Dungeons and Daddies - Ep. 57 - Heroes of Moat and Magic

Episode Date: May 4, 2021

The dads and Glenn leave their castle and run into some trouble.Check out Swimming to Freedom on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!This episode contains profanity, sexual content, violence, and violence tow...ards children.Support the show on Patreon!Get merch and more at our website!Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!Check out the subreddit!DM is Anthony BurchDarryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)Jodie Foster is Jimmy Wong (@jfwong)Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)Theme song by Maxton WallerCourtney Thérond is our Content ProducerAshley Nicollette is our Community ManagerChad Ellis did some additional editingRobin Rapp is our transcriberCover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dungeons and Daddies is a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups. Content warnings can be found in the field of identity for the physics? Naturally. Nicholas is the son of Jodie Foster, a demon sent back in time and across dimensions to become Nicholas's dad. I am Jodie Foster. Nicholas is the fruit of my nut. Therefore, I am the dad of Nicholas. But Nicholas existed before you became his dad. He is the fruit of my nut. Therefore, I am the dad of Nicholas. Both are the real dad. Both are the real dad.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Neither are the real dad. Except for me. I am his real dad. No, I am his real dad. He came from my nut. He came from my nut! Perhaps the nut is the memories. The moments shared between father and son.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Perhaps they are what makes a dad. But Nicholas does not remember you, you colossal dipshit. That makes me his dad. I win. I'll kill you! Incorrect! It is I who will kill you! What was that? We've switched bodies once again.
Starting point is 00:01:14 No matter whose body I am in, I am still the dad of Nicholas. I am the dad of Nicholas. I am the dad of Nicholas. Welcome to Dungeons and Daddies, sometimes a BDSM podcast, sometimes a podcast where other people introduce the podcast. It's about four dads flung from our world into a forgotten realm of magical fantasy and wonder on a quest to rescue their lost sons. Pretty good. I'm Will Campos, man, and I play Glenn Close. Nice.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah. The ice. The Christmas cover band rocker bar dad of the group. Whoa, pretty crazy. My Glenn fact this week, we're not going to do any opening banter. You know, I realized I'm usually the one who interrupts Freddie in the middle of his things because I'm so desperate to be funny and get attention. But now no one's interrupted me.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It just, no one even knows that anyone else is on the podcast. You kind of interrupted yourself. I had to. You as Will came and interrupted you as Freddy. It was like,
Starting point is 00:02:16 I was like, something's wrong. I need to say something. Oh no, I'm already saying something. I think we were all just seduced by your like initial out the gate Glenn energy. Like, I mean. It's a new will over there it's a new will baby it's a new day my glenn fact is that at age 24 glenn was abducted by aliens
Starting point is 00:02:32 glenn was abducted by aliens and had a mind-blowing extraterrestrial adventure woke up two weeks later in the desert and chalked the whole thing up to a bad acid trip so he does not know he's been abducted by aliens it's pretty wild to be like that was a bad acid trip what happened to the previous two weeks i mean glenn party's pretty hard glenn i mean glenn freddie oh no oh no we're just gonna breeze by the fact that i canonically established that there's aliens in our universe aliens exist but exist. Yeah, but we already knew that, so what's the point? Honestly, bless you. I mean, that he believes so.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I guess it kind of isn't that exciting. Yeah, we're in a magical fantasy world where there's dragons and shit. Like, you think aliens are going to phase us at this point? This is what Blake Snyder would call double mumbo jumbo, which is when you have two separate things in your... Blake Snyder? Save the cat, dog.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Get it together. Sp Save the cat. Dog, get it together. Spare the child. Okay, my name is Freddie Wong and I play Daryl Wilson, a stay-at-home coach dad who becomes a barbarian in the Forgotten Realms. Oh, wow. This is good. Very good. This week's Daryl fact. Daryl
Starting point is 00:03:41 loves the films of Roland Emmerich he saw 2012 Freddie you're doing too much Matt and you're doing a Matt fact you're supposed to be Daryl here that is very Matt he loved 2012
Starting point is 00:03:52 because as you remember it's about a guy driving a limousine saving his family saving his family right and he secretly thinks that
Starting point is 00:04:00 the Statue of Liberty play should be renamed the Independence Day play because it's just, you know, humanity's one last shot to take down the UFO, you know? Wow, he's excited about this. I did not think about mine. That's good. Anyway, so
Starting point is 00:04:13 that's me, Daryl Wilson. Nice to meet you. Hi, Daryl. Nice to meet you, Daryl. Hello. Hello. I'm Catholic. He does say that a lot, to be fair. It's his catchphrase, practically. That's his catchphrase. Yeah. I'm the Catholic one.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm the Catholic one. Hi, guys. My name is Jimmy Wong, and I play Henry Oak. Terrible. It's like Henry's in the room with me. Shit, I thought there was two of ya. Granola-eating, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie druid dad uh i'm the official voice actor just so you guys know how dare you sir how dare you fun fact about henry he unironically
Starting point is 00:04:54 unashamedly it really does truly enjoys the smell of his own farts yeah that sounds about right that's it that sounds about right that's literally in my head i'm like i'm in this picture and i don't like it. Why does Henry enjoy the smell of his own farts, Jimmy? Well, because it's a natural part of your body. You should love everything that comes from you, good and bad. You know, my therapist taught me about this a long time ago, which is we really love to just hate certain things. And if you think about it, we are truly our own worst enemies. So why not take something that is typically seen as bad and embrace it as good yeah i think that's just a really wonderful way to bring healing about and just
Starting point is 00:05:28 to feel a little bit better about yourself especially when you have a really nasty fart oh my god you're right so you're telling me that henry like in the relationship like just right out the gate it's just like we're just gonna test this one right here just skip that awkward grace period where everyone's kind of holding it in oh mercedes Mercedes loves a good Dutch oven. Oh, wow. That cannot be true. That is more unbelievable than Freddie being kidnapped by aliens. There's no way. Don't despoil Mercedes. Oh, it's true.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Hey, everybody. This is IRL dad Matt Arnold playing fictional dad Ron Stampler. Nice. A little dad fact about Ron is that he's actually never farted. Okay, yes. Just like his mama. Well, actually, it's just because he thinks farts are invisible poops, so
Starting point is 00:06:11 that's what he tells himself. Never mind. I take it back. Wait, Matt, I like the one that you pitched me. My other dad fact was that Ron thinks all eggs are just eggs. Like, he doesn't. They're all eggs. There's no different types of eggs.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That's really good. It's just a surprise that they happen to mostly be chickens. That's really good. That's fantastic. Does it connect them to chickens at all?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Hi, my name is Beth May and I play Jody Foster. Cop. Oh, I didn't even say what Rock Sampler was. Also, fun fact about Jody. I've got like two that I feel pretty good about. Outside of his highway patrol job, Jody Foster has never used an abbreviation in his life.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Writes Wednesday out all the time. In a calendar, it's like every single month, there is nothing abbreviated. He doesn't write aren't. He writes are not. Be day. No, no, no, no, no. No, no. Birth a day.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Birth day. You don't have to say be right back. He calls birthday the B word. He's like, I can't. Another fun Jody fact is that he has the world record for most box tops for education cut out ever. Doesn't that seem like it? Yeah, I was like. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Hell yeah. He's never figured out where to turn them in. He just has to. He's like, someday. I like that. That's very wholesome. Yeah, it's wholesome. I'm Anthony Burch.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I'm your dad. It's been a while since I did a Wreck Me Daddy, so I'm going to wreck you daddy today. You've only done it once before, Anthony. Yeah. Nice, nice. So I'm going to recommend, there is an amazing story that Freddie sent me, actually.'s a short story. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, this is very good. It's called Lena, L-E-N-A. And it's by an author called QNTM, Q-N-T-M. So just Google Lena QNTM. And it's one of the best sci-fi short stories I've ever read in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Very spooky. Very spooky. It's got amazing implicit horror in it where you like see something that seems completely innocuous and then your brain works on it for another second. You're like, oh wait, and it's the worst thing you've ever heard. That same writer has also worked on the anti-mimetics division,
Starting point is 00:08:11 which is an SCP short story series. And I didn't know any SCP stuff at all. And I read that and it like completely consumed my weekends. There's some great hidden stuff on SCP. SCP is notoriously the sane clown posse. Oh, yes. Oh, God. Can we do a quick daddy rec? clown posse. Ah, yes. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Can we do a quick daddy rec? Nice. Me. About your dad. Yeah. About our dad. Our real life dad. Jimmy and I, our real life dad.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We have one. We do have a real life dad. He just completed a book he's been working on for the past year. Year? More like eight years, dude. He's been working on it forever. Some of all fears. It took him a long time to work his way through it.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's called Swimming to Freedom. It's about how he swam from china to hong kong to escape the cultural revolution it's basically our family story we've been trying to get him to write it for like years so it just came out it's a book you can buy it we'll put a link in the description check it out is a harrowing tale it's very intense like he swam like six miles to get to hong kong to escape communist china it's like meanwhile like i remember one time in college i got in the olympic side swimming pool i swam halfway i got winded and i got out and got a donut so that gives you an idea of like he swam to freedom so you could podcast dungeons and dragons friday that's right this podcast owes everything to this book yeah to him someday my first born son is going to have a Dungeons & Dragons podcast,
Starting point is 00:09:26 and he will bring my secondborn son on as it gets dark. If he had thought that, then he would have stopped when he was swimming halfway through and then gone ahead and gone home and gotten a donut. And his secondborn son decided to make a Magic the Gathering podcast. His sons will be podcasting kings. It's a pretty book, too. I just found out, actually, that this is not the actual Kent Wong, but there is somebody, a little somebody on the cover with the great delts.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, Beth was Myron the cover. I was. Beth needs to get outside. It's just half of a shirtless man. It's just a black and white shirtless man. And Beth is like, no, that's not true. That's an attractive, muscular man. Beth and I will just have to satisfy ourselves by being thirsty for the real Kent Long, who
Starting point is 00:10:10 is also extremely handsome. Yay. I'm your mother now. I don't think anything is going to beat my physical feet. One time I biked to- Wait, wait, wait, wait. Jimmy, are you- What?
