Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 372: Protein for OLDER Adults, The Health Benefits of Coffee + More

Episode Date: June 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome in everybody to another episode of the Dynamic Dialogue podcast. As always, I'm your host, Danny Matrenga. And in this episode, episode 372, we're going to specifically discuss the health benefits of things like coffee, omega-3 for both humans and dogs. I'll talk a lot about how I use omega-3 in my household. Ways in which you can reduce muscle soreness. How to incorporate cycling into your routine. Again, like I said, going over coffee, caffeine, talking quite a bit about that. Talking about protein requirements for older adults, especially older lifters, which I think could be very beneficial for a lot of you. And again, answering your questions right here on episode 372 of the pod. Thanks for listening. Hope you enjoy. This episode is brought to you in part thanks to some of our amazing partners like LMNT. LMNT makes the best electrolyte product on the market. In fact, I've actually started drinking my LMNT each and every
Starting point is 00:01:12 morning before I have coffee so as to optimize my circadian biology, make sure that I'm hydrated, and make sure that I'm getting ahead on my water intake throughout the day and not reliant on stimulants, but instead being somebody who's reliant on hydration and the proper balance of minerals and electrolytes. If you want to feel your best all day, mentally and physically, it's imperative that you stay hydrated. LMNT provides a balanced ratio of sodium, potassium, and magnesium to support brain and body hydration. This combination of electrolytes improves health performance, body and brain performance. Mind you helps to reduce cramps and soreness and get you more hydrated. There's no sugar. Elementia is sweetened with stevia.
Starting point is 00:01:59 It's perfect for exercise and perfect for the sauna because the flavors are natural, tasty, delicious, and not overpowering. And if you're like me, you'll use them multiple times a day across your training sessions to get hydrated early to replenish after sauna use. And again, it's not just me. LMNT is the official sports drink of Team USA Weightlifting, and it's used by athletes in the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, as well as athletes like you and I looking to take your fitness to the next level. My favorite flavors are definitely the raspberry and citrus. When I put a box together, I try to load up on raspberry and citrus. And when you put your box together, you can get a free sample pack containing all of Elements' amazing flavors like mango chili,
Starting point is 00:02:43 citrus, raspberry, orange, and more. To get access to this free gift with purchase, scroll down to the show notes and check out using the special link for dynamic dialogue listeners. Okay, folks. So before we get into this episode, I just want to do a quick little touch base with all of you who are listeners of the podcast. Probably my most unique audience of all of the different audience members I have across different platforms, whether it's YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. The best audience is definitely you here on the podcast. And I like to do some soft announcements for personal life stuff on the podcast first, because I think it's a really
Starting point is 00:03:32 cool opportunity to connect with the audience that other than the people who I work with online and the people who I work with one-on-one, and obviously those in our app-based community, there's nobody in the digital world I'm more connected with than the pod listeners because it's like such a better medium than social media. But by the time this podcast drops, my wife should be about six months pregnant. And we know the gender. So far, everything's been great. So it's been very cool, very exciting. But this is something that probably won't go live for a little bit. I'm quite ahead on these pods. So by the time you guys hear it, I should time up with what I just said.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But really exciting. Kind of alluded to building out the home gym. So that's a big focus. Just systematizing things. I've trained so many parents. I'm just so aware of some of the challenges and difficulties that come with newborns, specifically with fitness. Haven't experienced it, but seen it indirectly.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So really looking at things I can do to encourage hydration, encourage, you know, protein intake, encourage fiber intake, even when I'm very low sleep, even when I'm very tired, even when my energy is spread between business and life, my own fitness, and of course, the baby. So putting systems in place now, taking a few months in advance to really prepare for this so that I can take it in stride and hopefully it won't punch me in the mouth as hard as I know it will. It's like one mouth as hard as I know it will. It's like one of those things. I know it'll be difficult, but very exciting and happy to share it here with you guys on the pod before we get into these questions. So these are questions
Starting point is 00:05:15 specifically from you guys. I fielded them from over on my Instagram. My desk is a little squeaky. I need to get in there and tighten that up. Fielded these questions from you guys over on my Instagram. So that's probably the best way to get your question featured on the pod, unless you like sent me a DM and I don't really check DMs that much. And we're like, Hey, specific pod question. The best way is to just follow me over on Instagram across all socials really. And get your question thrown in there during my weekly or so Instagram story question box. That's a great chance to connect. So this question comes from Shimon Watanabe. And the question is, do you take fish oil? So I am a huge fan of fish oil.
