Dungeons and Daddies - Ep. 43 - Hardcore Henry

Episode Date: September 29, 2020

The dads confront Barry Oak in his chambers.This episode contains graphic language, violence, and violence towards children.Support the show on Patreon!Get merch and more at our website!Follow us on T...witter @dungeonsanddads!Check out the subreddit!Project DADGUT is the group transcription projectDM is Anthony BurchDarryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)Theme song by Maxton WallerCover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)"Blackthorn" monster is a homebrew character from the D&D Wiki by SirSprinklesSend us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dungeons and Daddies is a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups. Content warnings can be found in the episode description. Last week's episode was basically just one long, unskippable cutscene. Way to take away your player agency, DM. Horsey jams his face into the side of the reel-to-reel projector, and he goes, this is fine, this doesn't hurt, this is normal, I love this. This guy's getting his face torn to shreds, but sure, we can hear exactly what he's saying just fine. So you see your grandmother scream in terror, and everything goes black.
Starting point is 00:00:35 And when she opens her eyes again, she's somewhere new. So if Henry's grandmother is the sole survivor of some interdimensional event, then who the f*** is supposed to be filming this? After all, it's not like they've invented selfie sticks yet. Henry's screams finally stop as he falls unconscious. And then he comes to in a forest and he meets a beautiful hiker named Mercedes Garcia. And they fall in love and they get married and they have two beautiful boys. Sure, let's just skip over the whole story of their relationship with a quick montage. Okay, so when you open the door to leave the room, there's a dragon. There's a morale roll, please. So he rolled really badly.
Starting point is 00:01:05 If he got a bad roll according to the rules of OD&D, that means he should have attacked. You know what? I'm giving this one five extra sins for now being the second dragon in this show to be a total f***ing wimp.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Hey, Mr. Mustache. Yeah, what's up? You could have your own body. You could be a dog. Let's just have a whole conversation right next to everyone else, but nobody overhears it. I swear, this whole show
Starting point is 00:01:23 never clarifies where anybody is, leaving the poor audience just to have to make assumptions. Canary, where is my father? He'll just be waiting for you at the top of that temple. Do you need us to come with you, Henry? Yeah, you know, I feel like we've been pretty split up from each other. Did Henry just break the fourth wall and make a reference to how the party's been split for the last few episodes? Henry turns into a bear and he says, uh, nope, nope. That's not how wild shape works. When you're in beast form you can't speak it's like these idiots aren't even playing dnd welcome to dungeons and daddies not a bDSM podcast, a loose Dungeons and Dragons podcast
Starting point is 00:02:06 about four dads from our world flung into the Forgotten Realms in the quest to rescue their lost sons. I feel like when you say loose Dungeons and Dragons podcast, you're insulting Anthony, who's like doing all this work to run this game. No, he's right. Fine. A tight ass, super strict. This is worse. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I apologize. Approved. This is what happens, Matt. this is what happens matt this is what happened you guys missed it right before recording i was like let's have a clean fun
Starting point is 00:02:30 safe podcast guys and we're already off to this kind of nonsense i'm sorry it's my fault i will say one of the nice things about this podcast is that since we don't
Starting point is 00:02:38 play dnd we will never be invited to any official wizards of the coast dnd events ever like i saw this someone was tweeting like oh cool like dnd live here's all the things and it was like a events ever. Like I saw this, someone was tweeting, like, oh, cool, like D&D live, here's all the things.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And it was like a DM panel. And I had this thought, I was like, Anthony deserves to be on that panel. No, actually, no. I'm just picturing Anthony showing up at that panel and he's like the main character in a Diablo Cody movie. He's hung over and he's got shades on, he's chewing bubble gum and like puts his feet up on the table. I don't know why Diablo Cody was my poll for that.
Starting point is 00:03:04 He sits down cross-legged and starts playing a cup you know like in pitch perfect like whoa if anything went to one of those he would be the one on that panel stage who sits with the chair facing backwards and be like let me just like be real with you guys let me tell you kids that all the other dms when they touch the microphone it makes that feedback noise that happens in every movie when a nervous person touches a microphone. Matt Mercer's over there looking at me like trillings hairly like, who's this guy? He seems so rude, but there's something about
Starting point is 00:03:34 him. He plays the cups and he wrote his own song. He's got long hair. He wears vintage t-shirts. I'm sorry, Freddie. Do the podcast. We can move on. It's alright. My name is Freddie Wong. I play Glenn Close, the rock and roll bard of the group. This was Glenn Fact, a short one. Glenn can fall asleep standing up.
Starting point is 00:03:52 All right, moving on. I like that. I was doing the same thing. I will say this. He has to be leaning on something. It's not a freestanding thing. Like leaning on a bed. He has to be leaning on a bed horizontally. I like that Freddie clearly wanted us to follow up on that fact that we were just like all right moving on yeah you said right
Starting point is 00:04:12 into his hand right into his horsey hand see i was i was doing the same thing because the world's on fire and i just was like you know what i want easy i'm tired of not coming up with dad facts i'm just gonna pick an easy five episodes i got it nice and easy i'm just gonna do the senses what are his favorite senses so today i'm doing what are you talking about like what's his favorite sound next week i'll probably do taste nice and simple that's great for a second i think we say his favorite sense is touch what's his love language his love language is touch okay his love language. His love language is touch. Okay. His love language is barbecue. It's barbecue. Hi, my name is Matt Aron.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I play Daryl Wilson, a stay-at-home coach dad who became a barbarian when he entered the Forgotten Realms. His favorite sound is the sound that a bag of chips makes when you open it. That's it. It's just like a little pop. Oh, his least favorite sound. I'll do the favorite and least favorite. His least favorite sound is the sound of the door closing because that means everybody's gone to work or school and he's all alone. Oh, that's what he said. I think we're going to say like his favorite and least favorite. His least favorite sound is the sound of the door closing. Cause that means everybody's gone to work or school and he's all alone.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Oh, that's what he said. I think we're going to say like his favorite sound is like, he opens up a bag of chips. We're back on top, baby. Back on top. No one can stop me.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Every morning. Cool. Hey, Freddie, Matt, thanks for sharing those dad facts. You're welcome. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's really hard to talk about, but I'm glad I got through it. Thanks for bringing those dad facts to the group today. Hey, everyone. It's my turn. I'm Will Campos. I play Henry Oak, a fictional character on the podcast Dungeons and Daddies, a fictional podcast about four dads from our world who get sucked into the program. I already covered that.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Move on. Move on. That's my shit. My world's on fire. But here's a question. How about yours? That's the way I like it, and I'll never get bored. Henry is a hippie.
Starting point is 00:05:49 He's a druid. He's crunchy. He's a little bit munchy. He's a Birkenstock rockin' dad of the dad group. That's kind of what he does. And my fact about Henry this week, so there was a bit of a retcon last week where Henry revealed that his favorite TV show is not The Sunrise, but is in fact Cheers.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Because we're now going into the Dark Henry arc. Dark Henry arc, yes. This is his Dark Phoenix moment was revealing that he likes Cheers. That's just really problematic for Henry to like that much. Cheers? Yeah, you know, I don't know. I told you, man, it's his Dark Phoenix arc. We're going to see a whole new side of Henry.
Starting point is 00:06:23 So I thought I'd revisit some other Henry facts, some other Henry faves, and reveal the real fave. So Henry's favorite drink, brace yourselves, guys. It's not ice cold water. Henry's favorite drink is orange juice, dot, dot, dot,
Starting point is 00:06:40 right after you've brushed your teeth. Oh, no. All right. It's just one of the most unique flavors on earth and henry can't get enough of it one crime with another that's a worse you know it's got vitamin c it's fresh and it wakes you up in the morning you know you brush your teeth and then you could go drink coffee and get those beautiful teeth all dingy or you could have some orange juice right after brushing your teeth and drinks coffee immediately after brushing their teeth.
