Dungeons and Daddies - Ep. 48 - Carry On My Wayward Son

Episode Date: December 8, 2020

The trial draws to a close as the jury reaches a verdict and Glenn learns his fate.This episode contains profanity, violence, sexual content, and verbal abuse.Support the show on Patreon!Get merch and... more at our website!Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!Check out the subreddit!DM is Anthony BurchDarryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)Theme song by Maxton WallerCourtney Thérond is our Content ProducerAshley Nicollette is our Community ManagerRobin Rapp is our transcriberCover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dungeons and Daddies is a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups. Content warnings can be found in the episode description. I don't know why adventuring groups don't hire like a second healer. I just feel like it would solve a lot of the arguments that we've been hearing. Welcome to You're Wrong About, the podcast where the fantasies are real, but your memories are not. Ooh, very prescient to today's topic. Hi, I'm Sarah Marshland, and I'm writing a book about the owlbear scare.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm Michael Hobbit. I work at the Huffington Post, which is a large wooden pole in the ground that keeps a dragon named Huffington tethered. So today is part three into our deep dive on the Glenn Close trial. But before we get to that, I just wanted to point out, I was looking through some transcripts and it turns out that one of the big pieces of contention in the trial, whether or not Glenn was okay with his son smoking pot, is actually inaccurate. So to debunk it, if you actually go back to the very first episode, it's kind of clear that Nick doesn't actually know how to smoke pot. And Glenn is trying to stop him, which is the opposite of what is conveyed in the trial. Well, Glenn didn't really dissuade the idea
Starting point is 00:01:10 of Nick smoking pot. So it's kind of his own fault there. Why don't you tell me what you know about the jury selection process for this trial? Okay. I know a lot about this actually, is that there were 13. I think that the deliberations themselves took two weeks, very intense deliberating on this case. Right. Yeah. It was completely anonymous. Nobody knew who they were. So with all that table setting out of the way, do you want to talk about the verdict? Yes, please. Welcome to Dungeons and Daddies, not a BDSM podcast,
Starting point is 00:01:55 actually a thrilling courtroom drama D&D podcast about four dads from our world flung into the Forgotten Realms in a quest to rescue their lost sons. My name is Freddie Wong, and I play Glenn Close, the rock and roll bar dad. And today is the day Glenn Close learns his fate. This is not the chance to close your fate. This is not Glenn's first run in with the court system. So he was touring around outside of Modesto, one of the outdoor malls in Modesto, he met a guy who was like, hey, I like your Christmas music. It's kind of funny. We look like each other. And then Glenn was like, perfect. So this guy who he nicknames the Sandman. So Glenn and the Sandman.
Starting point is 00:02:35 So here's how his scam with the Sandman works. Because Glenn and the Sandman bear a somewhat close resemblance, they both agree to be contacts for each other in case any one of them ever runs a red light and then they get a picture taken of them. Glenn goes into court and protests the charge and says, I wasn't driving that van. That's my friend when I lent it to him. That's the Sandman driving.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And he shows the picture of the Sandman and it's enough reasonable doubt that it's not him that he doesn't get the ticket. Doesn't the Sandman then have to get the ticket? They don't just know. Well, someone else broke the law. We'll forget about it. Literally, and you can do that. I've never done this, but I did this for somebody else
Starting point is 00:03:15 because I told them about it. You were the Sandman. I was the Sandman. If you get a ticket at a red light camera and you go online and you see the picture, at least in Arizona, you could literally just check off, I am not the person driving and like you're out of it basically. Yeah, they're not going to go investigate. They're not going to go
Starting point is 00:03:31 find the Sandman for a 50% ticket. I think there was even an option that like, I do not know the person who's driving or something like this. This is how fucking square I am that I was like, no, like the CSI crime lab would clearly be on your case. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.
Starting point is 00:03:48 What about the polygraph? Wouldn't they, you know, do a facial scan or something like that, Freddie? Wow. Yeah. All right. Well, hi, everybody. Hi, everybody. I'm Daryl Wilson. I'm a stay-at-home coach dad.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You're Daryl Wilson? You're Daryl Wilson? Damn. What did I say? Are you going method on us? Whoa. What happened? Is Daryl joining the podcast?
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm Daryl Wilson. Hi, everybody. Hey, everybody. This is Daryl joining the podcast hey everybody this is daryl wilson uh matt's not here today but uh you know me i'm the fictional character uh it was a stay at home coach dad who became jesus christ let's start this over hi everybody i'm jesus christ hey this is our christmas episode after all hey everybody this is matthew arnold i play daryl wilson i'm a stay-at-home coach dad who becomes a barbarian when he enters the forgotten realm. So, unfortunately, I kind of got through my five senses.
Starting point is 00:04:33 That was a good ten weeks of easy dad facts. Yeah, that was a good grift. I wanted to reward the audience for that bullshit of five senses by giving them a good dad fact that was also educational. And the fact is that we do actually have two other senses, vestibular and proprioceptive, which are six and seven senses. And I'm going to talk about what are Daryl's favorite and least favorite versions of those senses.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So yes, there are other senses. I'm so down to learn. This is like fucking 99% invisible over here. I'm a radio. So the vestibular sense is the sense of sex. It's the sense of it would happen during sex it's essentially your inner ear senses it's how we feel acceleration
Starting point is 00:05:09 it's how we feel balance so that is a sense i guess it depends on what you're doing during sex yes so daryl's favorite vestibular sense is the feeling that the beast gives him when he accelerates so he'll never feel that again the minivan gave him the precise feeling never odyssey song could still be out there i just want to throw this out there have it owning the analog of odyssey son that's a zero to 60 in like 14.2 seconds it's like such a slow acceleration feeling of your son being safe in the back seat is what it is so it's the best feeling for daryl freddy do you really fucking think that daryl did not put a hemi in that bad boy that thing's probably hemmied up dude i'll tell you the real feeling that daryl probably reacts is the feeling of knowing there's six cup holders within arm's reach of the driver's seat in the
Starting point is 00:05:53 honda honesty that's a real feeling liquefied charleston shoes freddie you just got the seven cents but i'll get there in a second i can't believe you called this out so his least favorite version of it is he just hates getting dizzy he can't stand any sort of dizzy rides the teacups at disneyland are his least favorite so that would be um vestibular he hates the feeling of vertigo i bet you daryl yarfed in a teacup once and ruined disneyland he harps all the time so the seventh sense proprioceptive is essentially you it's sex yes it's also sex beth i think most senses you feel all seven senses when you're having sex i wouldn't know we've been in quarantine for years now please somebody vestibular
Starting point is 00:06:35 me i'm done okay go ahead proprioceptive is essentially how you know where you are in 3d space so like if you close your eyes you can know where your hand is. It's the feeling of your muscles. So your muscles, you know where your muscles are bent because of senses in your muscles. So Daryl's favorite proprioceptive is every time he grabs his big gulp from the center console without looking. It's like that perfect feeling. Pure instinct. It's the pure instinct, the muscle memory of knowing every aspect of his heart.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It's like he and the car have become one. He can feel the curves of the car, the muscles of the car, and his muscles are united in a symphony. And his least favorite is he can't type without looking because he has big sausage fingers. So it's not really a proprioceptive thing, but he can't type without looking, and he blames it on his muscle memory. But it's just because he's got two big fingers. Got big sausage fingers. What about those little bumps on the F and J key? Doesn't he hone himself on those? No, he it's just because he's got two big fingers. Got big sausage boy fingers. What about those little bumps
Starting point is 00:07:25 on the F and J key? Doesn't he hone himself on those? No, he just doesn't. He just hates. He's got to look. He's one of those digit typers. His fingers have an area
Starting point is 00:07:32 of effect damage. How's Daryl's texting game? That must be brutal on a phone. He doesn't text. He calls. He calls his son. Yeah, he calls. He's a man who wants
Starting point is 00:07:40 to call someone instead, Will. God, yeah. Daryl don't text. There are no texts from Daryl on either Carol's or Grant's phone. It's always a text and then it's a callback. A lot of voicemails. A lot of un-listened-to voicemails.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It's a lot of, hey, son, give me a call. Every single time Grant answers the phone, he's like, is it an emergency? No, I just want to talk. You asked me how I was doing. Oh, my God. My heart skipped a beat. Hey, everyone. I'm Will Campos.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I play the fictional character Henry Oak on the podcast Dungeons and Daddies. Henry is a Birkenstock rockin' crunchy munchie hippie nature druid granola dad. And my dad fact about Henry this week is that Henry still has every t-shirt he's ever owned. He's never thrown a t-shirt out. Because like in the Forgotten Realms,
