Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 185: Summer Shredding 2022 (How I'm Getting Lean)

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome in everybody to another episode of the dynamic dialogue podcast. As always, this is your host coach Danny Matranga. This is episode 185. And in today's episode, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly what I am doing to get lean for summer. I started this journey, this quote unquote summer shred summer shredding journey, on April 1st. I'm recording this on April 5th, and you'll probably hear this around middle of April. Just know I've been doing this for about a two-week time frame by the time you get to it, and I will kind of keep you in the loop as we go. But what I want to go over is my diet, my training, my supplementation that I'm implementing for relatively rapid fat loss over the course of the next two months. We'll get into everything specifically throughout the podcast. But before we do, I want to tell you guys about two really cool things. The first is my new app-based coaching teams that I have built with Train Hero heroic. This is incredible app-based programming with tutorial
Starting point is 00:01:06 videos, sets, reps, exercise cues. You can log, you can see when you hit PRS and you can work with me and my coaching team at a very affordable price. The price is 37 bucks a month, but if you want to try it first, please do. I want to make sure you're a good fit. I want to make sure you like it and I want to make sure you're a good fit. I want to make sure you like it. And I want to make sure you're a good fit for the community that I'm building there. So you can actually try it completely for free for seven days, try a full week of the programming. We'll be about halfway through each of the two teams, mesocycles or month long blocks as you hear this, but you're more than welcome to jump in and just go to the link in my Instagram bio or click the link below in the show notes to join my training teams. Additionally, as we
Starting point is 00:01:46 transition closer and closer towards summer, I am as has kind of become a trend for me as a coach noticing an uptick in online coaching applications because of course, when summer comes, so does bathing suit season. And many people are interested in changing their physiques as they get closer and closer to summer. I myself am one of those people. That's what this whole podcast today is about. If you would like to apply for online coaching with my core coaching method team and get one-on-one customized programming built from the ground up to help you develop the body parts you most want to develop, the strength you most want to develop while working through and around pain, nagging injuries, getting something that's really built for you and your body, pairing that with a
Starting point is 00:02:28 customized nutrition plan, accountability, support, and biofeedback monitoring with a highly qualified coach, you can go to corecoachingmethod.com and apply. But I would warn you, if you don't get it in by the end of April, it will likely be tough to fit you in in May and June as I will be moving into my new home and opening my new physical therapy slash personal training studio. So feel free to apply. And for those of you who are able to get on a roster,
Starting point is 00:02:54 probably looking at doing that in April. And if you can't get on a roster because we're full, we are full, you'll be added to the wait list or you can check out the app. So guys, getting into my Summer Shredding 2022 protocol, this was inspired by somebody who I still look up to, but somebody who I looked up to very early in my fitness journey. And that's Christian Guzman, the founder of Alphalete and Alphaland, somebody who I really looked up to early on before I ever became a content creator, one of the OGs of
Starting point is 00:03:20 fitness YouTube. And he has kind of returned to the scene after what I would describe as a brief hiatus, where he's going to do a summer shredding, which he did very, very often on his YouTube channel, where he would document his journey from being not stage ready to stage ready and eventually competing. And I saw this and he's somebody who's very busy, has a lot on his plate, and I was inspired. And I said, you know what, I'm going to do that too, because I would like to be leaner this summer. I'm currently sitting at about 189 pounds. I'm about five foot nine. I have a little more body fat than I'd like at about 15%. And so I calculated everything out. On my training days, I'm going to be eating 2,800 calories. On my non-training days,
Starting point is 00:03:59 I'm going to be eating 2,500 calories. In this episode, guys, we're going to go over macros, metrics, actionables, cardio, miscellaneous lifestyle stuff, as well as supplements. So we'll break down pretty much everything I'm doing. You can see the why behind how I do things. You'll get a little bit of insight into my programming knowledge, et cetera. So 2,500 calories on non-training days, 2,800 on training days. Why? I like to have more fuel on the days that I train. 2,800 on training days. Why? I like to have more fuel on the days that I train. Not rocket science there. I'm hitting at 200 grams of protein or 1.15 grams per pound of body weight.
