Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga - 387: The Power of Exercise Snacks

Episode Date: October 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome in to another episode of the Dynamic Dialogue Podcast. As always, I'm your host, Danny Matrenga. And in this episode, episode 387, I'm going to be talking about one of my new kind of favorite things in the fitness space. And that is what many people are now calling exercise snacks. These are just small bouts of exercise. And when I say small, I mean small in both duration and output, they are supposed to be short.
Starting point is 00:00:35 They can be super effective for helping you get in shape. And I'm gonna share exactly how it is. I would recommend you use, your friends use, your family use exercise snacks to get in shape, stay in shape, and frankly, lower the barrier for fitness so that more people or lower the barrier to fitness so that we can help more people get in shape. All right guys, enjoy the episode.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This podcast has some awesome partners and one of my favorite of course is Legion Athletics. Legion is my go-to supplement manufacturer for what I like to call my big rock supplements. This would be my protein powder, my pre-training formula, my post-training formula and creatine, and my kind of ancillary vitamins and micronutrient protection.
Starting point is 00:01:19 So why do I like Legion so much? What sets them apart? It's quite simple. Legion uses all natural ingredients. All the formulas include natural coloring and natural sweeteners. No artificial sweeteners, just stevia. And every single formulation, be it a pre-workout or a vitamin, contains clinically effective dosages of ingredients shown to work in humans in clinical research supported by robust trials. No filler, just legit ingredients in each and every formulation proven to work in humans in clinical research supported by robust trials. No filler, just legit ingredients in each and every formulation proven to work.
Starting point is 00:01:49 The whey protein isolate is so light, it's fantastic, it mixes in water, it tastes amazing, and I drink it every day even as somebody who's lactose intolerant. That's just how high quality this whey protein is, and it's sourced from Irish dairy cows that are raised well, eat their natural diet, and packaged in climate-friendly packaging. I love their plant protein too, for those of you who like something that's a little on the thicker side and you aren't a fan of animal products. Also, I love Legion's pre-workout, but specifically the pre-workout that does not contain caffeine.
Starting point is 00:02:21 That would be their stim-free pulse. I'm a huge, huge fan of beta-alanine and L-citrulline, but I don't like taking in wildly high amounts of caffeine. So if you are somebody who likes pre-workout with caffeine, you can try Pulse. Or if you like it without caffeine, because you maybe want to enjoy your morning coffee or monitor your caffeine consumption, try the Pulse Stim-free. My favorite flavors there for sure are the New Grape and the amazing amazing tropical punch as for my creatine I get that from legions recharge five grams each and every day I take it on the days I train as well as the taste I do not because recharge also contains l carnitine which can help with
Starting point is 00:02:58 Promoting muscle recovery and decreasing soreness as well as some ingredients to help with creatine utilization And of course my favorite supplements for my ancillary micronutrient health are Legion's Multivitamin and Legion's Greens Powder. Not only do these two products contain a ton of high quality vitamins and minerals, they also contain unique adaptogens like KSM 66 Ashwagandha and reishi mushroom, which I like to take each and every day to promote my health. If you want to cover all your bases with a high quality protein, creatine, post-workout,
Starting point is 00:03:30 or the ancillary micronutrient health stuff like greens, powders, and multivitamin, I encourage you to go over to legionathletics.com and check out using the promo code Danny. That'll save you 20% on your first order and you'll rack up points that you can use the same way as Cash every time you use the code and you'll also be supporting the show.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Okay, folks. So getting into what I think is a really cool, exciting topic, and that is of course exercise snacks. We alluded to exercise snacks in the introduction to the podcast, but exercise snacks have become more popular, not only with the general population, but also just jargon wise in the fitness space. You're hearing people reference them more. You're seeing them in the academic space being studied. I have studies here that I've pulled specific to exercise snacks or short bout exercise from one, two, three, four, five, six, seven studies. We have seven studies, which I think is kind of cool. In addition to those seven studies, they're going back as far as eight years. So we can see the utilization of an exercise snack in
Starting point is 00:04:47 the literature improving health as far back as 2014. So 10 years, but it's really kind of catching fire more recently. I think they're fantastic recommendations. I have heard these postulated by many fitness fanatics in the past. I think of the rich piano feeder workouts, but these are just short workouts guys. They're just short workouts. Ideally they're challenging, but it's all relative. It could be challenging aerobically, anaerobically,
Starting point is 00:05:19 whatever, but the point is we're breaking exercise down into a snack rather than making it a full meal. So, an exercise snack is, in definition, a short burst of physical activity throughout the day that is an alternative to a longer traditional workout. So instead of having one big exercise, quote unquote, meal, perhaps throughout the day you could have several small albeit effective exercise snacks. Now let me put this in my in the context of my life and how this could work. So let let's say I go to work, and this is true,
Starting point is 00:06:05 I usually head into the studio by six in the morning. So, let's say between five and six in the morning I have no time for a quote unquote full workout, but I do have 15 minutes. What if I did 15 minutes of arm supersets, and that counts as my resistance training snack. And so what I do is 30 seconds of curls, followed by 30 seconds of tricep extensions, followed by 30 seconds of rest, first six or seven rounds to complete the 15 minutes and get
Starting point is 00:06:40 a nice pump in my arms training close to failure. That takes 15 minutes. I could do that at home. I could do something like hammer curls and overhead dumbbell extensions, just having dumbbells. Now, from this, I'm going to move through my work day and I'm not off until two. But from two to 2.30, I have some time to kill.
