Dungeons and Daddies - S2 Ep. 4 - Barf Bum Movie Men (Ft. Elyse Willems)

Episode Date: March 8, 2022

The teens become embroiled in an investigation concerning missing body parts.This episode contains profanity, violence, and sexual content.Support the show on Patreon!Get merch and more at our website...!Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!Check out the subreddit! DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)Erica Drippins is Elyse Willems (@ElyseWillems) Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton WallerBrian Fernandes is our Content ProducerAshley Nicollette is our Community ManagerEster Ellis is our Lead EditorTravis Reaves provides Additional EditingRobin Rapp is our transcriber Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex) Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dungeons and Daddies is a rowdy, horny, violent podcast for grown-ups. Content warnings can be found in the description. Hey, Normal, can we Jack in the Skies Walk into the class like, what up, let's do a quiz pop Nah, I'm just pumped out to learn, hearing piss shots Stones in the kidney, they are so uncomfy People like, ouch! There's a rock in my pee stream Studying hella deep, learning about vasectomies
Starting point is 00:00:36 A vast difference between vasovase, ostomies Here comes my buddy Link, late with the yellow drink Probably shouldn't run, dude, wait, no, is that your pee? Piss Ah, shoot, is that your beat? Piss. Ah, shoot, we got kicked out of class. We be bitching and skipping, about to go and learn some daddy shit. This whale is an idiot, one week of Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:00:56 The Jims and Daddy magic, man, I am so lost in stressing. I'm spending my war bucks and I'm hearing that we need another key. Scary, take the Kellogg knife. Scary, take the Kellogg knife. No, we really can't use it. I don't wanna wonder, I gotta wanna wonder. Then our badgers went off, time to bring the thunder. Uh oh, uh oh, the Roni's on patrol. Tony ain't got nothing on my school pride, hell no.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Sneaking back at lunch, hit the cool kids table. Margarita pizza's like, hey, where'd my finger go? I'm gonna prod some lands. Oh, I got two digits in your rectum. I'm hunting, looking for a poem. This is Jack in the Box. Stay out. Welcome to Dungeons and Daddies, not a BDSM podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:38 This is the story of 14 searching for their lost dads in a world forever changed after their granddads accidentally unleashed an eldritch god. My name is Freddie Wong. I play Taylor Swift. Covenant. Ranger. The cool, anime-loving prepper teen of the group. I don't even know why I need to say cool.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Everyone knows that's implicit in those adjectives. Excuse me, Matt? What? Nothing. Taylor's teen fact, rad fact for this week. Taylor is a hero because one time when he was a child he's a cool hero
Starting point is 00:02:09 let me tell the story Will let me tell the story when he was 16 damn so here's what happened by the way if you don't know this
Starting point is 00:02:16 this is actually a really cool little YouTube rabbit hole there's YouTube videos where you can be like spot the drowning kid like spot someone who's drowning
Starting point is 00:02:23 oh yeah yeah no it's for like lifeguards to try oh wow It's not to get off to it's like for life Taylor so Taylor got really into these videos because he was like I need a spot You know this the drowning kid in the YouTube video So we got really good at it because he spent a whole summer just like staring at YouTube and trying to identify because it's not the usual markers, right? It's not someone screaming and splashing around. It's actually a lot subtler than that. The silent death. You have to know what to look for. That's what they call it.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Or leptin mortis. My boy, my boy. Me and Anthony come in humor. So he got really into these videos and then he's at the local pool and he spotted a kid who was drowning what he did as a hero is he stood up and pointed over there and said hey that kid's drowning and then the lifeguard you know like stopped looking at their phone playing wardle 2000 because you know in the future there's a cool crazy wardle and dived and saved him only 2 000 letter words no one has solved it this solved it it's like one of those ancient codexes that still has yet to be deciphered and it leads to jim mortal's secret treasure the kid's still alive thanks to taylor's eagle he died like two days later it's a foul destination shit dude
Starting point is 00:03:42 hey everybody my name is matthew arnold i play lincoln lee wilson the schooled at home sports kid who's tall and tougher than he sounds and is a paladin so everybody's just aspirational and you're all the descriptions of yourselves rad fact about lincoln is that he wakes up very early because he's gotta get that workout going he gotta get his body primed for the soccer field and the first 90 minutes the length of a soccer game once he wakes up it's a no handball zone no handball time so he cannot use his hands for anything he uses his foot he only uses his feet to dress himself which means half the time he's just like in his underwear and like half a shirt on he's wearing those cleats to bed he's the kind of responsible for breakfast because both of his dad's work so
Starting point is 00:04:23 like he often like you know they put up with a lot of spilled orange juice and stuff like that, but he's trying to get good. He's definitely working on his left foot. But yeah, no, he's gotten pretty good with his feet. I'm sorry, Matt. If somebody every day for 90 minutes tried to do things with their feet, they would be so adept with their feet.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. Then how did he not get on varsity? We'll find out in another fact. There's more to soccer than just being good with your feet, Freddie. But there's not more to sex. Yeah. Then how did he not get on varsity? We'll find out in another fact. There's more to soccer than just being good with your feet, Freddie. But there's not more to sex. Yeah. Lincoln would tell you that it's because the varsity team is mean to him. Man, what if he had a mug that was like, don't talk to me until I've had my coffee and then play with my feet for a third?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Don't talk to me. Can we make a coffee mug that says, don't talk to me until I've had my feet? Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. No. Almost. We should just go full on just like pervert shit
Starting point is 00:05:10 on our store. I mean like there's two options you can take for merch. You can either do like cool show themed merch or just pervert shit. And like I bet you
Starting point is 00:05:18 when I go to Target they say categories and they say pervert shit or groceries. There's only two options. We're going to do pervo shit only and we're gonna compare how the two stores do we got an ab ab test hey everyone i will stand for butthole everyone i will camp us sorry wow matt good one so ab is anal butthole
Starting point is 00:05:41 you gotta learn anything from that. You never guessed this episode. We need to clean up this room. I'm Will Campos. I played Normal Oak. Perky, peppy, chipper, cheery, school spirit, mascot, kid, slash cleric. Rad fact about Normal this week is that Normal can't swim. In point of fact, he was the kid. But we didn't know it, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:02 That is so sweet. He was both the kid that drowned, but he was also the kid in one of the videos that Taylor watched. It's happened to him multiple times. It's happened to him multiple times. That's why Taylor was able to do it. Yeah, he recognized. He's like, it's that kid who was drowning.
Starting point is 00:06:14 He's drowning again. He didn't actually understand the signs of drowning. He just goes, oh, it's that kid. That kid's prone to drown. The giant mascot head probably would be another. Hi, I'm Beth May, and I play Scary Marlow, a goth punk seeker of darkness who is not like the other warlocks.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Fun fact about Scary, this episode, is that last episode she found Terry Jr.'s note to self that said what do you do when your arm itches and thought it was some sort of cool code or something, so she's been working on it. And so far, she's been working on it and uh so
Starting point is 00:06:45 far she's plugged it into like several different anagram generators and uh they don't allow that many characters uh but she's got like a few guesses like uh ha neurochemistry munchy seaworther let's see what else munchy seaworthers there's a see. What else? Munchie Seaworthers. There's a bunch of like Hoot, Wood, Chorus Whitney, Sherwin Touchy. That's just our classmates. It's me, Chorus Whitney. It's all of our classmates. Oh my God. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Sherman Touchy? What does he have to do with this? Stay away from Sherman Touchy. It's like the evil Forrest Whitaker. Oh my God. Yes. Chimer Unseaworthy is like personally my favorite. But yes, nothing concrete jumping out to solve what she perceives as a riddle or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm Anthony Burch. I'm your dad. I was so psyched to just go straight into it. I forgot I have to do dad facts. My favorite movie when I was in high school. Donnie Darko. Was, no. Boondock Saints. No. Oh, God. Reservoir Dogs. Boondock Saints 2, All Saints Day. high school was no Boondock Saints
Starting point is 00:07:45 no Reservoir Dogs Boondock Saints 2 All Saints Day yep it was Boondock Saints 2 All Saints Day which didn't come out
Starting point is 00:07:51 until you were in college yeah well he wrote it I compared it to my fanfic that I wrote when I was in high school say no more say no more Beth because
Starting point is 00:08:00 Scary is left handed go ahead and roll a G100 and see if Scary dies I got a 94 wow you were six away from dying no immortality immortality Because Scary is left-handed, go ahead and roll a d100 and see if Scary dies. I got a 94. Wow. You were six away from dying. No, that's immortality.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yeah, 100 is immortality, you said. And if I roll a one, I die. No, it was zero, zero. Okay, fine. But also roll a, what was it, a wisdom save to see if you've masturbated in the last week. For the Kellogg knife. What is that? At least it looks uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I just saw some fan art of me as a furry. I mean, so obviously... I can handle anything. I think Bess should have to roll disadvantage with that information. Nine plus three. It's 12. Okay, so you did not masturbate this last week, so your Kellogg knife is now 2d4 damage. Nice. Nine plus three. It's 12. Okay, so you did not masturbate this last week,
Starting point is 00:08:48 so your Kellogg-Kneife is now 2d4 damage. Nice. Okay, so as you may have heard before the break, we've got a guest on the show today. Hope it's not a woman. Ooh, I've got bad news for you, Beth. Oh, no. What if she's hot? Uh-oh. Homina, hom got bad news for you, Beth. Oh, no. What if she's hot?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Uh-oh. Homina, homina. Awooge, awooge. Oh, no. Beth is doing the Tex Avery Wolf thing. Beth, put your tongue back in your mouth. What is this? A show of perverts? Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yes. So as all of you, my four regular teens, notice that Margarita, the popular girl, is clawing at her suddenly missing finger and panicking. You see behind you another female student, one that you hadn't noticed before, has been looking at the goings-on with a bit of fear, but also a bit of familiarity, a bit of recognition in her eyes. You want some too? You got a problem?