Starting point is 00:08:22 like in Oakvale, it was a big deal, your clothes, right? Like you bonded with them and it was like part of who you were. So like the idea of throwing your clothes out is like anathema to him. It was very traumatizing when he came to our world and he was wandering around the forest
Starting point is 00:08:33 naked for a couple of days. So like when he got his clothes in our world, it was a big deal. So the first t-shirt he ever got, which he still has, is one that Mercedes Oak Garcia's brother, Ricky, sells t-shirts. He's like an online vendor and he has a t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You're dropping a character as important as Ricky just out of nowhere in the middle of a dad fact? This is some serious, we gotta update the Wikipedia right now. All right, my mind's blown. We got Ricky. Ricky Garcia. So Ricky sells t-shirts online
Starting point is 00:08:59 and he has a t-shirt that says, vegans give a cluck. Because it's supposed to be like, vegans don't eat animals so that yeah i get it didn't make sense so he didn't sell a lot of them so that was his first shirt it said vegans give a cluck and once he learned what a vegan was he was like oh that's what i am i give a cluck so that's his shirt that's his uh it's his favorite shirt he became vegan off of a shirt no no no he's so global this t-shirt was he was like sold god it could have been any shirt he already
Starting point is 00:09:27 didn't eat animals but this spoke to him he's like this shirt is like how i will choose to express myself it actually talked to him hey this is what it feels like when willis it's not funny when you do it matthew it's funny when i do it to you will i have a question i have a question yes go ahead when someone like sees henry wearing this shirt and they're like, I don't, sorry, can you explain your shirt? I don't understand what that means. How does Henry explain it? Well, he says that it's supposed to be like that vegans care and it's a fun, he just is
Starting point is 00:09:53 very literal and obvious about it because he's like, you know, it's like, it's a fun play on like a naughty word, but a cluck is the sound of chicken makes and like vegans care about chickens. So, you know, vegans give a cluck. Hi, my name is Beth May and I play Ron Stampler, emotionally detached stepfather and rogue. Fun fact about Ron this week. I don't know. Growing up, did any of you, your parents have like laws that weren't actual laws, but they told you that were laws because they didn't want you to do things? My mom told me that it was illegal in California to stand in front of the
Starting point is 00:10:25 microwave. What? And you know, in hindsight, I'm like, well, probably wasn't. You'll go to hell if you masturbate. Does that count? And I think my mom also had one, like, you can't have any screens in the car. So she didn't like, cause I was like asking for like a portable DVD player or something. My parents said that like the lights has to be off because the cops will pull you over here like interior lights are on. Oh yeah that's actually I think that's probably true though. Maybe. No I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:55 You get your friend Sandman to say that he turned the lights on. So wrapping this into my dad fact is I think that Ron has his own series of in context, pretty sad laws that he doesn't know aren't actually laws. Like it's illegal to look in your dad's briefcase. It's illegal to ask your dad where he's going. This is so sad.
Starting point is 00:11:20 I know. Maybe it's too dark, but that's just what I was thinking of. When I was really young, my mom tried to convince me that you literally can't have sex until you're married. It's impossible. You don't want to embarrass yourself, honey. It just doesn't happen. Is that not true? No.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You know, when I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said someday when you grow up, you'll be the savior of, I don't remember the rest of it. All the cool people who listen to this podcast got that joke. All right, let's move on. Welcome to the dad parade, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, I'm Anthony Burch. I'm a non-fictional character on Dungeons and Daddies. So Glenn is on trial for some crimes that he did.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And I feel like it's a little bit hypocritical of me to put it that way. Some crimes he was alleged to do, Anthony. Sorry, I'm going to interrupt you, but be careful. Well, this is the program, Riles. You might be guilty until proven innocent here. Yeah. So Glenn's on trial for some crimes he may or may not have committed. And I feel like there's-
Starting point is 00:12:11 Freddie, he's not on trial on Twitter. Sorry. And I felt like it was a little bit unfair to do that without, like, who am I to stand in judgment of Glenn? confession which is that when i was i believe 15 or 16 in the year 2004 or 2005 my favorite television show was entourage and oh yeah i'm sorry and then eventually i grew up i was like oh this is just porn for douchebags this is porn for awful people this isn't anything but it just reminded me because mad dimension he hated every character on that show wanted them to immediately go down i'll be honest i know i'm not gonna let you stand out there for no reason i definitely in college i watched some of entourage and i'd say no i think everybody liked entourage the first season or two and then over time we were like
Starting point is 00:12:55 you know what this isn't good because it was an incredibly popular show and i got out of it probably about like season two or season three and now it's unwatchable but every man starts to hate entourage the moment he realizes he won't be as successful as the people in Entourage. This show sucks. It's just resentment. It's for toxic dude bros. I mean, no, it does suck, though. That's brave, though, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Thank you for sharing. Yeah, no, I'm very selfless. To summarize briefly, the last two episodes have seen the trial of Glenn Close, which takes place in Meth Bay. The judge, Honorable Judge Bill Close presiding. At the end of the last episode, everybody had finished their closing arguments and it was up to the jury to decide. And the jury was in real life made up of 13 jurors from our official discord. They were all given email invitations to a private Discord, were asked to anonymize their names. So all they went by was juror and their number.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And for the last two weeks, they have been debating the individual arguments put forth by the prosecution and the defense, as well as the two overall charges, Glenn is a bad person and Glenn is a bad dad. And they came together and made some votes on the individual arguments. After the previous episode, you all went back to the Meth Bay Supermax. You tried to sleep.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Hey, Payton, can I just quick? I just have a question for you, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, Glenn, what are you going to say to Payton? Oh, right, right. Sorry, Daryl. Yeah, you know what? You can come in on this one, too.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Okay, okay. Yeah, team huddle. I was just trying to get like. Hey, what's up, guys? You guys all having a team huddle? Am I missing something? Come on in, man. Yeah, come on in one, too. Okay. Okay. Yeah, team huddle. I was just trying to get like... Hey, what's up, guys? You guys all having a team huddle? Am I missing something? Come on in, man. Yeah, come on in.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Ron, you too. You might as well get over here. Guys, I'm in the bathroom. You can't talk to me while I'm in the bathroom. Ron, there's no door. We can see you. Just, you know, it's fine. I know.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I just need a couple more minutes. You've been down there all day. Can I roll perception? I want to see where Ron is going in the bathroom in the cell that has no bathroom. It definitely has a bathroom. It probably has a toilet but ron is like side saddling it like a victorian with his legs crossed oh yeah yeah i definitely knew there's a bathroom oh no daryl there's a bathroom no i know there's a bathroom i was making a joke about ron not knowing where the bathroom is i know there's a baby boy oh baby boy did you do a boom boom in the corner? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Am I going to have to clean you up? No, definitely not. Peyton, I think Glenn wanted to talk to you. Yeah, no, I know. He's talking to all of us now. Yeah, I guess so. And Ron, you can listen in
Starting point is 00:15:12 and throw in your two cents from the can over there. I want privacy. Join in, I guess, when you're good and ready. I just had a question for you guys. Nick said,
Starting point is 00:15:24 he said that he liked minions He's never told me that Has your kids ever Like hid something from you guys And Peyton I wanted to ask you like You wouldn't hide something from like your best friend right I'm just trying to wrap my head around it all That's all I just I can't I don't know what to make of it
Starting point is 00:15:40 I hide things from people all the time Really Peyton? Oh yeah in the orphan fighting league some of the things that I had to do I don't like to make of it. I hide things from people all the time. Really, Peyton? Oh, yeah. In the Orphan Fighting League, some of the things that I had to do, I don't like to think about them, and I wouldn't want you to think differently about me if I had to tell you about them. Well, but Nick likes minions, and I kind of do think differently about them, especially the fact that he didn't tell me. Maybe that's why he didn't tell you.
Starting point is 00:15:56 After that entire trial, tonight, you were going to ask the one child of this group about your son liking minions? Well, he's the one real dad in this group about your son liking minions. That's well, he's the one real dad in this group, I guess. Well, what is that? Excuse me, sir.