Starting point is 00:06:09 fish oil. And what I take fish oil for specifically is the contents of omega-3. So fish oil specifically, like the oil of cold water fatty fish like herring, sardines, and salmon, that oil is really high in omega-3 fatty acids. So you've probably heard people say things like fish oil. Do you take a fish oil? What they really mean are, or is, are you supplementing with omega-3? And I do. Supplementing with omega-3 has been linked to many different health benefits, okay? A lot of different things specifically for the brain, for the heart, for inflammation, and for kind of protection, okay? There's a lot of different benefits for omega-3s that might be, you know, unique and, you know, specific to you. But I do think many of its benefits are so general that it is one of those supplements that's pretty high on
Starting point is 00:06:59 the list of things I recommend. So I take an omega-3. I recommend that most of my clients take an omega-3 unless they eat a ton of salmon. Even though I eat salmon twice a week, I still take an omega-3 because I like a high dosage of omega-3. A lot of the benefits we'll talk about today are at a general, a more normal dose. But there's been really cool research on higher doses of omega-3, But there's been really cool research on higher doses of omega-3, upwards of like a gram, more than 200, 400, 600 milligrams, like one to two grams that help with recovery, muscle growth, et cetera. Can't say for sure. Do I take that much? Not really. But I do take three capsules a day of Legion's Triton plus eat salmon throughout the week so i get a lot of omega-3 i give one to
Starting point is 00:07:45 cooper our 10 pound dog i give two sometimes three to zeus our 80 pound dog my wife takes two and these capsules yield a pretty good amount of epa and dha that is the kind of chief and primary fatty acids um those omega-3 fatty acids that we're after that are found in these fish oils, specifically things like salmon, cod, mackerel, sardines. Super cool benefits for fish oil. You'll see literature that supports that it can reduce instances of anxiety and depression. You'll see literature connected to increased health of the eye, specifically because omega-3 is a structural component of the retina. So it's actually a component of your eye. And getting enough omega-3 can be very helpful. And when you don't get enough DHA, you can have vision issues. Again, for pregnant women, omega-3 is crucial for brain growth and
Starting point is 00:08:49 development in infants. We want to promote brain growth and development, of course. So supplementing with additional omega-3 could be beneficial. Again, if it's high quality. I'll give you guys a huge pro tip that I got from my co-presenter and colleague at the Real Coaches Summit in 2024, Dr. Alan Bacon. He did a presentation that was my favorite of the ones that I saw. Unfortunately, I could not see every presenter's presentation. So I can't say it was the best, but it was my favorite because I really like supplements and I find them to be fascinating. And Dr. Bacon said something really cool about fish oil, which is that if you can store it in the freezer, because it prevents rancidity or rotting. And so we keep them in the freezer and I kind of divvy them out
Starting point is 00:09:42 to the dogs and they really like them. They kind of look at them like a treat because I think when they crack them open, they actually enjoy the taste of the fish. And another cool thing I've noticed when I take them frozen, I like never, ever burp them up. There are some cool links to ADHD symptoms in supplements or in the supplementation of EPA and DHA. I won't say anything specifically there because I doubt there's much conclusivity, but could be interesting for parents and adults who have ADHD to look into the literature there. Lots of different unique benefits from supplementing with EPA and DHA. And again, these are really important fats. We get a lot of omega-6s and omega-9s in our diet as it is. So increasing the availability of omega-3 fats helps keep things in balance
Starting point is 00:10:33 and can promote really good health. You could also aim for more cold water fatty fish. You can also get omega-3 from non-animal sources such as algae. You can also get the plant-based omega-3s in ground flax, hemp, chia, walnuts, and edamame. So lots of good ways to get omega-3 into your diet, whether you are plant-based, whether you are more omnivorous. I get a good amount of omega-3 in my diet from cold water fatty fish, specifically salmon, supplementing with Legion's product three times, not three times a day, but one serving spread across three times a day on days that I don't eat salmon. And I also eat three tablespoons of hemp and chia seeds every morning in my smoothie. So that yields a pretty good amount right there. Now, I also am pretty big on giving it to the
