Dungeons and Daddies - Ep. 59 - Retail Therapy

Episode Date: June 1, 2021

The dads decompress (and are back to recording in person!) and prepare for their journey to Swankery Hill.This episode contains profanity, violence, and sexual content.Join us for our first ever live ...show! http://bit.ly/DADlive2021Support the show on Patreon!Get merch and more at our website!Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!Check out the subreddit!DM is Anthony BurchDarryl Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)Henry Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)Ron Stampler is Beth May (@heybethmay)Glenn Close is Freddie Wong (@fwong)Theme song by Maxton WallerCourtney Thérond is our Content ProducerAshley Nicollette is our Community ManagerChad Ellis did some additional editingRobin Rapp is our transcriberYi provided mixing for the intro songCover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dungeons and Daddies is a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups. Content warnings can be found in the description. I'm begging of you, please go save my son Jodie, Jodie, Jodie, Jodie Deep within you lies a hell demon Your power is beyond compare With Valor's brawn and fiery hair With burning steel and whip you'll make them bleed You'll tear right through these avalanches And end the fight and save our skins
Starting point is 00:00:51 And I cannot compete with you, Jody Nick sees you as his real dad There's nothing I can do about that It's time for you to face the truth, Jody And losing him will break my heart Especially when his dad's an arc But you don't know what he means to me, Jody Jody, Jody, Jody, Jody
Starting point is 00:01:23 I'm begging of you, please go save my son Jodie, Jodie, Jodie, Jodie It's time for you to be a healthy man now now welcome to dungeons and daddies live from freddy's living room finally all the gang back together this is a dungeons and dragons podcast not a bdsm podcast we're back together live and we finally got rid of jimmy where we play four dads flung into the forgotten realms in a quest to rescue their lost sons my name is freddie wong also known as dj glenn clinton the closer the closer the closer that was his name that's the opposite DJ Glenn Close. The Closer. The Closer? The Closer.
Starting point is 00:02:26 The Closer? That was his name? That's the opposite of what DJ wants to do. They don't want to close the party. Are you kidding? Yeah, you do. You want to be the Closer. How is his DJ name not Danger Close?
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's good. I'll take that. I'll take that. It's Akira Sedgwick. It's like, all right, everybody, if you're ready for the dance party, let's get started. And Freddie's like, all right, everybody,
Starting point is 00:02:42 let's close this party out. And he closes the party on the first song. Not the first song. Anyway, I play Glenn Close, the rock and roll bard slash DJ dad of the group. You don't like that? No, I just don't. It's just a lot of change. It's a lot of change for me.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But keep going. I support people being true to themselves. But honestly, I wish he kept that secret to himself. I don't even know. I want to say this does not apply to all real life DJs who are great and keep the fucking jane yeah name one name one real life dj go ahead guy at my wedding name one name i can't remember and tiesto is a dj uh-huh that's the best and there's skrillex and dead mouth five and uh skrillex and i respect them they keep the jams jumping they keep the party going. So DJs are great.
Starting point is 00:03:25 This week's dad fact for Glenn. Glenn, as we found out last episode, spends most of the year as a party and events DJ. A little Glenn fact, some hard-fought DJ rules that he's learned, sometimes the hard way, sometimes just common sense. So when you're doing a wedding, Glenn learned, don't play Gold Dger by kanye west
Starting point is 00:03:47 at a wedding no that's not a good needle drop they have a clean version of that for parties yeah that's not the problem you can't clean up the theme of the song that's bullshit i'm not saying she's a gold digger i'm saying she loves him very much and that's why she's with him yes that's the lyrics i think that likeatically, any song goes at a wedding. Your job is to get people who don't dance out on a dance floor. Half the songs people dance to are about horrible things. I want to throw out there that not every song goes. In fact, the first thing any self-respecting DJ does at a wedding is ask the bride and the groom,
Starting point is 00:04:19 hey, what's the no playlist? What are the songs you can't play? I want to point out that I'm the best person to dance at a wedding that has ever happened. I've heard this claim before, Beth. Yeah. Haven't seen it. Well, invite me to your wedding next time. Yeah, I mean, we've been together for about six years, so you're due for a new one in about a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Clear your calendar. Go scratch that seven-year itch, baby. She doesn't listen to this show. That's why it's going to happen. That's why we're quits. She's like, she'll listen to the half she owns when she gets in. That's great.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Hey, everybody. My name's Matt Arnold. I play Daryl Wilson, a stay-at-home coach dad who became a barbarian upon entering this magical world of whimsy and danger and horrible violence. So quick dad fact about Daryl Wilson. It's also about Grant. Daryl and Grant are six-time consecutive winners of the San Dimas Pinewood Derby.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Daryl is very into the Pinewood Derby. I could see that. Yeah. Now, to be clear, the last three years, Grant was not there. He got out of it and started playing Fortnite, but Daryl kept submitting the cards. He was like, oh, sorry, he couldn't come tonight. He's sick. But he just loved doing it so much, and it still says, the cards still say Grant on it,
Starting point is 00:05:38 and he just still goes. Oh, the Pinewood Derby? Oh, the Pinewood Derby is a Boy Scout or, I guess, Cub Scout thing where you make little wooden cars and you race them. So it's all about, like, you put weights on them. Oh, it's like in the beginning of Cool Runnings, the push car. Yes. But they're teeny tiny. Like, no one's in them.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Like, they're, like, the size of a shoe, basically. Yeah, it's like Hot Wheels. It's Hot Wheels that you learn wood carving on. So, yeah, that's it. So he's still going. We'll see how many years this is when he calls out, like, hey, we haven't seen Grant here for a while. Yeah, wait a second. Grant is definitely old enough to not be in Cub Scouts anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 No, 12? I think Boy Scouts gets 7th and 8th grade. Oh, okay. Good try, CinemaSins. I almost had him the next time, Lupin. I'll catch you yet. Hey, everyone. I'm Will Campos.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I play the granola-munching, crunchy-munchy, hippie-nature-druid dad, Henry Oak. I did it backwards that time for some reason. Wow. Alright. My Henry fact this time, I'm going to open up the book of Oak family secrets. Secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets. Way back in the day after she first came to the Forgotten Realms, Hilde Russell
Starting point is 00:06:38 saved... What am I saying? No, don't worry. Keep going. It's all good. What'd you do? Was it funny? Can you share it with the rest of the class? You said when she first came and there was a long pause, not that long, but long enough that all of us got to look at each other to finish that sentence. Continue. I'm so glad we're back in person, everybody.
Starting point is 00:06:57 We can look at each other now. Yeah. Ooh, you thought it too. He said the word came. Sometimes that means something else. Instead of nice, whenever someone does the came thing, I'm just going to say good for them. When Hildy Russet first came good for them to the Forgotten Realms, she saved the life of a minor forest deity and was granted a boon. One wish that could be granted to anyone in the oak lineage.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And this is a one time only. If you say the secret name of this forest spirit. So she never used it because this was such an awesome power. She never had a chance in her life. She passed it down to her firstborn child, Bear. Passed it down to his firstborn child, Hen, who promptly forgot it when he came to our world. Did you check with Anthony that this was okay?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Nope, first time hearing of it. For years and years and years, this powerful name lay secret in the back of Henry's mind until one moment, a moment of such soul shattering despair and horror that it brought him to the very edge and brink of his sanity. The name leapt forth from within his subconscious and sprung from Henry's lips and the boon was unleashed and his wish was granted and that's how Larkin Sparrow finished body training. Damn. Body training. I heard body training.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Body training. I also did. How Larkin Sparrow finished body training, it was very bad at the Oak household and they had a lot of shag carpet. There was a lot of carnage going on and if Henry knew about this power now and could look back at all the crazy shit that's happened to him in his life, he still would use the wish to get Larkin's Barrow through potty training. Very bad.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You know what? I will say, we're a little behind the scenes. A little behind the scenes. We're talking about potty training. Right before we record, Beth and I were both like, oh, shit, we don't have a dad fact we'll think about. And Will gave us the most fucking teacher. He scoffed at us. Then we just saw him read an email to himself. And i get it because look at the work he did he fucking like wrote like a novel over there i get it well you're right i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:08:52 try well i'm gonna try here's the tip i'm gonna try harder next week just five minutes before you show up you think what's my dad fact and then you come in and you got it ready to go i hate this i'm so personally just offended okay um listen Listen, hi, my name's Beth May and I play Ron Stampler, emotionally detached stepfather and rogue. Fun fact about Ron this week. One of the reasons that Ron is so maybe not nervous, but reluctant to really talk about the ins and outs of fatherhood as it relates to Terry Jr. is because when he married Samantha, Samantha asked him to sign an NDA, which is a new dad agreement.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Nice. And, you know, it was in truth just sort of Samantha's way of making sure that Ron checked off the list of like, I will put Terry's needs in front of my own or whatever. You know, fucking Samantha's just a good person. Yeah. And so, yeah, he signed it without reading it. Like any good businessman. Yeah. Hey, it's Anthony Burch. I'm your dad. So this is the first episode that we're recording live. So I figured I would take this opportunity to be, yeah, first ever. I would take this opportunity to be sincere for basically the first time in the
Starting point is 00:10:05 two plus years we've been doing this podcast. I'm going to very quickly compliment each of you earnestly. Prepare yourselves. So I think Freddie is basically the most workhorse human being I've ever met in my life. This podcast would not exist without him. The editing, the creativity that goes into
Starting point is 00:10:21 all of the audio design, in addition to what Chad helps with and all that stuff. Chad, Chad too. Chad as well. But like Freddie was the one who like came up with the idea for the podcast and then like made it come into being. Like he and I and Lauren like sort of talked it over and like had the quote unquote the idea. But as Freddie was fond of saying when we worked together before, like ideas don't actually matter.