Starting point is 00:09:38 So Elise Willems, our guest, thank you for coming, Elise. Yay, Elise! What do they see when they turn around and see your character? They turn and they see maybe the most popular girl in school damn it even taylor's sweating a little he should be because erica drippins is she is an angel on earth we're talking chestnut waist-length hair, sparkling green eyes, a body that Beth would kill. Just take over. I'm going to go to the gym, guys. No, I didn't mean to have.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I meant to hold. Oh, okay. Yeah. If you're leering at me. Yeah. You know I am, always. Then you would not believe Erica Frippin's. Our friendship is at risk.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Really Harry Met Sally vibes going on. And, I mean, she. Then you would not believe Erica Trippin's... Our friendship is at risk. Really Harry Met Sally vibes going on. And, I mean, she's just the total package. Great. This girl. Academically, how is she? That, and I mean, that's the thing. You think, how could she have it all? How could she have it all?
Starting point is 00:10:41 She does. She is the class valedictorian. She's the valedictorian. She's currently running for class president. She's in pre-med in high school. What? Okay, how? How is this possible?
Starting point is 00:10:55 We do have a urology class. But she's also the captain of the cheer team. And my God, she is a horse girl. If I ever saw one. Oh my God. Is being a horse girl really cool in the future? It is, Beth. And now.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It is. And now. Horses will clock her from 100 yards away, and they will come running to her side. Whether she wants them to or not. There is nothing this girl cannot do, or have, or be. Name again? So I have it right here. Erica Drippins.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Jesus Christ. Oh, the Sandemica drippins sandima strippins when he leans over to taylor dude dude you should cover up erica's name on your backpack all the time oh you're right you're right uh uh uh and i just it's e-r-i-c-a and i like added s in front and then i turn r-i-c-A into a big X. So it just says sex. It just says sex dripping. It says sex dripping. Sex dripping. I'm like, this'll work.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Scary sees the word sex dripping. She's like, fuck, I should've used that. Bam. That's a good one. So there's still a screaming girl with her finger that just got severed, right? Mm-hmm. Oh, my God, margarita pizza.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Oh, what happened? What happened to your finger? Dude, I don't know. I don't know. Why is it gone? Where is it? Anybody can look around? Okay, just calm down.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Just calm down. And I grab, like, as I sit here. Calm down. I'm sorry. I just grab, like, a wad of napkins, and I, like, put them on the stump to, like, here, just do this. I'm on look for the finger. Okay, go ahead and give me a perception roll.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Don't worry, Erica. I'll find your finger. It's not Erica. It's Margarita lost the finger. Oh, go ahead and give me a perception roll. Don't worry, Erica. I'll find your finger. It's not Erica. Margarita lost the finger. Oh, Margarita. Sorry, sorry. I like the Taylor side. I'm so flabbergasted.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Your finger. She's going, can I find it? That girl's pretty. She's got no finger. That other girl's pretty. She does have a finger. Which one do I choose? I got an 11.
Starting point is 00:12:40 God, once again with the parade of ones. You don't see the finger. I mistake the finger for a chicken nugget. Yeah, you scan the ground don't see the finger. I mistake the finger for a chicken nugget. Yeah, you scan the ground of the lunchroom. Yeah, all you find is a chicken nugget. Can I scan for the finger? Go for it. That's a 19.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Damn. So a 19, your finger sense fucking pings intensely, and you can tell that that finger is nowhere in this room. Guys, the finger's off this world. What are you talking about? I didn't say that. I'm saying it. I'm saying it's gone. I don't know where it is. The finger's gone. That. What are you talking about? I'm saying it.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'm saying it's gone. I don't know where it is. The finger's gone. That makes no sense. It's not anywhere. Look, if it had fallen, I would have been able to kick it up straight to my hand because I'm so clear. It's gone. It's not here.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's not in this room. That's pretty metal, actually. Can we investigate the source of the horn sound? Roll another perception because it happened really quickly. So you'd have to be able to remember where you heard it from. Three. I got a 19. So you could tell that when you heard that horn noise,
Starting point is 00:13:28 it came from the less popular corner of the lunchroom. Like where a lot of the nerds, a lot of the computer kids, a lot of the band geeks, all that stuff. Wait, can this be the sound? No, it can't. Okay. I lock eyes with Erica Drippins and I say, Erica, my cheer team colleague, you're pre-pre-med.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Can you help out here? Erica looks over and she just kind of shakes her head really briskly. What's, Erica, what's wrong? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Mmm. She just kind of shakes her head and turns away. I'm going to guess that like one of the people that's even less popular than you, Freakos, killed Margarita Pizza or whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Margarita, are you okay? R.I.P. for having our hearts so met. I'm not dead. I'm bleeding. I'm busy. It's almost like she's still here sometimes. Anyways. What?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Did you feel something? Like what happened? Well, like I can tell that from like the other corner, you know, there's people like me that are like cool but like nobody recognizes it yet and then there's people that are like less cool i think one of them did it well we gotta check it out yeah i'm gonna go shake them down while she's doing that i'm gonna do a medicine check to try to staunch the bleeding of this severed finger go for it oh i got, I got a 20. Okay. So yeah, you put the correct amount of pressure on- The correct amount of paper napkins on the severed finger. The exact number of paper napkins recommended by the FDA
Starting point is 00:14:52 and the bleeding stops. So she goes, I'm going to go to the nurse. I'm going to go to the nurse. This is fucking gross. This is so gross. And then she gets up and just hits the nurse with her other popular friends. If someone finds my finger,
Starting point is 00:15:00 just like bring it to the nurse's office. Put it on ice. She's really popular. She's really popular. So there's a bunch of really pretty people following her. Is she on like the soccer team? She does varsity soccer. She's Tony Pepperoni's daughter, right?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, she's Tony Pepperoni's daughter. Pepperoni Tony's daughter. Pepperoni Tony's daughter. The vice principal. What is this show? It's bad. In answer to your question, it's bad. This is a bad show for bad people.
Starting point is 00:15:20 One of the worst. She generally is the star in most of the theater productions. And she like actually is pretty good at acting. Like people don't go out of pity. They go because like she's actually good and makes like the yellow boat watchable. I said last episode that we've had dinners at Pepperoni Tony's house. Yeah, with the vice principal. I feel like I've
Starting point is 00:15:35 seen Margarita. The Pepperonitorium. I feel like Margarita gets like pulled into these dinners. So I've seen her every once in a while. I kind of slip over to her as she's walking out and say, hey, hey Margarita, we're quick. And I look around and make sure nobody sees what I'm going to do. I think you just do it with stealth. I think you roll stealth to do it and see if people notice it. Okay, well, I got a one.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'm still going to do it. I put my hand over her hand and I'm going to do lay on hands. The paladin spell. I'm going to heal her. Heal it. Okay. You make your finger come back. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Wow. Whoa. So everyone, everyone in the lunchroom sees this happen. Hey, Margarita, just don't. This is really weird. This stuff's going on with me right now Marguerite, just don't, don't, this is really weird. Stuff's going on with me right now, but I just, I don't want you to lose a finger because, you know, you're such a good soccer player. And I know fingers aren't the most important thing, but like, you know, you should have a finger.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Um, here, check this out. You touch her. Let me use all five of my HP. I'm assuming is, I don't know how much hurt that finger was. I'd say it's exactly five. Nice. I did it. You grow her finger back.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Scary is in the middle of like berating the uncool kids. Like, what do you mean? She's got all 10 fingers. Look at her. And then it like turns around and like, and then you see, yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:32 everybody in the, in the lunchroom turns and sees Lincoln touch her, which is like just a weird thing to do. He just like puts his hand on her and then her finger comes back. And immediately Margarita goes like, Oh gross. He like took my finger and then put it back on. What did you,
Starting point is 00:16:51 dad, dad. And she calls for pepperoni tony the vice principal uh to come and she screams it in fact in my head pepperoni tony's coming in with the same energy as like vince mcmahon when he like saunter you know like right before he tore both his quads yeah he yeah he kicks up the door sauntering like he did before the royal Rumble when he tore his quads. And he sees Erica, because all vice principals are familiar with the most popular and cool and intelligent kids in school. He goes, Erica, what's going on? He sounds like Vincent McMahon now. Something's going on. What's happening with your mouth?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Wait, what? What's going on, Erica? Can I roll perception to see if there's something wrong with Erica? Yes. Can this episode be called We Need to Talk About Erica? 19. 19? Whoa!
Starting point is 00:17:32 Hey, I got one just a second ago. Erica is missing something. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. In her face area. Uh-oh. Is it her tongue? Something is awry in the land of Erica's face.
Starting point is 00:17:44 She does see you and beckons you over to her. Okay. I walk with her. Beckons you all to come talk to her. Guys, there's something awry with Erica's face. Erica, be aggressive. B-E. Oh my God, her tongue's been cut out.
Starting point is 00:17:59 When he said that, we all go, aggressive. We just have to do it. Aggressive. I'm staring at like this stupid anagram generator and i see one that says hermy unworthy which is definitely a student name and i stare at hermy unworthy the student and i'm like i know you did something i didn't do anything erica cannot believe that she is beckoning the kid over with the anagram generator but she does she's kind of hanging back in the shadows.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And really, for this girl that usually is a social butterfly, she does not want attention on her, but she's trying to discreetly call you all over to her. I run away from Tony because he looks scared. I guess we're just going to run over to Erica. Yeah, Erica and Tony are basically... I love that Tony Pepperoni came in, saw his daughter screaming over like a puddle of her own blood,
Starting point is 00:18:42 presumably, and was like, oh my god, Erica. That's her reputation. She's dramatic. I mean, he sees a girl with ten fingers who's got some red on her who is screaming and he's like, ah, girls will be girls. But he's standing next to Erica. What, a teenage girl who's not talking? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Talk, talk, talk. Don't you know girls? So he goes, hold on, Erica. I'll be back to talk to you more later. I'm gonna go talk to my daughter. Margarita pizza. And then he does this man's shred over to margarita pizza and leaves the scene briefly while you guys talk. I hand Erica a piece of paper and a pen to write with. Erica takes the pen and the pad and...
Starting point is 00:19:19 She thinks she's being so cool and mysterious. God damn it. Scary, quiet Erica's talking. She writes, I need your help and holds. God damn it. Scary quiet Eric is talking to me. She writes, I need your help and holds it up to you. She needs our help. Taylor takes this
Starting point is 00:19:31 like Cupid's arrow through his fucking heart. And he like rushes over and like bends the knee. It's like, what do you need? She goes to write again. Use my back to write.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I put the paper on Taylor's back and do the pen again. And Taylor flexes to make sure that's a good sturdy surface. And Link tries to like give Taylor like a knee, you know, so like to cut because he can tell he's kind of struggling in the position he is in. Like it's an uncomfortable kneeling position. He's definitely like shaking. So he's leaning for her to write on and then you put your knee out.