Starting point is 00:04:39 This is a weight that I'm very comfortable at. I still have visible abs thanks to great genetics, but 1.15 grams per pound of body weight so I can stay nice and full. And that puts me at exactly 200 grams of protein. I'm at 70 grams of dietary fat, which with my current eating tendencies isn't a whole hell of a lot. And I should probably tighten that up anyway. So I'm bringing that down. For training days, I'm having 340 grams of carbs per day. And on non-training days, I'm having 270 grams. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Like I said, current body weight, about 190 pounds. And if I had to guesstimate on the body fat percentage, I'd say it's somewhere around 15 to 16. My lifting protocol will be a five day a week split focused on upper power, lower power, a chest and back hypertrophy day, a leg specific hypertrophy day, and an arm and shoulder hypertrophy day. And my cardio at this point is two 30 minute dog walks per day for a cumulative seven hours a week of low intensity, steady state cardio or walking. That's not a whole hell of a lot. When you think about it, so much of the work I do is at the computer. Even though I do still work with clients one-on-one, I have noticed it's much easier for me to gain body fat than it was when I was doing 10 to 12 personal training sessions a day and shuttling back and forth between the gym and school. So as a kind of
Starting point is 00:05:57 slightly more desk-bound adult who has multiple different projects, whether it's online clients, managing the new training app, managing the clients who I see in person, getting the clinic and studio set up, moving into my new home. There's a lot of things that require me to sit down at a computer and focus intently for many, many hours at a time, whether it's business specific, content creation, managing and making sure my clients are getting the best service. So this is a little bit lower calorie intake for me on a diet, especially this early on. When I was doing 10 to 12 sessions a day, I could diet on 3,200 calories and lose body fat very rapidly. That was a deficit for me. But with reduced activity, I have had to make adjustments. And this is something that you see
Starting point is 00:06:39 quite frequently with people as they age. You will see them say, oh, when I was younger, I would lose weight very quickly, as would I. But what's interesting is when I was younger, I was training 10 to 12 personal training sessions a day on my feet constantly. So what has happened between the ages of 23 and 27 for me isn't, no, I'm not 27 yet. I'll be 27 in May. But 23 and 26.99 for me is I'm more active in my business. I'm engaged more as a professional and I'm not moving around as much. My metabolism hasn't slowed at all. In fact, I'm probably bigger and more muscular than I was. So theoretically, my metabolically active tissue is actually higher, but I'm doing this for this particular reason anyway, on lower calories to maybe play a little
Starting point is 00:07:23 bit of catch up. So let's move into the actionables. And what I mean by actionables are the items, habits, behaviors, non-negotiable things that will be kind of acting as the framework for how this whole thing is going to go. So every single day, I will be doing these things. And you can do these things too, I think, day, I will be doing these things. And you can do these things too, I think, regardless of your goals. There might be some individual health specific stuff that you might need to make adjustments for, but I'm not a doctor. So I'm speaking generally here, of course. But every day I will be starting out with a 32 ounce glass of water, an LMNT hydration pack, which is a salt based electrolyte with only 10 calories, sweetened
Starting point is 00:08:06 naturally with stevia. You can try those out by going to drinkelemente.com slash coach Danny, and I'll send you out eight flavors, all of their samples. All you have to do is cover shipping. Super, super good. Great for hydration. Great for getting a pump, especially when you're like me and you train early in the morning, which I'll talk more about. But I will be training fasted in the morning after drinking 32 ounces of water and electrolytes. I'll probably pair that with pre-workout. But what I tend to do is I will wake up around four o'clock in the morning. I will start hydrating. I will either sip on some Legion Pulse with caffeine or sip on a shot of espresso before going into a series of sessions. If I have clients, I will go five, six, seven clients in the morning, 5 a.m., 6 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m. on Fridays
Starting point is 00:08:53 before then working out at 11 a.m. If I do that at 11 a.m., I will probably have a little bit of food before. But on most of my training days, because I usually don't train Mondays and Fridays, I train Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. I'm up at about 4 a.m. working on emails, answering various questions, communicating with clients, sipping on coffee, getting hydrated with the LMNT pack, the 32 ounces of water before going into a workout around five o'clock in the morning. After that session, immediately after that session, I'll have a post-workout meal with about 50 grams of protein and around a hundred grams of carbohydrates with my Legion Recharge. So those are my non-negotiables. Every day, big glass of water, every training day, big glass of water with electrolytes so I can get a pump, train hard, close to failure, pairing that immediately with a post-workout of 50 grams