Starting point is 00:10:20 I just want to make sure you're comparing what you're about to say to what your dad did. Yeah, yeah. Okay, go. Okay, I just want to make sure you're comparing what you're about to say to what your dad did. Yeah, yeah, 100%. So one time I was grinding WoW so hard, and I decided that I needed to get food, so I biked up the hill from our house to Dairy Queen. I hadn't eaten or drank anything all day. I was planning on getting a burger, eating, and going home.
Starting point is 00:10:37 After I ordered at the counter, I literally turned to the side and just fainted and passed out and smacked the ground. Wait, what? Oh, my God. An ambulance had to come, and I woke up in the booth looking around dizzy, and they were like, are you okay? And I was like, you know, I think it's just because I didn't eat or drink or whatever. And they were like, okay, I'm just checking to make sure you're okay. Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And so I sat there, and I ate my Dairy Queen burger and drink, and I biked home and kept playing WoW. Jimmy, I have never heard this story. I've never told it. Jimmy. Wow. Jimmy queen that's the epilogue to kent wong's book yeah that's why dad came to america is for that moment alone holy shit dude yeah it was really bad oh my goodness gracious well hopefully no one passes out today doing the podcast i hope you all ate beforehand i did i did actually cheers Oh my goodness gracious. Well, hopefully no one passes out today doing the podcast. I hope you all ate beforehand.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I did. I did actually. Cheers. To remind you of what happened last episode, you body swapped and in an effort to undo it, you heard that the two ways that body swaps can happen are basically somebody does it to you as a spell or a demon can do it intentionally to somebody to send them back in time or space. And you found out from Dee Snider, who turns out is Jodie's mommy, you found out that Jodie is actually a demon who
Starting point is 00:11:57 was shoved into the battle axe of hatred and then sent back in time to basically marry Morgan Freeman and sire a son with her before Glenn Close could even really meet her. And as that was occurring to you, D. Steiner switched you back into your own bodies, except not really because D. Steiner doesn't know which body goes with which soul. And so you were obviously once again in the wrong body. And we are going to, I guess, come in on all of you realizing that. Also, Peyton and Nicholas are still holding each other's ears. Whoa, what the frick? Oh, man. What the frick gets me every time.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You know what? Let me do it again. Let me go. Whoa, what the fuck? Go. There we go. There it is. Nice.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Jeez, you know what? It's because of... Oh, gosh. This is strange. Oh, gosh. Is this again? I haven't even... Oh, my body's over there.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I know I'm not in the right body. I can see it over there. Oh, gosh. Where's Jodyody where's that son of a bitch where's that bastard jody okay okay everyone calm down calm down dad payton where are you does somebody know who that woman was talking about is that jody and ron's body yes i am jody okay man well like when is that you you son of a bitch yeah it's freaking me bitch guys guys guys can we not fight right now can we just figure out a way back into our bodies and then we can fight after that exactly we need to figure out a way back into our bodies but first we need to figure out who the hell that demon was insinuating your mom you freaking idiot did you listen to a single thing she said glenn maybe
Starting point is 00:13:22 she was talking about you you're the demon who has stolen my son, thinking that you're Nicholas's dad when really I, Jodie Foster, am Nicholas's dad. As you say that, the bird that was on Jodie's body with Glenn's soul flies over to Ron's body with Jodie's soul and rubs its head against Ron's body's head. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:13:46 What's Nicholas Jr. Doing? Hanging out on your shoulder. That's my rat. You stole my son. You stole my rat bird. What the fuck, man? Payton, take your ears off.
Starting point is 00:13:54 So you see Nicholas and Payton take their hands off of each other's ears and Payton looks up at all of you and goes, squeak, squeak, squeak. And Nicholas goes, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk. Oh, wait, hold on. Oh, this is very bad. Jody, your son's a bird. Okay, let's not jump to conclusions here. We don't actually know.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Maybe they're just using code language. Where's my dad's son? Payton. You feel a rat on the ground and it climbs up your body and it goes and it shrugs at you. Oh, okay. Payton's here.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Look, nobody likes this, right? We would all prefer to be back in our own bodies, right? Yeah, can we get some fucking pants on, Henry? Damn, I mean, I know we're all pretty chill and not talking about it, but I feel like everyone's staring at my dick right now. Can we figure this out? Doesn't scam likely owe us a favor or something?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Can we just call that asshole and get us back in our body? Henry, you have a dick. We all have dicks. I do have a dick. Stop bragging about your dick. I have a large dick. And yes,
Starting point is 00:15:00 I can see that lens is not as large at all as mine. That mine is definitely larger. Can we isolate best? Like I have a large dick and that kind of enunciated. I have been collecting over the last 56 episodes. I have a folder of like weird out of context clips because I want to do like a morning Zoo Crew episode where we just all play morning radio DJs. And this will be on the soundboard and I can just there's some very funny out of context clips.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Also, speaking of the pants of Daryl's body also immolate instantly because Ron's soul is inside of it. Oh, OK. Sorry, Daryl. These are nice underwear, though. You know, I'm just going to take these off, too, just to be fair with Henry and take take off the underwear it just doesn't feel fair i'll say why are you all looking at me stop stop looking at me somebody say something i'm just gonna go ahead and just look straight up straight up at the top of the books here does someone have a phone who has the jody jody's body jody give me your phone before we go for it i think it's important for us to normalize each other's bodies it's okay that's fine henry that's what we can normalize later let's just get the phone and call uh the uh the demon who owes us a favor just call mark likely and then we can continue
Starting point is 00:16:12 talking okay jody's body i guess that's gonna be uh henry in there henry just reach into your pockets and give me the phone you hear around you a very quiet whisper but you hear it echoing from all the walls surrounding you, and you hear, We, we have, we have been. Okay, I'm sorry, does anyone hear that demonic chanting coming from over there, or is it just me? There's the demon that guitar player was clearly talking about. They have somebody named Ben.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Who the fuck is saying we have? Who has what? Who is it? You want to fight me? Let's go. Give us back Ben. I'm going to roll... Perception back Ben. I'm going to roll. Perception? Yes, I'm going to roll perception. Okay. And that's going to be a nine plus one, 10.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Okay, so with the 10, you can tell that even though the voice is echoing from everywhere, it has a localized source in this room with you. But with the 10, you're not going to know much more about that. I got a 15 perception. Okay, with a 15 perception,
Starting point is 00:17:02 you can tell that this voice is magically originating from Jody's phone. Whoa. There it is. Henry and Jody's body. Could you just answer that phone really quick? I'm just going to take this out now, and I think it would be best.
Starting point is 00:17:14 That's my phone. I should be answering that phone. Wait, Jody? I don't care. Just someone answer the phone. Could you fucking chill for half a second? Someone just answer the phone. You're a demon.