Starting point is 00:20:04 So then you can like lean on me. Yeah knee out so that he can lean on you? Yeah, so he can kind of lean on me. I'm trying to help him out here. So you're both kneeling. I'm very tall, so I got my leg. Only leg-based solutions to problems for a leaker. Yeah, actually, I was so struck, I just lifted my leg up, and he's right there. I'm like, this is a good workout anyway.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Scary, are you involved in this? Scary's mind is racing She's like I can't believe she's getting more attention Than me You say that but Hermie Unworthy is staring Only at you She talked to me I think she Likes me
Starting point is 00:20:36 Today I feel like Hermie's so worthy Hermie's literally kneeling behind you Yeah Hermie's kneeling behind a lunch table just staring guys. He's working on the anagram too hoping that he
Starting point is 00:20:48 can solve it for you. He's trying to see if there's an anagram that has scary plus Hermie in it that he can show you. Scary's like, my stomach hurts.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Mmm. Looks up to see if any of her friends are losing. Well, scary will take care of that later, but Hermie needs
Starting point is 00:21:02 our help. Fuck. Hermie runs forward holding Pepto-Bismol in his hands that he has from his backpack. Hey, Scary will take care of that later, but her needs our help. Fuck. Hermie runs forward holding Pepto-Bismol in his hands that he has from his backpack. Hey, if your stomach hurts here, here's some.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'm prone to diarrhea. If your stomach hurts, you can have some of this. That's such a bold teen move to be able to say the word diarrhea amongst your peers. I'm not scared about my own body. I have no shame.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Uh, yeah. Thanks, Hermie. Glad to see some people still care about other people he immediately blushes and turns away and goes she loves me
Starting point is 00:21:28 the next day you see him and Goth sitting underneath a tree she'll come around she'll come around you're my rival
Starting point is 00:21:36 but I respect you may the best man or iguana win Erica's writing something I think thank god
Starting point is 00:21:44 she won she got all the attention. Uh oh. Using Beth instead of scary? Not the move, Matt. Not the move. Anyways. Erica sees
Starting point is 00:22:00 scary with the attention grab and she nods because game respects game. But after all this preamble and presentation she takes the pen to write and realizes it's out of ink so she throws it over her shoulder and just frustrated she talks i need your help okay what's up you what's going on can't you tell you have a brain freeze can't you even notice now we're talking your tongue's gone no you idiot shit do you not realize i'm missing my entire front teeth the three boys all look at her face you piece of shit sorry you garbage man i piece of shit. Sorry. You garbage man. I'm bad.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm sorry. You trash goblin. Excuse me. My teeth are up here. My teeth are up here. Or they were. Oh my God. What happened to your teeth?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Where are they? Great fucking question, Einstein. Well, okay. I mean, what do you want us to do about it? This is like for orthodontists or something, Einstein. Well, okay. I mean, what do you want us to do about it? This is like for the dentist or something, Erica. I mean, I could give you some referrals. This is a yes or no question. You can nod.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Are the forces of evil involved? How am I supposed to know that? Yeah, I don't know if we can help. Taylor is like still turned around offering his back, has like pulled out his phone and it's like, what's future Yelp? Give me another Yelp. It's not real Yelp.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's a- Yowl? Jowl. Jowl. He's on Jowl looking for dentist reviews to be like, well, I'll recommend a really good dentist for her. Well, Fry, my dad is a dentist. We have a really nice house and two pools.
Starting point is 00:23:43 God damn it. Two pools? Yeah. Do damn it. Two pools? Yeah. Do you guys like to swim? Because if you can help me there's a lot of swimming in your future. I fucking love Erica.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Oh my God. I've been wanting to do an aquatic routine for Teeny the Teen but I need the rehearsal space. Norm, you can't swim. I know but I want to learn.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I can't swim but Teeny the Teen can. He must. Oh God. We'll do whatever we can. He must. Oh, God. We'll do whatever we can to help you. When did you last see your teeth? Well, it's a few days ago. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:24:11 A few days ago? My teeth were here, and then all of a sudden, they just weren't. And oh, my God, it's been awful. I've been living like all of you, rejected, a pariah of society. Well, I don't know about that, Erica. I think that my social standing is pretty well secure with me and the cool kids. What's your name again? Take a D6 of damage.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Real quick, I'm just going to roll how much that really shattered fucking Taylor's world. That really sucks. Normal is minus racing. Full six. Full six. Are you in death saves? I'm at half health now. Good. Erica, now this is minus racism. Full six. Full six. I'm half health. Are you in death saves? I'm half health now. Good.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Erica, now this is very important. Before your teeth disappeared, did you hear a crazy trumpet sound like the one we just heard? Can you play it for me again? Yeah. I mean, yeah. It's not the air horn, Beth.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's the skeleton with the horn, Beth. We established that, Beth. It's not that, Beth. Yeah, that's the one. It's a skeleton with a horn bath. We established that bath. It's not that bath. Yeah, that's the one. That's the one. Motherfucker. I'd recognize it anywhere. That's weird. That's not the one I heard.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Maybe. Guys, guys, guys. I think there's more than one villain. There's just one. Maybe girls hear things more than one villain. There's just one. Maybe girls hear things differently than guys do. That would explain a lot. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Y margarita's finger i just like re-grew it can i try fixing her teeth oh yeah he's good at growing stuff back do you want him to do what do you have to do like poke her in the mouth like i don't just
Starting point is 00:25:48 have to like touch you somewhere i'll touch you on the shoulder obviously or like maybe on your teeth where your teeth were because i open your mouth up on my hand your teeth maybe you backed out on my fingers i know it's weird i'm just trying to help you how about a handshake oh yeah okay yeah you want to shake my hand? I guess so. I have a really big class president speech coming up in the next few days. It's okay, Erica. We'll cover this.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And then Taylor opens up his coat to shield this handshake from view. It's like, God, be careful about your campaign and who you're associating with. Are you the school flasher? No, that's not me. Ew, I heard about you. Hermione Worthy goes, yes, my secret identity is what they say. They'll never find me out. Hermione Worthy looks over at Scary and is like, do you think that makes him cool, Scary?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Do you think it's cool that he's the flasher? Would that be cool or uncool? Quick question for our friend. Oh, now you want my opinion. Yeah, so we should shake hands. Well, from what I've seen, scary is clearly the most popular of all of you. So I'll take her advice.
Starting point is 00:26:55 You scary take a D6 of damage? Yeah. I take three damage. Okay, cool. She can't help but like Erica now. Yeah, it's devastating. You know, my stomach, it doesn't hurt so much anymore. I guess I've somehow been strong enough
Starting point is 00:27:09 to really press through. I'm pretty brave. Bob said, was your stomach upset? Oh, yeah. I think she's, she shake my hand or not. Yeah, no. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I mean, I could do it. Oh, okay. I could shake your hand. Wait, you can throw fingers back too? No. Yeah, just do it. Okay. Okay, okay. I could shake your hand. Wait, you can throw fingers back too? No. Yeah, just do it. Okay. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'll shake your hand. Just bring back my teeth. Okay. I stare at Erica and I shake her hand. I keep shaking her hand and nothing happens. Yeah, because you've already used your lay on hand. Lay on hand only works like once a day, right? It's once a day and I can only do it five times.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Wait. Maybe I do think it has to be near your teeth. I touched her finger. I really think you should bite down on my hand. It seems like it doesn't, I mean, all right. Tell you what, I'll just poke one of your gums. Okay. Nobody's going to see, come on.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I'm shielding everything from public view, so it's, you know. I guess I'm desperate. Okay, I touch her gum with- What in the hell is going on here? Pepperoni Tony sees that you have your hand in Erica's mouth and he goes, What perversions are you enacting upon our valedictorian? It's not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I don't care what it looks like. Sir, Sir, Normal Oak here, hello. We're just trying to grow this young lady's teeth back. We request a little bit of distance and space as this involves special properties that my faith healing friend here has, so if you could just relax for a second, sir. Sir, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I can handle anything. Riding a horse broke my hymen. Is that it? He immediately, Pepperoni Tony immediately turns on his heel and leaves. You don't even have to roll for that. We cut to you all in detention. And for some reason, Marguerite is also in detention with you. As you were walking to detention, you turned around and you saw Pepperoni Tony talking to his daughter and being like,
Starting point is 00:28:58 and he points to detention. So she's there now to him being like, this is bullshit. This is gross. And it's just going through her backpack trying to get something to like dab on her finger. Hey Margie, how's your finger? Oh, let me show you. And she flips you off. I know you did this, you weirdo. You probably gave me this too.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And she pulls out a letter from her backpack. It's all crumpled that says, do you like me? And a big box for yes and a big box for no. And it's all crumpled up. And she goes, did you give this to me, you pervert? Because of the dance coming up on Friday. Is that what you wanted? No.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And then you somehow did some weird like magician trick with your finger. Everybody knows you're a freak now. You're a weird finger pervert now, the dance coming up on Friday? Is that what you wanted? No. And then you somehow did some weird magician trick with your finger. Everybody knows you're a freak now. You're a weird finger pervert now, by the way. So congratulations on that. Wait a second. Marguerite, you're making sense here. I got one of those letters too. What? Do you think it's this perv ball gum toucher?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Wait, I didn't write anybody a letter. Sent it too? I think he must oh my god are you trying to play the field are you asking at a bunch of girls you little you gum touching pervert
Starting point is 00:29:50 oh my god you touched my gums got me into tension and I find out you sent me this creepy note I slowly get closer and closer to scary
Starting point is 00:29:59 the only female friend in this group I'm like farther and farther away. I reached out and put an arm around Scary and pull her closer to Marguerite and I stay away from her. Okay, it's clear that I'm making you
Starting point is 00:30:13 feel really threatening. I was just trying to help. I'm really sorry. Okay, why don't you guys I'm just going to sit down. No, I'm in detention because I deserve it. So I'm going to sit down right here. Did I get a note? Did you get a note? Not yet. Dang, brutal. You didn't lose a body part yet. Even Herman didn't give one.
