy my buckets of Bibles and and and you have all this and you're prepared, you're ready to go. Then that problem solved. And in the mean, you know, they're in the middle getting all the money.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And I see, you know, Trump is in the same arena as that. If you want to get political, you know, he's he's, you know, like, say, you know, the problem with this country is is all the immigration, the Mexicans. It seems like he creates this problem. He creates the enemy, but then he also offers a very simple solution of a wall, which, you know, like, OK, there's the wall. And then instead of money, he gets to be the president. You know, that's so it's same.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And also by being president, he does get money too, because he charges the taxpayers to fund his vacations and everything else is lavish lifestyle. But yeah, and I think that they they buy that and they and they believe in what they have to say, because they're looking for that answer. And they offered that solution to them. Well, when you're any of your Trump videos, when you're zooming in on the people standing behind it, something which I think is so important because I mean, like it's a kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Maybe maybe your brain doesn't want to accept that this is happening or something like you ever hear that ridiculousness about how when the ships came to North America, this is probably a big pile of bullshit, because I think I saw it on that movie, The Secret. But like so this is a ridiculous idea that like when the ships came that because the native indigenous people had never seen a ship before, they couldn't see a ship because their brain couldn't accept it. Like I can remember once running into a friend of mine in Atlanta
Starting point is 00:24:12 and it I'm sitting, he came and sat down next to me, started talking to me. I'm looking at him and I'm thinking to myself, who the fuck is this guy? Like, why is he being so forward with me? I don't know this guy. And then I realized shit, man, that's my friend. But my brain so didn't wasn't able to accept that this guy was in Atlanta because he lives in New York and it just seemed impossible that I didn't see who he was in the same way like this shit that you're showing the Jim Baker
Starting point is 00:24:38 audience, the people at the Trump rallies. It seems so hard to understand that this is existing in the world. That in such a modern time, there's this group of people that is allowing themselves to be taken in by someone who is such a classic, obvious con artist with. Right, right. But like you think, how did that, how? You know, have you ever thought to yourself how you would get sucked in by that? I mean, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's hard because I mean, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I think when I'm making these videos, like, how is it for me, for me and you and a lot of other people, most people, you know, would look at Trump and be like, this guy, he's been a con artist his whole life. You know, he's that's his thing. He's just been this, you know, like self-indulgent loves himself more than anything. And he's just he's a con man. He's gone bankrupt four times.
Starting point is 00:25:45 He's not out to help you. He's out to help himself. And it's just like, how would do people not know that? But then some people I talk to know that he is that are supporters of him. They they don't and they don't care. You know, they don't really care that he is conning people into voting for him or supporting him. And that's another problem, too, in itself. But I, yeah, I don't I don't know how I'm not really sure what the origins of it
Starting point is 00:26:16 for a lot of people, like why they would be set, you know, get wrapped in with that. Do you think you're wrapped into something that you're not aware that you're wrapped into? Do you ever wonder that? Like, if it happened to them, maybe it happened to me. Um, I was pro that's a that's a good question. Um, but like politically, I don't I don't really trust, you know, any anybody out there. I mean, I just got to be wary of I don't put my whole support behind any one
Starting point is 00:26:47 candidate or anything. But yeah, I mean, I think I mean, going back to to my after high school going to college, I think I was looking to get into music you know, I was a musician. And I think the school that I wanted to go to kind of kind of wrote me in. And I think I was sold the dream there. And I guess I'll say the school. I went to Berkeley College of Music.
Starting point is 00:27:18 OK, wow. They're very good at, you know, selling this dream of being of, you know, a musician or a producer school, super expensive. Um, you know, and they but they they really sold it to me and and I went there and, you know, got into big debt, big debt because of that. And, you know, my parents got into debt, taking loans out. Are you still paying off those loans? No, thankfully, I managed to, you know, in the in the however many 15 years or whatever I managed to to pay that off.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Wow. Yeah. So my parents, I think, are still paying on it. Um, but I that is definitely something that I I would, you know, compare as as being wrapped into, you know, being sold the dream. But you, you know, I mean, just to stick up for musician, Vic, why are you putting it in the past tense? You're like, aren't you still a musician? Yeah, I am. I am.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But I think I don't think I needed to pay, you know, was it 200,000 or something like that to to be who I am? You know, right? Musically, I could have taken some classes or gone to schools that I even looked at that were like, you know, a quarter of the price of this school. But but that's yeah, but I yeah, I am I am still a musician, though. And and I that's part of who I am, I guess. Do you make the sound beds for your videos?