Starting point is 00:09:49 of protein, 100 grams of carbs and creatine. And then I try to wait as long as I can until I'm hungry, knowing that I need to get three more 50 protein gram feedings in. So imagine finishing your workout around 6.30, 7 like I do. Then what you're going to find is you're probably not hungry again until 9.10. So about 9.10, I'm starting to at least think about what my first meal will be. And then around 11, I will usually prepare it from home or grab something on the go, which then leaves me with two 50 gram protein feedings. That's my second action item. I like to spread my protein feedings out into four pretty decently sized protein feedings. So those are going to be between 35 and 50 grams with some high protein snacks in to fill the gaps.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I spread the rest of my macros out kind of however I need to, to give myself the flexibility that I need as a professional. And from a snacking standpoint, I have limited my snack options now pretty tremendously. One of my main issues is I tend to binge. Not necessarily because I have a binge eating disorder, but because I like to enjoy a pretty heavy amount of cannabis in the evening. So towards the end of my day, living in California, a state where cannabis consumption is legal and being very involved in cannabis culture and cultivation and somebody who enjoys growing it, I will probably smoke cannabis three to four nights a week. And when I do, you know what I like to do? I like to eat and that derails my diet pretty easily. So I don't like to snack on super healthy things. I like to snack on things like tortilla chips and junk. of chips and junk. So what I have done is I have stopped bringing those foods in my house and designed my environment instead around having a ton of fruit, a ton of veggies, and a ton of yogurt. And I have actually removed the visual stimulus of seeing the cannabis out and about and just put
Starting point is 00:11:34 it away somewhere where it's not as likely to be creating some type of compulsive use thing where I'm like, oh, there's my fucking weed. Let's smoke. And I understand that for many of you, this might seem like childish and immature, but I do not drink. I do not consume any other recreational drugs. I'm a very busy professional in my early 20s who's extremely healthy. And cannabis is something that I find helps me balance the anxieties and the mood swings that I deal with that come from being super busy, having a lot on your plate and wondering if eventually all this stuff's going to pay off. You know, like I'm, I'm imperfect much like many of you. Um, but I have noticed that that particular, um, drug, if you will, plays a pretty considerable role in my inability to stay away from snacking. So I'll reduce my consumption of
Starting point is 00:12:25 that as well. So those are the big actionables. Lots of water to start, training five days a week, fasted, not because it's better for fat loss, but that's just what works for me. Immediately following up with a 50 gram protein feeding with some carbs and creatine. I then spread the rest of the macros out across the day, being mindful to get my snacks from mostly protein sources and fruit. And then again, I'm looking for three to four big protein meals. So what about cardio? Hey guys, just wanted to take a quick second to say thanks so much for listening to the podcast. And if you're finding value, it would mean the world to me if you would share it on your social media. Simply screenshot whatever
Starting point is 00:13:02 platform you're listening to and share the episode to your Instagram story or share it to Facebook. But be sure to tag me so I can say thanks and we can chat it up about what you liked and how I can continue to improve. Thanks so much for supporting the podcast and enjoy the rest of the episode. As I stated early, I am starting with quote unquote no cardio, no running, no Stairmaster, no elliptical. I'm just walking Cooper twice a day for 30 minutes. That's going to help me get my steps up. I average between 12 and 15,000 a day, which is a lot, but I do still do at least one one-on-one personal training session a day. So I'm moving around quite a bit for that. I do at least one training session, five days a week. So I'm moving around for that. Taking him on two walks means I walk about three miles minimum a day, which is a big, big
Starting point is 00:13:50 boost for me in terms of cumulative step count. About halfway through the month, so maybe around the time you guys start listening to this, I'm going to start layering in assault bike intervals. I do these as 10 second sprints and 20 second rest periods. And I will do this for five minutes at the end of three workouts. So that'll accumulate to two 30 minute walks and about 15 minutes of hits spread across three to five minute sessions a week. I find I can recover well from that. It helps me build my aerobic threshold at those higher units, higher levels. And then around early May, I'll probably layer in one to two designated low-intensity cardiovascular sessions that I do after my upper body days as well.