Starting point is 00:16:11 We're all dads over here from the next cell over. You hear the bird girl go like, hey, you're all dads. What are you shouting at each other about that for? I don't mean the shit on your guys's dads, because it's just that Peyton's already gone through the whole thing once. And now maybe he's tapped into like previous life dad energy or something. You know, I don't know. Not to be a backseat therapist over here, but maybe the reason you like confiding in Peyton is because Peyton's a child and he's, you know, he's going to give you an answer that's not really going to challenge your worldview all that much. Peyton tried to like slice my Achilles tendon, so I kind of know that he'll give it to me straight.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I succeeded. I tried nonsense, I succeeded. Glenn, you know, I unfortunately can't relate much to your issue because Lark and Sparrow are usually pretty proud of the stuff that they do that bothers me. So sometimes your kids are going to, they're different people and they're, they're beautiful that way. If Nick was this exact same as you, that'd be boring. You know, he's special. Do you want, do you wish Nick was just a clone of you? Like that's not, no, no, I'm not saying that. It's just that, like, I feel like we're bros. We can like talk about anything. And so for him to like, Oh yeah. What's up, Ron? you done over there you flush your let me think I don't know how to ask
Starting point is 00:17:08 this but uh do you have any toilet paper uh no no I don't yeah no I'm good Ron's gonna be like I'm just gonna let this dry out. That would be good.
Starting point is 00:17:27 What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Hold on, Ron. Let me think hard on what kind of spells I have. Maybe I can make it. We're not going to be in this prison anymore. You could probably just use the sheet. And I just pull off the sheet.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And I just. That's optimistic. Listen, I feel like Glenn was trying to say something important. So maybe handle that. And then I'll see where I'm at. All right, but I did throw you a bed sheet. Thanks. You're welcome. So Glenn, you're not upset that he likes minions.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You're upset that he didn't tell you he liked minions. I guess so, yeah. How does that make you feel? And then Daryl looks at Henry like nodding, like, hey, am I doing good? Henry gives Daryl like a real thumbs up. I'm doing it. Henry thinks that Daryl and henry are being so fucking subtle about how they're getting into glenn's feelings right i was like nice what
Starting point is 00:18:10 are you doing the okay and the thumbs up for between you guys what are you guys being all cool about i don't understand really excited about ron getting his toilet paper oh okay oh weird it's i mean all right real quick just some of my, right? Is there just like one bed in the cell and we've all been sharing it? So he's given the sheets for the one. It's like one super large bed that we've all just been like. Yes, we're like the grandparents
Starting point is 00:18:33 in the Willy Wonka movie. Yes. Okay, good. Just making sure. I don't know, it's just weird to me that he never brought it up before. I guess it makes me feel, I guess it makes me feel like i guess it makes me feel like
Starting point is 00:18:45 he doesn't trust me or i don't know i guess something like that well i mean hey give it to me straight all you guys answer at the same time payton all the dads just at the same time what do you think the verdict tomorrow is gonna be on the first count am i a good person three two one go are you asking if like i think you're a good person or if they're going to think you're a good person? The next morning. Nice. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. So the next morning you're all dragged back into the courthouse and at the judge's dais, instead of Bill close, you see a gelatinous green cube sitting in the chair.
Starting point is 00:19:23 The cube upon all of you lining up, begins to react. It begins to shiver, and then it stretches itself vertically up to the height of a man at sitting position. And slowly within the cube, you see a little light from a stone at the center of it begin to glow bright. And then an image projects outward from the light onto the sheen surface of the cube, like projecting. Oh, this is just like how they do Midway Mania. Yes, it is exactly how they do Midway Mania. Before you can see the image, you hear a voice that is familiar to all of you, unfortunately to Ron most of all.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You hear the voice of Willie Stampler going, all right, time to get judged. Ooh, this is the fun part. I whisper like, I was hoping it was going to be Buzz Lightyear. So Willie Stampler, the image of him appears on this gelatinous cube. And he goes, you ready to hear the verdict? It's going to be fun. Hi, Darrell Wilson.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You know me, sir. I do. Can I ask a quick question? I'm one of the lawyers, third chair, not the most important, but I just have a quick question for my client. Darrell, it's Willie. He's a mean guy. You don't have to be so nice to him. I know, but I did poorly last time with getting all mad at the
Starting point is 00:20:26 judge so i'm just trying to play it cool you know i like you when you're scared i didn't think i would ever like you but i'm liking this version of you i just want to know so we can prepare for you know all the things that will happen after if he's found innocent i can kind of assume what happens if he's found guilty what is the process what's going to happen next i'm actually so glad you asked i was about to explain that but i'm liking this good daryl and then i lean it's like guys shut up i'm talking so what's going to happen if you're found innocent you get to leave sure no problem whatever if you're found guilty then you get a choice of two possible punishments i can describe those now i can describe those later what would you prefer guys what do you want to do now i'm just trying to get
Starting point is 00:21:02 as much information as possible because go ahead and tell we don't give a shit we're not gonna sit still for your punishments you big old jerk you really think you can get out of this this is chef kiss so the two possible punishments are one death obviously and the second is life imprisonment and you lose nick as your son he's no longer your son anymore whoa that. That's not possible, sir. That's not, yeah, right. I mean, how is that a thing? Is he a stepson? Oh, Bill never explained. Oh, this is, oh, happy birthday to me. That gavel that Bill's been using,
Starting point is 00:21:33 that's infused with the chaotic primordial force of law itself. So when he could slam it down and summon people, that's not because he knew a spell to do that. It's just because the gavel had the power to do that. And so when it comes time to punish, it has the power to just immediately make that punishment happen. So in the case of you losing custody of your son, I'll just slam this gavel. I guess I'll make Bill slam the gavel
Starting point is 00:21:53 and immediately your son will forget that he was ever your son and a new father for him will appear right next to him and your son will love him and he won't know who the fuck you are. If you choose death, we're going to have a nice public execution. My friend Radiolab here is going to take you out into the front and he's going to burn you alive. The big gold dragon, the bailiff. His name is Raymond D.O. Labatt.
Starting point is 00:22:13 That was a long running joke that I thought was going to get paid off here when he was going to run a meth lab. And we'd be like, this is my radio lab. But it didn't work out. Holy shit. This has been sitting there the whole time? His name was always supposed to be Radiolab. The whole time? The whole time. You to be Radiolab. The whole time?
Starting point is 00:22:26 The whole time. You can go back to the very first time I introduced him. I said his name is Raymond D.O. Labatt, Radiolab for short. Okay, just wondering, just sort of a question. Where is the gavel? Good one, Ron. Henry gives Ron the same. Shut up!