Starting point is 00:30:28 She takes out her journal. She's like, detained in the darkness once more. Scary cuts off her own fingers. Guys, I got a note also. Erica, Margarita, can I take a look at those notes for a handwriting analysis for just one moment, please? Normie and you, I cannot believe
Starting point is 00:30:45 it. I cannot believe. What did I do? I let you hold me from the bottom in a triple jump. And these are the kind of people that you can start with. Yeah, but you got the wrong idea. We're all San Dimas high school teens here, okay? We're all trying to figure out what happened to your teeth and her finger. And you know, if anything, the fact that you and I have done so many cheer routines means you should give me a little bit of trust. Frankly, I feel the same way. I trust you. You know, boys, let me take care of this. OK, Erica, normally I would not be anywhere near these like school spirit, you know, sort of thing, which means I wouldn't be near you either. Anyways, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I'm asking you to trust me. Can I see your handwriting? It'll make you feel comfortable to look at my handwriting. You can see this is how I would write it. Producing exhibit A, and I walk over to- Oh, I have the note that I gave Scary, asking if she was going to join the soccer team. Yes, we have, in point of fact, another note, and I walk over. I have the note that I gave Scary asking if she was going to join the soccer team. Yes, we have in point of fact another
Starting point is 00:31:46 note and I snap my fingers at you to give me the note. Okay, Normie, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. But if there's any funny business, I'm talking to Coach Brown about removing you as a bottom. But Teeny the Teen. Teeny the Teen's the base of the pyramid. He's the base of the pyramid.
Starting point is 00:32:02 There's no pyramid without Teeny the Teen. We'll see about that. Okay, guys, this really needs to go well, okay? I cannot have this taken from me. Not like sign spinning. Not like capoeira. This one's going to stick. Capoeira.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It's a dance writing. It's so cool, guys. I'm not very good at it, though. Okay, look. I show Link's handwriting, and I compare it to the handwriting in the notes. It is not even remotely similar. Okay. So is that good?
Starting point is 00:32:27 I don't know. I'm getting really frustrated. Like, I just like, I healed you, Bargy. And then like you, I tried. I'm sorry. I'm not a pervert. I'd like to investigate the handwriting for clues. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I'd like to just take a closer Sherlock Holmes look. Roll investigation. I got a 13. Okay. So with a 13, you can tell that it was ripped from a booklet of some sort. College ruled or regular ruled? Yeah, it is not ruled at all.
Starting point is 00:32:53 It is a white piece of paper. A white piece of paper. It was torn. It's like one edge. What color? This is very important. What color is the pen? Does it look like a sparkly gel pen
Starting point is 00:33:02 or does it look like a number two pencil? It is a black pen. Are we talking curly letters? Are we talking like, what's the quality of the handwriting? It's slightly serial killer-ish. It's a little like scraggly handwriting. Like it's got Beverly with an E in it. Oh my God, yes.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Beverly Misspelled. That's a Jinx reference. Scary, you went to that table. You went to the table, the table of losers. Why did you go there? To investigate who had taken Margarita's finger. What sort of kids were there? Real freakos, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Were any of them, we all have different opinions of what the horn sounded like, but like, were any of them- You know you would have a trumpet that could cut someone's thumb off? Scary, can you roll either perception or investigation? I have 13. Okay,
Starting point is 00:33:49 so with 13, you could tell that, yeah, there were band people in the nerdy area where you heard that sound from, for sure. And quick question,
Starting point is 00:33:56 how many kids were in that area? In that area, there were about 15 kids. It was teaming with them. It was everywhere. And five of them were in the band. There's a bunch of band guys? Yeah, and not like the cool guys that I
Starting point is 00:34:07 was asking to be in my band, and not like the band, like my band, Butthole Ricochet. No, like clarinet. The coolest instrument there is. Wait, you have a band named Butthole Ricochet? Yeah, it's kind of like a little bit of this, a little bit of this. It's really
Starting point is 00:34:23 punk. We've been working on a few songs. We just finished one called The Cowboy's Acquaintance. And then she waits to see what their immediate reaction to The Cowboy's Acquaintance is. And so Normal just says, so about the marching band, it feels like we should... Oh, my stomach. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Odds are this note came from within the school, and we do
Starting point is 00:34:47 have everyone's handwriting. We just need to break into the ledger books and get everyone's homework, and that way we can find the definitive handwriting trace sample. You're on to something, Norm. Yeah, well, maybe we start with the band kit. The band kit. Because it's a trumpet, so that makes sense, right? Is there a stack of permission slips somewhere for the band trip they took
Starting point is 00:35:03 last year? Wait a second. I have the solution right here. And normal rushes over to his backpack and pulls out last year's high school yearbook from his freshman year, which because normal is the one who walks between the world. It's the one who walks between cheer team and marching band as the school mascot. He has deep ties in both communities. Every member of the marching band community signed this yearbook, and you can see most of them say, like, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. You don't have
Starting point is 00:35:34 that much. They have nothing to you. It's just their name. They all drew dicks in there. Hags all the way down. Yeah, yeah. Have a great summer. Just a bunch of have a great summer. It's just a bunch of hags, yes. So the note says, do you like me? Oh, shit. Hold on. Wait wait none of which has none of the letters we need to cross reference the letters do you like me yes no and then the other one says have a great summer so you have e you have a well no except it just says hags because that's the acronym so it adds to go
Starting point is 00:35:58 why don't we just send out like a pamphlet to everybody that says like hey after school there's free pizza do you want it? Write yes or no. And everybody's going to write yes. Either way, we'll get them all to write yes or no. We'll get everybody's, you know, we can compare the yes and no.
Starting point is 00:36:10 In the meantime, I would like to do an investigation check on matching the handwriting to the yearbook. Give me a roll. It's going to have to be pretty good considering you only have S to go off.
Starting point is 00:36:19 God damn, I got a three. Yeah, no dice. I just plugged do you like me into my anagram machine. I knew. And the name it spells is Erica Dribbins. The name it comes up was Dookie Mo Oil.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Scary. That's amazing. I'm looking for a new campaign manager. But wait, I was your campaign manager. Exactly. Take another D4 of damage. Three damage. I'm down to three.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Do you think you'd be up to the challenge? You awaken a lightness in me, Erica, but I prefer to stay in the dark. I understand. I'm going to pass. What was that, Taylor? But I don't think that Taylor should do it either. Well, you can move on from me as campaign manager, but I think, Norm, you are on to something.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Erica, you are by far the coolest and most popular girl in school. We'll say that you had to leave lunch today because of injuries. And we'll send around a card for a Get Well Soon poster. And now everyone will sign it. And then we can use that to compare the handwriting that we have here from this note. Hell yeah. Let's beat up Erica. What?
Starting point is 00:37:30 I mean, I guess that's a good idea. But the only problem is if anybody finds out about my teeth, my popularity is going to plummet. Well, what's the most popular injury you can have? Look, Erica, I will make you feel better. And I already feel bad about touching your gum. Why don't we just get a piece of paper and give this to the varsity team and write a piece of paper that says,
Starting point is 00:37:52 is Lincoln a perv? And then you write your name, and you write yes or no, and you say it around the school, and everybody will write yes or no on it, and we can settle this once and for all. But most importantly, we'll figure out whose handwriting it is. That is an amazing idea.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Okay. I feel like that's a good one. Okay, great. In the meantime, I go to the chiclets dispenser at school. Yes, yes. You go to the sponsored chiclets vending machine. No, no, no. There's that one kid who's running like a bootleg shop out of his locker, right?
Starting point is 00:38:22 That's Dookie Mo Oil. Dookie Mo Oil. Dookie Oil! He has three kids. It's like Ed, Edd, and Eddie. I'm Dookie. I'm Mo, and I'm Oil. What do you want? You want chiclets?
Starting point is 00:38:31 I go to Mo, who's the chiclets connection of Dookie Mo and Oil, and I ask him for two of the whitest chiclets he has. You don't want any flavors? No cinnamon? No peppermint? What are you, a virgin? Yes, I'm a virgin. I want white chiclets because I'm a virgin.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Dookie, get a load of this virgin. So Mo gives you two chiclets. And then I say, Erica, here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We haven't talked. Pay me. Listen, Mo, do you have any idea how much juice I have with the student council? I could get this whole operation shut down tomorrow. So how about you just kick the chiclets over and I
Starting point is 00:39:00 look the other way? Roll intimidation. 16. Mo goes, whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't need to bring the fuzz into this. Oil, oil. What was I saying again? And oil goes, what you were saying was
Starting point is 00:39:10 let's just be smooth and cool and let this one go. Let it just stay on its slate, right? I'm oil, the slick one. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And Mo goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. All right. Yeah, those chiclets, they're on the house. They're a gift from me. Just remember the favor
Starting point is 00:39:23 that me, Mo, did for you. And Doogie goes, doogie. All right, now're on the house. They're a gift from me. Just remember the favor that me, Moe, did for you. And Doogie goes, doogie. All right, now back to your scene. Okay, I hand Erica the two chiclets. I say, now these are just temporary. This is just in case you need to flash your iconic Erica smile to inspire the team before the big game, and we will get your normal teeth.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And then until then, maybe, I've got it. You're taking a vow of silence until girls' field hockey goes all the way to state finals. Actually, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Erica takes the chiclets and she wedges them up into her little gummy ruts. Oh, no. And then she turns and she. Somebody say my name.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Said gummy ruts. Get out of here, gummy. No. She flashes you all a $3 smile That's great How does it look? It's so good, you look amazing
Starting point is 00:40:14 Minty fresh Looks like two chiclets in your mouth I'm just being honest with you I guess it's helping with my speech a little bit There you go Crazy how much of your speech goes through your two front teeth Okay, so while you were doing all the chiclets and stuff being honest with you i guess it's helping with my speech a little bit well there you go wow crazy how much of your speech goes through your two front teeth okay so while you were doing all the checklists and stuff i'm assuming link you'd secretly managed to disperse the is link we should
Starting point is 00:40:33 probably start with you all it'd be really helpful if you wrote no instead of yes on this but like what is each person going to write on this is lincoln a pervert as they get a pervert and then a nurse or writer says that you write your name and then you write yes or no. It starts with Lincoln and he writes no. And then I hand it to normal. Here you go. Just write your name and write yes or no. Normal writes no.