Starting point is 00:28:52 No, not I I did for a couple, you know, years ago. But but just I've I have this cool like sound sound bank that Super Deluxe provides me. Gotcha. That has that has like tons of stock music. And I use a lot of vintage stock music that's that's in there because it all has to be legal stuff, you know, so it's so it's through that through that website that I use. But yeah, and I manipulate a lot of it, too. Do you the the the thing you're talking about, it's not just music.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I mean, it's College College, too. Right. This is right. Right. I should have put it all on them. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, the whole collegiate system these days seems a little ridiculous. Like there is this sense of like the university system itself is is. I mean, I know that I I know I actually dig it a lot out of my college. But what I got out of my college was not.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Necessarily, there were a few courses I took that were life changing, but it was just the it was something about. I mean, you know, one of my best professors. This I went to a super liberal liberal arts school up in Asheville, North Carolina. And, you know, like the classes would be sitting out in the forest. And I was like sitting under a tree with this professor is teaching this class called introduction to Southeast Asia.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And the whole point of the class was he would just like convince you to go to India. That was it. That was his only goal is to just make you go to India and do whatever over there. But he I remember he would he started his class looking at us and saying, what are you guys doing here? Like you shouldn't be in college. You should be out in the world right now. You should you should consider dropping out of college this year
Starting point is 00:30:43 and just going to India. That was his thing, man. It was real. It was real. And I remember he like he said, you know, because this is one of the craziest things he said. He's like, here's what's going to happen. It's imagine you're in a car and you're accelerating down the highway and you're down the street and you're passing telephone poles
Starting point is 00:31:03 and the cars accelerating and the telephone poles, they start off like you see one and then the next and they turn into a blur. He's like, that's what's going to happen to your years. And you're not even going to know what what's what happened and you're already going to be dying. So don't spend time wasting time here in college. Like I get that to an extent because like I like at that time at that age, like most people don't know what they want to do.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And that's why you're that's why they end up going to college to try and figure that out. But like if I could do it over, I would, you know, those first five years, you know, like like like you're saying, travel and experience more have more life experiences and then maybe look into finding a trade or figure out exactly what you want to do with with school, going back to school or just take that 200 K
Starting point is 00:31:52 by some fucking property somewhere, right, right. Fix it up, become getting a real estate, become like rich, go through a few bankruptcies, grab some fucking pussies and become president. It's a simple formula. Just do it. You I want to get back to this conditioning thing, though, man, like and because have you ever taken LSD?
Starting point is 00:32:16 I have not, no, but I one day I would like to. I just somehow didn't do it. Never do your videos remind when I was years and years and years ago, I made like pretty much one of the. Well, I don't know if I want to call it an error. But if you're on LSD, probably you shouldn't watch MTV. Like you shouldn't like sit and watch TV. It's probably not the best way to spend the experience,
Starting point is 00:32:42 but you can do it everywhere. But I remember sitting with a friend of mine and we're on this like amazing LSD and we're like, let's watch fucking MTV. Let's watch TV and we're watching TV. And that, you know, the stuff that seemed kind of normal from a lifetime of watching TV, you know, watching these people who are the hosts and the clothes that they've decided to wear
Starting point is 00:33:04 and their affectations and the things they were pretending to be excited about. And then the crazy fucking commercials and just the entirety of the thing seemed to be a kind of unholy abomination, like just a sick fly trap for idiots that was just trying to suck people into some weirdo's idea of what normal people should spend their time thinking about. And that's what your videos do for me, man, is it's like it reminds me of the absurdity of modern life. And but there also feels in that and it's hilarious,
Starting point is 00:33:46 but there's something in them that really feels very sinister. Do you think we're in danger right now? Like, do you have a sense that at least in the United States that we're kind of nearing some kind of we're maybe brushing shoulders with something that could be really, really bad? I think I think we're experiencing a pretty dark moment. But I have faith in our system and the people that this is kind of like Trump and his whole movement and everything is a reaction to,
Starting point is 00:34:28 you know, eight years of Obama, of a black president. And I think I see this as like the final push to, you know, make America great again. You know, bring bring all the the hate and the racism and everything else. And, you know, this is like the last push for them to do to get that as the defining, you know, viewpoints in America. And I think it's failing. I think it's, you know, as you can see, he's not really, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:56 legislating anything, he's not passing anything. Everything he does is an executive decision. It's just a, you know, which can be erased by the next president. And I think that we're going to be pushing past that. And there will be a reaction to this, you know, coming up in 2018 and 2020. But we have to survive this, you know, we have to get through it. And we have to get through all his all the hateful things he does every day and just, you know, try not to get distracted and try to find a way to stay positive,
Starting point is 00:35:28 which I'm having trouble doing quite often. But I think, I think this is, I think they'll be good after this. Do you, that's a very optimistic outlook. And to be honest, I'm a little surprised. I didn't expect that there's something almost, and maybe it's just my interpretation of these things is like completely completely off. I interpret things in a darker way. You know, I was just on Rogan's podcast and we were talking about that song.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Daniel Elton John song, you know, and like we're talking about what songs mean. And I always thought that song was, I was just, this is my brain thought that song was about his like friend who died and was being flown off in a plane to get buried somewhere. And it's about a vet coming back from the war. But like, so maybe I'm just a little sinister myself and I'm projecting it. But I think, I think what you're seeing, what you're seeing interpreting. And I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:36:29 That's what that's what artists for, you know, like songs have a lot of different meanings to different people. And I think, but what you're seeing in my videos that is there, like the dread and everything, for me, that's personal stuff that where I have, I like, I have like social anxiety and I have a lot of anxiety when I'm talking to people or, or, or, you know, leading up to, to do things in my life. Right. Where I'm hyper aware of people's, you know, affectations.