Starting point is 00:11:34 dogs because omega-3 in dogs boosts cognitive function. It's good for their heart health. It strengthens their joints. It improves their coat quite markedly. I've noticed Zeus has a better coat and his skin isn't quite as dry. He really struggles during the summer months with his short coat. But big on omega-3s, I give it to the dogs as well. And we all take it frozen out of the freezer, which we quite like. And you could probably add this to your supplement routine pretty affordably. It is not one of the supplements that tends to have an extremely high cost, but I would not get anything too cheap because again,
Starting point is 00:12:11 you are talking about fish oil. So you don't want to buy something that has a potential for being low quality or rancid. That's kind of nasty. Okay, next question from PankurRiverMa13. Hi, please suggest some simple tips to reduce muscle soreness. Okay, so let's start with the kind of big basics when it comes to recovery. The number one tool you have for recovering from training and injuring is sleep. And I know people hate hearing that because sleep is really challenging. Getting enough sleep, most people recover best when they get between seven to nine hours. Getting enough sleep can be really hard. And so what people have a tendency to do is to acknowledge like, hey, sleep's hard. Let's just skip ahead to the supplements that are going to
Starting point is 00:13:01 help me recover because sleep's hard. It's a lost cause. I have a kid. I would almost rather you get supplements that help you sleep better, like maybe magnesium than supplements that might help you quote unquote recover better, like essential amino acids or branched chain essential amino acids outside of protein powder and creatine and maybe things like L-carnitine and magnesium, there's not a whole lot you can do supplementally to help with soreness. And all of the best muscle soreness supplements, and trust me, I take most of them, don't really hold a candle to the power of sleep. Sleep is so good for recovery that if you're not quite getting your seven, eight, nine hours, I would do that before you add anything else. Now, I will say you can supplement with creatine, magnesium, and L-carnitine.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Those are the three that I really like. I take creatine and L-carnitine together in a supplement called Recharge. That's Legion's product. It comes with creatine monohydrate and L-carnitine. If you just took creatine and carnitine separately, probably get the same exact results. Maybe you have creatine and you just need to add some carnitine to it. Those two seem to help with soreness. Magnesium for me helps a lot with muscle soreness. Now, this is the thing. I've taken these all separately, so I can say that. But now I have good sleep, all the supplements and sauna. And I also get magnesium and potassium from LMNT, which is, you know, so I'm like, I'm not deficient
Starting point is 00:14:33 in anything. So I shouldn't be overly sore. I've been training for a while. I have access to these tools. So, you know, I'm not the best example, but if you were really struggling with soreness and you didn't, you weren't saunaing, you could go buy a bunch of supplements or you could get sleep. I would say don't spend a dime. Go work on your sleep. Start there. And if you're getting that, then you can build. Then you could go to supplements or do something like the sauna, which I really love. I love sauna for muscle soreness. I think the cold plunge is actually better. I'm like never sore when I'm regularly cold plunging. It has an amazing effect on reducing my muscle soreness. Uh, but I also just don't like it that
Starting point is 00:15:12 much. And I know that's kind of like the point people are like, Oh, be hard builds mental toughness. And at my peak with it, I really enjoyed it because it helped me cognitively, like literally change chapters in my day. I could dive in the cold plunge and emerge like this is a completely new day. And I will say, I do kind of like that. It is a really cool effect and it is a really cool and unique experience and it crushes your soreness, but it's super impractical. Um, but if your soreness is so bad that you like, can't even move, you could consider cold water immersion or even a cold shower or something like contrast showering hot to cold. These tend to be pretty low cost options as well. I have an ice barrel, which is a great product for cold plunging,