Starting point is 00:07:01 And maybe from two to 2.30, I go on a walk and I have my second snack. And that snack is a 30 minute aerobic walk, a brisk walk. And I go through my day, I get home, pretty busy with things until seven or eight o'clock, at which point I wind down with my wife. And maybe during an hour's worth of television, I can sneak in a 15-minute
Starting point is 00:07:26 mobility session. Now, just to put this in perspective, that's a 24-hour day, and I did 15 minutes of lifting in the morning, 30 minutes of walking in the afternoon, and 15 minutes of mobility while watching TV in the evening. That combination of exercise snacks, three types from three different categories, all of a sudden led to one hour of exercise. And it's probably the case that to truly maximize my fitness and my potential and my physique and my performance, that this strategy just won't work. But if you want to get in better shape, build a little muscle, and improve multiple different elements
Starting point is 00:08:09 of your health and wellbeing, exercise snacking clearly works. And I want you to take a second to think, the people that are in my life, the people that I care about, maybe I'm one of these people who don't engage with exercise as much as they probably should or I think they should. Would those people, would you be receptive
Starting point is 00:08:33 to breaking it into 10 to 20 minute intervals that you spaced across the day in three to four different chunks? You don't need a ton of equipment. In fact, it could all be body weight. You could argue that it could, would benefit almost everybody to just do the aerobic, anaerobic, or mobility recommendation type things I lined out just on their own.
Starting point is 00:08:58 But if you did a three tiered approach where you did 10 to 50 minutes of mobility, 10 to 50 minutes of lifting, 10 to 50 minutes of cardio, you'd look, move, and feel way better in a very 15 minutes of mobility, 10 to 15 minutes of lifting, 10 to 15 minutes of cardio, you'd look, move, and feel way better in a very short amount of time, even with just kind of dusting these in as exercise snacks.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But something I want to specifically talk about today are the health benefits associated with short duration exercise. And one study from 2022 examined how brief exercise snacks can significantly improve cardio metabolic health. Researchers had exercise bouts lasting two to three minutes. And these bouts showed enhanced insulin sensitivity, better blood glucose levels, then baseline, and even on a minute per minute basis, shorter duration exercise did really well
Starting point is 00:09:53 compared to longer term exercise in terms of managing blood glucose and managing cardio metabolic health. Another study from 2014 looking specifically at insulin resistance and placing an exercise snack before meals showed that these exercise snacks can be tremendously beneficial for reducing what we call postprandial blood glucose, which basically just means a little bit of exercise before was shown to really decrease insulin activity spiking post meal.