Starting point is 00:10:37 It's, you know, it's doing the thing. And Freddie's better at doing the thing than anybody I've ever met. So I'm always blown away by that. Thank you, Anthony. Yeah, no problem. Appreciate it. Beth, I think is probably one of the most naturally talented people I've ever met my entire life. Certainly one of the funniest. Every time we record, I always feel like, oh,
Starting point is 00:10:49 I'm really glad we're getting to do this with Beth before she like explodes and doesn't return our calls and stuff like that. I feel very blessed to know Beth. I think Jimmy hustles better than any human being I've ever met in my entire life. If it hadn't been for meeting Jimmy and Freddie, I would have thought that I was pretty good at staying busy. Jimmy is one of the most consistently upbeat and active and just getting shit done human beings that I've ever met. And I find that incredibly impressive. And that's why I took him off the show, because it was getting on my nerves.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm trying to decide who goes last, because it feels like that's the one that you care the most about. I'm so vulnerable right now with potty training. I'm literally going to cry right now. I'll save you for last, right well I'll save you for last all right so I think Will's uh almost unquestionably the best writer I've ever met I think he has the best understanding of story and
Starting point is 00:11:33 character and motivation all that kind of stuff the number of times that he's like sent me texts like hey what if we did this in the podcast and I do it and then it fucking works out so like yeah actually specifically the fact that Nicholas is like the one who's getting beaten up on and is sort of the fulcrum for Jodi leaving and stuff like that's a Will special. Like, hey, that should be the thing
Starting point is 00:11:49 that he like brings them together and causes the breakup and all that stuff. So I think I'm constantly impressed by how good Will is. Will's into fridging. No, I'm okay. Yeah. Will's like, could you give her like a sister and then kill that sister and make it really sad? I'm being sincere. I'm sorry. Thank you, Anthony. It was very, very, very nice.
Starting point is 00:12:05 That was okay. And then Matt is without question the most charismatic human being I've ever met. Just through sheer force of being persuasive, managed to convince a bunch of us to play bad video games that we don't want to play, bad board games that we don't want to play, because he's such a pleasure to be around.
Starting point is 00:12:18 He's an incredible good friend. He also has an amazing story sense and is also just generally one of the more sincere and thoughtful and intelligent people that I've ever met. I love you, Anthony. And also my hairs are beginning to grow back. And so I have a bunch of ingrown hairs. So like, it's like they have goosebumps. So it's like my dick, my ass and my balls have all seen a ghost. I'm not letting you get away with that. I'm not letting you get away with that. I love you, Anthony. I love you too. I love you, Anthony. I heard when the hair grows back, it's the worst.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's not the worst. It's just like a lot of them are ingrown, and there's a lot of bumpies down there. Does your butt look like House MD right now? Do you know what I mean? Damn, yeah. That's double. When do you go back? Like, haircuts are like every couple months. Six weeks.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Six weeks? Six weeks. So every six weeks, you got to do this now? Every six weeks, I get to do this. Nice, nice, nice. Are you doing the same person? I've developed a rapport with that. I'm not going to go and start a new relationship with somebody else.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Don't change horses midstream. No, you've got to let them know that you don't need them. You need to have one that you go back and forth to, so you let them know. This guy saw Anthony's butt, and it was like Michelangelo seeing the slab of marble he carved the statue of David out of. I can't stop his art midway through. Also, all the sincere stuff was just so I could get to that punchline.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't actually care about any of it. No, I love it. So when we last left our dads, sort of, they were trying to rescue Nicholas from a couple of Aboleths. After a bomb exploded the bridge leading out of Book Castle, Nicholas was swallowed whole. In the struggle to get him free. Jodie Foster and his son Nicholas
Starting point is 00:13:47 both decided to basically accept their inner demons, so to speak, and turned into their proper demon forms and absconded to the infernal plane after having a nice, very brief farewell with Glenn Close. Normally when men accept their inner demons, they just turn into big douchebags, but like you gotta give it up for them.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, Jodie's like, hey, I'm an asshole just so you know, but since I've said it, that means it's okay. The whole reality seals itself as Jodie and Nicholas depart for what may be the last time you ever see them. The door that you exited on the other side of the destroyed bridge, you see Boreanaz and his friends
Starting point is 00:14:21 who are like shaking their heads free of the spell that you cast on them. And Boreanaz sees you all across the bridge. He goes, oh, did we? Where's the demon? Did we kill the bomb? Our bomb exploded. Yeah, us, us.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Did we kill a demon? Oh, my God. We killed the demon, right? Hey, us, us, us. Hey, guys, keep it down here. We got a dad who just lost a. Hey, Glenn, you OK, man? Can you guys shut up for a second?
Starting point is 00:14:41 You guys set the bomb? Yeah, it's called a contingency plan. And it turns out it worked pretty well, so you're welcome. Hold me back, Daryl. Hold me back. Okay, I hold Glenn back. Can I make a big show of, like, uh, punch you, David Borealis? Oh, are you actually not trying to go? Well, I mean... No, then I pull you back too
Starting point is 00:14:55 far, and we tumble. Okay, yeah, yeah. Full-on, like, ready, like, he assumes you're actually going after them. Yeah, I get suplexed by Daryl. Can I roll to see if... Actually, I need dice. Oh, shit. Holy shit, you're right. You don't use the app anymore, do you?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Hold on, wait. We need to get dice, everybody. Oh, my God, real dice. It's been so long. Like, I haven't touched real dice in so long. Beth, here's your dice. Thank you. I can't not see that as, like, her getting, like, a toddler place.
Starting point is 00:15:21 That's exactly how you have to treat me with dice. Can I have a kid's menu? Totally forgot we rolled dice in this game. Easy to pick up, hard to put down. Okay, I'm gonna roll to see if I can find the lure. So go ahead and roll perception. I got a 19. Okay, so with that, you can easily see
Starting point is 00:15:36 that sort of still hooked into one of the shards of flesh on the still steaming and exploded stump of what used to be an abalese head. You can very easily see that your lure is still stuck in there, and you can take it out with an incredible amount of ease. Okay, I'm really sorry, Daisy, or Donald. That was Daisy.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I didn't mean for it to be like this, and I just take it. Hey, Boreanaz. What? That bomb really sucked, dude. I mean, it seemed like it got rid of two Jeebans, so. Well, no, it didn't, in point of fact, sir. I mean, it seemed like it got rid of two demons, so. Well, no, it didn't in point of fact, sir. In fact, it nearly killed all of us and our children.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And then because a bunch of, we had to kill the demons. And then one of the, I'm sorry. I'm, you know, I'm freaking out a little bit. Like this is, heavy stuff has happened since we saw you last, sir. And I just think you should be more sensitive to the fact that we've got dads here that are dealing with a lot of trauma that just happened. And then your drunk butt wanders in here and you're just taking credit for stuff. And, well, sir, it's just not very nice. Boreanaz, after hearing that outburst from Henry, uses a message to put a voice in Henry's head that is just him whispering,
Starting point is 00:16:38 You're welcome, baby. Ah, what was that? Ah, it's like one of those ASMR videos. Yucky. You watch those videos? It means awesome, silent man reaction. Awesome, silent man radio. Yeah, that's what it means. Is that what it is? Again, I don't do a lot, but I've seen that on, again, I'm not searching, but I've seen that on Grant's computer. I figure, you know, boys, they're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 No, it's just like a chill thing. It's like nature sounds and stuff like that, but it kind of gives me the icky wickies when you hear someone whispering in your ear you know it's kind of part of why i don't like listening to npr all that much all right i'm just gonna ask i'm just gonna ask grant what asmr is when i see him nick like asmr oh oh anyway i don't know what it is but okay so it seems like a normal thing that kids like yeah hey payton do you have asm? I mean, immediately, Payton climbs onto your shoulders and then just puts his mouth way too close to your ear and he goes, we have this.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Get off me, Payton. It's like I'm here. It's like I'm right here. All right, I put him down. So Payton goes like, all right, so do we want to head back to Walter the Kids or we could go straight to get Rod's anchor? Actually, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Before we go to Rod's anchor, could you drop me off somewhere? Because I don't want to, because if Willie shows up, I would not want to. Where, Ron? Your anchor? No, before that. Well, Peyton, did you just say you don't want to come with us? I thought you were all about the butt kicking. Because Willie was...