Starting point is 00:07:07 That's not the price. Well, you know, today's hurry up and go, ever connected social media online world. You know, we don't have the time to drink our coffee. In these uncertain times. In these uncertain times. That's what gets Henry up in the morning. More than ever. Now more than ever, Henry drinks extra pulp orange juice from concentrate.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Just to feel something. Right after brushing his teeth. Just to feel something. He brings a cup of orange juice from concentrate right after brushing his teeth. He brings a cup of orange juice into the bathroom with him so he can have it right after he brushes. Fuck off. Hey, girl, are you Will Campos because you're under arrest? And that's my dad fact. Thanks for letting me share that, guys. Hey, Will, thanks so much for fucking sharing that.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Fuck off. I'm sorry, guys. Listen, I'm here my name is beth may it's been a rough um decade last 10 years have been hard beth we're recording the podcast we're not just chatting right now sorry you guys all set a precedent of doing absolutely fucking nothing so this energy guys we have to fight barry today we gotta be on the same side i know we really got it we gotta come together we gotta we gotta come together um and so my name is beth may and uh I play Ron Stampler, emotionally detached stepfather in Rogue.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Fun fact about Ron, at the end of the last episode, I thought of something that Ron could do this episode that would be really cool and successful, and now I forget what that is. Dang. A true Ron move. Yeah. Hey, everybody.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I'm Anthony Burch. I'm your dad. Hi, dad. We talked about on social media and stuff that we have some link that you can follow to sign up to vote. And if we got like X number of people, we do a West Wing style one shot. But I had a realization and I tweeted it at the official Dungeons and Daddies account. But apparently whoever runs that doesn't like me because I didn't get a reply. I got left on red, as is so often the case on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But I did have a thought. Your own podcast didn't respond to you. That's good. See, how do I next level cuck myself? You're a reply guy to your own podcast. To your own podcast. I also had a thought, and I wanted to run it past you all really quickly,
Starting point is 00:09:19 which is we could do a West Wing episode. Guys, ignore Anthony here, too. No, I'm just kidding. Go ahead. Or we could do a Pokemon one-shot called Pokemon Go to the Poles. No. Oh, I would love to do Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:09:34 What if we do, all right, I think we need- I was invested in West Wing. Okay, that's fair. What if we do both? That's what I was gonna say. I think we need to do, it needs to be a West Wing Pokemon mashup called Pokemon Go to the Poles.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But I want ice cream, but I want pizza. I know we got a lot of Sorkin heads who listen to the podcast for our lively Sorkin-esque banter. So I just want to make sure that they feel. I will be playing Toby Squirtle. so to remind everybody what happened last episode henry watched a 20 minute long informational video about his cutscene the unskippable cutscene real kojima moment in the yeah very much so and basically found out that there's this otherworldly entity demonic horrible monster presence that has genetically been passed down through his family
Starting point is 00:10:25 line. And it is currently split into three parts between him and his two sons. And the whole group went and confronted Barry about this in his temple. Barry handed you the anchor, which is a big old bottle of overnight oats, and then told you to leave. And you correctly surmised that he was hiding something. And it turns out that amongst other things, he was hiding the fact that the Larkin Sparrow that you have are homunculi of Larkin Sparrow, not their real bodies. After unsuccessfully attempting to convince him to leave behind his narcissism and toxic masculinity, he decided that instead of wanting to keep you around so he could teach you to control the beast inside of you, he instead would much rather see it come out of you by making you
Starting point is 00:11:05 angry. And the first way he tried to prove that was by magically summoning a pillar of wood, essentially, to come out of the ground and smack, spare really hard with it, knocked it against the wall. And in response, Henry said that he turned into a bear. So we are basically in combat. Everyone, please roll initiative. Oh, guys. Fucking Henry Oak with the natural 20. Shit. Yeah. He's ready. He's got dad anger. One of the cool things about Barbarians is I get advantage
Starting point is 00:11:33 on inspiration. You get advantage on inspiration, man? What the fuck is he talking about? Yeah, I get advantage on inspiration. I get to shoot a three-pointer on top of a two-pointer. I get to roll the dice twice. For initiative. Oh, what did I say? Accidentally a word.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. And wait, Anthony, did you just say a three pooner instead of a three pooner? I sure hope I didn't. I sure hope you did. That's cool as hell. I got eight. I got 18. Anthony, 16 plus four, 20.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Okay. I got a seven. That means that Henry, you get to go first. You just watch your dad hit one of your children. What is going on with Sparrow? Let's start there. So Sparrow hits the wall, and it makes a fucking impact dent in the wall.
Starting point is 00:12:17 A Sparrow-shaped hole? No, it's not a hole. He doesn't go all the way through it, but it makes a dent. It's a DBZ anime impact. Yes, very much so. When Krillin gets much so my cell or something like that yes yes and he falls out of it and gets onto his hands and knees and then he comes up he
Starting point is 00:12:31 comes up to just his knees and one little like stream of blood is running down his mouth and he coughs and more blood comes out and he like tries to wipe it with his fist but he just ends up smearing it across his cheek so he's still still alive, though? He's still alive, but he's wounded. He's a homunculus. Could you imagine how great it would be if audiobooks would all just use anime references to describe action scenes? Just as a visual reference.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So this guy in Gatsby's pool, the bullet goes through him kind of like when Goku shot Frieza through the... I can't believe I said this guy in Gatsby's pool to avoid spoilers for the great Gatsby. He's in Gatsby's pool, but I won't say who he is. Read the book, dear readers. And then Gatsby and his friends have to collect all the Dragon Balls. So I already turned into a bear
Starting point is 00:13:25 because I thought that would be a cool thing to do at the end of the last episode. But I'm pretty sure that means I can't cast spells, so I can't heal my son. I look to Glenn, the other healer in the group, and I'm like, I also realized I can't talk because I shouldn't have. I mean, I said, let's go.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But we're going to assume that Henry said, let's go in bear speech. I feel like you could talk. You've consistently talked this entire time as animals. Why stop now? Okay, you know what? Hold on real quick. For all the rule poindexters, here's what happens. Let's go in bear speed. I feel like you could talk. You've consistently talked this entire time as animals. Why stop now? Okay. You know what? Hold on real quick.
Starting point is 00:13:49 For all the rule poindexters, here's what happens. Dads have a psychic connection. All the dads have a psychic connection. We can talk to each other in animal form. They're done. Done. Retcon. Done.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Okay. Well, at any rate, I am going to go ahead and charge at, well, wait a second. Wait a second. Because we know that. Wait, wait, wait. Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. There's the, there's the anti-violence thing.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You gotta go for the staff. There's a, there's a staff in it. Where is the staff? we know that. Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. There's the there's the anti-violence thing. So there's a go for the staff. There's a there's a staff. And where is the staff? He's holding it in his left hand. Specifically, he's holding a staff that at the top of which is a crystal. And it's the same crystal that you saw him making in the Kojima cut scene that basically explains why there's an anti-violence perimeter all around Oakvale. Henry, enraged, lets out a feral bear roar and charges at Barry Oak with the goal of clobbering that staff out of his hands.
Starting point is 00:14:28 So give me, I guess, give me an attack roll. And he's going to make a dexterity roll, hosed. That sounds so, I haven't heard those words in a long time. Yeah. We did some fighting. We fought a big crab in the, you know, in the other thing. Oh, I wasn't there. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So I can do multi-attack. So I am going to do two attacks. My first attack is going to be with my claw and I got 14. That's hits. So he's less than 14. Oh, we got this. So you managed to get a claw on the staff, but he holds onto it tight. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You essentially have him grappled so long but he holds onto it tight. Okay. You essentially have him grappled so long as he wants to hold onto this staff. And you didn't hurt him at all, obviously, because you weren't trying to. What is this staff made of? So the staff is just made of wood. It's a normal staff about this tall. About how tall? About how tall?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Sorry, one more time. Just for the people all listening to this podcast. Exactly how tall are we talking about here? Is this as tall as a circus tent? I got lost because I was so excited to describe a staff like Indy does in Raiders of the Lost Ark that I was just quoting him and he just does that with his hands. Oh, that's what exactly?
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm sorry, everyone. It's a staff that is about five feet tall that's just made of wood and it's big enough you can hold it in one hand. What about the people using metric? I don't know. All right. Our international listeners.
Starting point is 00:15:39 That's a little less than two meters. Hey, girl, are you from England? Because I got nothing for you. What does that mean? I don't know. It's already gone so off the rails. I'm going to use my second attack to try to bite through this staff. Through the wooden half of the staff?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Through the wood of the staff, yeah. Nice. Okay, cool. I've done that to a man before. Oh, my God. Oh, fuck. I got a nine. So a nine is definitely not gonna do it you like chew into
Starting point is 00:16:06 the staff and he like you it's a little bit cute uh strengthens your teeth a little bit he's teething uh you bite into it but he manages to grab the snout of your bare face and like hold it upward a little bit to prevent you from fully biting down with your full strength but he's still grappled and he can't move unless he wants to let go of the staff. Okay. So next up in the initiative is Glenn. Okay. I feel like burn this place down. Listen, this is a back pocket move, but right now I'm going to invoke a little gift, a little weapon that we got that we forgot about up until this very moment. I'm going to draw the sword of pocket sand with a sharp cry of daddy, daddy, ho!
