Ear Biscuits with Rhett & Link - Where We Feel Our Feelings | Ear Biscuits Ep. 462
Episode Date: March 3, 2025What is it with the older generations and not throwing things away? In this episode, Rhett & Link talk about the stubbornness some relatives can have, where they actually feel their feelings in their ...body, and get an update from Jenna on how her date went from her Good Mythical Weekend suitor. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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This, this, this, this is Mythical.
Welcome to Ear Biscuits, the podcast where two lifelong friends talk about life for a
long time. I'm Link.
And I'm Rhett. This week at the Round Table of Dim Lighting, we're going to be answering
your questions, including one about where we feel our feelings.
We're going to get vulnerable.
We're going to continue to break the mold
for middle-aged men sharing their feelings
and where they're felt.
Which is something that I have been forced
to do some thinking about over the past few years.
In a way that I would have at one point thought was
not useful, helpful, or in a little bit woo-woo.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
We're also gonna get an update on Jenna's dating life.
Yeah, I'm interested in that.
We need that.
We need that. We need that.
Stop hitting the desk because, you know, for audio only listeners,
it's like, what is that noise?
These are shock absorbing.
Yeah, but it's like all of a sudden there's like a tick tick tick tick.
I was watching a podcast the other day and there was a woman making a point and she was
hitting the thing and it was really, and I thought, well, you know,
there are times when that makes sense.
You can bang a table to make a point, but just doing some sort of like tickety-tick
tak-tak-tuk-tuk. I'm gonna advise against that.
Well, that won't happen again. It was only gonna happen then.
And I had already stopped when you told me to stop.
Thank you. I am having trouble this morning.
Yeah, I can see it on your face.
Um, it's not as bad as yesterday morning.
And we've got a lot going on right now, so...
You gotta do something. You need a shot?
I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning.
You need a vitamin B shot?
I, um, let's see.
Yesterday, I got out of bed just fine, I think, yeah.
And then I was grabbing like some dog leashes or something.
And then all of a sudden I bend over.
Whoa! Oops!
Like in the middle of my back it just like seized up on both sides.
And I immediately thought of you.
I'm like.
Both sides left and right or both sides front and back?
Both sides left and right of the spine.
Okay, good, good.
Because I didn't even.
Didn't go all the way through.
I want your input on, I know this happens a lot with you
or it has over the years.
I think what caused it was the day before,
the two days before, I've started getting back into
doing some sort of workout.
Because I know that there's parts of my body,
I was like, things are starting to hurt and fall apart,
and it's just that I'm not staying active enough.
You know, I had the wrist injury sorting the male,
which has been many weeks,
and I've been wearing a wrist brace for that.
You need to get maybe a harness that hangs from the ceiling.
Something like that, something like that.
Hold yourself up.
If you're having trouble holding yourself up
during male sorting.
Yeah, that's what it was.
Get a swing.
Like my hand was bent back, and so the wrist...
Oh really? You should go fists down.
That's what I've been doing ever since.
And like now when I do my... I do stretches every morning, but I do them after I walk
the dogs. All of the stuff you can pick apart and help me. I'm just giving you all the information.
So my wrist was hurting, and then my knee started hurting.
Like my kneecap started going into like a weird place
and then everything underneath it starts swelling.
So now I'm wearing, I was wearing a wrist brace.
I'm still wearing a knee brace.
I've noticed that.
I will say 90% of the time,
it seems like you're pulling it up from your ankle
onto your knee, and also it looks like it's just made out of
light cloth.
No, it's tight.
I mean.
That's why I keep pulling it up from my knee.
Is it thick enough?
Is it doing things for you when it's on?
Oh yeah.
It's just when I sit down and bend my knee,
it hurts after a while, so I have to lower it to my ankle, and then when I start walking, I pull it back up like a
teacher pulling up her stockings before she goes to the second floor.
Kind of porn you've been watching.
I was like, your mind is still in sorting mail.
Sorry. No, it was in education.
Oh, the education section of Pornhub.
No, just teachers wearing stockings.
Oh, teacher section.
Teacher stockings.
Get it while you can before it's illegal.
And then I'm still walking the dogs.
I'm like, I know I need to,
I can't use this as an excuse to be less active. The reason is that I need to be more active, so I'm not walking the dogs, I'm like, I know I need to, I can't use this as an excuse to be less active.
The reason is that I need to be more active,
so I'm not gonna decrease, so I'm still walking the dogs.
Jasper insists on it anyway.
And then I notice that my right toe is now hurting.
So my right toe, my right knee, my right wrist.
This is common.
The whole right side.
A one-sided injury cascade is common.
Yeah, once something happens, other things start to happen,
and then the back is the last thing,
and then that was yesterday.
This morning, I couldn't.
Oh, it's worse?
I had to get up in the middle of the night to pee.
And I forgot. In your right testicle.
No, I just forgot that my back was hurt,
so I just got up really quick, and all of a sudden
I almost crumpled to the floor.
Yeah, welcome to the club, brother.
And then, so I'm just trying to get there to pee,
and then I get back, and I don't know how to get back
in the bed in a way to like, when I'm laying down flat,
it's fine, but trying to get there, I was like, oh my God.
And then, so I'm like, crawling basically to get there, I was like, oh my god. And then, so I'm like,
crawling basically to the bed,
trying to do some sort of roll thing to get back in.
And then it...
I'm familiar with the roll.
It was hurting, it was hard to fall back inside.
What level on your back,
what vertebrae are we talking about?
Right here.
So like...
Lower mid, mid?
So like just above the belly button, if the belly button went all the way through.
Anything that's going on both sides. It irradiates on both sides.
Well it's... yeah. And like I can feel that it's the muscle.
Cause I'm like... when I like smush it with my hands, it feels good.
So this morning, after falling back to sleep, it was hard to get up. I rolled out
of bed, put my knee brace on first, and then I had this back brace, but it
doesn't help that much.
The back brace is, in my experience, overrated and unneeded.
Yeah, it just makes me sweaty. So I'm not...
It makes me like...
I abandoned that.
It makes me like... I just try to the, I did that for a few years
where I would put a back brace on when it started getting bad, but now I just,
I keep it moving.
Cause you're supposed to stretch it, like that's what I think you would have told me.
So instead of calling you, I just got down on all fours and started doing some
painful cat and cow.