Starting point is 00:10:30 So a really powerful tool for people who might be at risk for type 2 diabetes. Really great option for anyone looking to manage their blood sugar levels. Now I've talked about on the podcast many times about my desire to get moving after a meal and how I like a post meal walk for many of the same reasons. But I would say this is without a doubt the best way you could do it if you wanted to truly have the lowest effect on your blood sugar possible with each meal. Doing some exercise before, not only do we see it here in the research, but I'll say it anecdotally,
Starting point is 00:11:08 can make a really big difference. What's going on, guys? Taking a break from this episode to tell you a little bit about my coaching company, Core Coaching Method. More specifically, our app-based training. We partnered with Train Heroic to bring app-based training to you
Starting point is 00:11:22 using the best technology and best user interface possible. You can join either my home heroes team or you can train from home with bands and dumbbells or elite physique which is a female bodybuilding focused program where you can train at the gym with equipments designed specifically to help you develop strength as well as the glutes hamstrings quads and back. I have more teams coming planned for a variety of different fitness levels but what's cool about this is when you join these programs, you get programming that's updated every single week, the sets to do, the reps to do,
Starting point is 00:11:52 exercise tutorials filmed by me with me and my team. So you'll get my exact coaching expertise as to how to perform the movement, whether you're training at home or you're training in the gym. And again, these teams are somewhat specific, so you'll find other members of those communities looking to pursue similar goals at similar fitness levels. You can chat, ask questions, upload form for form review, ask for substitutions. It's a really cool training community and you can try it completely free for seven
Starting point is 00:12:21 days. Just click the link in the podcast description below. Can't wait to see you in the podcast description below. Can't wait to see you in the core coaching collective, my app based training community back to the show. Something else that I thought was cool from a 2019 study, by the way, the first study was from 2022. That was from a lab with Gabala and Little. Second study I just referenced was from Francois, 2014. This one is from Jenkins, 2019. And this study looked at stair climbing, specifically. Short bouts of stair climbing.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And what can going up the stairs a few times a day or just for a few minutes do to improve our heart health? And it is the case that we can see improved cardiorespiratory fitness markers, even with short bouts of stair climbing. So what I want you to think about here is, you know, we all probably could just find time to go for a hilly walk or walk bleachers
Starting point is 00:13:34 Not necessarily running not necessarily sprinting not necessarily a crazy cardio program This could be a treadmill on a slight incline. We're literally just talking about taking stairs stair master guys just stairs Alone no equipment needed incredibly effective and improving aerobic capacity, aerobic fitness, key markers of aerobic fitness. I think that's important. I think when I see, man, very little input, exceptionally high output, I think to myself, that's cool, I wanna recommend this. And when it comes to exercise,
Starting point is 00:14:05 I'm always looking to get as many people as I reasonably can into it, as many people as I reasonably can doing it. And I find that a huge barrier I run into as a coach is time, time availability, especially when it comes to people who have kids and people who have busy lives. And the cool thing about exercise snacks
Starting point is 00:14:26 is you can really kind of fit them in almost anywhere you want, where it's practical. I mean, look, maybe you can't sneak dumbbells into the office and like bang out lateral raises at your desk, but you know, we're talking about 10 to 20 minute intervals that maybe you can sprinkle in before work, after work, when you wake up, before bed, that can make a difference. And I would also go so far as to say they don't just improve these baseline fitness
Starting point is 00:14:53 things we're talking about, whether it's cardio metabolic factors, insulin sensitivity, etc. Probably going to have better gains, probably going to feel a little better, probably going to move a hell of a lot better just from doing some exercise snacks. So here's how I would kind of put this into your life. If you wanted to use exercise snacks or you're a fit person who's like, hey, no excuses guys, let's at least exercise snack. You know, you might be setting some standards in your household with your kids around exercising and maybe you're like, okay, you got to do some snacks today, guys. You can't just sit around and play video games. Or you want to encourage a loved one and say, hey, have you heard of exercise snacking?
Starting point is 00:15:33 I know you're busy, but it's a great way to kind of break it up. I think this could be a really great tool to get more people doing something super important. So first tip, try to do it daily or recommend doing it daily. I think the more frequently you do something, the more likely it is to stick or become a habit. And because exercise snacking has such a low time investment, like literally as few as 10 to 20 minutes a day, guys, multiple bouts of course is better here.
Starting point is 00:16:01 More is always better in this context, for the most part, assuming you don't go totally off the rails and just do it like, you know, every hour. But a point being, a little bit goes a tremendously long way and the daily integration, perhaps even the multiple time a day integration of an exercise snack, is going to fast track getting into the habit of exercising. And that's really cool because if you were going to the gym every day for an hour and you were a total novice, I'd say, dude, you're going to be so sore. You're probably not making full. You're probably not fully recovering.