Starting point is 00:16:47 And I'll draw it. And if I recall, what it does is as I draw it, a bunch of sand comes flying out towards Barry's face. That's cool. And it's a plus one longsword. That's good. And it's a King of the Hill reference for those of you playing the random.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Pocket sand. It's a Dale Gribble special. So he's going to roll dexterity. And if he misses, he's going to be unable to dodge the sand as it heads towards his eyes oh he rolled a six so a sheath full of pocket sand hits him in the face and for the uh entirety of his next round he will be blinded whoa which means he'll have disadvantage on any attacks that revolve for him using his eyes i'll throw that attack i'll blind them and then as he's stumbling around blind, I'll be like, better go check on the kiddo.
Starting point is 00:17:27 You move yourself right next to Sparrow. And he is like, I can do it. I can fight. And he tries to stand up and his knees waver for a second. And he immediately falls back down onto his knees. And then Glenn, like kind of like temples his hands together.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And then just like very quietly says to Sparrow, like, I think it would be really cool if you gave your brother the other gauntlet so he could have both of them. But I just, I just got it. But you're right. That is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So maybe that's what he'll do on his turn. I'll also burn a bonus action to do bardic inspiration. Hey, you can heal people, can't you? I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately I don't think I have massage oh no sorry message that's not I think a spell is a whole thing Will
Starting point is 00:18:13 spells differentiate so if you have healing word that's usually a bonus action versus like full cure wounds is a standard action no unfortunately I don't have any of those I have some full on spell ass heals okay that's fine okay never mind sparrow's not covered under my spells hmo so damn and i'm gonna give the bardic inspiration to who's after me daryl is next daryl i think you're getting this one what are you
Starting point is 00:18:37 whispering in my ears i'm just gonna scream the led zeppelin ah, that is ringing in Daryl's ears. And then like, I'm going to go longer than you would expect with it. As you're doing your thing, I'm also still doing the thing like, oh yeah, yeah. And then the live version, the bass comes like,
Starting point is 00:18:55 I'm kind of like in my own world, sort of thinking about Led Zeppelin as well. Nice. As that starts playing, Daryl confidently just pushes payton back like very clearly and with his motion clearly he's telling both kids lark at spur like step back he sees everything that henry's been through he evokes rage he grasps his axe and he's gonna try to chop the staff in half now that uh it's being held in place right yeah now that's being held in
Starting point is 00:19:21 place it's like that scene in titanic with the axe when like you know he's teaching rose yeah when she tries to hit the same spot twice yeah i was like what scene in titanic the one where they make love in the car where god takes his axe to the center of titanic and splits it apart daryl just grabs payton it's like please i have a child daryl runs away okay so are you that axe because I'm never going to let you go
Starting point is 00:19:48 so because the staff is being held on to by both a bear's face and Barry's hand you are going to
Starting point is 00:19:56 roll with disadvantage to hit just the staff and not anybody else because if you hit anybody else it's going to wating off of the magic spell essentially
Starting point is 00:20:04 okay I'm just double checking because once this attacks it's good because i get extra shit and 15 is my lower one which 15 plus 6 plus 2 for barbarian so yeah that's a 20 something i lost track 23 okay so describe to me exactly how you managed to destroy the staff, but not Henry or. Well, the way I do that is to make sure I don't hit his head is I take one giant leap and land on the back of Henry. So I'm riding him and I hold the axe above me and I bring it right down right next to his head. With the confidence of knowing that you can't hurt him anyway, right? Yeah, all the psychological. It's all psychological.
Starting point is 00:20:43 All the psychological stuff is out of the way. Yeah. And like having the head very close to where I start swinging, like right there, like, you? Yeah, exactly. I feel good. It's all psychological. All the psychological stuff is out of the way. Yeah. And like having the head very close to where I start swinging, like right there, like, you know, my legs are wrapped around there. It's like, I know exactly where it's going. I'm not gonna hit my own leg. So yeah, I slashed that thing in half. The staff shatters at its midpoint and the crystal atop of it begins to fall.
Starting point is 00:20:58 So Barry is going to make a reaction, try to catch it. And he gets a nat 20. So he just sensed it, even though he was blinded oh he's got disadvantage you're right you're right okay he got a 19 with his other really damn does he do that before i do my second attack he's definitely grabbed it now you can do your second attack cool it's like slow motion like kung fu movie right here so then as i see him grab this thing that falls i'm gonna do a grapple action oh it's like a fumble in football now you guys are wrestling over the ball oh shit I guess a 19 so I'm essentially rolling
Starting point is 00:21:31 off of Henry's head and as I'm doing that I'm like I got you buddy and as I'm whispering it to his ear because I'm doing like that black widow move where I'm like swinging around his neck nice or the or the legolas around the horse but in. So I'm just rounding off of Henry's neck while then wrapping myself around Barry's neck. So I'm like transferring like a gymnast from one neck to the other. And I'm just going to pin him down like a wrestler. So you managed to do that with your 19. So you basically do a transitional Hurricanrana to Hurricanrana move and pin him on the ground. And I whisper into his ear, I go, you're a shitty dad.
Starting point is 00:22:11 There's so much in there barry goes that may be but at the end of this i'm still going to be a dad so daryl like flinches you know as if he got hit uh so it's payton's turn next and seeing you pinning uh really it's payton's turn before my turn? Your turn is literally last. That fucking sucks. Peyton's not even on this podcast. Andy, could you please roleplay Peyton as a guest on the podcast next week? Like he's playing the game with us? Okay, so for my turn, I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:22:50 I see that Daryl is pitting barry and i just i run up and i look good my legs look muscular i'm like i've been training for this moment my whole life yes all right we get it paid and just what move are you doing what are you rolling i run up and i slide on my belly towards barry and henry and i raise my hand up and i slam the ground and i go one and i raise it up again and I slam the ground again. And I go, two, and I raise it up again and I slam the ground. And he goes, three. And you have officially now defeated Barry in a wrestling match. Nice.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Good move, Peyton. I know that's better than stabbing somebody, I guess. Peyton, that's why you're the favorite member of the podcast team. Do we level up? We beat him, right? Okay. So now it's L We beat him, right? Okay. So now it's Lark and Sparrow's turn. Wait, is that all he does?
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah. I love Peyton. He spent his whole action doing that. Oh, he's learned, little guy. Yeah, that's a full three count. He didn't move and he did a three count. I don't know what more you want. Okay, so now it's Lark and Sparrow's turn.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So Lark looks back at Sparrow and he goes, Brother! And reaches out and Sparrow's turn. So Lark looks back at Sparrow and he goes, brother! And reaches out and Sparrow, still bleeding from the mouth, goes, Lark, you remember what I told you about being a love wolf? And Lark goes, of course, brother, of course. And Sparrow goes, forget it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And he throws Lark the other gauntlet and Lark is going to try to catch it in midair. He gets a natural one. Oh, no! So the gauntlet comes full force, and it hits them square in the fucking face and does... Oh, my goodness. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Does four damage. Oh, dear. Oh, you hate to see it. It cracks his forehead open, and now there's a little bit of blood trickling down his head as well. Oh, my God. But he smiles, and he goes, thank you, brother. That is just what I needed.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And he turns around and still just with the one glove, because he can't see through the blood in his eyes. Does he do the Bruce Lee, where he, like, rubs the blood and tastes it to get pumped up? Yeah, exactly. So he just runs and leaps into the air, and is going to aim and try to bring the fist down onto the crystal to smash it so i'm going to give him a roll for that with disadvantage because he's blinded all right so with a nine he hits the crystal and it just barely hits it from the wrong angle and deflects a little bit and his fist ends up landing right next to barry's face and he sort of lands atop both daryl and barry in this weird like three man dog pile, and the blood from his face is streaming down onto
Starting point is 00:25:06 Barry's and mixing with the sand on his face and turning into this horrible red mud. And Blark just goes, first one's a warning. Wow. By the way, this is just Thanos. Sparrow just did Thanos. Yeah, pretty much. So now it's Barry's turn.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Are we going to solve this before Beth gets the turn? Yeah. So he is going to, even though he's got disadvantage on any visual stuff, he is going to say, I suppose it's time. Stop talking to yourself. Stop talking to yourself, asshole. I'm talking to you. Whatever. Shut up. My ass.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And as he says that, he transforms. What? Beneath you, Daryl, you feel all of a sudden his flesh starts to push toward your body in a way that doesn't make sense like little spikes and then it starts to grow hard and then you realize his entire body's beginning to spindle outwards and grow hard and black and he's turning into a large bipedal tree called a black thorn oh shit with like little like twigs on it as sharp as blades and it's still blinded it's a blind tree for this turn what am i holding on to now so you're basically holding on to the tree itself as he stands up and you're sort of dangling from the branches of the tree now for like dexterity
Starting point is 00:26:12 or something it feels like this tree yeah yeah go for it uh my dexterity is seven plus one so i got an eight okay so you fall off of the tree as he like very suddenly transforms and you get knocked back and you take a d6 of damage as you hit the ground and then he is going to oh it's in a cone oh it's in a cone okay he's going to open his mouth and because this doesn't require him to make a two hit his disadvantage isn't going to matter for this particular one he's going to open his mouth and he exhales a green gas in a 30 foot cone which i imagine hits daryl and Lark and Payton and Henry, but probably nobody else because you haven't run up to him yet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:49 So all of you, and by all of you, I mean both of you and then two fictional characters, make a constitution saving throw. You're looking for more than a 14 on your constitution. That's a 20. I got a 19. Payton and Lark both rolled very poorly. He's just counting that poor boy. Leave him alone.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You take half damage on a successful save. So you both take. Wait, I thought we have the crystals up though. Isn't there a crystal that. So yeah, you say that as that's happening. And Barry goes, do you think that I wouldn't make myself an exemption to the spell? Oh, you prick. Do you not understand?