Starting point is 00:40:52 He's a really cool guy, actually. Exclamation mark. Taking up two lines. Thanks. Thanks. Scary writes no. And we have to put our real names on this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Taylor writes no, but then puts in a different name. And then Erica, if you do, that will really give this whole sheet of paper the credit it needs to go around the school. John Hancock. I write in a third column of maybe, and then I pull a portable laminator out of my bag, and then I laminate it on the fly.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Oh, my God. What color gel pen did you deploy? Pink. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Great pen did you deploy? Pink. Oh yeah. Yeah. Great. It's basically in the future, all technology stops being your smartphone for everything.
Starting point is 00:41:31 It just goes back to like, you've got an anagram generator. It's like in Battlestar Galactica, how like the future paper is just with the corners. Well, it's because all the NFT monkeys became self-aware and they had to like go to more low tech means to keep things away from them. So if you just send this to the varsity team, they'll definitely just get it going.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I'm also texting my dad, Marco, be like, Dad, you might hear some things about. Don't believe it. I love you. Taylor goes like, I got it in with those kids. I'll take that and I'll grab it. I'll grab the paper. Varsity soccer team loves the anime kids. Don'll take that and I'll grab the paper. I forgot the varsity soccer team loves the anime kids. Don't worry. In the meantime, if this thing
Starting point is 00:42:07 goes south, you and I can generate a nice statement for you. Okay. If this was a show the camera would stay with the remaining four people and you see Taylor leave screen and then way in the distance off camera, you're like, well, well, well. Twelve times. And I hand it to him and I go like, get this as many people as you can. I want everyone's signature by
Starting point is 00:42:23 the end of the day. We're going to ruin Lincoln's social life. That is essentially the Hutt Sucker proxy montage. Instead of the hula hoop, it's just this piece of paper and everybody's signing it. Have you heard the stoop? A lot of people picking up it and going, and then nodding and then writing yes and writing the name. Whispers in the lunchroom, who is the kid? He's the kid that touched that girl's gums. It's the gum boy.
Starting point is 00:42:42 He's the one who peed on the teacher. He's the one who peed on the teacher. He's the one who peed on the teacher. The gum toucher proxy. Gum toucher piss boy? Oh, God. Gum toucher piss foot. Oh, gum toucher piss foot. We keep cutting back to the school newspaper room
Starting point is 00:42:55 where they're trying to come up with Lincoln's new nickname. What do we call him? What do we call him? It's like a pee boy? Pee body? That's nothing. They're in the newsroom. They're in the newsroom.
Starting point is 00:43:02 They're like, we don't got to get sorted in. There's nothing around the school. Somebody kicks up the door like, guys, guys, I got it. Stop the presses. Does Principal Pepperoni catch wind of this campaign? Yes, he does. There's a note cut to him, and he goes, and he writes yes and writes Pepperoni Tony on it. That's the one that's going to hurt the most.
Starting point is 00:43:18 He comes to dinner. He does. He knows me. What I think is great about this is that the school newspaper functions essentially as a tabloid, right? Yeah. Yeah, the idea of having school tabloids? Insane. What's it called?
Starting point is 00:43:31 What's our school tabloid called? Newsies the Musical. Tabloid. Tabloid. It works really fast because they publish it digitally. It's just a Twitter account. On all of your anagram generators, you get an update. Which is a picture of Lincoln shrugging like,
Starting point is 00:43:51 Is this boy a pervert? It says, gum toucher, piss foot, pervert? And then there's also a picture in the Newsies the Musical article that has a picture of the pole itself, and you can see all the signatures and everything. So why doesn't everybody roll investigation or perception? I'm not gonna roll i'm actually just rolling knowledge to see if i can count what what the breakdown was i have for my go bag one of those magnifying glasses that used to start fires okay like a magnifying glass so i can examine so i light it on fire are you looking at the handwriting i'm looking at the handwriting okay i got got a 13? Do I get a sense of what the percentages are?
Starting point is 00:44:27 With a 13, you can definitely tell that the majority of the votes are in favor of yes, you are a pervert. But because of the 13, you can also tell that a lot of these people don't even know you and just think it's kind of funny to write yes to a question like that. Like no is obviously not the funnier answer. So of the people that know you, majority of them have said no. Not all of them. The newspaper put out their own skewed push poll that is just is gum toucher his foot a pervert yeah we kind of skewed the results a little bit erica feels bad so she leans over to you and says you can count the maybe as a no oh wow it's the only maybe also everybody else is pretty sure and i get 22 right, so with your 22, you can see that a band member named Abe,
Starting point is 00:45:07 he just put his first name down, he writes yes, and it is an almost perfect match for the notes that both Erica and Margarita received. Killed them all, of course. They did the same S symbol for his S in both answers. You know from looking at your yearbook, Normal, that he is in band, and he plays the trumpet. Abe G-O-U-L. Abe Gould.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Abe Gould. Man. Abe Gould. This is our guy, I think. Right? Yeah. He sounds like a dick too. Sounds like we should give Abe a little visit to see what he did with your teeth. And your finger. What if it's an anagram? What if he's not really Abe Gould?
Starting point is 00:45:44 Let me log it. I mean, there's a student named Abe Gould. Yeah, it's his name. No, Eric, I don't want to discount. Maybe there's another kid that is an anagram of Abe Gould, though. Abel Hugo. Is it Abel Hugo in the school? No. Damn, it must be Abe Gould. Well, hurry, because my
Starting point is 00:46:00 teeth are starting to melt. My teeth are starting to melt. The door kicks open and Pepperoni Tony comes in and is like, you're staying in detention for a long time, you pervert, pissfoot, gum toucher. Margarita, you're out, obviously. I don't even know why I put you in detention. I'm sorry. It was a lapse in judgment.
Starting point is 00:46:21 But you five. What about me? I'm very disappointed in you for hanging out with these perverts. You were going to be class valedictorian. Well, I guess you are class valedictorian. Can't take that away from you. Hey, Tony, I'm the only pervert here. Don't say that about my friends.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Okay, so you want to just you stay and then everybody else goes? Yeah, I mean, I probably, that makes sense. Hey, Baroni, Tony, look, I know that you and I have not always seen eye to eye vis-a-vis the budget for the mascot outfit and for the cheer team and my various initiatives to clean graffiti and improve the school. And I don't respect you at all. And I think you're bad and a bad influence on everything, but I do acknowledge that you're
Starting point is 00:46:56 in a position of authority and I think you'd be interested in this. And I show him the evidence we've found about the notes. Roll persuasion with disadvantage. Because the evidence is we heard a trumpet and this kid wrote a note to a girl. We heard a trumpet and this kid wrote a note to them. I got a natural one. Okay, so he says, okay, both of you are staying. Everybody else can go. And he sits down and is not asleep
Starting point is 00:47:19 and is the detention officer who is going to look over. So he allows Erica, Scary, and Taylor to leave and just stares you two remaining, Normal and Lincoln, down. And he goes, you're going to sit out the rest of the day in detention and you're not going to be perverts. I cast blindness on Pepperoni Tony.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Okay. Make a constitution saving throw. If it fails, the target is blinded or deafened, your choice for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. He got a natural one for his constitution saving throw.
Starting point is 00:47:53 So immediately he is blinded and he goes, What? What? What the hell? You see nothing, Tony. Okay, guys. All right, let's go. Let's go. Let's get out of here. What's going on? Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Is this allowed? Yes, it is. Let's get out of here. I'm going to close the door behind us. As we leave, I leave behind my phone and press play on one of the many voice memos I've left of like me workshopping new cheer ideas. So he thinks that I'm still in the room and just like thinking up cheers. And then all of a sudden your mom comes in the recording and is like, honey, hey, it's dinner time.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Oh, no. My plumber's blow. My normal mom is here. Oh, what's this time dinner time. Oh, no. My plumber's blow. My normal mom is here. What's this time? Get yourself together, Tony. My wife's not the only one who gets in text messages. It's time to get revenge on my wife. He spits in his palm and like slicks back his hair.
Starting point is 00:48:37 So where are you going to go now? You have the one guy who was on the lookout for you who's now trapped and blind inside the detention room. So you have your run of the school. I think we should go find Abe Vigoda. Let's find Abe. Abe Vigoda. Does anyone have class with Abe?
Starting point is 00:48:49 I mean, we can just go to the band room. Let's go to the band room. Somebody just give me a straight D20 rule just for luck. Natural 20. Natural 20? Wow. Fuck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So with a natural 20, you've come in during what is both the- Abe's private time. Literally, yes. The free period for the band room where nobody's using it and abe ghoul's free period his like study period essentially so you can do whatever he wants so as you approach the band room the band room like all the main buildings in this school is a portable building which is to say that basically it's supposed to be temporary but because the school was poor it's just like oh it's permanent now so the actual campus of this
Starting point is 00:49:23 high school is mostly outdoors and you just go from portable to portable. So the band room has its own portable unto itself. And there are a couple of different entrances into that portal. You feel something change in the air. There's an energy, there's an electricity. You feel the sauce coming from the band room.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Something is awry. And the lights in the band room are dark and you hear 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Careful. Someone's fucking around with 5-4 time in there. Uh-oh. It's the marching band's curse. The cursed
Starting point is 00:49:55 time signature. There was a 12-trombone pileup at last year's marching band regional challenge because of a 5-4 time signature goof-up. It was a disaster. Before we go in there, and we're going in loaded for bear, right? Loaded for what? I'm gonna cast Thaumaturgy. Okay. I don't think we go in through
Starting point is 00:50:12 the front door. I think we go check the windows. So with your natural 20, I'm gonna say you don't even have to roll stealth for this. He's just obsessed with what he's doing. So go ahead and roll perception. 16 plus 4. Wow, okay. So you can perceive that there are four piles of something in a sort of a pentagram kind of arrangement,
Starting point is 00:50:31 and there's one empty spot. You can see a single finger. You can see a couple of teeth. You can see a lock of hair, and you can see some fingernails. Uh-oh. He's walking around them saying 1, 2, 3, 4,
Starting point is 00:50:48 5 and as he gets to 5 he's getting frustrated. And this guy wrote I'm a pervert. Takes one to know him I guess. Erica, are those your teeth? Can you tell from here? I recognize them anywhere. We have to hurry. I think this might be some sort of weird science situation going
Starting point is 00:51:12 on. I think he's trying to create a dance girlfriend or something. Let's get in there. I think the move is simultaneous entry for multiple entry points. I'll take the secret door that only the popular kids are made aware of. Wait, what? door that only the popular kids are made aware of. Wait, what? It's like those apartment
Starting point is 00:51:30 buildings in cities that have like the entrance for the rich people. The VIP entrance for the band. The VIP entrance. Okay, cool, cool, cool. So then Erica disappears off to her entrance. Okay, great. Where'd she go? You literally can't see if you're not popular. Can I cast Divine Sense? Sure, what does that do? I can detect good and evil.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I just want to know if they're evil. You can definitely detect that this person is evil. Really mad, this person is chaotic evil. Look, the level one spells for clerics and paladins
Starting point is 00:51:53 are like, is there a thing there? Okay. Taylor, the world's a little more gray than your animes, okay? It's not just good and evil. We just killed people last time.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I just wanted to double check. Maybe the animes you watch. I just wanted to double check. I just want to know what we Maybe the anime is you watch. I just want to double check. I just want to know what we're getting into. So anyways, it's very evil in there. It's bad. Also, I'm so sorry. I didn't mention this, but when he's walking around going one, two, three, four, five,
Starting point is 00:52:13 he's holding a trumpet in his right hand. What does it sound like? He's not playing it, but he is holding it. Wait, the trumpet. I point at the trumpet and it makes that sound. I point at the trumpet. I'm like, wait, that was the trumpet we heard, right? That was the trumpet Z heard.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'll bust in through the window. I'll do the. I'm like, wait, that was the trumpet we heard, right? That was the trumpet they heard. I'll bust in through the window. I'll do the second window. Okay, we're out the windows. Link, you take the emergency exit. Okay. And I run around the school in order to get to the emergency exit of this building. Okay, so it sounds like we're going into initiative and that you're all going to get a surprise round.