Starting point is 00:17:58 Oh, yeah. I would prefer not. Well, that's okay, buddy. You don't have to come. Okay, thank you. I'll take care of you, and we'll not go either. Yeah, we could just stay together. Okay. You guys can do it without us. We should go Walter.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Let's go Walter. Yeah, let's go Walter. We'll talk about it on the way. Okay. And hey, by the way, Boreanaz, frick you, sir. You're not a very good sheriff, and you're a big part of the problem around here. I'm going to wing a rocket, Boreanaz.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh, yeah, go ahead and give me a ranged attack uh five plus eight thirteen no you barely miss him and then once again Henry hears a whisper going no frick you my friend frick you I know that's not what nature means but like literally it is in Daryl's nature if one man throws a rock he just also has to throw a rock so I'm gonna roll nature to see if I throw a rock first. Yeah, roll nature. I rolled a one. You throw your wallet at him. Daryl's just for some reason disappointed and sad now. He's just like,
Starting point is 00:18:53 oh well. Are we at full health? Oh yes. Oh sorry. Thank you for asking that. Did we level up? Yes. You've all leveled up. Oh my god. Everybody's back at full health. This makes up for losing my kid. Kids go and go. Levels are forever.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You head back to the secret meetup spot that Walter and you agreed on previously. He found a cave this time that is actually behind a waterfall. So we're dripping wet. You're dripping wet as you step through, but you look cool. It looks hot.
Starting point is 00:19:19 As you step through, you notice immediately a couple of things. Secondly, you notice the looks of... I'm doing it for dramatic reveal purposes. Got it, got it. Secondly, you notice that the children that you left behind are looking at you with confusion and not a small amount of worry, having presumably noticed that two of your number are now missing.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Firstly, you notice that Walter is inside what appears to be a sort of fantasy version of a wheelchair that he is fixing up for himself because his legs are gone. What? What? What happened? Walter! Hey, Matt.
Starting point is 00:19:51 What? Bro! Oh, yeah, Ballyhunter had a scimitar. They called me out with a blade. He surprised us at night, got these babies from me. Larkin Sparrow woke up in time to like hit him so I like woke up and got just out of the way.
Starting point is 00:20:06 The blade was gonna hit my neck but it hit my legs instead so I strangled him. Wait, is he here? His body? His body? No, I buried that. Where did you bury him?
Starting point is 00:20:14 Who does he work for? I don't know. I mean, there's their wanted posters everywhere from us. I think it's Willie putting out wanted posters for all the bounty hunters
Starting point is 00:20:20 in the realms if they come find us. That's weird because like my dad's name is, and so, you know. No, I'm talking about your dad. I'm talking about your dad. Henry, roll Perception. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm pretty good at that. I got a 22. Wow. Okay, so with a 22, before you even see it, you can sense it in the air, in the moist air of this cave. You can feel a unique familial anger radiating from a corner of the cave. And you turn and you see the behind Walter's wheelchair
Starting point is 00:20:50 helping him with a couple of fantasy wrenches, which I assume are just wrenches, but made of wood. They have metal. Metal technology has not expanded to wrenches yet in the Forgotten Realms. It's all wooden sticks. You see Lark and Sparrow,
Starting point is 00:21:05 and you can tell that Lark is pretty cross. He is fuming. And Sparrow goes, yes, father, there was a bounty hunter ambush, and he attacked us, and we lacked the means to defend. And before he can finish what he's saying, Lark goes,
Starting point is 00:21:20 if only we had had a couple of Hulk fist gauntlets, we could have easily beaten away the intruder. I attempted to fight the intruder with my normal meat fist and it was insufficient. And now my good friend, Walter, my surrogate daddy, Walter is missing his legs and you must, you must atone for this father. You, this is your, this is your father. Oh, my beautiful boys. And I run and I hug them and start crying you can feel sparrow hold you and hug you back and you can feel lark not do that and in this moment your mind is cast back to when you first drew from the deck of many things and the rogue card came up and promised you that someone
Starting point is 00:21:58 in the future would hold a grudge against you and you now know in your heart that that person is your own son. Wait, what? Lark Oak. Dang, dog. Oh, man. And when he pulls away, when your two sons pull away from you, Sparrow is wiping tears from his eyes and Lark is just looking at you with anger. I can't handle
Starting point is 00:22:20 this. Henry is just speechless. He doesn't know what to say. I reach out for Lark. I say, Lark, buddy, I know what you went through must have been so sorry. And I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help protect you guys. But I know you did a really good job helping Walter. And I'm really proud of you, OK? He reaches out with his hand, palm up, and he says, the gloves. I lean over. I say, hey, this is like kids like to test boundaries. This is like not the time. I know they want to give the gloves, but don't want to give them the gloves right now. Lark,
Starting point is 00:22:51 I can't give you the gloves, buddy. I'm sorry. He, without saying another word, turns away and walks back behind Walter's wheelchair again and continues to start tightening bolts with his fantasy wrench. And he does not look at you. Hey hey do you think like the fantasy like philip's head's like a elf name you know it's a drizzled head nice great joke nice nice get some tool jokes in here lighten the moon love it henry just walks off to stare at the waterfall by himself for a second i give sparrow a reassuring pat on the shoulder and a kiss on the forehead and then i i say look after your brother okay buddy He smiles and nods at you, but you can tell he's very sad. Holy shit. I go to Ron, I'm like, what's Lark's deal?
Starting point is 00:23:29 I don't know. I mean, I've been through the same thing. Kids like to test boundaries, right, Daryl? Yeah, that's a tough one. I give Henry kind of like a hand on the shoulder as he walks away. Yeah, I need to be alone for a while. Yeah, Daryl all good man. I go over to Grant so Grant sees you coming and goes
Starting point is 00:23:50 where's are you okay? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Walter Walter saved us. He's great. You know, he but where's where's Jody? Where's Nick Nicholas? Sorry Glenn size and goes well folks. Here's the long and short of it that Jody guy that you all remember.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You all remember Jody? You hear four voices simultaneously say yes. Yeah, that was like, he wasn't part of the group alternate timeline thing. Best not think about it too hard, but he's gone now. And technically, Nicholas was like more his son than mine. So, I mean, I guess they're good. They're taken care of, I guess.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I got Nick Jr. though. I got, I got this guy right here. Hey, squeak, squeak. Terry Jr. squints really hard
Starting point is 00:24:30 and pulls you aside, Ron. And he goes, did, did Glenn kill Nicholas and Jody? No. I mean, I know it sounds like I'm lying.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah. You know, you know what? I'm going to ask, I'm going to go ahead and ask somebody. Hey, Daryl, Daryl. Daryl.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah. Did Glenn kill Nicholas and Jody? No, of course he didn't kill Nick and Jody. They turned into demons. It was wild. See, your old man was telling the truth. Yeah, man. Hey, Terry, you know your old man?
Starting point is 00:24:56 He's a straight shooter. He always tells the truth. Most of the time. He's telling you the truth here. Yeah. I'll take tells the truth sometimes. I'm a straight shooter. I'm not 100 sure on but yeah
Starting point is 00:25:05 okay i shoot any direction so sparrow who is at the front of the wheelchair with walter installing some like blades into the rims of the wheels shit hell yeah he's like so nicholas and they're got they're in like what demon world now and from the wheelchair, you can hear Lark say, oh, no, Nicholas is in hell? Oh, no. Hey. Hey. Hey. No.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Lark? What the hell, man? Lark, that's not okay, buddy. You can't. You got to be more sensitive than that, Lark. We know you would. Come on. And he just goes back to working.