Starting point is 00:27:20 I've been trying to tell you, Hen, over and over. We are superior to other people. The rules don't apply to us, especially rules about pain and he does this and you and Matt take 3d6 damage and then the two boys are gonna take 6d6 damage Shit I took 8 damage. I took 8 damage. Okay, so Peyton takes 17 damage which is a lot. He's bloodied, but he's still alive. Lark takes 27 damage.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Oh my God. And I'm sorry, this is not going to be a pleasant description, but you see Lark trying to anger his way through the pain that is coursing through him as he begins to hack and cough. And he's looking very dead in the eye with nothing but hatred as he falls to his knees and then just falls over. Oh my God. And he's not moving. And now it's Ron's turn. What?
Starting point is 00:28:24 I was a lot more excited about this turn a few turns ago. Holy shit. Okay. Ron, you got to save everybody. Okay. Yeah, sure. So the tree can't see, right? The tree is blind.
Starting point is 00:28:39 The tree is blind. But it has a mouth. I have no mouth and I must tree. He's got to get that crystal. That's your specialty, pickpocket. Yeah. Okay. So can the tree feel anything?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Does the tree bark function at all like skin? Yeah, he'll feel stuff. Okay. Okay, cool. And just so you know, the crystal now that he's in tree form, it's dangling from one of his branches like a Christmas ornament. I want to like attack him physically and then have uh mr mustache fetch the crystal oh shit oh wow okay so then what you'd be doing is you'd be
Starting point is 00:29:12 rolling an attack and it doesn't matter whether you succeed or not because you're just doing it to distract him and then that would give mr mustache advantage on a sleight of hand roll to try to bite the crystal off of the branch that's like playing hunter in world of war Warcraft now, which is my favorite class because you get an animal. So now you're now a pet class. Yeah, you get a pet class. Is there a pet class in D&D? I'm pretty sure there is. Well, there is now. But it's definitely not a rogue with a dog who has a mustache that is also their friend. I'm going to say that I'm going to chop at him with one of my business cards. So I've got 17 plus four. So with a 21, you would hit if the crystal were not an issue. But as it is, your business card comes up and it comes down a beautiful slicing motion as you jump through the air.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And with all of your might, you slash downward, but it still stops a hair's breadth away from actually hitting the bark. And Barry, the tree is like, see, the friends you've made are so stupid. And I don't understand. As he's saying that mr mustache i do who i just rolled for gets advantage on his sleight of hand roll mr mustache fucking gallops toward the tree and jumps into the air with like a silent whisper he like sails through the air with an open good boy mouth his mustache tails like flapping in the wind. Mr. Mustache. And wide mouthed, he clamps his jaw around the crystal
Starting point is 00:30:28 and plucks it off the tree like a fucking ripe apple and then just lands with it. And he's got it in his jaw now. And then he runs down the street and you're like, come on, boy, come back. You don't have a leash on, come on. And then he gives it back to Barry and goes, throw it for me.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Now it is Henry's turn again. Okay, Henry, who just saw, and again, he knows it's a homunculus, but he just saw his son get wracked with pain and drop over dead, basically. Yeah. It's just blinded with rage. He sees the crystal in Mr. Mustache's hands,
Starting point is 00:30:57 or his ma, rather, and runs up, bear style, and just swipes the, I'm just gonna smash the crystal. Mr. Mustache can read the room and he just drops the crystal out of his mouth and then backs away. I say give! So go ahead and give me a roll. Alright, I got a 17 for my
Starting point is 00:31:14 first attack. That does it. Would you bring down your claws on it? Yes. With the strength of a bear empowered by the strength of an angry father, your claw comes down and just slices the fucking crystal in twain. It's just like, like again,
Starting point is 00:31:28 like in an anime, slow motion is sharp. And Barry goes, and then like turns and looks and sees the crystal shattering. And even though he's only in tree form, you can still see and sense that for the first time,
Starting point is 00:31:42 he is at a loss for words. So you got another attack. All right henry lets out a vicious roar and just chomps into the side of this tree and just starts ripping bark out with his ma awesome give me a roll or just gets a good back scratch from nice yeah you know oh natural 20 whoa okay roll your damage big boy. Check out the big brain on Brad. Oh man, shitty roll. That's a three plus four is seven damage. Did you roll damage twice? Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I guess I've got two, it's 2d8 plus four. So I rolled 2d8 and I guess that's what I got. Oh no. Okay. Whiff city. You managed to take a chunk out of him. Even though you can tell it didn't actually hurt him that much. He like yelps in surprise and looks down and he just goes, how dare you? The psychic damage of having his son raise a hand or a mouth to him, I guess, is almost more damaging than the bite itself.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Glenn. Okay, okay, okay, okay. It was a lot of work for that oil thing when we just broke the crystal. Listen, this is... No, good backup plan. It's not any less of a good plan. That's true, that's true. You can still burn down the whole place.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah. It's not enough to defeat Barry. I want to burn down his entire thing. Yeah, we need to ruin the lives of a bunch of innocent people who had nothing to do with it, too. I mean, they're a bunch of good Germans, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:33:05 They knew what was going on. They knew what was going on. All right. Oh, man. So I'm going to cast Bestow Curse. Whoa. Yes. So Bestow Curse, this is a spell I picked up,
Starting point is 00:33:20 just a little trick I picked up on the road. You touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. The wisdom save is 14, Anthony. When you cast the spell choose the nature of a curse from the following options, which I have a number of things. Glenn pulls out his index finger like a six
Starting point is 00:33:37 shooter and blows on it and goes boop motherfucker and he touches him. He's like, you're hereby cursed. What happens if he saves? If he saves, then nothing happens. Great game, motherfucker. And he touches him. He's like, here, hereby cursed. What happens if he saves? If he saves, then nothing happens. Great game, Gygax. Unfortunately, he saves. So your turn means nothing, apparently.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I'm sorry. Because Glenn does not have the actual power to curse people. He just thinks he can. Glenn's like, well, man, I thought this would work. In the meantime, then, Glenn, for the additional or the movement bonus action, is going to head on over to the window. I assume that Aaron's familiars are smart enough to kind of keep an eye on us. Oh, for sure. Are they out there? Is one of them out there? Yeah, you can see the owl is particularly making circles around the temple tower,
Starting point is 00:34:18 trying to catch sight of you. When he does, it sees you and then just sort of starts hovering in place like it cocks its head as if waiting for i go not yet but you'll know it uh makes a thumbs up as much as an owl possibly can with its uh talons daryl is your turn daryl is shaking some lack of confidence as he's looking through his uh sheet and realize there's a ton of things he could have done like uh advantage on dex rolls and he could have probably reduced the damage to save henry's boys if he looked paid more attention to what he was fucking doing so anyways daryl shakes that off and first thing he looks at henry he's given the nod of like you want me to go hard on this are we going on your are we doing this are we smashing your dad up like he's like henry's not
Starting point is 00:35:03 paying attention to daryl henry is too pissed off and is trying to take this tree down. All right. Then Daryl seeing that Henry's enraged, like he's got it. And Daryl, his first move is I'm going to run to pick up Peyton. Okay. So I run, I pick up Peyton. He's still coughing. Baby boy, baby boy.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. Daryl's so overwhelmed. He picks up. Are you okay, son? He he goes i got you dad daryl runs and puts payton to the far end of the room and then turns around and with a second action he throws his axe at barry it feels like you don't want to let go of your thing but okay whatever man it's happening all right go for it give me a roll that's That's a seven. Bardic Inspiration. Oh, Bardic Inspiration. What do I do? Roll a d8? Roll a 1d8.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I got a one on your eight. What? Zeppelin gave you a one? Yep. Sorry, bro. That's what happened. Yeah, so unfortunately, Barry just slaps the axe out of the air with one of his branchy hands.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And now it is Sparrow's turn. He just saw his brother fall to the ground in front of him. Oh, no. And he turns and he sees payden coughing and hacking up in the corner like completely helps do anything and sparrow goes all right it's fine you gotta do something you do yourself oh god he walks across the room while you guys are fighting and like limping like fucking john mcclain at the end of die hard and he picks up the glove of his that at the end of die hard and he picks up
Starting point is 00:36:25 the glove of his that he gave to his brother and then he picks up his brother's glove gently taking it from his limp hand pausing to like put a hand on lark and go i'm gonna fuck him up real good brother he closes his eyes he closes his eyes but with the big hulk hand and he punches his hands together, and he goes, power, power, power, power! And he runs and does a diving, like, both of his fists out, like fucking Captain Marvel. Holy shit. And he rolls.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Oh, and he hits. Yay! Really quick, wait, wait, wait. Anthony, do you realize that this scene is foreshadowed in literally episode one? No. Because they're biting a tree. They're punching a tree!