But I went easy.
I'm not a doctor.
Yeah, but you've cured yourself. meaningful cat and cow. Well. But I went easy. I'm not a doctor.
Yeah, but you've cured yourself.
No, I mean, I have,
at different points, I have a spot in my neck,
I have a spot in between my shoulders,
I have the exact spot that you're talking about,
and it feels and it radiates on both sides,
and then I have the lower back,
which has like three or four different ways it manifests.
And then I have a new one that happened
when we were shooting the last,
not when we were shooting Wonder Hole yesterday,
when we were shooting Wonder Hole.
Uh-huh, a month ago.
Previous, where I thought I had a kidney stone, that one.
That was a new one.
I never experienced that one. That was a new one. I never experienced that one that was like
lower and further away.
And how did you get rid of that one?
You can't, cause you can't pass a pulled muscle.
There's no, honestly, there's no getting rid of it, right?
It just, it will go away.
The thing that I have found is that when I was 35,
if it happened, it would last for weeks.
But by the time I was 45, I had done so much preventative,
and by the way, I do all the stretching
and the movement before any dog walking.
Yeah. It's the first thing.
Right when you wake up.
Well, the second thing, right after the ice bath.
Oh. Yeah, but. I'm right after the ice bath. Oh. Yeah, but...
I'm not doing ice bath.
But the...
I mean, if you haven't seen the latest ice bath,
that's my relationship with ice bath on GMM,
that's my relationship with ice bath, I don't do them.
But the main thing is is that now I'm not stricken
with fear when it happens,
because I'm like, oh. Right. This is gonna be a couple of unpleasant days,
not this is gonna be a couple of unpleasant months,
which is what it was.
Like we were talking yesterday
when we were shooting Wonder Hole
and you were kind of shooting through the pain.
I was like, yeah, every scene in season two of Buddy System,
I was at a seven out of 10 probably.
That's tough, man.
It was just like constant.
But into the point that I got the guy to show up
to do the shot.
And I think, I can't remember who taught me this,
but we were big fans of Simon and Simon.
But one of the better opening theme songs
to a television show.
We watched it as reruns.
It's a sitcom from the early 80s, probably.
But we watched it as reruns.
It was inspiration in many ways for C. Byrd and Roach.
Right. Which was a big hit for us.
And, but, Gerald McCraney?
Yeah. Major Dad.
Who played Simon.
One of the Simons, he had a really bad back problems
and apparently he would regularly get those cortisone shots
to be able to make it through.
So I thought I was gonna get one of those.
And I literally had a doctor show up to set,
come in the trailer and then I lost heart.
Because I don't, maybe I Googled something right before
and it was like, there's some risk to this and also a lot of times
it doesn't work unless they hit exactly the right spot.
If they don't know exactly,
and it was just a guy showing up on a set
to give me an injection into my spine in a trailer.
And I was like, I think I'm gonna be okay.
I think I could do this.
So I've never gotten that.
But you know, you'll be like new in 36 to 48 hours.
I mean, I took some ibuprofen and I'm still moving around.
The knee is the one that I think is gonna stay.
But the key is the movement.
Well, you might need to get the knee looked at.
No, I know what it is.
It happens. It happens.
It happens when I go into periods of low activity.
I just got to do better.
I got to do better for myself
in terms of movement, calisthenics.
Movement is life.
As Brad Pitt said in World War Z
when they decided to not stay in the apartment.
That stuck with you, huh?
Yeah, I was like, interesting.
Cause they were like, we're gonna stay here.
And he was like, movement is life.
I was like, I'm gonna remember that forever.
I'm gonna journal that.
That may not even be what he said,
but it's what I remember.
On a positive note, you mentioned the Wonderhole shoots.
Yeah, we did some filming all day into the night yesterday,
and I'm very excited.
Just wanna let you know we're working hard
on season two of Wonderhole for you,
so that come early fall,
you'll be in for some surprises.
And another round of evolving Rhett and Link
expressing ourselves.
Feeling good about it.
Learning a lot, you know, As much as I'm not physically
active, like mentally, I feel very challenged. That's one of the things that
I really am trying to focus on and enjoy as this part of the process is...
So you would call yourself mentally challenged. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, one role is me.
Mentally challenged.
You said it. Yeah.
But there's a lot of, you know, we plan things
and we're trying to take risks and evolve our process.
And as we're doing it, we're evaluating, is it what we expected?
Is it reaching, is it achieving what we want?
Some of that we just can't know yet.
Until you see the edit sometimes.
But in terms of creating an experience for us that will then come across on screen,
that's a value, right? And when you're experimenting a lot, you can get in your
own head and it can get in the way. So we're trying to find, I'm trying to find
this balance. I don't know how you're experiencing it, but you know, even...
I see it as a step along, as a... I have let go, I think the way I've matured
is I've let go of insisting that everything be perfect
or be exactly a perfect fulfillment of the vision
because nothing we've ever done has been,
it's always been like, oh, we just got better
in these following ways.
But now, like, so I just kind of see it as a process.
And I'm very, I know it's going to be very enjoyable
for us to watch.
And so that's my standard for how I know
it's gonna be enjoyable for certain mythical beasts
to watch.
But I also, I'm like, I'm sure when we watch it,
we're gonna see new things and then be like,
oh, and now we take that and apply it to the next thing.
But that's an exciting process.
It's exciting to be middle-aged men
with cascading injuries on one side of our bodies.
But feel like you're still learning and growing,
you know? And to feel like you're still learning and growing. You know?
And to feel like confidently that,
it may not be that,
to confidently feel like your best work is ahead of you.
But that's how I feel that way.
I do think that that's different
than we are trying to create our magnum opus or something.
Like creating the best thing we created is different
than that, they're two different things.
It's a step on a continuum that maybe in some ways
it'll last until we die.
Hopefully not of carbon monoxide poisoning.
There's worse ways to go,
though. I don't know, I'm just thinking about the Gene Hackman of it all. They're
surmising that that's how he died. He and his wife and his dog. Yeah. Check your
carbon monoxide detector, Which... Yikes.
That's not something we have to worry about,
because Christy is all over that.
She carries one in her pocket, I think.
So her purse is not going to get...
Definitely when we travel, she definitely has one.
She never sticks her head in her purse.
To calm down.