Starting point is 00:17:23 If I were a demon, if I were evil in any capacity whatsoever, I would have killed you a long time ago. Okay, well, you know. Okay, I'll just go ahead and reach over and answer to that phone then. So Daryl's going to reach over and just answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So you hear we from everywhere. Oh, just let me just put this on speaker really quick. We have, we have been, we have been looking for you to discuss your car's extended warranty. Oh, boy. What's up, baby? Scam.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Oh, my God. I knew you'd be giving me a little rigging. Oh, is this the Honda dealer? No, you know, I do my own oil changes, so I don't need to come in. Not quite happy Honda days, but it's your friend Scam Likely who you thought had gone away. What's going on? Scam, where who you thought had gone away. What's going on? Where are you right now? Well, actually,
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm right behind you. And as he says that, you can feel some wind from behind you, and you hear a voice behind you saying, nothing personal, kid. And as you turn around... Jody turns and punches him. Okay, go ahead and roll an attack.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So I got a 15. He just barely dodges out of the way, and the waft of air that you smell as his head very suddenly moves to the left has a hint of fedora musk to it. A little Axe body spray, just a touch. Just a frisson of Axe body spray.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Whoa, Scam, bro, you seem like kind of messed up. Are you doing alright, man? Well, actually, it turns out I was sort of convinced that, you know, once you turn me back, it'd be me, your good old friend Scam, likely. But it turns out you can't go home again, as it were. So I feel, actually, I feel both personalities sort of fighting for privacy inside of me. You all know how it is. What do you want? Yeah, so, Scamp, really quick.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I think your brother or one of your family, you owe us a favor and we just like to be back in our own bodies again. Sure, one of your two favors I can absolutely spend. Who was that woman who said that I, I, Jodie Foster, a upstanding moral citizen was a demon? Oh, that was your demon mommy, I bet.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Let me get a good lick to be sure. Told you, idiot. Put your hand out for me, please. The body of Henry, which is consumed by Glenn. The body of Henry with Glenn's soul in it. The body of Christ, yes. Compels you. Compels me, consumes me.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Okay, I, Jody Foster. The hottest person on the podcast. Dr. Lecter. Dr. Lecter. Dr. Lecter. I grab Glenn, who is in- Henry's body. Henry's body. And I put his hand out and then my hand is also out too, so.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Okay. Scam likely says, this will feel a little bit weird, but I promise you it's all good. And so he drags his tongue across the back of both of your hands. And Henry's body reacts the way that anybody's would when being licked by a stranger, which is to say not significantly. You hear Scam likely say, like, ooh, tastes like someone hasn't washed their hands in quite a long time. Yeah, I'm trying not to think about that right now. But when the tongue drags itself across Ron's body, which holds Jody's soul in it, for a brief second, you see a flash of the reddest red you've ever seen, a flash of infernal hellfire lick up from the skin of Ron's hand.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Oh, oh, oh, there, right there. Do you freaking see that? That's a demonic guarantee. There's a demonic soul inside that baby. Woo, you must be so happy. Demons can do all sorts of cool things. They're all in Glenn's body, just crossing himself. Oh, the power of Christ compels you. The power of Christ compels you. But enough of that. I'll get you all back of cool things. They're all in Glenn's bodies just crossing himself. Oh, the power of Christ
Starting point is 00:20:45 compels you. The power of Christ compels you. But enough of that. I'll get you all back into your bodies. What do you say? Lickety split.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Bippity boppity back into your body. That's pretty funny. And he snaps his fingers. All right, Matt, you're Glenn. Whoa, dude, this body is rad.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah. What the fuck? That bullshit. Fuck yeah. This is the hottest body I've ever been in This is slander This is slander man
Starting point is 00:21:09 My bad My bad Bippity boppity boop Freddy you were Peyton Oh this feels kind of weird Oh but my left arm is huge Oh I could do a one arm push up Everyone step aside
Starting point is 00:21:17 I'm gonna do a one arm push up One Okay that's more than I've ever done before Bippity boppity boop Beth you are Henry Oh gee okay okay Well um Yeah so Uh Well I guess We're all in bodies Okay, that's more than I've ever done before. Beth, you are Henry. Oh, gee, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Well, yeah, so, well, I guess we're all in bodies that we like. Oh, gosh, you turned into Ponta. Anastasia's alive? Anastasia's alive. Oh, gee, yeah, well, I hope that all creatures are alive, you know, if they're bats or, you know, whatever animated movie they are in, and we're animated, too, animated too, animated emotionally speaking. So yeah, I'm just happy to be here. Fuckity, fickity, foo!
Starting point is 00:21:48 Jimmy, you are Nicholas. Whoa, Dad's so cool. I'm cool. Bippity, boppity, gross. Matt, you're Peyton. Wow, this is, oh man, my voice sounds horrible. Shippity, shoppity, shoo! Beth, you're Peyton.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Ew, I wish my body Perfectly absorbed All moisture Because this is what Wet bodies The ladies baby Fuck my life Oh my god
Starting point is 00:22:12 I'm dead inside Kill me He canonically said all that Diggity doggity doo Will you're Peyton Uh yeah baby It feels like I'm Jumping around quite a bit here
Starting point is 00:22:20 All the dads are I've been everybody I've been everywhere I'm an everywhere kind of guy Libbity lobbity loo Jim you're Pey bet everybody. I bet everywhere. I'm an everywhere kind of guy. Oh, yeah, baby. This is what I'm talking about. Real pettits here. I hear cops are the biggest dicks in the West. Oh, baby, let me check this real fast.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Whoa. All right. No, I gotta figure it out now. Daddity daddity doo. And now everyone is actually back into their own bodies. I don't know. I still sound like a pettit for some reason. What do you do my voice for you think that's funny you think that's what i sound like it's funny it's funny you know what's weird is like primer makes sense now i think i think i get it glenn goes like am i back in my body and he
Starting point is 00:22:56 goes like let me count my abs one two three ten eleven twelve okay great yeah oh my god what an adventure that was huh so nich, his eyes are extremely wide and he says, what's all this about demons? My ears were covered when I was in that body, but then I was in the bird's body. So I heard all of it. Nicholas, son, whatever happens, it's more lies. It's more craziness.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It's more crazy talk. Okay, just trust me. I'm your dad. I've always been your dad. He goes, actually, it's all true. All true. Don't let me lie. You're a lie now. It's more crazy talk, okay? Just trust me. I'm your dad. I've always been your dad. He goes, actually, it's all true. All true. Don't lie. You're a lie now.
Starting point is 00:23:28 That's a lie. Nicholas, that's very important. We're going to get to that. I do want to find a pair of pants or something to cover myself with. And Daryl, I would suggest you do the same. Hey, don't we all, you know? Oh, no. I got my underwear on now.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I'm just going to do a quick perception roll to see if there's anything I can do to cover my nudity. Okay. My below the belt nudity in the vicinity. I got a 15. Okay, so the 15, you can find there is one of those books that like Atlas compendiums that just have a bunch of maps in them. And they have big old fold out maps with every page. And you find that those are generally big enough that if you ripped one out, you could sort of turn it into a skirt or a kilt.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I fashion a kilt out of this map. And as I do this, I say, I just want to say right now, I'm not Scottish. It feels a little weird to wear a kilt. I take the atlas and I fashion it into a skirt and I wrap the skirt around my waist to cover my nudity. Looks good on you, Henry. Anyway, I'm going to bounce.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Good talking to y'all. Bye. Hey, Scam. Yeah, what's up? What it is? Thanks. Hey, Henry. is? Thanks. Hey, Henry? Yeah? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I don't think, you know, you scammed me with your niceness. I thought you were going to do something rude, but then you just said thank you back. I appreciate that, Scam. No, I'm changing a lot. I've got a lot inside me now. A lot of things are happening. A lot of dogs in the fire. So the scary phone noise, when I was like, oh, who was phone? Was that you?
Starting point is 00:24:44 I was phone. I was like oh who was phone was that you when you were like we are I was phone trying to get in two episodes I was phone I thought that was a very good joke Ron that was
Starting point is 00:24:51 that was delightful I'm on your side okay scam likely away hey scam thanks he's gone okay if you wish to
Starting point is 00:25:01 exit book castle you can either leave the way you came in but Boreanaz and his troops are presumably locked into that room that you just locked them into, or you can leave via a secret entrance at the ass end of the Bard Rock Cafe
Starting point is 00:25:13 with a very large Leon sign over it that says secret exit. Nice. Well, this looks pretty good. Let's go out this way. Yeah. Okay. Can I roll perception really one last time before we, just to see if I can, you know, grab anything. Sure. Just shopping. Just shopping.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Just shopping in a library. Really, yeah. Ooh, 18. So with an 18, you find, let me get into our fun little Patreon submission form. Ooh, this is great. This is perfect. So you find- It's pants.
Starting point is 00:25:38 No, it is not pants. You find a sharpened blade, a katana. It's mounted on the wall. It looks really, really sharp. And looking at it just makes you think about the very nature of existence. And this item is called the Katana of Kant. It is a sword which will instantly deduct half of the current HP of the creature it's attacking once per day. However, while this sword majored in murder, it minored in philosophy. The sword is sentient and will begin to ponder the ethics of murder once wielded.
Starting point is 00:26:06 In order for the sword to successfully do its damage, the player wielding it must convince the sword that it's entirely ethical to do so by succeeding on a DC 15 intelligence throw. Regardless of the outcome, the player must swing the sword at the creature. At any point during the game, the sword will also be available
Starting point is 00:26:22 for any philosophical or moral questions the player may have. Wow! What a cool item! Very cool. This was submitted to us by Emma Stolman. Thank you, Emma. Thanks, Emma. Thank you, Emma. Thank you, Emma. I would like to do a search as well. I'm going to search for, as we're on our way out, a book on daddy magic.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Give me either perception or investigation. I got perception 17. Okay. So you find a book on daddy magic. I guess with a 17, is there a particular subtitle or particular area of expertise of daddy magic? Just, you know, the complete dum-dums guide to daddy magic, something in that milieu. Okay, cool. Yeah, you find the complete idiot's guide to daddy magic. For dummies.