Starting point is 00:37:03 Oh, fuck! When we first meet Lark and Sparrow. That's wild. Isn't that crazy? That is really wild. That is really wild. That is crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:12 That's so good. Power. They're saying power the whole time. Holy shit. Cut out all of this so it seems intentional. Oh, shit. Wow. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:21 He's going to basically get a double attack, one with each glove, which is definitely not something those gloves say you should do but fuck it it's cool once he's hit him with both gloves he like reaches back before he even falls down and hits the ground and then just slams him again and hits him both times so he's gonna do anthony these are weapons from dnd 1.0 so you have to adjust for inflation which means they're five times as powerful. No, unfortunately, these are actually 5e weapons that I put in the 1.0 dungeon. You hate to see it. I cheated. So what are they, actually?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah, what are they? From this attack, can we figure out what they are? Okay, so this is now a homebrewed version of the Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Oh. He hits him with these gauntlets, and it does more damage than would usually happen from an unarmed attack, and is easier to hit.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Sounds a little ogre-powered to me. So it's going to do 16 damage. Whoa! With those two hits. Strong boy. Barry just looks at him with shock and horror and he goes, there it is. That's what I've been wanting to see. That's what I want to
Starting point is 00:38:20 see. And now it is Barry's turn. He feels you ripping at the bark of his tree body and he goes enough of this enough of this and he again begins to morph and his branches begin to turn green and slimy and they turn into tentacles as his body begins to turn into a large almost frog-like creature and his head turns into an eye stalk of three eyes all next to each other, and he's turned into a froghemoth. What?
Starting point is 00:38:49 And in froghemoth form, he's going to take out his tentacle, and he is going to grapple Henry with it, so he's going to roll to see if he can grapple. So unfortunately, with your armor class being as low as he is, he only rolled a two, but he has a plus ten to hit with his tentacle. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So he's gonna do 3d8 plus 6 bludgeoning damage to you. 3d8 plus 6 bludgeoning damage. We're getting carried away. He was just grappling. He's not gonna do... And he's going to grapple you. Okay. Oh, shit. I have bear
Starting point is 00:39:22 HP, don't I? You do. God fucking damn it. I just realized the bear has way less HP. Okay, let's see. So 17. I got nine HP left. But I think if I turn back into a human form, I don't come back with nine HP, right? You will still lost whatever HP you would lost,
Starting point is 00:39:37 but it goes from your human maximum, I think. Gotcha. So he's got four tentacles, and every individual tentacle can't attack more than once if it's grappling somebody, but he can attack twice. So with his second tentacle, he's going to reach out
Starting point is 00:39:49 and Barry in his massive frog hemoth form is going, now, which one of these do you like the most? Hmm, Daryl, the big one, the big boy. Yes, you. And he's going to lash out
Starting point is 00:40:00 with these tentacles. And Glenn goes, whew! And Ron's like, hey, Glenn, you want to get out of here? I mean... We could just go. So he lashes out
Starting point is 00:40:09 with his tentacle at you, Daryl. What is your AC? While not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 plus dex modifier plus constitution modifier plus any shield bonus.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Holy shit. So it's actually... My AC is 17. Whoa. We need to get you a shield, dude. So he only rolled a 5, so a 15 does not beat your 17. Wow. We need to get you a shield, dude. So he only rolled a 5, so a 15 does not beat your 17. So he tries to wrap
Starting point is 00:40:30 his tentacle around you. What is it that Daryl does that prevents him from gaining purchase? Like all belts that don't quite fit around Daryl, it begins the wrap around, and then with a big sigh, he goes, and he just kind of pushes his gut out and flicks the tentacle right back at him.
Starting point is 00:40:49 That's so good. But Daryl's pants fall off at the same time. But he rises his zippers down. Oh, my God. That's so good. It's Sparrow's turn again. He is going to attack twice, and he whiffs with both. He gets a one and a two.
Starting point is 00:41:05 So unfortunately he misses with both of his. Dang. Ron, it is your turn. I'm going to pick up Daryl's axe and I'm going to try to cut off one of the tentacles. Give me a roll. That is a 14 plus three, 17. That is going to do it. Go ahead and give me damage.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Seven plus three is 10. Okay. So you do 10 damage to him. Describe what happens as you bring this fucking axe down, because this is actually a pretty hardcore looking Ron move. Yeah, this is some Ronald the Barbarian stuff. Ron looks super cool. Even Daryl's like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And super badass. Mr. Mustache is like cheering him on. They're really like a great Air Bud duo right now, where it's like, yo, dog, you did a great job. I'm doing a good job for my dog. And then Ron just, like, his delts. I don't know what the thingy, the muscle thingy on the side of your arm is, but, like, when they're big but, like, defined, they're kind of hot. Bicep or tricep?
Starting point is 00:42:00 No, no, he looks really hot. Like, the thing is he looks really hot. Brings the axe down. I think the tentacle makes its own noise, like the, ah, like a Medusa sort of, ah. And then, yeah, that's what happens. And I think that Ron is going to use the rest of his turn to try and see if he can shepherd any of the children
Starting point is 00:42:16 sort of away from the situation. Okay. You slice through the tentacle and it goes limp immediately. So now Henry is no longer grappled, which is pretty good. Are you trying to get Sparrow away? Yeah. Okay, so Sparrow is still trying to punch at the frog. It's probably going to fight back against you.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So you're going to have to make an opposed strength check. And he's wearing gauntlets of strength. Actually, I'll just try to convince him. Okay, all right. How to convince. This is pretty boring, right? Roll persuasion with, I want to say triple disadvantage. I'm just saying, it'd be a lot less boring over out there.
Starting point is 00:43:01 That's where. Make your horrible persuasion roll. Disadvantage. So let's see here i got a seven yeah he turns back at you and you have literally never seen more bloodlust in a human being in your entire life i am so sorry I just trying to save you. He goes, there's no saving this. Henry, it's your turn. Henry is going to debare and then he is going to cast blight on his father. Necromantic energy washes over a creature of your choice that you can see from within range, draining moisture and vitality from it. So it's a constitution saving throw.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Oh, unfortunately, constitution is something this Fraghemoth is very strong at. So he saves. Fuck. He got a natural 20 plus five. God damn it. All right. All right. Well, let's see.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Hold on. All right. So he's going to take 48 damage. Oh, lovely. Oh, that would have been 88 if he hadn't saved. It would have been 88. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:04 It's one of my specials. It's one of Henry's limit breaks. He takes 16 damage. Henry looks to Ron and to Sparrow and sees this argument going on. And he says, let him fight, Ron. Henry, let's get out of here. Come on. You don't want to do this to your dad. Ron, I don't want to hurt my dad, but I got to know where my kids are. I need to know and he knows and we're going to make him talk. Just like Jack Bauer. He's not going to tell you. I mean, we got to find that out though, man.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Like I can't, he knows where my kids are. So as you say that, your eyes briefly dart to the inert form of Lark on the ground. Actually, give me a perception roll. This doesn't have to do with smelling, does it? Uh, I, uh, you know what? It can. Oh, I thought I had like a, hold on one second. Oh no, it was in my brown bear form, which I just turned out of. Damn it. Actually, you know what? No, give me a retroactive roll for your brown bear form because you would have smelled this regardless of what was going on at the time. Okay. In that case, I get advantage on rolls based around my keen sense of smell. So I got a
Starting point is 00:45:05 17. So in this moment, there was a scent on the air that you couldn't quite place initially when you were in bear form. But as you're arguing with Ron about what to do to find your kids, you smell and then you hear a voice from the wall going, father, father, the afterlife, it is dark. Like, father, father, the afterlife, it is dark. And then Sparrow begins to hear it too. And Sparrow's like, brother, brother, where are you? And you just hear Lark's voice going, I don't know, but I can see you and you're unconscious.