Well, you said pocket, but I was thinking purse.
Okay. Pocket book.
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You wanna take some questions?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Hey fellas, this is Tive from Fort Collins, Colorado.
I need your advice.
Okay, so my precious little 95-year-old grandmother gifted me a treadmill from, I want to say,
She gifted this to me, I don't know, 12 years ago.
In the last couple years, every couple months, she calls me and says, hey, why don't know, 12 years ago. In the last couple years, every couple months,
she calls me and says, hey, why don't we give that
to so and so, the aunt, the uncle, the cousin,
whatever it may be.
The problem is, this treadmill's broken
and I found this out the hard way.
I was running on it one time
and it came to a complete stop randomly
and I fell quite hard, I have a scar from this
and then it started up again and I rolled like a rotisserie chicken on it.
So she wanted it back for herself. I said absolutely not. Then a few months go by she wants
to give it to my aunt, like I said, random people. I said, nobody wants a broken treadmill from 1993,
but she is fixated, obsessed,
adamant on me giving this gift
that she gave me to someone else.
And I don't know what to tell her.
Please help me come up with ideas.
I love you.
Love you too.
I feel for you, cause like,
dad and I talk about Nana all the time.
She's like 95 at this point.
Yeah, and she's moved in with Tisi,
dad's sister, my aunt, permanently.
And now the latest thing that they're doing is,
actually Nana and Tisi are moving into another house And now the latest thing that they're doing is,
actually Nana and Tisi are moving into another house on the farm property.
There's a shuffle of houses going on amongst my cousins.
They have this big farm property
and they all live out there.
And at the same time, and Nana knows this,
they're getting the house in Lillington ready to sell it.
Which is sad, you know, it's like-
She spent how many years there?
Well, I think dad was a senior in high school or so
when they moved into it.
So 50 years.
Certainly I have so many fond memories there of going to Nana and Papa's house.
And so do we.
You know, when we worked in Lillington, when we had the basement studio in Lillington,
Nana would make us lunch and we'd drive over there at least once a week.
If she had her way, it would be more than that.
And she always lets her way be known.
So this is how I relate to you.
So we're starting to talk about, or they're starting to talk about
selling her house, getting it ready, and also Nana and TC are moving
to a different house. And so Nana said, TC said,
well I'm gonna set up this, this bedroom is gonna be for you,
and you've got
this extra little room to the side that we can, I'm gonna set it up where you can have
your own little microwave and have your own little thing so you can feel like you have
your own space.
And she said, well, go to my house and bring my microwave from the house to the new place.
This is what she's thinking.
And we're like, what?
Because the microwave is inadequate? The other one? The new one?
Well, there's no new one yet. She's just saying, I'm gonna buy you a new microwave.
Don't buy me a new one. Take the microwave out of my house and bring it over there.
Well, this microwave at her house is installed in the cabinetry above the oven.
Okay, yeah.
But explaining that to her, it's like,
Nanny, it doesn't work as like a tabletop.
It's built in.
It's like, it'll still work.
You don't need to buy, you know, she's frugal.
And she's got this mindset.
She's lived through a lot.
So you can't blame her for it,
but you can't convince her otherwise either.
But it can't happen, you just, but you can't convince her otherwise either, but it can't happen.
You just don't, what are you gonna do?
Like pluck out this big old microwave and just like,
it's supposed to be in a cabinet and just put it down there,
but she won't take no for an answer.
I mean, part of it, but then the thing they're saying is,
well we can't sell the house without the microwave,
that would just be weird. The microwave needs to stay.
The microwave not included.
Yeah, it's like, it's a fixture.
I don't know, that might...
It's not a countertop.
So I really relate to this. I don't know how that's gonna be solved,
and thank God it's not my problem to solve.
I think when I'm having these kind of conversations with my mom, my mom is a
totally different person than my Nana. Like they're extreme opposites.
She's gonna want the new microwave.
Well, when it comes to opinions, they're on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Oh, your mom doesn't have many.
Yeah. But you know Nana. it's like everything demands,
it evokes an opinion from her.
Right, she kind of feels like that's her role.
It's like, well I gotta have an opinion about this.
Apparently, but she can't help herself, it's a lifestyle.
Well I think in this situation.
So the treadmill.
Is it Tivory?
I think so.
I like that, if that's what it is.
If it's anything different, I don't.
No, I do like it.
I think the hard reality here is that your grandmother
is what you call a soft serial killer.
This is someone who is routinely sabotaging
and attempting to kill other family members via treadmill.
That scarred you, honey?
You had an accident on it?
Yeah. Well, who else can we give it to?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And also, sidebar, this reminds me,
I know you remember this,
my dad had a thing for getting like exercise equipment.
He thought he or we needed.
But he was pretty cheap.
And so he wasn't willing to get
like a nice piece of exercise equipment.
And I don't know if you remember that weight set thing
that we had in what we called the extra room.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, where we played Nintendo.
Yeah, and it was like a bench and maybe like a butter.
It was like a very little universal machine.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was tall.
The bench bar was covered in some sort of like foam,
but the way that it would work is you would push up on it
and it would resist, but then when you let go,
it would just stay where it was.
It wasn't pushing against you.
You were pushing against it only.
Like you would do a bench press
and you're pushing really, really hard to get it to go up,
but if you let go, that's it. It's not using gravity.
It's low stakes.
Is that called isometrics? I don't know, but it was...
It was using pistons, I think.
Yeah. And then...
So it was like trying to stretch out a piston and it would just stop.
Did he ever use it? He bought it for you and Cole, right?
I think so. I think he bought it for me and Cole.
To help with your athleticism.
And we were in high school and we were interested in working out,
and we were both in sports and stuff.
Did you use it?
I mean, I pushed against that thing a couple of times.
But I was like, it's so difficult to motivate yourself to lift weights
when you're just pushing the weight and you can just stop at any point. It's so easy to take a break.
Well, also if there's a couch and a Nintendo right beside it.
Yeah. But it was, it had to be from Brindle's. You remember Brindle's?
He bought everything from Brindle's. It had to be the cheapest possible thing
that you could get. Brindle's was like Sears, like back alley
Sears. And I also see, this may be a memory that I'm concocting,
but I also have a memory of a treadmill
that worked in a similar way
where you had to make it go by walking.
I remember that, yeah, in the same room, right?