Starting point is 00:22:42 I don't know how many times I have to tell you. Where is the gavel? Don't say it, Ron. Don't say it. I already said it. Thank you. I can't, how many times I have to tell you. Where is the gavel? Don't say it, Ron. Don't say it. Thank you. I can't. Well, I mean. The gavel's with Bill.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I didn't think that he necessarily had the cojones to make the judgment if it came down to it. He was around for this part. So he's cooling his heels right now. Do you want to hear what the verdicts are? I don't know. Are you going to shout at us again? If you interrupt me, yeah. Well, I don't appreciate being shouted at, sir.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Henry, that was so cool. Listen, buddy, I want to say one thing, Daryl. Oh, yeah, yeah. Just go ahead and this is your whole thing because you're a big old jerk. But I just want you to know that we're not scared of you. And even if you wind up doing a bunch of shitty stuff to us, I'm still not scared of you. We're still not scared of you. And you're a big jerk.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And that's all I want to say. The prosecution rests. That's all I got. But but yeah let's go ahead and do this no matter what happens we're glenn's getting his son back if he's innocent i have a question for you do you want us to kill you or do you want us to let or are you going to let us have are you going to apologize to ron before we kill you those are the only two questions do you want to try that again oh my god i'm still gonna kill you when this is all over okay yeah i'm very excited to watch you try darryl give him the speech from take it i don't hit him with the speech the skill speech guys i think that maybe we should just cool our jets so to speak and then just we'll
Starting point is 00:23:56 all decide it after the verdict has been verd for once ron is the voice of reason just leans over to glenn really quick and he says, Hey, Glenn, I know you were asking last night. I just want to let you know that I think you've tried really hard since we've gone here to be a good dad. And whatever happens, we're here for you till the end. And we will get Nick back and we will get you back. We're not giving up on you. So I put my hand on your shoulder. I say, we got this.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And I'm nodding my head. And while I'm nodding my head, I'm finger tutting to Peyton the message. If shit goes bad, cause a scene. the message if shit goes bad cause a scene every way i go i cause a scene he says a lot ron looks at willie and then looks back to glenn and whispers if the verdict depends on sort of comparison like are you a bad dad compared to some other dads, I think that you're gonna be innocent for sure. I don't think it is, Ron. Okay. That's
Starting point is 00:24:50 bad news, but I'm... Shit, buddy. Oh, shit. Okay. So, are you ready for me to call the jury in? Let's do it. Glenn kicks his heels up and is cool as a cucumber, except he's sweating a little bit.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Jurors! And the door swings open, and 13 extremely attractive, nice, extremely cool, cool, keep going, keep going, keep going, just very generous with their time and the amount of investment that they put into this completely voluntary jury process that's not real and means nothing.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So smart. So the jury comes out. The Gelatis Cube of Willy reaches under the dais and pulls out a bunch of dice and says, just to remind you, the way that this works is that each of the arguments that you all put forth, they have a different dice value assigned to them. And I'm going to roll the ones for
Starting point is 00:25:33 prosecution and for defense, and we add all the points together for all the arguments that you had that were declared valid, and those are your score for the trial. Whichever team, defense or prosecution has the highest one, wins. If an argument is declared invalid, it's not counted and it's dice doesn't matter. So now I want you all to find the file that I just sent you. Yeah, I have it.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So it's called Verdict. I'm so fucking nervous. So one by one, the jurors, each of whom is holding a piece of paper with a particular charge and a particular verdict for that charge on it. One by one, they stand up and they clear their throats to read aloud the charges levied against Glenn Close and their verdict. In the trial of the people of Faerun versus Glenn Close, we, the jury, find the argument
Starting point is 00:26:13 Glenn Close committed second degree murder. D12. Invalid. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. We, the jury, find the argument Glenn was acting for the greater good when he fought the library. D6.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Valid. Yes! We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn was acting for the greater good when he fought the library. D6. Valid. Yes. We the jury find the argument. Glenn hurts a red brand when helping steal the battle axe of hatred. D6. Invalid. Oh, man. We the jury find the argument.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Glenn lets his son smoke pot. D10. Valid. Yeah, that's valid. Yeah, we've seen that one coming. We the jury find the argument. Glenn allowed his son to steal the Honda Odyssey. D10. Valid. Yeah, that's valid. Yeah, we could have seen that one coming. We the jury find the argument, Glenn allowed his son to steal the Honda Odyssey. D6.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Valid. We the jury find the argument. He has a very sultry voice. Glenn compliments others, which is evidence of a good person. D4. Invalid. What?
Starting point is 00:27:02 What? Damn, that was the foundation of our case. The jury finds the argument. Glenn reads highlights, which is evident for good person. D1. Invalid. What? These are not parents.
Starting point is 00:27:15 We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn engages in gift exchanges with his son. D4. Valid. Ooh. That's valid, but not reading good parenting books? Are you kidding me? We, the jury, find the argument Glenn gave Nick a knife.
Starting point is 00:27:30 D2. Invalid. Nice. We, the jury, find the argument Glenn loves Nick and would die for him. D12. Valid. Oh, man. We, the jury, find the argument Glenn bets on child fights.
Starting point is 00:27:43 D12. Valid. Glenn goes like, hell yeah, I do. And I'll do it again. Glenn, shh. We the jury find the argument close means family. D1. Invalid.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Damn it. Sorry, Ron. It was a good one. We the jury find the argument Glenn asked Nick to buy him a $500 drone. D4. Invalid. Invalid. Is that for us or them?
Starting point is 00:28:05 I can't tell. It's good for us. We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn is a cool guy. D8. Invalid. Invalid! Throw this case out! We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn went to Disneyland without Nick. D8. Invalid. Good, because it's on a work day.
Starting point is 00:28:22 We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn is trying to be good enough for two parents, despite never having had two parents himself. D10. You got this one. Valid. Nice. Good one, Ron.
Starting point is 00:28:32 We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn behaves like a friend, not a dad. D10. Valid. We, the jury, find the argument. Nick loves his dad. D12. Valid.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Thanks, audiobook narrator guy. We, the jury, find the argument. Nick loves his dad. D12. Valid. Thanks, audiobook narrator guy. We, the jury, find the argument. Nick can't open up emotionally with his dad. D12. Valid. We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn and Nick's love transcends theme parks. D4. Valid. There we go. We got this.
Starting point is 00:29:02 We, the jury, find the argument. Glenn has a secret finger language with his son. D2. I don't know about this. Valid. Valid? Really? Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Nothing wrong with that. On the charge of bad person, we, the jury, find the defendant. D20. Not guilty. That's good. That's good. On the charge of bad dad. D20.
Starting point is 00:29:27 We, the jury, find the defendant guilty. Oh, fudge. So that is all the charges. Why do they all have so much better voices than we do? Yeah. Take us off the fucking podcast. Anthony, we can't play this. all of these jurors have beautiful voices i'll listen to for fucking hours pretty embarrassing yeah embarrassing for us at some point we have to catalog all of the discussion that they had in the discord because it was like literally by the end of the first day there were people thrown
Starting point is 00:30:00 around the fucking trolley problem it was was awesome. They were talking about human morality. They were talking about parenthood. You can tell just by their voices that they were like serious. Yeah, they did not fuck around. There were so many UK people and I feel so bad for every accent that I've ever done on the show. And they were really good. So what does that mean? So what that means is now it's time to roll the dice for each valid argument.
Starting point is 00:30:27 So the valid arguments and their dice rolls. The sum total for the defense is a D6, a D4, a D12, a D10, a D12, a D4, a D2, and a D20 for a maximum possible score of 70. Okay. Due to objections, the defense gets an extra D8 die. of 70. Okay. Due to objections, the defense gets an extra D8 die and Willie is going to roll those dice
Starting point is 00:30:47 in front of you and you get a 29. Willie! Oh no! Are you fucking kidding me? No, that is so bad. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:30:59 You got a three on your D20 roll. No! You didn't get a single dice roll over nine, unfortunately. Actually, over seven. Oh my God. Okay, so the prosecution gets a D10, a D6, a D10, a D12,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and a D20 for a maximum possible score of 58. This is like a wash. This is basically a wash right now. The prosecution gets an extra D4 for the objections that they raised. To remind you, the defense, you rolled a 29. The prosecution gets an extra D4 for the objections that they raised. To remind you, the defense, you rolled a 29.
Starting point is 00:31:27 The prosecution rolls. I'm a betting man. Hit me. A 32. No! You can't! Oh my God! Yummy!
Starting point is 00:31:36 So Willie, the most shit-eating grin, appears off his face and he goes, Bill, come in here! Bill! And the door opens and Bill,
Starting point is 00:31:43 who was like freezing and cold and like walking in. I want to see if he's holding the gavel. Yeah. Like the moment he comes in, I'm already looking. Does he have it? He does. Okay. He's got the gavel in his hand.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And I go, now, Payton. And Payton goes, uh, uh, fuck y'all, fuck y'all, fuck y'all. He takes a couple of knives and he just starts slicing at the air randomly. Henry, vines. Okay, are we, we're just going? That's why you can do what you want. I'm just saying, Daryl's saying vines.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Do we have all of our weapons and stuff or no? No, it's in the pile. No, they're all in that pile next to you. But you got your magic. I've got my spells. And there's a big dragon here too, a big golden ancient dragon who is the bailiff. Don't forget, the dragon's challenge rating,
Starting point is 00:32:16 remember, challenge rating being, hey, four people of this level should be able to fight me and have it be challenging and fun, is 22. So if you were all level 22, it would be a fair fight. My thought is just to get the gavel and then I guess we'll figure out what happens with the dragon. We're not in Bally. He's walking and he's not expecting Henry just to do a spell. Like, right. I feel like we get one thing before a battle starts. You basically get a sneak attack if you're in a dupe something and then we'll go into initiative. You're saying we get a surprise round. Yeah, you get a surprise round. That's what it is. As he whispered vines, obviously I'm just
Starting point is 00:32:43 enraged. Daryl's already picking up a chair because he gets bonuses on spontaneous weapons that aren't like actual weapons. Improvised weapons. Improvised weapons. Thank you. That's the word. He's grabbing one of the wooden chairs, and I think he's going to charge at Bill. OK, let's fucking go.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Let's do it. I mean, right? Yeah. I mean, I think we should at least try to grab that gavel. Dad boys for life. Let's go. Dad boys for life. This was go! Dad boys for life! This was a miscarriage of justice.