Starting point is 00:45:35 You're sleeping. Oh, you're like a little angel when you're sleeping. He goes, thank you, brother. Yeah, you can definitely hear them with an earshot. Okay, so they're within, I'm not hearing that like in my mind or anything. No, no, you're physically hearing that in the space. They're in earshot. I'm like, guys, the kids, I can hear them. They're in the walls.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's like in that movie with the aliens where they're in the walls. Murph, Murph. The clock, the clock, the one with the clock in the wall. The interstellar. Remember when the Hawkeye from Dazed and Confused is stuck in the wall? It's like that.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Oh. I don't know if they're in another dimension, but I can hear them. Make some noise, Lark. Just bang around on stuff. You're getting a one-time pass from your dad to make as much of a ruckus as you are right now. You hear the sound of somebody struggling
Starting point is 00:46:11 and you hear the familiar voice of your son, Lark, going, Ah, noise, noise, noise. Party time, party time. Somebody find me. I want to beat up my granddad. So basically on anybody's turn, you can use a bonus action to make a perception roll. And if you succeed,
Starting point is 00:46:25 you'll narrow down where in the room he is. I am going to also use Balm of the Summer Court as a bonus action to cast some heal skis for real skis on my boy. On Sparrow? How about Payton? Freddy didn't heal Payton. Payton's hurt.
Starting point is 00:46:41 He's real boy. Oh, wait, no, he's on Immoculite too. No, but like he doesn't have a real form so we don't know what happens to payton yeah he might vanish but payton's also kind of out of the fight right now that's true and glenn can also heal so i didn't say anything because he was doing it but i just laughed because the turn before freddy's two kids got freaking destroyed and then he just walked past them and did his curse. Instead of healing them. I'm trying to role play Glenn as accurately as possible.
Starting point is 00:47:07 That's why I didn't say anything. I didn't want to make you feel bad about it. So if you get in the way of my method, Matt, I will not have it. That's why I didn't say anything. I wanted you to do it. Wait, so are we trying to heal these kids that aren't real kids? I don't know. Good question.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I guess you're right. And if anything, if they're both over there, I can hear them both better. And they can make more noise. Fair enough. I'm going to heal. And if anything, if they're both over there, I can hear them both better and make more noise. Fair enough. I'm going to heal Payton for 10 hit points of damage. Payton's coughing stops and he like tries to get back up. He goes like, oh no. He grabs his chest and then it just sort of sits back down.
Starting point is 00:47:35 He's like, moral support. I got you for back here. Thank you though. Glenn. So wait, so this creature has three eyes is what you're saying, right? So if I cast hypnotic pattern, will that work like three times as strong?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Because it's, you know what I'm saying? Well, I mean, if anything, presuming an enemy that has two eyes, a third eye would just mean that it works 1.5 times as strong. Yeah. Dude, I'm just listening. I'm just following the math that Mr. Gygax laid down. Yeah, let's say it's 1.5 times as effective. Okay, so I'm going to cast Hypnotic Pattern. Before I do, I'm going to yell,
Starting point is 00:48:05 I muffs! So immediately Sparrow puts his whole hands up to his face. Now do the other dads think about this? Henry does because he knows the term I muff, so he covers his eyes. Okay. Wait, what did you say, Freddie? So Daryl doesn't do it.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Okay, so Daryl misses it. You said I muff? I muffs. Oh, I muff. That's the last thing you say before he does it. And Ron, would you put your Imuffs on? Yeah. You definitely see Mr. Mustache do it with his little doggy paws and go like, oh.
Starting point is 00:48:39 And I try to do that with my ears, too. Okay, so whatever you do, both Daryl and Ron are probably going to also suffer the consequences. So I will cast Hypnotic Pattern. I create a twisting pattern of colors that weaves through the air inside a 30-foot cube within range. The pattern appears for a moment and vanishes. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern must make a wisdom saving throw, saving a 14 here. Failed save, you're charmed. While charmed, you're charmed while charmed you're
Starting point is 00:49:05 incapacitated and have zero speed whoa okay it's basically it looks like one of those old itunes music visualizers yes exactly it's like i found some bootleg fireworks when we were like walking through glenn just picks up bootleg fireworks wherever city they go into and this one's like the itunes visualizer bootleg fireworks we got this in water deep just yeah i honestly really wanted to fail this one i wanted you to i don't know i just wanted to sit there but i got 19 plus one on my wisdom so that's a 20 um let's see plus one so that's gonna be a three okay so both ron and the frog hemoth uh look at this conflagration of colors and really cool visual effects they stare dumbfounded and dumbstruck at it the frog hemoth's jaw just sort of goes slack and his big old tongue lolls out and you can see on the end of his tongue is
Starting point is 00:49:57 another smaller like tentacle sucker thingy and he goes but why oh God. Y'all remember them funny frogs? They were great. Oh my God. Okay, so yeah, he is charmed and incapacitated. So Anthony, this lasts for one minute. One minute? So the spell ends. No, but when you get hit,
Starting point is 00:50:18 the charm goes away, right? Yes, when you get hit, you'll get kicked out. And if someone uses an action to shake you out of your stupor, which we can do for Ron. Hey, girl, are you the spell or my eggs? Because you lasted for one minute. That's like really long, right? That's like 10 turns or something.
Starting point is 00:50:37 That is so long. Yeah, it's a long time. Hey, that's great. I like that. So wait, we have 10 turns to just kind of chill for a second, y'all. It is Daryl's turn. So can you tell that he's charmed as you saw a cool fireworks show?
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah, I mean, you saw his mouth go, but he looked like something happened to him. Wait, Glenn, this is the perfect time to bust out your crocodile hunter impression to talk about how you subdued this big frog. Now, boys, have a look over here. What we got here is a frog. That knocks him out of his charm state.
Starting point is 00:51:03 What? No! Uh-oh, she's going to the death roll. Froggy. Froggy woke right up. Daryl runs over to Ron and grabs his axe and goes, Ron, snap out of it. Do I? You do.
Starting point is 00:51:15 All right. That was the main action on your turn was snapping Ron out of it. That was my main action, but I'm a barbarian, so we're still in combat, right? Great, yep. Hell yeah. So I got second action. I try to listen for the kids' voices in the wall as my second action.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Okay, great. Give me a perception roll. That's a five. So unfortunately- I walk into the wall. It's straight into it. It's like they're inside the frog and he just started punching the frog.
Starting point is 00:51:38 So Sparrow is going to make a perception roll. So he gets a 15. So he can tell there are four pillars of tree things holding up this room on the four corners of the room. And he can sense that it's in one of those four corners. And he's going to spend another action. Basic video game design. Obviously, you've got to smash the pillars open. I'd be careful. These feel like they could be
Starting point is 00:51:56 load-bearing trees. Load-bearing, yeah, careful. You want to call OSHA before we... So he would attack, but because he has a full action, essentially, while Barry is incapacitated, he's just going to roll again to see if he can narrow it down. And he does. It's one of the two on the east side of the room. And that is his turn.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Now it's Barry's turn. He is completely incapacitated and charmed. So he's just, and his tongue is continuing to lull around. When Ampet really whips the llama's ass. Glenn, as part of the concentration, is like doing like, llama's ass. Glenn, as part of the concentration, is like doing like do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do I love that he yelled like, hey, everyone, look away because I know how powerful this is. Here's the best part about hypnotic pattern. And this is in D&D.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I'm not making this up. This is in D&D. Components. A glowing stick of incense or crystal vial filled with phosphorescent material. If that's not just a glow stick. And I don't know what it says. That is literally what the component says. Gwen cracks two glow sticks and is sitting there like it's a rave.