Yes, like a non, a treadmill you didn't plug in.
But not one of the nice ones that would,
like you go to a gym and they've got those ones
that are kind of bowl shaped.
Yeah, and you can get on them
and they go about as fast as you go
and it's for like sprints and stuff.
Now this looked like a regular treadmill,
but you was flat and you had to like get,
you had to go again, like,
I don't know, maybe, you know what,
maybe my dad was onto some sort of philosophy. He, like, I don't know, maybe, you know what, maybe my dad was onto
some sort of philosophy.
He was like, you motivate yourself.
You know, like, we don't plug this treadmill in.
You power the treadmill.
This thing is not gonna push against you.
You have to push against it.
Maybe I've become who I am because of the cheap shit
that my dad bought because he knew something
that I didn't know.
Would he eventually throw it away or regift it?
Cause it would disappear eventually.
I don't know where it went.
You know, there's like that time in your life
when you don't know what your parents do with things.
Yeah, I think it might've gone on your back deck.
No, it never went, no, no, no, no,
he wouldn't have done that.
There was a shed under the deck.
No, they wouldn't just no, no, no, he wouldn't have done that. There was a shed under the deck.
No, they wouldn't just throw it somewhere.
Oh yeah?
Not something that big.
That was, it was probably given to someone,
some poor soul who's still pushing
against that thing to this day.
Back to Nana, she's a kindred spirit
to your dad in this way.
She would buy all this cockamamie exercise equipment. Like, she had this thing that you...
It had two plastic petals, and it was like,
and it had a strap on it. You put your feet in it,
and it was shaped like a capital D,
and the back of the D went flat on the ground,
and then you put your feet over the round part of the ground, and then you put your feet over the
round part of the D, and then you put a strap over your feet, and there was a handle, and
it was connected in between your feet by a long spring.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
And then you would pull it, this is like pre-Suzanne Summers, where the knees would come apart.
The Thigh Master.
The Thigh Master. The Thigh Master.
I memorized every one of those commercials.
That was a cool commercial.
Yeah it was.
Really cool to watch because of the ingenuity.
Suzanne Summers got me through many summers.
So it was like a, I guess it was like a,
you would stand up and you would just yank up
on this spring, But then it would
pull you back down, because it was a spring. And if you got caught in there, if any part
of your blouse or your pants or your skin got caught in that thing, it would just...
it pinched the hell out of her.
Right, yeah, yeah.
Because she had all of these things, like... and I would just go and play with them, like
they were toys, but they were very dangerous.
She gave you no instructions.
I'm sure I have scars, as you do.
You gotta find a way to lie to your grandma.
I think you can lie to somebody in their mid-90s.
When they're in their 90s, you have to start lying to them.
Can't you?
You gotta keep them happy.
It's about their well-being at this point.
You protect your well-being while protecting theirs,
and the easiest way to do that with a 95-year-old
is just tell them we gave it to somebody.
How's she gonna check?
Yeah, you treat them like a mushroom.
You feed them bullshit and keep them in the blind.
You know?
Happy little mushroom in the dank area.
Give her on microwave.
And I'm not saying- This is it, Nana.
This is the microwave.
You're not dehumanizing them, just so you understand.
You're actually caring about their well-being
by doing this.
And everybody, I mean, who you gonna regift it to?
I mean, because it sounds like.
And also, if they wanna smoke, let them smoke.
Oh God.
Oh, don't make me laugh.
I mean, if they're not, I think, I mean, I don't know.
At 95, if they really want a cigarette,
a cigarette.
It's not as many of those in my family.
I mean, like.
Well, you know, Jesse's grandmother.
All my family members that smoked and kept smoking,
that's what they died from, and they did smoke
until the end, and it was ugly, so I can't vouch for that.
No, no, so.
Cannot vouch for that one.
Okay, if they've been smoking,
I'm saying if they haven't been smoking.
Oh, if they haven't been smoking?
Start smoking.
Jessie's grandmother was super healthy,
lived into her 90s.
She had snuck some cigarettes from time to time
during her day, but in her 90s, she stopped sneaking.
Yeah, okay.
We just made her go outside.
She started smoking like a smokestack?
You didn't know that about Gaga?
That's not what killed her?
No, no, no, no.
It wasn't anything lung related.
So I'm just saying,
let them do what they want to.
They want a Dr. Pepper, give it to them.
I mean, Christy always talks about her, I think it was her,
Grandma Nina, or great-grandma, lived over 100.
From her 100th birthday for like the next three years, until she died,
the local news would come and do a story on her every time she had a birthday.
She turned 100, she turned 101, and every time they would be like,
what's the key to it?
She's like, I eat bacon every day.
That's the key, that's the key.
I never met her, but she ate bacon every day.
Right, yeah.
So some people can take it.
So just, so what's the lie? The lie is-
Who do you want me to give it to?
Okay, yes, I gave it to Aunt so-and-so.
You call Aunt so-and-so and you say,
hey, listen, whenever you talk to grandma,
just know I gave you this treadmill.
Tell her it's great.
Now, if she's gonna come over to your house,
maybe I actually do need to give it to you.
Just don't use it.
Yeah, please don't use it.
I'm gonna give this to you, don't use it.
Yeah, if you have a place for it,
I got a treadmill coming your way.
It's under the deck in the back.
At this point, if your aunt that she wants to gift
the treadmill to At this point, if your aunt that she wants to gift the treadmill to, wants a treadmill,
be like, go ahead and buy yourself that treadmill.
She probably won't know the difference.
And then if she starts saying,
this doesn't look like my treadmill,
say, yeah, we got some upgrades.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I had a guy come out and service it and paint it
and change the shape of it. And make it safe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Make had a guy come out and service it, and paint it, and change the shape of it.
Make it safe.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Make it safe. But we love it, we love it.
The bones that you gave to this thing,
really, really are what this thing's based on.
I mean, if you're in your 90s,
you've lived through things that dictate
that you just can't throw something away.
Right. You just can't do it.
But I'll tell you, I grew up in an age that now like,
there are a few things that make me feel as happy
as throwing things away.
Like getting rid of stuff.
Yes, I'm a little troubled about where it's going,
but I try not to think about that,
and it doesn't override the joy I have.
When I take, one of my happiest times of the week is when
I'm taking my trash can out there, and then I know that they're gonna come and pick it up.