Starting point is 00:52:41 So why doesn't everybody roll initiative? And that'll determine the order that you start. And then he'll go at the very end. 14. Five. Five initiative. I got a 16. I got a one plus two. That's three.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Okay. Taylor, go first. All right. So Taylor, making entry through the windows. Like you open it or you shatter them? I have thaumaturgy. I'm going to throw thaumaturgy to just open things up. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:53:03 The window flies open as I do like a parkour kong. Do you know what those are? No. It's like when you do like you leap over a thing. So a kong is when you jump and you put both of your hands on it like a cat. And then you leap off of the ledge into the thing. Cool. So like a video game where I'm like getting over my cover?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I do a fucking just the dopest pose. I do like a roll. Sounds like an acrobatic. Yeah, that's definitely an acrobatic check. I know. Let me just continue describing. You're really calling your shot here with how well
Starting point is 00:53:30 this goes. First you roll and then you see how well it does. No, no, no. First I roll, then I roll. You know what I'm saying? Psychopath. The plan is to Kong into a forward shoulder roll and as I do so, I draw my sword cane out. Okay. Make your acrobatics roll. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Three plus one, four. All right, you eat shit. And stab yourself. Do you impale yourself on your sword cane? That's the real deal. He had a natural one, he would have, but no, he's gonna eat shit. You're not prone after you try to kong in. By the way, I didn't draw the sword out.
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's what it is. It's the sword cane. It just got stuck on the way in. And it threw my timing off. Yes. So you are inside the room. You were not within melee distance of Abe. And you just ate shit
Starting point is 00:54:09 and you're knocked prone. Is there anything you can do while you're down there? You know in samurai movies when they like use their thumb and they just flick open their sword and you just see the blade a little bit? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I do that. Okay, great. Athletics roll. Athletics roll. Some roll. I can do some roll. If you don't get a natural one, you won't cut yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You cut your thumb. Sleight of hand. Yeah, sleight of hand. you don't get a natural one, you won't cut yourself. You cut your thumb. Slight of hand. Yeah, slight of hand. Just don't get a natural one. 15 plus one. It makes a cool shing. Pretty cool. And the sun hits it just right and it blinds. No, you didn't get 20.
Starting point is 00:54:33 And then halfway across the world, your arch rival turns over his shoulders like it's begun. An ill wind. More tense. It's still tasted air. Normal. Normal opens the door and walks in and says, Abe, what's going on, man? He walks between worlds.
Starting point is 00:54:52 And he goes, oh, Normal, what are you doing here? What are you doing? What's all this stuff? What do you got? What's with the teeth, man? Get out of here. Get out of here. No.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Okay, he starts lifting the trumpet to his lips. Uh-oh. I have the Wand of Wonder from last time. All right, I'm going to just wave the Wand of Wonder at him and see what happens. Remind listeners. It's basically a wand that has seven charges. You cast it, and it does a random effect.
Starting point is 00:55:14 It's like the beans. Oh, okay. It's a little bit like it's a big, fat D100 roll. Okay, so yes, I'm going to cast my Wand of Wonder. So I rolled a 28, which on the chart means... I'm sorry, guys. I cast Stinking Cloud. Just like an oak.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Of course. That's such an oak move. That's what I said. 26 to 30, you cast Stinking Cloud. So what does that do? This is a third level conjuration, a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point within range, which would be a pagoda.
Starting point is 00:55:42 You create a 20-foot sphere of yellow, nauseating gas surrounding a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners and its areas heavily obscured. Each creature that is completely within the cloud at the start of its turn must make a constitution-saving throw against poison. On a failed throw, the creature spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don't need to breathe are immune to poison, and a moderate wind will disperse the cloud after four rounds.
Starting point is 00:56:08 So at the start of his turn, he will have to save to make sure he's not nauseated. Norm was like, oh, oh, oh, all right, well, yeah. Cut it out. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Okay, it is Erica's turn. Is Erica affected by the stench? She smells fantastic. When you head in, you will see the stench and you can choose to move into it
Starting point is 00:56:26 or not move into it. I think 30 feet is not enough to automatically hit you in the popular kid's entrance. Okay. She doesn't even use deodorant, right? She doesn't need to.
Starting point is 00:56:35 She has an aura that actually dispels bad scents. Erica enters the room from where we're not sure. But everything goes slow motion like in fucking Can't Hardly Wait
Starting point is 00:56:44 when Jennifer Love Hewitt comes down the stairs. Yes. And despite her just slack-jawed appearance, she still looks radiant. She pulls from her bag a horseshoe. Oh. Whoa. Okay. And she poises as if to throw the horseshoe.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Ooh, an eight. Then it hits, but because you didn't beat his AC, you only do half damage. So 1d4. Three. That's how it's done. That's how it's fucking done. So the horseshoe hits him. She doesn't have to roll dice, but she did.
Starting point is 00:57:13 It was incredible. Horseshoe hits him in the shoulder and it goes, ah! And it does exactly three damage to him, which is like not a whole lot, but enough to piss him off. Do you want to do anything else on your turn, Erica? Look at you, little pervert. There's more where that came from. Yeah, berate him.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Berate him. Give me back my teeth. She reveals three other horseshoes. But where's the horse? And he goes, no, they're mine now. You didn't need them and you didn't deserve them.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Just like you don't deserve me. I mean, none of us deserve this. I mean, yeah, you're kind of right. Oh, yeah, but like, fuck off. All right, Link, it's your turn. So Link blasts through the emergency exit door. What's the thing, the trumpets, the balloon,
Starting point is 00:57:50 the ball in front of the... A mute. A mute? It's kind of like a ball, right? I mean, are you doing like, there's the plunger mute, there's like a silver mute, there's a cup mute. What's the closest thing to a soccer ball? Just a regular mute.
Starting point is 00:58:01 He sees it right away and he goes, no handballs today, bitch. I'm going to kick the mute into the trumpet. Dude, it's just like he goes, no handballs today, bitch. I'm gonna kick the mute into the trumpet. Dude, it's just like aiming for the corner of a goal. You know what I'm saying? Give me a dexterity check with disadvantage. Okay, disadvantage. The first one's 16 plus 3, 19. Okay. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:58:15 The long pause just tells us everything. It was a fucking natural one! Crit, crit. So you kick. I just kick a desk. Very hard. You kick the mute up into your own fucking face. You kick it in your open mouth. It goes straight into your mouth,
Starting point is 00:58:30 and now when you talk, it's like. Yeah, so roll a D6 of damage. That's how much damage it does to your face on pride. That's a five. So you take five damage as you mute yourself, and you're not going to be able to talk. Are you in death saves? I'm not in death saves, but that's about half my health.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Scarion, it's your turn. My plan is to hop in and then slide across his little shrine on the floor because I feel like that would disrupt it or whatever. Oh, you're going to slide and try to kick everything aside? Yeah. Okay, slide tackle. A dirty slide tackle.
Starting point is 00:58:58 A dirty slide tackle. Okay. And then I'm also just going to have my knife on me in case anything comes up. Okay, go ahead and make me either an athletics or an acrobatics check to slide into that stuff and fuck it up. Oh, I got a natural 20 and I have plus four acrobatics. Wow. Okay, so you get to determine what that means.
Starting point is 00:59:15 What do you think happens with your natural 20? I slit his throat. Okay, I take it back. I take it back. In regards to sliding and tackling these four items on the ground, what do you think happens? I just look, like, really cool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:29 So you successfully managed to kick everything aside. Oh, you know what it is? Maybe you kick her teeth back into her mouth. Yes. That's good math. Damn math. The stinking cloud doesn't affect you. And yes.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Yes, you slide under the stinking cloud. Oh, it's like when the slow-mo axe flies over someone's face in an action movie. Yeah. One of her hairs goes into the cloud And it sizzles like a passion You slide under the cloud You slide tackle all of the assorted bits of woman Across the floor Out of the formation that he put them in
Starting point is 00:59:57 Bits of woman That's gonna be my new single You just got the title for your next poetry book I think Bits of woman You're crossbows with Mitt Romney Abe looks and sees the pieces scattered And goes, no, what are you doing? It becomes his turn. I'm going to roll to see if he saves from stinking cloud.
Starting point is 01:00:12 He does. And he goes, oh, I collect pieces of women. You think I'm not used to some weird smells? I'm disgusting. No, not from women, because I'm disgusting. I don't shower. OK. It's a me being gross thing.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Don't worry about it. Got it, got it. And he goes, one, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. And he points at the hair and he goes, a little bit of Monica. And he points at the teeth, a little bit of Erica. A little bit of Rita was all I needed.