Starting point is 00:33:08 He was clearly not guilty. This is some bullshit dice roll. This is a miscarriage of justice. He is clearly a bad person and a good father. Yeah, after that banger of a closing argument, they were like, nah, the other one. The literally exact opposite. What's the effect of Pathan's attempt
Starting point is 00:33:22 at causing a shitstorm? I feel like it's helping the surprise round element of it because they're all looking at him. So if there's going to be something you would do that I would usually say bullshit, they're all looking at you. I'm going to let you get away with it. All right. I'm going to cast Entangle. A creature in the area when you cast a spell must succeed on a strength saving throw.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Who is doing that? Bill? I am casting that on Bill. So what saving throw does Bill have to pass? It's a 17. Okay. So he gets a 16. So he is entangled by vines. He is not moving.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And as that happens to him, he goes, wait, what happened? Is he guilty or not guilty? What's going on? I charge him. I go, sorry, I need that gavel, Bill. And then I grab the gavel. The color drains from Bill's face and he goes, you lost? And he opens his hand and the
Starting point is 00:34:05 gavel just like is sitting there so you just take it with no problem it's just in your hand i go thanks sir and then i throw the chair over the head of the dragon just hoping that he's gonna like follow it like a dog to a boat or something i'm just i don't have to hit him so i'm just throwing the chair if he gets anything other than a natural one he's not gonna fall for that yeah no he just is continuing to stare at you and his eyebrows furrow. I slipped. I slipped. And so I'm going to go, wait, wait, okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And then I throw the rolling pin at Radiolab. Make a ranged attack. You guys didn't get my joke. Oh, is that a Radiolab joke? It's the intro. Wait, wait. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That's all right. Ang, now you're going to throw it at Radiolab. And take this. I'm going to burn my inspiration on that three. So that's going to be a 14. It's not going to do any damage to him because his armor class is way higher than 14. He's a dragon. But it does bonk into him and you did technically hit him with it.
Starting point is 00:35:03 So he does. And by the way, per the rules of the thing I'm now having, I looked down like, oh, it's cool. I got an apron. It says kiss the chef on it now. Yeah. You see that the very bottom, the tails of it are lightly brushing against your face off boots that your feet are still in. Oh shit. We're still in face off boots.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Oh yeah. Shit. The dragon goes two dimensional very suddenly in a kind of cute way. Like it's, there's less detail to it. It's two dimensional. It's the kind of thing that you can easily. Is it like a cool like pixel art? know i'm saying like i'm so into that one spyro well that's not 2d that's shitty poly 3d dang beth how does it feel to get
Starting point is 00:35:32 dunked on by your dm so hard it feels bad because i know everything about video games and i'm a gamer girl go back to selling your bath water yeah, the dragon is now two-dimensional and it goes, now what? We've got the gavel, right? I think it's time to run. I think Ron is going to try to steal the thing so that we can take it with us. The coaster.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yeah, the coaster. Ah, yes. Oh, the coaster, right? We do need the coaster too. All right, describe how you're going to do that. Let's see. So I'm in front of the big booth. We're in the judge.
Starting point is 00:36:04 The booth, yeah. The judge booth. The judge booth. The big handsome boy with a chair ran and a dragon turned two to myself. Bunch of stuff's been distracting, I would say. Okay, so I grab one of the cups of water that they give everybody on the table and they're always sipping water before asking questions.
Starting point is 00:36:19 So I take one of the glasses and I sneak over to the big booth where my dad is. And I set the glass down on the other side of the coaster so that one might be like, hey, who put that glass there without a coaster? And then while he's looking that way, I'm going to grab the actual coaster, the judge coaster, and I'm going to run away. I like this because it's a very strange version of the indiana jones swap accepted which we all remember worked out very well for indiana jones go ahead
Starting point is 00:36:51 and roll a sleight of hand a sleight of hand not a self no you're using your hands to exchange one thing with another clever he's giving you free stealth to get up there without being noticed okay you know i get that that's. Yes, I got a 19. You got a 19. Yes. Okay. So you managed to pull the, it's actually,
Starting point is 00:37:10 it's glued to the stand. But you managed to get your fingers around it and you can pull, if you can successfully perform a strength check on your next turn, you can yank it out of there,
Starting point is 00:37:26 but you expect it to come off way easier. Okay. It's okay, Ron. Daryl's going to help. Daryl's going to help. I got to say, that makes sense
Starting point is 00:37:32 because it gets banged by a gavel. It would fly around if it wasn't glued down. True. Of course. Sam. But they don't have wood glue in the Forgotten Realms.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. They would be too strong. Let's hope it's not stronger than the wood itself. Exactly. Now we're going to do proper initiative order. Roll initiative. I get advantage on initiative because that's a 20 for Matt.
Starting point is 00:37:50 15 plus three, that's 18. I got a 16. 10 plus five, 15. First up is the dragon. Uh-oh. And the dragon begins to inhale and its pixelated lungs begin to get a little bit bigger. And then Willie goes, uh-uh-uh, hold your turn. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Uh-oh. Just a second bit bigger. And then Willy goes, hold your turn. Hold on. Uh-oh. Just a second, buddy. Oh, no, no. And so the dragon like pauses and stops his attack. So he's going to hold his turn. He's going to go at the end of initiative now. Now it is Daryl's turn.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Okay. Is the fire 2D when he breathes? I know. That's the real question. I was like, I refuse to believe that the dragon can breathe fire in 2D. There is no scientific way it could happen. Oxygen molecules are three dimensional. He would suffocate. This is all based on the dragon not being able to do anything, so this may have been a big mistake. Here's what I'm
Starting point is 00:38:29 going to tell you before he does it, just so it's fair when you know. He can breathe fire, but it's going to come out as 2D. It's not going to be vertically 2D. It's going to be horizontally 2D, so it's still going to go out in an arc, but you could hypothetically with a deck save jump above it or below it, let's say. Oh, okay. Pretty good. It's like a laser beam you know it's the
Starting point is 00:38:46 fucking the who's laser beams you know what i'm talking about from the concert film yes it's gonna be that the ones they borrowed for alien is that i knew will would like that one that's good that's a good one all right so it is daryl's turn so this booth that the thing's glued to it's just like a wooden platform yeah it's a big wooden podium thing. You have to walk up a few stairs to get up. Is there any decorations? Is there any like old candlestick holders? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:39:12 There's some on the side of it. Why not? And there's a seal of the meth bay court system emblazoned and glued onto the front of the dais. It's just a guy doing a fucking line. Henry gives Daryl a look that means, Daryl, shout, I sentenced the dads away from here and then the gavel and then it'll suck us away from here okay so yeah so I got yeah you got the gavel who
Starting point is 00:39:32 needs to steal the coaster just hit the gavel on the coaster I thought the coaster was gonna be important as I run I pick up a big candlestick and I scream at the dragon. We got no problem with you, Radiolab. And then I take the gavel and I say, thanks, Ron, for putting your hand there. So I have a better. It's easier for me to aim. It was hard to see beforehand because wood looks like wood, but your nice white skin makes a perfect target. So this is super easy.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Wood looks like wood. Wood looks like wood, but this is super easy to hit now. It's like the Titanic scene, right? I brought that up before. And then I slam the gavel down and I say, I declare the dads innocent and i sentence us to get out of here and then we go home and we all live happily ever after that is certainly what you intend to do as you lift the gavel and you begin to say those words very much like in the scene from Liar Liar, where the pen is royal blue. No. You find that you cannot say a legally untrue thing.