It just...
You're a simple man.
Because, no I'm not. This is important to me. Because the times when you forget to
take your trash out there and that puppy's full...
Hold on, you don't let your kids do this?
You gotta hold, no.
This is the only thing I might be able to do.
It matters, because it makes me feel good to do it.
Okay, alright.
This is my joy time, taking the trash out.
Because when you don't, it's too important of a thing
to entrust to a child, taking the trash out.
Because if you forget, you got a week of misery.
Yeah, that's happened to us.
Because where does all the trash out. Because if you forget, you got a week of misery. Yeah, that's happened to us. Well, because where does all the trash go? You're starting to put recycling in the
trash, or you're putting trash in the recycling. You're redistributing stuff.
You're starting to use other people's trash cans. You're sneaking around.
Well, if it brings you that much joy, you want to come over and do mine?
It's gonna be dirty.
Because I got quite a driveway. I mean, that thing, you can almost kill yourself,
especially if you get bold and do trash and recycling
and they're full and you're going down.
I've done that.
And I get in front of it.
Don't get in front of it.
I get in front, and there's a couple of times
when I start thinking, this might be the time
that I get killed by my own trash.
I mean, my driveway is so steep.
I know, man.
And then you gotta come back,
and then you gotta bring them both back up empty.
Don't go down first.
But there's been a couple of times
where Shepard has forgotten.
And then we remember the trash day,
and we think we still got time,
and we rush down there,
and then if the trash man is a little bit early or whatever
and we miss it,
now you gotta drag that full, whoop, it's like three quarter full trash can back up that hill.
Just leave it there, leave it down there all week.
Well, no, because we still got trash coming.
I know, but you can walk the trash down.
I'm just saying, feel free to come over and do it.
I love it when I remember it.
I love it, I love it, I love it. It's not a better feeling. Because then when I hear that trash,
and I'm like, with a trash man coming, I hear him rumbling by,
I'm like, yep, I'm two steps ahead of you, buddy.
My can's already out there. I'm not having to do the...
Yeah, you and every other neighbor.
The two-step sprint, you know, trying to get my can down there.
I'm racing the guy. He's already passed, he's gone past my house.
And then I'm like, but it's a cul-de-sac.
The beauty of being on a cul-de-sac.
So I know he's turning around.
So now I'm sprinting to get my trash can
across the street to the other side.
And that's an under the wire victory.
Well, the thing about being on a cul-de-sac
is there should never, if you're present,
if you're home, you should never miss it.
Two chances.
Yeah, wow.
Maybe I should install a cul-de-sac on my street.
You should, dude.
There's nothing better than a cul-de-sac.
I'm gonna talk to the city about that.
I think people might get upset
if I just block a bunch of other houses.
I'm doing this, so I got two chances of the trash.
I just do it with sandbags.
Makes me feel good.
What were we talking about?
This serial killer grandmother that you're going to say she ate by telling her that you gave it to someone else.
[♪ theme music playing. We're back with more of the same stuff. Here's a quick look at the video.
Let's get to Jenna's dating life.
We need an update!
Hi, this is Matt from Indiana. Question for Jenna.
Southern Indiana. I just saw the episode, the weekend episode with Jenna trying to
get a date. Just wondering if she was willing to give an update on that. Love everything you do, bye.
Hey, he sounded like he could be a fireman.
I feel like the love everything you do
was directed at you all, not to me.
Okay, I take it as directed at you.
Can we start with his characterization
of the Good Mythical Weekend episode
as Jenna trying to get a date.
That's not how I remember it, right?
Yeah, I wasn't really trying.
I think there were three men vying.
Four men. Four men vying
for your date, right?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You about one. Buying for your date. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You all were trying to find me a date.
Yes. Yep.
So I connected well with one of them.
Before the update, walk us back through that experience.
If you haven't seen it, you can go watch it, but like.
Oh gosh.
Because I never really asked, like,
were you glad to do it?
I was really fun. I was glad that I did it, were you glad to do it? It was really fun.
I was glad that I did it.
Yeah, I had a good time.
It was hilarious.
Yeah, it was fun.
It was a lot of fun for me.
It was cool to have something so immediate,
being like, oh, you're seeing their profiles
and then, boom, they're in person.
And then the immediate changes from how people came across
in their profiles versus how they were in real life.
No, that was the most shocking thing to me.
That was so shocking.
Someone who has never done any online dating, of course.
I just thought that maybe you,
like we saw multiple pictures of these guys
from multiple angles.
You begin to put together a picture
of what they're gonna actually look like,
what their voice might sound like,
and then none of them were remotely close
to the picture that I had.
It made me scared for you.
It made me scared for everyone who uses.
That is online dating, thank you.
It made me scared for everyone who uses. That is online dating, thank you. It made me scared for anyone who's online dates.
It's like, we gotta update this thing.
There has to be a 3D modeled version of the person
that you can interact with before you go
and have a call.
I think that's called video.
No, I wanna be able to look at somebody's head
and like see it from the side.
You know what I'm saying?
I wanna be able to like look at every part of that face,
the body and everything.
Well the thing that I really got a kick out of
was how you characterized that one guy's eyes.
What did you say?
That was my favorite.
I did.
Based on the picture.
That was so bad.
I said his eyes looked like he was like a baby
I said his eyes looked like he was a baby
that was just learning how to see shapes. Yeah, and that's the one you went on the date with.
And that's the one I chose.
Because when he came out,
his eyes had matured a little bit, I think.
He just, really, it was just one of those
where it was just like, they were kinda glazed over
and just unsure of things.
Yeah, and small. Yeah, over and just like unsure of things. Yeah.
And small.
Smaller than...
They were just really unsure of stuff.
But when he came out, I was like...
Totally different person.
I was like, that's the guy she's gonna choose.
You knew! I know!
Just as soon as I saw all four of them, I was like, she's gonna choose that guy.
You did. Okay.
Yeah. And I did.
What was his name?
So how...
So you had the first date there in front of the world
that wanted to watch.
We made s'mores.
And then there was a second date.
We did go on a second date.
He took me to dinner.
Cause you decided right then.
Well yeah, I was like...
In the date on set.
Give it a chance.