Starting point is 00:15:56 but you can do it in a trash can or you can do it in a bathtub. I don't think these are measurably worse. The thing you have to be careful with is just don't spill or overflow, but you can do cold water immersion at home. That helps a lot. Things like stretching and foam rolling seem to help a lot. You could always use NSAIDs like Advil and Tylenol, but they do seem to have such an acutely powerful effect on inflammation that they might actually impair hypertrophy. The same thing could be said for the cold plunge cause they're so acutely anti-inflammatory. Um, those are just options. I'm never promoting the usage of medications or pharmaceuticals or supplements to anyone who's not open to it, but those are the things you can do outside of lifestyle. Um, obviously food is
Starting point is 00:16:43 huge that I think that goes without saying. Sleep and then probably food and then probably hydration. And then underneath that umbrella, you have those specialty things like supplements, recovery modalities like sauna, cold plunge, foam rolling, et cetera. But I would really aim to get enough sleep. And if you're chronically malnourished and not getting enough calories or protein, that could also be a very likely culprit. But it tends to be the case that people who are training hard are at least aware of those things, but make sure you're getting enough calories and protein. What's going on guys, taking a break from this episode to tell you a little bit about my coaching company, Core Coaching Method, more specifically our app-based
Starting point is 00:17:24 training. We partnered with Train Heroic to bring app-based training to you using the best technology and best user interface possible. You can join either my Home Heroes team, or you can train from home with bands and dumbbells, or Elite Physique, which is a female bodybuilding-focused program where you can train at the gym with equipments designed specifically to help you develop strength, as well as the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and back. I have more teams coming planned for a variety of different fitness levels. But what's cool about this is when you join these programs, you get programming that's updated every single week, the sets to do, the reps to do, exercise tutorials filmed by me with me and my team. So you'll get my exact coaching expertise
Starting point is 00:18:04 as to how to perform the movement, whether you're training at home or you're training in the gym. And again, these teams are somewhat specific. So you'll find other members of those communities looking to pursue similar goals at similar fitness levels. You can chat, ask questions, upload form for form review, ask for substitutions. It's a really cool training community and you can try it completely free for seven days. Just click the link in the podcast description below. Can't wait to see you in the core coaching collective, my app-based training community. Back to the show. Okay. Ash L cash 22 says, is biking one day and lifting the next a good way to see progress? My goal is fat loss.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So yeah, I actually think this is an awesome routine because basically this is lifting four days a week, cycling three days a week, and then the next day cycling four days a week and lifting three days a week. So you're exercising seven days a week, but probably not exercising so hard that you are not recovering. I like it. I actually like it a lot. I think if everybody in America were to do like an alternating day, shall we say, um, concurrent, I think would be the terminology here. Concurrent program where it's like,
Starting point is 00:19:19 I'm focusing on 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic adaptations concurrently long-term with no goal other than increasing my health and lowering my body fat percentage. That would work damn good. Cause you could basically just train total body every time compound focused, um, and get pretty good results in strength, pretty good results in hypertrophy. Like you, are you going to get better results than a specialized program? Fuck no, not even close. But will you get results that are way better than the fitness of the general public and like really good metabolic markers? Hell yeah. With three lifts a week that are total body compounds. Hell yeah. And if you do like three 45 minute, uh, you know, bike rides of moderate intensity in between to like, you know, just keep moving and develop your aerobic capacity.