Starting point is 00:40:31 You know, you feel in your heart with this thing in your hand, with this pure artifact of law, that you cannot give a false verdict and that the true verdict is Glenn Close is guilty. As I'm saying it, because I feel like I said a lot before I slammed it down. Sure. So I feel like as I was trying to say something and I couldn't say something,
Starting point is 00:40:48 I just would stop trying to slam it down. OK, so you're just holding up in the air and you're not. And you're trying to say two syllables and then nothing else. And then I stop and I realize I can't do it. Darryl, what's wrong? What's going on? I go, I can't say anything. So then I use my second action.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I use the candlestick and I bring it down onto the podium to try to smash it into pieces so that we can just have the coaster and run. Try to break the coaster free. Okay, yeah. Give me a melee attack on the coaster. On some wood. On some wood. This is why I love Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You can go from you fight a gold dragon with all of your spells to one guy hits wood with a candlestick. I'm trying to get the coaster. Coaster's stuck to the table. And I get plus seven so that is uh you're gonna hit it okay fuck it
Starting point is 00:41:28 yeah you just smash the coaster free you hit the dais with a candelabra and the coaster comes free it's got splintered bits of wood off the bottom but yeah it is now free
Starting point is 00:41:36 of its mooring I just scream at Ron to run Ron it is your turn I grab the coaster and then I try to run I guess. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Except I say I'm a lot more confident about it. Like I grab the coaster and I run. All right. You managed to dash 30 feet and you are now at the entrance or the exit, I guess, to the courthouse. You can see daylight. You can see the Western style doors. Maybe I should have passed this coaster to somebody else. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I feel like everything's playing with us like a fucking cat with a mouse. I know. Henry, it's your turn. Okay. So Henry sees his comrades jetting for the door. Something goofy happened with the coaster. He's going to, where's Peyton? Peyton is down on the floor in front of the judge's stand, just sitting there throwing knives randomly at the walls.
Starting point is 00:42:27 What a champ. I feel like he's doing knife juggling and occasionally he like drops it and it's like, oh, oh, and like it almost hits him. All part of the show, folks. Henry's going to turn into a kangaroo and grab Peyton and put him in his pouch and hop out of the courtroom. This is my dream. You put Peyton into your pouch. He's got his little hands on the outside lip of the pouch. You both start to hop away. And so you're right next to Ron in the six seconds this takes. So you're both at the exit to the room. So now it's the gelatinous cube with
Starting point is 00:42:57 the projection of Willie's turn. You just see Willie smiling really big. And he goes, we, the court of Meth Bay, find you, the defendant, Glenn Close, guilty. And as he says the word guilty, you feel, Daryl, the gavel in your hand. It begins to vibrate and it begins to charge up with a surge of pure elemental law and it shoots out of your hand
Starting point is 00:43:21 or tries to shoot out of your hand. Make a disadvantage strength check. You're going to have to be- Make a Thor disadvantage strength check. You're going to have to be- Make a Thor's hammer check. You're going to have to beat a 21. It's just like the hammer from Thor. Wait, disadvantage- Okay, wait, let me see.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I got strength stuff. Marvel, Thor. I gain advantage on strength checks. Okay, so the disadvantage cancel each other out, so just give me a usual strength check. Okay. So I got to hit a 21?
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. I got a 12. No! A 12! I got five hit a 21? Yeah. I got a 12. No! A 12? I got five plus seven. The gavel shoots out of your hand. Can I try to like block the coaster? Sure.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Okay. You're holding it. How are you going to block it? Maybe I just... Drop and curl up. Yeah. Maybe I just like drop it, put my feet on it and curl up over it.
Starting point is 00:44:02 You're going to go like do the fetal position over the thing. Yeah. Am I going to die? This was your choice. The gavel shoots out of Daryl's hand. It screams toward the coaster. As it does so, you throw the coaster down, immediately covering it with your body.
Starting point is 00:44:18 It veers upward, stops in midair, does a 180 so that the hammer of it is pointing downward and comes screaming down at you and hits you square in the back and you hear a horrible crunch and you take Real sad that I'm about to die here. You take 25 damage.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Oh! You know what's fucking crazy, dude? What? This is like that moment where Batman breaks his back. Like Bane breaks Batman's back. Whatever you gotta do to deal with the fact
Starting point is 00:44:42 that you're about to fucking die, Freddie. It was really cool but now it's not cool. So the devil comes down smashes your back and you feel some vertebrae pop. Wait, wait, hold on. Anthony, I think it's only fair that Beth gets to roll one luck roll to see if it does fix like a pop in the back and it just makes him feel a little better there. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:44:58 It's like in James and the Giant Peach when the centipede is getting stretched. Yeah. Give me a luck roll. Give me a D20. If you get an 18, 19, or 20, then you feel a little bit better, weirdly. And you get advantage on dex or something, right? You can touch your toes all of a sudden. Prior to this, you weren't able to touch your toes,
Starting point is 00:45:11 but then now you're like, I can touch my toes. That's a nine, so no, it hurts. So it hurt really bad. It's worth a shot. And it can tell that it didn't make it to the coaster, so it zooms back up. Nice. And it's preparing to zoom back down again oh shit so now it is
Starting point is 00:45:26 bill's turn oh shit he goes fuck fuck uh uh so so if they're guilty if they're guilty then uh the sentencing that's that's gotta be a later session right so like in a week or something right willie right and willie just goes no no no no no we're doing it right here right now these fellas wanted to get rowdy so we're just gonna go ahead and do it right now. And Bill's like, oh, fuck, fuck. I wish I could do something, but I'm fucking entangled. And so he's going to try to do a strength check to get out of the roots. This is all Henry's fault.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I look at Bill and I say, wait one turn, Bill, and I might be able to fix that for you. He tries to point with his restrained finger at Radiolab. And he goes, goes hey cool it and he's gonna roll calm down persuasion and uh with his restraint he doesn't have the body language that usually makes him so persuasive in these situations and it's a hip thrust it's a hip thrust thing and he can't do it so his attempt attempt to cool down Radiolab does not work. Now it is Glenn's turn.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I'm going to cast a spell that I've learned. Oh, shit. Called Otto's Irresistible Dance on the dragon. Choose one target I can see within range, the gold dragon. The target begins a comic dance in place, shuffling, tapping its feet, and capering for the duration. A dancing creature must use all its movement to dance without leaving its space and capering for the duration a dancing creature must use all its movement to dance without leaving its space and has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and attack rolls
Starting point is 00:46:50 while the target is affected by the spell others creatures have advantage on attack rolls against it as an action the dancing creature makes a wisdom saving throw to regain control of itself and the way that this works canonically is glenn like unveils like the thing that he's been working on this whole time which is uh do you remember the song freestyler by the bomb funk mcs i most certainly do not no no it's like freesty rock the microphone. Words cannot describe how little I care about that in this moment. What happens? So by rapping the song Freestyler, the dragon dances. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:47:33 The song Freestyler by Bombfum MCs makes the dragon dance, and now the dragon can't do anything. So the dragon, which is a 2D pixelated dragon, dances in the way that they would dance in an old NES game with no additional animation sprites. So it just kind of like rotates 45 degrees to like it like rotates 45 degrees to the right and then slides three degrees left and slides back to where it was it is payton's turn and he goes uh what do i do what do i do he was in the kangaroo pouch oh yeah right i forgot he's in your kangaroo patch yeah so he just uh he
Starting point is 00:48:00 spends his whole train going i love this this is This is good. This is where I belong. I feel very safe. Now it's the dragon's turn. So the dragon looks at Willy and he goes, what do I do? And Willy goes, get my kid off the thing. And so the dragon goes, all right. And for its actions,
Starting point is 00:48:16 going to first try to stop dancing. And it is going to roll a wisdom saving roll, DC 15. All right. Okay, rolled an 18. So it immediately stops dancing to every, to Payton's disappointment most of all. roll a wisdom saving roll DC 15. Yep. All right. Okay, rolled an 18. So it immediately stops dancing to every... So Payton's disappointment
Starting point is 00:48:28 most of all. No, that was Payton's turn. Payton was watching this 2D dragon dancing. He was like, yay! Yeah, with his little hands outside of the pouch. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:48:36 A dance of dragons. And then the dragon is going to, in one very large stride, move right up to where Ron is. He spent his actions. We can't do anything, but he's right there
Starting point is 00:48:47 and he's looming over you. So you've got a massive dragon and a magical justice gavel over your back, Ron. And I have nine HP left. Oh my God. How big is the door? I feel like we can just get out of the doorframe. I feel like the dragon doesn't have the mass
Starting point is 00:49:04 to smash through a door frame anymore. Anthony. That's nice. It's your turn. So you can put that to the test if you want to. I'm still at the front of the courtroom. I can run 40 feet because I got I'm special fast boy now. OK, what I want to do is I want to run.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I'm going to push Ron off of the gavel coaster, hold it myself. And that's it. That's essentially what I want to do. OK. Seeing that Ron got smashed by the ga do okay seeing that ron got smashed by the gavel and seeing the gavel getting ready for another smash i dive and skid across the floor like a cool john woo movie and i say ron roll and i push ron off the coaster and in one cool you say ron roll and then you push him off anyway anyways and then i grab the coaster
Starting point is 00:49:43 i grab the coaster and i curl up the coasters between me and the candlestick i'm holding it all really tightly and i'm getting ready to dive out of the way i'm staring at the gavel like i'm up holding the coaster with the candlestick staring up at the gavel in a way we all are i thought that was so funny looking at a woman i'm sorry i'm gonna think about that all the time i think that is so funny okay I'm just in my head looking at a woman. I'm sorry. I'm going to think about that all the time. I think that is so funny. Okay. It is now your turn, Ron.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Ideas sought here. I'm thinking about like, what's a good way that we could destroy this? I think it's less about destroying the coaster than getting out of here. Okay. Then I think that I will just try to go out, try to escape. Clear the way a little bit. Yes. Trip the dragon or something or do something maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I don't know. I just feel so injured. What if you rolled up the dragon like a burrito 2d should mean it has zero mass by the way because it's not paper paper is three-dimensional straight up you said two-dimensional that means there is zero mass to this thing whatsoever you can't interact with it in a 3d way like rolling up like a burrito so his fire couldn't interact with us either lawyer it's fire still going out at an angle. Guys, Anthony's being a real good sport right now. I feel like I'm being pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I think we are trying our best to fight out of here. No, I appreciate the way that you're trying to fight out. I don't think we're cheating on anything. I think we're just trying to... I will say, though, you probably can't roll a dragon up as a burrito because the edges are two-dimensional, so it would be infinitely sharp, so you would danger just slice your fingers off.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that. That's the argument I'm making with the fire is that it's effectively not actually a fire that's coming at you. It is an infinitely sharp like sudden blade coming at you.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Okay. Well, except the problem also is that fire in and of itself is a massless thing, right? It's a combustion so it actually isn't. It has mass. Does fire have mass?