Starting point is 00:26:56 For dummies. For dummies. Yeah, you find daddy magic for dummies, and on the cover is somebody that looks eerily like Willie Stamper going like, like the little icon of that guy. A reference guide for the rest of us. Can Daryl roll really quick? Yeah, what are you looking for? I'm looking for Dead of Honor, the sequel to Sum of All Fears, because it seemed like
Starting point is 00:27:10 Peyton liked Sum of All Fears, so just getting it ready for him. That's great. I got two, though. There is not a single copy of Dead of Honor in the entire book castle. There is only a bunch of misprints of Sum of All Fears and then Executive Action, the really boring thousand page one that's about Jack Ryan being president. Daryl still grabs Executive Action, but he tries to pass it off
Starting point is 00:27:26 because he's actually, he's kind of embarrassed that he was being so selfish about grabbing those books and he's eyeing his pal Glenn there. He's a little worried about Glenn. I'd like to also roll perception. Oh, are you looking for
Starting point is 00:27:35 Dead of Honor for me? No, absolutely not. Jody's going to be looking for basically any books about demons and reversing that type of thing and to explain the current situation a little more. Great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Go ahead and give me a roll. For the Bible. You find the Bible. A two. Ironically, you find dead of honor, but you don't know Daryl Watson. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:56 no, you just don't happen to find any books on demonology. You find a bunch of like great Stephen King books. You find Salem's lot, but that's as close as you can get. I think for a two, it should be a bad Stephen King book. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah. Oh, that's fair. You find dream catcher. think four or two should be a bad Stephen King book. That's all I'm saying. Yeah. Oh, that's fair. You find Dreamcatcher. You find Dreamcatcher, yeah. No, sorry. You find the novelization of the film Dreamcatcher, which didn't even exist in our world. Wait, that's like Ashley Burch's favorite thing, though, right?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah, maybe you can borrow it from Mark Lively. Glenn is going to roll for time travel and getting your wife back. Just anything like that. That's specific. Just going to get the time travelers. Yeah. You're just going to find a copy of the time travelers wife,
Starting point is 00:28:29 no matter how well you roll. You find NPC Rachel McAdams. I roll a nine. Yeah. You find a dog ear copy of the time travelers wife with the ending missing. And I go, this is close enough.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And Glenn is biting his fingernails for the first time. Oh no. Oh buddy. Henry Oh, buddy. Henry leaves Book Castle. Okay. Thank you. So basically, the secret exit is just a typical exit door you might find at a restaurant or whatever,
Starting point is 00:28:55 and you press on the little metal bar. It opens up. It's like a fire escape door, but it goes, secret exit, secret exit, secret exit. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. You find yourself basically at the foot of another drawbridge, except that you're on, you know, the draw-y side of this one.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I don't know what you would call it, you know? You need to be the draw-y and not the draw-y. What a way of word. What a way with words. What a way of word indeed, Frederick. Draw-y me like one of your French girls. And the drawbridge spans the length of the moat that got you into Book Castle in the first place.
Starting point is 00:29:25 You're on the other end of Book Castle. As you walk across, you feel and hear a creaking on the bridge and you hear a bubbling in the moat underneath you. Uh-oh. Hey, guys, do you think that maybe like one of you, Daryl, I don't want to name names, but do you think that you may have added some more like Goliath sort of a barbarian to my physical body now? Cause I feel like, you know, I'm pretty, I'm pretty big. I'm pretty girthy now making the bridge creep. I'm a big boy now. You are a big boy, Ron, but I think that's something under the bridge. I think there might be something. Let's run. Let's just get off the bridge. I agree.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Let's just run. Yeah. Let's just, yeah. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. Daryl runs off the bridge. Okay. Everyone's going to run? Yeah. Can I like carry my son instead as well? Absolutely, you can. Just to clarify, he's my son. Unless I say otherwise, because it's easy to forget him. Peyton's always riding piggyback. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:30:12 As you run across, because you don't check for traps, because you don't go slowly or anything like that, you hear a dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, de under your feet and then there's an explosion. The drawbridge that you're on shatters under your feet and you begin to plummet down into the moat below. Whose stupid idea was that? Everybody give me acrobatics checks. Daryl and Jody do it with disadvantage
Starting point is 00:30:33 because you're carrying a child. Duplicate 10. Henry got a natural 20. Oh God, I got a five. I got a 19. I got a 13. Everyone except for Henry and Ron plummets into the most
Starting point is 00:30:45 below. So Henry and Ron, why don't you describe what happens with your dank ass rolls to get you on the other side safely? Lucky. I know exactly what happens is that Henry's map skirt just blows up and then like he just pirouettes to the ground like, I don't know, Sailor Moon or something like
Starting point is 00:31:02 that. Like it's just his dress is a cushion that lets him stick the landing. That's great. It's like Peach in Smash Brothers. Exactly like Peach in Smash Brothers. And you're seeing his peaches, if you know what I mean. Oh, boy. No.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I think that Ron gets really afraid when he hears the noise and he freezes up, which causes him to trip. And then because he was running so fast, he just, he tips forward and like, I cannot believe I'm about to reference a video game on this. I am the not video game. But, you know, like if somebody is like trying to hurt Spyro and Spyro and he does the little roll thing to the side. Yeah, I think he like creases up and then dodges like a forward.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That's delightful. A little roll. So the two of you managed to make it to the other side safely before the drawbridge collapses beneath you. But the other five people. Can I try to throw Peyton as I'm falling to the other side? Yeah, but it'll be at disadvantage. So yeah, give me an athletics at disadvantage. Okay, first one's 23 and second one is 19.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Dang. So you successfully huck Peyton. Independence Day throw Peyton. Yeah, you do an Independence Day play. I think I'm dying
Starting point is 00:32:12 so as he's flying I go, tell my dad, dad that I still love him and if Carol's there tell her I love her too. As I'm falling. As Peyton flies through
Starting point is 00:32:19 and he goes, what was that? So everyone give me an initiative roll. oh everybody yes 15 plus 5 20 9 plus 2 11 i got a 15 i got a 20 19 plus 1 20 we got a lot of 20s here nice nice listen up tens at 20 speaking so unlike the last time where we did slots for every digital character because it actually matters what order you go in here because you got ambushed. We're going to go in initiative order.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Now that said, three of you got 20s. So I feel like of the three of you who got 20s, you get to decide who goes first. So that'd be Ron, Daryl, and Glenn. The three of you who didn't make it fall into the moat. And when you hit the water, you are immediately struck by a sense that is at first pleasant. And then when you think about it, deeply unpleasant, which is how incredibly warm the water is. Hi, ex-boyfriends.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Sorry, guys. I couldn't hold it. Oh, jeez. And you feel something goopy and kind of viscous surrounding your legs and you see this sort of green, mucus-like substance floating around in the water. And as you look down into the surface of the water to see if you can determine
Starting point is 00:33:30 what's creating it, you see a large black circle in the center of the water. And the circle closes, and you realize you're looking at a mouth. A creature that looks like a shark mixed with a squid shoves its head above the water.
Starting point is 00:33:43 This massive, gaping maw with no actual teeth inside of it, but several tentacles beneath it thrashing and writhing. It roars and mucus sort of spits out from its gob and dribbles down its chin. And it begins lashing its tentacles near you. And this is an aboleth. Okay. Or aboleth. It's a D&D-ass monster. Imagine just a fuckload of tentacles attached to one of the angriest heads you can think of.
Starting point is 00:34:06 A head with three piercing red eyes, a moth that's rimmed with razor-sharp teeth. It's got a bunch of fins going down its back, and it's got some pretty furious-looking tentacles attached to that pissed-off head. Oh, yikes! This castle's fucked up, man. So to be clear, Nick is down here with us.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Nicholas is down there with the three of you, yeah. And Jody, as this combat starts, and as you see Nicholas struggling to tread water with this arbalest staring all of you down, you hear it in the back of your head. You hear, and you know that if you ever want to unleash your full demonic potential,
Starting point is 00:34:41 if you ever want to become a demon, and in so doing, cast off your mortal form, all you have to do is go, and that will activate your transformation. Cool. No, please keep playing. Ron, Glenn, and Daryl are the 20. So all three of you can go
Starting point is 00:34:58 and then something else will happen. I'm going to cast a second level spell. It's called pyrotechnics because I'm thinking like a you know like a fishing lure i'm gonna try and like send something off so basically i'm just like shooting off a roman candle off away from us um what is with glenn and just bootleg fireworks bootleg fireworks the fireworks the target explodes with a dazzling display of colors each creature within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw or become
Starting point is 00:35:21 blinded until the next turn so can i shoot it like maybe it's like i have a flare and i just throw it and shoot into the water or something uh hey over here yeah it's a hey over here thing okay so yeah he will do a constitution saving throw and that is a con 17 con 17 so we got a 22 fuck off got a pretty beefy con this one let's give me a big boy so yeah it does that god this is a weird pull but in the fourth george romero night living dead movie uh land of the dead they try to use fireworks to distract the zombies. And there's a moment where they all look up at the fireworks and they become intelligent enough that it doesn't work on them anymore. And they slowly look back at the humans and start eating them. And this is basically that.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You see the maw of angry teeth and you see the three furious eyes look away for a second to follow the Roman candle. And then it just turns right back to you as mucus drips from its teeth. And you know that it is not fooled. I feel like two eyes look up and follow the fireworks, but the third eye is just staring at you. Yeah. Oh, my God. The pupils dilate. I can do two things at once.