Starting point is 00:25:38 He doesn't even look up. He just makes a noise. So you all want to, like, have some barbecue or something? I think, you know what? Yeah. I get hang. Are you all hang? I have some barbecue or I think, you know what? I get hang. Are you all hang? I'm hangry. I'm feeling a little hangry.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I'm not even hangry. I'm hungry. You're hungry. All right. Let's, well, I was, hangry is hungry,
Starting point is 00:25:54 but angry is both. Oh, well, I was actually thinking I got a bunch of the pieces I needed for this, uh, the sick ass cherry. You could see before you, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:02 I got them at a mall nearby and I also saw they were selling some, like, magical items and stuff. I didn't know if you wanted to, like, you could check out the mall if you wanted to get some more stuff. You seemed like a little light on... A mall? Yeah, a mall. Walter, what do you mean it was a mall? Yeah, Walter, I know my way around a few outdoor malls as a, uh,
Starting point is 00:26:19 I mean, a Christmas music guy. What are you talking about here? Yeah, so there's a mall. She's very big. She holds a Christmas music guy. What are you talking about here? Yeah, so there's a mall. She's very big. She holds a bunch of stuff. She's part of the mall family. She's an orc named Mall. I knew it was going to be something.
Starting point is 00:26:35 M-A-U-L. She sounds like a hot topic. She's forever 21. Is she dangerous? No, no, no. I mean, if you try to rob her, yes. But no, the Maul family is known far and wide as honorable merchants of reputable magical goods. You might know her Auntie Annie.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Or her uncle, Paul Blart. Does she have a daughter, Miss Fields, and they make cookies? Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one, right? That's like a name. I could think of a name in a Maul, too. So yeah, that's something you could do.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Or, I mean, Swankery Hill is also not very far. If you did want to go get Ron's anchor, that is definitely something you could also do as well. What can you tell us about Swankery Hill? The Swankery Hill is a pretty, it's pretty podunk. It's really just honestly a hill. So the fact that your anchor is there, I assume it's just buried somewhere on the hill or something like that. There's no town there. There's no nothing, just some trees,
Starting point is 00:27:26 and then a little hill that overlooks the trees. It's very bland, to be completely honest. Why is it called Swankery? Yeah, that sounds like it would be cooler than... It was first scaled by Sir Edmund Swankery, and he named himself after it and thought he was really impressive. And he fell down and broke his neck, and they named it after him as a joke. Is he okay?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, yeah. He went to live at a farm with all the other mountain explorers. That's good. Okay, team, if you're not all hungry, maybe, you know, they're all... I enjoy a good shop. Sometimes shopping is how I get... Maybe we should all just go shopping. Is that what you all want to do? Will that make you all feel better?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Consumerism, material goods. Is that going to do it for you? Would buying a thing and a pretzel help you feel better about your life? Go ahead. Go ahead. You doing okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I love malls. Let's go. Okay. Just all your family's gone. Like you're alone again. Nah. Nah. Is that Peyton or Walter saying that? This is me, Peyton.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Sorry. Peyton, come over here for a sec, buddy. Hey, what's up, baby? Hey, Peyton. Yeah. Hey, can you just, maybe you're not the one to talk to Glenn right now. Oh, fuck you oh oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't understand loss be your dad who died probably
Starting point is 00:28:33 or whatever you told me i don't remember it but i'm sure there's some part of me that still feels it thanks payton you're trying i appreciate what you're doing with glenn i just think maybe glenn's a little bit more of a sensitive soul i know not everybody can be as tough as you are buddy nobody could be i know you're tough i know you're a tough guy right you're a tough guy glenn's a little he acts tough but right now i think constantly reminding him his family's gone is not the thing to do right now so like tell you what how about every time you think about something that you want to say to glenn you tell me and i'll like i'll laugh because you everything you say is funny you just tell me i'll give it a chuckle. Yeah, the truth is funny, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Okay. Is that what I am to you, huh? Funny guy? What? Oh, hey, buddy. Funny guy? Yeah, I hear you're fucking amusing. McCloud? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:29:12 All right. All right. No, you got it. You got it. You know what? This dad point goes to you, Daryl. Oh, thanks. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah. No, you got it right. You know who I am. Henry goes up to Lark and Sparrow and says, hey, boys. So it seems like we got a lot to talk about. And maybe there's like a sort of a food court at this mall or something like that. You know, maybe even just this once, you know, we can we can break the old vegan rule a little bit. You guys can have, you know, maybe a pepperoni pizza or something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And we can all talk about what happened when I was gone. And I really hope we can all come together. Does that sound like a plan, kids? Sparrow's like, oh, yeah, absolutely. That sounds delightful, father. And Lark, or his voice, rather, from behind the wheelchair goes, got to finish working. He's not 30 suddenly.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I have to finish working on this wheelchair for Walter, or else he won't be able to move. Currently, the axles are stuck. You could go on ahead. I'm going to continue working on this with Walter. Oh, well, why don't I stay, and I'll help you fix you fix the wheelchair? This is a one Lark job. Thank you. No, I'm good. Thank you. Thank you. I'm good. Thank you. Lark. I know you're mad at me right now. I'm establishing a boundary father. I, I, that's healthy to have boundaries,
Starting point is 00:30:18 but we all need to move as a group. It's not safe for us to all split up right now. And so we're all going to need to go to all together okay i understand you're mad you don't have to talk to me and that's okay you know if you you feel what you got to feel right now let's have a dad hole just the four of us hey hey payton why are you uh i know you're dad but why don't you be the dad that takes care of the other kids right now hayden walks away going kid dad kid dad hey okay so there's a lot going on right now i think i think for right, let's let the kids be kids. Henry, I'm sorry with what's going on with Lark. I think we know the situation.
Starting point is 00:30:49 It looks like Walter can't move right now. I think just us as dads need to come up with what the game plan is, and then we will tell the kids what's going on. That's a good idea, too. Okay, what's the game plan? Do you guys want to go to the mall? We want to go to the mall or Miss Mall. I don't know if we should bring the kids along.
Starting point is 00:31:02 We could also stay behind. We're good and hidden behind this waterfall. Hey, is that Payton? No, it's me, Walter. Oh, Walter, wait. No, Walter, you can't be here because, like, the log's working on you. No, I'm-
Starting point is 00:31:10 We're far away from you. You're talking very loud. Okay, sorry. We'll talk quieter. Sorry. Sorry, kids. We'll talk quieter. We can move farther away.
Starting point is 00:31:18 You turn and all the kids are looking at you. We move farther away and talk quieter. So, I have two questions for the group one ron it's like this is your show up next man we got to go get your anchor you know and that means we could be squaring off willie so like i just want to check in with you on that you know and how you're feeling um i don't really want to talk about that yeah yeah yeah yeah let's just have a dad's day dad's day big day for everybody's feelings uh woo a mall mall sounds like I've lost a lot of my weapons. I don't really have.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I don't have pants on. Like a mall seems like we got to, gearing up for a willy seems like a good idea. So maybe we should go to the mall. Okay. I would really like to spend some time with my boys right now. I got to work through whatever's going on with Lark. I'm trying not to freak out right now, but I seem to remember one of those cards meant someone was going to hate me forever.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And it sure seems like it might be my son. So I'm not feeling great about that. The mall's safe. We can take the kids to the mall. Yeah. So that's, yeah. You know, retail therapy, right? Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah. Samantha said that there's nothing quite like retail therapy. I don't know what that means. Well, if a therapist says it's okay, then it's okay with me. And let's go. Let's go. It feels like we're all in a let's not talk about our feelings right now. And let's just go.
Starting point is 00:32:28 We'll figure it out over there. And in terms of, I got this. I walk over and I go, hey, look, boy, let me see what's going on with that wheelchair. And without even waiting for him to answer, I just look at what's going on with the wheelchair. Like, how broken is it? It's fine. It has been fine the entire time. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Lord, man. Wow. You said it's been a while. It's already done. Good job. Yep. Just fixed it. Just just fixed it just now fixed all right kiddos um gather around all of us dads that we're all your coaches we're all team we're all coaches i mean we're the coaches we are all like a fun like girls in the car headed to the
Starting point is 00:33:11 mall montage except everybody's miserable like the music's really like yeah yeah yeah there's a bunch of fucking sad people and uh I so wish we had the minivan right now I'm very disappointed fucking Daryl's the only one dealing with anything healthily what the hell is going on i'm just concerned about everybody else now i'm having a good time oh thanks ron i mean i don't know why i say thanks it's not my idea we all did this together we're all team good job team so you come across a clearing where there is a very large very beautiful orc next to a sign that says malls mall many things for many golds and you can see a whole assortment of things you see basically a bunch of stands set up that are all under the same tent uh you see a stand full of
Starting point is 00:33:50 clothes you see a stand full of unusual magical items everybody give me a perception roll that makes sense because honestly shopping's a skill you don't always catch a good deal that's true it's true damn oh my god like listen she's back in style now that she's actually holding the dice in her hands. Back. Yes, daddy. Okay. I got an 18. 16.