Starting point is 00:14:35 So those will be things like Stairmaster, Rower, or low-grade assault bikes. So that's my cardio plan. I don't plan on doing a ton of that. There are some lifestyle-specific things that I have made a point to remove. So like I said, not bringing nearly as much junk food in the house, eliminating all fast food and calorie beverages, calorie rich beverages, replacing those with Diet Dr. Pepper, LaCroix, and these little fake beers that I get from Lagunitas. No DoorDash, no food delivery, eating out two to three times a week from eateries that
Starting point is 00:15:06 me and my girlfriend both find are healthy and protein dense and nutrient dense. I like to do that with her. We like to get together and have Thai food and watch a movie. And so something that we will often do is we'll get like veggie spring rolls and split some pad Thai and it's high protein, high vegetable. And then that one thing that isn't as healthy, I still find a way to make it fit in my macros, but I get smaller portions. I'm aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep every single night, non-negotiable, and I'm getting lots of additional neat in the form of moving things in and out of my house as I get closer and closer to moving from my current home to my new home, which is still being built right now. So as that gets closer and closer, I will continue on with this journey, moving away from getting shit out of my current house and taking it to the dump and moving shit into the new house.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So there's lots of moving and additional need coming in that respect. And then setting up a gym and getting a physical therapy clinic off the ground and running requires moving a lot of heavy equipment and constantly going to and from my house to the studio. So lots of neat sneaking in, but those are kind of the lifestyle things that are in play here. I'm looking to lose between a half a pound to a pound a week, which isn't a ton, but I'm not a massive human being by any stretch. So if I do this for April 5th, when I'm recording this, let's say, so April 1st, when we started till June 1st at 60 days, that's about nine weeks. So I could lose between, let's say I lose nine pounds, a pound a week. I'd be about 180 pounds and I look pretty darn good at 180 pounds. I have obliques that are pretty feathered abs.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I carry my fat decently well. So that's my goal is one pound a week. Getting to the supplementation element of this, because I do think this is important, particularly for fat loss. I get so many questions about this. I'm going to take Seed, my favorite probiotic product. Seed Symbiotic, it's probably the best probiotic on the market. Not even close, really. I find it to be phenomenal for my skin as well. I have had almost no eczema or atopic dermatitis since I started taking this. And they have some strains that are clinically shown to work in humans for the reduction of skin-specific inflammation, but this has really just kind of just blown my mind how well I have responded to this. It also keeps me regular. It keeps my bowel movements, you know, probably not something you want to hear too much about, but it keeps those very regular and very, let's just say, low maintenance.