Starting point is 00:36:12 The third eye slaps the other two and then makes them turn back and look. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, over here, over here. Why, I ought to spread out. Can I get a sense of how deep is this water? Like, am I dog paddling here? Can I get to like the edge of the moat? The moat is about 15 feet deep.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Okay. You can swim to the edge. It'll take a full move, obviously. Okay. And then if you wanted to climb up, that would take another move. So you would take your whole turn essentially sprinting to try to get up the edge. But the moat is like cobblestones that are generally kind of smooth, but there are handholds there if you're careful and if you pass a check to climb up them. Okay, Daryl wants to grab Nick and swim towards the shore.
Starting point is 00:36:52 As you put your arm around Nicholas's stomach, he goes, no, no, I gotta help my dad. I gotta help my dad. And he starts wriggling to try to get out of your hand. Go ahead and roll sleight of hand at a disadvantage. Can I try to get Jody to convince Nick? Sure. Jody, Jody, we need to get Nick to the shore.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, this thing is terrifying. We got to get him out of here. Tell that to Nick. I look at Nick and go, Nick, trust him. Let me get you out of here. I just, I wish I could go and do it myself right now, but for some reason, chance or whatever have you is stopping me from moving before other people.
Starting point is 00:37:22 You got the wind knocked out of you when you fell in. You're like, oh my God, I've got to get my breath back. Yeah, something in character and in the universe, too. The sound of Jimmy Wong giving up. I cannot believe that I got to play Jimmy Wong's character and I didn't make a single reference to being in Mulan or eating clean and being shredded. I just can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 This is very respectful, Beth. I'm very respectful. That's the spirit of the escalator, man. Jody also definitely has a beer gut. Like, it's a big belly. It's been hidden. Yeah, you can see his beer gut is bobbing up and down on the water as he's on his back.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's actually keeping me afloat. Okay, so you yell that to Nicholas. I'm going to have Nicholas roll, I guess, wisdom. Okay, so you still feel him wriggling in your grip daryl he goes no no i have to save you you sense this like desperation in his eyes like he's trying to prove something to himself and maybe to his dad given what he's heard about his dad's identity as a demon yeah i mean daryl's obviously still gonna be pulling him yeah go ahead make your uh sleight of hand at disadvantage but the kid doesn't want to yeah he's about to
Starting point is 00:38:24 fucking die so yeah you can i mean nobody's gonna complain that you're trying to save him i'm just keeping him in character and saying he doesn't care about you okay to argue that it's not a sleight of hand i'm just overpowering him you're not trying to steal him you're not yeah that's it the fucking judge actually no i'm gonna say a dexterity check because you're still trying to he's splashing in the water you're trying to move your arm around it's a wriggly one she's wriggling yeah so give me a dexterity check with disadvantage first one that's a good old seven oh and that's a 10 so yeah i mean seven so yeah he managed to successfully evade your grasp as you try to grab nicholas that was sort of an action uh you have a move still what would daryl do i mean he wants to help he doesn't want nick to get
Starting point is 00:39:01 fucking hurt because i can't really swing an axe i don't know what you're gonna do in water i feel like i'm not really doing much damage in water. You can try to climb out. Yeah, I know. I'm trying, but I don't want to leave Nick there. Daryl's for sure seen Rain of Fire. He would totally be ready to do that Matthew McConaughey jump. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:16 But he's only seen the trailer, so he doesn't know that that's the shot where that guy dies. You know what it is? Nick kicks and then splashes muck in your face. And then by the time you get it out, he's already like halfway to Jody. Nice. You know what I mean? Nick kicks and then splashes muck in your face. And then by the time you get it out, he's already like halfway to Jody. Nice. You know what I mean? There you go. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah, he's going to swim. I get extra speed. I mean, that's walking speed. I don't know if that matters. But anyways, I want to swim to the shore and get ready to, I don't know if I can attack after that. How far down did they fall? Good question. You fell 10 feet to the surface of the water.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Beneath the water is 15 feet to the bottom of the moat. So you're not trying, there's no shore. You're trying to get to the other wall. You're trying to get to the wall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just need some, you know, I just need a stand. I need some perch so I can swing an axe. You can spend your move to get to the wall.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Okay. I feel like maybe trying to grab Nicholas wasn't really a full action. So you can spend another action to try to climb up it. So that would be, I suppose, acrobatics or athletics. Yeah, I'll go ahead and I'll try to climb up it. I will also evoke rage. I feel like the mud in my eye pissed me off. I'm having a kid say no.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yo, bro, do what you're told to. Why am I suddenly an angry mom? You can't shake off Daryl. That's what's going on. You're still- I guess, I guess that's it. 13 acrobatics. You tried to wipe the mucus from your eyes and it got onto your hands
Starting point is 00:40:25 and it's a little bit more slippery than you would like. So you make it about halfway up and then you sort of slide back down like a cat trying to climb a glass sliding door. Ron, it is your turn. Hang on, Daryl. I'll help you get out of there. And Ron unsheathes the katana of Kant.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I'm going to use my Daytona. Daytona! So, you're a philosophy major. That's great. I was wondering if this is the sort of situation where you're like, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss looks back
Starting point is 00:41:02 into you because it's like there's a monster down there. And then I'm looking at that and it's trying to attack. So what are your thoughts on that? So you pull out the katana of Kent. It sings as you take it out of its sheath. And you hear a voice coming from the sword. Hello, who is this?
Starting point is 00:41:19 When do I speak? New voice, new voice, new voice. Hi, I'm Ron. Oh, a delight to meet you. And the very tip of the katana like bends slightly and then straightens itself again. And it's so effective for doing today.
Starting point is 00:41:33 What questions do you have? My wielder. Malay weapon. Oh, geez. What are the, the like walls of the moat made of? Cobblestone.
Starting point is 00:41:43 How strong is the sword? I mean, the sword is pretty strong. It's a magical sword. But the second that you wield it, remember, it begins to immediately ponder the ethics of murder. So you feel the sword looking at you and goes, ah, well, I'm being held again. Ah, what a pleasure to be held. And yet, every time I'm held, I'm used for dirty deeds, for violence. I'm going to stab you right there.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Oh, yes, please. dirty deeds for violence. Let me stop you right there. Oh, yes, please. I'm actually just going to try to shove you into the wall so that my buddy Daryl can, like, hoof it up the sword. That's you. You're not going to use me for my intended purpose. But what is purpose?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Ah, yes, yes. What is purpose? That's a good thought. Who would not have picked a better character to have this sword? And, you know, what not a better way to get out of conflict than to ponder conflict itself. So, I was just
Starting point is 00:42:32 wondering if you'd be chill with that. Oh, shit. Yeah, that sounds chill as fuck. I don't have to worry about the morality of killing or not killing. Yeah, fuck it. Put me in there, coach. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, Ron's just going to try to stick it into the cobblestone so that Daryl can hop up it. Great. Give me a strength check. Or a dexterxterity check because I feel like you're also looking for like a weak point.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's like an Assassin's Creed game. Now there's just like a good place for me to grab. Yeah. There's a grapple point. Sorry, mom. I do parkour now. Wait, what is that? That is me.