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yes, gas has mass. No, fire is a chemical process. is glowing gases yeah in this world when something is two-dimensional and it casts fire that fire still can hurt you this isn't a cut twice thing gas has mass according to cora you're both right does fire have the most chemical process so it doesn't have mass however flames have mass because they are composed of a complex mixture of gases and particulate solids which each have mass. So in a way, you're both right, boys, and you're both wrong. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:52 I think we all learned something here today. Ron, what are you going to do? I don't even think there's anything cool that I can do. I think the option is either run or try to distract the dragon, and run is my thought, but I don't know. Okay, then I'll use the daddy's home cantrip to use Willy's voice to tell the dragon and run is my thought but i don't know okay then i'll use the daddy's home cantrip yes to use willie's voice to tell the dragon destroy the hammer okay give me a persuasion rule that's a 10 so 10 is not going to do it unfortunately uh the dragon begins to flinch
Starting point is 00:52:18 at the sound and then it turns and looks at the gelatinous cube the hologram's mouth isn't moving and it's nothing. Bad connection. I better destroy this anyway. It is Henry's turn. And so I can't leave you there. You can move. Sorry, you can also move. That was an action.
Starting point is 00:52:32 You can also move. Okay, cool. I'm just going to try to run away. Okay. You are now outside of the courthouse. Feels good, man.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You taste freedom. You're like Nicolas Cage at that part in Con Air where the wind hits his face. Yeah. Or Nicolas Cage at the part in Face Off where he gets out of the Erewhon prison and it's the first second, but then a helicopter shows up. Oh, man. Daryl sees Ron running.
Starting point is 00:52:51 He's like, tell Grant I love him if we don't make it out of here, Ron. If we don't make it out. My back is broken. I know. I'm sorry, buddy. No, it's okay. All right. It is Henry's turn.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Wow. What a day, huh? All right, it is Henry's turn. Wow, what a day, huh? Henry is going to cast one of his new fifth level spells called Gesh. I wonder if you can Gesh what this is going to do. God. Gesh. Gesh is-
Starting point is 00:53:20 Speak like Sean Connery. It makes you speak like Sean Connery. And because you're speaking like Sean Connery, it allows you to place a magical command such as punch the keys or bolt the door if you're coming in on a creature that you can see within range, forcing it to carry out some action
Starting point is 00:53:36 or refrain from some action or course of activity as you decide. So basically I can make it do something. I mean, I feel like that's what you wanted me to do. And so you didn't tell me that that's what you had the power to do. I was like, I was like, no, I get it. I get it. It's good to have multiple chances.
Starting point is 00:53:53 It is. What a day, huh? So Henry gets like super serious and he points at the dragon and says, no, really destroy the hammer. That's as scary as he could sound. That was pretty persuasive. How does the spell work? The dragon needs to make a wisdom saving throw. He rolled a natural 20.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Damn. All right. Well, shit. That's Henry's spell, and it didn't work. Do you kangaroo hop away, Will? Oh, I had to de-kangaroo to do that, so I'm no longer a kangaroo. What, are you just holding Peyton like an epiphytus pain immediately like no i was so happy it's the cubes turn and so willie looks at you and he goes i guess see you later kiddo and the gelatinous cube reaches under
Starting point is 00:54:38 the desk with a single globby tentacle and pushes a button the same button that was pressed when you very first came into this place and the doors to the front of the room slam shut oh shit and now you are all trapped crushing another person well they learn to get out of the way so nobody gets crushed but you are now trapped inside with everybody else and ron is on the outside the gavel is once again gonna come screaming down at the coaster which is being held exactly how like I'm holding the candelabra and the coaster to my chest. But obviously the coaster is touching my chest and the candelabra is above it. Like I'm also staring at it. So I want to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Like I'm ready to like roll out of the way. You can give me a regular dexterity, but it's just going to be a very high check. That's a four plus a one. The gavel comes in towards your chest. You juke a little bit to the left and it just like jukes over exactly identically as you're doing it like it doesn't even obey the laws of momentum and it's going to do what i'm basically saying is that this thing that's 3d 12 worth of damage and i'm going to say candelabra reasonably you could expect it to have like 14 hit points
Starting point is 00:55:40 okay so it does 19 hit points it shatters the candelabra against your chest. The shards go everywhere. And it hits the coaster in the center of your chest. And in that moment, time stops. You all find yourselves in a void that is both black and white, that is both light and dark, that is both up and down, that is perfectly balanced, that is the rules of existence and reality come to a beautiful head.
Starting point is 00:56:19 You are within the very nature of justice. And a guy that looks exactly like Brian Ferenczi steps out and he says, I am the law. God damn it. You fucker. Glenn, you have been pronounced guilty. I am the spirit of the gavel. You have two choices,
Starting point is 00:56:35 as was mentioned earlier. You can either, in this instant, magically lose control of your son and be instantly teleported to the Meth Bay Supermax to live out the rest of your days or we can teleport all of you right back to where
Starting point is 00:56:49 you are and the dragon can finish its job of immolating you and putting you to death. So you have one of these two choices and you have to make one of these choices. I've got a question. So with the choice that he loses his son and is confined to
Starting point is 00:57:10 prison, isn't the losing your son not like alterable? Correct. There's nothing that you can do ever that will change the fact that Nick will lose all of his memories of you as his father. He will have a new father. There's nothing magically that you can do to change that. Even if you found a way to go back in time and change that, you would find a timeline where he'd grown up with this other person. He will invariably and inviolably not be your son anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I think that deep down, oh man, this is very complicated because I think that for Glenn, he cares about Nick probably more than anything else. He cares about Nick because this is like the one piece of his relationship that he had with Morgan. That is like the thing that lives on, right? So that's pretty hardcore. the idea of losing Nick forever.
Starting point is 00:58:05 But then he also knows that that's a possibility because there's no guarantee we go back and we win this fight. Like we could go back. Glenn gets to keep his kid, but Glenn might die. Nick grows up an orphan. Nick loses both of his parents. So deep down, I think he's going to take the option to go into prison and to lose Nick. Because at least in that scenario, he can live with the idea, at least Nick grew up with a father.