Starting point is 00:20:07 That's going to give you like way above average fitness. And if your diet is tight, right, like you said, the goal is fat loss. If your diet is tight, that's going to be awesome. If your diet is tight, you actually don't have to do any activity whatsoever and you'll lose weight. But the routine you mentioned of biking one day and lifting the next seems like a good fitness routine. Is it something that I would program for someone who wanted to be as strong as possible? No. Would I program this for somebody who wanted to look their best? No. Would I program this for somebody who wanted to be a great cyclist? No. But I would for somebody who said, hey, I like cycling and I'll lift every other day with it. And if I can be thin, that should work for me. I'd say, okay, cool. Let's dial in your nutrition and let it rip
Starting point is 00:20:49 because this is just a pretty solid overall fusion of two different forms of exercise, both of which will lead to good body composition in the long term if your diet's right. So I like this a lot, but you could twist it. You could mix it around. You could literally say like, I like this a lot, but you could twist it. You could mix it around. You could literally say like, hey, I'm going to switch cycling out for running. And so like you run one day and then you lift the next day and you run one day and you lift the next day. That can work great. You might need to be thoughtful about your lower body volume so that you don't have like your heaviest lower body day and then like a long run and you're torched. But you could do this kind of thing with different cardio modalities, including things like
Starting point is 00:21:32 rowing and swimming for a pretty long time with, you know, pretty good results. Okay. Kate Harrigan and one, two, three wants to know thoughts on using coffee to suppress appetite. Helps me with adherence. So this is Kate saying that she wants my opinion on using coffee as an appetite suppressant to help her adhere to her fat loss diet. So this is a pretty advanced way of using caffeine, but it is the case that high levels of caffeine intake specifically, not coffee, but coffee and its component caffeine, can be helpful on a diet because caffeine has been shown to help with dietary regulation by kind of suppressing appetite. Now, coffee specifically is rich in antioxidants, which has been shown to help with blood sugar
Starting point is 00:22:26 regulation, which could help. And there are multiple studies which have shown that coffee can help with weight management. One review of 12 studies concluded that higher coffee consumption could be associated with decreased body fat, especially in men. And another study found increased coffee intake was linked to decreased body fat in women furthermore one study found that people who drank two cups of coffee per day were 17 more likely to meet recommended physical activity levels could this be due to the caffeine it's hard to say but coffee in and of itself has some unique health benefits. And this article, by the way, where I'm pulling these statistics is courtesy of healthline.com, great website.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Coffee's super healthy though. This is the thing. A lot of people do not really give coffee its due. It's a pretty healthy beverage. It's loaded in antioxidants and nutrients, and it's quite unique in that way. It has some health benefits. Well, the way we drink coffee in America is really not the way I would drink coffee if I wanted to get the health benefits because yes, you know, if I were drinking lots of coffee throughout the day, I would probably experience enhanced energy from the caffeine, which can be beneficial for the brain in some levels. If I wasn't drinking so much caffeine that it was affecting my sleep and making me anxious, right? You have to have good, what I call caffeine hygiene, some rules. We usually want to cut it off
Starting point is 00:23:56 by 1 PM or, you know, within 10 hours of bedtime. Um, I would also recommend, you know, six to eight hours, ideally, if you could. Total window of consumption. So like if you're sipping caffeine, try to keep the window in which you're enjoying it, like a six to eight hour window at the most. So like if I got up at five in the morning, I had a coffee. I don't want to have one later than like 11, one at the latest. So I can help to get this out of my system. That's good caffeine hygiene. Okay. Another thing is try to not get it from super calorically dense energy drinks or milkshake style coffees that are all creamed up and loaded with calories. Get it from tea, get it from pre-workout, get it from black coffee, get it from energy drinks that