Starting point is 00:42:58 It's just Beth. I was like, oh, that sounds good. It's like from a vine. I got a 10. I guess because the sword is sentient i'll have the sword roll as well yeah i can manipulate the tip yeah i can it can so it gets a 15 you kind of haphazardly start like waving the sword around down there but as you drag it across the cobblestone it finds a little uh some of the mortar between the cobblestone and it it goes oh here we go
Starting point is 00:43:19 and it inserts its head into it and uh is now sticking out of the wall that's the most erotic description i've ever heard anthony i was really trying to make it not sexualized too and it inserts its head into it and is now sticking out of the wall. That's the most erotic description I've ever heard, Anthony. I was really trying to make it not sexualized too. This is wild because it implies that like the sword can be guiltier than the person wielding it. Absolutely it can. The sword is now enmeshed in the wall
Starting point is 00:43:37 and now when anybody tries to climb out, they will get advantage while attempting to grab the sword. The Aboleth is, before it takes its turn, it's going to spend a legendary action. That's bad. That is bad. Okay, so it's going to do a tail swipe, and it is going
Starting point is 00:43:51 to aim at... Sick bra. It is going to aim at Nicholas. Maybe the kid should fucking listen to the dad. I can't believe Matt is sitting here telling us how to be a good father and says stuff like that he's the only one he's the only one who knows my kid would be alive right now
Starting point is 00:44:10 so one of the tentacles lashes up from the surface of the water sending a spray of mucus and h2o with it and it slices across the surface of the water and slaps Nicholas directly across his neck. Nick! And he takes 15 bludgeoning damage, and he's thrown across the water. Oh, my God. Sweet baby Nick! How much HP does Nick have?
Starting point is 00:44:33 Not that much. He's a child. Wait, is he bloodied, though? You tell us if he's bloodied, right? No, it turns out bloodied. I forgot. That's a fourth edition thing, not a fifth edition thing,
Starting point is 00:44:40 so I don't have to tell you shit. Oh, my goodness. Dude, and they got so much attitude. Hey, who body swapped our DM with a DM with two? Oh, yeah. This is my radical 90s perspective. It's a DM monster privilege and he doesn't have to disclose
Starting point is 00:44:54 that. I can't be forced to testify against my creation. So, the Aboleth is going to target one creature I can see within 30 feet of it. That's going to go ahead and be Daryl. So, Daryl, give me a wisdom saving throw. Oh, of it that's going to go ahead and be daryl so daryl give me a wisdom saving throw oh well that's not fair he's just still bummed out that he couldn't find the tom clancy book so he's not really thinking too hard really that's what's going on right now he's
Starting point is 00:45:16 thinking that maybe if nick had read a few more tom clancy books he wouldn't fucking ready for that um that's 16 that's a 16 damn so actually he did pretty good that's too. That's a 16? Damn. So actually, you did pretty good. That's too bad. Yeah. You feel the whispers of the obelisk. You look for a brief second into its maw and you see its teeth turn into this spiral in front of your eyes
Starting point is 00:45:33 as if it's an infinite amount of teeth going all the way down into its soul. But you shake your head really quickly and you clear yourself of it and you're fine. But it was definitely
Starting point is 00:45:40 trying to get inside your brain box. Daryl flashes back to the time Carol dragged him to a modern art museum. He's just like, I don't like this. Installation art? It's just a light and a hole in a wall.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Give me a break. James Turrell, my ass. Henry, it is your turn. Henry is going to play some jazz ball and put a big wall up in the moat between the monster and the daddies. Okay. and put a big wall up in the moat between the monster and the daddies. Okay. Also, I don't think we need to be worried.
Starting point is 00:46:10 If the best thing this monster can do is fucking fail a wisdom check against Daryl, I think we're good. So, like, don't worry about it. We got this thing. Okay, so I'm going to cast Wall of Stone, and basically what I want to do is cast a wall just dividing the moat. Okay. You can crudely shape the wall to create crenellations, battlements, and so on. So I would like to put some nice, easy footholds
Starting point is 00:46:27 in this wall for people to scale up. Oh, that's cool. Civil engineering, love it. That's very cool. Henry looks at the monster and says, you know what, this situation calls for healthy boundaries. And then I cast Wall of Stone. Nice.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So what are the dimensions of the wall? Okay, so let's do a little bit of geometry, everybody's favorite part of a Dungeons & Dragons podcast. How long is the moat? So the moat encircles the castle, obviously, and the bridge that was sending you across was 30 feet. Okay, so... And it was 10 feet down.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I told my math teacher I'd never need math when doing a Dungeons & Dragons podcast. I don't need to learn algebra. I'm going to be on a podcast someday. That teacher? Karen Kilgariff. I can create 10, 10 foot by 10 foot panels that are six inches thick. So three panels would stretch it out across the thing of the wall.
Starting point is 00:47:15 You have the capability to fully bisect the moat. Yes. Without even leaving any room for somebody to swim under or. Yes. I guess they could jump over, but it'd be a leap. I wish you had the spell during Fortnite. Yeah, that is literally build a Fortnite wall. He was Fortnite-ing right now.
Starting point is 00:47:31 All right, so I Fortnite the wall. Okay. And I said, man, I wish Grant was here. Oh, me too. Me too, buddy. He'd appreciate this reference. The wall is made. The moat is bisected.
Starting point is 00:47:42 The creature is on one end of it. And the daddies are on the other end of it. Things seem pretty okay. Thanks, Henry. Hey, yeah. Happy to help. Henry's so calm. That's Daryl saying that to himself. He's like very impressed. Henry's so glad to be back in his own body. He's liberated from the shackle of pants
Starting point is 00:47:58 finally. He's got a breeze going on. He's feeling great. His wife's alive. His kid is fine. Henry, does it say anything about the HP of the wall? It sure does, Anthony. I'm so glad you asked. The wall is an object made of stone that can be damaged and breached. Each panel has an AC 15 and 30 points per inch of thickness.
Starting point is 00:48:19 The hard panels. HP. Each panel is three inches thick. So each panel has 90 HP and there's two, they're stacked double. So it's 180 HP of wall. Okay, cool. My dream man. 180 HP of wall.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Can't they just go all the way around? Yeah. Because of Moe. You know what I'm saying? They absolutely can. It's like one of those Mario bosses, you know, where you're chasing it and then it turns around and it goes the other direction like oh shit i got caught in king didongo yes that is certainly an option it could take very long though it slaps at the wall damn it you hear the sound of its tail lash against the wall and it like takes a little chunk out of it
Starting point is 00:48:59 but you can tell that it has not done a great deal of damage to the wall and it goes and um mucus spews out from its face in anger so that's the first thing that happens the second thing is on the other side of the wall you hear some distant splashing in the other direction away from the wall and that splashing sounds like it's getting closer oh there might be more than one then that makes sense climb climb climb let's go faster let's go faster uh guys there's something coming on the other side oh jeez i can't i i should have done two walls i was showing off oh man i'm not commenting oh that was fun while it lasted i'm back to being really it's good it's good you did good we were
Starting point is 00:49:33 we got this get up here jody it's your turn where is my son in comparison to me right now he's coming towards you so you can spend half of your move to grab you're just gonna let that happen you're gonna let him say his son glenn's real confused right now, man. Okay. You know what I'm saying? Glenn's going through a lot. Give him some fucking space. So Nicholas is close enough that you could very easily grab him. I would like to swim towards the wall while grabbing him post-haste
Starting point is 00:49:55 and just going as quickly as I can to get away from all of the craziness. Okay, so you'll spend your move to grab him and move to the wall. Do you want to spend another move to try to climb the wall? So I'm going to attempt to push him up before me and just basically get him out of harm's way as quickly as possible okay actually i'll just have him roll it sounds like you're giving him the opportunity to get up yes he tries to climb up and even though there are handholds the mucus that he's been swimming through to try to reach you is just caked his forearms and his hands and stuff so he tries to grab onto one of the handholds and he just slips and falls back down into the water. He rolled a two, poor kid.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Oh, man. Oh, gosh. So Glenn's going to cast Magic Circle and basically center it on the wall, the section that we would be climbing up. Okay. As a reminder, a creature can't willingly enter the cylinder by non-magical means.
Starting point is 00:50:37 If they try to do so, it has to use teleportation and the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets within the cylinder. Well, what kind of creature is the Aboleth? Because Magic Circle is only if Elemental, Cel celestials fey fiends are undead well anthony doesn't have to tell us what it is you're gonna have to i don't have to tell you shit you have to guess can i roll an arcana to try and understand what kind of creature this is sure 12 plus 3 15 arcana 15 i feel like glenn accesses his encyclopedic knowledge of molly
Starting point is 00:51:03 hatchet cover albums to try to see if there's anything like this fucking thing he's seen on a heavy metal album cover all right so with a 50 which is exactly what you needed you can tell that the abel left is a lawful evil large aberration shit so the circle doesn't work but i still cast it and the way glenn is going to cast a circle is he's like this should confuse the creature guys and glenn's going to just get the base of it and then do a mime act where it's like oh oh, there's a wall here, like a visible wall in an attempt to confuse the creature into believing that there's a, you know, a barrier there. Well, OK, sure. Oh, no, Glenn. There's a big wall.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Oh, God. Yeah. Either Ron or Daryl. I've done everything I can for this family. I'm going to climb up with the katana and then pull the katana out. Cool. Go ahead and roll acrobatics with advantage. 18. So that should be fine. 18. Okay, so yeah, you
Starting point is 00:51:51 very easily use the katana as a handhold to pull yourself up onto dry land, and you successfully pull the katana out as you finish your climb. And he's up top now. Yeah, and you're on top now, and the katana goes, oh, nice to meet you. Who are you? Oh, I'm Darrell Wilson. Nice to I shake it. I just shake it. I'm Darrellana goes, oh, well, nice to meet you. Who are you? Oh, I'm Daryl Wilson. Nice to, uh, I shake it. I just shake it.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I'm Daryl Wilson. Nice to meet you. Nice to shake the katana. Nauseous. Nauseous immediately. Do not do this. Oh, sorry, sorry. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It seems like if you get nauseous just being shaken around, I don't know how well you do in combat. It's the difference between moving very fast in one direction and moving very fast in many different directions in small amounts. Whoa. If you were pushed, it would be different than if somebody grabbed you and shook you, would it not? Whoa. Man, this philosophy stuff is really wild. Makes small amounts. If you were pushed, it would be different than if somebody grabbed you and shook you, would it not? Whoa. Man, this philosophy stuff is really wild.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Makes you think. Makes you think. I said what I said. Makes you think. Challenge everything. Ron, it is your turn. Hey, Dero, can I have the sword? I mean, the canton. Yeah, is it okay if I give it back? Can I give you back to Ron?