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And, and if they look, look at me a funny way, I, I, I usually tend to, I can misinterpret what they're saying or what they're doing with their face. And I think that's where I'm kind of just amplifying those little moments that, that bother me, but I make them more for everybody. Like for people that don't have those kinds of social anxieties. That is cool, man. That is so fucking cool because what, like you're seeing these micro gestures in your life, which are triggering some kind of like anxiety reaction.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And because you become adept at seeing those things, you're seeing the micro gestures. Wow, that's so cool. You're seeing them in these videos you're watching and underlining them. Like, look at that. Look at that. Look at that. What do you fucking think that is? What do you think that means?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah, what does that imply? Yeah. What does he, yeah, is he telling the truth there or is that, you know? Oh, my God, that we'll see that not to keep heart going back to LSD, which I do seem to keep doing, but the the the the that's one of the things that it does is it it somehow makes you see these in between frames and a person's expressions. So you do start seeing, I mean, this is why when you take LSD, you want
Starting point is 00:38:19 to make absolutely sure you the person you're taking it with. If it's a girl, you got to make sure they're not, you know, you have to you have to almost do this Christian kind of like, all right, let's confess to each other any secrets we have, because you don't want to be like two or three hours into a psychedelic experience with someone. And then you start looking at their face and realize, oh, my God, they're fucking having an affair. Oh, my God, I can see it so clearly.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's so fucking crazy. You can't hide anything, you know? Yeah, and it makes you start thinking like, oh, I guess that's what telepathy is, is really just being able to see those micro gestures and translating them into something. But yeah, man, that's really fascinating. Social anxiety is a it's a nightmare, huh? It is.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It really is. It's just, you know, I remember like going into college and like not really knowing what anxiety was. And, you know, because it goes hand in hand with depression too. Um, and I just, yeah, I just was always nervous around people. Like in high school, going up to high school, like I was like the prom king, I was very, you know, popular, had a lot of friends and everything. And then when I went to college, it just like hit me.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And, and I was like, what is wrong with me? Why is it, you know, I was like nervous to like eat in front of other people and nervous just to meet new people. So it's just, just a bizarre thing that's, that's that I, you know, I still cope with, you know, do you take, what is that stuff? I know people who take, um, fuck, what's it called? It like slows your heart rate down. A lot of actors take it before auditions.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Um, yeah, I know what you're talking about. I think my dad actually takes that. Um, so your dad has social anxiety too. I, I think it's like un, un, uh, uh, undiagnosed. He, he kept going to the doctor cause his heart was racing all the time. And they kept giving him all these like heart pills and everything that are for the heart. And then I think they snuck them to say anxiety thing.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And that was the, that was what did it. Man, the, the, it's, this is another big shocker here, Vic, because, um, I consider what you do, not only to be some of the funniest stuff I've seen, but I consider it to be some of the bravest stuff because it's political. And, and, and right now we're dealing with a kind of like Africanized B. When we talk about the, um, uh, Trump supporters, right? These people are vicious, man. And, and they are, they will swarm on you and, uh, you have taken on like a huge,
Starting point is 00:40:57 huge amount of negative feedback from these people. Uh, how, how do you, how do you have simultaneously have social anxiety? Why, while like putting yourself in the position of being attacked by swarms of people who really seem kind of dangerous. Yeah. Um, well, I, the best way is that, you know, I'm not always super, um, eloquent when explaining myself or, or making arguments with people with political, uh, political arguments.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So I prefer to have my work more or less, you know, speak for itself. Like the, I, I can edit it the way I want and present it how I want, rather than having to get out there and say exactly what I, what I'm saying. Cause it's, it's not always, not always super easy for me. And, and I find that, that, you know, I, I've never really convinced anyone, you know, I've never changed somebody's mind totally just by speaking to them. So I think if I can present it in a way where I'm using video and images and sound, um, it helps, you know, get my point across.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. But you're, I mean, you're like, you're, you're in it, in a kind of active war with like Mike Sernovich. Oh yeah. And that, yeah, in that regards, yeah, that, um, that, uh, man, well, that was just me, you know, dicking around on the internet last year, uh, when I was just kind of satirizing him and, and making fun of him with, with editing some of his videos and his periscope videos.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And then it turned very dark when he, you know, when he wanted to come at me and if you want to, if you want to talk about that, I don't do like the whole. He accused you of being a pedophile, right? He said, you're, you're fans, you're, you're part of a pedophile ring. Right. I was a leader of the pedophile ring. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So yeah. So I got, yeah. So then that, of course, that's still lingering, you know, a year later that I, I still get those accusations sent from his fans my way. Um, but yeah, that's, that's, it's, it's a dark world that I, that I've entered there. Yeah. I mean, and that's what I'm saying is that by, by the, the type of comedy that you're doing and the subject matter that you're choosing, it's, it, these people
Starting point is 00:43:18 who are sitting in the audiences of the rooms that you're, uh, parodying these people are like zombies, man. And, and they, they'll do anything that they're masters tell them to do. And so there's an element of, you know, and this is, there's an element of risks to what you're doing. And I, and I've always thought that's what, you know, really great comedy finds the place where there is danger for the comedian. And then it's not, and it doesn't have to be all comedy, obviously.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Right. Right. And you see a lot of failed comedy, which is where they, the, the person trying to make the content thinks that they've discovered some edgy thing, whatever. And they put it out there, but it's not really like who cares. Right. Like I get, we, we already thought we already figured that out. You know, like, I mean, and everyone, like, I guess people are some people
Starting point is 00:44:19 were kind of into it, but, and I, I think Jim Carrey, I like Jim Carrey, but this new thing where he's like saying like, we're nothing, man. Have you seen those videos? Yeah, I've seen some of those. Yeah. You know, I, I'm not even standing here. I'm not standing here, man. I'm not a me.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I'm a, everything. And it's like this, the thing he's talking about is like, you know, has its roots and like Eastern Vedantism and Buddhism and it's beautiful. But the way he's saying it is like, there's this strange, like edgy, like pseudo edginess to it or something. When you could just easily say, we're nothing. It's such a beautiful thing. Don't you see, you could put down the weight of your personality and your ego