Starting point is 00:53:06 He's got a binky and he's doing sick moves and he's humming Sandstorm this whole time. He's like, don't worry about it. I'm just working on this. This is 1.5 times as effective, guys. I did the math. Do-ka-do-ka-do, do-ka-do-ka-do, do-ka-do-ka-do. Okay. So Barry is just overwhelmed like I was at a middle school dance.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Just watching the kid in the corner playing with, I went to a modest mouse concert in 2012 where Isaac Brock drank a glow stick and I heard that he had to go to the hospital after. So yeah, you could definitely do something with that. I love this whole time. Barry's just staring at Glenn doing. I wonder if I should have added minions to the fight so that they could wake up their dad. at Glenn doing close-dicks. TD rules. In moments like these, I wonder if I should have added minions
Starting point is 00:53:47 to the fight so that they could wake up their dad. Ron, it is your turn. I'm going to drink a close-dick. No. I think I'm just going to go knock on one of those pillars. Knock on wood. Okay, so you have a 50-50 chance
Starting point is 00:54:03 of being the correct pillar. No consequences if it's not. Yeah. So give me an evens or an odds and I'll roll a d20. Give me your favorite character from the show, Even Stevens. Okay, I'm going to go for Beans.
Starting point is 00:54:16 What? So is that evens or odds? That's an Even Stevens reference. Will like literally just left me hanging in the grossest, most upsetting way the second you moved from the fact that I know the name of the show is Even Stevens
Starting point is 00:54:28 you were out of my depth on Even Stevens Will like yelled at you for a layup and you jumped in midair and Will was just turning around and dribbling the other direction Will was drinking Gatorade by the bench he went to the moon in 1969 Beth that joke was only
Starting point is 00:54:44 for me to be funny. It wasn't for you to take and then be funny as well. I was just doing a joke for me. I totally misread that. I'm so sorry, dude. One of the most important things in improv is make sure you're the only one who looks good. Yeah, no, like Will sent out an email earlier
Starting point is 00:54:58 that like we can only be funny like at this certain time. And like, you know, so like that's really my bad, dog. We had slots reserved we did yeah that was my reserve we'll put up a post-it on the mirror so that all of us could see it i'm only allowed to be funny during the um elderly trader joe's shopping hour between 8 a.m and 10 a.m and then i'm not allowed to be funny. Okay. Other than that. Would you like evens or odds? Well, Anthony, well, Anthony,
Starting point is 00:55:28 what should I, I'm going to go with evens. All right. So I rolled a five, unfortunately. So you start like hacking away at one of the trees. I presume inside there's nothing. It's just more wood,
Starting point is 00:55:39 but now you know exactly which one he's in. Yeah. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to bash your fucking head in. So now appropriately it's Henry's turn. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your fucking head in. So now, appropriately, it's Henry's turn. I go, Ron, give me your axe! I throw the axe,
Starting point is 00:55:50 but, like, in a polite way where he's, you know, I throw it well. I say, hey, I'm sorry I didn't say please. I know, like, you know, I try to be more communicative. I say, hey, Henry,
Starting point is 00:55:59 I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry about everything. Henry takes the axe and busts open the tree to find his boys. I don't feel like you have to make a roll for any of this. You have to roll to see if it's exactly like in The Shining where you
Starting point is 00:56:11 hit the axe and you stick your head in. The big old Jack Hedgeson grin. I made the joke that was like worse than that. Oh, that's what you were doing. The bashing the fucking head in thing. See, it all works out, guys. Here's Ronnie. Here's Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yeah. So retroactively, you got that joke in the scorecard at the end of this episode. That one will be in your column. Yeah, for the scorekeeping on the jokes, let's just make a quick asterisk on that one. Yeah, thanks, guys. Really fought hard for that one. OK, so, yeah, you hack open the tree and inside of it, you see your two beautiful boys, their real bodies entangled in a bunch of roots
Starting point is 00:56:47 and sort of pinned up against this wall. And you can see almost like big gerbil feeders of water and food and stuff sort of going into them. That's nice. Sparrow is totally unmoving in there. The real body of Sparrow is unmoving and the real body of Lark is awake. And it goes, daddy!
Starting point is 00:57:02 And he like rips off the roots and he reaches through the hole in the tree and just hugs you real big i hug him tight and i said oh my god lark oh oh so scary i'm so glad i found you and then i look and i see so sparrow's still like conscious right yes the homunculus sparrow is still conscious so his real body is unconscious i gently pick up sparrow and he said guys let's get the fuck out of here okay that sounds good right like let's go yeah let's get out of here let's look around like i'm getting to the the drop though i'm getting close to the drop and we can do your cool edm show later but let's move on we gotta go daryl picks up homunculus kid also i guess he's just doing what henry tells him so he's picking
Starting point is 00:57:38 up homunculus kid and payton there's no there's we only have one homunculus left you're carrying the two real boys and there's one that's not dead. So I'm confused. So Daryl just picks up the homunculus who's awake. Daryl, kids, don't move. Yeah, Sparrow's like, I'm ambulatory. No, I'm picking them up by their collar. We just end up with this other kid that isn't ours. I'm holding them by the back of their shirts, like their luggage.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I'm just sprinting out of there. And Sparrow's like, this is not dignified. Okay, so here's the thing. Because it's a concentration spell, as Freddy has mentioned, the second he breaks this concentration spell, the second I break, he is going to come out of it. But hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Here's the question. We got up via elevator, right? Yes. And it was an elevator that was basically controlled by a tree growing. So you get the sense that it was Barry that was raising and lowering that thing. So there's just a pretty precipitous drop and then a really long set of stairs that you could alternately take back down.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Oh, it's like a Shinra building situation. He's holding these kids like luggage and he's pressing the elevator. He's like, guys, are we going or what? I'm holding the luggage here. So first of all, Henry grabs his overnight oats on the way out because that would suck to have done all this.
Starting point is 00:58:39 That would fucking suck, yeah. Oh no, we forgot! I don't know if I need to eat this or break it or what, but I'm just going to take it with me. But like, guys, my mom's still up here. We got to save my mom. Right as you say that, and as you're considering what to do
Starting point is 00:58:52 with the concentration spell and how Glenn's going to keep him there, you hear the door to her bedroom open and she walks out holding her knitting needles, one in each fist as if they're daggers. And she looks at you, Henry, and she goes, you broke the crystal? Yeah, I broke the crystal. We got to go, Mom.
Starting point is 00:59:13 We got to go. We got to get out of here. She shakes her head and she goes, you have to go. And she starts walking toward the froggy form of Barry. Mom, what are you doing? I told you don't ever come back here and that's what I want you to do. I have unfinished business with your father.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Henry realizing the situation and what his mom wants to do and realizing how serious she is about it. He turns to her and he's like, Mom, I love you. I love you too, son. So during all of this, Glenn is just like making up techno now.
Starting point is 00:59:46 He's just been trying to extend this drop. It's a very important listener that when you imagine that heartfelt scene between mother and son, that you also imagine Glenn in the background with glow sticks, just punching the air and doing sandstorms. What you hear is this.
Starting point is 00:59:59 What you're hearing is you're hearing He's like looking around like, I can't go much higher than this. up slowly. He's like looking around like, I can't go much higher than this. And so Henry hugs his mom and then as he hugs her he casts stone skin on her. Oh, cool. The spell turns the flesh of a willing creature who touches hard
Starting point is 01:00:20 as stone until the spell ends. The target has resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. So you're not turning her to stone, you're just making her strong. No, he turns his mom to stone until the spell ends. The target has resistance to non-magical bludging, piercing, and slashing damage. So you're not turning her to stone. You're just making her strong. He turns his mom to stone. And he's also going to see if I have any other buffs for her. His last parting act
Starting point is 01:00:36 is going to buff up his mom to kick his dad's ass. Maybe we can give her something besides the knitting needles. What are you going to do? Make him a sweater? Ron, it's my mom. She's a badass cleric. She knows what she's doing.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. No hesitation. No, I'm sure she's really sad. Yeah. Oh, my God. We have a couple turns before he's going to wake up, right?
Starting point is 01:01:03 We can be out of initiative now. You have essentially as much time as you want to do all this stuff, presuming your character is thinking relatively quickly, which I imagine you would be. Okay, so he casts Guidance on her. So once before the spell ends, she can add a D4 to any ability check of her choice. She's also going to have Resistance, which means she can add a D4 to the number rolled to one saving throw.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I know we're not even going to see this fight, so it doesn't matter. This reminds me of when we fight Amiibos in Smash Bros. It's just going to be two NPCs. And then the last thing he does is he is going to conjure, at third level, he's going to conjure a whole bunch of animals to fight with her. Oh, wow. Damn.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah. So he summons a giant constrictor snake to fight at her side and says, you fight with the forest, you fight for the oaks. Goodbye, mother. Despite the fact that her skin is now made of stone, you can see a tear roll down her cheek as she nods solemnly at you. And she looks at the snake and she nods and then turns back and walks toward your father, brandishing her knitting needles like fangs in her hands as the serpent next to her also brandishes its fangs.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Can I roll Perception to see if I can take anything else out of here that might be handy? Yeah, go ahead. Nice. Yes, that's the rogue we wanted the whole time, baby. Looking for loot. Beth, you were always the rogue we wanted the whole time. Don't listen to Freddy.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Damn, thanks. You're welcome. Well, I rolled a three, so... Never mind. Yeah, you don't see shit. You don't listen to freddie damn thanks you're welcome well i rolled a three so never mind yeah you don't see shit you don't see shit what you do is we go into your vision like a first-person camera and we see your eyes go over like a shimmering gold goblet and like a scepter made of fire and a necklace that's like talking and then we come back to you and you're like nope there's nothing in here. All right, so are you going to break your concentration?