Starting point is 00:58:37 But in the other one, he can't go look down at Abyss again and risk, because he knows deep down that Nick was affected by Morgan's death, even though doesn't say anything he's smart enough he's an adult and to potentially subject Nick to that would truly make him a bad father he'll take the sure thing of life in prison and Nick at least has a life and a father that he loves over the possibility of subjecting Nick to losing another parent. And so he says, the first thing you said, please. All right. So the law nods solemnly at you. It claps its hands.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And in that instance, everything goes white. Len, when you next open your eyes, you are in a cell alone back in the Meth Bay Correctional Facility, a cell that's guarded by two very burly guards with spectral security cameras watching you, basically just big spectral eyes that are standing in the jail cells. Your boots are extra heavy and weighted down. Your arms are chained to the wall.
Starting point is 00:59:52 This is quite a bit for a cool dude who's clearly not like a buff flight risk. I'm just throwing that out there. If you don't want to take the really cool implication that they're actually scared of you getting out because they think you're clever, then sure, by all means. You're just sitting on a little crappy cot. Okay, never mind. I back that up. I'm in chains. It's like the fucking cell in Hannibal Lecter mask. It's the Hannibal Lecter
Starting point is 01:00:12 mask, plus it's the jail from the end of X-Men, so it's like the Magneto jail, too, because that's how hard. Two security guards, one that has the food is like, no, man, you give him the food. No, you give him the food. And then he pushes the other one and they quickly slide the food under your thing. What if he tells me to cool it? Well, I don't know if he's not going to tell you to cool it. The other dads, when you open your eyes,
Starting point is 01:00:31 you find yourselves around a campfire, and the first thing you see when you open your eyes are your own children. You see Walter the Bullywug. He's not my kid. I said and. I'm sorry. You immediately, by instinct, think, where's Nick?
Starting point is 01:00:43 And you turn and you look, and you see Nick, and Nick is laughing so hard and you notice that immediately he's not wearing the clothes that feel like a younger kid's version of Glenn's clothes he's wearing a polo he's wearing khakis looks like a fucking nerd a visually similar handsome man slaps him on the back, and he goes, Because he was on duty. Yeah, I know, duty, right? Oh, man, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I love you. And that voice you just heard belongs to Jimmy Wong, Freddie Wong's real-life younger brother. What? No. What? Oh, no. What?
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yes. Holy shit Oh, no. What? Yes. Holy shit. Holy shit, dude. Yeah, it's gonna be all right. It'll be all right. Cause that's just life. Even if you die, it'll be all right. It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright It'll be alright, cause that's just life
Starting point is 01:01:51 All you do is try, and it'll be alright Dungeons and Daddies is Matt Arnold as Daryl Wilson Anthony Burch as our DM Will Campos as Henry Oak Beth May as Ron Stampler. And myself, Freddie Wong as Glenn Close. Special guest Jimmy Wong with a brief cameo there at the end. And you can expect to hear more of him in the episodes to come.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Theme song and outro is All Right by Maxton Waller. Courtney Theron is our content producer. Ashley Nicolette is our community manager. Robin Rapp is our transcriber. This episode could not have happened without our jury of 13 individuals drawn from our Patreon ranks. We want to thank them for diligently deliberating all the finer points of this trial
Starting point is 01:02:32 on the private Discord over the past two weeks. So, in no particular order, thank you to Caitlin Marquardt, Theo, R, Chris Ruger, Stock Bach McGock, Eric Gilbert, Rebecca Maloney, Chris Wading, Laura Loveless, Kelly Carmine, Shani Polwin, The Mysterious Juror Number 12, and Juror Number 10.
Starting point is 01:02:56 In addition to these sort of wild gameplay experiments, you can get a peek behind the scenes and access to exclusive bonus content on our Patreon at patreon.com slash dungeonsanddads. There you can join people like Jeremy Tisdale, Duncan Watson, Elizabeth Fulmey, Samantha Humphrey, Elliot Roberts, Dylan J. Johnson, Elizabeth Singer, Colby Rice, Drew Pat, and Jess Backstett, and get access to an entire backlog of bonus content. We're recording our next stretch goal bonus miniseries this month. It's going to be a Star Wars themed miniseries
Starting point is 01:03:20 about a jizz band that knew too much. If you don't like subscribing to Patreons, you'll be able to get it eventually as a digital download, just like our previous miniseries at the jizz band that knew too much. If you don't like subscribing to Patreons, you'll be able to get it eventually as a digital download, just like our previous miniseries at the mountains of dadness. But if you're a Patreon, you get it first and you get it free. You can also get discounts on our merch store over at store.dftba.com. We have an incredible new sticker pack for sale,
Starting point is 01:03:39 including a West rock elementary doodlers bumper sticker and an amazing looking. Everything is going to be OAK poster. So head on over there, check it out. Now store.dftba.com follow us on twitter dungeons and dads reddit.com slash r slash dungeons and daddies for our subreddit this is going to be the last main episode of the year we have a little bonus the week of christmas but we'll be back with a new main episode to kick off year three of dungeons and daddies on january 12th patrons will continue to get new content throughout this month, so don't worry there,
Starting point is 01:04:05 but as we barrel headlong into the holidays for some much-needed R&R on a very strange year indeed, we want to take a quick moment to thank you all for your support, for listening, for passing the show along to your friends, and for all the amazing discussion and fan art along the way. We hope that in return we've given you
Starting point is 01:04:21 some quality audio entertainment for your ear holes, maybe even inspired some of you out there to pick up some dice. Maybe try DMing yourself. We have a blast making this show. We hope you've had a good time, whether you've been listening from the first episode or just picked this up. So truly, thank you all for taking the time and listening to our little show. We'll see you next year.
Starting point is 01:04:38 And I think you're going to definitely want to hear the Easter egg on this episode. Okay, bye. I'm sharing you all on some documents. So what was going to happen was if you chose to try to fight the dragon and you died, then I was going to say, okay, here's another choice for you. Glenn is somewhere on the infernal plane because he was killed by a dragon's fire. His soul has been transported to the infernal plane,
Starting point is 01:05:16 which is a place, don't look at the files yet, which was a place that is made for and by the worst people in the history of time and space. It is the most awful place you can imagine. So if you want to go to the infernal plane and try and get him out, you can, but I promise you, you are not going to like it. You are going to be angry at me
Starting point is 01:05:33 for even giving you this option. You're going to be angry at yourselves for taking it. And then if you said yes, I would say, okay, I've shared you all on character sheets that you're going to need to look at. So you all descend into hell and then you have to double click hell music. And I would say, Glenn, you feel your hair begin to look at. So you all descend into hell and then you have to double click hell music. And I would say,
Starting point is 01:05:45 Glenn, you feel your hair begin to grow curlier around you. Oh no. And Ron, you feel your face begin to deform and a hat grows out of your skull. Wait, can I? Yeah, play the hell music and then look at your character shape.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I'm playing the hell music. I know. And you see lights streaming up above you as you move forward through the night, and you're back in your own world, and you're confused, and you realize you're all in a car together. You're in a beautiful convertible together going down Sunset Boulevard. As you look up into the lights, you see your own name,
Starting point is 01:06:15 and you now have to escape Entourage the game. I never watched Entourage as a fucking kid. I put that in there as foreshadowing in case I needed to do this. So I'm Johnny Drama Chase, and Anthony gave us, these are the stats he gave us. Lying, seduction, toxic masculinity, fame, spending money, and the gym.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Which gym was Lauren's idea, which is the fucking, I was like, so like something physical? She went, no, gym. My ability was bro hype, which I can spend a wall buck and intentionally fail a roll to give a bro a plus one die on their next roll. My ability is fucking piece of shit, garbage, shithole, asshole. Spend a wall buck to gain plus two die if any roll. If you act like a complete piece of shit excuse for a human.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Ron is turtle. Mine is Vincent Vinny Chase. I'm an actor. Ability, best actor in the biz. At any time, you can spend a wall buck to gain plus two to your lying score, but you must specifically recall how a role you portrayed that will help you. You also must perform the signature line from that role. I was E.
Starting point is 01:07:18 My ability is negotiate a better deal. Spend a wall buck to re-roll a new check. If you don't roll a six, treat the result as a one. If you ever do something cash money, the DM will award you a wall buck. It's very good. This is insane, Anthony. You know why I did this, right? It's because in that Talking Dad, we were talking about succession and all this.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And Matt specifically said, I usually try to give these characters the benefit of the doubt, but every character in Entourage should go to hell. And I was in the shower, and I was like... And I was in the shower and I was like, Mark my words, Patreon supporters. After we finished the star Wars mini series, this is the next stretch goal. The alternate reality of if Glenn had died and the dads had to go rescue him
Starting point is 01:07:56 from the entourage universe.

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