Starting point is 00:45:01 identity and merge with the universe, but he's like, he's wearing a black leather jacket. He's like, this isn't my painting. This isn't my floor. This isn't my sky. I'm just a no thing. The Jim Carrey thing. I'm a nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It's just, that's not, you know, that's, that's not really putting him in any kind of real danger. It's easy. There's not, I don't think, even though it seems edgy, there's, there doesn't seem to be a lot of risk to it. But what you're doing is risky because you are sticking a fucking stick into a bee's nest filled with fucking lunatics, man. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:39 But I think I've like, you know, so far succeeded in because I'm sticking with facts and I'm not, you know, putting words in their mouths or I'm just using, I'm turning their own words against them in a way with, with hypocrisy and, and, and, you know, just using, highlighting what is what I see as bad about a lot of these people, these, these people, you know, in the alt right or, or Trump, just, just sticking, you know, not, I don't know how else to say, how else to say it, but just, yeah, just sticking with, with what's truth. What I see is truth, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Right. Again, that's incredibly courageous. Cause I think a lot of people just get real nervous about the, it's kind of like with, you know, Scientology, for example, one of the, you know, one of the sort of defense mechanisms of the super organism that is Scientology is, it's like a skunk. It's like, if you fuck with it, or if it's afraid of you, it'll spray you down with like lawsuits, litigation, you know, and like, you know, when, when I, when
Starting point is 00:46:47 some of the Cernovich videos that I've watched, you know, he's like, it seems like he's kind of stopped accusing you directly. If you, that's probably because of some kind of legal thing, right? Um, no, I, I talked to some lawyers and they said, I wouldn't have a case because you have to prove that he didn't actually believe what he was saying. And that's like next to impossible. And he had, he himself has a lawyer that, that does these anti slap lawsuits and just knows how to get them thrown out immediately.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Like he was like a free speech lawyer that, that knows how to work the system. So there wasn't really anything legally I could do about what he said. But it was how to walk the line. It seems like Cernovich, though, he, I like, I don't know, the last video I said, he didn't, he didn't seem to, he wasn't mentioning you, but he was saying he had like a private investigator or something. Yeah. And that's, he's talking about me.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah. There. Um, but yeah, he has stopped using my name. And I think that's because like I worry him because just, I've been successful at, you know, shutting him down and, and exposing him. But that's, that's like a, that the, you know, saying, Hey, I've got a private investigator. Do you think he, I wouldn't be surprised.
Starting point is 00:48:03 You don't think he, no, he doesn't, no, he doesn't, he doesn't, I don't, I think he's just making that up. When you go outside, you don't notice some kind of like dude in a fucking trench coat, snapping shots of you, of you kind of push. Yeah. Just looking at me now. You know, they're not gonna, they're not gonna find much. I don't, I don't do a whole lot really, you know, they're gonna see me hanging
Starting point is 00:48:22 out with my kids or, or, you know, editing videos. That's, it's about it. Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, of course it's gonna find, but that's not the worry something, the worrisome thing is not, I mean, it's not that they're gonna find anything. The worrisome thing is that someone has been sent from this like group or this person and to monitor you.
Starting point is 00:48:45 That's the, that's the thing that would fucking bug me. I don't want to be monitored by a, a Cernovich drone. You know, that's right. But I want to, I was wondering if, so this style of content that Cernovich is putting out and people like him put out, baked Alaska. Um, what, how would you define it? Because it seems like a new kind of thing. Like I've never, I've never really seen this before.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I don't know what it is. It's political, but it has this like weird attempts at like comedy mixed into it. But then it also has this like strange feeling of passion behind it as though the person creating it was like delivering some holy message to the world. And then there's this like mealy quality to the whole thing. There's this like almost an intentional mealy quality. And I include Trump in that, you know, like, so how, what, how would you define this genre that seems to be new on the scene?
Starting point is 00:49:57 I think it's for, for a lot of these guys, for maybe most of them, it's mainly about raising their profile, getting attention, getting famous, um, you know, and getting a big enough following that you can turn those people, you know, to go after your enemies, but also just give you money. You know, you can, they, a lot of these people have, you know, these, these, um, you know, Patreon accounts or whatever, whatever they are, that they're constantly giving them money for doing hateful things and for, for doing bad stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Um, but I think ultimately it's about finding a way to, to, to rip your, uh, people off and, and, and then get more fame. Like, and that's what kind of what Trump has done. Um, and like for Cernovich, he's, you know, he's been, he's evolved or devolved by everyone to say it, you know, years ago, he was this, um, men's rights activist and then, and then, and then, you know, that wasn't quite working out for him, wasn't getting enough money. So he evolved into this gamer gate guy, you know, part of that whole movement,
Starting point is 00:51:06 which I don't totally understand, but I, I mean, I know he's not into video games at all, but he just kind of, you know, made himself part of that movement and managed to trick enough people into taking him seriously that he, his, his stature rose and then Trump came along and that's, he, he gave rise to a lot of these guys and, you know, endorse them and, and put them into a bigger light. And I mean, you got Don Jr. endorsing Cernovich, Michael Flynn, um, you know, Kelly and Conway, all these, all these people, um, in there. I mean, Trump, you know, retweeting that guy, that Jack Pesovic guy.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And so there's the, just giving all these hateful people a bigger platform. But you know, hate, the thing is like, I guess, so, okay. So when I'm picture, like, I don't know. I'm trying to think of some hateful like archetype. So let's take like Darth Vader, right? This guy is fucking smart. He's evil looking. He's wearing this sleek fucking outfit.
Starting point is 00:52:12 He is intelligent and focused and nefarious and, and destructive. And that's kind of how I always have pictured my evil people as being, you know, but here, here right now we're running. And again, I don't, to be honest, like, I don't even know if these people are evil. Like I think they're, they're, they're, they're misguided or something. But the, the con, this stuff that they're, I guess what I'm saying is if we, okay, the White House, you know, I don't know if that he's still doing it.