Starting point is 01:02:50 I'm going to tell everyone else, guys, go ahead. I'm going to hold this until the first attack is made. And then the moment that the attack happens, I'm going to cast greater invisibility on myself. You see as Autumn Oak leaps into the air with her knitting needles held high. Autumn Oak leaps into the air with her knitting needles held high. And she, she leaps far higher than anybody should be able to leap and brings the knitting needles down and spears his left and right eyes, leaving only the one in the middle unspeared. And then she just opens her mouth and she goes,
Starting point is 01:03:21 fuck you hubby. And she fucking, that's horrible. That's horrible. She goes, I want a divorce. She opens her mouth and she goes fuck you hubby and she fucking that's horrible that's horrible she goes i want a divorce she opens her fucking mouth she opens her mouth and she just bites down on the third eye and bursts it and just fucking goop just comes out and just like hits her in the fucking face and then goes that's my cue so only glenn saw that yeah and then the doors slam behind you as you run out and you just hear all kinds of fucking fighting.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I think that Glenn does a Jeff Goldblum impression from Jurassic Park The Lost World. It's like, Mommy's very angry. So yeah, you hear hissing, and you hear stabbing, and you hear the sound of a frog hemoth coming back into consciousness, going, and fighting and stuff like that as you all run down the stairs. As you get to the entrance,
Starting point is 01:04:07 you see the two guards that you told that they were making soup or whatever the fuck, or fried chicken, whatever the hell. They were making french fries. French fries, thank you. You see them at the front door eating handfuls of french fries. They're like, what's going on? I'm gonna roll perception to see how well done those french fries are, because that's
Starting point is 01:04:23 gonna be an indicator of what temperature the oil is at can you roll that's a 17 they're pretty well done okay okay okay henry says my mother is fighting for the future of this place she's fighting for us and for your salvation go to her aid they go oh okay you don't even have to roll for that because you're the prince they run up as well as you exit the temple you see everybody in the village is over eating French fries and laughing around the big bubbling pot of oil, except for Canary, who is standing with her back to the entrance. And she turns around, she sees you and you see that she's holding a bunch of like seaweed snacks in her hand. And she goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, boys, are you okay? Is everything okay? I heard fighting and I thought that maybe Father Barr had done
Starting point is 01:05:05 something horrible to you. You look so wounded. Please take some healing. And she basically opens her hands up and offers you the seaweed snacks. There's 18 of them. And she says,
Starting point is 01:05:13 each of these will heal you a little bit. So take as many as you want to get back up to full health. Daryl's like, nah. Zero luck at hand. No, he did. But Matt doesn't trust
Starting point is 01:05:24 Canary right now. I don't know why he's suspicious that just looks at the seaweed is like uh no i'm good thanks though so first thing i'm gonna do is make a perception check insight insight it's damn it i'm not as good as insight i got a natural one so henry says canary thank you um i have so much to tell you i just learned a bunch of crazy stuff about my dad and right now you have to trust me that he's an evil man. And despite the fact that he's my dad and I love him, he's this just it's it's very complicated. And right now, my mother is battling and I need you all to go fight for her and to help her. And we can bring peace and we can make the horrible things he's done right again.
Starting point is 01:06:02 He starts eating some of these seaweed snacks. Glenn doesn't hear the C, but he does hear the weed part, so he grabs a bunch. Imagining that each one of them restores a D8 of health, how many do each of you take? I would grab like a handful,
Starting point is 01:06:13 so I feel like he would be like four. Henry is going to take three. Ron, are you eating any? Yeah, I'm taking two, and then Mr. Mustache is taking two too. Peyton's with me. He's looking at that green stuff. He's like, where's the fries?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Kaderi fans out the seaweed in front of you and you guys take it like from a fucking Lunchables commercial where the mom brings out the platter and all the hands come in. Nice. You see Canary smiling and she goes, thank you so much for doing this. Thank you so much. And do you remember a couple episodes ago?
Starting point is 01:06:40 No. Uh oh. No. I rolled on the counter table for you and you guys that's right you got a natural one you remember that yeah i remember that that was when you guys were sleeping taking a rest on the way to oakvale and that night you would heard something shuffling around in the foliage and you didn't think much of it and if the rest of the night went on totally fine everything seemed okay but the next morning if you'd just been a little bit more alert, you would have noticed when you picked up your pack that it was just a little bit lighter than it had been last night when you put it down. And in this moment, as you take the seaweed snacks
Starting point is 01:07:13 from Canary, you realize what it was because these seaweed snacks, you expected them to be really like fragile and soft and edible in the way that seaweed snacks tend to be. But they're like pretty firm and pretty smooth. And Canary looks a little bit different. Like there's something going on with her. And after she says, thank you so much, you see that the magical visage falls away and you're not looking at Canary.
Starting point is 01:07:38 This is not Canary. You are looking at somebody who has glamored themselves. And that person is Lizard Boy Scales McStuffins, AKA Sarn. And as person is Lizard Boy Scales McStuffins, aka Sarn. And as you look down into your hands, the seaweed snacks are not seaweed snacks. And she is holding what remains of the Deck of Many Things. What?
Starting point is 01:07:57 And each of you just drew from the Deck of Many Things. Are you fucking kidding me? I did heal 18 points of health, though. I do want to say that. I should have fucking known. You motherfucker. That's so good. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:08:41 It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright. Dungeons and Daddies is Matt Arnold as Daryl Wilson, Anthony Burch as our DM, Will Campos as Henry Oak, Beth May as Ron Stampler, and myself, Freddie Matt Arnold as Daryl Wilson. Anthony Burch as our DM. Will Campos as Henry Oak. Beth May as Ron Stampler. And myself, Freddie Wong as Glenn Close. Theme song and outro is All Right by Maxton Waller. The Blackthorn Creature is a homebrew monster by Sir Sprinkles. Had a little help this week on our intro, so thank you to Andrew Roundsville, Zachary Leonard, Cassie Rosen, Nicole Agnitti, Noelle Palmer, and Nikki Miller. Thank you also to Benjamin Seepser.
Starting point is 01:09:02 You know what you did. We have a Patreon at patreon.com slash dungeonsanddads. There's tons of bonus content and I shout out the fine patrons at the end of every episode. So thanks to folks like Scott Elliott, Todd Blanick, Marcus Cartier, Caleb Johnson, Ryan S. Peterson, Colson Barnhart, Kyle H., Charlotte Ivey, Marie Abbey,
Starting point is 01:09:18 Jonathan D. McClain, Philip Reynolds, Jeff Chamberlain, Fridge, the whole name Fridge, Stephen Graham, Christian H., Andrew Wicks, Alexandra Fortman, Corey Foote, Hex name fridge, Steven Graham, Christian H, Andrew Wicks, Alexandra Fortman, Corey foot, hex McCall, Cole Tomlin,
Starting point is 01:09:29 and Kyle quickly join the ranks. Get all kinds of bonus content, cool perks, and support this podcast directly at patrion.com slash dungeons and dads. We're working on some merch for the end of the year, but there is a new shirt on sale. Now it's a shirt that says dill dedicated involved, loving father on it. And may God have mercy on all the souls
Starting point is 01:09:45 who purchase it. You can find it at our merch store at DungeonsAndDaddies.com or DFTBA.com. You can follow us on Twitter, DungeonsAndDads, Reddit.com slash r slash DungeonsAndDaddies for our subreddit. Quick side note here, we are partnering with the UCLA Core Kidney Program to raise money for a new kidney
Starting point is 01:10:01 center and awareness for the cause. So, if you've been a kidney donor or recipient, we're inviting you to share your story and play a one-shot DM by Anthony. Just shoot a DM over to at stuff I've noticed if you're interested. Thank you so much for listening. Our next episode is October 13th. So we will see you then. There was a time when you could read between the lines You know they never brought you down Never brought you down Sorry guys, I'm looking something up. Best way to get a spray tan during COVID.

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