Starting point is 00:34:13 20 plus four, 24. 22. So everybody except for Daryl notices that one of the stands seems to have a couple of items that look overly familiar to you. They look like they might not have originated in these realms. They might come from Earth. And in addition to that, there's also some other fun, magical, fancy-ass things. And the orc opens her arms and she goes,
Starting point is 00:34:35 Welcome, welcome to Mars Mall of Things. How can I assist you? Would you like to try on some pretty things? Would you like to try out some pretty weapons? Would you like to punch me in the face directly and pay me 20 gold for the privilege? What would you like to do? Hey, Payton, that seems like something you'd want to do. Oh, yeah, baby. Here we go. Wait, 20 gold? Give me some gold.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Give me some gold. Don't take that in front of my face and then take it away. Who's going to give me the 20 gold? You're right. That's unfair. I should have thought about the price before I gave her 20 gold. 20 gold! So, here we go. Inflation is rampant in the Forgotten Realms right now. The Fed is not stepping in. The consumer price index is out of control.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So Peyton Cox back his arm and he goes, all right, what do you get to hell? Tell what Peyton sent you. And he rolls a 12, which is not enough. And he completely just whiffs. This enormous orc person, he whiffs completely and hits the ground. And then Glenn goes, can we get a refund on that? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I'll re- I'm so terribly sorry. Well, technically it's to hit your- I mean, no, she goes, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll re- I'll sell it in final. I'm so terribly sorry. Well, technically, it's to hit your- I mean, he didn't hit. Oh, nope. You know what? This is a Hagler. We got a Hagler on our hands.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Like a light goes off. Hagler alert. A bunch of auto-ballista come out from the stands and they point at you. So give me a persuasion roll. That's a two. Because I said he could punch me. It's not my fault if he can't. That's Walter. Ooh, this is your
Starting point is 00:35:47 tough spot here. I said he could punch me. I didn't say that he had to hit me, so that's on you. I can see you've got quite an amount of gold weighing you down, so if you want to just keep giving him until he can get it going. Nah, sorry, Payton, buddy. That's on you. I was so close! Hey, Payton, you know what? Tell you what.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'll give you an allowance how about that here's that's a good idea yeah what do you say but no all the kids get that would be weird for just payton hey yeah do we want to talk about giving the kids a little something called rich dad poor dad all right boys i'm gonna give you each 700 gold wait what and but how much gold do we have a copper each a copper yeah every. A copper? Yeah, every week. Daryl, how much? Daryl, my son, my dad, if you try to hand me a copper, I will spit in that and then
Starting point is 00:36:31 throw it right back at you. How much is it gold? I look at Peyton and I go, I would never hand you a copper, and I flick it to him. And he dodges it, and he goes, you're going to have to do better than that, baby. Tell your wife you're one less copper from punching her again. That's on you. And he's looking at you all angrily, and he maintains angry eye contact as he backs up
Starting point is 00:36:48 and then crouches and feels around on the ground for the copper and picks it up and puts it in his pocket, still looking at you all pissy. I ask the orc, I'm like, hey, what's a good allowance for a kid around here? Henry, this is someone who charges 20 gold to punch a... Oh, I would say, I don't know, 300 gold per kid probably. You said 700. Let's round it don't know, 300 gold per kid, probably. You said 700.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Let's round it up to an even 700 gold per kid. How much gold do we have? How much gold do we have now? We have 1,003.75 gold after Liz Wharton taxed 75% of it. I feel like Liz Wharton probably talked a big game about how she was going to tax her.
Starting point is 00:37:23 No, she took it. If she was in charge, she tax the budget. But at the end of the day, no, she took it. No, she took it. She was in charge. She taxed her. She had a guy above her. How about a gold a kid? A gold a kid. You know, all right.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Here you go, boys. And I give each of them a gold. I say you buy you buy whatever you want as long as it's one gold. And, you know, then we'll all go and then we'll all show each other what we got. How about that? So Sparrow goes, ah, that's an excellent idea. One gold, one gold. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Let's see if we can find some candy, some sweet treats. Come with me, brother. I go to the kids and I go, if you guys all give me one gold, I'll give you two gold later. I leave them with a grant. I leave them with a grant.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I give them a dollar. I go, do not give Glenn your gold, Grant. And I go, see, this is an investment opportunity. And if you act now, you'll be able to double your gold. Sparrow's like, ooh, that sounds like a good. And then begins to give you the one gold. And then Lark just grabs his hand and looks at him and solemnly just shakes his head. No?
Starting point is 00:38:18 No takers? All right. No. No takers. Hey, what about Nick Jr.? Nick Jr. is going to get gold too, right? I give a gold to Nick Jr. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Yeah, that's fair. He starts nibbling on it. I shoot a look to Daryl like, what about Nick Jr.? Nick Jr. is going to get a gold too, right? I give a gold to Nick Jr. Okay, yeah, that's fair. He starts nibbling on it. I shoot a look to Daryl like, what's going on with the mount? Do you want to deal with it right now? I don't. Right now? Oh, look at him. He's nibbling on it, little guy. Huh? Oh, jeez. He's chewing on it. Oh, it at these nibbling on it, little guy, huh?
Starting point is 00:38:46 Oh, jeez. He's chewing on it. Oh, it's so cute. And he doesn't get a dent. And I'm like, wait a minute. This gold is not real. No, no, no. It's real gold.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Don't worry, listeners. It's real fake gold. Nice. So, yes, the kids group up, and they sort of go off and start looking at the different booths. What would you like to do? They come back with like a thousand Airheads. You guys remember Airheads? I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:39:10 The cheapest candy ever. I remember the drugstore by my house. It was just like ten for a dollar. They just did not care. Airheads was definitely designed like, they had like a Don Draper moment where they're like, gentlemen, kids have to get one dollar and go to the snack bar. We shall make a candy where they get 10 of ours,
Starting point is 00:39:25 and we will always win. They don't have to taste good. They don't have to be particularly good. That's really funny. That's totally, that's got to be true. Like big Jolly Ranchers saying, they'd be like, damn it, Airheads is fucking eating our lunch. I like that they're called White Mystery, and so am I.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Okay, so in the clothing area, there's a whole bunch of cool, like, there's some armor pieces, but mostly just really nice, really decorative clothing that you can grab. So here's the thing. You may have noticed me wearing these boxers that... I did notice that, yeah. I didn't want to ask because I didn't want to be rude, but yeah. Not a lot of pants on you fellas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Well, the thing is, I'm kind of cursed in a cool way. That's why my boxers say cool guy. So is there a pair of pants or anything, a kilt or a jumpsuit or anything like that that I could cover up my legs with so they don't get so chilly? Well, let's see. We got thigh-high socks. We got thigh-high boots. I think we found our answer. Holy shit,
Starting point is 00:40:32 we found the answer. Because if you can't do pants from the belt down, you can still do pants from the ankle all the way up to the crotch. Glow up. Yes, I would like. I mean... You want to try them on first? Sure.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Ron, do you want to try on a bunch of them and we can tell you how they look? Sure, yeah, okay. So she takes you over to a little, it sort of looks like a port-a-potty, but it's big enough to get dressed in. It's just a dressing room, essentially, and closes the curtain.
Starting point is 00:40:59 You just say it's a dressing room, Anthony. No, because it's fantasy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to see if I can buy a surprise for everybody. How can I do that? I want to ask you without them all knowing. I think you get to make up what you're buying them, and if I decide that
Starting point is 00:41:14 it's too overpowered, I will say, no, you didn't buy that. You bought something else. I just think while they're all trying on Rons, I'm looking for a custom. Is that what we're calling thigh highs now is Rons? We need to start selling rods. Is there like somebody that can like sew stuff? Maybe you can beckon Maul over because everybody's distracted by the great fashion show that's about to happen where they're going to alternately nod their heads and shake their heads really irritatedly if it comes out in something bad like in a rom-com. So Maul goes, yeah, what do you need?