Starting point is 00:52:43 But for a while, the White House was putting out these shitty videos. Remember that? Like somebody, somebody go ahead. Yeah, they're so funny. They were like, are you talking about, um, like Trump sitting in the, like the Oval Office speaking, is that what you're talking about? Yeah, like, yeah, they're just so poorly made. Yeah, they're poorly made.
Starting point is 00:53:05 They look like shit. There's typos all over the fucking place. Right. And, but something, sometimes I wonder, is this actually intentional? Is it because it's kind of like the idea is, all right, the, it's not enough to. Okay. We either need, if we're going to get people to like us, no matter who we are, and that's, I guess, what politics is, it's not enough to, to just go for the
Starting point is 00:53:32 median, right? If you get the median and I get the median, then we kind of have the same amount of people, I guess, because we're going to divide the median in half, maybe, right? Right. So that means that we either have to go for, so we need to go for the median and, and then we need to go for either like things above the norm or below the norm. Right. And so people like in the past, I think politicians have wanted to scoop up great
Starting point is 00:54:02 people behind them, right? I mean, that's what you would want. Like I want my, you would want, you would want anyone would want their fans to be like smart and cool and amazing. But it's almost as though these people have realized like, no, no, no, no, no. Fuck those guys. Because those guys, the smart people, you got to work, man. Like you got to actually read and no shit and be something and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:29 these are, they're, the bar is said to have, but if I start going for like the, the, the hills have, if I start going for like people who are like throwing cats into dumpster fires and laughing, right, then I'm going to have all of a sudden this like freakish army of, of, of like pre-apocalyptic drones who are kind of, who don't really, but to get them, I need to show I'm one of them. And to do that, I can't, I can't use, I can't spell, right. I need to do some misspellings. I need, yeah, I think Trump, like I think Trump wants the best.
Starting point is 00:55:15 He wants, he truly does want to look the best. You know, he, he gets all his teeth whitened and everything. And, and he wants to look really, really nice. But I think the problem is he can't hire the best people because they don't want to work with him. You know, that's kind of how I see it. So, so he's getting people like, like, for, like his hats, like the, the Make America Great Again hats.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Those are the cheapest, like, just like, it's like he just went online and just found like the first, you know, hat company he could find, just typed it in and, and then, you know, just the cheapest thing he could get. Um, I don't, I don't think, I think he does want things to look really good for him, but, but he's just not able to hire, you know, good enough people to work for him. And it's just amazing that he couldn't, you know, with all the money he has and everything that he still wasn't able to, to even buy those people to do it. Um, well, the, I mean, the, the, the picture that just came out, the one with
Starting point is 00:56:18 the first lady in the White House that she decorated. There's like, I think there are like dancers in there. You know that picture? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was, that was pretty bizarre. It was, it's, but that it's, I'm, I know you, I'm, I, again, I'm surprised to
Starting point is 00:56:36 hear how optimistic you are. And honestly, it makes me happy to hear that, but in my worst days, when I see something like that, like the White House with like this insane Christmas decoration that's with some lunatic standing in the middle of these like just the craziest shit, man, that does just doesn't make any sense, man. It's like, it's, you know, I don't know if you've ever seen pictures of, um, I think the Rothschilds or people who get accused of being in the Illuminati had some kind of crazy fucking Dada's party.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And there's like people wearing horse head masks. And I mean, it looks weird, but it looks fucking cool. It's like whatever the fuck they were doing. That looks like a super fun party. There's something sleek and awesome about it. But like, when you look at the style you're talking about, Trump trying to look good, to me, there's something in it that reminds me of when a film starts melting in a camera and it starts bending and bleeding and burning.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And it's like, this is why it's so easy for me to think, maybe this is what the apocalypse looks like, like the thing we considered to be the ultimate version of power is like having this Chernobyl style meltdown and is just spitting out like just, just vileness after vileness after vileness. And, you know, one of the creepiest things about Chernobyl, I don't know if you know much about Chernobyl. There's a documentary I saw on it is that when Chernobyl started melting down, all of this beautiful light started coming out of it.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It was beautiful. And all these people stood on a bridge to watch this beautiful light coming out of the reactor because it was so pretty. And they're, you know, they, they, they were getting, they got massively rated, they were dead within like 70 hours. But I feel like there's something like that happening sometimes where we're all gazing, we're watching this thing with a kind of like, not like it's beautiful, but there's something beautiful in its absurd idiocy and not
Starting point is 00:58:49 realizing like, wait, man, we're, this is actually, this is what it looks like when a country starts falling apart. Right. Yeah, that, I mean, that makes sense. Um, and also I think, like we have to find a way to cope with this too. So, you know, the humor helps, I think, and just laughing at the absurdity of it all because it doesn't seem, doesn't seem real a lot of the times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Well, exactly, man. But that's another deceptive element to it is because it's so doesn't seem real because our brains aren't set up to accept that this can happen. Like we're not supposed to have a tacky president. We're not supposed to have a tweeting president. We're not, we want better for our elected officials. We have some standards or at least we thought we had some standards and he just kind of melted all that away.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Well, we were, what we wanted is, it's like, I mean, like we were saying, I don't really, I don't really trust politicians either. And, um, but what I do expect from my politicians is if I'm getting conned, I want my con artists to be fucking great. Like, I don't want to have that moment of stopping. I don't, have you ever been conned before? Hmm, maybe like, well, I mean, like some family members have like, like grandparents from, you know, getting calls and to, to sign up for credit
Starting point is 01:00:18 cards and stuff like that, that they don't want. But you've never been like, you've never been like with a con per, like I got, I remember I got conned once when I was in college or in high school. We went to this grateful dead show and this fucking hippie attached himself to this group of us and like, basically, like we wanted to buy acid. He got us a sheet of acid, ended up giving me way too much. Um, and I, I wanted to take all this acid home, but like this hippie, like in this very proficient way, he manipulated all of us so that somehow
Starting point is 01:00:51 he convinced us to sell the sheet of acid he just bought for us. And yet somehow in that process, we ended up losing all our money and he almost took my friend's car. Like you, he was so good, dude. And I remember him, I remember him saying to my friend, it's like towards the end of the, he's like, he'd been working on my friend. He's like, identify, he like identified that I was the most resistant. So he gave me a shit ton of acid.