I told him, I was like, hey, yeah, I said, I said, yeah, I would like to see you again. And then after the episode, I was like... In the date on set. Give it a chance. I told him, I was like, hey, yeah, I said, yeah, I would like to see you again.
And then after the episode, I was like,
by the way, that is genuine.
So we like exchanged numbers.
And I was like, call me.
I'm like putting out his play, it's like, you call me.
So yeah, he invited me out to dinner.
We had a really nice dinner.
Like a month or so later, we went on a hike together.
We went-
A third date?
We went on a third date, yeah, yeah.
Still getting to know each other,
still nothing happening, just getting to know each other.
Okay, so it's just sort of like, okay,
it's not like things are heating up,
it's just that like, okay, it's not like things are heating up, it's just that like, okay.
We were still figuring out, it's like we get along,
let's keep getting to know each other, so.
What's a date hike like?
It's just, it's a regular hike, you chat.
What was his water bottle like?
Not a camelback, right?
It wasn't a camelback, no, no.
He actually didn't bring a water bottle.
Oh, even better.
But I was concerned.
I was like, I brought a water bottle.
I was like, I'm staying high.
I like a man who is his own camel.
Did he try to drink out of your water bottle?
It was a long hike.
We walked to the Hollywood sign hike.
Oh, that is a long hike.
It is a long hike.
You started at like Bronson Cave type? Yeah, yeah. That's a Sign hike. Oh, that is a long hike. It is a long hike. You started at like Bronson Cave type?
Yeah, yeah.
That's a long hike.
And went up, we didn't do all the way.
Christy hated me halfway through that hike.
But then we got to the Hollywood Sign
and was like, oh yeah, okay.
I was bigger than I thought it would be.
We did the overlook, one of the overlooks
where you could look up at the Hollywood Sign,
not going all the way up to it, where you have to take the road access up to it.
We did the little side one there. So it was a long hike.
Did you see horses? This is just a side hike.
There were horses.
You can ride a horse up there.
Lots of horse poop on the trail.
I think a date hike is a really good idea, right?
Because you're not just sitting there facing each other, the pressure goes down, right?
Because you're doing something together,
you're kind of side by side.
You're not just staring at each other,
you're having a shared experience.
It's very conducive to conversation,
but the eye contact is not
gonna be too heavy.
No, no.
So to me, it's like lower pressure.
I mean, I'd like have a... Yeah, it was way low pressure. It was really fun,
because I mean, I wouldn't do that normally, but just because hiking with a man you still don't know very well, sketchy, but
it's a very public hike.
There's all kinds of people out there.
It was a weekend morning.
There were lots of people there.
You also get to see people's sweat patterns when you hike with them.
It's like, oh, he sweats right from the top of his head. And we did a background check on him anyway beforehand.
Oh yeah.
I also feel like you could take him.
Oh really?
You could take baby eyes.
Oh yeah.
Take him to the cleaners.
That is a good thing to know.
We're not gonna have any,
whatever that movie was with Anna Kendrick in it,
where the guy, the serial killer goes on the dating show.
Woman of the hour.
Woman of the hour.
We're not gonna have a woman of the hour situation
here at Mythical because anyone who is on any dating shows
has a thorough background check.
So if that's what you're thinking about doing,
if that's your way in,
you better have a clean background.
Yeah, we'll find out.
And plus you're really checking the fitness level,
sweat patterns, fitness level, ability to converse
while panting. Mouth breathing.
You get to see what it's like if they were a mouth breather.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Is there a good form of mouth breathing?
Well, when you're sick. With somebody, you know what I'm saying? Is there a good form of mouth breathing? Well when you're sick.
With somebody, you know what I'm saying,
when you get sick and everyone becomes a mouth breather.
You're gonna have to be around that quite a bit.
So like go ahead and get used to it,
see what it's like on the trail.
And you can get ahead a little bit and then hide
and then see how they react to like.
Games, little games.
Or just peril.
We didn't do that. Yeah, okay, good.
You didn't simulate peril for the boy?
We didn't simulate peril, no.
We discussed that how anytime there's a pretty decent sized rock that boys must pick up rock
and must throw rock off cliff.
Yep. right.
Which is, that's a precarious thing to do in LA though.
That you can't be throwing rock off.
It was discussions.
It was just mostly. He didn't do it?
No. Okay.
You can do that in North Carolina.
You cannot, that is a big no-no for hikers.
You can't be throwing stuff as a hiker.
I mean like, there's people,
you have to assume there's people down there.
You can take a rock and throw it somewhere on the same trail. Dump this guy. He's... that's us.
He's not gonna be one of those guys who goes to a national park and
hint him and his buddies, like, take a big rock and film themselves rolling it down
the hill and get laid or fined or imprisoned.
He's not one of those guys.
Yeah, yeah, that was bad. That rock was a very...
How do you know?
I saw that. That was wild.
They really destroyed a good bad. How do you know? I saw that.
That was wild.
They really destroyed a good face.
There's multiple online videos.
How do you know this guy would not do that?
I'm just saying that it doesn't seem like he would.
Brennan would.
He seems more responsible than that.
So there's still some percolation.
That was the last date we went on.
It kind of fizzled at that point.
Yeah, that was the last date we went on.
Oh, it fizzled out.
Yeah, we do get along really well,
but there just wasn't that like spark.
Yeah, yeah.
But lovely guy, I would like,
people should reach out and go out with him.
It was a great date.
What did we?
Great multiple dates. Did we publish his profile or something? I don't know. Well was a great date. We had multiple dates.
Did we publish his profile or something?
I don't know.
Well, I mean, his name.
Reach out.
His name in his face.
Yeah, his name in his face.
He's in LA.
Jenna's encouraging the internet to reach out to him.
How's he gonna feel about that?
I mean, we're sitting here talking behind his back,
publicly, but we've changed his name.
No, we haven't.
Yeah, we have.
There we go. Great guy, didn't work out.
I'll just make this in general not about that specific,
but like how, what's the best way to fizzle out
a date on good terms?
Like knowing that you might run into him
at the Ralphs or something. I don't know, how do you approach a fizzle out when the spark isn't there?
I mean, it just fizzles. I don't know.
It's not a discussion.
So it wasn't at the end of the hike, there was a discussion where you're like,
this is the last time. It was just like, there wasn't, you kind of probably both
knew there wasn't going to be an additional time.