Starting point is 00:52:43 I can send to Odysseus. Cool. Hey, all right. Ron did not shake me. Ron is my favorite thus far. Oh, wow it okay if I give it back? Can I give you back to Ron? I can send you this, yes. Cool. Hey, all right. Okay. Ron did not shake me. Ron is my favorite thus far. Oh, wow. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Oh, wow. Okay, here you go, Ron. So what to do? What to do is the ultimate question. Yes, yes, what to do? Damn, yeah, okay. This is so weird. I love this sword.
Starting point is 00:52:59 In an amor world, how do we behave morally? A question for the ages. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Is everybody sort of in the same section of this moat? you are all on the left of henry's wall the aboleth is on the right of henry's wall and you've heard a splashing far to the left of henry's wall okay i'm worried about the splashing so i what i might do is i'll walk over to the sound near the splashing. Just strolling? Ron is going to walk very casually, performatively casually
Starting point is 00:53:30 around to where the splashing noise was. Okay. Ron takes his father's fishing lure and ties a big old fat rope that he has in his backpack. Fat adventurer's rope, sure. Yes. Around it and says very loud,
Starting point is 00:53:46 sounds like there's some pretty big fish in this lake, so I'll be over here fishing for anything that wants to be caught. Okay, give me a deception roll. That's how fishing works, is you sit on a dock and you roll deception. You have to trick the fish. By saying I want to fish.
Starting point is 00:54:02 The fish in the pond hear you go, This is great, because it's essentially you're fronting that you're such a rube that the fish can go ahead and take the bait because there's no way they don't. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? Oh, is it a bluff or a double bluff? It's a double bluff. I got a 12. So with the 12, you dip the lure into the water and you feel a tug on it from something beneath the water, which actually, as you look into the water, you can see is a second aboleth.
Starting point is 00:54:21 feel a tug on it from something beneath the water, which actually, as you look into the water, you can see is a second Aboleth. But the 12 is not high enough to prevent you from what happens next, which is it yanks on that so fucking hard, and you're still holding on to it. So go ahead and give me a strength saving throw. Oh no. Looks like I caught one.
Starting point is 00:54:40 It's just like, it turns out Ron's the greatest fisherman alive. Fudge. This is a real mistake on my part i got a seven oh my god i don't know what i expected so you feel yourself get pulled off your feet into the moat and you are now being dragged behind the abaleth as it swims forward through the water you are dragged behind it like a jet skier. Nice. Maybe next turn you can get up and try to ski behind it. I'll jump the shark next time. Nice.
Starting point is 00:55:13 So as both Aboleths start. So first, the Aboleth on the other side of the wall is going to try to, once again, it can still psychically sense Daryl's mind through the wall. Wow. And it is going to try to enslave him once again. So Daryl, try to give me a DC 14 wisdom saving throw. That's a six. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:55:32 All right. You can't see it, but you feel that spiral of teeth going forever and forever into nothing. Just nothing but teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth. And you feel like teeth are dope. Teeth are awesome. I definitely want to be on team teeth. Yum. You are charmed and
Starting point is 00:55:45 you are under the abolish control and you cannot take reactions it can communicate telepathically with you over any distance what's its name that's the first thing i say hey daryl wilson what's your what's your name buddy donald duck that's a lovely name yeah i'm gonna call you donald uh so anytime uh you get uh damaged you can repeat the saving throw to try to free yourself of it okay but i'm not charmed by the other one no you were charmed by the one on the other side of the wall and the other one is dragging ron the other one is dragging ron ron really quick says to his katana saying i wonder why i used you know my dad's fishing lure like you know does that say anything about me sort of personally used, you know, my dad's fishing lure. Like, you know, does that say anything about me sort of personally, philosophically? You know, like I threw that down there.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I feel like the symbolism of you using the fishing lure to get yourself out of problems, but it dragged you down deeper into the depths of your own despair certainly seems to be a metaphor for how the weight of your father weighs on your soul. I've known you for exactly 30 seconds, but that is obvious as day to me. on your soul. I've known you for exactly 30 seconds, but that is obvious as day to me. I love this ongoing cast of just therapy characters for Ron.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Donald the Oboleth is going to try to climb the cobblestones on its side as well. So it's going to roll. Donald the Oboleth was the original design for Sonic the Hedgehog. So the Oboleth tries to climb up, but its dexterity is not great. You just basically hear the sound of many slapping tentacles against the wall of the cobblestone, and then it slides back down. Now, the Oboleth that is pulling Ron, who we will, for simplicity's sake, call Daisy,
Starting point is 00:57:18 manages to finish its move on the other side of the relevant wall. It is going to now raise three of its tentacles above the water, and it sees that Nicholas has just splashed into the water. So it is going to attack three separate times. What? It's a big boy. First one hits. If only we had a demon. Could you stop, please? The First one hits. If only we had a demon. Could you stop, please?
Starting point is 00:57:45 The second one hits. The third one hits. Oh my god. It rolled a 14, a 12, and a 15, and it's got a plus a lot to hit. So Nick takes 6d6. Oh my god. My god. My beautiful baby boy.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Let's see. That is going to be 27 damage. And it's just whap, whap, whap. He gets hit in one direction and hit another and then hit another. And Nicholas. Dude, ragdoll physics dog. Ragdoll physics. Nicholas goes down and falls into the water and begins to sink.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Jody's screaming, by the way. He's watching in horror and trying to do whatever he can. Glenn actually is so shocked. He actually stops his mime routine it's even when glenn's hands still up he sounds so funny yeah your hands are still up so you just look like a surprised mime yeah it's like oh so now it is henry's turn daryl's up on henry's level right yeah i mean obviously they're both the two best dads so they're both on each other's level. But he's up top. Excuse me. Can Henry tell that Daryl has
Starting point is 00:58:50 been... No, you cannot necessarily tell that he has charmed. But I did say out loud, good job Donald. Does Matt maybe give him a hand? No, you're not going to be able to know for sure that he's charmed until he takes his action. Daryl, Nick just fell! Go get him! I'll have to ask Donald what he
Starting point is 00:59:06 thinks. Henry's going to do a perception check to see if he notices anything wrong with... Okay, I got a 16. Seems like Daryl's made a new friend. He just has the healthy glow of someone who's just made a new friend. Okay, yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:21 for sure. And Henry, I'm just going to... For sure, for sure. for sure for sure for sure i don't know who donald it's henry's just seen too much weird shit today to clock this really so um he is going to as much as i would love to role play doing a heroic dive in the water there's already two dads in the water so one of them can fucking rescue their son okay see nick nick is uh sinking below the surface of the water so you can sort of like kind of see his reflection, kind of, I guess, in the water. Okay, I need to know basically if I can hit him with a heal spell.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I'm gonna say no. Damn. If you want to jump in, you certainly can. Yes, okay. Henry rips off his shirt and dives into the water to heal Nicholas. Ooh, la la. Okay. So yeah, you dive into the water. That seems pretty... Actually, give me an acrobatics check just to make sure you don't crack your head or anything um i got a 17 with a 17 you successfully
Starting point is 01:00:12 dive into the water orlando fucking bloom oh nice nice i also like the idea that as you jump it's like the wind blows your kilt up so it's just like all around your face so you can't see what's happening until you hit the water um and yeah now you're right next to nick and you could pretty easily touch him and heal him if you so all right i'm going to use my big boy healing spell i heal nick for 28 28 not bad you feel splashing in the water as nicholas gains his consciousness back but he's still underwater so he's got to like sort of swim up to the surface jody it is your turn i jump right in right after henry um and i'm going to try and heal him as well oh you also have heels okay yes i'm paladin so i have leon hands so all i do is i just touch him and i heal 14 hp i assume you also in the process of this drag him up uh from to the surface and he goes yeah so i'm gonna dive right in after