Starting point is 01:01:18 So I could barely talk. Then he like, identify one of my friends just didn't really care, but one of my friends, he identifies like, all right, this is the true mark here. And cause it also happened to be the friend with the car. And that's when he was really, you know, doing this Charles Manson style. Like, listen, man, you don't need to go to high school, man. Trust me, you could always go back to high school. But how many times can you tour the dead?
Starting point is 01:01:44 Let's just go, man. We'll take your car. We'll go. And like, it was amazing to watch. Thank God it didn't work, but his artistry, his first of all, he looked exactly the right way that you wouldn't want your fucking con artist, hippie to look. He was wearing this like psychedelic bandana.
Starting point is 01:02:04 He had tie dye on. He had a beard and long fucking hair. And he was like, you know, just like a, wow, crazy, true, hippie man. And like, it was cool. And like, so like, at least in the con, it was appreciate the art, the form, the, the, the style that he had, exactly good at Trump is Trump is a bad con, man. Yes. And, and, and so in past presidents, you know, like, for example, like Obama,
Starting point is 01:02:31 you know, who like killed a bunch of people with drones and exported and deported more people than all American presidents combined. You've got this fucking beautiful, charismatic, wise, seemingly noble, intellectual leader, right? Even, but in you, which, and I think that, that's sinister in its own, right? Because like, when you're looking at him, you're like, wait a minute, though, man, you're like, the NSA is monitoring us now. And you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:02:59 But at least you're like, you're fucking, you're wearing the right costume, dude. Right. Slicky as he has intelligent things to say, as, you know, like, yeah, I totally got it. Yeah. And, and, and so this is where it's like real, this is to me where it definitely seems like it's like a meltdown. The machine is melting down because this fucking dude, his dentures are falling out. That whole speech was a meltdown itself because he started out fine.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And then it just, it just falls apart. His, his S's, you know, to start going downhill. The most if and if it was, as he said, do you have a nice, nice shape? So, OK, so then on top of it, they, they, they say he just had a dry mouth. That's like the official, that, which makes you crazy. You know what I mean? To think that that's all it was a dry mouth.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Well, no, to having done comedy for a while and having had some true bombs on stage. Yeah, sure. Where all the, your saliva is embarrassed to be in your body. So it's like trying to escape back into your salivary glands or something. It's like, I'm not getting, I don't want to get out there, man. Fuck this guy's bombing so bad and your mouth dries up. And when it dries up on stage, that does have it. It is, I mean, dentures or dry mouth, I don't really care.
Starting point is 01:04:25 The right, right. Who, who, and I think it's funny that like the White House is like, no, no, no, no, no. Not dentures, dry mouth. It's like, no, right. Who gives a fuck? We like, nobody cares. Yeah, he's 70 something years old. Like, like a lot of people have them.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Most people have them. Yeah. Like at that age. Yeah. Who cares? Like, that's the thing. Like he, he just, he's just infallible to, to his people and his followers. Like he can do no wrong.
Starting point is 01:04:51 They just have to like rework everything to rework the truth to, to have him like not do anything bad. I just, I just, that's what drives me nuts. But Vic, here's, this is, and again, I don't mean to rain, to even attempt to rain on your optimism, because in my best moments, I try to be optimistic. And then I truly do believe inside that everything's going to be fine. I just don't know what that everything's going to be fine is going to look like. And the, the, I think one of the things that our generation and pretty much everyone
Starting point is 01:05:24 we know has going for them is that, and even people like who, who during the Vietnam war have going for them, even people, most just people living in the United States as far, I don't think I have to think about this for a second. So we had the civil war and then like in the world wars, we, the thing is people in this country have never experienced what it's like for a plane to fly over your neighborhood and buildings to start blowing up, right? So we don't know what war feels like over here. Like we don't know what that's like to hear the sound of planes and then here
Starting point is 01:06:05 the shit start exploding and wherever you are, you might be about to die. You're probably about to die. And so when, so, so I think maybe in other countries, maybe they're a little bit more serious about their leaders. You know what I mean? Because like, they feel it, they feel the effects first hand. Yeah. And you know, this son of a, this fucking, this guy driving the bus, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:32 he could drive this bus right off the, off the fucking cliff, man. And like, and this hat, like in India, when I did go to India, one of my friends ended up in this bus that was zooming around cliffs and the driver, I don't know, who knows, maybe he wanted to die. Who knows. And then somebody in the bus actually stood up and was like, this must stop. This must stop now. And the driver stopped and like Pete, like he, he slept for the night.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And there's another thing that happened once, which is in an airplane. I don't remember this fucking plane crash where the fucking guy just locks the door and there's recordings of the guy, them trying to kick the door and then the pilot just flies the plane into the side of a mountain, like kills everybody on the fucking plane and like, and, and, and, and, and they couldn't get in. Like the door was locked. They couldn't even kick the door down, right? But what I'm saying is like, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. His fucking mouth got dry. His dentures didn't work. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's funny. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And it is funny and he's funny. His tweets are dumb. He's a dumb dumb. Oh my God. The president is such a fucking dumb dumb, right? Until, until we attack North Korea. Right. And, and, and, and everyone's like, Oh, well, they, you know, one of the weird
Starting point is 01:07:50 things over here, I think people are comforting themselves in their minds. They're thinking like, well, we know, we got a few more years until North Korea has developed nuclear warheads that they can put on their ICBMs. And also it's mutually assured destruction, right? Well, yeah, except fucking, uh, North Korea has VX gas that they could put on their fucking ICBMs right now and just drop nerve agents on cities in the, in the United States. And if they wanted to, and so mutually assured destruction is a great thing.