Yeah. And there just hasn't been. Yeah. both knew there wasn't gonna be an additional time. Yeah.
And there just hasn't been.
Okay, so it was a soft fizzle.
It wasn't like you said, you know what, give me a second,
I gotta tie my shoe, go on without me,
and then you never caught up with me.
He's still there waiting for me.
Or you start walking real fast, slowly leave him.
There's many ways you can ditch something. That's the great thing about a hiking date.
There's lots of side trails, little paths.
I wanna try this one.
You try that one.
Let's see who gets back first.
Right, right, right.
But you need to drive separately.
I guess you did. We did drive separately.
Yeah, yeah, that's the key.
You get up two cars in the parking lot.
We drove separately both times, yeah.
Even to the restaurant.
So that's another good date technique.
You've got your own exit plan.
That seems like a smart thing.
It is always really nice
whenever someone does pick me up.
That's, yeah.
Because you hate parking?
No, you just don't see it often.
Really? Yeah.
Not anymore. Most people meet.
Yeah, most people meet. I have heard this.
Most people meet at the dating location.
Interesting, see, I would not have known this.
This is the thing.
I would just assume you would pick a person up.
This is a product of online dating, I think,
because you don't necessarily want them
to know where you live.
So you meet them there.
And also if it doesn't go well,
you don't wanna have the car ride after.
Cause that's when they corner you.
Tell you exactly how they feel in the car.
I don't know what it is about being in a car with a man,
but they always have those big feelings in cars,
and you're like, I'd really like for us
to have these discussions and chats,
not while you're driving, and I'm enclosed in this.
Note to men everywhere.
Note to men everywhere. Interesting.
Save those big, important discussions
for not when you're driving. Is that because they're building up to the invitation in?
No, I think it's because it's another one of those feels like less pressure for them
because they don't have to look you in the eye when they're saying all the things.
Oh yeah, I thought it was because most boys had a race car bet at some point,
and so they got used to feeling big feelings in the car.
I like that better, I like that better.
Yeah, that's good.
So yeah, still dating, still dating.
If somebody leans in to kiss you
and you don't wanna kiss them, what do you do?
Lean back. Lean back.
Lean back. And if that doesn't end it right there.
Lean back and turn to the side,
like if they still try and sneak in,
they're just getting a cheek.
Yeah, sometimes it's like a little chuckle,
like oh, ha ha.
Yeah. Yeah.
Like just not ready for that.
Yeah, you gotta.
Lean back.
Like no thank you.
See, I'm really delinquent,
and I'm sure Lily didn't need to hear any advice from me on this.
She's a big girl, she's a woman.
Are you saying that because you didn't give her any advice?
I'm sure she didn't need any.
I know nothing about dating.
The way we dated was so weird.
She's, I mean, I ask her questions,
but I don't give advice.
But I'm gonna ask her about that.
Because I would do the three stooges thing, where it's like, you know,
one guy's trying to poke you in both eyes with his fingers, and the other guy just,
you know, they mastered the quick shark fin in between the eyes with the
hand. The hand shark fin.
Right, yeah.
You can't get in there.
That's basically a version of what you do.
If somebody's trying... you could give the guy the mouth shark fin.
Oh, that's a good idea. That's a good idea.
That's actually hilarious.
I've done it before where I've leaned back and I put my hand up in front of my camera.
That's awkward. It feels like once that happens, the date is over.
No, yeah. Not the date, the relationship.
The relationship, right?
When it's kiss the hand, it's over, right?
It's over.
Damn, somebody kiss... You got him to kiss the... They get the cheek.
To be clear, this was not with Brennan. He was always with Sextful.
It's just nothing that I've ever experienced. We were so deprived.
I mean, I think we were spared.
Spared and deprived.
We were spared, man.
Oh my goodness. Alright, hit us spared, man. Oh my goodness.
All right, hit us with one more.
Hello, Rhett and Link.
My name is Cheyenne.
I'm from Massachusetts.
I'm just calling because a few years ago,
I went and took a trip to Spain
and our tour guide asked us a really cool question.
I've asked a few people in my life throughout the years.
Where do you feel your feelings? At first, like, I thought everybody feels it definitely in the
throat-flash-chest area. No, a lot of people, I've had some weird people say weird things. So I just
want to hear what you guys think. Where do you feel your feelings, love what you do,
love listening, thanks so much, bye.
Now, Rhett, you eluded, good question, you eluded to this at the top of the episode
that I can relate to, you started therapy before me and started talking about some
of these type of questions of like, where in your body do you feel things?
And I'll let you share that experience.
But I will say that when I started therapy
with a different therapist, I was asked the same question
and I'm still asked that question a lot,
even very early on.
And I was, at first, I was very, I wasn't,
I knew that the question could be asked,
but that didn't stop me from being very perplexed
in how to answer it.
It was very difficult.
It was just not something that I had ever
introspected about, you know?
Oh, definitely I had.
But having been asked the question a number of times, I feel like I've gotten almost
decent at being able to answer the question. Still not great. It's still, after a couple
of years of periodically being asked the question, it's still, there's still something
in the back of my mind of like, am I making this up or am I drawing a false correlation?
Do I just have a stomach ache or am I feeling it in my stomach?
A lot of my anxiety, I have concluded I do feel like in the stomach.
Sometimes I do feel something in the throat, and a lot of times there's like a jaw tightening thing.
But I tend to explain it as, yes, I'm anxious and that makes me feel nauseous.
Or, yes, I'm...
You're still trying to make it like a...
Just purely physical.
Right. make it like a physical. Just purely physical, right. Or yes, I'm frustrated, so my jaw is tight.
And first of all, that seems like it's probably
a useful thing to know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, the first time this was asked,
my therapist asked me this question,
where do you feel this feeling?
I was like,
the thing I thought at the time was,
well, I don't feel it, I think it.
Like, I mean, honestly, I was like, it's in my brain.
In my brain.
I was like, it's in my brain, man.
Like, regardless of where you think it might be,
it's in my brain.
And that was actually my
my issue is like intellectualizing everything,
like rationalizing everything.
Instead of feeling a feeling,
I immediately go to solving the problem
of what the feeling is or whatever.
So I think it's really, it's a therapeutic tool.
Now, obviously there are some people who are like,
no, you literally, it's something to do with your chakras or something and the different points in your body or whatever.