Starting point is 00:41:44 I can definitely sew something for you. Let's go over here and you want to get some secret gifts to your friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, absolutely. Let's chit chat. And the audio fades out on that as you do whatever you're about to do.
Starting point is 00:41:53 One montage of Ron trying on different Rons later. Actually, no, let's- Uptown Ron. You know what happens? Maul comes to you with a big box that's got some Rons inside them and you reach toward it and he snaps it on your hands, and you're like in Pretty Woman.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Okay. Yay. And then you take those. Sorry, I'm deep into Google image search for thigh-high tube socks. Do you realize what we've done? We have made it so that if we are ever at a convention, we will know if somebody is listening to our show from a mile away because they'll be the person walking on the convention floor
Starting point is 00:42:25 wearing cool guy boxers. They will be the person who is arguing with the security guard demanding to be let in to the convention. Yes. What's it look like, Ron? They look really great. Standard sort of American tube socks
Starting point is 00:42:39 where there's the stripe to the top. But the only difference is they go up to my thighs. Do they have the gold toe at the bottom? Yeah. They have a little patch on the toe and a little patch on the heel. And they're even kind of off color like a lot of tube socks are. They kind of look like they've been around for a while. Maybe they're not new.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Maybe they were in a drawer somewhere or whatever. But you know what? They look great. They look great, Ron. You look fantastic in those. Hey, I was wondering, what do you have with like a lot of pockets? We have these things called cargo shorts in our world
Starting point is 00:43:15 and I'm trying to like, I feel like I'm losing touch with a lot of stuff lately. So psychologically, I feel like I want a lot of pockets on my pants. Henry, you got, I was thinking jeans. Now you're right. That's cargo. We got cargo it up.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Do you do cargo stuff? Also about my tube socks is that they have the little grip on the bottom. Yes. Baby. Yes. I love baby socks. Yes. Socks with grip, little studded grips so that you can't slide around.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I'm not going to be sliding anywhere. Nice. Certainly not anybody's DMs. As you request cargo shorts, Malt the Orc shows you a bunch of skins from different fantasy creatures that have been murdered in, well not murdered, not murdered. Murdered in skin.
Starting point is 00:43:59 They had natural pouches like kangaroo type things, but they had like multiple pouches. Do I not have pockets in this world? I don't understand it. No, no, absolutely not. You can tell that these things used to be very cute. Okay, I'm wondering if you could do like a custom job for me. Do you see like this bag I'm holding?
Starting point is 00:44:15 And I show like my backpack. Like I show it to the clothier. So could you make like a pair of pants that have like smaller versions of this bag sewn onto the pants. That's kind of what I'm asking for. As you're saying that, you can see the orc's jaw just drop lower and lower and she grabs
Starting point is 00:44:34 you by the lapels and she says you said that in my store, that means it's my intellectual property. That's okay if you, as long as all I want in return is maybe a free pair of shorts in my size and then two smaller shorts for my sons. Yeah, shut up, shut up, as long as, all I want in return is maybe a free pair of shorts in my size and then two smaller shorts for my son. Yeah, shut up, shut up, yes, yes, yes, absolutely, yes. She grabs your
Starting point is 00:44:50 Ron socks and then slowly rolls them off of you very carefully and goes, yes, pockets for everybody. Okay, give me one second. She goes into a little workshop that's behind the mall and you hear, like, cartoon, like, hammering and nailing and and, like, yeah, smokes coming off from in the background.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, yeah. You hear a train whistle and stuff. And she comes out and... Sweat dripping off her brow. And she goes, this is my finest work. Ron, she hands you the exact same socks that you were wearing,
Starting point is 00:45:19 but now there are two little pockets in the back that would rest right behind your knees. Yeah, so making it impossible to sit. So it's very difficult to sit if there's anything in them. Henry, she makes you some really nice knitted together leather pants. There is more pocket than not pocket on these things. Pockets as far as I can see.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It's like a Rob Liefeld drawing. I get the kangaroo pants, by the way. Yeah, you get the kangaroo. And then she also says, and as Daryl requested, and Daryaryl why don't you go ahead and tell them what they see hey guys i got us all uniforms so there's i got polo shirts for everybody they say doodlers and your last names and um uh how does the sketch look i asked them to do a sketch of like the four dads kind of like the pep boys logo and uh you know like big, those guys are goofs. I just thought like, it would look great. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Can you fucking wrap your mind around like, hold on. I just rolled with advantage to see how good the Pep Boys logos turned out. She got a natural 20. It's like, no, mom, I don't want to look like the Backstreet Boys. I want to look like the Pep Boys. It says Dad Boys, and there's like an ampersand hidden there, but it just looks like Dad Boys. I'm looking for something that says, cars like me, people love me. And there's even one for Nick Jr.
Starting point is 00:46:38 He made a little tiny one for the rat. Oh, that is very cute. Hey, hey, thanks. Wow, this is really swell, Daryl. Golly gee whiz. We're a team. I just think, you know, we've done good. Is my head this big? No, that's
Starting point is 00:46:50 what makes it funny. Oh, okay. Alright. You can see Grant and Terry are like, Here you go, Grant. Here you go, Payton. Put those bad boys on. We're a team, everybody. It's like, hey, everybody puts them on. They're super excited, except for Lark. I mean, they have to choose if they put them on or not. Oh, I put mine on. Oh, I oh i put mine on yeah i helped little nick jr with his on as well and
Starting point is 00:47:09 nick puts it right you're putting yours on yeah what does it look like again it's vomit green it's a really ugly green it's a green polo shirt you know polo shirts are those things that hold a really good graphic design hey ron everybody's got a pocket. Fuck you, Anthony. With this kill shot merch burn out of nowhere. Okay, yeah, I put it on. All right. All right, so yeah. That's the least happy I've heard you ever sound on this podcast. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Sorry, Panhard. We all look the same now. I really liked Ron's like rumpled business thing. You can find an excuse to get it ripped or take it off later. Take it off like two seconds later. Yeah, who knows? But yeah, Lark just uses it to clean off some grease from Walter's wheelchair. He does not put it on.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Was Walter wearing it? Walter's like, oh, hell yeah. And he's like, oh, you didn't. I'm not on here. I kind of been defending your kids. Kind of lost my legs defending your kids. Walter, I take off my shirt and I rip it in half. Walter, forgive me.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I bend down and go, however much it'll cost, I would like the same set of shirts with his face on it now. And I put down another like 20 gold. I say, just do it for me. So again, hammer, hammer, hammer, saw noise, drill noise, a gunshot noise for some reason. She comes out and it's the same thing, but now Walter's there as well, and it looks great. How good does Walter look, though?
Starting point is 00:48:34 I'm going to keep rolling with a 20 and say that Walter looks fantastic. Well, now I have two of these shirts that I don't really like. All right. It's okay, Ron. I know it's not everybody's style. I get it. Put on the new shirt over the old shirt. Layered pull-blows from Aeropastel. So we all got clothes.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yes, you all got clothes. There's also that booth that had things from Earth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Earth booth. Earth thing. Well, Daryl didn't notice, so I have the excuse. Ten pristine pairs of cargo shorts. The sharper image.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Oh, to me, there's massage chairs here. Yeah, but the sharper image is where she keeps all of her knives. Ah, that makes sense. The highlight. As you come to this particular booth that has a bunch of items, you can see-
Starting point is 00:49:12 Good for us. Bizarrely, good for us. You can see what seems to be a television remote control. What? What seems to be a beer koozie. Daryl's eyes are so wide right now. A half dollar, or sorry,
Starting point is 00:49:23 a dollar, silver dollar coin. And then you see a boot with what looks to be like some sort of machinery attached to the heel of the boot. Like Heelys? Are they Heelys? Oh, man. You can investigate them and find out. I would like to investigate all of them. Okay, so if you pick up one of them and give me an arcana roll to see if you can figure out what they do. I'm going to stare hard.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Oh, natural 20 plus 3. Okay, well, let's just say you know what i'll do that okay yeah glenn is a master of mall shit remember glenn you are a bunch of mall gigs he's like i know everything that gets sold in the mall okay how do we know anymore yeah when did the lies end glenn these are four items that were submitted by our patrons. Yay! So the first one, the remote control, is called the Stick of Functions. I'll show you a stick of... Good for you. I'll show you a stick that functions. Nice.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So this item was created by somebody who credits themselves as Camerama Ding Dong the Third. Thanks, must be nice. It's a magical television remote that allows the user to utilize any remote functions you might see on a traditional television remote and apply them to a target. Whether that be turning up the volume,
Starting point is 00:50:31 using a party member, or... Holy shit. And it says here, in pausing time, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that this is not a VHS remote as well. It is a TV remote. I mean, TV's paused now. Oh, they do?