Starting point is 01:01:00 henry and then watching henry carry him i'm gonna to help Henry sort of bring him right back up to the surface and start swimming back towards the wall again. Jody, you finish your turn and Daisy is going to spend a legendary action to tail whip you. So yeah, so she hits and she does 15 damage.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Her tail whaps you across the face and opens a cut on your cheek and it looks kind of cool. It looks cool, right? Yeah, cool. We're back to the top of the order. It's the folks with the 20s. I think Donald says I should probably go first.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah, Donald says you should go first, and Donald says that you should hurt either Jody or Nicholas as much as humanly possible. Oh, what the fuck? Why does someone want to hurt Nicholas? Wait, you want me to hurt Jody? Okay, I get you, buddy. You know, you seem a lot more powerful than me.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I think the best way to hurt them would be to help you up. So I lean over and put my hand down to try to help him up over the wall. Oh, great. Hey, guys, I'm getting Donald over here. He's going to help out. He's Mrs. Daisy. This is some, like, shape of water shit, dude. Ron is, like, water ski with feet behind this other fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Who's Donald? Donald rolls. Basically, he gets advantage on his roll to try to climb up. behind this other fucking thing. Who's Donald? Donald rolls, basically he gets advantage on his roll to try to climb up. And he does. He wraps a mucusy tentacle around you. Feels great. It feels like a warm bath on your hand.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It feels like the best feeling that there is because Donald's your favorite. And he sort of climbs up you, using you as a human ladder, excreting mucus all the while. And now he's on the ground, outside of the water, with the's on the ground outside of the water with the rest of the dad so the thing about these folks is that they can breathe both air and
Starting point is 01:02:30 water and it takes acid damage every 10 minutes so an eternity in dnd stock so it doesn't fucking matter yeah so every 10 minutes it'll take a whole six damage right ron or gl. Seeing Daryl and Donald at the top of the wall and seeing his kid, apparently, okay, Glenn turns his attention to the Aboleth. He's gonna cast Otto's Irresistible Dance. Okay. I'm gonna choose Daisy as the creature. The target must begin a comic dance in place,
Starting point is 01:02:58 shuffling, tapping its feet, and capering for the duration. Glenn Close is the king of getting drunk uncles at the wedding to humiliate themselves on the dance floor by goading them by playing Ram Jam or something like that. Yeah, exactly. Dancing creature must use all its movement to dance without
Starting point is 01:03:13 leaving its space and has disadvantage on deck saving and attack rolls. While the Atari is affected, other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against it. As an action, a dancing creature must make a wisdom saving throw to regain control. A successful save, the spell ends. This is like my life. Never in control of the dancing.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Only you know that it is dancing. Because it is just a bunch of tentacles just splashing around. And like rhythmically like spewing out like mucus in this direction, the other direction, in this section, in the other direction. It looks like it might as well be drowning or something. But as far as you can tell, that's dancing. It's actually dancing to shout as the speed increases. Harlem Shake was so last year.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Crushing it, Daisy. Looking great out there. A dad would think that Harlem Shake was last year. Yeah, exactly. Guys, I heard about this new thing called Harlem Shake. You guys start planking. You're going to do this hilarious. Wait, ison getting shaken around by the dance yeah i guess so oh yes okay you're getting pulled back and forth ron goes like nauseous nauseous yeah the katana is
Starting point is 01:04:16 like this is what i wanted not to happen oh no oh no yeah nine nine ron is gonna try to climb up the rope that he's attached to and um he going to try to unlatch the lure from wherever it's held by the... So you're trying to climb onto Daisy and get the lure out of Daisy's skin, essentially. Yes, yeah. Why don't you kill it, and then we can get it out after it's dead, Ron? I would point out that none of you have done even a single HP of damage to Iso's Aboleth, so in the words of Emmanuel Kent, you do you. Yeah, no, I'm just saying, I feel
Starting point is 01:04:45 really bad for throwing the lure in the moat. I'm just gonna try to stay up the rope and try to undo it. Go ahead and roll a dexterity check with disadvantage. I got a three, and then I got a six. Yes, I'll announce my number, because I hate myself. Oh my god. So it bucks like a bronco as
Starting point is 01:05:02 you try to climb onto it, and it just hurls you onto your back, and you splash back into the water on the other side in front of it now. What happens to the katana? Does she hold onto the katana? I've got it on a little leash or something. Like a wheelboat? Yeah. You never took the safety strap off.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yes. Safety first. Daisy is going to randomly slash out with her tail in irritation at the fact that she's dancing and having such a good time and can't deal with it. And her tail lashes irritation at the fact that she's dancing and having such a good time and can't deal with it. And her tail lashes out and it hits If you say Nicholas, I'm going to fucking scream. I'm going to roll a die to see who it is. And all the dies say Nicholas.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I'm rolling a d4. If it's a 4, it's Nicholas. Oh no! Oh no! Oh, he showed us it on the screen. He's showing us the 4. So the tail hits Nicholas. We're just cheering about it on the screen. Showing us the roar. So the tail hits Nicholas. We're just cheering about it hitting this thing. I'm going to do story whether you want it or not, baby.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Even though he rolled with disadvantage, this thing gets a fucking plus nine to hit. So it wraps its tail around Nick. And as it continues to dance, Nick is just getting just sort of thrown back and forth, tempest tossed, as it were, by this creature. On Daisy's turn, she is going to continue to dance. She can't move, and she could attack. Actually, if anybody wants to, make an arcana roll. Would Donald want me to do that? No, probably not. Okay. Daryl's cool then.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I got a 13. I rolled a 18. Ron and Jodi, you can tell that these Aboleths, as creatures of lawful evil, they can sense intense power that some would consider to be evil or infernal. And so they have been primarily targeting Jodi and Nicholas because they can feel that bit of demonic energy in both of them. Basically very strong in Jodi and halved within Nicholas.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Demons hate each other. So on Daisy's turn, as she's thrashing around, as she's dancing, as her limbs are going everywhere, she's got Nicholas wrapped up in her tail. You see her drag him under the water for a horrifying second.
Starting point is 01:06:57 And then suddenly he breaks through the water and is dangling in the air. The Aboleth looks up at Nicholas and opens its maw. Oh. And lets go. And Nicholas is swallowed whole by the Aboleth. And is inside. My goodness.
Starting point is 01:07:14 The Aboleth's belly. Yeah, it's gonna be alright. It'll be alright. Cause that's just life. And if you die, it'll be alright, cause that's just life. Even if you die, it'll be alright. It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright, it'll be alright, cause that's just life. All you do is try, it'll be alright. Dungeons and Daddies is, oh boy, it's another crazy one.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Matt Arnold as Ron Stampler and Daryl Wilson. Anthony Burch as our DM. Will Campos as Glenn Close and Henry Oak. Beth May as Jodie Foster and Ron Stampler. Freddie Wong as Daryl Wilson and Glenn Close. And Jimmy Wong as Henry Oak and Jodie Foster. Are you confused yet? Oh, well, thank goodness that's all over.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Our theme song is All Right by Maxson Waller. Courtney Theron is our content producer. Ashley Nicolette is our community manager. Chad Ellis provides additional editing and Robin Rapp is our transcriber. Special thanks this episode to Emma Stolman who submitted the Sword of Kant as an item for us to use in this campaign.
Starting point is 01:08:20 She, like all of our patrons, have the chance to throw their ideas into the ring. Folks like Darren Wang, Daniel Kubank, Matthew Robinson, Elle Dolesky, Adrian, Annie Turnbull, David Olgarson, Damian Karras, Anthony Maldorelli, Story Zanetti, Honk Movius, Carter Salois, Darian Morales, Lachlan Renfree, Cole Mix, Ty S., Keegan LaRue Asher Lambert and Chris Weber these patrons all get access to forbidden content a show called talking dad which is a show about this show full of interesting anecdotes fascinating behind the scenes insights and a story about how that one time Matt had the worst possible experience in a coffee shop in Edinburgh patrons already know what I'm talking
Starting point is 01:09:00 about ah what a great inside joke but you don't have to miss out any longer you can head to patreon.com slash dungeons and dads and know what i'm talking about see what we got on offer join in on the fun on the discord on the memes the memes don't the kids like the memes as we mentioned at the top of the episode my dad just finished his book it's called swimming to freedom we have links in our episode description it is the buck wild true story about how he swam to freedom from communist china to Hong Kong. I am very happy it is finally out in the world.
Starting point is 01:09:28 So if that sounds like something interesting to you, check it out. Links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble in the description. Our Twitter is DungeonsAndDads. Our subreddit is DungeonsAndDaddies. Check out our merch at
Starting point is 01:09:37 bit.ly slash dadmerch, all caps. Thank you so much for listening. Our next episode is coming out May 18th, which is just after that extended tax day deadline. So you have no excuse to miss it. We will see you then. There was a time when you could read between the lines
Starting point is 01:09:54 You know they never brought you down Never brought you down What is fatherhood if not business persevering?

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