Starting point is 01:08:21 But if, if, on, if we have sane people on each side, but the moment you've got somebody who's like, I don't really care, I'm 70, everybody hates me. I know they hate me. I don't really fucking care. I think we can go somewhere safe. There's bunkers and shit. I don't really care. He's just drinking Diet Coke and his brain's all gummy and he's foggy and
Starting point is 01:08:48 he's having these like adrenaline jumps, you know, from all the fucking caffeine and who knows what else, right? And like, that's what I'm saying, man. That's where it's like the, the, the thing that's the, I just feel, I think the apocalypse isn't going to look like Darth Vader. I think it's going to look dumb, unsophisticated and kind of like grumpy. You know what I mean? Right, right.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Sorry for that one. No, no, that's, that's, uh, I mean, I, I do feel that too. I guess my, that was just my answer for the, uh, podcast before it was a little more optimistic, but like, no, that, I mean, I, I'm feeling the sense of dread every day, you know, and, and I, I mean, I do have faith that, that, you know, Bob Mueller is going to, going to find something that, which he probably has already and we'll start getting the Republicans on board for impeachment because he's seems like he's already obstructed justice, but also like
Starting point is 01:09:46 hopefully there's enough people surrounding him, which I don't really see too, too much evidence for it, but at least maybe General Kelly will, will be there to, you know, make sure he doesn't press that button. See, I, you know, I, like one of the things Rogan said yesterday, it was so creepy is that basically like a guy who won a popularity contest now has access to a nuclear arsenal. Right, right, you know, yeah, and he didn't even want, he just like, I don't think he really wanted the ability to, to, to nuke people.
Starting point is 01:10:23 He, he just wanted to, to win and show up Obama. And then, so then he has to go through all these, these years of being president. I don't think he really wants to do the job, you know what I mean? But, but he may use it as a way to get back at the people that hate him, you know, Vic, let's do some predictions. I want to hear some burger predictions.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Okay. Let's do some predictions. All right. What do you, if you had, if you were, if we had a ton of fucking money and we're at Vegas and we're going to put some bets down, what do you see happening in the next couple of years with Trump? Does he finish his presidency? Um, I, I think, uh, the pressure is going to be building.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And I think he will make it to, if the pressure doesn't build in, I, well, I don't know, you know, I think he'll end up resigning before anything, but whether that's, you know, after reelection or before, I'm not sure. I don't think he'll go through with getting in peace. I think it'll get down to the wire where they start digging through his finances enough where he doesn't want that exposed that he's, you know, not as rich as he says he is. I think that will be a big blow to him and he will, he will resign and hopefully
Starting point is 01:11:38 try to squash that, uh, that, uh, investigation. Do you think, one thing that I wonder is if there's people, and I think there are, if there's people like who work in, you know, what they call the deep state. Right. Right. I think maybe there's just people in, in the gov, in the government who recognize like, Oh, you guys don't realize we've got to, you can't have a fucking guy like this driving the bus and he's going insane.
Starting point is 01:12:15 They probably know that because they're monitoring him way closer than we, we, we are, you know, he's in the fucking white house. It's basically like going to live in an MK ultra laboratory. Right. Like you're in a, in the nexus point of all surveillance. You're, you're, he's, he's being watched by other countries, probably, you know, who are like listening to his calls and shit. But they, they know like, okay, okay, we got to do something.
Starting point is 01:12:41 We got to fucking do something here. I wonder if they'll like come to him at some point and say, look, here it is. The piss tape, man. Here's the thing, you know, here's just resigned. We're not going to fucking do anything. Just, I think, I think, like, once the Republicans know that they can't get anything more out of him, then they'll, then they'll, then something like that will happen.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I think, um, because he'll pretty much sign anything and put in front of him. He doesn't really care too much about it. Right. They'll, you know, once they, once they figure out that, oh, you know, he's not, or, you know, we're, we've got all we can, we've gone as far as we can. Then, then I think, yeah, something like that will happen where, where it will be some kind of uprising or yeah, maybe, yeah, maybe the piss tape, something along those lines.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Um, but he's dodged so many bullets as it is. I mean, I could see his supporters, like getting on board with the piss tape too. So, I mean, who knows. Well, somebody told, this is what somebody told me. Somebody told me that just what you're saying, that the reput, once the tax plan gets through, he's done. Like that's the last thing they need from him.