Starting point is 00:50:41 You're right. Welcome to the 20th century. The enemy has to make a constitution saving roll higher than 13. Pretty low. This is pretty low. Oh, they do. You're right. Welcome to the 20th century. The enemy has to make a constitution saving roll higher than 13. Pretty low. This is pretty low. Or they fall victim to the command for one minute. In order to use the remote, another party member must have it,
Starting point is 00:50:57 and you must, in traditional dad fashion, ask, hey, can you pass me the remote, even if it's directly in front of you? Can I check if there's batteries in it? Yeah. Go ahead and roll. A three. No batteries. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Too powerful. You can probably find some ways to magically get some batteries together, but right now it's not useful. Batteries sold separately. Batteries sold separately. Never the batteries in the remote. Fucking Grant, was that? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Why is it fucking? Grant. Grant. Grant. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're right. What the fuck did I do? Grant, where are the batteries for the? I'm sorry. You put them in your controller? In a Fortnite machine? It's my Xbox. It's got an Xbox controller. What the frick? What the frick? where are the batteries for the i'm sorry you put them in your controller in a fortnite machine
Starting point is 00:51:25 it's my xbox it's got an xbox controller what the frick what the frick okay so you've got uh and then the second item second item is from uh mike hicks thank you mike it is the beer koozie of truth you can add this koozie to any can mug stein cup whatever and anyone who drinks from that vessel loses the ability to lie for three questions. Ooh, that's so good. That's me after three or four Michelob lights, am I right? Yeah. And you're still gonna have to convince somebody
Starting point is 00:51:53 to drink from it. The coin, this was just given to us by someone named Michael. Thank you, Michael. It's the all or nothing coin. It's a coin that can be flipped in place of a D20 roll. Heads is a natural 20, tails is a natural one. Ooh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:52:05 That's very cool. You can only use it once per long rest. That's a D20 roll. Heads is a natural 20, tails is a natural 1. That's good. That's very cool. You can only use it once per long rest. That's a cool item idea. And the last one is... Can I use it to check if there's batteries somewhere in the store? You'd have to buy it. Can I use it to fix my relationship with my son? You'd have to buy it.
Starting point is 00:52:21 And a 1 that your son's going to murder you. And the final one, the boots with the machinery attached to it, it was sent to us by Ryan Peterson. Thank you, Ryan. It is a single jet boot. A single jet boot. End of description. He described it more, but I think you pretty much know
Starting point is 00:52:38 what a single jet boot would do. Why is it single? Because its intelligence is intimidating to men. It's an insole, Beth. It's an insole, Beth. It's an insole, Will. An insole. Oh, God. Yeah, that's what we'll call it.
Starting point is 00:52:51 It's the insole. Insole. Oh, no. Okay, so yeah. How much do they all cost? The mall looks at you and mall says, ah, these are magical. These are very useful.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Clearly, each of them is going to be 300 gold. Dang. Is that really the price or is it because you know we have 1,000 gold? A little of this, a little of that, a thousand gold? Little this, little that. Tell you what. All for three hundred. You may be the worst negotiator. Go ahead and roll persuasion with disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:53:14 That is a horrible haggle. Buy the coin and then go all or nothing on a persuasion for the rest of them. Tell you the coin for two hundred. Make a persuasion roll. Is that one disadvantage or is that just one? No, it's a normal persuasion. Glenn, you want to pitch in here, Mr. Persuasion Rolls? No, I want to see if Daryl do it.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Do you know about if I'm checking which one it is? So it's a six or a nine? It's a six. Okay. So she goes, 300. I like you guys. You probably just started an entirely new business, an entirely new style of clothing. After we gave you cargo shorts. Did somebody say business? Alright, 300. We should let the businessman negotiate. After we gave you cargo shorts. Did somebody say business? Alright, $300.
Starting point is 00:53:45 We should let the businessman negotiate. We'll take it for $300. Deal. She shakes your hand. She takes the $300 gold and hands you the silver dollar. We would like to get all the rest of the items for you paying us $1,000.
Starting point is 00:54:02 What? That's a disadvantage. What? At the disadvantage. Anthony choked on Topo. You can use the coin at disadvantage. You're going to flip the coin twice, and you're going to take the worst of the two, because that's still insane. Do it.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Roll the boat. Flip large. I want to flip a real coin. Hold on, hold on. Do you have a coin? Not only do I have a real coin, I have, as a result of doing fucking magic tricks, a real silver dollar.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Oh, wow. That is heads on both sides. Is it because I asked for money coin I have as a result of doing fucking magic tricks a real silver dollar because I asked for money that's a disadvantage yeah it's one thing to have another person to say give me a thousand dollars and also that's a robbery what you were just describing his robbery immediately to Geraldson. So heads is a 20, tails is a natural one. You gotta flip it twice, and if either of them are tails, it's a tails. I have for my personal collection a 1885
Starting point is 00:54:54 silver dollar. Hell yeah. Do me a favor, don't, like, flip it onto the floor. Like, flip it onto the carpet, would you? I'll flip it on and do the turn. Do you wanna check it? Yeah, check it. You can check it. You can check it. You can check it. Okay, here I go. Nothing up my sleeves. So heads is good. Heads is good. If you get to check it? Yeah, check it. You can check it. You can check it. You can check it. Okay, here I go. Nothing up my sleeves. Heads is good.
Starting point is 00:55:08 If you get either of these or tails, it is going to be tails. I would argue that tails is good, my man. Man, nice. Heads. Heads. We've got heads. We've got one more to go. I look at her.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I'm like, I'm just saying, we're doing you a big favor taking these off your heads. These are a problem. All right. Heads! Heads! Oh, yes!
Starting point is 00:55:30 So what do you think? I did it my way. Mom goes, well, when you put it that way. She goes, you know what? You know what? It's worth it for the patent on the pocket thing. Heck with it.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah, take them and take a thousand gold. That thing that you clearly had so little of that you needed a thousand more. You stupid fucking idiot, Anthony. I get paid 200 gold. I go, here you go, buddy. Payton buys a gun. Payton buys
Starting point is 00:55:57 a gun. Oh, God. I was like, make sure they lose it in this mall. Anthony, you stupid idiot. You thought you could get us to lose money? Dads always make money all the time. Now, kids, when a windfall like this happens, you're still keeping
Starting point is 00:56:15 $1 a week for allowance. You understand? Cepherpating. Well, this is training. Look, if one of you come up with an extracurricular idea or something that you want to do, we'll pay for it. Don't worry about it. You could start your own business. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 We fucking crushed this shit, dude. We crushed this. We speed-runned Anthony's mall dungeon. Why did you give Payton two of your balls? I didn't give it to him. I gave it to her. I was like, hey, let the kid get ten shots at your face. Oh, you're paying so Payton can—
Starting point is 00:56:44 Oh, so you robbed this person and now you're paying so pay them. Oh, you're paying to beat. So you robbed this person. And then paying for a child to beat a woman. First of all, I just want to make it clear. Is that some weird thing that she has a sign that says $20 to punch my face? I feel like it's pretty good. She's getting a lot of money for not doing much clearly.
Starting point is 00:57:02 So I'm giving her back 200 gold. Late capitalism in a nutshell is this guy just stealing money He's getting a lot of money for not doing much clearly. So I'm giving her back 200 gold. This is fucking late capitalism in a nutshell is this guy just stealing money and then giving it to a kid to punch you in the face. And you can earn back a fraction of it. So this is, again, this is another item from our group. So he goes, the punching thing, the punching thing. Yeah, yeah, sure. Are there any other items like something a little more top shelf?
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's like a charity. I can't give you money. You can just choose something else with it. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Maul. Is there anything that you've got that's maybe for the more discerning consumer? And Maul goes, I mean, there's the big angry metal thing that's not really useful. That's like basically, it's not good for anything. It's just a big metal, the JD.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And he goes, oh, tell me more about the JD. And she goes, yeah, follow me. And he leads it. We all the JD. And he goes, oh, tell me more about the JD. And she goes, yeah, follow me. And he leads. We all follow. No, she goes, you stay here. She leads Peyton
Starting point is 00:57:51 into the back where her workshop is and you hear Peyton go, I'll take it. And then you hear and then a John Deere 1 Series 1023 subcompact tractor mower
Starting point is 00:58:08 with a 22.4 horsepower. Do you have another one? Nope, this one's mine! Do you have another one? Nope, this is the only one! Payton, Payton, how much for it? Hey, it's price as it belongs to me! Take the money from Daryl.