Starting point is 00:16:33 You're probably missing out a little bit. You'd almost be better off doing a little less. The likelihood of overtraining or overshooting with exercise snacks is extremely low and very encouraging. So we want to deploy them frequently. And I would say at the very least, you need to commit to doing this daily for at least 20 minutes if you're going to deploy
Starting point is 00:16:53 this tactic. Now, again, the more you do it, the more effective it'll be, the better the adaptations you'll get, and the more you'll ingrain the habit of regular exercise, which is kind of the whole point. However, I don't think it's reasonable to assume anybody can just put a habit into place and go days and days and days and days and days
Starting point is 00:17:12 without breaking it. So if you miss a day, no big deal. Just don't miss two in a row. Okay. Another thing I like to think about with these is just how accessible they are. This is something that again, you don't need equipment for. You could just do the cardio component, just do the mobility component, just do calisthenics, just grab a couple dumbbells and do like lightweight resistance training. The thing is we want to regularly and consistently move the body in a way that challenges us. If you do stairs you're gonna get some carryover to your muscles in your lower body. If
Starting point is 00:17:49 you do mobility you'll have some carryover to your muscles. If you lift weights you'll have some carryover to your mobility and to your cardiovascular system. There's always a little cross pollination but the accessibility of just being able to like pick one thing and go for only 10 to 15 minutes, 20 at the high end, is a really big deal in a world where people feel very time poor, which is a kind of unique way of saying they don't have the resource that is time to allocate to exercise. They're not stupid, like they're very aware that they would benefit from exercise That's why things to me and my this is just my opinion
Starting point is 00:18:28 But that's why things like exercise snacking are so cool because they present a unique solution To a long-held issue that a lot of people face which is the belief They don't have time to exercise and I think that breaking the paradigm that all your exercise needs to be done in one bow is silly. You know, I'm not recommending double days for anybody, but as a younger athlete, I was able to do morning resistance training, an afternoon speed sport-specific or skill training, two separate sessions.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Of course course it is absolutely the case that over time I Have gotten a little older and a little wiser and I don't do this anymore and I wouldn't recommend it But I was doing a lot of training across two sessions and adapting and while it's impractical to do two long sessions a day and tremendously arduous, it's very easy to commit to two to three small sessions a day, especially if they are different in their theme. It was very intellectually easy to not burn out on a morning lift because I didn't have another evening lift.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I had an evening skill session, speed session, conditioning session, right? They were different. And if you want to snack on different things, that could work very well. But if you were most focused on your physique, what if you said, okay, today is a quote unquote push day, and I'm doing chest press with thumbbell,
Starting point is 00:20:02 or I'm going to do pushups with thumbbells, and shoulder press, my compound lifts in the morning. And I'm gonna do, you know, just 20 minutes worth. Then in the middle of the day, I'm gonna do a bunch of shoulder raises, laterals, fronts, Y raises, four sets of 12 reps of 20 minutes. There's your accessory work for your delts. And then you're going to finish with some skull crushers and close grip pushups for the triceps and the chest. And you're like, okay, I did a little bit of work in the morning, a little bit of work in the afternoon, a little bit of work in the evening.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And if I add it all up, it kind of looks like in the hour and a half workout I would have done at the gym. I just spread it out. You know what, folks? I don't know how much worse that would really be for your gains than doing it all at once. You might not hit the high end numbers. You might have some lethargy to fight through. But if you use submaximal load and you use failure as a proxy for success of the set, I think you could get some places with just splitting that workout into thirds and doing it when you can. Now, that probably assumes you have equipment at home.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Of course, to take full advantage of this, you probably have a home gym. But all things being equal, you can spread this around different adaptations, take advantage of where you're at. Hey, body weight in the morning at home, walk at lunch at work, mobility in front of the TV at night, all kinds of different ways to do it. So I hope you guys enjoy this episode on exercise snacks, my thoughts on exercise
Starting point is 00:21:38 snacks. I'm very bullish on them. I think they are very, very cool. Again, I want to urge you guys to try different types of exercise, find out what works best for you. I want to emphasize that it is super, super key to be consistent. That's probably the most important thing. And I think these small chunks are really easy to stick to and get in a rhythm with. You can do them a couple of times a day.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And that's one of the best damn ways you can ever go about building a habit. So if you enjoyed this episode, share it with somebody who might benefit from implementing exercise snacks. Tag me, share it to your Instagram story so I can say thank you, and leave the show a five star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It helps the show rise in the rankings, helps more people find it, and the same is true for Spotify.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Catch you on the next one.

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