Starting point is 01:00:38 A little bit of Tina was all I seen. A little bit of Sandra the son. A little bit, and then your anagram device in your pocket goes alert, alert, you misspelled Abe Gould. They didn't have an H in it, reconfiguring Lou Bega. No! And he goes, and he goes, he's a little bit Jessica here, and then he points
Starting point is 01:00:58 at Yusuke and he goes, a little bit of you makes me your man. No! And he puts the trumpet to his mouth, and he goes, the trumpet! No! No! No! And he blows into the trumpet and he disappears. And there's a pop. Just like Lubega, he vanishes from sight. So everybody roll perception or investigation.
Starting point is 01:01:21 I got 18. 18. Seven. I'm still reeling from taking my... I'm still really annoyed that I didn't do my cool. I got a. 18. 7. I'm still reeling from taking my... I'm still really annoyed that I didn't do my cool. I got a 7 as well. 14. Erica and Scary, you hear
Starting point is 01:01:31 the trumpet, and then you hear a pop. Scary specifically, with your 18, you can tell that that pop is from the sound of air very suddenly rushing into a space that is lacking air. Like a vacuum was just created there, and the air went back in in and that's what made that pop. And with your 13 and your 18,
Starting point is 01:01:48 both of you can hear that he is outside the building now trying to run away. Hey, that pervert is outside. Did he get the teeth? Did he take the stuff with him? No, he's just running. Oh, okay. All right, well, we got the teeth back.
Starting point is 01:02:02 That's the important thing, right? Is it? Erica, I have your teeth right here. And I'm like... No, she kicked them into her mouth. Yeah, she's already had his teeth in her mouth. Yeah. Whose teeth are those?
Starting point is 01:02:12 What the hell is this? Oh, my God. Do you just go around collecting women's teeth? No, no, no. You're as bad as him. No, Erica. No, that's not what... That's not at all what's happening.
Starting point is 01:02:23 You got a lot of explaining to do, buddy. Is combat still going? Combat is still going. So it's Freddy and then Will. Well, I tried giving back Erica's teeth, but it turns out that teeth are in that head. You know what I'm saying? Turn complete.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Turn complete. Everybody stand back. I'm going to try to fire this thing off one more time. And I aim the wand at Lubega as he's running away. Okay. And we'll do another dice roll. I can't believe you got us with this one. It was almost stinking cloud again.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I'm not joking. Oh, okay. I cast detect thoughts on the target you chose. Let's not. I hear what's going on in Lubega's head. Take a d12 of psychic damage. I guess he's a monster guy now, right? He's got the sauce. So you take a lot of psychic damage. I guess he's like a monster guy now, right? He's got the sauce.
Starting point is 01:03:06 So you take a lot of psychic damage because inside his head you have to deal with simultaneously the horribly catchy song Mambo No. 5. His incredibly gross
Starting point is 01:03:15 womanizing thoughts. Mambo No. 5, parenthetical, a little bit of, dot, dot, dot. Damn it. Was that the full name of the song?
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't know that. That's great. Give it the full name. I have to ask, is it a little bit of or is it a little bit of? A little bit of. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:28 All right. That's okay. Okay. You hear the song. You hear his horrible womanizing, gross thoughts. And you were correct as you came in. He was trying to make a girlfriend for himself to go to the dance with. A perfect girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Out of the pieces. A perfect girlfriend who already exists and her name is Erica. You also feel the poke of the dude. Like somebody was urging him towards these thoughts. Some horrible, chaotic being was urging him to take these thoughts further and further and do the horrible thing that he did with his magic. Something was giving him that information and that magic,
Starting point is 01:03:54 and you know that it is probably the nefarious power of either the doodler or one of his acolytes. So that knowledge beaming directly in your head causes you to take a D12 of psychic damage. Okay, so I take six damage. I'm bloodied, so my nose starts bleeding and i jump up and down and move it all around i shake my head to an eldritch sound i put my hand on the ground and take one step left and one step right it takes one to the front and one to
Starting point is 01:04:16 the side that's all your movement right there yeah it's all your movement and that's all my move action so next turn i will clap my hand once and clap it twice and if it looks like that then i'm doing it right does he also maybe here is he like thinking about where he's running to yeah he's thinking yes sorry he is thinking he's gonna run he's gonna run home essentially and figure things out he goes as long as i've got this trumpet the trump you can feel the way the trumpet works basically as long as he can hold a note in it time stops stops around him. The way he was taking all the fingers and everything. He stopped time and ripped her teeth out. Is that what?
Starting point is 01:04:48 Oh my God. Yeah. So that's what he did. Stunned silence. So now it is Erica's turn. I make for the popular kids door. Cause I'm going to try to get out and chase them. Okay,
Starting point is 01:05:01 cool. And you run through the snack room and the extra bathroom. And a horse is just there waiting. Yeah, there's a horse waiting for you. There's a beautiful white stallion. Do you stop at the stables? Because if so, you'll be able to catch him in one turn. He has been my friend through many dangers. I do. Okay, so yeah, your horse
Starting point is 01:05:16 is in the stable. You can catch up to him in one turn. Yeah. You can catch up to him in one turn if you mount the horse. But your horse will now be in some sort of danger, potentially. Oh, jeez. Well, you know what they say, you know, a ship in the harbors. Yeah. Yes, that is what they say, Frederick.
Starting point is 01:05:31 A ship in the harbors. That's what they say, red skies at night, horses delight. That's what they say about horses, the ships in the harbor. Fair horse in falling seas. One horse if by land. I take the popular kid passage to the stables, Horse and following scenes. One horse if by land. Two if by scene. I take the popular kid passage to the stables, which also the regular kids cannot see the stables.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And I mount my horse. And then I say, run, fax shadow. And I pull out another horseshoe because I'm going to try to bean him. Make an attack roll. 11. So an 11 will hit him. I am now rolling my 2d4 of damage. I got a 6.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Okay, so he stumbles as you appear behind him with a horse. Oh no, it's the most beautiful horse and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Oh no, what am I going to do? Lincoln, it is your turn. Lincoln, as he ran and Scary yelled that he was running, Lincoln just starts running after him. Yeah, he's got
Starting point is 01:06:25 them legs. Yeah, he's got them soccer legs. He's tall. He's 6'3", so he's got big stride. If you want, he stumbled, right? He did stumble, so you make it up to him. I just pin him to the ground. Make a strength check. Kick his trumpet away. 15. Oh, that's a good idea. Take his weapon and then take his weapon. Oh, wait, no. Oh, my God. 16. Oh, my
Starting point is 01:06:41 God. That's a trumpet. A Sin City reference. In 2022? In this economy? In this economy? So you got a what now? 16. Okay, so with a 16. Yeah, I want to run and I want to kick the trumpet away from him and then just collapse on him.
Starting point is 01:06:56 You can do one of those things. Okay, I'll kick the trumpet away from him. Okay. As hard as I can. Cool. You do a running kick and you expertly, poof, that trumpet right out of his hands, and it clatters to the ground and starts to slide across the pavement. And he goes, no! My whole thing, my trumpet.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Oh, no, the reservoir! Oh, it fell in. No. It's ahead of him. And Scary has a turn to do something before Abe can try to. Oh, no, that bit of trumpet acid. Yeah, a couple of kids are coming from the science lab with a big tub that says trumpet acid on it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Oh, the new construction yard is going to fall down the pit. They drop it and the trumpet acid starts slowly spreading towards the trumpet. And so Abe has one turn to get to his trumpet before the acid gets to it. Scary, your turn is next. Okay, for my turn, I'm going to put the trumpet in the trumpet acid. The trumpet acid is far away from you. You'd have to sprint. I'm going to sprint. You can reach him. You can't reach the trumpet acid. The trumpet acid is far away from you. You'd have to sprint. I'm gonna sprint.
Starting point is 01:07:45 You can reach him. You can't reach the trumpet physically. I'm gonna slit his Achilles. Could she throw the trumpet at the trumpet acid? Okay, that's something. Go ahead and roll
Starting point is 01:07:51 the slit his Achilles. Oh. How did he go from the trumpet acid to slicing Achilles? Fuck, I got a five. Okay, so with a five, you do a little bit of damage.
Starting point is 01:08:00 You're gonna do 1d4 of damage to him. I do a little bit. A little bit of damage to his butt. A little bit of damage. You're going to do 1d4 of damage to him. I do a little bit. A little bit of damage to his butt. A little bit of tendon going to cut. All right, so you did three damage. So he looks fucked up. You hit him on the butt, and it bleeds way more than it should.
Starting point is 01:08:15 He's like, oh, God. Oh, no. But he hasn't fallen over. And on his turn, he's going to run, and he's going to try to do an acrobatics roll to dive and see if he can grab the trumpet before the trumpet acid hits it what if he does that like charlie chaplin thing where he goes to grab the hat but he kicks it that's always funny he would if he hadn't gotten a 19 god damn it so he grabs the trumpet and he goes the trumpet and he puts it in his mouth
Starting point is 01:08:39 and he blares into it, and suddenly... Your horse... No! Its front two legs, their tendons get sliced. Oh, my God! And it tips forward, and its head hits the ground, and you get thrown off of the horse. Wait, do I land face first? You go ahead and roll acrobatics.
Starting point is 01:08:59 To break your teeth again? Oh, no. Or, yeah, it could be a cheer front handspring. A seven. Okay, so with a seven, yeah, you land onto your head. So go ahead, take a D6 of damage. Can I do like a dexterity response?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Depending on how far she's flying through the air. Oh, yeah. Can I try to catch her or stop her from hitting her head? Okay, sure. Go ahead and make an acrobatics or an athletics check. Yeah. Okay, well, I got a seven. Okay, so yeah, you almost grab her. So you're really close when she falls and hits the ground. She winds up touching her gums again.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I kick you in the gums. Yeah, on the way down, you kick her in the gums. So now your foot has been in her mouth too. I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt on this. I rolled a four. Okay, so you take four damage, and you see Abe reappear actually pretty close to you. So he's within range of all of you now,
Starting point is 01:09:50 and he's breathing too hard. He's like, oh, fuck, my breath is, if I could hold that note for longer, shit. He's still in range of everybody. I'm assuming that trumpet acid burns more than just trumpets, right? No, no, no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:10:01 It's just for trumpets. Matt, Matt. Very particular acid. If it wasn't that, they would call it just acid. It would have said acid on the tub, but they have a tub specifically of trumpet-dissolving acid. Don't get me wrong, you can fuck up a trombone. Yeah, the whole brass section.