Starting point is 01:13:48 So like, if they can get this crazy, whatever the tax thing is done, then there, he's dead. He's dead, dead meat. Uh, that's what I've heard. And also I heard from somebody, I mean, you hear so many fucking things, but right before all this shit went down, somebody came up to someone was telling me, Oh, no, no, no, I know these like really rich people. And they're, they're, they're telling me he's a fucked like that.
Starting point is 01:14:10 He's just done. And like, you do keep hearing things like that. And then you wonder, Oh my God, is this just like Huffington post pipe dreams? Like, you know, is it just a dream? Like, and who's to say he's going to leave? Who's to say this is, you know, I dated a girl once whose mom was in the Iranian revolution and when everybody had to leave and like, like, uh, and, and she, she, she, people who've been in those kinds of situations where suddenly
Starting point is 01:14:40 it's just like, everything just changes. They, they look at shit like this with, and they're like, you guys don't get it, man. Like you don't get how fast this can, this can change. Like you don't understand. That's the problem because you've never had it happen, but who's can happen. Things can happen, man. Like bad, bad fucking things can happen real quick in a blink of an eye, right? An exit.
Starting point is 01:15:07 All we need, all we need, all we need is one large scale nuclear attack in any part, like smuggle in a fucking suitcase, nuke, a dude, a dirty bomb, right? Right. Any of this shit, all that, all that, that's the only thing that has to happen. And the moment that happens, then what is going to stop Trump or any president, really, but Trump, because he's the president right now from declaring martial law, suspending elections, arresting people in the news media for supporting terrorism, you know, it can happen like that, man.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And I don't know about you, but I'm not, I'm not ready to go out in the streets and start like a civil war, right? No, I'm not, I'm not ready for that at all. Right. And then, and so then you kind of look at it and you realize, oh, what could happen? Like one of the things that could happen is that actually Trump really doesn't go away. He just becomes Putin. And then the United States kind of becomes like a kind of Eastern block country
Starting point is 01:16:17 over time, like, you know, like, like, we don't get rid of him. He's an oligarch and he's in there now and it's like, he's not getting out. Good luck getting me out. What do you think? I'm going to fucking leave. Why would I leave? I'm not going to fucking leave. I'm not going anywhere.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I'm just going to hire somebody to stage some fake attacks in different parts of the country. I'm going to rig the election. I'm going to dig my fucking heels in and get ready, get ready, because the next fucking president, if I die, it's going to be a fucking Trump and it's going to go all the way down to Baron fucking Trump. And we're just going to have, you know what I mean? We're going to have a goddamn monarchy in the United States.
Starting point is 01:17:01 It's a horrifying thought run by the Trumps. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Which is why, man, what you're doing is so fucking important because in a weird way, you're the guy standing or one of the many, there's many voices out there that are, have a big reach, but you're one of the people standing up on the bus being like, this must stop.
Starting point is 01:17:24 What the fuck is this? You got to stop. But the difference between you and that guy in the bus in India is that on the bus that we're in right now, there's people who are like, no, he's fine. Right. Right. We've never had a better driver. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Speed up. Look at the fucking, this is great. This is great to go this fast. Right. And they, and they're like, sit down, burger. And so I don't know. I think what you're doing is actually one of the coolest forms of political protests I've ever seen, man.
Starting point is 01:17:59 It's just beautiful. Thanks. Thank you. Vic, thank you for being on this show, man. And can you tell people how to find you, please? Yes, you can go on Twitter. It's Vic, burger for IV. Um, also my Facebook page, Vic, burger for as burger with an E.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Um, and a lot of my videos are on super deluxe. What are you working on right now? Um, right now, um, putting together an album of songs from, you know, from the past like 15 years, uh, Flannelgraph records is going to be putting that out. Cool. And, and also working on a TV show. So that's in, that's in the works right now. Were you, are you working with, um, Hidecker's company?
Starting point is 01:18:46 Yeah, yeah, with, with absolutely. Yeah, that is awesome. Yeah. So that's, that's in the works and hopefully that's going to happen. How's it looking? Pretty good. Pretty good. Uh, just, uh, have to work on the budget and everything, a number of things to
Starting point is 01:19:01 get it together and get, uh, them to approve it should be, should be good to go. Beautiful. Vic, burger, God bless you, man. Thanks for being on the show. I hope you come back. All right. Thanks, buddy. Later.
Starting point is 01:19:13 That was Vic burger. Everybody follow him on Twitter, follow him on Instagram. All the links you need to get to Mr. Burger will be in the comments section of this episode. Much thanks to Casper for sponsoring this episode. Remember, go to Casper.com, four slash family hour, enter an offer, go to family hour, you're going to get a brand new, you're going to get $50 off of a brand new mattress, honeys.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And also if you love the DTFH, why not become my patron? I'll worship you. You can comb my hair in the bathtub. At least we can pretend that's what's happening. But most importantly, you'll be supporting the podcast that Lord Gornon Hawk from the fifth circle of hell is called the exploding sonic glory of a new sun rising from a volcano of truth. Why wouldn't you want to be part of that exploding glory?
Starting point is 01:20:06 I hope you'll consider patreon.com forward slash DTFH. If you like us, won't you subscribe to this podcast? And if this is your first time listening, welcome, go back and listen to some old episodes. I hope you will. I love you guys. I'll see you in a few days with an amazing episode with author Stephen Kotler.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Until then, God bless you. May the light of God erupt from your eyeballs at night, searing through the meaty window shades of your eyelids and burning a hole through your ceiling, exploding out of the roof of your house, connecting with the moon and downloading all of the moon data into the core of your brain, turning you into a flying glory hound and allowing you to ascend to sit at the feet of God, where she sits on her throne in heaven. I love you guys.
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