Starting point is 00:24:45 have zero calories. I hate to say it, but I know many of you don't love artificial sweeteners, but you know, a black coffee with low sugar, low fat, low calorie creamer over time compared to one with full fat will be lower calorie, will make it easier to maintain your body composition, will be a healthier choice. The healthiest choices are coffee and teas in their plain form. That's the best substrate for the delivery of caffeine. You could even just take caffeine pills, frankly, but there are health benefits associated with coffee and tea that I think make it worth including. I like tea so much that I would say that a perfect world, you get most of your caffeine naturally from coffee and teas
Starting point is 00:25:25 because you're going to get exposure to all these great antioxidants and polyphenols that are found uniquely in the coffee and uniquely in the tea. But where you run into problems is when you can't control your caffeine hygiene. You have too much caffeine in the early part of the day and then the late part of the day, which can fuck your sleep up. You get it through vehicles, which have a way too much additional calories. Or if you're already an anxious person, you start overdoing it. That's a problem. So here's how I like to use caffeine to my advantage. I use coffee and tea, primarily green tea and black tea, but mostly black coffee. And I get my black coffee delivered in the form of espresso, which is a very concentrated shot of coffee. Think about it like this. A wheatgrass shot yields some of the benefits of the wheatgrass. A turmeric or a ginger shot yields some of delivering some of the antioxidants and benefits of the polyphenols in coffee with a pretty tight idea of the caffeine between 35 to like 50 milligrams per
Starting point is 00:26:34 two ounce pour. And so what I do is I use two to three, two ounce espresso shots to get me to about 150 to 200 milligrams a day. And that's where I stopped. So I'm about four, two ounce espresso shots. So for me, that's eight ounces of coffee. If I were to just have, um, like a 16 ounce coffee black, it'd probably be about the same. Um, cause you'd probably just end up diluting that espresso and water, but I like it in a more concentrated shot style. And I get them in between sessions when I'm getting the studio up and running in the morning, or I get them in between meetings. I find a way to get them in and I don't get hit with a huge bump. I really don't take
Starting point is 00:27:16 stimulant rich pre-workout at all anymore. Now I'm not really getting it from pre-workout, but I do think pre-workout is great. If you like to get all your caffeine delivered to your body all at once prior to training. That is a fantastic way to go into the gym and absolutely kick ass. And I kind of miss that because typically what I've been doing is training with no caffeine in my system, pretty much completely fasted, just waking up, having stimulant-free pre-workout, having creatine and having LMNT in a big ass bottle, um, like 30 ounces and sipping on it while I start warming up. And by the time, well, like 10 minutes before, by the time I'm done warming up, it's all in my system. And then I'm training and usually like 10, 15 minutes into my training, I'm firing up
Starting point is 00:28:02 the espresso. I used to delay that because I had heard Huberman say like, you don't even absorb the caffeine. So just drink the electrolytes because you get some action on the adenosine receptor from sodium. But I've now heard that that's not really the case. I just tend to like to get the pre-workout pump stuff going into my system first with tons and tons of water if I'm waking up and training early. Because like I said, I'm kind of trying to pre-adapt to the kid thing and adapting to like earlier mornings, exercise, snacks, finding tight windows. I've actually never been really stronger or more muscular than I am right now at like 194 pounds. I've definitely gained some body fat,
Starting point is 00:28:43 but by shortening up my workouts and playing with a more hybrid style approach using, um, you know, different modalities, but shortening everything up is actually working pretty good. Um, so yeah, there's a little bit on caffeine. Last question from booze, the lawyer do older women who lift lighter weights need as much protein as a younger person who lifts heavy? So yes, awesome question. And the answer is yes, they do. So older women in general need more protein because they tend to have poorer or less than optimal protein metabolism compared to younger versions of themselves. We all have a different level of protein metabolism and anabolism based on our genetics,
Starting point is 00:29:29 based on whether or not we have a lot of testosterone, maybe whether or not we're taking steroids or we've lifted this day. Lots of things influence our absorption and utilization of protein. But all things being equal, older women have worse protein absorption and utilization rates than younger, well-trained men. So young, well-trained men on steroids probably be ideal. Sedentary, unmoving, older women probably be like the other end of the spectrum. So the best way to increase protein absorption and utilization is to eat more protein. If you only absorb 70%, you're going to have to eat more than somebody who absorbs 90% to get the same amount. But what you can do is you can chew your food better. You can pair your food with digestive enzymes that might help with the absorption,