Starting point is 01:10:15 I'm just saying that if somebody told me that they fell into a vat of trumpet acid, I would be like, are you okay? Yeah, and they would be like, oh yeah, I'm fine. Oh, okay. Battery acid does more damage than just batteries. Battery acid is not for dissolving batteries. Battery acid is what powers the batteries.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Do not drink the trumpet acid. Battery acid is for making villains. Yeah, if you fall into the acid, you'll come back as trumpet man. It'll be the killing joke origin story for you. And it goes wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. All right, Freddie, it is your turn. So I'm now here and i'm gonna slow walk towards an out of breath abe and i'm gonna be like taste my hanzo steel okay and i'm gonna draw
Starting point is 01:10:53 my sword cane and then single expert zato ichi ass move and try and like slice the trumpet okay cool just give me an attack roll natural a fucking a 20 which means not only do i cry i also get to put it back in one fell swoop and then nothing changes and then you just hear it and then you know i'm saying it's so fast yeah you're like oh my god did he just cut his own trombone yeah actually nobody even saw you unsheathe your sword you do like nobody doesn't believe that you did here's what you saw here's what you here's what everyone else. No one's going to believe that you did it. Here's what you saw. Here's what you, here's what everyone else saw. They just saw my hand at the hilt of my cane sword and they just came out and back in.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Just like, and then a line shows up on the trumpet and it slides in half. How ironic, his trumpet exploded. Scary, did you, scary, did you cut the trumpet when you sliced it? No. Oh, weird. I guess I must've done it when I casted that wizard spell.
Starting point is 01:11:44 It must've been another thing that my staff did. My hat's covering my eyes, and I hear everyone else saying credit for it, and then I just get a little smirk. Heh. You did. That's very good. That's cool. That is cool.
Starting point is 01:11:55 That's cool. God damn it. He doesn't see credit. That's cool. Sorry, everyone. The second he destroys Trumpet Abe, he just screams, and black tendrils begin to like bleed from his eyes down his face.
Starting point is 01:12:08 He goes, ah! And he's shaking his head. He's just like thrashing around on the ground in anger and anger and anger. And he finally just collapses and stops moving. And you're out of combat. And he's still breathing, but he's furious. And this item that could have been extremely useful to you
Starting point is 01:12:21 is now destroyed. Oh, shit, that would have been a climb to half. Yeah, this time-stopping item I was going to to you is now destroyed. Oh shit, that would have been a cool item to have. This time-stopping item I was going to give you is now completely destroyed, and you can see it melt into black. Who cares? We're teenagers. There's no such thing as time. Fax Shadow lies dying on the ground. Yeah, Fax Shadow, his legs are fucked up and he's on the ground. Somebody call a vet!
Starting point is 01:12:38 I say, stand back! Normal steps up to the horse and casts Cure Wounds on the horse. Oh, great. Your teammate Taylor's sitting here at 3 out of 12 health, but sure, go hit the horse. Fax Shadow gets back up to the horse and casts Cure Wounds on the horse. Oh, great. Your teammate Taylor's sitting here at 3 out of 12 health, but sure, go hit the horse. Fax Shadow gets back up to its feet, grateful, and as is everyone's dream, he does a bow to you
Starting point is 01:12:53 specifically normal. You hear harp music, like fucking... Yeah, you've been blessed. Some of your psychic damage is healed by knowing that a horse loves you and respects you, which is all any of us could really ask for. This horse truly loves this school. That is why the school spirit was able to heal it. I bow to you, back shadow.
Starting point is 01:13:09 That's its name, right? He bows and he nods a little bit, too. Man, I wish that we had an episode where we could just be horses. I'm pretty good at horse noises, too. Call me. Elise and I are going to have our own podcast. Yeah, I was going to say, let's make a horse noises too. Call me. Yeah. You should just do a horse girl podcast. Elise and I are going to have our own podcast. Yeah, I was going to say, let's make a horse girl podcast.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Horse girls. Your ID badges vibrate. May Hale shows up and she says, it looks like you fixed the incursion. Okay, cool. Great. Good job. What should we do with Abe here? He's like, he got all like weird tenderly and he's just crying on the floor.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Abe, you good, buddy? Not bad. He's evil. He's unconscious. Maybe just put him in storage with some of the old instruments. Yeah, can we put him in one of those cells? I feel illegal. May says, I mean, we've got a bunch of free cells if you want to.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Yeah, let's do that. Is he still going to be evil when he wakes up? Or did it go out of him? Do we have to tell his parents? You're the bosses. These are questions for you to answer. I don't know. I cast my detect magic spell on him.
Starting point is 01:14:02 You can tell that there is a little bit of lawful evil still inside of him. Not enough to be sure that when he wakes up, he's going to want to start collecting parts of women again. But certainly, if he's not taken care of in the right way, that toxicity can... Collecting parts of women is lawful evil? I would say so. Yes, Freddy.
Starting point is 01:14:19 His law is that he's entitled to parts of women. Oh, I see. Okay, okay. He's not chaotic. He's not doing it randomly. I get it. How evil was this kid before the doodler took over him? Does this seem like background level for Abe, or is this like... You get the sense from this that the doodler can't connect to somebody unless they're already heading down kind of a fucked up path
Starting point is 01:14:35 that the doodler can latch onto and make a thousand times worse. Oh, that's interesting. He probably wouldn't have been going around collecting parts of women, but he was definitely going to be like, not a cool boyfriend. He was going to be like a creepy dude. That was going to be the worst part. What about my teeth? Is there an orthodontist in the house?
Starting point is 01:14:52 Well, her parents are, right? My teeth got knocked out when I flew. Get in the minivan, Scary. Let's bring you to your parents so that they can fix your teeth, and we should probably bring Abe to his parents, and we'll sit down and explain to, what's his last name? Ghoul. should probably bring Abe to his parents and we'll sit down and explain to, what's his last name? Ghoul. Ghoul will explain to his parents
Starting point is 01:15:09 what he did and, you know, we'll let them take care of it. Yeah, it seems like people really don't, like, listen to us when we say the crazy stuff that happened. We're not going to kidnap a kid. That's true. That also feels rowdy. I'm a little lost on what to do with this kid right now. Well, there is a secret dungeon in the school that only the popular kids know.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Motherfucker! No, but we have a secret dungeon, too. A lot of people got secret dungeons. We got a secret dungeon, too. I just think we should give them back to his parents. Abe Gould starts thrashing around on the ground, and he goes, The dance! The dance!
Starting point is 01:15:42 You have to stop it! It's happening! Yes! The dance! the dance, the dance. You have to stop it. It's happening. Yes. The dance. The bigger problem is who's going to go to the dance with me when my teeth are like this? And then Taylor,
Starting point is 01:15:51 and then Taylor docks his porphy hat up and he goes, m'lady. All our days whisked away. Is there something more to say? You know that no one knows us better than ourselves. You should tell myself it'll be all right. Pretty lies let me sleep at night.
Starting point is 01:16:15 I know that no one knows me better than myself. And I know I'll get this right It's just a matter of time till we make it out alive We gotta pick ourselves up and say Not today, no, not today We live for tomorrow Make steel and borrow Break where we can't change
Starting point is 01:16:47 We gotta pick ourselves up and say Not today, no, not today I don't need your sorrow Come back tomorrow I'll be on my way I'll be on my way Dungeons and Daddies is Matt Arnold
Starting point is 01:17:12 as Lincoln Wilson Anthony Burch is our DM Will Campos as Normal Oak Beth May as Scary Marlowe and myself
Starting point is 01:17:17 Freddie Wong as Taylor Swift special guest this week Elyse Willems who played Erica Dribbins Elyse what are you up to where can people find you you can find me
Starting point is 01:17:24 hanging with my friends at Dungeons and Daddies. Yeah. Or you can find me on Funhaus and Rooster Teeth every day. And you can also find me now appearing in Kolok, the new RPG from Hyper RPG. How do you spell that? K-O-L-L-O-K. You can watch it on Twitch at Fear HQ. We're also going to be doing more RPG stuff
Starting point is 01:17:45 at Funhaus too. That's cool. Thank you all so much for having me. I love doing stuff with all of you. Oh, I love you Elise. I love you too. Our theme song is On My Way by Maxson Waller. It's available on his band Camp Pay What You Want. Brian Fernandez is our content producer. Ashley Nicolette is our community manager. Esther Ellis is our
Starting point is 01:18:02 lead editor. Travis Reeves provides additional editing and Robin Rapp is our transcriber. Special thanks this week to our community manager. Esther Ellis is our lead editor. Travis Reeves provides additional editing and Robin Rapp is our transcriber. Special thanks this week to our Patreon supporters. We thank them every week, but this week I'm specifically thanking Chris Herrod, Trevor R.,
Starting point is 01:18:12 Garrett, Pip Price, Jackson Carboni, Mackenzie, Luke Kinnaman, Tyler Dennis, E-Pop, Christopher Dawson,
Starting point is 01:18:19 Jordan A., Diego Saiz, Gabriel Vergen, The Gigawatt, John Paul Castro, Nick Noque, Lamb Chop, Jacob Hatfield, Melissa Trong, John Paul Castro, Nick, no K lamb chop, Jacob Hatfield,
Starting point is 01:18:26 Melissa Trong, and Eric Johnson directly support this show and get ad free episodes at patreon.com slash dungeons and dads. And that's not all. There is a mountain of bonus content, bonus one shots videos. We have a discord community. You could also get Anthony's DM notes,
Starting point is 01:18:40 listen to uncut episodes. We put a lot of effort in making sure that the juice from our Patreon is worth that squeeze. So if you want more Daddies content, you can have it all at patreon.com slash dungeonsanddads. Our merch is store.dungeonsanddaddies.com. The deck of many things is still in stock for how long? Who knows? Head on over there, store.dungeonsanddaddies.com. We got enamel pins.
Starting point is 01:19:00 We got t-shirts. All kinds of good stuff. Website, dungeonsanddaddies.com. Our Twitter, dungeonsanddads. Our. Website, dungeonsanddaddies.com. Our Twitter, Dungeons and Dads. Our subreddit, Dungeons and Daddies. Our next episode comes out March 22nd, so we will see you then. No, not today I don't need your sorrow Come back tomorrow I'll be on my way

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