Starting point is 00:17:46 every single day. LMNT, my salt-specific electrolyte, calorie-free basically. It's sweetened with stevia. Those two things I have in the morning. Those are staying put. Creatine, staying put, five grams a day. I get that from Legion's Recharge. Magnesium, take that as magnesium. Bisglycinate, single capsule before bed. Zinc, I take that as zinc, the colonate, and I take that before bed. Legion's Triumph multivitamin, I take two capsules twice a day. Legion's greens powder, Genesis, I take that once a day with whey protein, Legion's whey plus, and Vital Proteins collagen. I'm not affiliated with Vital Proteins, but I am affiliated with Seed, LMNT, and Legion. So I do think it's important to just go over that so you guys get the most transparency possible. Tongkat, Ali, and Fidoja, which were two testosterone enhancing things that I was taking, I have pulled out because I felt that they were giving me headaches. And injectable
Starting point is 00:18:40 L-carnitine, which might be more bioavailable and help with fatty acid metabolism. I got a vial of injectable L-carnitine from my lab company, Merrick Health, who I am sponsored by, or I shouldn't say sponsored by, but affiliated with. This is the company that I use to do all my labs, all of the lab panels. They have given me access to compounding pharmaceuticals that are specific to my goals and to my lifestyle. My hormones are really good, so no need for things like testosterone replacement. But if you are somebody who is wondering where your testosterone's at, where your estrogen is at, or where your hormones are at, you can get a profile and lab panel done by Merrick for about 500 bucks, which is fucking phenomenal when you compare this to what
Starting point is 00:19:25 you're getting when you go through your insurance. You're going to get every damn hormone, vitamin, blood thing, lipid thing, every marker for liver and kidneys, and you get it all run down by a patient care coordinator and a physician who will give you lifestyle or supplementation-specific interventions designed to help you reach your goals. So if your goals are body fat reduction, muscle gain, you want to live healthier, you want to live longer, you want to know where your labs are at.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And spending 500 bucks to get a panel done once a year is a really good idea. And if you need pharmaceutical intervention, they can write you the prescription for exactly what you need. But they don't press for that. In fact, lifestyle and supplementation interventions are always recommended with your patient care coordinator first.
Starting point is 00:20:09 That was what made me want to partner with Merrick. I was like, this is a really, really cool company that I think does it right. And I really enjoyed the service that I got with Merrick. So if you go to merrickhealth.com, or even actually, we have a special link now, I think. Looks like we do. It's merichealth.com slash corecoaching.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And you can go to merichealth.com slash corecoaching and get either the male or female pattern or panel. You're definitely gonna wanna get this with lab analysis. Please get with lab analysis. That way you don't have to look through it on your own and wonder what the hell things are. You're gonna get to sit down, like I said, with your patient care coordinator and a physician,
Starting point is 00:20:46 nurse practitioner, somebody who's going to be able to guide you through all of this stuff. And you can use the code core coaching to save 10%, which is pretty awesome considering if you were to get these panels done by your insurance, you'd get maybe one or two of these metrics instead of the hundreds you get. And you can always refer back to it, but definitely worth doing. So guys, that's my plan for summer shredding 2022. I'm going to be having calories about 2,500 on training day or non-training days and about 2,800 on training days, around 200 grams of protein and 70 grams of fat for both with more carbs on the days that I train. Looking to lose about a pound a week, dropping from 189 pounds to about 180 pounds,
Starting point is 00:21:29 and hopefully bringing my body fat percentage down two to three percent. Training five days a week, upper, lower, chest, back, lower, arms, shoulders, doing cardio twice a day with 30-minute dog walks. I'm going to guarantee that each and every day I get my 32 ounces of water in first thing in the morning. I always have a post-workout meal with 50 grams of protein, 100 carbs, and creatine. I spread the rest of my macros out across the day to accommodate my busy schedule. No junk food snacks in the house. Instead, focusing on protein-rich or fruit-vegetable-based snacks. I will add more cardio in as I go. I'm making sure that I do not have fast food or any calorie-laden beverages. I am not ordering food from DoorDash and instead opting to eat out two to three times a week from eateries that fit with my current goals, always aiming for seven to nine
Starting point is 00:22:09 hours of sleep and getting tons of additional neat between my various different adventures. So guys, that is my plan for summer shredding 2022. I'm excited to share the journey with you as we go along. If you want to lose body fat for summer, the time to do that is probably fucking yesterday, if I'm being totally honest with you. The way we coach at Core Coaching Method tends to be holistic, slow, and intentional. I don't want to rush through anything that would put your health at risk. But if you want to lose body fat for summer and you are ready to do the work, you just need a plan to follow follow somebody to hold you accountable, then consider applying at corecoachingmethod.com slash online coaching.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You can find that through the link in the bio, but you won't have too many opportunities to sign up in the next couple months as things get tighter. So thanks all so much for tuning in and I'll catch you on the next one.

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