Starting point is 00:58:24 You've lost your money privileges, young man. You are out of control. Get it together. So this was sent to us by Johnny Stanton. According to Johnny Stanton, the 102E John Deere
Starting point is 00:58:35 has a speed of 10 feet per round. Per round of husking. It can be used by a creature with vehicle proficiency or a DC-18 intelligence check or someone who knows how to use it turning it on in the first place, which is what happened here. The vehicle is being used by a creature and enters proficiency or a DC 18 intelligence check or someone who knows how to use it turning it on in the first place, which is what
Starting point is 00:58:46 happened here. The vehicle is being used by a creature and enters the spec of another creature. That creature takes 5d10 slashing damage. Oh my god. He can also shorten a field of grass. Uh. So yeah, that's something that Payton has now. Payton, don't you think maybe Walter
Starting point is 00:59:03 would like using that? Oh, shit. That's actually a really good point. Walter, do you want my cool tractor? And Walter goes, well, I suppose I could combine it with my wheelchair design and make quite a behemoth if I could say so myself. And Peyton's like, you know what? This is my gift to you for having such a cool voice
Starting point is 00:59:23 and for sounding so distinct to me. Payton, I'm really proud of you for that. Yeah. I also bought this gun. Absolutely not, Daryl. No, under no circumstances. Until my dying breath, you will never step foot inside this John Deere tractor.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I think you should be very clear at this point that Grant is incredibly spoiled. Grant's the best pc they're all hired like 20 different people for bots to buy the new graphics grant yeah grant's true daryl went on to like a website to get the 3090 and he paid way too much for it carol definitely comes back and like points at the credit card like it's like what have you been buying grant great congratulations you came out 800 gold ahead. You walked away with five items, one of which is a tractor,
Starting point is 01:00:09 and 800 more gold than when you started. So congratulations on that. Can I get a pretzel? We don't. Sorry, we don't. Wait, what's a pretzel? She grabs you by the shoulder and she goes, what's a pretzel?
Starting point is 01:00:19 What secrets do you have? It's a food that wraps around you like a snake. Everybody around you, I assume, is from Earth is like, what the fuck are you talking about? That was beautiful, Ron. That's like the soul of a pretzel. It's like Emily Dickinson describing a hummingbird. It doesn't describe what it looks like, but you somehow described what it is. That's exactly what a pretzel is.
Starting point is 01:00:41 It's like the thing where the snake is eating itself but it's dough. The orc kisses you on the forehead and goes, Right now we don't. One day, we will. I just realized it still had the thigh-high tube socks on. How much were the tube socks? Those are on the house. Those are presumably covered by the thousand dollars
Starting point is 01:01:03 I just gave you. Do you have like wooden slabs or like any? Yeah, just what? Wooden slabs? Like just big pieces of wood. Like planks? Yeah, like planks. Yeah, I've got some planks.
Starting point is 01:01:18 That's how I build my stuff. Yeah. Do you want some spare planks? Yeah, can we just like make like two big wings on the side of the John Deere so we can all just kind of sit on the John Deere and just like slowly cruise. So Walter's like,
Starting point is 01:01:35 I could just build seats. And then, and then she cuts them off. No, no, I have, I have two planks of wood that I can nail to the side of the John Deere. So chairs.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Could I have a plane? That was like a slow movingmoving ground plane with the seats on the wings. That's what it looks like. Okay. That happens, but it also lowers the speed by half.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Okay, that's fine. So we'll get to Swankree Hill in 20 episodes. So this thing's going at five miles an hour. How do you think we should get out of this, listener? How do you think we should end this episode? Do you have any, like, fast motor things? Walter's like, again,
Starting point is 01:02:19 Swankree Hill is within walking distance. I can take the kids back to the waterfall area. No, no, Walter. You can take the kids back to the waterfall area. No, no, Walter. You can take Harry and Walt. No, no, no, Walter. You're coming with us. We're all going together. We all want to go to Swaggery Hill.
Starting point is 01:02:32 You sure? We should get closer. Oh, what's up, Ron? I don't want to go. Okay. No, we don't have to go. Daryl just starts walking away. Hold on, Ron.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I know it's real scary, Ron, but, you know, we gotta think about, you gotta get home to Samantha, man, and we're all gonna be there. We're gonna be right here with you. But what if something worse happens and we don't get home to Samantha? Samantha, you know, in our universe, sure
Starting point is 01:02:59 dead anyway. And what if I can't save her or Terry? Well, Ron, let me tell you. You figured out a way through it. You really didn't. Oh my god!
Starting point is 01:03:17 Oh my god! Oh my god! Holy shit! Yeah, these records are better in person oh my goodness i mean i guess you know i'll try to do better i look so that ron is here yeah ron why don't you just think of as like look if glenn you could do better than glenn right yeah okay yeah heck i'm uh yeah look i don't know if that was a great thing to say to glenn but um i don't think anything can be worse than than losing our wives all already we got to try to get back to them and i can think of a few things that are worse yeah well sometimes it helps
Starting point is 01:03:56 to say your fears out loud it makes them less scary so what feels worse than losing samantha terry you know let's work on that well you know Terry and I and I look at Terry and I I'm trying to like play it cool but also say exactly what I mean which is like Terry and I we're on good terms now and uh we're sort of right yeah yeah yeah we're we're fine we're good yeah we're fine. We're good. Yeah, we're good. And, well, I love him. I love you, Terry. And so if Samantha's gone, what else would Terry have if not, you know? That can happen. Again, I lost my dad.
Starting point is 01:04:38 But, Ron, like, Terry loves you and Terry's proud of you because you're the sort of person that's going to go and try to save Samantha and get us all home. Like, he's proud of you. I like you. Just, I mean, love. We're with Terry. Terry, hey, buddy. No, it's okay. Actually, you know, Terry, that makes it a lot better, actually.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Hey, you're welcome. I'm glad. I'm glad you think so. He's like, if he doesn't love me, love me, then you'll be okay. If, you know, if things go bad. Oh, my God. Ron. Oh god ron oh guys we need samantha that's the only thing daryl could i think we need a therapist so if we ron i think more than anything we gotta go get we gotta save and get the samantha because i think we all gotta talk to samantha sometimes when i think about willie i get so angry
Starting point is 01:05:22 and um i don't know now we have all these cool weapons and stuff like that. And I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared of a few different things. The things that I won't even say out loud. They're pretty scary. Sometimes what scares me the most is how angry I am. Let's go to Swankery Hill. Even if you die, it'll be alright It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be alright It'll be alright, cause that's just life All you do is try, it'll be alright Dungeons and Daddies is Matt Arnold as Daryl Wilson
Starting point is 01:06:22 Anthony Burch as our DM Will Campos as Henryry oak beth may is ron stampler and myself freddie wong as glenn close theme song is all right by maxton waller courtney theron is our content producer ashley nicolette is our community manager chad ellis provides additional editing robin rap is our transcriber additional sound mixing for the intro by ye special thanks to camera man ding dong the third mike hicks michael ryan peterson and johnny stanton for items used in this campaign. Also, special thanks to our patron Thumps for suggesting the palate cleanser of this episode.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Those are just some of our Patreon supporters. And here's a few more. Hey, do you have plans for Father's Day? That's coming up. You know, why not spend the evening with us here at Dungeons & Daggers because we are gearing up to do our first ever online live show this Father's Day, June 20th, 5 p.m. Pacific time. Two ways to be a part of this historic occasion. If you're a Patreon supporter at any level,
Starting point is 01:07:33 you'll be able to watch this for free. So don't even worry about buying tickets. If you're not, well, you can either join our Patreon at patreon.com slash Dungeons & Daddies or you can throw five bucks at us for tickets to the virtual online event. You can find all the details on our website at DungeonsandDaddies.com
Starting point is 01:07:49 That's our website. Our Twitter is Dungeons and Dads. Our subreddit is Dungeons and Daddies. Our next episode is June 15th so we will see you then. We'll see you then. Guys, really quick, I leveled up and I feel like I lost hit points. We can wait for clean water solutions. Or we can engineer access to clean water. We can acknowledge Indigenous cultures.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Or we can learn from Indigenous voices. We can demand more from the earth. Or we can demand more from ourselves. At York University, we work together to create positive change for a better tomorrow. Join us at yorku.ca slash write the future.

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