Starting point is 00:30:16 digestion, and assimilation. There's some good enzyme blends that are really affordable that does deliver things like papaya and proteases, as well as lipases to help with the digestion of fattier proteins. I know many women who kind of have a hard time eating large amounts of animal protein as they age. So it's not a bad idea to explore things like tofu and tempeh, which are texturally very different, as well as things like scallops and seafood, which when you focus on cold water fatty seafood, especially fish like we talked about, you can also get a ton of omega-3. But supplemental proteins tend to also work very well for older women because they tend to only be
Starting point is 00:30:57 able to eat so many calories due to moving less and having smaller frames, dealing with sarcopenia, osteopenia. Things like whey protein isolates can be a really good option. Any whey protein will do, frankly. And plant-based blends can be good too. But as you age, if I were a female, and for most of my female clients, I'm recommending more protein intake and I'm recommending supplementing with things like creatine, an omega-3, and calcium, and vitamin D. I want to make sure that you have everything you need.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Additionally, one thing a lot of women tell me as they age is they want the quality of their skin, their hair, and their nails to remain pretty high quality. So something else you might consider is supplementing with collagen and vitamin C. Vitamin C helps with the absorption of collagen. It's also long been known to help with shortening cold duration and enhancing immune system stuff. But I think you'll be in really good shape as an older woman if you have a blend of whey protein, a little bit of collagen, some creatine, and then you supplement with the basics, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, I would add to this vitamin C. You could probably get many of these things in a multivitamin. They
Starting point is 00:32:18 make multivitamins for older women, but a lot of older women think they can't make gains because of menopause or they can't make progress with their fat loss because of their hormones. And the truth is the main thing that changes as we age outside of hormones that enhances our body composition is actually how much we move and how our lifestyles change and how our diets change. And so, you know, focusing on more protein is one of the best things you can do to enhance fat loss because it encourages eating less other stuff. It encourages building lean muscle. It has a high thermic effect of food. A lot of protein rich foods are nutritious. with a weightlifting program, sounds like you're lifting lighter weights and maybe striving to lift heavier or lift those lighter weights closer to failure or with higher repetitions. Just keep pushing because that will increase your body's demand for protein and probably increase your protein utilization globally. And if you elevate your protein synthesis globally, you'll have
Starting point is 00:33:20 better skin, better hair, better nails, better muscle, all kinds of cool things. Then if you have enough of the circulating amino acids from whey and collagen added to a protein rich diet full of whole foods, you're going to be kicking butt. And even though you might not be biologically primed to absorb it compared to other demographics, if you aim for 0.6, 0.7, 0.81, even as high as 1.1 grams per pound of body weight, you're going to be getting enough. Because I think a lot of these, oftentimes, a lot of these estimates are overshoots. For years, we at my company have been recommending 0.7 to 1 grams per pound. There's new research that shows you can get away with 0.6. Here's the thing. I'm still recommending 0.7 because even if you fall short of 0.7 and land in 0.6, I know that me
Starting point is 00:34:11 setting the target a little higher is probably better. So aim for more than you might need and know that even if you come up a little short, even with an absorption thing, it's probably not the end of the road, but it's definitely imperative that you eat protein and quite a bit of it. All right, folks, that does it for this episode. I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to stay tuned for more episodes coming down the pipeline by subscribing to the podcast on Apple and Spotify, and you can help other people find the pod by leaving a five-star rating and review. Thanks for listening.

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