And I'm like, okay, I don't, I don't know that. I don't believe that. Maybe it's true.
But I definitely think that now I'm able to recognize, usually it's one of two places
for me. Okay.
It's in the, the bread basket, the stomach, the gut, the gut, or it's like of two places for me. Okay. It's in the bread basket, the stomach.
The gut.
The gut, or it's like in the chest, like, or chest, chest throat area.
And how do you describe the gut feeling?
An easiness?
Well, it might, no, see I don't go, I don't go all the way to describing a symptom because I actually don't think
I'm experiencing a symptom.
Like I wouldn't say, oh, I'm feeling nauseous.
I would just be like, let me really feel that for a moment.
You know, and I'll be like, okay, well.
To me, I think it kind of comes down to if it's an anxiety thing, it feels more in the
gut, but if it's like a conviction thing, it feels more heart.
If it's just like, I feel like there's something inside me that needs to get out and there
is a restriction on that.
If that's the arena, then it's like throat, chest,
but if there's something external that is making me feel
anxious, oppressed or whatever, then it's like the gut.
I would say roughly it kind of falls
into those two categories.
I think for me, it's a lot of time butthole,
but I never want to say that.
You know, when we're talking about the anal retentive.
Expand on that, I don't mean your butthole.
Of getting caught.
I just don't like saying that I'm thinking
about what my butthole feels like right now.
Is this your anal retentiveness?
Yeah, yeah, I think so.
Your anal retentiveness? Yeah. You, I think so. Your anal retentiveness?
You're saying sometimes you feel a tightness.
Oh yeah.
And you feel like, oh, I'm anxious about this.
I've got my butthole clenched right now.
I think you should be able to tell your therapist that.
I know, I could, but.
I think he might need to know that.
Sometimes at the end of our,
towards the end of our session,
we'll like do some meditative breathing.
We've done a few different types of that.
And he'll ask, where in your body do you feel
what you're feeling?
Once you have, once you've located it, do you feel what you're feeling?
Once you've located it, just nod your head.
So it's not like I have to tell them anyway. It's just like, okay.
And now I'm just kind of focusing on that.
And when I've been really nervous
and anxious about something and like feeling it in my gut, like to the point of like uneasy and nauseous, we'll do this...
this voo breathing, which takes a little bit of getting over yourself, but it's like, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv that is soothing. Yeah, well humming in general literally has a physiological
effect on the vagus nerve, which can be very calming.
I think the interesting thing, obviously,
this is one of those things that occasionally,
I mean, I tend to not read what people say about us
just because my life is better when I don't.
But from time to time,
if we've talked about something very specific
and I actually am interested in the discussion,
I'll tap in.
And people love to say, oh, they're so California, right?
And obviously like this conversation is very,
what you would call very California.
And I think that what I would say,
and the me from 15 years ago
before I moved to LA would see us having this conversation
and be like, oh, what happened to us?
Or like, what are we talking about?
I think that being on the other side of it
and having these conversations with my therapist,
to me, what I'll say is that on like a scientific
or metaphysical level,
I don't know any, like what I'm saying
could be a total projection, right?
It could be that like, even though there are a bunch
of neurons in your digestive system and like a lot,
I think there's more neurons in your stomach
than there are in a dog's brain.
I don't know, something like that.
It's something crazy, that's probably wrong,
but it's something like that.
But you're But essentially the idea that your brain, there's more to it than just
what's in your head is a scientific concept. But even if it all is just thoughts,
right? Even if everything is just thoughts, there is this... as someone who 20 years ago was totally just locked in my head,
like 100% not embodied in any way, shape or form, and thought that the idea of, if you
had told me what embodiment was, I would have been like, that's some crazy California bullshit,
right? That's what I would have thought. But the act of thinking about,
even if it is just thinking about it,
as well, it feels like it's coming from here,
it feels like it's coming from here,
or doing the breathing exercise that you're talking about,
I can just tell you there is a positive effect
of actually letting yourself unlock the insisting that it's just an intellectual
or rational exercise and letting yourself feel something.
Because I was, I've never been particularly comfortable
with my own emotions, just kind of given my personality
and raising, but letting just kind of given my personality and raising,
but letting yourself kind of feel it
and describe it in that way,
and also be able to talk to another person about it
in that way is very transformative.
I agree.
And I'm not required to believe anything
in order to have the benefits of it.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm just thinking about people who are like...
I'm not signing up for something.
Is that what therapy's gonna be? Well, that might be what therapy would be
for you, but I gotta tell you, it's pretty transformative when you can actually...
Because you get in touch with all these exercises of like, where am I feeling that?
It has the... You're able to get out of your head, right?
It's so difficult sometimes to separate yourself from your thoughts.
Like, if you're anxious about something, you begin to think that I'm anxious.
Like, I am anxious. You begin to identify as anxiety.
But when you're able to say, I feel anxiety in this place, you're able to see
that I am not anxiety. That is not who I am. But I'm capable of feeling anxiety.
And I think that, I don't know, it just has a very transformative effect on
catching yourself. So like now, I tend to get a little anxious when I travel, right? And for years, it would have
just been, I'm just in it. And I'm not thinking about it at all. I'm not observing
myself. I'm not stopping to think about the process at all. And then what I'm doing is
in the moment of being anxious about traveling, I'm snapping at Jessie because of
something she did, or she's slowing us down, or she doesn't seem to be as concerned
about getting to the airport as I am. But now, when I'm able to break out of that and be like,
I'm feeling anxiety and I'm feeling it here. I'm stopping, now I'm observing.
I actually have some control over that, right? And now I don't have to immediately
snap at my wife when she does something that seems to exacerbate that. So anyway,
just a little vote for the
exercise of asking yourself while you're feeling things.
Our desire is for you to have a little less anxiety in your life. I hope that we
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And we value your voicemails. If you want to talk to us and just pick our brains about something related to your experience,
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And we invite you to call us at 1-888-EAR-POD-1.
Hey Rhett and Link, I drive a lot for work so I was on the road here and saw a gas tanker
and it said town pump.
And my intrusive thoughts immediately went to, oh must have been Rhett's nickname in
high school.
I just wanted to thank you for all the brain rot over the years.
Appreciate you, love you guys.
This is Alyssa from Fort Myers, Florida.
Have a great day.